The daily Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh [Pa.]) 1863-1866, June 06, 1864, Image 4
Mil f== • - :-.5441"--"7sFr,',Z= ltirGf Imu 1 - I " ; 1. 7, k #OXDPZlloB4lF4,l , .ft,' , :tt,T . F . :ez , 0,116 K • lial AND keht .„* iseport!d. epocunr, , roe 2 ass Vittibt#o Awaits.] •:•.• • - ,' • • ' - ': 'Er it i it i Ait :3 4l g iSCI ' • -, EiBUT-Theie Is ootaldieublei liNtifii gar Wlifte. ' &lathe tiLlikit iillrii ithd - Piiiiare a ibado blab.% : 141.1*'-;11 in i ni 1d .. 6 . 1551 / 2 103 fa lied mad $ 1 . 65 . 1 , 68 ',far Whits. Ths,Pool- pre =latent* turf Ilgtit. il ' Onr .4.rit ars holillogliao la sintelgoota m otailll Mgt. , 'CORN—la‘fieril bat tam derruhair toittlititts !lAA Millie, at the moms time, thereeolptifam Wing ~ op . IMAlarhat: Bale of 1 car, In ion, at $1.93 aided ila - dun /LEL Prime Shelled may be fahls Spoked at' • , $1,301,40:-": . . 7 . . i ., . Okr3--itiontinuo rep dull end with hart receipts ~,-; . 4 f 4 rn....„, , , , ,..r..2 1 , f. ~t . ..,o_rs t z a= 1 . % it l : i .1. bands at 7608.-and from want at glad& . '.. . 14•.. ' i tl' Ballitegr—la solar and there Mbut little ottera, •, , ale 04.1 oar Primo Bring at 1 1 446. EYs.—la not cowing. vem freely, brit then. the. '•:,.e• 'i : ' demand sect amp peening. Bunn Wu from Union . • . , i It LOUB—bi mdet battery firm and prima areratll - : • ''' 1- f innudeted. Bale froni noes ISO MblecErna Family :.• • , -1; -st 111,76 to 0,23., Ave Pour la AMA trlth alp:4o'W bbli at 57,10. . . . , • - . •••••• 1. - EACIDS—Ia stood? : with a folrlool diehard' . 1 it fa . ,4 4 ,.i • 1 , i mer_ rotas. We outlaw. to qaore tt 13 f.r Bbouldera "f::' , . ::1330114 for - 11,Mbod- Bldg; - and 1,5341.1,2 Pm Clue do: 1 'fill 750 i.e Float .'floreimillt3ido -.lot 21 .4' th'it.t' , c=ou arid 21021 for Convoned do. . • A ,- . HAlt—ia dultitaid.marPrieted'eari deeoPing. Boles If 'loads of ',loads from pedal .at $23 to $23 perlon. Soled - 1! lEs..s: a to. Is dolland lower.' . , •, •, EIITTEBE EGGS , •tattter la dull sod - In better '''',..7 =Mgr and. drooping . -No riots small soles of Roll it I,' ' 2303 Mr toed to girths /hill. Egp, too, an cosolme lq mare (reap but u - Tot Quip. an am:bogged atEl . .... POLATOSS—nary dull; and, -- . alth a hill apply, .' . suit vary Malted demead. sad plan are - - anxigAic, - .A : Q=oth= mop be hid: &mut =Pio 5 3 P° ri l f :IL - oecordlng to quality. , • ri,- • . DRIED. . 7-41 2 / I —Tho-atarkel to ` rather' dull Lydon srounebanged—llii au for Apples end • 13a20 for Poulin. : 111 . 1 ... 1:27.aateadi alttimmalat zahis of Western at Idol% Air good to prime:!• • '- - "i • s VIIDEFF—te bald prettg firmly but the attehat trtited tameti t er. iad that, In thaatmonap of utak we omit • , I tiElm--thairo ft we:adieu:al Bar demand tor F lax , gALT—to telling form etomat r.,so,per bbl, for lie FrAa. ' ! 1 1 Or' Inirgilvtrotenuisi , Jaat 4.;-.T'he receipts of Cruds coatings trattutusly • /light, and 44 _iceedinglyllsalted stock rid a / coutiutlei fair dimmoil, both for. hatoestso as Ship _ • -mint, the market rules ilrah:. awl tlso adrenal 'doted I f • .4 otirisit mart is &flys:utak:l:de Qubtatlintsiztay he fairly given at 30 cents la balk, sad 31435,pack. • ages lacluded,'lritifialetiblEoo bb/e W task—ou Pri st 30; and to-dsj,. 400 bidetti hulk; from PH>, 'USD* . Click 'crew ... fix Nest Ti ; is anise, at L Thera it:little or nothirty doing in Beflord,shougli el :mutat I. Unhand tormer. . quotations' ars well eastataut e .11:acrs are ions - Ink from 55, to ISO for bends'. en the Vat. UAW: 'holders are iasking I sT;to 53. There is *far 'stock of flee qii trkaml,yst ',there is US de_or„.mne 'oliazirig. We note a sale of :1100 bbla Straw colos 53; sad 180 Ms light straw shits-an op tireubrauti-34. Prhie city tirauds ', s ere tieldfiruily afar. Aipthais doll end obtoluel of W 14104 -Salsa 0f.303 hbt tiosidutuxest . 55,35 Po!rbble bee on board steamboat. Thestack of Petroleum in - Newronic, as reportat by the to - ixisisercli3 atid tildirping List," is es fol. lows: . " /met troy L krArcd 4. Yob 1; craft, , 1311,470 19M0 — 31,1= ,' 33,621 - 4%333 07,48 I 43;133 42.190 42,034. ' 60,104 Marbs."..- 7,311 , 0,963 4,709 . '"6,135. 0,444. 4t610131m; 360' ;IA T0te.11414,050 '11;1,1M 17" - *1„257 97A1 Includint, Soap . bbli,..ou.nbiptcard; Nark Potrolettni Auks:. to me ritianattiti.azettst- 5t,;-'4-Nter , YOut„ Jurm - 1--Thde .1. '.; bit de•azi , -.E;iir.biiais ma - 06;n' nee firm bat nard; ram as ;,..,.. 04.,Nu0 the spot.ann 4.24 fgrJune deltrll.: tt..! ;.... Bunt In bond ha/ Widtnitotte no etinnen *Wenn. , l',..:_•lallaa c* rho +Pa st 65 i60. this' Ott is Amy witi • i,. : -r- buttons &tag at Vito-75, on - the 1%54. linp ., ~anl tag li Oilland ribranni at 86.. ' ' 1 r Tice Witent Pratitent. '.. f.• r, , , - , ',' MOM the Mich:unit" Garotte, teen) -, - - Instko aie :Iraq tralpottnd, la t. Of itm ' s,4kei SO wheaten =lag hit to Onto tout To. Mani, 6it Ire will no. cnnOtte it:m . lsloU anrrportna • ' I b a l prow of Illinbtsilltehtgin, Wtannutn, I tnta ann Illtunsets. ' ,-.. [ • . xxx.tiois. • , .--a, itentspondenf pt WILMA county onyx .the Win. ear I "eq. ea iPr'l be:diX , Ya -1--:a'Reto' sown jo natty hobs oth t • - ;•kont looks well no tonal- it not'Terml/lint't'Whitak:ailtial visa, ooasiderably fajoind h y Aershog eel Spring That looks tory . • . - gigged trotafiliorgidown, =ashy that ' - "Winter - *hest "loon orell—dpriiikhol e sown." Wand frontagthron Mania -to the Prattle Farmer gat .IVlnter *bog looks badly." ?; Illhawnertown litliscoriasis that Oar' gang , 00511. 10 atPertol.'l• the nogg of Peoria - It ill reported. that '!mat • of the wither wheat boa don killed lotr pretty-well aappllol Oa' Moral ilostilltY of .spg probes: erhtell the lamas hag giro:, Ths Itelerrtlle Mirror, with - et the Stag, tag,' "We hag houdgolte se number of fansers gloom the bend that mot room than half a STOP • -vial bo tbttol,`,? tiongh stherritnont :grim gar got the :'..rutPaat ble snail, improved to a. It Le ragged:it tilabland gutty . tat%our beg 'ant :Most hergink - rei. not make a half =Op, aboald;ltsigre'4ol l toil letolabla grist: and, szon-4 or enikriONrityliO'clOa "ta kir thembrat, ibera .„tillastbriarrs. thariludf ' ocrop, , ? Edger coolly ltd.eahi !‘t it Gar/able heiriekoth, as vital Wang. no ordlsary , gariktrDanonplo losia'thit the i.iging orheat reit'lathts - grotty is in sandltion—aidnal :his it looked better. Teri . ilttta gator wheat was soon." A Margo:minty paper - ITstaltbstsoullug the f.larlegand , :14 tits OM 'Dag In thisoargy, the Plogrot re now pron ars agnigni kte la Idload7 „* -- `ll go oading oat. epringetheas and outs look Urn, t oa fiat bag.. • We condedeu tOiki tent .ths.taggord ausatlti of aging wheat -that bratag sairtiomm-,, ~..tag no MUM he= std to ettit =der the,inFsvp . all. ether . will morathati comprasste kw dam. a. ll lP 4oo f4cl - Idatlllibtle... , • = A coirearaidrot of Good Bnpidit,,, do the Grand Hour sag thin.stater alga looks well la the Ate -14 4tel, :eosmei;Assi. of °gild Nsidd4"wbrat la oath , Blum oral:good. the Whiter eetitelth. r " . ... - . . . . . . • ... .., ~ . A giltrislMedant of ttio Detroit Tiften -, of.4tial, Ltblik manor yoar corile:t4einta ate mistaken 1. iskeettprolletiog only Latta *bias crop. Is la. nry . ,Westorkilled, tint *Messer , and-' cool wintkutr 5, AI6 ngtt on rentaskably, , ;:Whees am; amid not. ~ i ..:.esixilt tiimal.ettittaltMailo:lt near bilgtsm tes glow ,humito.lrbrewynni . sgolluk44 ionailotecoof *treat l i .034 /acted wraiths lat - or May than .Netteat • foal ',, tor, bat It produced at the 'rate -Ist Mir , Maine! -per. ,'...;: .. In throe* to WO cOoplsyntk. 'the tree Yrel i id : barn berth inclined to "took :upon thceof note: if Undid many g* . es etallowaoce, , bot -131.11/ ..b;. ',. . ° l l ltf. 'P l u t.lll=lfir=l: tar'nd rom - , :112,°ret , i 9 ==.4 1 .6 44 t= t ic :074 'n ot or the cannot whose AI itithifitintwim : . not of the meat encouraglet dilatator. _ • ---- „1 . ithoereetimate that thp.crop'will tor. dodo! te ono: full that of, vi years; inherit, intruding the j ,, .'.toortainprodiverarthtek ere'intu - Sare. 'aver Out ' Mots or army. Tbeiteceent m ilt e d , eat blight to ‘ 'the When yrolpecth ban resulted, to .it Rut row ' ,11nrkfr9k1 aft amino. i ~.• :. .... . .. - ~.. ... The einem part ot the State has experienced the 1 nteteet_wdeter killing. to &Varier &Wee ;then soy other. , -enithy about loudly 'berre,e-ndde*, '-, '' ionseptutlons m ot Wayne =Ray; to Coakfind,en., .11salie iuidUplaiiit ecauttetp• halkirlGia- ,o . tbe thaw. recived. - Our i&leeliftcla the. central , --agrer.tbe Inge-ire Aur mon, 'coat:l44k" ai,d , ... ga theheary,wheat_yrodedoi coretterot ati deep li , Breinly , Hubeteleizi Letiateco; endout. , 4ndly , throtottelhe sodthern partiotrot. the gate, we -IN authid that Items teir to unmet eroy!!enxj;est: . ~ i. Vitlllllidali; at Solunete - ioninl4,' iiatitio'ned , Own. a to Mendota, ea eery recondite - 14E , ..:,r..lthink, - ;eiedowthe toast favorable wink „er wheat f %eitanotireceed batten everees 49 tetllllldeddrif• and. : 1 ... _hautettreenerretheardent: thirddoi ieW.4/ 1 4thet.,. •thittiondiort Idetognen COnittell 14E. • x . thsreheard then mein t 0 'lthw icerel' ty , Of. Apia Istber. - not orer twodbirds at much trootod - Weelsown „y 4 !hut WIWI as thawing to.lion.' and that foil .nor.hdf, •nd hismaktuirag two-thireti,of *kW Wm euredgelial,Bryond resurrection crony whoa ralta.!.' .' , lnr.!olsrorible treather.. , ' . that rutty wt.yo 1 k coins ? .dati my 0 tisrlng as tirmvbleAn. effect car, ihe _...u. -111en7et the whist Ledgers tdready OE:4h. uy, - azidnuny °then would be; hid Oct our (eon. lowUrsbeenrunthed ne to, It. • rltellty when ,the 1 sows opened: heitrelt!S 'it wOF I ‘ I- !9tPArl4ter,ite f- Inner nor Otrusoreor, dbuntithged about ilii phut - oaths u they ere nalr. men/ et than baring *urn fr Illteen* to Mir UM. hare plowed if ny end up at. tellthigtho color to tprlagcrapi. r , gem in, hats tba Mowing prlitty. g6odooutorter, -i it beinnwhitt the waiter aorta 11 threat :,', ;' . , _ .: . y left Bodeen on - the 10th' ot Bey,: earl - paired .. -.1.1,rxtt,„ the tollowiog ' oeunt_lee; ;el= ' 1. 4 .,,,, ‘ „,, - Weehtonair. Action. Cahoot, ithleuteroo, Allman. '• Nennilliottrehrk; XOUll4.o llslo S.:Shlswatre;Gener. Met,..thikliad,;AVeyno , and Idoweer. w i tchk some ' - Vein by' otherretton end cononrati u n ,,,,,„ . to ethernith what the yreePoet rinittothele =oaths.. . lenawne,.lffsehtonaW, othJecheoniLthe emu, Li t et thdbettne - Itaktaad.' Welt , nod 110,1 "... , Irilfllat entrap more than.biate crop. „IMP tab loolthot. base tturegh the chili. bad DC” Mg 41 . tain... irect - Trout titarthaWin 1 Calhoun cool= Xtelemenota. hi m and Ewa. to 011 11 &Tido • =,,F' xtlast° -ft i' l l i l t:l c te 'P aln, - lon* - Mason. . , lin., troutilt Stdawasiee Wit thutesett - icotnthni - therwheot Intln •„sienna , Dem Battle (huh. An the pill firiin Ora. WtdM agar the ....t fiTaiwaivetbiitiPoikitividwit. ; it= ina - Ptsnello'sThilb. rita 4.l4airbk.ll: ; bed peered fa hue surfered greatly ,ftom,wthter killimnon , prenenta tree premiering :;twlrenlPlttnentamutnin crop arsligtd=t , Ith beaten ariawe enullotP.lWe in thedterrOlos*: ;titer thitherto*. oft City Ire then Ihr good. i,... ~,,, nu A tap= efatarairtiltlosylr'._''.. .'iTblkle aceplin Ude laxity Is eirrtoor.llo; boon Ii atii: th a birillasitomat to Igkakix4 am ogligly this 204411.ebts roit 'ln On thert or sarrpratei 031: 11 Aniq ' third ,mlbear . asktotnefateOlipii 1"--,..,44..",, , flustug u irse berropplittesbiftwi rade= ha lntint ltitZtpari pat' Ovally Mr I ' • • :Iff•Urrlttatnto fear :vicar% itaad tAtegatt theta, but acne lika tbaplala the billetthgralla •break atnYMlNl7Tbarais eery Intim whistmariastr, 4 4! itoprzfossoodizvp.o4l,i, ‘, P T" . 4 3 f C . ' oneDu Lap Bestattee, apeaitag of the State getterally,sage : The proatrkTora hem amps ntepringwheilib nag; atmd prosmarb rtitl'lMMag rollygmamoatblatar Utah anal: The growttrg Nam wilt have to be very Gamble t 6 ProeNtor a haven Alptirithett to ON martin" Ot the Mate never look bettertban • 3 dam • thla spring. Ilona of lt killed cmt, mim*. little damage :hu been dorm by the abmang water. This crop will probably ha•thir laigart mar rained bent, :4 Is ;Daher* Mt throagh Northern %Mob, • The flskedlls--(Trempsolean county) Transcript says. So Us as **lave observed, winter wheat hie otood flowerers winter wry wall; some plates aro' tattler thinly metal 'but generally there/a enough dead baler a fair crop:and It look. Drily. • . _ The La Crosse Democrat my.: firdb.i.aa we lease by Inquiry and observation. the =PI In this sontiOn Ata analog f.zward Winter Wheelie looking wit, and gels doing ['moo t, add .Ifress Ii sptigezig up rapidly. Farzusrs Ide generally forehanded and have all thtdrcrops and*. : way. -- Sul aa much seal Is and will be gown this MUM lOWA, if not monk and timpresont potopectli 'ars Very flattering for fall crepe. •• • . . . • • wlt. A. A • • 'oerresvmdent of Dee Moines comity fourthheat. is batUy_loinrocktio that not moratkan • of &crop r oan be expected from It, bat the Meet &mew are sowing the ground over with , The lowa Register says that ...Irma oat milord of Central lowa we tear the most flattering teebTatt . of the prOIMOMIIOI ' • ••. Too Codirjralle. mege.m.ll !Uhl- ' l llidalf cm, promisetan abubdett yield thli - year.' !fsrmare • al &V that the Beide /sok unnrosilvfliotand thrifty, waif the reason oontinomenvlcipuhleokcentldeno. dirward to • rich-hermit:- - • - The followlng .from the -east &Ma of thil3Dde, the Iltiminlppl river, is law anon ¢¢ - • -. The Worse (font) nigger elyst.. -- I*We are inioni, ed that In this Motnity„and Indeed to thie Whole fence an d orhtetfle a total idiom, bleatC to fences and to other Pilots' &rhino the stonrronaleed undisturbed through the.wlnter, thegralnbsrsprang up; but In the opal dad ho mop has spe ed, „ • rronl 31.111 2 / 1 4MMS, 104 have' had 'tat folds amount Town alt, senuors wad time. la to tissollsOk that th• prospect for *heat tras sower Uttar, and slams crop. Is antielpstest 5..12011 le 10etosatest-wheat Beate In the Union.. far as productiveness Ja onuosened, ths namwset y Sold par'scre belognesoli twice u put I. that of Wilco f • . „ ' the while • sa aro still of tha conviction that tiorvalstrdscen swop of winter wheat rnay to adonis- ' tad Won for at lout text central find acrthWeitern ' Raw. 'As to spring otwat, we think pars will be a 'greater Wald than sr* b•e;' boils on loosomt of a crest:. etioroadth befog sown and the Oworblis westior for it - atom/di: Bat however much there 11111 be, noose nossilualtabs about the demand being willictent to ositahallood prke. Thrsarmy conannwsmore than double the quantity at Boar that the same number WI mea would meat twos wherovsgotehice constlrots 66 hati a lib:tit:a! 44 pa food ant? papas. • evlew Ike New -York GroceFi (Prom ttuo 81dpplog List, June `t) t. • Coffee—Braill comes rawani freely, and theatOck. blarae, but there I no partictibi preieornlo sad wo bon not varied otir L icitationi, bra: iliniostba remark. that tbej are for aunt "twit' lomfne. them being few or no buyer* at 'patent. All dibrr dincdpll ris also remain entrentely.dntl, end tabus Lou rather onsettbri. The tales include 403 begs Edo, per &vizi Winn, before. antral. 113bap and • 15 bbis Weldor do:; E9O bati 'faqir/tyro, in bond, inod 547 .tamed JAM, all oitezzoinettrtada prthilc. 9ugitr—.ll.• bnainan - In Bair alnea oar hot hart again boon way nonit,and though bolding, fat 'W moat port; matritaid tbair drmness, there la demand thia aro= be adartely aald to have k rain.' ket, and moonnia. air therefare'rather. .nerainidi Chanbeing perhaps ay. le. inceocartaa, to sall.tbaa to buy. Rafined is Intcetve, bat priors an supported; 1000 bbl. Crushed brought 21Venni„. The of Elwin blida. • Ornmat I? 193i nuts; 110 do in bond . 10X(ca.) 190, Porta Bi ce , - 1tt(01934 ;44 thrice Now Ortem., 206 ; and 6 bra ilaranna, - 17X, 4 =ow: By a:mm*o - .4911dg Porta Rico sold 4516 it 4 617 91; and 37 bbls do,.l73(4.l7%carate,taah. rho usimninent contract insinOad '4900 bbla Brown at 418,10 arid 150 do embed, g 23 gi 100J6 • Idotaueo—lthoto.kot fa Ann, bat doniand it moderate and - Ike - brained Email, thongh, at fully wapparaal:rataa„ noticelo9l hhda, If 7 us, and 101 blob Chiba Rosmitado at ,78a80 routs ; 335 blob Porto El., 95399 ; and Cl bbliebiew Orbiona,Bsaloo,4 coo& ancidon.6s bhis NoW grleam sold at geigii• cents,' cult. Rico—lsitoady, with ir maleratedemlnd iar home .uso, wad= ocinairmalinquirylareaport. Wit notice 6000 ap Rangoon at $11aU.,75;190 do Rangoon, 67,60 10 bond; 30 OW Pub 1612.a14.60, ocelot and 2000 bn 'Pin 'addl. on termswo not barn. Tie Gaseratainat 091 .4 0 1 !Waded 1 5, al 111,90 p ito Flour Crab In Store In Store . The following Uhl* thews the emptied hf floe" aeld grate le awe I ¢Cbkagd ow•Bettwd4iZwl 1 661 : and Lw the earrespowthas we* of 11c3: 2 1664 May.2o, 180. Flom . 65360' • 90,433 Wheat 816,70 Ciam, 741.917 1,210,728 004 • 667,265 Bye 17,512 - A 7121 1,65,1 3,7W.48 3p9.G00 Toledo frldiket. Juno 3—iiiimn—aalea 100 bblsll.X.Xinlitibi .hoot, at IN; 100 bbla do do, at 2 1 32- Wbaat—No 1 cod admiral44c, marketer:llm gin 800bn unbar 166 260 bn do do nalidei7llo bo orbit. 11kb at 1469. 30 00, by I,CC O ton, 1,000 tot, 2,0:0 bn and7,4:ooba 3401 rod, alibi , 50. A... • Ckurt—znarkat mots active, prima. - and No; sates 4 000 09, 2,000 Da 4 000 bit and 6,0:10 bp bo.l, fed at, IPLe. - • • • Oats,tbato b liocd. demandandon Mosso of „440 in poke. Bak. 0,000 bd, 8 6 0 bb and 600 tin it 76in 1,801 intat V*. : . there la notable doing in rye or Darby. Cleveland ,Market. ,23,1 Viat and aathsued Sake I.oobbb . l. :XX red at LIAO; 25 pp, xx..whita Wlreat—Nothlat; dotedte-dki., Bake reported yesterday after 'Chaise of - 4000 ha rad fiasco board 0;81,62 ; 2 cart red on track it 111,63. • Ooro—lialeawerne made yeaterday• sailad free ea ; board hot 'we bear of bathing beteg does att-der, Monet bobtail varcuroally firm atthat Ozark • Psordteattyortdet And auckaaged. data I oar, pa track at 80c. Buckwheat-8811 her tri emoL lots for seed At WI it; Itya—We kw of he este.- Nob:dual at 11.40 from TtierB . eyen•Mpleueri. . . . —. • She antnitit tit VW . note. ' Width halo been go mood for etteteralon dace Um! Martino - of the role. Lowing Inte , tat'ap •to , Jolly- 1; ft 0ter58,900,0117. W deity eaMed lathe/4 Mmienticnia by the am. het or Plaits to otanitlYWitinthalnitnne. exidometmentahould all bo pantett.itod eb terlement thitihtleintade by the Some. . Lary of the =ter itdemption, and ed by the party is afgn tor eattiement Is to be made. lions in toddreed by an gractgar. -or. attorney etionld be ao. nompanled Ley arldenne that. thephre -lawfatly time:ad to tolndotee, , '. •-- Phlleullelpttla-Fish' Market. ' . , iota 3-bale are taw or co,Mackin[ comi n g tor , mord, aod-batlatte toostry. ' =DMA .bons 1.• and 2asoldst Sr:Mama $1 O. Sotall oolot Hoar-note at 1117..842:1 it bbl for IDS fat bay Not gl3 tor aliore 4o; 1111,60 for boy- So 3. and USW (or barn,: Small Wait otoodlibilat 118.: .Plokled barrio( aim at . SU, too wtport,.aa sO►7torlabrad4. 2,ooo'boses tmobal, as little Aloft. sold at 48 and SOc. NolbLog OUKorte b, RsllrosA., 112: 1x Wsih2 - 442 2224c2 1 114442, Joao a-141 4s w bast, J 8 Moat ,& co; Icaohca bnll4-1111ckaxX, biopseP7C 1 0 ck ,c2h. &AP Elachbock; 1 antes clay, /2mhstb,"* - to; 1 car starss, JBa14;1 bb l . gp, Aaco:l .3220 , 2d0 Ca= lc& 121. r, Glover t ter, NI sks agy GodtbS4 -411srki 1194 a conwliska 200 bids 2dghbr Dat, Wa ll ses;l3o44 • 44,001 *Mk= As ' arAr.lluestoliAeo;3oobllles. o N 202. bop tsbley;• Joshall Maur lt Mb paper, Pe:kin A to; 8 php yarn ertei 1124402 aoc s .2bArs widr- bard.. Kama& 24231;10 dodo, $ Llndssyco; 12 do db". l / b ad & 11411;cr; cab lumber. L'ldhghsm;l tar *hasS,'. 13 Ildgett co; 16 pkP fish; -12 blestistabd 30•' Diwis a r bloOlollAnd: 1 car ibbtbdi o'l4/IFprat A dOp bb4424, Edml242sirco. ....: t i 01.422112Pri 1.1241711 f osibbica2; ~ bhbo-lipor,' 11c8wArcenill Ws *gun, Chas Shbar, 2 cars 12babhr, 0 7 Alopfkr rq 3 !Mahn. Wet Ne 43211 21; sksrsP, Msissll &co 31 0 iki • cant; nos BM 24333 do 6421,63 tb,r,; 25:1 dodo 3203121 n Ace; 22 bbls epp; Vshgonler; 13 dodo, Pottcr, dike& & ixg 12 do do 11 Volga* co; I. do do, Z 114242; 30 Nis papar.o iNszkle; 33 DM bard wank kph 4regg bib chew" 13 , 0 Hip 145 12 pkp gromeibi, 1141; 11 bids tobaxo.l2 lberror;lo box cboess,442 Dsub; 9021 fish; 2, 37 do d0,..224 Cooper, 100 do do; £ Hosalston; 12 bbls dry sppletraorwls 2214.41; 1352kp 110,12 WM* lbsgstobacch, /144 bistspb; 22 do do, S. 'Evict A.m; eggs, Zahn 4111 , 10r,21.2 sks 4111-teel,lll4 11 . 1 4 bo , . f ;l! a4 , a " 5 3 &Priam &rims, Jahh'4.l2 'pigsinduce, .7obt. MMler; 23 dhs brcshos,-.* Iblek&co; hid.; 4 0 41, 22phop 11 toppiatabs. Siost; &Us pap duo, rollL MIN eitird Xictiqualp dip, Ido bUtttr o ' 12 - 12 . Litlar 14 btdi bap.,l - A Um: k o . pcdoce, I.oegmlne4 MAI eat, ri&J, althon; 2do d 0,144242 *to; 1 do do; H d;4,llsynora dodo, g do do, 11 slback;lodadh,3da tattts4l42ll4. & Mau* 60 Was dour. P 6'4424x-14i corn, Bump :. & Knoll 60 bbli Idgbibribm, IX o ;asketdr. bki tovJ _Childs *4;157 okb2sr lbws, A Itsmiltdbp 12 PP sidfssr chseie; Greebe;2 Dkp tobsicoi, Job& 31baba1%7 1 1,21-4012.4 , 0'Hud0a * /21442;12 2021 PIPPrc. :2 Aunts .tab, 1 cashabpsts, Mai m& catty; maks 001311r3m1411E=-, :7. . VfiliatriPie.t Tne Tir Orralsl. • Wisharrs9ppepda Mg: Bogets Conprand Syr,ip of Lfirwart ..lrecinatil.MaticalDisornrry. : _rho 011ys 011.1 or tablesmv , . Baker's Pits cod Llter AU, Mr.. illa'AV Mir itartorer. . alsa nA rb" al =radk ald Mir NMI sad 'room Ai Qs Catral cotter, 41119hi0 talas . G;Ar,Kerair 00; • . yr.4lv; wow --rmatimiummilArepitzna. loupe= frazn,rtivrnaorta,4D; ethr, for parebialiA4 c9rnrs.:firomhAew ;motion thinl ghligne„"' torpennlido4l.n•—.. maim sCs,llasTo*, ft - Xass o"' .'mild %WM! ,eada L. jz?. POLASIMIL.:66O b Caleina. - Pluter . - 0 4 0011 . 14 - " M ill "" Cri "" - -AL tas ~ ~-~. itzuwarittaxig,. '• 1.......,J • BiD4-therkewenglioiisacsrigegs' sy, State of ' 'PetiMytisocte. to itheilarif fore • • Tel obtaillanyor theitelattenr, the applicant =net: call SibureathegleSert, She trekiremi'olydellt3Johd .. usf r oasnatirea l er . r . t i lm e l i l,' •i. ,• . • .:-.. . irareild letter cittio, 4 " ' 5 ' 4 4 M P i ' .7 P .m D. Kul trtidleery elide's, I.; istirleire et the residence *fawners, !nay he secured by , the fOXIOWINT . , X , Direct lettaU plainly to the duet and Member is well u the pea Mike end State '• • ' ' I ;Seed lettore.witte the. writer's. poet cars and State, Moot and number, Su !hem plainly !Fishtail name, red 'abet 'that oeuvre be" directed accord. T T Letigeg,l o ggrig m . - as trammel telt! tors in • limn, or city, laces lurid oddness:ay be tintr, be should ' mirked, fa' the lower lelt-bend cr. with the word I•tranahni". 11. nue th e' Tonne'. itiMp 'OO th e tepperolght band corner, and lean spans between the .tamp awed direction (cosiest marking - withimt intertningt with lb* wilting . . N. D. • 'h - regi 1) nd for ila return or a litter the writer, if unclaimed - within 30 dile or lee*. HMI! or printed with thee Writer'. VIEW, poet oill , and State, semis the loft band end of the aside an the face We, will be complied ,with at lice canal poetess, payable when the latter is Clie P i l a ! till rig wtst.,-4....u. ):- of LaaN. :,.. Ankle Jahn • . Forester Jule,: Idelattlily Jio n Armstrong J filbert W 0 • lioVerk:Wen I! Ands, Limbs tentezWin . Slttrom !ditched • ii painr,44 malaria Mary tiarturliallly. ' el Bleintutti 8 Bent Amienia (hithe Il ' ZellgorreO II Brown Shammy GUMS. Ella '! hichealrlrenry Blair 0 B graham Wm. i 111oSI1onle 11Z Burns Z ' . /B,llasha OberibleXemor Annie 1- Stebop 8J Ort bhp gather 's McCarty dtml , Birodley iiitiibli Moist WO 0 : Not/Khan Idrgt Boor. ElroW -' • Gelatef 88 . _ . H.. r 1 : Broondoa au Ol BaTh/John sohn Illsboalodnyinto Brandonlll, ,Balen/111. Intio W J LThnkot Peter 0 :01111oio Kate D Clark' adoin -ClradoOlo . • Clarke ilarrioi Onidea Hairy - ,- EFintonyrßamad Oloiontlionnotta Watt Tann Oda TOhi Cray. Jane • Oonld Jobs - • : Cll=j l 43 " Gllebobrt Jain ' Grano ZiarrA Gollasibbatin flotaibt pl obboaslo OlUelomdm Glioa Way Jars prtosifirsb isioblissiNolll . • Higbee • . ' Zambelbos ;Uzi Holman Hopi It flamer er Zoo : Harp ! Hosionlobn Z HamMioitlinaa WIZ Wm'? otm•. Ares= D 111334 Mon King gamily Azaan; Obas • Efauttedyli 11'. • Soapy LI Lys' rinsote'Lluins Ellett ' nizeic Elan ' ogralatne3 74 °Plci UM" DMA Jame, 313111aDmeill 111113313 f • Diraire Dart VD. 313131ek Catb's.'S Doan Rattle 13 La:Won Itszttn Wm Met= Deckle 1001.2. Nadu! iflteltial Soh Deat.Trulim (t . stleist&Tboosas Tomp Ors Miry ,Chasalaghamll:3 zeasittall•P' oader D el • , •1 111.: Do7l Whatnot :Thula Male •• Annh DaftlLasy Data Jam Done:ta Jas Dansold:i 'Diarist rty Mary - ttnolmailes Dada Wax DOS 7 Huth ALA pi*. Mina "Ells idaelo • .11aboastJsaa.ISJ Distant:o,Tbm . Fliloaffat4. Trios Jobsi STE.IIMBOATB • NOR, CINCINNATI & IBVILLt—Tha ILI, Dew PIE1101:111; Ospt. Jse. - Vallon. will Iran as 110.• Inn DAX; /no ;lb Zat,lo' oclyck. L. Tar ftelytht or mama apply oa Nara two "filOR ,bIX . COINATI AislD iLx LOIIISVILLZ—The Eae pearrager 'stein= NEW TOBit. Capt. J. IL ligtanori havens above WiDNNSDAY. Bth lust, at 4 p m. for freight or garage stply on bnatd, or to . lea NOWOOD, .JOlll4 naol6, TOR CAIRO & teir. LOUIS. itz; 1 —Mu Eno ctemtner Catalan Choi liartan,will lam es above on x I lib. DAY, the 7ta Ind" at I o'clock p. so. • 'Pot lloltitltt Ocloccat si L t, an baud, or to lot JOHN FLACK. ' Agen SR IC. LOU- lea: wititax--Thone Omuta EMT, CaptatcrWin.Ltsiorill IMMO u TUESDAY; Yttanni,4 at 4O'clock For fr lgkt or pommy* apply on boord or to MY. OOLLINGWOOD JOHN FL&CE, Agen WOK 1311.:;"L0U12..1.he fine in-; nager OMAHA POE, Cast. nos. .*l.:ta Poe, COI is — stitrre ea THIS. Ds , • te.t.,at 4 o'clock p. m. Par trstibt oryr a tivErzzet board, er d. 4,3 J. D.LOOLLTKOW D. / DEGO - LAB.- WHZELINg- & ,-- JIA.I tiro Mauler ICLINEONA, Capt. Jan r'd , o, - lean lama Pittsburgh for Wheeli n g *eery 11102iltdr; prznNESDAT sad TBIDAY, Awklair ClOlll 0112. , IfietiOU with Dur-Wbfeling tii et*. wiII laan Wh aling way TOW, DAL THURSDAY and BATIIII.Dd Paseetigare and freight reotigtedghtough to Parts . . . rot freight or Immo a L ppirwa Cooral orggem to , JAS. OOLI , en Wharf Basket the foot of Wood erle . it. dedisitl VOR WHEEIaNG - Af A RUKT44it xTA AND ZabiltErnAL , —Thos th, -' ' =rnatawar LlibLl'OßLULlClttottroe yrw, oartdar, loam Pittabargb emery =MATat, tp, p., and fautarelllo imp ramear at a o'clodt a. m. 'Thern, reariar , .11MIA. Wm. • cOm piandar, larnmaPittobaritts nar y SATTWAY.,* 4 p.r0.., sad Unwell* opt"' ITIESDATO , 4 $ r{Ncli Lis. •7 or rrethtar pair app, at: board or to 1. D.COLIWIWOOk i tr4 1 .• • - U. El:PlZRo3l,t=t ic, . , .. SILVER PEARL BOAR ' dRUIYIPTON'te 00.; *. 4 SOT .I.ltwitiy, Strapsi, Bole' Tropzigars 'Mahniastunum for Maim% Pftraylvalits, - Oldo, raditasipllzOis jaw' ft Inc7l. 6.60, manntatztral af a . stiperlar . s#l4B of ' aim, Gernian. Olive euidaskidxt Soap, . , AndThrkna , • . TOILIC2I ASD vsztoir saki% "of ocr arr Aria ismrx iosr, which - weatenji. itsatiolly ruosionted so better Ittr room% Ws than - say.ether boforilho Orablio, aboai4b torn, in mild -Wig nankin PotishAMO,•l6ll:6o or lioein;or say other tritstaareln its inabsdisetanO•thich 'an ftloit or injure thalliunltahrical Plaines and Waoleae ian be inshal with the rapidity of Oofto .or - WO. • • 91,thio vistaed with" the 81LV173 .PB4= SOAP do not malts boiling to half, the rubbing, whin, at ricrac walla we and teiii;• • • • • - irrArza, PEARL..SOAP Bunores arcane, Dirt, Taboo:* 'Stains, Printer,' tipoolTO tbs iroest..Baligo Waltz Eltatto - atedittoir, aperthil it'd* na * ntrOPpoup, oo th vitae:tins indors, Carpets' Oak !wait:weal rad, and dap. It Imparft sA,rll.tisnor• • lentstry.Glosiusrs,Ersonelled-Paintlnp and , rotator AnntroltoKY lad tor and Onti emir tile It has naKnat. Par Eat and atatiy for IThatapoODUlt, Owl BILYPB PIZdBGBOO • 'parted Instal— In et w0r0.4.1) who lasi Wed scipintwoolLittelc• acknoilot, qtr Iths -dhstoorry of thosgs::::llllCbmpsay *Si• *WtOni 'Pho as Itastastra Wasting aosp,and case will rotaad the priaior theism' shoOld tt Lit accompilth that twat:ll:Q.or It, Ltaiott Octaidit4 ....... Sold: at STVD MUM PIS Po In. pOnnd butooleillorod to tho aus or boots, Of In leciany,' Birmingham sod till reildnneen frog at Ittnnwet ..Litnictions Awn" on all wasps. Muni Mantuan from abroad will 40 wall to t f MITTRIPTON Ai 00. s c011..= Libutholuet, ono. ate Ponaranlii Ilultono.Psegar Dal. Arno ut wiro atoll itnittitions t n en oungan u tlito ewes taxing oat tradomock—EllLTZß PWAHL Bagltti —u annual lu Notional Oopyligiu. mlt.tts WagBIM vizsors ' aiaassrimioti;inf .;.:$.0015.. :OriTCti.: j . Eii*Oti imiiiiii*F* • rasa ar-OthOutriger Asp Oatka and WhOkftalflmrttint • VIRTU. sT.,I ?ins &Oil talpir Bask ifix,,k _ 19x. =am eg co., wrinumlamis , pAPER 7APIMOrria IiiRRELI4 UMN0.4344 8 0 0. 81 tint' arany;kanuunamms, •' maiasituen' t DouNo str en g th;Manilla Pa I . • • mow*iota; wiiimns;ai bad' toinita'orea, - zt. Woodstnet ,11,03CLIT 40aRtikPAIONtOgalt. -„,- r " t AJOINT — ERSOLUTION proiciaing tirialkikkocat3bia tqUa.closat(lantion. 73. it rereWtj ito Souk, Roma qf Brprmenta- Win" of au 6 / 1 3.01.1Prath of Pettendeneto Gm,* dumbly met, That the followtos 'amendments PmP ooo d to the Getwilutton of the CloothibtoreaA in accordance vltb the proetztota of the tenth at ttole tbereof • Thera oholl bo on additioual acctba to the-MA artleln or tbs Commltutioe, to bo dolt/awed it. so, Ma foor, as : • . fiends i Whenever any of the qintlitled elec. tote of trds Commonwealth Khali be in any actual military minim, ender a requieition from the Pm. !dent, or by the anthoritv of thlo ComMonercalth, inch electors/nay turdas the sight of suffrage to all elections by the - cftim_ ,na ander each el4eletiove as are, or eked! be, proscribed by law, so fully as If they were present at their tonal place of electirm... ilserrow2. There shall he two additional section. to the eleventh article or the Conetitution, to he di/e -lan^ wh.. sot:Mont eight and nine, ea follims: gnomon 8. No bill shall be passed by the Leg. /attire conseinlon: more than one .object, which shall to clearlresproased. In the title, except appro. prtation bills ..Itsatiosi IL No bill shall be pasted by the pier - Islam granting say powers, or privileges. -In 'my case, when the authority to grant =MI :wren or -privilege* has been, or msy hereafter be, etrifened span toe Worts of this nolareonworith." nzsa y O. JOH 6geni, Pp,ker the Cli..Bieool2r rat Speaker of the Senate. Orrica or Szczusar or nu Oossonnuisn if Hunlitnug, April 25,196 E PEYSISTLVANIA, ft% Ido hereby cortify that the forego I J 3 a full, true and correct copy of the orlgl . o• t Resolution of the General Aseembly, entitled "A Joint Ilesclution proposing certain emendmente to the Constitution,' u the same remains on file in ihtirdticer.. • Itereisitts Nam Th 0 O'Dthnel 10. rat Parkin Geo J Nano WU Peck 0 I' • , Bean Addison Wide MIN la }l,4dpith Shde nasal them J Hlcry ihuy BookN o arf Mono Baas] Wrens Mee SpFinklsOalvin Scot* Mai A . . 11 neatimotty whereof I h a te heresmto set my Land and camed the..ed of the nectrotarre office to he anfzed, the day and year .bin. written. I aLI7E.II, taaratax7 EL Com= uvreslth The above nuointion having been agreed to by a' .majtulty of theme:caber. of each Home, et two etc onetteeeemiens of de Chmeral Asesodtly of this esti motorealtb, tbil 'prepared amendment. will be sub mitted to the people, for their adoption or rejection, on the AIWA I't. 'DAY OA AllilUbT, in theme of our Lord One thousand eight bundled and st.ty fact, be accoidanbe with the provisions of the tenth article of iltitionatltutiou, and the not entitled "An Act prescribing the time and manner of eniresitting to the people,•ft-ttreir approval and nidlcation or fUlfUtilm, illPruPesed-amendmente to the Conetitti tittn,^ appeared the twenty-third day of April, eon thousand eight hundred mid drip-ker. /I, . , sopltlawdld• flecretery d the ELI OosomMlMonwealth. ,-, • FASHIONABLE •tabb BRIM ELI .1 Breel•J♦ Stintler Moan Berpn i lle . E John P . T Thompaa; Kate W Wl.laa9-8. 5 9 Woods Frsak.ll2 Wilcox GE Welsh Geojt • . het A Wiloretr7 ale:L Warltobilio• , Waci Weigh Nieagbs Them? White E.s,Ocle WIEIo Mori Wilson Nancy WOnsa. Welkinstair DESIRABLE GOODS GENT'S & YOUTH'S CLOTHING Poatmastmr. MASSE TO ORDER, IN TILE BEST STAR & HAMER R. B. NORRIS, MISCISANT TAILOR, 79 FEDERAL STREET, Allegheny. drat TO WHOLESALE GROCERS, Of Pittsburgh, Pa. FRENCH COFFEE Rid. celebrated Octal, made from pure Mew and auras Balt, a la Paris; has, elm* Its lotrolootton biotite Vatted &atm by the andersiguit created, • new or. In the Watery of glowworm sad lie mean wale le • suillcioat vionads• of lin uotrit. Yee I ' , choice:ale grocers of Italtintore alma purchase/0,140 Vey month of It. The qualitlea of the /moth `Colibisi are kg yore materialm; it hat ao drop ta fla vor or , eoLar ;tt Is hisud, w solacing and nuirl tiovikend hes aji the SP.a sad tutelar the richest Cabal it dues ant requite femilles to mix. Coffee with It, in um: sollieleat Coffee butted In Its man. tfacture. It does not afoot the nervous iryirlete„ bad for handl.% It le hivaloahls far the prat hourlah meat. We believe It to be the bat Cogs, em nada Ware willlng to ilea ma thousand bores against air Csflio meouteatured to the Gutted Bates. that Coder Is ilinpaior to an or all, We pat up the lemon farm in lived, paper, to pound peckages,wlth gold or blue label, 34 121. to • bar iamb boa contact dhow Cards amellnve. , vine-Vat retail coatamets sollat the met= of the wholesale *weal of •Plttaborgh; and they win and that we have riot said one word more of qualities than will be bolus, ont open we. i. F. BROADBENT & CO., IlAx.crrAzreszas. 67 61011.D13 CALVDE7 1.471.ELT, Dahlman. JeLlawills GRAYS PATENT MOLDED COLLARS Ara act simply fist plows of papacut In lithium as collat., but are Horded ad Payed to fit tls Wits • postal the flts from warder or tatotr, which is obtained by .ur pstsated w/doh duo warts scathes sdesstoso powwow! /Ira. arbor ,gr..„—itzt aide. f. the &cad la the tfint4own style, the lasido of which is perketly rauwth sad trap Dom puckers, tasking Ibis collsr—lbr saltness awl dvaiblltty—wasqualled. • nay ars roads In turu.dawa style, is flies Data VI to 17ould 1n Osrrota-from la to 17 Inches, and packed As cost &so bases, of 100 tsar' alst h millet seal of 10' istb,:—the latter h very handy package far testators, army sad tarp °Mon; • Wir =MST CDLfdllbgimped Si Ora, ta Patent Molded Bad - by s 0 rasa deals la Muni londsldiag Goods, - Via tea& implied lloy nuaits. BO 1I Ut eo, , CZ Ohsatsot mod, Ptddsdalpsis ; end J. LOWREY. 00., yarrai strut, New Turk. . CULT I .!I: dd , ar.. VI? f.tioni'4lolZ_ rir k o r ;r l llloxpo U' r, ro l . C anyltalt voodoo or empty, at the 001f11.1. UOttfiel, !nee fifty of l o ch a. Ifo4, at I. o'eloeh a. m..-alllhe tight, title and fnm•r of A14.103.,01=4L140, deo'd , of, to and to all that t pertain lot or ptsm.of ground situate 10th, &waste dt rut 111tmbsbadt. county. of Idleyheny. bonged and described at follows, to al tr•llegleortrytnr, the northXdde of Cleeton thief, at the &wince of W 3 WOO I , VO) inonitdtdck- leoft A. MAU of Pop Una the centre or .2 tamp way mod in ormeron by-the oextopente of Me and the afild to. Int lot; thence ex4eattles In fro:4ot breadth on Car. ton street westerly eeventy.trto (72) pap toitntiu ptopert , now or late. of Oliver U. Oratelty: thence, s the Same width or breadth of eerentytwo fbofi In lareitth of depth - unholy parallel wlth -mid Pap otrfec ono tmddred and loony mor rat. se sa. .UB7 tarrati.tout(24)felt alda,beind Bit moo lot or place 'of stowed which -was conveyed ti the odd Utak Steettos, deed, by Oliver 11 Ornaby end wfb, by theft deed dated.4;o Ed. 18.58; sod stiord. 'ad to Doti Book Mooed - pap 41e1, and on which anictod , a two nosy brio dwelling tome, rth • back4rolldbod and IllnlMlßotablo. nut! or bera.-Jrhe whole of the prams :annoy in hand t the the. err the tondrzeudron of the eale ; or oneduatof the pram tonne, to be Redd at the date of the octillitnerdon of Meade; and tno tolonea to inn year .frols that. dete r with Interns, , pay ablo aatol-annn %By, to be scoot herd: And inoligago en the, premiere, with . leatebo, lane- sefreJeelar forthwith; 0:1 Wore to pay pthicfpal and Intereat to full at the invested Urea, se ten Uncut= of the raid Iffertbs, deed, than tad told dale* at the dote of aide.: IMMIX . • • . Mann STABLAKO. Ezointars at tenthterling,.dateared. 14 - WiLf.lAmiq O.I.AbIitUALAAND tit4IEIEROILI, 8011001., No. 24 Bs, Cott Axel. Terms 811 _pat !gamin per 4martar at 11 welts blame.. - Noun ot Toltbu hem So. so.till 1 p. m. IttMonos-1 lake plasma in mll4'lBo, Not oinlomely gwlllledto .atozoPly AEI to tech th oontifandlos• and, Speokluir witt, euo,ig.• 11 Mtli,me 4 1,71 3 7: 811PttorOotrict. Iloolcassmatawro Paiwounp r=Z;',,, f .140.k.k.sta s iguli s ommbIL.Im las no ourot. LEE,Ad. ot Atorollalar W .21oMolttioAotto identlflo moroll prootiett notalotto ot tho to 4 mmomt ot Book. . amt *mount, out It 6, .here obtain:. that - 414=4 Mauer "MM, under thi • IIoptAIAittrEL3AGOAIIT,: •••••'' ~ D MISEDOII,_ • •• • • • " t I OPL e MIt ) 16 ' Itobst, I.PopintelOncr imputcrr. as a moan,: Mot to IMOIAMMI Ldot Mixt Ism mit ropoyi •2•.•,•: - A 1 15111MMAT0103 - NOTICRT-1 ; • ARIL laws, tadVisAtusibrist to to-Intlibtatto tb• ' 102.4 " 4 " , or - We athersuy• dsftaa t - to..fa,kr poposaiaut 040 N=ftt gata•abia• vaiviUsgastamarito idiaktrivettr akatbr settlameat. - ups L O WEY, Jr.. , Art! - Administrator., .~--~~_ - wa•nownemorsamp• PRO/PO/COLL POBAT~t3 FOR FORAGZ i . Oramr. Quaarrixerrtan's Orme, 1 Weehington Depot, &comber fi, 18 C3.1 frahidiproposale aro invited by the undersigned nu i It .1:11 the 0.8. Quartermeater's.Department, et • as n, D. 0., Baltimore, ltd., Alexandria and ort , rue, Va., or either of those pious, with I. Y, S LY, OATS and STRAW. Bide Do rotoirod fur the delivery of 6,CKX/ burn. 4 o oat., and bO tone of be, or draw, and al,. ward..; Bidderin moot ebb at which of the elbow 1111=0,1 poises they ~spas to (mire &Burka, and.the ream at which they will make &Hradec, thereat, the wren- My of SeCh article propesed to be delivered, the time whendeliv The eries shall be commenced, and when tote 1 ploted. ICO west be written out In words on th e bids. Dorn Do put up In good stout !tacks, of about two brut each. Gaul In like maul, of shout throe Dualiele h. The wicks to be throbbed without es. tra to the Government.. The hay sod dram to be ly baled. a t ar , kind or description of oats, corn, V iL ieititsr renweed to bet delivered, must be stated All t articles alored ander the bids band, In vited be =idea to • rigid inspection by the Go tit Inspector, before being accepted. - The e Goa will be awarded from time to time to the I lowest nsible bidder, ea the Lutoreat of the Gov , mama* may require, and myment will be nude when thei whole *mount contracted for shall have been delitered and accepted. The r0a ,, .. will be required to accompany lib pro. petal With a goaranty, signed by two responsible perm* that in cam hie bid Is accepted he or Ley will, within ten dap thereafter,executo the =tract for the Mme with good and entacient emetics; in a tam eeptill to , the amount of the oontract, to deliver the forn6 propcsed in conformity with the terns of this ad •lisement and in cese the mid biddet should bat to e4r Into the contract, they to make good the differen bitweets the offer of said bidder and the tier. lo , reimonsible bidder, dr the person to whom the contract may be awarded.' The reeporsibility of the goarantore meat tashown by the official certilicete of • U.S. Metric! Attorney, Collectot of Onstorna, or any other officer wider the Malted pa tatai Government, or reepoosible person ugovoi td thleaffice. All thhiere win be duly notilledaf the men:Thence Or ,relation of their propmel. The rt4 cosine and P. 0. address of each bidder mmt be WWI,* written tri the proposeL Proposith mut lie addrmsed q Brigadier Gemmel D. fl. 7113081,11, Chief Depot Quarterniesterr, Wash- button. D. 11, and tilrould be p l y y "Propo sal 6 iVag." Bonds, t 2144 111.19 equal to the ammo t of the am tract, ehneltdby Me contractor and both of his guar antor., will Iv required of the scommful bidder or bidder* opoti n th. contract, Blank fortniof 61 goarantors, and bonds, MAY be obtained o rlon ap cation it this office. 07 psoporiei. • ••• ty 1.4 st.t. enlesher I, the do harebypf ea to faredsh and deli vDei•er to:4 Dulled States, a be i t y lu=tate rr. ll your mire meat, Invitins Prolssole too dated Wash n Depot, December 8, 1868, the se lowing odic , of Dorn, in each, at —• per bushel, of toundamale. of Dobkin swim, at—. per bsobtl ps. el bal.! Hey, of —"= par toe, of lI,COO to Witil otiStr.v, per tan, af2,ooopouadn. toceoumenoson or bost. r 1 .7 of 77- 1$ to be coo:plc.! on or before Me— d y of and pledge myself to enter luta • written mint* Inth theUnitnei States, with apP food roa t ti h r i = b = of ten daye • • obedient servant, • azral 11.11 repot 4ltoczna. Washington, We, the trodersigned ts reelden of thecoonty of end State of hereby, Jointly and *messily, covenant with the tinned Staten, trod gurantee, to core the foregoing bid of be ecoepteik th at. he or they VA within ten diyi after the itinet,tance of said bid, co. ante the *antra* :far the aerie with good &adrenals:at maretlee, In !rata equal to the amoont of the contrect, to furnish the forage proposed In contformity to the ten. of.dvertibement dated Doi:ember 7, 1611, ander which the bid irma made, and, In cool the said —.— shall fell to eol d rito • contract 1111efonnald, 111111018.1 , antes to inakei , the tat:retro= between the othr by the said ' end the next 'meet responsible bidder, or the 'lrmori to wham the on:treat may he muted. H Wk.%Oren =Sir oar hands cid eras , rate —day of —.SUM, [( • kcal leat. I hereby certify that, to the dart of soy troivriedge and belief, the erenamod gcutrentore ere good and enfacient es=rile- • for the IMISIMILL for tehlah they oder to be eoenri To b.. co one:titled { y the United Etats D Attor ney, &Mentor olf ,Oustants, or any other o© under the, United Stem { Occrerniziont, or rerponible proem known to Oda of9ies. propowsleitoroind tt e nods this ad oat will be opened • xamined at this oNlen on!WED. NE/MAY arid ,ATUNDAY of each week, at 19 at, Bidders are seepouthdly invited to bo present et the opening of bidnlif limy desire. D. EL sumagh, , Brig. Gem sod Quuttinnatitt. ....-1 Tictsvlsi. Omen Atc.tonnwx 00., r 0... } IN- ,1 Pittthorgb, Nay 2,1, 1944 4 PI7EL NCB of tho 2lst section of 1 no Act rela i g to. Allegheny =rosy, pawed Noy 210, UM, DAVID ALEEN, Jr ,Tr..rfac, of old county, be . g gird notico th at I will attend for the grarpoee of rrotileing tare. in the rerend Wards, Boroughs, Tows( hips and Proctor-is of said aitinty, at the place ofdlog..g.rieral eloctiona therein re spectively, on t following day; from 10 o'clock a. 0. Wail 3 o'dook.p. tn., to wit.' First Ward, Plitiburght First Ward, Allegileny . Elizabeth borough Beinfoltley borough, Prodigy totrzsb . P. Elrooteth township . , Ifrouhlin township, Fawn townalek r .. DAY, JUNE 20. Beeond Wulf, liliaTur, ; llooond Ward, Alleghe ny; West Ell.t . bartagh, kiclrearport borough, E all to arthws Benison township, Moon to wn . chip, JAM:reap t• hip, ON4BIDAY„ JUNE In. First procinct,=rd Irani, POLL:nib ; /UM pre- duct. Third '., l 4 l ; Tame= borough, Itherpobri gh; Pine township, North Fayette township; . nownship, East Deer township, • ON* TURDAT, JUNE as. flecond precth , 'Med ward, Pitteburgh; Becond Plwel o ot.Thlra •r AUetheoli Yemperancsille borough, Duo • a borough, litotholdteas townshlp. Indiana townah 1. booth to th Fayetts township, Vs mills toroth% . ON • ONDAY, .1 - UNEr4lln. . Fourth mu d , .litsburgh ; hoot precinct, Fourth wed. Ancona] hide:Waster borough, lemma.. 1 rifle borough, U , peon township, Wan Deer town. ship, Robb:won • • • ip, Patton toirtwhip„ ON ' t 'DAY, Jll2lll Pros. Tint predno 1 • want, Pittsburgh; &road precinct, Fourth • Alleglomy; Went Pitlaburgh borough, Mo• • •cin borough, Illehlarld town ship, &dm • 4 p, tippet St Mir towinh'd Plum townsh ON It ip, i sIiESDAV, JUNE ant. &wand moth Fifth ward, Pittsburgh; Sixth, '.ward, Plttibu j. Bonth Pittaborgh ; First pm. I chict, Blemin • borongh ; Bea toennhip, Ohio township, Primed tolftliblp, Peon township, . ON T+ WNDAY, RINE Inn. • geronth ward,, • ttsborgh I Eighth r ough;, burgh; !Second J, redact, Illigharo b Fast vb. :t ro t , . bo ro ugh, Beirickley township, , IfeCbrow townold' 'Baldwin township.; &etc tp,, , . • ON DAY, JUNNIOrn, Nhatts.ward, PI burgh; Ementre towrohip, Oh, lienslownshlp, ton totemhip, Wilkins township ; ,first precinct . P es tromooNicoluto tow - tamp,' LOWer Et. Oh VIP. - .ON OA, BDAY, JUNE Ilint Broond precinct' Peebles township; Pitt township, Oreanzat townshlll, , Flerilla township, ON El SDAY, JUNE 1102. Taxa can be p . d at the Treasurer's Odroo within Vine swathe the data flied to the_foregolme districtianubJect ; FIVE PER WENT. DISOOLINT for prompt pay t, to Soy pandit paying this whole =ow* of their t • . proSt,lot i TWIN 1 4 . . 0 1141 4 71210 . 724111, lf atexander, . • &wily burn out, aka plume In informing Malin friend. flu public getwarly, Ailey turn leased d poorer la Owl:MON RUN: 1.150 IOU; It :their into la:Won, And :mu now -1 to mtWitr LI Orden - eatrattoi to gium, tniptom Andilryatch. • - A bugn'Wer Itty of •Lumbervic Wadi not Eby Ma WNW Are, they aro now p re pared _ g•dry ilortiug And Ada Shelving; in tdity. at outrauthls Wee, : anbfAtam VOTIOS.- PLBlsl...Coupona of . 8-20 4.31 Ana.: •Thip macs. , tn, E2R3, 216.1, 2ific um; Etna $1003•• 3.0,3:4; Terollsoo. MN. •_ 7 43.1 2 / 4 • • Sheet, lOW, eilb. ;Win. 23 .61 1 . - rs,B7in Uwe ONapons posif date rare:oer 2,1. 18G3; All palm 11110 rebtnottned not le "Rarelme. AnTrasan, toTI4 - the Cospahe et giving exu:ll Illfoleullon NM tatlitt date;t/cat of thelhiet, I /MIAMI DIOKITA.ISI)., T ill bf liW n i lY 'Pv&raNi - IN'yratereiroat. ennui 04.07 . 11, ircamq 'a 004 . - P 0.113 e P*o 11 ,IIito RAO2i.l633%BVailtinnl2l/ 'HAMS, ~9/11D. 413X1rs ao.• • - iEll.A41311allia1'II1163; rtiirnuinzi PA. PORTS I! HRADQUAR •:, "v. e viToon; , ./w , m-x. .1 r .•, ; El ONITN -. A A ; • vliesi too , Ira Bp;o4soton fuld others to Ms ,•• •.; • A irtoolf fiIpik•IIITLIffILIMVOLVIZBB, • Mil . LS, GA • , DA_:OB, POWD I M-FLASSEI3,I3I3OT ELM and F , 130a DRAM • fl#lBBB, fold *M. ••• tin of • r kb:IL H y sfor : 2 la r gest,,, , • -; ~ , pFrip.,':piiLTElto7egtt, /Ltd ill kinds Mtn' PabDu , uoldf . ati conntsatort. P 7 -1 : W. 13.- C?P,E, i "* .rf,:Pitiadaiplil, L Fmatrx,•_ 1 04., ! rialUtaid BAGS I. ~BARBI- B AGS peattueu two bpstiy.l t .- ,11:21Eg 45t 1 •z. vino foot hei heavy 02131 r , . VOO WOO a biAd ANT41 13 .4 1 i ;- .1,600 0 &Obi. - Wo an it txrMnrtßneT and nand hq&.l Elsi"leackiam pre: ..Th* nab* tottrottod; (10 ..1:141161111itat ••• .f%t ailttlealluttdattL,l row tialksnis Airradiale.tiOieetrel Amato - OEB A4E4EI[4% "uu 1829. Piatprruik FRANKLIN FIRE INSURANCE CORBY PHIL ADELPHIA Axone nn Jautiry 1,1864, a1.,464612 Capital 2409,00 D • Unsettled 6,418 Income for A_ 800.000 Lost Paid Wore I'M 6000,000 Perpetual and Temporary Pollen on liberal terns. DMICro.r. : Charles E. Baneker, lame Lee. Toblao Wagner, Edward 0., Dale, Samuel Grant, Oeo. Pales, Jscolell...Bmlth,Alfred Viler. Geo. W. lllebu I de. Fran. W. Lends, M. D 011ARLEB N. BANC/CDR, Pres Mont, EDWARD G. DALE, Vice Prafident. JAB. W. hicALLIBTED, &o. Pro. Taco. J. G. COFFIN Agent, mhNI INSURANum, FIRE AND INLAND Insurance Co. of North America Hartford Fire Inanrance Company. 1 17'Pritecti. can bt. secured In gut above Oaddid .1d and renablo comprlcs. W. P. JONES, /laxly, fe47:dl7 Benley's Bnihtlags, 87 WWI: Anat. W ESTERN INSURAN CE COMPA. NY OF PITTSBURGH, RATILLCH, Jr., Proriatat. P. M. GORDON. likawkry. Waco, No. 92 Water stroet, Spans a Oah Ware. boom, op *tam WM Warr against oil kthea of Fire awl Maur Aqaba,Rooth Inotiththoti mongol by Dinakr* who on* won bows s sawnsnity, sat. too donr. b 9 frattyata ima.uthfadat.a. W ° they Aaso air* ca. bed %rotation to Ws* aka tlerav to be 4,2•44 ' EL Mater, Jr., James McAuley, Nathanl4 Halms, Aim libakr.k. Cieorga Davie, Campbell ,11 arm, C. lllcksbon, 'my3o P. Andrew Aeklqi Alexander Speer, Dated X. Long, Den J. Thomas, Jan R.. bran. M. 00II.DON, CII IZENBINSURAI CE COMPANY OD ITITSBIRKIII. Offtera eornar Market WI Water etraeta, atonal Mao, Wil. BAGALZI. Nagai. REA. &ereten. Inseams Steamboats and Cargoes.. Luton against has Wa ters dg In the navigation of the gonthern and "Rivers, Lakes and Ba=and the navigation of the Elea& • against lose and damage by Ike. DINSCPAIL B. I& Kier ' John Bhtpton, Jur. M. Coop.; 8. TlArboaph, J. Caldwell, Jr. , John 8. Dihrortl, Wm. A. Bodgers. WO: Wm. Bagsley, Jr. Pack, Jr., W. G. Jobatoa, B. V. Jams,' Reese Orem, non. T. 31. Bowe, Barclay Preeton, George Blogham, PEOPLES INSURANCE COSIPANY, Office, N. E. corner Wood & Fifth Efts. FEU AND MARINE DiffiIIRANCEL Wm. PIMUps, John Walt, Wm. B. Hays, Jahn B. ?vas, Charles S. Mae% Wm. can 711sk, James D. Verner, Capt. John L. Moody, Samuel P. Sharer, George P. Jones, O. Ileanan lora, Charles Arbuckle. LIPS, Peed:4ot ATT, Vice Precidea. jultly JOH2I WM. OARDNEII, . ALLEGHENY INSURANCE COM PANY OF DITTIODECILL— Ogloe, No. 31 strea, Bonk Block. /wares 4/..that all klndiof Tfre sad MAO JONES, Phwand, JOHN D. M • OOHD, ViocAntadsel. D. 11. BOOR, lifeaviary 4 'Apt WEL DEAR, [kart' Iwo lotus, Hamm Cerny MI6, Copt. 11. pt.C. Grv. Josa Irwin, Jr., B. L. J'amartock John D. McCord; Cot. Ada Jacobs, D. B, Starting, Capt. WI,. DMZ, Ilobl ll.Z.lfoGrov, Ek. B4JrKS. SECOND NATIONAL BANE, OF PITTSBURGH. (rozaterly IROU CITY TAM 0011IPAIST.) Capital, 8300,000, silh privilege to Inman., to 81,000,000. The IRON Cm TIM= COMPANY haring or ganised radon the National Chmency Act, offer. Its services for the treranalon of • General B Bust... Drafts tonght and mold. Moray =0 on Deposit, and Collections made en all parts or tlu, Jamb Painfer, Jak• mu. O. F. Captor, Wm, Coop"; 0t :Ablzuon,l.t=W. 44j. G. E. II RICER, President, • OR, Quillia. Jl4O. E.DA.T'r3L tr_aktEn TURD NATIONAL BANK, OP PITTSBITBGH. THEASURY TSLICST, Onion or Caimans.= DEP r AB rna Culmorey, ' biaahlngton City, Teh. 27, L 664. Weernsm,slll metionctory evidence presents to the nude , It has bean made to appear that the B TIONAL BABE OP PITTSBUII4II, In the Cosmty of Allegheny, and State of Penney!. *anis, has been daly organized order and to the requiresomde of Use Act of Congo:4l4%V 'ten Act to monads • Elattonal OcErnau7, seemed by • pledge or roitmi sato Suds. and to pueblo Ad Om circulation and redemptlets thereof,' approved eh:mazy 26111. ISA and has oemplled with all the provisions of said Actress:llM to be complied with before ocmmeactog tbe trosineas of Banking; Now, therefor*, - I, Hugh McCollorl, Comptrollet of the Currency, do hereby certify that the said IMOD ISATIeIIiAI. BANE Or PECOSIIIIIIQII, Osnnty of Allegheny and State of PeamolTania e authorise:l4o COMMene• tan budnem of Banking tn. der theent aforesaid QM., thin In testimenyth da ro where f of ebruarygibbon my hand and rod Si 27 F, .• /117GLI A1c1717LX1(724 Comptmller erthe Currency. THE TEMA BATE/NAL 80,/ init. ir arant:64 d o the Hat Luna Ctra4m . 401. now preirtnel to do • • . general Rankine Eturineits DIMON= EXOZ/VICD, trachitage esi the pita -441 dens of the East and Wort boo ht f and apd, , and collections made to entry ' part or Us, cormarre Mos New t foe the primal, (mitre. codoPlotionOi l u sy kidho Hamw =Deer of Wood sided dad toro the' 'Suakinlk•om istelz °cooled by the OITI 114.1314 N. W. ior. Wood St eg Virisk alley, /WIN - ' o.a. soli,".rtz• A. /WIN ' - `wm e. H. Hartman. Merlisustenl ims . i l ff ra a. no. H. zalinaorox DOLLAR t3AVINGE3-11ANIC, lia, di ,Irpor; Oran. , . , •-• pen daily *mad iti 9 o'clock oleo. an Wohniolg and Saturday matinee, from Kay, list to E t Ist,'frote 7- fob o'clock and ecorA Motamber irt td Hay lid tram Si to A o'elitclt... . . , -e.. ~ , Deposita - robeired of all • rams not log thin One Dollar, and a ditidead bf the profit* deciged twice a roar, I, Jansand. Dwanber., Interest. bra lagetloo tiered deml-aannall ;in Sans and Dom:labor, linos the Bank wee at the rate Of tie per cent: t u t;reet, ti nea drawn . Ont. II plated to ihi'..ifi` of th.dnattar Oa and bears astute la: tercet from Ow ant days of Jane and December, au. pomigns Wee spar without troubling the dew& tor to call, or ma to present hie paw book: , at Ude rate town will doable in lon than twelve pars. ,- Books. eenteinlap tbe otue,an nr-Lm. Oahe and peawdations, tarnished vette, on application at the Moo. Parnsonre—CTlOßGß ALBIIIIIII. Junes Manley,' : ciao raLen UM 11. D. land,. , Joba .I L;Shoeubarger; las,' - •," Junes Ilembnan. Isaac X. Peter A. Madeira, Juries Male. William J. Anderebt. trim B.Notaddelti 4.31. Pnlidaidti. D.. . Johnst..Pechothiu - , Oattin Adam,' 1 • !new Jamack- Jona 0. Bindlor, , John blrchal__ 1„. Thorp Meek, - • ' Walter Pbfartliali, HUI Uprorip , —- /ebb Orr. . 1 " Atoilbb A. Carrier,. ' ' ' Robert Robb, . 1 ' narteCA.l3olbta, • , ' tiezd7Tarld= 4 ' Ad= Ittail k ~ ,• Willial 0 4 Joint llecJ. !etinleepie, r: ~ ; Atr ad :Mr .- ..• ' ,Willient 11. riann, , MOIL= Viak mmmm irlci ,--, Peter IL Honker, ' Tesaierbittler. ''_ ~.. D. Maud Maya, ' 13utunir Ai - A; tW r iCA: 7 =Mai* 1 I,:t :',1,!:.; .:,'t -,- - 4 , ,15,11. = i .11.14.1115. -Mar liatOX riarmacm a t AMMON; 7e hAhra ID O W I M I ZI , 643 I:I ":„: Mar ratan:mat " Jrt.s.iiTracrintr*, arc. iiIIQUERRE BRASS WORKS, C/01411 & CRAWFORD, Elar.stfarizoara of every variety of eatehed muss WORN} YOII PL173113/11S,_ STFuLtI on GAB TITTERS, Recririms7s; AND toopmaarrras. BLIABS CASTINGS, of all descriptions, made to order. STEALIDOAT WORN., STEAM AND GAB. FITTING, and lAEP AMMO, promptly attended to. Particular attention paid to ettlng op SEFINP, lIIILS TOG COA,T. AND CAII.DON OILS. Also, Solo Ageptsfor the Western District of Penn sy/ranta for OA .of. of MARSH, LAITSDELL @ 00.'S PATZSTAYPTIOIi PIMP, the beet mm la. vented. Wastage. valves It Is not liable to get out of order, and throw more stater than any pomp or Woo La wise. . V. R. 114(711 7 , 1‘.......T. LWIT. IRON C WORKS. RIACIIINTO caparentLpL & co., FOUND 69 &In) 112.011 . 1.4.428. Corner of Pike *lad OrEfiluilt, Ate IPLIce am" iValAut Strati, Mar Gltr Water Wort 9 Mearafactoren pf statfonuy and °thin 311501SES r ROLLING aldl4. CIAISTINGB and ItaOIIIII.EBY,. of W Made, Sadgeral Jobbers. Prompt attest IfiLL %WHIN Rourso: - dfacuy 1 ROBERTS,' BARNES & CO, No. ithil Third 8t. % Pitlabnigtt, a. TIN AND 9HIST TVS WOBIIIIBB, Atid liantditaarers of • J AE . A.NaN/ItTS WIN WARE Wa aro now annfsetorlog and Baia on hand Bathing Apparat of WI kinda,Tofle4 Wars In , S Water (holm, Grictrs' Teo and Bpice Canisters Cash and iiitko Bono; TUmbler Drainers, kilitoons, de., to. A large lot of BirdGanealor ails kW.' 011 Oats of all slim and p4tunse, Tin Booing.; and all kinds of Jebbing•Work done to grdes. • ap3(C pATEItiTEI4 OCTOBRR 8 1861. Dr . rainairsnlTXT" OVAL • T MP CR I f rMA=M:D r. xi. sr GLASS. INT ' i- , - - Theo Chimney' ere Wended far the Ida Lamy heating ton all m Darla a the gins egnaljy, does not expos. tt a/ _ E. D. DITWEIDGE. Fart Pitt Gllss Worts, Walhinston etrent, gpir . Pittsburgh, Penns. BLACK D RD STEM WORM, PtrzaH, - At. PARR, BROTHER & CO., Ilazadiotmsal al DIET nostiai zurrnsrro ohm mon,. sq!.....rut. and 1 . on, of all drea ki!arrarited mac! make to culanr TEMA exn Pmt Aix lecolcic. & Co ., Vitsir Potrainn, Pitts - 14- PA ( 1151 rWarehotnto, 3 y MITT STRUT, . Hanufactoznas of PARLOR AHD MUT ES() STOVES,PA UT RAND HITOICZNORATZB, HOLLOW WARE sta, Stool and Ohm Dionlda,Roll lag Maa R Castings, LIM Gearing, Gm, Wateril Ao thorn Pipe, Sad irons, Dog Lana, Wagon titl gar Battles, Palle" Himgers, Car Wheels, Onal( sad Outings genesally. Also, Jobb and Machin* mods to order. Patented pmsbla MR, fi t rregatn or Horse Potwar. ardtgold BIUTANNU, !BRASS £BD Ear= • METALWORE& COLLINBI do WRIGHT. hfrortowterrae of 0 RiIikIII23,EIMPIETS. &BB sad LAW BIIABSTS_ReneraLIy.TL LANTERN THEIELIiaa, EMIT JAZ 00i283t klenufecturere CloWhe & Wright'. Piten TIN JUG TOP, No.- Strkkomtt rtrest,Plttiturgb; COLUMBUSOtI"XIM - ' ILIB/ON u?.. Allogheay 94, - 1 Plantilketurea eele they Giabe Bake of the EctlabMt. l 7lBalkey and -Prattle Bin -V31t141E..0. iNGßO&&B.aad,Wq ®work-or ell dowriptirme, &Loy STU& Timm, tot B.; an , / Greta Gas FO_WICES, It of Cho itip. of TTua_a ern lialen47ol3llß. =MON (Itt• e r r atr a l,H a ) IRON FOUNDIM and Ninth W•rd, P Pt. szkriUs bur B. =IRON RIDOLE & CO., .tro.:l 210 N I R I L LS ' ar ry strata, manta girth, l'i s Mr,h, maauractorera of WEEIOI LASE= wad ftb. anti •Itt7 inariptlink or LATH= 131143= Orilora nail:nut hoz Cove'tets, sad geinir print* I, adman al DIX Wan ' Viral Q SEVERANCB I =53 Wimrs, P.-4.l.lttatrar g h, taanalletnrer al:1011813 WROUGHT all!kr.s, colmulmon retrolidottll paruemiss lino: or naval SNP= and Min large .ca anal; toads to arder , at notice. coodnotarttaan antataatly:tartnand.- • KM= Manufactarers of warmismni caniesan C. Ow. MIS. WAAL, . Offica out Worshozo o pt no. is TOTH !WOW, Pitt:stomas. ‘EXTER T 0143. • -uur. 23tr:7, "Ork l 7la6lllble'reirtealee Irpori." • "Tree from Pewter • - "sot &moronic. the LIIMIZZI ir•MgV." °Eats Dome oak of gtettliolem to dia.' ,•• , • Told trTell.nregeste er Brims! et idtworiblreeVrtleae.; SMUT & mad meow Zti, PitUbarght Ps.4 usisztaur; saawean, s a d . /4 1411 • A 4 01 113 07. , ItIDGEWAT ' 1760, , • . DRABS, ' ' anOV DIDP Eirfilpirent4,liEtidisll 2l 6YrrAal 4 s ' S TF4 I3 . • Aucirafrwi3ilicorto L • ILFameero • tJmw Addmo, lat ran luta= 110871 - • ' ' edisArner 06 / 0 /113 Arra. VI • FPAITTOM o4un &HD . o p": 1 oitA I 11 709C1R P 1121,3,,. vtriciiannia on arr. ewpotow FT soud Th ui s zit - • t Cl 10 litteet LIKE ELTSIIiiAIi e : 'nub Apia:dew ~ ' IN CLIVRI • 1• 7 1 . = • , ir .re e s.r==alLimuls,u447.,g o ad . „- " • 1 , tor an y; so CO;; do ' 1 ! • - ! MADM4I4. I I CHEROKRE CHEROKEE PILLS. 6170Mt-COAnM FiIdILIA HICIDLATOB. OFETAIN AND BAI7L Tor the Ro=oul of Obstraofions and the Losarinel of Bogtaarlt7 to tha Becarreztos the Itortbly Periods. Tbey there az obitate theme tuaaseina dtscsar epring trem Inegdierity, by rethelleg the beterethe. ley IteelL They aura Slipgracied, &eelsteemed Painfel sire:sem They clue Gm= Mauna (Chlorteue) , - They, cure Norm. mist.4Pfuel Likettria4rldtslil the Deck end Lewes putt er . the Body; Hea th en Fatigue en slight surest; Palpitation albs East, sug= of Spirits. flyrterts,slci HeadentsyCliddi as, &a. In • word, by remoriog the briobath boy remora the GIMP, and with It. aD the :sada that, rariwllfmam Composed olldmple ymetibbs extracts. lisp am. lain cotbleg doletilOVl to say camtltstkat, ever delicate, their fonctkoz being to satattttdb strength for creaknoes, Tbtc Thais property wed. any lamer tell to do. • They may bo safely mad at any sgs, sad .1 say Ocher, te nee?! fholog the Ant three aaaoe, doing .witich the zuefalte; ziatary of the& adieu meld te• fellbly pretreat ' All tette= stekhag Inforasetlott or advice VW promptly, freely and dlocieetly curare& Woll directive acoompooy earl boz. Price la pm box, cash boom Aar Sent by mall, free of veep, as receipt at prim Sold by ell ratpectebla Drurteta. DD. W. B. 11:1013110 00, Bola Proptistam No. tin Mary street, tons York . . For solo in Pittnbrain by Dr. ONO. a. KETUB, No. 140 Wood street, and H. MoOLABILdIi d po., iininor of Os Diamond andllarket stmts. ninitinrirdanscrarF GLAD Ignil3l MB VIZ WiTOBTMILIIII THE LONG SOUGHT FOR DISCOVERED *LUST CHEROKEE REMEDY CKEOKE EILTROTION. Coadyasmded from Hopfi, Barbi and iosnis. carats ,ED es drool, Isitoti • Diu. retie, cam el &eases of the =Wry cepa', inzalt Inconthuatco of the Urine, Ildlotomaticat ar the Maid.; ft!fl nnu on of the Eidson, Stotts In the Striatum, Gravel, Gloat, flencezheo, and Is too recidontemdedjn thanouts of floor Anna (Or Whites In females,) when all Us old 'mum tiod,hdate bore &Md. It It prepare( to a highly conoentrated tem the dose Wag from orm to tiro tesepramhate Woe than ISO dbusetlo and alterative la is actica—salt, Oa. mad elmusir..g t.lO blood, cuffing tt t. now la mII 04 original parity and TAN?, that riaciniiiltos the tynam mll cangcloos mon wbfeb hare legzaid. Cherokee Isjcotlon la Intended aa an akiiiiimist- N:i!:to-.Lho Cherokee Comedy, and Whoa/4 be eiri In coal:moth= with that umbel= in all Yaw* Om orobes, Glee; fluor Alb= er Whiter, fyi egbein axr ing, soothing and droanlzeurt: raamtiaf all rating, heat, credal and yea, tatteat ef lba =ruby and almost =endurable SO= that Ups. armed witk nearly all the slay:ark fwkatlenis diy Ike no of the CEM3OICXII 1181111DT and INIEOTIOS—the two metbdnes at the some time—all laproperilischargesare and the waakeesed'oricins me marbly reabarl fall rigor and strength. . . Os tall porldemlari, get oar pamphlet biota any Dreg atm to the =entry, cr write as, and tie will must( tree, to any iddrco. a fall treitiee. Price, camoicas ILEHEDY, 10 per bat* ex three bottle, Ito' 55. Irks, CRE.IIOI(X6 INTUITION, fil pa tot W. er throe bottles ter $5. Bent try exprons,.o any spines, on tbe.t*olpt et Pee". Eold by all drayglata ayezywbeze. DIL W. B. 111:BWJH dt CO.. Bola Propr!stow! No. be Mort, street, Nesetork. far de in Pittetrugli ki Da. az& Zioalil Wood attest. ated, IT. - Ifsenkl=sl a CO., carder or the Diamond end Market Etna. inklfaewdenrioirlf ELEELRI laLliatt Du;_vira.lollT'S ,3M=7:]ffATING ELIXIR or, warn or Lux thvaitd trom Pnr, TegatibLi Xsl.n?eta;.);l3: tiotbin Wart= to its lout _. , _ Th. EqwfLiiink the teilnt zowas dbeeterke ti the veletelde .itagden, bele; 'sit. see new sad stetreet meant ofearey treseiietfire of 4the obt end ertie-eitt whim- , - Thb'nedtelietne peen. teeteAty the niceijeiebieis ,seniteerneceol the day, and by theta pramoseetto be mi of their:4ost eadlealahnwertes tithe*. Ow bottle edlleute Genteel Detdattr, • " &kir destecznee ilraeeler tbattkiC. oustv ' ta.:ontal*ltagers et th e Ma.' A bitten Tartans the omens of peeralies, elle to these bailee ratans the enetgittete and Ttimaryeatx. , • .- i A w &mai item* : : - .ll.erebottler !ens the wont are el impateacT. A *done Irene the low spirited. • -•- Onekrttlerettorortaeatil prow. - - A is* aweg. taints the nee totteicheek;:- lids iasaldria• careen to ink:27'** juid 'A** taiga diteltated; 'spa* dei - otesetamscal proasell; • - 2 124114101,eurirated VithAtlol7l - 6410• . 11 IMl' babieas, ths tattd 0 0•Eials iliPnWin, the ht.' *tided authitss hi@ 4117a4r • ee toe weskit:tiers shAte meth tniatattate rettethy the ate of edetitueerter its . . . . Prgrti per Ibrir;•,,ar erre , brillar,ool,ll,*l ftrwarded-tP-n of **li WEI Eol4t GU droserdeTorpateio: Da, w. mprawnt No. 64 take . :_ riy :: B fitroe4L 3l Noir lor ids in ' , mobilo bt fro. 110 strut. owl IL IIdILAILISAII# OCC. =net ate* Disamnd and Muth drub. caEßogsg Cum . - Tiut-tmmuir ,-,. c 7, ., r: INDIAN 4azipi4aiett from RootaazdzachtFAholag An' . suithllitti 4tre Pr PPM:natal, an; .801110• E IThataraal Emistoaa, s a d caused rir,palluil=l,Ruch uoLtiorsot Lasattacle. Patna in tho Batt; aum•••l•Ws mini Prenatal* om Art, weak.acori ta.s.l4„. , - or aniatang, Vr. mbilat, - .Wake_rgoesiri - an the Paw, Pala °manatee; aaratutnt/aaaxt tiati;:att $ll - thei* iltretal complalahr paadmxi . pantair nom tha path ortratara; , - latts taadlettla ta • alai& vagepablti ilia:: ono ott Wolf olr on* ran wilt hal haft Al* - cattL, - .pactsbrmatripssrs, mut wrlth thoutraditusuk, lt bas Pat fag ha a eV , . !Marc* . vim% haft bootrththaleaf txt• t,r .414 ate tlyr•Ter ' :To - thdaribabsTairllled eltb'.their " • Xteittl thhir thetaserat baya•Cthi, :•1 • 10 • 11114 .••- '004, 4 0 4. DaiarkamaiLuss Ise 'Oda sill - notors ram. basithlmitt,Tig sm v per itt/ r auk dottatrhara, =Thlte4t,. . mt. ! 'a In theraarr,:nr ll.bM "d r i P; a gf 'ill "moil trooto-aoroottt,t the ;Inatfarphlst Mott, - • 111 ,28 rat Wtrp, ar 4ria is remeStipide • apriartogl:panict4434.-,,, Fliatiby . siEresagraiumaa - 1 4Darirrir4 n:"" . IttwP ratabscr ekb7n_cao.ll.EXTOZ3.- a: 10 Woad .feet, and 11 orrer -wsaLlowl avoi. - Dtkomi and 34:t0 Win - • . mbliatovairsoli - • • ' ' - . . n ,