eri.'.....:,: -.. ' . • .., .. =NM iftrantrg -:-. aulti-'-i... , i. t'''l ..- 4'''''''" • ...,_72.,.7,....,..:..„....._.......,,,...5i.._............„._,.__,,,,,,...,...,.... FRIDAY, .1131 , 1:E, 13016 =Wit, •'. Thount When ertreepnblieleo, some weed , V Ron. iionis \ the groat speech, of the twei6t:thira.7.Miblet; 1 wutal he :presented to Congress and the country his Tingles to the relations of the Staloff whichtf,have eiggititta in this "rebid. Sur: :i, aid as To the question of amid's*. ) tion,llr:recligantitition4koth which have doulitlas very often come nit at 'the' gnat- Inge of 'House Judiciary Committee, of whioli Mr wzix..tilcs is a member, and go Irtvaid natteraltgie the subject of his spiab) —we aciarded 'it as the" ablest and set : . iiitlike entadtion of pxduciples Sad Interpretation ;of fate uttered biCoug diziini the pre s ent scathe. Itt'sre hakty to find that our Opinion of this cinch is ,justitlid by the high appreciation With ... , Which : lthe lion. flatitai Seim lasi re : calved At i os - told•itt the. Sdlowing a:tact , . trom the letter : of our correspondent, which 224 - . will 'Vet found In vstother column: ~ i 0 speech of Mi. Tuoxie Ifitswei: : of the 224: &shied is '`now : being choula _ in pamphlet form. I Was bald ' that Senitor strailliuti:9t A, 1! ThOi Is more loiter, leaning livi lid atitesmainhipin it Ann In anY speech that has ban delivered since .16 - Wit . "oosamenotd: ...A., high compliment tien t , a competent judge. It is strange that the pipers in We s tern Pennsylvania lisiti not given s more extenslie notice of it.! It is worthy of being rest by every Anierican "J.edtigin aid statesman.";",''. . 1 Copperhead strategy._ Allasion has already been Was eolumis to the ratest favor with wfdoh the- Copperlead prom of the country from the d regarded tie movement to put in the C. - klaxon as a..tolting onixdblato for the Presiderioy; Biontis 'ago they' Iron:anneal the work of - trumpeting lfaziroir's v virtuea, and alsowlag how bidly - this Administration bed'abused bin: ?hero was stabody , humor:. - The "woolly ' base. was the . faverita ?residential ' tag with theie)oeisis. And .now that he ie ftdriy on the track, as is suipi.ied, they" • ...throyr up' their` baps foe him sad-deer loudly The Pittsburgh Post did this iss :eritai.- Ono would think - that the 7 had:bet their Money , ea - him: 2 But they havin't. s ' The Man that -shall Piratarr once set ageing, their 'Mid of it lent within the bounds of probalilll ty that any time Union will be deceived by'eards devices of the enemy.: On the don ; trarY, the men who have nominated. Pas. ` x o sv, and who- wtrposo 'to, assist him to _.' turn the Covernment over to the Copper , hada istutt fall, are either 'desperate Man who are resolved that if they eannot rule the,Thileuisety they'will rubs itoe r tre ; able fanatics 'whoa c devotion-. ands-titration* exceeds 'eels:dawdle:li to . their country. Either elan prefere,iihe eitotiun of a Copperhead to th - e ri.eleolleit of Athuttar lascori. There is no dire ly of opinion among the, true. Union men of _the cointry, To a man will support the nominee of the BaltiMore CcTaTentied, duiMei will 'Weld,. _ - • 7' 4 , ' The Illtztt"7lm!s tss tet t i5 D 10 13114 14 of I c if.„; ;',... ..... TaLaiailxiiskt ..."..... tie Rebel ;Blau filtig .4 4 f ti ./70r°4 'afsata, bnimaiiiit % to not TrirnAted:bY the zakel-80 -. .lideillq'eCtie3 to 1211 '.- iiiiii unit ilted.: ' .hietithe inditlitterld - , to " I L I want 1, 5 making linnltiolt in _ eery but 1 bind . 0 -4 4 - .Rot only this; - - ganiii4nl2o2?°l 7' wit theiniriajo in '." the 11"! • ' with' 1 " ' 11 faction of the people. , ir4°. tbidthsataß nii 4#o zizTrell°' . ; . iba,i i eri. DAvy! 0 sor graphs try , _ i. ing . .. 17o!4 P a,icohinch are; eintirthsta i i, 1 of Bebel T! l Perth the iboY6 conclusion ' - • riiliiii* Ricl . _ r•Gand,.ilauny,:plater and ®railed :as . the bosomed Johorshafter sinsooni, the thy antinned on yesterday- to domonstrite Ate pleeddltynader the digitalin Inflated en Its petite:tee by the powers that be. Thesteres remained dolt np Stale end femieleastia , tans leirnlng, whose entere'ocsdd bear Innehetee satiate* cased. The families fat ". - ptess setUtlamencenthused to Isla& &oaths ', stmt.-sod teal jefth their .borrared ants. ..The - aiskete presented s adeendde any lof i't0137.114/4:_to 1114 and the extorttonenr, eat - *flies ignite, continue to - swell -aid; .profitessnd Meath° sibulem of those In entity. , 'Vtoksbag, bombarded bleat ad .... rear, at elf fe ,dl the toad, and bengsdsle, big.saderles easiest trate. prerated no 7 such septdoltral pictures is-Ittettmend stow •The*people hive groin ilti.of the "rage: tattled apto them wlthletfue'.brief concern, slew Vijay end becitire tlat:tltey Arta apeauseitein ap.! - Sobel Idaetettfroadtlenti.. . Ant 3 lrit,:lini:2s,—Wastrrard sad omit.' trard.-46. Cola:Wm, the lisrmissa poopis ;of Irorthirn Elsorids.arl,nOwding into ads city to strati Ws Lrrue of ths "imporollog struggis. hotly*** onr_ snug :arid; dip Tito Committal hero aro pouring out Mut thing tioaSesn• be obtained for their inists ',.'graes;sad call sow to the poopli of Qoorifs, A.lgattnikalid Booth', Corolftis to .aid and blip. than. Ilaasidisto, Instant halp is ussdid la • sisttdng for. women sad ablldzon, bsoon, salt, , aims . • Hon. JoLA Conde. ' , I oltserfa,by tha Gyeeniibu* Rita* tlawiiik Wit this fiwritleniin will be ,up : /Kirte 44 . o i ,a o ill 2 lsil abbe Prhairielectlals tw'bi held la WescatiTeland - 001113 oti 3 Oar 'JEW' citilwitteilly , - 'bo deohired the choice of-iireetwelaild tor thiipodtlan he dO longtined with not' gin oreleccopiestooAo ponnefitusiatandlldep '1441 per 4 indhisoottota7. The dlstriot. Is pcnipped Wletzuneland, Indiana and ?apt* Wa hear. that, ? Tagoits 'is alnioet coign to dWado in fator* 'the cocilnatiCa of Mr. Disc* in which ids- until.. 410 7.0 Plianabld , district- will be W d4tatilt one to 4414 elementwith. which it is idiots:l, bat Jams *mown =ilia if anybody can. _1 fla t, *chit° curt to ' piss tO marek • toglie aevoot7 vs ) ni* 'l*- Pr the ' his was d. - gen pg. At rami olk • !Mr& ~., : 1 : ;- - , . no c.iiskbagge. tir:=4l7.7n -=:..= -7 -: al 1 , 5 4 3 , , ,ol_gu tt „,,,' i ti o ath init* Crlel-Thida's)....... - 4.=-...-.. 2 .- t 5 2_ Esnovirlon,F- 40 : 4 4a7 MEd—. ...-....... is e l na Tab Is I v - Pre tr peOtu advance in 1 elk siege of Bic Eniutilaaetitburiweeis.] 61 / 6 *#F l if: , . :"terilll4l-:/ad en In. *Latbli47.rigitti. bi-inTbsoltdc 14.; Ognaluisillifir so -itti- , iitafin ads. gb a , ~..--- itoiord l Wi*:2"lia 'lts . tezatatoi*Pullizi, Aksui defeithr, end dr iving 4111,biai this , -,fas Tom deeded iiifirsttoe, and looks .as If - 7.Stalivastridiwas In torn, Oise of %lust; tacked:. • 4 , -, 1,:-. • - - ~.,:, ,-- ;'j1~: i : 2' ~':.~.r PtEa n sis ßte. Is Pestered Th ihosizol he/. hs 7 , e fy 11umen Yee 0 _u s ._ of thotutaidiet treswldeb fibril:the pit, 400,1 ehrtets of the city, URI ire so obtrti. she said nemuusterly es to drop tbrineitios eeessioneni- ppott' the lambs, hste'ind other szaslee er dressst Pusengkr: l24: ..- I kff'ssiti they isnt gnu 'IIIILIS - 114- ' No diehi'letit.ty:4l,4 *seek 0111 lU th6"l2l4otafet not out? --- MEM ~~-~.:._ V I R Mtn 6ri9014. dolonstenle pidtknt:- , Bortilkaanks of Atinnllweeping Conscription of the SlMined, Cripples, and Exempts - `'for Hospital Service: - • Yttiz tie Nailoilas TfininofNay b 203. _ Wflare hod ' s eonctreatten with a vary inteillgsrat gentleman` who left Gen. Sher: man's army last Taesday. He Mated that ear soldiers vers.& - flue health, buoynnt, resolute's:al Confident, and timer to retch the retreating fie. Johnston'a army was itfilfailinghack, the bulk of it being thee it Ahab', and the cavalry six miles this side- of , that place. -It was the general , opinion Gait - would be wholly impossible for 'lolurastea to =hoe llMCCeadlli 'and ,there or it any other point, as our =tubers Were Maitsierat to . flank' him, ,wherever he might to, . , - , - _ Alerts Portion of the country through Which** are, assing is 'deserted by its inhabitants; In Colville; scarcely a fem. Sly ill left. . Tits people have been eased with a panto: in some neighborhoods, and tied farther South to:escape the expected fury' of the invading army. The slams haireMostly hien run off South, except , a few aged and deorepi ones who have been left to starve by their owners, after having toiled for half a century without pay. There are consequently hardly any sieves now coting into Oen. Sherman's lines. On last Taesday about, noon, a wagon train, returning from Kingston, with • small guard, was attacked by a body of rebelosvalry, and forty 'wagons were cap tured. In a short time the guard wee re enforced and fifteen wagons were retaken, the rest having been destroyed. Several of our tiddlers were killed or captured. A gentleman who has been perfeolly familiar With Atlanta - sod air the adjacent territory for many years, also informed us On Sattuday that there'll:re - no eamthwork" at Atlanta, unless they have been made Within the ptit month. There are a few batteries end a line of rifle pits. Deserters who came in yesterday confirm - this state. meat. :Clsttaboothe 'Highs, which are eight sales this side of Atlanta, have bean well &stilted near the point where =rail; road crouesthe river. These fortifications will be: tno avail, - however, as they can sully be; Slaked.' , 1 ' The sthandonmeat Of Dilton oat a deep, gloom ever many rebels who bad before. been coutidaiit of success. Ii wasexpected &Miamian would make a stubborn and ; triumphant resistance thole. if „any place.' Liebe Afore, of Johnston's staff, said, a few weeks ago: "If we can't hold Date., we may as well give up, for we ain't hold any place." Oar informants estimate Johnston's. force variously, some putting UM 40,000 sad some as hig h as 60,000, but probably One wouldnoterr moots who should estimate his et some 86,000 s trong. Ea may have gathered up, as he has been failing haole, 20,00 D 'or 245,000 - otusierlpts and green troops, who will do little else beside consume his postrisionc • Tha vo mit conscript= is sweeping, hardly any person escaping its grasp.. Severe punish ment is Inflicted on quartermasters and other' eifieent' who shelter persons 11a , ble to consalptlao, and .pereons who ritirrea,t legal colophon six weeks 1 ago are now snatched up and put la the rank.., Men with one hand, vas arm, one leg„, 'or ethane= maimed,. are con sortpted, Ind pat' on'duty in hospitals, so.' lab - to: , ,allow able-bodied attendant' and guards to ir) into the reeks. Groat bung. ,nation exists in -Atlanta sad in the conn itry round . about at this cruel oppreslion, I ; and many of - the people wieh to see Joho ;stoSdefeMed,-so that they may be rescued from an epprusion so remorseless and her- 1 ,Tibia.;Our informant, said -that he had ,heard more treason spoken in Nashville ailess his arrival, within the space of a few 12sdays, than he had heard la Atlanta in as ny months.: The country people refuse o take Cinfedendir ADM for ; Prerialank and prices' are, enormously high. Bs= sells at $4 per lb. wholesaluand $6 retail; =CA $lO per bushel. A lot of 8,000 bush els was sold recently to a party of men fromlfortheetttent Oearglot come of whom _lived . one hundred miles distant Same idea of the destitution of, the country may be . fomed from this. Hagar is from $6 to $lO per lb.; citrus, $l6 par th. Tie usual prize for . gold is twenty.ieveo for one. . , Coal all. at $6. per bushel, ''. The region which Gen. Sherman is now 1 approaching is the great manufacturing region of rebeldom. Year befall the re. hellion,* large amount of Northern capital was invested in iron founts and cotton and it has teens windfall to the rebel& 0 Atlantaielling.mill is said to be the largest ist the South. last summer. It.was sold to Eraser tc Co., the notorious blockade rumors,' who amassed a large Arius at : Charleston,for-$600,000. The capturetroika of th ese oka will ba, disastrous to rebeldozo,lor it wilt be Impossible to re place the machinery at other points.. Georgia has been of the first &Teatimes to the rebellion on account of her net en periaritY in manufacturing facilities.. The navy-yard at' Columbia on the Oherta- . hoots; is the largest in the 'South, and coarse cotton goods are extensively mann- Dectirred there. We must seize Georgie and hold it With an iron grasp--yes, every foot , of it, even if it takes a draft of ." 800,000 more" to do It Georgia and Tennessee are tha moults and sinews of the asveholdar's isonsydriey, and the lead of treason must he crushed with its own club. - ' =MA lialbling of Vessels for the Rebell'. Recent publications in the Preach neve• josperithaTe mewed' the apprehensions of the - Government of the „United Eitetee that the interdietion heretofore laid by the Ea peter of the French' upon the iron-clads and , thippor-ships which were being built at Bintesand Bordeaux, under a contract far the rebels and for their use, was about to, be removed,== It wea anthoritatively an vaunted in Bordeani that one of those iron eledi would Bail on the lath of June, and the other , on the 16th of July. Mr. Ds) ton was iietructed to ask explanations of the Frenhh GOverument.. A dispatch in reply ithetecelied froth Me. Dayton rests - Hey; in. which-=he says that' on the 16thult. M. Drouyn nuns had not only informed his that Ilia two iron-olade new being con. targeted'. by Antiand at Bordeaux; under contract with the Confederates, bird been positiveliield to S neutral power, bat he also assured Mr. Dayton distinctly that the , four clippeuthipe lit Canino of oonsisuction et Bordeaux and Matte, under a like con tort:lt with the tlonfetteratu,ehould not be delirond:, to. Oath ,•',The language of M. Drouni Lhays Vie explicit, and the United Matte Government it understood to lava :expressed it, etatisfsetlith with this dispoiltkth of an embarraarlag subject, whickihreaterned to:disturb the friendly relations of the two °ninth-lee.. , . The Chaletlan Commission fnßrooklyn. , Three crowded „ meetings- were held in Brooklyn, on Moseley evening, la behalf of the Christian Commisilon; one in ROL Dr Cinneidiobarel, one dallow Mr. Nil- HoWesc Ad. dreamt were delivered by Bev. George P. Mays, of Baltimore, Bev. Dr. Badington, Re,. Dr.:2111, Its*. B.J. Pinky George U. Btaatt and alters. Large collections manmade in ill these Meetings. lies. J. B. Thompmen t bf thellmmdway Tabernacle, Neer York, hadii crowded oongregatlon to listen to his report of hii recent visit to the Army lot the CamberiantL. A -ltirge listioliwits Ulan for the Christian Gam- . Iteasatoza libtrannters.—The ei - the General- Conference of the Methodist:Episcopal Much en the eabjeat of elaverti is 4 enttisedeep `and ;wide into the heart of the litettextist oinizsanity in 'lluitirette refuse to bow to the thandate denying Christian communion to the atevehdder," atnest. Suit and right' eons'Wandate, and wit obsAttemselves Cater ifievroy Methodist'Prot- Want i asura RO Staioslonol Arogioithit'lndoiendeost Societies; of • whist' inombor are springing op. - The old otturoli oon afford so lose inch materiaL 13,41, eptossCourettoe.-- , Arrottgamentil hue bun 'amide by &emu hfolgenostat tha preetdeAk of tbs;lbsltimore - vel :Ohio B a nt a oespeay, by which mind-trip Achim, told for week; *ill be Weed from.Wheiathir :and .Perlotretriol to Bald stere: el hat tiro to_,- the Ittleptes the ' , Melamine:: Coteution; •'A "abut. lip iixisniement "- hie =leis: tostli with Whin York lizoirrthiteßreed Ooppeny; pit the hiliet lethat,othisitrank . 4 4424tilhe"12!)tretaltas- - '. - . :~,,.a.>~.Ra , ...~._~z..~+-te a ' . ~ ~' "F" PVB JIMOTICES. 1. A.—The President swinele am. moral llinnolls of this Outs? within the cities, bermes sad townships of Allo- Kbaoy county ars monied to meet at WILEItiS HELL. Dlttibaoth, on TUESDAY, awes is ittstant, at 10 o'clock a m. A full attendsaes is toysothat. haportsnt babtess will bo tran5...044. , .103:ltw1 Ity oteiso of TEE yEESIDIIIIT. aYeTr wonvra Grand Military Exhibition Pa thee:dohs benefit of THE PITTSBURGH SANITARY oot. HYATT and 111:0 .111 n paid uklbltfan In tha MUM 00NOSIIT Cm Tsar Grenada, co 'Friday Junci 3d, 16E34. Oataisatelag at & o'cloek Ileluta, ao OZNTH EAQti, en tali at Cie rata aZOSLOIN at the klaslo Storer and at the drat of the Grand Etall an the evening o f eztatdtion. leSat Ki'