'~!t ~ Vittsburgit 6aitftt. BIOBSING - r : MAX . 26 j 1864. AIND - MANGIAL ,burgh Gatet.W ) r, Mai 25, laiL 811.61 N., more fively from 1 Mao adJointm atales to the ex teat, perhape an'agsl,6o for tied an 111,50 inqntry for Coro and the er. dahlia 1 car" , Eihelled at; a store, at 51,41• Oat. wets. 5 of tear to arrive , 2 3027 10 do do, at Maga' at 202 do do , .um store at.ol, No palm of RT.: et.. Am in this Market ex cept what Is fn the of dlatillerv.. - PROVISIONA-Rmon Is steady widiafairiebbid6 • demand at unchanged prices We continue to quote • at 12%.13 for dhuulders, 13 3 /.14 for itibb.d bids. and Idgelfi for Clear do; 17% for Plata Dams; bar Plan. dug= eurodund 2034•21 for Canvassed do. Nom .fork to It Id pretty firmly et 523; sale of 160 0610 on private terms. Lord-small solos of Ctty at ;11.0.0CSaltd---Sugsr is quiet but fine with small nisi at 18. to 22. Coffee may be quoted nominal et 4.6116%; We of 16 bp at 40, tioleseee-small sales 111,0.41,10, ea to quality. Rica la held at. 12ed:%. 7141711...... is quiet teacvery fans, andlloll.ithstanu ' - keg the demand Is limited. holden ore firm and re. fuss to sell unless at extreme rates, We quote Dior, freely sti7e:23 for EZtra; 57,50=1,00 for I:atm Fam ily and 54,254,50 for gooey brands. 1147-Tree eeoelpts at the scales were comp/retire , ' y light lo.day. and, with en improved demand, prices Trek] - Maher -ranging from 530 to $35 V ton. Palo 012 cars baled, from depot, at 153,:a1ad e. tons do. from velvet, at Sao. HUMES t Eilf/S-Butter is less active and low er, prime 801 l raoglog from 2d to n), and common do at 25x:0. ages-gala at Watt dozen. • : -POLOTOES-Dall, mess] -supply cud drooping; Woof MO Dl:eh onilled," from store, at 65. • BEND.4.-.Fiat !teed is to demand sad rosy be quo ted limn at $2054,00; sale of 30 bush = 53,25. No dales of either Clover or . Timothy Seeds. MILLED Patrrt--sy. with regular sales est 7134 ga.l.3i for apple. cad 10360 for resches-quarter. ',and tralvs. with stool! sales of prime white, from store, at 52,76. PE all .--jots of 6 tons at L*.t"l lb, cash. • Lits3l.-gale of We pigs Galena at 130-exalt. Plftsbourgh Petillenak Market. • ' Mar 25--We bare to rooord a continued excited and attlreMarket, both for Crude and Itellued, thsinot, as well as La fame delivery d. compel . inlvelthour last report, there is no quotable variation vales, brit there is no denying that the tendency , upward. The reported sales of Crude comprise 2,2:0 bide, as follow. 000 bbla, to built, at 11%; 100 do at 25; 21.0 bbls-bbls included-et 29, moo 10 do at `29%. Quotations met. be fairly =yen at • 13,1 a bola s sad 30 in bids, sad the merlon glued firm ar. these flmsreg - There he so abatement In the de . mend (or Ronne], both bond and tree, and the mar ket to Arm and buoyant, ind prices are well anstaln _,...; ed. We note sales to bmd of WO aoll,ooo bbl., on theapot, as 53, NC fur Jon• denvery, seller. option, at,62). 175 bbls, free, ate; 250) do do at a 4 and DUI . • gallons of "Lucesco," in tin cams. as 80. The .ok tog relator bonded are. 53, on the spot, 64 for b.o, and 65 for July. Free ON Is, as yet, too =mottled to =tote correctly. liaptha la ]all, .and the nomioel quota loosens Mal. Resteltium is quiet and on. • Tae neeints by the btlngbeny riser ]slag the fortj.aight boars eating thleovouing, arose foliose Jas W Glenna 54 • Ashworth.-....- 152 j/ thookdale 'Wray a Denney.....-.lll3lowner.-..-....--.....K. New York Petroleum Market. Special Dispatch to tho Pittsburgh (Janette. Haw Tons, May' 23—Thore It a Weedy demisted for Crude with Algol on the Foot at Zu,i( A atd, and 41 for Jnne>delirerY. Helloed to bon.' to In good demand and prices ars still tending upwards, sale. at 6ase2X; steadyt, and• WMa d e m an de delivery. FCCO 00 lc with • telr at instp on the spot, indl6 for July. Ifispilis t. du.l niorninninal or 17 for He ine& Weekly Review of the New 'York I It - incur.' Market. fßeportal Fxpreasly for the rittetkrgh Gazette.] $ Now 'Soar, Ma V, 1864. Xhie tenet opened upon • very dull market for both Crude and Iti6md Petrobum-but prices were about the nem soon Estnrday of last wok -contained in ,my batletter: The receipt of lar-rtable arias from Larope on Tuesday, and alto a good Malty order. for Refined oil exerted p favorable Intlience, and the laarket subsequantly became more buoyant and firm er 'underact maim. export demand, sad prices tare advanced folly lea gallon for Crude; 3c ',for ]Le aded, to bond, aka '",aa for free-at which the nabs tale been cansiderable-especLally In IlelLued in bond. Thera hare also bon considerable nib in ildledel , this, at prices about orgalvalent uto thaw camera are-chiall for cexant -consisting In lute on the spot and to arrive. The market bee hen devoid of excitement, but, as always u tb• caae with a tieing market, share has tarn a go-al deal of gambling go. ing on- , celle - to mage extent War bean done.- , ,satne of them exteuding ba as Capterotor, int " July wri august hare loan the Invent. munsta. Da : thistlie marratt month., la believed. cells hi the extant of 160,031.1 DLL 'moon oft. Tote spelt e, of gambling I. a great det riment to the regular trade, yet tome of the meat ctable dealer. deal In them. In futthe Innitatien f tlo pomade too ren ders them withmany the teat desirable illftStraqt. BOZO too or bicolor the rewdert uf.the dealers ra cially Invested shout $20,q00 and biro ence.ol4 out and doubled their moneyj The sales of Crude daring the week comprise about lit.l.VOLbls at 37KtuelnIxlc, wt the spot and TN to mlaci for lane and , July. The market loathe quiet, with only small als at ny. on the vat. a sale woo made of WO blots for July et el. - In bonded the sales him basil shoat 33,000bb1a at from GT% ta 365%c Tor prime light straw to whits, and 69 to 61 for prime ditto-of which about butal bhis for all' 31St, June add July, at 60 to 0t buyers option-and about: BSW basin rhtladelphte 1,634 to 63,b , ,,abnc on thaSpot end 60etr.1% for Inn-, bop. option. The market chard Arm at talagoXx on the spot. la Imbibe Was hare bean llght-pbont 10,103 bits at 63 tO 66 for prime light -straw to white, on the MAIL and 65668f0r all Way and Juna-cloalns busysint sad Item at Crio on the spot and 68.65 for all 31.7. We note sales of web $OO bble Residuum at 87,23 fir weialtaand 47,60 Mr Iron hoops. Naythiltai been dull lo ad prime are nominal; • about 00 bbls hob add 33a3.2 for high gravid.. • wan for, 80.03 gravity. • tieW_Yoxii Flour and Grain Market. • (From tho Bret oflntida..) . • Ifinttr, dx,-The market for weeterrtand state dinar is artrier—lally 5 to 10c per LW, better, oiring to ad ,• 4wortedexchsoge end light recelpia The tales are 14,200 bids' at 57,00.7,15 for superfine state: 57,25. 7,50 for extrastate; 87,5017,00 for fancy stater; 87.30 a 7,60 for-the low grwle. of modem, extra; 57.5 0 . 7 , 75 •. forehtpplng 0h1417,75a9,50 for trade and family brands and 57,75.10,05 for at. Louis extras. Canad ian flour le a little more native and prima are fully See cents Doc bbl better: Balsa of 0 . 1) Olds at 57,25.1 7,6. for the low grades of extra, and 57,5ta0 00 for trade /tad finally. tionthern Ihrerete also shoot Ore twat. per bbl better, with more doing. Fake of 1560 Wrist $7,65a8.05 for mixed to good eoperfine isometry Baltimore, do, and 38,10,10,76 for trade mod , Wally brand.. Rye door Is drat. Sales of 700 bbi. it 85,3 a 6,75. Coro meal In drat.: fla'es et ettl 10,1. • at. $6.65 tor Bentel, and 17 for Erandprinn Gralo—Trieetheat zdzik4 ninthly active, and with in:Mesta arrive. sad with mettrial advance In ex change, price. of choice qualities hare adracesd 1a . 20 while cominon are doll atal heavy, the Inquiry la , jood, chiefly fur exp.rts, the inside price at that to arrive Monde, are 128,000 bush at 1,5101,02 for - Chicago • spring,ll64ll„4 2 for ailment. club; 51,63.1,64 tor =bee do; 111,dt far Racine do; 11,49 for Canada club; 11,74•1,75 for &thins do, and 51,65 for white Michigan Harey Is lirmbot quiet. Marley malt Is ID fair dr aand. dein 2,500 hush at 10,0), to ante.. Chlttliita dull and hairy. W of Canadian at Ma 86¢; - were.= at &Wand state at oe 65,185 c. Rye Is le quiet. Sale at 60a520 Corn—Tite market openwt heavy and closed timer, with mwd demand. dela of western at 51,104,41, 4, white at $1,45, and do dollen at 11,45. . Cbt*„. Karl.et..-eteu Report. MAY 2 to-The wheat marleet opsced le hinter than at tlaWaltres, yesterday, and seder favorabi• advice* • from liew.Tark • furthe advance of 3.4a1e per bush wit@ b ad at steady t $1,24a1,kt% for Ile 2 aad at 111,25,01,26 for Mai liprg . . The ds mend was active but chiefly tpectVattre. Mohr was rather mare active, a. dholders MPS fast d more drumees, but the re wee no material &sags to the market. 0 , a opmeddedl and depraved with sales at 21,03 A 1,03% fur Nol, and 51,01.1,0134 for N't/ 2, but ender I ab ' -demand by speculatons, prices ran rip to 51,aS stl, , end 51grol,W.S. At tit...close the ruling pH tee ere 11,61 for No I and St,o4 far 110 2ln et. no • ' • d emand for eats wan Malt( d, and lb* market sal d doll and easlorwilb 110 t sates CAadt , Mo. for No I, dat OwltY.o PO Bo - 2. bore wee noising done lane and the market was inallytutthartged. Barley was quiet, but Omar with wiles of No :tat 111,2210 stare. Iltstaiiinett trued Ann and %ale Maher, but the ion Ram Kew Yerk proving nufavoreble, the mar. et dosed dal!. at $1,21. ,Proetiderti mutton. quiet but firm Mese Pooh is tn: &Maud 'at t7.,b0a27,00,. bnt meet beldam are miring 62.7,5041,00. Prlilltl Mess pork le muse and neraleutl. Lard i s inactive at i2A13%, _May, 2441our—liarket Gactivo and gaist, bet ballet" c r y a/ $747,50 for good to choice X red; 11.1EsSAGfor do white.. Vheat—Stlea daring tbo day 3 cars rrd on IISCk attilA 'Market riming firrow, and 11. o2ored ;; - roundlet' free on hoard, be; milers are Wring . 2 •.•,•.• • hightr, Corn--Xaminallyilachanged M on track, and . ;61,25 from store. pate—Stawdzat 11,:e' on trark„ann &Oa from More. l'lliZaat and etistly'aVil,in from store. Mariey—Nominal at1L1,X.1,25 far good to prime - r44 * . " . NCR' Orleans Sugar _Market. . . . .•',flaay.l6--datar—Tnere wa no market ta.day, bah .*.bniart atid Knees hoeing withdrawn Moran furth•r .-datelopments and the Immediate, revolt of 'sante rxcripandlog. ;Igo;wata—A parrbu r entoied the marktt sad *taPO kbl,, all in ern hand., for export, it coe t / or tof er !or old =op, 720 for-common • Old and new .zinlzed.nd 760 13' pilot : for_ otmon - new. The gmatlty.bold by 'pees, , laths 117 wo light Elale,oi nnu , ,, Wool in rlchigna.. ';,l':ftiain 06 aria nsisis • &ale. alay 21.3. .ibro find taoca—tiasypses selaoir,a ".'bronatit Into our city and sold AO 117 nlndrill at al ' .' t kf=u'iulthe price ,Z„pb. B % 4 rx..l r-51 .ur. • „ • . • • H 111114401neinaatt:Lumber Market. • Mar 22—The amocut of torah, flAtcli not of the Allegheny sad lleitongabele. rivers by the late t 6.• was loo t as large us had been expected, nod this, tt gethar with what hat teen landed at yardoo pedals on the river between here and Slttsburgh, makes the 1 account broaght to this port rather mall, a large number of rafts, however, whkh were Boated down by previous rises, have net yet been taken out of the water sod the amount of lumber at the wharf, partl ' calmly it the foot of Vino street, is quite fair. This delay In anrafting Is amid by the miserable condi thin of the landiags, which ars in such a state that It It almost impomble for teems to boot loads to the Watt alive: During the week pant • fair amouot of brislncor has been transacted at the various yarda throughout thrieity. it 13 the general Impresaion that a large number of framer eating. will be built We $000:111 , r, and should this provistrite, a very large business will be transacted doming the present season. The followitig are the latest quotations at the river and yards: MO by the raft Hemlock by the QcotLT:O tIIC scam Clem., pet 1,000 feet ....... t commoa Hemlock Pinejoistaand Water per 1,000 Wt..... Pins fencing boards Hemlock let common flooring " 2d Ist ',weatherboarding" Loma poNte per 100....... ...... . . .-...—. 8,118 11 , .. , No. 1, 18 loch, per 1,1881 feet..~. Wheat Prospects in the West. From central and southern htlesourt,eted the south ern part of Minas, no have the moat cheering ac counts, el the growing wheat crop. The copious spring rains and the warm weather have brought out to a dogthe beyond the emwetations of the farmer. ft now gives promise of tall crop. The severity of the winter weather and the month in March blighted it to tome isstent, and it Winds thinner on the around, but It is growing with a heavy and substantial 'dock, and glens promise that the incre heavy head. Ow iug to tha backs-sedates of the .pang weather, the har vest wilt commence firly two weeks later than usu. ally.--St Louis Ireton° News. Prinaga.3ll Pr. IWAYIrt MID th. 00030 111110010, May 23-18: bider, J hicLaog6lo.: 100 bbl. Dart Nrallaca, 1 car graltz. Mullane R Aokr; 2^-1 Malt Jtabus Iltgalrs; lot auudrlor, Laptev S tlldrn, 4 b. ttard.rona. alleWlllanry 2 Hare. 93 McLane d Ardrr; 14 kegs setup Iron, 11.110.201, gabm A 2.6 205 ... that J S Ligartt R eo, 100 Dana flour. alL.ltrolro R Idullart; lot 'reap Irru. M. 1 ^...i• CLEVELA. •PI , Pr... mon ItalLuors6•May 25- 5 cane. rine, Henry Lambert; 5112 6g. oat, Bingham, St orgr.oo ked; 34 grind stories, J. Iddwrlvell; M. able. dry apples, do green apple, L. II Volat A ed; 2 . 30 . bars Iron. Zug & lealuter; 2 660..160., NV a Su.tbrut re. bblr. llm.. Ktvg .t-cd; 6 661. total., A 11 12 parr nab. 11 Clins; 10 13011. plaster, V; W Wal lace; 8 purupt. Bril ol ey. Farr..ll cu. Ataroo•w7 ?Taraaa, May V.---0 .k. patatoca, I do wont, J ?filler; 27 Ns potetl M G.anbikrt, dam palls, Mercar Itobto.oa, bo md, IMO to.. baud, 011aanda S Kuban. WBEELING—rrn wegon, Jes Ilene newt, 2 Woe wine, G W ilnler, 1 tdel old bran, k Wright; 7 cks erockecy, IL F. Ilrred; 18 empty I'll bble, Warden A Brooks; a no 010 do, D Fawcett et co; 1-bos, John 1J001•41 2 drill bore, I aced pomp, tool., Jae Gob.; 1.0 empty oil C lode, SO bble door, Graham A Thom., 2 bled. totucco. 19 bake 001, Clark.et ee.; bbl.nlo. 411 half Lb • do, Ve Edmonds 14 ,o; 1 kx, M. , . et bra; ISu bells pap.r, Godfrey et. 1.0.0, 1 bale raze, I do paper, Cl'arkl• co; 2 bbl, old copper, 1 ho, erre, Mc, lardy dr co: 22 empty lagrr key ,Jobe Gauge le oh; 11l bel. hey, J W 6,./rly; `AV empty oil 0910. Foreyth, heed. cq. Drerite—G2 b:113 bid., A llolitaine, 1 pkg ceestlekk, gooerdro Mason; lllrke tobacco. Clark g en, 05 lr X.ll .01 art F Cute tendurt; 63 oil blase A. I) Mater: 1516 eke .h.et, II T lienntdy A Um; 4 bo. mdne, J C I:kpetrick 4 co; 10 to . bacco pre.es, Jaa Murphy; 75 ...rap Iron, Andrew Heeler. Patt CrSCINNATI dt LOC- Li I ISVILLE —The flue new ttearniry . InisrLE, Captam Junes Ds., oil! f r the above ports on 'NSW DAT, invo.. at 4 p •Fur freight or pomp spply (~,,a rt or to J. D. tI)LLISCIWOOD, mra !OW . : FLACK, Agents. olt NASEIVILLE.—T_ho; ,11` . . j*-_ - • ij splendid new pmeenser steamer AHEM()•4. Capt. Gmdtug, will lento fur ono &WTI, and (Literati dL.te potty on LUIS I) nI, 2oloti in. twat, et 4 risKez p. m. For ireigla. or pm-mge app it on towed or to J. D. COLLING WDOD, J 011.14 FLACK, Amts. FOR LOCI S I LI. E, CAI RO . AND ST. LOUIS —Tbe now atehialigSa splendid paseertgor Mesta, .JA TES 11. G1i..111 , . , 11.1:, Captain Jolly, will I elal3 a+ announce , ' aberw on T/118 DAY, '26ta linnant, at;o o'clock w tr, Tor freight or pas•ago board or , VI t 3,18 JAn. C OLLINS aCO Aconta tlo R CINCES.N & LOU- It3f ILLE —Oho opbateld Dimmer 11.0kNON T, Capt..Y , liottler .will Latin ws stove 'on TURF DAT , With Inv., at 4 p. m. For freight or pomaga apply on board or to nay2l JArt CO.LL' NS A. CO.. Agents. VOR CA IRO & ST. LOU IS -1-: The flue steamer 01 , :T ElO, harton, will less. for the ,bore and intermediate ,perto SATUnDAT,.gith Inst.. at 4 o'clock, p. ca. F, freight or toreage app., on I,oard or to JOUN FLACK, A cute. ~ • CULLINGWOOD,} REGULAR WHEELLNO a.A . A PARKERSBURG PACER-P.—The line steamer ISINERVA, Capt. John • intou, leave Pittabargh tor Wheeling every EIoNDAT, WEBNI-DAT and FRIDAY. making close DOD. unctions with themeling and Parterebntg Pack ets. Itwiturnmg,oare Wheeling .V. 7 TUES DAY, TEITIRSOAY and SATURDAY% Passengers wd freight rocelpted go to Porkinsbarg. Nor freight or passage apply an board or to JAS. COLLINS CO, Agorae, On Wharf B.A. at the foot of Wood eine& deMdtl 1 1 0 R WHEELING, M.AILIET x TA AND ZANTEVILLS.—The tinese pasarnger Warner EMMA CEA ELAN, blortrue Ayres, Commander, loam Plttsburgh every TUESDAY, at 4 p,on, and Zaurevlllu every ARIDA Y, at o'clock to The now steamer JULIA, Wm. Coolant, Com mander, ie..% kat , I,llfgh every BATUIIDAY, at 4 p. m., and Zanesville cocci TUESDAY, at 8 .'clock Tor tru.ele a, In. or .ssapcJ ply 7 on board or to J. EtCOl.4l-1,,0 DOD, Agant, Pittsburgh ; H. P. PURGE is Agoras, ZaneevEla Ohio. • THE 011 E -AT UNION RAFFLE, Mississippi Valley Sanitary Fair To tat. of lb, latt 'wk. of the ,under th auspices of the MM. CODIMitt... Tickets--•ONE DOLLAR EAC Cleveland Market. QUOTLTIOU •i Tat RIV[It. 00(412, , X ) .......SC.S,OD 45,00 40.10 --- 70.00 60.00 x+oo U OU Linports by Railroad. Imports by Ricer ST EtaXIIQ.T.IITS For thebeeet or the 1 Prizes—Aggregating $50,000 1.--THE ORME& VAILIE. &mottling of rw arr., hogbly con &mud land, in rue con•ty of et Lon a, trio b convenient bufldlost, d.ann by th- Hon Hoodges on Mb ronot• R00r m t...240.fk0 2-tAPbC ThRIE ul.f T mit U 7O bl m llu r- 12 100 E—One ,bsi octave PIANO FuRTE, Ith mild pmrl key& and In "nonfood owe, douetod by Mated, Barr & Hone., of Mo•Looloo—...VM o I—The asar et HUNTER, 11b full and argent...et of kieJlo amoral • Equipm oots. (tdongsu Hunter coat E 3,6110 to good, to Vermont, to 1859; has trotted to pub lic to skeleton .egos • mile in .1.1; bownstor bent traitor' on noon tra.o. 0 downed by n. 6.—Ato elegemt DUNGY, donaltd, by thi s &Imam C.—A loplemoild Plot", SWINE, dfonstod tq Id.ins. 7..—A Torklob TIGER WELK, • ogsutly tnlsid sith gold, ...Ivor and ivory; donated by Copt. thosetan. late A so O. on anti of Yr* o. . Gen B.—A eery elogaut Bo tobla TABLE, dooated by Hem. Inunorick & Bro., 8 . 0 Loafs...WO 9.—k Plow. of the Ado: onion of the Usly Trinity by all tainta, donated by Itsac libmoombi .10.—A pair too very hoe biA ttat HOLMES, dm:mod by /inn & Ty ter IL—A boantinal model of the "tamer JENNIE DEAN 1, eompbawln evary moment, at feet Wag and two foot blob from keel to the MP of Muok• 'neck exhinitiog elr.ey b am, PROF, small bast st •go plant, non, Sheol, windows, pedestal, do., to foot. the thole one look. ea If Ilk.' he could "walk the otator like a thing of VOaatel by E. CMptaloi kb A. eon. Tickets to the stows gland schfaiii, s'ogly or In packages of Pow 10 to 10.., may he had at 'the fol. Yowls& places, awl abets 1.. to dialahoud hereafter: Clarks, Br:. A Co ' comer:Palo as d Odso. Etna or.rtheeot corm , /W nitsawl 011ie. Loch:oh Too-oy & GAO. 6rootl sod Pine, Sahrth Notarsal Back, amass of Waoholgton nod Third. A. Leitch, corner 'Mirth :sod Cdlea /first Motional Dank, )auction TM sad Sescad traria. Peoide's Berks. Institution, earner Osrandotet. Perk avenues. Bank of Bt. I.ools, corner Third end Clive feel gelato Eerie. Institution, Taird etrret, be tween Olive sod Locmt. -Aindstent ?mariner United States. Allsotio Insurance Co, P. N. Co' learn, T. 11., A A . ft. L. IL IL, Ticket Ofilos. Dwight - Distithe. J. ht. Urserfo.d's tkwketors. - John P. Coop, 63 tWeablegtru avenue. And the Pair Balding. - Orden, With teak from nor friends In Ito corm. try, addrtersd to P. A. LADUZ, rec., Trreenter of the &lett Coansittero,•wili revere prompt Minato,. • Wfar6o,ooo numbers (from I to et 4006) to leryleoed to • wheel, under the superinjendeoco of WO lionor, the Mayor, rnd eteren of thrte•drawn oat, the oar. ton holding the ticket con...prod ing with first down namhtr to hi entitled to the Arm once, or with the germ,an6 so on with the other drawn : 4oo. boo. .Nouct will be ellen*? tbr tlmit and oho:. of draw ing, Ind; Our boldtan of ticker" In attends:tor will bars Wei/tidier , of designating tbr ornandttea to sitportotteditto dratriog, .." W. A. RAILIADVIA • gggstr.oll, 4 3:PTAX. , • . . 601/.BIIITH. Med bonOtteact thr SUMO' CogOolltee.. Otga.Ot SPECLEIL NOTICES STAiIiEY & 00.11- POLOPTIC9IIIOItar II Aig+:3mral PEITATE DISEASES Dr. Ludlum's Specific L the only reliable remedy for diseases of the organs of vmerajloh. It is the disc:cur' , of an sinhAstit Phyvlet= whose life spa &mood to the tneoLltoot 01 fhb clog of exams, fold orlfh anprocodonted anr ens, br moss than twenty years. It Is perisStlm Itgall, rewiring on Ingortiorts, and di:tree:nig entirely • trim the mletakett preettoe and the namercese Ines compound+ ogered to the public. It is wettest, meteblo and wt .:1y Lola. It acts ILEA a caw= IMIME=I eaffr...—Tho vast =our of this mood,' to footing permanent cores hoe led to Its being Imitated by =principled man: °Mans, therattra, that thl @ligature of the proyietacis around obeli box. Non Mbar is genvir.a. Crowed 0/14 trY WIL. F. DAVIDSON, I. Propttotor, OlnclaAsti, 0 Bald by all Drcyrglay. Price, In Per boX. Oar Fol . ula . .tomb by ONO. H. K 111823 140 Wood street. I.23:lTdawr U* ONE OF HUNNEWELL'S GREAT REMEDIES—EI TIN NEWEL L'S UNIVERSAL COUGH RESJEDT.—The hallo( thin truly wonderful preparation, now of asch well-earn ed celebrity, Is • (Isadore from everfoomponent cal culated to debilitate, and by melt to *Row the Fattest freedom of nee, dry or night, as the only true theory by which Throat rod Lang Complaints on be effeenally aural. To prevent mktrig attention to long skidoo( great mime, when load amuse make almost all nth atm plidnts different in effect, I would rob confidence, which will be sacred, in Cold., (toughs, Hoarseness, Sore Threat, Erenellial and Asthmatic Gimplaints, Whwping Cough, and to ell Throat nod Lang Con plants, which, when neglectod, end in Contempt:lon. Teedimoniala from PhyllialLol of the Michela reepect• ability, and from Inatfids, am to teen at my offlee by ell *tact-rata/. Par redo by all Wholesale and Retell Dealer.. .101 IN L. ITUNNEWELL, Piom - letor, Practical Chemist, Radom Mass. ?sr mkt by Jos. Plerulng 4 Geo. EL Keywr , D. d. Foknatoolt A Co., J. M. Fulton. Agents for Pita. burgh; Geo. A. Relly, W. 3. Mears and Pr Jess. Brown, &grata for Allegheny City. apneAa.. (l Ato or sto Kw:Lager 11.00Inall a Co.) for Lippincott k Ga.) R. trenriellt, (I LOA, jr .. - PITTSBUIteII SAW WORKS • HUBBARDN az LONG, AlAnnfsotemera El PATENT %IDEATED CIROU. LADES, watrantsES OAST STEEL SAWS, of every descliptlon ; N.lll, EWA). Cm!. Cat, Gans andsel other 'winds*. MI kinds of KNIVES A SPUIEGS, msds from. Sbeet Cast Steel; Extra Raved REAP_ EDAND ODUWIEG, MEI VEA, As. War+bease and Works, oar. WATER A SIAI' STS InttaborglE. Pont o:GAS attenti.. Oren to Betuothing, Gumming and StraEghtsulny . Circular tam ; Also revEsErs of .n kiod.. Pen,CLlng a d Drilling done at nEesEenb's . aprVE.ly_ WM. BAB. KILL & to., BOILER MASERS LIND bIIEET IRON WORK ERS, Patin St.. E.!, 21 and 2A. Having tie. amid a lame yard mid fr-rniabid It with the mast tot peened machinery, Ire tan preparad to manufacture every drecrirtion of BOILERS, In the brat avinner, and viazantod equal to any made to the country. CHIMNEYS, BRICEIEN, EIRE BEDS, STEAM PlEy3, LOCOMOTIVE BOILERS, CONDENSERS, BALT PANS, TANKS, OIL STILLS., AGITATORS, SETTLING PANS, BOILER IRON' BRIDGES , SUGAR PANS, and role manntortarwri of BARN HILL'S PATENT Botta:us. 11.1.12114 dune on the thortoet nada, dateitf LAKE 61:11TEB.IOR COPPER :7 " 1 . WILL BMELTING WORSE. Ptrn• PARK, 111CCialln & CO., Planinfactnrere a BREATHING, 11E4E1 ARS' eh', BOLT COPPER, PLESSED COPPER BOTTUItIe. wasEn STILL BOTTOMS, bPALTKE SOLDER. Air., importers and 4otiers to 11 E:ALS, TIN PLATY. SHEET LEON, V. IRE, Bc. ilbastantly on bond, TIENERS" MACHINES AND TOOLS. Warehouse, No. 140 YI MST A Ito SI.O.UND oTS.. Plttsborgh, Pa. speetal orders of Coyyrr rut to any darhud pet. tern. mralydawT A PHYSIOLOGICAL VIEW OF NA I R . EIAGE, containing nouly SOO page, and 153 faxiillrlatee and Ingoseinge of the .10 otoy of the Unman OtEsne in • state of Upalth and Vis es., with • Treatlee on Early Errors, its deplonttle consequencee upon the hod and Body, with the author . . plan of treatuAult—the only rattouni and euncesaftti mode of cure, a• glows by the orport of maw mated. A truthful adwieer to the married and thoso contemplitting marriage, ye ha entertain donbta of their pbyalcal condition. Bent free t portage to and oddment, cri receipt of 25 amt., to rtA.P• or pone ( numeney, by addrieslag Dr. LA' CROIX, No. 3.1 Malden Una, Albany, R. T. rnimblinulawT . . TEES CONFESBIONS.AHIPEIC ?EBI4IiCB 0? AN INVALID, pabliabed kW the Cowin and se . warning mtd caution tom's,' men who after from Samoa Prerilli.lll Deny of lalsoluaai, etc., supplying, at the same time, the mesas of fiejf orn. By one who has mired himself ens . beir.g pat to great expense and toDiry through medical humbug and ail:Lechery. By er.closing • poet•pald addressed envelope, sides Ora may be had of the author, HATRADIED h 11.711.111., rdaerY Bedford, g leas county, N. TO NERVOUS SUFFERERS OF 86/111 SEX ICS.—t. reverend retie:nen km• • - tog been restored to health In • few damw, after no dergoing all the canal routine and Irregular exprn sire mode of treatment. without rumen, combines Ids sacred dots to communicate to ble afflicted full. Crettenrel the tonne. of CUM Hance, on the facets f ao eddreseed eorelot , , be will send,frec, • copy o the prescription need. Direct JOHN 111 DAkfiNALL, 186 in ecreet, N. T.' we. esA.- were. soaneww: ROBERSON, B.EA & CO., nimo WASIIINO TON WOBEB,Yomonm; 4 AUeetwurra, Plesterge. Itaeufecturers of BOAT AND' STATIONEEI STEAM z.namrs,,BLAST ENGINES. MILL CEASING, SILATTING. CAST /NOS. of all drecrlytlons ; OIL TAKES I STILLS DOLLEN AND SUE= !BON MOBIL Apats fur GIFFAIID'S PATENT INUTOTOB TOP. FEEDING BoILEBN • WORKS LA BELLO?. STEEL WORKS REITER di CO., .• Saccaaaovs to Bolter, 'Tartly. a Co., ...W 1.... of CAST STEEL, SPEING, PLOW4CiD BLISTER STEEL; BPBRiOB, AALES,.L BOWILAIIS, ae. Work., PIEST WARD, Allolgtiony City. P. O. Address. Prmsßunou. TROCHES, FOR the CUM of UosiseneesegThrost. Diseases, ho., are'Speciarty recommended tollinisters, elegem, and persons whose vocatieen cykils them W eyes]. In pub. Ile. idenutectured only by O.A. BANS IVAW A CO., Iterrisburg, Ps., to *horn all orders saocrld be ed• dreard. werSold by Druggists everywhere 0. A. BANANAS? f 00. mhAnus nfactnrers mois IsAnatio, 1.11015 VAULTS AND VAULT MOBS, WINDOW BRUT:, TEAS, WINDOW ODA-111* loa 91 SECOND and 88 TIMID num, bet. Wood and Elarliet. Bare on hand a railety of new Patterns, fancy and, aultable for all yarposes. Particular attention paid to encloaing Grim Lota. Jobbing done at aliOrtilotioa• B. HOL~LEB & 110513., Diuurse is /OUZO AND DOIINSTIO DILLS 01 EICTIANOZ, ONNTIPIOARTS OP DEPOSIT, DANN Erma Amy 13PLOIE, 00. 57 NABS= VENNET, Plttatotrgit, P. 1/1/ - Oollectlotut mule on all the Priotltta attlro throughout the Outlet State. gel iatigagitOFTEENERVO US, SEMINAL, minus* AND ANNUAL SYSTEll5—new and sellable traiment—do 11.17cdtg of the 1101//trd taroslallom Boat by mall ly sealed letter envelope, foss of charge. iddreas D.1.13K1L. LIN 110VOIITOlf, Noirasd AssoOlatkm, No. B Booth Ninth dross. Philadelphia. Pa. ; 1110 ADD POUSIDISIDIf ttracnori.no 'taiga% dealer to crams, pram IDWFDIS MU, and pro!hoo gestayely,Dk. tS WOOD T. Pittablawb. . • '; .41 D. FATYESSONA:A3IIII4)N. 00.53t0N )I=OItANTS . 114/08 AND OWN. and moral PRODTION No. e WOOD MM. Pubbmrgh, 144 JrfISCELLAJUEOUS Ortttens ALIZOPMBT CO PA., 1 Eittsidargh, lay 2d, 1261. I N PtiIi6UANCE of the 21st section of J- an Act relating to Allegiukyunty, passel stay 210,18011, 1, DAVID A lb. EN,Jr. co , Treasurer of sedo wanly, bsreby glee notice 10st t will attendihr the purpose of nets ln= tax.•• la tho enteral Words, Boroughs, Town Lipsmad rz,inets of said rotaity, at the plum of holding g tiers! elections theroin re spectively, on the following days, trona 10 o'clock N. tn. [mid 3 o'clock p. m., w sat : First Ward, Pittstaini ; Vint Word, Allegheny: Elisabeth borough, Es wlrAby borough, Findley towuch p, Elizabeth tosrutlain, Franklin thernahlp, Pawn township, UN TIIVESDAY, JONES. ri Second Ward, Put batgli ; Steno 4 l, Auexne ny; West Elizabeth bonougb, BrEsesport borough. Marshall township, llartlamo lownthtp, Noon t...sins ship, Jelin:sot, township. OS 211.18AY, JUNE 3n. plot product, Third word, Pluaburgh ; First pro duct Third wend, Aliegbeny ; nutmeat's borough, letiorpebutg borough, Pine townehip, Borth Fayette township, Mifflin townehip, ON SATURDAY Doer townaidp, wood, J Yam NE f Sedind precinct, Thltd Pittsburgh t Second pßocinct, Tnird vd, Allegheny; Trosperanossille bonsnigh, Duquette. borough, Re audio. tostoehip, Intlisma township, South Payette tenorpsiatp, Vet , eatilse townithip, ON 110PDAY, booth wand. Pittsburgh plecinet,Yourth ward, &thigh.. ; ltsuctiostor borough, Lawrence dile borough, Liarspton township, Wiest Deer toVD• ship, Robinson township, Patton toaship, ON TUESDAY, JUNE 7100. hoot product, Fifth ward, Pittstaagh ; Second product, 'fourth ward, Allegheny West Pittsburgh borough, Ilonocigamein borough, Richland town ship, sealer towmulp, Upper St. Clair townehid, township ON \WEDNESDAY, JUNE gnu. Second precinct, Path ward, Pitteburgh , Sixth ward, Pittsburgh ; South Pittsburgh; lost pro duct, Birmingham borough; Ross township, Ohio townehip, enowden township, Penn township, ON TRUIISDAY, JOEL pro. Seventh ward, Pittabrogh Eighth ward, Pitts. burgh ; Second precinct, Birmingham borough ; East Birodugham borough, tiewictley tawnehip, McClure township. Baldwin townehtp Smtt tp., ON WKIDAY, JUNk 111;k Ahab ward, Pittstmoritti; Nrserso toirtuhtp,t7tisr• ttern tosrtustap, rtiloti township, Willa= tairtistilp, First precli Psobles toSniship, tornsdlp, Loiter ttr:Olalr tolossolp. ON NATUNDAT, JUNE 11rN . ' &snood precinct, Nobles iowurhip; Pitt township, Cmswent w ON Emilie townshi 13 DIUNDLY, JUN& p, rn. Tame can be 'mid ef. the Treasurer . * 00lIce throo monthe from the aim axed in the furegoin, dietrlets, "oject to FIVE PER RENT. DISOOI3III fur prompt pa)mont to 007 pemon paying the whol. =want of their trixos.• otv3:3ot SILVER PEARL SOAP. CRUMPTON & CO.. 307 Liberty Btr+et. tkale Proprietors sail In for W.WIII Pennsylvania, tibia, Indiana, Illinois sad Mom:A Also. roanufacturat , a a =parlor article of Palm, German, Olive and Rosin Soap QC= TOLLYT AND MANGY SOAPS 01 um SILVER PEARL 80.18 P. which we mut. dentlally resoumze.d as Letter for geoeral tow thas any other before the public, should be lurne io mine has neither Pew., Balt, Lime Of hullo. Or say °the: subetaore In It. manufacture ',Wet cars shriek ut Injure the floret fabrics. Flsottets and Weolens e.n be washed with the twoldlty of Coltori of Lien Clotho , washed with tles RIL l',ll P FUEL SOAP do uot require bedbug or half the rubbing . which of mums save. the sod OW. SELTKR PEARL SOAP Betoutea Grease, Dirt. Toboooo Status, Pitaars' Somike, and tLe worst Delp , Water Blaine Me maliately, by apply log it with a moist Sponge, tans protimOug lodows,mod Furniture from nide 3.1 atop. It imparts • Grilcancy to Plata, Jeariry, Glawarwe, Entinielleel Painting. and Patent Leather immediately ; and tor cleaning marble and S. or the It lase no mask For the Bath, and parthw atarly for whampooulag, the SIL PEN PEARL 50AP I. • peruct luxury In • sect. all who have tried Ile sawn , onielltioa. acknowleelge it tae greasiett dna:ovary of tiee ago. Tile Company sat • trial from all who ere intraseteo in =lug Neap, and On gain case will refund the ibis., of the same should It tiall to s ccomplien oust yr claim for it, it °sal sosiording to oar diremtkina. Sold Wires.lVE eIeFTS FLU POUND. In fifty pound delivered the cars or boats, or in AL Bumingtaiin and city naidencee tais al clit ' argo. Damao. lot me on ail packager. Liberal dbicouat to the trade. klemti.te from abroad do will to giro CI4II.PTUN I CO. • call, .187 Lltierty street, upp. site relaciptlTlMlS Itallrotol Flowage , Dellok Igiir &wars of nil Imitation, 00130 gc13111.1. unless bearing oar traile-mark--SILFE.II 6511.1. aimarM Yy Natioaal Ccpyrigiat. tohkils rip GEOCEB:7 , or PI'IMBU kwa FRENCH COFFEE. We oTer to ysur netlce the TEENOII COYPU prepared as In Parlz, from I . l3ert CONTEN AND Wit/LE MALI. It Is a wonderful preparation, being one of the meet heaPhy and nutrtmers arse. ties, ever przpar.d. Tn. INCNCII Writ/ dors tot sellert oare.ns syst.o., and invalid• can am It with znist to unit. It ~.fall the aronsaand taw. ofpain /I“,k, land I.e. than one.asard sha price,) and pot It fe lan seperior In nourlsznelot. tale, Cnll'gn and Inaltnri to. labo have awed it, steal highly of It. tissues In all the bop tilla ft has takon pronzienra, and the pressspent of It era raaPy a •easerfol preparation_ Tun rIIEN CII corvicz ta all Pti.CletroerLY, and PURI% DAN- L.:A &Li LT mannfectured •n peoeltar manner for Care it lees no drura to flavor It, nor d• N It re. quite lomat. to mix Cotes wilts It in'estrit, as do the Trulous enbelltotea. linfftclent Coffee is mixed in Its ase.nbezturs ,- , and oaring te this ac,atua created Lp precool a' ma. fog, It dues tot regalia es mach Bugler as other Reif... is. erozers of Pittaborfh are teguretrd to make {no, of taps oplotrat.ti 4:odeo. Tney mill end Ihat nut a word has bOot eald In Ita praise that vIII net be fully come cont. ts psi no telt,/ parkara, In Tr e nch paper, 56 lbs. to s boz. It in beauttftdry NIANCIACTUBISD DT I. F. BROADBENT & CO LT Horan NAL VERT STILICET, Baltl _ TLEMEN WISIII.NO FIRST CLASS GARMENTS. %Se In Ow MOST /ASHION SOLE end L.A.Tu.sor STYLO? would do well to toll upon R. G. HALE & CO.. I .IIERCHAST TAILORS, 001INIZ Or rZNN AND Fr. OLLIE MILT% Beforn parchadog el.where. SPoIITSMEIN'S HEADQUARTER 13fi WOOF tITILZII7. JA.llEr.s•ttowi LUTiTCS tee atlantic'. of Sportenen and others to Ma splandld .to dr of GUNS, MYLES, ItEVOLTER PISTOL:hi/AMP: BAGS, POW SKIt FLASKS, SHOT BELTS and POR:IILs, DRAM FLASKS, and aro manltlon of every kind. soak Is the largest ev bronght to this market. 0e.17 • T J. ORR & CO., XX PINE TAR. Proyareal oryrrally for d Xt E 3. Pot op to nom) gallon Iron bound 1)1U0K MS. For No by tbodor end fo barrel, lasel.baltes Oftlea, No. 136 idlthroTfl T, Plttaborgh. Winona A LDWELL, CLIARLES L. (Snonasurr to Janney llolmne A 0o.) POBE. PAOHZ/6 Dealer In BACON. LAUD, SUOMI CIIIIID HAIM SMOKED DEIGV, de., OORNEBBIAIIKIT LED MOT STILIPCM, =nay Prrnmtrum. PA A LLEuIIEN y' pet ..ca Woe Intareetra are heroby notified that the re port of V lenere eppolated to elm and amass dam gaihen a Am be n n on efl te from is i M from h t he n eo of ollolg i o e f e A tre e et f• dlaguval street ordered to be opened; dlstanoe 2,M.2 fart, In the eiret and Second 'Wads of AIM. ghee) City, bee hem hod la the Dislrlat Court of Allegheny county for count =alio. B . CIIOIICII, Jr. ' m 18:21e Aolleltor fo r Alleet•Ill. •••—• Q LOW MA. tiikihET.-4111 peraune in terasted are hereby notified that the report of Viewers appointed to view and assess damages and benefits sondes from the widening of Bidwell t.net, Peened ward, Allegheny from Yranklin .tract to Island Lana, bo been nitd In the .I:detrict Court of Allegheny county for peeve:wine, ACUOYEB, Jr., mylS:dw Belicitnr As Allegheny pliKegL ) tX)9IArON iittlCK ita,noo Psunst. •and 400,000 (WILSON 13111013.{ On hind mut for ego by DAVID 11DT011124/1 VIECUTOKS N OTI C E.—Whereas, Letters Testamentary Imo been this day greet. ed to .be ea... Mess, Zeeman . of the lot will and testament of AVM= Zdatatighlie. deeeoedf ell - peewee indebted to the said decedent ore hereby na tined to pay tbe same without deley, to the under• rioted, by whom the debts et deeedent wilt begonia. myle:Ord Orating BINOQAM. Potato, EKtiLL CIAYFIEKS M 41243 - V SBA conceded by .11 who haw. wed them to be' rapt...ifs to any atm. maks and oh. only ona ors ',Moon which no'Wotegon ate reliable Oatt In andwon tbn attic", tn. operation, sad.obtaln elzcztar of priooe and rooomonadationa. In 07 01 7 eame when thoy eo hot giro atittstactlan, Me motley Will be tettaided, a: a IL YFIILLIPG mini Bola-8 titan for tbbe 000ldY. a &V. BENNETT, Mantraotarariof . yawn LITONI 011LNA wd MEM 001 r ORED W 6811.. mil Moo itad Warthatio al No. It nris ernaw . , PitUbOri?, IxsUR.I.VCE tileirrku 1829. FRANKLIN INSUIVE CORM PHILADELPHIA. &ernes on Jonstry 1,18E4, 11?.,457,54g 95 Slon,ooo Accrued Nu'pl.-- DV.,000 invested —.1,086 V.ll Uneettlad .5 8,416 lroMma for 181 el 860,000 to Paid since 113 . 4) .8,000,0u0 Perpetual and Temporary en terms. . . C• 0111. 4 ,08•1: • lease Let Edward d. Dale, Geo. Pairs, Alfrod Fitter, Pram. W. Lowis, N. D. . BANCEEE, President, DALE, Vies Prefident. I, Sec. Pro. Ten. 0 00r riN Ara, Wood and Third streets. Charles F. Banter, Tobias Wagner, Samuel Grant, Jacob Gt. Smith, Geo. W. Richard., (MARLES it EDWARD D. l JAB, W. ITAALLIATER, J DAM I NSURANah, FLUE AND IisLAND nsurance Co. of North America PHILADELPHIA I=IEMI Hartford Fire Insurance Company. .11,2m,00D. Ini3=11!1!:221 IlleirTroteetieb clue be evened to the shove nsmod d sad reliable onopeatee. W. P. JONES, Aogsr, tiaT:dlyley't Bn Wham, 87 Water atroot. WESTERN INSURANCE COMI'A T NY OF PITTSB IL URGH, MILLIS, Jr., ProstdeaL T. M. (WELDON, Ekeesory. Otileo, No. 92 Water street, Bpang Oo:z Ware house, itp sutra, Pittsburgh. Well lease aceitiet oil Eta& of hire and Molise Ri.b,Maw faztatetioe lecerouirel by Dime,/ who es • e Q boors le the mat, and mho arm deter mann!, by promptwo and hlnalit,, 1 an:tin/din the dianuter Oda Ago kar t arzurned, o aferina the Ind poke:lon to Own ono Loin n+ be insurod. 0111.11 . 0611 I Q. Millar, Jr., Andre. , Ackley, lames McAuley, Aleamichir Speer, Nathaniel Holmes. Dalrd M. Lung, Alex. Nlrnick, Ele. J. Thomas, George Duel, llrni. P. Bake...lh Campbell 11. Gum, Jobe It. kribrula O.Vr. nicker.., ml3O .I r. 211.11011D0N. Elerreicela - . __ CUM EN'S 1 NSE RAN CF. Ci.)NI PAN V' NJ OP Pl'llOOEOll. Ofßea, comer lgerket and Water ttreetounii Burr. BAGALIT, liMdwL IiALIVEL REA. fisrentaye. Dunne Steanshosita utd Commis. "[aorta agalont bats and damage in the navigation of the Soother. sari Western }Livrs, Lake. and Bayous, and the onviiiation o f tt o , 5,.. farms "gran.t los and dosage by tra. •DIELCTOU. Wto. Baialey. 8. M. Bier, Jac Park, Jr., John Shiptios, W. G. Johnston. Junes 111. Cooper. B. F. Jona., S. Barbanel, Beene Owe., J. Caldwell, Jr., 800. T. 11, Bow., John S. Dilworth. Barclay Preston, WOO. A. Badgers. BiLarge Bloglinm, deSnilyd 12)F.01' LES 1N S C RAN Cif. COMMA _N I', Office, N. E. corner Wood & Fifth Bts. FIRE AND MARINE INSURANCE. DIXSCTOIII iJame. D. Verner, Capt. John L. Bload.S. Baronet P. Shriven, George P. Jones, C. Hallam Loft, (Amass Arbuckle. Wm. Thilllpa, John Watt, Wu:L.ll..llam Jam E. Parke. Marna 8. OmAt %rm. Van VIP PHILLIPS, Avrteteut_ JOHN WATT, Pk. Pro.. • WEL T. GARDIItIL. Soo., )814:17 AI.LEGHENri' INSURANCE PANT - PANT DP PITHIBUDOCI.— 0117 c e, No. 87 FM 0r... Bank Block.. Mr...guise all kinds of Inns ud Itt.e.BEA., ISAAC JONES, Prer.ort, JOHN D. 7.PCOILD, no, Prode.a/L. D. EL BOOK, Brexinn , S. Onpt. WM. DEAN, Owed Agnnn• OtIISCT0112: Dane Jaws, John D. RlcOord. a. C. Ramey, game? Childs, Canc. Adam Jen.* B. D. Sterling, Cwt. D. C. Ores, /Alb Irwin, Jr., Capt. Wm, Dv., D. L. Al ‘43 we, D. L. Wine:ork, Dont. li. [Mei, BaJrKfi. SECOND NATIONAL BANE, OP PITTSBURGH ?wanly IRON 017 Y TIOST WRIPAITY Capital, 9300,000, with privfler, to In to $1.000,000 The IRON CITT TRUST CONSANT having or ',snivel under the National Currency Act, ellen Its services for the transaction of a beneral Banking Burinvas. Draftibetight •od sold. Hooey recolvtd on Deport', •odWatt.. made on all parts of the country. DIMMCITOTIJ lamb Palntr..r, Jake 11111., C. I. Klopfer, Rm. Cooper, a. F. V, JSIO. E. PATT be2M4m NATIONAL BANK, OP. PITTSBURGH TY.Y.A.SUBY DRPAWITILMT, Oritca or Ogarrnots.r.• or TOO CIIWRCT, Washington City, Yob. M, 1664. Worness i ggi catimactory evidence present< to the nude. ,it has beer. made to appearthat the TIMID hATIONAL BABB. Or PITTSBURG% in the County of Allegheny. and State of Pennsyl vests, has been doly orgartirod under andaccording to the requirements of tne Aft of °engross, entitled Wm Act to provide a National Currency, •ectired by • pledge of Unittil Stocks, imd to ?reside for the circulation and redemption thereof,' approved Ifebrunry 25th, Zeta. and bee complhil with all the provtdono of sold Act required to be complied with bcfors oommencing the business of Onoking N o w, therefor* 1. Mg!, McCulloch, Comptroller of the Careenol, do hereby certify that the uild TIMED NATIONAL BABE Or PITTSBURG% County of Allegheny and State of Penes) Men* I. authorized to cob:mance toe businces of Banking un der the act aforeemld. to testimony Whereof waters my hand and coat office, this 27th day of YeArtery,lB6t. 1.1 .11110b1 IicCULLOCH, Comptroller of the Currency. THE THIRD NATIONAL BANK organized under tho National Charronor Act, lz now prof &rod to do • General Banking Business DEPOSITS RECEIVED, Exchange ea the prin cipal citiee th. Etat and Went Wright sad, and collectlone made In exerx ecomelble part of the actuary. MUD for the .present, (mall Lb completlou of tbe Nem Hanklog matter of Wood street and Vlrgbe all.) lo tho Banking Boone lately occapled by the CI TENS DANE, N. W. oor. Wood St. & Virgin alley . .... A ... A. [large, wee. N. Schniertn• Ale.L. liceletain, • A. 8. Dal, ywn OsrviSe 8. 11. llertmin. B.Goa L. -2"rg‘m" 7;.llAll ISM ELIAN, President. mhl/2m /ND. D. LIVINGSTON. ashler. DOLLAR SAVINGS BANK, M). 65 Tornio Braze, OLIAETKIIXD IN 1865. Open doily from to 2 o'clock, oho on Wednesday and Notarial evenings, from Kay lot to November f rom 7 to • o'clock, end from Novembe, la tc May' Lt from G to B o'clock. Deposita received of all tam. not boa thou Ore Dollar, and • di, Mond of toe profits declared Was • year, in Jane and December. to hao boon do. the saml•manaly, tts Jane mad Dot:ember, alum the Bank Irma organized. at too rote of six per amt. otarrst, II not drawn out, is placed to the credit of the delnitar as principal, and beers the same In. tar si tram they're{ avruf June and December, oum. flotro ding mice OYmr without troubling the depcsi. jo t to mil, or even to present his peas hook. At this rate money will double In Iron than twelve, years. Books, =AO:dug the Marin, by-Lan, En and berniations. fmnishod grade, on application the melee.. irywronrr—GEOßGlC• ATAIDIPII. 5,5151 t ‘lO3 mammy v , 1 Jamei ktokqky, , Jemas B. D. 21cod1P, John H. Dboonborm Wei.Dooglns, •,-.;,.; 5.,,,. Et. r do.... InuoJa. katIZOCk.":. Peter A. kisdolna, Jamas Bhidlo, '.• William J. Anderson, John B. Blorsdnem, A. M. Pollock, M. D., ' John 0. Hooka., -- • ' soya , . AN. (Navin Adman, John Q. let, George Macke Burgein Aloes° A. datier, Charles A. Colton, John razestmk. John J. Gilleepte, WPM= B. Listen, • Peter IL Linker. Wawa Erin Jams D. Nsalt ... . mblVdrit - • A : lIOTIOUE, BANKER, h 2 Firm `bk•."l'Votahibillitifer for IL B. Boas. Allerramr ounnkti .4111 Was, 801. Mere Bountr &nub. Also. aueguoy Valley sad etaubsswill. ttadlroad Stocks. & COUPON rum AS GOLD. I Witt MEE .pROPOS.2LA pROP:isAI.: 'COI; ViHIAGE: Cutts b/ranvmuula.Krrule orrice, r r .t. Lwetober S, 113:5 flcalrd prolvetalv sr.. Invited by the undersigned fug tcpplying the S...lnarteruka,:bW• Drgieutma..l, at WiaLlngton,.b. C., lislunLvrt, ?Id., Alexandria oxid Port Inunr-o, V, eltber .:( Chown piano, uith LiAl l ,Ol/nYi, OATS and !Li H bide be. r•vols.v,d lbr tha delivery of S,CUO bru, of oorn or oats, and 50 t•mle 01 hay or etrasr, and up- ward. lDlidders must state at which of the above named points they prepose te makeand the ratpe at which they a ill make delliers theroat, the quan tity of cacti article prop.aed to be delivered, the tune when said delivers.. .hail be commenced, and when to L. completed. The price most be written out in words on the bid. Corn to be put op in good stout sacks, of about two bushels each. Cats In like sacks, of about three bushels oath. The packs tole torsi/11.d without ex tra charge to the Government. The hay and ems to be securely baled. The particular bled or dreurtridou of oats, corn hay, or straw proper...l to be delivered, must Lr stated In the prepbeals. AU the articles offered under the bids herein In. tiled will be subject to • rigid Inspection by the Cltivornment Inviewtor, before tieing accepted. Contracts will be awardtel from time to unto to the lowest reepotoublo bidder, es the interest of the Gov• eminent may .neiture, and payment will he made when the whole arounnt contracted for than have been delivered and accepted. The bidder will be moired to accompany his pro. penal with a guaranty, signed by two respemlble persona, that In cm. hie bid is accepted beer they will, within ten days thereafter, execute the ountract fur the same, with gaol and sufficient sureties, in • sum equal to the amount of the contract deliver the forage?repined in conformity with thlrliirens of thie schertpiement; and Ines. the said bidder should fall to enter Into the contract, they to make good the difference between the offer of maid bidder and the reel lowest respousibliebidder, or the person to whom the contract may L. awarded. The rinponsibility of the guarantor must tee shown by the oWcul certtlicate of a U. b. District Attorney, Collector of CastolLlS, or any ochre officer under the Crated Etat. Govornalent, or responalble person twain to this office. All bidders will L. duly notified*, the ameeptanix or rejection of their proposal. The full name and P. U. addras of each blidei must he legibly written in the proposal. Proposals mutt be addressed to Brigadier General D. B. DUCE' Eli, Chief Deb. Quartermaster, Wash ington, D. C., nod should Lo plainly marked iiPropo ; sals for Forage." Donde, In rum equal to the itniount of the oon tract, signed by the contractor and Loth of his guar .itoni, will be required of the succeesful bidder co bidders upon signing the contrtott. Blank forms of hide, guarantees and may be obtained upon application at Gila .mot. FUllil OF PROPV6AL. Lawn, Oonnty tie , 1, Mt subscriber, do Loeb) prov e to furrilat and deliver to tho Widhid Stated, at the Quartermastee• Departmout at agreeably to the terms of your advertleament, Wetting proposals for forage, dated Washingtou Depot, December 8, 1869, the fol. lowirig articles, Ms hushaD of Coru, In Pub, at ---- per Inadial, Of 66 pcmude. bushels of Oita, to sacks, at per bushel, of 00 pounds. __tom of ad Dry, et —pa ton, al 1,000 pound.. torw of Straw, at per ton, ord,ooo potinds. Delivery to coonnenceon or before the—day of --, Ilia-, and to be completed on or beam the day of —,186-, and pledge myself to enter into a written °Dracut with the timbal Mates with good afterped wortritiea, within the apace of ten days a being tiotifled that my bid has been accepted. Your obedient servant, Brigadier Ciormral D. H. Bhcm.r.a. add Depot iyillirvermaister, Washington, D. C. DDAILANTY. • we. the utid.irengved, raidauts the county of, and Soot-a hereby, Jointly and severally, cneetutat with the totted buns, and gnarantee, In cam the foregoing bid of within tau day. eliZe the acceptance of said bidaxe. cute the contract for the same with good and colkettont sureties, In a sum equal to theamount of the contract, te fornah toe forage proposed in comformlty to the terms °reamer - a...relent dated December 7,18013, under which the bad was made, and, in caw the said shall fall to enter Into • ....antrum m alisseald, we guar tee to make good the difference bemoan Ile offer by the said and the next loweet respotmible bidder, or the person to whom the contract may be awarded_ Witness, J Otnea node-roar hands a:Abeam 1 Cab— day of kesal s".Ll. 1 hereby certify that, to the best of my knowl4e I end belief, the above named guarantors are good end SUG/C.1.11 suredee for the amount for which they offer to he tiecurity. • To Let certlffed by the United !Rates District Attor ney, Ikilleene of Customs, or any other offloccunder the United Maw. Government, or respekdble person known to thee office. AD prapacde reweived mauler trio advertisement will be opened sod examined at this oaf. on WYD yEIODAy and USTI; ItDA Ir of each week, et 12 m. Bidden are reepectfully invited to be present at the opening of Lids, if they desire. D. B. RDOE.Y2I, dellaem Deg. Gen. and Qmartermastel I_l ORS ES HORSES! HORSES! Was PCPAKTINVIT, CAVAI.6I 811111.1.0. UM. of Odle( Qumb master, 1 W.M507201, Slay 15, 18St. , Scal,l Tropcsals will he remive.l at this edict until 12 o'ciloci. in 7EI OILSLie 7, May 29th, lemit, for TWO TIIoCsaND (o,titio) Ca I' A Lit Y 11011AK/S, to be - de. livered at Wm timernm ut Mishits in Chimgo, lilt now, and TWO 7 11,i USA:: D (9,0 fv) M. Guveruclicalt hallo. In Davenp irt, loan. within dity (80) days from date of min tract. Paid Hors. to to sound in all particulars, soli (roles, toll In &eh, from fifteen (la) to Mete.. (lei) (smith high, fr.m to. (5) to elite (9) years old, in g od commion, and well adapted to every way to Cavalry purposes. Them elacilicaticns will be strictly adhered to Lod rigidly enforced in every particular. No bid will be evitertainod unless socomparded by a gnaratitee for it. (=Wilful performance. bhould any I:uiti (1 Metes officer guarantee the proposal of • bidder who should prove to be invn sputbible, hie Dame .111 to I . :Towed to the Secretary of War, with a recommendettim that such officer be dm:omm! the service. All bidders and 0.11.r.t01l will be held to the strictest accountability, and every fail., to comply wish terms of cuotrebt, or to mate the contract when asrurdeil. will ho followed by prwiewution to the full extent of the law. form of bid mid guaranty tan be imd on applica tion te this otter'., or to the United Mates Quarter mmters at Clirge and Davenport. Succoisful bidders will be required to enter into written mutracte, with good and eufhcient security, immediately on the acceptance of their bids. The oath of allegiance meet accompany each bid. The undersigned metres the right to reject all bids deemed umemoneble. DIM for one hundred (103) horses and upwards will nobluson U. Ilowthmazi, W. 211. Gormly. RICER. President. ON. (Whim beentortalned, Bide far tho entire avatar of Boreal requirod are Invited. Payment will be promptly made on completion of contract. . No mama mill he received. Propmials moat be endorsed “Proprotale for Cavatq Horses, and odd rmeed to Coptaln lAN. A. VAIN, lanartarmasier, Cavalry Duman, Woking - tag D. C. Any farther information mill be promptly given on appiltatlon, pervanally or by letter, to JANES A. Inas, Lkettenant Galway , ' and Chief Quavalrtttmm Bu tort Cary reau. Pnrelmee In open market mill be ormUnned at Chicago and Davenport until Ito contract la arded. Payment male In CertifluMee of Indebt edness for riot to) borers or more, myllbtd pROPOSALS FOR FLOUR—Sealed 1 Proposals are tootled till the 30rn of MAY. at 12 o'clock Ed., for fOrriishing the Anbaistence De partment with EIGHT TIIOOBAND (R,Mo)l3Al2alill S OF ILODIL The proposal.. will be for what ix known at thls de pot am tim. 1,2 and 3, and. tide will be entertained for any quantity less than the whole. Bias must bet duplicate, and for elboal Vida on separate sheets of paper. The Sion/ to be fresh frond], and delirered to new oak barre/s, bead lined. The delivery of the four to be commenced within Ave daye from the opening of the hid., and in such muuttitlea, daily, .. the CAvcrnment may direct, de livened either at the GOTOMIDCIII. warehouse to Georgetown, at th e whence , or at the railroad depot, Waal:U.4loo, D. C. The delivery of all Flour awarded to be completed within twenty days from the opening of the bids. Payment will be made to certillcatee of indebted nem, or ouch other fonds no the ooceruntent may ham for disbonement. The neual Gurernment lempation will be made Just before the Pone I. received, and nem will to accept ed which is out fresh ground. An oath of who meat accompaity the bid of each bidder, who he. Rot the oath on Ale • this CB co, and no bid Ol t NI entertained from pkrtim who bare previously iled to comply with their bide, or from bidders not present to mepond. Geternment memos the right to reject any bid for any canes. Bids to be addrrood to the undersigned, at No. 223 0 street, Washington, D. 0., =domed "Progo ftli Flour." 8. O. GREENB Otpthin and 0. B. b. Washington. D. 0., May 19, 1264. m22Lid TEE SUBSCRIBES, &GIST 1011 • John Mara & Co.'s Soda Ash, 1. =gently rceelrlng the same, which he veln sell on the moat favorable terms. This Mb Ls pardon. tarty adapted to the manufacture of Glam. C. W. CHURCHMAN, eSISOLITII 'FONT 13771.=1„P noilamend ' , SEVILLE St CO., Ogg, and i.ollahera, • • •;._•••• grntir Itml Grinding and Itenalring tanning fmcm Dinh nmet to Dia. • alto) i near Wood strain, Pittabargh. autchen Oirairic; Banana, Straw and Shingle Innen birpontere, and 'Mina' Toot.; Beton., Bann, Tailor. Shears, Radian' Salina, Slowing Machine Guides. Bed Irons, An. All Grinding and Patching promptly attended to. tny'rdawdorn • Harry 3. Lynch, John Bluebell. Wilber P. bluebell, Jobe Orr, Robert Robb, GMLN, SEEDS, BIITTEIII, POULTRTI 10061ir And ill Itbad. of 00171MTES Pik°M*, told commlnalon, by W. C. COPE, neikry 1.. iil - mr•ralt, William s. /30.1merta, Alexander Spenr. Alexander Thalia, William Pantie!, lasso Whittler, Wm. P. Weyman, • !Maisel& 'rawer. t AN. A. COLTON. No, 123 DiaBRIT STIIMPT, Philadelphia. Prampt rotora. rearm. glreu U&aired. • 12:601,1 LA ARNI3THAL, Di - PORTER .LA AND DEALER In the most eelret braids Of GENUINE IiAVANA CIGABSoand all kinds - of' SMOKING AND CEEWING , TODAMOIT, /ADIGE lITTAISCIIAIIM PIPES, TUB da,dnae In c e t:rarle:l: 11 DIII TUE ST. l/12b TS Pittebotd If The Incppltal on Moral taro& N. 11:1=1,1 , . 111,4 a for OHEROKEE MEDICINES CHEROKEE PILLS FCGAB-COATED ramALE ttSGULATOIL ORIITAIS AND SAIL Tot the Dew-oval of Obetructiout clad the Inatteutte of Eetfulstity fn tbo Ilocbrtbneo of Ids Itiontbly Period. Tber care or obviate those numerous d:reasor tbs. prim, from irtvgalarity, by removing the irregulem They care Etcypremest Exoeasive sad Painful Meld They cure Green Bicknesse (Chloroate•) Th.y cure Nereous and Spinal iffectiorus, Palma D r . a. H. Hewer: I beams afflicted with pike . root twrut7 Yeors ego, sod rosy you they wile Rowing WM& so as to Maths de wry mak ge myth. to at time. ea to unfit me dr work. BMW time. I IMP so bad that I raid not do anytidag amount of them ; they oast out 01:1 m 1111 tarp IS II hickory not I had hied a "peat dad of foolkhe for them. I used to buy mud take whabeverl =Sad hear of or reed of in circulars , and pamphlets that fell to my way, but I coot not got cured; norastiess they word do or sum goud,tx a little while, bat afterward° they would rerun agsto es bad se ens I also applied to two Doctor., who W Stoll meet bore rid gave me moms meelichre, but It would rot do, I could not gm well. Over a year ago I got as edvertleemer of your Ltritare Blood derther, med. by yourmlf. When you sold to me you bald Me or bottle mould not rue mislead that my wird eyrie= would have to be renewed by the used:kiss before I got won. T bought one bottle and bolt home with me, sod used it according to your dime tions. I then rapt to see you again, when yourld I mold not caper mock henefti Dom or bottle. I bought it, too bottle eta time, aunt I bad Wei toe rifles. Alter this quantity bad beta used, I wee mtirely well of the. Pilot, which had tortured ma Pm twenty yews. In ether repasts my health te ttr proved, ud I re as Inn se cord be•cepected ter re of my ego, beteg. dry rem peat I base been well cow for six mouths, and these is no sporrans of a raters of the discus. I eas de soy kind of hrodog work now without the Pike owning &MU and hurting ma. I oss pitch bey, shop mood. DB, ler de any kind of work wtdch beers urns lout me. Whew I feud or your Blood !archer I haft on taking It anal I got eatinly well. I madder It my /sty to make my ere burn to the runty ikr the benefit of others who may_be sniferlog r I was, and do net know the mar of ion? medicine. Too may publish able if you like. I Ito. to township, and will to Oared to satisfy say mist the truth of this cortilkste it they wish bs sell cet THE LONG HUNT FOR DISCOVERED All LAST. m°- . DecontherZtte lELLIOTT MIMS. the Beek end to parte of the Body, Heastseta , f Misr. . light .ertlon, Palpitation of the Heart ownow of Byirtta, Hysteria, Sick Head.ho, Giddi . es, do. Ina word, by removing the trnegulartV, hey roman the can" and with It an, the effocta that awing from It. (Imposed of simple vesetsbis eztr.lm, they op Lan nothleg delateriom to any anutitutice, bow delicate, their function being to rutatltute strength for weakneee, which, when property mid, they never Dal to do They may be safely lard et any Nye, wad at In) period, except during ad - A mune., durthg Welt the unfailing nature of their action troold In All letter. soaking information or sari. will be promptly, friely and discreetly satorermi. Tali directions accompany sack box. Price 51 per box, or elf boxes for 15 Bent by mall, froe of postage, on receipt of price Bold by ell respectable Druggists. M. W.B NM/Van a 00., . Bole Proprietors: Ho. 59 Liberty street, Bow York. For de in Pittsburgh by Dr. GEO. EL KEYSER, N 0.140 Wood street, sod N. IdeOLAIIR&N & CO., .. of the Diamond and Market streets. eahlTlrdsweolrY GLAD NEWS! FOR THE UNFORTUNATE! CHEROKEE REMEDY CHEROKEE rNTECTION Oompoomied fro= Roots, Bark, and lame. CTLISBOIESE BEDI.IDY, the great Indian Din retie, our all &males of the urinary organ., such as Incestlnence of the Urine, Indammatldn of the Bladder, Inflammation of the Bldnesa, Stone In the Bladder, Brtictnne, Gravel, Gloat, Gonorrhea, and le especially roootoneonded to name caeca of floor Alba (or Whites In fen:Waa) where all the old nsoasaus taw+ , e.y bare Oiled. It to prepared in a highly concentrated fond, tha dose being treat one to two nnasperenballa three than per day. It la dinrectle and alterative in itz action—pmt- Ting .d deeming the blood, causing it to now in all Its original purity and rigor, thn• reserrinddrone the eyetem o l prnalcions anon vhtch bare induced dime" Cherokee Injection is intended as ea ally or ambit mat to t h e Cherokee Enronly, end shirtild be used in ontdenetion with that medicine In nil eases of Gon orrhea, Gleet, fluor Llbmi or Whites. Its effects on healing. soothing and demulcent; removing all wading. heat, chordse mod path, Instead of the burning and simnel unendurable pain that to arpeL rimmed erith imarly all the cheap gawk Injections. By the ma of the CIIERONME EMMY and CU/MEM/ INJECTION—the two mmilch)Les at to. mate Improper discharges am rentoied, and the weakened organs are speedily restored to fhll vigor and strength. For fa partleul.s, got our pamphlet from .7 Drug SWIM in the country, or write tw, and we will null Dee, to .7 address, . [n➢ treadle. , • Prim, CHEBOKSE BENEDY, 52 por Conk, or three bottle• flar SS Price, CHSILOHEID INJECTION, 52 per bath", or throe bottles for $5. Sent by express, to any address, on the recelpt price. Sold by all druggists everywhere.. DLL W. R. MEILWIN a CO., Note Proprietors, No. 89 Liberty Meet., New !ark. Tor sale In Pittsburgh by DN. GEO. M. Kamm, No. 140 Wood etreet, — kid N. kbeI7LAMBLIN I CO., corner of the Dlarecrud and Market Knot mhl7:2astsereasrf E LIXIR I ELIXIR I DR.. WRIGHT'S 13.BJIMBNATD510 E11=1; ch., saszaar. OF LIFA Prepared from Taft Vogr.tAble txtracta, °Di:bill:du nothtngJurions to the Eno dolloida. The lleinvenating =fir la the malt of Modern dhavreries to the vegetable kingdom, being an en tirely new and extract method of 0000, trreepective of ell the old and worn-ont eyetemo. Tide medleine bee been, teeted b the nest inninen medical men of the day, and by them pronounced to be one of the Freateet medial dbooseries of the age. One bottle will orm General Debility. A few deem cum Hysterics in females One bottle cures Paipltatlon of the Heart:. A few dorm restorer the organs of generation. Term one to three bottles reetorce the siustliness and roll vigor of youth. A few deem tostoree the appetite. Three bottlee ease the wont sass of hapetenry . A few dose cum the low eplritecLe, • • One. bottle restores mental power. B==9 This roodkbes redone to manly Stier had robed, health the poor, debilitated, worn.dowa •and do. epairing devotee of seiroal pleasure. The listless, enervated youth, the dTor•teiked man of bashes, the victim of names depreedeni. the to. dividnal entioring from geared Nbiliq, ;or from deakade of • single organ. a find bilmediate end pm:named relief by the au of tide Miff or Le sauce of Life. . Price rit Per bottle, ar three bottler for is, and !crowded try crproo, an rooOpt of mosey, to any addrcia. Sold by 5.5 &Tigrish ororywbore. DEL W. 5.. 51.11WW5 A 00, Eels Proprietors. 50:59 Liberty wort. Nei Took For sae Ie rittaborgb by Dr. GEO. H. 55111L1. 50. 140 Wood Meat, arid H. 14001..b115451 £OO. =no of tbo Dimond sad frorkrt stmots. : 1041AmprOlsw...wr CHEROKEE CURE. THE GICIAT INDIAN MEDICINE Claixtpo onded from Pmts, pub sad Limosa. An Unfailing can for etworrostoishea.- lleadnel Windiness, nocturnal Emissions, and ailesi dismal causal by ttlf.polintio% Duch as Loam of idnnit Unlverral lissitude. Pine n the Bark. Phantom al Preumenre Pe i OM Age , Weak None, Pitkeelty o of th erm.. F t ....., hing rala , cllrutio.tiorsp. Con, add ell the dirofni complaints ca b 7 do. parting from the path of nattiria This medicitir Is • ample regetabta extract, and 0t ,,, on which all mt. WY. Pi it boa been used in oar mirtt . for many yoare,and with thousands Mettle It be. not failed In • single Instinct. potter. hart been aufaclent to gain victory rarer the moot stubborn caws To those mho hare trilled with their constitution, until they think then:tithes beyond till rata of medial eld, we would say; Detpair,sotr the Cher. ILO Crust i mstore your health and 7fgor, and after all quack doctors hare felled! Tee foil plittionlani get a circular' troui any Drug Store to the country, or write the 'proprietor; who will mil- free to any one drafting the Mme, • ion mallet La cauiptikt norm. • prime 52 per bottle; or throe bottles kir and treaded by 'express triali gees earl World. Bold by all respectable druggists krerriehmo. • • W. maaawni a co., No.lo Liberty street, thwPork.' Tor mile In Pittsburgh by DR.CW.0.11:1111111E8, N 0.140 Wood street, end N. NclaaalaftN 00., comer Dtaseond and Merkel stmt. ealTaaiikerecier Twenty Years Standing. CIIKED! Below .111 b fe.d a certlacatil alas MA at 11. moat rarpectabt, titizeta of Wats' taliiiktp 1 Dr. Keissr's iAndsera 611.0 d Searslieri The Docior'm cartlficate. an uttats r aid oocknoed be docatood In rota to ht. proposottoel t ..... . ter Look out for the nem. of DA GI/OECEII II. $$ tint en the cover of the bottle sad psrlott oral the mark k ales fur htc •tarp ea the Milted Stake stamp on the top of the bottle, to prevent betas tie , paged upon by a spurious article erhloh le tb the market. stir- Sold by the Proprietor, No. 140 Wood Smeet y nnd by Simon Jonancrox, corner Foarth end Smithfield streets. HERNIA4DR RUPTURE. Hernia or Rupture owed. Hernia or Rupture cured. Hernia or Rupture cured. Hernia or Rupture mid. Hernia or Rupture erased. Hernia or Rupture cured. Hernia or Rupture cured.' Hernia or Rupture cured. • Rupture or Hernia Cured. Rupture or Hernia eared. Rupture or Hernia cured. Rupture or Hernia mired. Rupture or Hernia cured. . Rupture or Hernia cured. Rupture or Hernia cured. Rupture or Hernia cured. Marsh's Radical Cue Truss. Ritter's Patent Truss. • Pitch's Supporter Truss. Self-Adjusting Truss. Pile Drops, for tho support and aro of Piles. Elastic Stockings, for weak aid ,ar •oo90 veins. Klastio Knee Caps, for weak Ames ointa. ' Ankle Supportern tot weak ktoe eintc • Suspensory Bandages. 6elf Inject n. “t 4 every other kind of Wines. Rini Rubber Syringes. Dr. Banning'. Lace or Body Braee. for the cure of Pro!epees Uteri, Pilaf Abdominsl and Spinal - Wealmeseee. • Dr. & B. FitelesAlilyes Pbiti Supporter. Da. Kareza will give Lie personal at tention to the application of Trusses adults and children and ho is satiated that, with an expe rience . of twenty ram he will bo enable d to eve eatinfaeuata Office at hie Drag Stara, No. 140 Wool) Brom, eigit of the Golden Mortar. Persons writing . for Trusses ehOuld Mid the number of niches nrooroLthe - body immediately over the rapture. mh7 C6TARI . 3H I DR. R. GOODArREI CATARRH BrMIMI% It ytottratas to tha witylltat of this towels a er tunataatss it, mat mg Isadis OMR, ' Fr CirODAYI la the drama = L wow 'who am t told the world what Ostsfrit lass—ldan controonced.-aad what would wort Dr. GOOD/LLB bat/ 'Pod • *IMO* h 11=1 with gat tilt ammo, wad main; known to taw bat fito Oa taxrk, *lda hm, tO pan, WWI UN skin cad ra teach of tattlical mita oaf atithostbdavaaufal sad tamps. am DOV Vildi the SIM man Y 6 cartabltY nDotbat mortaar - ib tlo Thaasaads who haw, triad srfryi rn ein ir :., 4 - 41 sa r - -0 -11011prahr It la tha ma pa tams'at Mist. Oall at otlr ltromtt agrra7 or grad a stamp life pasapblet. Orfila!! and prepared by IL !MODALS% New York. Norm L 00., Solo alialtody, • ant Dr* " .l l. ffsir MAC GR. GEO. R. 3rEYBIOI, Sow! Am= Do. 110 WOOD ISTIIISET„ Pittiburgh Esti NORTOIMOINTMIENT, TOIL BAIT IZMIR 616 13011.0111Tha., Perininuat4 cang 136511.11.4.1, Itiosysrmk, amt.6lllklll4 and &Wag Bons oil 'roll= a tb• Ws. 'Mb - Ointment pozetrat66 la Ills beak of the disease—goss mtr'ignir easy t$ ftl:o2 dabbets - &WU on Ilmurarbeil 1 .tbilrva tha ?Aeon 61 Its Mow 4064 and slay parade of it b titschaspirtiA6o the well um. sleds of the d 16.6 is dte expak4 ak• ca*! 6squissik6, there nab* 163 reisp66., TIONTON 00 7 ISII Drool wI7. by DR. 811731114 /k & . • • . ... '-'. •:• s .• . 1 . i '' ' • . ' . 1 uoWcoltones,
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