The daily Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh [Pa.]) 1863-1866, May 26, 1864, Image 3

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I 'A ' o 2G. 1E64
Episcopal Church Convention.
The Convention re-sesembled yesterday
. =sting, and the principallkortion of the gu
idon we, occupied in devotional exercises. At
nine o'clock morning prayers end the Litany
• were reed by Hey. Mr. Atkin, of Germantown,
and Rev. Mr. Clare, Si Carlisle. At 10).‘
o'clock the Convention met again in the same
plena. The Litany was read by Rev. Dr.
Wuhbarh, of St. Mark's, Philadelphia. The
rent of the service wet performed by Bishops
Potter and Stevens, and Rev: Moan. Swope,
Field, Potter and. Goodwin. Biehop Steven.
delivered his charge to clergymen en the
- • ''‘Undeveloped Powers of the Church." and
the Holy Commu.nion was administered. The
relents' of Tuesday'. session wogs then read,
after which the Convention adjourned until
fivin'olook p. m.
• ' •'."The Convention met at fire-o'clock, and was p,
a -called to.order by Diehop Potter.
'The annual addresses of .Babops Potte
and Stevens were road, giving a detailed ac
Gaunt of their operations for the pas. year.
The report of the Standing Committee wan
presented and reed. -
The Committee on Claims - of Bronzed Min
- latersreportea that they had no calms before
them"; - and asked to be discharged, which-wee
• granted. . 4
Rev. Dr. Goodwin, of Philadelphia, pre
_ sented ; the following series of resolutions
Waraces, There exists in this country an
orgenixed and arnied rebellion, whose par
papede thlt destruction of our National Lillian
,and the
e,rtuati-O Negro Slavery. And
Wtimal this rebellion bite more end more
assinual a character of bortarous fannticiam
and murderous ferocity on the pert of the ene
. 112113 of deo:trim, theref,re, In view of the
.muses and chiraoar of tide struggle,
Resolved, That this Convention of tho Pro
. ascent Episcopal Church in the Diocese of
Pennsylvanis, as a bodP : of Christian men,
pledge to the government of oar country Our
prayers, sympathy and support in •ttils war
for existence, union, liberty and pews.
Buoload, That the authors and actors of
thin 'rebellion, wherever they ere found, are
alone guilty of all the bloodshed and duo's-
Union either side, entailed by this contest
unotkNorth and South, now or hereafter.
Resolved, That to the long delay of 690-
0011 In IlOpprtlling the rebellion, we see won
derfully manifest the hand of God training
by his severest chastisement this reluctant
people to a readiness to do justice to a long
oppressed and outraged race.
Rcrolocd, That under present circumstance.
She National Government, whether execu
tive, legislative or juditial, is In oar judg
ment nobly bound to use all its power, and
employ every authorise& constitutional
means for the speedy and total abolition of
• . slivery throughout the lend, anat. patriots,
freemen .and Cbristians, ws shall hail with
jubilant gladness and devout gratitude to
God the dityof Its final extinction. •
Dr:Goodwin etronstly advocated the pas
, Gage of the;resolutions, pending whihh the
Convention adjourned until nine 'Meek this
Is (the evening a Mitsionarj meeting was
held, which Jras largo* attended, and wu
addressed by a number of clergymen la ref
erence to the 'mansion of the usefnlises. of
the Episcopal Church in the Ste*, patien
t/trip in the eastern counties
Aeeidente by inviirtang
Yesterday afternoon, about two o'clock, a boy
seven years old, named Christian Schiverger,
was dreamed in the Monongahela River above
the bridge, under* following eirelmostancee
He and another boy were rocking in eirkiff,
when the boat overturned. A nuns bore& per•
sons witneseed the occurrence, but were tins
hie to reliever the body:until life woo extinct.
A knottier of the deceased, aged Moires years,
acted a hero's part in endeavoring to save
him. He dove/Ater Bien, sad was himself al
that drowned. The .deceased resided with
his m . otber, poor Widow" oniiinGee street,in
the Eighth Ward. An Inqueat wee held on
the body by Alderman Donaldson, and a ver
diet . was rehdrrod, la , an:modulo) with the
allaie foots..
Coroner McClung left the city last evening
to hold an tory:Lest on the body of an nn
known mae,found drowned in the Ohio River,
near Sewickley.
Shocking Accident.
Yesterday evening about . ' o'clovt. a
shocking accident occurred on ens Fourth
street road, at Soho Bridge. A two horse car
riage, containing two women, a Jana and a
small boy, was passing along the road, and
while tunshig towardethe Second street Plank
road, was precipitated over an embkment
about twenty feet deep. One of th an e women
in the carriage had her back broken, and re
centred other eerlous injuries, while theuther
sustained a few cetera brutes'. The man was
injured severely in tho head, and the little
boy escaped cohort.' The carriage belonged
to Messrt. Merelaad Jr Mitchell, and seas
taking the parties home from a !emend. The
driver has fallowedads present oeaupetion fur
the past ten years, and is represented to us as
being a careful and cautio m. The horses
were slightly braised, ba n t . s
the an carriage was
Battery C.
This la the third battery organised under
the eat of the Secretary of War, through
Major Joseph Snap. It Is now faille the
Minimum, and will leave for Vi'mhington
this evening. Battery 0 will be seven days
old this evening, and includes a body of as
Ants 7 oaaralen as we hove seen In any or
The men already mtubtred are folly
clothed and equipped, end seem able and wit
ling to perform their allotment sof soldierly
duty daring the period for which they have
been ad.
Any good men presenting themselves this
forenoon, in time to be stnetond in before
the Battery /lIIITet,CILD betaken along with
Battery C, Capt. Biddle, by applying at Wil
kins Sall, Four* street, third story.
• ' Alf ',tile Contribution. '
Tits good peopli of Washington borough
and viditity hoverospondo'd most nobly to
the call of the Christian C0M61111131012, for pe
cuniary aid in furtherance of the. groat work
in which they are engaged. They have con
tributed the handsome sum of $2,1100, which
has been paid over to the Treasurer, Mr.
Albree, by 0. M. Reed, Eq. This ts a proud
Mori for She loyal people of " little Wash
ington " and, whin we take the wealth and
perdition Into seeonat, we are free to admit
that they bare dime oven better than our
elm people. We hope other communities
will strive to emulate their glorious example.
They cannot give' their,nseans to a noblOr
City 91ortalty.
Dr. George L. Mognek, Physician to the
Heard of Heal t h, !sports the following deaths
for the period commencing May 14th and end
lig Mu 21d.
9tales.-....14 I
White 221 Teta "3
Nantes-- 9 Colored ... 1
Of the diseases .there were : Valvular
Yee of the belief 1; paralysis, 1; intemper
: one% 1; consumption, 1; drowned,4; aeeidant,
/1107ropel, 1; exposure, 1; still-biro , 1; capii
bronchitis, , 1; whooping cough, 1; on-
Atnows, 1; consumption, 1; measles, 1; pre
mature birth, 1; iolipstal, 1; scarlet fever, 1
• Tim= PLI.L:-8
a tor day evening about
half put Ira o'elook, a girl by the punt of
• Artstalfannapy, aged about 17 years, who re-
Iti_daS Ail Birmingham, bat is employed in
.BLlMaturte tobacco warshotme, stepped beck
• wardeabrouglratrepen hatchway in the see
'. old atm, and falling a distance of about 12
' . 4110:11t. on has tight side, braising her ezter •
111alyrvib her shbnider to her feet, and enc.
this an ugly pig about two Inches in length
thrensb the scalp . to the skull,
~inst.over bar
right temple. She w o u nd o:to for about
half an'honr. He r was 'drama, and
Aetna taken home in a boggy..
I Worriers Boil:4ns' $lOO liOnarr.—Thle
isteety is now Wei paid to oil ioldiers die
, chaired by Tension of wounds re:sired in
battle. -Hfory slay delayed in applying will
Ithtindthe. payment several weeks. The sol
dier esquires nothing bat his dlaoherge paper
obtain the bounty.. T. Walter Day, Ng.
' 43 Ytl t k st:f•si;third door below the Cathii
aolleoeyour bounty in a few weeks,
ilyoutdi soon. He snakes no charge until
. the mousy is nodes& Wounded soldiers in
_Ake 'pirouetting country can address hint by
.BISIXL2 Ain ',Two rant.—Tts bznkcrt and
brokers have tilde the following otn.trinn
- Ilona to the ganttary Pair Bands
lA. names 41
• • 1102 150
• ILoonts&lsl.rti. ito
Ileß..llleVaytt-001. 200
• 100
... . .. a 0
ChArttan Cat=Ligon Fund
Tho Tram:met acknowledge; the receipt of
the following donations, pingo Monday last:
OolldctSon la 6th str..l. tutted Prroby tee,.
Mural, Fr. Peletird. Stay =1:
Win. T. Shannon, co, d
Japr,r, Ciald. all, do
Ilro. M. C. From, do ........
Adam 4ard'e,, do —.-----.
Wm. P. Ilarelay, do ---....
To a. A. ileum, do .....
1.0 fitsoac atop, do ------
nute2 Plow,
Jams. It. Brod., cord--.---
Courage. Glans, • co
Wm. do
N, B Gulch, do
El Baba rd, do
Wm. Wilson, Is
Notch, IN and adder_
—.5 5 0 0 00
1 05 (JO
5. 0 00
50 0 0
20 00
10 00
10 00
10 ell
10 00
5 (05
31,000 00
David It+cinry ...... 8 100 00
Izein. of Cherry Treo, Pa ..... • 65 00
Citiverm rf ilnroare.
inn. B. Pornp:e 5309. ant in 11 Jones, 8260 500 00
Horror, In U. P Month, rankfortrprints, 60
Hanover Ilraror School DI.-
-- 110
67 75
35 00
20 07
10 50
6 00
Rados Church. Dswitt,
Nsahannock Church, (additional.
D. ldellotran, Jr , Sunda-11011r,
It E. CLurch, Jacobs Crnek, Pa— .....
do do kit Posssa , t, .....
Cluistian Com - 1=1..11m Washington, Pa
(aid.) • * . SSW 00
mobjc. Church,' Rush Creek, 0 111 00
rabtestb Schsol, Watotford, Pa 11 10
Dit Smith, New (Mstio, Pa .. —_ 600
Army Committus of Orates Co., Pa 100 00
Petbel Pr... Chntch
72 19.1
Teachers of Sandusky 'treat Public Schools,
Allegheny City
Chntr.h, New Alraandria. Pa.......
Sob School U P Ch., Ilrbron, Pa ...
U P Chursn, P.lO. Crook,
et E Church, P,lnes Crook, Pa
Wm P Weoldrulgo, Pittabardh
6.1.2 J G McLean, Springdale..—.—
Centro C P Church
Soldier's a ld Soc., Elder's llidgo, Armstrong
64 03
Cs , Pa
Crouvrt at U P Church...._................ 00
Cash 19 110
Pr,ioulb - acknewledgml
.a, 36 273 1.41
The example of Dr. 'Prostley's church is
worthy of imitation by all olty °lurches.
Such liberality by our churches would
greatly. wid the Christian Commission in its
immense work among the wouricti: at tho
Contributions may be sent to Joseph Al
bre., Trustee, No. 71 Wood street.
Tae Grover and ali.ker Sewing Ma
There is now on exhibition, at•the agency '
of the Grover and Baker Sewing Machine
Company, Fifth street, a most costly and
elegant machine, which has been donated to
tbo Sanitary Fair, and which will be present
•d to Mrs. General flays or Mrs. Goners
Negley, as may be decided by the Mende of
those ladies, who wilt enprese their prefer
ences daring the Fair, by vote, at one dol
lar for each. ballot. This machine is of cab
inet style the stand being of rosewood, ele•
gently inlaid with pearl, and embellished
with oil paintings. It was manufactured at
at a cost of $2.50 00
Wo are pleased tolearn that Mr. Chatoney
Is doing a very prosperous business. Be eX•
plained to as she mat. points of merit claimed
by this machinist First, the peculiarity of the
stitch is each that It "fastens" itself, thee
avoiding the trouble of tying the end of every
seam to prevent "raveling out." This is an
important master, and economises much time.
Secoodly,the machine makes an elastic stitch,
which is all important in sawing a bun seam,
as the stitching yields with the cloth, while
the etitthing of other machines breaks when
the cloth is stretched. Sample of work are ex
hibited to p-ovo both these propositions to a
docoonstrouoa. Thirdly, It is claimed that
this is the only machine which wilt or can em
brolder4 The agent is so confident on this
'point, that he offers a reward of $5ll to any
gentlemen (or lady either) who will produce
him a look-stitch machine that will embroider.
He will pay that amount just to look at sueh a
machine. Then 46in, Masers. Grover k Baker
make the orris4nachine which uses hsts spools,
thus doing aw with the.bobbin, etc , entirely.
Then era son s, of the merits claimed for this
standard mac he, but there are other mate
rial points upo which we have not Lunched:
Those dmirin to purchase should call at the
agency, when i every point of excellence will
be fully and sltisfacterily demonstrated.
ace Greenwood.
illy pleased to announeethe
od lady has eonaonted to 'give
interesting lectures for the
t Sanitary fair fund, and hen
evening next for the ocewis is,
—-. —__ nieces-eat that the iv to come
among us, on give xi a- repetition of bar
deeply interns le` Insure on l' The Lights and
S7,o'looc of th War Ctoad," is enough to cell
together stichhn audience as is rarely sees
in Pittebnrg S' - '
When we consider the subi aot, so absorbing
in Interest, and noble in its purposes, giving
ns an inside picture of the woes set sufferings,
the joys and anxhitliii of our noble soldiers,
givieg one a deeper interest, If that be posai.
ble, In their welfare andhappinese--shsdding
light on their every day life in camp, and held
and hospital, end also casting, before no the
thasslows, cold and hint, that have been
caused by this cruel and desolating rebellion,
we can then folly appreciate the 111011L6 desire
of the masses to bear this soul.stirring ad
dress wherever its talented, eloquent and pa
triotic author Ina appeared to deliver IL
WO are always sorry when we are offered
rack a rich Meat, new* are now promised, that
aro so small, and that we have not
In our city a room large enough to contain
thousands lartend of hundreds—ns in every
instance like this', many are @impelled to stay
away to avoid the great crowd.
We are aft° sorry that her engagements will
prevent her giving a ropetitioe of her address,
and on Monday evening next we anticipate
one of the moat brilliant audiencesphat any
lecturer baa bean favored with for a long time
to our city.
IV 0 ox gal
the &b.ire tale
one of he? •e
benefit of the,
named Mond•
The Mere ant I,
SAD.—Rev. .1. H. White, formerly of the
Pittsburgh Conference, but now .chaplain in
the woke of the country, has recently sus
tained a most sad bereavement. One of his
eons, Drummond, called after Dr. Drummond,
of the Western Virginia Conference, was oho;
by a sentinel on duty. He was mistaken for
an enemy. Ho lingered for come days, but
died before his mother could teach
Such aro the sorrowful casttities of war.
HILT'S IX ram U. M. HOIXITALS..--Allly 12,
QXQ. B. Holley, Warren county, !serail ; May
12, Abraham Crabtree, Pittsburgh ; May 16,
Milton P. Junk, Ohio National Guard, Roos
menty, Ohio; May 17.
Willard P. anydar,
16th Wisconsin ; May 11, Wm. H. Mom, Pay;
este county, murals.
T112117.2.—The engagement of Ettie Alen-
Orion at the Theatre has been vary nuocees
fir', crowded housoe &eating her nighty.
"rho Little Treasure" and the "French spy"
—two favorite pieces—aro announced for this
Meatus Pawn, Plata and OrnamentalSista
Roofor, sad dealer In Pennsylvania and Ver
mont slats of tho but panty at low rates
Mee at Alen. Laughlin's, scar gto Water
Works, Pittsburgh, Pa.
Is sr possible that any soldier can be so
foolish as to leave the city without a supply
Whoever does so will deeply regret it. These
medicines are the only certain aura for Howe'
Complaints, Pavers, Bores and bonny.
Holloway's Pills and Ointment are now re•
tailed, owing to the high prices of drugs, Au,
MO cents, TS cents and $1,119 per po
L. t or box.
For sale in Pittsburgh by D. Fahne
stock A Co.
For sale at Fulton's drug store, Firth street,
For sale also by also. A. Folly, Federal
street, Allegheny city.
Mons. Da Loaten Chasid Juvenile Van es
lfrsu Exhibition will take p lace
. at Concert
on Thursday evening, May SS. M. Do.
Long intends makingthis exhibition the melt
attractive of the kind that ha; ever
ten up in this city, and worthy the p 4
of tbe public , . Tickets Mir sante, te d
at Mrs. Blue's and Mr. Mellor's
Stores and at the doeion the evening f the
eaten: o
lament. There will be dancing for all
who wish to pvtleipatco after the OXIMItIOD.
Doors epen!at 7, to commence at 3 o'clock
Sorrur ox Harn.--The enbscriber wishes
to inform the readers ] f t ohe Gomm that he
has again a fall suppy of the justly celebra
ted hair restorer. Sdenesator whore effect in
motoring gray its original color, pre
venting bats from falling out, removing
dandruff, to., fairly mantes it to he aloud
among the greatest suesesses of modem
times. Simon John/tempt sole agent, sorter
of Bmitlilield and Fourth 'treats. • eadaw
D. Niorerry, Deittat He. 162 Pant!
street, between Bmttl6eld and Chink
iadueemernte bets eV by offering 1014
prima; bat as equitable fa will be charged
la every case, for the best material will be
used, and all i li a time end skill mimicry to in.
surd pwwarll road shall be applied,
Letter from Fredericksburg
Corr andence of the P ittaburgh Gusts.
Faxesereelnu - ao, May 34, 1364.
EtTeton Queue: I lasted in my last that
Fredericksburg was about to be evacuated.
Sick ;pod wounded soldiers are now leering ae
fast as transports on the Rappahannock, and
the railroad to Acquia Creek, can carry them.
One train went out yesterday afternoon hay
ing an board no lose than 1,500 sick and
wounded soldiers. I think that every sick
and wounded man in this place will be in
Washington by to-morrow morning, so that
friends need not make say inquiry beyond
On yesterday 'morning I saw Lieutenant
Cooper, Co. A, 102 d, going on board the Lit
ale Baker, bound for Washington. I met the
following at the same time, arms of whom
were reported killed in the late bailie' : John
Appoibee, Andrew Armstrong, W. H. Ayers,
Co. I, 102 d, and Lieut.-John .1. Bents, Co. A,
139th. They were all well, and give the same
account of the following, in regard to whom
isquiries have been made : Gee. W. Keifer
Co. A, 1024, Edwin hi. Kerr, Co. E, 139O1:
James McLaughlin, 102 d, and Geo. A. Spear,
Co. I, 139th.
Captain Kirkbrido died here on the 21st of
May. Nis body is to be embalmed, I believe.
William McMillan, Co. B, 139th, died on the
21st of May, and was buried' on the 224. J.
No Martin, 100th Pa.; (Round Read), died
sometime in May.
I could not learn anything about Lieut.
Cal. Dale, nor Isaac Harris, Co. D, 130. h re g •
intent, about whom numerous Inquiries have
been made.
A militaryeracustion,under the eireumetanr
*es which existed in Frodericlutbarg, is a vary
tordthieg. Bat it presenta, at the lame tine,
come very laughable scenes. Rare are
some of the worst eases: Numbers veers
dying every day of gangrene. On Sabbath
evening transports made their appearance at
the landing. Orders were tuned on Monday
to the physicians in chirp of the hospita l s to I
select their worst eases and tend them on
board. Oa the onnoUneement of this order
the most terrible groans went up from every
cot. Every man thought himself to be the
wont case, and, of course, a - great many dd.
fared with the physicians in their judgmeat
to regard to their condition. But in the af
ternoon a flank movement was made. Orders
were toned far every man that eould walk to
cross the river to Falmouth and take the
train to Acquia Creek. Then followed a live
ly arena. The morning prescriptions seem to
have posseseed medical virtue of fabulous
charms. Seme'of the wont eases were now
the most hopeful. The streets, in a chart
time, were one living stream of wounded
men. Soon hundreds of miserable little gro
cery stores and warehoueos were left tenant•
lees,tl suppose,) and the meant inmates 00T•
end the tills on the opposite side of the
Rappahannock. It was easily joyful to wit
ness the evactiatipu under the circumstances.
We- were never more delighted than to see
our poor fellows delivered from their filthy
beds. It would have been well if it could
bare been done sooner.
Bello Plain was mixes: fed Yesterday morn
ing. It is expected' that Acqata Creek will
bo abandoned as aeon as the emended men
era all taken to Washington.
Although the movements mentioned above
aro not legitimate 'abject/ for telegraphing, I
do not by any means think that they present
our case in an unfavorable aspect. General
Grant's headquarters are rupposed to be at
Bowling Green, or ip that neigborhood, which
is from twenty to twenty-five miles from
Fredericksburg and thirty-two from Belle
Plain. It would require a large number of
men to guard each a long line. Supplies oan
reach Port Royal with as much facility almost
as they can Belle Plaine, and then the dis
tance to the army will not be more than ten Sr
twelve miles. In my opinion it only 'means
that our base of supplies has been changed.
But it thews moreover, that ear army it pres
sing on towerd Richmond. Your correspon
dent will have to try some ether route to reach
the front. Some of the trains that went toot
on Sabbath, returned yesterday to Feeder
It was Redly amusing to see the change
produced on the citizens by the transfer of our
wounded. Before lt commenced they could
only look at you through the chinks In the
door. During Its progress they appear in
their holiday attire, and express their ex
treme gretifintion that they will now be able
I to occupy their Own houses. In the very
height of it, howeVer, a very devoted female
I rebel hails the chief Medical Director of the
Sanitary Commission ' and asks boo, as a
special favor, as ho belongs to N- w York,
that he would exchange a New York State
note for a greenback, "se the Sate money iJ
murk been, then the Governmeot stormy." We
I feel glad that be did not do cat These low,
miserable, scum, staring rebate have been
fed at the crib of the Government and the
Sanitary Commission, and yet they would
stab them to the heart. I cannot take time,
end I am rot in the best frame for doing it
I if Leonid, to describe these spare of aristoc
racy, who are absolutely without *wealth,
I education, re finemeat and good manners.
There is a day of • reckoning for them, if the
Almighty le just- God will vita with fear
ful yet+ (Potion the men and Werner, who can
not chow sympathy for poor wounded soldiers.
Our wounded men would have suffered heal
bly if it hid not been for the Sanitary Com
minion. The Chrtmion Commission are do
ing a good work, but they have been depend
ent on the Sanitary Commission, to a large
extent, for a supply of stores. The Sabbath
school papers are very good in their place,
bat they will not .nourieh a sick man. I eat,
bear personal testimony to the fact that the
Solitary Commission giree the Christian
Comminion whatever they ask if they have
it. I have men numbers of the Christian
Commiesion draw largely on the sanitary
stores since I Came hero. In regard to stim
slants, about which I have seen some news
paper correspondence in Pittsbargit,the Chris
tian uses them as much as the Sanitary Com
mission. I am glad to see the two Cammts
sloes working so harmoniously. I think
they should set as helps to each other. The
Christian Commission bee had a very spent
supply of stores at Fredericksburg, for which
they have expressed their sorrow. The San.
bury Commission has dittributed as meny as
thirty wagons in one day.
When your correspondent is going to move
he cannot say. Next.
12 30
37 16
60 0 ,,
10 0
:07 00
3430 00
Raxovan.—Samuel Grisham .1 Co., !der
chant Tailors, have removed to 73 Smithfield
'treat. We aro jut receiving our awned
supply of spring end rummer pods, and
would most respectfully invite our friends and
the public in general to examine our new
stook, believing it to be one of the finest
stocks of merchant tailor goods in the city.
Every garment warranted to give fall satis
faction, in both price end quality. Giv j u d g e
call before purahasing elsewhere and
for yourselves. Glaszse dt MoCarrnttee,
Merchant Tailors, No, 73 Smithfield street.
Brenta:. Horton.—Tao attention of oat
roaders Is direetsd to the brilliant assortment
of Spring and Shimmer Goods just received
by our friend Mr. John Weier, No. 128 Fed
eral street, Allegheny. Rio stook comprises
• groat variety of Hanoi French, English,
Scotch and American Osssinsores and Cloths,
and doe Silk and Casslmete Vestings,—ail of
which will be made np to order In the latest
styles and in the best manner. A &Moe se
lection of Furnishing Goods able mauled and
for sale, together with a full steak of Beady
Made Glothina. won and fashionably made.
Omatsua and carriage *ls will be taken at
the Omnibus ollice, No.• 410 Penn street, dal
or night. All orders lett at the above place
will be protoptli attended to. All Galls most
to paid to advasoe. •
Tim spacial attention of ths Ladles Is asked
to the large and elegant stooks of Balmoral
Boots, Gaiters, Slippers, Buskins, So-, at Me-
Oleßand's Anotion Mosso, 55 Fifth street.
0. Szu., Dentist, EU hot streit, will st
ead to All baguets of bis profwwlwn.
ham Id. thsuira AMMO) at Law, 9$
Grant ;tract.
Mutsu' and Children's Gaiters and Boots,
it.Atcelellsnes Auction'lloass.
Bora' shoesia - ra , ,•. • a's Auction.
. ,
..t.►ej •
' • -
BELLIII7.—POR74I-In Catir oho.
day, May Ydth, by the. Xt. 7.
B. SILLIES et rittsbOven, to Nissii?.k. POD..
TED, et WEAL sort/ at
MtTULLIO; !..c;
071111t1ltr.e—On 'Nada eentlag, Ito 2lth,
W IteWIIIB4III, fr., le the Itd tear of
hie me.
The forteral *ln take
,}Leo treat Ilds leis rottenest
to tho Ninth *are, 012 Thrust; at 10 o'clock e.
re. 'Di Mute of the fenny ere reeporthely
ritd to ahead.
Thartet. *Min. Ns7 111 .
Jean TS OMPION, L tha Wit per of bleep.
Tka theerol eN robe piss on Tzwierat mum.
rim at lio'clook, trm kis late reeideare,
Next meet to propeet to the Allothet7 Cemet.r7
The &keis of the feet fly are nerarent faTt?rd
.. k~'-
Correapondence Between Secretary
Seward and Minister Dayton.
10., do.,
gpsaial Dispatch to the Pittsburgh Garet!,
WAsaucToer, May 4, 1864
The evidence before the Treasury Investi
gation Committee Is, in some cases, of the most
conflicting nature. A leading roitrood man
and another prominent chianti of New York
swear positively to an attempt on the part of
a certain bank note oompany to bribe Mr.
Clarke to abandon the effort to print Govern
ment notes and bonds in the Department.
The PreAden( of this hank note oompany
swears directly and positively to the contrary.
The evidence &boat the alleged immorali
ties in the private life of officials in the Print
lug Demean, 'consists almost wholly of the
affidavits of prostitutes, submitted to the
Committee by the detective who worked up
the case. The Committee has not decided
whether to summon there women or not. Ent
a single Indy employed to the Department
has been found to make any charge. of the
kind. She swears that on one occasion one
et the subordinate clerks in the Bureau wink
at her, and that smother time be made an
ambiguous remark to her which was suscepti
ble of an improper conatruetion.
m'cut.LAN cm aurr's gisralait
It la understood that General McClellan
has written to one of his friends here that
in hie opinion, unless Grant has underrated
Lee's strength, the only contingency in which
hie campaign Is likely to prove a failure, is
a failure to receive sufficient suppiles.
Thu Democratic leaders in Congress begin
to agitate the propriety of postponing their
nomination of to Presidential candidate, till
the close of the summer campaign.
The 2otuo Naral Committee here:led to
day to the majority repert in tarot of New
London m naite for the ironclad nary-yard.
An exceedingly elaborate minority report In
favor of League Island boa been t tepared.
PAT or LINT t. rrlcsas.
The Mom° Military Committoe agreed this
morning to equoloh all proposition, to in
crease the pay of army °them.
Administration members talk of hold
ing a joint cadent from the two nutrias
to consider the queation railed by
the application of Senators and Rep
resentatives from Arnaneas for admis
sion. The whole question of reconsk-uctien
is Involved, and the party Is utterly without
any used policy on the eubjeet. The three
representatives were beard at length in sup
port of their claims before the Rouse Election
Committee this morning. They inside plausi
ble statements, and some of the committee
were inclined to view their statements with
considerable favor.:
001 , 019 , Flt.oll FILLDLIIICILSIICHG.
A trrin loaded with Arleen hutdred of oar
minded from trederickiburg hoeyitals came
in last night.. Thor° not able to corns by
rail were plsioed on transporta and cent
around by water. Tho erarnded are all re.
moved from Froderiekilinn.
4C1.L1C16J11.;491.1t6e9 ➢ILL 1001VIT05-0:1
The Roue Military Committee to day
postponed the ccnsideration of the Sonste
bill reorganizing the Qaartermobter's Depart
ment, to enable the Quartermaster General to
be beard on the subject.
Tho Howe Pacific Railroad Committee pro-
de to their bill for the leers• of hands by the
.sacral companies to an equal amount with
those of the Gowernmont, and to constitute
LWKC FOR 111.R1360.T8-6cwarar6B surrarseva
Minn. Brooks and Kornan tried to lug the
grievances of the World and Journal of Wol
lner. into the debate on a hilt for • newsboys'
home, and, for nearly an boar, delayed the
business of the Bona with efforta rums of
ingenuity then creditable, to •how to th°
setiefection of the Speaker and noose tho
connection between the Ncrreboye' name to
Waal:Linton and newereeer . . topprestiono in
New York.
The President btu pardoned Cept. Black
of tho Qaartermazter's department at Louis•
villa, reeently . convicted by soot martial of
extensive frauds in the purchase of mixed
groin. Black was sentenced to pay n fine of
five thousand dollars, and to be Imprisoned
In the penitentiary until paid.
Special Dispatch t the Iltiabstvh Garotte
WASMIZOTON, 151/.7 25, 1864.
The feeling over the news' front the iron
announceol in official bulletins, is hopefu
but not enthusiastic.
Nothing laexpeeted from Sherman till w
hear of the fall of Atlanta.
Tao rurnbro of rebel evacuation of Itioti
trrond are utterly unfounded.
Several more witnesses were examined by
the Troonany Investigating Committee this
morning. The accusers begin to be In a bed
predicament. They have u yet latterly felled
to subsuustiato or even give • reasonable
show of probability to • single charge. This,
too, in the face of the fact that so biter W'
enemy of the Administration, and no ( violent
an excuser of the 'Department as James
Brooks, is a leading member of the Commit
The Rowe listened with close attention to
the reading of Mr. Dayton's correspondence.
There were merman of disapprobation when
eartain extracts from Booretary Seward's dis
patches were reached. The papers were re
ferred to the Committee on Foreign Relations,
and it Ls - understood that Winter Doris will
make a report to the Douse. The peat ins
portanee of this correspondence leads me to
give it In
lire Hoer° of Rczamentativ: In answer
to a resolution of the . Rouse of Representa
tives yesterday on the suNectof the Joint res
olution of the 4th of lest[ ' month, relative to
I transmit the report from i the Score
tery of State, to whom the resolution we, re
ferred. (Signed,) devalue Ltscote.
Washington, May 24. 1854.
The Secretary of State, to whom has been
referred the resolution of the Hoare of Re
presentatives, yesterday, requesting the Pres
ident to communicate to thee House, if not In-
Consistent with the public interest, any ex
planations given by the Government.% the
United States to the Government - of Prance
respecting the sense sad bearing of the joint
resolution relative to Mexico, which passed
the Hot,, of Representatltes on the 4th of
April, 1861, has the honor to lay before the
Precident a espy of the correspondence on
venord in this Department on the subject of
the joint resolution.
Respectfully submitted,
-(Slgned,) Watrast H. Sirwsxn,
Department of State, Washington, May 24th,
11L, 11.17.12 D TO MIL DLTION.
DITASTIIIIIIT or STATJ, Wmanweron, April
1814.—Sirs I sendiou aoopyote resolution
which rased the Houle of Representatiese
on the 4th tali. b 7 lutaltbAntli TAOS Va
~ : ~ ~ }.;-
lthich declaees the opposition of that hotly
to the recognition of a monarchy in hlsuico.
Mr. oofry I
las lost no timo In slting an ex
planGation cf thirpreceeding. tln hardly
tecessin7, e.fmr.what ILhave heretofore writ
ten with perfect candor for the information of
France, to say that this rer.lot ion truly in
terprom the 611.011:1010, StOttlllol/t of tho peo
ple of thoUoiteds. 4 isten in regard this tneasure.
Iris, honorer, another and distinct question,
whether the United Stato4 would think It
necessary or Flier to express th
el em...teen Is
the form adopted by the Goose Itopre,ea•
Mitres, et this titan. This I. st practical and
rarely executive erestl , n, owl the dental
h ,
of it conetidu finally bil..nga. not to te
House of Ropreslentatives, not seen to fl-n
gross, hot to the President of the finned
Outten. You will of r ors the, 11 , 41 i ,. %bet
the declaration made by the flows of Kept!
sentatives In In the form of a joint res,lotien,
which before It can require the rharivter of
a legislative net 'mutt receive, Mat, the eon.
currenee of the Senate, and atoned'', the op
provat of the President of the Iloitce /glom:
Of in cars of his dissent, the renewed assent
of Roth Houses of Conc, , , to be esprctend
by • Maj any of teroetlortis of Penh body.
While t o e President recall. the declaration
of tho House of Hrpreseetativen with the pro
found mewl to which it Is entitled All an ex
position of its views up,n a grave and impor.
tant sui•Jent, he directs that you Worn the
government of Prance that be idoes not at
prment contemplate any departure from the
policy which this Government hos hitherto
pursued in regard to the woe which exists be
.tweett France and Mouton. It is hardly nec
essary to any that the proceeding of the House
of Itepresentatlrts woo adopted upon sugges-
Hoes arising wipta iunif, and not open any
communication f the Executive Department,
and that the Irecch government would be
reasonably mop red of any mange of policy
upon this subje which the President might
at any future ix o think proper to adept.
I am, Sir, your ob'dt. servant,
Signed,) WILLIAM H. lSnlreltD.
us. Damon It lin ttElesSn,—(trrasCr.)
Pants, April 2; 18G1.—Irisi 2 ed Mr. Droyn
Do L'llays yosteruay at the Department of
Foroign Affairs. The ant words he addressed
to me on entering the room were: “Do you
bring us peace or bring us war ?" I asked
him to what he referred. Ile said he referred
more immediately. to resolutions recently
passed by Congress in reference to the inva
sion of Mexico by tho French nod the estab
lishment of Idanimlllian upon tho throne of
that country.
I replied that I did not think that France
had a right to Infer that tee were about to
mak% war against her on ace not of anything
contained In those resolutions ; that they
embodied nothing more than had been con
stantly bold oat to the French Government
from the beginning ; that I had always rep.
restated to the tiorarnment here that any ac
tion upon their part interfering with the form
of government in Mexico would bo looked
upon with disSativtaction in our country, and
they could not expect us to be In hosts to eo•
knowledge monarchical government built up
on the foundation of a republic which was
OW nest neighbor; that I had retIJOU to
Rim you had hold the same language t, :i.o
Ptelleh Minister in the Unitsti States.
This aliegation ho did nut seem to dory,
but Obviously rreetoed the resolutions in
question a: a ssrilel stop eon our part ; .oi
I am told that leadiog socesvionists here bail,
largely upon these reselutlon4 .15 a men* of
tomontiog i.l . between this coo orry
end ourselves. Mr. Mutt led his ficorttary
have gone to 'Brussols to et.ufeferith
Dudley Plana, who ts their Commissioter at
that place. Jlr. blidoll, It is sold, was tt hare
goes to Austria, although he has not yet got
I ate, Sir, y tar wet ob't earr't,
11un.31. H. Bow/no, Sony of State.
Mr. Dayton wrttea again on Nay 21 to
Me. Seward, del.:Xing the oir :I:met...cots of an
Interview, alter the ronep:l• t. of Mr. oaward's
'dispatch, sqftt chich kr. Dr L•iluya
seemed quite ectidlcd, of I it was ap
parent that tho extreme :•.cesit:rete,e of the'
French Govern:aunt, rc! zo the House
reeolutiona, had or taco .. .. salrel bad.
Mr. Seward anted for t.r. 19 on key 9th
and May 2let, expreea . rg his end:, eztialate
er;th what Mr. Leyte., bed acid ir, hia inter
view with the French RI iei!tar, ani ;peaking
of itr. Cur+, itt . 3 ala- a tin g 11;nleelf from his
poet in die :too, no or a Isere granted tact
The 15.<,...0 S.r .1
satjeet of the coo traction of riheal ergioee
this morhiLE. Quiatanl. of New York
•oe. Mr. Da•'•_, I, of New Utica, were el
amiaod al. Irkt' Th:. a.h.l I•er expects
eopLst cret. •übje. - before C..og'o:i
- •
1.-.1 I 1,
Unto beft,re S tied col til
Sifteclay ets,t. Lugo net..bers of reantyl
Iranians are. born urfics.; dude.
op rt:etnel and ;ton. I. is said that the bil
will, vs en Lee.r.qe, (—nee fully up to tho,ros
olutiett vusporerily etltling LL; p•r rent. t
no pacers. !lies.
T. itacstr.ent in s
parting to ,ivta an Leco
leg yottenlay, at chic
ntrauleta tha of
recent Spattsh era,
eappre,tou of noneps
t 9 rat,
ate , a day looks na
Tbe &bat: irt tin S
he gentleman hr.Tirg
n rent in that body
ver7 slim chanon Indeed of getting it, as
°harps are mode that he voted tor the ee
ls tssiort ordinance in Arkansas, There is a
general dirpoehion to look with suspicion na
ill pretended reconstruction of State Govern
ments 10-the rebel Stater.
Mr. Morgan, from the Senate Military Com
mittee, reported • bill abollebing commuta
tion, with an amendment allowing the actual
procuration of eubstitutee ; and striking oat
the elapse requiring Arty per oftut. additional
to the ”quielte combat. Notice may bo
guyed in tin dope, or at any titan within tin
Mr. Stunner, from tho Committee on Freed
men, reporSed the loose bill to organise a
Bureau for freedmen's effsira, with an amend
ment Substitutieg fer it tho Senate bill.
Ohio Uulon State Convention
Coinages, May 25.—The Union State Con
vention was large, enthusissuc and harmool.
ono. All the counties were represented inn
two. Col. T. it Stanley, of Vinton, presided
with one Vice President from tools Congros
decal distriot; Secretory, G. A. Benedict,o,
Cuyahoga, and one Assistant Secretary rrin
Pooh district. • -
Nciai-mtfoes—For Supreme J edge, full term,
Lather Day, of Portage coutts, ey acolama
tion. The mita wore auspended, nod Mr.
White, of Clarke county, ems declared the
nominee for the short term; ilorace Wilder
eras nominated by acclamation for the vacan
cy canoed by the resignation of Judge John
son, Wm. Meng and 13013% liamilton were
also nominated; for Secretary of State,
Cannel William, P. P-Ichardson, of Mon
roe ; "for . Attorney General, Col. Mores
'natty, of Button • for Comptroller of the
Treatury,Philtlp [Liming, of AnCloise ; fur
member of the Board of Publio Works, for
the long term, Joseph Moore, the present in
cumbont; for Senatorial electors, John P.
Bucher, of Bravo county, and John A Bing
ham, of Ilarrison county; for delegates, W.
King, ogilovernon Denniebn and rod, Col
umbus Delano and EL V. D,rsey ; for alter
within J. D. Shryock, of Zsegpvllle, G it.
Later, of Cleveland, L. L. Wooster, of Bo
ron county, and James London, of Brown
The resolutions renew pledges to sustain
thaeoverament with men and 6101201 to lop
press the rebellion, recommend the renomi
nation of Abraham Lincoln by the National
COnvfmtion, congratalata the country on the
incases of our arms, and thank. to the army
and navy, pledging the 'rapport of the Ohio
Union men to the measures of the adminis
tration of Abraham Lincoln, and approve of
the amendment to the constitution to make
•all the States free.
Wounded in She Wilderness—Goer
rilla Depredations.
W•IIIIINGTOI, May 25.—A letter from Fred' ,
eriakeburg, dated yesterday, says a number
of ambulances, under 4 tag of truce, pave
goad to Vhnacel!amine; to gather In ouch of
our wounded at were lost. In the Wlldorness.
Theguerrillas in that neighborhood con
tinue their depredations:
TLa Bustpa Alativersarles
pdt242.-2 25 ,1 2S —Tie Anniversary meet;
Lop ars well attended and the proceedings
generally interesting. nor. 0. B. Erotbing
ham. of Now York, and' Rev. Da Elliott, of
Si. Louls, were among the principalopealters
at thattattattatt Fan Ural last irratiag.
Glorious Intelligence!!
The Rehels4 Beyond the South
Anna Alver.
Rumored Flight of Davis and his
Cabinet,, May 2!. The Bu'lett..
the following special leepateb
Washington, May 25.—The flepoldienn has an
extra which. contains the following highly
impertant end -glorious intelligence: I take
pleasure la being able tn announce that In
telligence has reached this city that Leo is
falling hack from the North Anna, and, n 3
has boon already stated, commenced a, hasty
retreat, and he had reached a point beyond
the South Anna river, pursued with great
vigor by Grant.
Gen. Grant is In the saddle all the time, day
and night, directing the general movements in
tolossito stops t., light, we shall next hear
of a grand conflict f4r the otty of Richmond
before or in the works of that espito.l.
Reports say that Jeff Davis and his Cabinet
left Richmond some days Ngn. Thorn io Ilttlo
doubt bat that Richmond by this time is pretty
well elsared out of its inhabitants, and that
it is nothing leas than a fortress.
There aro still a number of sick and wound.
ad at Fredericksburg. Skirmishing with
guerrillas occurs daily, but always in our
favor. _
Wasiosorns, May 2t, lett.
Sktikir.-9 Committee of Cttefereneo
the Bank Bill wee ordered. Toe Internet
Ratehttne bill wee taken op.
Hover—Mr. Morrill, from' the Conference
Citmmittee, reported in favor of fulfilling the
prat:Ate rf the Government, of full pay to
colored troop: entering the vervice of tho
Government, prior to J stunry. Report re
Mr. Trumbutl, from the Jatlitinry C.tmmit •
tee, reported favorably on tho bill to provide
for the tekiagot n MI," in 1660.
A into rig" ra• reeent ad lr m the Hence
arinDenilete ' r•icieurleoce in the Son
'e autoudmonte to Ito Boot 1.11
motion of Mr. eacrte, tho S,riate ad
hered to a Committee of Con: ,cues, uhteb
ViM ordered to be etp^ by the Chair to
meet that of the lisu:a.
A motion at Kancai, t 3 bare the
oath admmistered tt 'jr. Fishbaiik, as Senator
from Arkansas, wee oebated at simo length
by Lane In his tar , r. and Mr. iloseard in
opposition, erii..hout rooting to nay coyaeittiion.
The Internal II .re•:tie Bull mai then Men
up. 1:r. Berrie ttleiol an amendment to
the Finance Commerce eelobildienta making
the tax on beer, ale, p tier, So in barrels,
st; thirty-one
The Bunco pasecd Soo j tint resolution that
the undLiuibuted port: e c' boric and docu-
mcnthe yin:reamed. by each 11.1 to previous to
the cll'ai Ccr.gre.,e, and n to ilepti,ited in the
1 atonor Impar.montuncl deowhere, too clts
tribute" to the parent members nod delegates
in Congroes under the dire .iton of the Joint
Committee en Printing. The ratel books to
be distributed esinatly' as presthie in numbers
and value.
Mr. of Verm,t, made a report
from the Committee of Conference, on the
disagreeing amends.r.t to the army bill,
me p ee ,,ez ibe. pay "f cr:clrocl troops. The
Lamm u freport hiieg to filled the
VrtT.ISC 1 the., h I out,: re d the eery ire prior
to Jaaaaty 1 t. sn the 0,1211 n, that they
ebentd rei eiee fall Tine. Tee Renee rejected
the:report, 25 a.; elite I 121, end' w bed ,ictiher
Cora ;et Aeo of Cer fe r. n co.
. . .
Mr. Sebench repotted a hill :Intl, rit7ng the
Pmident to take Me4l,lreN to construct a
rsi!”.ad it East Tennessee. The considers.
was fixed f,r noxt Tucrdxs
. -
The Speaker tpld bolero the 11 the re
ply of . President LiLO`in to the reaulution
adopted yeeterday, enclosing the cerreepenti.
onto between Secretary Seward and Mr. Day
ton, relative to the resolution adopted by the
House egaiort the invasion of Me:ice by
Kentucky Demuctutle and Reptibllcan
Litt-vit.i.e, May 25.—The D,rneeratie
Dion Suite Convention met at ten lock,
Yolk pallor iar
to: a Cdbinal meet
rtdin tat:labor. do
:cornmont in tb•
on cdec, and in th•
!: n'Aerly and ab
„ .
at the Court Comm lion. James Guthrie
President, and James J. Wallace Secretary.
Four delegates at large and two frsm each Con
gressional district were appointed to rep
resent Kentucky in the Chicago Convention.
It was also resolved that an elect, to! ticket
to selected on some taste in the afternoon ses
sion. Electors and delegates were appointed.
Daring the consultation of the Convention,
Col. Frank Wolford addressed the assembly,
eliciting the most enthusiastic applause.
The Convention, at their evening session,
were occupied in the discussiOn of the rosy
lesions, the result of which his, not yet trans
The Republican Convention mot at noon at
Mossrt Hall. Fifty-six counties ware repre
sented, and delegates from twenty counties
wore chwen who were not present.
Hon. G. W. Williams was appointed Presi
dent, and Col. A. G. Hodges Secretary.
Among the prominent speakers wore R. J.
Breckiaridge S. F. Harlem, Lucien Ander
son and Judge Williams. Mr. Brockinridge
told the Convention in his speech that If ho
■s,araace to claim
Arkwasne, stood
. .
were appointed a delegate ho should vote for
Lincoln and no body else, and was rapturously
applauded. Allusions to Prosident Lincoln
and to the prospect of univorsal freedom by
the quakers cover failed to bring down the
Mr. Brockinridge was appointed one of the
&legatee who were appointed from the State
at largo and two from each Congreseional dis
trict, to represent the Republican, of Ken
tucky at the Baltimore Convention. The
Convention passed the following resolution:
-Resolved, That tho Union men of Kentucky,
in Convontion, assembled for tho preserva
tion and maintalsanco of the Union, the su
premacy of the Constitution and Ajus destrtie
, tion of the rebellion, without any treat' to
whet these objects may cost.
The proceedinge of the Convention wore
harmonious and entbusiastie.
❑lnols Republican Maui Convention
. .
SPLIIIOTItLD, 111, May :S.—The iteptriall-
can State Convention mot in this city to-day,
and made the following ,nopainatioiss : Gen.
Richard Oglesby, Governor; IVililam Bross,
of Chicago, Lt. Governor; S. Lridala, of St.
;Clair, Secretary of State; J. N. Haynii, of
Alexander, Auditor; Jas. C. Beveridge. of
Kane, Treasurer; Newton Bateman. Super
intendent of Public Instruction; S. W. Moul
ton, Congressman at largo.
The re; olutions approve the acts of the
Administration In misting, by all force
known to airlifted war, the effort to destroy
our national Union ; they cordially en
, dorso the President's Eintacipation Procla
as • legitimate war measure, and
urge that the uso of nogroos ns soldieri is
warranted by the usages of civilized war
They aho exprore the opinion that the
acts of the thTernment hare been in the
mein highly conducive to tho suppression'ef
the present rebellion, and oordially declare
that if Abraham Lineal-a receives the nomina
tion of the Baltimore Convention, the pally
"MI glee him its most earnest support.
The MlLssourl Cullveution
Javrxesow CrrT, May 25. The radical
Union State Convontion tem organised this
morning with Col- Pl. R. Penwiek, of Bo •
champ, as Presidant. POUT bundrod and
fifty -two delegates am present, reprocenting
84 counties. Tho following nominations hove
been unanimensly made : for Governor,T.
C. fief-ober, of Iron county ; for Lieut.-or--
enter, Mr. Smith, of Caldwell ; for Seerefary
of {Mate, Francis Rodman, of Buchanan. Tho
Convention is still in amnion and expecte to
complete the ticket to-night.
New York Union Convention
Brawn's, blay 25.—The Union Re
publican otllTOLltid'a met here to-day. The
following was adopted by acolanttion, the
Convention rising and cheering haartily
limived, That this Convention, approving
the administration of Abraham Lincoln, and
his integrity and patriotic efforts to *oppress
the rebellion whlchhit found In axistence upon
hie inauguration, hereby expresses its 'tar:for
mic for his renomination for the °face of
Prolddent of the trisitad States.
LIGET kin: STiNTOVSBuurrs,
One Thousand Prisoners Taken.
FU s Hugh Lee Repulsed. by
Colored Troops:
Ws is Dersncomr, Wsenthovis, Biwy 25-
9 1 y p. Gen. Dix: The 'latest dis
patches from Grant's flendunarters rornieed
b 7 tbis Department, were dated. at Mount
Carmel Church, at I o'clock p. m. yesteiday•
The dispatch says ocerything is going well .
Warren hssiollprieoners, Mancciek some 300,
and Wright has picked np about 200. The number resulting from yesierday's op_
orations will not fall eh m of ; '•t"o ,War
ren's lose is not oc.r a'•! ended
Tho pvivonera ca r —, , I. 1 ::great
part North Carolinian, are IL,n discouraged
and nay that Loa has deceived them.
The pursuit is delayed by the great fatigue
o { the men ; still Hancock and Warren will
reach the South Anna by nightfall. •
General Butler, in to dispatch dated head
quarters, 7 o'clock this mortar!, report) that
"Maj. Gen. Fitz-Hugh Leo lately appeared
with cavalry, infantry, and artillery, and made
an attack upon my ',bet at Wilson'e Wharf, on
the north side of the James River, below Fort
Powhattan, garrisoned by two regiments, all
negro troops, Brig. Gen. % lid coutmantung,
and was handsomely repulsed.
"Before the attack, Lee sent a flag of truce
stating that he had force enough to take the
place, demanded It, surrender and du ease
the garrison should surrender, they should
be turned over to the antherities at Richmond
as Trisoners of war, bat if this proposition
wag rejected, he would not be Dowers. • or
the consequences when be ma o the attack.
i 1 tienerai Wild replied 'we will try that.'
Reinforcerrients were at once sent, but the
fight wee over before their arrival. Out lose
ie not yet reported."
No other reports of military ciparationa have
been received by the Department elude my
telegram of 9.30 last a . ening.
(iiignel,) E. M. Srauroa.
The Rebels Completely Routed
The Enemy i'ine Times Repulsed
Forrages .M.03r.0x, May 24-5 p. n;.—This
morning ' Gen. Gilmore rent out on a mean
noiaaunee, end at 3:30 a. m. m.t the enemy in
soma force. After an engagement of an bear
and a. half he eampletoly routed them. Oar
1,48 ie sUght.
It is reported that nearly half of 'Beware
g-trd's tome left him yesterday zed marched
towards Richmond, probsbly to reinforce
The rebel 3 have mane nine attacks on our
tatrencEmento and they have bet. repulsed
New York Market.
Nbo, Tool, May I.s.—Cotton 20 1, Oct; Middling
Opts. do u7(sitSc. Flottr—t tote sod • swie, fats
and lu fon , doluoid, pertly r sport; 17.90537,15 ter
Lx ra 5055e,"97.61(44;,70 .4.40 txfta le. 411 v., and
57.010010 0 ir0 for Trade (Irons, the mailiet closing
nrm; ta..laded In. 1,0 solos •re fails rafts State,
for ta. fltst half of J.. 140 sell-rs . rip uni, at 2.7,5 a.
Whisky more active; St 204.1.20 fit sto., s‘.•-'7(4
I,ln for W. sum, eh ray inane quotations. Wheat
spore Are aa.l la to.deralls .I,piy, and in fair e
port demand . ; 011440 at 51,a 11,04.1., tar 11 a •
Ciao, 51,4700,79 for ft tutor Bed Wes-
tern ; a large 500101 t ref Oasalts Mere to ar
m h.:lod to the saks 2takst !imbeds Mil
wsake• Clan, d- liverahle from Os 2010 or Jam
to the It , of July, at S ,171. t. ro srmcnuni quiet;
It 4 , 5,0.41 fur 5r.., ; f I 50 for ‘4ld Mixed Ws-tern.
Oats - Worteru henry oar drooping, at IV.os•lcc.
quiet and a Glynn decided e-aogo :Petroleum
arm ; Crude stoat 400. sod 200.0 gallons ditto in um
, 716. Pork higher but lent strove; 558929,56 r o t
Mess, V 1.75 for Old do., 9:00,2.5 too Now do . $2.1,7500 -
12 5 ,7 0 for New Prim., tor Pomo? Moss. L•td
steady and Eno • wive 00100,41 last ev. slog, at 13di
814 c, Oh. latter price sat extreme; also 3,100 bins,
Joss, 144;c Dotter Wady at 28a. Cloven. no
camtgod at 1.2417350.
. Stock and Money Market.
170, That, ]lay2s.—moneys apy. Starling In
mod -rate roots.* Oold lower, opeting at 120%. de.
riming to 104%, advanciug to 1953, and ctosiug,
Leary at 181%.
Government Stacks quiet and steady; C S. (a'sl
tw; Oao Year C•rtlficavi,
Missouri 6.1 71f4,40. a 0. et
0 011. Cartilleaten. Oalena 2 Clalcago.-.136
New York Central... i 0 Cleveland *Toledo-. 74
80-ding ..-144% 0. Il it ......
Micid4an Central—.l4s
Clnelnuati Market.
Crxmosavt, Hay 25.—Flour and Wheat firm with.
oat chs• r . Corn dull and offered freely at 31,18 for
Mailethe d thSt• dull at Mc. Whisky doll at 111,25,
demand Light.. Mese Pork activassad bony.
e• t ; 513,..50 was refused for City at the close, Iv Idtv•
asking E. 30. Lard advancsd to 1314 c, and In 5.3
deuitax.d. hales 10,00u11.1 sloomider• 13•11.11
unchanged and plat. Gorcetim fern mtdyritts. un s .
nliser 1703173. &old 15th31173. Exchatigedtilkat
eeplcago Market.
Crimson, liry `.2s.—Floar firm. Wheal steady at
1,204 Fur ho. t, Shia% for'No.2 Corn 0011.0
' and adv5....1289%c ; Mlosal.lll.l34 4 far No. 1.31,07 3 / 1
for no. If. Oats firm and advent:of Is; sales at mot
0170. Ilighwlars dull at $1. 1 93. Sreights firm.
Itswelpm-4 , 0:0./ Ohl* Floor, 57,00.1 bush Wheat,
165,000 Moat Goya, 70,000 host , Vats. '
Shlpmouto-2,1110 Ohl. Flour. 13000 blob Wheat,
SLOW hash Corn, 3 BU t bash
St. Lout. Market. •
ST, Loma, Slay 25.-11 our quiet wad unchanged,
with hat little doing. WM.. firoi , Mot. 1 4 7 '19
1,811. strictly Prim ~ 1 1,T0@t.75 Conivictive and at
• decliaa; Cam. hit* 51X.5(41,15. , Oats Wady
and unchanged Whis t steady at SOL Outten
still and sdroncing ;23 twits of iddling..
We bear of $1 sated f r Mistdring. this morn.
log, and 950 ormod. Sloth light. Estacipta.473 holm.
Sumer.., 'ML.ellns
Evths, 'SasTill.
il!ttluern, 'Pate*llaz
Petroli , '
Vil City.
Tie dray contlnna to dmlir • Maul lly nt this pole t,
the pier marks leammentog indlrattug BM tot. The
weather contd.. warm, c10udy...4 uesattled, with
nary appearance of more tart.
There le, regret to .tote, to apparent improve
=MANl howinnewt the whs. f, sod mmeat our steam
boatolen hare come to the conclusion the. 'Ay-time
is near at hand. The receipts twotinue light aud
t 0... b littlo or nothing dologlo the way of !ship-,
pi Th n.
g• arrivals Include the Mieerta, Iron Wheeling,
sod the Bertha, from Neettedis, wed the Armenia,
for lit. Louie, was the only traueleut departure.
The Lady Tranklin airtime' at Cincitmeti on Wm
day, and the Camelia, Ilewome and Nighttngale wens
a ivertised to leave Sr tbm city on Tweday..
The U.S. Oen. Lytle errived ben.laltereo
lug at 7:13. She left tiltacilos.Lat 11 O'clock yester
day, stoLuesde the me to aim cit) to 7 Moms and IA
minute.. Ibis 0. by far rine of the quit:keit trips ow
record, in fact, it wee ne GGGGG Tamed by bat os•
Nail ever engaged in ths Cill.l.l.ti packet Hue Sate
year. age the toot Tel.g,nph made the Tun Id 7 bottle
and b minutes, but .he mom favored by the •lad and
nigh want, tab ricer bring ten feet higher than et
the pmeentatems. In the trip yeateoley the Ly tie
med.= inadloge..a brouted • mud , rate steady
breeze Tim run from Cluctuomi t e.ldedmon waa
mate 104 hourzwid 60 cutout..., and, tomudihg cot,
-Leto the river from I.ladirca st bviclock. rite anchor
ed at toe Loulsellie wbs , f at 7 o'clock and 15 mu:tikes
precisely. the Lytle latlj well lay claims to Goriest
ed speed, for if she was at
err b !mod sad high
water to Sheol...Moine that the TeNON•Pit wee, toe
net the isttar beet, which has twirl the boast of
be; owners as uoporalle:edlo liteatatoat speed, wonirt
bo eel,ptad by many 131110110. by the foituor—tbe
witt awl elegant Lytle —nod aIL Jelfreill
The nor, tream.e, Pctrolia, left mr Oil City yeater
day afternoon, and the /rho and Utlltia, from the
mule point, are doe today.
Th. Thistio,fapt. Dates, and the Bonn oho, Copt.
itioCluni, both seat prameoger 06.1,1411.. are, 00110000-
rd for Ctucint4tl sod I, Arievitie. The Thistle will
.dcnbtirst get off this eeerdog.
The Jaa.'.6. eilmore, ()apt lolly, whl be ready to
leave for flt. Louis this *venial. •
Vie Capt,Goldirtg, la announced fur
Nashville, forthwith. •
R aF.UAKC/614 " •
It ion wlth to ta tenonneritly toted oi
311.21a1l or liZIIILALOL&„ Na awt,ofo
M,zmertia!thP - IL
Tbs cod u s'men- told . b 7 JI elTua
mili Cb . 2IMT MMWIt d.Retaka•ailtarets.
in roalag .ninon, than you Ira
B t;ht ;mar. that atzikartho lota,
And watch, p-rbspo, you may can sham,
To Ulna of at ant.toer
Bo not contented with the Olght,
But ink. Qom town In black and white"
B 7 sach rasp.ata Teak .y to t. , :gle ,
That m• OttthPVT
MAY Etir. 3301.7042E'r
62 Fifth Street.
mums% Hems,
No. 65 Fifth Stsieot.
Gentlemen's Shoes;
Children's Shoes ;
Of ow al7 0716.
11. end do;rr. from VIM erect
Jan received . large itsertmant of
belt New To k .ad Philadelphia Maws. Work s for
Lenin end Ilbsea. &ten. Pad, Idorrocco, Goat aid
L tetf ng ..1011•T•i• Bout. and Gaiters ef all tyllsi
Theta goods are'vrartunted to be the BEST rid/
mad. la the country.
Also • irnersi amtmant of all kinds and qtAltles
of Children'. Staple and Tarty Bhp.
GEO.. ALl33* SON & CO,
ar. of Wood and Vo4tla at,
100 DAYB.
Knap's Battalion.
The last Ocmpuy for iudes laslar
NAP. ..13.1 its raised ►ad forwarded lastly oast
auk. Ilacralts be.. ausisee, .ad
gOinll.4 k WILKLIni HALL. £4oalth street; (cam
ibis duo.
In!. of the Ninth Deanna, Itocrniting Orickr
or W. W. W.5.1 , D, ObermAn
cocoANuir cREAn,
Tai` Et
It rams and GM the liar ma etre* Ito Immi
nent trtikik it retalit. tor dap otter Olng
Tor ItitttitattsAlocut,tgtltgrottilt a! 99
LITBEEFI cociiattilint4Opw
CtiNNOT 8 6UHYAU 4 CD. •
It meta the Irritataldrilli:r. -
- ........
It makes the Irritated deal,. --- 1 - '
It realm the Irritated &.Ip. . , ..
It soothes the Irritataßosli6
It Trearetallialdrade ad Sao ad ilaid..: , -
It Prerade ad boas a Bar. -
It Faecal !kidnap ha Lea if Rare '
tt Pretexts Salami VA Las or Asir.
It h a deceit Yalta& .•
It te ma eleasit Perfume.
It te .a eh fart Niihau.
It b ha depot Pertuno. . .
Oxeurat Crum Marto Dasitraff.
Cora:int Cream rearm Dating&
Or names Danarall..
Cocoanut Onatm reatiovio EautruE,
Te produce* the Went UM - re.
It proeneseehelichtet Lestre.
tt prirdietes thitlittettett Lustre.
it mews the Weir Luetra.
It gtm thiplUtr as 01 Apes*eatt
It errs tle;1181r ar ally Aptettssolt,
It lira It. Hale o' l 4 y IPrmaliam
It hives the' ititlr na OUT Appostamts.
Pot Q 11124; Makers It kit in poll.
rot Oiling Whitton it koo no oval.
Pot Mug Matters It kas no equal.
Poi Offing Wklokon 11 has no Km*
Asa ft Matto all Its Etastretig Mats
As/ It Maim stl Its Row dirt' 'Chas
And ft retaisisalts•Osaattqlrg Into
Lad mains a Its Bansutitylig Mc *
Tor Ws titer twin ir.
for dal, &nor tulog it.
Tor dal■ alter %dog it.
Tar dajo alter wing it.
Ter Droning ando Din the Idesticba. •
Fez *naiad ddd Odinnaba Maidediak,
Tor D odes sad Oiling Oil Idumtdcbd.
Tar Drordag and cdlidg tba Idadiadsir
irtrnrut. (fry Nara. t
It gamma Ong Hairs.
It /owns tiro Balm
It provertti dray Miss.
It tortemts Balt Qom Taming °MY.
It pnrnattk Batt from • 'twat.; (hay.
• It µmoms Hot from ?anon ttr.T.--
It Ha.t Ise:a Tbramr enkr.
• . ,
No Hair preparation I,lslmps;tols thosrLlllP.l. o ;tr•
Coo which so aoontioNy * cats too hztomOo bar o
m cocoa...rev CIRE.IX.
. .
It prauttgle tb• Growth or the Vat.
It, tgomowsb•anrtli of td. Thar.
It pvmota. vb. Growth ot tka Tar,
1.1 prows. , th•G rowtti of the Stir.
It I. the &grid 'Bali ilitallziiln itiliWasid.
It Is Pm chearat Hair D.aulni/ la the Windt.
It I. Ina Awards Halt Dann' In tie Wed&
It Iv tan al:lmpart Ilex Dramlng to th*.Wootd.
far •1a by di
7or vale by of L 16004.
Tot da ty all brow.%
ronente 07 all Dr,40.,04.
1 ~..'
~!~A!~ -~~',