The daily Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh [Pa.]) 1863-1866, May 21, 1864, Image 3

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4littshurgit altgetth
pri.ll.lN It:CMOPUrVqAM
Centred Conference of the DI. C. Church.
The body rearm:Wed In the mast plans,
Rev. Melon Baker In the eludr. Dee ettonel
terries* eoaducted_by the ROT. Mr. Weber, of
The regular order of business wait suspend.
ed for the purpose of taking up se much of
the report of the terereittee on the Spine
psey 101 relates to the number Of , additional
The report recommends that n'a ifinionary
Bishops be sleeted, but that two tai the Halted
Stoles he chosen en Vriday, 21th list.
Rev. Mr. Smith, of N. W. Indthan, offered
an iirceadmenathat the word two be i Waken
cat end it:Lein three, one of whezasball dwell
upon the Pablic remit and the ether ewe be
tween Chi Allegheny and Booty Mountains.
nem Dr. Trinkets gave the minim which
influenited the enunizittee in snaking up their
report, r iseotamending two now Bishops to be
elected. '
Rev.iler. Curry made an earnest and elo
quent Spied'. In favor of as thertese in the.
Bplecipal Board, and closed by :. moirlas to
strike outi' , lhree",azd ineert "foes." •
. Mrl Smith withdrew thatipertethis emend.
meat whiehi related to the residence of the
Rev.' Dr. Tippitt, of Baltimoile, made a
epeechi stalest any thereat°. 10 reaching
that point, however, he used a crooked stick
that 'mimed to striker's great manypeople.
, He argued against an increase in the Estill°.
- pany, bottoms the iniaisterry andi - people now
negotiate their appeintmeats, and all that the
Bishops have to do is come alougend execute
a blllef salo.
New. Dr. Good., of N. Indiape, remarked
that promotion seldom Improved a man, bet
le the :history of the M. S. Mirth so man
bad aver been elected a Bishop 'without being
a better ma t h than ho had been prior to ; hb
promotion. ' , . .
lie in favor of bit two Bithope.
licit.CoL Meetly, of Ohlo, strengly urged
the increase of the number of the Bishops,
and paid AM& compliment to the hay of the
Charon. '
BOY. D.r.Crotry was net in fetter 6f the in
crease ' evilest the place of their residence be
Shied to thaWeet—the great part of that por
tion el the Conference. Caleb this Is done
not mere titan two ought to be °hutted, and he
was not part Brier whether any be elected'.
' The'questlon was ordered without debate.
_:.The ciao was than taken zpoii the amend
ment to this amendment to 'trite oat "three"
and insert four, whlsh was teat.
'' The vete was then taken upon the amend
. meat to strike out "tiro" sit insert three,
which week/opted by a vote of 110 I. 114.
So to-mbrrow the Conference will premed
to elect three new Bishops. , .•
The order of beldam was suspended fu
the rupee.° of receidas a delegation from the
Laymen's lenventiou, .
tuThey then proceeded to tate their place
open the pliSorse,eißl were squallyb
dueedito the body.
Our. Wright, of Leans, that stated that
Dr. Strong, of ifew Tech, tits Secretary of the
. Convesition would read the addren of the
Laymen's Cenveztlext. 'y
Dr. Strong they' proceeded to read the ad
i It cortained several pints of 'great latierut.
in reference to the vote of the bay - open
that qttettlon, tabs by Order et the ht. Gen
eral Conference,
1. It le without preeedszt hi the 'rift . ' ory of
American Methodism, nor asked for by the
laymen. . .
2. In the mode in which that iota wad taken,
the General Copiers's.' should have been more
explicit in giving directions.
$. The breaking oat of the was has "with,
drawn the 'attention of the pronto. The SA'
must first be saved before. the people can give
their mind to great and Important change. in
the organise arrangement ollthe church which
they love. . .
4 "The resell of the 'voting shows fEtst the
, people of,:the older conferences; have great
favor for lay representation, al a majority *1
thil'A votes hod been cart for the chtinge.
The address strongly cattiends 'for Lay
Berimentatives, and reitoseies the various
ampiehts for its 'Omission taro the Connell/
of th Methodist Chunch.
Th objections to its introductions are ta
ken tip, and disposed of inn masterly manner.
Great - mid- clarions thine tribe chtu-elt are
predicted as the zeta and ontaln'restats of
tie adoption of - this Mestere.
Dr:Straus' read a resolution punt by tea
C . nventiiin, In .Which they atk the Conference
jpass nice,providing pviding lot ihe election of Lay
'EI tegates to the next Conforonch.
• he address was ordered to be priated, aid
th delegation was granted naillterview villia
th Standing Committee 01 Lay Delegation.
The order was math for the ;lecithin to'-'
On behalf of the des...ellen to visit the
President , of- the Ltaited * Slieme, the Rev.
Bishop Ames presented theik report. Ho
stated that the delegation had teen very
emolimusly received by lb* President, and
though, the responie of theTrimidezt had by
ionic way bond its me la tojtmpOlialirtato,
It wait net bythe inrimosenslty . f the dale
Iv glee, us great plehier° jg uaeuee WM
by. Richard Newton; D. D., of Philadel
phia, will addrese the Sabbath Soloolisf thin
city, is-reogow (debt:is - 4h) rtfterneendet three
°Week, in the lei Prisbyterian Chard', Weed
The place Is well clioson-:-buige es the
church is, it will doubtless be filled to Its at-.
mosti.eapseity. We are reaugutiA,ite Moose
that the entire roma, above dend'llilow,'wlll
be reamed for tbe children and teachers, as
it le Shea Dr. Newton wishes especially to
sleet.- Superintendents and Oceanus will
confer a favor by avoiding with their echel
on: end assisting in singing,. keeping order,
Ate. . ,
The President'', letter to the Cenfuenee
Wag then banded by the to the Bee
.retary,who read It. It nu received with.
Toe question of the olootioli of en additbea. ,
el Miutenary Secretary * reside on the Pa.'
do mast, was than teken,:q
-; titer . Dr. Cableighoditon pt;
pf th e sh...
alikwas beardin dApase et the 12161111 T•
pond. . •
The mail question was then ordered. . •
, The unendeneat to "tram out "thiil'atifle
Clout," and Inure "in the West," warongved.':
A....divisten of they question was eideid for,
and the "Pactio Coast" wasttriehen cut, eat
all the West!' wee adopted..
andvete was taken en the ampolateurat,
and wee curled by a vote of lee, In favor,
whiolt was' • dedtded ratdority *files body.
Thelfepert (No. 7) of • the Commnittte on
Boolt,Ceseern was taken tip.
. Tleittook Agents at,,Clutianati were stale
eked to, establish a book 'depository at St.
. favor of a building for the Book
Concierk„lp. Cenfornie s and other liepu
,net of
any general lottiest were alepassil.
The Conference adjourned with the Dose
elegy and Benediction by the Zee. R. Val ,
len.. •
AL Sad Ceuse
Tasterday afternoon an ;information was
lode before the Meyer against Mrs. Mary
Bray, a resident of the Eighth ward, by some
of her neighbors, charging her with habittel
.drunkesnms, , and neglecting to provide fe
teraltildren, two lntereating little girls; algid
respectively eight and four years. him.
Bray's husband died about II year age, ohm
/Mot time ske has been drinking eo ascent,
and kas oocasionally. treated her children
nery,cruilly. 101111chalitable ladles sent her
• sackefflour and some hater's yesterday, hat
she 'mai too Mucitintorioseid to *sok, and
when the editor 'visited bar dwelling to tall•
her into custody he found tho children eating
the Mitt uncooked; and, the mother slomplag
In bed. ' The Maier eopuiltted Mrs. Bray to
jall,.andwilftshe charge of the children; and
send th m tethe Bono of Befog. or the
Poor B. • e..
- . -
A Prompt Revenue. .
On MI nalYnienting Copts& &nap received
antiortil from the fleeratuy of War to for.
ward a battalion of two or lepr companies of
artllleti,ta. OA Tharedil Binary A, oaf
eletionief Battery H, shoving the earns
pretiptitude tad aleorlety dlephsyediest yeas.,
Pretwilft'ici Nut4B l6o , _uniformed and
minty*. for carrion. - The Winos of Cot:t
roy wlll,,preeeed to the treat s shoit
Otis, nitilsrionunond of that very popular ssi-
Algor t .loseph Bsoan, lets Najaf of the 103 d
regiatenfiTerhteli is lllLLeg.op Toys flit at the,
lteadituartera of . the batutlionallklas
o;7llnder Captain Bloats'
foll Owl. neat, and then Company p, under
essiteln .Idelferren. The Chairmen of the
Battery onimutito of Allegheny Oculty will
lie found'at. wtrkiir Hell, and those betin
lniefaces: - with the 'beau..Hen will ;aim Ise
. %
, A'Artais...-Air. •
.11140its.thsrottotrice,bAs just resolved Ilikr•
lees. Wepklyl, Tha Iwand Tablp ; TlLti Judo,
nava ;'Zzici;l4,3 nad Vipay ; 11•Trilx1V4's
Nei:ably ; LlterarY.Cgsninion ; .New
Illszcory,tetOgor; CI inns; , Idercar4,
Nett' Natlon, - Woot.le )10titld andlTritra? , ?
rt • I
4 i" -
Fire la Itotaigahela Borough.
On Friday night about eleven o'clock, a
to broke out in the large frame Boiler and
idaohine Shop of Mans. Snowden k Son, in
Monongahela Borough, at the South end of
the Monongahela Bridge, which was complete
ly. consumed. The rteam fire engines were
speedily on theafround, but owing to the dif
ficulty of procuring a amply of water, could
not render mubh service. The Eagle and
Duquesne were taken to the river,. and forced
water through their hue to the Ore, and can
seeded in saving a number of buildings on
the weikend of the burning building. Me-
CalleLtßass Houle wu in great danger for
a sheosillnee, but the dre was stopped before
MA :Piers and part of the machinery for
the new gunboat " Umpqua" were in the
shop, and probably have been destroyed. A
large quntity of tools and.material were con
Messrs. Showden and Mason's boat yard
being immediately opposte the Ire, great fear
woe felt for ' . the safety of the gunboats.
"Mansynnk "and "Umpqua," but fortimate
ly the gams did not cross the strut.
Ire were unable to ascertain bow the fire
originated. The workmen had been engaged
in the shop till after - size o'clock id the even
ing, and they state that they bad carefully
extinguished the Ores before leaving. Some
tight may be throws upon the matter to-day:
Mr. Snowden war unable lastnight to state
the amount of loss, but it will doubtlesi be
heavy. The building and stock wore Insured.
Signs of the Mites.
As a fair exlmple of the rapid'growth of
Pittsburgh and vicinage, we may refer to the
great increase of stook in our rations mercan
tile establishments, and we believe In no
branch of business hes there been more energy
and enterprise exhibited than in the shoe
trade. Our thoughts were . directed, in this
olanntl after inspecting the immente stock of
boots, shoes, gaiters, balmorals, Are on sale
in the thriving establishment of T. A. Mo.
OLILLAMD, Re. 55 111th street. His Mock is
complete is every department, and unlashes
can suited, from the losable though service
able brogan, to the dainty and fashionable
gaiter or balmoral. The entire day is devo
ted to privatitigaus, and agreeable and gen
tlemanly attektints are always ready to wait
upon purchasers. As this L the season when
persons wish to select their summer wear, we
would refer them to this establishment, as we
I feel Jr:stiffed in saying that they cannot find a
better or mere complete stook to select from
west bf the Idenntains. Remember 55 Fifth
TIIs Eighth Regiment of Pennsylvania
Tim term of this gallant veteran regiment
having expired, they are now on their way to
this city to be ;Eattstersd out of the service..
The regiment, under command of Major
George Girdle?, participated In site meant bat
tles, and lest a burp number of man in kill
ed and emended. Informstioa was resolved
In this city last evening that thd "Eighth"
would pvobably arrive hers to day, and
1107/1111111201M1 have been perfected to
give them a Itting reception. A brass
band has been engaged to precede them from
the depot to the City Mall, where an excel
lent meal will be furnished thins by the Sub.
sistonee Committee, after which they will he
weltomed by Mayor Lowry. We doubt not
that oar shims will de all In their power to
receive the veterans in a bumming manner,
as they are worthy of all honors which can be
bestowed upon them.
Ace!dant on the lees Clad Gamboa
Oa Friday afternoon • maa named ltran
Moran, wail killed on the new iron clad gun
boat hisaaruck under the following eircum
stances a Moran was engaged in hoisting •
large iron plate tmcm the turret of the Tomei,
when by some mum the plats became disar
ranged, end swung against him, striking him
on the head and killing him iutaatly. The
deceased was about twenty-als years of age
and unmarried. Coronae McClung held en
inquest upon the body, after which it wee »-
mend to the residence a friend in this city.
The glaciated bad teen.angsged upon the 'ves
sel alteS Ito eonameneerneat, and was much
respected by kis fallow work-man, who ap
peared deeply affected at his,sudden and 'mel
ancholy death. - •
An Intolerable . PiRiIUIDOO.
Zds. Gazsue:: wise, through your coking
.10 direat Se natation of the Street COMtal
iionez of Allegheny to, the Wit that parties
owniag boats, 'rumba rafts, eta., moored op
posite South avenue; are violating the ordi
nance by stretching their lines over the pub
lic highway, and making fast to toes, eta.,
og private propetty. This is a serious an
noyance to e rapirty owners there, and pedes
trians at night.' ere in danger of limiting
their bones ityatumbling over the lines. We
hop. the Street Csmunlssiensz will give this
matter his immediate attention, • •
The Courts.
[Repotted rrprnely for the Garotte.)
Durum. COrst.--This Court disposed of
the folioed's eases yesterday :
L C. Bender, Br. ti.Cilitous P. Railway Cenipauy.
Argued C. A. T.
U. A. Wright, for ass, n. J. Wright and *ifs.
12• gnat U. McKnight et al Vale absolute.
IS. Wilson, Sur Ji Co. T. John Iffeath et •ai. Oen
ti sdun.
Jolts ZhellUng Oalland T. Retired Com
pas,. W. , trial rotated.
• It B. ZsCracten um. Z. T. Mine, Continued.
IL Kirkpatrick is. Lorna. Rule absolute.
U. Borough of Itanebettar tn. W. Robinson et AL
Argued AL A. T.
Lrtstoaxersils u Coto:mg.—L. Prang & Co.
hive issued a new series of lithographs in
colors, foe the album, embraabita choice col
lection of tower pictures.- The 'iris' prat..
suety published represnt Autumn Leave',
rpdscapos, Butterflies, and hamming Birds.
one who has Net examined these card pie
s can rutin •Om perfection which ha
been attained in the art of lithographing in
colors: Some of those picture' mold hardly
be dlitingalshed from the !nest productions
of the pmfail and brush. The miming is wren
aai natural, and the arrangement Is artistic
and bountitaL They are perfect in drawing
and toloring, and are exceedingly attractive
Itr the album. They are for sale at the book
and pub:4lW stores in this city.
'CIIVA.LI7II9: TEN Mtn linsuarr.—Pkt
84th Pennsylvania regissont, Col. lamb IC
Campbell, suffersi considerably in tins battle
of - New Market, ander Gan. Ply& Capt.
Graham and Capt. aloasker. bath of JO/1111.
Myra were killed, and a mita named Essimmr,
killed or missing, LL-OeL .1151 us P. Linton, of
tho same place is mortally wounded and a
prisonar in the hands of the sump Capt.
Jones, of Mouton, is also killed; and Lieut.
Jams, Burke, of lambda county, b badly
6ICKXII,O Acomus..—Yortorday aflarnoon
anaccdiont ocrennod to Andrew Mahoney,
workmaa la Ponnoclr's Youradry,in tin Ninth
stud, - whfsh will probably result fatally.
Mahom was "asstridng in ratting a hoary
lasting whin it fall upon him, dislocating bls
loft thigh, crushing Jib loft log, and inflisting
oats r *laths inforaally. The Wand man
was oonvoyad tr him residence on Webster
street, marite sttanding physician has ►it
alighthopos of Ids mammy.
ue .BALtiir-This Ifteimoon at timeo
o'eleek, a In will bombed tiptoe Menai Ea%,
in the Alleghaky Dhunend, with spprepriate
eerementa. Rev. Oedema Clark wall era the
°ening payer, and Yobs IClrlipatrieki
Esq.,. Thomas llianball, Esq., and Gam
mainertespeskeri will be puma and dam
addresses. A sztellrnt Mos band will be
In othadanes. The caramelise will daabtles*
be Tay Interesting, and a lave crowd maybe
ex • seta,
Mtn Scanal Ooroarr..":-Oa Timidity eve
ning next, a concert will be gins by Mile
Lena Scribe, at Conant Hall, the proceeds of
which will be divided between as Sanitary
and Christian 0111111111110111. Min &alba will
be wined by a number of well known saw
tan, and these who attend may rely. upon
spending a pleasant events&
Pinata.—W• acknowledge the receipt of an
invitation to attend the Second Animal Ptah •
of the. Novelty and - Variety. Worts; whi
comet off on:Tuesday the Slst last.; at No-
See's Beaks, the *weds of which will be
&Tilted to the fianitary land It will
doubtless be *pleasant affair.
• ,
A - Pori taostarr m Barrts—Tha
New TorkWeekly Tribuntdreraldaud Timis
contain fall acwoutta of thslata Hates, aud
are just this tAputs to melte you hinds.
They aim be had with AsithoUt wrapped
for• matting, at Brunk Cassea newt Dspot,!
Ohre:dale handing, ]fifth street. " !
A 2 PrrrOcze.--A large samortriroat.rei
ladmo, eard Oho topapbe, ate., all thelt
papsra, periodital saagasittes, • ilium boo
*to.; outer° ant lontanacitillies; Matinee',
end *Till - Wig la .the• beolcand parlodleal
Cue. Call et r.rittoelei, appetite the "petit
Cinntrana.-.Zaka Blies; ralatid
vu anastad 'intraday an • cliarii_at
ions stadia& was committed t.og um.
main IJ, tkidlayari to ansrarr. CaraL,
'plata hurnotystbiatirratelV
Letter from Washington.
Correrpand!sact!ot . qq.E'lttatrariti Gazotta.
Tira31213(0707 Cree, May 19,1864.
There Is a pe:feet lull here this `morning in
war news. The moult of Impending battles
L looked for with intense Interest. Tliare Is
no deep rooted fear so far CI I know; Indeed :
there is rather confident hope. Built must
not be overlooked that Lee. is In strong force
and well fortified at Bpottsylvania. Those
competent to judge kayo oo hesiation in
laying that he has not len than 150,000 men,
who:are the very eream of the rebel army, if
there Is any cream in it. From &111 anti lean,
I think that this opinion Is very near the
tenth. It is not beyond probability, 'either,
that the force may be considerably nevi:tinted.
A. mast bloody battle will be fought there
scion, unless Providence interposes.
We loag for a decisive victory, and Yet we
chink we are scarcely prepared for it. The
body ,pelitio has mazy rotten places! in It.
Becesh sympathisers here, say that Lis only
retired to avoid the stench of the battle-field,
and that therein/ no military nodanity for
his retreat to Bpottsylvaniel Tour; corre
spondent's:Let thls,by asking,Why did he not
adman as he would have escaped It more
effectually by coning North, where the air
Is a great deal purer and not so much polluted
by the ROM breath of treason and dislqyaley
Wounded men are still coming up from
-Fredericluburg. Regiments are going down
by the thousands to the front. We most have
about 200,000 men there now.
The roads are in a horrible conditions ac•
wining to the reports of then, who have
coma up. Wounded men prefer walking,
transportation is so slow and difficult. No.
nurses have been allowed to go down to the
army or Fredericksburg for two days, as every
steamer and' wagon Is crowded to Its utmost
capacity, although reports say the -men are
sawing there for want of supplies and nun
leg. Many of the nurses have °given out"
from sheer exhaustion. There are numerous
delegates here from the Sanitary and Clitistfin
Commissions, none of whom can get dews at
Inn for a day or two. Both stone and
nurses will be In extensive requisition before
long. •
I have been visiting some of the hospitals
here and looking at the operations of the
Sanitary Commission, and believe without
detracting in the least from the German Re
lief or any other Association, that it Is a no
ble, philanthropic and patriotic institution,
and should receive the hearty support of every
lever of the soldier. One man said, to me
yesterday, "I do not knot what we would do,
were it not for the Sanitary Commission. It
would be impossible for the Government to
give us these delicacies, without which, away
from mothers, sisters, wives and the Madera
of home; we would, be moat miserable!' lam
happy to inform you that the liberality of
your Pittsburgh Sanitary Committee, U 11•817+
where commended in the highest terms. And
I must not' mit here to let the ladies Connect
ed with it know the Compliments that ire paid
to them. Gentlemen in the office here have
Goldin, that Pittsburgh sends the Smut den
udes, the richest stores, and the best gar
ments that come from any plus. It Is to be
hoped that our oltisaut will make the fair
such • reccess as will enable the tidies to sus
tain their high reputation.
Alphabetical (bite of Pennsylvania Wounds d
are being published here. - I would forward
!tem to you, hut I understand that the Sani
tary Committee have made arrangements
with their Agent here to forward tes as
soon as p ublished,
. and they will be bulletin
ed on Fourth street. They lUD Tab' con
venient • for reference but they ire not
by may means full. To got correct lists
jest now, when men are coating In
and being transferred every hour,. would
be utterly impossible. Colonel Han
name is not on the list as published.. He is
In Armory Hospital, 2th street, near Penn
' Weenie Avenue, wounded in hips, and troub
led with chills and fever., His case net by
any moans critical so far. Lieut. Hager, fist
P. V., is et the Avenue House, wounded In
right breast. Not dangerous. Lieut. cad
wall,,of the same regiment. is also there. He
returned from the gates of RichmOnd last
night, having beim recaptured by Sheridan
within cme cold a half mire, of the rabid Pap LtiL
Adjutant Harper will be able to go home in a
day or two. J. P. Wit:Won, Co. I, 624 P. V.,
is ha Armory hospital, wounded In (oat. Not
dangerous. Alto, John 'Myers, Co. H, 61st
P. 1., wounded in thigh,.progressing. favora
I saw General William Robinson, Jr., in
the hospitals yesterday engaged in • the be
nevolent work of buying oranges; for the
patients. If the people were just to consider
for a moment how much money should be
spared cash day In delicacies for 20,000 men
—them:nbar now in this vicinity—they would
never complain of the large sums that the
different aetheiattons are raising by fairs and
If yeur correspondent Can pt down to "the
front," be will send you news at the *Wiest
moment. It shall be the truth, whether fa-.
vorable or nnfavorable.
No friends need come to look after their
relatives beyond Washbrgten. Nano.
Cusses os Coosa - la.—Mr. Black, our Law
renceville curios, Ea log disposed of -his
route on the Peoniv Queue, be world Inform
his patrons that the change takes place this
owning, May 2lst. All moneys duo op to this
date Mr. Black win oolleit-
iORNSTALLIIII ria MAJIMEL--Bill..Catilray,
a resident If tha Ppstward, Allegheny, was
lined ten dollars and costs by Mayor ;Allman
dor, yestarday, for buying butter dosing mar
ket hours, for tho purposo of selling ;again.
OLIZS lsonnt--• large pampa *lase in a
window of Mem& Elder &Arm new store,
on Wood Weed; was broken yesterday by a
'Tinton accidently striking it with!a board.
A =mut. meeting of the Bair Cammittoe
will be held to-night at the Board o! Trade
rooms. The flag will bombed this afternoon
at g o'clock, on Moral HalL
TRO/411 PAJMIN Plain and-Onnuneital Slate
Roofer, and &Warta Parmsylvarda and Var.
aunt alats of the bast vellty at lei ndu
02 . 06 at Alex. Laughlin's; near the Wain
Work', Pitteinrsi, Pa.
otsauz Nonam—Tie atlantic!! of 012 r
readers is directed to the brilliant assommout
of Spring and FitIICIIIIR Goods .jast i received
by emfriad Mr. John Meier, No. 116 Fed
eral street, Allegheny. His stook Comprises
• great variety of Fumy Iraneb, lagltgly
&kWh. and American Cassimeres and Cloths,
and he Silk and Cassimeze Vestings,—all of
which will bls made up to order in the latest
Mies and in the boot manner. A Shot°, 'se
lection of Furnishing Goods also o*handand
Madee, togither with stook of Beady
Clothkr. well and fuhionably mad&
flocovre.—Bamuel Graham k Co., Mer
chant Tailors, have rousted to TB llmithliald
skeet. We are jot receiving ode second
supply of spring and 'matzo goods, and
void most respotfolly invite our friends and
Gm pubic in general to smaminel our new
stook, be ll owing it to be tOllO of 'OA finest
-stooks of merchant tailor goods IsO the city.
Er ni Vaunt warranbcd to give la with-
Action, ix both pries and quality. :Give as a
o r g bifore pochsaing • elsewhere and 'Judy
relves. Gum mi kiteoAiroms
:alma Tailo rs, NoJ33 fingthOld mtri
Hum% Eta vsns &ha:am—Peri one who
dies from the effects of the bullet, ten perish
boa damp and exposers to night air: :emits
doses of HOLLOWAY'S PILLS, taken every
other night, cored all discreet." of the
Lives and Stomach, purify the blood, and In
swersoune health to evozy Man. '
Helleway's PUIj sad Ointment are now re
tailed, owing to the high price of &us, km.
at 10 ants, 75 oasts and el 10 per box or pot.
For sale In Pittsburgh by B. L. Fahnii.
stook and Co.
!or sale-at Bolton's drag store, Beth street;
Pittsburgh. •
Par sale also by Geo. A. Reny, Federal
steed, Allegheny city.
ecmpremi and °Maori in the army, being
expoild to ridden changes, aboul4ciltrays be
toppled with "Bruin's Moab's! irroehes,"
u they giro prompt relief in a cold, cough or
an irritated lore throat. - -
Yer ells by dinette generally.
Da. Munn, ..Dentist, Re. 161 toura
gnat, between Smithfield and Grant.
indttemaents boa dm by , offering low
plane; but an equitable fee will be eherged
In nay cue, for the. best inateriais will .be
Wei and all the time and skill rseemary to ur
snroPriNtlleta Mail shall be applied •
mlT:em '•
Oaxaca end awriege eats will be taken at
the Olaufbnir odloik, No. 410 Penn 'tree*, day
or. night. MI orders lett at the above pima
will be promptly itteaded to. MI calla must
be • d advance. , •
Jour' M. Omar, 4,4447 M Law, es
Omit stoat , • . aaan
. •
0. Sn.t. Dentltt, 241 Pan strait,
tactita.sil buiussa.ot.hlo
CUD Paatqcouras o 1 the letejihn.
• II bMst *Frets ths,
FROM WA 811.1Groir.
Birds! Dispatth to the Pittsbnqh Oscsito
IVAssisaro4 May 20,1864.
cow:Erni, sz.r.orto* class
The Committee have decided the mail, of
Todd ye. Jayne, delegate frtm Deeotah Ter
ritory, in Smoot the contestant, Todd. They
also report back to the Boned the two Minoru{
cases, Price vs. McClurg and Birch vs. King
and oak to be discharged from their further
,oanslderation. • These easel are altogether
similar to the recent case of .Gen. tegan from
the Same State, in which this House reversed
the of the Committee. They:regard
it useless therefore to melte any report on
these cases, and the sitting members will re
tain their seats without debate. •
?LDS wrrn 01011.0.
The Senate Commerce Committee had a
spacial mooting for the purpOse of completing
the bill regulating trade with the rebel Stater.
The law which palmed oneyear ago relating
to this subjeot has, after a fair trial, proved
Inadequate. The committee, therefore, pro
pose to adopt their original bill, not merely
restricting, hut probibitin4, indiscriminate
trade with the rebels. The* will helve all
articles which are now allowed to pass through
the lines contraband of war:, '
Mr. Wilson introduced orenoiation to anther
lie the Pruident to call out Won by draft for
one year in such numbers ae the exigencies of
the service may require, tinder the general
provisions of the act of March, 1863. Tt wee
referred to the. Military oemmittee. Them
Nelms to bo danger of oar having a repetition
of the nine months' and one year fettle..
raise elate attire.
The report of the Committee on Elections,
that Gen. Blair had not beim legally elected
to the House . , would hove been called up be
fore this but for the position taken by hie
friends that notice most be given him. It ll
understood that they Maim that he is still a
member cf the nous°, notwithstanding hie
military position.
Tho Senate postponed until next week the
considmailon of the House hill declaring all the
Sail-roads in the United States subject to the
use of Governtaent for military, postal, and
eommordal purposes. Tho Camden and Amboy
Railroad interests have asked to be beard be
fore action to taken.
The question of this final adjourn
ment of Congress begins to be agita
ted. An effort will loon be made in the House
to pass • resolution, fixing the time •t the
25th of Jane, bat the Satiate will not consent
to name any day 111111 has ffnished the consid
eration of some of the morb Important Ms
before It.
The il01:180 Naval Committee to•dsy re.
anted the consideration of the subject for the
construction of marine engines for the Navy
and examined serrate witnesees who endoreed,
the present theory of the
, departmeat. The •
committee have nearly dellshed their investi•
gations, and will shortly , prepare; their re
The House to day pussed the bill reported
by Alex. Long from the CoMmittee on Claims,
prOvidtug for the payment of Colonel John F.
Watts', regiment ofCin militia, irregu
larly called into service do -lag Kirby Smith's
•Imimel WbosbrOl'Orrzelig'
Among the western we e nded Wednes.
ware day's battle re Ma fano* ng officers Llent.
O. L. Pettibone, 4th Ohio ; !Capt. J. D. Fisher
and Lient A. W. Johns ion, 7th • Virginia;
Blaiar A. 11.111mlow :ati Lieut. Charles
Manahan, Bth Ohio; Col.' John Coons, 14th
to sax nosntrtu
The following men, trout the 6th Ohio, are
In the boopitale at Fraderiekebarg: Sergeant
E. B. Raynard, Comp. 13,,sick ; Corp. 0. W.
Rayne, Comp. 13, wonyadlid in hip; T. W.
Downer, Comp. B, we:Dn.:led in eyeo ; Fred.
Gilmore, Comp. K, sick.
Nonwoven coeirtnwao.
The Senate in Execntive session has con
Armed the nomination of Uames B. Manpin
Collector of Internal 1129011te at Union, FraFtk
lin county, Missouri, vice ,Elijah A. Murphy
Tho Patin Railroad daily receiving
consideration In the Coinunittoes of both
llotuee, and It le inpposd that the bill will
pass in the thane urged b the. friends of the
road now here.
The Ways and Means C .
Moe have under
consideration the Banat 's amendments to
the civil and mLseellanoom appropriation bills.
They concurred in most of them, and will re ;
port them to-morrow. i
0111 BRAZILLIIII fliluxsz DILL.
The BrasUlan mall stesiner bill meets with
an cue:posted opposition ln the Senate. The
friends of the Vanessa Unitize are "Attempt
ing to attach it as a rider . o the bill.
The Sonata will "petal y take up the tax
bill. They hope that tip aonelderatlon will
be tabbed, and that it wall become a law by
the Ilrat of Jane.
10:40 etrascaplrox wlr
Subscriptions to aka 10:40 loan today
amountod to one million j throe handfed and
four thousand dollars.. r
Latest European intelligence,
PORT an lissistra,N. 8., May 20.—The Pans-1
Tian, from Liverpool an the 12th, and London
deny on the 13th but., MS Quebec, wu inter
cepted at Port au Banal this evening, and
the following her new; btafased
The rebel anther Plans destroyed the ship
Avon, of Boston, on the 2it t l: of March.
House In the Hoe of Commis 1, on the 1511 i
Ur. Balms moved * sea d reading of the
bill reducing the franehl eis borough' to 411
for householders. After, debate, the meta
nee wu defeated by 27Y. 216, amidst loud
absorbs; from the cones Mires.
The British channel t, on the 12th, left
the Downs, bound to the estwerd.
Mr. Gladstone had • acts an important
speech in the House of 0. =ions on Barns'
Reform Bill.
The liberal journals sibilant over Glad
stone's politicos, end regs • this defeat u the
commencement of a glee reform victory. '
The Morning Poe: h a special telegram
from Aellptadt of the 1 •th, which says that
a i ta th v e ro n un lY de al d en o g n are th m e s Chi nt e s wwe ide w iT hilke the k illed
Danes had 63 wounded's' only 10 killed.
The Times' correspond t at the Danish
headquarters aye :• e whole disposable
force of the Danish ce • • tants is only 24,000,
while the Austrians end Prussians in Den
mark: numbered 80,000...
The alas compelled 3
assist in demiillshing the
The. emperor and e
reached Madeira on th
tolled again theism* da
Liverpool, May 13.
week, 02,890 bale". The
16,623 bales; imposts
bales. The follow's'
/fiddling, Mobile, 28
laods, 28. The market tr
000 itthabltants : to
ortilleatlon at Bra d•
r i 2 s ith v of o o m f 2d d e lpil co aribidd
• tton— T salei of the
setuel experts mete
f -the weeki - .27;51e
r. dt Op
.tisy is firts.
on: -The World
one ISM atm
rated Tee!
and "r" Joadl 2l" : -lamoC f . "
pended.reThe • in;
- Naw TOO, May
night before Out, were •
World and-Javnat of
bold ;mention: They;
and sot strictly In acme
coined. No '_doonotenta
are permut ed to, be to
heaquarters the to:.
No lafennatlon whstil
turpiadod pinta troo
we la obermand:olet .
iil = l % ..l2u et
! Who Outs "who,
imogln chirp of ilia
i mom
To no new ordoll,
• co with those to.
•ow in 'then Whoa
• cited. tallitary
is :gird to th•
to di tactaiimmt4
glowed. UN*
Grant -Le e
Present Position of the Armies.
Bold Cavalry Bash on Thursday;
Formidable Rebel Demonstration.
No Fighting Reported Friday.
Opodal Dlopetcn to llualttaburgh Catena
W113113'01 . 011, MOT 20, 1604
Our correspondent, "D. 5.," writes to this
Bureau under date: "Teadquarters Army of
Potomao, Nay 19th, 8 P. life—Our losses In
Wednesday's fight seem abort one thousand
killed, wounded, and mining. The wounds
were more than usually severe, our men hav
ing been exposed during part of the time to a
inking Are of canister and grope.
Last night and this morning the 9th, th 6,
and 2d corps wore Withdrawn from the riglit
and placed on th ft. Oen. Warms now
holds the extreme nor, and flartesick the left.
Oar line on the left Is advanced about two
miles beyond oar position yesterday, and oc
cupier an open valley on the south side of Ny
river, .the first branch of the Mattapony
The enemy holds the woods boyoncl, and is
In front of SpottaYlrautaCourt lipase there
Is no change, the enemy oceipylog the same
ground held during the latter' days.
All reports shout Lee's overacting or pro
peeing to retreat arewithont foundation.
The enemy, finding our right withdrawn
yesterday, adeinced part of his left wing and
occupied the groundleld by Hancock the day
This evening, at ihalf.past tiro o'clock,
body of rebel cavalry made a dashroand oar
right, either with the intention of bantling
the rear of Ilancoch's corps, or eaptaring the
provision train coming up from Fredericks
burg. Two regiments of Infantry and two of
cavalry drove.them back after a brisk skirmish
of half an how: It Is reported that part of
the wagon train was destroyed by the rebels.
The hew hes jut come in that the entire
body of Rebel cavalry, numbering eta hun
dred, which made a dull on our right this
evening, was captured by our infantry. The
Ist Maine and 21 New York heavy artillery
mimed 'enrol, in the skirmish. They bad
advanced to within three quarter, of a mile
of Gen. Grant's headquarters before our men
made the attack.
Tho following later reports from year cor
respondent "D. 8.," with tliblirely of - the
Petomsc, have lint been riadved. The ene
my's demeruseration on oar right dila even
ing waa muck more formidable than was first
supposed. Their cavalry, which made inch
l oads dash around oar rt r , bt, was the advance
Esiell's whole corps, the main body of
which lay back in line to support the cavalry
when driven hack on this lino. Ills cavalry
fell back when attacked by cur two regi
ment*, and thus oar men wore drawn on, and
brought under a miirderous fire of musketry.
Tyler's whole division wan next sent up to
their support, adror .4 while the .11ring wig
- Teri heavy. The bnomy were driven back
with conaideralde lbsa.
oar men roust t ow open ground, which giro
Seenemy decided advantage.
LOBEIS o► 101 3Tli.Colr9.
The cadre !onto of tha sth corps, eine°
crossing the Rapidan, are ea fallow.: Killed,
1,240; woruaded, 11,570; missing, 1,120; to
tal, 15,930,
Two gunboats came up the Rappahannock
U. now lying at Fredericksburg. •
There is telegraphic communication be Given.
Aequia Creek and Grant'. headquarter,.
WAS/31E0705) May 20, 11:30, e. •.—The
latest dispatches receired here, bring down
the savant of events at the front to 9 o'clock
this morning. Thera had been no fighting
to-day, and the situation was unchanged
since the date of our hat previous dispatch.
Fuitarournts, May 20.—A special from
Washington to the Bandits toys : The Star
states that the akirrahthes in Grant's army, for
the last few days, have been 1n oar favor. A
battle is imminent. The rebels confess a
want of supplies. A large number of rebel
prisoners were taken In the battle on Wednes
New You, May 20.—A. special to the Pees,
from Weshington,May 21Ith, 'aye : Although
there was no heavy fightingyesterday morn
ing between the two armies la Virgiota, it is
known that Grant is preparing for the great
est contest of the wen!
The volunteer surgeons who wore at Fred
ericksburg to attend to our wolinded are re
tarniag, to the city and report ,that they are
all well cared for. •
Sigel and Imboden,
Desperate Ohasges on Both Sides
_ /iinr You, May 20.—A Tril Arse correspon
dent with 81gel, say, that the army left Wood
stock on the 16th,;marehed 18 miles to New-
Market, fought the combined forces of Echols
and linboden, and returned to Strasburg, in
hone. The tight commenced by the 28th
Ohio attacking Imboden nearMonnt Jackson;
dreortne him to pew Market„where Echols
and Areckteridge ; reinforced the. latter. At
thi limit time; Blgol partially reinforced Our
The rebels charged . twice on our troops, the ,
second charge being twanged, tut °breath
ing our second' line they were -met by 17
pieces of artillery, ands &attentive infantry
fee, slung annihilating the INI6. d ins.
Wit charged in turn and, Vitro, but
oar batteries had 01110 allow
one charge . The rebels, n wo to
our ono; then &bro , us bie closing 5
, geins;',' The :strati On Commenced in good.
order and' atoms arctic the Bbanabdosh—'
the bridge being burnt afar orating:.
.oos loeut is 650 in killed, wounded, and'
Three Gent N ote—Dacotah nicetialt7,
Collector - Confirmed.
ineinscrtos, nay 20.—1 t L probthlo that
6,,,,,efaly.Obsse Tilt soon isitto s WOO cent,
fractionsiniditoSuppty the varoity of cents.
rho Conamittes en Alectiona hive &aided
in the Dicotah oliattlon ease that theContrat
ant, (lon. Tod, Is entitled to a seat as dais
gate .from that Tdrritory by a large xpejority.
The Baiutte; 'ln! Exeengve WHAM toads
cenannedgke nomination of TWA. MOW
as eolleotot for the 24 district of Idissonri•
The ling.:tato - Tax,;' . 'i 'l'
Wcantscrtar, Kay zi.:—The &anti Coln
mittee.on-linence lams the Ineanut tin a.
Avepsr coat. 01 X the estates our six.' hundred
dolls?! an' not 4n:oiling tan thonsend 401-
1 0 11 4 1 Ar , imAtuzi. qad r .4l the ditty par
cent in the Lamm over ton thousand dollars.
Tht7 strikeout the ten pot cent:eke:oast,
and rgitgiuttlided s non conemmottaii Ili the
section taxing domestio spirits.:
ANatmontt'rialltgr •
lis7So.—Edwgi4 'Dowd; of Cs .
Richmond' c' per IN'S& pteten at on ihr
plissstsamilv etna. 1144 d,
_m*l clitiripli
0141 IrossuiTorart 11,11sBoyd,1*
36s identity at thr ti tt4 with' Ms 6mA* sPY"
Thai Antos :destlnatlatt'or;POV
lad slid IM. IngsAa mill be
144411.atlitet vatAvotatts:4.
~"u , ~%a:'.Lip++~..~..~c~a.,.~•~-+...n s ~'' a.k
Sherman, and Johnston.
Heavy Skirmishing all' the Way
NACCTILLY, May 20.—Gen. 'Sherman is in
possession of Kingston, home, Cassville, and
,the line d Karam. The army had heavy
Air/lashing with' the enemy all the way
from Assam. The railroad and telegraph are
repaired to the present position of the army.
The troops are In good condition and
. Johnston Is believed to be at Atlanta.
The prospect is excellent fora most Import
ant mama to our arms.
Five hundred and thirteen Confederate
prisoner', captured at Reside, anivod here
yesterday and to-day. Among them are thir
teen commissioned ollioers, belonging to
Poilt'e, Hardee's and Rood's corps. They
will be sent North to-morrow.
Hugh Trolly, a native of Ray county, Ten
nessee, was bung by order of a mili
tary commission. He was charited with bush
whacking and murdering Union citizens.
Traily was captured in White county, Decom
bcr, 18151. Ho was then guide to General
Wheeler and sent to Pike ill. to parole ?mut
ed Federals. Ho betray no emotiods'.-on
the scaffold, and avowed it he died a true
rebel soldier, not guilty of shedding innocent
The river le four teat on the she eh and
allio g.
Butler and Beauregard
1 _
The titject, Aimed at Fully Attained
Mow Tone, May 20.—Tho Times' `corres
pondent with Butler says: Butler's campaign,
up to the close of Monday's severe engage
ment, ending with a withdrawal from 011?
advanced position to oar entrenchments at
Bermuda Hundred, cannot bo regarded as It
defeat. Tko object aimed at was tally attained
and decided upon by Butler, even if his whole
command had to be sacrificed. It wax for the
purpose of distracting the attention of the
rebel forces: garrisoning the outer defences of
Richmond from the movement of Gen. 'Kautz
upon the Danville and Richmond Railroad,
as by the breaking of that cOmmunication
every line of travel radiating from Richmond
by which Lee could receive supplies for his
army would he cut. This correspondent says
that 'Gen. Hackman was captured in Mon
day'. fight, while the Herald correspondent
details, with particulars, how him and his
command fought their way through the ens
my's lines and rejoined our forces.
Dispatches from Gene. Grant and
Affairs on R,,cl
Wsanuaros, May 20, 6,30 P. M.—This as
temoon we hare divpatehes dated 8,30 this
morning, from Gen. Grant.
Lilt evening an effort was made by Ewell's
corps to tern oar right and someof Warren's
troops that were °dee extreme right. About
300 prisoners foll into our hands, besides
many killed and wonndod. Our loss was a
little over 600 wounded and 150 killed and
niiezlng. lien. Grant age that probably our
killed andetonnded are annitated.
Hispatchet from. Gan. Sherman, dated a
Kingaton anon o'clock tut night, state tbat
dialog the day he had pushed a eclat= be
yond that . place to pursuit of Johnston as far
as Caniville,and there was skirmishing in the
latter part of the day with Hardee's derv,.
The ears were expected to reach Kingston to
day: A hard tight for Atlanta is looked for.
No reports hare been received from Butler
Major General Hunter has boon platted in
command of the Department of West Vir
ginia, including the Shenandoah Valley.
The latest dates from Major Ganerultlanby
were from Vicksburg. Had Glyn wnsreported
to be blockaded by the shore batteries of the
enemy at different points, but measures had
been taken by him which were believed to be
adequate for clearing the river of anneal ob
stacles and enablnhim to reach Alexandria,
where be will take command of the army.
Signed, S. M. ST/ORTON.
To General Dix.
Irsisstraros, May 110, 1864
Suarg.—Mr. Wilson introduced from the
Military Committee, a Mil to promote om•
eiettoy detail' came of the army.
Tho llenso.bill to authorize the establish
ment of ocean mall steamship /angel between
tho United States and Brazil, vas called op
by Mr. Collatner, and debated at length.
Without taking action on the bill, the Senate
proceeded to the consideration of the Pacille
Railroad bilk
HOITSI—Mr. Ingersoll, successor of the late
Owen Lovejoy, appeared, was qualified sod
took Merest- The lions, passed a number of
private bills, ineluding one providing for the'
payment of the 2d reattent,.of the 3d brig
ade, Ohio rnilitia voinuterm during the time
of their service.
Mr. Webster, of Md., from the Committee
of Conference disagreeing to the amendment
for establishing a territorial government for
Montana, made a. report thereon, which he
said struck out the Senate's amendment giv
ing the right of 'nitres* to colored persons,
and tonligned it to every free white mile cit
izen. of the United States, and those who have
declared their intention to become =oh.
The report was concurred in by a vote of
102 against 20.' The Benate had already
agreed to the report.s
The Howe then _ceheidered the bill appro
priating $9,500. for • damages sustained by
Prof. A.R. Mom in consequence of the horn
ing of his buildings at Annandale, Va.
Mr. Rail, 'of Pa., explained that the prop
erty was destroyed by our own troops to pre
vent it from continuing to be used by the
rebels. Be bore testimony to the loyalty of
Prof. Moss, and spoke of that gentleman's .
'offering' in the Union cause.
Mr. Washburne, of Minot!, opposed the
bill, not because Of the amount involved, but
because it established a principle of providing
for all the c a sualties of war, and which would
mats a dritin of $100,000,000 on the Treasury.„
Mr. Stevens, of Pennsylvania, said It had
beend lens ago that whenever nations spa
at war, arid' one entre, cipstroys the property
of the other belligerent, It Is done and no na
tion pays for li...excepting as a gratuity ; but,
on the other haatit is Just as well Attled that
when the Government causes the destruction
of property from lailltary necessity, It makes
compensation to Its own citizens for loss
which should be done In the cue.
Mr. Hall, of Pa., in advocating. the blli,
said that the question was not whether we
were able to pay the claim, but whether it is
just and right. •Thelonor, of the liovern
meat !media be. hotter maintained by paying
than by withholding the money.
The bill was paned by yeas 63 to nays 30.
Mr. Ithlumn, of Indiana, offered a re:ela
tion; that when the House adjourn today,
it be until Monday, so that members may have
leisure to visit the wounded offteers and sold
ten fromtheir respective oongreselonal dis
tricts; aid alleviate aide suffering, and roe
that they are properly cared for.
Mr. then, of Ohio, then rose and asked leave
'to intriduce tholollowing rcsointion
Besotord, That the forcible seizure by the
Federal military authorities at New York of
'oftioet , of , dhe'New York "World and the
Jouenel of Cosuieree and the suspension of
tho iriate t re a far an . iren h oo t . r i eb i l i l a ct? r n an of e e d e
tyTh r e clicurist P i a g r e connected with the said
publication,.an arbitrary ontrage upon the
constitutional rights .of the citizen. and :do.
serves the raprabation of every ft lend of p
lio liberty and private rights.
hieeirs..Walfth nth* and 'Farnsworth, of
Objected to the introduction of the resolution.
The House thenadjosersied until Monday.
The lefernal► Revenue Amendcr,eain
attateatoi, ay.. n °Cent
red lo tho Senate amendment, to the Inter
nal- Tax; big lolostaphettTlast' night.
.0 la roper. to say that from. Jane lit
-to lfeteraber,:lth the tax . oadtstilled .
yf $l a Oaten*, flare October' lst.talannary
latsl;2l4nneafter thS' da5.51,51.4-
tb T aZ HU tadd ddr•Vbrrn':',
'Wisgrio;iti4l4,l l /.;-'4.lslizpoiutittilt.
the Tex . -MU In the form slum it by dm Corm.
IsidetrYVAilibtithltito_uotturrt the entlm
appzill'ationsfffirAltuo. ; •
J 1 '
Not..Toirdlis7 20 .—The forget of the
recent proelamation purporting to hire been
tamed by President Lincoln, has been arrest
ed end confessed that he palmed it oft
on the jot:milt hers_ for gold and anselsopera
tints. Ilia name is ' stated to be Howard, .a
newspaper reporter.
Sam. Dfadery Arrested.
Cracznam, May 20.—Sam. Madory, editor
of the Columbus Crisis,sras arrests.' at Colsn
bin this morning by the United States Mar
shal, and brought to this city.
S. Loma, May 20.—The !adieu' premium iof
$1,280 ter three mile beats far nil agile, was
won to-day by Revolting in two StAtight
Jmbo. Time, 5:4l
Plttladelpkta Market ;
PIIILUDELMILL, May 25.—BrexIstritte
. 01. d and
generally unchanged. Flour quiet, and receipts god
stock tight. Wheat arm; Red $1,60,31,X2,•Wb1te
i1. 90 41.. 9 2-. Co. drat; Fallow la held at f 1,45, but
buyer. demand• reduction. P.crolenerc. active;
Crud. 34%,(437c, Refined In bond at 5/460c, ao•
Free at 413U5e. Wbloky uneettledandßeldat $1,35.
Baltimore, Market.
13 our, May 20.-810. quint. Wheat
leg upward.. Corn ateady; White 11,05; Tallow
81,40. Wbisky amnion' at 11,..MR811,V..
New York Market. ,
Maw Teat, May 93.—Oattort 102 c better; Id@
IY2c for Middling Uplands, and Katlic for Low Mid
dling. Fleur—State and Weatorn lower, lota active
and close, and 5€410c lower, with no buyers•
- meddle quotations: 117.231917,35 for Latratitate, 87,66
447,65 for Euro B. 11. 0, 11,1148,40 for Trade
brands. 'Whisky firmer at sixtp.z for State, and
$1,30,31,25 for Western. Wheat heavy mod le lower,
111,11061,131 for Chkop Sprittg:sl,6o4)l,62 , forltil
wank, Club, 81,V.41,71 for ',Vint. Med Western.
ulna poor; Winter Dal 16334, Corn very scarce and
firm; Old Mixed 'Madera 81,60. in .tote. Data doll
and drooping; 883{413034 for Western.: Wool qUiet
and•imehangal. Pitroliton quiet; Crude. '011c; and
1,600 bble Bedard in bond at 570,60 c. Pork firmer,
at 116126,60 for Old Mem, *M1,23028,30 (untie,. do,
123424 for Old and Pew Prime, and =A0327 for
Prime MOM. Beef more active aad firmer; .10.50
for Country, Mem 86. Beef One; Fancy SM. De
mon Slice quiet and entirely nomlnah hard open..d
firm and cloied heavy at 1330143‘. Better firm at
22336. Cherie 126116 c.
stock and:Money Mikrtet.;
I , ,Trw You. May V.—Money !nay and ban ios-Or.
Eitertiog lower at 191 4177, - carrrncy. Gold • little
firmer, opening at 181%. declining to IsOc Mpg
tlrm at 182%.
Government stocks Ins active and ruler; t. B.'Bl
C.nports 114; bar Coupons . por.
114; Seven-Tbirtlee, Octoner nod September, 11 3 , 4.
Stocks dead) , but dull ; •
O. i P... Minh. Southern gld 143
Worm & Chicaga.-.133 Michigan roathern.
Clavaland &Toledo-13V/, Weldon I:antral-040
. & 11. /11tilao.a.
P. D. 0.— ".. — " 1a
P. Ft W. h. 0.-118
C. t N. C 3
do pfd ... 90%,
01. Central Pcrlp-134%1
Crscrentan, May '9.—Stour nacha-ger, Sena ,
den 56,75, Extra 57. Wheat in far demand; Red
51,6513140, (the latter rate for White 1.E5?
1,70 Corn in bar demand; rake of Ear ea stil.
ad Shelled at 51,20. o.t. arm .064. Ity• cronii•
nal; In the nuket small plea could be :made at
51,76. Whbeky advanced to 5145, with sari of 1,700
beds. Men Pork firm ; mks ibb LW+ ae Eat r New
Coutry. Lard firmer; 100 bereft choice City sold
at 13X,. Included in the sales of Mess Pork main
yesterday .as 5,000 taas taken by Montreal (Canada)
homes. Them 11 no movement& in Bilikneatel Or
Baron. 0 mune quiet and unchanged. • •
Gold 70080 buying and E 4 sating. Silver 6.5867 ;
bvillolf, and miffing at 70. „
Buffalo Market.
Iltgrato, S hy — Floor —Tban Is . good bust
:vas disatuad • Double X White Indiana 51,50. WWl*
Sp ing to arrles $7, Double X 0hi0V,50638., - . Whist
lnactlra and holders gm; No. 1 Billgankeit 51,45;
no numters 1 and 9 Chicago Spring here. Corn dull,
holders asking 51.25 for So. 1 Chicago: Oats dna.
Whisky stoat 2.230146er; 81,213023,25,
Freights firm and tinehangaiL Boats are Scarce:
SL Louts elarket.
S. Lona, May 20.—Ylonr quiet and naohanied.
Winast firm; salt. of Make .t a slight Motion., hot
the market f. oot qmtahly !signer.. Coro advanced
and booy.t ; Mlcei sl4a. White 81,.:44,1,110. Oats
steady and nconanged. Whisky advaarad to St,IS
MOSELEY—OATEN —Ey Om Ear. Dr. Pngni
Ckrfat Allsghtmy Qty, Mr. EMMY: HODS•
Ma, of Pittsburgh', to DIA SOD, OATEN, of AD.
Ebony City
. .
EDISEET—ETEES.—In Covington, on Znvad
May 17th, by Ecr. J. O. Harriaan, Mr. OZO. D.
EMMET. of Cluoiratati. .d• MIN M. LIZZIE EL
KIN, of Ciovtageen.. Eo earda.
—Thor. 1.111 be ► =Wag of the sulicribe
to the Bony Yowl at the 80gOlkI4 UOVSE
EVENING, at 7%, o'clock.
Every anterriber In reputed t at•ond. thulntes
•ficaortimn. JOIIN DROWN, Preen.
W. Clakineun, soey. gats:ts
Liz prUllep to lucre.% 500,000
We are prepared to no a general Banking beninen.,
and offm onr terrines se correspondent to Haub and
Banker. threaghoot the country.
lipecial attention,,ginen to collection to tide and
the adjoining City of P,lctsbargh, at well Won all
parse of the conntry-
Moneys :centred aq deporit, and Mecham., on. all
theprincip for rial
B. 10.40 Bondi. des Wuxi:a and Raid.
T. EL frZlati, IL H. DAN 73,
Just received tram the eastern @Ries e a largiand
sekcled stock ef riods. &signed rot the !Triad
andigg, oods: anuner bad.. consisting In pot of the !ovum
shade. style and color, all et which I trill mike hp te
order in the latest and mast &Atonal. euuntet by
esperiencsd workures at short notice and reaseashls
tams. Mao, • large stock of Gents' Tarnishing
Geed; such ma arc vastly, kept In first clue hilt
lug norm Order taxt esollol and promPtly_euci
W. U. If
c Wash. tgSS '
6 Mx different Pr/Lb tiliadta; for
Also, DST for nonn BERNS.
Addr.r. ROBERT REYNCi*Di; •
CleDeral 4=41'4 Wain Lau, S w To!!!1.;
Oar Meads azol Os pall% al 'splint mat r on
trust, forgot that sears at pretest, aatthrr a Ls
weeks, to be bond at IVTLYINS HALL tsar tha
Mayor, Office, Toarth street, sham se POMO 0 3 ax
os ewe ware brolicti to -Ms ■toktl,
H. Minn k BRO., a '
=ammg sent
oyc abugs. rwrnav PUE3S.
AU Li goad warktai ardor. WDI be a 61,1 at ibid.
Dan.< Inaba, or addma
ap16:11 • • GOWIIIII, Pittabst*,
U& 1040 LOAN.
liancelptlem 14
GOVBR3IIPNT 10 , 10 •LO:0,
Voootrod tAi'olZoi of Mint/6 BA R 1 A CO.
wood Knot
1200711•110IC 00.; 0T'073.001ELT17,:15.
, .-, • LEXT#I3. Ptlabaryti
, Ile Worth stro4.7
LONT: --11.13,NSTIL14 = ;DIToRTEB,
AND DIALED In ttor mat seleci bracula
t r a t trt PaiIIAI L VIIDILVT '
ti.l3.—TbAM supplladea Meal ban:* '
10:1ISPIL Ana. S, 00intinc ltdulellid
tl Bandln; earner at Viime and Onuditsurth
I.nk Theodora Soh ssatonsd tarn: saa
, ~.. , , i
_ :~
- BOOTS 4XD 1111021.
"Ts riesling Latium, mina you
i git=igs °4 4 gftik' n Es t V W.
"; " um '
Ts Utak est smaller asiu
Es sat comsat...l with
Hu at thim down Is Maar. sad *titan
'That I N rub n
0 rpect•
.la•T yaa be tughti
ICr L LEGE rdor or mom zoxss los mix.
0 • A.1.T.E.11.51
••••• •
For Ladies, Misses and Oldldroa,
No. 55 Fifth Street,.
Erie lad
1 year onrtificatea.A
New York Cerntrll.l ,
We hare jest received ear Spriag stook of
Which .. will mall at the LOWIZT CASH PRIM ,
We bars the largest and best selected deck of • .
MGM, Flue Cali, lquaramtbed Nita:Aft
To to band In the city. LADIW LAM !lin=
fa atemdattee. Giro xi a atIL
.7as. Robb,
...dims received a tarp amortmaot of •
heat N.. Ts. k .oa Philadelphia 0,1 BUM Work, for
Data and Mine. Gum, Hid, Mornocce; Coat aid
Laming Boots end Dalton, al alkatylea.
Thee. goods an warranted to De the II goods
made to the arantry.
Alec • general maortment of all kind. ant cool*.
el Children'. Starb and l'ancy . Stiona.
aped No. 71. car. of Wood indigos:lb sly
m and 14 narks, omr Itlzbardseen
ilrzummilir. 2aj =
Of entry Aso and alto, plata or eolorid, Om!' Qs*
Impala' , Corte do TO. to Cabinet sad Ufa do.
Kr. POUVI&NOE would'pirtfcriarlptall at-
Coat= of tho Bann AND THFIRII to Kw imam*
cordtdity of this ratablisknoint, Wag
odorsta, ruched by a
OW. Own Ilstit , of Oslo. Prim st
tattofoonork gumbo& "425:13K0rri0
particular ottostkm to Qs tiastatont ot
03111 DIf3XASES, tao X 73 led 7/AZ;
as OITAZACT, SQUINT .M 73, AlLTlr c rea
Ule ZATLTICIAL ETAS, sio7tmols
ICom ATOM 3138; also 1133 =MX%
and all Alamo. &balm the Imo =A locillog to
Olco. 100 rirrl BTX.I= • 1ay137011,
Bands t
lire $BO, Nos. Itel, 240, 2443. 2414,21,05;.
=Throe Sloe, Nos. 10,194.111,383, 10,354;
Trq 5500, Nocella, 02714
Terse IMO, Nee 23.277, 43,174 13,1M4
'Neva Germs bear data Hotembor94 usx
All piresas sr* hendry nettled hat ei webs* , -
Ley person restoring the Oespons et Otte such
toforstattoa r lON treito the detection of the Odd,MDat be Itbastly reverted by
lowa er A tazitmt.
ma= _
mr.vra, Pty.
-1t bbls. • • ;
5 do . SnrotPc
SO loser Lations; I ;
Vlbids. Ink Mare Power.: - . 4 •
100 MU bbla. Talks lisrilac • •
1 1 :0jrackarrilsokari;
50 011100 s. Like Barg
1,000 tbe.. Maple esyrrr akar,
bbls. grand Nriplo toga;
Jost rlllollrMi awl for sal* 11116. WA IA • strut.
rryll POTTS% MIMS k, s • .
Rood's 2elognelda 0114: 4 ,
• rk. amnia we. Untie. Sole by in golrint
sell brew Fourth nd tenniald green
Opens La
',ALLYING HATS ; - 7a&DIZS' NIPS 41141.
61.19 ANS mid as:am:m.3*u, u ,21n2DAT.
tayttla 44 1 •
riloreirar .rra2 1 m ""1:j
la. to notvol ,00 booretto-tO the -
the irreird. LotwWit*Ottall tto%
co4=s, pvirm , -slo,or IS
atre of W. al 111011345001,61.
1/1113.1" inipAPl
Krromix 71.1112, at $
WINING-ROOK des, "IY r ".
CIELYBES • do. .to
Ma, bewail:ll itylis On - PiLlioi old ,119 . 112,14 Ho.
Muleeral stmt. ittletbelq: - •
VOTIC.E.—Look oat a . iriak - litat,
about 100 DAUILTX/3-OP
marked 14.12: parwa cataldaz plal:PW: yen
blandly. pal La. their tremble by•ripaitait tO
ma at my adosowesay of Nand Watt Wall Wwilwa•
Way, Pitastwaya. - " .
. rayrriatt 2. WeIET,W.T.
nteuxuairax CO, Cl' iprit 2o
044tal and Swains • '
ills sad lasames, a
8,14 Mkur.eunvpar*
Melts Na. listkesel; j;q4 .ase Sot. tuaily us,
lain melted; she the* jehemy et the Len val.
toisele stil e the pound, as *be Neal 'thwart
Store et - ' joint A `
*wet Rabatisyss Ruda:Kw
.1061ICIA HANNA. Amt.
rtONDSNSED'.IIIIIII I ' tosucsse.
V &mei celebrate! Cleakekml kte4. pat up t
bermetleally waled atepeced MU, warnatikpark..
era kW keep geed le say elloas*; Perils b , .
SOO !MIN testis nri4
ao cam Maid;
r . iu i i .. 76 =L i Vatting Criasiatz ,
iff72o - . r
:Winn irrfai•Elli, WNW 70". •
160 bust . Pritei Atbat - Poutcq4
IsaillingAS alum li. atitha.
amrawatin the 110112nniny. ftot,t4o,ll:
Vat° f!!-" t kV s Narli •
!.- -
,b 4 -
62 Fifth Street.
m 2711
CZ=gi •''
I: 4