r .:,..._. - .. . . . ' -• . --.lT'z'.7r*7"l'*'7lV•-r"",rm-t.-rr..!.r.-.=lrN7-1v,,---,:-,-s•,•_,-, -,,-k- ,, rt--- --=,4-J ,, -.=,.---:.-, ,- ; , -I - -11 7 .P. , -'4 , =n - -'=- ,- . - -; - m - el , n -,- :• •• . . . _ . ~~ ~f f, *, ~~~r~ MZ`IT=VITTMW I lIA'L..IIECORD. - `a Jaffa-MAREETN • iltepittedtstiroisly ror Its Baiette.l SubsS,”lligls, 1864. GELB.B . Tho 4M.nabd,lb!Pdtis eouticinea rr sans Fnm are gl'x44dt'LnY Idulfsincd; sides of WO bud.. to antra, • at Po.l,7;oaii Tar)lS:or sad in good_regnisil lca gaotept ra9E t ir4 ' Enck.and 45 to $l,OO tor small Ice* from atoll, ills Pt V lamb, to tan Marie, at 45. Umlaut:lm fn Whast or Bro. 6110EMBIEre3eairktit.,sary paint tbougb , prices Uri undergone no changa.• s.hs of dogs, at 17 y 0 111 for C 0..; 18.21.110 r, Net Orleans . , Galina. 47aca; '&4141,15 for. Malaita* In cyprefa aud oak pack ... • ges. tTT iitticSiange hold la/c :to 6t.10, according to . • . t '7ICBEit-lafn 'attire densind, Id light sop ; ply and istsber: . ': , Weird ft tons Shorts actin csl ton; Ant 6 torn Oil Vaal MISS. • , _ is steady with • • re to • '. 7 jobbinir demand at - sinctianged pans. Lard Is ° tell- lay to *Sae akteas at 1.9% for tbnintry and 14% for r4Rty.o2o :Wan of !dem orb at. SZT, 33 ' nod • Km 516a1e.' - • • . liAlitt—ltattat cOstinois ' Init., mines are: nominally stueliangeft: Email aalos tram atom at ff • , for Kam /Ad imuuts for Batra Tilt `galm y 6 E o ttgf . ttym, with ma aperanitendeacy,. r • I.l,gtb Weal.e t 'or °?'"W" I,PP:ca and ist • BErrtgat 8609—Share L muldarsido 10,.ab7 • , Basset but 'prices are not tincrably blob - r, rats ft Win prliae 11.71 at, 45. gas arm...ad ...bad. her: :Mar 111 bids at 16a17 per dozen. ZOTATOYS--Leaa acct .& bat as rat unchanged— :: lining from tap to IBM per " bock no to qoallsr. ; Bales or 150 bulb 'Pasch Blow.. at 81,25 per b cub. sad 50-bbla...Prlato Alberta - as 0.75 par bal. „. • . . , SEEllaof -0 tad* Lao Wed at 12,80 per ha: •Qo,.r Bmila moiling In it. .0. 11, ..Y.“ 5 2 i ,10 . 60 per bash and Timothy as $3,C3a3,23. : • • ' ligla- , alsa of adf/ !this Hot Zotro—lO a rand mt—m, 53,25 per bulb; sire, .moil sales from dor. nl talicUiti—Bales of Bew Wats?. Rearm at laslS, and old do aS. WALL Stock Ilgtit. • 1115H-ASmall- mdes 'of Mackerel sit slo ' Wall pet bid for,Ntt3.3lsdlins and 513,77.13 tor Bo 3 Largiq 460 par half 114 ior Liao 'Earring sad PP% „OP for Whit:fish. Plttsbuith retrolewn man ot—Noty 13. • ' Theme watt' a good lead andshipring demand .t.r - Crniebiodtr, tliiirepinti, el sake =mpriaing AO ' • bah. Plienit, hammed. hero sindei;gone no percept'. .ble *hemp, and quotations may be fairly given at. KVA fri bulk, and We note eases of • 4006111 inbblk,st 23).0 800 bble at 241; bfe In three diffetilOi.lotit, 3 244; and. 1200 bid. to bulk -, . some &Cane* op the Allegheny river--at 2254. it.. fined la• atoady., with irimaiderable inquiry, but -the Plkanglallil wore light. The nominal quotations on -• Hui spot aritedati fur bonded and Weil, free. gale of Wobble In bond, light straw to white, at DO, Roe on '=beard oars, Haptha is quiet and nominal at 30. lleeldunar duty be quoted at 51,(005C1 ill bid. The ingelpte' by ttur Alb:Oen, river daring tbe twenty-bar holm ending thisevening. are am follow: nagenthatig. g 7; Jae 1%; J Gallegher. 100; Wetting* Deo, 129; It Wray, GO:& Thom.!''; W Logan. 341ffeCusa Thompson, Kele), Ot. Klee, Kauffman 1 no. Aelonorth,44, gttrlegierb Iteiter,BCq—Cartwright, Se; centalgneee, Nem York Money and Dry Goode Market. (From the N.Y. Independent, May 11th.) Thu supply of money on the market I. ample. and re/meal:count and loan range from a to 7 per cent. Thokank interns of last week's iseragas sbox an In. mama of 1,310,000 tu the kAttlf. TM. •d.. !adulated demand for money. The gold e xcitemente te abodare sae the victories replaced on Monday of Gen. Gatti thaeffeet of putting down the tate to kleffekakthaßccondßoard of Drakers, and to the atm et: The extent demand oantlnura. The amonot $1,113;211. wee exparted last meek, oak- Ink sesentean intlllOnS slate January "Ist The too poetatenti hat et.ek &m on teal 15T.611,717k, and the azportaur produce to St,att,aB. Shooing an excess aileron:a over exporta. The Import• are, bovrever. mostly stored, and fen forettra g .old are entering for dnty. Thedrmaed for foreign exchangals briak, hot bills of cachalot. yell mostly for and at Idrel to I,IU "! mosut currency the quotation ia 1,71 now- sally oe matfett. lean ex steal and rati.er Pot ar.flea, elogielfora- the ottertieses rho ge•etal supply, 'prier". flea adratuad and cu. bone r.th• r lino}arti Tbaeabatiecent of price not catiatted ta Linden gaud. but nereaaar•ty brat , . borne prodortlea of the lo om—tantar•eased prior icantf • the bipeds of b m en' mwqry , t.mrs, Durneet'e pants ro eery etucir. nail the daily receipts are tn.itly to preslaus order. The advance in pile. L. cn siderable. gbarna are in artlve demand at an *d ame a a nd fresh miplies are immediately taken op t tapes ticks and denims are arm, hut rattier ctn.. -13tandird shirtier's and sheeting., bleed:red and an- If niched. are getting lower In stock and higher in price dolly, The demand Is far ob.ive the stipply. • Lake !superior Mines. The latest Missile:: Anginal, publiebed at nonB/00 0 , • Lake Sispertar,laii she earnings of therceen mon dp lelopedelaestjar the year . 1823, with the follerin; • • ; Ternertelrlirkeliolta, atioelni that they arerageabout 150 - per coatper annum on dole entire origin 4 In- . ' • restror.O. 'Thin certainly looks like a perminent tmelneire uOl a peylng our: / . Fs g '•:: 5 'l. , - •.. : i ~,,, ..... • :•• it ..... .2E ,-, s.. i 2 1.11 5 v —,d ": ctt0:i.....;57 , vit,6oo il6 044 w Qva.ri .uar.....uv..0 soo,wo ! . 16 320,000 ILlnneat..._.... 3,0003,0 W 11, 220,000 Pewah1e...........,3,75 . 75,000- 10- 0 , 0, 000 Franklin...--... 8,50 170,000 3 20,010 Central--...._. 5,00 100,000 _ 2-50 511,tr0 ' , National -- 5,20 110,000 2 40,0 i 0 /33.5,aa 51,210,000 71M inan interest• are not given, tint it le stated that moment the Iron Ore Mining Comptiniee have earned from CO to 100 per cent on their molted, and lll.Oeti Whitman tbeir profits materially this year,