i=a iri.. I, ~'n:l7:7 - - a 'tn, . 1 . 4. ! • Yt:!:F,' 7 F;;.1"4:-al VittsburVoh zd A NDAY(WHATIR= - ...1, - 11W 13; 18111. Mc)] COM URPaLa BECOB,D; ~~ = "'Pl?lß~flEtiH ' ■ ABBETB: ,Pl l l2-.PrfOr III!. 0126 443 , . May 7, 1104. 5T2,142( 7 215an la an =Street:mod for Oalas and arifirllgki - ricalista ands ‘573.441 an dna lad Sidnoiriar, Woof int, to saris.. at U; and 2 tans do do, ourtrata terms Cosa, also, in and the advance aqua >e our hat, la itattakshe mama Ear.••51,30;1,1ip forSicelled. Thera tOitil* dot.. ; nye Wheat or OSSee:llactiti , te firm Arll.ll • confirmed tt j ttlil g &r. Atittfl7:, IL% =grit • 144•• Ribbed Bides ad 1614 tbreLear do; 17•11% tor Plain Maur; fcr Plata Hagar Cured and 2.0%, ker Caavemel Bela 1311•uldere at Agin Perth Irm and bald. Waller ere note mall sea fey p oo though boldeni generally are eating . qt a , fl o e may be quoted at 4 l 6 815—the larMer dr Kiln. Larne steady with Gala of coma trfcrolig=lhaotdilitil dfargroterietuainttottes D c, asid inn market li quiet and dill, though . - arti nimilnally•iinertanvilt; Sag.' iciateidy at Vali for " mho; and MB, f,.r • It to strictly prima New Orleanh Beim. may be oploted It 114100,12 w rypnw andll,SA In oak' paws. 040 la ll= With iamb • fair es mut at 46 to - 48, , f0r common to prima UM Bice le held • f1r011y,.1.2.2%„ Bg r2711.070,13,The dcmand for Bpßar le sery light; and with an a:cumulating .004 prima Cop .,- UMW UoU,L P.M is a birtmota. altnotlgh eomoaroall iota of tem uhcleo brought 28. - Eggi trteady'arlth megLr gales at Inal7 per P0741:7074-The nabd daring the past few dal harobeen unexpestedly large, and the market, . fa nay le • Mu.° easier. Priem t ho ugh T eo auctorial change.. yet, though the tandems !admit:ward-11420 to $1,1i5 bash, a:4.7475aq 71.1b1 . FLOUR-Teteroja no demaad marcely for this ar lich‘addi ft= load trade, and the market 1 quiet itudgag e ginnigicundlangid.• :MSc small sal. at St for Banc,: in:Art.7Uß for BUM rung). dHEW tab of Mose at ilintelai and belsd may 3,. IMMO 41 tea. liflEDS.4.ges of Clovaritadat 1,0019,60 Muth; • - 11:14101t13,004345 arid 74az $1,11.3,00 Wlilf:-la dull but holders ratan to sell below mamma ria4z-soo for Common. =LSD. 7117177-b ateatly,, with a fair demand, and Batted amply. Sales at .ate for apple% sad 20 for Pe... BCANS.BiIe of common at $2,50 por bush, and prlamr.Whitest 4[2.75.. . , take Ikilierlor . - Tin following from the' .. 1 1 April .16114 Aires some details of Mae, i• Tb p bo r e p r i x t uct of thentines la I=l sail 1 / 1 63 ls aepedelly imtioesbls feature. .The high price et which pig iron rated In 111413 ilifrpar ton—:nes doubters the mroie of this ex . • trainditunp development; end It reasonable to an- I CelPstii that, with a east Mentoe of its prmentral • es:Eli awitirtirs coosindinarydemsnCerois Mr= al most prolidigtorp of foreign tom, . the yield of, the . preens yearn.= emceed even that of 1815, - Leis Mini nine peals agcritie 11;st slAgment of iron on Non Lake flupprior so the Lower take ports we. =4 the: entire shipmentsfor .tliatpani (124..5) amosaticor. to 1.41T,t0n5.. The berthas him since been etesdily Inonasing, with lfaudurfa - iuDidif7 andreithimtiaterruption—except dating the first - parr, the rebellion-omit in 188; .the shipments 1 . The following table ahem the - anoint of annuls. ihlpmeep d[ orelirom each. working mine Gar ,`.l par 113.5 N to and Including the pan Teat; . . . artrxrwro or two oni, Juione. Cleveland. Lake flayr. Tcdat Iron Co.. Iron Co. Iron Co. Grose Tone • 1,117 1,117 4,497 7,100 - 111,397 1137:...t.i......13,912 12,272 . 21,184 , 19,931 3033' • 3),314 24,063 63,679 42,63er uote . 116,993- , • , 1401_ 7,311 22,290 43,430 85,241 17,717 119,721 /9373 ' VV.!' - 47,612. 711,037 , 145,23( • . nine tunduriti; especlaly thew Tor the last two • - years, fah far below the demand, the difficulty bar: lttd been in procuring transportatioa for the ore, sad sun to mins is the quantity actnaliy spoken for to supply. tenzvaritue femme= cuing thiw ore,betore tee *peeing ef aaviestieu 10•1321, wow over 140,000 nem vbfryita-18193; 230,000 tons would but have replied tha.dexuad. ••. - • • --.- . The following ttb'e *holm the products of tho toy end tatusheselhea the Inauguration 61 the badman Pullman rta zaps. 'Collar. Verner • Northern Valar Tear. boa Ca. iron Co. lam 0.4 0 Ivan Co. Far. ton. 1656 "`"1,697 " 1.1 • 26 1652 — N101S 2,575 25 a) \ 560 1,050 - 1;3 . ~ 603 I • 11122,..t.:-1, 28 2,937 . 201 2 2,242 23A 1603.......2,2.47 2,111 2,626 1,301 4586 •Xorgee Iron Company; 405 tool, ellatinasted, except 6r 1863...'. • • Thertmatualltes. of the 'several" fni.usess was to " — follow= - 11,10ns, 5% monthm- Term; 10 months .. - -(theugh torl mrs at this tune:pares wortingelowly 136 t Wait of uMeltat fault; Northern Iron Company. 6 months; and Morgan, frees the Mai of startles to • the Goes of thttyear, The rutting time or the 'No . ewe' webes6 Lushly: ad, but we think it hat not 42- elededllse!tir ets'menths. \ • -The average yelp. et hfarquetto of the ora whlpped deur the 'pest year wu SS' per We, and that 0,616 iron ,prAttececto per ton, giving the simreuta Indite _of the Irott r produ3 At the cantry for 1823, • 6 1 .2 21 7.24k-' Mut Cutteeputll be made. to.turn out au :du. the coma% season nearer to their fall capaci ty theii erne ibelbreiwthe huh °neg . -011E to doubt not; be adthtd- to • lhe ;lumber. lam Muniments bete bug reeds talliablited land, slang the Ilea of lb. Xartitetta lad Ontonagon and Pentasule-ralluad, ea emit, est on ./31g. Bey. de tioquel, with - a viewlo suet blestAtrutneelhr the matinactare of charcoal Mho& Isom the astute, lathe polies interest • al andyarnent and prospesttee Tel. -Opts Irolk, we mien think - the larestments .6111 be stnfered tolls , • I.ll,lol6losbea they cope epeedlly nude tutpay - so Eandeutet a return at they be realized to this but- 111 Itseburgh Co:retro= Market. market for Crtilo 1. leV seta* but bade*/ aft Itlnd;iutd; an pet, there tiara teen wades it *data.. The stock Cs light, and with lhattad reesipta 11.3 a(Or dacumd, both for shipment and home use. the market may be termed stud, at 13 . 24% in tarY 050. 30 In bbla W. note sale of HMI labulk, at 23,4, -massursd In boat, Nada:SO -. hhul...bbis to be reamed-et eacusbgara, Bettwal, sits, to dolattta One nub no dlspeettla on the part of sellers to foray sales. 'Banda mobs:Mt; da ted's 8 4 52 , of lbetlOok arid Watt for bat month denary: Tres ell Malting In u 8 8:11018 prinelpor to the western trade. at 0 te.133, according to dumb City sad qballry. *statists naultally anchinad. Reslchntm meets with a ready *Beat. 54,50. per • aadtherata very Little the market.. The Mak*, Petroleum In New iToth On the 'lst f.attai .Bv.nu‘l IT lb. 0404014 Liu. is a. toner. : nap I. anal 1. literati. rob. I. Jan-1 Ornds...bble 19.920 ai,064 a7;404 . 14 , 812 . Re11ned........1*03 42,190 - 42,004 .50,10$ 0,4414 Napths7.l:-, 4,11 M 5,10 ' 4,444 0,071. 294 :"- , 340 ' ' CU C7O T0ta1..70118.10,C74 71,900 101457 - 07;01 82,70 Of UM stock' erchand 1.1 test =glean above them were tzeln4od.l"o bble .'node, and 088 Batted, on 4b =pt,C,lop the . 11.11eglwa7 flew duitur thi twenty-four hours ending evening, an a. raja.. Piaui 8rb.,4110; Richardson, Harley Co., 867 I W. H. Brom, 02 tßrewer, Burke* g 0.,; D. Mahrm4l3. P an s. .aack, * Co., 420; IL 11 dream 212;1. A;;-.1.1/....17.alune, ; Davis A Bia.un. 81: Jas. Deacii.B 1388, f 4; D- 8 / 8 1gb, 180: D. jr. , a.-Itmenbaelt; 457 .13alttatoie - t ogee std Celli Market. Kew tt4taittataltit ealaa itto eddltaittotai dna bvi Bkrat: 46 eta, atut•LClOkag; •Itathrlog, print. traitts..: Zwirwayra tae garde it Vair dr, izet;' alas se Itto tturaDgata for pen. Gralattitittetti'llic heed fit ' mhtlerittlitaWlj; • piltettatat7avaa shwa-G.4s pir hash.. earn ha arte1664446d fair .apply. and , lb& withdrawal ordir• • 1 4 6 / 1 6 1 datiriebt raven bad caned a dean. of et0p*1664.4 pow lima-wird .Itar.7,, t iaria, • weeltietityattaktintai scarce, r .data••••farther • W. usatanloas at the Cant k - Moor Altititants kw -ths trier sr kV .. net : ',ltort _TM _4‘_/6thentarldt• et :met ,4a minor lapitswi WM blab prima and eh gee at 112- daystk-VW barbel* Kentucky white at 46.13.2.t6/ 14,060 tadWe r.d 117W,Lk kw/red to pilma,Soattk. ' pm; L and - Swo,s4 tdr 'PeraWraltia, n tittality. Vantzlialyt - la thirwreekvialtio , of 1,000 • both at - SWAIM '0 3 6 vehita, Wad 41,340,37 for ppm, ost. Unborn la nod rata wepplraitti hats need dull: • We titurla Pathll6/16nlialte +Waft Win.; 1174—.7. tail 7 Wad rairWkW rietkW /ma 62.70 , - P- 1 40 1 0Phia, / and Ma Mark et, Kees-:woi-mees L • fairdeeidd fom mnn fatintn, but balers cam forward slowly, 'olsiew to 2-e.' -to Oa Mgt' Mews of Saddam, 2bei stooks to the -.', • denart-bands, hammer, AT light for tbo season. and tbateentbet rather waist, with Wee of about 120,00 D e - " !W. dotnesto to bate at from 78 to Ps for tow to meditunata dna OWPCA cod tub, moistly at Wor3o V lb ,f - Wilb.4•Tbere Me rajfaerarrfnow Or eallloy, and - -,- . to. start demand ts not we stun , prises of itamorn, i . bOWltak Ore May with Wrath; 14 , 118301 D for Vie -lISaIS Ibr We. and 55Y.01.43.4 n Mel tor roolloor sod '.. - :jam Ws, toddle swat uabt for tbamemon. Plebiel m a w airs steldrat $6O- 4 1 1- bbl for Eastport and Ivinir - 7.yobradar, Dry Cad:it Zdd(ste% tell. :SW*l and . . lla o^ ,ToJadoMetlitt. , -• Jur. l :So trainactioes. la &at te tenerokad Beene ortko Imam Li demeaed. We 4,030 Data, of J.4oe, WO Ira eastarilla. at I Lac: BOMA Na Badell.itc.commee tanner MO ember Ma at1,504132),te5h de. at I,tdee; - bre 474;-,at tung 1,0:0 be. 600 ea. 1,000 bp - pad 600 IntArtdtaltaatt 140 e; tCO Da No 1 Bed an st. Id al be Amber Blob. at 1,49 e, Dora - 16. 4! 1 4 ./1,14041N : aal ! 300 . bu re. Osts•ade , Bebe ima 650 tru aft' ' ,Bastlie•BaataDa 1.44 der - , , pit let; Sad as ad'"W AM vdo}el7. 'Nies of diablaid if lA, 4041 tie, 'at 41,61 t1i - 4 sad 40 do la. **asp pertsikm,sx auuraustartminiel tor-1 L.- =kW 1444 , ,.0“kyria.. 6 6 4 aterdrad, What* *am, sopa lt . Colf tad teethe:eat Ira tut - ateate {6O ital4o l 4loo setee, atop ebkb Adlastsataa law at 780 btda at 11.10; • At . itoattl, 40: itl t rzg.'atata wit;:) de. dclitais xa slut quoNtloos, ri...,- ..*toicet, , ~_.,9,016---- &mtge..' i,' d o, 4415 . - 744 ourjea c r,i ta r ,N # y 7,^4r- 00140,,41. a va,,, z.. 1 ~;o. aft-uw LAW Wmdirtirarb dud 12tLP 1",804A1111641.0 glidAfik fi D I 4$ 3441 7 -'' ._....,..,.....„._....2.......i..„....:... ~._4 1, , . P , • "" 10=iz IteilYtiv of the Nem . York Grocery Market. '(Fnat the Shipping lid, May 7th.) Ontine—The market te almost an • stank the poll-, Mal emits of the day. -In 41.111[Cli011 With the in, creaming neck and the decline In Gold nod Cubango, ending to dindotsh the &mend and render quota tions rather nominal. In the meantime, hoverer, it Should be remarked that the dock B to few hands, lindheld with meth tenacity for extreme valnuions 4 —hmons the Tadao. between buyer and seller,'and he delimit of the market. Tho tramactions Include Sl6O bags 810, ex Palma, al Baltimore, to New York frmiies, at 43 mute, main and 2250 do Lagneyra, at .Phliadsiohia, half the mapper White Wing. 441085 /UN telles 463046; 100 mate Into, be Boehm, td therntind 100 bags and mats, hero, 60, 4 moo. • Sugar tise.m.arket_haa been Black sine* our teat, and, with only a Inodirate bunkum, prime base fallen off tmeeqtfarter or • mat 'fi lb., timing tai a.ttled and doll.- _Sleeved, too, is low and irre- Pim; we quote other than &nwts, Nand, 2434.25 - cents; Soft White, =et; and Yellow, 88.20, mab. The roles of Raw nee 1770 hhds Cubiatl6X,tl7.A.e.: 10 ' OlariOad 46, 'lof 278 Porto Mao, ltial9%; 6 hod., 16 tossed 412 bbl Bobadoes, 16%; 62 lih-lieet/r -leea, 173(0.15%; 15.101 a N. : 1). Cistern Bottom, 12 ceaah)l 8 Muhl If. o.ldelado, 034; 320 has !hyena, ' 5 %.2 0 : and 115 do, for Mport,lo34, ash, In bond. The - stock yeuerday eras alit 36.000 Mte, 16,0 0 0 Wu, -77,000 bags Sugar, and 200 hbds bleleelo. By ariction,2so.bu 131111.1114 (tentage', sold 11%,11.0f,e- Molasino-:The market has become quite dull, and prima• intuit be quoted at 2a5 cents "f,lsllnp loner, - eloaltid rather unsettled. The sales are 87 blade Porto Rico at 05.100 cent.; 43 Nenieltaa,os; 37110tida, 70 tee, GO bbleand 20 half do Calm Muscovado, part 10a85,425 kinds and an,d 39 tea t3ayed thins, 73; and 10 Wield No • Orleans. CS, 4 mos By auction, 57 'hitd4 Cuba Sugar limear sold .t W cuts, 4 mos. I=l ELT o—Ttour—lferket quiet. Sales 170 Gbh XXX white at $8,751 110 Kat -1X rod, fancy brand, at 17,75. Whsat—Dull and cremlnally 3c low, r, the ot ly vale to-day being OXIO ban red, 'Chaeue, at 51,47 (moon baud. The •toady decline In the East makes the market hem very dull and =settled. tarn—Dell and nominalat 51,15 on track, and 51,17 from More O..—Dail: ule 1 car on track at 7k. field at 80. .rct atom. Eye—Nothing dolug. Nomlted M $1.0) fro, EMEMEtE! Lake Firdt—ln eteady -mutat and market firm We notice ea arrival tble me nit afnoo pkgs from Green pay, per itnreer !Locket. White Pleb 'end Pkkerel quoted at 4113,23a5,L0. Trout st. Bo ; Benin 'PP P.' halt barrel: Imports by Railroad PITTS3OIOII Al. WATIM AND 0111ClUID IL•1110AIS May 7-1 car oil bbl., J Itersrert 50 dos brooms IV. Elroy d canl car lumber,/ Longboat; 1 car Ore clay, Elem. Glom &to; 3 core hoi, Col Crow 50 bbs car bon otli John- s Catighey, 2 can pigment John Moorhead; GO bile Me= pork, Wm II Hass co; to bdls ,hldes, Seibert, Kellett:con d. vii; I bbl. boner, McClinton, Tler.on d c 0,2 bins eggs. L B Voight co; 3 ski sago Lout., Plonk; 10 hides, .1 11 Ralston; 4 bblsoll, Hampton &Benton Make rags, Godflay Mut; 1 toil eggs, W P Beck crn, 3 sks potatoes, E Wycoff: 3 sks nog. .1 51 Swam; 21 don *cub /med. etc., Watt ct Wilson; 10 do do, McDonald A Arbuckle.- 01.1TZLAIND AND PITSMILOIT 11.AIL110)11:1, May 7- 13 bbls eggs, 1 sack sad, B Willey; G bbis eggs, 7 do Oar wed, 8 pkge dry bruit, 163 du potatoes, 38 bbl. do, L 11 Polar &cm& bbl. ettry F Pangorder; CO bbl, pork, W B Bays & co; 50 bdia paper, Perkin. & co; 31 bales tow, J B Canfield: 115 braetteme, S Ewart & co: 3 bbis dry apples,. C C Balday; 73 talle rakes, .7 Zoo. Wmjlß bbls lime, W 11 Hamilton: 11 bbl. whisky, Torras. 6 McGarr; Siladrge toberco,Wattpl Wileott: .10 do do, Atwell, Leek co; 1 case mdse , B E Sellers & co; 45 bbl. potatoceli B Floyd; 100 aka de, Itlichoock, Mciareriy co; 133 Mido, A B BeavU; GO bbla do lumber, 'r 4 0 100 .tt r7i ar.tro - ", raTa? Ausoursy therms, May 7-3 sks wool, El Bred ).;d bypotatoes, .1 Gorr, 50 bat paper, 0 /1 Mer-' tic. 9 bolls loather, halbert & Kellam.; 23 d. -broom, & Bid dle; 9 aka potato.. lobo 11111 or; 'WI Oa Imtstoci, Owens 8 Kennedy; 30 tbis lime Joe Otalg7 150 bp mill feed, Simpson A Boor 65 Dbl. Sour B &Legion; 14 bdls maim Llowebeck & co; 40 btu hi dbl.., 11 Bevel:amble; 5 1410 bides, J .Stuckrath; 15 pkgs butter and eggs, Willey & .Airaarnr; 2 do do, J Adams. Imports by Riser. LOI77SVILLS—ama La wanscr,-128 WI& tobacco. 77 by hair, 11 bbM flasesoi, Ibp feathers, Clark & ca; by oil moat, S& I Carothers, 1 bo tobacco, JJ Albets;2o Wm, McDonald & Arbuckle; 17 bp cotton, King & Pennock; /W has whrat, D T Loo sed), it Ord,s tons rort,l. blmick is co. 150 do do, I. l tois Knapp; 111 bales hemp, Jobs Floaer, 4 bads tobacco, John Projerton; 10 do do, W & D Rinehart; 0 do do, J J Meourle; 25.a1e Ws, Spencar d McKay; MI& do, Josh Rhode*, 22 Ithda Wham", Wayman sou; ado do. Mortis al & Coati°, . LOW.ISTiLLE—TLIL OLIO Vau.sr —l4 hbrria tobac co, Weymaa .on; D pkg. atop, H E Sellers & co, iStoas metal, B 0 L - arsols; S bbd. tobacco, John °haler: 811 baccrelspork, 133 Rh& tobacco, Clark I ST LOUlS—rya Su rod-100 hldes,7 Y HcLaugh Iln;6 , bbi. oil B a , daluctrck. & co; 4t bide Cb. 9 " 9 „ 1 D 91 ..0 0 ; 52 do, 0 Grortiloger 6 Sou; 11l . 62,14 pad 3do glascrare, name k Bro; 61313 bbl door, Clark d co; 13,b165. clay, H H OullIns; 39 ph; ;scrap Icon. Zug a realer; Z.) bales cotton, B 144 lUbbs oil Li Bradley. 430 brnoms, Graff, Bennetr 6 co pkg. iundrlcs, Lo,ig /I DWI; 67 lads mud, 13ty - oc 'Maar& k co; 27 bbls liquor, Luna stela; 37 berms 2 mule; 6 Lead; a co 5 bbd. hams, 8 Nardi & eo 4do do, W J Wlls:ru; I bbl varnish. It it Bulge 3 do do, LW Blackeowo; 25 bbls 'cask y, Jae tiro wad.' pkp amnultlou, of rots, tuu bb!. whisky, Zack & co; 50 tau metal, B C Loomis; V., Dbl. flaz .red, W P Beck ca. CINCINA aTl—rsa Nara= Erna.—SOD S lon metal. Ntroick & to, etvga nrrumutcr.ticE Renton. St. Louis lLaerene•, Louisville. Ittmanie Bests, Louisville. !Ohio Valley. LouisuiVe. Illentrus, Wheeling. lativance, W City. Filorads. St. Louis. /1311 a, Zsnesaille. The river 1 still receding slowly &SUia polnf, with levels feet ex 'what In the channel by the marks Lit ironing. The 'weather was exoessirely bet la the inn yesterday; it clouded up soaserhat towards truth:4llmo er, - end strong hopes were entertained 'of rain. i trioaidaa, LontrvMo The arrivals Include the Blinerva from Wheeling; Obis Valley, &anal. Dyers, and Laymen. from Louisville; tsdvance from OU Cisi..and Kenton from St Leal. ,The Emma Graham from Zaaeaville, and the Jaa. IL Gilmore, from Nashville, am both dun. and will doubtleai arrive to-day, The Nevada for let. Louie and tbel Leonidas for ,Louleville, 'cleared-en Sunday Irith excellent tripe. The Jolla left for Zanesville on Saturday evvidng milli &fair Imp Including a goodly lumber anaemia. Eal. The tom steamer Otercker, Capt. W. B. Btaro's newidowner, came up to the *hart onSatorday and irllgeotunzeoce loading for tit LOWS to-day. The . Cherokee, la • staunch looking craft, will hare, 'boo throbbed; • very pretty cabin, and, better Masi alt, sill carry • good load on • low stage of water. The Priam Doona,Tapt. Scott, did not get WY for encianatl co Saturday. but will Into. today without fall. Wo notice amenn thoie drifted at Cincinnati. the names of the knowing wetllmnwn river mon: David Gibson, W. W. Penton h and A. P. Copen. Thanew Elisabeth packet. Bayard, to becommand ed by Capt. Peebles. la almost, men,pleted and wiii be ready to commence...skips daily tripe In •day or two. It Is thmtgbt ehe win 1* a "runner.. aa she Imo plenty of poem and Is of essymodel. • She neat and light thmilshA . steamer. Arcola, in command of,Capt, A 0 AlcOslinm.Jr, la annexes:can for Cinch:nail and Lonlinrille, Dams to-morrow evenlng. She will befollowed by the 011io:Yalley,Capt TS Johnston, which boat Isiah:ars oti Wednesday evenbr. TlANannis Byes, Cape Byers, as.erld be seen try^ card, Is woocuesed to Icass for Bt Lou!,. on Tuesday arming. 11. ts dna steamer has excellent ItC.11:1171., darlons for passengers, and plenty of room for frelatt. The Mows; Capt. Gordon, Is the regular packet far at 12 o'clock. Messrs John• ston =dß/Atone/re the clerks./ . . • -6TEwiltlllo.4TB powortiormNATl 141714.1r.Tha 112. new Oman DONNA, Capt. Rcatt,' gill • ea lIONPAT, Mk at 2 o'clock p. m. Tor 11 1.421 4 or Wasp apply ca band or to anD 40a21 2240 E. egaoq • pog LOITISVILLDi CAIRO A.:. AIM BE LOCIIB—Tha noti steamer BANNIII BrilLl'Capt: Byars, Stilt frasises shows aid intermsdisis porta m T OES DAT. 100 isat..' for treight or pants* only on' boa"! as to 0 , 0 ' JAB. aiLLI sa a co.. *gnu. wog CINCINNATI .4 LOU ISITILLIL—Tha. gas item. dame AJ/C04.11, Capt.*. C. NoCilltio2, Jo, w at. Jr gut sbovr Ports on TaXSDA.I4IOI2I tom'. Yoe frolgta or paws'. apply " on board pt to la y 9 JOUN'ITLCK • • J. Et•-• tX/LLINGWOOD, L. * . • (tr4"`•• VOR ST. LOUIS GALENA, .a.: PUBLVIZ ANLi BT. PACIL.—.Thp , Ilas Dim Apt commadlqpi simmer. Cl,lEtiOKEir,. ibpt. W. D',ltorarq f will lam art bonctio WED 20.11DA_ ,Ir 710 Ws., at tp. ree. ... . _Tor Trafghtorpomoamly ea tout or !,o, J. D. COLLINOWOOD , - -et 0- " - ZOlilf STACK. ' Aptta. - pon CINCINNATI & LOU. '1: LSVILLE.—Tkor new and devout Manor OHIO TALLEY, Copula T. 9. Johanson; Oink, Gene L. &parr, wtU kart en Alms on WIVISIDAT, Mb Mtt., at 4 P. ro. Tot frolito or pumps apply on board or to JAS. OuLLIPS* 00 , J. D. 00LLINOWOOD, lAsonto. m)9,101141 /LAOS. RVWAR WHEELING itiAr t e r a t A 011/10 PA ON Z e 09INENYA. Car. htik Mop MU.12.9 i*lr YTheeDAl ow, TUESDAY. TUOMPAt sad SATURDAY. kisking.clote ant dlterie WknsTink and hot erabutg Pack. W. IMtafittog, Nitt lorre IM0•1199 awry MON DAY. iirstrszsrmy . sod 7E,IDAY. Parmsgars is/ (MRS{ eteOp wa tlartrosb Parkeriburg.: .la freed ot 4 anlipb board or to. , A 9. )0.139 k Aosta, ' Os %%W1309491 Os Oat 02 Wool 'l.e. . . VOIR WITEELIVr' TA JEWITEILMOLIIII94 4 IS2 TA ANDIAIDASMAPL—Iho mower stscharr 21111 A GRARAH , Noaro, ADM. Jormarstoriresms Plthlmrah *my TOZSDAY, It p. Es 4 Estiontls sonry PUMA,. at Vole* m„ saw Mum /01,1 A, Wis. OoMon.OoM• ausalloiAssra Plimbaralt. miry PATUBDAYksI 4 26, sal Zane/rills mry TUPADAY, at B o'clock IF ID. TOT &OVA lamMs ssPly op bom 4 a or to' . , -L D. CIOLLIAtvE.OIY AM! •; 1 • +Zinainilbi. 0410. Tag WAMINOPF, ~ m itnusci,s,tecr:;'-estrr:toßti - .. , ilat --.1x4810 !di "n" Li. E NaA TATAiraiki A Roush since. T RS REMAINING Inc:CLAlM s9;7thn Post office it mkghny. Ewe , of Penueyiranla, the 7th day of Kay; 1864. To obtain anylbf these MUM, the opplimnt most call far ode/Meal /Wm, glee the dale no thGi tilt, and payrone cent foreenie/p. If not called too trithln g one month, they sulfa. sent to the dead letter office Tree delMoyer lettere by carrier., at the mildew:. ofcwaers, pay be neared by obrierriug the following rule.: • I Directlettere plainly to the street t d number es well es the pat once and State 2 Heed letter with the• writer's and Stale, attest and number, alga them platelY with lull name.and request that answers be disnetnd U. Letters to atrangere or trwrodent visitors to • town or clt7, whose special addnow may be unknown, whoold be marlud, in the lower left-hand corner, with the word tnumient." 4. P'ece the pillage stamp on the opner.rignt. hand corner, mad leave space oetween the stamp end direction for poet markiwg without Interfering with the writaag N. B. A reqnr writer, If nochslt or printed with t State, eons, the the ace side, all pre-paid rate of p delivered to the Armstrong A P Atenter Sarah P Arnold Jacob Allshouse John Aber Mathew est for the return of • letter to the mad arithin 1.0 days or less, .rotten the snifter's name, poet office, and left band end of the envelope, on II be complied •'tags, payable U Medal Jason 1N Uuchfr H.!. Con Harper Dorid 11*slier Eralia• U. Elisabeth Heston G. Hassler Canal fi Enso rF H Halms Mary A Horper Nm liar Preens 1 Irvin 'Nancy Jackson Ann Jones Carotins 2 Joh. stan Eh. Johnston 00 Jones H .l oary Wall Jack BiILCOII Johnston 11 R. Tilitakstock E Barwick Amelia Baker Charity hi Dotage Catherine 13hrk Catherine Blackmon. EJ B.eakley E A Brow. EBB Br, an Crto B Batten Belem Bisiban• Nash Betsbover John Bothwell James. Boyd Jana Bawer Maggie Beaty lallla K K.rr 8 It Keeling Mary 11-roe:man Mary J L Lester Annie Lyon, Kate Lowry* Ford Little Ella Luau Ja, Coln A G Claridge Cyrus Cambell Charley CllftoA_Hattla (March Hoary Cummings Clark Harry 8 CAmpbellBalllop Cries liadanol Crouch Barab A Craartord J. A Clarke. Juana Coppentalta Cunningham J Crawford T N (barium& I C Carry Lyeba.A Camp Manuel Clark blaruget Campbell J (brander W Curry Wm Clain Emden Clorim & GIN= Amex Jaeob ILustuter Hugh Lernohos lieettle Loig Jo W bong L J M MBler F J Marlene Annlo Mlles ilia Mitchell Moffat Der CI Mason Gram Murphy II B MllllardJamm MngW Mary Metcalf Barth& 31 war Rebecca 111xIbprry Mary McConnell John McOlmlly John McAlister Jas Mcilenr, Jos MeDerose John Mcidann Jce A Alchatbah J M MeNtroy J W McQulston J B Mena:line Wm Mcßride Wm Mc-G.l)in Mcgt tdclleady Nasser McDowell II A !defines Matar i McKeown B LI McCurdy I id McDowell Llarla Mc elow Daunts Balms) , C W McCreary Clam Mc Seowst Awls McFarland A ti Nelson moo Davis Matins Davidson Chas Dicks, Geo Ditcher Saran DmispJ M Omit Diary E Eames John Easkin M.ry Ellis° be era Forman Efenry Farrell John St Fleming kl ff Forrest Mary N Forrith Rohl Glenn Virginia Gray Erman. Gregg tiarab Grata Mary A Green Maggie GrtWraith Jane Gray Jame. II Gamble Joseph Gnus Robt Oretat R. .1. 84:11'1. JUDD Isusvnea's Ornts, Auto t • Pittsburg. Da rPITRIRJEAINCE of t h e' n Act rebittng to Allegbeby Dm 21.4,180 ; 1, DAVID A I K EN, oak comm., bereby give Douce the ==:===2l Bar•Jogbn, Toeneselpe and nroln at titu Oleo • [bolding g [tern] el • • ageetively, on •be iculetriug darn, m. until 3 o . c , oclt p. to., to trzt : Firs • Ward. Pottahorrh ; rime. Word AUrgbouy: Ylizsbota borough, B.roarltby borough, Ytodley toomaßp, Elisabeth tourashlp, Irrautbst torrarblpe Yourn tornsubtp, _US THURSDAY, Second Ward, Pitt bent ,• Vie:osst siard, dl'ashr ay ; West Illeaberh borough, lid eireesoort barongb, Marshall rositoldp. Harrison townehlp, BLCO2 ship, Jefferson baruship, OR FRIDAY, =NZ 3v weed, - • Pint precinct, Third Plttatturi eicet Third mud, Allegrecky Terehi hherpsborg bor. - met, Plce wernelsip, roonahip, Id tenth tevrahip Cars Deer ON SATORDA.Y.JUNI 4. Ee.ti precinct, Third ..re, Pittsburgh; Boomml. jutaluct. Tot. •ard, Alleibtr.y; borough, tnnoui,h, iic 'andl.l townsh , p, IGSlikas township, Sotme r tolruohlp, V. n 111.4 township, MONDAY, JUNE G.. Fourth want. Pltisborpti; Tint pischist, Tarns Whr i. hilagitacy s- 113.aoeoator boroaah, 114.0- villa bornigh, ilanpton towrailv , p. Wan Doer lawn shlp„ bonnie= toirsistilp, Pan. township, ON TONZDAY„ JONA 71a. Pint precitck Yttlb want Plttebargbt Senand. pincinct, Mourn, ward. Strgtway Wrot Pittsbargh bororgh,, Monongahela bun:rash, Sichisnd turn rtilp, Dinkier township. I.ipprr Clztr towortedi Pirusi township, tiN WEDNESDAY. JUNE ern. Etremad prachnt, nfth ward, Pittabergb Math was* Pinittnarghhontla Pittsburgh; 17x4dna, Birmingham borough; Ito,. tranthip, Ohio towhabip, Nnowden Marwhip, Palm taw:whip, UN 1110h£14AT. JUNE Pm. fArrentb ward, Pittatdrrgb ; Midrib ward, Pitt.- burgh; fr.cond prortnit, Iddratogbada brruagh; East Strml,gbara roraugh, dorlearay rdwagm, BicCldr• - tdorn•hip. Bedirin towartry. Scott tp.„, OS Y.IDaT, JUNE, . • ,Ninth want Plitsinugh PesorTo township, Chor tler. Township, Mums township, Windom township, First pros* cs, Peebles Township, CsolUS townsdip. Lower St. Clair township. ON SATURDAY, JUNE ll= Second precinet,lbisbini Township; Pitt township, Current township, Nevlllis tososhlP. ON SIOSIDAY, PUNY. lamp. Lass m bo paid at this Venoms 's 00Ics within time months from the due fixed In the too...pion district; subject to /LYE PER CENT. DISCOUNT tor prompt payment to any poison paying thswh_in amount or their lava. --TruS:Sin SILVER. PEARL 80AP. CRUMPTON & CO.. 367 Liberty Street, Solo Proprietor. and Ilanziroatarars for Wooten Pao:L.7lnmlN Ohio, lottiana, 1.1111301) and Miami lAlso, truaufseturen or• nye' rior srtach, of Palm, German, Olive and Rosin Soap, TOLL= AND PANSY SOAPS. Of mar SILVES PEARL 808 P. erhkh Ire con& deatisity recommend ea bettor fur genera] ass than any sthu bears the public, ebonld be borne in mina( bsa neither Potash, Bolt, Lime or Oath, Or any other =bits.* in Its mannfactore reblo caia shrink or Wan the finest fabrics. llamarts and.Woolmm on Do washed with the rapidity of Cotton or Lbws Clothes washed with the 8119171 MUM 80A7 do not raptor balling Orjudf the rabbbilt, which of mono ones the wear and tom. PEARL 80AP, Barnette Oman, Dirt, Tobarno Stabs , Pilate:lr Ink, Brooke wad the wont BolgaWatar Statue for mallately, by apslyinig II with a moist lipooge, thus Q ludose, Oaspets cad ituulturis Gorr losdernal ohsp: trnparte a killdeer; to Plate, Jewelry, Ornieware, Beautelled Paintings sod Patna Leather Isionediatrly sod for thunder 'marble and &Or tile It No tioequall.:Por the light and pectin snarly for hbamporning, the BIL YES MUHL 8041 , s prefect luxury to a won. all who hate tried t.e . superior quelltlea, acknowledge I 4 the greatest diaroveryerthe age. This (hduldsol wire Walk= 41 who are kiterested - rn ecaanirtei ire In =tog Volp,atulati nary can tall refund the price of the LIMO should It tall to 4tootoplls6 root wedeln for it, If =0 abcording Bold at YIVE.I7EATB PZB EOBtiD, In s day wood holm, deltrand to Cho &n or boat., or in AI. higliony. Birmingham and city nekton= Prat of .abarge.girottknut fort. on all packages. Moral Without:. fibln abroad will do *all to en 0111:11020N 'a 00: • call, L thett , oppr. eta hrotay Multi Bad troad Passmager Atat.,l3otrar• of of halt:gloom l nano acoubto natal bearing our trsdamark—SllNZ PEARL ann.!, 7 4N semact bl llittottsl 0001111bL GtNTLEMEN WISHING FIRST CLASS GARMENTS. duds in tbd MOLT TA00101:1ABLV and - DETEST ,STIrLEC 'mid do wO.l to Gan upon IL G. lIALS A CO.,ISgILLNII tFILORF., 000510 07 Pl= LUD 87. CLUB 0781571 N • Dildnysnaastadiddnemou 1864: - ' .14 " • d isortattait of To - iac' ET ZOO DUfl 2 , for 1/0 4 -tzr *kat; lo min. • tmllstlop litbfb*lgopaillttb Irttb mange ps-srltb ta4Z gribi?Polmot P est 4 1fi r "dzgl ile; ' t. 411 .1 " Pr 01111,0 remplable ratn-ty , - • • - Mr. G. Jonrirrou A AA; eistkoset; : : Waal Maud ippergik AND:NIOBLorg W.l4*, - ITOMIL—Jtirt • largo metal — • Aircni u ,sarrnimcconnna,,h , _.' ^farosav 1," hems* ransuiskwaSlMlC J w:tad& ,Iformaa t • • 0. =11021.6 00.1fivw % telidessAms ' T Atty-400 bbbt, VIM) juss reoeved i.di *B4 gm sob by • 4i. auniumv. ~... I . 4+t-.:?ter''; 3 ~', -.4 ~...-s -:1: ::xsi+~ ~ , ----- " I-MEN FOR BALE--FOR Rte• FOR SALE—Valuable property known a the trPecricidery Academy , • mosisting of /arm amid of grodudln a high stets cultivation, tvactirolly sr:moped with lawn and ample Muds Incr. Thom la also an o:she'd and abundance of Small fruits She impiovementaronslat org a two. Story brick bolidli g, 50x122 fem, arranged with !.lM and about forty roue, together with barn and tenet home, stable. km boos. sod other ontbuilde Thpabora dos rb, d proterty is very near tic witkierjEration twelve e f 0.11 the city. The Olace is admirably adaptxd fora boarding School, rphans' 11013., or. imp° Bar rsing Court, being illgibry situsted tatareeo the rdlrtad and river, and pmstesing al D. t idl ho aleanta of both. ; gni 6 cLALIS d O gra M, 102 Tourtb street VOR SALE—A two story brick house • e the not th ride of die North Cumm.in, between Federal and Sandusky streets, Allegheny City. Alao, Three 1.0 etort b.ick torirmiataon the tart side of Corny Alley, between Second and Third eireets; Pitteburgta. 4 Au. ‘ ,.. Lot sod building., on the eautheiat wormer Fourth and Ferry arsine, Pittsburgh, Als,, A large brick ImLLding. en the weal ads of Fourtli .:roes, (East of Market) Pittsburgh, suitable for boarding botwe or bank_ A'ar, The old Quarter fruddrity, on lb. motherly aide of Thu . / ettuat, abetting on the above lot. griquire of WM. 11. SHINN. No. IS7 Fourth etiest. kb st tl• =lot Len the letter ill *W of 163. Orr 11.• Jos ODunnoll blur Fodder Andrew Parker Awes Porter Lido Poland Jabraton Palmer Jennie 0 Powers Mary I Pant ➢Marla 'O SALE--One. new Steam Engine, II Inch cylinder, BO Inch stroke, on heavy Iron bed ; balance valve governor AA. 12 Inch cylinder, Be inch stroke, swot:el-hand tell! will be as good an new. .One 7 loch cylinder, 20 loch et olio ; no.. L .Chu, B " " 25 " ;Two Tbree Cylinder &Tens, 36 In. diva., 30 feet beg. ..Two Wroneht Iron 011 &The. ;Also, Three Beta of Boring !colt, for Oil "Oleg, for mash. Kalinin of a. ne1.2., .p 22 Allegheny lilvor Bank, near the Point. R. gars d Son R mll7 than RoMck J RileyL hoot Vary BwtJIL hiclardo nada Rom Natmy Radcliff Wm Rogors U B Rom Wm 800. N J LIOR SALE—STEAM SAW MLLL AND OIL urrnstair.—The one-half or whole elan Oil Hama; and hteam Saw le LII, with ten and ono-halt acres of ground ; an abundance of cad on the lot—mine open and being worked, etude ad the Allegheny Hirer and A. V. B. IL. Ls offered for ule. The &limey is now and of modern build. The Saw Hill le in spjeadld order, =dile well situ haring a chock running from It to the riven OlOod locality for building boats. Jar particulars call on the underslgnaL • LYDAT A OBORPZIfISTING, St Hand diva, Pittsburgh, Pa. Robertson Rath Robertson 8 E Sheet Allrs , d Bmlth Chu Smithls•bsth Bosun Georg, Scott Henry Bteritoit an Bkas Susannah ACSI titrl learStaphon Bentley Jana Smith Ja•ph emith J W ' Smith Maggie• .9badaa Mary J Skilea Nary./ 2 Smith al a W B=ean Wm Sword Wm •T Tarrrll Amoa Thompoon O W Turpan David N Taylor Eden (Tyler John Torrence Wm Fo R SALE—VA LIIABLEMANCILEJ3- too Property, bolo,: Pin of the will known at tata frontingon the Coble:other, Wagon Waabingtom and Chestnut Moats, ronnleut beck to Prezio street. nab prvoity can be divided tato 37 mostly 24 Lot front, and thin ID3 to 2CIB loot dalp. Thaproperty wtgbs .old as an entirety, and. pee , 4aceam partici:day advantagov fora manufacturing cit.. Term, can Da mado salitfactrry. apply to °SORGE theLHIJUZi, Pon niylVan fa Salt Etannfactutin a Co , comar Pitt woe: and letniocana Way, Pittatilt. tny4tm j j •OR SALE OR ItENT—A Beautiful L Residence in libaspeburid, sllnsted on Mats Me 2bo Some contsini seven r.doss end fobbed stile. A 'rod ,weil of water end so excellent cistern at the doer, with pump Is each. The let to TT feet 41nobee taint nod feet deep, to •.trmt There is Prole, newer. and Ebrubberi In ebandence. Samoa. de. .rove. of pnrihyalog or rookie • bousillni residence cannot 1157 e wore picas.* on In this vicinity. Enquire of the lamb; of the subscriber, on the read.* or .1 0. LEW la, ..f the firm of Lewis, sag it Oa:, at thole mill In Slierpaburg. ap.r.134.d3w 11. IL LEWIS. U Uaderhill J II Woodward Dr C Wearer David Wallace David II !Wallace Alen White Mellor Wagner Gerry Whitehead II 0 Woods Sarah J Watt Bell Wearer Sarah Jacob Maley John White liteeph Walker Lucille Wlble Mollie Whltehed 111 A ' Welah Diary E Wilson May Weil II %Eton Wm Wilson Eat II . I UGH SALE-16 Acrot of Land, p'cao e natty adulate near the Mom nobeis r, St mouth or Little iledatane Creek; three acne of coal bruit open. Dwelling tiptoe well painted sod pa ; al: rooms, portico, parch sad cellar; go. nett ruled m, .all at sitter, &CM& St., of choirea fruit and thade tree., grape vine. and throb. bevy. Tiro Nero. of tlmb r and • valuable SatemilL 2b. breath= it very &nimbi; row clourchek arboala, etc: P0.N1.100 at thirty.daye. Intl S. Ella • SONS, 61 Ilarket rt. VALUABLE RIVER PROPERTY FOB SALE, situatedon the Monongahela Biter, oboe. the filet Lock, boring a Lout on sald rivor 00427 fed, and extending back to Braddock meet, adloining the mining 4 .or and 77 perches. nb is en admire. Ile location for manufectoring pursoase, hating the ricer to Matt and habil, street and railroad in the nay and Sam Mill sod buildings thereon erected. Ifur Orme is., app l to MANY ANN TUSTIN, 00 the premises, or to W. C. AUORINB.4.OOII, No , 111 Diamond omit, Pittsburgh. oshlttf Young John Valger W B • , Bowzmvatzr CO., Po_ T 24, 1004 I 'lst section of county, paned , Jr„ Trestarer of I sill attend gct bo brood Wardo of said county, Laos therein ro• • REAL ESTATE FOR SALE—The un• drnigurd odors tor tole • contain+, tract a land oontaining thirty .cm, tuatcd on the Ohio river, in ItAtinson township. nearly oppugn [Lunn e, &both In maws from Pittsburgh. Wag pa t Onto farm of W. P. de'oth told laud to all riror bottom of the intim.% and toot quality. Mutt. dulling to po•Chame tray enquire of the on& minted at Ws reel drum rear too premium, or Rahn a Cauiday, &nor- Brit. NAlid Diamond minuet, Pittsburgh. N. Y. PEREZ& =CM F SALE-4 LARGE MODERN u, Cense atm brick boas% Mows on 110E3 ETHIE - f betwven ECU sad High Gram, contain lag ton nackau, with good collar mad flolthed gar• rot.. 110, lot b.. • frost 0120 fort on Eon drag, run- Matlack TO tea t. • 0 foot alley. The house b cat. nautially Wallowa boo watts sod ortitroughcou Oho ballilag. Tor fortloo particulars cognize of A. O, COW/AGE, • • _ .' , :Of 01 Deuisied, Pitioborglo. rgb • That pro. tam buromh, North Pop,. township, pOR BALE—A two-story Brick Dwell lag of eleven room, all la good order: lot AS hl gat Mies, fronting on two streets', on which there Is • latch male, with ea* suroaa2y ontballdlny, /re., Jfoam In ‘Vllktnethrg, Yeebl.se tairmehlp, and will Weald to. and on easy tame.. Apply as lb. Seel Estate and lestcranoe Wow of 0.9. BATIIII, 1210 Butler etreet, Lawreneweilla. GVIt SALE--That desirable property .a: Situated to the Borough of Ilteacliesser, on the corner of Lorna street and the Ohk, rieer, and Itooten oe the Onsonwood property, an which le ert,ted a modern style Midi Dwelling floc., Car.' slaw. hlostee, Blab* lea Some, lc. Ifsj farther partlimlars enquiry of I'OR SALE. • ATTatiTION I 13T:A11130AT BUILIABS. 10,000 feet lase mean. of ant goodly two Inch DEOSING to offered for Ws at tno Planing KM of B. BABBEB, en Auden= stoma Addendum, °ley. Prles.add per thousand feet, board measure. Um p_•sEntiblags !e mody pated mod randy o a W gn. Otlf pioist FOR SALE—Tbat valuable 1.1111( situate on the Pittsburgh and Sharon Meade Hoed, to Rohineon township, known ea the nettU lam," about do miles hem the tiny, con. Mining about 125 scree...lll he sold at private =de. for4orms apply I. Z 11. _or, J. O. YOUNO, • Attorney...it-Lev, 1i'0.1211 Pourth street tohltdmetlT USW?. BALE--Twontpoovon 'Acres of 17 Lon& part of the Lamas twin, occultentling One ries, of Pittabargh sad le stoat one oin• R om Janes' Ferry Lending. There ris on the pr some nee trait tram. old • - Itermt.flintair ,sping. of expellent water. Win be sold tqpither, or rlded to snit yen-hams. Panora deetrioi radderne plewse cell oe N. ALUM Lcauarz, Ishhint No. OS Water einerh,_ .p . OIIICSALE—PENN STREET PROP rarf three.tory Erick Home and Lot oa MKT math side of Penn street, botenon the rail. rood and the oaks), sad dyposite the Freight Depot of the U. a P. it. It. 00..1. oared for silo on season al. trims. this p•cprrty commends It to She attentlOn of cupltslitts stoking • good Investment, or to any one warning • vshusb4 bruise. stand. 8.8. litt Yak Broker I Insurance get., !kW 69 'fourth stmt. WAOTORY AND WATER POWER Itt NOD ELLE--Tha anbwartber often formate WE. Onlining, with !law powor, &unto in NEW DILIOUTON, Dmver minty, P.. The builllng ham bowl wad as • isah and, boor &Wary, and mealy u a woolin factory, and is suitable for await any mahotantazin human. Applyncar the 'wombats& .pl64zi O. 11. STEW/MT:, putt. SALE OR EXCHAEGE - BOA 0117 PIWIMEITT.—That Welt Old DliflCLlr DO, filth grenade attached, on Gams West, for. many Maimed by Cthrialtut &amen, late' of gad Dlrsolegbarn. 'ambling and oatbnildinpi la the roar of tam Ihrellang Mum. inuara. ' Ina north amok Ptigabargh, von HALL' OR RENT— 44. Farm of 52 ACT% good hind, la Whkins totonthip, adjoin. Lig land of Potor Porchinonh and within'. short ant. Woo the Ponsylvanin swewd. , liegoino of • Tana retw9nablit. imhY ring t!hilrfion. Fifth. an orom • rpEN. BUILDING LOTS FOR 8211E tbe junction of the Greenilnire Pike and Butler street, la fist front and 11:0 feet deep. Terms neo Wreath; end the balance In trepan. Apply id dle Beal Elute and Itunnanc• *Moe . .41 BATES, Debrifteet, La Bwerbordlla. 110 R V SALE—That iwastory BRICK J DVELLINCI,' thdabsd la geed apt., and to *replete. ardor, diluted ett the canter of Decatur fteet sad Carpenter's alle ,y Bluth Ward, catata. lug µOS wenn and dubbed pact. Clan be bad at • bargatd. Mott. of CULP & BEEDPAIID, •4 tat Mort, atm.'. VOR , BALB—A Lot of Groand, ai the OM= at HavUL and Harmony strati, in the goronghlot Birmingham. CAN on. du come of Van atrunrand Loma atrorta, Eighth ward. Tor= an a.hilla int Aesos PLATA sw wnm. son ant n. ith. •. • VC)I4 )3ALK-r-lbe Stip:o3w Mill for =Ay owned byWinhual, Black - it CO. Fittig4 DONOTOO 8 06 1/44 DOW.orered for sigh /or price sod taros inquire at 1111 /WEB, BIIBSE 00.41, rouser lbsocock lama Dutrustoo Wog, Pittsburgh. rib Ltrt—Tioe largo and I 1 90111 ft:46o 300110, vitmou4 bura. c s s p a p ga garetall :Eno 51700177, Wire* angle. ' WWI.. r rLET—Puorooluni Roos.—The ani Oaltary tn the new balding corn m er /Waal mg Wale, street,. Allegheny., , myy ey ' 8" U. DAVIS: . rpo . eon-. tmllitoesti4:aaltieblelar ftritmlingronla•i':Tisfigt,,tiqcry etiti; .Addnek.lloX ,DOH RENT—Atrick cottagii. eontain. m 1 11 74 PYLqnroz If - 1. 1 "a iglon!th 1(10 MILS. MOW'S seniT LOUIS AA/ noun.** WIZ= vith wrimArez: NEW BOOKS ! . at DANOYETIBLD'fi HEST or, Barons nut Stn.,. A Note of achedan Life end Manual. I rot, lame i 2210. Price 5114. TEL tJ a most Interest ing atory, and gives • post:4W sketch of American Life pan Jammers previous to rho Great It tothe proddotion of ► pollabeellated experienced pm, qualified by much travel, experience and ii - erary practice in Mbar waits of Ilan, tore, to at tempt an elaborate story of /merle. Life, Poll en, Letters trod Facti?niqwbrao clashing led to the "Great Elebellior Tbia -- •• .as . "(lreat bay work, we colleen, will rove the nuet brißina t novel of the year Oconee! and Comfort. Spoken from a City Pulpit. By the "Country Pismo." I vol. demo, hand. !wand 10 mindln gilt tap, and bevelled boards. Price $1 50. Tide volume add. tooth., to the eerie. of the verltiogs of the "Country Par. whose popularly aa an fullyl.! I. lotoricr to t hata of no welter of the gte.entklay. new and wrolforut editions are now ready of the "Country Parocal" previa. writings, as folpwe Recrostions. 2 role. 13. Leisure floors. 1 rot 51 GO. The Everyday Plchseopher in Town sad Conn try. 1 vol. 81 60. Graves Thought* of a Country Pusan. I vol. Price, 81 f.O. no Campaner Thal, and other writings. By Jean Paul Friedrich Richter, author of "Tian" Prier FLOC, TM. volume contains "The Camp., Taal." .*Tbe Life of Quiotue "Schmel ale's Journey," Anal. ma and Miscellaneon. Move New and uniform edition. of the other writing, of Joao Paul are now ready, .3 r01101i 0 .1: Title. 8 role. 53. Flower, Fruit and Thorn Piece.. ' e role. 52 75. L..aa, or the Dectr ne of Education. 52 50. The farmer Boy, and how he became Commute,. I in.thief. 51 21. Idle of Abraham Lincoln, the Pioneer Day. Si 25 piottec—Thl. censer Ito was written by the per .ndsiden of the President himself, end from male. .lay funtletted by hint. Ask for Thayer'. Lie of Preeldscat Lineola, the Plower Boy, and you will get that which can be reline ape.] A Youth's History of the Rebellion. By Willhun id. Therm antborof ...no Pioneer Boy," go Fully ofd filo ' ogantly illustrated. 81 25 ' The "Efletory the Rebellion" contains the subatance of tho Um., Work; an that fandllm that cannot afford to guebaste the hinted' made large had expensive -by the Intl.:faction of public document. and long npeechesi which tee, If any, care to :mad, will not Sher present • valuable and reelable history, for the elder pa. Cons of the Wetly u wenn. the younger. Enrich. "Being vol 5 of the famom "Spectacle 8e- Toil" With thirty new illustrulorte from &dans which am Rom Switzerland. This is the bead. honest and moat desirable of this attractive eerie, Price 83 ante. Induatrial Biography; Iron Workers And Tool 11.. hen. By gonad Smiles, author of 'Self Help," olitied Biographies," and "The Late of George etepheasen. I vol. )Seto, acidly honed la mus lin. Peke 11l 25. Grplos of any of the above healra palled fro* of rodeo on reeeipt.of prtoe. EIENItt BMX% n ►od 73 Flab Argot. oat door t. P.O my Gam ALL THE NEW AND POPULAR COOKS 850 21E0E8 or MllBlO, Omeletlux of 100 Duette for too Enter , tyro alalluz, AA.; Flo &pith AM, YOP !den aroLQ.adrilL..l th the calls ma figures, Polkas!, Bchottlachre, Waltzea, Oulckbure, llaechts. HuroPipee. Soup, &0., for the Tiolln, Firm, Clareset, Vale, Cornet, Flageolet. Ac. By Elias nom. Price 81. Wailed, free of pager, on receipt or price, be ALL Till ELAGAZII4I4B, witti cut or meat air. un77 onermorra Bums, 43 Fifth amt. AT HUNT,g. iEI the late Papers Albums Mrds from 25emb • damn mid tmlrrda, Photograph Allmon, all area, alpha, shapes and nnalltirardro, with gilt edge and clasp, from bd r• o &tool Book. and &boot Stationary AT HUNT'S. Atil the Dime Boba at AT nirNT,s Praaes Mbum Pkturog, k oil poky., cold Toot. md. boa utall Przoieg Woo; by JOHN P. HUNT. General:Agent, •lo fX) IrLftli Weil. Mimic ROL VALUABLE WORKS FORPAa ME HP NW:totem Illextrobid Bows bloospmeiob 43 30 11a7boor's'Illitatrotbd Hone 3 50 Tomtit on do 1 50 Arum's Paulo, and &of Bat ...... 125 Jeuniaa Hone and Lits ...... 1 15 Band:mei. Elormisonuabip-- . 1 15 75 Jeanine esitlo sod their 1 13 flint on 1111 ch Coln and Dairy Tarolb4...___ 100 liondoil't Practical ..... 150 llaßandal On Ifiso Wool 75 Insetitt lopioloos to Vegotailon.6-.-- 3 00 Looptrolb aa:the ilatey Bee -....--...... 1 2.5 Pteptma.' Boot of the Term, I 4 03 Dodd Immo Doetor 1 25 Tor race by HAT it OOIIPAHY. By? NEW 1300K0 I NEW BOOKSI MEI AND PEOGRESS or fiIYNDAt 801100111 —A bkigrapby•of Robe ILAN and Wm. for. By Jobs 0. Power; I vol. Rice $1 CO. • A UMW AL ON ZETILICTIN% itirTH— YoundedOn the Anatomy of the parte ;Insole./ In the opersticai; the kind. and proper comitruttion of lottnneests, to. 1 vol. Mato. HIMIEN 01111 IMMIL 1 not. Itton, DM/MO.BND SZMNItING. By Meat- Pettis.. Cof. Aline eupply of the latter work Diet remind 1 65 J. L DEAD, 78 north street. _ THE NATIONAL MISSM! This tarslnstole Una( to tow Wady for ISM These tattoos:abut csa Dad soma Inaa - mstloo A-arth to timsstkactost of the book to them, Tar sale by DeVI9 , aLartEz k 00., EXCIIAJtai BAIL 01' einuraaaa, May Mi. THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF TIIII BLEB have deduad • Dlvldaid of MIT PEA CENT. end of Mu earnhete at Me lut amthe, malls en or attar ther lnth tartar. The Ilalhel Mater Menke Tax win be pall by'th• Plank. mytntlnhter/ El. M kLUMILVT 10a0thr. Mutt or Preftsonon, Ua y a, 1804. rinEE RRESIDIM AND DRUICTORS OP Valll BUM knee MU day &diked • Dtv• Mead of tans PSII:OZNT. ma m NOW titoolt, out of the - profits of the bet all month., N. of Ss natal and State 4szes, latch erlit be pad to Wok hekteas or theft lust toreseatathot ao a. after the 13th hattatit. toylleulalt•lt SOWS HARP Ouhler. USN Crrt B. Pittabargb, lk 1;04. THE DIRECTORS OF THIS! BANK .1 ban thb do declared • Dividend of SIVE PLD own. on the Capital Stoat, oat of tbe pintits of the heists Inontke, payabliCto Stockholders 00 their legal repastintztleas,lres of Gavarrunext Tax, idler the 17th batman - In74:lotdent•7 J. 11ACOPTIti. Cubit+ Buz, 110 , 13, 1884. THE PRESIDENT AND DIRECTORS Of %111 t Buz him Ms dos &elated a Dlc. Maud of ME SEE CENT. cat of Out profits of the tut do waft fheo of Clocornstext Tax,s math, to the Stockholders on sad after the Lith ittd S. W. COOK, Clahler. litrannance Bain, Pittabargb, May !k 3 11161. DIRIOTORB OF THOB. ANK ren ale day . ..declared a Dividend of FIVE PXII CINIn; out of tba pada of /avast an months, *Table to Stockholders on or altar the I, • Iria n duo of Oevamment Taz-', . • •• ' ,mylarit • , GM D. WORM. i • • Ur. • L Cntr.ald Bast, Pittgargh, Nay , ISM rim DIRECTORS OF THIS ANR. .1.: lima tab day dacbrod a Dbldand of I illl PER, MINT. =Rho Capital Brack, fob of Tax. to WO hold.r•or Nub log 4 reyresaabUres atm after amain testsat. myttd . OWL T VAN DOENN.Ca.him Otrdtirr.rni Ateraeser Gee CO AZT, 1 I. Atlethal, 434, Stay td, UAL THE PPICSIDENT AND D.IRLIpTCIBB hare , fps eak behind a Dlrldied of MOB PNB ININS.: oat of the earnings of the Ilan ale mouths, parable to the Ptocknoldere or thelrfreel f.P l ' 6 .aagfas ea =4 fiff.f the lath fted. I uilfad _ -J. 0. McPRLDADN, Trois-am. . „ A . int4tWzri.b. Play 3, 4 4 4 1 . 4. SURD OF DERFAITOJIS TOTS-LUNE ban tWa dry doctored o'lPlrldrod of POOR PeNVIC ST, cp tboOopital Stoat apt 01 itio.profit. ott Lleatt2l.tanttu, papal§ oblor Lfloa• ttio L latlyloffc. Ooosl . all Toia,• _ ofy CIO! ' JOHN SOOTT, Osibter DIVIDF4ID. trrrsoonare, Mao ,11. witirrzaw,lNfroamov cOMPANY ham title day-declared *Dividend of TWO•AtiD-A4LATor DOLLAR/1 YES f3HAVIE, free of Taxa, pgable to Btoektoedsts es &teethe 10th tnR, outlaw . ; 0011D08, Secretary. E'ART, NATIONAL RANK 'OP .I.! , PlTTesuaan.-111 Dirt:Lad .wf pn pa poor sham (internal novena* ti) has this day teen a.: timed from the proem of the hat att monthi, pay. ockb t blo toetcakholders ot th•tr Ithal agents. myth be open ham the 10th to Blot Inst. for an to •of I,COu sham to th• Capital Stock. It can stall unwires or thott prtvllrgs by mtbscrl Int. to conformitywith en Act to ' Fronde a Natio Cor. ruityiappromil nt ilitaahlogton, D. 0 , Yoh Up; lit& ' • 4 . 014 N AL BOULLY, . A•c. DR. =op. BLiI3ON iWtuict.cotat mum; 'Aurghg4 intim _ _ DOCTO4 P. MISH; PFIX BI CiAPI Alw -13VRaeo - . • i"liosg Prins Otani. b. . VoN44,lllTriljrrstm 24.4007 Wow' qol4tim , BOOKB, - 411./111XS, ike. BRILLIANT NEW AMERICAN NOVEL AT RUNT'S. AT HUNT'S AT HUNT'S FOR. 19134. P17.13 - OS, JOVSI.e, 446 REMOVAL we take plea.. to !hi...wing the public lb • now occupy the litre sod COMG0.1:0121. hon. MO. 12 BISSELL' BLOCK Wirer* we lave just reraired rnim tbo ma of.tntair of Wid. B. BRA, DUCHY sod 81.14.11 e CEEB a GO., a now lot of 'll PI AN P. Also, aet alphas assortment Fl6llll elehrstad Elarmeni ones, 14- lodeons and Madrid pada seherohy. The experlorte of the BnAl, oU al' PIANO 4 al ready ematil obey. lu the bah,' of It .ow so now Instrument ha pane h is. rap .10 to p. polarity or reerinid ra nosily pal:alums within the • - s, tf two years II then-w seals !nil Tan era overarm& bass mad riench wand rm. Fats, resaufeetur d by all pit kDBULtY, and Shomaker & Nan e h .ring Lava lung ma! .avorably taloa n in th , . mad truer cootie•, need no farther comment. All gamaaitehd tot Are yin... WAITELESIX & BAHR &As Avatta mPittsbargb sad %stern P. N., 10 BT. OLAIII Bt., Blass11'• Good Second Bond Plan e for Rent. Int.log and roper - mg done promptly. apla PIANOS PI A. N 8 8 t P \ IANOBI OABI NET ORGANS Cabinii Organs CABINET ORGANS I NNW LOT AT OLD MOMS CHAS. C. MELLOR el WOOD STAIrr N. SIEDLE, No. 1,3 .S.n.TnrIBI.B ST Pianos and Musical Instruments Keeps constiotly on hand • die assortment of NSW PIANOS. viourm, OUTTAIIB, ACOOIIDr. 872LEUGH, Whirl 118 v Ul ' d l Oa by 'ruses. • I.9eAnwa MUSICIANS' MiNIBI44 No. 2, con talning D ECKERS PIANOS, WITH NEW PATEIIi lIION MOM Acknowledged by all two beet muolclaca I. be ettperior to all eab tuostmeme, seitAcer eerceptios, and also TREAT d DAVIS . most celebrated Molcdoona and Clarmonlamm are only for sale by EIOrNINANN, 110 ENE d CO., of 30 No. b 3 Fifth street. • DISSOILEITIOX'S. ire DlssowTlON—The Co-partnerahip erzutlog between etas. FOWI4IOB and JOHN HUILA, ender the et,elent FOW2a9 A HiNLY eras ads day tl (noised by mukoll consent, on the let of April, 184. Either of the Ondersigned are maim, Iced to wile the button:tor the erns. CILLELES FOMMI, JOHN LIMY. CIOTARTNERSHIP—John B 'Herron vv am! , CLILBLZEI FONVIT/23, have assoelseed themselves nudes them. and style of JOHN B. HERRON & CO., to date from Aprß I t , 1861 FOWNES. (late of the firm of vv Fowneo• Tlllaffy.) JOUR B. HERRON Man of Elltabef , Homo I C.. 4 IRON FOUNDERS and STOVE 11.afactufcro, aLLEanztrr Brazwr Ninth Ford, Pittabargb Ps. cn32.ly • JOIIN VOTIOE.—The copartnership hereto. foreenisting bets sen the andervigned,tmder he Kyle of WHITE, BROTHERS & CO., has been dboolved by mutual content, to take effect from the Eat Inst., JOHN WHITE &Awing from the firm • JOSEPH WHITE, JAS. McRIBREN, JOHN WHITE. The onderalgned WBl cantle. the Tamara Log and CannAube busters, under the tonne and style of WRITE 01105. & CO, at No. 11 SEVENTH STREET, toner Liberty, Plttetaregl. I)ISS°LIJTION OF PARTNERSHIP —The portneystdp heretofore misting between I the undersigned, under tho stile of Wit G. JOHN STON a 00. I, mutually dbmilved, to take Mind floc thb dad, 11.10 HARD NEIMON tensing tutu the foot. The boatnees will be amthmed m Omer. ly, ruder the !style es beaten:lna Wit 0, JOHNSTON - seal, R ionsmin, MOM= EXINON. Pittsbestab e Irnbank,lB64. JrAt DBsOLUTION OF CO•PARTNER IIII!.—TtIe_ imttekerddy herakdbie between JO& r. HAMILTON and EVAN !TM under the firm of JOB, V. HAMILTON dOO has teen &solved by Masud consent. JOB. F. HAM. ILTON 001 attend la the unsettled immune of said mares the old stand, carnet- Tint and Liberty eta. JOB. V. fIaBLIIMON, EVAN HAW& CL.IL7I 40.EJrTS. LAW OFFICE & CLAM:AGENCY W. J. & HALL PAITERSON 144 Pawn! Streey Pd door, PITTLIKIIIGA, PA. Will o PENSIONS. BOUNTIES, BACK TAY Lod older Idaltagr CM=oroPtl/- OW Ho charge unless auxauftil. oaron SOLDIERS CLAIMS BO UNITES PIELIBIONS LIM AILBEAR9 OF PAY, Promptly attondad to by a!VEHtUta a BIDDZLL. decteandAyt 1.13 /oath Wed, Eittasaib, Ac"kiti" ATTORNIKVS.ATLAIII, &ht U. A. lAL...sat SOLDIZE-9` OLATiI ILGENTB, NA. 6o GILINT istaxr, Pmannran. Pa • Y CLAM, BO= Lit' PT! SIONB I LAOIC PAT and ptlou collected by the tab. scribar, at tike Ib r acnrlng catca.vis: Peraloas AID 00, other derail:a 0.: 0. TAPLON, Attarnsy at Law, T 3 Gnat street, Pittsburgh, Ps. S. D. So chargat aro undo it the claim domino. sups.l, and all Information atom gratis. ...VIP NOAVI W. SILVER, ASTO&IiIMIT-LAW, IBS WIWI Strait, PittibrTgh. Pa. Mama tor MUCHA BOUM, 1113X11 MON cr. rtagratir Promalet.d. ArTTOILXI - 1 7 11: JAMFS LAFF,EI4 ATTOR'NEY4T-iAI9. All Legal Btt.inSill orotoptly attendee! to Who, No. 168 rotarprairam, tau Giza. Pittsburgh. MaMkSTER /c GA7'?.41r13 LAW clauncla, sw „P y iP r ,o , GnAwT.'griutvr. morn, S. C , SCHOYER, Attorn=- S. Law. 00? o, N 6.1.% four th dad, PI adT T id STONER, Arrotants-AT-Laii.— 0. Office, N 0.126 FOIIIMI sTairr,riugabwo. bum /10IITGA6LS. .NZCHAMOW,GILIIBi VILSI23,2ad ti,ther/qN Itutriumatir &emu. 04. leetlpol Oman la:thte and adJallipm counties. %lam FRozT AND 81U,DE intitcapEris,. die. OrAPPIA ws bass dome =MOO, and of as Q. testing Torlotlet teat osolttablo for Ma locatim. 1 Wo limo ottho tn. 'tests — id 'Zsele.. Itsnest.ltokhOo 1 -Min.. nollood Pippin, Baldwin, Itelowater, Geer% . 1 Wog of Tompkins o°4' Ithottilaland . Ones t - Homo e lt le h r:a . unbizt . tja i rwtiotum ,Totoiso cr • Sweet, catstnx MUCK PLIIISTSE=III332t, a. r e : 11:22, 'emuninar, Gamut te. k , , , A, vits: saseki=isectrer. to to Nudges ar - Orden left 41 tha Gresahosse Pittoktugh Pot Odra, WM be in., ,: t u„ Cl a th4 ;c7 . wow ir iliti*res and °WWI An • I • ./1/SCELL.CrED VS, RE1.K.14 AND TROPHIES. "OLD CURIOSITY SRO!? The ail and caar.erstion of the pstriotln people of Natters Penirs)lrazaa and Eastern Ohio, is hem by namested, to making the above - named depart ment of the coming Eilt.bargbEanitary Talrequal ly a credit and a warms. Estrearnem relies andtrophlce of the present Wee, of the Idexicen .or, war of 11113, Indian and Revolutionary ware,Mitiodtlercennocted with Um early natle want. of par region, or with seen?. and man proadnent In #or latory. tics of oee•y dracription ere .tore 4 ci rpy to nrlvolo.o. ceptacire. mei may, If bronsht together, render the "OLD 011ItIOSITY EIIIOrI north., least of the at traction. of the Fete. The cemmittee therefore eel th,t all mho or, willing to help eons the good muse, would send In each articles of the abovo de satiation as they may have, or can puicute from other., or notify the committee where they, can be foneal. d rtiolee donated will be disposal of u the donors may direct, or under the dirutfou of the gxecntive Committee. But articles merely glaasd on exhibition, recelpted for by any member of the anamittre, will lee cane/Wig yreser,d and reamed. A letter should eccompany each article giving itsierlgln, history, etc—and If it be donated, I•s 'alai. Give everything you eats, and lend turbo rut. On behalf of the Committee, JOS. S. ntimuitsow... • Orozco B. CUR.", Ea:rotary. Ar 4 leles tabor dorutect, or loft for aobibLtt. be left with, or addressed to either of the followi, members of the csmmittee : W. D. 11 . 00 WAN, See'y L. Con., 96 Water at. PEtab`g. HON. J4B. VEECH, corner 4th and Grant atreeta. DR..INO. DICKSON. corner Penn sod Rand atreota. 19. RIDDLE, Potted:lce, Allegheny. D. LsErsruELDs, Serlckleyellle.P. FAMILY DYE COLQRS. perzarrso °aro= Li, I. 'Block' NM, Dark Li& Sr, Prelsafft/r., awl Brown, Dart /3nrons. WI Brame, Bahl Brow, Othasoa, Ark Drskb, Lied Pray laws lowa, D. Pon Drrsb Tyr Dyeing tn. , Shawls, acerb. kends feath4nloves, Maiden* Clothing, and al c el f ir l a tAValaroir L so For SO cent. you can color se many mobs. ierould otherwise coot a,e times that aim Various Shadle can be produced from the same dyo, The le simple, and any one cen UM the dye el *Act =teem Directions in English, Preach and German, holide of each pukes. Tor farther int,rmstion in Dyeing, and giving s perfect knowledge whet colts, are bestadasted to dye over others, mith many van:Lahti, tecipen,) purchase Hove & Stever& Treatise on Dyeing and Coloring. Bent by mall an receipt of prioe-.1.0 cents Mannftectured by • HOWE& bTENXES, YID Broadway, 3:1044y Tor sale by druggists and cheep va.ndly. noltfan "IDROPO9 ALS FOR FLjOUR--Seitled -L Propotala an Invited till the lOrn of BUY. at 12 o'clock If., for Am:dal:an 110 Enbelstartco Ib partment with EIGHT THOUSAND (8,000)II&UNCLIS OF TLOUB. The proposale will be tn. what Isknown at this de. pot as Lica 1, and 3, ami tide will b• entertained r:an quality less than the whole. Sidmum be In duplicate, and tbr each grade on separate eheets of paper. The delivery of the floes-to he commenced within are days from the opening of Outbids, and in mgt qmmtitles, daily, AS the Government may direct, de livered either at the Government warehouse In G.mrtown, at the wharves, or at the railroad depot, Washington, D. O. Thai delivery of all Floor awarded to be completed within twenty days from the opening of the bids. Paymentwill be made In wildcat= of [Lida ted mw„or such other tends theGotnenment may ham fbr dbibareement. The canal Goverment Inspection will be made Jet before the flour le received, and none will be *erect ed which is not froth ground. An oath of allegiance met aceoropenetthe bid a NM bidder, who haa not the oath on• Ills in this office, and no bid trill be entertained from patio. who have prerrimly failed to comply with their bids, or from bidders not present to respond. Ilktrarmemt reeorree the right to - reject 'my bid Bany to y ide be adduced to the andereigned, atZlo. 223 O Rnet. Wettideafee; IL G., endorsed "Prop. ago for Maur." B. CI: oursz,- Capttha sad O. B.T. Weehington, D. o...Abril Erth, 18GO. a• - 4 :Id JOPOPOSALS FOR WHITE PINE 1 SHINGLES. • Czar Cruhrmokurtsa's Orrick, • Depot of Washington .• • Wuhtostoo, April 223, 1164. Sealed Proposals .111 bo received, at this oflce 111 •TOESDA X', May 10,.1214. at. 11 o'clock, M, f. the delivery af, this depot of the forkerrng amount of Shingles: Ors. million (1,000,C00) No. I, Winch white ilea shingles, (tamed deer.) • The shingles to be made from goof material, to be eubJected to a field Inspection before/Wog meet s'ed, and the whole amonnt contracted thr, to be !harmed within thirty dare (30) dere from dauber of contract. Bond+ lea mm equal to half of the amoont of the mama , will be roDdred of the vs:suated bidder or bidden. Bide received for eve hundred and Lilly them:aid (MOON shingles or more. rumple. of the Weida proposed • for pill be gaited °leach bidder. moot be plainly endorsed. ' , PROPOSALS POI V P" ( . IISE PINE SHINGLES." apd videotext to the,moterrhgrod. D. It. MIMES, Brigadier General And Chief Quartermaster, 4213remff • • Depot of Waahluatem. . • • 1864. • 1864 "COSTAR'S" DAT E ItOAOll, trey EXTERMINATORS. t yams establtsbseln N. Y. WT.". Only Infalllbts ratnelika moon: "Aso trout Marna" 'Not dangerous to the Human Yardly." "Bate Cams out of thatr bolas to die." Sold by all Druggists evetglitare. Brum! of an watt:dam buttattoor. "Costar's Depot. Na 4E3 EroadwaEr. Y. /areal 12/ . 131._ TAIINYSTOO • SON CO., 3. 13=0.A and B. NS A 00.; Who! and. Mall Agents, Pittstaugh, Pa; I . O3OIIWAIITZ, WhOlasala andltstal Agent, Allegheny • EttStkam • ROBERTS, BABNEI , 3 & PABYS, No. so Third St.Mitibiri;i4 nis elm sumps ntim wows's.% AndarAzuturaimat .• • i JAPANNEDTM • vicAazon We are not. mtnursitsning and baTO on. band Bathing A ppnratmi ofOlkinds, TolletlWaro Lu oslra, Water Cook's, Groc.ale Tea and Bplon Q.stest, Oath and Bolos Bow, TutablarDrattors, Bnlttoons, do;, o. A largulat ofittrdOnsni Canto low. 011 otos of all cwt J o patterns,_TlA Boollng,. Conductors, and all lands of Jobbing Work 40110 Arder. MaCABATYB MARBLE WOREIS ass zurwrin Mum; • basal/al rEARIGI;P 11TAIMIF, Monuments and Gravei.l3tonv, mum ExxuarAinas MID IP c...te • TO,Wri Cl34= 1701:1 MN ALWAYS PAOpl!.g • 'Ooftftifotloix Watoisad loam. V star. , . llonmtnt Combo anti Balllstoz6l . Lidrd'a Bloom of Youth, Hosran's Ilagnolm Efollotoli fill. and (latmrlit, liiaAßen', Mar illittOmehodZflobehommoto. Ifelmboltls Borlm sad flammmello. Llodootillmmormal Blood Soor . r.ber. Hilton. Tomlublo donut. - ' ' Zoo TollitfoMorand PorfMrsal • • nay- BroalmiNall - Ermthem ImAt AY the Oland Dm; Mom *mar. 0144 k 0 , 1 rode al meets, In lasulcat Hozio, apt i - GEO. A. ff1:247..ts MU. ' , Ira;Maly. • 9110i7 JD7CILLS, , t Azasottlitrerir. , Sego otoutortfly ea- boa ChM% 0r.1 2 , lomoool stack of DECEJNO. =Ltd A1i43 3 M1 psv ate IiVWDOW MUSE ma's turruz; ;tronmet, - geourrsq, an#2l•rAr, rig laixtatitrt szt tf-A-17ftkollTpli .Lt " if: • Pawns wanttog 71304.1t0 LAB partkolor: stead, to aszOtad itqk.. ifiraffol on Orals stead, nee BobLmirs: - • - WOW OkiAU Lit z tiTOMAN: awsurAA7 . swam or smut voite: i Hari ihiirsiallsra ind was to cqe_sAlnin t. 6,VE IMES enannirintinfr OLlThitrfuopvpi; of on Mode; EIDDJ,I . OI, fur rallktq tqie .11erff. NO lOU - WUrDo2L'APAO:;=D MOTO, OF ai!Bph3lfilinlMlUln...i: ..11n5110:6 1 : 4 il n i MPF*44 ; . , - abvircrumrst -4TEIVERS.AIi:,CLOTHES 13111—Thebes4 In nx.. Ca Pad a:utensil= It nuo Intliikaablr Depot, Nes. Es nod a N. Clair I. R 11. PEOLL.TP3.. w- ~ 1. 3 1 jt _.. PROPOS4M; PROPOSALS FOR FORAGE. , IComerQuaLezr......,4,o. Yi 011747; } 7 ~.hirkito. 1, ..1.4., Dabber B,l6o. -.. ,Sealed proposals me Invited by the IrOd.rdri;ii6 - vvpplylug the U. S. Quarrermastars Department,w: Washington, D. C., BaJtimon, Port Md.,Absandria aird Po Edema Va. or either of thbee plasm lett!: DAY, CORN, OATS and STRAW.: Bids will be meired for the deli:Wry of B,oCobuilo. of own or WA, need 14 Willi of hay or straw, aed up ward. • ~Didders mum mate at which of the above natitel points they propose to make deliveries, and the Men at which they will mats dente-ricet=the Om. City of each Miele prepoe o d to be t h,,, t i m when said deliveries Mali ber_prausoncedolud I . **, to he completed. •. . The price must be written oat Di words On the Wit. • Corn to be pat up in good Mona tack; Mahout its bushels each. Oats in like aecks,: Of *honk tliftei bushels each. The nacks to ho furnished withotitels tra chargerto the Government. The bay and atIWW . to be securely baled. The part-keine kind or descriollem of oats, Mil, hay, or straw mop sod to he delivered, most IMMO In the prover:lS. st All the artaolee armed under the bids herein in. Cited will be =hint to atigid inspection by the Goverammit Inspector, before being accepted. . _' .- Contracts will be awarded from time to thee to Ma lowest responsible bidder, ma the Interest of the Gosi. • Mamma may rcsllre, and payment will be =AD slam the whole amount contracted for Mall have been delivered and accepted.' The bidder will be mated to accompany his iiii•- 6 0 •• 1 ••Ith • gnsrnnty, signed by two responsible persons, tlud in cam his Ind is accepted he or they • will, within ten days thernafter, ::estel,ttotheteutrist for the some, with good and sullielent meths, 144 sum equal to the mount of the contract, to dellifor the forage proposed La comformity with the tonneof this adresthement; sadly:case the said Wader shouM - nil to enter Into the oontnict, they to make good the difference between the offer of said bidder and the next lowest mom:thin bidder or the pawn to wildm • the contract may be awardce . • The rorgonsibility of the guanntoremnat be &OM by the official orrtlficito of • U. S. District Alttome4 Collector of Customs, or sag other clam under the United Status Gmmment; (Trzepacuade MO trwown to this office. _ L r 'i . - i All bidders will be dray Spilled of the, accepoince ' or rejection of their proposaL . 1.. s ~. The full name and P. 0. addroas of huh bioi ...b., - ribly written in the propmaL ..••• ProposM must be :Warmed to Bricadlier General •'., D. R. ItUallEal, Chief Depot Quartermaster, Wad: , . ingtoh, D. CL, and simid be plainly marked "Prep& pis for yoraga" , limes, in a rem equal to the - anotrint ore* co :, tract, signed by the contractor and both of hisjyruile • .+ anion, will be required of the macconful bidder i f: rs bidde nom sigulegy the contract: • - . '-- Illauk forms of bids, guamtees, and - 14 bordS, 1, • • be ,breinal upon application et this opine. PO= OP PROPOSAL. (Toots, County madEtztea.—..------; c;'. Law subscriber, do hereby propose. tg fund& aza deliver- to We Vatted States, at theonartermastorS"' ~,,,,,,u t at -.„,.....-...._, agreeably to the tents an . , your: advertlsemat, Miring Volsomle foe forlf6s. • dated Washington Depot, December 8, 1663, the tots lowing articles , wit : .. . ~,,, —baobab of Cern, Tat= kg, at per 7•••ty, . ' M6B pomade • • ' „:__. r ,•• ' ' ----bhshels of Ontailn eacks,*B Y--- per onseso: ',,, M 39 pounds. —ton, of baled'iraD at —..per-Ice, 14.91 9 1 . 4,- '.... - pounds. tom °DSOs* lit —per hen, ef2,ooopOnneil,y,. , " Delivery tocommeneson or be fo re the—day Of -' --, 136-., and to be cempletedon wheals thev..4.• day of—,lBB-, and plodemMelf to enter.inte;el ._ -• written contract with the United Blom, witha ard., and approved secnritim, within the some of Jon days, alter being notilledtbat my bid has born accepted, 17 , ..' • Tour obedient servant, - .• Greet% -Li Green, - a 0.44 dial., Maroon, °"941.' ale. Cellar. Boyd P=7 4, 11 "gage, tferbko, tet, Cellar. Brigadier General D.LL Boma, Chief Depot Quarterrnseter. Washington,). U. pranerrr. • We, the andendgmed, reablentini tiq the wad &ate of hereby, Intl; and earendly, - corcuaut with: tun United - and emaciate., ill ciao ths Garman el lad of ----- hewn-sot that he or that trale within ten days alter the acceptenot of said ate+ cate the contract for the sante with good and lag . raretice, In seam etreal to the amonat of the centranti , tetanal!! the forage proposed catefortutty tO terms ofadvartitement dated December ;ISO, ender.' which the hid wee made, and, In GM? the geld dull Zan to enter into *contract en &tenni; ere guart; sates to man good the difference haven! the effar7,:. by the told - and the stint leant naponsiblo' bidder or the peewee to whom the noutrant may tet., amarthil. • • 1., WlG:mu, 1 Given caldera= band' aartleaki legs , — dayef --,186-. Petj. e) I hereby certify that, to the Lexie? lay 'mewl gay! and belief, the above named arkarantarn aro good' nd r milking ea zuretire for the 111201.1 t for tehtch they, offer tete. security. Tobe."-"" tby the i7rw..e - Co be out Ifitai the Coifed StatesTistrictAttor::: oey, Collector of Clout., or wly other oftloortuadoti the tErdted States Government, or reerpoelble prata tuoirn to QUO:EIm ~; All. proved!! received under thia..ad . Tertleentiat;. will b, oponedand examined at Ws aka oxt.WRDIL• r N.ESDAY and SATURDAY of eacirweekiat Irtra , Bidder, are respectfully insitad to ba foment at Itief43 °Ruing of bid., If they desim n_nucurti; dell:f3m • Brig. Gazi:and Quartermaatat.: ORDNANCE OFFICE, ; - WAR DEPAEIItEM WAsenrminor, 310 Ist, IBGI. f , PEALED PDOPO.FAL.i will be received at thigal.r. oldce until MONDAY, tite.l.ld day of A1ay,1964, for - the delivery, at the following Arser.ale; CAVALBY..-' A.OOOIITIIItiIIENTA, United Shia Cavalry pattern4;' as beretheller specided. I At the New Icrk Amend; MOM) Xs:a At the Et. Earth Arsenal; SOX* seta At the !frankfort Arsenel, 10,000 sets. ' At the Allegheny Arsenal, 10,000 sets. These annutrementa are to be made in strict are tenuity with the regulation ratters; Which but bet . hen at the above named.places. /fachset Ole slat of moo Sabra-belt and plate complete; one no t bine-sling with wield com.plate t one -Nabre-knOt ; one Carbine Cartridge-bon; one Phhil Cart:thee hoz or Poach ; one belt.Delstor for Anny she se. POITCr, and one Cepleouth with cane pick. Al alft; , - which are to be made of tnu butt material& and. , j_ workmanship. The/Sabre Leh; Pal:ars-knot teadCat- is binding are !ob. of ECIFF , LSAIIINIDLAO AD, and th e Cartridge -boxes. Belt-DoLteranod Cap,.;.; poach of NUNS OAK-TANNED LLATBII.II.• it la te be distbor.UP utdentoodehat this Dop meet hto bare the phribge of thipooting,the work rt.' done under any contract It may award,ll3 all ESPa of its progress, celestially to 'examine the stock-W:' a fore cutting. 4he7 are to be smtdect to the Anal In. pact!. at the Arsenal mime delorered bane being received by the Government. _Namara to be accept. P.f. al er paid for bet each as are approved upon inspet , ' • • Dainties must to made la lots of not- la ss than:•••,.. oce tenth (140th) por week of theta:ale number . contracted for ;'the tint datrup ito be twist on the • 4 ..Tth depot 'Juno. • gagers to rats &gnats at • specified time •irfil". - - -- ; enepoot the contractor to a forfeits.. of the member. he may fall to doltrcr at that lima The Accoutrements must be ,bOxol In the tumuli moaner, the boon to be charged cost, to be datar, ,, ,P, mined by the Inspector. • • Bidden trig etazo ex plltitly the ductal, or Aroo:::1.-r: nab; , oh.o thoy propose to otif rm., and the sitnnber,F-i -of note thry proper, to ettirci at each place, If fork ' - more thee one. • - - . Do bids will li•c.n,sidcred from parties other thou molter tonnufaccarcis stud duch o o are twin to this Department to De tally competent to execute in their bwa 'Delp the work proposed for. unpaid any party obtaining &contract wirer Accoutrements other ' than those made in his own elsops, they will be re , Jetted, wad the contract restitrint ball and Told,' Bidder, will enclose with Oilr bide the written.-.i . :; seltnewledglticalla their enistiis ore{ own signatures, • Eachparty °DWI:Ling . & contrant will be obliged (p . 7 • enter Into bond, with approved surctips, ferrite rail. •••••:ir. inl execution.. • - Upon ;the award being wads, encomia _bidders edll be s ntitinfand tarnished •ith for= of eont.ta. sad bowls, The Cerruti:dent merles the eight to reject UT or all bile, it not deemed astlatutury. Preposals nil Ibe addrsised to "Brigadier amen] 0/OhGE D. ILLIIBEY, - Ctder of Oreuance. Wade , "•• ;;:e thatch, D. th."andoraed .Preprale for Cavalry As. 1, coatramente." OZOLOS D. Balthed.T. rays.dd Brig. Gen:, Chief of Okddrince. riIIDNANCE OFFICE„ •1 WAD. DB PASTILIEST, %," Walsracroor..p..o., 211. 7 5, 4 0. mhi trill ale, to recetrod frr three accoutiententa" to ho. made of the TelpT . 041tiTM xxiduzit , • GEO, D. ILLMSA:I7 - ± - 7 . Mtg. Gen., Chlerer,Ordaitace: • - .106101 , 09AL9 ..FOR ,PROJEMIL&I4 order alba Chief "ot tatruicr,' army of tlm ",-. Pealed Blatee.; seated prep:ads erlll be " remelted tr . the, andereiglad =MI 12 o'clock _:. an ttto 131 m, INEIPA.NT. kr the. When, at. the ,Illeghenir dlt,' ass), of Ton 2hontand ({0,060).,14 pdr..Ona Shelly and Piro Shoutand (6,0t6)12 pd r. Owl Bplaleal Caw rt, , t the!, Made of gray or swatted Iron, of geed quality; "-.."). amts ouot, loot 'rola al tad tapped an the narrow: ' TO7 otaie tonfeted altar the ruin/aid detente the Ordnance Manual. at_ the fonedriray here cut, t and delivered free ,ot charge foftraargeurstheo er Daanklt:l2lphi cantle atax at . Allrerfo. mart to made at Umtata of anathema. nod (4002) alor-11, and. hundred Auto)quei c a. shot per week:' the" first -delivery "to be nada '" witbintwo waltz slier thedata at the cadeeolland, • edam to dallier at the/paged there vitt added. the =tractor to it . forteltareot the neaber tot may " . .!:"; fall to dellver at that time." •••• -• • - - No b1411111..be madder-ad furs partied cdhlr than ; regular foondrine or proprietors of motto, 'who its . .totes to to capable oranecutleg the wort ccualract cd for in their Oen catabLataaenti. ^ Thaws!, obtaininglo. en.trin at be *eared z . ". to enter taco bonds, with. approved Irre Yeli. (or itr.'" The undmigmd saris t- 14 rib to to/Ott - g ,7,."1,L or hhia,lr sot dermal eati,faitory for Our/ mot. -proporale will be addressed - to Lt. C 0113.-11.1/.." winTggry, elle u hrer pdrunle."Pttrebturgh, Pa,... and Viii eIIALTRa "ProPonk NaJaltiles.l:- , Lt. Cot., of Ordnance. Antn ooo T &tate. /ray 2. lgat , IgOTICF,' FOR PROPOSALS :FORquv4. „LI, SUPPLY 07 II IdItISR . A.OdPITAL , ' • - • Datum ent nee Pa= ot Prieliciaig, • - Custom Home, kali 2a. - • 1 • Ratite: ta.heriby . &Inn that Baled Prop.sala. Comp:We Ary piroper goarantods , tosozdibg itengyr."-:: to ps farelabld oa application at this *Mee; 'id, be readied thereat.nntli 11Qtek zeeridlan, an the` , Kcz EST 70131,47. Ili for the :it:i itotvira. oßelo f the Itespitel , near this city; iclth the et, • cl - prirdslou, sudlolte,,tc.; ezatmeted. hi laid :fort*.for ontjear,conintenchig on the dna diry of :jet, eaniead ending On the Ihirtft.th - 11,7 at Jen/1-' , '"'"-7 71 ,- , she ;Mailing itideleio tatintatid-erlik.refeiii=o !tees mud number aftatltata la. the Rciottid Abel:ilted Btate,retorter the tight to take more or leas artletta:actordhialy y ti st b. jo• t0!.:24 loan). manual. ": If the attkles delimit! lithe hale itttal ire lick fait* iodtiaeat of the , Physici o an. if beitteadith end adapted to !he heeolto, ,16 it Illtiertt Neat the zatee,,ta- Duebitte other 3 . tcli t he he theft iteod,"&nd thirto the ultimata' *1.111•43, =MU ootteirt thewatract Vilitaldtsba resents tizo tight ,te aecept tlite * pitman foe ihoiituge . Cr eel ;Kat kis of the =tient: tpechitd. . • - O. 11.13&2087.14)14 .-• Barclja and Atent af „ apdhleidtd 1. 1. •,:______, ft__ 1 7_7 . " ~' : .. . • i', • * ' ' Ir:. 4 , SiMMESI ~~iF~yx-