The daily Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh [Pa.]) 1863-1866, May 06, 1864, Image 1
ESTABLISIMD IN 1786. Vittsburgit 05azeit, . PUBLISHED BY To thiBITB MAWR /3800111101. TEEMS 0! THE GAZETTE. seams IMracii,.by mall, per 00. munin 70. ' 18. a '4 Angle topiea 4 Crsztao lbmca , Dy to4LI, por 4 W. a . n errok--- " /luau 1 WrtXt.! Emma, eta& copies, par year— 2 05i elute of 6 to I% 160. r. clots of lo contort. 143. —awl one antra to the party wading club. foe club of Ilfteon, wo will send the Evintso 01114 MIT , dolly. Tor • dab of twenty, we will send the 150xtuno annum dolly. Singh) coploN 6 yenta a- Alt wabacrlytlonstafely fa aderma, and papas Always atoypeswhan the thne exptte•. The Reading Matter on this Page is from Yesterday's Evening Edition. . The Ladies' National Covenant—A • Noble 'Address to the Women of the Land. A remarkable vacating of the ladles of Washington, wives of Cabinet ministerz, Sae - store, Representatives, :Commissioners, Gen orals, and other °Metals was held on the evening of Monday. Rev. Dr. hichturdy presided,. and Mrs. Senator Lane, of Indithe, Mrs. Ann. S. Stephens, the authoress, Mrs. Senator Wilson, Mrs. General Loan, Mrs. Representative Pike, Mrs. Stephen.A. Doug las, and Mrs. Representative Ingersoll were appointed a:committee to form a constitution . and prepare 1m address to the women of AmArtierica cle fleet 'of the constitution declares that - the name-of the association shall be the Larose „National Covenant—its- object, to unite the women of the country In the ear nest resolution to purchase no Imported arti .: ales of speared where American can possibly be substituted, daring the continuance of the war. The president of the executive com. mince is Mrs. Gen. James Taylor; secretary, Mrs. Stephen Arnold Douglas. Mrs. Vice President Hamlin heads the list of committee for Maine; Mrs. Senator Wale that of New Hampshire; Mu. Senator Wilson, Musa , ,chusetts, and so on thread. the States, the - whole organising a moral and patriotic move' merit of wide and promising Influence. The :committee appointed for Pennsylvania is eon. 'Mated as follows: Kra. Senator Baikalow, 'Bloomsburg; J. W. Forney, PhiLedel • • phia ; • Mrs. S. I. Hale, Philadelphia; Mrs. Judge Kelley, Philadelphia; Mrs. Senator Cowan, Greensburg; Mrs. Representative Moorhead, Pittsburgh; Met.' Bliss, Erie; • Mrs. Bishop, Potter, Philadelphia, and Mrs. Hon. John M. Broomall, of, Media. The following well-written and ekonant addresedesbrves the attention of all the ladies ,ot the loyal nation: ADOPIEB TO TIM WOW OP AWICLA. In : the of the country we have- this day Organized a central society for the sup prestion at extravagance, the diminution of foreign imports, and the practice of economy , in all our social relations, To thiasoclety we have given the maraca!'" The Ladies' Nation-! al Covenant." • Its object is a good end' ..generous one, which should inspire a spirit of ; patriotism worthy of women who -are the glo ry of a great nation. For this society we born a:: crumple and precedent at once en- , • ,gust and encouraging. In "1770, the women of Massachusetts, acts - ated by the same impulse that Inspires us, -assembled la the city of Boston, as we have atom and resolved to serve the country effort of self-sacrifice far greater than we are called upon to make. On the 9, - .ls of February throe hundred mat rons, sash the mistress of a household, met as we do now, aid signed a pledge to abstain from-the-nee of tea, the greatest luau, of the time, and the Tay . life of all the;social gatherings for which our New Euglaray an cestors were so [geometer. Three days after, , Mite that number et .. I . t l6 4min.gleutsgie , met In the eam.,placa, - and aped. •pledgeo.' From' that bravo assembly ,of women non-Importation societies spring 'up that produced an effect on the mother country elmost equal to that caused by the success of Our'lttivolutionur irreales. • Doing all the terrors of the war these noble women held fuvoly_to their pledgth, and by their earnest ness awoke the sympathy and co-operation of every sister colony in the land.• The spirit thus aroused extended itself to imported pedant all kinds, and every hearthstone was turned into an independent manafutory. Thus It was that the au -wheel, the hatchet, sadhand•Tbotplectme subllliteinstruments of halide& the hands of American woman. The hensreinathemot" terenty.six not only kept their pledge of noe-importation,battrith their own hands 'wronght from the raw Ma. twist thtegarnienTe Whieltelothedthemselvet, their flathead* and ettildeth. 'The pledge width they took,andicept 130 faithfally, evo ked not eat, 7great self-surifuse, but hard; hard toil, such as the :women of the pla smic day searceli.Aream --of. Had they not endured' th eir husbands fought,. we' should mighty Union pray.n 4 etre ggle for • now, - We, the women' ofhave the saute ob. jeento atliariTandaluirsatiedaties to perform, whieh'Werls nobli aocampliabe 0114 the we ittonefr'ral Uhall we not follow 'their ennui *mph:pied Wee elpeheerfully the liner bur; dins thatthe.wolfare of our country demands? They gave the.very comforts of life with out *mum= ean'we refuse when a - sacrifice of fementhe :vanity is alone ran:tired f Man we * hesitate to yield up laxative that are so anbethruten,- when the very earth trembles uo dor. int t from the tread at armed men PIPS dean to battle sad' almost every roof throughout the land abetters' eome 'mother la menting:the son who had fallen gloriously witiflds thee to the foe, or a widow whose husband Iles buried so deeply among the masses of slain heroes, that she she"will never learn where to seek for his grave I When the wife of a great prince, whose has band was absent at the edge of Troy, was urged by hertriends to paten her royal robes, =libe decrial, she answered "My husbarid is nide:elite walls of Troy ; shall 'I adorn my hair while be - grown a helmet? Shall I dress in new robes while he carries arms? No I my raiment shall be like his hard labors, and la millets will I pan the time of this mourn. feel war.". • - Patriotism is beautiful in all eyes, and wet sharintalikrbytlartgl, of alasslo story and the 'Mother of the'Resolution cled In her homespun dress and 'Steadily pe rforming more than household -du tiet. , .Compare the spirit of theta; women with oh. reckless extras.- apace which - has marked the duration of ibis - terribleetzeggle for the Union, and thereon treat Is indeed homillatieg. Still the woman of America'are not unworthy thole ancestors.. Tithughtlese they may be, and luxuriously eiteavapant from long habits of prosperity, but cruel and unload never I Appeal to their reason and gentleArt][ogs; and, the women of dieter - mil prove themseirdi capable of manoble-deedi iffer marked the strugglei of the *._lllnrelation. Convince them, of the aviletheir thoughtlessness is producing, and the remedy is certain. i. has not yet' been suMeiently Unmated upon them that the encouragement of extras , agent 'lmportations is injurious to t4o : public good; .To impresit. th is. vital Math itpou the, woman of the 'Galen, we have - entered into , this moisten 00iglaDt, not only lauding 'our selves to a generskiffitem - econoroyitainir .perroitrhatlierding - feasle duty to - impress apon't,thars how unwomanly it is . to make outward 'displsy a paramount roobject of thought,: when the nation is' In' the throes of a Ideation rub: as the world - never saw. Gathered here in the centre of the nation, a handful of women, latent on a single object, anxious only for the good of, we Appeal to the patriotism and Intelligence of on e 'War women. throughout the length and breadth of the land. Let Ii be well understood th a tirniary . outuarof - gold that goes:Grim the gauntry' detracts' from the pay of the soblier who is fighting for our salvation, and dimln , jibes the wegerof our mister wonten ,. whO toll . faf Uttar bread, into a miterablophilue th a t 'gaited, suffices to keep them from starvation. The Fedora metal that flows from this coon tryto Emilia - for the luxuries weds not need, increases the price of gold here, depreciates thkealue of tha national =ream and helps to ..sirein the necessaries . of hip .boyend the roach of the workingman. " ft L a painful truth, for-which we shall yet ichin - to laugh, that the importations of tho .lataffeipentive geode manufactured b Europe. Wive liana far greater daring the woo than at s h itiroa is the :history of OUP country.' The importations Lest week at. the New York Om tom-HouseitiOne autonnted to iftratilihnit of tlartrtfitild alt that Itreetv-tahiclt 'Will - yet And Its ignoble traircirtfie - thistory , -ths streets of Washington Tare Welted azi 'with frizzy ieldlary marching through mad e rain of daft; THE down to "the army of the Potomac, Which now lies with bated courage wafting for the cal.- nivel of death ,which , fa almost flinging its crimson shadoir over For tae good of our country sad the honor of our sex kt v. ', deem eicrafew from th'• re pro:l4o/ wowton .mtratergoaar. I.ot. us prove by cheerful retrenchment that the women of the country are not so wedded to luxurions self-indulgence that they cannot fill a glorious . I page In the history of this war and retain all that is retiring and beautiful in womanhood. in alike:mane works they have proved them selves charitable, kind, and manilltent. Let these comprehend that self-abnegation will accomplish more than works of charity, and they willaot be less earnest to sacrifice than they have been'tostat. It must not be said of In that we have been willing to give up our'kushands, eons, and brothers to fight or dle for the Union and yet refuse to renotnoo our laces, silks, velvets, and diamonds, That thought would cover us with shame before the nations of 'the earth. No; our women of the only lack knowl edge of the means by which •they can prove themselves true helpmates of the heroes who are fighting our 'battles. Imptuut it upon thein that in discouraging excessive 'lmportations and adopting goods manufactured at home they keep gold in the country, reduce the rates of exchange, and establish confidence in the Government, and they will prove now far patriotism ran rise above feminine vanity in the hearts of Amer ican women. In order to invoke this spirit of • reit- mai. flee, it is Important that the greet abject of the covenant we have made should be broad iy circulated and thoroughly understood; It discourages profligate expenditures of 'any kind, recommends the use of domestic fabrics !wherever they can Do substituted forthase of 'foreign make, and advises !limpet) of attire both as a ma tter of policy and goodUstm It asks the great shterhood of American women to aid In this reform before it is . too Into. Thank God! scleace !him given us Ato means of reaching thousand' on thousands in a single hour. While we. Make, this covenant, the thought that thrill. our!heartirmay tremble In ire along the telegraph;ind awake kindred Inspiration throughout the entire land. By every means of communication Mom power, let as urge the neeeasity of prompt action. In every town and village throtighout the Galen, some woman who loyal her country is implored to establish an (auxiliary society, and forward the names of the ladles invited to set for the State in -which her duty Iles. We ark simultaneous action, earnest work, and general soltaacrifice at the bands of eur sister women. With their ardettthelp, a work will bo accomplished to important in• Ats results, that the woman who shaman may, hereafter, leave the emblem of our object u the richest jewel that ahe can leaveidpostoriiy. ' Tal COVENANT—A BADGE, to. Tho pledge or covensut (Art. ad of the eon , stitullon), 0 no follows: • ; f. -For Owm year; or for the war, we "pledge °wroth. to ma -yaws and tiwowsabw, to iperfchatv-reto -taporkd article of appals..." -On motion of Bin. Ann - S. StephOne, it was Besehred, Shat the badge of the Itatlolial. 0012 T ant. shall be abbot beg - with linage =welled; euording. to natere,wora with a trt-eoloted ribtopw, • little Rot t et the left zhcalder. Oa motion of Mn..lngomat, It was Resoled; That while, mehe Rims; saddaughter., and . wdmrn of [merles, we are ready and determined to Outlet, net!-denill for the bimesit of theseautry and our sex, we earnestly request the men of Amer tea also to abstain from the on of Imported articles, °specially winos, liquors, and' c ism us M On motion of Mrs. orris, it was RyaZeal, That the women in thenation, eytopsthit hag with the great adept of this society, be sod hereby-are invited to copy the covenant; record their ova names tbrreto, and, Obtaining es many aim.- totes sa possible, forward the number (nbt the name) so obtained to the tonitnittee of their Etate. GaribalciPa Departure from England fib Parting &hires& • Garibaldi left London on April 22, for the seat of the Dowager Duchess of Sutherland, and was to embark for Osprera on April 26. On Aprfl 21 he was entertained by 200 mem bers of the Deform Club. On April 22 be breakfasted with a party of American citizens at, the residence of this United- States doneni, and in emphatic ternit'expressedhle regnid for the United States, and his readiness to of • for his services to . President Litman in the war against-the Slave Power. Much dinat. isfacticin continued to be imprestzed ahhis sud den. departs:l4sta political motives warn weregrint ersilyputed to Garibalcli's edrliete. Lathe Houser of, Cameo.) . riciti:"'Glahlituitt that ilehuradvtiedlts canoe theMit ttromight'tnkliditiniglor:irtfoet his health, intlbecanze "the magulthemeMi tionelreeeptionwhich had been given to biro In - London might lose some of Its real dignity from being frequently repeated elsewhere.* The Prince of Woks traveled ;from Sand-. ringbaso to London, on AprillY, for the per pole of paying a visit to Garibaldi. Thy Prince met the Grineral• at Stafford II tam and remained with him, It Is ealdifor upward of an hour. The following ie Gull:Mb:Ws- address to the Engliah nation, on his departure! "I oder my heartfelt gratitude and thanks to the English nation end their Government for the racptinia r have met with in this free land. I came here with the primitive object Of thanking Ahem for their sympathy for me and for my eonntry'and this, my grit Object, 'aircompllshed. 'have desired to be alto gether at the disposition of my English driends, and to go to every.ploce where :I might be wished to go, but I 84:that I cant not nowliulfifill.these eagegerts of 1:?? heart. In bore l c amecksome iron and diq point:Ent to many.l*.nds,losio pa r dot . butt cannot draw_tbiline het where I coald and whate reit:Rad hot go,itfilly there ! fore for the presony4theso .nre.mylhanks and farewell. BtIIGI hope, perbepts at no distant time, to retnitalo Geo my friens in the domestic life of EiWand, and to rfdeent 1 tome of the engagemeclawith the Ecalort , U.i peoPte.of this country, Which, with deep rer gret, I' feel that I cannot now falai. - Cf. 'GASUILLI.OI." Grant'a Plans As Washington correspondeats are at length, happily, brought,to aernowledge that then is no probability ofpenetrating Grant's plans from that poled - At observation, it may interest those - of our readers -who are in the last stages of the levit . oreitriediiy to hear some rebel apeenlatione. A correspoadent!Of the Richmoad Aquifer, Irons 4,ett's limas a few days ago, speculates as renew/ ^Tho commonly received opinion that Grant attack Gan. Leo in front, and in his for till:asthma is erroneous. He Will seek to tarn the flank of our army, apd his policy itt, evi dently, to rotate his present position until his Organization and eqnipment. ba ,thoroughly accomplished, and then, by ettddenly flatold. Lag hiastr,ategy,to surprisoGen.liee. -Hatay march rapidly and without announcement either to sontspolnt of crossing the 'Rapidan or Rappahannock, or to Port RePell?Ye,tbellota to Stauntim,. thanes to LynohbuTg. I think an attempt to flank on the •Rastfthe more probable• his army crossing at tome of the lower fords of the itspiishannosk.: This, bow• ever, is all eonjectate, 'and but the echo Of Washington gossip. "There L_yerua indicallen of Jul lapis in thitaileaticin or. Fredericksburg,: unjso the tharthetaingtagaad Mita Oceorpoin to Alexandria -being repaired 'by the Yankees rosy so regardett" - This ,stal, write* hullor announces that Grant's army will be ready to advance in ten days from the time of his writing,- which Would make the day of movement Saturday next.' Bat the rebels. know very; little, after Tart! and Taxed A 'Washington oorreSpondant *rites . "Senator/Dermas states that ho bellevei the Rouge of Representatives intend to make about the eame..nor wattage of tackiest' in the tariff , that they did in the Tax bill. The in ternal deities they bay* increased from sixty to one handrod per cent. Thoy hare in creased the income tax and the taxes on mannfeetansa farm tluoi to five per cent., which is in increase of sixty-six per • amt., and they have doubled "the llama tax, which le 'art Increase of one kondrod per cent. Mat It is doubtful _il‘ettutr npon coffee and toe-the increase of dudes will be ditty /per ant., or whether it will answer to.lncrease duties to that 'amount On sWIS -Mrd Odle IV, tidos whioh can be °atilt iimqggied: ItOrdett Cmuula„..There is a dlimitlen beiumer, to Increase the twig as nen? si pot- Om to the standard of the utentiorary tariff' s ofi list 'week, Ire spite of the wlielesonpiaff• Moe glesuby Judge Colfamer. . There should belsome care taken, especially after the eontraet we here roado with otm creditors, to pay them their Interest on the money we hams borrowed of them. in gold, that we do not lay - such duties upon Importa' Hems es will cut off the Importations. Tit> nuneeessary to multiply words about that , iminot illustrate it Utter , :Mut by. the old 14, _*lllll,lllll43hit is Just killing the goose this oklo thefgolden.egg; lad It is the only goose ws Imirerthat'does My It gaughter], and that aoidea egg we WO. PASS. • • '7• DAILY - weettington Items. Tux w.ouss EXPLO7SO rasisuitir Ds It should be understood that tho many ex cellent ladies holding the Treii sury,ty appointment of the Secretary, are entirely a distinct class of alpeinteas from those procured, employed, an dismissal, by Mr. Clarke, at his pleasure. Hr II not to be disguised, however, that the Ides of furnish ing employment to young and handsome women In the public offices in Washington, re quires that they should take their work to their homes. In Senate Mr. Doolittle proposer to amend the Bank bill by providing that no bank or banking association whatever shall bate any now notes. except National notes, after the passage of theaqi, not redeemable in gold or silver coin on demand; and also, that every bank, etc., shall reduce the amount of tholr circulation to the amount of cash capital paid in and per cent. added thereto, or amount se cured by pledge of the United States or State stocks, on penalty of a tax of one per cant por month on all exaoss of circulation after • period not yet specified. It really would seem no though the Government was in earnest in Its efforts to put down this rebellion by force of amts. We not only see the available. battalions ordered to the front, but the °Clears and men who have been ensconced In a variety of cozy positions hereabouts. Generals and corporals, colon els and privates, who have by. the old of political inllnence secured cong sinecures, have had to leave' their desks, and take the Bold, whieh they regard as ovary high-handed proceeding. TEI roar PILLOW 11/1411/1011; . One of the Committee who want to investi gate the Port Pillow affair On being asked to day if the massacre had been exaggerated by the newspapers, replied paselonately that It had not, for the reason that It was not In hu man power- to exaggerate the atrocities of that occasion ; that half the truth load not been told. The Committee's retort is now beint written out, and is looked for with intense Interest, coming as It does, in a great MlMl aro, from the Ups of dying victims of the atrocity. NAVAL HEINS AND RICICLATIONI The bill which has justbscome a law,fixing the rubes and regaintions for prevanting cdl lieione on the water will go, into effect on the trot of asptomber. It 6aiiplicable both to the vavy and mecca stile marines. The came Pratares bare been adopted by England apd France, and perhaps by other nations, and have thug become International. The Case of Commodore Wilkes NAVY Derszruurr, May 3, 1364 Gervral Order No. 33.-33 a Naval General Court-Martial, recently convened la the city of Washington, Commodore Charles Wilkes, of the Navy, was tried upon the following charges preferred against him by the Depart ment : Charge I. Disobedience of the lawful or den of Me !superior officer while in the exact Con of Me office. Charge 11. Insubordinate conduct and neg ligence or carelessness in ()haying orders. Charge 111. Disrespect and disrespeatful language to his superior °floor whilst in the execution of hie *Mae. Charge IV. Refusal of obedience too law ful General • Order of Regulations issued by the Secretary of the Navy. Chirge V. Conduct nnbeboming an officer, and constitiding an offence !made , pnnishable by Article VIII. of, the , artieles adopted and put In force for the government of the Navy - of 'the Baited States. Of each of these-charges the aceuned win found by dig Court. "puilty," , and was sen canoe d in the following term,: "And the mart herebitentence the aeetnied, Commodore Charles {yilkesi to he publicly re primanded by the .Secretary ;of the Navy, sad to bo suspended from duty for the term of three:l:ears." The finding of the court in thin case Le ap proved, and the sentence coUfirtned. In carrying into execution that part of the sentence whieb requires that .Commodore Wilkes be publicly reprimanded, I hardly .need say more to an °Sim !of his age and experience, than ' the promulgation of such chirps, and of the decision upon them by a court comprised of • deicers- of the highest rank in the Navy, constitutes, In itself, a reprimand sufficiently poignant and severe to any ono whet:any hive deettedto preserve an tiittaarathetlretsxrd ist the atirriess:: - ..440, , D4it4tera. Would gladlyitnire Vie' • npaind"the "unpleasant duty' , which'his de: ,volved upon It in this case. Bat the appea made to the public by the accused, In a paper which the court had pronounced to be "of an insubordinate and disrespeetful. tharactth, containing remarks and statements not wet. ' ranted by, the faete,!' rendered it necessary for the Department either, to tolerate the disrerpect and submit to the unfounded ea persions, or refer the case to the investiga • tion of a court-martial. r. [recta of the New Taritr—Faiiing:4lll Ih Custom-Rouse Receipts. The effect of the fifty par Cent.; additiouil tax harked by Congrtee, and which was 'pile into operation at en. o'cLick Saturday,-to taanifut at the New York Castom The. New York Poet of Monday evening sayer The merchants who withdrew goods to lasmily Tait week now !nick littlep,rpatiting Irani the cnatome ' and the amount ofsfhe.du. dee received at half past 'one o'clock this afternoon wu only fifteen thousand dollari, against four to fire hundred thou:mid. the 640 hoar on Saturday. Importers are ware housing their goods. The determinaUstt moms to be gneeral among these to withdrow nothing from` bond that • ill 'net absoldely seeded for immediate rale,atid Maly of Ahem act under the Impression, that Congreaskrill coke an early opportunity, to reduce 'the amount of the duty oow imposed. ," Anotho affect Is thus state timetrir.:4l Some of tho-oboßkcepors OreadY glvo;ki reason for an adranee in - the - price arY goads . , foreign groceries, ke.., that are ap to 'fifty per cent. Yetohe ...porter and small grocer never pals , . the M, part•of one per cent; of these Increased 't Alt the goods Irl- etare, whether whole:2l, -- or hamipaid Males undati the old la ~.and. not the new. There is no justice, thontorni in paying the increased price. OnApr amount of goods now on the market ,ttie ties were paid when the govilramantao gold cutillcalos•at 145, and Prices, Mulford, caght , to lower, - instaad of higher. •,• Ten Oath of Thomas lliot'ey, the &there( the_ hiatorlan, at tho ago of ,82, will deprive Boston of one of its ; most familiar faeolowai of a contenting - linkbetween the heehaws world of tho present and the, past generation. Lie began his commercial life In POrtlepd, and, on his removal to• Iloeton, look a-high position among our, merchants. Fla wee a tboroggh,basiness man of the old. school, dia. tingulshed for:sagaeity,lntegrity,lntelligenoe and enlarged views. Ills vigorous tnind`was almost unaffectod by old age; he OA ill ita:itiv fat interest In ill that Intereatedethers;,..and isnOmild converse on no 'abject without eV, ing the lionisation of largeness of experience, extent of fuformition and aOanalaess ofpidg; ment..-Borton Tanscrfpe. , , AIOIIIIOICD papors of the 30th ult. contain Um following •We have again rnmors of an impending battle on the Georgia end Tonnes= see three. She opinion in that part of the Confederacy appearato her that the enemy in to,make a grand effort of the campaign in "thjit - quarter, but whilo there is moos stsonger, stridence that the effort is to be made inthe direction of , Richmond, It mast be recolfeeted that this - theory - by" ub Means ex::. Undo' the probability that an important issue to be tried In Northern ,Georgia.." MM. Sawn Onovrrum to Shortly to bo secreted Bishop of the math% churches In Western. Africa beyond tho dominions of the British crown. 'This annoencemeitt will shook "our' southern brothron,"' for Mee. Mr. Crowttier. Is a black man, and Was once a slava boy. Yet the black slave is aboutto be made a Bishop of the English chUrch A. ilia - In Troy.' N. Y., hal. wan a ault againit the Mutual Bank in ,that city for the Tattovory of the value of a counterfeit twenty della:bill on the Union Bank of 'Rochester, which waaltaid him by the teller of the MA. tug: counterfeit Rae Lo okilltalir"eY- =Withal the President could not (Latin- Vtlett It fr= a - genuine . 1111 L: _ - - • • . . . Mi. and Uri: Charles Sean, now In ..!‘tml trails, wiU Sail thence for San Frandsen, and than come to New York to play daring next winter. In Jai) , nt IStis the/propose ratran big to; England.. .. ' A *AC/QUM for Sevin/ boots is la pa ht faotory lit Massachusetts. It -LS *now larew , tioo, =idle - sold to bectif - coeiiiitillis - wring boot complete in thirty &carotids: Tin -,.-1 - . 4. in the Village Olio hag beta &Waled. -, - i, priraußGH . .„ FRIDAY MOVIING.. MAY 6, 1864. OUR SLUM -DEPVIVIES. FROM WalifiliEGTO.r. Epecla Diapatcb to the Pittabargh Gezatte. WA/110070N, MAT 4 ! 1864. TUB CHAgGra TECLOVIT.DIPAILT ' Civilians find all avenues to the army her metically sealed. Even newspaper corres, pendants now have the utmost difflerfity in getting down. The oommittee of Investigation in refer ence to the Treasury. Department have had Mr. Chittanden, Register of Treasury, and Deteetite Baker before them. But little progress yet has been Made. The charges in! reference to the fractional currency are now , being.intesfigated, and trade regulations in the Southwest. The Committee mat imme diately .afterwards- with special reference to Yrank Blair's charges. CMS FOB RHO TROOPB-ORDER OW 010. GRANT Gen. Grant hiut issued an order calling the attendee of °Mears to General Orders of 1862, providing for the Issue of . °Damon wall or ICI Sibley tents. When troops reface to accept shelter tents they will not be furnished with any. Troops to garrisons, at stations or in detachments can construct hats Websy prefer them tepholter. Tent quartarrnastars are pro hibited from Issuing teens other than the kind provided for, no matter by whom requested and approved, or by whose order the inns. are decreed to be made, until otherwise or dered through the Adjutant General of the army. Any ono silio ehalllu aor direct the acne of tents other than as prescribed shall be tried by court martial, or reported for summary dismissal. Garrett Davis got started'again la the Sen ate this afternoon. As usual everybody at once begun to lock up their desks and leave the chamber, when the Senator Informed them that they need not expect to affect him by that sort of thing; that he did not expect others to listen to him and spoke only to bear himself. Ile woe at once left in undisputed and solitary enjoyment If thatiluxury. 11 - 111T111 DAVID' IDCOSISTEINITIOX DILL P 114310 The Reconstruction Bill; which woe presented by Winter Davis, passed the Bones to-day by a decisive majority. Its polloy of reconstrnatian differs decidedly from that pro posed by the President in his annual message, ■null 01 511111111.621 CI INDUS DLPIIDOTIOIIB. The bill for the relief of the sufferers by the Sioux depredations, which passed the House on Tuesday, appropriates the sum of $1,170,- 324 for that purpose. There was no opposi tion Mit, and It was not even referred, as is usual, to the Committee of the Whole. MISSOURI CQWTZtTLD 11[071011 Clit. The contested ?dissent' election case of Bruce against Loan, now expected to be called up in the !louse to•mortear; to the Ent of the Masons' eases. CoL David `Chissobaio, of Zonorrttle, Ohio eris upon the floor of thellouso today. Ha ways member of the House 43 yoars ago. UNIT lIZSATOES TO-.llt. FOBLISELD The want of a quay= hexing almost daily laterfered:witli the'transaction of touluss In the Sense lately, Mr. Fessenden offered a resolution, which was agreed to, that hereafter when the yeas and nays are celled, the re porter shall take the names of the Senator, absent, u well as those present, and Abet they be published in the .01(kte. :CTOPOITD MILITARY R.MLUiID. The Kamm Military Committee Ltd Goleta poster hatorethein, urging therliiiitAlOcivet . beibllftig the thTlititijkallreed scroll taste; Kentucky and Tenneseee, as is earnestly recommended by the President. The Senate, incExemitive session, hits con. Armed the following nominations 0. Latham Simla, to be collector of customs in the Ms trictof Milwaukee, Wisconsin ; A. W. Temp fin, be Commissary of Subsistence with the rank of Captain. , AVINCIII TS TIIII POTOISIC OUT fIZALID. GIDION Waaairs, Secretary of the Navy The Coinmittee Inverttgatbig the Mar and Brooks charges against the Treasury Depart ment was In reselon to night, for over Woo boos. The President has withdrawn the nomins 'Lion of Georg. nothweller, of Missouri, for Conon' at Itavoaaa: A01A•21049 DT 71111 PRZSIDI37. . ... _ . The President to-day rein In the following nominations: Henry C. Caldwell, Judge of the Unitld States Court In Arkansas; Delano T. Hutlth and Elleba P. Perry, Direet Tax Col n:designers for Tennessee. 8711111.1110 OBDIB 71101UICIIIRAG Gummi Meade issued a 'timing order to ire'Army of the Potomac this morning. LAIL APPROPIIIRTION /1111:113C2D. The Poetoifleo Committee will out down the Senate appreptintlon to the Wetland Kell at,ooo,ooo to $BOO,OOO. Mr. Came arm upon tho floor of .the Senate this afternoon. IPORTINT CROII ?JOUR CAROLINA. Washington Reported Evacuated and Burned. LOSS SEVERAL MILLIONS OP DOLLARS, 4dignation Against Gen. Butler. RAM ATTAF ON OIRiDOATi EXPECTED Treat Point Occupied by our Troops Fortnum Mouton, May V—Pessensms report that Wuhington, North Oaroliza,wuli latd in aihes by straggling marines and sot afire, who destroyed all the commissary stores, ordnance and quartermasters'. They also destroyed property. matztly. owned Union people whose losses will relieh savers million of delta's. • Four thousand Federal troops suddenly encrusted Wuhington, N. 0., in the. face of several companies of -rehab, leaving en tire Union population to their tender mercies, after burning the homes over their head& When the United States Magmata left the 'doelu the screams of the woman and children, at being abandoned,,were The Indignation against General Butler is Very bitter In north Carolina, and a delega tion of lesdinemim lias gone to W • , to ask his removal. -• It is said that the - rebel rams have decided' upon an attack on our gunboattrarithout waiting assistance from their urey. lievrteormi kay b.—Amounts from Wash. bigton. N. 0., are evidently greatly exagger ated. Letters received from Fortress roe, this evening, say: Several refugees ar rived from Washington and report the plans barbed lut Saturday, probably by guerrillas. It was a vary small town, nod in it, most protpuosut days had only 2000 inhabitsats. It'll absurd to state the loft at Several mil lions of dollars, . The Draft In Onlo.—Theldationsil Gtiard 'the First May 6th .-: The draft bogies in 'the First district this morning. . - • • C. Thsys k Bros. rate warehouse 'fru dun by ere to the amount of. 10,000, yesterday. They wore Immo& Gov. Brute' has hinted s proclamation thanking the Nationaltinard for their prompt response to his call. The Guuds [re sspidly useedding at the ditrorent clumps ready' for duty. Over .0,000 hays reported at Camp Arrival of the emu, nem Theitiliu4r omit *lwo, bthlenwipoo away..-,, ~ '~ ~ ~ '~. ~✓ ? ._,. v t,. x iL~ N , .... . _ . . _ _ ~ ~.,,.1.-. :-..--,... ~.. -.,-z: ,--‘ . -7 --: T: ~ :-- - -- -.., i _ ..„ . .... _._ . „ _. TELEGRAM COL. DLVID CLIAMLITIJ CONIIIMED NOMIS•t108! WITHDItiV3I NOMISMOS ADVIORS FROM THE FRONT Address of Gen. Meade to the Potomac Army. LEE BELIEVED TO BE RETREATING INLAND The Fieneh Defeated in Nettie° New Your, May b.—'the Herald has the ellowlegi—Headquarters Army of the Po. mi.°, May 4.—As an earnest Spring cha patti Is about to commence, I mend you the following address of General Meade. Its cohfidetit tone, patrlotio sentiment and !Mph tug phraseology, all tend to and do beget the same tone and epirit in the heath of the brave mien who will soon march upon the foe. thapearien Army ci/ the Potomac, May 4. • —Soldiers I again you are called upon to ad vance do t h e enemies of your country. The time and -occasion being deemed opportune by your commanding General, ho addressee you a foe words of confidence and caution. Ton have been reorganized, strengthened and fully equipped in every respect; you form put of several armies of your country, the whole under command of an able and dletln gabbed General, who enjayr the confidence of the,porernment, the people and the army. Your•ineVement, being in• cooperation with others, Is of utmost importance. No effort should be left unepared to Make it successful. Soldiers, the eyes of the whole country are 104ing with Gis anziods hope to: t:dew you me about to strike in that:mist sacred cause that tiger called men to arms. itingember yohr 'bodies, your wives and childred, tend bear An Mind that MO tootter_your enemies are iiiercoine the sooner yet( will be returned , to onto' the benefit and blessings of peace. Deariwith patience the hardships , hilleacti ficeSyou *hi be called upon to endure, have eonfiderleilii. : year officers rnd In each other,' reap Pourranks on maroh and on th.e. battle Geld; and let each man earnestly implore God's blasting, and endeavor by his thoughts and actions to render himself worthy of the favor he socks. With a clear co union. and etrong 'arm., actuated by a high sensed' duty, fight ing,to protect the Government and her Insti tutions handed down to us by ear forefathers, if true to ourselves, victory under God's blehing, must, and will attend our efforts. Piga ad] Gm, Means, Msj • Gen. Comd'g. J. WILIZAYS, AWL A. A. Gon'l taw Your, May s.—Tho .11 - orld's spacial reiterates that advises from the front lead to the bond that Leo is .abandoning the inttenehtatnts on the Rapidan and retreating inland. Thera has been no oollision between the ramie:la. The Herald's Key West letter announces the arrival of the gunboats Galena, Comnbia and Tioga. Advlces frown. Myers, Charlotte Harbor, state that on the ult., a detachment of the 3d 11. S.'colored troope,ander Capt. Crone, landed on WI. moin land, and drove back the rebel force without lose on 'either ado. Oar troops captured: 300 cattle, and returned on the 25th. Advises from Mexico via Havana report that Alvarez had openly declared for Juarez and was fortifying himself inAcapalcm which eras blockaded by French ships. The fortifi cations at Btazelso had beau bombarded by French frigate. The French are reported defeated in Vsjaza And Handal/tiara, toeing the latter and six thousand men.. The report also says that the Mexicans hero taken Jalapa. The Goadelsjara story bolts like a canard. prom Cairo and Below.;—The Attack On tile Petrel—Gen. iltarlbut , a Fare_ Weil l Address. etc. Oman, May 4.—The steamer Liberty, No A, from. Memphis for L ,aisville, arrived with 450 bales of cotton a , .d Memphis dates of yes• terdity evening. No news. . . There Is groat activity in tbe Memphis cot ton market. Middling continues anabatod ; market Arm and all offerings taken at ad vanced rates. The receipts for the past forty eight boars wore filo bales from Helena and . - Little Heck. Middling to strict Middling, 68@67; Good, 71(. ; .73; Fair, 75. The slimmer It Linn, arrived with three barges laden with cotton. Bea cargo con sisted of the same as mentloried to a former dispako Tha Dispatch has arrived from Mem phis. tight t Meets of the gunboat Petrel camas up on the Wilson. Thu attack on the heat was 's template aruprize.t One broadside given by them:temp....Loa this.commander dl the Petrel ordered the boat to be fired to prevent her from falling Into the bands of tile enemy. It Is believed that the firing was ineffectual. She carried eight 24-pounder braes howitzers and a number of small arms. She had ammunition and ,tores for six months, all of which, with the boat, is a loss to the Government. It has been learned that the enemy were removing guns to 'Yazoo Cityoshere they had • battery posted when the Petrel passed, and which they used against her Ulthout serious damage. Gen Hurlbut issued hie farewell address to the lath army corps. lie stales the manner In which the corps had been' scattered tad reduced until there were not men enough left for offensive operations ; that, they have lost no honor by not performing Impossibilities; that they are now receiving additional strength, end that a day of reckoning with the enemy will soon coma. I Shall rejoice in your success. 'Whatever may, happen to in dividuals tho cause remains as precious as I • *VOL. A Pittsburgh Regiment Coming Home. Waxmanlon, May 4.—A regiment of Penn 'Ovoids Iterervett, about 350 strong, arrived bore to.night, en route Lir;Pittsburgh, to bo mastered out of the service. West Point, Va., OeCupled Naw Yoe', May loam that that West v Point, .., tho head of tho York riser, was occupied bo n portion cf our fortes on Monday, the 2d. Tae Lowoost Tzars os OCR Um Goa.—The bondan Times, is alluding tOtho manufacture of ordnance, makes - the followifig• admission: "In the calibre of Its ordnaneu parope is now, es it ever bas been, far be/docl ; Americo. At Pittsburgh, in Pennsylvania » 60.t0n gun bee just been east for tho United States Guy. ernment. This monster piece, of ordnenoe, which is stated to be perfect ill Its casting, is to thrown solid 20 Inch shot weighing 1,600 poundal! Grlfinli.ooNrCES3Cx or TUC iralCAll M. E. Cstnecd.—This body is now tri session in the Bethel Church, Philadelphia. The presiding Bishops, Bight Rors. William . Paul Quinn, Daniel A. Payne, and Willis NOTey are pres ent, and members and delegates from the An nual Conference districts of Otio, _lndiana, New England, Missouri, Philadelphia, New Yotk, Baltimore, and a double delegation from the British provinces of North America. Dian snow Isucraiss.—Samuel Hamilton, who was stabbed about ten d r ays ago in an, affray at Webster, Westmorelaind county, has since died from his wounds. The perpetrator of the homicide. William-Campbell, is now In jail. 11:11rTS. WANTED—At the Boned of Refuge, amen persona to tact in the capacity of nay— • ORE CLERK ONE NURSE ONE MOSER EEPE a Good referonce reqnhed. ktpllceHen foralther of the .144.11. n. to be handed In to the °face of the Institution, Ho G 7 Fourth tamer, (tip stairs.) The applicants to met the Conimittee et the shore °Alas, on THUH.IDAT, the btb Instant, at 4 o'clock p. m. • De order of the Committee of Trytruction. toy 3:3t ' • WANTED sso A °NTH.— Lima imam. at S6O month expenses paid, to sell any EVSSLASSING PENCIfiS, ORIENTAL rtilligto3, and thirteen other new, ward and cu entartielo, , Fttleencircniars secants& Adams, JOllll F. 101tD; Biddeford, Malta. arklOarrideter WANTED. 53,000 Lawrence County Eland*. w. u. wriasems .t co., comer Third and *and aimota WANTED—lmmediately, ,in a find this.'thilinixls atoms etrioxi.Esimicanssiximet. . Non elm Deid appl. Adam. BOK 301, Allatitmy City, • my44t WANTED - ,e'sttar..4 sturzur:. PSIELLIP2, 110 Wssar street. Palh l"n"--“m tat Yana, • • • at:" 11. Let • • ' 2 " ia. 04K A liCsliT/I t c— a lwan 47s t .. to;hir tu aAg =l„ enta , • v.. .1 . - GA A • _ CITY AND 4.388U88A.N General Conference M. E. Church BECOSD DAY OOSTLISCLII The Rev. Mr. Scott, delegate from Ireland, then presented the address of the Irish Con ference, which was read by the Secretary, as follows: Reverend Father and Brothers—We heartily re spond to the aentlmenia of love and emeem expromed In your letter dared Buffalo. ono bearing the Myna. tures of your vonereblo Blshcp North., and your Secretary. the Rev. Wet L. Barris. We alto thristd er the liequentluterchang. of etch friendly greetings ealculated to draw to chimer together, and to etrengtnth the bonds of fraternal affection. We regret that your arrangements for holding the Garman Conference ileprived to of a vlait from Bishop Jane., the pleeouro of which we bed expected. We hare marked with grateful admiration the growth and intension of tea Blethodiat Episcopal tthurch, and anticipate for you a still more glorious future. The statistic. with Which you hove kindly funinhed to show an increase during your lent qnsid madei term, which has shildened out hauls and robed our thaokirdness to Get Your prosperity is nor pr energy. May the Great Bead of the Church biros and Mere.° you more and more. We here ob served with no unfriendly eye the rapid proven and unexampled proved of our groat commonwealth ; and we holy appreciate the grace reeponalbility rest ing upon you as a church, at the prment time. In common with the greet majority of our fellow citizens, we deeply lament the existence ,of them oats which threaten to divide your beloved country. In the order of Dino. Proadthne, cations naval tw Individuals, In gaining posith ns of honor and Influ ence, are eubjact to vicissitude, always painful and often. humiliating. Nonwhite, from our public as rectiblim and family altar. fervent mippllcatlosa will aiteend to our Heavenly gather that the vexed ques tion of negro slavery, the worth of all your meant tea:hies, may and 'just soittlon without Involving you fora protracted period In that went of national calomitied, a fratricidal war. In the spectral effort we are making for the to er.itii of our agency, m urgently <emanded by the pocedier circurrunanoce of our position in thin king dom, your pecuniary aid, which you ore pleased to my fell far below the obligations of American Meth odiem to Indond, ea well as below the deare of your hearts, owing to the "financial revulsion," which, In the midst of your effort., swept over the country, is highly valued by to, not only on account of the I crater= contributed, bat of the generals sympathy elicited. At pear public meet Inge, Minutia by our dental.. Mu, the utterance of many of your noble men, connected with this country by the tiosofkindred or woorlatlon, here awakened In our hewrikfeellogrof the deepest gratitude, and 'go for to reconcile on to the heavy knee. which, by emigration, we have from year to year emialned. Our Annual Conference, now drawing to a e . t.a, hem been characterised by great harmony of reeling and unanimity of sentiment. The increase of our mem bership, though not tio large as last year, 4 very en couraging, and the reports of all our fonds crime a steady people. ion. Very greet°.a results have followed the resentout peAring of the Apitit on the Protctitant Church of our laud. The work of Chid Imo been deepeard the 11.1.4 of the ministers and people • many an outcut has been reclaimed from the win ter of error and sin; and many a door of usefulness has been opened to missionary enterprise. Again we thank you for your cordial reception of our beloved brother, the Ses.Robinson Scott, and for your continuous and efficient cooperation In the laborsof our deputa tion. W.wnu ti. STAUT, Pratdent. Jou. Tolstoi, Secretary. Cork, June 2W,, 1184. To-morrow St 10 o'elools was fired., the time when the bod 7 would bear the delegate from Ireland. Adjourned to meet at 3P. Ma A T 184007 a =MOP Opened with the •mnat religion exercises by Rev. Dr. Peck of California. Bithop Scott in the chair. After some routine matters were disposed of, petitions Were declared to be in order. One was received from central Illinois, asking for the organization of district conferences. From worth Indiana, by the Rev. Dr. Goode, in reference to printing hymn books for the An appeal was presented from the Rev. Henry Y. Johns, who had been expelled from Troy Conference. Referred to tbo appropri ate Standing Committee. The following committees reported them selves organized ; Committee on Episcopacy— President, Joe. M. Trimble, Ohio Conference, Secretory, Thomas M. Eddy, Rock River. On Itineracy—President, Rem. J. M. Reid, Gennessee ; Rer. Andrew !Wenn, Central Ohio, Secretary. Adjourned. Casting of Another 20-Inch Gun. On the lith of February last, the first 20- inch gun east in this country—and said to bo the largest gun ever moulded anywhere—was successfully cant at the Fort Pitt Works In this city. To-day another gun, of the same mammoth dimensions, was cast at the same works. On the occasion of he first achieve ment we gave a fall description of the gun, together with the process of casting, and we need riot at present enter into details. We may state, however, that these gum, in the rough, weigh about earredy-fias-1 • • •• • fin ished will weigh over fifty tons f The w• o e length of the piece is twenty feet threeinch ea, Length of bore, seventeen feet six Inches. The weight of the solid shot Is one thousand pounds; weight of shell, coven hundred and fifty pounds; service charge of twerder, one hundred pounds. This gun, like the flat, I was test upon the Rodman principle, with a hollow core ' through which a stream of cold water will be kept, constantly passing until the tremens mass of metal cools, which I proems will require eix or coven days- The first gun cast L not yet finished, although the work has been prosecuted as vigorously as possible, during tee past two months. It is no easy matter to trim down a mass of metal from seventpdave tons to fifty tons, and give it that accuracy of bore and symmetry of out line which are so essentially necessary to its utility and beauty. These gone, however, when finished and mounted, will prove alike creditable to our mechanical skill and the en terprise and genius of the nation. BODY REcovenen.—Abont ten days since, we noticed that a man named Peter O. Mackolls, employed en the steamboat Miner va, walked overboard and was drowned. On Wednesday morning the body of a man was found in the Monongahela river near the month of Ferry street, and was identified as that of Madrona. Coroner BrClang held an Leven, the jury returning a verdict of acci dental drowning. The deceased was a resi dent of Morgantown, West Virginia, and an thirty-one years of age. A brother of the deceased arrived in the city on Wednes day morning to look after the bodr, and had only been here a few momenta previous to its recovery. The remains wore interred In Litildale Cemetery. Tux Wtpow's Oosiruntrmog.—Mrs. John Britton, a widow lady of Union Township, Barks County, Pa., has given eix 80125 and her only ton-in-law to defend the liberties of the nation. Three enlisted in the let Penna. Cavalry ; one in the 53d Regiment P. V., and three In the 128th Regiment P. V. The eol• dier in the 534 Is at rest, having been killed in the battle of Fredericksburg. Mn.e Brit ton is In the 63d year of her age. for mother, aged 88 yean, lives with her, and enjoys very good health. Pennsylvania to proud of the patriotic widow. UNITED STATSB DIISTEICT COITET.—Ms) 5. Before 'Judge Metlandlem. In the ewe of Robert Sanfordi indicted for-harboring, • con cealingand giving employment to.a deserter, the jury returned • verdict of acquittal. United States vs. Philip Suntan, Sr., and Philip Boman, Jr., of Westmoreland county. Indictment, hiding and assisting Simutl Samna : a deserter, to escape. On trial. Psaase.—The hill Worming the salaries of certain officers of Allegheny county Du pissed. It 113611511011 the salary of the, Controller from $2,000 to $3,000; Clerk taController, from $BOO to $1,000; Clerk to Commissloners, frontaoo $l,OOO, and County Solicitor, from POO. to $700.. The clause increasing the anterior the County Treasnrer was stricken out. -" Paroarrioa Austser Btu.—Tfitt city au thorities of Allegheny, Iwo; with commenda ble forethoright, made arranpmeuts to lave the steamers General Grant and Hope in the Diamond daring the continuance of the Fair, In order to tnard spinet Are. Tho steamers will be in readiness for immediate service. BIIMEGIIMIGABCo.—Au-eleotion for',a Board of Dinotora for the Birmingham. Gaa:Co. wu hold on Monday, resulting in the elnetion of the following persona John P. Pears, J. Bationin, B. Robinson; C. Arbuthnot, J. K. &Twangs, David. Mime, A. Chamber., Adam Trautman and Abigailßaya. • Cost, Moans' Bunn ENZirD.—We learn that the coal diggers who recently struck- for six centa:per bu.shel, hoe* concluded to go to work at the old picas: 'The action of the pit owner", in refusing to neende to their dantandi o doubtless tended to'peadeuse this result. Disorommz - - Emsourz.— Mrs. Elizabeth Hickman this morning prererreo a:cbarp of disordorly aindnet" against: Henry Snyder, before Mayor dlexandor;of Allegbany. Tho Mayor fined him Are dollars and coots, which be paid and was discharged. • • -DtCarjrjrn.,.A. Mai 2111111114 Tho m as 33/DWD; i resident of this wity;who was a. clee# hand oa board - the ilittllllo2 Clara Piteous abadenh. say drowned -tn - the Ohio • river. about three miles above su p t ir( 4 k 4 mbie t t.;;Robliscm- tee: PlttOburgb BarLdto34 B=4=4i 'of 0 13 % 36 cimrettg, him* , of marazaptionl ~Sa-_...ia ~ ''~.x^~~h,....,w~ ' i r ~' ~~`W~ .-s 2' rte' n....uc`:,x.~;~ VOLUME LXIMI--116. - 147 11 - "PITTEIBURGH tosser utdeasungee MOM= rroaffarar—„:. OTEIZIMMI FOE, THIS NEMIT ONLY ===2:===l • TIIIB avisma, Will bo liruented, the ant *lna oft of tho sodd ronownod moral drama of 'UNCLE TOWS CABIN. With =arias inat: conclada Bour-kaalt`eeter popalaz OCrIOROO3 or. LI/1i . 13 iranbracing the entire atrentik of the Company. Tll rebearcal; Circ. 0.14/JSONIC HALL FOR O. rrExiir, MONDAY EVENING, MAY 9th, Also, WEDNESDAY tat ,EIATINIDAY MEE, NOOKS, al So'clrek: CAPTAIN WILLIAMS' SOUTH SEA WHALING 'VOYAGE Woxiderfhl Ream 14 the We of the American Whalemani . . 970 Ilaccoatve Night, la Nei York, • 1108aconalve Nights la rh2le,ololl/.. 100 Elaccesthe ih 97 threcr.aglysliighta to Bal Mame, Drew large sad highly respeetable. audlenage-Aho nay .111, and latal!gsays of thime TUE BO A 'r7l3 C B•NES. A urban atinallag Seam; gbh clips!! in • GENUINE WHALE BOAT, That hes bean Wee arde - md the world, 4mgagrals the chase and ontura of Umberto Whale, muted by • .re. of Ilring wen, ereathqr the meet Intones ittitement sad:eil:oitteg vabonaded onverwris. BOATS OA?TATN WILLIAM OILUIL/g, saswit. w , rradA fagD and the teleultable green bon; LlTllat HAM'. The leaghter-prorokiag eandralitter of the Greer Boy Dart, and the leastions blunder* of carob= Frank, aroma the audience to &pitcher excitement and mirth rarely . ...Iterated In any entertahuneet. Adedestoe 25 cents. Belerend new 60 meta. Door. open at 7; cemseenas ate o'clock. Clatterer adeelselon to all parte or the home 25 cents. Children 1.5 cent.. .rI4JMOEI. J7VSO44-c. T ' I REMOVAL We take plummy la taanzung thopubils that To a►w occupy the large gad coramodlone holm O. 12 BISSELL'S BLOCK, sr. mere EdREEZ; •Where we ham Pie. •LNIATIbi from thentancfsotarer of WM. B. BiI&DBUSY sod 808011SONZILL CO., • boo lot of SUPERIOR PLUIt , S. Mao, a couplets /I•3o7•Ziefit of SIIIITIVIS celebrated Ilarmonlatos, He. lodsora end Mudd geode generally. it ' The mperlority of tkeIIitADSCETTTANO is al ready established. In th e history of l'iat4os we new instrument has gainer m rapidly la porthuity or reoelvel so mraly premiums within the space of two mare as the stew male. iron Balm, oventnlng.base and French_ grand notice Plane Tcrtn, manufactured by WM. ItIt&DSIISY, and Shomsker L Cos Nance hminirkeen ao lonised favorebly known in this and outer countries, need no further comment. All guaranteed for in years. NY AMMER" Et BABB, 8010 Apace Is Pittsburgh and Waters Ps., - Po. ISM CLAIR St., Illeislrs Mack. Good docemd Hand Pianos for Hoot: . Tnning and npalrzng do. promptly- • apSO puNos I PIANOS! PIANOS! OAI3 GA - Ns I CabineS th.ganSt iketty . . MILITARY CLAMS, SOIIIiTIR_,J3 MOS • BACK PAY and lIMITAKT• " CLAIM of tteneoolltete4 OP 1t..;9 1 D1D• 'miter, al the ran* Peitelens NO OD; &Bother ass= Att. • --• _ 14p O. O. TATIAB, Attarn et Urn • it 0.7710 rent street, P 15:4.! IL B. Bo ebargen ids made It On claim dos loti; , sowed. end WI itAtenuttlan'thenvette. .GOOD BISIIIBP. (NOAH W.. FOILFICR, t- - N SIEDLE, No. 183 fivrilprtea.D . ST • CABINET ORGANS! HAW LOT AT OLD P 111,43 caws. C. isnmAnt, Pianos and Mudoal Instruments, Keeps constantly on kind Etta usicrlannal of 'NW PLLI4O3,IIOLtn, GIRTILI* 20500.11.DZ -0.73, BTILING4 to, which : Its wit/ • sell tor tar wins taltsvd DECKERS WIZ NEW warn . LEON • Aelcsouledged by WI the test tratalcl66oo .10 ,4 ‘e .if slits fatelasss6, *Wuxi szottptiss t and -sl.o TREAT tft DAMS' most celebrated 111sloOotat and llarmordsosts ars osty for sal. by HOTTALUIN, HOENIrd CO., sp3ll X. 63 Xifth stmt. KNABE'S GOLD DEDALMI Hamm Mies. Putioi* /LID USTADDLOAS. it 1 antUd , _newfitock. just received. 4,3 '. ni.Vl MABLOITZ BLVMII, t . iftli stied. ; Dzssozirriorrs. 'Sc. DISSOLUTTON=The Co-pitrteterahjp *elating bytereent GH&S. VOWIFSII met JO, HINLY, muses style of IMMO *BUILT vs. this day dissolved by meta] sotsseat r oa the Idol Ayr% lin. Either of the scoderelitessi are author ised to settle the basil:snot the flrto. • • JOHN rIO•PARTNERBEIP—John B Herron V and CITAILL73 TOWIZS, aszoelseed thrmselres under lb. ILL= end , style If: JOHN H. HERRON & co., to date hum April Ist; nEfAS FOWNES, (ft,te of the; firm Of Nantes a Illsday.) JOON B. MIRROR Rate bradrenal, Ilerrou et Co.„) IRON I'i ORNDIIII3 and AM'S Manufacturers, : ALLEGHENY 1TEW1.2,1 Nintb War 3, Plttabargb, P. em 7117• -JOHN B. EWER ON & 00 - DISSOLUTION. THE i'AitTNEß •`tae`d,~er. SIIIP hentotors sodstlag. between the nodsr, .thei IMMO natistyleree 84111141b1i dy of DecemreZl b a n. gte " === his been ,sizont the Int al Jemmy, "1,864,, snd henceforth or en tbs Roads and tmder;the ecclrnise ,n:reoat tut taasztatton cesmolud =der 11. sseably..relstlng to Idsentintortut 13: P.IDDLS is authorised. te us the Arm acne Is It:taste:ld. Alt putts hsebtir clams spinet the into firm ere requeeted to present theessms at the Oonntlng limns too settlenten4 sal all pampas loos , in; thonselecs Indebted. Will please oil and sates without May. SAMUEL IIIDDR Mal= ICIUILTT r JAM= mum:4. 15.80110 '.. Jr " Ist,lSSi • BOBS= . DLL- VOTICIS.Tkto Copaitneratiiii fan existieg between the isadersigmed, ender be style of WHIT& - morass!'co.; has lesea dissolved try mutest comsat, to tete etntet Ittme the lot kat., JOHN WHIT% estates note Hoene J AS. OORPH , DftEN JOHN wnrr The awletellOwel will mikes* tbe 'ltems:Ong ea/ Ootemhelow heathen souks the Was tad style °SHULTZ DUOS. • CO et Oq arm.= STUNT, caner Liberty.., et. Josseu sinirra,4 apl3-Imd JAB HIMIDUICH. • • :lIISSOLIITION OP PARTNERSHIP r‘rtumatitibandolts• =Ming bureaus tee umlatatmasti under the style of WIL JOHN-. STON t 00.. ls mutually dissolved, to Wm east tram this data; SIMARD DIMON satirist, Alms autism: Ms hubs min Im coattailat! mittsrluer. U.O. JOlllitiO BAWL; E. rommos; TIIsSOUPTION .- OF 4 31;3PARTNTLIV 12117.—The_ im._x_l;l2i.Wk4b bentotbri. between JO& P. RA.I+I4OEOII tosi-irtfai-= =lda Sruros. utums ' too Ow betritaimftSby o: m a aul 0211110 i. a HU& =ON vitt toy IS 04014tt0em 1A to ibt t s e t s lftanid secimutiet eat s, • • VAN - - -- -- NESSE ors tiiL°c~oa~s:ArG VO,URTa •s : TREET- NEW sTyLE,B • - OP wivpovir. RH ADE:I3 EZCIIUD TIM !JAI. NEW „SPIIIIIGASTOCIE C 116.1Z,_1 ) EVE, WELL eidSONEto OIL aLot.H. ." A T TEC A AR FrE S T OB 80. AT r 0 Till STS/ST. 9 • ti . A.V.INGRUIUDIUSED AND ADDLR 4" - . Tp On OWlf Tai _ s ENTIRE STOOK r 0411 PITS, "01 - timely bald by W. bIeCILISSIXIM. Itt 130 Miikat "' rivet, we crw abb. by the eorootliatton. tD eel; th; LARGEST STOOK:: TO BB POW IN - . AT TILE -LOWESTII.IIi/e.E9 Oliver Moglintook - skOo., MN SS BUTZ ESTUSIT. prerro comm. . • - Finis atabroidered Cloth. Emboasia Cloth. 171atoria. • Italy amt sigma! saartuteallost rocatradat. NEW CARPET STORE McFABLATII, C0LL131,15.0 00 TTex BLEND7III4I;MINGBI ' • An entirely noir sad annplete szertinent Ind ri• wind at tas • - NEW CARPET STORE 01 HoPARLAND, COLLINS Co. CLAIM 611 GEAMS• LAW OFFICE & W. J. & HALL PAITERSON. 144 Fourth itrest k fd Arr. 1; ITIIMLEMBON, PA. . _ WM .mean FERMIS. 801111 TIES - BACX And Allah& nmuenmatm. szcoptli. t Or No - thane =gel xnectaftd. SOLDIMET ULAndrs, EMMA notsioiso an) mm= oi PAY; Promptly attended to by LWIIIITBS i_BIDD7)(4, PS= It. O. MAGEBELL it JOHNSON, SnAT-LAW, 821.1 11. 8. Zdososed BOLDEntrill.4lBl.uargys.l-", men Guam trstur,i Arroarnrmaaw, 10. 106 Fifth Strut § Piiistanh, rs.'7"l - dams tornanuon, somrn, PIC= SbiF - .vigaronsly promented. ; 1,11 Idar ;;tmc';woJr.s.s,_:„ ::,4 GA.B CEIANDELIKBai—On • FIaI4 . 4' AFTERNOON, May Atb,at S etloakerrlU Judd, at tbsOontaatcLat War R.ryitt FINSItte Two tarp Oran:least flea Obaadolteri. an& A. ItIcILWAINE, AtlArs.P QINGER , SEWING -31ACHINEGiiii• A) minty mmamoozr, Iturca4 44 *wave,. will be iota. at tbe Commeneld Sala BMW Ba 6s; Ilfth Wee% was Sieger Sewing Plieldos, tailed &Or oendltlae, • superior Wally meddle). mTb A. ifeirW•l2lll:l2eNtjtil nORNPLANTEB AIICTION.—TUESDAT LT laa,a[.alo#p - a= t wa t l i trae s 2 4 A ft " hull= Zflerki ttGrontot polline townenis, booting catbelettelt: stWm, with taantatLY-qtole g if .ll 'V • alto anatomy, .Tante, - Himonog • mu, • Railroad Switch, bentagned to the *lmplanter, Ootepsny. Terms made known an We. aus A. itol-LWAIIO.A neer:l43. FIRE -PROOF t4AFE, ;PLATFORM; 60AL113, COUNIFeI, EHELVLNItt, te4 , at auction. - • ,; On FRIDAY HOMING, Hay Elt.,b at ID *W.* at Illasoak Hall Auction Hoy% Catlin W ee k W sold. Ona limpronfßara. tro,lnattann bald 9cantenilhallitit mrttnirlasa door; .ItO 14: 4 T. A..3IcOLELLAND. Aactotoneat.?L; t. DPERIOR EIIREITITRE,CARP MM lo.—Onl3llDA'L eXTIOISIODN. VAT Ath4t. 2 o'clock. ‘lll to mold. at ootaluartlal Bales Howsp , St YUth shut, • tarp quantity of m anor - Varoll - tam WSW.. &G-0 ,02 1 2 4 = 001 ma We: lett •-tote. Marble top Plat Ilabomy Bo X.., old= Mat. MAU top Ocost • gab% tad Table. Waist Dialog Tolls. Balotaad. Low Put' Iledstowla, Spring- Maw Notrawas. am "'lathes. Ingrain snit WC" Cirpott, Arias Tendon, Ataddwphadp. BUM' Mal Dell'W•se, DriqUid USU. Main. U. asys lINITED 13TATESMILYPARY Wattitoitcat, Aprlle, NMI. ALIODION—WM rokt oc Weduatday, &XI et NV, at gh".! D !P at J 4 Al 600 toot of 01,1rAtiresd Iran: • ICC tontoto/01Carlatan 50 toas otCol Ocup Inn; 100 teas of Wrought/ma; 3 taut of Okt Boa aspl Copper;' - 303 011Barreli3 Straw: nob thmirmsent hmtta. . Tat f_ Nat to be paid at tbs tito• of .purctsar„ the Ito imposts mast to maimed trltht3 ten di data of ' L ItOtati BO , Apt3th Captttn and A. . - A ,IICTION SALE OF OONDEM2 , TEgt- BOWS& • Wal Srrurxe.r. CATLIST BUIL; 1• - Ottlre at aderQuartoemaatae. Iliaddayteu, D. C1.,-Ayelllslb,lBlll. Will be add et Wale, sucttau. to the hithestifiAt der. et the UMW 11411glata named Deicer, ..q4 " liewyert. Paha, uraday, .y Bib; • i. 711 GattjsbuririPlEGUllly Xooday. Hay Oth; Altomi,resza. 'bun ray, !ti) nth; . - NUM. P 0.024, Thursday, Day - Terrea.Thanday,llayjeth; • Lobs:Lou, Puts;-Tburaday. Jas. Td; .4;rf!. -- Sarthcathertaad Pauus..Thurrlayalise 9 49 • Peraatoe. PODIIII:tbOnag. Dula 16 tbz- . Dem, Theriday. Alto • Os* turedr.4l4oo) harm Si Gettysburg. Laud IrtAl Metered end CAI (2.50)at each of Camber Mame.= Thom hones bats. beau eaudasszed U melt 411, , the cushy melee &the DeltoDßtalas AZIMM =t:; . Tot mei wt. hrm palases laity pod Imp I Tc b rx:4 2d albitold - itz;ll ' • Balm belustlola,; sulieut h aUs da4Y tD/ !alp o AB6i'DaArend .stito ices.wi ti olei.:. • coy. : •• - • ,JAIMS mut;go..24 a: 4,1 t; Cai*fi Pinatuti •:1 • - YUMANn.y .Itre.h sad pereas4 OA !lean quality, mach* ..... andieressopr,. mar A asziaßew; softie imutraneffsedemetv-M! IMOALEY WOolvdreek•PuttEr" • - - - • I : •arlis • 2"1 ter.l4,,