THE DAILY ~...,. PITTSBURGH . GAZETTE. pitiOurgh tAnutt(t. PUBLISHED BY PUBLISHING ASMIIOI. TERMS OP THE GAZETTE. atoorom twerroli, by ma% per year--. 118 00. " =oath—. VO. vect—.—. U. slag. tannin tomcat. by mall, par COO. maDtb....... II& a r leek.— ID. a a angle L Wiser Remo., angle copies, pee par... f 01 7 f. data of 6to ll), " ... 1 60. a clubs of 'Dormer* "«. 1 yd. --and one site to the party tending club. lot a tba, of 6fteen, we will seed the SSZEING GAZirrl daily. Ter a deb of twenty, we yell mind too Muncie Glirrir deny. dingle copies, 6 mote. TT All enbecripticas aridly in adeweet, and pagers always etopaal when the time 42-070. The Reading Matter on this Page is from Yesterday's Evening Edition. Uulon Refugees from the South. Mr. N. M. Mann, agent of the Western Sanitary Commission, has written a letter to the President of the Commission, at St. Loyale, gluing a sad account of the condition of the Union Afore', marry of them women and elsildrea. He writes: "I wish you could sae a case which came to my natio yesterday, that painfully Ohm trate, the condition of many of them. Just few steps above the Soldiers' Home, I was called is by the pest surgeon to sees cue of want. The foul air as I entered the door was slekiningin the extreme, and there, crowded into two rooms, were twenty, persons. Of these three were • able to stand, one little child eras dead, and another dying,' and the other fifteen sick upon the door and on ate dirty bed. Thls morning the child, think Ood I Le. dead, and another that was born there last night in dead also." Mr. Mann wishes to establish a home for these sufferers, where the sick can be cared for, and the destitute and unemployed wait for wort.. Be it remembered that tier ere AM savors; they ore of the class of poor whiteout the Southern _Slave Stable. There Ii much nonsense talked and written "bout the degradation, elliftlessness, and an forth, of the =group but it may be doubted if over mimes were mote degraded and "hiltless thanthe class of poor of whom not only Mr. Mann but a hostotariteratea have given us quite an abundance of "evldenos sub stantiated by details most gad and sickening to read of. The Fart Pitlewßutebery—fiew -to Deal with the Butchers. The Sew York nater suggests the following the roost dircat and justifiable made of re taliation for the late barbarities at Port Pil low : We Mar every day accounts from Tonnes tee, of Grierson having captured parties of Forrest', men. If they are true, and there is no reason to doubt them, he must hare In his bands by this time nearly tws hundred, if not more. It will not, or certainly aught not to be difficult for an active and vigilant olli , er curb as he is to tick up three hundred and laxly 01 them, considering that they are' all given to drink, and that as they are most ly occupied in plundering, they must scatter and straggle a good deal. Now, if this is the case, does It not furnish a ready solution.of our difficulty about retaliation for the ;Fort Pillow affair? Is would certainly be very hard for to either to counsel or to witness the execution in cold blood of this number of Con fidants prisoners who have had no Mare 'ID this bloody deed_ Tito- butchery of a tome number of man for a .CriCae of which, tugh technically answerahle for, it, theyree - 514 really something *Vali no „Chris man at the North likes to fack-if-ii can., pos eibly beavoided. We have not got down to the Ocnifridertste level Yet, andhave no love of bloodshed for its own ~aka But wa . doubt very moth it there Is anybody amongst its, or in any pat of the :civilized world,l who would not Withintertso satisfaction that throe hundrod,and sixty,of Forrest's buteheau bad been strong arias fast as they were caught. They are the very man who have doze the deed, and the only mein who, if aimple justice was always attainable, ought to be made .to Miler for it. We are satisfied, therefore; that, If Col. Grierson wilt hang on the nearest tree every prisoner who falls into bit hnndsi who shall be proved to have belonged to Forrest' , gang, he will roliete the, Government 'from great.embarrassment, tee; a valuable: and striking example, and give title faction to the Northarn people. Thy Ladies ' National Covenant. A Waehingtan dlepsteh to the N. T. Tri. bras, dated Monday, sayi patriotie so ctett wu formed here to-day, called "The Ladies' National Covenant," whose object is to abolish tbo use of foreign silks, satins, laces, indeed the whole family , Of millinery and.feminine adoniments, with &view to keep • the gold in the country. 'Ma. Senator Lana, Mrs. Senator Wilson, Mn: Stevens, the authoress, Mrs. Spaalding, of Ohio, Mn. Woodbury. of Ferment, Kra Lowe, Mrs. Loan, and many other ladies' ot high social position, took part in the proirod logs. This pledge was offered.: , For three years or the war, we pledge oursalvei to purclutio no foreign articles el wearing apparel, after the - 4th of Jaly next, when American anides can. possibly - imistib , atituted." Evidently the eight last words voila take the life of a- non importation movement; hot ..the pledma war just about to be adopted, than ...Mrs Nicholsof Kansas, rose and very &mi.:di:vela the folly of *, cambia tion . , &gainer foreign geagaws, which pa mod every woman to judge for herself. which.); she could get along without them: There was considerable. 'anterooms Oder . __hetvemar ks...Ma the Putt of tome otthe who had • inauguated the movement. hire. - Elisabeth Cady Stanton, who happened to be. in the aroom. then ,got uprind in a speech 01 a yin few minutes carriotthe meeting with out opprmtion to a- vote to strike out the oh. , jectionablo words of the pledge. Miuppreherudon. lent official influence to deform end truthfailiese of her retoprke.- - When she sat down a whisper. wont thibugh 'the church, .inhat'i the wife of the Secretary of War." Waithingtoil Items. ; Tioaristra:-Serxxis!acooudaoot to thO Be ;tenstraction-11111-po'rides that throe-foul:hi of the noiviecidlie Site, moi ,tbe • , Constitution': that ' the conquered sedoduid States.itall .bis considered as tendWricSA end -_.that Aillandytherein , belonging to •Iletelo owning more esn:one hundred acres, add all lands, tenements or Mutes be Gush's to , Wh. els worth 4 42.000..oirdore;shall become the petite ptoperty of the United States. . • - Ille.:l3atmday the troops thronghont the Po - town° army otainuntored for ne7. An i bal* • been •pald up to the 10th oflobruary .. . i The nett payment will not be wade until after the waive operations of the approadsing - cswisign shall ame been impended.: Tun Pontoons, on Batorday, approved of Boise* sentence in the tow of nine colleen Who-resigned t .sarviae in departucat, just au the OTO o f this campaign. 'they ax — ....mitnewito rank as privates, to serve untll the " end's! the war.. • - • -busenansts, Military 0040=07 of . Washisigten, has been ordered - to the geld, and , essigned to the' command of a 11.10/1 in, Cuang h Butler's Department. She Moe orMilitary Governor will probably,b e toted. . • • • • Tea ezeinston of civilians from the army . and the ordertsig ofteett to•the trent have measioned ,qulte a stampede Crow Westing; tonond the city , has now 0:0101101.90pda tion thin during any preview'. 100111403 f ace 11181. Poinciana:l are reioteingli the pulped that money to pay 01l the whole army Up to to-day will be ready this week. • • Bram haportaat daps token pm in ihiliyartmone of the Blei. oral Billenore has boa Tama horn dot, at ilitaiallead, sad la al:woad -by Brigoko Garda Ida P. Hata. Brigadier Gana igUrreiad; of#tia afiriartriiii7takia 1/1100414i0 in anciiitam the ocaaroad of the Ziaddos . glide& bj Oriera -fithor or if!" Wt. ! 1:71, if °reign Miscellany. TEL Preach army includes in its ranks 6,572 term de troupe, who are brought up, clothed and instrucenk they belong to oil the corps, said would if united form a com plete army in mlnatztra. They are divided as follows: Imperial Guard, 671; regiments of the line 4,877, and foreign corps 124. The enfant de troupe is only [breed to quit the regiment or to contract a voluntary engage ment at the age of 18. Those belonging to the guard alone, are, by a menial favor, equipped and armed as soldiers. The others have a very simple uniform pecnliar to therci. selves. After the age of 14 the enfans de troupe are employed in one of the radian' workshop' or serves , drummers or Immicians; that e irennistenocadoca not, however, prevent them from sometimes entering the school of St. Cyr or the Eoole Polytechnlque, and tilos gaining the epaulette. A surrnio instance hes been presented . - of the Increasingly bitter feeling pro •ailing In. Bunion official circles toward Frazee. The Slat of March su the fiftieth ennivermary of the taking of Paris by the allies. An order was tuned by the Govern ment, ordering lii celebration with appealel brilliancy. A grand review of the Russian regimenta in Sc, Petersburg 1111 J to be held, and they were particularly commanded to appear, not with their new banners, but with the old flip which had been ta ttered and soiled in their long struggle with the Preach. Tat boring of Artesian walla, which has already conferred great benefits on Algeria, continues with unremitting activity. The Amami. do r digeriit states that a party of workmen, tinder the direction of Cept, Ziekel, of the Artillery, have recently found at Onrir, to the division of Constantino, a soling which throws up about 4,000 litres, ($BO gallons) per minute. Tho boring was commenced on the Trtb February, snd reached, on the 10th March, an abundant spring, which throws up a column of water yielding theqUantity above mentioned. Bra new method of locomotion, a epoed of six miles &minute le obtained, and capital ists are besieging the British Government to allow them to construct lines for passengere and mine through all parts of London. The London SIGIUriXer exclaims on this:: "liappy, although CllloolllloioWl ' posterity •We envy you—we must crawl through life at the inall's pace of only a mile in two minutes, often - timm len. while for you await, , the eztatio bliss of being shot through space at the rate of 380 miles per hour." Tan Ins or MAS is governed by a potty parliament consisting of twenty: four persons, fitting up all vacancies for themselves.. Title body, called the House of Keys, hos recently bean quarrelling with the people of the inland capital, Douglas. Those worthy: person., some nine -thoutand In number, being enter prising and prospsrotts, with a notion that they could menage a municipality, petitioned the House of Sem, and were sharply snubbed for wishing to transfer "royal authority" to mere tradesmen. Tea lovers of artichokes to Branco have discovered the means of raising that vegetable of an onormone site. It Is every simple pro cess, vim to make a deep incision In the stalk when the plant is about the site of :an egg: and the whole leaf may be mad. to- partake f the same qualities. that now only the 'tips po ggg s, by covering them with a bleak sniff not of too greatthickness. • . Da. Elearrourr, a recent Writer on the on-' atomy and physiology of man,: combats the idea that negroes form a: 4, passage between Man and apes." "Far f ro m dwindling dcirtn„ the hnmaneharurteristies become more 'deci ded, and even exaggerated, ,in their , lase, The lobe of the ear, the , lips, (the cadmic. character of men,) are developed even to do ' formity. -4a organ calla "licharmonic" has been constructed and exhibited in England by Gem. Thompson. This organ, which hoc for ty distinct tones to each octave, "presents Gip . power of performing correctly in twenty-ode keys, (with major and minor to each, to as many as Bye IMMO and lists a .eorreetion: for changes of tompaancre," with a doable sielL Loan= improvements and railway doings are taking away whole quarters of London at a time. For a aimpte railway nation— al:to of many internal metropolitan termini— it is stecossary to remora 110 less than 618 I houses. Reckoning ten parson to a house, here are 0,000 persona displaced, and no pro !anion to build other houses In their stead. Accomnse to a letter from Vienna, the Gar- . Diet mere very moderate in their bistros). Boni to Baron Von Daisy their representa tive at the Oonformesf. -6 proposition M up hold the claims of the Disks of At ugustenberg was negatived by a very large majority, and nothing but general inetnietions'were given to the Boon: A. cannons .tory is told of the celebrated Dr. Dodd4dge, who, eminently ,pione as he was, wowed himself end hla then young friend newish More, by reading to her Prior'. Wife of Bath. Society in his time tolerated many practices and opinions which are now tabooed. A most interesting biography of .luarrence Sterne, the anther of Tristram Shandy and the Sentimental Journey, has been written by FitsgeralL It lets in a flood of light on' the character and conduct of this o'er, eing9lar man, and Ls well worth reading. tememmut. clock has been invented and in use in England, sold for two shillings of our money,'which is described u resembling a thermometer, the hands being marked on a snide. Each day It is resealed, and this all the attention it requires. IT is ascertained that the yield' of gold iii Australia for the last year will show a decrease of $700,000. The amount as stated for 1961 was really about £5,80,784. and of tide a eriter in_Ylotoria says 14,800,000 went from the Australian banks. Tue son of Queen Pomace, heir presump tive of Tahiti, boo come to France to 'study mrcurious things in combination, namely, cathedral mule and military matter—thr high roads to civilisation, according to Ta hitians. Egotists Presbyterianism commenced in the time of Queen Elizabeth, se a native growth, „entirely independent of Scotch Presbyterian ism, and it has come down in an unbroken succeuton to the present day. Tim. PsOs.police reports ray that dating the pat year over ten thousand deed newly born infanta have been detected at the grat ings of the immense reservoir Into which the sewers empty their contents. Tam Ant butanes of a memos • parsing • regular and formal examination for the solidi cal profession took place it dptithecarie ilail..London, an tliabfet of March.., Tim future Empress of Mexico half jut 1I turned anther, and bunted privately "Sauna ire de voyage • herd de la '.lkortaria," and "Iln Elvexdans •de Madero:' ' fr is proposal in England to give Sir Row land '.IIW - s peerage, as a further .reward for late =hem& amine In the Pest dies depart. • A rest magnliGnt Mil:lien ji.illiOnt to be built in.Patis by BaronlothschPd. It !wilt colt nearly but millioniof fairies. .expenere sitinialpg rthe marriage of the Pilitoe of Walohlt appear. from recent '1 411turtisi.amountedito.P.24,8 54 .. Twit honer of anefective hmiteeship of the - British _Museum _hi regarded-as the Blue lab ium Of Litersturo.'.!L, , TAR productive capital bt.British railway, "le estimated at two thousand millions of dol . e siv,mbirs of veterans years, it reported to • 'The following are the re-masted for three ; April lbtbt - '' ' " New Bampetirs ... 1,0531Ma1n5........ -....... 3.437 ,Vamant.....:-..... 1.3437 Oble— -...........- iII,TZ O 11mvchniette --- CAW 1n0i5a5....... -:... 6,3 8 7 Roads Island ..... IMlTtlehipn 4,6R1 Cknatecticat —.—, 3.490 Wlacoadn--..--. fO6l , Sew 1'05k...----. 10,1% K1u5e50ta........... 1, , 161 1 !h. j u my —...:-- 2,633 lowa ........ -- 9, 241 Planybrania.--. 16,646 1e1ancavL.......-..-. 1,t47 De1avar5........... , : 4 . 1 Kagutki...... --- 3,306 111.ary1im 4 ;...: -...:. ', 'l7B Kamm ......- ...:.... 377 We55i1rghi1e.....,2,829 Disuici Oolmabb6; :118 Tut taken from the sport of the proviedlep of the coneecticrat Lee/- lave : 0 11:11 to tax pose sad bachelors' ta ken lip- - Mr. Iturbent - was oppoted to !the yroilatert taxing bulletin& - lute wait aux already had apontegoose, and erg, man who lived tweaty-ltee.yeare withqut beta; Ma. tied could be taxed ander that section.. The bill was postpoted. • . Facwiracorms arta asna A Tatgi [hot 91.70hae,1V a, states that la that plies prides isle as follOwst Wood per end, 114 cotal, per ten; $1; floiti ;,l l4 MI; $5: batter, - per lb., 18 add 25 tantsj.: , f, par lb., 6 and-10 eats, for best ents.':: ogling of all Idads ean_ be bought for- Willa ••• • a paid hers, beard at last-obis, hotel, anwt and wife, $5,56 pea mirk. . Vetily,tha le *gook. Ilattana. papa sus that!prolitlttla are temaia thataltil - isna that - the tufa poops will Date to' - 11,07 - rpti lialt:tattatia untn the tointit s pokitg hove piirridnil to spats dual ' of the Aorta of *sat's . • ' • 4 1 CITY AND SUBURBAN General Conference of the M. E. Church. The fourteen th quadreuill session of this body assembled in the Union M. E. Church, Philo , deiphia, Monday morning. This body is the pighest authority known in the M. S. Church, and is composed exclusively of ministate from all the Arline Conferenoes—in the ratio of one to every twenty-one min isters. The General Conference has Jurisdic tion over the whole Church as the Supreme Court of Appeals, and for all purposes of legislation. Near 9 o'clock all the Bishops of the Church entered in the following ordez; lie,. Bishop Morrie, Senior Bishop ; Rev. Bishops Janes, Scott, Simpson, Baker, and Ames. Bishop Janes called the Conference to order, and the Senior Bishop Mords proceeded to open proceedings by reading the 84th Psalm. After singing the 219th hymn, Bishop Janes I continued the religious services by reading the 20th chapter of dots. Prayer was offered by Nev. Dr. Pack, of Wyoming Conference, and Rev. Dr. Elliott, of lowa Conference, two of the oldest members of the body. One hundred and eighty-ono delegates owered to their names at roll calL The entire number of delegates amounts to 216 ; this of I roam, does not include the deputations from England and Canada. Rev. Dr. Harris, of Ohio, was elected Seere.., tory, with authority to nominate four assist ants. Roy. Dr. Pershing was selected but de. alined the honor. The following standing committees were' ordered, consisting of one delegate from each Conference: On Episcopacy, on Itinerancy, OD Boundaries, OD Book Concern, on Slavery, an the state of the Country, on Education, on Lay Delegation, on Sunday Schools and Tract Cause, on Revival, of Dlielpline, on Gam= Work, on Appeals,Tempoial Beano ' my. Temperance, Bible em_e , Expenui of Delegates, Pastoral Address , Freedmen. Rev. Mr. Kynett, of lowa, moved that the committee to be appointed on the Christian Commission have in charge, also, the consid eration of the Sanitary Commission, which was adopted. Rev. Dr. Thompson offered — a paper com plimentary to the venerable Senior Bishop Morrie, who has completed hi, fiftieth year of ministerial torsi., and requestiog hint to preach a sermon before the body at any time during its session, which motion was passed by a rising vote. • Rev. Dr. Carrington, of Southern Illinois, moved that the trustees of the church In which the sessions are held be politely re quested to suspend the Stills and Stripes over the church during the sessions of the body, which was passed by a rising vote. Rev. Colonel Moody mutt that next Fri day be observed as a day of fasting and pray er to 'Aittidghty: God, that be will give vie tory to our arms, and that he will enable ant ' Government to reach a peace founded in righteousness, and in which the right. of ha inanity shall be respected. ,Motion adopted. A. delegate stated that Dr. Elliot bait a bountiful flag, presented in troublous time. by the loyal ladies of St. Ironic,: and moved that it be suspended in the church during the I deliberation' of this body, whiadwu carried. Conference assembled at 3p. m. The prin cipal portion of the session was occupied in perfecting, thisir organization and arranging the Standing Committees. United gtatee District Court WIEDIMSDLT, Kay 4the—Before Judge Me Candlee‘. United State. v. James Snyder. Indict ment for robbing the mail. The defendant, a lad of 16 years, was employed es mail carrier on the route between Harmony, But lervoranty, end Lewis nee county, and it was alleged abstracted letters from the mall, among others one addressed by kir. Aiken, Pcstmaster at Portertrille, Butler county, to Whitmore, Wolff, Da A Co., Pitts ' burg, oontaining one hundred dollars. The defendant was arrested In the city, at Here's Hotel, on the evening of the 2.0. th of April Wt, and in his possession was some $5O in money: The counsel for the prisoner, Thorn ton A. Shinn, E.q , !tutted that under all the circumstances he did not see how he could serve his client better than by putting in a plea of guilty. In consequonos of the pris oner's youth, the District Attorney suggestsoi that a plea of not guilty be entered, and thus place the boy In a lasi odious light on the record. Mr. Shinn acceded to the request, and a number of plenums were examined estab- lashing the guilt of the prisoner beyond ques tion. The jury convicted, and the Court will sentence the prisoner to the Ileums of Refuge. The ease of Charles Randall and Edward Soots, charged with altering and counterfeit ing Treasury Notes, was called. Neither of the defendants answering, both of their re eognisences were forfeited. ' U, S. vs. Robert Sanford, indicted for her boring ankeencealing a deserter. On trial. The d • Jury Ode morning returned truly bills against Jamey Kerr, badioted for carrying away a deserter, and John Smith, for robbing kbe mail. Discharged soldier Found Dead. Tuesday,. about midnlgilt, a soldier was found lying dead on the mmemeort, on Venn street, above the canal bridge. Corenor Mo Clung was notified, but not being able to ob Cain 'jury, without calling the 'night polies from their beats, he postponed the twiner antll three o'clock this afternoon. There wee found, upon the person of the diegued, a "discharge paper," which tails something of his history. Ilis name was Jobe Reid, and be bad enlisted as a private in Co. E, Second Regiment District of ColuMbia Infantry. lie was discharged on the o,h of November, 1863, at Camp Convalescent, Va., by reason of die • ability. Re was a nativeof Seotland, a stone cutter by trade, and was forty.three years of age. There was also found, in a pocket of the deceased, a pop bottle; partially fflled with whisky, which tails the manlier of his death. Ho was to delicate health, aro' furnished with a pint of poison by 1. n o " friendly " Mvern keeper, bad shwa yr. Cass, and perished in the cold night all. rho body will be kept at Devote'', (Dent e• until Thursday afternoon. • The Western Penitentiary. The act regulating the appointment of In spectore of tho Western Penitentiary has finally passed the Senate, and will of course melee the signature of the Governor. This lair tate, thn apiPointment of a majority Of the Board of Inspector. out of the hands of rho Judges of the Soprani* Court, and places It in the hands of the Judges of the Common Pleas of this oounty. It reeds as follow.: - tirc..l. Be ifeeceted, e.e.. That the Supreme Oceot of this State that!, within three months after the passage of this act, and every two yea. thereafter, appoint two .testable citizens of the county of All. ninny inspectors of the Western Penitentiary, red-Idloos iAlleghent oft,; eind - tbst - the Atliies of the .orto of Oomtnon Plea' and District Coat of the county of Allegheny shall, within three months after the pastas. of tide act, .4 oral two years there. after, appoint three taxable told oonnty i41.111114n1i of the mid Western . Penitentiary, and to MU of soy vacancy by death reellnation, or other wise, the court having made theappointment, !anal All the vacancy thus occardotwd. Sec.?. That the in•pectare thus appointod at aeon u orottised.euperaet4 the'-prevnt hoard, and hare'all the rights, power and privileges already conferred upon the present inspectors of said prim., Bank Note quotations. CrSmote!! sap:lastly forths Oazset, by Mesas. Bold Egsaro, of the Bralionni Bank Non &- porter. Bates unontaln at present: Transcraos, May 4, 1221. Discomt. Manion Flaw England &atm- 31rintnia-Intaruc.- - New. Sark. 8at.._... Earth - Nortak OWT.:—.. &Mb Oarolinc...-... - ties Jarsej.,---. Oaculls ----......- Tanta. -Thin par Alabama - Pittsburgh. par - BL.of Pittsburgh, pr. 72 Kentucky -.-... par Bk. of Beaver 00., pr. 7. , Tuamotu - B=ooo., pr. 22 par la 'Bank, Indira, , Enamel:Us—pr. V Bk. of Btass...o Pa. Country Ilanks-, 4 Delman Wisconsin Dist. of Oollunfia . —. Its - 'Unbind, Baltimore par .1 Interior... 2 kliatourl...-.-.---.2a20 Plrginn-Wheellng„ 1 Can,dia.“-,....—pr., as Wheeing &Man- Tad ....-. -..-111!,1377 4ei tg—Vdo 'why; 0 1 4 , 4" hx4 3SoNESpAIIILLWATtiV,OXIIOS.—Aa election fir • Daudet Kangas for.the Monongahela Water:,Worke was' held in 111rMinghano on d sp. Thirty' v,otes ware east, represent. log 1020 'bares protect; remitting in the re election of the old floarifoos fellows: hid. dent=Tobe P. Pion; Managers—B. P. Jones, Osnmel:lifllee, :an 0. Brans, James Saimlts,.! James M. Sweet, JokorpowlyAlezendatillltembers. - • . '01131111:0 ,SlOl - 4.10 aIISICPtIV I Conxisi—. Valor GetstmOtooks,-latawinnander of the ttl ia itMn :oToattlltm i an VorYmtsttTa owt - Asiny cot's: —7-7. - 77 ' Important Legislation for Duquesne Isorough. The • act which has jut passed the denote relative to grading and paving the streetzin Duquesne borough provides that when a ma jority of the property holders in any strut, Lane of alley, shall petition to have the same graded and paved, the Burgess and Condeil shall have power to require said work tube done, by ordinance, and shall have full puler to levy and collect the coat and expense* of the same by a pro rata assessment on the feet front of property abutting on the thor °nobler* so graded, curbed or paredl The same act contains the following imnix tent provisions That the Burgess of the bpr ough 'hall have jurisdiction in all criminal cues, the same as the Mayor of Allegheny. That the rights and privileges of the set of 27th of February, 1860, relative to taves, rates and levies in Allegheny city, ae andthe same are hereby granted to the borough; of Duquesne. Also the rights and privilejtes granted to Birmingham, Manchester, and other boroughs, ender an act relative to 1,• ounces on vehicles in Pittsburgh and Alle gheny. These are important measures, and will no doubt tend to the interest and advisn tage of the citizens of the thriving borough of napalms. • Dam or a Peomprewr ACIBIOTZIRAIST. — Dr. Evan Pugh, Principal of the Pentisylrs eta State Agricultural College, died on the night of the 29th ultimo, at the residence of fdr. Valentine, near Bellefonte. Dr. Pugh Mill 61u/the of Chester connty, and in early life let out in a moot enthnelastio pursuit of scientific knowledge, attending lectures in England, Prance arid Germany, on eciente• in its applicability to agriculture, attaining in his eourse the position of principal at Bother hem farm, in Yorkshire, one of the most ,dis• anguished honors in the field of agricultural pursuits. Be wee soon after called to pre side oven and organize the Agricultural Col lege of Pennsylvania, end had attained! a starting point for great future usefulzers, when bin labors were brought to a tudden'tnr mination. Seamus Comma Ao►taar Orrices.—Gopt. John .1. Shatterly, of Washington oonuty,lare of the Nth Pa. cavalry, is charged with hav ing obtained subsistanoe for his compan, at James Lawson's, in Washington county,.un der irregular and fraudulent papers. The sue will be tried in the U. 8.-Court, bat prob• ably not at the present term. The charge was brought after investigation by a Depart ment racer, and whilst the counsel for the U. 8. insist that they have a good case, the friends of Sbetterly maintain that he will be able to satisfactorily explain everything. has retained as counsel Wm. McHennori and Gibson A Montgomery, of Washington county, and is under bail in $3OOO for ble appearance ANOTBILIt On, STWY.S.—Tbe Titusville Re .porter says: "Another big strike was made left Wednesday by Oeo. M. Mowbray, et his new well on Bonehoof Bun at the head of the G. W. M'Clintook Flats. The well bad been sunk to the depth of something over HO feet. In the first twenty minutes it flowed over four barrels. It is being tubed and got into work ing order." Came Ktuun.—A little child of Mr. J. Por ter, residing at Bridgeport, opposite W heeling, was ore shed to death on Saturday last, by the upsetting of a load of coal. The driver of the wagon had taken the up, at the re quiet of Its mother, and when the wagon upset the child was intently unshed to death beneath the coaL Boron or VIZ PROVOST MAIIIMAL.—The fol lowing is the report of Provost Marshal Pos ter of the number of arrests made during the month of April Wbob number orchats_..._. Other chugs—..._ Ftww—d dwelling house belonging to John Johnston, of Jefferson township, Butler Co., wee oonsatned by Oro on the 2d net. It was the work of an Incendiary, se the house had not been occupied for over a year. Sawn Pottocn, the female rebel recently sentenced by Court-Martini to confinement is the penitentiary at gibs place, during the war, is still in the custody of Provost Marshal Wright, at the Girard Clouse. Mears 70* THI 13 oLozgze.—Major Hensel, Paymaster U. S. A., named through the oily, on his way to West Virginia to pay the troops in the Kanawha region. HaLLZII, the celebrated magician and pian ist, his accepted a position as organist, in one of the Catholic churches of Nem York. WANTED—lmmediately, in a first- T dun Etr7 Orsila Floats, AN EXPERIENCED SALESMAN. Non eln wed apply. Addrato BOX 301, Allegheny City, P. t0y4.41 WWANTED --A Boy from 18 ti 18 years v of ocg, to metro the W atchmsktog haulms. Bon eat ihni who no coin will ractoznaeolatt. cowl apply, as No. 83 PEDZEAL beam lily. m73:3t WANTED. 1! $3,000 Lawrence County Bonds rorti corner Third And Wood etreeLA WA NTED- $6O A MONTH.- 1 mt. Agents at SAO nmontb, expel:mm.7ld, to sell my EVERLASTING PENClLS,flittlai AL EIURNEnS, and to hum other nem, tmehil sad to 6.wtrtictce. Fl fteoodrttent Addnem, FORS F. FORD, Biddeford, Mena. Ap3M3an WANTED—A FARM HAND. to attend Loa email Farm ma Giardin near the city. A young man who undantanda the bestow., th • care at a bone and not ant an coma well no= mended tar aobrieti and Isduat.y, wi l bear .4 • per- Tanent I\l g wag-e, by applying ai 815 0111 11, or adding-log • site t, 80/ 169, Pittsburgh Pwtoalo. my bltdew f WANTED $ or 10 good Uonst Carpenters Apply at LL WATTS 6TILENT. Honaaeod &pp 'cape competent ercrkmen. m• 31. WANTED—tit the House of Refuge tame venom to 'act to the capactry of Ray IMEEEEI ONY 11008EBEZPEU Good reforonce mordrod. Andleationforeithrt of tho nimatt as to h. banded In to tho ofSce of G. Inttitutton, fio 6T fourth etreet, (op metre.) The applicant. to meet the. Corm:dam at du above oaoe, on THURSDAY, the 6th Instant. ot 4 &mock v. m. Br order of the Gommittoe of Instructfon. ' Toy Sat WANTED-A:lays la learn Bran tithing and Recto Fitting. • DAVISs Farman, area. • TIS Wat• rte.. WANTED, • BUM Illotrumn. . pions PRILUPB, r • Ica Up Water rued, 8 75 to oNT.H!;_ s i want to hirA tgenta piiti a lo24l my acnt 175:% REMOVAL, 11 GRAY & LOGAN NO. 47 ST. CLUB BTUS% Wham they ha•• now open a "emplace dash of CLOTHO% tht BOYS, AND CHILDREN, including all the new swastika scam GRAY & LOGAN, 0,0 CLAlBMartft_ REMovAL, TRA.PORANY. WILKINS HALL. Oat mono , and the public at largo vnl not, an us" Ward that we are et end fa a am wtekatto be band at WILKIH9 U&LL. am the Vara% Whoa, rough street, when we hay, at ex hibition and far sate at fists "tact of PIANO, upzozatunt Ain mmonstoki. ea et* *me . brolticht ta i Me cith Ltd 1t strlett; ILISMIN MIDST Men , - lamas A BRO.' so -, imams Dist lITT B. 10-40 LOAN, • M;MZiI ii2t= llobocstpUta to. : ' - • .., , . ".00vstitatniza , ia.4l, Loam, - • •-• smii.l A Cbe,.01545, of, lUMU, 11,13 Ti GO., #10411'sou& -,k 4 i , FREE FROM lIIE POTOMAC ARMY. Everything in Readiness for REPAIIATIOSS 01+ LER TO 111E1 GBH DISMISSAL OE GENERAL BLAIR RECOMMENDED THE Rtl) RIVER BATTLES. iatigliattheS 1 . 11 otn Gen. Bank, W MIRO Gl* May 3.—Mr. E. A. peal sands the folio wing to the Wax Bureau All is quiet with the Army of the Potomac to-day. Everything is in readiness fora move ment at the proper moment. Oar troops are lu excellent spirits and anxious to advance against the roomy under their new Command er Ip-ohief. Bitrnsida'seomroand is to a favorable po sition.' . The deserters from the enemy 'all agree that Lee is making ostensive preparations to meet Grant. The people also profess to be lieve that Richmond is beiog evacuated. A number of Senators teat yesterday to agree upon a united coerce to regard to the restoration of Froth Blair to his military command in the army. They decided - VS sup port the resolution rehiring to recognise Blair as a Majar General In the military service, and recommend his dismissal from the army on the ground that he holds his commission to violation Gen: Banki, in official dispatches to the War Department relative to the Red River cam paign, admit, a surprise and reverse on the Bth of April, but claims that the battles en the Bth and 10th. resulted in a terrible disaster to thekebels, and was on the whole, a victory to our arms,' the loss to the rebels in killed and mounded being greater In proportion, than any other previous battle daring the war. The recelpte of the Internal Revenue dur ing the month of April, was ten millions. Now You, May 4.—The Herald's New Orleans leper confirm. the statement that Oen. Banks he. fallen back to`Alexandria. In consequence of the lessening of the waters in Rad likes, all the gunboats and transports except the Eastport, are all down to or below the fall. Big gunboats, which wont up the Black sod Washita rivers to Monroe, retdrned with 2900 bales of cotton ancl.9oo contrabands, be 'ldes convoying down the steamer Ruby with 489 more contrabands. ADVIOES FROM RIOHMOIID, THE STRENGTH OF OEN. LEE'S ARMY. ee Probably Endeavoring to lb cape to Richmond. WASHINGTON, May 3.—The Richmond Ex aminer of the 29th tilt. says: If we hold our own in Virginia until the summer is ended, the North's power of mischief everywhere will he gone. If we lose, the South's ca pacity of r.istanco wi❑ be broken. The Confederacy hoe ample power to keep its place in Virginia if it will employs Its power energatie.lly and oonsisetly, and this is the last year of the war, whichever wins. The &gar, of the Mt says A company has been organised, with a (tariffs] of $10,000,- 000, of which $1,500,000 has been paid in. It does not diselose the c anditicn: of the enter prise, trot says the company topires to grand resulti. It will he,s a fleet at least, and there is now every wespect of cocoon. Mr. Lange speerh was published in the Raleigh Consovrotir- and is spoken of no bold and manly, and on. of the meet remarkable speeches that has Leon delivered in Tankee• I dam. 'WASHINGTON, May I—A special to the World says:that en officer, formerly.of the 18th N. C., brought here to• day, having been cap - tared on theßotomac, says that it is the gen eral beliefig&Rialunond that Lee's entire army at preterit numbers about 50,000 and Long street, who was In Richmond when he left, had over 11,000. lle states, that should Richmond be besieged, it ooald not hold out one month. The Rertblican says it Is feared in high mil itary quarter& that Leo is endeavoring is es cape from the Rapidan to the breast works In the neightunhood of Richmond. fraLXTB. En ALEXANDRIA AND RED ILINERI ENGAGEMENT NEAR CANE RIVER Defeat of the rebels and Capture of 1 000 Men and 9 Pieties Artillery. W. EL WILLIAMS A 00., Capttre of 1 000 Prisoners, 240 Wagons and 20 Pieces 11rtillery. exist°, April 3.—By the arrival of the steamer Belle of Memphis, we have one dey's later dates from illeaaphip, and advt... from Alexandria and Red riv r to the 24th, at which place General Banks was then Po a good Tbo rebels had followed oar forcer from grand river, and when near Cabe river an engagement took piece, in which the rob els lost 1,000 mon and nine pieces of artil lery. The gunboats are Lido, notwithstand ing wild rumen to the contrary. • REMOIPALS. TELEGRAMS. Aro rement I OPINION OP 'HIE MR CIIPAI6N DERAL DISASTER IN ARKANSAS EAIIER BRINGS CAPTURED AND BURNED • We have new, of a disaster to our arms In &Aeneas. Illarmakuke attacked gad cap tared,• train with an escort after a sharp fight. Report says he took one thousand priaoners, two hundred and forty wagons and twenty pleeegof artillery. This needs confirmation The gherrillas had lately captured and burned the steamer Hastings, and fired Into the steam er Benefit, killing two. The lose is estimated at two thousand bales of cotton, burned by the enemy In the vicinity of Camden previous to the evacuation. The hospital steamer McDougal arrived from Vicksburg with 162 sick and srosinded from the army of Red river. 81xty.nine left at boon. FROM NORTH CAROLINA. Beaurefard in Command o the Rebel Forces. A REBEL RAM STUCK FAST General Peck Relieved EARLY ATTACK ON NEWBERN EXPECTED NNW Yoax, May 4.—Tho &rola laxo Row horn letters to April 110th. The rebels ander Hoke approached Little Washington on the 26th. Beastregard le now in command of the robe foresein North Caroline. A rebel ram, from Kingston, came down the Nouse river within:four miles of Newborn, and there stack fast on a few feet of Water ErMandy tt will be serviceable, as the river is falling, and some phloem la unnavi gable. A rebel brigade under Corse, 3000 strong, Is bettraealiewbara aad Eingetraa Major General .Peck has been relieved froth the command of the forces in North Carolina, and is eueeseded by Brigadier General .1. N. Palmer. • Deserters report that twelve regiments of the force which took Plymouth, were tent to Kingston, and an attack on Newborn was ex pected at an -early day. The rebel ram now at Plymouth is leaking badly, and Is held up by two tug boat'. Gunboat Crulaing for Blockade Bun , sera. • • HOirrusa ?dolma May. 3.—The steamer 0.1., Clark, from Nit Iloyal,hu arrived. Bhp repoilr. that ea the let inst. eff.Fryirtg - Pan Motels the spoke the gunboat Vieltsbnry; am i -lagP'for blopktide runners. 'The' Vicksburg eiptloa, on the 30th alt. the schooner Iztlie, bide with palm ell and Ague, sad wu evi dently 'lionad for Wilmbglott, She ratio china a tads *keel steamer the now thohlut lost births% night. Le3:of `Columbla , apQ the Draft. if r amt rroi,Mq f.-Tha Diatrfot of Co froabba_raintes 23 mbro Aboa to complato all dialtiopyleathi - CriA. • • • . ...f*.:4,.,,, : •,,, , ..-... , . , 4 -, .•• .;,-i..4i....1.1 Expedition up . Washita River—New Privilege. Adopted WABIUNGTON, May 4 —A letter from Admi ral Porter, of April 17th, mentions that the expedition he recently sent up Washita MTV as far as Monrco, captured 3000 bales cotton, brought away 800 negroes and destroyed cinch rebel property. Tho expedition was under Commander Poster. A new privilege has boon adopted by are cent law, namely, authorieLng the Postmaster General to refund to Pestmasten the sums of which they may have been robbed by the Confederate forces or rebel guerrillas. General Banks--Mealcon Advice& Nine Test, May 4.—The Washington spe cials say there is no truth in the rumor that Banks to to be relieved. The steamer Matamora, from New Orleans, has arrived. . - Advices from Mexico, via HIITSZIL, state that it is rumored that Minister Corwin is about to 'Nays the city, leaving the legation In charge of his Secretary. Great prepare. done axe making for the reception of Maki millten, who is expected in May. Railroad Accident. Loutsvmtn, May B.—The * train hence for Nashville, leaving at 7 o'clock last evening with the 37th Ohio Infantry, met with a cad accident at midnight, two miles this side of itunfordsville. The coupling of th 6 rear 'car broke, and upon checking up the several cars, underwent a concussion, breaking the plat forms, throwing the rear car down an embank ment, killing one soldier and wounding &mal ty-eight, several ly, two of whom have since died. A brakeman had several ribs broken. The wounded were taken to ISlnn fordsville. From Memphis. Mituiturs, May 3.—Several arrests wore made to-day of parties charged with smug gling contraband goods to Forrest. Theexecution of Smith on Friday last, and the condom:tattoo of another man yesterday for this offense, adds significance to these ar rests. lien. Washburn is determined to break up the smuggling business in this city. Military movements are on foot, but are contraband at present. Court of U. B.,,Cialmo Adjourned. Wasnrsosor, May. 3.—The U. S. Court o Claims ho.. adjourno&t.._Dotober, haring die posed of all eases readylor trial. 4 EICTIOJr SALES CIORNPLANITII. OIL YARD AT ACCTI. N.—TI2IEIDAT EVEN! a 0„ Slay nth, o'o ock, seta be sold, on the sec and floor of the Males 14o= 61 fifth 0 rent, nee Acres f o mood In Collins to. uanip, t voting n the Alms ny Blur, with Meatus, Pomp, Pipes. ell fagot slA Machinery, Tanta, Beerrenvg Platt to., sod Mettrold Setnh, bolonghla lo the Coroplanter Oil Ccmpeny. Terms made k ewn at male. n3y4 A Mei LW MAE, Auer, F IRE-Viiool.' SAFE, FLATFOJ SCALES, COUNTIES, SHELVING, Ai. AI Auction On FRIDAY 101111NISO, Nay 6th, et 10 o'clock, at hissonic Rail Auction nvuse, 65 Filth street, will be sold, One Tile stud San. two Pla•(arm Beals, Ociatiters, Shelving with glue Aooie, Whip, Ao. my 4 T. A. 111cOLELL AND, Auctioneer. FURNITURE, CARPETS, &c., at auction, Obi THCBSDAT, Hay sth, at 10 o'cicck, M IdA.811:10 lULL ercriox ILOCSE, 65 Fifth St. Will be sold, a brads.e sot of Cottage If =Hare, oomprbing Dreesing Banns, Marble Too Wa•t, Centre Table, nedstebd and Chain, blabovany Selataad•, Berea., Meant, Parlor & Wood Chat., Bldo Tables, TUITIOCI Port lied. , ads. Blinde, .are. Otto, Stoves, °calory, Tea and Table Spoons and Torka, Sc. my 4 T. A. bIe.OI,BI.LAND, Arlet'r. ALE OF PERSONAL PROPERTY.S —Will be exp.ed to public rale, et the late red— dm= of B. B. idtGOWlli. rear Penn Station, In ' Penntommtdp, Weatutornand c., °enured., Idol at 10 tectock, a. m., the following property to wit: One Bova, Set p 1 ll•rrw'wof Side Saddle, oar eow, a kik of p,tatoot, idiom ty•dvo gallons of oil, we refrigerator, one churn, a lot of salt and bonfehold foroiture genera ly, confiding of bureaus, wardrobes, wash elands, crams., large parlor mirror, two other large mirrors, &reser eve hair mattress.. bete:calm, cl oh, marble tcp centre tab e, extrusion table, sofa, mitring machine, ens barrel t f sugar, and otter mil , Ira too umocrons to mention. Terms of fele to be cash, psr money or legal to n fier not., on drliseiy cf ...idea sold. JOSEPH O'BILLES, C. W. 11,811, soy2i.lild Xs - cantors McClowbs, deed. rTNITED STATES MILITARY RAIL, V WADS. Omer orfiesuireser QTAIINCINAIItI, I W,phingloo, Apr,l ltl, 1564. f A 110T1ON—W111 be sold ma Wed-...osilay, the 18th! &fey of May, at the Railroad rtipot la Alexandria, Virgil:lle 7 500 Was of Old Railroad Iron: 100 tom 0(014 Car Axiom; 50 tons of Cast Scrap Ism; 100 tom of Wrought Iron: 3 tote of Old Bran and Copper, 930 Oil lierrelr, Terms, Oa•h In Government lfunds. Ten (10) per cola to be paid at the time of purchase, the hallows on leBlol7. The property 13711:131 be removed within ten dop from date Of eels. U L 110131 - SON, apl9tie Capotin and A. Q. M. AUCTION BALE OF OONDEMNED HOWES. Was. D. cur. Buns Alt, Offtwi of cling Quarters...or, Wamblngtota, D. C., April 20th, Will b. sold at plablle auction, to the hlgboat Id dot,, at tb• 110310/ sod plac.• hadwd below, viz: import, Patna, Tbunteay, May sth; Gott, .burg, calm, Monday M.l 9,0; Poona I hurt aj, may 111,0; Penna. Thu day, May 19th; RerhAng. P.n., Thornily, May 2..tti; Lebanon, P.ona, 'Mt:daddy ono 2d; bonbon 01 . 1.36, Tffuretay June 9th; Ferantoo, Penn. Ttarerley, /nue 1 0th: Wllliam.port, Wynn. Ititoaday, June T. 34: 0.. bundr d 1100) lorua at Ganyhbrig Cod tiv hundred and fifty OW) al each of the rotor Wite..B. 1 been borne& have bean cordreaLed al Unfit to .be cavalry wry.. of the thoted ton co d sod farm purpose. rawly pool bargul• I OM b. had. Donee will be !widths'', arilow au 10 A., and continua dolly till all • Tenn,: O&M, In United StateTresoury Dot JAEIES Ltout, Col end 0. Q. M Cavalry Hamm apV:t4elo D 188 0 L UTIOJrB . NC DISSOLU TION—The Co-prirtnerebip existing between OH An, TOW s - H8 end fOH HidL s, man ths style of HOW NHS d ELM LT was this dsy dissolved by method wasent, (ha Lt of sprit, 1854_ Hither of the undersigned, sie author ised to wale the basics.. of the firm. cuAttiEs rocrsns JOHN HOLY. C"ARTNERSHIP—John B Herron sod CHAILLYS VOWELS, have nesonlseed themselves under the name and styli, of JOHN B. HERRON & 00., to ilato from April Ist, MC myt:lrr CHAS FOWNES, of die firm. of Irownee t Maley.) JORN 11. 131:11110N (Int. Mltoboll, Herron a C 0...) IRON TOUNDERS and alarrafacturcro, ALITCIII6HT STREET Ninth Ward, Pittsburgh, Pl. 13021 y JOHN B. HEIIIION t CO. TYBSOLETION.-THE PARTNER LI 8111 P heretolbre mining between the under. .wed, nudes the name and stele of 8. FUDDLE 6 W., sew dissolved by mutual agreement en the 3tst day of December, 1663. The GEMra dilliabilatusteat has baen since the ha n d, January, 1861, and will hconsfarth be In the and under the exclusive t of en Emaciation organised undue an :c u tl=nhly, Mating to Mentlfertnting. 8. BIDDLE is antituriind to me the Ors name to eattlement. All parting having claims against the late arm am revested to promut the oats at th. Counting Ewen for eettlonent; and all panto= a.m. Ing themselves indebted, *ill please call and untie without delay. 8" 68nELL 11TEL E WELTY IDDIJ6, 131 JAMS ITLEOUtfiI, E. 80110TE8, Jr., 11.013EINT EIpIMIL MS= VOTICK—Tho Copartnerenip hereto for. existing _between the undersigned, ender be style of WHITZ, DUO 'HEIM it. co., Wu beau &mind by mutual consent, to take effect from the tot inst., JOHN WHITE raiding LPEI frorri Ors Ara. JOil wurns; JAB. 1t1cE1131163. JOLUI WHIM The undersigned mW continue the Ifurintribsg end Commission business miss tits tome end style of WHITE BROS. t CO., at Ns. 6 ESITHNTSI 8171ES1', corner Liberty, Pine:oath. - • JOSlaili warn, Jse IIcEIBBON. DISSOLDTION OF PARTNERSHIP =the yartuershlp tottatoftur &Manua between the undormined. under the s4le of WhL 101101. WONt CO., to mutually dtmulesd, to tutueffect from this date, lIICIIABD BlSSON'eetlrlag from the Ana The Wane. val be continued ea fainter. i owlet the style ma heretofore. mi. a. JOE:MITCH ' - Salina a; icarseron, BICILSILD 11;8507h. PlCA:math. rats-lath. 1864.. tolartf LIMON OP MPARTNER, Iterttofini bo w .. tog. T. Me..o4otON and EMS I= amJo& I) We:CMS a 01), to dimind byanatual 0:111111321: MI P. - HAM tN vat ait.W Owl inisettlad am:v=4 of sail thiralMU.atroat tted tad Libtry jaktiOn jOirJf 11 .ALL.14140/4 11•41 VOLUME .IXTISEXIEXT B 10•PIITSBUR0H THEATa OgMEI l': TIMITAT-LSAVZ-IL l2l ' The utterly unpreerden•ed peterlerlty of the Wier ttlW dotentle grams, ma when, ea to.Porton: b ere pertatmed at Orr* theatre. at t►e eater them. hd a rtur clover 100 ill New Tort, orerPt. to London, and atW playing Win be prometed. the troeuilful domestic dm= of THE TIOILET-OF-LEAVlEenaffe llobcrt Saari. Josee 0 Vf bl. Byoot. Sam —.— —Teeny BMt. Mr.Olteue ... Chlppudain. With the .... atreniph ;El lb. Coropeny. In»hran+t OadJo . • eare." UoMILSONIC HALL FOR OJrE WEER, COMNCrite MONDAY EVENING, MAY 9th, Also, WEDNZSDAT BATITEDAT ATTEB. $OOll3, u l o•cicak. CAPTAIN Immo SOUTH SEA WIRING VOYAGE Woaderfal Ewan 4 the Llfa of the American Melanin, 290 ettooooltre Illsbe• In Now York, 110Cinccoolloo Nights In Pilltomolphlo. 100 Bocoesol.* Nieto ld pc S4dai daeocosio• Nlgbtem Draw laroo and highly rompotatalo andl , nas—the worry .111. and lmoll good of OM onsa: THE BO AT iOEWES, ♦ miss at 97hathat Emus, memos 4 to a GENUINE WHALE BOAT, That hat Deed Woe luwerid the world, mied An lb. chub end apts. of lite Sperm Mosta nnailed be ...ow of Drug r”n, mewing the meet /slats. Czeltement and at eltleg unboueded merriment:. BOAT.B CELIAW. , • ", CAPTAIN WILLIAM, miettus, PRANK, WILLTZ, 8188, " and the inimitable `rocs boy, LIME BAWL She langhter-p.ovoklag candcalltioaof eh,' Green Boy Bart, gnu the , eutlaus blunders of ocusl graft, aroma the audience to a bitch of excilemen • mad mirth randy witenceed in any entartaincueot. Adcedaelon 811 meta. Reeerved seats Du *mho. Boors open at 7; ceenceences at 8 o'clock. Matinee. adsoladou n ail pans of the house "" cents. Children 16 mats. suy.lunun am 1 0 14.r05. 44e: REMOVAL. W take plum. t lame the jpates:Uutirs new woupy Ism sag ocdaziallocu LoW O. 12 BILIELVS BLOCK, 82. OUSE 8112K82 Where we bee. Jett receleed tram the maottfactarer of WK. B. Blt&DIIINIT and 8011011. MIS 00., a new lot of .13PLatalt P14.15"8. 4Lo, •tOmplete assortrarnt el SHIT tt'S celebrated iiatatorkleasa, ne lodeone and Iltalal good. geeteratlY. The atipertortt y of the EIEtAD BUST PIAltO la al ready eetabltebol. ID the battery of .Plulai Do a.. I ornament has ;aloes as rapidly la lopulmulty er received so many preaslams within lbw ego. of Iwo years as the DIM lilt Iron overstraag bass sad French grand actin Piano Torts, maunfactured by Wll - BIC&DB118Y, and Bhontaker a Co'. Pimp. baring been en , lons end favorably known In able and otnar conatrles, need no (nether comment. All guaranteed for tire years. WAKE:LEM it BARB. Bola Agruts n Pittsburgh and Wis - tom Pi., Ho. 12 eT. GLAIR 8t.4 Blaidro Bka. Good &mond Mud Plasm for amt. Timing sad rePO-rM don• Mmaptlf. sp.lo L&NOS I PIANOS! PIANOS! , CABINET 0110 ANS Cabinet Orgum t CABINET ORGANS? NSF' LOT AT *OLD PRICES CHAS. C. pIHILOH. et WOOD envy" I.I SIEDLE, Na 183 Sunlamp ST Pianos and Mnsical • Instruments, Heaps courtantly on land Einiamnizinent of WiV PLUMS, VIOLINS, 011ITLES, AOOOiLDI ONS, STRINGS, &a, irtll 1 U kw low tx9ltagrd . D ECKERS PLiSOS, WITH NEW PATENT IRON TEAMI leknoorledted by all tit, boot nonticianatn be apse , to on oder nue onseott, or Abbot k.ecooptioot and TRELT & m et celebrated Melodeon. end Ilarmonlum. Its only Rn ale by HOFFMANN, HOMNI C M0.'63 &Mb street. KNAlib'es bOLD ME lldJ PIIESUUId PILISOS SAINTS DIWS. PIANOS; PPLINOWS 1:1E0D10103. A tp`inald .or st.ct jtut ;mitred. WA Ga mLOTt'Y'BLOM4at rich stmt. - CL.9I.JQ• AGEdr-rs. LAW OFFICE A CLAIM AGENCY. W. J. & HALL PATTERSON 1.. Wovele 'Most, m ticor; ' urn:wpm ra, win Pr.." FUSIONS. MIMES, BACK PAY had di other 51.111hu7 yams ptcaritUy. Wr Ho dune ®tree saccapitta. aolrar. ~, ,r n' Pramptly attendee ie by, mnmma a nronmia, No. LSI fourth uhrst; Plttabonh, P► 4. O. S. HAMErtinaL JOHNSON, awronannrsiAT.LAW, And U. 8. Ilosass4 SOLD1:1011V•CILLE18 LGESTIS, Ho. ea awn swan iEiUTA t 1 MAMA_ BOUNTIPIII /XL FISSIONS, BACROPAT and MILITARY MAIMS of salty dem.tpt{op, callectod by ehs 410 a scriber, at the I:olcrarlag raid, rig: Feral= $lO 00; an other claim S 3 69. -: • 0.0. TAILOR, Attarnef at Lair, • Nan o=l24n:eh, Pltbhnrgh, Pa. N. IL Bo charges are made Wet:o'MM= desa not shrewd. and alt lalbratatiaa 'atm, grata.. eatar Noes w.atur f /4. ierronaztfo.troar. A c0..105 PAM 51zUtt Pitlabargb, Po. ow= , far Immune, DOinerYi !BU! 119 N ICY, Ito. yeaccated; you CAN ALWAYS ritLOCUBE cadmium Watered !caw Wats.. iturnetY. Omaha sad taloa, Wan Bloom of. Youth; Man'. Ilagnolls , Holloway* PM. Ofalloonnk Mtn Anne: Hair Bait.= sad zrebsigazinnk Iffelmbold • Hoehn and tlstaanstlLls. . • , 14.4.ay•Intproled Iliad Bonner, 'HIIwa4 imelnhL Onowitt, ' • = . • En* ToifitFoaw.a4 Parham. ~• Hair Ilraines, .11ro.b* Tooth 3ralh... At lb. Oenttal Drag Stan comer Oslo lad ledand Matti In Man. Haus, Atlethady. = • • , . .03C1 00. -ITALIAN MAOCARONI, . Warranted Mob sad imam, at the Ilbaskqusaty, toothed and Arms by J0H.21 • 4 0. 7 /' man Llbertyaba Efazd strew. WjijaMttßAE :• „- - ciw, , ica.o sal IQ riQdligo. V , L 1,,`21,4-i-, ,. .if t 7 ,- -,!•,i'.!..,.:,',,,:-... LX:X111"-NO: 146 c-fitmers. cLo'kna. Av. FOURTH STRERT NEW STYLE 4 OIS WINDOW S:HA.DKS BECIECTXD TH7II DAT. NEW SPRING. STOCK . OP ` C3A.IZP.ETS, arms mum= OIL 01,45T14; AT M'CAIIIIBVS. CARPET STOR ca sow= 117111:=2. mll9 I : LAYING SIIRCHASED £ND ADDED, TO 01711.0W1S Tall ENTIRE STOCK ABM, OIL CLOTH, &O, [ably bald by W street, V. sr. Ws, by lbw tomeolblation, to Ogee m. LARGEST STOCK TO BE FOUND IN THE WEST, AT TIM LOWEST PRICEEI Oliver MaOlintook ea 00. - SNICS TOTH Brßart FUN° COVERS. Pine Embroidered Cloth. Embossed Cloth. Victoria. A art sad Weald wortamat fiat remind si tig NEW CARPET STORE MaPABLAND, COLLINS 3 CO aka racru xc. IJQUESNE BRASS Iycnt4s, fidlollAN 4 oßestidp. ifostalsetaturoof ofrry Oartofy of thobbol • SUASS WOEK YOU PLITIEBVIS. BMW on 41!" GAS YITTEEttI, IdACIUKIBTft, AND 10OPPESSICITEL DBMS CASTINGS, of Al doecaildbas. Made to order. STEAMBOAT WOliff. STRATA A ND OLD- .4. rrrrnta. And ILEPAIIIING. promptly attended lA. :Li.: Partdoolar attention pad to Sttloo op =ram ! RIES TOE COAL AND CAEDON OILS. Liao, Sole Agnate for the We tore Dtddict of Non. sytranla for the ash of MARSH. LAUSDELL 00.'S PATENT SYPHON PUldtP, the bad ever tented. smog rto yell. It le not liable to getout ,4 of order, sad 'nil throw mom yaw than any ion - } twice its size,. R 0 .1 4. CITY WORK& SULOHINTOSEI. HEIMPIIILLL & oo? rommzes can MAOII:I3nSTEL Co of Ptk and O'Hara, aM Pike and Walnut Strosti. (Near City Water Weeks.) blanasetansrs aidatlonary and otbff NHOHn.I BOLLING lIIIELL CASTING 9 snd MACHINMIT, A a rkpidrlng aoLuirO CHIN • . BLACK DIAMOND STEEL WORKS, P1T2193317N0E1,P41. PAZ'. BROTHER & CO., 11323 T QUALITY lUMMILD CIALST STKIIIII, Booms, flat and Octagon* of all ikon. Warrantad equal to say la:portal or manufactured to ad. colm- • 1 { I Offlea and warabono,ll 149 and la nlan ; `, 1 7, and 1.93 and 120 EIEOOIiDSTAI= edlayd . • 4+, A IJFN M CORMICK k CO.. VALLIr irotanna. Pittabmna,Pa „ gerWareleenne, al MNUTY t Ilannfactunsee of COON“WILOB. AND MUT STOVINV I COB lIOLLOW Iff lAA, Steel and Mar Elnol4l, JAE 01 &orb& Omi Dater MIA time Pipe, Bad irona, Doh Irene, Wagon Nonearete. KetNee, Pollorys,llanNeas,Oas Wheels, Cogyltep:' and Outing. generlly. ADA Jabbing gad Outings =INV cedenl Pseented Pm-Dale with Steam or Howe Power. egltinai !i; WELLS, RIDDLE & CO., 1 , 11:'a " idbc.„ stave; osiosits each, Was astralactaress WECEPSB L 6811288 and 8 -a, dsseriptiaa of LELTEXES ISRAPCX.;I: WORK. . • Olden soUcltal from the Mb, and tsl4l* ly dapped as par hartrasases. • SEVERANCE,' Na 53 WATis Pliuiburah, cousufactotrur of BOILED ' WROUGHT OPISICEI, common and rapruadof leauriptkrti. Particular alma or attapod SPINZEI and ' , arga or aceiall, made to ',ardor as abort n & W. BENNET' ,r Mann of L../• WHITE EITO/411 PODIA cams MILD WAHL tr i===3l7.=M B. F. QUIMBY & CO, Conunkssion Merchants, No. 190 SOUTH WAflB 011108.04%'11 Give medal atteatlon to pFete.tus Flour, Grain,Proviiiimis tar Eaortara accammt. T. BROWN. ' • • ()„ : : & Oa, , B. F. IaITLISIBT • (Buse dians to J. IW. galihM) • 1 Clorozatiitoniltgllirowitiattitl;• • r OIL arm, ra.l • • • • .• Harlot poochaso6 thee 'Tomo Womb:mm . 4X WU City, and boobs =pis twat andThielllt wet, ruSibrooorwi to stamina Carwswir,OlL /1. Ifir, of own ohwatrtion, 1.1?"4 91 4 -1 . tyaettma to who my toot 111 with uniusetcost, IC% , THOS. L. McCLELLAND, ir (Do:oloor wilt:CW=l Ak Thoth) OIDIDIAL 0021XEDWOD =BORA= ID Flour; Grain and Proviricirn: Opootal attantion Attu to the _ Inatture =Alai , of uNDDD AND MINED Prato's - 01: • Da SI WOOD OTREZT, Plttobotitt;l% 71 ill ofily MONA/ rorrra—Jos. Axwatitroms A. attraop. POTTER, AIKEN & SHEPARD, putt- = lClT au rrl 3 l b. Merchant. =I Deatras In Tonics ad Doacolo YRIUTS, FLOUR. BUTTER IMILItit„ ZOOM POTATOES, and Prodarri lattorally,Soara /Abut) attest, opprotto PrararKer l Warmth It Ca ' Mama Orgff4.lCulp 4 84Ir .1, A t.r 11, Les , Joka 011.zbrr. tAbArA War & Bra alcllowelf Von Bruit deo.; Creation & Simmons, Bt. Loot. Bbutair • Groats . . thy To ke Mutant & Lavoli„ etneirvatt airsl.l E pwrir wawE i - Commission.lierchant;,:-.V: No. U 0 Bovril WATIEM sr., arciaano, . _ • !.I . ,:tursar' manilas, raoner*, 1x.0.11 1 4 qulls- - mbiTlat max low.. WlWill it A WEB, .001=a011 And dealus m 112erar, - Gra2a a d Ihes,ll: 2 1 11i!ION isttlOOND ca beta WecoLlyks stuiprpegft.i.AZKAFi;.;•-z ' , nbole El .0244:1=113ED Otitignai - 13 C 1 F 111 ,Art if ml4ll 14 413211 *. 03416 M 4 ? boop-E EElM=l==ll9 • - ' :-; EIMMEI • -NI •