The daily Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh [Pa.]) 1863-1866, May 04, 1864, Image 1

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    gittsburgif 6nzett.
M01111:10 NOTTICIT, by will, per year---Yll
a =lb.—. 10.
imdc......... 18.
0 0 • staes top'e' •
ininsa Munoz, by =A pr year.—.... 4 Ea.
0 0 bsoaLb..—.. M.
° 0 walk.-- 10.
" " sin& L
WlZlLLT..torrurs, single coplso. Per 1 00 — 2 W.
' a r . clubs of 6co 10, " ..160.
" clubs o'lo or core " 1 ZS.
-.4M one extra to tho party, seadlag slab. Tar is
dub of lifteea, so will gond the Erman Gazrrrs
daily. For • dub of meaty, wo yin send es
Mossrrito flours daily. Stsiglo swim. 6 COOh
fitir 611 cdtostiptteas arm., east papers
savoys stopped tress the este exPir.6
The Beading Matter on this ; Page
is from Yesterday ' s Evening
Frain ttke Soutll.West.
The . sartne from Camden. Ark., which state
that Gen. fiteelealwray is there strongly en
trenched, WNW° tr u st, reliable. A Cairo dis
patch says that- gliby Smith and Sterling
Price hare gone after Gen. Steele ; bat if the
above intelligence from Camden may be relied
on, Gen. Steele can easily cope with ell the
'forces the -vibe'. Generabs can bring against
him. Meows have heard of Gen. Steele's
, advance may be bristly stated thus: Guam
Thayer joined Gen. Steele at Elkin's Perry,
on the Little Missouri river, where the rebels!
were driven from a line of breastworks um
mandlng the river bottcm. The enemy next
.stood at Prairie de Anna, which was fortified
wittt.a line of rille.pits told epenlmente for
gate in barbetto a mild and &half long. Gen
SPesii,takedlheir'position, and Gen. Price
skediUidlid, after a briskl fight, toward Wash-,
ington, Olen. Steele perinea the rebels to
; ward Washington, and then suddenly turned
' and pushed for fart Camden. Price discovered
hii mistake, and started; for Camden alto. A
desperate reef ernued,'and although heavy
sMrtnishing °mined way, Steele came
ouVid4l4;atidlilitered the enemy's forUfloa
tions unapposed. Camden is strongly forti
fied, with nine forts. AU its approaches are
well guarded, and it can be held against si
largely reporter force.
As to the condition of that part of the ]
Southwest we have some details of interest.
Joel Bargees, of the sth Kansas Cavalry,
rived on the 18th at Little Hock s Arkansas,
having escapedirom Shreveport. He was cap
tured, with eight others, on January 19, near
:Pine Bluff, by seventy of Shelby's men, wear
lug Union uniforms. They were robbed of 411
they possessed, the guerrillas even taking
their clothes and giving In exchange their
own filthy drapery. Mr. B. stays that the
rebibt held about.6oo - prisoners. near. Shreve
port, and that many of the former are anxious
to go home. Sloodhormds r vrere put en duty ,
every coercing at 4 o'clock, to guard the priis
ours. The President's Proclamation of Am
nasty w as, he ssys, producing a great effect I
AU the transportation of the region was en:..l
ployed - in hauling cotton, which was being
sold to the Unionists as fast as possible for
greenbacks, and many persons believed that
--thbrintmmseat-by rebal - nincers was in raise
ferule for • great- staMpede into Mexieo, the
Confederacy west .of the Mississippi being
Pbtr4 4f Most PCOOO.
. .
laroit.llealdence 'gilder the Dtaft.
— 7 - "Tha Moving opintotrof the llon.Villirito
. .
• . . . ,
• Whiting, Solicitor of the A iVarDepartment, le
regard .to the queition .whethep die plea of
non-maidenee the.Mientet.stere a drafted
. .
man may hate been; enrolled, amnia, ander
all cireurastanees, becregarded by lieu& of
En:elle:Mot as a legal, and proper ground -for
- exemption. from military serrion-under the
draft in that diatel= is published for the
information and co of all °facers of
that Bureau:
When arum who has born carolled and drafted
claims exemption from omit en the ground of not,
ruidente, tbe Board of Enrollment soli is iodised
higmatingit; if be mats saufactery proof on three
111. tion-Msidence n the , flistriet Wiese he
"'Ulnas 'cimoinien "at , the time of his eninliceent
2 What his place of actual reside= grunt this
Cato when the enrol mutt therein sumo&
, 'That be vas;or Is, actually suroled,"and boo
been dratted„cils liable to. draft labia place of
Aliperears Porn whom inliitery.service lin:named
under Masao! coms. aro liable to earollmeat an d
draft la sinsindisteirt.f The nedattn of the oreope.
tie., and reeldome of persons enrolled Is notresoir
ed to enable unpatriotic citbMaa by technical coder,
_Au to. asoicitheitintr. abed of public disity_bta to
identify the Pe Awful. oa t ae,lat 1n egnallring
among the different dilutes their respective quotes.
Who rev has been onfMled Woe* fibtekt, and in•
tends to claim eutoptioe from draft by , rum of
redden e firasebere, West take Mee, to 1;e enrolled
If the corrected suroliment .bsproMpffy effected.
to eptilestion thereafter made to 1.6 i VrOvostalar.
6.sll4;Patna, or 13 .de hoards of Eurosimenf, will
• priMet•hhe against. doable liatilily but if be me
ows tblnpfitlidge hersight. not maga
a n tolllady
malice in. time of wet, by prof big ast an error MO
• - ban toede to the ;Aukof fieldence, ttlo'ROoillog
of his nanse,ve the Macriptionof ble toed, ar once.
- demoted a privilege to eater lot* the QUM:. Of
the United States The patriot ewes it to hie. man.
. try ; [benign of holler comet% es tisiUghlesrs to
She-army citizen liable tomilluisp-duty-ii-proper7
- General linietrana - and' the, SG 'Linde'
I Strikes.
—There bare of 'late been numerous strikes.
in St. eouserponnee of which Steopei
atlons of Some estahlCsements hare been
pended whore articles aro-produced whioh ate
.lequired for-Goittrameut use. in- view of
this to ri: Itosarans ismer an ..zr order on
Friday prohibiting any di r ectly
person_ si from
--or-ladkoctly- attempting to defer or prevent
- any other persom i from working on not terms
as he..-MSY -, agree npon'in any numnfaoriiiirig
• establishment.whererany article is Ordinarily
made which - may he. requimodfor me lathe
navigation.. of. the Western waters, oil:nib&
naval- m: transport rendre...a:ilia
• pincers States." The order also forbidcany.
watching arena or hanging. about any wit
establishment for thepurpose of. annoying,
the 'employer - or for harming those who ere;
- employed , dwells ; offerer protection to - such •
emPleYeer and &rear that no, sisociation or
-eolabidetigo-shill--be-roinuod-or woutinue, or
meeting? Told, having, :for. its' object- -to
..prescribe to Abe proprietors of any such es
tablishment whom they shall.employ, or how
they shall conduct their business. The pro
' pristore of all such estatahments 41r04-
roCto,forinir,d'; the promast,Marshal . the
' 'names of m who rhareleiktheir employ
sines , the 15th of-Nero tocusegitlit'such
combiationt. lb. violation , of any - Part of
tim'abore order irillFer plMisheiteg jags'
q' o easelwd the
officers are, requested
tak:4lMb aidtrithe 'army oilcan 'tombit
'down - tido attack upon' private
tighteisad Oaf inilitarypriantof the nation
byerganisatio led by bed m"'
Ystivvoneiuvuotnaza.--.1,. letter from
liendernon; ientneky, to the N. LTr'lir"
ono ilivittolderahere are on the.nnzioni
—test: .-Moryniuthe halloo! yobbos danotrar
'noted gunitise u these enacted:tit ef , eohivf
airy seem. dial:cued to' levy contribotiOnin
Mont andfoei sad they constopt.
*cadet lalig thotr 4 4rjrne • - 1 : ,
• "I &net , tam if it .wcnld not be a good
plan told Low buttser. thou ,despentdoes
slip through tho_tinion linoi Inileanassa to
bursa "
,the State of liettnoky, aa it
Intshabulacil the Efate to Wee her.enoW and
I - think -if . ,1*; rightly ,managed, thell9/1
alevehoiderirelli yet datund nonteanlisti
menu:.' Of ;otoirte, I Aar in favor of We,
though thre!'of - nay able-b?clled Flattop! us
Tr* effeote of the,.eaters tfo on Wedater
by wan. terrible :to the. shippinS on:Lain
Itiehillima—litit7etotels were ; mewled llosz
'NUwatikeerif, Isoonzin. Otte vessel 14141110 t
high lied: dry ,! upon the beseh;, -Tone of the
:wreaked-teazle contain/11_80,000 bushels of
::wheat.:': These, hires found,vere pair-o tea
of the essuillies on the lake.
• ,
T*B444ol•Pf lal:cci'tlls USIOall rest
AVM lasmostid Wentposto buildings ind
tbalfistodatiu ?for tbrovpmpoli cit..graftri
0 0 0 00 2 4e1 4 9 1 1# 4 that Mate,
•r. '• --•
-4w •
Sketch of General Weasels!.
General Wessels was born in Litchfield,
Connecticut, on February 20th, 1609. Al the
age of nineteen he entered a military sehool
at Middletown, and in 18.29 was admitted
into West Point as a cadet. He graduated on
June 30th, 1833, and was breveted second
Lieutenant in the 2d United .States .Lufantry.
Daring 1835 be was engaged in the Creek
war in Georgia, and was promoted to sensed
Lieutenant Jane 28zh, 1636. During 1837 8
be participated in the Seminole war In Floe.
Ida, and on July 7th, 1838, became a first
After the war bad ended the regiment was
'fattened in different parts of Now York
State, after which It was ordered to Mexico,
under General Scott, and participated in the
campaign from Vera Cam t 0 tike capital. On
February 18th, 1847, he was promoted to
Captain, and gained a brevet of Major for
gallantry, de., at Contreras and Chttrubtaco,
Augast 20th, 1847.; In the former contest be
was 'evenly wounded, but did not leave the
After the close of the Mexican war he wont
with, hie regiment to California, and thence,
to 1854, to Kansas and Nebraslus. In 1858 be
had charge of Fort Randall, in the latthr .
Territory, and in 1860 of 'Fort Riley, in Rea
-1 sae.
On June 6th, 18111, he was promoted to
IMajor of the 6th Q. S. Infantry, and duritig
the winter of 1881-2 accepted the Colonoloy
of the Bth Banana Volunteers, which joined
the Army of the Potomac , before Yorktown.
On the 29th of Aptll,lBBo, he was promoted
Ito Brigadier General, and commanded the 2d
Brigade of Casey's Division during the bat
tle of Seven Pines, May 31st, and Fan Oaks,
June Ist, 1882.
Me commanded the rear guard of the Poto-
Irate army during the seven days' battles, and
was nominated for a brevet of Lieutenant;
Colonel for distinguished services at Fair .
Oak', and during the operations of the army
from the Chickattorniny to the Jamea river.'
He commended a brigade under Oen. Pick
at Suffolk, and Paned Gen. Foster ixf,North
Carolina, during November, 1862.
' He participated in the engagements at,
Southwest Creek, Kinston, Mount Oliva, and
Goldsboro' Bridge, December 12th to 18th,
1682. He was, in December 28th, 1882, pliced
temporarily In command of the Department
of North Carolina, during the absence of Gen.
Foster, and when the army wan reerganized,
during April, 1683, ha was placed in command
of-Distriet No. 2, of-the Department, subse
'nuantly denominated the District, of Albe
marle, with headquarters at PlymOuth. He
still holds this command.
Working Guns by Stoat—lnteresting .
Experiments on the Monitor Winne
The St. Louis Union describes some inter
esting experiments with a new invention In
that city, devised for the purpose of working'
heavy go ne by steam-power. The plan war
tested last week on board tha monitor Winne
,The Unica says.
As we are prohibited by general instruc
tions issued by the Navy Department, frogs'
giving a- descriptionin detail of this vendee
fel machine ! , we can only state that two
eliven.ineh Dahlgren guns are BO completely
under control of one man in it, and handled
with as much ease by him, and with almost
as much celerity, as a pair of duelling pistols,
could be. Every movement of the guns Is
made. by steam. They are run out on their
parts by it,, and their moil Is checked by It;
they are lowered into the bold by steam for
loading, and r steed again to be fired, and all
them movements are made in as little time
as alas taken to relate It.
"One of the most Interesting features about
the turret le thesuiallnese of the port bores
into which the guns are thrust. They are
only large enough to euchre their monies;
yet the guns are fired at an angle between fire
degrees of deprusion and twenty-one degrees
of elevation thtltesqual
petfeet%ase and accuracy with which
every movement - was gone through' excited
the atimirstion of the whole patty. Pour)
shots were aimed by Gen. Roseman, at a tar
get, about three.qoarters of a mile distant,
some ten or twelve feet- square, and each onb
struck It fairly. -Thekring from machl
I=oo rapiii.etan - from the Ericsson timely.'
The fifteen and • terenty:ineli guni' run be
handled in this way Tate as easily as Abase]
bs this turret. She eleven-inch guns .can
withdraws from their posts, towered and load
ed and returned ready for-ftring in-sixty sec
onds. The horizontal range IJ obtained by
rotating the turret." .
Thu Now Mexican_ Empin4
It the latest foreign advice' are reliable,
u therein no reason to doubt, Maximillian I ,
Emperor of - Me/leo, is ACT well on his way to
'these 'hem to take'pauession of the. trope
. del crown and : honors whicb hare beemthrust ,
upon him in this bithellorepubilean world. 115
comes, not upon his own responsibility, with
.bis olefins russupporied — exoept by Clo meolu.
napery party or Mexico, but endorsed, sad
reoogoised by all the great sovereigns of; Etti•
rope. who are doubtless ready (some of theca
at lust) to back up their recognition with;
material aid to sustain him in this position U
necessary. Besides his Mexican partisans,
and - the French Foreign Legion which is to
realign at hie disposal, SL Own house of Haps:
',burg has volunteered to supplg him with
I quite a formidable army and navy ; and, with
clt ample forces thus at hlsoommind, and
'.his strong box well fined with .Enntoh end
I German gold, there cannot be the shadow of a
doubt that: he will succeed in removing all
1 immediate addible to hie governmental en 4
remise:: He will bo cordially *stunted by
,the scions ;of -those proud Hidalgos, whose
iristoeratie dignity bus been crushed to the
-earth ever since Spain was forced to abandon
her colonial rule in favor of the semi-barbar:
Maus fates races; and with there revived!
elements of a defunct nobility, added to liber
at importations, from southern Europa and'.
the Confederate States of America, the new
.Eutperer will donbtlesi proceed to furnish
1 forth the Imperial • court ' which Is henceforth
t• to grace the !duals of the Monlesnatis."
Cram vox Atitiggi..=ire read Ina recent
work on,asthmaby Mr. Rumball, of Englandi
that'this digitising 'and apparently locura4
bit disorder can be controlled by very simple
treatinent. Thecomnionest form of disorder,
which Le called bronchitis, is "a congestion of '
the mucus membrane, together •with.., rpard4
of the Posterior fibres of the brenthiel tubes I
the chief sequel being a low ehronict. Irani
ehltio with -a liberaP flow of frothy mucti."
Mr:Rambell'asys ofi his - own , eine •
Itianted something - which would alnolve
in oontaotwith moisture, end remain and Get
lit*erfol tufringent. glint 'filtered to
togas the trinities properties. had area:
chine nand° like a lottery wheel with a month
pore, Entidorpland *involving btu*, an 4
mato...fonly poirdsred:alum and. gam .arablo,
the brushwhen tain ad on! eentrentised &Mut,
this .kinhole4 largelinarmtinee
raP itbrgstithiallow4,ooparoxygmi were
. Oeleliort, and the rtinliwO,that attar initreff;.
Viz . forfveycnra,haßau'completely aim&
lie hue hada° rot:tree the,a_Usek - inlirAnti
7* * !* a; :T4e remedy sMi.rri!,4lo and
- -Valffidelrrend-LilllrreGeh of - pinata cue
his baits eonainded:at uhleagG. , It had been
ontri4ferty days and ftfteen- nights I forty-i
Ave witnesses bad. been .exarabled,..and eiztyl
exceptions' :takers— After, ,all . th's , arts of law:
had beari.exhausted, the mere". left to arbil
triton; who have brought In verdict for the
defendt, William kill, on theground that
the plaintiff, Yldlouitne Hildebrand, bed not'
'proved the alleged pp routhe of -truirriage on the '
Part of the defendant: They however ad.
Judge.:thit the defendant - shall pay all 'the
- met& pi se Very - wealthy' man; 45 inn ,
of 'age. ~Misi'llildebtand about. 25, and
Lill hid. Icing heel Intimate. in her father's
family. The damages claimed by the plain
Of Isere $50;00t..
A Pluntriroimrs Iteanasion.-Colonel 'For
thielerit of the Berate, has; made the
death of the lamented lir. Pierce, of the
Btationery.Departmenti the 00Caliql2 for catt=L
tingle praetloe gales of 'promo - 14n for
merit in the line of prosootion,.and the es.
jog he primaryoldoes in his gift solely to ,
soldiers:atm hare been Crippled brwoondi in I
bettle.',Joha Waories 'So keg a model ea a
niesserigeri,sticceedsJoi. hir:v Pierce's place,
and a one-armed private soldier from 'Massa
dinette loos been appointed Senate litssen.
gerriri f-St. Jones. , t. . -
Tim Annan hitsll.—A.lstiOrhas hien
iscatrottin Washington ~bitho.Hort.,Jl ,,F ,
logg, otbflohrgaxi.,fr..p platinum& ai
Talton, Asisona Toisitnai' 4;OUtalittir TIT
important Informathni in rergroloo to 'Magma
albs: 1d thattiolpity. - II• 17311 dhoti timbre
noggsti talon' trom tho Antelope_'lllOontains
worth $7430: Twasnowi - 111417,',,withlastih ar
knives, in Woo haus; took ons:,thirtsan
pounds of gold, Worth'alsont $1,300. , About.
.° 1 ) 1 0 1 0 0 4417)fings:al comb,
OWN ; Wined t' 3h• 13.fftea*, abilab a d
at Akro4,l•obsins thtlialto OnOuri et 4 the
ItlgV.#l44 otl,battarcUth•o4,ot swair-p
Inta ,4114 t.
Conviction and sentence of a wife
Dennis Maloney, a resident of. Otter town
ship, Mercentonnty, was tried lasi week for
the murder of his wife, Mary Maloney. The
clrmunstancee of the case, as developed on
the trial, are these ; On- the afternoon of the
11th of January last, Maloney and his wife
left their little cabin and wont to the neigh
boring village of Oreenville, where they made
some purchases. They were seen on their
way home, at four o'clock in the evening,'
Maloney being intoxicated. • Next morning
early, Maloney called on some of his neigh
bore, and stated that his wife, after eominff
home with him, left the house ; that he bad
searched for, bat could not find her ; and
• that, in going down the road, in the•moming,
he found her frozen to death.' The body was
discovered, lying to the snow, but there were
evidences along the road whicholearly indica
ted a struggle. Articles which they had par
chased were found tramped Into the snow, and
there were two very severe eats on 'the head
of the deceased which establiShed the
foot of violence. The hair was filled with
coagulated blood, but there were no marks
whatever upon the body., A heavy club,
partly covered with ice, vcas found on the
road, 'and developed one of those singular
circumstances which tend to seal the doom of
I the murderer. The ice upon one end of the
club had been melted by a warm hand, and
the inference was irresistible that Maloney's
hand held and wielded that terrible instru
ment of death. The ekull was notfractnred,
bat death was caused by °ennui:oft of the
In addition to the above facts, it was in
evidence that Maloney had frequently quer
,rolod with his wife. On one occasion he near-
ly killed her by a kick in the abdomen, which
caused violent hemorrhage; at another time ' s
he bad a club raised over her heat, and was
also seen to threateb her with awake. The
neighbors were frequently called to cave bar
from violence. ,
The defence was purely technical L-an effort
having been made to Impress the jury with
the belief that the woman did not die from
the affects of blows, but from intoxication and
exposure. 'This effort probably saved Ma
, lousy from hanging, as the Jury rendered a
verdict of "guilty of murder in the second
.legUe." Judge Campbell sentenced him to
an imprisonment of taw years and two months
in the Western Penitentiary. Be subse
quently made an attempt to escape from jail,
and had gained the top of the wall, but was-
discoveredby a lady, who gave the alum and
'thus frustrated his attempt.
Col. schponmaker.
A few dive since we publithal s letter from
a correspondent in West Virginia, In whieb it
was assorted thet our young townsmen, Col•
Sehoonmaker, bad been trolitured of the com
mand of the Second Derain Brigade, and
thkt Gen. tleßsynolda had been assigned to
that comraand. The inferences trim this was
simply that Col. Schoonmaker, who had been
amen as a dt palmate command the brigade,
bad been relieved by a senior, •Ofticer, and
taken charge of his regiment, the:l4th Penn
, eylminis Voyalry. We have since teamed,
however, that oar correspondent was mil
-1 taken. Col. Sehoimmaker, as late m Timm •
day last, was still in of the effec ,
tire portion of ,his brigade, and has been for
some time engaged in attire movements. We
have no manna of 'ascertaining how • the mis.
statement fast gained currency, but the fact
is clear that Cot. Sehoonmater had not been
relieved when our correspondentli latter wee
written, and that he was still commanding his
I brigade_as late as Sunday. It Is perhaps true
that Col. Schoolmate? would prefer being
with his regiment, but the mport,cf, his bar -
ling been ielleisd froMl)ditintioelts common -
der of the brigide, without any :explanation,
.bes caused some uneasiness to his friends, and
It calculated lo Oo him lejustice. We take
pleasure • therefor*, In setting am matter
i right beicrathe public.
Cool reference noised. DrAiladP.Drel b.
the WOW , os to Or trad4r4 in so the odic* of rho
Inrtitarloe,to CT fourth dmat. (op stilits4
Tee ippliesots ta mart oho (I.aroePror the
ohm olDoo, on tloo.dah loalsotior.4
o`o.ori. p. m.
. • D order of th e of leatredtott
2, new schadula las been adopted at @(n- I „, 3.31
itedoctlipn In FreletF:_fmk Man
elanatt, for oastitard bound (idea, wbich
tout .Feat onun Stands,. It is as follows :
14 21 54 Iltb Moor
claw clamplas clam
' Year York, Ball--.
—l6O 160 120 72$ , 145
D. Cal, awl 67 55
i Late 172 151'110 '1
I Boat., BAL. - -100 170 ' 130 77 ' , 155
Do Ball aT:Tioate7.7.--152 10. 120 72 , 1 141
1 Pb) adolptda 1ta1L.,....-.-ICS 150 'll2ir4. 1Z
Baltimore, 8011....--....-1 55 140. 107 , 121
Botralo, 1 , e4L...,--- ......-140 40; CO 27Y. 75
Do Salt aod Laic --: E 2 71. 41 SIN 55
Alb.y Tiny and 0.15 e
n- : -__lna 160.120 7134 145
Albany, Inn ani - Vellea• .'
0.4142, Ball andLike-..172 151 110 674 126
CTecrland, Ita , L--.--.. 55 - 50 40 ro 50
Bao4osll, Eall--0-.—. 55 66 40 15 00
T 0 1 ,4 1 ,, Ball-- -.-....-, 55 tO 40 Z 0,
Detc,/t, Ball-. • -..-. CS CO 45 45 N3
,Dittsborgb, DAT ". ............ CI 70' 08 23 00
Bella .61r, 11.34.--,---.. 55 GO 10 25 14
United States -linstrlet Court.
Trr.suiT, liey 3.—Before Judge IleCenci
The grand jury was celled thls morning
when IC quorum answered. Judge ffieCaad•
less then delivered the impel charge, after
which the jury retired GO their room.
There, being no cue ready for trial, the
court adionmed•until two o'clock.
The grand jury came Into come WithAnum•
her, of blW,among which _wapaa- ignoraams
in the ease of Charles Weynel; charged with
opening a letter in the post office at Sbeaver's
Cross Roads, in Westmorland bounty. Way
ne wait discharged bpproelamation.
Court adjourned until Wednesday morning.
A Sad Cove—Corinnes Invest.
Coroner &Veto° g held an inquest this morn
ing on the body of Bridget lliTollum,s , yours
woman, aged twenty. one, staf died. very sod
denly yesterday ISVCIAIIt athtt,ratbe ese,
at the Paint- The deceased for two ; ••• peat
has been addicted to the me of lutes ,p 1,0;
liquors, and yesterday she lefthome,tm ., :awe
being abtmet ,fOrcie boon, returned in ain -
to:Seated condition. Upon entering the 1... cs
she fell against the store, end being unable , o
rise, was placed in had, and: allbysician sent
for ; but before his arrival, she breathed brr
Inez The Coroner's jury returned a verdict
of ' , Death from Intemperance."'
IDTMSITSO TO 81.L.T 80TF131,4t a large
mooting of the salt manufacturers of Western
PODOgyiTILDIO• bold at TOTWOMISI, on April
30th, It was lirsettwd, That On account of the
advance in the price of labotiocafts Of materi
al and increased tax, At to inlyestible to man
feature salt, without ion to; the niantasetar
filli at a less price Mali two dollars and fifty
cents per barrel, and that they therefore re
eoraniond -to : the manufeettliers a =Worm ma
pension if the Inwinots milli !sit will bring
at least tbet
Rutact%Aeasttuuazb.=Tbe Presbytarian
Getting Aseambly, (Old School), wUI sneot at
Princeton, New - Jersey, on ; the 10th of May.
The New Lisboa Assembly will convene at
Dayton on the Immo day. Aar. H. D. Smith,
D. D.. of the Union Theologleal Seminary,
New Yost, the Moderator Of the last Chinoral
Assembly, will roach the opanthg sermon.
The General Couferenee of the MrithOdist
gplie.Opal Mardi btu kilt o n anneneed Ita acs
lion at PMladelphls.
. . .
Clases4L, Corsesem—BripAirr Elston'
Copeland, recently innomitand of .the dtafe
rendezvous at Pittsburg, Pennsylrania, and
whi, wired let 8C Lonis onliaturday Met, un
der orders of the War peptirtmeme, to report
to ilis,lor General Itosenorans, has been m
aligned td the commanded the -military poke
of Alton, rano* TheCeoeral,accompanied
by his staff, left Monday evening fit Alton,
to sesame command. . ;:
A Sinuses Ontsinone,Tho kw of July,
1862, authorising the Usti, of postal currency,
has not made it a penal offense to be in pos
session of ommtedhlt or sinnions notes of tioa .
obareoter,,' defeat' ofsa reamitiff &goo,
Bred by a tioikd Stake sCommissloner,lrbe
h o
idtodlohargo s patty In7sio
ospmi9 ; srstalewreni 7 eezobei r n
Firo! ems of vial 15 - Wilislns'iointshili,
with. right of way to Pennsylvania Central
will be 'sold this evening at Idell 7
wane'lAnation gowns. Also, improved prop
erty In Birminghtun. by sharer lasnaheeter
.passengir -Italiwoplenahiand 50 shares Al
legheny Bialt;iill to also addedtb the list of
iainable stdcks,, _
lthasmsai ur lawlssaca Covert.—On Bst
=dollish last.. zone thief intend the rail ,
dense of the widow Ileigand, in fieshannook
township, Lwesenair anintii and stole ewes
snits of clothing and two watohos,belOnitliill
,th the sons of lilts. llitaftlende -Amiss waa
g alpiti2 l thojjthre2 t.nron
1 1 04 Wzim ••inotin•Altiairof
Geltailifltgi-cuitran 80044
Tito Cold Virhunge.
A meeting of the Coal Exchange was hehl
thin morning et tke Merchants' Exchange.
The Preiltiont beteg sheaut, Mr. Cromer woe
called to the ebair.
Mr. Prank Anderson was unanimotUd}r
elected Cool ()eager for Allegheny comity.
.Dy request of the President, the membeM
4 the Esethange present, reported whet sotrok
they hod been taking in regard to the Elanitat
ry Pair. The reorts were very enootarsgint .
The following p resolutions were unimitnott
ly adopted: .1 That all the coal bank owners ahould fif.
flue to run their work. as loin as iwy en tits beleisil
leg to the Association ore on a strike, and that thi7
should not encourage -rich demands of diggsre. ~
Roared, That co Tursday nea t • fail meetin g ,
relied of all the rorrata•r• of the Associatioc, "Sas ,
seta oonolmoun aetam to ra.l.t the demands of • .
diggen, nod thou to arse the rosoluti . P. eto t p4
works until eii the coal ba u k. pay not over fire
p.r Lethal..
On motion the Assoolation adjourned anal
Tuesday morning next, at eleven o'clock.
i t
rb. engineer on the relimin
tif b
survey of thes
Castle and Frapnklin A:p
road have; p regrew lied as far as Jackson COD
The routo to entirely prnotioable and can;
constructed at a comparatively small Cost.: , ,
T)11 Gortzu. AiBILMBLIr ofthe United Prei
byterian Church mot in Philadelphle on t;
25th of May. Two important mature
come before the Assembly ire, the Boole
Discipline, and improved version of 1,
Psalms. v
ERIN Lan Prrrsocaou Ratunosn.- , -Tbe
Erioand Pittsburgh Railroad is now compleal
tad to Pulaski, ten miles holow Sharon. The
work progresses slowly on account of thil
scarcity of laborers.
MUST fly BMX Daum—A Zlermanot
Canton, Obio, after drinking 24 gimes of dlo
stud beer, betides seven of cider and whiskYi
started our, and lying down on the railiaa
track, was crashed to death by the ears. 1
Jon , P.acmvsn—New York Ldy,r, A•oe
Pay and IThie World, laid for tale by
Hunt, Masonic fall, Filth greet, and
Sample, dileghany.
Detains is htnussacre.—While this region
has been drenched with rain, the St. Peal
papers ore complaining of an cmparalelled
crouch in that vlainity. The Preessays
and cisterns are dry,streams and lakes shrtink
uo, and the ground dried several -feet Wow
the surface. It adds that there has not been
a heavy rain there for a year and eight
months.• The La Crosse (Wis.) RoPu 66 ieml
mays that rain is needed there. . ,
A ctzil In Columbiana county, Ohio, of:300
nom, on which Is a valuable Goal bed, was
sold the other day for $14,000, or $40,1565-401!
NV 13111SGTON, slay 2.—Aniong the witnesses)
who were examined by the Committee appoint
ed to inveetigate the Fort Pillow massacre,
is a negro who was burled alive, and who dng
himself out of Ma own grave. There 1.8 no
doubt of the fact that one or mere persons
were nailed through their flesh to pieces of
wood and then burned alive. Not only on
the day of the surrender were such fiendish
-acts perpetrated, bat the next day the victims.
las semi by the Committee, were pierced and
cut in the fate and eyes with bayonets and
swords, while other parts of their bodies were
Bor 10 good hence Clarperstern. smashed and disfigured either by steal or
. . teal.
ANTED—A Pnormruir Gum .. 1 1 - 6r,
V general hoes work. to • smell private ettalb
Good wage,. and • I erroaneat yew. Apply at YIP
SECOND STAKES, neat Grunt. t0741t
WANTED—A Boy from If, tl IS Spare
°Epps to leers the le stetwak.log hastnees.
None bat these +lto can come well reottaranaltd
noel apply. at No. t 3 FEDEBAti STISNIT. 'Alle
gheny ulty. AYSLSE
Aryl; at ti WATER BTELEILT. Foae nr,Opply
zmpt compeunt wcrksum
7 _
ANTED—At the House of liefoge,,
to penoas to "act In M. capacity of-. y
oax notramrops
1-vattl Anut• at SAN • math. •spetuispaid,
BuSN't -I, acui tt Weft other too, Ita•fal *ad..
tiox•tutkcies. fifteen dr.-ulna pew Mx.
saner, Jags F. FOND, Biddatutd.gafiar.
VIVANTED--Agenta to eell the SA.ltto•
chants ersb• Agent.. we riesling no;
11UO so PO. 0 per orlolt: 70 WO valeoroo Orpad
s [sod Sir crlfrol.l. /alarm JOHZ.9,:p3W.M.
Co.. mob:ewe. ate.
TVt a 461V315101ILDED.
110 Wssu
VANTED—Boys to learn Braga Bit
*Cif ." gt"a %P s a ettnairs,
116 WM* •
11,76 A MONTH 1-1 want to bir. A ge nts
Ist-.:57 manly t•lrtb • imatilompwase•
321 6"17:01,674,11•
iseOLUTIO.VL Ifq~.
_ .
riWSOLUTION—abo CapFtiterabip
oaallucastamom (Ma a. IrONWR , aza JOIE*
LY. s +rtn.aOWA, POWllga BIN wag
this dm Madrid ty mutual cutmnt, co tbe Z of
A pri1,:11(.4. %Wm of Um uudeniga id ma .I:lacr
imal to mutt dm tmluies attn. Ana.
- 011.1,BIAST(41110 1 ,
(lOWA KT.NENSEUP—John tiara
la Pied LULLS P0W)1.64, Imo aucclastd
thoavalves nada atonal:oil and stila of
JOIN D. uznuor; & 000
dale from April Ist.
-VONVICES; (Into of thei Oren of
rowan& Maley.) J 01 5 ,11. REBRON Ono
1 , 2 intebell, , llerraa 4 C 0.,) 11101% TOUNDLII3 sad
.3SOPE Mandatary's, _
Ninth %rani, Pltliburgba
1,42.17 s
B. i zunci . : „
VOTICP..—The Copartaarebip- hereto.
o.ershtttnt bOvrean the nndertitipedornder
be ityi. wain, peo auras bat be®
dirtelred br mortal ertrtebt, to take drent from the
Let INt.. 3011N-WIIITII retrying tre:tithe Ann.
' 7A9.lloarprrtili,
The undeceived will matinne•tbe ?guarding
andOomantarlop btaberto ander Merano and style
et IV UM BROS. & CO, at 11•.• 6 pra.s2l.l
man, Wart Liberty, fltiabrogb. t--•
• Joule's Virriz, •
JAIL dlelflßllll4.
L.F. —The perbenesbly timetable eilsttng between
the nadeestintsa, twins tbeet7l*-01 ;W b 4 0 J° o2ll *
TIOB R Ou., Is mangle &nasal. et nab aEt
from Ode dab. SIOIIAHD BEIOIOO 00014 Ants
the Arm. The heehaws will be ecattnnon es lump
17, 11.e[or the style Si betertafonn. -
WK. 0. roliknon,
" BAWL. 8J00.11810711. .
itiol7o.lo. i 864.
11111.—Tbe peon* barb:tom
base= „TOL 1. 1161111:101 extd - SPASM
Enadlas the arm of JOS. Y. uamuiron WOO. hu
btiNratialtdlreciatual "tat46:d:it...JOH.7.. HAM
LUZON aril att.nd4o the abse.ttlek sr:alto:as of all
111;te du old stud. come 'ltrat.m4 , llbaat its
REM 0114iLibi
NO. 47 ST. CildN'NTlNtEl l i.. :
-aiwri a h.,. Dow OP= cambia/a aiok
• ' • YOUTIISi
ser ! ,a,.rr7l!„. GßAT
• Rio esr.catrairsnorr.
REsicrywrE4Nßo.{T , •:.
cfri.itbiaii.,=.44. tow, ii,totorni.ipt. Irk
iit and toi. few
weekhto laibgatal at NY! 7 - NtV"4 6 .". AMA' PA vENT -4
tro.riiosoot<mfok =ANN
e irVra•A gm,
• -• Ail*tar D./ rio;
barkas tco
~egFo „
wigs pi .tbui Atijw
• '''' •
7 , •-•
• warMattelkilLTll6 -81
:,`";',tkUt..;,,4.4':2-:IL-.6, ~1‘ ! ' 4
'.:4:', , . - i3:ti71.4;!5 .. ;;T4 - iSi -: ; • . , L
'.•;11&a. .„.
Congress—The Late Army Movement
...Navy Yard Site—Provost Marshal
Pry, etc.
Wastll3oTON, May 2.—A special to the
Tins. states that several member. of the Rome
called on the Sonata to day to urge the adop.
tion of the Moose resolution fixing the last
day of May as the time for adjournment
Congress will be ready s• soon as the tariff
and internal revenue bills are disposed of.
All the large-appropriation bill. nave beam
acted on or pasted in Committee today. The
appropriation bills with Senate amend
ments were considered by the House Ways
and Means Committee. The belief to that
they will be reported to the House to-morrow
or Wednesday.
The movement of the army on the first of
May was merely for the purpose of changing
it, position. The rebels appear to be concen
trating their main forces towards our left.
A epeeist! to -the -World says: Representa
tive Steele laid before the House Naval Com
mittee, to-day, a proposition tendering to the
committee as a site for the navy-yard a place
on the Hudson river, near Yonkers.
The President sent to - ilia Senate to-day the
name of Colonel Pry as Brigadier General-
This was recently conferred upon the -Pro
vos MarehaPs *Moe by , Congress.
The House Military Committee, to-day,
agreed to report e bill In favor of relieving
Paymazder Barton for two and • half mil
' Roes or -greenbacks which were burned on the
steamer Ruth, and which were under his
■ charge whoa the accident occurred.
Latest from Enrope—Arrival of the
Steamehips Berglan and la eons.
' Poem Au BaiQua, N. F., May 2.—Thestesm
shirßetglen, from Liverpool on the 21st, and
.I.oadonderry, on the 22d, parsed bete this
LkerreA,Serfi 23.--Cuttun buoyant and higher.
Da...Madre Manned tending downward, Parham,
Et,-44tir,toueucr ; Illinois Central
Loada.—What extrsmely sleytemeod witb hardly
any ales. Corn very slow. rruvielons quiet. re.
ante= advancing.
The steamship Scotia, from Liverpool OD
the 22d and Queenstown on the 24th, arrived
at noon. •
The Paris Tim to thinks that little Importance
can be attached to the, resolutions passed by
the Washington Home of Representatives,
relative to Mexico, at least pending the civil
No Danish news of importance hue been
received since the fall of Puppet.
Garibaldi left London on the 22d nit., and
would embark for Caprean en the 28th.
Losam, Apra 24.—Cotton yesterday was Antler,
llmadstuffs dull and tending downward.
Provisions pilot sod steady .
Produce steady. Petroleum lees firm
Londe. April 23.—Consols 1.1. , A54 for roomy
Breadstuff.. very del. Sugar steady. Petroleum,
erode, 17 10s.
The Fort r MOW Massacre
The Pennsylvania Reserves to be Mae•
tered out of Service at the End of'
Throe Ifrars.l
Dalataanto, Day 2.--Dovernor Curtin re-
calved cesittra nssuroney from the War De
partment last night thit the Pannsylvaele
Deserves 'build be mustered oat of service at
the end of three year from the time they en
tered the State sere 'es. They did not enter
the Malted States tarries until two month,
after they zero into the State service.
They come to recruit and re-enlist.
Thar return homy, however, will be a loss to
Oen. Grantrif 50,050 •f hisMosecifeetive men
for the greater port of the summer campaign.
The National Guard of Ohio.
CINCINNATI, May o.—The National Guard
of Ohio mastered, yesterday, in response to
the Goreruer's ostilm one hundred day. men.
Out of four hundred and etghty•eti comparilee
all tut forty three hey, reported. There are
thitty.five thousand men ready for settee
duty. The whole number will reach nearly
40,000 men; ready for the field at a mociteritis
notice. Four Ciriti[ll)Sti regiments tome..
out nearly 3,000 men armed and equipped.
Treasury Clerk Dlsmleacd.
tisetirsoton, May 3.—A spacial to the
Tribune says: 5. M. Clark, the bead of the
Bank Note.Printlng Donau in the Treasury
Department, was to day dismissed by Secre
tary Chase, at the close of an investigation
Into the abuser eharged against the adminis
tration of this Boreal:L.
The Tariff on Bonded Goods
Rossmovorr, May 2.—d special to the TM
'boas eays It la probable that the Secretary of
Troasary will tolootrow declde that the
Joint fix-solution, to temporarily Moreno the
!miff, applies to and covers bonded goods In
atovements of Lee's .rmy.
Nme Yosn, May 3.—The IlernlT.
'from IVashimston says that Los does Lot de
;sign railing back on Richmond. Ma it eon
; eantrating all hie farm st °rang° 'Court
Vonse. All quiet, at Winchester.
C4/iPET& On, CLOTHB, Dit.
i615 -7 fxrf
OF •
On", • CLOTH,
; •
Ha. ST YOLlitill 8114 E%
t mllO
_ ,
To 01311 OWI TON
Xa,taly brad by W. htcCLINIVOIi, 1111:larks
treat, ye arc Oka by lb. oauolldatton, to offer tba
Oliver MoOlintook & 00.
ga 53 11711TH Marl
0.. - N --- 0 - ebirty - Ls.
Pine Ettsbroidered Cloth.
I Embossed Cloth.
A Dry s l sa splendid tatortment just mottcod at
ffiOF~LA D; OLMNs is co
4, 1864
team sad Nuattegta.--....-.--N at. Runtatos
rmastra .-11. °mama
The ottedly nopremden'od powalarity of thts bean-
Ural dorneelio dram•, evrn when,. in Potion, it
Wit polmmed at Orly theatres at oh. memo time,
bed a ran of over 100 n ghee to New Tort, over 100
in London, and stilt pia, fog
Will be presentei the beautiful domestio drams of
Robert Brferly...-- 0 5, Nam..
0. Laveday.
•• • • •
Jonas.. ..... «
Sam ..... Burt-
Mr. Cappennale.
With the roll stromit I; of the Company.
Io n•hemu4 Codjo's Cave."
NOO ,at 3 o'cicek.
Wonderful 2eaure In the Mfe of the
American Whalemani
200 SOCCOilif. Hightg in lies York,
220 Sum :mire Nights in Philansights,
100 Succeed. Nights to Huston,
07 ansusers Nights In 13•111naors,
Drew large and highly respectable audiences—the
Tory slits and Intelltonce of •thoso
A tarifa cf W6•lla& Sc.,nes variance& la •
That hn teen helm arrind the world, °lngrid In
the chase and capture of the Sperm Whale, manned
by a erim of Ilvtirg men, crewing the moat Intel:ire
ISmileminit and el citlog entroneded merriment.
and the lelmltahle g re en boy, LITTLE BART.
The laughter-y..l'oas; moslcalltbe of the Green
Boy Bert, tme she temturos blunders of careless
isn't, moms the =Hence to &pitch of excitement
and mirth rarely wltecamd In any entertidament.
Adrobelso 15 mote. Reserved male 10 cents.
Doors open MT; commences at 8 o'clock.
Haltom, ado:Limbo to all partr of the home 15
cent. Ceildradls mot. om Room ma
WEDNESDAY, MAY 4th, 1884.
MADAME ANNA DTBI3uP, the vend-ronovraed
cantstrice, has the honor to somounee one grand
FAREWELL CONCERT, h being proltivelyber lest
appearance in this *lcy prior t her departure for Ipo
rope. She will be sedated by ber yoong and Wanted
daughter. Mho LOUISA IliSiluP, Tomlin and
Pianixt, recently from Psrl• and London, and Mr.
A. BEDGWIeII, Dago Singer sad Corkorrtintst.
._lluslool Director.
A. eeas.ick..._
CIIARGE, Chatle. C. bellor's Mask Btore,
wool street, where a dlagnato of the ll .an
Noe.. Sala to comtnonce Alooday, 91.7 !..t 9e.
to. no Plano la Kiri:dal:led by Cbartea C. Mellor,
&yang for Clackating d Son'e
Doors open at 7% Concert C0M02•9(.1 SW:look
Detainee. Agent._
_ . • ---
Dr. CEIAPIN, lb. "Pct.. of Pulpit
Orators,. Pill lecture lo
Sukater—ECßOPE AND ABI /SIC IL open st t o'cloc k. Ltctan to COMM.. of
C. 1. - .7a mOsIO rCodiu. Bl Wcod ar.a—
glibptooalign- tos22td
we take pleasant In informing the public tbn
tow occupy tho lug. and oolaxodlons bow
St. criatic STIII.I-14,
Wlms•w• Imes Jost remind from tbe pownof.stoyer
of W 11. B. OBADBURY and BellOtteCllZlt a c.v..
• new Jot of aDJ 1U P1A5.11. Also, • complete
sesortment •f celebrated llsmomalwas,2le.
bacons and Muskat good. genera/.
?MI impeatortty of the EIItADBURY PIANO Is al.
to•dy entabllthed. In t h e luatory of Ylmlos oo 111111
Wein:moot boa maned so rapldly to I ,, Yolorttl
or eemdm.l ieAmor premloms - witbla Itursram of
two ywi a, thw mar unto, toll too hare,
ocorstrno& bass and Branch mod action Plano
F•Me, numnfactimed by Will BRADBURY. and
Shentsker & Do's Plume boxing twon to long ud
tavorsbly.known tbis other conntries, noel
no loather comment. All guam 11
oteed for . years.
AlE6fit BARB,
11.1%* Agents n riitabargb sad Wader. P►,
lio. 34 ST. CLAM Bt. IlbsollN Block.
Good Second ll►nd Plena tor Boot. Toping and
toystnod done apV3
Cabinet Organs!
.11.cksioul.dge4 by all limbed tO be tereeter
to .11 other tantruntode, witkest eseeptioe r and also
TRM&T a DAlrist most celebrated Melodeoas wed
.Ilarmoulams an only lay eels by •
itorricumooni a co..
a.. 1711th stmt.
panzautt PI&E105. 0
BAINES BB S. nacos;
ratimrs antnipsons.
A splendid non Wen put melted.
028 oaes.Lorra Burtar.,43 vital a.k.a.
144 IPoligrit Street . . M door,
Ala all atlas Unitary damn criwili• a
Zio amp mass saccessfell.
I. if. a. Joituas
. •
Ucend 501,1 B6', CIAAIN4OXFrO.
Ho. D 9 intaer BTBErrp,
-CLA.OS9,_ .BOlllMi
APTistoNt, 1140: 1 ; Pdx awl El
QL.A.I3LTaf,eI64 dem-aptlan,sollecte4.b7 am fut.
scslbet, at the tEllostng yet, cif t PaEiloya 610 EOl
ell "141. gLaw; •
tr6:73 l 3iirit itivicr Maha; 13;*s." -- , -
; EL B. Ns 'alums aft mad* It the elslist does not
card. sad sU tabroution ehei2 W.
f aioresvizyc
F". 205
,out.itirtztasiiiiiitatirrt - iiini %so*
` :T }ac
A ueriorr &ILES
W. D...Txprr, Cavains D C,
Ofd of r,-
0., dprll 1151 11034.
Will be old at poblic auction, to the Igbest
der, at the Mina and place* t.aand bolo , rig:
aenport, Patna, Thursday, May 6th;
Gettysburg, canna, Monday. May 9th; •
Altona, Psalm Muni .ay, May nab;
Mifflin Penn., Thtneday, May 19th;
Ensuing. Penna. Thunday, Ray Vjtn:
Lebanon, Penns, Thursday, Jun► rd;
Ziorthurnterland, Penns, .11kunday, June 9th;
cranjon. Penns Thureday, June lank;
WlElam/wt. Penne, Thuteday, June 2.3 d;,
One hundred (100) home as Gettyatag. mad rico
hundred and ally (.50) ►t each or the mho. platn.
Thee berms ham been condemned as unfit the
the cavalry serviced( the United States Armj.
for rout and terra manages many gooi bargains
maybe had.
Home vrill be gold gingly.
Sala begin at 10 A., .d continue day tin an are
Terms: 0.11.1311, fn Malted Statiu Trrastiii notes
Lieut. Cot and C. Q. M. C.. 1 ,7 iMan•
—Will be exposed to public sate at the Wend-.
dance of B. BlefilltP7llll. 'near Pam 6tettoti. In
Pounlornablp, Weirtmoreansito.. on ThantaliyAltey .
6th, et If o'clock, a. m., the following proterty tie
lit: time Dew, Bu of Barna., Old. Steatite, one
wee, • lot of pstatoce, about thisty.dre gallons o{,
oil, one refrigerator, one churn, a lot of sell and
bmuehold forolture pneratly, consistinger buresure,
wardrobes, wub stands, obatrs, large parlor mirror,
two other large mirrors, .tear mod hart mettressew,
bedsteads, circle, marble Icy centre tab,., entomb:o
table, Bora, wring manilla* ' one barrel of eager,
otter ankh+ too numerous to imeolloll. I
'rtrme of mho to be cash, par money or legsl to to.
d ' n°un • on a l" of
nriI VS;;PEI O'BBlEli,
234 Executam of B. E. Malowio;AWd.
Crerscror Antrum? Qnrtiltiag , !Is
Washington, Apr.' 16, 104.
—Will beeold . Wedneeday, the lath
at the Ballroad Depot in idegandria,
day ot May,
600 tons of Old Eaffroad Iran:
100 tons of Old Car Axles;
60 tons of Cast Scrap bon;
100 tom of Wrought I.r;
8 tonsof Old Blass sold Copper;
300 Oil Flarrelr,
Terms: Ow& in Government Funds. Ten (10) peel
at to be paid at the time of pnrchsue, the balancel
The prietty must be ramored within tarn dar frost
date of sale. L HOBINE3OIm, •
apl9ttt . Qapmin and A. Q. EL
o'oiceki at ALLEGHENY ANAENAL, .IN be sold
to the highest bidder:
4.001 Infantry' Cartridge Dotes,
;Sr " " Italia
2,521 Gun Eitinge,
3,455 Infantry Walla. Dolts,
75,000 The &tap Leather,
60,00:1 " " Hors,
1,5 W Kegs
CO Pow • or Barrels,
1 Draft - Dana,
1 Hiding eaddia.
kaII'ELLAND, Anitionser
GOVERNALENT SALt.-.-Willte sold
at Public Auction, MI WIDNE9DAY, IMO
4th, 1864, at ailleabeuy Arsenal, commencing at It;
o'clock a m., to tha highest bidder, tha following
proport7, :
1 Draft Dorm,
19 375 Chtrtrktote Boxes, 13etts, ao.
75,0 0 Ma &rap Loather.
60,000 DA. do Iron.
7:725 Boxes, Barrels and Neu.
Terms ash. B. ELK. vrarrat.ry,
a :t4l Lt. CoL of Ordnance
intHINPLA.Is , I E. 14 OIL YARIA—(~
'kJ Tuesday evenlnit, nay In, will be wild at the
Oomteemial Feet Ito as At Vitth street, on second
floor, Iva 500,0 of ground In Denim townehlp, front
log on tha Allegheny river, with the Engine, Romp,
Floes, all regalotter machinery, Tants, berrellng
Vatform, antl railroad .witch he twthe Corn
plan tor Oil C'omF•a7 TOM/ Made known at Ws.
apV DA VD3 s AlclLWAlN33,#noVra..
DUQUESI.iE B 1 wottiu4
tlaunitscvcicro of every Inclot) of 13Olaoil
BEAM CASTINGS, of all dimutptionk_roada to
PITTING, and ESPAIBISO, promptly &Beaded to.
Particular - atteithm pad to fitting up wort.
A 1.., Solo Agoiou Poo the Warman Dlatrlet of Pena;
quanta for tho mole of BABB% LA CSDILL or.
PATENT S P, the beat limo . In
vaded. Baotou soIMEON
rams It is OMP not Cable to :got OW
awl., sod .11 throw =aro rata that any pomp
of twice Ito flan
t. 50 cents F.
Garner of Pito wadi:M=lh i
Pike and Walnut Streets
(Near Olt' Water Work a,)
Blandoctscreal of stationary and other masts,
of all kinds, sad moral Wrens. '
Prom ,t smontfoo [iron to Wpgitzot somata
'ls • 0 , J44:lr.
Ilsathdases Cl
Square,lllat and Octagon. of aII due. Vbrranted
equal to am" Imported or mancbctortd to this area.
liar Office and warehouse, H 149 end Ibl TlBSl'
end LW and 122 swum 2, P 14011411!
A LLEN M . CORMICK & co:; Yam=
Vornan, Pitteb,,
leirWatelennee, MD LIBERTY nut!,
Dannefactorers of COOB, PAULUS Arm DRAT
HOLLOW WADI, etc., Steel and (Done Ilioulds, toll.
lag XIII Cutts:go, DM Gazing, (stater and:Are
then Pipe, Unman. Dog Irons, Wive Danne,..qtr
for Settles, Palm, Hanprs,t3ar Who*, oouplinp
and Outings'enerably. Ala, Jobbing gal lisebine
Cleedinge aude to order. Patented Tatabiel&M.
with Steam or Horse Power. apitentd .
WELLB, RIDDLE it CO.,_ Na 215
T Man ;nen, opycedts
onntfacturere of NVIIII'd, LAEHI3 end BUTTCo
-111 and entry description of LTATIIIII% SWIM
Orden eolleitea from the trade, end iods prOmyt
ty elt typed es per inztractlons.. ,fedfly
REVERANCE, - No. 53 Wens- BT.
unsatiturtstror °MOT= lIMITEI
W110111:1HT 8P1E321, common sad rziitroa4 clamp
deactiptlim. . •
Particular &ad or eloped flP=l3 asul 11.14=0.
tarp orszakmado to ordor at ant notice, ti
exadV r ... anistantly ad , aad. • torAturt
• 1,
_BENNETT,Manufaaturers of
• WHITS STONE CHDISA and omen' 1 , 701,
Moo sad Warehoon at No.. Tt 11701 . 711. sum
pitto.h. mbutly
la WOTh sruUr
Commission Mercitonts,
No. 190 soma weir's
at. stadat attention to voitl. s toang
Flour, Grafts, Provfatatts,:lle.,
a v.
(Bsioesora to "J. it W. MILISHA,)
Commbislon &VorwariUng*ero
Hexlog ourchteet the "Baum Wiiiehotwe ; wS
city, itad foeiwg ample MOM sad &antics we we
mowed to owe and foreard OIL AIM
1314 ornery deerlption. ead primate* sat
isfaction to , ail who psi &rot au with theft patron-
Mow= so mimosa ig
Flail)", Grain and *old/dons.
3MIAD PrlLad
atITDI N a •
Ha S 7 W04:11? ISTMEXT, PU12134614
1.1.4ti1i BY WALLACE, • t
Commission lietelani,
Zio. 180sovra WATIIIi BT., 03(0100, Mine%
/*tinlor otontiel Wel to filling estate
AUX: 5'aut5".......:
B r
am& 49351.1.1
Icoxios . ,
:lUSECTIIII uti viola
*Ws, -•-- , Nr1133016/1.,
:4-: ,, , - ..•: , ::4:; . ::..i ,- .4 . t
• . - ~44w4,46ti?.,:v.
VOR sAix--e CHOICE tar or
I. rrvs L08L4.-7 coad.sloed hes the mai.'
mg of • ado* Lot at 0. d. containing
4411113, sintata Oa the geurrra am bout
rah a wB. trots the etaaton of the Oakland
Or Railway, adjoining hands or D. H. 11111.1 atd
Wm. J. Abozdnet. About tvrodnirge nueeeg. the
remainder to hoods, with • nuali auvent of tinter
gotring through the lot; all tillable ground, and of
hat clan nod. It has an admirable elle he • coax
raddence. It is slat well situated for • vine
yard. Lanai In that neighborhood is haft tons'
dye huottred' tit one thousand °defiant per acne, yea
ills lot la anted for four troadred per ion It is •
nue chance for an Induatrione dermas man te got a.
home, ca for a capitalist to make an investment.
.thy reehniable tharmill is glum for ParnuAtailtre
prettrved. It paha rented for • terns_of ye= hi
an iroprovenunit leassc J. W. T. wpaTE.
I. ~ .sf 100 Meth street, Plttabullta
gATTI:e•Tbs property known at the-"Elewitkley
..deadessy,...l9 stiles rrrak Plitstargb, on tbs
Ray=s sad Chicago Itallwal, with fourte e n
smog of land. to ofPrad for ate. There Is ne liner kw
cse-ea to the vicinity e,Tittabwrgh for • Boardin
Bonne, Hotel or IkbooL • Th. male Indldiskg Le=
feet by 60 sad contains asarly tarty rooms. Tim*
shandanos of dads, sad the gooooda ass =lily
arranged. Thane to alack a good garden and aLa
of small traits. 101 l excellent. It has all tali ad
vantage. of the The? and railroad. Pommel= can
bee. &- latawdLstaly. Tor prise, tams,
of so Thaws. T. H. &wiz I 00. 22 Wood street,
irsbargh, or ego =borarr as the prembes.
FoR SALE —A tli•ci story brick house
Cs the north side of the North Conatton,, between
roisral and Sandus k y streets, Allegbeny.Olty: •
Ali*, Three two story back tsunamis •on the
east side of °berry Alley, between Second end Tkdrd
Also, Lot .d bat:Mugs, on the southeast earner •
Of Fourth and /any streets, PitUbergh.
A 1.., A large brick building... the west We of
fourth street, (East of /darken Pittsburgh, suitable
or boudlng boom or bank.
Wee, The old Gowns Beadles, on the northerly
tide of Third street, abetting on the above lot.
Inquire of WM. M. MINN.
No. 137 Fourth attest,
FOB - BALE, situated on the ILemonzeheda
Weer, shore the Mit Lock. twin a bout on odd
river or (WI test. sad extending . hook to &a:k
West, selJoinln the Connelleville Bedlroadßraa, con.
mining 4 •enas end g
TT perches. This ben iamb..
bte location Wr nuennlectartngpurwe• hating the
river to front and *treat - lola I•=id to the
rear, end any RIM and tlll4 Inge thereon erected.
Tar hod. and . to MACY ABC TIMM,
du the ACGEMBiIIGH, Ho.
Dismand atree Mahwah. . ishlttf
- - --- • -
Aim OIL 11.1:YINTIM—The com-balf crt•
Thole of at Oil Deanery and &cam Daw -In in, with
teu and onetmlf acres of ground; at abundance a
cmil cm the lot--mine oyen and being toirkad, situate
on the idllegbeny Diem and d. V. II IL, la oflcred
kw sale. The linfineo ta nor and of modem build.
She Baer KW la In splendid order and is eon alto
, Mod, haring a check reaming from It to Dm rise.
Good locality for building boats.
Yoe particulars caD on the andenignoi.
aMbtf • Ile. 10 Hand street, tittaburgii, ?a.
FOR SALE-One new Steam "Engino,
15 inch cylinder, 30 inch stroke, on ttal, teen
bed; talance valve gorernor
One 12 Inch cylinder, 30 inch stroke, secend-hend,
rest will be as good es rem
One 7 inch cylinder, 20 Inch stoke, my.
Onell 0 25 f'
T.o Cylinder Bailers, 861 n. Mom., 30 feet tong.
Three 30 211
T.o Wrought Iron 00 Stills.
AB% Three Sets otßoring Tool,. for 00 Wells.
Creep for nub. .11nquire or H. Id. HOLE.
A.°? • Alletawny it•inr Bast, none the point.
Amidenea in Ebarpstrurg, situated on Mob st.
She booms contains wen r went and finished etia
& geed well of water and an excellent cbtern at the
door, with pump in each. The lot lo 7Y/Sete inches
front =lda° feet deep, to surest. There to Fs nit, •
Cowen and throbbed 1n abusdance. Peroms de
emu of parchment or renting a beautiful reeldenee
cannot dada more pleasant one lo this retinal. '
Empaim of the reeky of She mthseriber, on. the i
premiere. or !. CI. LICWid, of the firm of Lewis, Del
-6 00., at their mlll la Sharpabmg.
• • it.SteerdSw K U. LEWIS.
ter pr.perty, bah g part of tto w knownek.
tate "Itcardala,. fronting= tha uhlo riv• r, between
Washington and Ctorataut atrceta, ronnina bacli to
PreDla stmt. 'Ms p' patty oak bedlvided intog7
lota, mostly 2,4 feat rant, and train 11211 to 0011
deep. The provrty soldna Lan entirety. end
possesses yarticular advantage, for amattof.ctnring
ells Termscanba made satisfactory. Apply td
Grown OuLIILIUN. ,!
Penni, trattla Bait Maardartnrirde Co ~ yi• •
earnisr Pitt atreotand Landa. Way, ~
soyltlta •.
PEAL ESTATE ...FOEiSALThe pn- ! , 7
lt &aligned otters tussahs &valuable tract a( land
...dna thirty scree* tasted on theOblo river, In
&Edam tomehlyi nearly opposite Efayeall' *boa. -
10 man from Plttebargh. lbeingna - tof the Win •
VI. P. Tame, deed: Paid I.d us all river bottoto of
the richest lad heat quality. Perms desiring to -
purchase luny .quire bf the anderal4ruid btu reel.
der. rear the prezatece,. Kuhn it Oa ridgy, attar.
neya.lslo. 93 Diamond street, Pittsburgh.
Any2E tdeStw B. Y. ➢FERREE.
7. ;
bat Puna story brick houssodiusta on ROW '1
STEW. betnesat YUtb sad nigh strait; contain- •'•
big ten roornsoritis good cellar and Onishod !fps
rat. The los has • front
0120 ket on Zorn strait. st. i_Lf
dog back 70 Gat to a Elba alley.' The hum is ru
scandal!, and bar water and pp throughbut
the bonen. Por farther particulars en cti:tiro of •
A. G. aranacup
Dlsmood, Pittsburgh. t•
BALE—Twantpeerren Acres of
Lend part of the Lorene tarn. onnaandlng
flee trieet of 11ttabeigh and elelntty. le about one 1:•,••
adle froze Sone& Ferry Landing. There ere on the
premiers some One fruit teem snd s nevon•Odllng
w•g of extellent water. Will be sold topther, or •,.
added to snit porchseers. Tenons .d.rtns •
*matey rtectb.ce trIII plesit oat en
71. A.LLES LOllllll4
!I/4M • No: 111 Water street. • 47
MTOR SALE That 'valtiablp
eireate ea the l'ltlaburih .ad `r
Grads Rod, ID Batumi ton:whip, known aa
• , ,Erm tors." .bout awl laths from the city, mar,
Writ:gal:out 125 am., will be 'old at priest* nab:
For taroas apply to Z. M. STILL,
ccr, I. 0. YOU2IO,
Attanit-Law, Tio.l2G Toutti Moat.
T• • I
MR SALE—That desirable propertyg:
ietustss to tn. Navcr.i. or Idanch"ta , °nth °
earner at LetartAtteet lad the Ohio rim, ,td'
Learn le the Greataroatpre.atr which
ire red a =darn style nrs Muse, Char.ft'
digs Haan, Stale, les Hams, as t,
ihaPter Warden engin of
.D. MU= .
Onmod math. terms
&HD TUBULAR. BOILERS, at' different Wei; 0.93;;;...
weersl 'opecoatt.bazul ZNOINIM, of =mat elm .
WDDIII2RT raos stun WI
0•51 boats, DOCTORS. Also. Sim wad Maur 8114..1,
*Unto - TRW. It: ELLIS, •
11611Zad' ' Care, Mimi..
VOR •SALII—Nni 825 sores dr:.
that elan limbeerlaud, situated war to &TM/
rasel,la Toucan smutty. So capitalists who with ,0 ; r 1
Wad ircsparty that is paw scruung visits la dek . ..,
Ltadr mutat attoatica dineefta to. ttetS
Wan ed
al Ira are lastxuetod tusoll at a past naafi
!Ica, for-soutteubalu apply to - z”.
- K elt . B. tae L,AI3 d 00,102 Fourth street. .!
- 0.011, SALE. • •t .
moat OTNABM/AT bUraallEll9„, -
• WOO fiat daeotiessore of &et rlddlrYlwd
DEMING 1I oflaral tar rale at an Ylardap NM a.; 7-•
&BARKS& Anderson lama dalegballY eirrA ,
?rail PS -per tbacuaad feet, .tiara maim. Tll •
i t fa already gdarted and reedy dor rae. -
ll4' ' I AUTURI AND . wAme. - PowEIC-,
! '''.-70TV lIALT...—Thi - sttbsci'difatrtii fay odi a:
6:Ming. vitb. andar..pcnrcr,altuats 16 , NSW
ORTON,ldeaver ca.% Pa. Tbsl64ldlng 160 ; .•
bem toed Y • .666.6 ayd Boar fsetaryi =A reamer '
as - sowycles 'factory, and 16 saitable r tor almost sityi
zuutasetatitig bon n et:Apply steartlYpreadays ty.
a1,16.1t0i ,' ' • - .O. Et. 8 , UWAIIT:, d''.
Tar Intern scoaant...
-? -
--NO: 145-
- - -
LOT FOR ISALE— , On theyre.stiiiiie
U Grantham street, Allegheny, fear the cemed,
alleolf 21 feet wide, extending back, with uniform,'
width, about faliet MOJA= not nipt
naiad good. Tar narration enquire at themffteM
W. W. Wallemes . 122 LlbeTty Etna Pittobtall.
sTt&lw AL= mums wetax&or:, f.
rFtliN . J 1 Li LAY/S.2IM. 13•54.)..V•W•
. enacts at tea Strattlas of ea Greatabati Rthar•
aid 13ottar sueat, 52 ma front sad' KO Sat Cop:
Terms: ova tudt colt, and Us Palma l rata
WI; at pi Baal Irtata aad Ismarsace aka af si
-• • Both, • 4ampracatil
wins. dtsias. ,
1: CITY PROPERTIL=That 11,201 DWZIA.: •
triO, vitt ccandsiatactied. Csolea„stner. ago
<rawly occuged b Cuittisa ihmassi; la, of NBA ,
Bfrialaghous. Mann lad , i:clU•Utap
met. of
L .L the
Drilin 1 " " iltZIM
wrise.ll: - •• NZ Totnrthatmt;Pitiabendst--f:
- •
tulc- .cusl,t,-43xas- tircraun -.13111011.
"DWRISING, Intshod ht good Itylo,. sod*.
odipbto oda Inmost oh tho song of DI Sr.
tmet sad ClorPeatzeti "Dry .Birth
inQ olght.rooms ihad llalahad err*.
1 aria. EinzeanD
WWI BILLS 11./ • KENT—ic Ana 002 , ,
. lasKoaband. to Maim tolnualis •44.1132.,
lag Lade Plan. Pentanes% sad wi th in s akogrtrdl k .
twos of th=troalikVallrad.
Xngple• of • • ' ".• -
FOB, elaa - n&Lot of thoundoWthe,
=oar dr:crate saltstraeny stses, Std.
Bersestrtitnsdnium.,A Wrist o u f
Vasstraseradlsst streets,Vlb Assot
aaq saStlla Indiputable: AA 01,1L0TAt_ . t....: ,
s • Ogren Itess-v. . I ts•
VOL BALE—VA) ii reor t
.prim , ii.
w'rlads' W trei.figniet Zir r ; 1 :
. , .
laevs far the sold TVA*. -A ip/T 1 0......___„ ~:1„,
~.. .
ll'LET. , =Tirolargs NA kerdiougy.: , :
' -farakbi4 2003118,1rItlumt baud. ata,ll* tea .i.
a UM. 1O THUM isrmgreiboinprest , _
- flOgilf .a
,4 •_: , ..7,.: . g.' . ;','.7 - '.:`:TV::::',72 - 1;7'„ - :