~i..:::, UMlnalIJt411.147=1 , 1,11b111:: .; 4 401T.th' and &ions. • ThneAcnen r ... IMO , Thr0N1feJt......66 - T-60 • on "Ebro' Emma— 4:25 p rest Lino. &5 p dobszen dotes &t p m SO .3stnrdd stsn:oo -WO der dodo" 7 1o5 0" a ntho 1. do guoo p :Ths Oburch tralopka - it 91111 - a Annonnis I. orrriminow, FT. Anir.s. 177 1 2i1ittd5i.......... I.4d'iLloiChicypi 241- 2dX l , • 61 1 -1b50mm:::.....z... 1.43 . ral Phil. - do - 210 ppt BUS Troia.-- tk3o • miCin'tl do - tan pto ' Arnatooo Arne* &lb p tolerralln• 111•11- 7:00 p m Tb• - fforritrighwa4miotooditlori lams alls fanotplitatine at Ih-45 im..11 , ..*00 OS; 40. p Mg. 6:40p m. 1110MT010/, leanne Now Brighton Bt.stion at 6:80s - la, MI • n, MAO p ta, and 250 p m. ..1 , • C./ -- `:! 117. "" 8 . 4.° c"*. 4 411 111 1... , '', ' 11110. TM& m . 1itai1..—.......- &IV p M Ilizpr.m- - &On p m rspmsi -10:1:0 • m ~•I„leg•raPort-ILfu*. 1 4 allEmm -put 7O+o p m f 111 to: v- .410 .=: Old pm dd ": :do- : - 'My m 11 , P•N Ponr.... - - -10. • m Kai P e r.7:....' 8:30 • dr 1 Bradkock a —_. ta to b p Br•dd.el 7 •.... .„. 6:40 p gfr l TA,. an, , •anday Train U. and -Ingo, WK.:tarpon hard as p and arri• Mi it Itim as aurranasa irausga. &pas.. '" 1 gaq....:,.. 7:OD • M Puma • 9:00 p m • .t intmdlanc * Zol tco p m at.2lll.4Laz - AM • ..' 1 4 4 1 160- • ' ettemo. 4 kid •di .___. -....... 1,15 p m w doolkit - - ... cdo . m Mezvfl&-,:& - 00 aan ' . d...:„„..:1116 •at ' ' 61 k 13 5 oml 0611121Eftt 'AL ziiwbiu PITI'S (111 - 1114 A iRECETS ,_lll , 2onth.l,4l;Teutz,A4r:Alis, ,Flitsburgb A Gaicit h , (1/I.3lH—Cora moth:mad fair de timid and light recelpti, !mai sales of ear from store-at- $l,BO - and - allotted at 1tt;33.1,35. Oct. la trrbk demaild and in light lopPfn sales from store at 3340. Wheat la !Famed but. theta to hone in market; 'lied word.; eom mead 51.60.133 from inure, *s,,v4a . BarleParut /1311.•raithe in market. ' r FILOCITOWaIetaI id Aria with a Prod JUblolog detiotad ,, tout , pitceit m . 0 .- Without - Ouataole - chaoae. Wetploteat 1.2)503 for etamalora;l3}s4l for Rub d laila sad , L.s4altrfur Clear 'do; 17 a.,r Plain Liam.; leNsle fur Poim rog,r owed; sad ma; t ar C.o. nand d0: - 'Led to drat with sake of manta as L 334 sat Odra..ail rendered at ley.: vales of hie. ,Pork ae and 'Una Baer as 313•10,450: Pried &alb fret wl b small sale. laralOX. CittOOSlLl63—auger it dearfairjohblog demand-at 1234 11 t w Cabo and 13ati for Nov Or. lean.. airwhi - qiiirt but Uhl at_trign46% to 374. Molasses oi- with; sale* to • fair extent at former rata.... Bfrlkaaedrtuted W 12613.W.2. FLOUR- la qidat arid:lrmativa, iboaga holden fie Arra 'and 'Midas . to -maw soy conceallorols We note small-We. rikira-..raudly trim atop, a 3 8132 3 G03-2herela a fair demand for: Batter; bat the suPply fatly equal to , it,: And the mutat la rather dot ; sales ot 3 half Dbl. iod at 33; Mod Mb- sad 3 bbl. prime at 30. Epp la • better demand; Woo of hp Ohl. at 16a17 $1 dozen— anolly at • Y o2 42o.s.3—Arearriving pretty freely, hutthe 3 11 1 tuki fla - 1,31) Mutt ' 4 2 Pi les ti ti.o,u,e laraliy equal at to:the .opply ; ; W 130 poles of as" 3351 “Peach Blow*" at 11 31., math l i4 11 .2—Them Lew hew 'feature whatever to notice la Ibis artkle: We quote lame .23 Matz.V' toot sad hwhicrwishoo. - 8.6 or Scared it S&L • • - DEIIILD FariT , -111rw but - uticoarhhth: bales bf 10 bq.t,prima apple. at 110 i lhoifid 10 416 g U#Sit4i-la firm, with • light rectupt.;"eaks at how 'W itta, -Dna,. old Pagliat Dairy at'llaft. vt 30 tads of Louisville 1 1 . 5 0 per: - bbl c100id.417 firmer, owlog to the adooto-• ta Clutionatraarttltatitoi bat: no market Is toof an sottiod to quote =anus Plttsbarei retrctiCtun. market. Her 2..-Tbe, matter Ya,crtidaamymbett pretty touch as iiirdoaol-Baturdey *Manley, quiet ana ratter atah and aims fetettre, la otter toeifieCtealet, woaid hare /Made s i , II b c mansion. Am aeon; letterer, u the ptilicittniire Decants knowb„ nyiatteg 'the Liverpool eel Leaden make% p.m, hdayeareinialgiscr,ho,d.. Mat elaCkheciate antler In their Thine, and as 1.111 be aeon ty reference taionitalee,eleidrante Of teal% tritaperyalicat;tru obtaintdirmate Unmet:, before the day c 1 zed: the' trazialeticus - wire; tinthrially large, the reigned Wee amtnting to the aggleent. - to %Idle bele. while the rre.lpta er c. bberat foottne up keyll titre W. note the L41..1.1 agate 60 • Sou Mod: EL! bede,ott The epol.abEl; 1,32 bole do am iiiibler,hdi/do at 29* PO obit lar terood, 1.60 DDL.O2o, tree to '.naafi care Inenal. sloe to the -burr,•.aleot able nadi Irma tut.. at. be Nun)" L itedo-14.-MO - ia• tabs. Wits tip the tibgbeny river—at trii, there. 14111. ed, W. fa very arta and bleier, boa the marker is too u -lied, to report fully. We heard of a sae or •1,.00 bble, In b ue, for inatmodlate &herr,. et 52, ethica I. as etlystotot. „Terre to ea ern feat tu• to notice to nritnita tither Naptba or Iluaidoeur ihe tecap aby the, elhithene tract dur.n the 11.11t47.f.te Wirtza manly thilevenr-e, area. foliose: 41co; toll; aufwa... ftehti s re, , Joe WI lams US; W b Bt tam. 104. a [twine t Bro 242. Thu. 11,a e.oituU Itureuracb,-6114 E • 46 , • Ye mak, Ball tor, fibs:. trauma et. Meg, lay are it no 441; D • colt WO; b a raj, In; Lt. agl ow oh II to Brewer, Darks tea, ZOO, riDetin, 1,000 eetetW 8,024.. . ' Wirepy Review ur Ni ' - tr...eyzu frl.ruct. Vinirtel limastiler vlei•Pittaborgh Garotte.) 401 AD, -, Citsle . hia t‘ia 'dub and =gala al aII ttgolt,,,h she s.oek., The stock is bribe bangs at a•Mr haateess:slirobsbly hts4l: throe;lttrthe . . . Itasee-awes as the balk di witbonen Oti sheen la:l-11114 154419de. IS la tal4 llita at ;a, ,I3ome cow& . 1.• are hat though called shaiT gray 10x11 „.. PY.sll It ladles so 544'4 Ais sails mi lt,. ,But therien tuatsynrs to hatmntatthaprlaaisleihand; ed-.aad the market all a iSilaileta I eusi-eome 0000 bbls hare berm kph! thla mar. bat la riiiiel4sQ hir.e. Oak' 444.15c44 at to , w 0413 be sold share tosstosahere at that rico.. Nook herd Is prsb.sbly thiot 27A03 scams tdinkibut act w oret , estimato' , .lo.ooo lib!. are hold by one hottse...and halt in die. The satUctamt orthi Maitrains. pleilonaly Vrtintitkiteur ar' birder lawn bongos op was on ma bash, of 4Ustro-aat vs of theta am not sealed ,y.thtit are la the hands of law)ere 13.13ssedlabuld hat bean for swirdirafe4allthr6aCh the week. Th. Issrll!7 ras Wee ,ahont squally sll ehhed,s hatsreeti rho arishrteic wad she ipssithh tons. The =ohm CAl's for ...sport 14 heart s_: for alooiattow prerhmsh, con Kid (Lin Mil laubaa .va a bba- orehtch 9 Mt:to . waa rtel it oa ti ig e ea marketWateitlted a n n :to' • the g. h4 o .blux Za VI lloa-um with an 1 11,011 • 0 •14.14 , 11000/41:1" Viten vt..cqd •5o sailows wall a lir. bnitneas was done-chiefy In a:attracts( • • frow*Ml lroriies.t..4uut advent:Sok . the • tattlr,: pstfOrAta• ars blitrrievip prW - I;lllshuatelliiindird blowy dullactba pest QM* dapcntierpOtra barn fseamd: tea butets:::.244:ll:les. art; tan fidr, 447;4 1 4,444 sepaatsap for funtroVailierr;:•,'• - f • . • alslttlik: hag tiCa.re.ols/nrrniiyillY.-4alt:i. ha{ gait leeirail 4.11 4 , 40,444 1 4:Arrittitt iLiTt • !ZS mold it Stenntllo canti rearm_ • • --- • • The.lialarag. made for the' week, d e 7,010 . ands he the spot, it .35.571 ceOtik ibis the outshle Woe 1100.34trialt)=sal IWO tro Lir lijav,l4 haler*. optioo•hol4dekiloita s and 1000 data Jano, 38 same optlonZ.Theinute_t at•-• alma was 4all:• ocrs and notaltuf...haarpneco!!,s. drge tm • fl•.•;;; i t• i - L ii wbkh aboutl, , Ao f;t•Tratallans delleati; stab In 56,11 cents for prime lista straw tit erslteasd the bow e . sk - 671450:10hr klayrzlitot fackultd in ths, ahoy. are -WOO tan* res.'s, of Cotammi deliver. • age Its Phlladslphla-Mno Wain hay. 20001 n Jena and 103010 July, at 68% burentoptl,-0. v. market closed geld but nno-aales werk made to•dar, at F 8 on the apUraticlls9Yo2o male; bayeri Maim - Of free' the ask. and male* aro no• PO bbla-of 'which lIIPLO sol 4 Ipri at 64 to 67 for light• straw to whIM-67abans71./ for prime white-Me out. Ode prim fort . ramtprit"-Wnd thrbatiuma fa (inure delivery sehrikadtforlispatol - ithrOd.,:t., t.t Ms mutat at the close WM dull=saks were made at 05 bn Om spot, and 714 for Way Of Napths sales ire 40:0 go an crud, In Oa 400-about 170 do In bhlt•lantl.accoldlng 1 4 17m 711 74. 7, 4 1500 dt: nearly all 60.63 grymy ao to 40 ienta. • lielittie Value of tr. B. Stacks...l - 6`miteapou7eafenppltei the / -1 i PgL4t4 f c r; Wr with the Mowing a l ma to show the re:Lifts" - , Talus of 61,1'111'14mm of 17 IS: sfsekt,... nig tSgf . mita ti(iiiitit apes kraeliTabliii6 dciistfon of gb ""Tt., lg St g rg gg- , - .4!".7 0 0,/ , ...:1 11 .. the .4 14. gf • _ • o.2l4t.t*lnS at Or. tha 7 otlot4ll-0401till p.y tb• bold. , .1 / 0 . 4(41 , ke Pat. ttFo Fat : 81'• !( .. • : '" • /rib* irOano **rift= pia uaD;r teot-(.o ibr..boA k ux% Mot .11.44wilipay the W. 441'0 tAt lintiultiaccumulattd Int. 4.1 .113 F it 3 dufivin• in 1110,1,0,01 2- 44d 4 . 1 " 1 :ir tritbtleigaltesof.p:d.. . . . ;Y lbe. Cpl lu.)lntflana. tikirloninfai4 tfutiiidt fatatt grit. lbw. thlrjew doit , r 1 . 10 =444 e•. Atry'fivoriWidtamed , , Tbs . r finirdris .00. 1 044 barkgard, , and thr ~r ultitaiers :utitunars;.trd3rd, and .tals out nuke. 4bor Impristic:abld.lbe. 'other - ta g . jt 0..57 atternb,T 1$ a. csa, baral7-ixtect, tt,y satirktban aaagrribnranycVpdrpboil.Lneon Cumdliiiibpicar: , Atctikzaridtterlask`rar-ly , wen Alletetillate , teKdatratuctitukridsOd thattbawo sof grassy?, Opeptiftotant 110..1, ja Immo en ..jay, whaie bur Ono wets ago tt,paa tbonbi stair p '44 a Thy, d , urn a.mr the Orb f*Walng prat taco, . - 12. 4,lcllmixamizati , LierrrcciPAlLlOst s d , niv.k et; Litre, **4 l : 4 'ths crnp irtl Gptilittir al.t Or ikl; . :;j9j , _ ~trR ~ ere, 41 row! crlmum , n,t 5 ant * 21,4 4 101 0 4 46- _,,_7 , 5;1 1 :51,404.1 111 6 1 .1 4 .1406 , I patua l ichAwand aro. agsell-qmorM a Appurpotacdpgto to airitgletta - tautlleppotrs ,r- •s~.Le ::. ~ ~ r~ _ ~...~. . °~:a. ..._~ Seal o Z/htall-Arbotit English Taxation. Iracki*ie nazi'long sad ableatttela insse qnt yiltioittrOf tb.H T Tr bow smitten by M. liattoteetkPleiro, the foliosrlog totettmiog sod me tal faitto:lotigrolog the workings of the Eoollsh tatith laietristem. Etr. Wllkeeme's statements are Mibitled Trti ttie binbrst matt, Li. lof✓rmattoo being desired from the beet seance r .itiamactu•anii k rrive. nalVr• ExAp'a.....1480 F ta 120 p 'art Liao 1 •to ThrTheo'l9:3o3 a to Jobsat'a AtcotOtt.lo.Os s to 24 do WO tab s' to 3d do 1:55 i4thde 645 p p to ,WW Startalatoa 3..40.73 P Al= • =CAW. At the very threshohl or the knowledge which En. gluld teen to otirtr the relation or her tax .tiott 'ober pope iatt on 1 , ..r Id yean it tru. Tann. Pupulatt.m. - lazes Taxation re i 1621 t 01810....-17,02002.1 626"1,000.060 112 hew!. 77 wit to taph___WSkahlroo 1170at0,000 LB 60 1221, to 12 , 3.--22 6000 0 Zeit° ,tlOO 12.29 1231 to 1240....,000 255,04 tral Inn to 7160..„y7,00.01.0 273,00,000 12,17 1,17 11151 to 18511—.24,500300 3,0,020,02) 10,511 34 1 400,000 11,221 Tae planation .t the boys! Sern, op nt bank lbw war and the sear debt into to be strap per r until sre herellogaed rho rebate into enbudestou n o' the pay... t of Irederaf tains le about 24,10 - e when the popoisbni of Grist Brltelo W 65 only 20,000,0 0, the tea head wee 8 . 16,50. The detrlb /ton or t etathal t rough the several elm. of werety,w, that Its hoideoe should be equk• ab'y and wisely olvidedjoeteret, the rich nod pour, tam been the *object or!. ¢lslailo to Xon and -or -Ter 200 yearn tier chaotic. tnounterable her statrenten barest 1. , 4 apportioned thteare ' op 1r the print/psi dothshin mod ass...able articles, ar666 1 , lb. sredthy and middle dare, and those Who sabetst upon their daily labor, as haloes: Total Upper Middle W^rkirtil 'Uttar,. Classic awes. 61.066 IVAO 4000 &Attu 8,601,1210 12.000,00 Sugar_ a, UMOUU 6,7 1 0.000 11,150,0 e) 12 100.000 Totruir.a 47,600 WO 5,00000 10,00.000 12,600 000 W1.9—'....10.0 0.00 6,0 0,020 6,000,taw pirlt...„ ,11,600,00 3600,000 e,r00,010 3,61 W iti i & Other art-M1 . 000,0W 3,500,00 U 7,500,0® 0,01/0,024. , • • 5p1rit...,.117.000,000 25_000,000 25,000,000 3 5 , 000 pup Linen... 7,00 sm. 2,60,000 3,600,000 2,100,000 0,500,020 2,00101 2,r.00,030 1,000,020 rnirrlaare 2,Ar0h041 Whirs) 1,002,100 600 002 Unp. _....2601, 10 610,060 1,10012,0 1,000,000 80 ampe... 80,000 000 1.5,W3h000 22,600,000 2,50V00 amid tax . . 15,000,00 10,100,00 0,100,1.10 tnata. 33 . o o o ooo 15,000,t CO 20 Otft.laar roar rate.3o,ooo WO 12 500,000 12,500,000 5,000,00 Log rib. 3000,000 1' 60,00 12 ,4 00 . 0 0 6.000.000 Anima Exprear — ... 11;95 ••• '&10 a at stop m Melo. & pm r . faxe p m do ; WO m . B moilmaiilloikoletiff to ----- Toi/11.33b9.1k910.0 112./.0u.1.1/01454,65.,000 101,G00,000 stmt Ideation • above exhibited embraced • popuiation u128,200,0U0 The "upper tenth, untod" tGGGIio G O 4 Patti ere m era with Hub merchants, hauteur, Iliad gtutufacttireri Into tbe ',wealthy ches. They nointiersd to 1860 allowing Ore pre. sous to • family, 1.,t00,CK1. Thy. `wind's cis." =timbered 0,000,000. The .. .irking cla' , timber "ed 18 DX1;000, and the poor old and Wargo who were it public charge comitilutod another mi.iten Now, GliklUg the entire Brithis tax et 0370,1.00,000, the “upprr ease" pays $112,6017000, the otekkite rays 1160,1414000, .d the working classes pay Vol,: pMaA O- l o o r atilt . lumber h e a naly th e e ed ". mti..upipxr. clan ' tl y 2 s had g nd t p he et,rklog co idd lenys.o pays head p" pa 3 25 Practically, hior do the Teglish trorkteg people (the phew,* tooled., re. hth cod Scotch) pay their tax of gwo and 61.000.000 El.ea the payment of lkprote op .0 ;belt. Means to par act. , . the p.p. stiles of 110 This b dented by al British mot.- ~ muds. Tory say,.. the ware table mho • it, that the 8.5,23 tax tar brad is toad,- op of tbeite het.: tobsc co, Ti tent.; spirits a..1:1 malt; T 2,12; Us, 07 clots: sugar, tl 'onto: titer taxes, 81,45—thet of the total annual tax or 65,25 per head paid by the working people, more then half (02,13) is for tohacco and in toxicating &hike! that tney pay a tax of only 82,43 year upon the nrcessarlee if life, that their bread, better, milk, meat, ash, vegetables fhtit, house, coal, do, are free of duty end assessment Mr. Wilkinson then proceeds to &role to favor_of th imposition of heavy taxes on tobacco, distilled spirt, andmalt, but we do not deem It necessary to V. pea 'his argument. Immense Poreigt. Imports. The foreign Impart. at Neer York for !larch, 1864, were larger oven i mokoned at their foreign specie tbai:t for 'ml Pmeletre month since the be. &Mole of ibo war, tie lat.! De art Deng wy twente- Putt million dollars If to thfs are added the price ifti",frelatit, dots. and michance, the total cmt of the month'. Import. in paper etirrw oy wW be found to *mooed sixty mlllloa dollars. PMM13M3173 FE. WEEEir LED 041.11. R 111.0../, Ittay 2-1 em wheat, J 8 Liggett a en; 53 pkgs nags, 'Dellodoogti Smith a co; 4 buts tr46E3, J 8 DO ..ttrarth • gut 2 earl ciuu, D. WEIL.; Ido do Bitch. cock, Elceserry aa; 2 ear. meta, John Ma, heed; 193.11 MAN 1.1.13, 8 be.; 1 car are elsy, Else, Gldierg rit. 1 Erg opide tamer, V ramsorderi 113 bistgll.lgur s , D.b tkettaer; 8 bts ebe.-.. I 3 , 415r/t ehipt tittiM sits rutty mtat, 8 Ch.ff; o sks r-g.. WO MD piper, Gidfrei,a I.IE, 1 bb/ buttes. J El. It peatsllBd Dols ID do time s PI Ilg c., 10 Ltd,. A theatelur; lot snap rub, 11.10,0, HAIM 41, 7 Aids apples., L 11 Vtdit i cri I Obis beet., Lim e A Trimble; e.ks Ntsto t, 2. , us easb b std. J R Mc- Kee; 135 bdlapkorr, & ev: 15 dm temb bmectit, Wm Ilceutchewit 1 t scrap trop, /rands I.lvvniuni Arm Prrr3teokaa By IL. Way 2.-107 bales bay. a.: Hag.; 12G kW.. plat..., LI .k. 044 N Potter. iidtea s Irrpbard;WCl bola 11 or. dbum•ker j:a Gaut; 1“r sand et-to• 6 .ltokelt ano 166 age mra, I ems Bell A to; IIA/ obis fluor Hartman it Btu; ,Oo d Wolin= end 17.m.5; Art ba k rum th•rs, W LlB,aaedu; 6 pkt• barley, Ilm adetd: 16 baler .tutr. 36 boxer cameo., J B m•treld, 11 elm raga, Hodury • Ciark, 001 Otos pututm• A B H. ee1I; 1.4 d.., L B 1 63ut aCM 100 u bare 10.0, York, Oro a co, 10 tail. again, PG W. ker, 38 uu , Fackiner a Irsln: 1G du do , U V K kyr , r t co, 40 b see chew.. BALIer; du du, Potter, a ebrphard. 01 do dn. II VAo6order, ID pkp Slab, Jo. DAN, 16 do do, J D Darla, ALLaals AT STATION, May 2 —lO ton. min-reed. 1181 013• d. , 2..1 Slcuprot, Ji E., ea: 1 5401 , con.. Pam Dyer; 12. Ig. potatte, G elyerr, Ur/ ban mid,. J mangy; It pk.a p talc is, Jo. Clair It ILlrrr k'll.ml t a; 8 two. wo 1 • DiadDy - 2.5 bblo cameo . J.. Grant; 10 lAD ohs re, llolley d Rocket, halm...ado do. flan•r.eel 6 to; 17 Wan room, 13 aka Shoht Bon n c 5 pkea prada., I.lpparl; 700 bl. • Maar, A Curio. Imports by River LPGD-83a 07.1.3,234 Lbd. tobn , co, 7816 stday, 34 bu , r. 7t Wm 2 bbl., 11 Clark co: 6 land. tobramo, .6 8 1.66; 7do do.-.D D O.Dveoein; 3 do do, John Lind,: Zoo do .7 Murphy; ,10" do du, "oho Go.- 6do do. lletrun 11.1. .ts 6nthora. J 11.46pstrick ' d co: f do do /I ib • 4r7 pesetiss,. 0 A' 111.176; ddo do 6 #B6 fJothors, J. emit, lot oundrfoo, Lang A Dar, do do, Goo Joan; clodo,l ♦ GeDdaild. • Icig • IP 0 rit eitaeLKNAll..... , Th6 1 - '44 um .220. rhairnia enzAttaulavr Ks JOB sansa-o.s, c.pt Di sTa; Malt, aednew Bottum; .01 1.-aar a. abort an SUFa• DAT. May ad as soa. a a at • For taight or Fawa , go lora, ott 'baud, or to acto• • ai r COLLIO/06D, I . Jo vt;tor,„ . "neat& VOB. ST. LOUIrT. i -The' Line entinnif tAIDIDEDAT, Gept.J.o ;Dinky. will. AA» , na: &Am on TUESDAY, Dm S.) 4 •" 4 Yr: (might or mann apply= Wad orb - . • JOHN PE 44. S • ) Hip2S ; — 7. L . CnLLl.'ilf4oODl - VOR CINCO , NATI'.k LOU UV axe •‘.11.. Door littatnel' IKATS SODISSON. 'Copt Dobbropo aiMirre !or arms Osi•rplB. vat a flits; ;Irak 'freight 13T pargoipropplp,op , • .1041$ ?LODE., a).V • • • J.D COLLWOD - 001).1."'g'" , Od. :1 1 4138:VILIJKTDD ip1.13.441 profrogoi ftnneta cOliDK.L. l ..rODirotqUoi *lll Duro , for .b...tovi intonTorlisto.:puttrorriale DAT, the.sa er J. ;To. MiNYwbgt • • , _ JOELPLADII, ACtniir. .FOR - Cfl CINYd9I &Lou - I.6lA—TfAi splendid MAWS' ' JENNIE HUM; Capt,-Nusidl, will leave is above ea TIIIB DAY, Sci last., at Ix ps. For freleit as plump apply on inisud,st Das font . . , (19)14.) , A51Dz . fiAtICT g TS VetDit; ta 0144. Rho.. ItOgotit - Chojt,47; en, trill It. gra -tbr - oho. itoroo and Intero,adt polo otc:TREILS. DATt tbo sue Initatit;st 4'o7clock, IN to. Ter DAM Or te a r; sgolv Ca WWI - or to I COLUNAVOOD,, Ageitts. tsoyS Jitr I :9 l, tiNg C 4 111111 • REGULAR , ' WHEELING .te:4e; Jmupenzzttsirtritarecutr:-.lhe - tlite'eteitiew ,Ciitit;,:enti oti. wiil leine:Vlttiburgh;-toe Wheelie; evert , TtrltithiT. TlMEStittr - iiid . lihltiliDittY, Making cling wait= with the R r heellot,ited , Prliendiutg P 64: .sts, hive • Whe'elltitt Ailil,Kll.oN -DAY,,IVEDEVSDAY, wed rannr. PaneeggTl tad aided reselptathiodith id riiihmhitrit; i lfor freight 7 . fmeatt li o , ...e z d or to I be 'tatplfsat of .V7=ti,.• L m WHEY-LINO, -r,' 14.41i1E1 . ,• 1 . . Ti 'AIM zessiontlx.. rtivabo • p s a m m a e.. r owner MEL& OUIJA* biloaroe'A Usaaaaager, tears" Mutat:tub arils TuroDAT. sir 4p. so had Zatienilie mug o'alook Th• atm steamer JULIAMm. Ocitaab,, caali Auaarlar ; lam Pittsburgh aver, SATURDAY; at 9 14 =Odd Zareessille army TRUMP; at 8 S'elotk' ,a4ira . 3.0 r POBbttoMi Vag rr 4"4 " • Al. H. rgasonA CO.,,Arm FOX saLF—Aron trE.N.-141:111.DING, LO.lll hi fl• Planate at tba'ktacloa of thliOrtooeb tat Pit. sad Dotter' dna; front 4ti6:11:0 , tbet d-.p. Terme: ohe tutreseb, atto the belatice II two yews. Am, as the !Leal Eataisraal Inauzaucrioffk. of" 4 . 111 , ,, • -'l3ittei4nie4; ttn. - V;Ifil.111 UM good it ro..Wcldna [wino*, dd.olst• Ins Isadbf Peke l'Oroldaftut, skid witttto kabort =11•7!:olfrte.;:door' trivtt:tanZniettit Ett)B t+4.E Ult_titST-tit - stistincirui I h. I hmpitrung, ohm 40 on If slu At, she 4ort.e ant.int p.ven r...Es .. int -tebtko o d od cat or *star ukd humpodhmtdstota Aran> dcar, pith pump to Pooh- ; Th. 4 4 0'77 ren4 toiturr, noo4 Ant upoloord.q. tOlgeirint-',,-Thimmili,r• ihmers ant nbruktomi4b iftnnS elm( ImOnt .7. 4 tlngh 4.4u'rul (wean* t.slnd thn 'pure -phus int an. foihhf • • Quinn . of the , mttui,i , sit Ibeonb.ntet "on,Chn .• kne PVco trza ot nrk.ist nip' In liltirpant.g. • - L' mp' 1111lawnw. , • - r Ring LC . BLAIR'S I.l42EtllkitlilttitqL Aia• Tor isittere QUlViinkarsiad irni,Eovr.:44« oksit lioothrat artco,r , dorttAklk . s4b .up.; jud, MATO ilitp . l 4,14 et - " topaz 4 'g* t earisaaritt ixtdato4 anew • w iu mmiteo, :{ a~-' , Imports by Railroad •• , LlOll atiLit'A'hat desirable; proOrrty J. nit - railed In the Borough of Lfsnehoster, on the comer of Loctst street and the Oltnt fleet, and known se the Greenwood property, on *Mob Is arocted s mourn Kyle brick Throning Gloase, Va. rtiuci Bonne, Beath, fee Howe, Ito. ' 70 r farther Fortin: am enqulro . , . • carti Water stret. • FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE FOR CITY PI2OPCIITY —That LAIIOI7 arith wands mulched, on Venn street, for merly °scripted by Christian Ihrnsen, lato of Zan Inamingham. ,Stal linivann the, "rear of theDindqmirEloceet FRED. L. 'limn!, Too Penn atroat. Plti.bnoth VOR, LiALE.—We have 825 acres of s I Prat clam 1 Imte.r Land, altuatctltoar to a 'Mi nuet. lo Vol tart eonoty. Torapitaltep who wish to tartlet to property that Iti DOW cumlog greatly to de• auad, their spate ItteatiOa lc . dltectotl to the 'allcirei as we are lortructed to all at • great nai l*. for preculare epley to - - stet D. eaCt..firi ett.,102 Fatah tenet. :Fox SALE—That two-story 131tICH DWICLLINCI, finished in good style, and In *ogniploia order, sitiosted on the =nu of Decatur .•neeet }Rd Camintpris .illey,lnlzth - Watej contain -inn eirgain ght enoand finishe pr o d. Can totsivas ba. , • .• .Zugtlite 01 01Thr & 813ELEASID, • : • ; HS Idboairstreen. FOB SALE. 1 ArrEtrrlparl'errAjwidi imjit;Dne., to,ooo !inure of Outgo/4 , e-, We* tea - DEOR '?f la offend la sole u too Plooloy, AM Of S. OAILBED.. ^n AClalq3nl 151.44 All.gb o 7 011 y. Prt, eaa'p r Ebr:v*l2d toot,. baud mosolro, Tba Doolug o. fareAl viotrod and tech Lrc we. 14qotte • fi fool,f.tt the w i of MIL 14 - UCTotiY AND W,ATiC, POWiI ,:e BALE-...The subocrib,rosuni for Men awe"' boildln o , with, venter tpuvrerottnat o In N.W. atuatiropT. Dosser contdir, The bandit:4ll4i 000 o•od 41tiatisod .Dot factor:, and recently Iyabletr faitory,Andic mittado tot • In-sr It) duloattooduolnaltnamoon. Apply neer M a nliest., In tplO-bn • , , FOR SALt—On - t!io, mr , 55. 7, 814,:crt tPlutbscri el. - ski n s...iv die mese; abbeill 2t test iside,,tiSsd , ug back, esltb.smi•res rNtb'i►boet GS kialswe foOe eder7. Itl erar• rsstitigaul: Tut esertrio'in seism Le. se the °Ma of Wallets, Sp.lrb • kir stmt .peq.b oo. :seaqtee ALEX AN DUI WAt.usolll, t of _Ground;itt the t.,omnerof.bleirgl& and •Ilartienj ; 0146 of, 13.1tmloghwm. 07. Van zlnam ind Lolptistnart.r,Eigthib want.° "anti is+ Otte Inabyto4le.., A. 411051 ITLOVD. -. • • throe , Hoes And fourth .17•441. OA. BAJZ-4217,noras , :o6phto Jtar -1.7 $01=1.1606;2* broold• tomty, 914 . 14 vaimpi Eicia.tith. a. LUP'''. O. sibit Irma! eo Aim to r !bertd. teXI APDILIC - nwtntt.--irn,,,927,nrttt tiot " ilunlaued ma a m M-blulkt ADM iaPID boain&enna ! myn h a a Y2AM algOalv POR SALF.--A CHOicE LOT OF u nvz A Bra —T a mdaraloonl has tee p,P.. me of . choice Lot of Cf euud, tout•lmlng viva eollllB,nntuat o oak the Aqulrrel Hill Boca. about WI • r•J , n from the not , lm .1 the OskLaue Passau. It.ll Oar; adjoining laud. of to. II ,mall h • d. Wm. 1. hurdock. - about to -thirds 'els ~rd. the Malader lo woods. with • mall ~ream of testa,. • qoarine tlvcragh the lot all td.labla putted, nod of first also so L. It ha, an admirable abe for. coon= tty roe/Team Tt fa also fettoval for • rhea yard. 1,-ad.` 11 that eeigheorhood la eelling from do handrail:to oat .bour.nd d 011.., ter acre yet Mfg lot to Pima hr four hooded per ao • It La faro chance form loon triote a.rtnao man to got a or for s caplta , l4 to m he so 1n....mg Amy "momenta, time 0:11 to ryen for oaymebt ; or P preeerrol, ft • I. bn routed tort term a yews ott no tmoroe moat loam. ' IW. fe. WHITS, .apTP4 lob Of th etteot.'.ll-t. on ah, 1 h WELLING EISMIE I The subscriber offers for male the dwelling bewails which be scow Bros , eltiusted ma South dr. cans, that Ward, Allegheny. The Lot 10 27 feet trout by 1&P deep, running book to a 03'neet alley tt b a two-storied brick, contain. els room. sod eviler. The catharses are a omithouse, house, Stable, .m 1 berme, de. There le ps burp% yard arnermiding the dwelling. tilled with shade and ortutmental urea. Theta is 'gm and water to all the moms of the dwell. I also othrfor ask a desirable comatry resider. tallocnoiter township, Bearer county, P., contain ing tlntit) sores of droned. There b anew two. strnied frame dseILoF, containing ale roams, as th. property. There I. aka *young orchard grail tind. or trait. Then. Ls a good barn ,onthocuste,'llm. It is about a adhi from the tocheoder Depot. Per torso. Inquire of B. D. BOLES, Janie+ South &winos, A illeabacty V OR SA L 9, —A two etury brick house n the no th eideof the North 11. man, between sro.r.l and t0 , 1,111r,y strop% Allegh.. o atty. Also, Three two stor, b LA ten , meats on th. oe.t etreete; side Pl of 0 boritherry All,y, between Aecood And Third tta Aloo, Lot ot.d bolldlo g . , ca tba aluthenst owner of Ifoorkh end !err. streew Flttaturwh. Alen, A large heel bonding. on the west Ride of Fourth rivet, (Few of !huch) t Pitreburgh, meltable tor hoorah:lg hot.e or burl.. • . A so, The old Gar.ate Elvildioy, an the northerly Ids of Th rystre t, ebuttlug on the Oho., b.t. Inquire of WM. M. F. NN. N 1r Fourth .treat. • POR ,SALE.—A LARGE BUILOING, E SUITABLE r. ,a A sop ;ails° El I".E OR ROTEL—Tiro pr• poly known as the .. dowieki y Aeadeolq,.. 12 entire fret Pittsburgh, on tee P. rt. Waynoland Oblvego Balsas', with weal tm fourteen scree of I.d, I off red far eel..lb-re Loo Roar 1. radon In the vlcieity of Pittsburgh lor • Rove:hog Borne, Hotel or School. The main boildtng 1, Inn toet by tied toots.. neetrly forty root.. There to ibtiodsnat of .bade, od ,the grounds we neatly lbws Is also et good gullet, and reedy et st.II froth, bell .are lent. It boo ell Ow tid e...gal of the river stud eadeows. Postwielor eo be glum Immediately. For price, term. en dow. of Meson, r. IL Feel. a Co. 26'19:0d street, blllsbirgh, or of the wibaun bee ill the permit ea. JOB 8. ntAVILLI. SOLI,E--VALUABLE.MANUEIPS i: ter pe pety, beteg part of the w known ee tao "13 ardale,.!.froatiopon ere unierie r; - baraera Wa.hington and Ohmura meets, roortier tr. Pratte rte. et. • ' , hie p - perry Cell be divide 1..t0 37 dote, momly tet fr. tic, and trued IZr to d 2.03 tot Cop. pr sires, will be molder as entirety .d pOslloll. pat Mini. advantage. lee • MIL lafieturitig ate. Ter. e. be tnad, mild. cry. Apply to (Mown 0- , 1 , 11t , UN.• Prorayleania Bolt Bianufa - turing Co eortirie Pitt aueetand undeeene Way, mynito • DEAL ESTATE FOR SALE—Tho un thriign d Doers lot sate is soh:Mine 'reek of loud eentsidier thirty wnros towed on theribir Nolen ou tonnotop nearly of pulite risysvil e atom 1 mdse Qom Pat shore,. bring pa tof the fans of W. it Ferree, heed: esid laud is all riser bottom or the tichest and trot quidity, rsons de.lrl, gto pa olut rby etiqtdso of the ond.relgood et rils ref i nto, ear tte prom) or Kohn a Conidsr.: Otto, neje No. P 3 Otaionod st reet, eet, Pim burgh. • toy:thins:3w • S. P. FERRIC. VOK SALE-COAL. LAND ON THE I' PENN& It. It /OE BALE,— A very ralatble tract et eatdthtt Coal, situate mattf. Pann,YOrania haProad. tea Ilawalor glum; about 20 tulle. f om Pittabor4. If not sots at ph ate 1.1- b-foto dies time, ti ls prupert, •11.1 of-nd at , Ltahr Auction tiortta. Tesalt...l RV/M :0, 1143.2.1, to.ttrz., cc , ma. be Wale .funs, W. G. IIAWS.I, near the prem... at, W. P. tOCE, Bradd.c.a . a Pl.lOl or tIOPE Net • LA ZEAR, Alton...ye-at Law, tto. 103,11fth street. aplY:laa-e9lr E'A R9i let )R SA I F—A farm of 47 acres, moot good culthrattem,aed wed watered with springs, al , maid within three mile. of Gowtedettrk, Weetasoroltue) c onty, au the Prillepelftil• Pike, .4 one mile Wow the ihtenryleablo Rohr .1. The Int provenorote ore two story brick biome 80 by TO fort, with 11 moms; bank bare, with ttonlin. underneath, and other enems.scy outbullnke; boo to. good or. cGarde, one of toe trait. It Is •rr lowa km for • publa bowie or entre Tern. ay. Apply at the !tool retake and isiteLligeoce oaks of KOS . 8. HATES, Bader street. Q Lslrrenetni ll. tits - Stem Engjuo, t IS ttlb • Ithder, SO 02-D sta., Oa bit arp tn. bd:: bah«. • ..he -•••••• • 1 2 b•b mutt ...Av., moor-If-hand. mr4 bo g..d es PA/ 0.. r m. h csikrier, 3'. i•ch .$ .ke, &ow. .8 '• "rs • eelleEer Bol , trx, ES In. 2.0 long litree .•.t Tr.. sr root hi Otl 81111. Ls Ala • b •ws She. or Bo Ir, too), for Oil Wnttet, C Per OP mob Kale ft 10,1 B % . 1..1,•ryx LL r , %wk. new tb P.iloL aLUtitil,n! KIV c t PitiiPERTY V titnnt.d o , bo . .itonontxtets amt., ahoy the dm Loch, bitting • 1 ont op WI river ot Fet eel ettendtat Ow& tontadttr.9 two t ad.olsong the amn.11,91 It tlattrand ono t•thatug 4 atm wd n p : et ha. rbi, admit. We tang= lir taanntwtartnit Porto' % b.ino th• titer In pant atd rchti.wraet and v . /abate to the nee, And .e 4111..4 Wittatuge Pter-to wonted tbk* wt*,'. l ...PP .7 e. /1 , 94 4919 Trarni, on the prewtee, w W.C.•. Ittil*Coo, fir, 11 9 P . ttat‘nr9h. tr.blo I4Vti LE--en sl Bew MILL AND 0 olvehall or whole o(oo Oit Ileosely out alb., S. • Ili, math on AA o,deheif save o pound: ea easadeele• of met on the tot—or.opea sod ketair work., • taste no the Alle. bray hives sad A V. lt a, offered 60 see Toe Uedan7 la toff sad of modern haat he Ea* HUI le , or emdid order. ead,ls ste,a td, harlog s dose retails; hose le to the firer. Good locality ear bond's; bate ' for puttoulsre cell tar the understated, LYDA' A GUORPENNIDIda ao. ~ Head street. Pltaba.d.o. Pr. DDR BALE--A LARGE MODERN ; boat tame doer brick boas, a'tasroo DOM STSZEr. te twee* Prftb mot tlt H a ot;rito, contain log Leo mars, leeb god cellar .at *ebbed ?et. The le- 13.* trout oft 7 het 0* 800 lame, ret*: tong ba , k 70 Rot to alt foot allt7 Tao boos, j• ...antiall built. sod bee lister end ere throaratat the Orating. for Author pantcalars ottaira.of • . 4. 0. rttattao33;; apkrf ; Ea framo-dr - oft ebo, G . OB .- S.ALE--l'irentp a . aeran :Act, of WA part of the Lonna commanding a: Ere rlee of Pittaborgb gad ',ninity L ainmt obc mils tram Anew' From Landing. Than ms oe lb. pretnisoa some fine fruit. para. cad a aarer•faLling spring of excellent water. Will ho sold tagrtber, ar divided to tun parcbasors. Portent &slang oonnu7 reoldonca call on M. ALIA= LCIIIWZ, No. RJ Water street, FARII r° R SALK—That vala:ibla ITAII , I Ornate tbe .Plttalang bd at, OW. la Roble.. loerazialts kersama Bharea the Still Vara. ' .* about Ere la fl oe (nu. the any, MP • (01 ming 0 , 012 t 125 OCT.. Will b. , told et private tele. Yet Urals apply W L. et/LL etJ.O.Yol2o, Xon f t , tio. 12 s;4rfate tmb2r L.z .. • • 1829. P' l7 Pri laz. FRANKLIN FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY PHII . ADELPHIA ao Jarmry 12,457,84 g 95. 0 pltAl .. —,.. . 4400,010 Ac Au d Nu 'pt. ..... _ ........... -.—.-----. "'I MO LATeAled Preadu ...----------1,056 VS 1... Paid On.. 16'.9—.-----__6,0u0,000 Perpetnal And Tompor.Ary Police on libels! terms. Charles R. 01.10 , 011.3 Rancher, Ie L. Totem Wagner: - lleasM C. Dale, Samerl Orma, Om. Fairs, Jamb U. Steals, Atfrm FORT. Goo. W. Itlebar4, rpm. W. Lewis, M. D. OH ARLES N. DANCEER, Yresdelent, EDWARD 0. I.E. V Prefident. JAB. W. MoALLIoTER, See. L Pm en Tem. J 0 , OP FIN, Agent, corner Wool' and Third sermla. iNsURANuh, FIBS AND INLAND. Insurance Co. of North America. PIIILADZLPRIA 1=!!! Hartford Fire Insurance Company. lICO - ProtectijD can be eeetutd in the abate maimed d end tellable coot pew lee. W. P. JONES, Aogsr?, Dandle" V Water strum. WESTERN INSURANCE COMPA NY 07.PITINBOII0H, IL MILLKR, Jr., PraridaaL F. M. GORDON, &tretory Office, No. ea Water street, aDILI4 8 0.% bocute, vP nal* -Pittsburgh. Will iatttre haulm( ltda v7 Piro and Marino EIMs, Boole lawantios taaaaaai by Directorh who usll knows la that ccearnadly, Gad rho are dew , rained, by prnatwowa. cad Mrrality, to watatala the character t o Cloy kazoo aorateed, as aferiao the bog protoctioa to those who tteatre to he (ware& rs : 11. Millar, Jr., antacto Andrew Ackley, Jarmo. IleAtiley, Moxander Spoor, Nathaniel Bolmam, Dalvd M. Long, AI.:. Mink!, Roe. J. Sloomats, Goorgo Panic, Berk!. P. BottorelL Ounpbell B. Vero., - John IL M'Onno. 0. M. Ilieketeca, •. . t °XVII ~..f.k, ZEN'S. INS() RAN CE CO3IFANY r[ sown. Office, corner lllArkni 4.1 Watar strnet..l.2md floor. IMOAL&T, Proem, SAISITEL Era. Eseeetare. Iturnres SteasnLeats and ()argon. Lauren againut ken and damage the antivenin of lb. Southern and Western Miters, Lake. and Bayou., wad tbe navigation of the Sean. (adorn agnlngt 1m and damage by dm 01=0TOZIL 8. M. Elm, JAM. Blllptott, Jame. IL Coo a. 8. limbangh, J. Caldwpll. Jr. John B.llllmartly Wm. A. //Adger. • de.4010 7: - Ptri• W. G. Jr . Johne.ca, D. 1,..10ne5, , Item Owneue Hon. T. 11. Bove, Barrbur Preston, • Ht..hun, pEOPLES INSURANCE COMPANY, Office, N. E. corner Wood dt Fifth Ste. FIRE AND 21A.R.En INSIFRANOR I=ll Wm. Phillip, loh Wax, Wm. B. IjaJy Jobe, E. Parke, Clark. 8, Magi Wm. Yea EIA, I gian D. Verner, Capt. John L. Ghoatte. Samuel P. Shriven, George P. Jet., C. Usamoo Lree, Merles Arborlilv. WM. P WIL f . JOHN GARDNER, ALLEGH EN Y INSURANCE COQ. PANS OP' PITTSBURGH.— Ottlaa Nw SI PM meat. Baal illor_L burs against all kJ:deaf Me and Mad. Mak ISAAC/ JONES, Ptaaalaii, • JOHN D. Itl'OOPai, fin prablsaa D. U. 130014 — tiscretar, - Gana WU. DIAS. Gworml Arrat. Isaa< loom, Clareal l o o c. P!' lobo D. McCord, Cam Adam Jacobs, R terllng, 04. t. Wm. Dew. L_11.0..., Red. 8.41.4^ &t 8 SELOND NATIONAL. BASK, OP PITTSBURGH. (Formerly (ICON urn 74087 00I(PAN7 $1300,000, .Ith Wyatt* to Llama sp 81.000.000 The rILON GITT IlirST COMPAST baying or paned nutter the 'national Outman, let, off n tt• famine.m tot nr.ns,teon of a , e n 1 Banking thi•111.1[111 Marta &nett and fo ld . 'Sonny teannnd on Doposlt, nod pot/Actions made on all parts of lb. ountry. rumen: Job Palateri J.Ol, - Bobt. Bobtava. 1f 0.. alayter, • W Bocimum, Wm. Uouper, W. M. Gormir, G. E. R RNER, President JAI% PATT ON, Cashier. ►THIRD NATIONAL BANK, OP PITTSBURGH. 1111{ASITIIT OZPAIITIforT, orne. or Coo primula or rue CuolllMO i Winnow, Illy• ng Whtzgl. M P.4 IN r. 07, 1084. noisome, evideoce comen to the anderstgmohit Mu been made to Ammar thim tho TIMID ..bATIONaI. BANE Of TITTOUtII3OII, in the Coniity ,of Allegheny. and State of Penorylv Tanta, has been duly organised under tad smoorgto r lo the fednlonsente of too Act al Otmgreee, eatittO 4 Yo Am to provide a Notional inumincy,sectimd by ‘ &dam Of United doom Mucha and to provide for the clicula.loti god redemption thersof,” approved IfebrooTY. TM, VA sod ban Complied vrtth oil ttla provisions of odd Act required to be complied with. before 011111961161bg the tulejore. or Boehm', Now, therertoO, I. 0 ugh McCulloch, Comptroller of the Carreary,' do In‘reby" certify that tbo'sed TIMID NAV 101 l AL BANK OP 21TINDUB011, Comity of Alkali., and State of Tenosittaula, la auttermed to ottnianenso toe baelnearof Banking tin. der the act aforevatil. In tentlinony whereof witness my banger mal of adloo; tha2766 day of Moray, 1881. [se.] • . . litiall iIeCOLLOCII, Comptrollor of the Crummy. .' ' —..... THE THIEtb NATIONAL BANE . mrdni ettganizedOuttlar Ow Natlonsi Currancif dot, IS now proparedlo do a General Banking• Business azetairre.numrixo, 'Clammy. on Up prin. nips, citlonot the E.t anlf West taught and *old, and collections Dilute In ovary sconedbiik pat of the connui. . Moo for tha present, (WM tha rairPletfork of lha -Nev 6 4 It n w " at% yci.l, t y . by tlm ualcZNI gAbIE, N. W. cur. Wood St. & Virgin alley. . Wm. E iklunifts, A. aGrOm e A. 8. Dell, Alai. Holstein,. 8: H. Hartman. Henry Grwlr, L Morgandorn , D. Oa% ADAM EIETZMAN, Pradeat, Pio. D. LITINOISTON. esehter.- uttallin :~~~ - , cairn:lmoa uz6. - sOpen dal*. from to *o'cloc l k, 8110 on Wednesday od B Aionlo, onognico, froth .1143 , 1 ekto November Ist. from 7 top o'clock and from November let 74 Day at from • tog O'clock. Deposit. reailvii4 of all mum not leo than On. -Dollar, and • distbind of the protte societal Wee • year, In June and December. Interest has tam do- dared mml.rannallp, In Jena and December, .ate elm Dank was orgeintmdiat the rate of efx per emit. •I n aser, If not given oat, le _planed to the credit state depositor is pitapat and bean Dm sans to. mese from Ihe ant days of Jens and December, own. parading Deka-a:oar nitboot troubling tbs &pads' t o p to 'or 'even to prevent his pea book Al !Ala na...ony silt daible to lees than tears pros. Basks, -tootaledng she Marta, Dplatn.: nom Orad o Ilegniattorm, flirtrkml grotto. applioatbill 11 leaks. rienzio--nor wm Annum VIM JAM% BICAUIOII JAM* D. D. 11, »Ae, /oho U AoceekborPrc Wttr Doctirm, /amen Uerdloaro, luso fo—r ocsock, Peter A -Mallet* .mee !kale, wmtso,,J Aoro.reci, ,John B. rtaradden, A. U. Pollock, ILO,-Iteckofinc. ClArlo ad.. 121111, JON) Q. DIMDi; .otorge. Dwrif , la, Motiso.S.Darifitr," Obsiin /A A 00D92, Jobb ' DMl.J4J'alntreteck 'Yoko J. Gille4 ". •Pntisr L. Iltmlrei, Itletard 7161112011 D. Sell AsCIIVA.InA , John Marshall 390 Mer H.h 2 7 -. • -441riziudeWiNim rßor mMID er, dlatudv n. Viti u. lkl.rh . 'AM: • Christian poorer— . a; 0012011 i Baal iratir;71 44, 4. 11. irFMtk 151311 M=1111:=E PLE'N Twenty Years Standing. Below will be round a ceellßoete from one of tLe roopectib6 Othomm of WM. towoxhip Jr Dr. Kayser's Lindsay'. Blood Bearchsr Th. Doetrea cartlecatas an arithlu roach, awl ono owl be &volved to mord to tits proparations n.. G. Er. Eq. , : I twain. gellzawl with about twenty loan ago, nod every year they were glowing cone, sii as to tomb o Dee rory Moat, be meh so at tlmee an to unfit me for work. Some time I was so bad that I temld not do anything on account of thus ; they um. out on mo as largo as a hickory nut. I had tried a great deal of modicine for them. I used to buy and take whatever I mold bear of or read of in circulars and pamphlets that 6,1 In my way, but I coda not get cured ; sometimes they would do me some good for a little Ohlle , but afterwards they would retort again ao bad ea ever. I aim applied to two Doctors, who vizit-d me at my Mime and gas me some mediolne, but It would not do, I amid not get well. Over a you ago I got an ediortheement of your Idodsay'e Blood Searcher, made by yourinif. When you sold to me you told me one bottle would not core me and that my whole opium would have to be renewed by the medictoe before I got well. F bought one Mtn, and took It home with me, and used It according to your dint, lions. I then oiled to see you again, when yon said I mold not expect much torient frew one bottle. I bought It, one bottle at a time, 00111 I had used live bottles. Altai tilts quantity had been used, I was entirely well of the Piles, which had tornmad Monty years. In other teepees my health is Imo proved, and I .am as Well as could be expected for one of my age, being witty yean past. I have been toll taw for do months, and there is so appearance of • return of the dimease. lon do any kind of fuming work now without the Silos coming down and homing um I can pitch hay, chop wsod, or do any kind of work which before tued to hart me. When I found out your Blood remember I kept on taking It until I got entirely well. I (topsider It my duty to make toy mu known to the comity f the benett of others who may be atterettug se I wee, sad do not know the tabu of your medium.. Too may paellati this If you DU. I Ore In Wilkins township, and will be pleaul to stlary uy one o the truth of Ohl certificate If they wish to tall on m. ELLIOTT DANIEL _..._...~n,~,~. Dommber24t , ellr Look out for the nan. of Dlt. 0 EMMY B. HEYSIB ea the eater *fibs bottle and parted over the cork; Mee far hie asap on the Dotted State, damp on the top of the bottle, to prevent being in, poled market.upon by • epozione article which is In the VS' Sold b Woiid Street, and by Simon Jenne - wet corner Fourth end Smithfield etreete. mta H ER.NTIA OR RUPTURE. Hernia or Rupture cured. Hernia or Rupture cured. Hernia or• Rupture cured. Rends or Rupture eared. Hernia or Rupture clued. Hernia or Rupture cured. Hernia or Rupture cured. Hernia or Rupture cured. Rupture or Hernia cured. Rupture or Hernia cured. Rupture or Hernia cured. Rupture of Hernia cured. Rapture or Hernia cured. Rupture or Hernia cured. Rupture or Hernia cured. Rupture or Hernia cured marsh's Radical Cure Truss. Ritter'. Patent Truss. ?itch's Supporter Truss. Bell-Adjusting Truss. Pile Dregs, for the rapport and aura of nee. Elastic Skid:fags, for weak and var eine veins. Elastic Saco Caps, for weak kneel Ankle Sniportm, 4m weak kneo eint& Suspensory Bandage& ppur.lFielf-Injecting and every other kind o Hard Rubber Syringes. Dr. Banninei Laco or Body Brace for :the cam of Prolapima Uteri, Piler Abdominal and spinal Weakneasea Dr. 8. 8. Pitch's Silver Plat. Supporter. . Dn. Krrstnt will ere his personal at tention to the application of Trusses in abate tad ehildron. and .he is satisfied that, with an experience of twcmty Tears, ho will bo enabled to give eatiefactiOn. noon°Mee at his Dru,t Store, No. 140 thaw, sign or the Golden Mortar, Persons' writing for Trusses should send the number of - inches around the body Immediately over the "tuptum caff CATARRH I DR. B. 000 DALE'S CATARRH REMEDY /tponstriittS to tin very soot of tlds terrllds db. jibe; aid Szlarmloitss It, root Apt ,branotypriroc. Dr. GOODALD 4 foot sod only miss wbo ore: told ihi'wOrld;yrhit Catarrh molly was—wbors It Ottosteds44—and wllStwstdd eats GOODalll'her wait slltettzwe to bettlieg irtth thls tell. thee* ezihnintt Its peen)* ambush, szid tasting know, to net worhil the hid' that Ca; . t an k ~,b4 Us, Itir rtrn, area Plinth] on' cf no' *earth 0 Moctleal awn and - unborn In Into oonntrr .nd Jm 4floopn. no; now ,oared, wftti lb* ham onf rani ow isinty, tn.wi womb:tn. night. Thnomptti who tnyntrinn ty Immo., In t.ln eon nan'peranni•etly cared - 0r Dr 000 DALLI; 041ABBII, 811111:10V, nod now prate ft In Ltur 111) • t rainswkaant tetincar, prem. nail al onn.usluntt.nirnch on Wan • stamp @r . D.,ftxt aid innn:Tea 11. - AOODATA lit. Dw Nein Tart. ' - NPIITON koo., ea. Agent', Eakßps4wlki. Pow )fork. DB. CF2O, Z KEYEIBZ kro. HO WOOD ITrICIMT, OII.TON'S 012011ENT, 1" • ll von BiLT itEMI AND ea/Lorne, • _ Paplaubtly ou[aT. ta.Scald task Itlng'srartiAf, iind all Itchlng and ihrrolug Boral aad o cf tl. skin; t,Thui Oloimaist imetriim to tbi. 1461 of 1411*nry imtroo,%: . tiirrS,U . the odors ivirkhc frliorit4.d4 l 4 l .i.otexPlA 43 .iiC4'6sl l l.l4 lictinviv4 po,susimaiiyaws sat ' • tuirooi dm* Alma 401 kir A CURED! hlllbly prov,nt ju,e,vaaney promptly. fre«ly and dlacrrerty oonvered. dor ago in Pittsburgh by Dr. OEO. H. KEYSER No. 140 Wood rtroet, and N. IIIoOLADILAN d 00., corner oftrie Dismand eed Market streets. GLAD NEWS THE LONG SOUGHT FOR DISCOVERED ALI LAST. CHEROKEE REMEDY 011S11.01CLE REMEDY, the great Indian Dlo• retie, cores all diorama of the urinary organs, miry .. Incontinence of the Urine, Inflammation of the BLadder. Inflammation of the Kidney., Stone to the Bladder. Stiinwire, Gravel, Sleet, Gonorrhea, and la especially recommender In time awes of Fluor Alba. (or Whltes to ProePAO where all the old nauseous, mediator* have fend. It is pretend In highly eoucentrated tom, th• deso tries from one to two tearpocelhils three t • • It V ilinnittlo and alterative le its actlim—trari rag cicansirg the blecd_ can leg Il to doer in original purity and rigor, thus nimolitet from the viatem perillakm• canww which hare Wand Church. inJectlen Is intended am mtally or. menlet. ant to the Cherokee Betoady, and should be used In entdtmetlon with that medlelne to all mem of pone orris a. Ouut, Fluor Alban or Whites. It. erects ate beating soCtnlng and demulcent muutclug all Goading. beet, eherde• and pain, teemed or the bnenkty mid anted unendurable polo that to expe rienced mitt cooly all the these quack lnjectloto. By the use or the OILIEBOE EN BEd' EDT and CIIIIBBEEZ INJECTION—the tun umilchme at lb. time Otne—all Improper discharges are ournolud. and tha emakaned organs are speedily metered to toll 'lgor and ar...stt. For fall particulars, got onr pompitlat from ►o] Drog Stop to ths ommtry, or write as. au t In mill mall Rat, to arly ►UCnm ► full tremble. Prior. OFIZROKKB RIMED!, T. 2 For bottle, or three bottler fur IS Prfeq CHELLOBEE INJECTION, n par both'. or three Doran for 63. Sent by erpress, to an" sednea, ma the moody flohl try 41 draggle., even where. ba. W. R. KERWIN d, 00., 8o1• ?replete'', No. 59 Mart) epee, New Vert. Pot We in Plttebargh DR. 010. U. raters, No. 110 Wood OPP. and N. HALM/RAN • 00., oom•r of the Diamond sad Market stmt. mhrtam . d•gr...i. E LLTLET. I F 7. MIR I ItI3JI7II3NATING ELIXIR Prepared from Pura Vegetable Extracts, containing Tha lielaTenatlair Elixir lx tbo remit of modern dlsooearlee in the Tractable kingdom, being an en. Only tom sad kbatraot method of tore, irrespective of all the old end worn•oot Tide ousdleitebaa been tasted by the most emblem medical sets of i6e, day, and by tbem pronounced to be one oaths greatest osedloal Metered?a of thew.. One butt!, will core ((costal Debility. A few dote cures IleTterloe In females, Clue bottle cures Palpitatlou of the Heart. - /Lltardcee• resteree the organs of puentlou. from otte to thud bottles restores the toaalineta and full algae of youth. ♦ few doses matures the appetite. Three bottle, mute the worst case or Impotency A raw demos corn the low spirited. One bottle restores mental power. A few dose. Winne the rose to tb. ebeot. -•- Shia modichne restores to many vigor and robes health the poor, debilitated, erorn•dawn and de spadring devoteeof seismal pleasure. The listltes, enervated youth, the over-tasked man of Mohnen, the riathu of nervmm depression, the divides! eufferhas from general debility, or from ream= of • single organ, wlll all end imenediet and permanent miler by the use of this Iniste or Es. mos of I,lh. per battle, or three bottles for 113, and forwarded by snores, on receipt nr mono), to any • addram. Bold by all druggists eror, where. Dm W. U. atrawin a on., -'Bole Proprietors, • No. 151, Liberty @trout, New York. W•n sole In Pittsburgh by . Dr. Ci&O. R. KILYNLIt NO. 140, Wood moot, and N. aIsOLI,ItItAN • CO. oorsirs of the Dbonondnad klarkst. served. • sAllassdassmrY . . CCHEROKEE, CURE. Coolaunded from Coot Basks and Leaves. . • - Ah onfilllox cum tor .spermatorrheo, Peados) 'Weaves; Nocturnal Endaddas, and el dlteams emend br .tech se LOY of Aleatory. Voltam' Lemma& • taloa In the Ds of itli On. Pr-60111i10 Old Ate Weak heroes, DATIC , hy of•llnetbna. Trenthlmp , Walttrolot.., le•uptloo. oath. Face, Palo Moo. ens ace, loudly, town:dap. than sod el eta direful complaltna owned by da fr an the pith of notate, TM. a eiL toe Is salcupllt vegetable extract, and oFf Ojk which all can ety, so It b. den wad Ia oar• Faith:arm Motel Yean.and with thonsand. treated, t hat oat &India tdogla instance Da =ranee power, ba , a been ufleiont to gain vlctog over the' Wad stobborn COP% Sov Aam4r To those who hare trifled with their cerstituticte, until they think t bemritei beyond the reach tt medical ald, we would say, ./."ktperr war the Cher. kte Mae . mkt , * your health Mid rider, Wad !titer 11l quack doctor lure felled t- • for tall partleadts get a.Atrcalu ham •n 7 Droll Store la the country, or m . 1{41 UM proprietor, mho wut yell tree to say on* drsiting ItoW% a lull Unitise in tam. hitt dm= - • • Prim 112 per tattle, or three bottler liar lid, aud tar..ado:l by exprae to ell pole of the world. dlold by all recertaldttdrento. orterywhete,„ R„, • Dl!„,y,imairuse-ea, ' • o Propaitinm No:landbirty st Sol reet, tie.. Tait. Yoe sale bantrabttrab t7 , D11.. OHO. H ESTaltik 5f0.1140 Wood atm,. and N. HeOLAltitagkeo• cora*? Disamad and Market strut. sabliiawdaweow7l MED/C.IL: CHEROKEE AI CHEROKEE PILLS MMLUI-COATED YNUALE lEGULATO& CERTAIN AND IdAYI for the nemovsl of 01.,,tr0rt10n..,d or 11.gli;•rity In the 11—correnc, th notably P.rlo& buy ear• or OA let. tG.w toamerous c11.:m.1 [Woo uprlng from Irregularity, by rutuovieg the Irrupt's, Ity Itaau They our euppreseed. Exc.%lvo and Pltir They case Green Meknes.. (alotosie.) They mite htervoti. one Spinal Affection., Pal the Berk and lower parts of the Body, liesrl Fatlgw..llgLt carrti., Patritati. of Um Heart. Lowness of SO,lta, flystorin,Sl , l Headache, Gldd urea, &a In a word, by removing tha irregularity hey remote (Le tour, and with It ell the effects hat tiatug from It. Oomposni of sitop's , p , tlt,le extracts, they tab notbleg dul. It rious to 'an roustitu ever delleate, their function being to subetlente strength for weakness, which, whoa properly used they never rail to du. They may be eetely wed et any age, and at any period, urcept dorm,' the Ara three menthe, daring which the upfalling maitre of their action irorild in All lettPrs imeklug information or advice pill be smi dinacticns accompatki roch 1.42: Pricy $1 per boy, or .tE boxee for $3..' Berk by mill, koo of I.kr.,g«, on receipt of price, Bold by all rroyect .blis lit n, glook. D. W. I.I..ZdSENTEN dOO 8010 Prowl°taro, Ho. 69 Liberty wtroet, Now Yo& mbl7lnLisreow TOLt THE IMPORTUNATII- CHEROKEE INJECTION 00132 po ?laded from Scats, Bark• and Los DR. IVRIGIIT'S Or, IS3/110X Or LIII. nothing Injurious to the tarot delkata. TITS OBIL&T MEDICINE pROPOSALS FOR FORAQE. Char CirsazontausrEn't Orrice, / Rashly Depot, Docenstaor a.i tl ta. f Scald proposal. are Invitssi by tb r boolvtalquol fol supplying the U. S. Quart...uteri Departhrot, Washlnionson, D C Plaititoort, Ahlandrla nd Fort Monroe, V. or either of these pluses, with HAY, CORN, OATS and STRAW. will toe recelred for tho Schur, of 5,000 bash of corn or oats, and 69 tow of baj or straw, and torts triads. Eildders most state at which of tbel 0b../ named pane they propose to snake detiverloa and. the mrm at adolob they will make deliveries theriat, the qua, thy of each arch proeed to b. delivered, the time when laid deliverita ashhnalll be conmencod, and when to be completed. . The price MCA be s-titten oat to words °tithe bide. Corn to be put tip to good nett weeks, of about two bushels curb. Oats in like decks, of about three; brothels each. The docks to be furnished without es tra charge to the Garen/meat. The hay And acme to be ileetcrely The particular kind or datcription of oath, corn, hay, er *tree cropmed to be delivered, mustkie stated In the prop. aala. All the articled oEcred under the hide beta. tn-' vited wit be 'abject to a rigid inspection , by the Government impector ' before being accepted. • Coutrasia will be 'w arded from time to thino to the lowest nerponsible bidder, as the Interest of the Glow ernment may require, and payment will to made when the whole amount contrasted for dhill have troop delivered and accepted. The bidder will be required to accompany. his P.- posal with • guaranty, signed by two seepotuilde pemons, that In mute his bid le accepted bepr thoy will, within tee day. thereafter, ewer. tberPntract for the same, with good an d enltcient sureties, le • sour eq./ to the amount of the motract, td c'eliver the forage pc:mused m conformity with the terms el this advertisement; and Wave the raid bidder ahoehl fail to enter into the contract, they I. make geed the difference between the offer of sold bidder and the mat Jowes rm.:emit/le bidder, or the person to whom the ra.tract may be awarded. The reponslbillty of the grarantora mast hordicerri by the official certificate of • U. S. District Attory, Colloctor of Ottatoras, or any other officer under tier United Stated Governmeut, or reepomible4errwin wren to this office, All bidders grill be duly notified of the scarped:ince or rejection of their propoeaL The foil name and P. O. address of each4lddea must be tegibly 'written In the proposal. '• ProposaD must be addressed to firlisuller Gb.ral D. IL LIUDILYJI, Chief Depot Quartermeste,,Weah 'noon, D. 0, and devoid be plainly nitarkod ..Propo sals for Forego." Donde, la a sum avid to the unonnt of the eon tract, signed by the ecintractor and both of hie 'par ent..., will be required of the encereeefel blather or bidders upon signing the othutract. Blank forms of bble, guarat tree, and band", may be obtained cpo application at this oftco. FORA! OF PROPOSAL. (Town, County sod State) I, themobteriber, do hereby prop.,to funclah mod deliver to the United States, at the Quertertimmter& Departmental ,agvenobly to the Meru:mut your advertbsement, inviting pm:poem& for forage, dated Weabington Depot, December 8, 1863, tbo fol lowing articles, its busbels of Corn, In gunk., K per PI:I3UL' of 66 pounds. -- bushel. of Oat., In oak at per Loathed. of 321 pound.. . • —tons or baled Hay, at per ton. of WIG —tom ofStraw, at --, per tcm, 0 h 2 , 000 treogn de. Delivery tocommenceon or before the—day cd aaro] Jobe ooropleted on or before qv" --,186-, and pledge myself to enter into written contract with the United !Stat., with good and approved eecurittert, ntrhin the space of trea days after being notified that nay bid tom been accepbed. Your obedient Servant, Bilgedler General D. H. ittrcza, Chief Depot Quartermaster, Weatitugton, D. H. QUAILS/1T It. • Re, the undanslgned, residents, of the county of and State of hereby, Jointly and serenity, corenaat with the Halted States, and guaramee, to auto the foregoing bid of within ten dayeaftnethe acceptance of wild hid, exe cute the to for the same with good and melcient emetic*, to atom eqoal to the amount of the orktract, to famish the forage propmed comforralty to the terms ofadvartleemmt dated December 7, ISG.l,Onder which the hid vow nude, auk in mos the told shall fall eater Into•amtract se aforemtd, wraktmr• maws to make good the difference between tog OJT. by the Said mid the tort brevet reeponeible bidder, or the permit to whom the out may Do awarded. W basso, f (Hem rmder our hoods awl mole 1 it ftttjl hereby certify that, to the best ot kuoti ge and belief, the *bare named guarantors are good ar/d sarllctent ea stashes for the anatornt for arbroli they To be certified .7 the United Staten Dialect kttnr. nen, Gollncaor of Gastonia, ar &another officer order the United States quvornakont, or rosponlbk person known to thfil ake. All propossls recaleed = de r this advertisim will be opened and examined at tbis alike on art RESULT and !SATURDAY of each week, at 12 en. Bidders aro respectfully Inslted to Its present At the opening of bids, If tbsy destrw D:R. aucnrci, dallrem • Dalt. Glens and Quartermaster. PROPOSALS FOR FLOUR—Sduled Preposala era Melted the rthler at 19 e'efee. 11., fur Itratattlng the Bubelstence De partment with • Boer THOUS ND (8.003) D kILIIIIL2 or IMODD.. I be prop:nab nil bet r what la toown at Mho de pea he a • I. 2 and a, end to. will be ea/anal/leo for any qoataity hoe than the wind. Bine tam. be ID implicate. mon Mr each gild.. Impunte abate of paper. The delivery of the emir to be commenced irithin nye dap Own the opening of the bid., and Wence quarititlea, daily, as the Government may dirinn, de livered either at the Government earehoose It, Georgetown, at the wharves, or at . tha railroad depot, Wutitagton, D. O. Tee delivery of all Mime warded to be campleted within twenty day. final the openina of the bid.. Payment will he made in certinconm of Indebted or sucb'other funds a. the Government may hare for disbursement. The onnal Oovernsment inspection will be made Jest before the Dorm b received, and nore will be aciepts ed which is not slash ground. oath of alirgianoe moat eccomposy tbe bid of each bidder, who hoe not the Mil) On Die ism this orice, and no bid will be entertained from Twain who have preelotaly failed us comply with their bids, or bolo bidders not preeent to respond. Government mama am right to reject any bid for any tarn. Bide to be ad/teased to the undersigned, agDo. =lB meet, Washington, D. 0., endorsed •.DrOpo eels for Mmes." 8. 0. GILES:NE; Captain and 0. 8. V. Waahlagton, D. 0..411 Vals 1881. uPsVad N • O rICE Nog PROPOriAL SUPPLY 01 =MINH HOOPITAL. Dormer or roe Poor or Prmastraillirl Cowan Hones, April W, 1664 y Notice is ben by siren that 8 ami Pop milei ar comfmtil d by proper anaracitees, according to forms to ce d oo application at 'this vi I tlic raeelsod thiriat, until IS o'.l.•ck tun , mer oia , the DIMS T.II3DAT I JONA tutor, far ths iupply of the traria. Hospital, a.m. ibis oily, with CM • • Helm of prorlibin midi-lea, ennourated to bald to me, for spa year, conimentong un the nisi day .1 Jet) nexi, and ending on tai thirtieth 4.y of Ynne following. 'the quantities stated are estimated with termitic. to the usual nnmh.r of patients in tha t Etospital;hut t • Oultrel B.at • mere. the nicht to take more or leas o. said article., Ream Mealy ea trey may boas t molly required. If the'articles delivered at the hos pital are not, in the judgment or the Phyriclaa, the bob you Ity, and adaptd to the heopital, hs'w ill be as liberty to reject the tame, to purchase other articles to their stead. end to charge the contra C tor with soy etc. in coat over the contract prices.. The United Mata reserves toe riga: to accept the pre posala for the whole or any pOrtlon Or the arttcla specilltd. 0. W. BATOEILLOB, en:Toyer and Agent of Marine Itoepital. apnlawdtd prOPtniALS FOR WHITE PINE smacaLEs. Gam Quastrsawrin's Omcg, Depot of Washington Washitgtort, April tllßoded Proposols ba Tea hed - at thiabfllCE, TOlSsDregr, DDT 10 , I,l Et•nt 1 2 owock, 11 41 or ua the defiler,' MUD depot of the iblioartagranolDat of Shitglea: • , uner at Elkin (1,000,C001 Ho, 1, IS Loch W il ts pine aldbeco, faunal clar.) , Thee:duets to be made from good istatarfal,,io be subjected to a Maid impaction before being receleed, and thee/tole amount contracted for to be del retell within thirt34age (30) daya frocusboolng on:attract. Bonds In ram - equal to half of the amount of the cow:note sill be required of the anootasfulbiddsr or bidden. • Olds 'mend tar too tnandrsd !Ind MIT thontand (930,000)ahlagle• gar more. rem In alba idalagdca proposed for will Wis. quirad at nasal:adder., • • Propazala moat Fa plata: endorsed, ..PBOPOSANI3 NOE WIIITN PINE 8/I.INGLEr," and addrasand to the underaigned. D. HAMMED, Drlsadter Omura and MD! Quartarsaaateri ; ao.eannal7 Del.' of Waal:dant:at: CAT'.ll}l! enritE! CATTLE! gireod, proponitklo duplicate, erM be opested_eleilly Ai the 0111ce of the Oomrobeary of Subel•Onaia . St! MI Penn atroet, Pitteuh, st 12m. for Bac OATTLEI to be deliver h ed rg IA that city. Bidder& will crate the quaaelty- they , vhdi to supply, atl'the 'might coo chiracter of the Cable; aloe toe 'hottest time to which they owe hedelieered. PropesaLs muit be accompesied titheroper var. ante. 4,r the tabliful PerfOraiatic* oaatrati. The Oweerumout maim the !fight to roltot bids deemed objeollonablW • The eagle wllt bemddrct to a rigid inapeoliolbe• Sere babe roceirrdc -- . • Yaymee4 tole made in roach:fond. mar* ork 11;ied at the time; ofie.tourtb of tho amount doe ec :the dellteey to be refilled tutill the; but cerepl , tioti of the contract... ' •A. L. CARLETON. an apteelOt Capt. and Q.B. Tf i S. rill ti.eaLp.thai., CON a. Proposals. are leelted for the draduatinn, Diet urn , 7. nridda , fiewetructore s , &Mut, Cree•dfee and 'track laylns of the JJtfnhargb st.Conortlettlle ettillood, txtreen Oottaellertlle.and .enzubettahogd enibrating • 'disunite' Of - ab Oat Mob tplieretr. 4 47 )! MM.. to iseclons of-htowe roe- hall. tech? Bpeall3- Leaden, and P•ofiteevare now reedy at the CinapahiV Off., 10. P4.tatturgh, and proximal Cle recehrt emu the dffrn OP d..£1116 ' • • • BtNJ. 11. LL12,138, fietident.; 011 es of 1...* O. B. Pittebaruh, Ifare• 15th; ,11161. ITO RAILRUAD • CgDairdic.rfoßK,- 7 - JL. The Allegheny VsVey Itafirood Clomps*, Invite Drams for tbetiradattlot rlrdrom7 of abbot eight mDeaof th-lr robt ?stow , . the Borrdotbol hunting tied the zombi of AtahonlngCreek.la IMP Dona of &boat one mfls. " Proalm Place and deo:Mugabe of thi work w DI be ready for raaddaatioriar the Attlee ef-tlrreobi paoy, on The etntet. the:olrY Piftaburilt..ido tied after the Mb loot,.and Pf:ognata, Witt be re eOreff tottlltbeArn orHATnark:, D1it0t1.44=11.11111V,W23'91"4-14fTei. CENTRAL], DE IN STO I Groporalk=dALT4Q-141,AZNA.,b, - ~ ..-„OIUVA:XELLItiMmuiis: , /AU NT er,7l, Trirluvr r" rot cothe,lsocatip-ma ; Warn R.IILROADB. pENNSYLVANI.6 -. GGETIIAL R. 11.--..= . 4n.‘t. - WINTER ARRAS Or stra-r.—Nrem DAULTaltialtin. Constant additions are Delp; In•Lla to the ..autp malt of this excels= doable Deck and monad foot% and every quint,. rata trill be ezatelsra t.. the comfort of passel:4os andrapid movement o s . right. Treks will Dart, do Depot to pitutsato fulions The THROUGH t,CALP3II =DATION TEAM anvils the Passenger Station &gib (escopt Otinday,) 0 iota m., moping at all Stadoto between PM. osegh and Philedoiptaa, and mating Divot conno. ion far Nee Poet end Plafttalecphia. The THIIO/70/1 BALL TRAIN loans tha Pas. acig, Erro r , every scorning (except Brady,) at 050 It fa., stopping only as principal maims, anti taking direct aLtootton• at Warriebtirg for Battle nate and Weattingtoa, tot: for Nei' York rra'Phllae Leg. UGH =FRCSS TRAIN learn daily LES p.m., stopping out, at principal asthma, Making 11.reat connection at Hereabarg for Deltinsory, Weak ington awl PhlLndelphin. PART Istjz leaves the Station daily (ezarpt ganday) at &ZS p. a. atop: 10g only el principal sta. • lone, connecting at Ilerstehurg toe Baltimora and for New York. .la A.ll.lb7Wri MTV withant change of taro: also, at Pidloolclphia for New Tort. ACCOMMODATION THA-ENEI. Tha Joinortmeo Accommodation Thin Learn Lail• (except Siusday) et SAOp ro, stopping M Stations. end rumba as far so Cosirmatigh. First Accommodation 'Praia Mr Walla Atatioc leaves dray (=opt Broodey) at SAO m. Sod tic.miximodation Train for Wall's Station leases daily (excopt Banday) at 1110 a. tri Third 61 . 0319.030thitia1l Train for Walla Blanca eaves daily (except Elemday) at &5 0 p. IScurtb AcccartmodancesM foe P7llry Mala leave, daily (excerpt livmday) at4oo p. m. Tbs. Clvarch Tram resets Wall's Station eel - vay at 9:06 a m.; evturoleg, basal Pittibmgh It t:4.5 p. m Tnitm arrive to Ptiltbmgh as Ulm a fialtimore p. Philadelphia LSD p. Through stall LOD a, m. Wan to. Sleet WELT% Station Aenommodation....— ref-6 a. to. eamand Walt . . &Mimi Accommodatioa—.—. Sad a. m. third Wall'. Station dicoonammlation p. m. "(earth W.W. Station Accommodation-- MOO p. m. Ilaltlmum'llardarcen will arrive with Philedelphha Exprma at 1:Pi1 p. tn. on Modem Train. Gm Blairsville and Indomancrow,M.at Kilo Intersection wiah Through &mmmamthmke Inhartown Accommodation and Emanate 'train MM.. wai with Wmt. tialtamore Erma mad Tolamtown AncoMs Trains for Etexdsbdra t " OxcJ ca V... Trial. end ktedlla 22 dd WOll., d 'lib r-2. xocaddodatiou and Extereed Train ' 7.. 'th 1.22.2222 i To N. 97 York --.111.2 SO To Balzhnorr.----510 00 :To POLlndolphia-- 10 bu To r .•.,•.••.•...... .... 8 88 To nantsbors--..... 7 66 To nit00na.............. 150 ek all ,chnd to tatiotu on tho Penns7lrs- Jllo l3' errol Railroad, and to Pilladelplats, Lalthnons -and Nay York. Paesengen purchast7 tiokete to the cue OW be charged on asses% mum lug to the distance traveled, in addition to the start n rates, except from stitions where tbo Company has no agent. BOTICE.—In cum of loss, the Company oettl bold then:melees reoponslble for pmwnal baggage only, and for an ama®t noto.,=eiling 5100. , • D. It—An Omnibus Line boa boon employed to in passenger. and baggage to and [cram the Do. rot at a charge not to exceed 20 cents, for r-ch pam tenger and Dogma. For tickets apply to • • J. STFAVAII.T, Agent • At the Fennesivanla Control Eallroad remeugn Station. on Liberty and Oreat Omen. sae SHIIP'PIAW CHEAP PA.._gtUGE FROM THIC-A "OLD COUNTRY." LOWER THAN THE LOWEST. "..ad.r.d.r.4l I. nov po r ood t , bring oot mt. mookirs by First Clem. Royal Mail Steam ers, dire t to Now York, or Pirtaborgb from Liverpool. Queenstown,Lononderry. Glasgow. Galway, tower Than Any Other Agent Hem Oen and gat tha noon and be convinced Our Outman nil tviro• trout, and passe:um, an found In everything. the undendrned is also Agent for TAI'SCOTrS LINT, of favorite Liverpool pubes, rafltog is I. and for tr.* 3. Lino of LONDolki' PAC&E'TS, Part!, brought ore b), tide lino at low rata, - SIGLtX Dna6To on any part of hump° fur eala Apply to D. O'NEILL, ider OfilEO. No. 70 Fifth ctreet and Gam A to 10 p. m. u 65.81a1thfad etmet, Pitts nneaAapp t i g t t.a . tl AIt:LA.I • V i 45% EEPOOL, touching at QUMSbTOWISi, pd. Unman.) Mc cell-ktioarti rictunary o Ito tctirpool, Now 'Zorn and filoamatilp intendcd ati ...... --..Sanarday. IT., 7. /hal 14. ....—c.cusla), May • tit 9 600 a, hca . . CITY OF W ASH I NGTON 011 Y Of HANICIIIHTE tad ore 9 49, Haab GHIA, 4.11:5 C 7 ..811.143. Ettlagiefite.4:Lor 111 tral..l I. C. , ./.11. , rear 0111131—, ...63CCa, crattaaaa— _ —.AM 00 do to London. - 65 COI do to Loudon 04 CC do to Parts-.—, 05 06 do to Pula- 40 60 do to liaraborg .00 00 do to Illombig 0700 Pa :mangers also Gartrardod to Ham, Haman. Hot, tardata, dab:tarp, kr., at ovally too MI.. ' Tar® hamtdrarpool or thioetartotro ; tot ClabLe, th s 2:2 ' i tl s lNr il tr.t n rst: Fc s i U T 2-47: born ° : Pg . FILTIMI. , Der farther te:er , ...,tlee anly at the Convaare . o.2lzea. JoHsa. DALE, 13 Ilroaderay Neat Yl3k. 30814 rriosirson, dew. Rae% IU-alt. awl harm hem ther bridge. Pleeeerzh. cruetab 1 LIVMEIVOL mrn Qu t 36 In rid, or us avdra.llo..2 a =7. s.try DZON SSW TOME, 135 In emreacy htta r 11 27 Ants to 4wll,,•=aft. IMOIZALS itr--aaz, CL ii 1.73 AG EA-7'S. LAW OFFICE ok CLAM AGCY W. J. & HALL PAUERSON 144 POeurtla Stress, 7.1111," P/TTSBUEOP.. Pi, tali prat , PENSIONS. BOUNTIES, BACK PAT And a other 111111007 ant= prcinpilY NV. No clargi out nuoconfuL lot.. IVIACKRE & JOHINISON, A. wussw ATToIINKYS.AT.LAW, eta o. 8. Malaita BOLUMBS GLUE di:lB:5TB,. f10.E9 GRANT STREET; MITAR Y CLAMS, BOUNTIES, Le.Essioas, DAM. , Per and PILLITAILY OLAIMS or ever} dmalsdlon,eollecled PT the 4 0- ectiber. at the following Mee. vier Pensions $lO 00; altother i ilabee 53 5 0 . cr. O. TAYLOR, Attorney at Ro. t 3 Grant street, Platte:ugh; Pa, R. B. No charger are made If the ,elahn dawned . Mend. and all reformation Oren Oath. WhIT SOLDIERS' CLAT►rg, Borwriw t, PraTONB AND AllamiPl OP PAY, r. I I , PtIY Site -310d to by • AUTE( . OI2S A BIDDSLL; ,040a4b 5 .r 0 p . US /oath street, Pittsburgh, ra. NOME IP. , S • AVER, ' AriVILIEY4T•LAW. 108 Fifth Stgosts Pittsburgh, Pk, Claims for PPThit 3 IONS;AOUPPrrs PBIZI MON , SIP; dc., vigorously prosecuted . , tally 1864.7-€ .-- - - ,'186.L" MOS TAWS" BAT , tIOACEri *e4 E.k. TEEMI,NAtORS. - - • oh; yeariestabllebea la D . . Y. ” ”owrey horn fttrotibirm :4, aii.- " nubs rhunerrone to the EttnnanramDi. , ..nate oome.ont of their Wes to f Sold bY.elrEhagelete men whets. Moran t otall soetble.: tmlumogg ..Gutu'e Doi et, No. 4811 hronlmay, N. T. , bsr A. AtHRIL3OC a. goDllito nen B. D B y LLED.3 CO.. Wholeet.i. nod Doha— Ageots. - Eltfahurgh, Do ; etzsnot ganylogyg,.. Wholeeele'ned Dote! Agent. Allegheny Chhy. onato FIND "- V.,413 4 - Peialtd ertiies4l7tiiil xtam gilk.t. tram thstu4 11 UCEXTS. • 'An asto tho done apd 3a barrel tad b - Q inc e , t l 9-. 13 4 FPS:- tairßeo Pittibargh., FoR DISPOSAL,-oimodersteteiieirdirsli cub. thas ofelonmS•lndet-x-r-gaS }Urn • D TD0171.611, DOlLlSB,l datiltastrLalkeil slo‘l L.= 'were' inegArt•Timd . HS IN of dlStrimd : Oast - ;t:E1 :W/ODOECT, IRON imam On 'dam Rtuk ro wl.O Dab, DOCTORS. Ab. S lf6 S Ileti Viaarn sod .781DOBT Rotertna. IUT son= THOS. D. HlSti MAO Xa.t. t/r,mumu:lPL.; •