The daily Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh [Pa.]) 1863-1866, May 03, 1864, Image 1
- " ''yc4i~`"`. , ~ ~~ ' r^' n' ? "' rrß ' ~ ~cv~E` ~'~ ~~' F ' ~~ t,~` .. ~:~~ v ~+r ?x'+Y r . '[':`.' - - , ESTABLISHED IN 1786. Vittiburgh Mazettq • Puntsfisik - /T '6lll - 171`1131 181130 ItESOCIATIO . >._ TERNS OP TEM GAZETTE. Kowar,apartoz, by petyear,..—.AS CO. w - • - m05ab...... r • - tingle carte n. fringe FDR76S, =lt por 4 150. - 113, 0 , 14 6, -.-•••••—• Wzmivr ripoieopirs, per fear.. S bO. °' Clll4 Of tO ... ao.; a a dab:oloer more —*Scions extra to the isrty wading club. Tor 'a otokoftlttoes,wO'sittion --- el the Trzonso Gamoris day. Tor's club or tainty, ' an sill send the Ittotoriss OstetztOloilly: 81410 topleo,3 cents alr etsubseristtoss taidt4 V a*aaa , "a Tapes stop:Ded whoa the *OP mans.. The Beading Matter on this Page ' , from - Yesterday's Evening :;'Edition. „, , AMC MILLIOSS -1011 Tilt .-tazsiscar . The2new.. Any yen tent. extra duty on ire ! ported.Yoade; which went into operation en bad the elf:eat, while it was on der . eienaideration in Congress. to induce large :numtArre 1 - 31 New York merchants to withdraw-Their: gocds.- trout th e -bonde d warebotises *Ty briekiy all through week. Tke - reacilewite that - by Ssturday the receipts for ditties at theCnstom Homo . amounted to .54,928,100:-almost exclusive ly In 'cam:. Tale is said to be the largest &meant -hi Call . ov , er,:xeceived for ditties within 'a eagle week'Tn New York. The Law at itetallaUon. The Chicago Evening Journal, In referring to the Zeototionie which the government Is ahantto adopt in vindication of the notional honor, oites'the "following precedent' in oar own hitter;: "Oar own groat and: good Washington said of the Irmo( retaliation : " Of sinews it is the most dirneult to entente vrttertyoullatenot tae trartsr hitorell in.your poesessLon. Humanity. will ores interfere, and plead meanly against the : writ/co hf an innocent lemon for the gnat ofanothet." . The matt Ethan Allen will bores:cambered. He wait hnprizoned by'the British . at Mon treal.' -Ho was scandalously - ill-treated by his capture. Upon . learning•thie;Goteral Wash ington put the law of retaliation immediately endresolatelf in force: Precisely as the Brit ish treated Ethan Allen, Washington treated General Prescott,- who was then a prisoner In our bends at the time. And General Wash: ington, in a letter to General -Howe, comman der of. the British forces, used ill, language: "The law of ['halation is not only jnstillable In the ayes of God and man, but abSolutely a duty, talon la our present elmaastancee we owe to oar relatives, mends and fitioleeitisens." In the war of 181; the Britiatt were about to said twang-threialrish_ptisoners to Bag= head to bathed for high treasonorhen darter at Scott ordered.twenty-three British prison ers ,a be detested to share .the late of the twenti-tarce Irishmen. The British corn lakoder..intemediatell,threwintonlose canine. meat folle;s1t more of tits Amerlosn captives. General .Bcott went and did likewise with forty.slx Btitish officers. And here the mat: ter ended. The Irish prisoners were not tried for high treason, end accordingly the British prisoners were not hung as their bolt, ages. The Americium commander's resolute and decisive measures brought the British commander to &calculating condition of mind. and tbe latter concluded that, "on the whole," it would be .inexpedient to make good (oi - bad) hia blasterrocts threats". Alr, William.' Speech. , foe fled 'Friday's Congressional report the faHowieg synopsisof the 'notch of Hon. Thomas Williams, of this eitir Mr. Williams (Pa), is the coarse of his re marks, said, we bare treated the eeceded States u a goveramenfdefodo ' and put them ander:the - 0= tke Union as alien enemies. This has ' become a patio war u-between two differentaalions. Those States are no longer in the Tinian, excepting for correction, and they must be reconstructed under the con quering power. History presented no petal, tel to this rebellion--so wicked, atrocious and ceaseless. Its suppression had become impossible without removing the cause of stnfe, and by freeing the slu' and arming them-against the-author, of this war. There mut be anomplete excision'of the bell.born and. hell:deserving spirit which brought en this violence. While speaking of hfassachu , setts blood hetes eked bathe streets of Bald , more; hir. Kelley' interrupted hircolhisguebY saying that_l'enseylvania bleed was drat shad_', in that city, and his notleagna could therefore claim that boner r; Mr.. Streams had. giimission , telay'to his - colleague, thit'the grit , blood shed wasthat_ of negr whey**, tithe ,fery grit - comp:any that , p_usid threraktiNaltitnore. • `-' replied tharAhe negroe's name less Nichol', Biddie, a constituent of our Dig WalUams concluded hisreinarks, pressing: to the foturojand the establishment of the llition - Mfa firm andlm ! duritig bials=ogreat'republie;cen and indl, The Crops • Th • • 01 Tho Tridiarlapolis Tofu* toy, : geticen the fong:raiu, and - the'Coll for aliCit rolpn= _ teer , th 4 cronaffateyear danot seen:just now .very laronablyattantort •• The 'spring • is, un-. unallrbsekword,aiid2rOluatecrixustanally forward, and vtiffeCone roalsol tieabip, the oqir, 44ealf awaited:age:Ur. We: iEardly . qxpeet anythisqtraortithon sn average of ern: dependent on cultivitlOn Mil year. ": fin& writhe; he ranli beCrr leen date MC /doge. : tri.plintdainlo3t, ea santly for It:Wl:offer, Or, worse, pert Lottwo week‘and the consequence is, theAr . ound-le soaked - Into . Irold".terci," fear "dcgen t , atreatoanro • hlyli r oreethulottonis' Oval direatlon frbin yrtilitruo can, liteari:. ;Qua:good affect:fa Mkt tfie cdpit. and' grass, am coming forward fUiedieFin Nioblo: county, wham-boa thraaweeka ago: ft was , thought-that no clop, would be' nada od - alf, the IferUld aWil now tfor*liist ji; loOting I : 4•lfiric drle)ro: eorintgth f a ; L dgaa lanOrts•tho-wheat excellent; standing iratLicid half log high, the-cropstud efailjittle Choir. :"Of an average" .7,ll:Cilffriiilizill. - -Coisity 'Reptiaiecut lays •,the rains areclitlnging-wul••• the wheat aurfalelnitly,L-Eknaintaisidlar'raportaleach 126 and Iturrelathe ooludatlonfatatibefrecd le not going to be an unmixed ofIL: Fruit , is gentrauf Vorteri •Inltut Ekaa iral:at.firet SuPPoed• • • !' • • . , • -- 7 -- , ..- Brisk Times In the , Na 'Whole war . Fleet:--Ordered:/for lfferviconnlys Nearly Beady to Go. Orders hats- to the 41412i roasiding °Mears -af.thie different aaw...laide to' exnedite:Eworie oa ,the-Tatioss *smelt in . atone of- trtriparation for. sea, and others aro • - . to harid;:fcrtharith„ The line ateartrigate - Barnotooraix, - which - ininfallß tiatdrffthe filagga - fortlia‘table expedition; h-to he plaoekektke-ithall. At-the' Brooklyn ffiavy-.Yarditinttedlitelzt o naive the necel- sary lining lot" steamers Auguste, 13...5;-:Ctiyinr, Mendota, - and Wien • T e n e h r a ga ui a tt ri arrn hd,eth e h 's tr te i u rob f i r a ig tl a y to will he lane Plllo* bit l'esr.dx7s.. Such of the dentat sufirenaisthipiat can b• mintted "nit bp put locooontissiati the fa pent they are Piro:Dore iroa-cisrits viii belottheil.Xixt.month; sod, together. with ..eoriroyt, are Cu be &tailed. far..actiie somas. ;ladder these large vessels - an entire wrisdroll of smell steamers IsY . inadi - to leave ou e aorriyardi for different points CO the &tie= coacto'.-/it rnlait . - • . Air eisPai Nrattio4 - 4 4 / a itirnl Millie* hal, ismad !ruin notg,ilris - Oro! te,, tibias licivo goner ' Bthattrior, erbci:apinkt uttic tbq thcithenk sehalllo4; tiiit,tbeir.p:o - platy liiicootilLatilted, - ifpudica of: - 117 arreoppeittebo diivanlttrasy;clt th,orientl ardendetteb toym made to pent Ili tolglimitto;tl ri4bst' WO:tomes tboufram, Talta:froirit, rope; irill:tio_field for ti 4 14411 k:it tho 'l7o l lloA.Ment:er has creitzt4 a 444 a- dixtoyik c4rs. , ~.; ioople !oho . lie,. fp. the' northuste , rzi isomer of this iiotboons hose um •th . ."sy gum those ltho are Atria.dled_bitaddlemon tho , mlQdle•ltates..TM , UM taupe's To St: Johns; ptioes-latir itt :follows per eardiiTh 00,1,p0t 101.4 sj,; ffopr.poibbl,„l6”; '-tutteii - sper to „250r.t0a1. vor.tb-; 6 , to . /Qt l , for sofa. Clothing of all kbdirea*. be . 0123 , 1,14 for balf.the,tffeed here. _Board „Ittftookehtow - ;bootels ..for mast int(t.lftfe ;619 . ••. I. THE DAILY PITTSBURGH GAZETTE. OUR NEW YORK LETTER Oorrispziadoicoot tbs.Pittabargtahzette. Nt.le You, April 29,18&4. Enterprise has shown itself bore In rather an unusual way recently. The Associated Press be, became connected with the various newspaper offices by telegraph.. This is for the sole nee and convenience of the agent and the editors, and will doubtless give an impetus to the publication sf telographat news. The fferilid arms is connected by the wires with:the residence of its chief editoratlifonnt Washington, end. ether private telegraph lines have been instituted by btoslitinmen to trans mit their wishes from their residences to their basil:ere:establishments: - !-Thia - r l j but - Ilia working of Yankee ingenuity. The nation that cannot wait for a Eortmean steamer to arrive, but must builds telegraph line twenty. two hundred miles into the heart of a desolate country to intercept her Dena two days before she arrives at pert, certainly ought to be ox. cased for its lack of patience, when lumber ing omnibuses and crowded railroad cars are Speaking of oninibusea—the greedy proprie. tots, like Capt. - co We noon, - have come do wns A week Cr two of teethes convincedthete that they. could no more compel the people Pk" the atvanced rate, than. the batter apeadaters could make the 'pool' dames eat butter. The different lines have announced that on Mon day, May 2d, the old rates of six cents will be re.inaugurated. They have added::— "We feel ashamed of ourselves. _Passengers will please provide themeelvea with the odd penny." se, what the induende or the Press . I think Judge Amara must think ltii prat ty. beam. The Greeley contempt ease has; come to a madder; close. bonne thought hie' Honor was asking rather too much, and ftstlyl refused to answer the learned Judge's inter-; rogatorles, preferring to 'libido by the con sequences,be they what. they. might." The Judge suggested that the liberty of the press was not sought to be Invaded, but the olject was to prevent this scarrlious attack on ' , Old PubLio litnetiontries." Witkthis.raprinnand !di. Greeley was discharged. i It Is thought theta Mlle hilltop libel - will now be bronght by the Judge. : .• Among the troops recently despatched to Washington went the 16th Geary Artillery; nineteen • btpadred mon strong. This tee- Meat has been stationed to the forts in this harbor, fora long thne,and have hearten" very prodbient. It was the intention to placeithem in the forts around Washington to do garri son duty, but their complete,discipline and skill having limbed the 04113,9 f headquarters, they will be forwarded to the front. One of the greatest things our eleopy Leg islature did before it adjourned was to pass a law authorising the incorporation of a Sol dier.' Home. We base stoodsadly in need of something of this sort here ever since the war commenced, and the blood hota mantled to our cheeks when we thought of the superiority of other States hathisparticular i LTe be sups onikihorse institution has bee extemponsed, which Goy. Seymour'. very Da Corolla man agers chose it dignify With thiSappsillation of '.. ,, siaties Home," but no solid lienefit flowed from the concerts, so it has paned into better hands. The mosey Is all raised, and the building site selected. . The - City is still as croirded u ever. The. most practical eye can discover no dimunition Of the human artellt OD Broadway.. Though. skis # ambled to be the dull season, Mut eau — of: all _kinds is brisk "moonlit. The. stores of the doenttown streets, which natal-. lyelose at sundown, are many of them open long put midnight, the porter's, clerlur, end Proprietors even,', engaging themselves INC hp tbillss.# 401 4 dilt#S tale diqs Board kg bonze keepers atilt carry their .heada proudly amok , . The proximity of the great Inuring day, has rendered the . 4holevale turn ing out of - boarder, 'neeess which 1141 Causedoa aotivi.demand for ?Forms- in - oilier gutters,' Fifirtiona Mires are asked ind the rietims comfort at the; hotels. ft is thought that,ofter Monday prices wit bo More-Midaitte. , ' ' - ! Phu are•alartuisgli , frequent. No leas than fire alarms ynur edr , respondent first sit dowit,.{two_ Inure). • At ' most all of them Fs ,works of Inceadiaries. No great fires 'have occurred, thought the In- Cemeteries' the Dort theifielen hasses'-doibt . m . peen to doas much damage as he . cuulfi. Lett naing a fire th*tterad istiaChei- itnre--du ring a high triad. The Cal inspector who , ti old item, biestiees, ter the alert. . , .. - . .. • -, The Late " Colonel Dahlgren:. - '-'- AdMlial 'Dahlgren writes In a gentleman in Philadelphia concerning -his Witt t.""The "acct= dente andneceisitles of my dirt unsettled we ciao -.this birth of 'my gallint4. boy; Virle, at a ; ._ rural home. In.Rennrylvanie, not - far from 13.nt hir parentevrere born and odicated in your city; his...grandparensa and. those before him,even Co far back as the cal, onial period of th, State,. were jborn and lived is Philtidelphli,and.their 'rumens, withthou of ~I;le.motberf brothers, jsncil thtter,::nepese !ithere. _Hit own. cireer.,.l4; /14- was opening ' among yon.fin .the study_ of. thelaW) under the eye of his kind and elide!' nt uncle, Mr., denten iir4 , ,:aul, . Wile n the . first: Upon Shot at ' oar gioriona flag roused the yo .. g and old of. the hilid:' 7 • "The hope that yen' . caprosi that Philadel, pita will give spew:Meens to. her eon, who has' giiren to her canoe all he had to give, limb and then life; who, before completing the lint ydar of hls manhood,-bad been tutored with the high rank of Wilolohel foriervlce andou ille* on on many battle-fields, land who fell inn desperate effert_td, rescun hie.. command.', frintia'csitivity,sioun,_thenj.libuth,':.theush hiMielrjustlicoveiing from wounds that had maimed kis fair proportionetrikes every . chbrd in my heart , and meat. gladly will:Icon, tribute to the purpose from my town resources. steam to Brazil. The bill wadi rem' Ili pi's.' a - - a the Rouse to establish postal cemmunieation between the United State* end Brasilitlik y to ales the /Sprayed of the Sonata. No biddies are in -41 ;to ded, and the amount to be upended is not to exceed $150,000,. and the service .la be thiown open to dompetition; i Theriot/4.11y obllected facts and flames inixinced by Mr. Alley, of Massachturette, in his recent speech upon the, subject,lnhowing whernin;• by our neglect, we have lost iMmenee revenue, white Great Britain has been very largely benefited bylLI postal policy, viewed An a cortrrmelal damnation, secured - to - the laeastire''ss - far brier degree of support than, eonsidering the present deranged condition of the country, wee anticipated.L. airtr :enter... • • :Thai pre• Suited to the business r men an. capitalists of the country, deserves and wU doubtless lel calve their foil eopport. - r PrItMCZI) pit - RIOT ,AID *not the'penons tried 'for :la 'and triason, forlacts committed in Carboni and Lateral" twenties by es . Military Comisibislon which sinaimeneiniite aittlinge fanned . Phllipßergenmaa andCharlea Dam, each Dv. years tar& labor.; Confad , MOVl; #l2 yeaks at badly:ha; Paitriii4oir;liiliiDost lthiJohn Gillngher;llugh B' lin, John Mo. Coal, TiritiwettryiewescrGattaglier and Geo. Encilt,.eachltriayasirwp.and .Allgustris Miller, twojean and a line attire said term. The Centel:ices were subsequently mitigated by Goo. Couch, to cionlineinent during the ar.inersenwr thro , reli z eillon, -birch nearThilidelpithi;tir Yother pijoa as zkaybe designated by comp tent authority. w •ir , _ 7 :Lear BZ7OIII YOULair.;;-Chlei V the re• eltn4les of jrdrog mitten tie,•aerny 'who kayo • • eeried for.` on agreeable leasele. omen , iciedeneto while away the ewe of camp 111b,' Iteelred a repliesome 'Sims dohs .fouri a New ' 'Bedford, latly, The: eurrespondeuee result:lag prore&ierr ag reeable to both Ogees, and in duo time they entered; into a loarriageerigage. meal. ' Atlengtle the 'soldier obtain ed a bur lough; and prooie od to this city to .he'rthiced to the objoot 'Or his; affeetivia, lie outlet tit 7 tier addiaer; an to - his horror discovereddialler:3*U 0110 W of cream*A ore& Complexion, with'. kinky 1 heir!' Idle& seii4lou . matt agsbal bit etomackinid tie refit:reed -to than:l;27AS dirgaree.l4ll , Bedford :- 'ltli.kii,sinciit'elnw.theijiiiiiiin`i; Telic groplie Arnie lidulgt a la a ottietalceleP.or, which siert bii jirry y obedring t he, gook:bal. deroin the &timid* cable:, It eitiricatesihe :the' 'uthlri: 'will:trim' imitC2,so r ,;ooo' worts - a x i s. 'Jean o:129,600 messages o f Weary - voids eaohl " Tbeireasessaget at 4,4* ob?Wilebriag in 1049,000, of which 75,340,00 wilirearalit AS prat. it IS Wended that the bileabelt be able to carry eight :wade ,ii. Alte j ' tho Ugh the , 'Owe ealculationallorre. !for - atily. A*, The old cable coareyed'only.tWo ina,s. hale a asititate. 'Thrilled 4 603 "line IslrfUriestii: th e rate liven' words; and the - , itaelli :p e a-, aault4 llnoiktaa words s en ;ie.' --: ''''''' ' - Q Pow, Baru. int/Arita*, troop are a? )9M' that dap aanhi Iraka4 aw caraP4l44s . regiments watotiver*lylarki Choir 1 4 111 0ak,:fkritaraectri:. atltt4rairn, and frekrkba . EattsTriella ilot Amami the /madam The Whiskey Tax In a Nutshell The various communications that hate ap peased from time to time, in the newspapers in opposition to the law taxing whiskey on hand, which had already been taxed, do not piece the subject fairly before the publio. Coo-rens had already laid a duty op the manutaotcre, which duty had been paid, but finding it would be necessary to lay a higher duty hereafter, it was proposed to put an ad ditional dory on the quantity on hen d, already taxed, so that the tax, which ultimately is paid by the consumer, should be far the bene fit of the Treasury and not for the holder or speculator. Now it cannot be denied that the leaders in the speculation were those whose pursuits Were not commercial in any tray, and some of gem aro said to have been unscrupulous poll- Meant; those who can go hand and hand when money is to be made, although of opposite parties. This latter olnea, probably knowing. the views of the Government, took the lead in the speculation and thus induced the distillers to manufacture largely, hoping 'to avoid the increased tax, Fernando Wood, who saw the imperfection of the bill as reported, being die interested, and . feeling unwilling to legislate. for speculators, proposed that such a duty shouldbe hid on the stock on hand as would be just to the consumer and the country, which the Rouse of Representatives agreed to by a barge majority. Had the House agreed to take the duty entirely off the manufacture of whiskey:lt could not have produced a greatir consternation than this did among the spans latent; they complained of injustice, but others could not see it, although I admit that it would have been unjust to them hid the duty on the manufacture boors reduced while they had a stock on hand; but why: they should complain that Congress would not leg islets money into' their pockets which belong ed to the Treasury, I cannot understand; neither can I account for the turnabout in the rote, unless the doings at Albany and Har riabarg have , been transferred to Washing ton, and if so God ease the country. As to the twaddle about taxing things twice, the the materials of which my carriage ' made have been taxed several times, and raw I am taxed annually for using it, which is suffiamat to show its absurdity. Hoon.-Tne number of eggs employed in Paris alone, In clarifying wines, la about 4,500,000. 3y"this moans a wholesome and nourishing artiolo is token away from public conanaiption, And Its prim considerably en ' tuanocd. To avoid this, certain kinds of ttr;w!carewnionwe.b.egf.yrtinssrtiad.bde with e q ua l . facility and at taammiler cayman. Two foolith'young people recently proposed to get married in the Amdcmy of Music in Phimdelnbicf,lund to pia a prim upon the tickets of admissiou,but the project fell through because the.manager refused to lame the building for inch a purpose. Ix is reported that E. Clark Ingersoll, of Foods, Illinois, will receive the Union nomi nation n tho Fourth district, to succeed the late Owen Lovejoy. Mr. Ingersoll is a war democrat, and was the candidate at large in 1862 against James" C. Allen. M. HIM HOWARD has been sent to the Old Capitol at wßahlocton„ TELEGRA MS. OUR SPECIAL DISPATCHES, FROM ' fr. EIFIENWTO.Ar. Special I tapalch to Ma Pittsburgh Gasetts WA/M . IEOI'ON, May 1, IS&4 I=! Gen. Martindale, sate Military Governor of this District, b assigned to • division under trho Idraself takes the field. NZOCO TROOPS. A regiment of Minnie negro troops pared- Ing op Ile avenue to-day, and attracted gen eral attention. ' • COILECIaR ancs CIES ALO3O rap Clsl.lll. MEMO, • . . thlr:Seward urges the plunge of ► bill for Consular agencies along the Canada border' and toys it will prevent a largo amount of gangling this season. ' moors TO as TAID The troops in the Virginia armies are to be vela within the next day or two. Basins qe aa. Lurie sIYGOIAL. The ruidors Uliatif the relieve of General Banks, which have been in eirculation in some data, take consistent stape to-night iu the statement that General Augur is to sem cede bins. enrssonsto °Ansa TO APTASIVIZ Ott mums. Geneva! Salmon; in s private letter here, gas the order ',tomb's superior officerosnd,e which his advance on °lusts* was made. M=E! the salmi plaktry new extend from Modi roll Coittt'gond° to',Port Royal on the Rein's., ho hock, a distance of forty Milts. We are pitkoting U.S. Ford. Ono rebel division is at FtedbliaSbUig. RiELL • CLVALOT 00033 TOO RA PPAHANiIOI.. d party of robe! cavalry crossed at Pal month, a day o4two since, as a reconnoiter log party, bat hale already returntd. Secretary Chase, has returned from Phila delphia., The statement that he has been ttelding.any correspondence with theitismi dont during his absence, on the subject of Frank Blair's appointment, is untrue. Ile healed no Correspondence with s him on the select, has-been .prtiftise in his explanations to Mr. Chase's friends. ti,st helm sorry Blair made the ,speech, se• ;bat he did not mean by appointing him ' 'erns• it j riMSSME April 30.—The steamer Eu. with Liverpool dates of the 16th and Q12.01a-. town of the 18th,, arrived. this morning with three'days laftr news. The Confereeee holgivits &et meeting in 'Leiden onithe'2oth. Liverpool, May IG.—Cotton buoyarit, 'and M@Xci. 'Walter. Breadstuffs vary dull. WU.; declining... Provisions dell and tootl ing downward. Couch 9 - Wa. • LATEST. Ciiriba'di bad a-, inagnitleont reeeption at the' CrystalPalinejniterdej: flit orltaly was presented to , him bearing the word,: .I:tote° and V. 1311011." " Itleratramered - thatnegottotions were going on for „the .ealn, of, ttri !C Arent ute= to the Freneh-Goyernent: It Is 'teed thatthit 'plate Florida was diai - Epaaish port. She haol been 00 4iat Portogeese port: - ' • Ay Alone drla letter to the Iron positively affintis that the late Viceroy of Egypt ordered the obeetracaloa of .Ifiaird's ISM'. '- deDappel the lisyna had connoted their entraidelunenti irlth a new position andWith ,The vuuLonsolng goes or s alghtind day. • . _ , Tempera . * It:wrens° . on Importst . -. Valtresirolik Alan Sii.-Thir Vrbildent hes try ad,of the Joint rosolution temporarily to 14"thedt0 im imports 50%per cent., and it thstefora a lhw. , , -, - i tiaifemi*Mil3o.- 7 Thonente par.oentex tre,dety OIL: ion,! , onsio'clock tip afternoon. - .)firrots *lto, tut eome - forwaid in extraordinary nem, bon,lth their gold and invoices. Atter:the Weer riff bilk nes introduced into , qmagreas they irere froM the 'boor nientionedtinite In diffitint es to the erltbdramal of. their toods . , mid tie pronsurtnableditimtaziiii - te* tale* T hi, raaelpis at ttatlostous Rouse tie dittos hare reached thirieg the 'passent. veok late Imam se figure'..of nearly live millions of ;dol. Lai . ~ oat exoltuirelY of *ob.- ' . The f4outhera Ilai . . . - . . , Ni Yoix, "AlaY2.. l '- , Thi Hanitri' Narr- , , bairrlStter of tba'26th - any , -, • . • .; .., 1 !lirfdrmarrou'lit basu_ received bier; that itixothorities = haus taken :possageofi:ot ill 6yr:roads - tn* thirdeXth for the mist nasty I days, urtut *Mob - ,time, no &lune, are at. 1 Jawed to trace* bd:Wera.,.. It hail 'aloe ben .011 4xrne tbattiosju . 4rouslOharlestox, Ef nth . (40,14„1, haves ?brew brought to pitman ' Xull.Oreieltsvad the , troops who - tires - a oti PEresseed to It4riusold.-:,-F . The Bank BIM - iYasSursorox 4kpril.lo,r-Tha.Bauk HUI mill be pasted by the 'Senate , en Monday, frith the to rind" &tete tixatida/ankoagt earnest I eyed leapt inadsi to It, , . -- ' - .., , .- , . -- ' t tho white. tatent for tho 1 , 4, the! colored Ingtire to take do VII Vi 't , t o 4 to Ilint Tau, litss ° l.4.Th. ,fizauvirotilag Glatt:r.Z.47.CottsucAlsii•leiterday; h02:1 rapture. 'cin ot 'd_ s l; o ßo io i 2 to , s4 }~ 1 _ ~ ~if~ us>.i'~s' ,ac x u .~~~. 4-bani::':~ a., f-t #~~;:z sy " y ' ~.d. PITTSBURGH, TUESDAY MORNING. MAY 3, 1864 BEAUREGARD'SARMYJOINING LEE THE SITUATION IN VIRGINIA The Rebels Concentrating in Our Front and Left and Centre. PORTION OF LONGSTREETI ARMY AT HANOVER JUNCTION. LEE'S STRENGTH UPWARDS 08 100,000 MEN Gen. Banks Reported Superseded by , Den. Augur. TRADE BETWEEN NEW 'YORK AND REBaDCM. The Reported Barbarities at Fort Pillow Fully Corroborated. TEXAS EVACUATED BY OUR FORCE S . Large Rebel Army Reported Hem. New Orleans. 'New Yons, May 2.—A special to the Time from,Tiralhington May Ist, says : A dispatch was received to-day by Govern: meat, Worn Fortress Monroe, stating that Desiregard's army passed throngh Patens. berg yesterday morning. Ilia force is estl4 mated at from 18,000 to 20,000. Nothing of note hen transpired at the Ironic' to-day. The pickets of both armiee extend; op and down the fiappahannock and Etapidan +4. eoneidorable totes Is'reported at FredericksJ burg thtowin g up more• earthwork" on the heights. Sc I. reported that the rebels are pifhdrarr ing fiom Madtion O. EL and concentrating In our front and on our left and contra. Ono . divisionftf Longstroot's corps, accord flg to deserter., la at annoyer Junction, as a reeerve. On the same authority, Gan. Leo's atrongth Ls stated to be upward. of 100,000. man. Pica vno in Lori.. Rumors prevail that Oen. Banks bay been paperceded by Oen. Augur. The facto in possession of the Congress Com mittee to investigate the affairs of the Now York Cuitom House show that an enormous trade Is earned on between that city and rob. eldom. The World'. special dispatch says Messrs- Gooch and Wade, of the Committee on the Conduct s of the War, returned to-day frbm Port Pillow; and called on the President this evening. The statements made as to the bar barities and cruelties there are fully corrobor ated. The iforld's Now Orleans letter reports that the evadbation of Texas by our forces has be. gun, and also says that the report reached New Orleans that Oen. Polk was encamped near Camp Moore, 9 miles from New Orleans, with from 15,000 to 20,000 men to move at once on. Port auction or Baton Bongs. Affairs In Loulaisna—Heavy Rebel Loma April 20.—The steamer Mississippi, from New Orleans on the 23d, said Memphis on the 27th, has arrived. The news Is meagre. The Reamer Empire, from Red river, brought :down Gen. Lee, and Capt. Nam, on business; connected with the organisation of their commands.. Major Connelly, of the lat New Hampshire cavalry, was badly injured by aikick from a horse, but would recover. Lieut. W. Snow, reported killed, is alive, but a prisoner.. The passengers by the Empire stated that the impreasionitrevalled tharthe rebels would Avoid •• general avgagament, bat it was postale that the picket firing alight moult in a battle at any moment. Prisoners, deserters, and others, present daring the battle, say the rebel 'lasses at Pleasant' Hill, Sabine Cross Roads, teannoi fall short:a 7,000, and may resoh 10,000 In killed, wounded and prisoners. Thant lis three and a half feet of water on Bed ti•e falls, and slx and a bait /ma anti. can, The Era publishes a rumor that General Steele bag taken possession of Shreveport and thrown up fortifications. Cotton is held above buyers'. quotation and ranges from 71Ca.73e. ; Ordinary 53E1,84e ; Middling scarce—would bring 810. eager higher and 223 @260. Molasses O 5 Gsl,oo, With none offering; no receipts. The steamer Colombia, with nearly $38,000 to specie, for Havana and a full cargo of Cotton, would sail for New York on the 23d. A steamer from Wlte river and Helena brought ninety bales f cotton to Memphis. The Memphis cotto market was active, with light stock, at 06®720. Neerty three hundred refugees from Arkan sas, Georgia and Alabama have arrived here and present a most pitable appearance. Tho steamer Alice Dean passed with nine hundred bales of cotton for Cincinnati. Bay Pont, April 30.—Gen. Shepley, late of Louisiana, to now governor Of Norfolk. Late news from New Orleina has been re ceived. An :arrival from Grand Door' on the 18th rpports nothing of impettenoe transpiring there on the 18th. The likh Indiana has arrived at New Or• leans from Matagorda en route for home. Wan. Weitzel would leave New Oldest§ on the .23d for his command in A .mall dent had gone up the °notate dyer. Cotton ;active at 78s80. Naar tosw, 30,—The Columbia, from New Orleans on the 22d, via Havana on the 26th, and the Merrimac, from No. Orlcon on the 24th, hate arrived,' Among the passengers in the latter is Oen. Andrews ' and alit WUXl bit of other officers and sick and *minded soldiers. Gen. Weitzel is s passenger in the Comm Gen. Mature left Nov adulator home on the 24tb. The Massacre at Fort erupted Lands-.. Coasting Trade—.ln• teni'. Revenue Bill. Wasatiorort, May 2.—The Dab committee nn the Oondum of the War has reported from Port Pillow. They. took" t fty,seven.deposl all bf which more than confirm the ne ws ppar accounts of the massacre. They. state that It waald be Impossible to exaggerate the cruelties committed. The Senate bill granting pro-eruption to certain blade In California was passed. • The 'bill' to regiihita fareignAnd coasting trade on theriorthern, and north-eastern and nortli-weitern frontier of the United States ; The Internal Revenue bill was received from the Mouse and referred to the Committee on Finance. On motion, 1000 eosin were or dered to be printed. The Pidgin ere Ounnsylvinia Reserves...atm Union Conyention, Waistaitniii, Anvil 30.-,..Theise is nothing new fieur the Army of the -Potoniae. The rebel Army if quiet.' There is no probability ,that the War De part:Monti will grant the request of the Penn sylvania :Leghlatnresto--muster. - unt the Re serves for that State in May. • It Is expected tho Senate bill sibling the pay of colored soldiers, -wilt pats the House to-day. . A special dispatch to the N. T. Commercial says: Teti understood the Union If stionalCom. rootlet are perfecting , arrangements for the DRUMM... Conventlom..shionsof its member* hare idvmmtedpostponement:,- The railroads have divided .to pass delegates at reduced fares. Little Wanityigion Evsmuasd by lour l'Fmfr. , Eliehanged Prisoners : Bosirens Monaco, le.-Little Wash• ington was evacuated by'onr forme onThum. day het, ilko troops pone being wanted else wherei . - Thai flair" of trien bold - arrived hem thli _ evening, From City Point, with 400 of our exchanged prisoners.. No nowipapere or new, could ho obtained. . Exciting <Wet on the '‘.Rapidan, Nrw, '2'4,i,c;:ffni. 2,16 cairespandent of the Heivtit /aye Va_r4ini exciting =mon are afloat . ' All coitit L1'19,141.11;11, io . .lasi erasing. ttampeditatiso inehipond. 'NevilriiisdiXibe-teceberle - Pmai of the 27di, , gaisi . oaVeiday iistrittiSrel4 force AT:Tamed ip frp . no, Will lath; ithigtofli tititikattse" , . ist4 vigbronr istatagbdo airaidllßlelnixonft eommenead. , 71; .•-i•." pAnt, Bards: Thetbdmotz. - ..lll.Zrereo.sad wood Ovoti. 210 . ! Mg&OUI WtrPOL :11. j : • : • T isthrrd • AND'.OIAa.TAKF ,41E0 promptli !Mod DAUS s P IIL L LIPY, glean ; , 110 WattelltiPlet MEI= CITY AND SUBURBAN. The Conlonllsrcille Railroad Question. Tho two billA to. before the Legislature, relative to this road—ono repealing the char ter of the present Connollivillc Railroad Com pany, so far as 1.11 , ) pris-ilogo of it east of C01.015V1:14 is COB!,:ftlf, ; and the other incorporatteg anew company with power to construct a read from Cunnelleville to the Maryland State line, and from any point on i said line to corl.: with any road in the Sue quehanna Valley—have already been pub lished in our columns. The editor of the Chamberbburg Repository, (A. K. McClure, Esq.,) who Is a corporator of the new compa ny, says : ''lt would doubtless make the junction with the Cumberland Valley road at this point, and thus make the Pittsburgh and Connellsrille a direct feeder to the commerce of our own State, instead of leaving the wealth of south western PUnnsylvonia to Bel- The Somerset Lterdtd, after quoting the aboveestract, says: "In this than. paragraph, is contained tho kernel of the controversy be tween the frientit of the nose bill, and the present directory of tiso Connellawille road. On the oce hand it it alleged that the Penna. [toad Is at the bottom of the new scheme, which Is designed to make the Conan/Bovine a • feeder' Instead of a rival to her; while on 1 the other hand, it Is at stoutly maintained that the interest of the Baltimore and Ohlo Road inilaeoces the other party, with the object of leading the r wealth of Southwestern Pounsylvanie to Baltimore.'" The Iltrald then gees on le argue that it io the 'Edema of the people of Bedford, Sotner let,,Payette, nod adjoining counties, to take no Tar. In the contwrersey, but endeavor to teeoneile the differences, and to have both Ltrejects carded out, I:1 for as the building I . the road is concerned, leaving the laws of 'ado and competition to determine whether ,igimore or Philadelphia—whether the Bal. 'lore and Ohio, or toe Pennsylvania Cen roads will be most tomcatted thereby. ..,..r• li al - A Bold Swindle. few days ago, a young man giving the e of J. Wilton, and representing himself • kla son of wealthy parents residing in Phil, :phia, applied at a house on Wylie street Or boarding. no Was accommodated with a item, and bring "passionately fond of manic," hSid made arrangements for potting a piano in the parlor. Sic noon after called at Pl. C. Blume's music attre, on Fifth strrot, and rooted a piano, valued at $475,, agreeing to ply $5 per month rent. Be paid the first , month's rent in advance, and the Instrument was duly deposited lb the parlor of his board. lug house, where be commenced a very severe system of thumping, which alarmed the whn'e house, and would doubtless haredriven Gott., chalk out 'of his senses. had he been com pelled to listen to it. The game having been played thus for suc cessfully, Wilson's next move . was to turn the piano into cash. Ho accordingly visited Ben Trimble, of the Varieties, and after relating a Very nice and very pathetic story about "fatally misfortunes," came to the point--he had a 800 piano to soli, worth $5OO, which, "ender the circumstances," ho would dispose of for $275 cash. The shrosrd showman thought he saw a great bargain in the liberal offer of this fast young man, and was not slow to bite at the bait. The piano was' duly delivered, and the price agreed upon was promptly handed over to Wilson, who . had now consummated bli vlltaitty s and was ready to depart and play the. Same. gameaomenthere else. This traneactien;eietated-,otiVeduss day last . Idra.l3laute l'iatttedi ,ett Saturday, whit ditriktiiitiltakh:uti rdade of her prop• 1111d-00.467KKi, : Trinabli: of her owner , thip theizatrument. The police were itn 'laidiately put on the rack of Wilson, bat ho hi supposed to have lit the oily on Thursday iight, so that the chances of apprehending , him are exceedingly into. ! . 4 Interesting to lioller filannfacturorw. Some intoreivinv experiments have recent ly bion sande steel boilers. In one of iltiejet steel-boiler of-the egg-end - shape, four '''ect in diernetei., and thirty feet in length, ;Without dues, vas ttic.i. It had a steam— drum two feet in diameter and two feet in height, and the plates wore one. fourth of an Inch in thickness. Beside it there am placed 4nother boiler, ainthir in every rerpeet, ex depting that the plates'vvere of Iron, 0.41.1 of to inch In thicketzi: 'The steam boiler was bested by hydraulic pressure op to 195 pounds lin the inch, without leakage,. and both the iron and steel believe worked under al ,/ressure of sixty. Ire pounds on the inch for 4. bent one year and half. I ] During this period the steel holier generat ed 25 per cent. more steam than the iron one, eyed when they were thoroughly examined, lifter eighteen months' practical working, there was lees scale In the steel than In the *en boiler. Ttio former evatie”ted 11.69 Outdo feet of water . per boor, end the iron lioiler 0.35 cubic; feet, The quantity of coal Consumed was on an average 2706 pounds for the steel °nein twelve hours, and 2012 pounds fpr the Iron boiler. The plates of the steel holler over the 'fire were found to be onto jiered, while those of the iron ono were about gore out. As steel is twiee as strong as iron, Winer plates of the former may be employed fOr boilers, and more perfect riveting can be secured, while they will last four times as Inug. A greater quantity of Abeam can also generated in the steel Keller, on account of 101 thin plates, and thee much fuel may bo euenotnized. United Stetca District • Court. Mosocr, May :I.—Deli:re 'Jo dg D'Candless. 'Mho regular term of this Court opened to dy. But night grand jurors answered to tkelr names, and the Court was consequently ukable to charge them. Oka traverse jurors In attendance . at the seorid October adjourned term, hold last week, wkreaummoned for the regular term, and were iniattendance. I ,lhe ease of Dr. King, which was expected to come ap to-day, was continued until Then:- day next, by mutual consent, to enable the District Attorney toprecure therittendanee of • Wittiass now la the„Potemaa army. if hi report of Messrs. Grace and Snowden, ll:Rectors of Mills and bailers, was read. From it it we learn that, during the six minths ending Ailey:lst, 1864, the. Inspectors "visited many voseels, and advised wally repairs to made to boilers, eta., which were complied . cleperfelly with." There were no ao4hats from • explosions, or injuries from to report. In reference to the colli sion bet Ween the two boats Hawkey° and DIA Fulton, the Inspcators say : "The case is noir undergoing investigation before the Cwt.:" Daring ilia pass air months, they intipsotod 64 hells and the-boilers of 61 sten:n al. The report var ordered to be Clad. . • - 3i . Release of .Colonel Rose. -Po i nte gratified to learn that a private Ma rtial. !sae received in this city this morning, announcing the release of Colonel Thomas E. Rose bf. the Seventy-Seventh Pennsylvania RegiMent. Colonel Roeo is a resident Of' BouthlPittsbargh, and recruited Company B, E of the eventy•Boventh llogireent,in the sum • leer o Jai. lie Wes appointed, Captain of the co patty, Which poOtfoit he retained until January, 1813, when he Was commissioned as Colette) to fill the vacancy occasioned by the premotion of Col. Stambaugh to the p,otitlen orßladler General. CoL ose r wlthlitanY of mon hisorsre cantos. eclat t o battle of Chiclutemaga,aatthie been' a prisoner ever lIIIcO. Be took seonapictions part itt the famous eacapelront LibhiPrison,l end was ene of the number whO succeeded in w 41.09 through the funnel, but was'unfortu. nately secaptured. Col. Rose is a very sib- ciint and popular adieu, and the now. of his rolealet will be hailed with pletuura by his nnmerdus friends. , ' ' lIC County. n response to a circular from P. It. Snitot; Chairman of tbo Eanitary Pair, the ed. itdr op thy . Clarion Banner remarks : uOn a . rada7 ntaupraay Court, let amaze - meet. 14 of the - cltiscna of 'Marlon comity', be .held of the Court Ilonse,as the project domande. On that occasion let comzolltots be appointed tient lit avariliariAlp,-aid 4Ccntrai Coco taltt4 for the twati - licat ip rocciVe,SMlttiovl odgehad.forwardallionhibuttonn - Lot Moro ba a sousing turnout of %thapatriotio -people; attd , let all tisane -Impartante of this groat week Int giVit b igAlilf E t o o w -our sick - end wounded irl?tft ek lio f4Y Oloni t i :En i ,D.Avdtatt ii hatttelfor,:pys Union, is als.prond. to nara'tea to tharstantsirhea <Unmoor wounds' Viva nufittvl peal-for actin) duty." 4 . 0 0 ' AtageeosTotteg.lo7:llS jig. at GOOitellz - Vaindoller:li, reodhetry,..hedforloooptirilifics olotbetlizto. She hika'Aett irittribliss+Tomiloitaz duxiag the ght, and left her' lido to commit the act of Award of Mall Contracts The following is the remainder of the list of awards of mail contracts in this State: not. FromJetirle, to Clearfl,:d. Martin Michel., DO. ttCob. Prom Curwinsville to Anent:l,llle. AID - rd M. Read, $llO. 2691. From Curwinertlie to Lumber eit, Alfred El. tlomt, ‘l2.i. 21107 From LnthoNburg . Smirksburg. Dart d Henry, 1.9 n. Wis. From New Washington to Punzut Jdlut Hutchison, 121.0. 6=sol== 'A7O. From Woreßand t. Dralarntown. No bid. 'JCL From Bojnotd.rillo to Rockdale Mille. 11.- 17 Blolank, 515. 2071. Prom Pourentaniney to Eummertville. John Sl7o. 2073. From Brookville to ilationvillo. Darid Henry, 3123 75. 244. nom Brooke'lle to Smitten. Y W 8011, 5101. 2675. From Brookrillo to Klll4 agog, Wm II H Piper,ll,o9o. Yl.rhaa Brookville to Hlagovray. Robert W Noorboad 1:174. 2077. From Brookville to ILltlgeway. Too hish offer Si O. r..:78. From Kittanning to Dayton. Watrom Ham ImIL :tot9. From Kittanning to CiarMn. barottol V Lightest, 51,410. anti. From Ktt tanning t, Brady 's Dead. Wm. H p. t,rwr. MI From KI tanning to Mahal:dog. Wotro • eAlar.ll.ll. 840. 561E=1 2GS3. Yom Freeport t, 81etu Lick. fie,. Truby 2.4:84. From Fielly•N Ehstioll to Cochrste's 1111 Ls. Joseph hrAlheter, .475. • 2665. from Apollo to Elder'n Ridge. Goorga Bair mama contractor, SOl. Sroto Bra dy'. Bond to Catlenrborg. famuo 6.110 r, S.ll. Iroaa L.oroncoborg to Clarion. Samuel Kllor, 147. L Ed. From Chtriot to Flog.Tillo. nelson Barber SEC 245. Frt.= Clarion to Plr,umnitle. Tbomas George 5710. WO. Elrom Clarion to Franklin. W. 11.11. PIM, gmo. Fl•on, Stratton."'lle to MartonTitle. Robert Barber,t,„,tt, • 26n2. Frtm Strattony ilia to Clarington. Cochran Fulton, VAIL 2a93. Yearn Shlppetuallle to TyLeesburg. Jacob Lackey, swo. 2094. From Catlettsburg to Ittharrebarg, Alexan der Csllwell, g that three time. a westk. 2 000. From Catlettsburg to I:intent°. James, 75.91, 206. From New Bethlehem to Curlleallle. John Tratnor, 8144. tatn7. From Butler to East Sandy. &atonal Butler Vido. 201. rrwzo Duller to Worn Cros3 Ronda. George TroLJ, Mio. Yee& From Butler to yes. Creetl.e. Jehu Orrgol7 MO. 27.) From Dotter to lmeenceburg. John Greg ory, 0312 VOL From Batter to No Brighton. John Greg o r 7. FZ72. 2705. From Itarmotty to Mercer. Wm It Thorop ton. WOO. From Droinaingtork - to rratilolla. Joseph E , hr.., 11,40. 2717. Fr% ext. Nev Castle le Watt Gnrestellle. Cyrus A Clark, 51,674. RESS=I 271 n. From !darted to Meadville. Frank D Lane, $1,440. 3720 Punt Mercer to Cochranton. W. M. Thompson, b 503. 2721 From Mercer to Erma Valley. Clinton Young, 51,443. 2722 From Mercer to Wool Greenville. Samuel Wrist and Charles Fry, 5418. 0721 From Mercer to Warren. It. M. Ulp, 887.4. 277,5 From Mercer to Younvitotru, 0. NV at. M. Thompson. TM. Er..z From ISsolenton is Brody's Bend. 'Thomas 2730 From Franklin to Messer. James O. limn; Bl,Csa. Vat From Franklin to Irrlno. Frank D. Lana, $1,6104 tti4t Poona C10,4151:04 t. %Arno.. Ellchsel Sr o. . if /runs Smitkport to Ole., W. S. Cornelius, From Brodeur.% to Corrylllot..Cbarles Brno •ell. IVO Z13:1 Prom Sugar Grovel to Jamestown, .Io Om. • week. Andrew It. entilh, T7st from Pittanold to Broken Straw, N. Y., six Moat a week. David Woodin, 56(10. i. 7.57 room Titusville to Oil City. 0. P. Smith 51219. The Artists and the Fair. At a statod meeting of the artiste of Pitts burgh, hold April in, lent, it was Hevo/rod, That as the President of the San itary Fair (to ho held in Allegheny City) ha requested theartista to assist in the getting vp of en Art •Exhibitlon isc-conneetlort with the Fair, wo appoint a committee to•act with the President and Directors to collect and earwig° ouch picture. as shell be goner onsty given or loaned for the purpose—said exhibition to be held in tbaCity Hall of Alle gheny City • And, furthermore Revolved. ' That we extend ' invitations to every artist and amateur to donate such works of art as they may have in their po ion for the noble purpose of assisting those who are ministering to the wants of our fellow citizens In the Bold. (Eigral,) TfIETOIL •V WOLUIIGI . DID BLYTIIII, Committee W. C. Watt., ISAAC BP.OOIIZ, Secretary. A Darner hie So6.—Thor . ; following is a copy of the bill" to authoriee the Mayor of Pittabarg to appoint a deputy;" which has already pusei the House : " Tbat the Mayor of the city of Pittsburg by nod is hereby authorised,l in case of his necessary absence from , the city, of his sickness or other temporary, ,disabilitY, to de signate one of the Aldermen of said city, who shall, during the absence or disability' of the Mayor, exercise all the power' and discharge all the duties of Mayor of said city, in cases of vagrancy, drunkenness and disorderly con duct ; and for all the official acts of said Dep. sty the Mayor shall be responsible the same as if said acts were periermod by himself in person." Coat. Exottaxos.—A liseeting of the Caa Exchange will be held on Tuesday morning the 3d inst., at eleven o'clock. It is desira ble that the meeting be well attended, as im portant basineas will be considered. • Gorse:mem. 'eats, on Wedneaday, at the _ArsettaL Included in the eale will be a large) amount of leather, scrap iron, &o. T. A. Mc- Clelland, auctioneer. OILS. lYu RIDER tr. CLARE, LL - :cEllefal.oll Petrolout and its Products, OUt. OA SDLIIS, 40.. 410. 61. BaOLD STREIT-- You. Oa WATER ISt YBONT in5....-.Prrarnntaa. •31" A aunt En taw PORTLAND HISBOAINII WORKS, NEW lONE PABAJILIN OANDLI OOMPA NY, are, r. A. CILILYNAN, apt Tlia ' Oa Water LUO oth WUttxn DUNCAN, DIIBIAP eito“ tinnlrtmmra a/ Pare White Refined Carbon Oils Ono No. IR MN= 5121111 M saaiaaraaa wreminimosi. AtsTula, of WORKS.. • • A 871141 MAOHINE , 01L. Erring ynithaied -the Belam lately owned by WM. E. BRANDON, we are now proporod to offer to the yaelto cox mperior blaolll.lo. OIL, mann• lactated an Rtrictly meteatlilo yrinaltles, war tante4 equal to Lust 011. 1X03.00. t IXO3. L. blcOL tabh4:lto Offlos. V Wood • .1. BLA. 00431 i &CO., . qv .; 4: op . Tor the fals or Crude and Relined Petroleum, 4111 6017TH DELAWASE /MUM, tatiltSca Pan.Aina.rna. Loos. nizsz...—:.—.....«.marzan €ll4ll PETROLITE 011 NORIO. s • ' PME WIITIM-CAREON.OILy-DENEOLE-dED PETROLEUM LTIBRICATIIIa OIL Ospacttr two thoiund barrel,par Ina. REESE & ORAFF„-PROMILR , OBA Me % EONOTE 'Etogsa, PittetnnEb. Da. 8 . 1 . S 4 • 413tErgeon 8411 Acaottcheur, N9;14 ivarrarnuo ST., 7.41 door below 0110, vrrrapmcatt, PA. DOLOtilid SAUSAGA : 1101bAlliMeThIgood - thrtnigitire to,,,d'u L d busy: 07 • /OHS iILAMEIBLIASIT. aptl , coma-Llbetly sad Mind Wang. t Tr EPLI ADA.M.Si ElltiiSt, CeC' I AVllnflabag;craiirsit Dukawaol aratil dm% Plaiburgh.--deaDr. LI IL Pawl; Dr. LW rec:llwiellon R.baqvi, Rani REV ST 141 largo 'tibbortmela 013: JOY basta bat Ibreal. by aft MUM SOWN, IBS Wood fazed. VOLUME LXXVII--NO: 144, JJtII7SEJIE.IrTS , PITTBBUROH THEM*. 'Harmer..._-- -Et. Ovziziansa Bevira/ for two olzhtto only of the great moral drama, lIACLE TOWS CABIN. In obedience to tbt public, who were pretentell from seeing:Me Mat work, on lta lint production by other engagement* THIS EVENIhO, rill be pnationted. Lb* great moral drama, et= all the octane/ music, tablet.= and war* eatitled UNCLE TOM'S CABIN. Uncle Tom George Darren.. ._.__.._.-----• Fletcher -..-._..._. Deacon Perry.-- ...... 61Int. Ilargemi Loreday O. Fletcher .—.L11114 Ilanden eT MASONIC HALL FOR ONE NIGHT ONLY, WED NEB`b AY, NAY 4th, 1864 HADAIIE ANNA BISHOP, the trorld,r.moseued centatrlce, has the honor toannounce one grand VATIEWELL CONCERT, It being painlessly her Wit appeerume In this city prior to her departure for Eu rope. She trill be 'ordered by her your/goad talented daughter, Mae LOUISA BISIWP, Yanalst and Pianist. recently from Pees end London. and 2dr. A. SEDGIYIUK,Briffo Singer ud Cormertirdst Mankal Abettor. Acitabsion— SEATS CoR BE SECURED WTTHOET.H7initst CHARGE, at Chaska C. blellor's Masi°. Store, Rh Wood strect, lhero • diagram of the Hail can be aasn. Sale to commenoe on Monday, May 2, at Sa. as. Tb• Plano is tarnished by Charles C. Molkir, agent for Clalcketing 4 Son'. Doors open at 7%. Concert comment. Abed/. EDW. P. KESDALL, atiSfiAt linsitims Agent: CONCERT, TO BE GIVEN BY MR. CLEMENT TETEDOUX, MASONIC HALL, ON =MAY, MAT an, On which ocoslon, Waldo a cholas selection of bat• lade and V iolin, P an Dorrt'sClarnical Syropbony for Plano, Violin, Pan Mote, Cuckoo, th ree Tramp. eta, Triangle and Drum—the bast Ere instruments to be plated by ladlte. 7,lcketatO ants Secured meats 75 cents. Tim min of mound sesta will commenceon YRIDAY, tbO 19511 Inst., at 9 o'clock, at O. O. 11.11 or's Ithato Stony no. 81 Wood street. Doors open at 7 o'clock. 0ob• cert to commence at V.‘ to 8. ap27:td' 10 , . REV. DR CILAPLVB LECTURE; —Tie, Dr. CQAPIN , the “Prince of Pulpit Orator.," will lecture in CONCERT HALL, WEDNESDAY EVEN`}, MAY 4TE AND AMYIIIOA. Don open at 7 o'clock. Lecture to mutual., a: o•cicck. llckots 25 cents. &serval seats 50 crate. Tor Went 0. 11. 118 lur's mule rooms, 81 Wood„streat— with plan of /1•11, iny2-Itd. .IfII7SIG, Of t. REMOVAL -- we taka plaaanre In Informing the public that aa .on occupy the large and commodious house NO. 12 BISSELL'S BLOCK, ST. OLALte STREET, Wham we have Just received from the nmenfmterer of WM. S. BRADBURY andSI3IIO2IIII42I.ZU a LO., • nee lot of uIJP6IIIOII PIAHr9. Alm, • numplot• Lamm:merit of SMITH'S celebrated Ilfarmonloms, Site !odium. and kfulsical goods generally. The superiority of the BttADBQBY Plgliols 0. ready enablishni. In the lastm7 of Plano. no new instrument has panel im rapidly 'ln o.muhirlir or received so many premium. within lb, apace 0 two ynar• a• the new scab, full Iron frau', overatrung.bno and .Freneh girand .Planal Forte, mannfastarid by WM. BILADBIin, and Shomnker a On. Plants having been DO Song and favorably known In this and other coantibm, n.ll no farther comment :AB guaranteed for five yearn.. WANELINX BARB. s , Bole 412tia 422124212212 ra4, - Hi. 12 sr. CLUB et, su.ors Good Second Hand PiLOW for nont. Tuning and repalong dour promptly. • ap3o : PIANOS ! PIANOS: PIANOS! saD OAB I NET ORGANS! Cabinet Organst CABINET ORGANS! , • 55W LOT AT OLD PBIOIB. CHAS. C. MELLOR. : gas, 81 WOOD 8T8=1.4 KNABB'S GOLD ISPED racauuu P. 111110.1. lIALNI BROS. PIANOS, PEI sors itioDzorrs. A splendid now ISOCklut received. • - 4.2 a OnatUrrni BLOM; 43 Mk *mt. CARPETS, OIL cLorne,:sc: FOURTH STRtET N EW STYLES Of WINDOW SHADES EZOMED TIO3 DAY. NEW SPRING STOOK' OF WELL SEASONED OIL 01,0T11. AT A L L TT lira ST ARP, O T:EITOIC 80. 81 OuTH EET. AND ADDED HAVING TO DOB OWD IBM ENTIRE STOOK AN'..ETS, OIL . CLOTHS, ::,&& at inift2o Lately bald by W irtrot4, able, by the cobßelidettem, beet:vibe LARGEST STOCK) TO BE FOUND IN TIES WEST,' AT THE LoirEsr PRICER. Oliver McClintock & Mu SS MTH WrIiZEN PIANO caves Pine Embroidered Cloth., Embossed Cloth. Victoria. Ice tt, F r a NEW CARPET STORE ?!' 'L 7AcPAILLAND, etiLLlllB ApRIInik.AisINDISIMAIDPSI ji4ecorts7ixwaxeciplaii isaiw fficnBLUTD, COLLIES co. cat MINIM .firerrox lAIICTION BALE OF CO.NDFANZD IfollBB3. Wei Dsraarasar, CATALII ItCRIAII, Oftoenf chief Quarternsetar, Washington, D. 0., April 13th, 1864. Will be sold at public anthem, to the highest hi der, at the times and plates tamed below, vie : Newport, Petry, Thureht.T. 31 .7 6th; IGettysburg, Venn; Monday. May 9th; ! Nat.: nun thy, May Han; IHOWL. Penns, Thursday, May 19th; Erraoln. Pruna, Thursday, May 26th; Lebanon, Perms, Thursday:Jens 91; illortbuotherhand, Penns, Thursday, lons ith; sPreanton. Patna Thunday../one lath; tWWlsmaport. Fount ,ThrtredaY. June Op. hundred (100) horses at Gettysburg, and hro hundred gadfly ( O) at each of the other places. 'these booms bare boon moderated sa. unfit for the caralry service of tbe 17tIted States Army. for ronl and farm pummel many good bared= may batted. alorsee bo rold singly. begtri at 10 A., and m=ane day talatio. acad. CABII,Oa United States Trearargrultori ortlY. JAMES A. LEIS, • LitatAol. and 0. Q. IL Cavalry DISCI= 4263;40 V' SITLtSED irrATES M TAR. y KUL IIO. Orrin or &estrum Qrsumndeasetta,} Waabington, Aprillel, 1864. )rUCITIOS—*GU be sold on Watnereday, the 19011 day ot lday, at the Ballrold Depot to Aleorandriay ! 6CO tons of Old Baffroad 160 tons of Old Car Axing r 60 tons oftest Scrap Iron; t ! 160 to of Wrought Iron; • • tone of Old Hasa and Capper; 300 011Bsrnds; • TOM., no, In Government Funds. Ten e i trr . - matt. to bepahl the time of purchase. the on delivery. Thu property emit be removed within ton daYs Coosa dada of sale. 11 L 610131N809, aplette entrain and A. Q. M. GOVERNitIENT AUCTION BALKS. —WEDNESDAY AIORNING, May 4, at 10 o'clock. at ALLEGEINNY AlldNtiAL, will leo 'Old to the hi=bldder i : try c ,237 rtrid g. De Bo r... " " lta, • ten film Slings, ..455 Infantry Wsist Delta 7 ,COO lie Scrap Loather, 50,000 '• ". Iron, 1,623 Kem, • 100 Powder Barrels, -.. 1 Draft Ilona - - 1 Biding Saddle. Tams caah--Oreenbacka. CO - T 4 A. Nci7LELLAND, Auctioneer. r IBE lITY i STREET YROPERTY AT Li AUCTION—On Tuesday owning. May Id, at. 7% *clock, will be sold for account of former par- ehieer, at tho Commercial Sake Booms, Ho. 54 NUM tre‘ e •t, that desirable lot of ground, altuata at the no b east earner ofiLiberty and Waington streets,' hit ug • front of 61 feet on liberty street, end ox• ten g along Washlogton street 633 feat, on which ere cted two tWo story trick dwellings, with back boildingt. ~ Teems of eala one-halt club, and the balance la • 12 month", with intersat. split DAVIS I BIcILWAINE, Aact.ta. GOVERNDIENT SALE.—WiII be sold at Public Anetion, en WitDli£ADA.2, ttlay tth, 1864. Allegheny Amend commencing at to Veletaa ma, to the highest bidder, the following peon tie 13,975 Cartridge Boxes, Belts, An. • 75,000 tbs. &rap Leather. • 50,000 tbs. „do Iron. 7,711/5 Banc Barrel, and Nebr. - •-• Terms cub. . , WICITZLET, • araLtd Cabot Ordnance. O ORNPL&NTER QII. YARD.—On Tuesday alining, Nay 10, will be sold at the Commercial fees Bo Ms, 64 Filth steed, on woad door, tire some et ground In Collins township, front ing on the Allegheny river; with the Engine, Pump, Pipes, all requisite machinery., Tans, barreling platform, and railroad switch belonging to the Corn planter 011 Company Teems made known at sale. ai;e9 DAVIS a ItieILWATEE, Anctlzs, DISSOLUTION'S. Ire. DISSOLUTION—Tho Co-partnership' existing bstveen OMB. TOWBTS and • JOH IN tinder the style of POWNES & HOLY eras this derdhssoleed by snobtal =tient, on the, Ist of April, 1864. Either of the underslithettare eutho4 . bed to settle the busk.= of the Arm. CELUILES rowszv, .101124 1112ILY. OO.PA.RTNERSHIP--Joli ta ß Herron and CHARLES TOMES, have execelated themselres ander the name and style of A. , EERRON k CO., to dabs trOM April Ist, 1641, my2lw rturAs FOWNET:(Itut of the firm of V rowing & iftnley,) JOIIN D. lummox (late of !Mahon, Iterrito & 0o4) IBM BOUNDEss.nd BTOTZ thasitscturers, , Si.BEIM, / "thW‘rd ' Pitta''gb .ll;tn m&nY -38° LIITION.-TRE PARTNER. - BIIIP hactallynt existing Detach:llh* under under i the name and style of B. BLOM& & • • ad by mutual ego on the Atst day " of Deceoiler,l363. The Osurrn tsidninissie bes•bcan since the Ist of deatuay,-.1.981, and mill be in The bands and under the excluslns of en Association ermined andel. an act of Assembly. :dialog to 11150ckt......,5ag, 8. BIDDLE is isnharissd to we the goes name tu settlement. All parties haying claims againstS.,e Late Ann ace requested td present the same at the Counting Roomier witless:lt; and allporsons &Kee in themselves Indebted, will please cell and Nape without delay. i HAIM - 1M /dirDtla • - 111/86ELL, &II • JAM= K. RAITEra BCEITIllaar.. ant.. 1et,11354. • SOBIBT &U MW.. VOTICF~_ The Copartiorshiplereic., fore oxisikag Sotareen the andehinned, woke he style of BREIT, BROTHERS• S. W., by been, dissolred by• inuttal consent, to take effort tom the lot that., JOUR WHITE retain Ikon the lira:" JOSEPH WHETZ, JAB. McIEBBRIS, JOBB TE, . The nannlinnd yin continue se.. RO U Eonrardbe and Commission business nada the name sod st7l.• . of WHITS BROS. CO., at lio. 6 CRPENTEI STREET, comae Liberty. Pittebergh.l. 30SITILIPHITE, JAB IIcHIBBIN. • TIISSOLDTION OF PARTNERSHIP 1." —The partnaratap hastotbreemiattat batmen the =deemed. and= the taytil of WM. G. JO & Qis .mautma3y taka effect a thbi dOtt, ate, 100HABD BEZBO2I‘ tetiatog fr the pm: The ballneei ettl be/onUnted az forma ly, eider the ityla am heretatant - L WM. O. ZOMIGITOIS LL 'EAIPL. B. Joinner6ll;- 1t101141 . /D =M ON: 'L MU • 0 Tab. Uth, 1651. mb&M TIISSOLITrION OF CO•PAB.TNEW. , -72 b pastorship berstotobi- a:tisane • between 308.7. HAIELLTON And =AEI DAM. • ®der the Anzr of ycrs. T. =MILTON k 00., bee bee* dissolved by Amtuel sossent.• JOEL 1. HAN. IMOD wilt ethoul to the =nettled scoosokts at add And, 112 the old stoma, miner' neat sad. Marty six ~JaY• JOEL P.. HAMILTON,•• , • =AN Dens. .RE.morditzs. BKHOVAU Z3-RAY & LOG.AN NO. 47 ST. CLAIR I3TEEET, - When - turti - uow open • coatpleis !Rook ..o! BOYS, • NONTINS; AND CHNUISMIts. inelna . 1411.1.1411.• rieW itiks of the seasi4. • , . GBAY .er. LOOM • • - 478T.CLATit swarm' REMOVAL; TFMPORARY.. _ WIT.kTNS HALL.... .- ch. *b.& and the potbiliat, laigairfll not, nk trait, forget that gra Ara. at moms. and tar • ,fror weeka, to to ID V. 41,1% en .Tmoil°Moo. toartb atzeat, lanooo Webs' , " on on MU= and for alas. du attack of rims, milmozatnas AHD SS IlTar wen InonciA to Cato city,* afstr4tly 111 AffrXEN.YAM" 'BMW 11. ELMER. /GRRO., liD4 %Minn RAU.: L Ya==Mo . d.. WA N 650 A .M0N21144r: - I ant Aiiotatt EEO imam ,te ecomeopkld t to sell toy lIVEItrotSTINO:FMICILINOALINTAL 71- 8UR118613, ootl-tblttatot..other now, pond spQma rims ankles. — InfloonOtroutors soot tram •; Addroos4 AOUCS: PClSD,Rlddecrittat omain • . WANTEL)=- Alenta to talfibt tbalk.r. yr 68D ' -roatonr inr-TEIII 'WAIL fi Mama to Incl. %maw. Agents nr• ROO So VW Inmalt.,_2(Xl_ ,Q01:1 volamok. told. Eaull Ihr strimlarr Aaar.iloNaa,..aaP a MX. Publish/a, Itabbacen %kW; {.-;.% •'s s •s: • swant.: pEratris. 4 '` - wragestr•v "E1er61 4 11110 4 -Boya to hmta ißraistti , ;qt:: • ur fablzg sad aka= rlttirc,_ 'j D , Arirs k nrctsl1 3 4, 1 ;'• • ; -11-6. $755 0.4" c t ! --Ivraals,taturAgeAta tit •• • Bt $7.5 snot t ztra„:,., PM to &a r . ay s?diriracip paolz: A e.llADlVz,Viadaligall,.:=7t::'' •AEKIId.--rplychronio, ._.__vicarialans. Ito gabby • zazeisaub t inxid • Aviv* and. .. • A. Nii