• "." • -. ' . • MIME EsTA,II SHED"IN 1786. -6 az o tt. prmaimED By so alum }moo Assoakuo • TERMS •OP THIA:GAZIpTTE. maim ionuce, b 7 mal3, par 2ear--38 00. 19. single aryls & l' illutsel:orricra b 7 mall, per year*. 4 GO. - , WasaLe Ann:4, single orgies, Pt , Prer— 9 0 p. • • - - • - .,„b.ef 6to • _ • clubs of 10 or rartnt.. 1 26. r• 'wand our eitrit to the party sending club. 7or • dab of Om, ve mad the two* assirrz Pm • club of itrsetY. . 111 wed 'the Niigata' Cleistigs daily. Single septa. 6 cants. FWD anbonlytlrma mirth; fa callienaa and ;opus ihtaill lb:vied be the ihne aspires The Roading_Matter on this Page is from Yesterday's Eiremng Government Baling Mill Tb.„Chabris Trawls 'vs: Th.- Govern • 'meal haw.mada arrangements with !desire. ' • /obi •Yrits, of Bethlehem, and Thomas W. Yskdls~, of Poßsellis, for the'ereotion ors wdllostalilatObaitattoogiaMinciusisi.`There ..Is.kberge smOiost of worn oatMslis st fiat . }obit, belonging to. tbs Governmeat, sad the -ftwilmWour smales,adranee, the , moue this, stook • Is' sit gmeited, u the railroads of the Boatkorii !eemPletelY wore out; - the EOM , Ariiisfortallei being.taied to .th - eh' atto!ort _ , opacity for the °prying of iiipplles to. the army, it U. Mipossible to ship whose rails! to! the Borth- aid mehauge :them for new fran,aud - ar it ii-nseespuy for the ea - vane* of „our_ forms- that..the roads be - re. PairidAt has lord determined', to build a peen:meat mill' at Chittazoovs. Fortu nately, the authorities sumeded in get ' tint 'she :shire named gentlemen to take charge .of. the .work. Mr. FAS is 10 well known to the iron world, and particularly, to the citizens of Johnetown r that, it le,llllllllall sad form to say mottling in support of his 'WV. Mr. Yardly her not had saluaich - arpertenee' to - the 'erection of rolllfg mO l B, bus bas bean engaged is ashen minufaciture for acml . 3Reen years, -. ;: 116: hollt the - Elmira rolling mill; which we hare heard very highly spoken. .of:bl practical iron men. If is pro. pout fa - built. a mai espeble of prodeciaß grey tons - of flulsbedlrails per day. There wilrba, OM heating formica, built after the:paftau - of t 101 l to use by the CaieltitairatiVo. The patent-threw high: be midi both for - the top bottom raidailit. The work of the Min Will confined to re.rollbig Bail mitholity.has bcongiveit to Mews/rite and Yardlp to take . poreceelon of all machin ery:for the proseantGotrof their work, andthey hope to have the mill making iron in about The story that a largo =fume of machinery, intended let - Kr.. Pritel mill at Bethlehem, hed.been tatted b 7 the Government for this serial Is IC take; • Elr..ltitt hes aim- Si4,oeehrel alba IthiAttindertahl• -;•;" , .7 , l'46:Reba, '...Aiieezkelotter to nib Philsfolpbia Zoioi- Arf!nziolosakii of Ote - itreigtit sad polidon tham • • label So • • - • as 111/Icitida: - I "The Infantiy,alltoo little or ten'thoniand, aei at 1411 kin, irhleh to now strongly for : tlAid; An eartbsank. a mils sonars,: with en doubts; ineirdes the town. -Another camp of , about threw thousand troops, pert cavalry, Is at,l/sOireirmek..twelve Idles below here, .04Abi'dired-roadtilitaldwin.• Stilt another brat Camp :rhanegon, mostly Georgia ‘••• -oaosiri,:willt.throc batteries .and two -meaty of .gtifintri,;L. inree fir also at - Dgep CreakAiettiaen.R,tlatka. - snA esions4llles.stw-, ....,Ittoinatherii to wild:L-4w.. camp at . Pilaths: Tis..winbev4V.Confederaia troops 'new in ~,Plettda iaprobably sixteen to twenty thous sa—Woinspinted. : by - Idolor:Generat rotten ' , I!l l ,,piiisiing r oi. 4iteis ire detertions from the Nufaiiste the Writer . Oreic us , •'' • • "Welurre limed of persons from the in - tador that thegreat OksefenokarElmonp,in pears% &Miring' on the State line of Pion: 4 11 Writli oCassateri •• flmn.th* Confederate .aranmr. °sauna/ their number at one thongs:44l,Mb, - -ethers say :from itsa to az , ,hundred.,, , lhrsiliree his beartammalans er~rafais',Lba matseriptlori sieat Into ep ••ra-tlOn,rind alsh.traingriattilrartair 'ate-segalarly-lorganturt sad, =nod for de :•-••• Mum against-the Confederatcanthorlda. ..farfelrasiszaln Al:l bduand Smelt them a lag f ibra . riare:reptilsid :the •irs:-, - .o . karfalaree cilwamp mtla , ; 1011,1ryahlapmdditornEL there is ample rot= 4 lairi 4 tOr.jlllanitoWWWlLMp COMOder&V.I Infamy Loth* •Itatiel , Arins and to Oats. jakaboataVainibibliiitori - that looming *ib bom'thoThlftedulpif-Ny, ^way' Of 04 ftbeiptils; ' - aides% xitildry of o*tfraini, as -aaiseha, ti look& to aisto'the Maid rci4 . eoliL The ,±forz l fan Ina! Ake nimbi- aro lantana, tiiiiatin'Lleg ouch deeds b eaffelent indisatbn, elentaittiog Ueda!' • - . . Bob while we speak that of the hideout *Oils and deeds'of -the rebel butchers, we • • wire these is also an ; account to be settled with some of attrown idea-sin that locality, Who commands In Wolt S'lnnossee? HOW le it that with an idle amp, of such =pith& of istently, cavalry and artillery,. gave hatra tOtitadepartateut t aiatillic iioteleattoits ;of such 110112021.1 e stisngth ashes the Tanneuee and Bikstuippi rive:a—how is it that that Wholopattatry is coneleselttraversed,,irsth. prebelUn d lod upo, a ? - n and,dilidirliabt th teuts at the ituarril ls butchered by. ow Li i; • Portast, with a few thousand freebooters,has , 7 ,,, 1m0rty illoirid to ride_to aotd feu fit six 11.6114, . ' istitriiinglioints, csittirtoit fortei lattpl o ybig Woe witenntair to choose . * 't .It it tho m t; latamous Oats 6'ot:warm's that has ere? ' =red in the come of the war. Lieut.. Chant, who .ocuatuads -Alt our 11116101" d • every depart:Dint; win doubtless at mute ndw: look after his own responsible subordinathe E &genii as theseirresponsible rehab._ ;_ , . . , . • • Charleston. I, t , 1 letter Irma ,Charletton, Eolith Caro . urts, • dated Yob: 222, Ideieribily the 'deserted per. don of the City to be some fourteen _pint e . littliedi,oaettpybisiarti tine; iiitare 'rollet. ,;11mtakhanatild ,hputes In that part of tas lawelhari_btout - atettoi by GLtmore's alud_s, warding many he plane building,, elute oentpantailow , attire! to their lonizes, be; yead.theranse theyniitddits4reyet atte+ a: no wrfter:aap that 'hotel ;aloes hemdsl2 to $2O 'per day, and the es t 4 ~.11011144 charge VI 11 Per-ds7. • =wile sad Issonleealw at Illaglianiaciotill • rot* and the plumes houtekesping ere satharten:' All through of the State the troop ..- ealswastpe arikihrenpd with daystars Cram the rebdanay, who azt hunted with blood - lamb at neva*forme* were. ' , Au Ind!- vidaaltoli tl. =writer that he remit') saw twenty-two deeettera brought Into town, tied hnoend4nno, they having been captured. by the aid et :dep., The letter Gloss thou 1' .011 r canine= item bad silt 'amts.( The ha*: "ifisin Is irr bad as it cast bk though curve Wu, eed ===at: =. &reran by vosay , Prisagniga Vain Imp ler% !. It Is ts cat= UOw LI•t• • zu.toxitit• nisstost shone he the Vette, Thotovisiii irerynmeh diclid. scirp, lirt.igemture= Quiz mat" asnAb!i2E: the splagaimAkim Ida% ought tote, tb: — XI Opal --- ; • , .. a" , Cola and wine• The Clolluer of Aplitilticreluo' : - .l)sattyiniefroif 414:swam lal'of,blsek ie sin whits osts froF,'daiddadt: . ; ~...„;.7n n4u, d , , t o. ibi 11.10104 ---'0.'''?.7%,-, l,o3diuriltsc.farmani .3 "-- 7101001-filk s att* , 47 4 ou"; .44, tt Do '' la-MimS.44llrlentkalLorwardigi bi l l i t e t s *" n ~,,,,„,o, has f isliv..,ic„4lialutica ' ilvs-M4 I'!" htl i rarf ; 1 4.0 -me. 42' ' Crftgjeols7V,zikasst-gt PUlt. r"" bee bus 12=0 .--siUggi 'Etratlitrie6- ' amoki ia'AdiF JOU 0:4 datelp ' . . ' • tettedit4 54 1)4. - .hi 01Y144111Allig putziala _wet prodauds 4 'r oa I 434r . gua lt ..141.1!tejevethititiii vighersth octutx foft goPPOS in ea I'ACI. Foretkn-kkeeitany. . . . nun was nearly the aoaseqaence of two gentlemen usertleg their rival claims to the smiles of a beauty in basket carriage at the eaeunfLaidasche. "Founre as ImPutinent fellow," said A...1 - "Sir,",' replied B, "you shall glare me malefaction." shall uk Hof you, ell's" was' the reply of A: chall Btu , at home all day , to -morrow." "I gal also re m liaise at lone,' was the; indignant respoaSo of B. The. fruit of ale mutual determination must be pear*. Tns opening of a puff;paregreplan a Span= ish paper may be taken as a fain:example by the advertising snercuttilo community. rune that: "Amiable residue, Spring is corn log, and upon her throne of flowers Fashion is seated—indeedit is impossible to doubt, as the Angel of Hagar cafe, that the India silk pocket handkerchief will be the [fashion." EEL 10. ON. of tke molt remarkable articles which hu appeared on Renaira "Life of Jesus," is the one pnhlished in the last number of the North /trigs' lt Review,. 'lt la now understood to hare been writtenbUte Duke Of Argyle, L who knoWn to hate a tut* far theca°. • alcal'itudies front an early relied of ;Us life. Moan than two Millions of hundred weight" if various :deco. , ctuf - • - Of varforts :deroriptiotui of Nadi yeti expo L ited from Great'Britain the list/P:1:j bring of the value of four and a luilf millions of dollars and upwards.. Sine-tenths of the export Tare to the; United Stites. A 00117IDROX has been going the round of soelsty_in London. rune thrts—My first expresses numbers; my second magnifies numbers ; my third multiplies numbers.; and my whole destroys numbers. The solutionof the riddle is found in the word—Colenso. Mr. find announces, in M. le Verrier't &flax, that 11r. Pogeon, Government matron outer at Madras, has added to Ms other die. comics DOW minor ' planet, which, he has named dap*. The m inor planstsmow reach the number of four score. . . Ir was admitted in lament debate in the House of Commons that during the last ten part Ireland has lost tan aad a half millions of Its Popillarion,and that the exodus is Still going en at.the rate of Onahundred and Oren. ty thousand per sacum. Tna private diary of !Ad: Cowper has been published. It contains a very amusing ac count of the Court of George I:; at which the author wan a lady of the bed-chamber. Tea Moravian CorraPosilna states that the engravers of Brunets and , Trieste have been for visual weep past engaged In preparing soils for the new Mexican Empire. Iris =aimed that the plot of Mr. Ch,ries Dielfaza* ,4 newel, "Oat Mutual Frlsmd," will rebel.s to some of the Incidents of the late hoapellosse. tali spectrum analysis , i of flashes of light— n.Og by M. Grandam proires the existence of nitrogen and hydrogen In the discharges. The yellow ray of sodium Et also detected. Neu Paris model cottages have been erected, each of. ;which accommodates 1011 k tonsil's/ k ohl' four remits leach, at $3O * year rent, or $2 $0 a month.. I.4akst fnmi Europe SAMOT Hoot, Aprll.l6.—The steamer Ust i:Ma from Southampton, - on the 6th Init.; lir. . , Liverpool,..dpriis4.--Gotion is 4,111 end un changed,' The Manchester market is very dulisnd tending drimeard. Brendan& dull and tending downward 1 Aem. ditiSid so u l;; Wheat quiet and par tinily slalom ronter .8 3digB Gl; cern quiet st-28 3d@.' Beef was very dell and -tending dord.. Pork h easter; ba con quiet attd ilit i lurd inactive. Connie 91)4671k... , _ , ,„ - ' : Garibaldi uncle at Bouthatepton on the ld and was received - ith grout enthusiasm. From Nor t h eayolink. Nitrates, N. C., 'Apti4 14.—AceordIng to the aelelgh Averse, the people of western Notth Carolina have recently hang several Conladed* efhoeta andioldierr, for attempt ing to enforce the oonicilition. Theltaleigh, N.. C. Cali' firlerata..zsy a the election in that State depends on the success of the "artales. If detested, llold6n will, be elected by a large majority; Frequent tartrate of steamers at Wilming ton, with valuable cargoes for the Coafeder ate:, are announced: Zbe railroads in liortb 'Carolina are busy transporting rebel troop* aid supplies. Rana Toameneum,4TtrNavy-Department le larecelptof advicei froin Admiral Porter, from Alessadvia,La., of March 31:min ding some rebel correspondence, which seas captured by the grusboat Signal, a day or two before, while the rebermail carier MU moan ing the river; giving a template tdstory of the rebel teepedoes, the machine that blew op the lionsatenii; and tharnitaner.in which it was done. Admiral Porter sales-.. They have jolt appointed , a torpedo °err, for the per pose of, blowing *up property of all kinds. Among otter devilish Inventions II a torpedo, resembling slump of Card, to benlaceil in coal pialand among the coil put on board vessels. The names of the parties are aUnnentioned in the correspondence,: nd I 'mid a photo graph of one of them." A New Means paper states that . a rebel torpedo wee washed ashore at Cedar Bayou, and being roughly handled by two men of the Second New York cavalry, exploded, killing their homes and nudealigthemeelvm . Tax Nair Thnuare; Weit.-;-The Franklin adees,.in alluding to the report- that .111 r. Phillips had attack &Merle well, yielding isvinalundrod, barrels per ,day,eays “4s.niarly as we can ascertain, the well 4 XleaUed about_ two Or . .two. end a half miles below %hut Mond, on the northern side be the river. We presume , that the ancient of oil predated L greatly exaggerated, kat from all accounts we think thew earl be no doubt but Mr. Phillips, *holism beee'nimiudrably stuiesacil in brmai Uperationsa of :this ated, begiititelflAaPPO.4.4bel !central lasia" a ..`fItto,TPIO:IT EEL YFOS CORONER.-4asx. ..v." • wine • esadlanolOr tbsalts af Chnona, sajeat to au, decislon.id tb . AlAtalC.a Maki. °aunty Conientlon... . ! mblikdAwto, fOR ,00136NERiA30 LCOION,&I4, Birmlnghsokorill bo eandidian forg o own iuMxt &?-I.tier!lactdosi of. thelktioa . Cloutor pate:slim. _ : inkt9>eliwto r.'". • FOR CORONEII.-4LRlLiixiiittl, , rr-f• .of ittrtologbato, gill to lb entlfdaterfarect , atomnb to thodedidon of the tfattnt itepubllcon Count .reattott. Attlftfltirt& .Ir.OOIIOI 4 IEIL-41iii of lategteanlellt , Ms dell ter,Ooeomrof . Allsebew Clamtr,aukket to.the ths . Gl/4'47'1-4441 .! . 06,4 z 1z4.0, tzt - auxibli. ckx,rl,.ll,m,.w bera taid.4.4d.tditiZth:l7(l. •PROTIIO.NOTAIII.-4.14.0m u•ex. witm, of the With Wad. Pittsbanli, wlll-be dr esafildsis for thy oglar of :X.r,;.thcnspteal, 441,100;git,bio diptlOp Boottincius cog- fr:FOB- rhl74 dototrattY.—D. BvfhsirN.64 4 ,aidldsb 6.s the eta Of s 11140444:4% wan otdect weal Azelatoti of th• Thik Tr ITATHO,NOTARY.TuoI. "v^ odd. be a csifdlifito Ow the offidi of 8f=" 1 1 5e44 , 6"f the ! Itzkc 10. 1. FEC PROTHONOTARY.-43k, 4°"4"1=trib:1,1444 f r o f Cbwrooftfo. .117.F08 COUNTY iIOhIIaISSIONI4I. FTY rinaltor Zit tallnatdp, Inn be* candidate for, the aka of &mitt Oosombalobv). ontJecttotbe &Wan 01114 pair Wrobtfcaa Clod- i* - 7.lfOit 4:X) ETN,TX, v:1,2,111 attISIUNER. Cke.uie r otrens , vILI itiVISMItO fa the atm, deo 11, ; shbAct (0 D e peel!. lotiof the Valet Bepablksa Poway Caneentlon. --inbl4.llorte - - - O•FUE WUNTY i I IntIESIONALL —slow 'Rowe ? Whisks' township, wth beet esidideth Par thow,reonniedoner,, tepee to the liteee of the .itepoletowt Col ihni .te .11-7 , COUNTY GoidletlaKiNkik 'rex Azrams ip *tam et Mid 'l4thinisnste be candidate for Mate of Col T Gonne lime, aided to theSW ttlmsl; MCl:halm Itepnbi tionsention, -Emirfoons; WILBON,VABB &pap whatede wen ti roaityri, AEI) ponisszt6 DUN GOODS. la. St wood War; Wed WOO *bore Mama attayalttsbaritt. aplOa tATON, MACRUM_ Wholes:o sod-IstanDadas TADEIII=OO3 I3I IIOI 4 ZVI= tot DirUCIOODS,Of; JkOcriDt,loni Woclldaaa W Illfskihmta NTAURlThilr.GLYD4,Wholesalexrad 11 0• 11 DellesttrY.OpSpj9g4 43k1:Mti 12 1 4111E1. lagammutilad rittabOrit.' P 113:1KI/Irood 1416084 'ar tri VMS; MAW =SAW aniinAt. . CITY AND. SUBURBAN Mnfte o llStattE.C ll3 / 3 1 / a nM9mliCP• We hare reeeired from Mr. W. P. Waymin a copy of the seeond'annual report of the United Stoles Christian Commission, giringa detailed-statement of the-operations of the institution during the year 1863. The aroortainedresults of the year are given at a glance In the following summary: , . . tub pabia 'as ibp.ootral 0 4 1 icsai Branch(ilßors doilog tbo %alas of Etores 205,820 07 . Veto of Scriptures op:AM.:m.4 by Amer ican Bibb, . 45,071 00 Yalu. of Scriptutesootaxlbrittd, by Brit ish and Foreign Bible Society._....._. 1,677 79 Valor, of Railroad lacilltlos contributed-. 44,210 00 Value of Telegraph facilities contributed._ 9,59.,00 Valli, of Niigata.' serticos.....— 70,4 W IX) —. , Cash expendod In purebsas of Storm Publicationa,Expenstaaf Dolegatea,to InGfr.2ll Balance on hand at Central OM«, let Jaututt7,lB64—.-- .... 43.517 . 0 Balance on hand at Drench Oincem, lot January, 49180 . 60 ir15a,23? Christian 311nistara and Laymen com missioned to minister to man on Battle•delds and In Camps, Limo • pitch and Ships, &mina year-- Copies of Sen-Ipturra distributed Hymn and V.lm taroks distributed.. Kosposck books I=losi . !;Pam t pble t t:2;;li7a 7 d . ' Bstifrloss NessMerl distributed... Pages of 'Xmas attribated---.-.-.. Silent Comforters, .t. 0.", distributed__ Bo:0,1441W to the Fir Id or ship at 12,6.18 The Increasingwork of the Commission is drawing heavily upon the Treasury from day to day. The balance on ha bls alance compared with the priatieb. tire demands. we are gratified to leans that Pittsburgh at- oda fourth as regatta, the pnlonnt -oontrih• !Lod to this noble instittilten: 'Philadelphia boade the list, and is followed by Boston and New York, after which Pittsburgh stands °rod. iced as follows: soh contributiops —fn e n It Value of don. donated . Value of stores sent to armies 64,09 Of Value of ..... 1.635 9.9 It will bo seen, from the above, that the caab value of stores and reading matter lent to tinhorn:ties through Zhu :Commission's agency in this city, is $58,714,30—but it must be borne in mind that our society was not formed until April, 1863iand hence this gratifying exhibition is confined to the period of eight months. Previous to this time, the Pittsburgh Subsistence Committee had been regularly forwarding hospital stores to the army, and of this committee the report. speaks as follow!: Of the valuable aid rendered by the ladknof the Pittsburgbentaistatipe Oomralltsar we cannot speak intoo unqualified tenni oPpriise. Altotoltringagsid in arduous and paimaking effort In the gepartmett of enbalatenco, taking care that no Willer should pass through the city at any hour of the day or night without befog offered a wholesome meal, they have yet forted time, with busy hands and warns hearts, to do Igcalculable service in behalf okahe United State& Chratian Csimmission. With rare asaidnity and un affected cluvrftilness; they have responded to envy call made upon them, often generously pledging them selves to duties demanding no trifling wit-denial for their faithful and effective discharge. If that wo. manhood La the richest which it oftenest engaged la beneflceot tasks, clod gnickest to do where the doing it likely logo untrumpeted, then are the ladies of the pitisburgb Subsistence Oommitieo .afgarnt with mom than the matter of barbaric pearls and gold.. 'they are busy, bustling Martha., each with Mary!. loving br4ti• • .the lionsmitteltit of redlenapolis and Louisville jointly have their work asdgoedln the Departments of the Ohio and the Cumberland, einee merged in the grand Department of the Slissk slop!. Of this, the report boys : 4 greatAuld: a field of gmat armies, great battiest, great totergsneito and neceetitint, and of a greet work Cy the Christian Coadittlealen .A little nine tantruld eons the Feet West, • little slew ' I.!, t. gentle and 'undertake, these Cumcnitteee, havict„- measured their opportunity, have entered into the work with sepirtt of enenry and enterprise worthy of the great West, as will be abundantly evident from their *event! reports, together with' that of the •'Work to Omen:ay of ttroCumb.l.4.!!, And beruagoln, htstiwy: , may bie chit rugd for any parallel in ell be? urinate. The report con tains many interesting letters, ineidents, etc., but want of space presents as from giving any of these at present. Suffice it to say that they all give abundant evidence of the good4orks done by the eon:Mission, and of the necessity of every Libman' and be. nevolent citiien continuing his efforts in sup port of those who are thou laboring gratut— !testy for the relief of our suffering soldiers. The officers of the' Pittsburgh branch are: Rev. Renick Johnston, Chairman; Joseph On**, Esti.; - Titiasurer Werner!, EN . , Receiver; Robert C. Totten,ißeeretary. Own./Robert JCR:night is Chairman of the Executito Committee. Letteri should be addressed to Robert C. Totten ; money to Joseph Litre°, 71 Wood street, and stores to W. P.VOiman, 70Smith field street ; Pittsburgh. Land sale. In the Ott Region The Erie' pisparck, In alluding to the specu latitUdtinind for oil territory If:mulct : Thu speculative passion Ii pniting a fictitious val ue on oil property, and it cannot continue a great while without bringing in its wake a crash which will tumble r the whole edifice into the dust. Farms which four year's ago could have been purchased for floe dollars an earn are now bringing from one to two thousand dollars an acre, and thil whole oil country covered with speculators and proallectom who are striving with each other to obtain pones *ion ut the . : great:Jill amountuf property. In come eases parties have made ton and tsrenty thousand dollars in transactions in which they ,did not ,use a cant of their capital. Should the ' sad which has lately been puo:- ohasell-usual,-not hiss thart , frota twelve to fifteen heudted .'Rolle "veld beout denudating the summer... The Corry Nato. tap ' • We reckon that obi Boston, Na,. York and Philadelphia 04 Com', ponies, will own all the oil territory shortly if they keep on. Lest week we referred to the sale of Dlr. Jarees,Psirker's form for $lOO,. 000, the 'Watson Mats hive been sold for $127,000, and Eingatitud, further down ' for 185,000 ; Nobleand Deleinater well and Lir, rltory for $300,000 ; the, Pink form for $150,, 000 ; the Egberr. farm ,fer $200,000 ; thus 4 will be seen thatlfiese'eompanies have puri. chased territory within *short time for which they have paid the round sum of one million', one hundred and twelve thousand dollars. Tliei-i)datti Or:csiii , s. Aimee Wo have already notised the death of. Cap; taro 8. A. li'Kee, of the 2d 11. .8. [lnfantry; It appears that the Captain was in icommand of alletachinent of cavalry, who were on s scout in search of the guerrilla hiokeby an when about entering a boom in , thlrxicritti 1 of Catlett'e station, ha Was shot and fatal . wounded by & bushwhacks! oonosatad in close proximity to the house, After being wounded he was taken to Catlett's station, whore he died an the following day , Monday, 7th hist: .1/10. body ; eye 4 ambalautd,,and,will areivejti this , elOttif.daY ThiliiitneinVerilli 'ha r p - I'4 to-morrow, at two o'clock, from the residence of his father,: Canon strata, Birmingham: At.the time; of his death Captain fdllee h • a furlough for ten dose Whim possession, hn deferred shirting home tor one day NO as I. participate in thaantpsditon against Aloseby It is stated that his murderer was subsequent ly captured and 'hot... The Sanitary 'Pelf linlldfng. The work or erecting the building for th e SanjtariTelr o luAllegttemy, progresses stead' '17;.--,tlf portion' i.of 'olB 4 f:um, hi now np an ready.for OWN: in, as& thiCommlttee is eri mediae; desirous that those.oarplintara whi hare volonteered to lenCrsr helping,. hand should report immedistalyi In parrots, at th building. The principal portion'of the wor already done has been by the all of laborers but the assistance of carpenters mitt now be had elo4ngia: the follditig, l Abe POIRJ fatrbielj,ifilioAlr to 'take' "adiantage of 111 present favorable woather s and we hope th carpenters, not only in the two daps, bail surroundi ng boroughs end toweships f willrespond to their appeal.? Cabana Couss.—Tha following bushier was traumata& in the Criminal Conti, thi l: metriOiri • f, dames ILd,onghrei,ofithe Huth ward, pie guilty to selling liquor Without Beanie, end, was ;Shied ten, dollars and oasts. Thum( Carienran, wtahnfirat, wardirus&Paisteh Do , lan, of flu Ninth Ward, were tried for afeniel - and Wore ransietaWthihdrwetitz., Are dollar, each and coati. • .ircairoli . 'Axiom—The, house of Joeeph Moore, who' inied; Jordan' Marburg, In Tobnstown, was l i set ne lin on ridgy night of tut week, but wasiAlsonenre in. time; be extinguished wkthOit ihri itit! UV,. Adri,Mooto,. the misrule er. the' how 4 iris. seen about the =Unties In the evening.; Moore, hexing WO pordoned,lit nor at Ms how. • • BIN/do :11342. Major • !Yaytaoator. 1;r:S. A.,i; his ar , ..; r o t° nopoidntond then/grant bt soon in; trio }Pastas Dlatztot of and will 'open an . ciao, 'to. 4ALA Via /toilet the tr" 6 / 1 4 1 iftlaildid bY Ifluarters.i Tat Exua Harrell Rena,: died to the olty, the NlZetzenacy PonnOlnals, ..(Taos! Onto= ousio-i Areob a! head, .f.f.llisioi • , r ), • PITTSBURGH, TUESDAY MORNING, APRIL 19, 1864. Vc3md no . following amounts have been paid in to Harmer Del:Eaten, Treasurer of Shaer. township bounty fond : Myers James. Soso Gotleib... liolgbms4ter bUiSchwarts.Cluld* .... 6D Shavr.lislolut„....;:... 1151 Odonsuf T.. . .....,...—... 60 Simple Sr. Srm---- 65 1 Orerhoter I Stun —.100! uo Pife bim r.k b . p.d .b e lto ricl irt;_. jr.s o t ttitt.Man 'rellerlyk_... 66 nse s o RemforJohn 50 Treason J0hn....._....60 Inches Jima,....._ ..._ M1 Thompson It tune Thompso n Robert 60 Schister,Sohn 25 Theoba/0 ' Sutter ...... 60 ?healed Michael Smith James . 60 Traby J C —)0 Strife Chri5t..—....... 60 Siteok Wentlin —.—. 10 i Stiebe John .. 30 stela Limb ....... a Shaer Paul -- 10 Sauter Godfrey ..... -.. 30 Sauter...Wllllem....i.,. 50 Simple 3,W 1111= ... 30 1.13ny ir Reary--,__. 30 .13tetrart Robert 40 Posey Jason-- ...... -... 50 Serer NV L 50 Suter Dattlel....-i...._.. 30 Smith Jacob—. ....- 401 Nehnaster Jacob 50 1 Orralczauder..-.-.... 50 Reese WlDlara • 50 Richards M. 11 56 FStarens WilUam 00 Sheriaillehael —6O Sandrock coourod. BO 13aitt Bastin.:..:..._._ GO . Stoke Th0ma5....._.... 001 ', Shank John —. 60i. !Shore J0hn..........._._60 stater jobtf. - - t .' . ....' 30 ! Senn :OW ' .." 1916,837 1,307 4rk5,716 371,830 1,254,601 30,110. 120,402 2,0J1,403 11,070,723 3,22 Stewart Georg" . Pimplo Samuel 8 Strobl., Coonrod.. /Amble Lawrence-...,.. 10 Str EinydirMeholas........_ 16 Ella Charles.-- 6 litrahiJantaa—.-..... 5, Bennett Enoch 60, Bloom I. 601 Itoolion D0n1e1em....._.; 110 Hellman 60 Backer 60 lllank .......... 50 Bendlo Geo 60 Brlckle John__ ........ 60, Bagaley Brown Adana_ Itolhana6o, Berm alter, Boer Jac0b.....; 10 Cunningham 60 Chalfant Gsurge____, 6./ Clark —: 60 Ohms Leads 50 Clenny James 60 Darla 1 60 Destrich Jacob...—. 16 Evaris David 'UD Fulrert Rudolph ..... 60 Fogh Jame. Flddleat,ck Geo. 30 Fryer Wm. ....... Wt Flakier Chmio. 201 Fowler Fitch George 10 Frederick 11 90' Graham D T 6l) Orttehr 11,111 Oinster Joh n. 10 goJa 5 naming Jackson LO Beller Georg° 01 Blume, Joabsta ......_. f &trier J Bomar John -... Blair Frvderlck. . Bryant .1 C.._ ELI Boers Bowes= Gee. .... Buotleg J 501 Geer T it LO Gunner N --- 00! Messesanf..ltobt ..... 15 On e 1 nspbl ..... .50 maegr. Duerstiine Lewis ..... Dehasse J N ..... GI! DolTy Dyaer .. 50 ....... 50 Yak ..... 10 he/trick tworet r:glar Andrea 50, 31/i tendrlck f4l Made G.. 111eber W ll•romnn Ilatmerm. SebeEtlr„, lU Mader ..... 51. Italrta 23 Prezentation—Oleinovill. dgment. CAN'. RUOLD3, Ps., Anitl I$ t, 1861. Entroas °tram: Allots me, through tits columns ,y our paper, to doknowlodge alp reediptitfat httltdrome raddliWproaditest Drlttu triken of their regard by than:iambics of the 158th Company Veteran /tame Corps, ODM . manded by my-husband, Capt. J. C. Ford. , rattan they have mp voica sincere and heartfelt thanks for thfr manifestation of theft kindness and esteem. t • • They area noble tot of oien, and may be 'truly proud of the hoborahla' scars that they have received on wall contheted fields In the Southwest, under our bravo commander, Gen. ()rant. The name of the 158th Company Veteran Reserve Corps, and the members com• easing It, will always be warmly cherished, and kindly .remembered, , • Mu. CAP+. J. C. FORD Accosaarat. Dsoirsiso,,kilia Mary O'Con nor, for o number "of years employed in the millinery store of Mies hlcKelinan, on Wylie street, while on n That to her relatives at Cir Ohio, was • drowned` on Widniadel lut, in attempting to ford a creek on horse back. Tito remains were recovered and brought to this city. and were yesterday - internal in St Mary's. Cemetery. Mu o'Connofbad• large circle of friends in thisi efty, who will shicerely,rogres her sudden death. fion.zo Boor SkumB.-21r. Ji M. Burchfield, oefitti.of FOurth and Markel: street', offers for WO at reduced prim, • ilot of slightly soßod hoop skirts. If any of our lady roadars aced the article, it would bd dostrable for them to call on Mr. B. Immediately and avail thotosolvos of.the opportunltyl • He has also e good stock of goo ds oil band, whlah he of fors for rale at low prioer to make room for now goods. thri' hody,al eapt. S. A. kieKee, of Birminghato, bas been brought to the city, and the funeral will' take place to morrow. Ills remains will be eadorted to the mastery by a company of the veteran 102 d regiment, now In the city on farlough. The pall haven have beep. pliesMS? brim the cop-. urine of the regitilent. • A Mae. HABILIS, otOsabozvine, on Wednes day evening, deliberately drowned herself In the Ohlosiver. Menseased. was the mother of five small cbileiren, the youngest a babe of three months. per husband, an Englishman, is a tool digger. Poverty is laid to hate been the cause of the suicide. Dracisaaan.—Thomas Braddock, who 'was arrested on Sunday, oxi a eharga of stealing a carpet sack froze ;111 - eantix,„ or Ross township, had a hearing before the Mayor title morning, which -remitted is hie discharge from custody,, there being 110 ovidanca to Pon" Ditan.—John Converney, who jemped oat of, the: third ' , story , of the' eitard notteran Sitorday aftentoon,hea aline died from the effort of the iejurlOT Ifethed. The Coroner wilt hold .einJwitteßCfnAbe body, to-morrow mornldg at the Mayor's °Mee. Rioovcarao.—hanag ..Lazoar, ,who ho v atabbid thiattghllie- hiag,'hY tiottatfar; at iti. 4 7lMdStoAlhtlZA l 473Blteit, imPror log owly, soma hopot are now outer tatooolfar.blatithaitte tiioaftry: Brum'. Naries.—Tbei-`attentlon of oar readers Is dlreotod to the .brlllbsitt auortmantof Spclig ond..lhoinnet" Goods licit - received by oostriendbir, Joho Water, No. 126 Sid. (mil sheet, Allegheny.-Ms stook- comprises I goes! -.eighty, of Fuel yrinitt;Alcignib, thotaleihrd'Acitibialidasslcosresia and. tie 81W -eat Caislineri VestlOts,..4ll of wblotissill.k:msdo bvto opier In the Liteit styles train the best menace. A chola* se. lootionlof , Fu ralsblog Goods also etebtuid and, for 041Sitorthot Waif Reed y ma k Copilot. wetland Lis - hlonably;siado. [oSaR Weis, have :mond tol&Setitbtield street, andlrouldlOilt. l4 ooo llll 4 Sill the. ittintlen of rldkulf ,lind-thSlnnblfe - gerientlly to the 'nels,Stook'sf Sirlaptritt Onremer goods, whOtitheyo hive last neehred.4 , Tbakatook Is of the vary finest quality of- Enilha"and Wash _eassitaeres, cloths. easstrderni and vesting: A 150 , ,; antenstrolastorhatast of &GA& ettesimeres. Don't fall to glen dom an early tall. -Ererrgarzant warranted to gips fall satiefeetton. (kw& to sism:3• =eel. ti Ertathaehaii. fccroatra, , , ' mufti, Uo.l street; tete operdgee most th shotokstock of fat , d tg.livcr•Watches, Jewelry, Sliver acre endliranej Goods ever dirphiM u t Sldceitaiand 4 gaping them at rim begun sad earrisgto eabs Will De lasi it thip Oraalbas 'olftee; 40:- Penn 'street, -day 90 11 114 , , All orders, tell at She Awe place valio Orouio7 ts: 4 0 . 4 , 111 mull be plo t a. ttaasovAi,.Aider w g,,, BoN remandlths dais ri0z0'1g0,,411134 ; i iadJAa SollrelßLooE.suiNfaa4RD ithilWaittoellown ot us mulls Mawa• Palterer ~ • • Ir.! MURGH GAZETTE .satrusE.lrreirra. TREATER LOOM 61.1 E. 01211.10,4. OTNVItiITIIt Iterirel for two nights only of the greet motel drants, - VNCLE 'IOM'S CABIN, In obedience to the pnblic,iwbo were prerented Hon, eeeing tble,great work, on its Bret production by otber erignements. THIS EVENING, will be presented, the great lnonal drams, with ell the atignal mettle, tableauxe sod wt., entitled UNCLE TOSI'S CABIN. --- • . Undo .... ....... ---..-.-. Mr. Burgess George C. Lolraday Phiedni..... Deacon Pen?. • To ._.Y. Clippp~eadale peY.— ' Marten Miss.:- .1 .. . .. . . Brior In nett;arat3 / h e li - oke'• end Gcnncon. Walter J0hn...... ....... Warner Geo 8U •Lawrente... i Walker John .—..—. I , TADIe Andrew— —. 6 JD WlbleJam fs.s kler 10 "Jacob ' ' 10, ...... MI Witmer Gmargn 801 Yost !Adana ..- tir Terkent Anthony...:.. £0 'YoungßD 7.lrunerm. John—... £0 rash John i Shonnuk /2) nk.._ Unki . .......CD Wearer John CD Wine 3.) Wetzel riVatlater Spann. CrhalLult. t !Zarb ..... 60 Manner rrank:....• ...... BD BmearbaelrJ/e1b........ 3D 33450N10 HALL - - POSITIVELY THE LAST WEEK WOOORUFFE'S BOHEMIAN TROUPE. Tremendous At t ract ion. Seel George .. .. .. ISbeetiberg Lewbt Smith Alexander.-- bD 111.1 LO WEER ... . . . • Weaver Francls . ....--. VI floydor.euiptr.:-....4...:', 6 shaterPatee-,..:....L.. 50 titswartlamec:.....l.:....6o Atbathsolliamotd...... , s Ilialtabiddle Usury.-- 60 Ranter Dem.... .. ....- Denser 8e1autin.......... , L0 IlerkentiderJohn......:so llopingardenerGooo- L ED Unman 71ic0b..2:.-..... IA Dashes Wm-.-..-..-: 10 Awn VaLantina...-,... 60 'Banter Jantes.---...16 Fbartman Fred.-----, :0 illendorion Ja5...._...... ' .10 Ingham J 05............- 6D Jones RichanL-- ..... 50 Jones Jahn--........._‘60 Judy Jacob ..... ---,60 Tdlee i ll i a l ltite;; "--- . 1 0: Lewis David- 110 Godley Edward ........ 50 Lynch That.- -..60 Lewis John- ....00 Loyd Jan L '5O Loyd A 47 ED illlbn Jus-----............ MI i llanyold Adam..-- 50 Diller James 60 Marry James...-- ...... 60 Minor o.rge a, ,Ittiller Last— ---- ID /Messinger Jac0b " ....,-. 50 htillbat IllehaeL..-.- . 56 Meta Peter - to 111yeritiv..,..:* ........ - 6 Albert Jacob..—....- 60 errotiJohr,---4- 60 Harm. M 05...:.....- 6D Ranter Joseph -- ISU inensil 1150ry.__....4_, In Kroler John ...... --..... ID I Elorbar Adam ...... -,... 0 I OF NOVELTIM. PRERENTS TO EVERYBODY For particolsor cc program m THE CAMPi3EI.I, CONCERT HALL, MONDAY, TUESDAY AND WEDNESDAY EVENINGS ATTIC lArn, Will AND 201 u, 013,1dP8 ELL MINSTREL°, The oldest, m at pe.pillar and original trippit h. tits milrorre, d sato boo established theme:ls through oot the world for giriug tbo moot 'REFINED sod' PLltiFlidG Ethigrat lint•rtainmont of any organ; 1.11. m In xisteo. In addition to Nut •Trope tiro, their lost elait'bere, are the fallosolog polio sr Stasi Mr.lt, 0 LOT RD, rho a...nip:label Baritone ; Mr. W HODGKIN, mad ==a C$.&111. JP lUN 1) A. c,kr..u. • iLato of Ch. le ty . Mlnatfoli, London.) .to tor p.Lsod all Eogfand toi hur groot and wonderfiol Thn ►AUOTS (RI BIITISTID, lo Low sod sclucta plPern Doors rrpon it 7 o'cl —to roam.. at 8 Adiuttl.nco, i 5 ccnts. ReII C10u..-.. .......... 4'.....21.1 IKUIP 1 .../0,--....-...... ID KlLtigentEmi. .1 .1 ......, . K lore Jobe ._. -.... V.. !Kelm I' H..... LI, !Kelm iotm Refl.:NUL.' ....., fl Keel. Paler._.._..—. „lo Fowler 1diebe5.1.....--. 25 M C. 1 Lrf U L lif.agor. I 4 : W. WvOD9, Drsines• aucTradr ,64Lie8 CITY GROoND HEATS.—On DAV MCINTnO, May '9th. at ln v0ra..1 , 1 bo .04 •.t. the COLULLICreIoI SAIEe . gonna, girth street, to uldhr of 0.1. ha• e' the folkosing ground tette orrp <Terry to Ore I' or Pittsburgh. 1. /!.. gnonpi tent of 21Dn emorn, of NINO)." thhstunnsg 411 to Of nal art and Firth at.oet• end, rooming north.onAts srgli shoot Mr...keg gtrpet fret. g (eche. and enta,d bn I: to equal Liberty rthre't Lciarr Lokau 15aml— Leabreit .11<Laughlitt Min) 16 Mamba J —.,—......... AO MCrtreill 12111er46165:-4 - 4... ip in.rt ED 11116er Mu, .... Ml ri ..... 50 )11110 56 rimer 2b63 Millar If 2. a Glottal Er b/ f f 0. p , r satim oa pa perry. adjolrilug tbe *bore, bog g 3J feat oa , ..llarket and tabbelaur sumo re id. h to LiLeay rtreed. groan( roof of .00000 a tha ion follogrint 1 t. t,., tlrr our lot au Ills kat e teal, heoat:lag 26 f.o . 3 t -liaa oenh•eoyiardly from: roml]; atn et tkor.ra al ng nark,: otrrot 13 faar-4 Itlabra, b, feta elo and 01.16 lut at Fourth at t+glanlog• 120 fat A alow Mark :1 gtrrot, t clog 20, fort on Fourth atm t, by 2.4 bet dyer, grourd tent of 3115prr wJauen oo prop3r-; gy be:giaztag on 111 u are? Drriaa effort. (Jail .111.) and averal , : gap Foorth stge.t, 131 Lat, by 61. TOM* of Salo, Ca.h., B & Ltra 'reader, _ Par 11‘.r Da' part.calan erier re of D. IT. fi BM, £4.1. ,141ro-rth .trce t. DAYII3 & SUILWALYZ:-.&att' aplb-DtdAlslrt4. A LLEOLIENY CITY LOTS AT ACC ca. Tit.ll.-0o TUEr DAT rvESING. Apra 000, at 7% o'clock, cri I he cold et the coa...teial Sala Bunts, Be 64 Binh .tract : Your Lots on Onto anannet, tear the onthr depot, 000 . 1 a -deg a front of.2t un Otda avenue, and extending but 130 feet to an ally. One Lot on the corner of Elageley'n lane an/ Beni- Uton strut, sew. • 'toot or 2% fort on Elatulton •tteet, zed extending 130 'eat slung Bagelet lone Toros lotte adjcletrg the abort., ea-tt baring a front of 1•4 feet oe Ba .plod street, and rota tiding nut 131 I et to en ales. Dee Lot on the rut tide of Beaver street, liming front of 20 Let nu El Weir, end extending back 107 fret loan all p. belck 1.1 lio. 6 In lingb Doris' plum of Let.. TEEM es4b, reddcto 1n ous yid tlro roe" With Intarnt •plt ILAVIS a IIIcILWAIITE. Auct'rs. BIHNIINOTIAM LOTS AT AUCTION. DESDAT CT ENING, A prll 19th, at 7% 'clock, will be sold, at the Commercial Mt , ee Booms, No. 64 Pirth street : One int n the n ‘rth side of rar:on area, be., tween Jowph and Craig etretts, hailng a frost 031 fret oa Canon ' , trod, and ex ending bank 100 test, being Lot Io 90 in GregenPisn. Lot No. 22 In Gregg's Van. hating a font of 80 tent on William street, and extending along G. 14 street 10 foot to an alley. Lbt 210. fp.s,,havlng a rant of 24 tent on William ltrosi, and extend 44 but .1 , 0 feet to sn ,Lob Nq 23i and 723.asch haling a bazar 93 feet on Na.., streat..d extending ba.k 89 fie) to en Terms of Babs—One third nook, .d the balance In one and two lears, with Interest. spit . •• DAYIB k NoILWAINII, Anctka. WANTED- 110A111) TR A PHIVATZ PASIILT, be s youtg man &Arlin the comforts of in goal . Mos. for two days • ROUE, GAZE f TTX °Blue. 405.21 X - 7AlsifED--FIRST CLASS MEAT AND PASTRY DOOR to go to Parkstsbotg, West Virginia, Good reFerehors rooting. Apply to GAZETTE orrice on INONDAY ati.TIIESDAY, &pal UM end lath. Internin the homy of SI andl2 o'o!or - A. L W. DENT. sptB 2t WANYED--Agents to eoll-tho sTdan- TV AHD murmur orrtrirtvitt. eblaoo . lo eido mnneyy Ageato ire cleating Dona SlOOlO MO par mouth. - MA I OO vOlOlO , l sir.o4 aold. Petal fot Adireaa JORSVIITIOO. & Publltbaaa, Hal , hatro, • aptlta• ANTED. a Goon waratiovaxmag, .• SCtr 1 . ^ &t tip. i 8 UT • DM) W AICT W" • ilituess vonDra. TAM & PHILLIP S,' J__Asto 110 Wester West. XTANTED—Boys to 100711 Brae. Fix. Wang sad . ..etesp-11Ittlmr.-- - • ;: • Ds.visa‘ratizits, -• • 118 t 71.6: •10,441 Q ryg A. MONTH 1-1 want to hit., Agents jp . f . I .o aTery .T oonn . atZtf , =tls , i meg: P. ADIOS. Alfred, Ueda IP•74O,TULti - - - - : REMOVAL, TEMPORARY. WILKINS, BALL _. at Wig Will not, we tre .k forget that we ate Dreamt, .d Cm • few weeks, to be forma at WkLILILIB HALL, over the giagoett Otrloa r roatth etteet, where wg ham,. Z. htbitlcia eidlosaale am IL. • stock 1 - • 1 PIANOS, lINEMONIUMS AND MELODEONS, "Ed2"427r,MlccLt i ik i t t aM ; at drictlY H. KLEUER k.BRO, apt wrtsurs- ---- ' 110B:SAtEL;- That- Ofo-ist0i3C.:08:10:1 Third Brattanoll.,Thualry. ft' Pittsbrutib. J: .. 'DWELLING, enialud la gOod etre. 'And us - - ' • - —_ =Otte ceder, Greeted ma t.bo, corner a, Down ~,,(1-: ~,,a kw ajoRDA,T. - 401 uth4 au,k,lida taus sia.lasrpeoto . ... .4. allo eltzttv Ward, contain- Dank . edit Areow,t tee badness in- the trojkligx for: lug eight Mete an d u.",T',..grei. , C.2 . b ° t3 t, 114 ., 1 ;o=o4 Ibp•the OIT/X RIM 4410, tame* ect 41 ' 111 P" - ' li . . ' . '- ' ' ''' Woo/ 4 w* 'pa Vieght itlitiy. Pittablirgh,,ps. -,: Eager@ e , t' - etru. iarzePasti, ..04. ~- . •00.11.LivmEtww..p.hp,i..„ ,As . , . .343 Liberty street . / ......,..........—.... . . Ir !doyAL •r - - -.- :.• *.' t''''• Minx vitt I:mm6li', I Piciduto aid tkaitaliton ItirXia.A4l“3* - 4.414 st44.44gl,llllF t r#l cenon.tiklY t tOVIOOF iiia IM3ZE3 TIN e Id, ,rigioal •.d ouly 13'4.71.171. MIOR •SALE--A. Lot of Ihoutoi; at the wrzieriirlietnt. vat narmthy threete; In the Demo of aleteleetim. - Alva co' comer of Vetlereseo oed plenth itreetr, hett mutt Ve en imeejewt eltlethipteble.': A.& 011.P(.01% noki the Pexerth Renee& r thri ll= 4 ll,4l =tr ' thexiit4 ' ;,..ki t t: t 9o .. L . 6 l4 , l o'2lz r iin itioya t : •• • a Oa 14 45F6 DOUGLAM•i:, I 5.41)4-4 N 0.67 Nun lam - • ---rA • FOR 84I&E--FOR R EXT. LOB L a- Will Nall our Flowing UM In Geste* Wheeling, on paltimoreand Ohio • ehort distance be. low the D. 0.11. , 11. Depati. on river bank, The DIM has fear run of French buns, and all the modera Improvements to ramildnery. The capacity of the 11111 is 156 barrel per day. Sloe of (31g113610 . inch bore, threw forfatroke, esti mated at 60 horse power; three cylinder boilers, 26 6-et long, 36 inched In diameter. The main build. lag is 66 feet by 46, four stttim, and warehouse at. cached, 66 het by 40, three &Units, including base r:rut; oleo a new stable 26 6724.. The lot on which the MU barn tad is 464 by 44 feet. All will be cold. with the Hill. We would call.thy attention of capitalists to thia property, as thous is no Mil more favorably Situated than this to the western total. We have a good grain Lars tET)I i tTo C rat our door ' that we nh ac thou rn times got • supply of pe als. , We areltlao tavorably Wasted to ship our doer to the ramern markets, both by Baltintare sod Ohio Rilltoul and Ponnmitania Central. We also hales good local trade ducat . dour and ford, et fair prima We have • railroad from our erne down to thetow water mark, by which In draw erne wheat from the landing late the Mill, by machinery. Three moo can take to from two to timer thousand buthela of wheat in adtry, eating the hearty - empress of drayage. thould the property hot he told by the net of April, et privet/irate, we thou will oar, it at public sale on that day, as two o'clock p, m., at the Omen lionto In the city of Wheeling. Term, will he made sego tolAthtstrat A. li. DETWILER & CO. FOR SALE, 12 ACRES OF LAND, Within Ile Borough of Lawrenceville, end erltb'n 3 MILES OP TUE COUELTLIOUSE It I. excellent land, well Improved, with geed hones, tram and oat-bulhlinv. It is the bigboutlaid the borusizis, yet generally lore!, and could bo undivided into geed building iota. • Yor 'ham, kcatlon, .d other quoittleo, It leis &mot place for nu 11... lo the county. 06tyred at private sale till SEAT Id I=ll Inquire of OEO. J. GI LLIILRE, 1:3 fourth trot t. or on the premium; of SAMUEL II KELLER. FOR. SALE-A VERY VALUABLE F 1111, 174 id -am connty. Wmt Vie. ginla, twelve soder b low aelltpoits, , containing 19If acres, 1,100 atte. therof bottom land, extend log along the Ohio river, 2,4 miles, all clear and in the highest state of cultivation. the balthco of the form befog heavily timbrred Two wet thins, one 4%, the other Ousel Clad, g feet thick. tie on the member, easy of amen, and • hhin 1% miles of the uhio river. The improvements en fmr.dwellingt, al: ethic., suitable out.honeth, and three etcher& Tim crocks paseir.g through the farm. afford an am id supply of water for clock. Mx farms each Log suu aerosol bottom bad, thd sulticir:nt nutter meld be made out of this trait, and to practical far mers, a rare chance is adored to Damn, goad farms, c.nvenient to wood markets. and in a tine climate Title Indleputable. Term. which will be mode to nit The puthimwen mode known on etypllmtlen by let ter o otderwiro to a. L. tiTILVAR r, Onlilpolls, 0. ap1a.441-Itw POR S ALL E.—At Evergreen, Ros fire tulles from Allegheny, a good frame dwoWng , modern style, containing eleven rooms, store mom., pantry, ciatern, cellar undcr the •hole borne, and an arm of grnund with • variety of fruit trees and small butts. Tel. property Is &tams evoted from the &oxidation, butt! e porehrisor may njoy tho advantage. of a firm elan. nemievry, to be opened In • few weeks by &gentleman from New Pork, and any ether benefits connicted with the Asap , let lon Any pint:corn doing Mutates in the city, and de siring a healthy hams in the country one hours' drive from the city, olio. log tare Inducements for the troiral and physical welfartrof children, will do well to look thiaproperty, which will b.. di! low. Yon. unction urn be given hay Ist. Poe further Informe street d= inquire at the pr.:mica, or at No AS Market Mil SALE.—The un,iershaled hare I. torn appointee a Ouratitlttoo by .he Sto.ekhihh E. to took° vale of the OttEti %NO ...ND 'Tyr's e.DIGGEI AND MINERSTLLLE DAILIV A Ye, or either of them—trltb rit nit. eft. htoett„ Jle and sIII metre bid. therefor notit Mar .Lt, prialitto. If oat sot 1 by that tame, frotiototly .111 I o medial for the Imo owl mood of LPG tepoetlee right - No. Notice of too diep.tal of the reinlptertiti, de., trill be Rhea *nor May .foteratd. - • Yoe putt plum refor to HA, of Va.. And. rsignett. wfd. A.. El JO-I_lu.s. auonns,' - , tthattfEL RIBEROW, A.. 6. BELL, spfkist) 1 Cockuattret. putt SALT—S.TEAM SAW MILL AND .ht &TIN FRY.—The ono. half or whole °tau Oil hot or, y nod Sham S. 0 ill, with egal ...half sem ol ground; au islinixdanso of roar en the lot—citur ellen and being washed, &tusk. the Aliseheny hirer sad. A.. V. It 11, is othved for sale The liednes7 is now sod of modern bola the Saw, 14111 A in splendid order, soil well situ ated, bailiag check ronniog from it to th. deem good leasilt7 Or building beats. For pentode. call on the undersigned. LYDAT & CHORFENNINO, ap9:tf No. 60 street, IlitLimirgt, Ps. F OB SALE—A valuable businees prop arrr, consisting of • BUICK tIOUSE AIM) STOWS, 51110 faet, two stories; o BRICK WAIVE. HOURB, detachrd from moth buiidlag , 30:40, with or •Ithoot a fine fruit garden, together with the storrand fixtures of • small Hardware bnaloon, on may 'mar. the pregiteror wishing to retire from bruin... Swat, at 'IBIS °Trier. elm, a OOTION WARPED, tow, never In man, and the Fon:aura and Irlaturrao a DILCO STOLL& mittddlf LIOR KALE—A new three-etorr Braes 1 LOME, with back building, containing fleece :onntodlonstb9llll, Mtn dad on tarock street., Alle• ghost, City, third door,from °note.m. The style albs bon.. h modern, and 104 elegantly Sri tied thmontiont, with nos arid water in Ent mod to rand storks, bath room, At Apply to A• at STONER, Attorncy.at•Law, No. 126•Soorth strict; or R. WOLFE, Shio toworhlp. 13. 84 TM—Twenty-seven Aaron of !me Irlim ori=rgh he l' azTlllll%. 4° A mile from Joel' Ferry Landing. erh, ere rre on the premises soros P. trnit tree* and 'a rover-ing 'perm{ of emealeet sltrer. Will be sold togeth W er, or divided to snit put-Jansen. • Persons dociting I ronnrl7 rad2roce will plewam.l.l az • .• M. ALLZI4 LOBTS.S.' No. 69 Water cereal. FOR- SAIsE—SHARPSBURG PROP ER tr.-4703 rsol para., Ilk' Lot of Ground haring • frame of SO fees on • mach street, and rs. tending , back 160 teat to .16 030 t alley an vbicb are erected %good substantial two dory frame. dwel ling. Tao lot 1,11110 with grapes, fruit and Clow. am. A roast apet. Apply to" ap9 B. aIeLAIS A 00., 103 Fouitb street. FO ST, ATTE2PIIO9 I STIAIBOAT DIIILDEES. 10,000 feet fa. measure o r first quality two Inch DECKING fe offered-for Pale at Oa Planing Mill of B.I3AEKED, en Auden.= timer; ATlrgbeny Oily. , Prica.L.s9 per thousand feet, board meesure. Tao Decking is already planed and readir far we. . Ittquire of S DAIIKER.' scuff On the Premises. Li OR BALE—IMPROVED PROPER TY.—A two-etory Brick Dwelling of efg,ll rooms, ball, Lugs cellar, good well of water, Dalt trees, do. Lot 65 hot front and 107 foot drop, and Li within 100 foot of the Clidtene s Pasasuger Railway. Terms easy. Apply at tbs . /Leal 8140.10 and - Inmrance °Klee of p. a DATES, tubb, Dud. 'brook, La?rtoncoilllo. SALE—That desirable property J.: Invited In the Borough of diancliesr, on the corner of Locust street and the Ohio - deer, io town ne the Ontenvtodproperty, on which is eructed ifzedern stile Mick Dwelling Bozos, Car. rlage Beim, Eitable, Ice Berm., do: , „ Yar further partkubiri enquire of • " A. D: • BLit LllWster street, Pillehargh. FOR . SALSA pleasant Country Seat, mitabl• for a bowman man, may of soma to either. the 7crt Wayno or Mantbollarltalloys, well lammed at d abounding La MOM:a troll, to now *l aved tor aate et 43 excluawto for city property. tipply to , 8.8. 1311T141, Broker & fro. de, atria 69 Voortb street, (Dukes 148IdMO VOR SALB.:-A BOAT BNGI.NBAND 1: BOlLlll.—Eogino, og, a Soothes trod& dime tetra' cilloder, 911Sebee stroke ; copra peer. togs Bolter, 23 &et 'diameter. 9% feet hog, to: &Idiot the boa, -60 Bootie 'PIKS' axis. 'llss bee:i• asks; eyelet teoutbs ism - sidoirkeel bait, gad is ko poll order: Estee F 290; , t• • • - t• eeentel. Jinni A. RIDDLE, • it .p 73. ; . • Menobtater, 11. Br .NIOR BALE—Two Wrought IrorrOlL :817LT,13, *inst. new wilt Cowper Gal* Neck. and Condeakind•plpa, All Oa c otta and. corm". TWO MAU 11041115. • -; ; tannin of • RUGbI. BOTA • Oorain al Me /Miy and Dnqnnanaatn.at ' MOH IVOR EiAtg—ViIiARYBOAT-AND ta: COAL 111%.•=168 At. Diiacity, PlOa, with lima (Arlr fis ;b r,) Pars, fialare,'lce.', arecoor rAto at .D. XDOEUTOD.IO7 WeA iffra 'or„. COM T. WADLEY. 'Potheron OW; ; 41 - 01‘rtt ' • `• NEES VOLUME --132 FOR SALE-FOR Kinirr. DWELLING HOUSE FOR SALE.— The . imbetriter often for sida .the- dwell*, house to which he now tires, eltneled on Barth A. cane, TIM' Wont Allegheny. .The let Is 12..60t Cm= b." itt2. deep, running bock tO a 1:0 foot alley. it is • h.-Marled brick , dontsliir fIX rooms stid alien The oat-house, as o mutt home, stable, cool lernee,',tc. There Ise large yard surrounding the dteeahni. WWI with abed. and memento' trees. T ng here le ses end water to alt the tearn of the dwell- I aim offer for sale a decirsble.Conntry retekbraos In Rochester township, Heaver cochty, Pt , amts.!. Ins twenty .ems of crowed: There be Dry two. Merkel fauna dwelihnt.ocntainhattlizroom. on the property:. , There le deo • yoineepichard of an kind. of Emit. There is goal ham orthomrs. do. about mile tram the Rochester Dhpat. It is For terms Inquire of lb. If. 80LT.2, JaMtf Beath. Amin. jilterrhony . FAR DR SAL &failll of 47 acres, nodal-good cultivatiOn, aid well watered with springs, situated within three Milks of Greensburg, IVestmereland c unty, on the Phllapelphia Pike, and one mile from the Pennsylvania Itailruad. The Inc movements aro • two story brick house 60 by TO feet, with 11 man; hank barn, with stabling underneath, and other 'weeny" , ontbuiligs ; has two good or thesis, one of the tram It is.• goad location for a public house or store. Tends eaty. Apply at the iteell:stati and Intelligcnoe race of . GI. B. BATES, Delay .ineot;Mayrrettenville. HOUSE FOR SA_LtANtryileatand desinghlo tiro story bilek dwelling tottshintar, Ir tew, altcated on Buylo street, (corner int) tear te. Co emans, Allegheny, convenient to marketa, eeb An:, cantatas Sim ronms, Oil:lowly papered, marble mant:re In parlor, stone hearth, dn.; gat in every room • and hdi ant water In hack building. All linishtd In the Were style thrtighoat. For terms, Ac. ,Apply to CIICOYEIL IL FUDDLE, 11°- 75 Greet ott , etiwPPollto Conrallome, or at lIAIIII a BIDDLE'S ntore, Diamond AM.. gheny. . , spit-led ATALUABLE RIVER PROPERTY. v von' BALE, lactated on the Idonongatuda Meer, ahoy. the drat Lock, bating a goat on said. dter of 22t,fiwt, and extending back to Braddock street, Minh:tins the Connelbnale - Railroad. con. tabling 4 soca and TI-parcbta. This I. an ad:nine bk. location for cosnufactnrtng purpeaebating tba riverJa trout and cstblla street and road fn the rear, and Ewa !dill and bnildtogs thereon exacted. . for term, to.; sprig to 11611 T., ABM TUSTIN; on the promisee, or to W. C. AVOILINBAIIOII, lio. 1111)1..01mnd street, Pittsburgh. nihl44l. VALUABLE FARM FOIL BALE -1304 sores ofland, bOacloiotebolc• timber, largo besting waited; oleos twang orchard; all t• 11.. able Land sod is extellent Order; lenge, in good wa. pair: dwelling boos., spring, home, sterns; moot house, [bale bozo .d stable, wagon ghats and oth. or oot bowies, good springs, ate..l , [taste 14 riles (rook .3t - e - slay on tb. Manning load, adjoislog Itnral Bldg. Port office West Dan. township, ne w sobools, dumdum sod mills &pia S. CIITLIBEEtT a EONS, 6131arket street , velar,. FOR SALE;—That valuablo CC FAHSi allmata an the Pitialrurnii and Sharon Grade }lord, In llobinson township, known an tb. "Ptip Perin," shoal Eve milte trent the city, con ta'ning about 123 scree, will be gold at private sal. For terms eplay to ; It. STILL. . or, J, 0. YOUNG, Attornepat-Law, 1g0.126 /Matti etreet, mk2lnieetlV Pittabtirah, P. FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE FOR CITY PROPLTITY.-.-That Winn' DWELL. MO, with grenade attached, cm Carson strait, for. mrrly occupied by Christian Inman, late of LW Birmingham. /hauling and. outbbildin4gs la tho tsar of tho Dwelling Hoeft. - 111ILD. L. rtrans, rah2l:tf Ilts) Fourtb Mown. Pittsburgh. poK RENT—To a email: family, the one bat of a beautiful thedettca la Nat= Troy, an. 011 t trial the ',lfni:may Hatitlet Hum, with *Lunt of gTound, aft .couered with &Ace fret treut,fmorgroenu 4:rubbery, e,,e, An eiaLLcat aril of vra!,, vui a large datum of sot irat.r. raquith Of A. IL HAMMY, ,uhtfrtf Outbe premtem ACTORY D WATE POWHR von SALE --The subscriber °Len (=mien beige bnlldlnF , with water power, alumni In NSW BILIGEITON, Pewter county, P. The bufldlng has been need as • Saab and Door intletryowd recently es wcvlen.fectury, and N mashie; (or entest any manufacturing baetneen. Apply nest the pert:Wenn/ apl6-lut • C. hi. STA:WART. R ENT—To a ,small Canny. the One half of a teoutlful re (define in Manta Troy., one ni l. tram the Allegheny Market House, mitts &Senn 94 two of ground. all .neeeat 'with -choice fruit tree, etergsoet a, ebrnbttry. Ac. An excellent o'n ll o.wn;n+. and • Urge ciatornlof soft water. .E.ne quire of A. R. HARVEY, ea the rt.mless. • aplA:he TEN BUILDING LOTS NISI SALE ./ Bituate at the Junction of the Greensburg Pike and Butler Street, 29 feet front and,lo9 fret deep. Terms: one bislf cashreealsahe balance la tsro rem Apply at the Beal Paiute nod frasuranee of ine of O. S. MITES; Butler stmt. Lalrresserrilla. A. Rauh; rUttYlli'd IT .—A Book, Eltadoutry and Nem Depot for •al•; Ia the Vest 1 ..4 1 ., to • larro city. sad doing a ato. basket. .to a pampa aid/ about 52,100 capital, It 1•111 be ao .xtelltnt apportnntty to emote himself. • • rot parttoolara .11 at JOHN :HUNTS, IA ere • Manila Rall, fifth street • LINOS b./AA URfiNT—A Farna7ols' , Aerea, good land, In Wllkiae townablp, adjoin to lend of Peter Porchment,and within g ch art dia tan/. of tha rennaytranla Railroad. Terms reasonable. roiudro WARD. mbl Mat door tn. Firth. on Grant ottoot 4 110 LET--Two largo and handsomely torntshod sooltB. Itbout Ward, can be had by applying. at No. 16.5 THIRD 13TI1RItS, botnttat Grant and /Smithfield Weep., • Awl 111.41.1MPAICTURERS. trc. DUQUDSNE BRASS WORKS, • CADMAN & CRAWFORD, `41.4441=n1 of every viviety of Iltabsal DRABS WORK FOB PLIIIEBEES, STEAM OB 'OAS FITTEPS, MACHINISTS, AND 10OPPERAMITDd. CRASS OAISTENGB, of ally dolptiora, made to Dodo. STEAMBOAT WORE, STEAD 'AND GAB EITTLNO, and llEPALEMO;prouiptly attended to. • Pvtlerdar attention paid to Anion up =PINE. BIER FOB COAL AND CANNON OILS. CoAlso, Bole Agent:star tha West= District of Ponn aals for tho' Bala of MADAN. LAID3DELL tr .'s PATENT EYPHON PIMP, the ten arm fo rward. Daring Ito rem It 111 not !labia to eat out bf ardor, and and throw mots warm than any pomp of twice Ha Ca. anis if. b. V. MUM IRON CITY WORKS. . CLACKIIS7OOI, HILICIPICR;Liti ai CO romp= AND am:mum& Omar or elks and o , Hany Ihed Pike and Walnotatreet• I (Ache Clty Waal: Work,) gianufacturell of stationary aid-other SNOTM, kOLLING MILL 431.413.71G8 and 11.&01/12/01r. Of all kind, mkt general Sobbera. • Prnmot attention -gime to repairing BOLLING Umnintalvf. dacki JOHN HALL & VALLEY FORGE PLOW woRYA iumau-sur...k dieera in 10 tn. amnia kind. tt . PLOWS, PLOW 'CASTINGS, SCOOPS, CDT TING BOLES. An'. 'Mariposas Inerrasod fin- Goo for doing tualantioro cantos:Us India &aim to giro um • can, htsardactory, Tranyaniricerillo. • Warehouse, Conlis 'Her and-Idt•rtg St„Pltisb`gh. • -; JOHN HALL. • -...I3TYPEXti WOOS A,9: J. SHAWN. LACK DIAMOND STEEL WORKS, 'kloiliatra'444,4ls - PARK, 11114YNCER & 00, • QIIALI'PTMI2I2IiI:I OM 2' EVIIIP.I% . SqUartiOrtat and Claws:o3f ail .lm. Warranted a oat tc""7 1 9 4 011 45 , mutut4 4 3 2 sed tgtbli coup. I air' oak* ner vatehmzit., 115;.14g ud IEI sad and L= ST-pOND dTRICIPTO, Pittsburgh. 150 13EUTBS27IA AND BRASS IVOW. COLLINS 'WRIGHT' (sac. to ci;st, rf IMO isruifattiworeotOASTOßM.lll34lttrGS,VlVS J , vami.v and A g:ftat satiety a , BRITILNYIA Wicks. Mod; CARBON' OM .j.jan,ztrgNirag and LIMP' urgh; DRAMS rewrap, No;'B'wti A _ 'LEN ArePRMOLt 0 9«,riPrit' 4n. rournz, Pittobiugla', Pa: • ; - ffirWareboww, Xri riEß=Tr Ilanafactarars of COOS , PAIIIMM VirST: 11 STOUtt;PMILOII AND X I=ol: l 9flitATE.9, ar,ton'W k r” Abtr,, Steil sad Masitoxilpi,Bon• Ulll akatibk6 I,GeorlArmazwittrAmmiAr ' Plea; eta irociiirvr zit=a4 Iv • - n 33446 Htl t., gir Kettles. Pullfsh /*VA 02 :WW:2rptIngs VAttaanonimAltr.' .Dairbbldtt ea whin* mole ti. Wet. Tateit4 r te EA Ist' swam or none Pavia.. ,•• ' ,- - ,40416usti 11 a, RIDDLE -cO., Ifo. - 215 Lime, &treat. opilooltop; Plhatronoly onootoctorexo or WiltP4 t 413 /ad MITCH- Woo mot ovary description of r. rata MUD= ti Mn 4alielt4 6t r za tto tft4o, 544 vasipttioopt• ilLfpixa esßritudercit. ,46111 Rah N 0 63 triti tivro. Ett.- IifBOUGIIT 811=13, eaFiman aid pdlnoirmirivii iiirtetoir lizee or irimsza .armosa, made. to. orser , s4 mud , 64165 : • itbad allortmed °moody morsad.i..- __- WOg M:I ittec —,,torT "31simillattireratif .ooznivountAigrosgAlucor , arektii4ll9"l73laf avaart i , -.::', : .. ."...:.";.•: , .:', 1..:1, -. . 7 . -- . 1.74 4- : - 1 sailyrs tis.toitgb, M~`~` '.Vi '....'...:.-,...'ii..1.-::: OILS; WARING &ICING, alnastnoN ziwzmilm!t. not Brokers ft Petroleum and its Prottigas,;- MA &aka ta Banta 11,Aertali. relltly No. 33 KLEMM 51., MIMS - etasaw ROF. PEARSALL, ' • ;: 1 4- - • PEWallsPalda COiddaltatidtdratilatd 81 szercaTal ta Petro/cunt and Us ProfiucSs, , Tor export awl hulas autaaptice- LW* hel,. ,ties for worage, at nuonsbis raw.. , " 'Mani simulants!. • - • • •••• tlf -•-•-••• BR ,Busse Jc.00., COll=3Bloll *IIRCELUiri* agents oreA °Loa& PAM:no - saw raIIiTITT OIL 421.DREEL Wand - cash advancs ovaddon cona!ginnidito 01! Refined or Crude Petroiesan. OEM DIIOIBNI WAT AMMO= gil(L. teas. RICH&RDSON,HABLIty 'Cp.', " oommasioNsronsmaini,so mizacce4ijuk Crude and . Relined retroltunniZ Lim= edam Trriniemtair. 111611" labanl Cub James ea consigesolds..lbr Pittsburgh or ICestarn Market'. rrriszomaxunzuzca Xemrs. J. 8.. D unb ilworth & Epriager Irga Bel. Pp.,Pm/. Ciammallsi BitiL laur uITY OIL WORKS LIMY a CHORPHNEinii. Mondlistozers cut liatoorg 0143111312(017.0114- LEHI AND tanratantEra clue, AAAAsian ts' CULTDIC X . ECTROLOILIA!!!. Work., oppodto . Sharoberg. . Moo, no. al HUM EIMIXT.. apn.loa Proismomili'Po*. WALLACE cturriss,' Ckxmralsaloa Dierobitaite%' Aad iesbas to I CRtrDE&REVIYED PRTROLEDI, Malaga * AIM LITHICAMINB . 0114 Ne. 134 60U2H wawa?, pruatraitquar Or Sterne =putty (ander coveraler WOW,' Also arcelleat Lscillthe 11ir Ahlppfog to AtYtclm nod Toragn ports, at our wharf on the IV Clll Sheri xesr the plehlbrok of the P.'S. S. TACK & BEA., 110110111 VI trade and Refined Petroleum, BENZINE, &a. ;:*. • us WALTON ST., MILADELPILIen Vadat. =trotted to =lt owe urn tomtit ear, lonmpt tononal attemtloo. Beier to Mace. Sichartlacer Cliz. stern ; - Berko Co., and McClelland Ss Day Pittlbonti; Tbm smith. En, Prost: A. - ; IL. lallooter • 'tr. Co., Philadelphia, MaCORMICK & OALLENDERg - OIL BROKERS,.:- 211 arid 213 South Water 81keat, CE/C4OO. li,.faXammta salklud. KM/ TO Lyda, & Ohorpinning, Iron City OU Jacob Water, of Patntor _ Jno. R. Cbrafant, of aping, CUM& & Jy23:ly . VENANGO OIL 'AND TRANSPORT- Avoisr COMPANY. OIL CITY, P:ana.. Are prepared to. receive, dor* and: Crude And Ref Lind Petro On the most reasonable terms. and to install admunes. L. H. GULPH Washlettti — Wee, No. IS. Pins street. 2411 1 114 4: WEL BOWIES .Betiv, 011 CU*. weinn cszkle, etkOty; JAMES WILKLEM, As% Pitnonzo,n Bar Consignmeats, Pettsnlisnla ustintah be stored at the Company's Asevitof inx:thems. Hoboken ride of rbrer. - nal, • WALES, 'WETMORE & CO, G03111113810N 4ID SHIPPERS OF EFFROLEII* - us map= was,: HEW Amigo Dalthe kr ATONAGII AND ANINDSSIO . at Abair Tut and !bar!, RFD EWA. mrDat . z., carArr,Tmimmrrorf a mama , General Merchandise Brokers" 142 PLUM num, ITew TO*, 7;; Also, IAS sotrm =on AZ, PlLUAdolpblic MDR &mama) YET/10MM -,_, llirsOßTir SODA,' 'BODi DBOICKIOLIO. Alms_ Orders to boy or tell prOmply aimeala bL. MUM, Jzi • , •e•t .• • et, imieidit. 'CRUDE &aggninTETßougmv tin' tin=Jul= achattray.' <lame rromas sou mums &ma cenamk: attentionM oif. von turt: saslilus—VAUSTlO 80DA,SODA4/113,411. A LLRN NEF:DLEE,. • - nra.Aimmrts.-- - ocattasuos 1132;CgiASTIN 'Padiadarittsafacmpakitoimileuzsitelsti • Crude and Refined ,Petraleilin. or Mail armor mate: • r," E NOB WOODWARD, • : • ga. awn, ILlValdward 13101111talL ODITILDISION O P ,4ll.l. Modzi Crude and Refined: retreleitin.-. 1 ''Bo. poars sum Bum nntA. 11/WVOQDVILLE .01r, AEFINERy, W. HOIUMEIip pr coat - . , „ l~aaat~Ra o : of Bl:42 . 4tficriii,sbramnia.. lam OIL. Igaso trosatuttly kaM4h• smarliest giallWsof SMITING -OM clear sad 'Moat catir 4 ,0- a goi4 lannetarerOs. purrwin . = 19.rs orders NZ as Oi. Batt Utotk; foxed *Magi bly PrDEVAT itisksbur v: • , - misatrithus, Fc . nnliiiitOcillogighol l XVth4t 1 • , ' t '• AND MULE! , a pIEM. 7, - , .. - .: , 51 , ,.. - • • • _ ._ . . . . . .... .. .. . . .. iii . n , tvialffianid,zillitranrischeatzl' ,, ' pr7sozsmtoll.B, aq.„ tossteurturtzaaus', ibt rotratablowastuttftit Pticei -.0A10111:11410,:: J AMESTIPM; 011 •t Vitriol 1114:41/*12#14#:;-‘.1.t thiPeit44-:1 Pt Kann SAD Taft 1 3:ZEILT/3, "fir tr lot , Nervispi ~km. , - ' war Z,.Z! `•:.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers