i aT.nwrr, r. ^~"F " aß ':'~ ^ -~-ti.,~E~'x ~Y Ca'~~.t'-~+i' _um cn 4 ilts rif WEDIiWAY atonrasa=er 16c9r9z2ki ti i t e r t IA Ws, itiVteigo 11114"* Ono crew most affecting cues 21142=124L1C1R _ to Ilight by pacer Untapbtey, bi = ;Vorpiiiibi - cif a,eung rpottabas mad repostloslng op • I iimitia--.Eiviet.ablirputue ati late hotir, oa Welitl&adian : ,, erenttrigliqUenttoni *Unread a y • standing on the sidewalk, !n, a taal Hi spy:embed her, inquired ':lttiii3Vite:Tient4tktntirsiteT* , of Pletiburgh, Pennsylvania, wan of that city, by whoxa„ iitsb t" . dFly ind affealinately In it . ; evil hoir she listened to -, e, a Brit, 14, -, i 4,, ,,,, b5 1 1 1 0 - PY.eftnitabf sioni4Pia kat ta4k 1 . , .-- in jean and social pialtion,.. Bh loved and . ' • believed her 1.01rO• Wan veth..dad, for a lone tints 010..attenikM, et /Argrar were most auidnoth, - 41.6roteriaid itlil 'freseittly' he talked of manage , propose the. car/7. celebration of the nuptbds, which as assent ed to bYber father, and the anticipatedes . iiitch WY Spoken of by friends on all sides as a • : most promising ono. But the Barnett weird '•: . . 4 , , . work, the: diatlical.ychemgs of heaednear. 1. " " ' 'Wine =Mirk; advances of an indelicate ehaneter wino-made and indignantlYvellst-• ed, bat upon pledges of undying chichavent 7 , 1 - and TOWS of as early emu nof 'the ~ '•.-.. .--... ..!,maniage aerenuark,-.theittlaino machine, , 'O - 1 0 rikltiblis ciftStiVraigiondedilditeisikeip ed and the lo \ conadinggirlwasruined,inetriav lirtlinad t I The mantels was PottPohed r 02, d tT..i?. i4rEPtraligliatimarataata, until ei" eau ro e eondition of her health randertit imper. alive that if her reputation were to remain , - tmtandshed, there must be no d lay in 'the. . ..4 . •*, , 5 1, : prertlisoUtestifisge' Oehler, kn , ebo km,: . .. r . • plena her lover to redeem:lris - ye ;to mike Itllstili'liciiiist ininini.i3Appeueeil mend.by, the appeal of the pool vietkut.tif , lost, the ;,' :',%, Itelterfeanktitißlrice e;proidisin to provide ...a. hams for.-hythere, and to ma e he; hp. , ciratirfirmislibihafl—rethe passed ri, and , ...,,,.,•:.tidinp edthe serltioei.arrivinit tit el‘tabod , , .. , I, , :+. . 'MeV and Store Morn, 51•421ng Rum- El.n 11tIll . . U.., Pot ob.-bonding. Tborm.tator ho of on Lao . ground on all ttveo book. ,Tlt44Cois • r op-, ponanttl, a.: • buldotia nun.' A ...rtont tridi 4 'Am doing to tali ill &oda:lA.2i. •El tiodo mall Blow. Vrolivatootp Ito *into; '1; 'tato stattPr PAo • Ebd 'other otatefin •on boacti , ancl tin. 044 0 by I .bs Pith of April ttro-propridaromill, onationa4o busine. • • Jidda.. Pat Otbco Rt.: SCSI, ,Pittibprgh, or zoo the otontra at Oki 1r... ' , . • oitArtor •• P SII.4OIO:TAT TXIII 4 CO._ , ROB BALE-4 Cottitry •Basidence sit .L,asua i 4 now township, ons-heit mile "pm Jack's SLatio•, C lt. W. A. mid I% mile., frtPa'. W ood.' Don, ' Contains. about . I^. acrth, ll heittyrente tend . improshd; toot twa-storl Britt Dwelling anti Frame ititohem•with - F wanes ; 'gad iktabla, e.gth, ernsertz en orchant of the etbe4c eat ehlottione, comptisinwei, the of appl.,.penr. peach, phtteb„. oketry, ,Itrapee, small Rolle. Water to great elnmdeno., harit and ',loft.' To perseni totting fdr keel:miry soot, 9 , 010 attputiorr is ditehtelta - thia plate - • . • lor.prers and. terres_appdp• , soh n , .0. IIIcLAIN & Itaranrtit ftrtet. • - VOR SALE.—A two ator~Bfick. llaell I. It g . Ilona* bn &rim sliest , ..aseittruningbarn. Etr..st Oars Vara .I.b dour; Ifonss , asarls new, 'of tondarndulabd myna towns sad .k.ltuhed, and told,- d sties; h.Y tiN; fest sr/da and cellar..: Lot in fmt front and 120 feet Anon Walks wad , around ins ban r, and lot istont with ebolos'fittlt toms. busboy and imp, Tirldl.coarmenklar to banr. prcienl• • rarsvpil t au , lty for pink* visiting It boy • prt-. ND m Yaina In at. 110% , subtualomtoosb. rot tit nu dpartlcalars eggdre or • - • SHO. P.• MOSS, ;denim:. of Out Ponce, strld!t" • • Callon stmt. I',ll_()Pgu ► y. /b . n . iuear; g. ron:tWAIVI: risiford.ll feat, and *steink . back • 401 Braddock itrst, lor.t. &Mooring "tbs - oanells.ll,ltiltratd, ont talnlng-4 atom and Tf•parcbes.• ts so:admits) bin location to pannfaciating AsSlng the ~tort hind. • , Ad .PUblbatrast. oalltoad In the nntrouidFits 01111 and bolldlngs tbCtion iradtado tfok terincite. crtry MART 'AN t; MITS , on tbspreendan6;!orto gh... rabid:ifLlZ Dtalan Pltabtu • I . . A . Bcsuairal Beaidence in .nbirpstrotg, &Mutat on Usk ..ttnet. , .I.tte haute aantatoe tenon roomy end Ittitthill ettic. A well of rood water and excilient cistern st ttdr door, with pump In each. Thal lot ten teot t Inches , front sad POD fret. deep. too street. ..Thom la . Fralt, _iftwenne uld AttraAbet7 tn. abtotdance.. Pentoen ,phons,ut purttientrit ► treenttlht tetiaptice, count And Incrreiltanant eve hi thlm aclatty. 1' Etufnlrc of Ms Octallr et the ettectlber,_an• the prom:dank or J. XL 1.41M12,.hr thwttnnef t.ettLti t - tell A. On., at their attltln Sherpa/art. snh7.3tettd3w .L It. IL LIVAtLIS. • I{' HALL—' FA1t31 , 40".51 ACRES ..1: L&Hic; ha Stott tdernehlr, eg.milee ouch of Pitttbdrith; as which to ■ 'ear lr saw frame tome of idx,rooroe. hea.and, War:, miler ardor the whole hove, • framebamaud utheribuddlege: a never-W.lles erring neer the bolus, an ezwlleut beerier Orehard of about KO trete, Ere of tiz am' of anther; tunalrcentor. .Cced under the Whelp trao, , Idtonedie,te ' • • ' Yar; "" '• • • ' l7 la irtYt i n i Igtikke fiLLE—A.valuableibusin ea prop arty,. corwletirtg of re BRIM .110VE31. e'_ + STOUT., 3140 Eat AO Iteirfai; =CB. 000814, dotachrd from =ln butldlisg, liz4o, with 'br. eitthdef ir Delo Titilt' tbdithet with the 'stork Anil firtareirof samell'Hairdwarie bminme, on • . canna, the prrpritliof Or tire from baslitra.,.ll2ladr• at • OPTICX. •• itteo, n_SOT lON WARTICB,piew riertrirt ow, sod the Mmitan and listoirreoi I DECO STORE. riih2Ltf . _ :1E4147 -"Twenty.; Trciik -diens- of Pirt.ol. the Danny ranaiading • dna elm or Pitteburgh and viciniiiF t ga about oar nine from has' Ferry lending. rre on the praalre am Ora Omit mein and • ream-hdllog mime aloatent Mat. WiO be add her, or divided to tutt...parrlsserik • l'amag,.. country neldria epipittertAl ER4 L . •'" &e V:. alw. wee. - • LlO.ll RA 04-44 ginsoknionnr; afoot orookooo -,414^4",..mtrAT..4,064 aad,ol /01 .bopla Otaat, .411.1 xIIO , E too Tiry Ovata, and Wait Glue ons - atte up 114114 Naclol4;auteUbald Itior Omps mac 'tor. =Mg Putori SunbelbaCHl Walkout Dove nu , tebotaua, and about 101 fottalfapi 1%0 Shaftlog. ot tbaubaratugcleot 4011 be told staaroat bar 4idu 17 applyittii at paco.at f,2 rxrnl paurr. tIOII, , s.I3ALErOLPROVEILI,HP OPEN' TT.—A two-story, Elrich,Dwrillni. ofAlgtA. roomJ, 6.11,1 ire f , a11 t yp0c01.471.1,411 Irptlr,tatit, lITAtrITIIR I I2FiIf itto ea1111:444747111::y d . Tome y.; 't Apply at tII• RAI listalatind lama= bfflce of GAL Doss, Elnlket,Optiot, kormhorrille. , Uoll.'lig.. - 42rat idofratila , Impart". Itfltltarkleifor kianninatin, on U. earner tre. , locittt mita* eant - tba "Ohlo attar, and known ea! ObetAlnertVpop, t all which le erected knicelern;:ereaqt Muse, Oar. ritur Haan, Stnbe, Ice am, Ira Walter WM111(4071* , • et •teter. rt . AMD:IIIS4ITH, tbsttf , --#l34,iteran , qtePitt., A AtnitSlN e 'rOOfori Ef 800 I) yr* iii 'Fro*" 'On a *de Aittrthl• tare. mintsitititi Martiiitel STAMM, ,1011.Ate$, p, ,111. W. & o:•ll.titrriarld wlttrWrlnt4 flew front. f. 0.0 0 0 0 • • •-• ,••• • mkt station, vidtillialarop and I nstated v_llottn. n a me In -- nlttratlon. Imipputabln. A if . all Ark ' r.attlawittOG fine r=== reviavoL:„ - ttas, , 7 BALEr: • 7 - Dreitte.:KnifveVnear catittid, 1 Or 1,4be5r1AR4,14144/11-, PA' : idarr14 , 4.t.: 15 Y4 2 4* - •‘ ..; • 4 4o Atnai• 4411441 -4“, • " 6 " 4 6,4TFITA/i. NI Vann ititil7-• .1140KWitN , =dritslr•r00414C•ty BUICK tlahtud estkraii .4 i n oruplate ardor, littudid-orthe 106 feet o Decatu4 beet $044304171mt0[ 4 0k0 110 ,04 1 / I .llo•Ward odutalo , thglikinVls l ."o 4lo4 7 l 4 4 " o " ll " titt • I , • 0 , -`49IAVI hirri l 4o, • . 4 " ••?. j . 1 .• fl[; 193,LAbetti 00111047 i . • 'IO2IIIB 9__ ' ' EXtlif2k.titipl i FOß , orrt-OliorraTT. , -.4hai LAT(Or PIFXI4, Tear witbltrotulda patastua, otitAitigettroes; tor. alai, OOtoAttil try amilukt. i g anu fAt" ol-341 r , Imingtwu steulogrand .*:4!'.Vw.ri , 11 . U. ft, SP.P I P.RI 4U RF gt g ritlizo ,.'0 1 -fitinN. !Barna F• ! 2: , toilotie.tr aticklirtconro ' •alnalati. 1- 7 4uttiim ur - Pittsborgif . ' • . ttltiiittni - r Mai Ithei IS gaLlitain - Toliturfilp, , kno oo the • ttettAlloistrtottota SoiVAllti tHattlito Ity, to littottor OtollOtAbotolg yin booOktol V. alo. For toms opply to A gat 1., . . W J. cr. - ro AttOtotll44 , 4, No. ista rotate, diif.; . ; ' N.. tot,4l:do tT - - , ' Pittotovitbi Po. :4. - Vtasp _olio 14.44crj4r4p4ft e the b,mii • l'xiat e :fr , r ..1 1 . 411 •1 1 :• an. 40144 al übb :bbidneas.' Tb a WHY ilibbt 11M1X1 , 04,t1T1711 111 Wall Ey i • ... • Hy to enpyb 111noff.,1 1 . Tar • • • ,0110 b• •.'4O ,•• At ,„ .1 ~!,..... 1.,' . . . • 1i,,,,,,gv • ~...!, 1 1. 1 elTerT•.• crx4ntaao. *welt vispeadkoktrs tuastowntur,•ix 61441 taltilAttes .an E' '' 1 , 47-'l2ux4 , 4i-dars'St*ldixig, CURS wt ow • cartlfl, t. traL caw of tiro 0100 rSrportetut et. 11,1,11 of w,pebo; Dr. Keys. t:tndrey,. u loud, Svsreitor: Doctcd. terti±ctotr.v. r+l•4‘. ift4. origuierAboAnuirm to rkiard co:1,1J pleparatilizthl • _ - Dr. G. it Knew: I became =hied with -. shoat tlrentr - reara ego, and ..very . year they cadre: tpoiripts 'floe, to up to trout. na,. alery numb: ser ranch so at timed se to ohilf me (jt work. Solna, dam I um 11., hod that I elnht net do anyibluitin won= et theta { tbey mom cot en and ae largo as • hickory:int. I had tried a great de. of =Moine . far them. I nerd to tiro sod take wharevor I =di' hear of or road of in chanter, rod panaphlote that GM to my way, but I conld not get cured I tonneau:en Iheydrottid do to• vomegliod for a lit(lowttne; fine siterwards they wordd return nolo esi bad aka gar. .Iniso applied to tae In:Cte.li, who Vitt , 'd :.pe. , t m7; * use endgame:it° same tuallotre, bid it ar.ald not do, ;could not get welt- Over ...you. }ago I got an admitiecorent of your .LindieYN, - 4314 .! 1 ., 47. Tan, ukadri by yorsr*f. Whetryountild . 'id !papa told. me one/bottle would not mire me. andtko: rdy,wltuii siatent would have to bar. renewed tj ibis .wtreilOO7ll Wort I got tell'' I bologht one lirdili and,hoolg It Ira= slth UM, end need itaccordinjunl yorn.dlrtdv gone. I then ulled tower you-ay-enquirer, you said I could not expert touch lomat Gun rang bettlan I bought itpoo bottle. at a tOne, until I kadhied fire bottles. After this glantlty 4.4.41* niijili i *lli nattraly Ind of do Pile., which had tortni ,rit me ftr , hoaryyrari. 'lli *thee ter tai health in, proved, and I MO as dill isiantld be i sinned ;kV ono of thy age, bologeirny veers past I khavakern, .rell now kites. tr.0utv....1 than la ne epojel . trews, a _. .I. rdlliu. a 4041. , i5e• -I_ , -74 , -41 a Idua , 4- nutous work ,:;,..,!, aftnnat thy- Mei .alnitreis sa k i and hurting me. ' k '...: pitSchliiii, elm hied: fill. ow do Coy kli.d oterat ir sttleti - bittail To lidie• , -me. - When I toned out`your" Blood id , TYlfpf l on taking It until I got entirely wall.- I bsiindoi• li' toy duty to make nay rem known to thelciiitroflrii: the bereft of °flier. whagay be Mlfterinisill vu, and do not idow It. value of mu' =did.. You May — publish 'Voir it jot Ilk. I live lin Wilkins trearratdp, end-will b. - pfrurd to' antes aey 000 et the truth 01 thly certhimate If Italy., fah to crOfrg Y. 4497? Dina uc.cemmer24, '1117. - Look ont• for the amp of Dit. GEClttlik H. EMU. on du corm of the bottle .1, par . t . ol over Lbo. cork ; fat bib et on. do pon. DOlted - 4oi .tamp w, g. 4. 4 02 qf bottlo,,to frromflipint;l. PMd ~1, 00 by • rtolrto. nrticb , )t!ob'ti in the Esizatd. • rer iohd by the Proprietor, "No. • 1.4 . 0 Wood .Street, end •by Srnott JottsCfolii' corner Fourth and. Smithfield stioata.,- 1 - 4 - slech&.. OR kiUYI . O RE. Hernia or Rapture dnrel . .Rapttire:or-liernia Cured. Marsh'il Radical tare* . tritsa Ritter . ' Patent T,rusi • • • Fitch's Supporter Truss. Bolf.Adjusting Tress. - Dr. Banniug'S Lisce.or Body Brae, (Or the edre of "Prolape4e 'Marc. ree Abdominal and Spitler Wetikrtepsen. . • • Iln• . B._ -9. Fitah's Silver! Plated Supporter. . • Pile Drops; Tor the support cking oc a,. far weak and nit- . Tease veins. Elastic Knee Cape s for weaKk:Fiiib • Ankle Sup Porters, for ;‘-e6tlc . knifc j4inta: Iluspeautory Bandage& Syringe Selr-I.njeCtin - g cind .. eyery 011!or Of: & -r- • Hard Babber•Syringes. . Hernia or Inittnte Hernia or Rupture owed. • • . . 'Hernia or Rupture-cured. • . •-......, . , •- • - Hernia-Or Rupture cured.. I 4 4 .. „. ••• Hernia• sißiiptitre - clV.:' Hernia or Rupture curedr .‘,._.... . Hernia or Rupture cured. . • - • ,:Rupture fa Hernia 41,17 d.., - • • - Rupture oi-Heinhi'cured. - ... Rupture or Hernia.Ozed. • Bhp or Ifendeliured. ... . . .. ... . _ Rupture or Hernia g l ared. I(.l4We'iiik Heinle cared. •. - • . Rupture or Herniare& . Ds. KirilikKiWirk ,4iTi fihl:p . " . .;liplitilst• " cpu 'b . :lollop fit the :npgientipis.iif see in Wl qks.n,"4 e4dr,extoknfl he,4 abided _that, with.sivexperience-oritsvea ,t - e:,ii . ,Tilii: he will be enabled 4,0 give eatistaiolion.w, liio.blEcii at faiifit ag ,Elora, Nix II& "Noe 11,;10vtiiin of 01P 04 0 1 1 0OrlAr: . ........... liritilig , f4 I.rueees ehetifaeg the number nf,.inehts• around ,*wbady immedistelyeror the rupture. .CATABIaII • „A , • : 1.• DR. IL" GDODALE'S AR -• RH, , • R • EMEDy: . .•loperontarm to I be'riryaratbr Ihtrie l yrlble AU, CY% and exterminates 0:4011 and. brahliotheiti. Dr,l/100D iLE la the tisatshad only pere who error i.oN Pis 91: 1 4 ,wl*-.54440,11,07- gr,... , b=re I k rommeneed—and what fiend can ji. 1 1, 1;, te tirddfditt he rpouriolattio 14 vreemila • mail: sig.ll4lU iA7.l s ii i i . antmaktrirknoirrtirellb/Mbrld the fart, that Ca. tarrhoehteh beer foreytanrolelled the Alit 'and . m i .1/rdl Pt. lat!llalli rolt•leeld•ellthorai n tbliaiiittt4 itn,lFlFoßsaftiv.34*,4%pratii,ohl.fall,. ; 6 4, . ..Ai. co, ua ay :gm .;, 9 Tigf. l :l1 1° " ; C 414 3. rtartAirW.;i; five ItTed Cm. ri known'eloliin T . 4 9. r bare been permanently =red WIV In) 114111 . 1 O&TAILIgl - BEIZEDY, tel 'Epps press firi*Wß . bust •nrirragsstismairo6l) ' , visal. t r •,,,,:.......,„„....„,„+„,,„„..,.......,...., ,„„„. g4.01:1,•,...., ~..,,:.,....,.,„.., •... Den.' ,ould oreterol s .by Aop , p , m. a4,,p,f .z, A6lYoh.' • '-' '"' '! " - ;' ~..., ..-.--- -" ,- 1101ITCOeccf., Erdal liti , , •".. • '""' ':, ,"•"' •""''• " iiiilfrOid.rei, . ar - .Rm-, : , ~D,BeiGEO. 41,,KitY8 ,4 , rq ..,,...........-" Tat A 9e.. I . _ 'Mr . . - 1 10,241. M9P i g•v ri . t . b ' z g l ' gi - iiWl4.ooa ,- "t , 1, ', NrOTO 8/SLT innletlibiblirr 8 0110; 1 344- --, ~•'*' feAllidedilithrWiSlerilearlfea s aglennft andittilailneiblifereldi lgartairld Vim of • ithepan,•• ,WINVO - lairentreasisita*Ses basis of 4 4, gialosa.Alpfiso , ssiaossissa. , asat culls II from tho_ilert~h to the skin on. the =Moe ; throws tho isop4.o toe 4 / 4 1 !. YAW" , in 4 coot, ritl4, Kit*9W , , rzta tsiy4st.f ; P•:" .ea. atEdauto . peztltsp 4aitrrilreaniiatsilaiaa tan- lirtraint Attglllinklidki, /4 ' : - i ! " tab, ":'"''' '--,' 3.4(140ai ofts f Ass t I. W'eqrr:" Flifffffffl - -PROPOS pROPOSITZ'FOR - FOI!AG . „Owls whiny - ten Derv% Decenttri -. ',.• Sealed neonatal. axe heel tedh7 l . the 11 de el Re 02.01314.4. Pt P. 8 ,..q.F4 Mt'. t•r" P' .l6 4 14 Wnbington, 0 . . 0., nal tilers,. ra, A xerdria sod lfott , Monver, •VAy ekvtAttrtefr.t Oat., xit.h. HAT, COES, OATS odnitlitANYx,:.•:... OldetitilPeseo. eive4 fo,r . Ade Daltrey f 3,00,3145 h.. actomar,ast"„akl p . f?its or 4.1. or iandap, i t • • 133d6r4 iiinref Atte nitil atihe 8 tabasf tathavonatqacturmakattyDa, .thatates trnetidnirtiad - rttillanka_thiPtieticaherfat , the gown. , ti oft ..Y.b-uticia, ErvoYyd. to be dellyory4lhe clam 4 b s aYld . iM-03:414 11 N.:040f t. , 4 4 4 .ad , abY n to be cotopete&. - ~: '7 - c 7:' 'f' - '" I - Ca ra a...dual din alto*. the bids. • :Cara to hisitatdrpti vadat • of about own nuabels each-. Oats in lite whey, Limn ,Itixte , bealkele odd, The dacha to tie fifitieh iCilheakat , .. , '2 l r rylrge to incrOoy ideatety .."ttVytt , ..:,..TLd. panel dtrwd ' .Tharditicatid*.aOtct*lttet f .014"..c0rx,. 'hilYper etntek.yroixtleditt'h.e itii77l4 ti!lr .t. ,,,,-,1 pan& prop?yeals..,,. 7 r• - • -1 , , ktp.ap ti tjapiredigyurti , 1 , ... 44 11. 1 . 4 'WI - 0. - I)2ktee.to.Nrlo - on 'by' the "-' zgrig. t . ' ,,lvr.,tidv 3 / 4 t . ..-th - ,i;o ,0 1.S.""ineydea 4114.1111":_dtalla Ott of the Go, .nnentint soy XViniFil . ,And..l.Ytatni f fill lo m" 4 , - when; the' 'thole annffint xxtrirattet. 'hairline' , tditi-dilh-eted lindieciekdkr -, 7 ,,, - • c ( s- -= - .•' "'- ! •The w it h bderatill lie .. .lnvite* t Y All till,' Potni il Ile. iyateltntYcatipe.el 41;3 , 1t , a1. 6 .0.." perverts, that,in_case, his bid 1" scoop for Malt* O.IIOIT wild, xithin.ten daye thereafter, eye. the mutt.' 'for the tame -.4eitlegood and nandelentretldi in e' ram :kW 86 en. =went of the mut .06:adieu thefodlin prop:teed ill conformity vithlt a les tonna. of Oder adeertisentenr, - and intnee theadd hider then* 1 1211:tVen'ten intti.theplutffieutbal ay, Ciioo4 Oaf difference between f.he offer of raid WA:LA, and the next bleed responsible lakidee, or the Tot to wham the *Wind may belogroxtlei. _e, . : . • : . .„ , ' The reepentilidlty of the gesenifoiii` Oar 1,4 Artitili, - by the official cortilicato44.ll.S:Dietrk" /Wormy Collector of Onetrons,oxany..o . ther offieer ander. the . i1ie4.; , 1 . .64t 4, Xi 9 10 741 , Y 4, ..Et.:f111.. 05 / 4 ..Porn s i. - 2i ti derevilrtiodhily liailleddt. oncosytartne .! -Ti* ci. Gat alai Amc,. , ,P. 0...i0v.. adi lad*: likt.ittikitElSiAkedirri .' ' de i it. el 'IT i n. 0- jiff • WellYttika r Qtdai' i.ifadt , ', • hzin,D.O.: itiolidffinltl 74 phdAY Iced ',..rroVo, • ..a.adso4 a 1.5.2 ossacrt .1144.thaAdinetir.4 of the con luta, tisdialby The noptxmlpr amd,44 of hie gear anion, ;rill be requitted,of the' ancoanifed bidder of Wide)" ateilanint the oodtridt: , I . .._ ..,,,,,,,.:',) t,. iltank ffirffia of tads: paffiniheili , ath4 'K ., "! , / , ' ,147 bo Obtataadmpoa apnlication attnimelcm, ~ ‘,,, I . , ~ . ~40.1474.j.)Y.PR0PQ, J 34., 1; , :'•;;„ ''• I . : 440 1 .9 ° F 1-1 r A448 .. ''' . .r • , leiLle littlitalliit, del. ItetthYpttoolk, , toi thrash and Mud to thertfulagallttatesi . st $l. QuaUccualkter'a• -Depyqtazoot4,-...y.,-7.yy,,,y0y0yD404 die tares'ef „mar AdTett.Pinffieo.4l,tingdln,Velaithl roarootStS daktedVapingtcin Dept, Pesealley 8i ISay,lbe tot-: 'lout* artreles,effil , -F , ' - ' - ' ,,, z , I.‘ , I ~ !,..........:balheli dreadtEitntihkfilln 4 . - r P4r.b. 0 0•: sr blltundF. , r. rr it,`:? • r ''."eP'441E(41%4 '.' RSkt , !