i aT.nwrr, r. ^~"F " aß ':'~ ^ -~-ti.,~E~'x ~Y Ca'~~.t'-~+i' _um cn 4 ilts rif WEDIiWAY atonrasa=er 16c9r9z2ki ti i t e r t IA Ws, itiVteigo 11114"* Ono crew most affecting cues 21142=124L1C1R _ to Ilight by pacer Untapbtey, bi = ;Vorpiiiibi - cif a,eung rpottabas mad repostloslng op • I iimitia--.Eiviet.ablirputue ati late hotir, oa Welitl&adian : ,, erenttrigliqUenttoni *Unread a y • standing on the sidewalk, !n, a taal Hi spy:embed her, inquired ':lttiii3Vite:Tient4tktntirsiteT* , of Pletiburgh, Pennsylvania, wan of that city, by whoxa„ iitsb t" . dFly ind affealinately In it . ; evil hoir she listened to -, e, a Brit, 14, -, i 4,, ,,,, b5 1 1 1 0 - PY.eftnitabf sioni4Pia kat ta4k 1 . , .-- in jean and social pialtion,.. Bh loved and . ' • believed her 1.01rO• Wan veth..dad, for a lone tints 010..attenikM, et /Argrar were most auidnoth, - 41.6roteriaid itlil 'freseittly' he talked of manage , propose the. car/7. celebration of the nuptbds, which as assent ed to bYber father, and the anticipatedes . iiitch WY Spoken of by friends on all sides as a • : most promising ono. But the Barnett weird '•: . . 4 , , . work, the: diatlical.ychemgs of heaednear. 1. " " ' 'Wine =Mirk; advances of an indelicate ehaneter wino-made and indignantlYvellst-• ed, bat upon pledges of undying chichavent 7 , 1 - and TOWS of as early emu nof 'the ~ '•.-.. .--... ..!,maniage aerenuark,-.theittlaino machine, , 'O - 1 0 rikltiblis ciftStiVraigiondedilditeisikeip ed and the lo \ conadinggirlwasruined,inetriav lirtlinad t I The mantels was PottPohed r 02, d tT..i?. i4rEPtraligliatimarataata, until ei" eau ro e eondition of her health randertit imper. alive that if her reputation were to remain , - tmtandshed, there must be no d lay in 'the. . ..4 . •*, , 5 1, : prertlisoUtestifisge' Oehler, kn , ebo km,: . .. r . • plena her lover to redeem:lris - ye ;to mike Itllstili'liciiiist ininini.i3Appeueeil mend.by, the appeal of the pool vietkut.tif , lost, the ;,' :',%, Itelterfeanktitißlrice e;proidisin to provide ...a. hams for.-hythere, and to ma e he; hp. , ciratirfirmislibihafl—rethe passed ri, and , ...,,,.,•:.tidinp edthe serltioei.arrivinit tit el‘tabod , , .. , I, , :+.<rtrilna non nninaniTidintit. tbnitlinwlengo of • - friends and cam° to this city with a last ... , :c , ' , L'i 1 ,- kope ur•lludingthe author of her *embalm-, , r log .aarty. ii# orrand.,oran I; necosaful, `ii ::-:- ' ' ". - 'salt Violuni.. opifintlin ;UM anti common ~ ....5 -„ tecessariei when accosted by he officer: no poor creature we. taken to he Erring . . :,...... Woman's Refuge, where etas now r omaine.:.. ' Arrivals silil4Separtares - se ymcslTLY.iXti CEXinkt . . Aniiree. ,t . , T 1 W, Ball's* Sap' _.12:50 p m Phtbsor.S. do k... p m fast 1:30 a m ;,•O •iclt,Ta4S.,loltV;:.d.,l4:4s.ltfat I:00 a to I:42 3 " a'A'3 GTO "r mm ialra i k • ,do do:., 1... 8:15 en Sd do ... 150 p mi2d do ~.. 1,15 p m • ' ..4414 . 6:05 p tplattt do 8.415 p m inavedTrall S_talloolon Sunday) - . , • -at 445 am; ratttmla at 1145 pm. ' • hat 1:45 a rojehicenm SM a m hp . 1.15 p:ni Phila. do 1,- p m 'a lba Train. 'Cal •'En 'tt do V... 7:50 p m •p m _ Slii. - 24:vg i geW4itnmt4tIon loots ells-;' uopo p m. , DaatitcytAta on at 5:50 a m, a ' • • • • rISIVAIMIA: S4 I , emmcmarn.m.. ...!! . ]j s:' 0+,0.6 ;1,.........-Firpart__ I ... 4 "..q.".-1 ::. I , .-: ztpr .,... ;.. 7=: : 14x 3 r . 1 1 4 1 i 1 it:,• . 1 g . :1 3 V , . l a ,': ''"': - "lii eltiestgiTU.l) kw f 11i p ....1i 700 p : `,.-:.• Pd. :lila -,Mle: ~ - d do-- 2 ..115 P m iPare.zet,71.4...1 , 7,42,0s port , rieit r :H.. 8:3o .., ~.? ,r....0. 1 32.3AP0KA....—*10.Pq. DradllosK.o IL,. 5:40 p tu .. _ - ... 2 :: ~ ;,-TAt. 8 i..;.,!h, 4 0 1 , 4= 1 -4, 71 ‘r , f , tpa . 4.4 14..... • .i.4 4 1.14 5 T 5 ;34TALT• - lkp 441.4. rail Mail--.- ...4.; - : 74 - 43 a m ?Sall- 7•00 p to . ~ 1 • i4m.,.0 1 ,--2-s..ce -imitii,iJZ...... - 9,15 .... -'F•Fe.” O4 4 - wp Lw.sfp, Accommodati 8:10. m CILETLIJ,SP AND pm:sena - a. ..y u k:4 4 r , ;•.' , ://:..,5 4 13141;115ith=1 . .1454 . air ; t..5Z0 pta '.. : Wheellag=l 4s 4 1 ' : " . Ir' tio l : ' - tTO pa :. Stenbenville.-.. 310 a m Steubenville A 11MX. a al,. ..;::.. , 44 2.l: o _ l lM s k4ltt. tt s -/.. '' , . 0 . '. 5 P 5 41 ': • . .., Report of th e 13 ttygeon Cenral.' -. 'Vs lie itiThOtilatiilliTziAlfted 4 lick fora. .•- - ' ;,........,,- ~ .TRY 4 tin ' °A.,A.Pt- 4.7:49. 1 ing, Sur , • - , ~ ~,,,-,,,-; 7 0 , 4 .. 'l 4l- -balstlivilliiirte tha'7 B ar yngw..-Tir e l t rithi t ip.lil wq , - -4 et the ~.i1..1. P:t . 1- ~q... ~ ;.r . ftlitilleirelleg:o6l'o4l an n...i=;'br.4.t. jirtlietar, ' sof - !.""inT.l.Scr: - • -,, " ''''' •-, - - '- ' - , '''''....l-... 4r Z.2=:Z.i. Ankitall A itiW ' ' - . 4 , -..1..r.....,,,..,. ~...:AA, .....a., I - •-,, ---; T0tat...—.....:..-----:-.—. DCS .•.•-:',., , ketippwof 164161 , 0Weas ,is e rsegn; In th e" ..,.., ..,,, ...,,,.....- ,i.,,MerlhiltildifiLL2"ei ,ff T i ......... ~........... no I , ,n:4Pf V. v.r., ,11 aTtf!Ter - V :.7.=-7,:n-147rin7^ ... r...v.e7 Ix ' ..!..r.t.. .. , :litit'...;• ,, r -, .........„--,..__. , A ~, s - - , ... ,,, ShiAlSeirotartkifhticrinti' illidiia*aWt year -','-,,,,,, !..”. eletZliatitlaniviatirk -, 7 • 1. 11% ..CPT, 0 , 7 1, 75" , !" , •,• d 41, ! • , • r_t•l.• 'tvlograe !".5.1 . 1 I/ A' • TP , I - ,, ittheantlirreifofffertosori - 8 1. 'l 7 24 • • ‘ii.nr _Qt. 1 F.f..1'.11:,17.. 73 'I"MC4-0 54 74 3.ft1 , 5t - Z"' - : • 1.. ..i'Crp.rfr , 74,Tul&T,== • • " -- • 4 • ' • , '"''''''''.:. B°,4lle t g A b* . r ;!" , ' : t 13 Counterfeiter Arrested Tiii.CWittilnWe'fferaki t gip ' • James Loidnett;Sf the fat Welt V foto. ;biting girca Information t • pirtia Wanda Orniiikoidanee unit ',,2lrarstegiot.. ti t :A.oo4lot -gr f enbae they wistwilLim 'to Vire*, was ' y thosegiOnan fortbe special seeiosthseonrpoudsuestbr• ! ' the conespoudent"fir ..,/{ 'United finda } idanbalof WA, ir. 1%, orations toramaioad Anrsday by I red4fillatiariJointsoa ß Is La iiibt.wcubdre.,lo,44h, we famti ,• , narapiesidin g near Indalaindinwa unisompboiratzew.lirlkstithitiby , • ; • ;vlated sbz :N o,Matribldriat I :;140:Pgs+ i;tak ; a 1 47 11 14Fisa tttr; 1 . 011(00101WW1 raY: , 'loa2dirib" was y o - inr, 14 0 % 6 •,:e_211 4 :2 1 r,... t ,;; •-, agninte i z i feltdsason the Wastal62oll • i s '4ibiroaannauliao us us ‘Z;;;;t4 , dnienioltbad : to • • *.t:,el",•e•aieni kfatoiZMorks taz ibe. ' - ' 4B7lttulv g it •g i rh i Pgltt e 94l . • - 45obbt4 . In sue piAliab¢ardtlitidui!it • Morlisen cliSTPOit•l'•• forcible en • - - mire co t m" ; - q 4 - deignirt.ti; '.. &gall ”P 4 , -* rent. Vint • .el,_____ ,'' -t" ' e t t i, r siioft . ...., • , trm...t.l i w r i* - 2uTireß W '' ,/ , bi, .* - ,cy ' .s.pititaktsreitwo or 4- - and 'i'' ~,- rt....v-i- , 1., ef !:-.1 4 ,,, , , ,, ,' . innit7:•,;Siti, 1/4*, :M . . i. :II - • Witt. 44912iX VrifOr - J.i. • to 147 i ... ... ' 4 itil l / 1 4411$ ga IV an NRAI*.; L , : I.4gdy.or tot. dogma tag costa, 27 ' 4 4 !. ~ • '...- " 3. it, Meggazi and B , 1;144 04(1 0" r=7 l -' - victi iAloAtdrud 17116 and oi i it, t o .„ suetik wido) osmb, an oft i i i - Adaaid "SV , obregora , Nrlth ass 14. and. -,..*; „,_... „,_---....- -gtalsr istrordesid to psi , i• -7,7, /6, --, 417,,, L. ,, et . , k m eento Wm. n EI3 - 44V - Vg ' AM.. iggigii'ii Aug'. .4 1 fitilr - Wa ts° /. iiii. s .,3y os i st fldise: L..,...«.--itftitopUtltYll.,l6.A.4‘o7l,,lFgr :Litt - - - ::Agto/3140: • tt L e"- of ages it • - :"7"''' obtaetifent!tit!pl aidata i nk, w ik . : -' • 'of ss solf.itt tltw . , , w' llib Ay ntl.o! illekle . ; : ---- I"Aitange.nits *l l ' , " .. gF I': . ~ 41 . ,7414 .0ri''" . ',4••ei •-: '' - -, 4ie - toMO• :vomit ... 4 lt „ , ~. ~. " AmMogifilitait/141"91144rr ^gi r t bo at ,Tri, ing:ttbeft.s7t i k l : 6 -i 4; 2 4 -, A 4 ,..42,t a rt. -- ,r 47. it. 2 , 30044,,,,19g,,,, g ,........„_ . .4.1 =1f. „ , --'-,4r.i,,,1t5b,215,,,vEr..,,.T -,- . . - ...,„„.',JAvf5 1 ,-, 4 , 1 7, ---- , - .- ' ~t 6, 40 . -, 77,..Jrzii — .. ~- . . ni&b , ,, 4144 ..,;.;, boot _ AS , 4rit AlOin l i a ,, f. „ , . ~ a r p. ..10., 11.11 210‘.12.......- x .„ r : . , t 0,,, -...--,, 90 tr4....„ T , ..v.,,f a . 0 . , . .., -...-4,,4 1.0114 ~11.,Nat {7:lt' 4 7'70,317.E_Y$ oaf,44ai 1 , 4` ..' "' ' "- . r- "Mr 7- 1 . "- ". ' - ',.- ',, ', - ' • . 1 .. ' ': - '..., , ti 'a, T * , - 4 ig" .-, •' - . , .' . .1, 1,-_,,,....4 -A-4'in';b::.Tl',..l "F. :: ` ‘ ";'i•lt,Z,";ke•; ', 4 ) - r : i":":"• '1 ",:'..';'::''-' ' '' . .: . •,?4Cir-, ..,' uttir '1 'S. The ortieArefetkio . farlongliet every soldier in thie, ==l Riot onx, mot. o a g *gift Is an excellent one, and If propel will be' productive. of teeck 4 goo well enough fitVliki l itlifatited enjoy themselvestAlkallyjefg s bo held strictly accountable for into which tliquelo:nsbris to ru that they cannot nas=ty, be .keld the civil authoritiesPiteditek'sci tackles s and,Lodigerent to, mu, ifteuftl.wita itazednhd'stiitheek ,In diszrace, without regard to .dilifiquilottiA, it would'hebttt a 1 ..- g i fitting punbdnuteht. : „., - ~- --1 • We SellPsitd it' Mid' iii '''' rant: on . Mon, 'tiny, three , blackguards, weal , the United 4hdtortftilforiet;thtere the romin t basinee Idiuseif , a respect able gentleman, and a .ps , InAn a Oil cit7i mistaking it far e premises of e:disymtable woman residing in the vi -tinqy, here war/ trine* pepon In the , Mu Er; dthe sehilbi jilts of - J.4d defeaseleansi inmates were patraged by,. the kiraggaripg i it rlatatad...sustitthe4-dniiiidag to Mittens of the intenders One .of theta ,f lbws , die. , 1 Pmdlettio revolvari,the-eV isle wanstick-.' ing - but'ke lap:mita. . ne:' ked boldly in, and trim making their way toot' tirlsniti, apartment up stairs, when they found:them :s4vestin Alm yreng .kuusial Alnfortunately, 1 they are not known, and honed they have thus far escaped punishment. Stch conduct' u this is inexcusable , outrageus and in tolerable, mill if Mete Partied Can, be ferreted .putore, hope „thxt Gen. -Brooks. wil; "make an example of them. . , on. • following r seduction der the no tu brought day or do male of ro armee, troat, nog women to of great piteowly. 0111210 6mintle, -Wed _ m r • a native • d .was the an clergy , been pt. nronght. up. meeting of the . Coat Ezeitange. '" meeting of the 64 thetege wee het& it is warning til:i ittl4:'9l3 *alai AMA. ..Thrt ot.t.ltt,pre dhig titetyrere 7..ettet_td wend. 'IV: ln - 0i ? Chairman of the E.teettttrir 'Ooittxrdttee" of the Sanittiril'air, !present, email* reqs!est,adttressed the ilitrelatioa on the contemplated _ Foie, r. Yohn , F.'Diavo preeented'th telaktioaothlth yel unaninionst Bemired, ;That the coatmit4ep .tify Ifairisa authorittd'tb Wheat the OWilfire of P:041. MIDI,' Inn. bare ditY in the interest of the 4.1 sad aiesto the open SpmployedE at si requesting them to appropriate work for the same worthy purpost. laie4ie. end. the first ofblay; eriA with vthe amount of each coi Art bepaid.ov or tart. liohnes,:'Fl q., Pittsburgh Sanibiry Fair. , -- Theehairman of the Conimitiooi 4.seonfer,With the manage.. -1 f the Attie Mitigation Company; in rol e ,provoloonu on the dams As., read itaxnsl..E.tdibeitiebil, President o puny, relative to the matter. The, aggro : instructed to write to the report at next msetirg. — The Committee on Barge Len d in g Digging Machin*, being oneible 'the Association adj.nrned to meol day next. The Bounty Bond.. The movement of the Wylie famlly to atop the issuing of the Bounty Bonds id the Sixth I Ward, Is one of those %Ise and tuapatriotic things that raises indignation to its highest mi(ch. 4 , 4. Wllle's nee large proporty hold re tits Win; &neon that acemni, Jr nn higher motives actuate them, ought to ircini. sees in the .almost unanimous exPreislon of the people's will, as exhibited in 'the vote' polled a few days ago in favor of the tit. But they reside In Illinois, and are very probably ifillfatetOirlth Ilie'S'opplibeads in that State; who an now aiding the rebellion by dastardly seta of. vluleincy and bloodshed. kt is to be hoped l thatthb o'hool Board may not be de terred from immediately issuing the toads. - • Thei chief street fifth° Sixth Ware Is named. Wylie, in honor of this, very family; but let it no longer remain so. We calf upsn the Councils to wipe At out at their Very nett meeting, and to give it a name thSt• may'in future times induce people to lisuire why it is so called, and there is noneso aPorepsiste for that purpose . as the euphonions. Dee of .Bounty street." .Then in the slime akin that is just and ptiziotia, let the. Cennells do it forthwith, that we may clear Our, ward, and tilt?! this.hatedWlAD. .14 4+ j."....41• • Ladles' Aid Socletp ."I:Mitmoiliiiiei - Mid by the Allegheny' L. Ales! Aid Society, for etch and ecotinded_sot dices dozing the month of Match: • • Blie. -, 1411tois, of gewiekly, 3-bottle-I of trine: Ars. Hobart Maye,4•Sens- of fruit;' o friend, I pair of socks ; Juvenile Society of the Con tool Chnreb,ll famished needie'boake ;. Mrs, Sawyer, 2 cans of peaches and snvintbor of pamphlets; Mrs. Read, 1 pair of soaks; Miss 'Sing, irroll of linen, 5 pin eashions, 1 sleep ing rap' roll of pailiss and 6 handkerchiefs ; - Mrs. Redpath, a number of papers ; Mrs. Rodgers, 1 pair of crutches, 2 =MP! yarn ; Mu. Beale, I roll of linen ; Miss Sallie Mar handkeschiefr, t package df tracts, hooks, papa's eta; Mrs. nogg, I package of maws ;.11tri. , Farrest, 8 books; Pupils Room No. b rzaaaasky , Street. School, 66 handker— • chiefs, 2 boxes most exeellent lint; Mre. T. 41. Howe, 2 bottles of wine ; work by, the ladies of the Society.; 71. flannel ails. ci;ich, Gontaininga-bendkeichtef and some religious madisigr - 66 pars at Socks and 4 pain of drawers .36 :in IXiti of More Truopa _.. _. .211fintotning, about sixth:-o'clack, the !mad lustakuent of . troops front Gob, • Bo:m -aideg eorpf,"carisfiaagnfaboit fourteen hun dred men, arrived in this city fr4in tie west— and although they were not entitle . for tort • oral blurs later, they were promptly furnished with an excellent breakfast by he i Subsist auce.Cptputittire,:notWitiutaruli they hod fed fifteen hundred men which' aradved the same morning about one o'clock,. 1 Among the latter troops were tba I cousin, the 7th Rhode Island, fini ;dlitiiiiplogitts of Ifels:Terlrfran l'el - MisAfft fitter regtlidefili. 'Pion of i Ponliglviddx, who have not re- 'lid among theatunlet.. • ....The drapa Ron the stores of eittia‘Conintitkeill titisrWry heat continuo so for at least two wee ne_publiv,hororret, :who have supported ibis excellent lied doubtleisitind 631' It to the and.. ..-t. • ~._;j , • , neiniriltobbery. A merchant from Washin .. , ni county, ii named Joseph Mathews, was rob od f $2,300 in greenbacks, at the Liberty $ . .0 hum. ger depot, this morning, about ei tec ock. He bad the money In the skirt of his ..al for safe keephtg, anktbetsdroiktbte (Au; be fining of thain7l74;A:ll:ho oio :q:, , r.,dathe we -liad-fisehmadreCdolbyrin'thc;sido pocket of his 'coat which was nortaloiti.::iiiiiwits chant to proceed to Wheeling when their berg oc. marred. Information was made befole Miyoi Lowry, bat the thief has, as ysk eluded do toodoit, , r.t ace -.1 F_.. 41 .1 -. i : , Itch • ad • ..1 41 of • =int !. jthe tha.ar- M . ; elzgle eon eaa- plicate was Si., ken to OTO Wa• nnt,of Rest.trAir ISlkrrtas.—The trio &Uwe) , bill was re•nemmitted to the Itailrma Qom mittee of • theassimlsly listardai. Morning, with power to report complete.. ThiA action iinsticess.tho passage of the bill. It empowers the company to !slue llre `limit anew 'took le' Ist n double trips; and eonstrnot new holdall/I,The bill Iso•au therllNl three millintruf"enhl&iltdc , to be iiiatiddrfel , the redemption of the tiom troller's hostas of 1845. other eminent county =DAP nterfelt - The & Grant Westora eagila InYebfltaf7.lE64, 5220,041 Opal:fin miles of mid. , SnoT d Web , and Xigaidj,iej Vohusiit township, a &Word county while out bunting on the 3d at., IsellenVdtscharged his gun r boavity loan ed %am shot, the charge etsihing ‘ his u r y il aim betwhn th i s elbow , and to,p)Anr, angling 11 4 4 ta T- 4 16,1 ,;;T11. 6 ±,4 7 5Pti lowly Aftilo;l;e2 g aiti n atid w itie l ar s rea 4"" irs '3,osrad.?l.l4,PlAt• 2: rm. •_ . • .i , t , Pograorarx_Cosrovcr.—Jazaas Deiiny and - wife, and. Airs. gary'Daft, roitdebta qt.ftitx 11116 7/ A OV 26 WP re 4 Mtiteii 148 r i n g, fir sot <pity condoct. Tbs '1121,84 ah Stiorptrug,pued - thlgaliree dollars arid-tosts .31r. Add . Elia. :Deafly paid their :0114 . 4' IdskDirt iratiotimlitsd.;; 4' : - ..'No't IntittF.,—Jialeii Trizzalt o br CD the Naos,!viols 'Rally:44y rep; -•• varlcoarttlrtarricitallitglittAr • 0, Irit,n4f tiavd; but 44614,1 i , ' 6.tftv sus qii! tray: , , Iffif V c 1 tpd t irM h t e 4 r i t i1!f 4 : 4 1144 0 :1 t r-: ~.., -,,,•• f ... 7r11 , ,1.1*- , :I , ei . ,i{11.1., .ittirr coniiiiit - ww.**ald Cese's lifeirr rfefisvivitibeeitipittOtit.,,lty bon hey 4itqhf iffietthit:44,htypatnes, Opfer, iii ago. lit,o eitsttyytcfertrt4te.,, •-:. - " -• 70 Htmartietc.4Mlthe nevi Dry ;Map ettlte! ittd..Terlodieele. to be -hid' ' Frult '0134111!-NOWIFD9o,.Chrsk,ateB611 , 111. •!,:;. 10/1 4 14 , 4 iiiieri - iiit . or 40intr7 1, 11 nil cupa. I-revatra 44 . 7 ;firreit sportalm a ant y , l. ' , • • , • ~,L'1r1 " ;:., 7 1`77.71t- . '. 4..!1 . 1: .4i ' . . *4211h-gagiliaik' i 4, *N2OS . ki Ottlit, 'lid F te, • . • ,t.La-., SVOIMZUIALIiftfepED. ?rfeitieg the department l disorder or o the cgt:4, ly en forted errreaurean erAßLtrt*.. ut4 ; l;h i, si itUbtxo Gatetta.f. , WIDSLit.la. Att . ll„ 0, : Wt. , CiftAlN,-Wheat flulstbut.flima at Pfroar Wa . : ' Thins: - 'teibit I 'as' taiiit,A kr.dbao car Whits at 51,1.0. There is an %elite demand br corn, nod Ph. , oft tooklAmlltw ~ gales a it arcpsi Stsst part to arrive, at 11,15;1000 hash old Shelled Oil XS and 5,500 bush, In Ears, on twins+, ternii."Parlo,Y . . , le nominal eft 11,10 for Eptltiffiind • 1i,00" fat -Tin, ..... ... cp ti:4, tram wharf at 12o; ind inisl• wiles from atom ot ,ssosco. Ric—loot ilk a 51,35. GROCERTES-A-There Is • tale Jobbing. demand for brown sugar, and prices are firm and filly sustained; we note notes In lots of 30 bhda arta% tol7c for . 11,, 3=4 And llxo.lBcfor New Orlaans. Neftied:Storars are very firm, and holders are asking teem . 33% to 240 for Omaha& • <olfee.:Salet eY4O hp fa ehetrade, at 40c for Lagnyra, and 41 foriltan also, .amill . Mica of the latter at 41a42c. !dolmas' truly box:looted SIM :at 80o:for old crop New Orleani, and 90 tante foe Den: Syr ups range all the way tona'-.Sl s to 11 5 1 ,1 0 V '11. 1 : . - lon. • 1 , . I , PRvisToNs-The denzelad for .11.000 AOZAIIII4 'fair and the market te thin; while prlceiste atehitig-; f,ed. - Wet quotat ale Or r 15.a1231d 'Ribbed Bides. Bides no 133015% for Clear do; iNiumo , ;tot Plata Hain, and - IS/a. 15}iefor . i JaZr:Cnri There liar moderate focal deemed, for ,ast 1Ao,• - Ind Ness Torn at 123,50.21 : ,-' ' :" . . 11.. 0111O,Qulet and unchanged. . 0 SlaioHae a ft `axle. at 11,80 to 50,00 for Sprlng_Wheat Eat. Tam ily.and ST to 171.5f0r Wlnter,WheaT do. BUTTER d EGUS,There lama aat,li demand for Butter, aad'prieesare advancing; tile 5 bbls corn. moo Roll at 34c, and Shblaand.o half bls prlme do at 41.42; some very choice wennderstand, , ',Wield or. 4.50, Egg. Ana, witha l leally damned at Mt - per dozen TRIED •• TRlTlT—Finf4slniorib actlvetaalts of loc 13,CVO;Prk Teaches at 17c1I1b, and 1,000 1111.0pTee at 1 SEEDS—EaIm of DO bush TiiSothi Eta .1, 111 . co. ~ li and 40 do Clover at17,70.1 4 i Seed:le rm at 52 ,80 . . ; ..TEED-sale on trockat Icrar Mlldttlagt at. U,PS 14 cwt. HEY—Steady bat trnehanged We :qinite at -/a to $3O pew ton for haled, and /3519.138T0r loon. , POTATOXBl7nchinfted; vales Cm,ri stosilf MX) b.h "Peach Elm" attn.* bash. • . . .- -, WRISKYL4s wiling in the small wa from Si to 11,05forOommon—umetty at 51,00. rxsn—dale of 10 bbla No a Large Ttlackerat at 511,..nptelbl; 'and 11 half hble do at 110,50. White Loh and Lake Herelng.rematnae.last quoted. veterane to they should I excestes, • . The fact r trial by e of them , nonce!, but to the array he time of proper and Pittsburgh Metal Ofkrket—iirril 5,. • METAL—The market-daring- the pot meek has boon itoNonellva at prim austlderably above oar tut quotations. 7o note sales of Grayllieptral sad bolafiliort Anthracite and OhNi Mill at 559 to IGO pet ton..-'-cash. No 1 Foundry Is la good evillest at Sco to $53. We bcasof no We. of Ned Shutt )1111 Leon, ishich Li owing to the extretne Tilrfrik of headers. Nalea.of Allegheny and Harsh* !Look ,410harcoal at .5G6 to 00. '• .BLOOM3.4aloi'of th.:C.4 at 8135 sash. , A void second clan blot= to offetql. at "5 1 2 3 , The market la very Om, and thi/ domand la apnaieNt t ly &Intl to the aopply. following ,adopted: I h the Saul appealr i mi to nes tituy - Pak, d mittot, ono.. day's , between k report so atrtbution, ~Troastiro Army Aiantol at,Clpelantitt: [Froot ' tio, dasotte,, irprfl ij ••• Major D Dußarry, C. 8., at this ',oat' .iikids tlid _folloatugaward or eontracta fur funaDhlut.auipbta or; Saturday. • appointed Mononge ion to ho s dinpotch tho corn •omotittee 'anent mad A: VA I,JICON '100;1330760,111a4Bob, it 13 akooo tn., Beaty, Tolenbridge & co, at ;11150. 50,(51U Ms, T W Thomas &co at 120. , 40.010 lbs,Otuts iSsts &co, 412=st. 0000111kM1'.131nutbd & cd; 1243 c . ,, 100,00015.8r00k5, Johnson IF co, at 12 &lc. 180,000 IhS ' do do do at 1& 10e. 100,000 Zs, do do ;doat It 15c. 200 Chit, WllSon. Endsston 1 . 0 . 0, &* -2 1 4 '. 90 551. Chas Davit& co, at SA44/. 45 do do do do at 622.5 0 . • • 513 tolds, Evans, Upprocott & co, at 5.44., 1.180 bbl., Brooks, Johnson & co, at 5447, . J -234 lads, Berliner, Phillip. & - co, at 12.2,4 D. PlllBB NM. POtS. • • .g and Coal to, report, I on 'TOW 2,0 bLls, N 1C Thomas t. Go sS 4511,2.1.. 413,du du • . •do at 7), Frazer ea. at 10,4ip... [roam.: 100,000110 brown, Stoui:PrealprtL. nick., at 15a 10. 90,000 Ma brown, Bare. Harding- & gotrtll, at IG 10, • • 2?),OGORNI hI te tome flria. it Ve Arm 10.000 The, Sd Odom, at 9%c: Pa....cdes. 70,(.00 S S Cooprr, at 1534 c, • ;WO Ms, Jake &at The enni, rue hoer , end sup. e . nreJ how all probattly.be'rnela 10-ftay. Woirranawmm, difareli 17. • languid condillos of the tualklit reported last neck hes remained aind, ghat date, and the ,allghtimprovementhaircontinned. Costopsem, holy , _ever, still Auldback apeciticatiotm la On hope and eXpeciatlonpf seeming the Ito.. they ward at lower prices than inakers now cpsobi, „and fn} will tiow girsisny, emit grams with this proviso that the price to to be , suklec b to any, reduction that! I. noon, 'xnendeirat• the prvltmlnary meeting. Pianism tervas •• Mrs are verrready to magi tuatructhma, for no Vine In thetrado supposes that biome will 'dn• any a teistlon deter - retitled upon at tliaj meeting. I imt dais looms beep' limn In their. demand Of Hat rates, atm will glee way for pooddnan to the eldest of not more than half s etyma for certain deumninallorts. Nall ante that wont op aticoni (die cusloinmy range insylioW be ma at Di I^s Gd. andgood lormarite pia are Arta at Li Ida. With yogi at the prevailing hub price, and bluellsta Mon o m i al IL. (its price) the former cannot he made at • pt for lam. Coal on the Tipton Mile ha bean reduced is • ton, and • meeting was to haft Bevil held" In +lids town,. yesterday, with • slaw. to nandoction on! ibis side, • but It has been postponed for a week. Pltumargn retroleum . April s.—There was it firmer feeling ma!nifeeted on the partOf . htiblers of Crude to-day, ba t t i tiore av yet; no ln ; Materiel:lmage prices -22l * fir baY .. 'land 75C1t1 bbl.. We beard of ZS% beingoireMd for anj time tbis• inanity. bourn option, and Mimed. Pale dart bbl. to balk at 22n Sod 7J bble 'lb an," Iteibied I. Dm, and holAers redeye'', it,, asking DlgLer rates. Quotailent flu Orinte city brands may be fairly given at...MU< in bond, and 5522.Gc free. Wit board of a sale of IWO Ibis, free, et Vie, and 1•1111,5 VA have no doubt it Vrar nmde the dram lib°vo named, not Delegable to wte any of the sidles lotenated, we do not give it afaclaby, IS apt!. Say to quoted arm at :Mc, with', but little °tering. The receipts by the Allgherty rirer, Oaring the Ono Jima t 7-torrx bows mdioj bat bAt pertioaare as fol c.; - " • ' Esbert Ashworth, TOO Was Ciadei Brewer, Burke co, 287 do &toed, 18.9 110 erode; Peotrai Wt . 0,4' MO do °nide—total-IM. sblirmenu, dying Woe" none, 764, 'lmparts b y Railroad. Parnams FT. OUICIOII ttrusas. smaM it— barley, D Tgemsts; 1 Pelts, Wet:era Armstrong; 126 by corn, 0 slu rs.; 1W pkgs flab, Watt a Wilson; 73 bill. willow, Wm arce- Gollyt co; 2:sssks.odts, 8 B Vaud, 168 r do cm, Blogastrb atongans &an.= detP3l.oglo i t Volgi a co; lfaibloops, llsrtrogit_ ,& cet II Osier . ops, , losts 'filial - es; 169 skitoni, A a Betmdo sOok. gagg;' God. Deydr. Clark; grails heather, 8. Bogen a to, Itagi Potatoes, Cleo ,11stslItool 37 - bbl. opplts, d Bombs's, .Q.mrszaga LOU. liMrrsacmca..E. IL, Split_ :rtlkatt g ralgeat;tkricait i f f t . aNV can' 223,1 s ogts,'2 , Dortiogtoo :gter '.1.1 pill., Bags a tom - 18 .ptromms, *Wray Olarkl 77 . 6,,y . raw, cm,attroll. Itt d& do, Wm molar; 10 do do, W Gormley; 52 Is Toper, -psyklos &cor6 bblictl;ll.loptigre Do ;':25 bait egsgeed, Culp& Bbtressd; 71t bd/s Woe, Cltaggili:dir co; W dos broom% B.GPorerb29. dos p42le,7bldt Floyd a co; 30 do do, Atwell, Les a eon 4001 Ad, 'lt Darrell k co. ~;- • • - un NU several . mien be 48th d, were 4 . • f i[ abalst, .y, ad will come. iHsrwily otfa t will [ Imponer,by River ST: 40.0.8-rrnA.CAn23ll-43itlie- floE. beta. mier ,M.Vonktuan;,23 irk dry bftf,flhornaluir Aiangl 1-pkg. Tureattre 'CAdwed 'Aro; 7) pletp Num., Trapenun*Apille,l32em: 109%49 intalcbee, Us. ,tetter/r43311.41,13.bp wliist,hernsody brer2Co bbl. dour, 'Pennon's Anger, 0' foal .rreta, nteamar. Ai:aerie/4' 100bblereind;2 btT cdlleta;' Dainenrell. Peon a CiA 4• en 11 14dI all;7.lnileneltdijCll4., lock. Ice clay, J i ll lnif,lpte' don; 260 Id,deor, p Peso: 133 do 4 IYrallitiglonalGA •Grost • tin:eel. a ..on; 'Tektite.. clijMiillpi Allis 2; 2 plege e.pner;Pgrke, 111c4ardy K co; Int-serddrin Clark A T CINCFINAI—rzaGni-IV*ollaboabei wldolty, l '23 4o leatbrn, 60 lituisplowco, 3 hbdo tobacco, Tattrileind b .oontlor, Grazltl:` , lll. M, J at tit trade; 15 Mowed or Ar Votkalop: C.f hides. MoDohnklAt hbd. tooaeeu, J laurvb7; 1 do do. J..F.••• do Wemosti Aiwa; 7171 . 6,06115ub.; 11 dries, wpC7l WlRlissyr ,Army &wards at Chtcag. f;Aleut, Colt J.Efora Taylor, Cr. S., of this pcat, on addayoisprdetlthy PitotrApontracta: ' 1,000 brie prime mine , with Iron hoop, to •WeoStdt;ThiE6 DY:int Vlll,llooibtteprime wee pork, with iron booy,l44., , E,Eanl'i #2477.; t. We prime Mat pockarlthaWron.bocV: Kent a Co., 1121,47 ; Cla brie pr ate knem, vi Iron hoop, to Tniai 04 / 1 06 , 102 11,83: I par Fri. beer, to Morton, 'Minstar. , 014,W; B,o4XibrleWilaripu" Spring Extra Flour, to 11 . Adams 4.5'D10; 4,000 brie .•E•gle" Spring Extra Flour, to J. N. Lake, S:,PO; Wanes, (amanita required during r pprO) to 1).11 Winten,o74 ; (amount regal dhrint 4Et9)t,l Dlllwankee Mirket • - I• . AP/IL 1-71 our Arm noceipto of Whot ' Div laho's.• Ittarlfst • ebs4o lover; Color GS bash Not 'lirlor; ltbjEl , four, FRI 05.,tntobtoff t .,, 1 3 l IMIThak ;4 3 35 1 .1:13/i/r:Ali i /W:181 ottlald g2:61.3091014{13r14Mref Folrfo,'ettlialiol gr/ILIII WWI VIA lit'ird • .. , .c.' , ,-, 1 , 11040.-11ftelq!PPITOcTiVilfa,*liiin40 : '10;34 , 105 NW troTiftrif ".4 ,V9).F..'llroiNet itt Nov. , b4l notoir42 4 ;l4of*hi RlAt i l.r, ... ebeniter; Vail %Alit.% tdr 50 Hor pt... No iriO.Voolef.. • '', r , , r , ' , v , oI loi ," , 01Vilteta ; :0,00 I M' i '7AiTifir-416aidaitifieit*.t.iLiff 4 0 =AA we glreab4llowToOtittittiollll.l4ipairillloyd, lrik4rAi l iff/.7. ! i e I lloc.iptHlC e0107..i Ailloi4=onVoTot Usiib; o. B s bselg'pal•hpulaiinggoli,on-bsad, ttipig,,, ago 4utint I. imiAtackayonSio.t•gbar ts ;Om kb. asmoperipab4 wwsiorAAraP WI& •••• • —3lo4gtogWrqbacooteWtllVou•artain a Wis.. diem lb' attqook bladeastaetS4 , o4o.loo. se , !Oat 900 to 11 41 Wrotiosore,z,otwir i ; " ' l nlidt l.4 oaglirifi rkted 1 0: ; ° !ptgl i; t l at b rot t =tt ° 4a u aT 2 •,,,* 0.0. _ t ? . as ',:a'rauactitigrg ' 1,,,, , 18a4PHISI insa ~G'Qio •44 ;1 an hal ais .not tpiv< =3=r2iM 9trelam6patetr to=t h 6 'Pittdaneffilizel* ir•l• Ynk: 4 rotOn.a, yp - gs_ spoonlitlye delitand - for-flvde, wad:prima hale *Lill tectlz..draind. Aides On:tlttl”potgt 33,V:434;iuid‘ 8. 4 3 5'. Inc 441 Az& Iffiktfiallysry- Then, 6 dwfuuultirnmudokad thisanskot 6 dna, lioaded-itf." l "'" no -no .00,tdarbigh.r; =lee of ,61X46,16nd too Atis6l the,opol., and Wfox'Apifl.difilely..l;:mpthn firm 'with • 'Lit demand for ' r ftennetiita.s.- • r . TMLiftIBOJTS- • px CINCINNAVI • a:, IVILIA —134 Meiotic itt•Piti,i3 Cayt - Ptnwattllneb • n VHS DAY; 0 . 4 641 1,.L, AtrAO'clock, • Jinni D. CDILLIFII - 90D, ) EXHIW.II'. LOUIS AND ISE Az. mssominavrat..-Theng..diaa. ---,- - it 2 miFe ?AlLwati. CON:, krill As abo* oft THIMVAt ;ATTU Ttb, krA, to. 'd674(1- .!IaTALINTEITn J. D. GOLLANGW.OOD. .70):4G _ , . tIQR 13T. 1.0171*:.-11ro fikte i pappagi itramer HESTON, t'sp •inasp; Bbarp H•mphf u eletly *ill • c f TRT ; ELM: the 0212 tut • JOEIN FLACK, • 1. b, COLUNOWOOD, . Ti 0 R 'NASHVILLE.—The Ibc .L.. , Aplosidid steamer CA ACCLIA, Capt.. 404 Ell le., for &bine aid tnermtdisto ports oraitiD&Z,. 82h Wt. boull b J. D. coUrsowtHud /Pr"' PIE C/NCINNATI.-4he neJ ll.O AND o EB ff SO.mAt. allivent damn R Aadryw Ilobtrinort,'ldtt lean in Alma Ms 1111:1113. DAT, 'ltb egeltel p. • rog••fttighe arrow smart hard, c..e • : comaNlrwoor, • -- DOR ST. LOUIS, KEQ/Stai i n tMA 111TatlaiNOTON, EINROATIN DAVENPORT. ROCK 'RUED, DOD EIT:PAEL, DIRECT,-The fine 120111 Katona "Lusa tia—Golding, htsatm will leave as osbcrtit T A D I L B . DAY, Ws &h Rut. Por fieight or {macro apply op board or, to ' •, • . JOHN "FLACK • • - •J. EL COLIdIidWOODi f EGUI4II, WHEELINO & . p-7 i .PARRNSEBURGPACKET.—The L Cue steal:Ben MESIDIVA. Capt. John •on loam Pittsburgh tor 'Whoa'tug • ovary TUESDAY: 1111311S ID AY And SATURDAY, soaking elms lion., nectioni trial the - Whoellng said Parkersbutg.Eir-k -ertaki Returning, as ill. loorn. Wheeling firer 3110 N, DAY, WEDURIA1 6 and PRIDAI. Paelengere ac receipted through to Parkertbtirle. ' • per Indiraor pasangsropuir on boardiontti 'JAS. COLLINS & CO..Ag enty .t. Wharf Rost, at the toot lit ood owe!. ~:... ..., 6 MARIEVGIO74;4, 1 1 , 7 1/ I •4I , ID2J E A M HiVII . 16.—T124 - floa -.--` ==steamer lill Mt <MAIM% Warm dyrw, er, t. Pittsburgh ervety'TTIZSDAY , .4;„ 4 tr. tn., and ranPerillo every ittlpAT, 8.8 8 o'clock . ALM. , Th. uerratiiner JULIA; Wui:Ockilkoti. Cam . • , der,lealtB lttttaburgb :arm BATIJILDAE,IBB 4 • 1!....11:44,ad .28.01.U4 every TUESDAY, et 81Vdock. m.:', Yor freight os Itammt* apply on:board pi:4o ' • ..,% • . . I. D, OOLLIINGWOOD, Akrat, . . PlUsbirigh ; .. Ef..B. PIIIIIOIO t CO., Agarts, ....;.....1114. DIAN • - C.i.RPE - 7 , 7B.o2s.vioniti o to. FOURTH STREET 'g STYLES tWINDOW SHADE - ‘) RYG7ITED TRIP 111 I NEW SPEING STOOK R, p., ir Io A. IVZLL SEABObTED , 4 1 on, cLo'rfi. I T 111 1 C L L 0A R P T , TOIL ' • • No. Rr FOURTII GIMLET. mill 9 • 11A VINO PURCHAS.H9 ►!hf ADDED TO OLIN OWN Tin ENTIRE STOOE' CARPET'S,- OIL CLOTHS, IC, L►t4. held la W. kicCLISTOtt, st 112 iyarket street, we are able, by the conscdrdblloi, toolbs td LARCEST STOCK TO BE FOUND IN THB 4cirlEßTi. di T. TELL LOWEST PRItIER Oliver McClintock & 049 nrra sTalrer COVERS. ine Embroidered Cloth. ;, • 0 • Embossed Cloth. • - tiotoria. . • . . • Dim add rplardild usortammt itu• NVi L lar CARPET •STCatt f AtePABIAND, •0014,1N8 dt CO. „.W.L -lAN BLIND T.R.131211.N481 OkOely lOW And coinslitiatiOitaint nit 6 . " I .lt d tk 4 rrsavir ' wro'xitic OF :” ' COLXINS CLAIM dOEXTII4 T. atm ; - BouNTY,-BAo}F . PAY,- WALTEILDAY; i ~A g4nto 410.tioifforthseim do;:bacp r ir ".:Ndelnw . bisreciistilibodet¢;.ii colbctod. , _• ; 1;Itar. 018, At avary,-.lpariptlarg • tttried Jtl34 {l4 wars Coogroop tb• OostA bf Wank 4be Nn Dopeolmentiharid.Payeasteriimenl, 44•Wegalygtort, 4.41* jillorsty. w4.7tetraYtt.F Other4',lol4me ponaptl• Weeded ta.- ••,••••,•• {.•• • 44511 .I..l!fflgnoß ,MACKRELL &JOHNSON,. • • .41 212 7 0 11NET5 , AT.LA,11, 4 And g. 801:nnalur OLAfII Om% 1 . :P& P ' Io do, .1 S•glamy- , .kto; 4 ton; d uo duo. Mr. 91) OkiIIIT -BOlikrtiEN o l ifinS i re l it7 sl ‘&4sn ß !ll: n utty,.. il at t it acriberixtin Poinoirratrievls Per.abm kg sou, all other elskaa43Bo. '2 • 0.0. TAYLOR, AttMlity at L ite 2f0;13 Grant ape, PiltobotroN Pa. . SO thargeoinol Ina& tr don not innooaol. andoglAnfortarttonlOven arab I ,r4lto S C P.Algi 3 ;7 4 ° , l:llnB ' P15 . 1 . 3 .- I° l 4B a " " " A R" . 11 11 4 Vtoorytlystrdo4ol to by • .4,4144,7,0 pNAO _Mo. 106 -Filth "isKipttistmqprl4. ;191.1110,1144741=X=14.1.-:;P:4311' W CONSIGNMENTS. '„ ,4 zbz tt oltant4 Obt" . l 15t6f24gnV0iiii(451":Ib csick ' ,4, . blbspantdraffition - :-I,lxlo,bublittliar‘oo4 0,06 1 , 45 tibia App •„ 2$ bbb: Tonal*: m ** , ". ' Sung rkilmd sal Fr We it leb) US 1, nnycrstra*. was ?orrlnsAintwat (MORN M E AL-- , 15q , -Inuitti prinie I.J store and fa sale _L lativatinav, •‘. - owe" • , 271..LibentY wad."' I WHITE BEAI &-409,:bialat 5 i .4b.4.1014,17,- CFS3.N. BALI .1.164 "„,t, - • frietinTo=42oo .hat maw mut 4441Prroitst ExT. - LIOR'SALPA , I I I.OI:TRING r. WOO sal ohr:Fltalitag 01301 fiCiorittaVbedyng,. on X•ltircor• and. Obin t-,, !boot atitunne bo• Itnettle 11: k Dote; e 5 Hirer book,/ The MUO bastcosr run of /mach burn, ttitleU modern fropronntenta in machine . y Ibe capacity' of thiellYirl Is lbbbattetf per day: Blzetfeegiaeto Itch bore, three fa* drake, call, jhatid.M44 ISTattP . oo7oll4rebry tinder bottom 26 reef long, Ea ludo:win diameter. Th 4 mato bktild-• log le Cd foot by 40, four etntre, endiod, e ,„„, whoa, 60 Stet by 0, three armoire, %ding baso moot ; Ono a nem stable 66 by EL TM lot on which lb, ttere - ted 404 by O 4 fret. 131 trill be poll Idth the, AI U.. . , •, - ?mold mil the attention of npitanets to this 'pnsporti. SS- th ine In no 11111 mono Lsvotably ni 41444 than !kris In Ono westoro cowry. WO thin • tood grala.groiring countryturronoding awn Ire hare the Ohlr.:,r at our door that ire nazi at a times get • eupply of grata. tr -nf.a•oralq eltuated to eprip We ire alto laioratly eltuateo gulp ardour to elm tessera markets, both byllaltimore ltallroadand PettosyleardaCentraL We aimless a toad local trade far rmr floor and 1441, atfoir yrices, Wo hato a =Mood trem oar Mftl doerlilo the low water mark by which we draw car wheat trioto.tha landing into the MID, by nascblnery: Three moo. am take In from' two to three thousand' babel of salad In aday,,melog th e heavy expente of drayage. Ehocad the property amt be sold by the Mat, of April, al Ittlyato yak, we thou win offer it it groblio: ado on that day at two o'clock p. m 1 oaths Coat I Helve in the city of Wheeling. • , I . Terms will be mado they.. enb,lfetap2o , A. B. DESIVI I iZE L CO. n Mr* for HOUSE,' F4IIISALE... .1..". The sotworlbet for 44 bo:dWalllng hat= in which he now line, elitist...A {to South Ar no,m Sint Word. Allegtony. The tot Is 27 feet fron by Ioodeur', mooing back to a Z:t feet alley. It his twowtrUitni Ertel ' , contains 'IA rooms and cellar....„Tbe eat-bones nn - • meth .bonsa, atable, ccal,honae, An, There L a tom % surnanding the dwelling, dated with shdde and n Mut trim Thenah gel and. water_ in ore the otttot &rel ax'. t ' Alta Oiloria; itele ,a do tiltmiltjoint teltdollol 1 . In 'Sabot& toionalolp; Bolivar anulty corrtetbi-• tag Wanly acres of ground. • ' There 16.111W:bra rtoried tram. dwelling, containlngliz loons, on - the rtroperiVTherrt fp show yoautorcharti of all Bud a of &ult.., Then int a goner barn, Outhaontee, O. ate about i ogre tom the Boit fatot DeN . ti • . Tor.terron Inquire or - . - - - A. - 8.9801X4 -NUM - • 136n121.11.1orrantdleglotity AV. . . : F O ' R &at :.. t •-• • i . OAL AND,PIELE TIDLELEIS A" ttioA of ;And; ow- mild ' from ttri Allogbony ionminaltatlng lin It brio riloakedina to Megrim comae.: now Coildt6r{dy ulnas from rt tloo,S. 11.;`,3L4 abounding B ol t l=4 or P/SX•bd IfiZBLOOK timber , contain itt 16 0 0 . 08ral 0 4.T0 Pr • YOU'lolllnonotio6 'CLOW khd'tarhu,m o imOoM bJ Ft BEV' A, .• • .• • Draw wet IZIRIMISCO Atant" ,sp2 '6?.ltQl7gra BT." Scalding. ..LlQtt' SAT.4t-4:2l`Efft EOONMT FLINT •i' - 11 L MO W0111(6, A'l , ll/11152 . £11, 4 . A., ON uesuau TYll3ll:l,....ll,4l.ll;ricarliont, and to nos •aluoll: ft; thepolnattoom p ajg O. Carbon and 0tn0t..../attop Chimney.. ha at., ty fa $ pot kroner, 1;1 ebopt,Al.o d0r..144 'day, ' Ifitiall the okbalislaylitinding., vli : Ural> . 'MeV and Store Morn, 51•421ng Rum- El.n 11tIll . . U.., Pot ob.-bonding. Tborm.tator ho of on Lao . ground on all ttveo book. ,Tlt44Cois • r op-, ponanttl, a.: • buldotia nun.' A ...rtont tridi 4 'Am doing to tali ill &oda:lA.2i. •El tiodo mall Blow. Vrolivatootp Ito *into; '1; 'tato stattPr PAo • Ebd 'other otatefin •on boacti , ancl tin. 044 0 by I .bs Pith of April ttro-propridaromill, onationa4o busine. • • Jidda.. Pat Otbco Rt.: SCSI, ,Pittibprgh, or zoo the otontra at Oki 1r... ' , . • oitArtor •• P SII.4OIO:TAT TXIII 4 CO._ , ROB BALE-4 Cottitry •Basidence sit .L,asua i 4 now township, ons-heit mile "pm Jack's SLatio•, C lt. W. A. mid I% mile., frtPa'. W ood.' Don, ' Contains. about . I^. acrth, ll heittyrente tend . improshd; toot twa-storl Britt Dwelling anti Frame ititohem•with - F wanes ; 'gad iktabla, e.gth, ernsertz en orchant of the etbe4c eat ehlottione, comptisinwei, the of appl.,.penr. peach, phtteb„. oketry, ,Itrapee, small Rolle. Water to great elnmdeno., harit and ',loft.' To perseni totting fdr keel:miry soot, 9 , 010 attputiorr is ditehtelta - thia plate - • . • lor.prers and. terres_appdp• , soh n , .0. IIIcLAIN & Itaranrtit ftrtet. • - VOR SALE.—A two ator~Bfick. llaell I. It g . Ilona* bn &rim sliest , ..aseittruningbarn. Etr..st Oars Vara .I.b dour; Ifonss , asarls new, 'of tondarndulabd myna towns sad .k.ltuhed, and told,- d sties; h.Y tiN; fest sr/da and cellar..: Lot in fmt front and 120 feet Anon Walks wad , around ins ban r, and lot istont with ebolos'fittlt toms. busboy and imp, Tirldl.coarmenklar to banr. prcienl• • rarsvpil t au , lty for pink* visiting It boy • prt-. ND m Yaina In at. 110% , subtualomtoosb. rot tit nu dpartlcalars eggdre or • - • SHO. P.• MOSS, ;denim:. of Out Ponce, strld!t" • • Callon stmt. I',ll_()Pgu ► y. /b . n . iuear; g. ron:tWAIVI: risiford.ll feat, and *steink . back • 401 Braddock itrst, lor.t. &Mooring "tbs - oanells.ll,ltiltratd, ont talnlng-4 atom and Tf•parcbes.• ts so:admits) bin location to pannfaciating AsSlng the ~tort hind. • , Ad .PUblbatrast. oalltoad In the nntrouidFits 01111 and bolldlngs tbCtion iradtado tfok terincite. crtry MART 'AN t; MITS , on tbspreendan6;!orto gh... rabid:ifLlZ Dtalan Pltabtu • I . . A . Bcsuairal Beaidence in .nbirpstrotg, &Mutat on Usk ..ttnet. , .I.tte haute aantatoe tenon roomy end Ittitthill ettic. A well of rood water and excilient cistern st ttdr door, with pump In each. Thal lot ten teot t Inches , front sad POD fret. deep. too street. ..Thom la . Fralt, _iftwenne uld AttraAbet7 tn. abtotdance.. Pentoen ,phons,ut purttientrit ► treenttlht tetiaptice, count And Incrreiltanant eve hi thlm aclatty. 1' Etufnlrc of Ms Octallr et the ettectlber,_an• the prom:dank or J. XL 1.41M12,.hr thwttnnef t.ettLti t - tell A. On., at their attltln Sherpa/art. snh7.3tettd3w .L It. IL LIVAtLIS. • I{' HALL—' FA1t31 , 40".51 ACRES ..1: L&Hic; ha Stott tdernehlr, eg.milee ouch of Pitttbdrith; as which to ■ 'ear lr saw frame tome of idx,rooroe. hea.and, War:, miler ardor the whole hove, • framebamaud utheribuddlege: a never-W.lles erring neer the bolus, an ezwlleut beerier Orehard of about KO trete, Ere of tiz am' of anther; tunalrcentor. .Cced under the Whelp trao, , Idtonedie,te ' • • ' Yar; "" '• • • ' l7 la irtYt i n i Igtikke fiLLE—A.valuableibusin ea prop arty,. corwletirtg of re BRIM .110VE31. e'_ + STOUT., 3140 Eat AO Iteirfai; =CB. 000814, dotachrd from =ln butldlisg, liz4o, with 'br. eitthdef ir Delo Titilt' tbdithet with the 'stork Anil firtareirof samell'Hairdwarie bminme, on • . canna, the prrpritliof Or tire from baslitra.,.ll2ladr• at • OPTICX. •• itteo, n_SOT lON WARTICB,piew riertrirt ow, sod the Mmitan and listoirreoi I DECO STORE. riih2Ltf . _ :1E4147 -"Twenty.; Trciik -diens- of Pirt.ol. the Danny ranaiading • dna elm or Pitteburgh and viciniiiF t ga about oar nine from has' Ferry lending. rre on the praalre am Ora Omit mein and • ream-hdllog mime aloatent Mat. WiO be add her, or divided to tutt...parrlsserik • l'amag,.. country neldria epipittertAl ER4 L . •'" &e V:. alw. wee. - • LlO.ll RA 04-44 ginsoknionnr; afoot orookooo -,414^4",..mtrAT..4,064 aad,ol /01 .bopla Otaat, .411.1 xIIO , E too Tiry Ovata, and Wait Glue ons - atte up 114114 Naclol4;auteUbald Itior Omps mac 'tor. =Mg Putori SunbelbaCHl Walkout Dove nu , tebotaua, and about 101 fottalfapi 1%0 Shaftlog. ot tbaubaratugcleot 4011 be told staaroat bar 4idu 17 applyittii at paco.at f,2 rxrnl paurr. tIOII, , s.I3ALErOLPROVEILI,HP OPEN' TT.—A two-story, Elrich,Dwrillni. ofAlgtA. roomJ, 6.11,1 ire f , a11 t yp0c01.471.1,411 Irptlr,tatit, lITAtrITIIR I I2FiIf itto ea1111:444747111::y d . Tome y.; 't Apply at tII• RAI listalatind lama= bfflce of GAL Doss, Elnlket,Optiot, kormhorrille. , Uoll.'lig.. - 42rat idofratila , Impart". Itfltltarkleifor kianninatin, on U. earner tre. , locittt mita* eant - tba "Ohlo attar, and known ea! ObetAlnertVpop, t all which le erected knicelern;:ereaqt Muse, Oar. ritur Haan, Stnbe, Ice am, Ira Walter WM111(4071* , • et •teter. rt . AMD:IIIS4ITH, tbsttf , --#l34,iteran , qtePitt., A AtnitSlN e 'rOOfori Ef 800 I) yr* iii 'Fro*" 'On a *de Aittrthl• tare. mintsitititi Martiiitel STAMM, ,1011.Ate$, p, ,111. W. & o:•ll.titrriarld wlttrWrlnt4 flew front. f. 0.0 0 0 0 • • •-• ,••• • mkt station, vidtillialarop and I nstated v_llottn. n a me In -- nlttratlon. Imipputabln. A if . all Ark ' r.attlawittOG fine r=== reviavoL:„ - ttas, , 7 BALEr: • 7 - Dreitte.:KnifveVnear catittid, 1 Or 1,4be5r1AR4,14144/11-, PA' : idarr14 , 4.t.: 15 Y4 2 4* - •‘ ..; • 4 4o Atnai• 4411441 -4“, • " 6 " 4 6,4TFITA/i. NI Vann ititil7-• .1140KWitN , =dritslr•r00414C•ty BUICK tlahtud estkraii .4 i n oruplate ardor, littudid-orthe 106 feet o Decatu4 beet $044304171mt0[ 4 0k0 110 ,04 1 / I .llo•Ward odutalo , thglikinVls l ."o 4lo4 7 l 4 4 " o " ll " titt • I , • 0 , -`49IAVI hirri l 4o, • . 4 " ••?. j . 1 .• fl[; 193,LAbetti 00111047 i . • 'IO2IIIB 9__ ' ' EXtlif2k.titipl i FOß , orrt-OliorraTT. , -.4hai LAT(Or PIFXI4, Tear witbltrotulda patastua, otitAitigettroes; tor. alai, OOtoAttil try amilukt. i g anu fAt" ol-341 r , Imingtwu steulogrand .*:4!'.Vw.ri , 11 . U. ft, SP.P I P.RI 4U RF gt g ritlizo ,.'0 1 -fitinN. !Barna F• ! 2: , toilotie.tr aticklirtconro ' •alnalati. 1- 7 4uttiim ur - Pittsborgif . ' • . ttltiiittni - r Mai Ithei IS gaLlitain - Toliturfilp, , kno oo the • ttettAlloistrtottota SoiVAllti tHattlito Ity, to littottor OtollOtAbotolg yin booOktol V. alo. For toms opply to A gat 1., . . W J. cr. - ro AttOtotll44 , 4, No. ista rotate, diif.; . ; ' N.. tot,4l:do tT - - , ' Pittotovitbi Po. :4. - Vtasp _olio 14.44crj4r4p4ft e the b,mii • l'xiat e :fr , r ..1 1 . 411 •1 1 :• an. 40144 al übb :bbidneas.' Tb a WHY ilibbt 11M1X1 , 04,t1T1711 111 Wall Ey i • ... • Hy to enpyb 111noff.,1 1 . Tar • • • ,0110 b• •.'4O ,•• At ,„ .1 ~!,..... 1.,' . . . • 1i,,,,,,gv • ~...!, 1 1. 1 elTerT•.• crx4ntaao. *welt vispeadkoktrs tuastowntur,•ix 61441 taltilAttes .an E' '' 1 , 47-'l2ux4 , 4i-dars'St*ldixig, CURS wt ow • cartlfl, t. traL caw of tiro 0100 rSrportetut et. 11,1,11 of w,pebo; Dr. Keys. t:tndrey,. u loud, Svsreitor: Doctcd. terti±ctotr.v. r+l•4‘. ift4. origuierAboAnuirm to rkiard co:1,1J pleparatilizthl • _ - Dr. G. it Knew: I became =hied with -. shoat tlrentr - reara ego, and ..very . year they cadre: tpoiripts 'floe, to up to trout. na,. alery numb: ser ranch so at timed se to ohilf me (jt work. Solna, dam I um 11., hod that I elnht net do anyibluitin won= et theta { tbey mom cot en and ae largo as • hickory:int. I had tried a great de. of =Moine . far them. I nerd to tiro sod take wharevor I =di' hear of or road of in chanter, rod panaphlote that GM to my way, but I conld not get cured I tonneau:en Iheydrottid do to• vomegliod for a lit(lowttne; fine siterwards they wordd return nolo esi bad aka gar. .Iniso applied to tae In:Cte.li, who Vitt , 'd :.pe. , t m7; * use endgame:it° same tuallotre, bid it ar.ald not do, ;could not get welt- Over ...you. }ago I got an admitiecorent of your .LindieYN, - 4314 .! 1 ., 47. Tan, ukadri by yorsr*f. Whetryountild . 'id !papa told. me one/bottle would not mire me. andtko: rdy,wltuii siatent would have to bar. renewed tj ibis .wtreilOO7ll Wort I got tell'' I bologht one lirdili and,hoolg It Ira= slth UM, end need itaccordinjunl yorn.dlrtdv gone. I then ulled tower you-ay-enquirer, you said I could not expert touch lomat Gun rang bettlan I bought itpoo bottle. at a tOne, until I kadhied fire bottles. After this glantlty 4.4.41* niijili i *lli nattraly Ind of do Pile., which had tortni ,rit me ftr , hoaryyrari. 'lli *thee ter tai health in, proved, and I MO as dill isiantld be i sinned ;kV ono of thy age, bologeirny veers past I khavakern, .rell now kites. tr.0utv....1 than la ne epojel . trews, a _. .I. rdlliu. a 4041. , i5e• -I_ , -74 , -41 a Idua , 4- nutous work ,:;,..,!, aftnnat thy- Mei .alnitreis sa k i and hurting me. ' k '...: pitSchliiii, elm hied: fill. ow do Coy kli.d oterat ir sttleti - bittail To lidie• , -me. - When I toned out`your" Blood id , TYlfpf l on taking It until I got entirely wall.- I bsiindoi• li' toy duty to make nay rem known to thelciiitroflrii: the bereft of °flier. whagay be Mlfterinisill vu, and do not idow It. value of mu' =did.. You May — publish 'Voir it jot Ilk. I live lin Wilkins trearratdp, end-will b. - pfrurd to' antes aey 000 et the truth 01 thly certhimate If Italy., fah to crOfrg Y. 4497? Dina uc.cemmer24, '1117. - Look ont• for the amp of Dit. GEClttlik H. EMU. on du corm of the bottle .1, par . t . ol over Lbo. cork ; fat bib et on. do pon. DOlted - 4oi .tamp w, g. 4. 4 02 qf bottlo,,to frromflipint;l. PMd ~1, 00 by • rtolrto. nrticb , )t!ob'ti in the Esizatd. • rer iohd by the Proprietor, "No. • 1.4 . 0 Wood .Street, end •by Srnott JottsCfolii' corner Fourth and. Smithfield stioata.,- 1 - 4 - slech&.. OR kiUYI . O RE. Hernia or Rapture dnrel . .Rapttire:or-liernia Cured. Marsh'il Radical tare* . tritsa Ritter . ' Patent T,rusi • • • Fitch's Supporter Truss. Bolf.Adjusting Tress. - Dr. Banniug'S Lisce.or Body Brae, (Or the edre of "Prolape4e 'Marc. ree Abdominal and Spitler Wetikrtepsen. . • • Iln• . B._ -9. Fitah's Silver! Plated Supporter. . • Pile Drops; Tor the support cking oc a,. far weak and nit- . Tease veins. Elastic Knee Cape s for weaKk:Fiiib • Ankle Sup Porters, for ;‘-e6tlc . knifc j4inta: Iluspeautory Bandage& Syringe Selr-I.njeCtin - g cind .. eyery 011!or Of: & -r- • Hard Babber•Syringes. . Hernia or Inittnte Hernia or Rupture owed. • • . . 'Hernia or Rupture-cured. • . •-......, . , •- • - Hernia-Or Rupture cured.. I 4 4 .. „. ••• Hernia• sißiiptitre - clV.:' Hernia or Rupture curedr .‘,._.... . Hernia or Rupture cured. . • - • ,:Rupture fa Hernia 41,17 d.., - • • - Rupture oi-Heinhi'cured. - ... Rupture or Hernia.Ozed. • Bhp or Ifendeliured. ... . . .. ... . _ Rupture or Hernia g l ared. I(.l4We'iiik Heinle cared. •. - • . Rupture or Herniare& . Ds. KirilikKiWirk ,4iTi fihl:p . " . .;liplitilst• " cpu 'b . :lollop fit the :npgientipis.iif see in Wl qks.n,"4 e4dr,extoknfl he,4 abided _that, with.sivexperience-oritsvea ,t - e:,ii . ,Tilii: he will be enabled 4,0 give eatistaiolion.w, liio.blEcii at faiifit ag ,Elora, Nix II& "Noe 11,;10vtiiin of 01P 04 0 1 1 0OrlAr: . ........... liritilig , f4 I.rueees ehetifaeg the number nf,.inehts• around ,*wbady immedistelyeror the rupture. .CATABIaII • „A , • : 1.• DR. IL" GDODALE'S AR -• RH, , • R • EMEDy: . .•loperontarm to I be'riryaratbr Ihtrie l yrlble AU, CY% and exterminates 0:4011 and. brahliotheiti. Dr,l/100D iLE la the tisatshad only pere who error i.oN Pis 91: 1 4 ,wl*-.54440,11,07- gr,... , b=re I k rommeneed—and what fiend can ji. 1 1, 1;, te tirddfditt he rpouriolattio 14 vreemila • mail: sig.ll4lU iA7.l s ii i i . antmaktrirknoirrtirellb/Mbrld the fart, that Ca. tarrhoehteh beer foreytanrolelled the Alit 'and . m i .1/rdl Pt. lat!llalli rolt•leeld•ellthorai n tbliaiiittt4 itn,lFlFoßsaftiv.34*,4%pratii,ohl.fall,. ; 6 4, . ..Ai. co, ua ay :gm .;, 9 Tigf. l :l1 1° " ; C 414 3. rtartAirW.;i; five ItTed Cm. ri known'eloliin T . 4 9. r bare been permanently =red WIV In) 114111 . 1 O&TAILIgl - BEIZEDY, tel 'Epps press firi*Wß . bust •nrirragsstismairo6l) ' , visal. t r •,,,,:.......,„„....„,„+„,,„„..,.......,...., ,„„„. g4.01:1,•,...., ~..,,:.,....,.,„.., •... Den.' ,ould oreterol s .by Aop , p , m. a4,,p,f .z, A6lYoh.' • '-' '"' '! " - ;' ~..., ..-.--- -" ,- 1101ITCOeccf., Erdal liti , , •".. • '""' ':, ,"•"' •""''• " iiiilfrOid.rei, . ar - .Rm-, : , ~D,BeiGEO. 41,,KitY8 ,4 , rq ..,,...........-" Tat A 9e.. I . _ 'Mr . . - 1 10,241. M9P i g•v ri . t . b ' z g l ' gi - iiWl4.ooa ,- "t , 1, ', NrOTO 8/SLT innletlibiblirr 8 0110; 1 344- --, ~•'*' feAllidedilithrWiSlerilearlfea s aglennft andittilailneiblifereldi lgartairld Vim of • ithepan,•• ,WINVO - lairentreasisita*Ses basis of 4 4, gialosa.Alpfiso , ssiaossissa. , asat culls II from tho_ilert~h to the skin on. the =Moe ; throws tho isop4.o toe 4 / 4 1 !. YAW" , in 4 coot, ritl4, Kit*9W , , rzta tsiy4st.f ; P•:" .ea. atEdauto . peztltsp 4aitrrilreaniiatsilaiaa tan- lirtraint Attglllinklidki, /4 ' : - i ! " tab, ":'"''' '--,' 3.4(140ai ofts f Ass t I. W'eqrr:" Flifffffffl - -PROPOS pROPOSITZ'FOR - FOI!AG . „Owls whiny - ten Derv% Decenttri -. ',.• Sealed neonatal. axe heel tedh7 l . the 11 de el Re 02.01314.4. Pt P. 8 ,..q.F4 Mt'. t•r" P' .l6 4 14 Wnbington, 0 . . 0., nal tilers,. ra, A xerdria sod lfott , Monver, •VAy ekvtAttrtefr.t Oat., xit.h. HAT, COES, OATS odnitlitANYx,:.•:... OldetitilPeseo. eive4 fo,r . Ade Daltrey f 3,00,3145 h.. actomar,ast"„akl p . f?its or 4.1. or iandap, i t • • 133d6r4 iiinref Atte nitil atihe 8 tabasf tathavonatqacturmakattyDa, .thatates trnetidnirtiad - rttillanka_thiPtieticaherfat , the gown. , ti oft ..Y.b-uticia, ErvoYyd. to be dellyory4lhe clam 4 b s aYld . iM-03:414 11 N.:040f t. , 4 4 4 .ad , abY n to be cotopete&. - ~: '7 - c 7:' 'f' - '" I - Ca ra a...dual din alto*. the bids. • :Cara to hisitatdrpti vadat • of about own nuabels each-. Oats in lite whey, Limn ,Itixte , bealkele odd, The dacha to tie fifitieh iCilheakat , .. , '2 l r rylrge to incrOoy ideatety .."ttVytt , ..:,..TLd. panel dtrwd ' .Tharditicatid*.aOtct*lttet f .014"..c0rx,. 'hilYper etntek.yroixtleditt'h.e itii77l4 ti!lr .t. ,,,,-,1 pan& prop?yeals..,,. 7 r• - • -1 , , ktp.ap ti tjapiredigyurti , 1 , ... 44 11. 1 . 4 'WI - 0. - I)2ktee.to.Nrlo - on 'by' the "-' zgrig. t . ' ,,lvr.,tidv 3 / 4 t . ..-th - ,i;o ,0 1.S.""ineydea 4114.1111":_dtalla Ott of the Go, .nnentint soy XViniFil . ,And..l.Ytatni f fill lo m" 4 , - when; the' 'thole annffint xxtrirattet. 'hairline' , tditi-dilh-eted lindieciekdkr -, 7 ,,, - • c ( s- -= - .•' "'- ! •The w it h bderatill lie .. .lnvite* t Y All till,' Potni il Ile. iyateltntYcatipe.el 41;3 , 1t , a1. 6 .0.." perverts, that,in_case, his bid 1" scoop for Malt* O.IIOIT wild, xithin.ten daye thereafter, eye. the mutt.' 'for the tame -.4eitlegood and nandelentretldi in e' ram :kW 86 en. =went of the mut .06:adieu thefodlin prop:teed ill conformity vithlt a les tonna. of Oder adeertisentenr, - and intnee theadd hider then* 1 1211:tVen'ten intti.theplutffieutbal ay, Ciioo4 Oaf difference between f.he offer of raid WA:LA, and the next bleed responsible lakidee, or the Tot to wham the *Wind may belogroxtlei. _e, . : . • : . .„ , ' The reepentilidlty of the gesenifoiii` Oar 1,4 Artitili, - by the official cortilicato44.ll.S:Dietrk" /Wormy Collector of Onetrons,oxany..o . ther offieer ander. the . i1ie4.; , 1 . .64t 4, Xi 9 10 741 , Y 4, ..Et.:f111.. 05 / 4 ..Porn s i. - 2i ti derevilrtiodhily liailleddt. oncosytartne .! -Ti* ci. Gat alai Amc,. , ,P. 0...i0v.. adi lad*: likt.ittikitElSiAkedirri .' ' de i it. el 'IT i n. 0- jiff • WellYttika r Qtdai' i.ifadt , ', • hzin,D.O.: itiolidffinltl 74 phdAY Iced ',..rroVo, • ..a.adso4 a 1.5.2 ossacrt .1144.thaAdinetir.4 of the con luta, tisdialby The noptxmlpr amd,44 of hie gear anion, ;rill be requitted,of the' ancoanifed bidder of Wide)" ateilanint the oodtridt: , I . .._ ..,,,,,,,.:',) t,. iltank ffirffia of tads: paffiniheili , ath4 'K ., "! , / , ' ,147 bo Obtataadmpoa apnlication attnimelcm, ~ ‘,,, I . , ~ . ~40.1474.j.)Y.PR0PQ, J 34., 1; , :'•;;„ ''• I . : 440 1 .9 ° F 1-1 r A448 .. ''' . .r • , leiLle littlitalliit, del. ItetthYpttoolk, , toi thrash and Mud to thertfulagallttatesi . st $l. QuaUccualkter'a• -Depyqtazoot4,-...y.,-7.yy,,,y0y0yD404 die tares'ef „mar AdTett.Pinffieo.4l,tingdln,Velaithl roarootStS daktedVapingtcin Dept, Pesealley 8i ISay,lbe tot-: 'lout* artreles,effil , -F , ' - ' - ' ,,, z , I.‘ , I ~ !,..........:balheli dreadtEitntihkfilln 4 . - r P4r.b. 0 0•: sr blltundF. , r. rr it,`:? • r ''."eP'441E(41%4 '.' RSkt , !<onld ands. Kw , , , ~ - 1- , toraarStmayat—per ton.. vosPd y m dflDeTtopranexceon or. fore the--da la ,- ; and to rd =Seta on or before tba-=:- `diy - nr+-+ . .r...,111134 and plednettyielf to latbeffnali , .inliell. WM7=4. 06-u P u ' l 11'nul' with ra' and anpreved tinoriffilir the - "pace orlem . .yx. •nfteeleitty .. notAeddhatffi/Vidldtf been • P'"Fid4. , Y. - . ~ . ..,T°F 9 1 r.4 1 . 2, P;dvf10Y, _o • ~„., . ~, - • Orland:co Ontorni-D.R.,ltynazn,• -, • - , - rch l 44 , 44o,oprzww.l - 0. • ' - Vra,ths tonternirted. teantototn of.ll-----...„; in tbemint7 4l . ........--o, , and• Stotgot 1.4=......... - ' honobx„..JobatAg kanos,co,ll,l6 snsonant Arial. Os: :tiTgAP* . t. ntVatalgral* 4 4m•lo4. , intweteaceey.ishertlbb jokdabeellti:fid-; go.: conottio onatatclibt ttrovornyttbeiodattaimMstot• motto.. In sowtopmnttot,bo antotuttp; tb46snUnd, tik:ftunlth tbillatA6P.l2tVoo4.lll nentrattittitn ito ,tortnnoindvetttpement tin,edpcntttner7,ll#oroln* trldlittbo wawa arid!, god, bittiollt. n0W,..,—.- 4112111bIlincenterInto sootrtrantsittfintnni4 - tot wee no, malts cood-thortlttronempberlwolen, drat'. tbqy.tbp anti.—ronAunitits.anzi-/grattrenponalblo .V•s ,, ALtrft4 pf73l3gMsr,q? c_pati.ci may NI. wit..., 1 chwritaderiit, ti= 4 1 . th1.. day of--, 11r.,-,, .. :;•n••' :-,ror .-• .' i .4 9 1 1 4: I Itereb r E tt illyfhtlr the bortof m - Y, luntowl . = kt=s b tor gorr=ir n bri mi ll itt koo •ottfoto bpsnatHt : •-• ' tr-t - :... .1 ,- ..' • ' .. To bon,ttition . 4b...ynd et Attor- An,_anttostpepf, antn, ttr.nnylottor, Octrutuder tholUnttedStatts onmontiat,t•f.rpgptailtApteconta i •Ell innpootnto retetrod "smlttr,tlllT idietilititoni .wlll btoponnd onetoutunbattl an tbiralco on WED ..filtatnA toad .116T)18,11UXf,eitob IF*, at .12 m. -PAM:J.. , MK.Kt-tillY ttOtt.4 tO,,,p • dploont at rte opening. Ortarlortbeideoiro, •-.- i - - . ead-Qpnuteriziastei.. W ARLTS£II,D.I76q... — strunr . esb' Ini.MF:VErtri*trunial, • te-eamaaruunfuosnE z 47.1.10746.,:chatrwa strat,t, Nowiroltf) _ vr, WPM. atkitft orditesriao tlAuttcLdg a, bitnisacabetabOlxv:: ""*" .: !"$ riraitnatfpect w °l4 Voan irj ik.EipPtN An2nricaa Ilatittearl Opp', Para.Airgbqa, c op eh wie z ,••• , t...FELLOW WITTY. Been. sriph , Tatin , Sectch, :lligh Toast at •-• dytbofoßonerDew ScoUtd,rsesteDnneyncetch: . Allittutierp to,tholstweistion ten G'GhwitirtztdatiniirliiCyos, which Ittn bilhond'ot a bstaty. Zinc Ina 2 sob:ado Granulated. Tow Cei t eo27., A. or plotni.anissa 'lllll4—or Sweat; S*l42lincuthd !Oldncco Tin Yon •Gamendish.:' - • ••., 4 13431.4110,3 14944, 51M4b407,148141411.1trk1.b. N. intrador of kipuxii.Winpl4 on 'polio don. ... • • , p1.0.1Y - pATENTEur..99I'O ., , , , gEfi., 8, ?MI DITBMIXIXSZAMEZP:r : cEnod:INICY:3 ..110.116 - TACTCIID • iiY.Ass; a :, .--. .!,,,••• TbeSs.Ctiliamsys...sams.liitaudisi for this Qat duos, heisting auvirtad the glass <quell . does bolt moss It to cracklog. B. T. Dl Port Pitt films Works, Wash6gtort Yfred; '''''' apt/ ' ' , Pittsburgh Rejig t McCRIMJLIX).., Hats; taps' andtStraw- Goodg ire In : tole Rog. Cana* stock of goods - :Sri; EELLJECS. 4ifitl24 031 , ,)Fit*. *A:retail:Oa N., 't tai tovi v v o tlihipold at •(!f. 23ifeireDdlitsOlttabrg Ike,t t'PUANITUitt. , srve , ..tSrf - ese , r^rir r• es iree!!. , trei!.l.9 !PS • T rgt , ,, , 31, • 1... •.4t-r, i , g..!•;71.,.!.: 0-k-H-11-91.5-D-1P 0 0 D:;.t 0_ a 4 I n• • %. . 1 4 n. S" R I VA . ar LIW C VVVF• I 4 , e re, -4. WIEDIAZILILDEparrAII6 - 1 ". 1 • IZ: . ;4 011 4: fk.:55 7 00 4 . 4. Fir!; • • edd99'2llll444.4lltis"liiitilslcri+Ohleacii, BARNES gift VA . -"r TIN AND SU `TEM -WEWIILE4 - - ',..-Arat3lihubwtareniot. 1 AtV4Z44,1 3" 0 15 f li:PAßEESinitteilEtteold'tfAhlßrerinfLLTW -01143068-98*-42PAISTERS, ITonart ,;SEED:' WATER COIEGEER,Eh. -. 1 - othilieilme.. , Wtiketurq .tne-tteep. I NG: • -e f fira4 g 4 ." 4441444 . 441 t b t l "' d ,`' Ole to efacc., - • - Amor. urge gbh el 6;t&jr sy. tirnepplepini,z, t.1112.r CAL 7 4. 6 0 a, WSW bilitinalaMpati**o4,ol,l IRM VOW itaDMAZI`WfVETESY.4OIIEiIy, the ?!1 , .• alma sit esteem:tau ettddeAdirtl2l4=lTrot, ono mile tram tho Alleghtn.y. lagittok 'WM; with about acre or ground. all coTor.l 141(n Agin Trutt troontrEftruothrobbla7.-0C...t."21).°' A Rl4' l %,f l o 4 z4 A tir A l . kieg t ingh trt oirtl I,MT , 112 g Otio 61' Itatittatt:r."" 'Abuts* I. l of y• - 7 41, 1t . 1 v . _ • r , VON adJA--Eight liriCkeTa4 J: name. puuAzyrswate. Lot LOceitt by orvaainb toilki bra , icet, frontlng on Ntecamon at ~%2 1 , A quFseo.1 4 1,T.tr*.tva, won lb au , r'.%%. 1 / 4 9 . 4 4 4 , wp..., , , plvreatitist y. ~mix.rinsiiiiimeiltt nAlik ttonTcomy STILL, atole4,lo • polr ' ar.a. and - Condocul tbiropekg Also. 7 0 era= tionamtv7 4 4, P 1 . 1* micaLle. 0 to 1, 141:1, 31 , 941** *- ,40,i fitni`ltAnionmMtr *MOM to. Illoehtno tlatota --7 4irt 4:4Elottomi nitigro , . Im.lastoramad ',ATIM130),14141.1111021:11o.i1Wealit, 111 N wpon.y. Aun4 tt a miT.41MV.12,411, twe , e. an being mads tote Kati. own ireeole,ukdgOle Mat and tong; add dearypandloa , be earstaeditot tha contort of passengers and rapid meereaumt o Welt! :Pthhiltiat Ir,s.tbx Delta In rtuebarre I ea fellow: —The oratoiraii-accouvetwizois =Are leans the meager Bgtion dailidgmeg Erstalay,) lat MI: r r . atopptif it Stations between that bnish and Pt stiseteiphit e amd rinakttop direct ematoo. tion for Now Toth and Pitilada. This TaItODGEL IMAM.W.t.A.Wieeine its Pas rentior.tition - emery. psornizg ri. (ey Erstday.) intSte.s. m.; lapping trly. at Woe Maim. Mut estatiC cogeeetione al bmg Egg. ' 3.3e° •! ; ;Sil a ki r fFes , . 4 Cf# , W. l l.l .o3 * 'is Phi/a. Cil*Tll2StETtdait )aarea &Opal f=l , ,lti.. o 47t4Scrlf aqntednillo. 3 "*A. =Jab/ diseete=mtioh nernw,nlS=Talthnars, WWI 421.4% - ..; • Id - 3 fe irs., gat Pitshal, tlllati7str. limns coonseting - Ilanrisbaripkettaltitears and Wasthilt o iL asOIM XII Tent aienliontown route.. without change 0 2-.lu Prenedetitm for tire - - - toOblinoctantAnsa _The tttitad:olrtt .." ,, e't 4 otatimt-Tita lama daft, Orcort Sumlul •UX=R. .t . lag at en made.. axed reentlng. as Emma t SkadOwnenetelatiop Wire Mattes' lemendepy @pent Bundy at : SO - *mad "dmommodatten- alre Etatias term dap' (meeptdondaPete MEM so. s v pini Acc.raawdallon - Id Valve meta 'a :1111414. daily (=apt Sandayjetal" Tosirth Acestansodation Tia.to Wars Stay LASS, dalit (eacePt Stntdayled p. m. Ti.. Marsh - Trade :mate iVedredbffion nary En . d'" ai 3Pt; .z .?l7 7l E t, ha" Pillanu l li Traci fsr..ll.Mitiash ea tan.. limn', 0v.124 'rblinnernts. 1:3) p.m. 1:30 .Throg‘h MuttL in LOO a. , •Johmtertert dectomenotafion.. - ..4.1 - .l—litOS I. D. Mgt Wall's Station AmOnarantatienZt..... esitS rigNraint2:eNt=l: Sherds warn Station dencestmcdatioth.— n•te matunnn, ampon.niu nrfiin nit,4 P PUS -Tdpsola ghat P.. 131. Ott WOLI4I Trains forTialnwEis andlo ' , yea connect at Miry. villa 'lntermetted :etteommadation dobstatostsedettionmelagan .ot Train llast, tog whit alattlantry Xiagana and Acconst ‘g =ii:lr leak sgetteg Maan with Ex: itsom Verna as& liTntin V. anstiwith Tame' o....orittelettati attintepowet TinsPEWltt. WAIL,.-.? 31 To lira 1'0rk.—,...413.33 1,110cr0..._ .510 63 V. tbDarlatblllia l .,,..... ► . Ittbri) Trilamdiatar ....... 8 31 To narrmomg--- T co Tad,bltr . .caur,......— 3 60 Hanna Mu:43rd to all rondos•km Tbo Tbam7try nla errand. Ealtroad,, ago loltlitlIdilobla; IMM:ern alld Nay - York. . . .1.,-..b.a., -, dbammgma Farritram3 tleimas.icr 13s, ama will bs ''' tu r 4 ar' i lw'sb, " iTtittolletanod trzrolot Tet ' Otton to Oaf u robsoaterptfrom atallonn rammallai y ell ittkitr• ,, i • T,, iliniaßeall2 3:162, *Min the4:7o34hsiy will bold 11 •WienotifT. , 10 31 3 :33 1 b1i.•km0 - baggagr may, sold for so armarat sat ' ' - I,i N. 1t.—.33 ithonlbasldoooo employed to . =b'my imam and •b•bb alma from the Da. bos:. a 3131 to mm00d.23 Mb% for mob pm. - 0rm3 1 1133d33 , 3:3003 OPOTalotrtato -. , ..0.•im , a.... :•.4'• p i t coo ;. ra3jp, agraad rameaga ,' - 110 , old" • :t - tiod a 044thote. Le - - .',,-";,`' . 1.7: . - 76 ; : :,.. - 2 7 _ •'7 , CHEAP PASP V KEIIIE j a, Nt , .• •••••siottio qprntorrwrov is ~.,, ••••. , -.1.--1•••• • i .:u t.T. !.••,..•..r.f. • - I IAriTE:R: 724 N 11.17E::71.0W Esp. .c , r., vi.l ........-.. .; , ..._ ,- -tiii ill2aiili PI trir:gpirgfi,?tll 6 - oat pne. eDgnaltf''' . 7 •'. •-• • ••'' , ••-• , ,EiiiF4s.huri,l43* 11;s14•11teamarsi. irMin_injan;Yniii.7l4:l;i:tieliin,,,Wo . Limpook, tinßratoltorrendirrY;d4liral. • - t. 1.", ,i.......,..,.._, !!.,,,-,,,, Lowxyrt.inupiny:olltirent. Hem r . :4,,-. tr,.47141 , itzdar....-itse. talphatela.S.Maltrbeed. One * I°,lPrAol o 3..lloll49WS.l.ll46444Aps.ffligns an found bYP.Ik• - ..7 :,..... .;1... ~ 7.The imarnigietteaa Aga lor - lbe " WASH. gOSITIVITLI,S.7SI , •,-:, • , •!'• , ”""'t• • . nn. - "- rn ; "•1, f r.,.,."...tt ....+l,s 1 t . Elipper tßalsrvvresseis, • -,.....,..., .-2,- , .. .-,,,,,. ~._•- • ..,,, , ..1', " ..., SaillApius/dy behreni.llramodiald Van York. ' Pu t i t!bn i *t - °44. 4 ./# 1 PAP•istiiPt. 2 " , "d0.' 41 ••••, t -•-•! •., ~,, ?. ....,.. ; ...,, , 1,1 MILT DILSII73 OV , ITICMITIONAL DAN& ros Einl.ll,payab3e•at =pa' itildbfancba. In sag u.d or lenland.. , ~, . i...„, ~,,,,,, .4,;LOyA), ' I ' r-r- ' 77.-! ! . 'aceSsier l Obice"SrO. - Ittifriti dna, - 111ANti.'61121dIttfflarlti PM:burgh. • e r tkrsoitzt *Gamer. as T i n intended .1=4 4'1" ! 3 '"'" 121 ? 4:9gOaFr nx,ol334TßSr.rpliliday April 9. r.7rrrat727' A pril 16. MtralthsattigllbilLMOillree":lltinzt . 44. - t 03:3341/ Padale tao 34. ai•=l, l . canon. Tcortol3or ••••...a - '7..13331Z'0rr3tatci........• —333 CO • -do 12, Lamlek.-..*-C UM) do, to Loudon 34 OD dot t0P0tte......-5 , 55XL.d0 •„ to Path. 4050 - - tolitzttrarg. WI 03 ' Ilactbg 37 00 Wattitiltromen, Bot• I-10‘3430t 3 . 50 eitool tkomoticord ; Cobb r Th • SIC& SOmoges VC, note 1.1,6 with to to - Arg to AtailF.Vril.+:.44Aux• V`Nri hen at ths" — Too Met* 11.41FAig OaosPitr, Oincea."., •`;•" •Gt*PAIX, Agent. Id Now Tait 301/11 TI/0:03ON '47/S•PYPIWAFIP- 'nIINARIi, aaN)lO.-altesarigtak&E, la: . !:.. :f /BON NNWsirClllWASS.lttattsrlimy • .....I.', -0'..4.1f,.. *ow", Vii:,- . 4tWTA . 0.40 7 45i,t1.-{r. , . ~,,t3,,..• ,Z.e,,,,,'n.VACLOkelitialift ' alitauattr,:r.r,: -"•,,N-i!..ellifti• 13 1 .1,114 F , 441 w-a ork -1 :7 atiotarlE ti l at t tries tb .t) t'"! , l t • Y . .7 . 42tedfaittettft C O rr & C L EB, "lA4" B A l X 4l l i t' DEP°7S. he - 1 - 11ADititgketting:11131M.;* Tr, rl o•XVIV/L4011.9; it" rye , Crga4 4 4+ l". Nita-RIMULAWATT. ' 4 1 , 311:4 . ';' • irtftliatTlLOOLDs, N [man:Ong lijaddli'Lltay Neff Tort. colutftwirnt T--,v 19APERIAWARKFIVIIiit e r , - , gmtßyty r .2 .• s ; L1MP.191,3.00t. lllNGll.V=,4llTtatitiPlird, Pe., 'Mina Paper, - : BOLL W l2 . l PrAgtetpodloontor-iroo4 to ordt4. MOM. primp..r ae - abrEAFf 'a a lp, ron,,n anmotttligh,. ........ AdiLl .6.1 - I.&DB . IR.LfEic ...... , ....EY.ERCREEMIrdIop, . - - CIAPPLZ, are hare some 200,030, sad of all the leadflor nettles !swat proehible for thla locatlou. :Willem cote ano - trete, ea retry Themed. Makhh, Xlealhor tlepett elid3Mll4ll4sita ter, chun, twat Ick n ,_saf t pkw) 0 .__4446414/sl4tVittefetn. Ecorto Va l krge, B at xrntitsrzwroupmx - rfmazim.S P ßADt. TRIM - ItOSIAt lifinalDawrflrltatralllOUSl MANI% ar. edetee4eol we era! t..l 4 utterfor "be wrehte veer-Crean oft at the CI reeahoute-aaklo.ad, or .Intheleargh t °Zee, avant* promeilfattended to. BLUBDOCHar, folemlawr oPlelabtrerh end OaklatliManiertra. - • - - _ . 410- (D !ORD Klq B - RS" An) vacs -11....12.12011EC1L.:The antatelbeezEtVertb. divided' his Yam situate tear ranee deem the Ottle tirer,on which the itaxerreoelettea Tratakat the Pittsburgh,' TortrChtrapo lE:treP;into latitarrteg from a , terti acreeta Wehrle etterallsr tau rea eleKtta., , , ,, p4Plactahe latleart ,.. ittratierd well milt ta rtheamtty ter. .Icorer. needy erel7 let, *plat, or. whictAitt Denten at the store et -13114‘11.111 d-Y11021AS; 163 arelt IG7 Liberty :. "Mph Plttellaipteraileei. 'here per- - fiNkt4l:arez,.,rti near the atatilltMLitlat. 5i...i2 , .... 47 .01.m...:; Patio:Aar Mullet= : r A.424,,tiztutickl,m, Pavtirlaardsn'athe..ll.643"l:lB, of att.: A m t can Vt i z bi st lf t Zft . ST tkeittr Afttstr.ttitiotet 4 tuanteM s r a ftu r,( 2 , l laiskieutskestr‘xt,— - ' ". 1104.44-0 :4 151 4 , 41 , 11001% .t Co.s:, istareurk.. ,c,..4.x.mkg. Water, Club anAlt.e., ,1,{07.7, • , 46 H J., .3irti! . • ~. i , „. . rintfiltitjVirilliggii., iiilnot...• ....0 444%, ,t• .. . tt. , •1* . - .*.reavaaameal tatifto:Thrfirt4i,l on km • tong .1,.., r-ort..ricac , e•sr,- Tr0..rt., , .r. . -.-. ." '''' ' .- "ftKv , ..4014 1 41134/4-Va ottAni. 1 DOTGIOBOR4irtUMSI ..2 . O. F itARC.Rant 4 1 ilutigre,Uel, • 1 rqiiiitf46 a- 41463 ". ' -.•- An ka tarrW glareliiic k . . -- . . -D&VIN CUM tAtelo.: tom . :. - ~- iti Irocd MOO. • .. , Witvi I - - . -.• - -:,•'..•. , • ::.7.4....5',...7:-.... • ..-1: 7:1"! .. 'i A .
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers