Point*.axe • T T 7! MIT AND SUBURBAIV. sinavincau. pApzu.igs Nance.-Th. Stockholders of the Ciazzets AIIIIOC/LtTION will hold its regular quarterly ineetingonWansisnan, OM inst., at 3 o'clock, 16 = r at Altai editorial rooms, second story massettehulltling." Sanitary :Fair Bulletin. &imiter. 14E:tattles Connes 90 Wa• air meet, whine the Scentary. W. D. McGowan. 9 111 I*lbruad at 111i:tare', and It* Chairman relay attar. oilunil lb* Ow. Talc. t adquerbinTW of lee Committee at nu Sanitary roost; Surkres building, Fourth street. Printing , arcane by the. int.osmmliteee will be coheredcoh _ ry_te Secretary of the Executive Com. • • Vireabus the OammltEee avdt ma w. laelni wilt be found al the Seems • ,Meetin g of Common Council. 'it spacial meeting of the Common Council • Wu .Iteld*.on Tuesday ev4ang. Merabere • present—Messra. Aadry, Bock, Comm, Davis, - • • Dean, Pryer, Hare, .feremy,Leoutud, Mackey, Montgrotery, MaCendleur McGowan, Ltion, O'Neill, Relation and President illeel. :• " The latii#oll of the loot monthly meeting _were reed and approied. • The Prealdruit stated that the meeting of Hinman Council was called to establish the Snide of FM& High; Wylie and Ross streetsc and proceeded to nadthe ordinance relative to Gar matter, which was referred to the Street Committee for amendment by. Select Council . IC the last special meeting. The action of ' ailed Connell was oiniarred in, and the Street Committee lathed to consult, the Council, In • the meantime, taking - it recces. • .Thei Street Committee, liter a ahortabsenoe. reported that they had examined the different plans submitted for the proposed change of rode ihtheatreets referred to.and presented • an 'ordinance with 6'room:emendation that it ; Mackey moved the third reading' and Snot, passage „of the ordinance: Mr. O'Neill objected ' Mr. Mackay. Moved that the ruins be ins- O'Nellt Moved that the motion to sae , pond belati on the table. The yeas and DUB being ordered, all the members voted In the negative s except Mews- O'Neill and Fryer. , r. Mackey ', to motion anspend the mies w lost. Mr. O'Neill Moved that the ordinance be referred tack to the Committee, with instrao does to report a complete ordinance. • Mr. IdePindless offered en amendment that the. Street Committee be instructed to report -On ordinance haeorporniMg the grade as pre. canted ordbrancereported. Adripted. -11rO ordinance 'was then referred to the B~j t. Committee. Mr. Mackay presented a Maintuniestion • from J. Hamilton Robinson, on behalf (dee . Wind sad Oil Valley Telegraph Companies, - asking the right to put. up telegraph polar along Grant shoat; from Fifth to Liberty 'treat.; thence ttr • -the. railroad bridge of the Pittsburgh,Bl.-Warris and Chicago Railroad. Company across , the Allexhany river; alms the rigIVOU-way - from the corner of Fifth strut _along Smithfield re Third. and down Third*Hre St. Charles Hotel. Reed and re , felted to the Street Conimittee. • fitralerF presented a oornomildcallult from 'Wm. M. I .3ereb, taking for a reduction of-city - tax.%-lieferred to Finance CoMmittee. ArClarlihiSitoo front Street Committee, au thorising the grading and - paving of Butler street, from the north curb of Liberty street to the south curb of Penn street, and Meehan : ics itreat, from the untheurb of Perinatreet tothe south cork of Pike street. • • Also,an Ordinance authorising the grading and paving of Adams street in the - Fifth ward, from the north curb of Penn street to the smith curb of Piker street. - Both ordinance were !marital, and laid over under the rales. - • -Aleamatunleation from - Naylor k Smith, • • asking a reduction of business tax, was read referred to the Finance Committee. , Ma. Fryer presented " an ordinance au ' glutting the collection of a tax from paten - ger, agents," providing that oil passenger agents putt) the city a tax of one dollar for ::each ay to all foreign ports. - The ordinance, after tome discusaion, was -• withdrawn, • Ng— -Robinson elfereol a . revelation that exprou wegona attending market shall heti= ifteg lame , the' privilege to :.stand on Flab stmt. from Market dem' to Liberty. Re ferred to Market Committee. On mottori agjonnimi. Patents to P=mo,lvanlatuu The following patenta were lamed from the .13nited BMW Patent Ones during the week "ending March 29 : To Wm. Adanumn. of Philadelphia, fee improvement in pulverising roachinee. To John. Pennon, of New Riehmond,.PL, for improved mode of collecting oil on.eurfauo of riven. • ' To Hew B. Chess, of Pittsburgh, Pa., for liaprovedscrew head. • William Henry, of Wyoming, Pa., for improvement in ploughs. To George Shepherd, of Philadelphia, Pa., for linprored liniment for rheumatism, &c. To Hamilton H. Smith, of Pittsburgh, Pa., for improved washing machine. •To 'Jacob Smiliq of Philadelphia, Pa., for Improyed bedstead fastening. , TO James Smith and Allan Greig, of Tarry ville,pa., for improvement in apparatus for • •-; wanting gm fromeriakaam. • . To Prederick"MeHie add" Chas. Ballinger, of Pittsbarigh, - Pw4 "assignors to McKee & Brothms,of 40111411141111C0, for improvement In glalsyresiing- Machine. ,To George-H.-toilers, of.Phoenixville,Pa., assignor to the Phoenix Iron Company, of she time plam,.for improvencent in the omega- Sore of bar links , ' - TO - Henry 'T. Staines of Scottsville, Pa-, assignor to -Robert - - Bali's!, of Sharloyeburg, .- • . Pc. forlmiro'venient in sewing machine. Eartatorn.--.To 11. K. Parsons, of Harrie-: • - memo asslgnnisinti Jacob iii. . Mamma, of the , same place, for , straw "cutter; Pitented January 26, 1858. c " Beleaned September. 6;1859: ' Pyrusinta.—To •Ansitew Fulton, of Pitts burg;-.Pa, for - eoriponstilard and•soft metal ricking: Patented March S 6, 1850. r:, • Te'llssniel •Hielts;"Of• Deuesaville, Pa., for ' fretfroied ittaehniant'of the forge' hammer to • its Itidta; Patented April 2,1850. BepOiCokhi Rrivost Marshal. Thelollo.l . ol Lathe eonsollibit ad monthly report' of Capt. 3.o,Wright, Provost-3lor ahaloltfu Dapartilent of the fdonongahola, . . for the month c pfhfireh: Remidts naleired. ............... ....,..—.-- 2318 " Coloied.. ..... • 108 • Yarloogto 1241 .1 13 7 7 2 titragglers ' 1.... 29 • Tqtal t • 3,938 • . Or thus, 1733 were sent to Oamp Copeland; 2118 to Dunstan; 332 to Washington City, ad lbstalatoo ul rufous other points. Tho .4gal : somber Of rations istned . was 4,338. Them* asernita yam resolved from the fallowing districts • `19130 Ciongrossiefscsi District., 275 850 -:** • 99 23d a ...... 261 .24th .. ....... . ste Bacedting WSW/ TOM • • methane , sad g men were received and forwarded direct, from the 17th of March =the ith 'of Capt.. Wright, =noted 103 ant:. remits:at his office daring the . - .wklingingSehoolw Entertainment. If• direct public attention to the advertise - *ant of a rare rouslial:enterfairunent, whiob Li tei:iegiriet 'on Monday evening nest, for :t ho benefit :a the Milted States Sanitary Cem entation. Same forty . tiemen , amatenni. embraeleg tho bee ttalent of Abeam malty. will conduct the performance, which will ...moist' of solosi.dnetts, qurtettee and elemsee. da the proceeds are tole applied to Useof that eery benevolent laud : Won. the n tary;Commieston, the sale of i•tletete*Sdoebtlest be eery large. inttr.`Rtrintsrfartoz. l —Yestarday, atoord• to preriorm notice, a beantifal dog ems tell-to ,the 109th Pennoleania : .- mentriln- front of the Monong a hela Emma 4,Nerulszve contours of, potions werepree• lelt:: : l9lbit_pre:isentatkus speech arm made by of Alleghoay, fifty, famed' chaplain of the regiment and the ererreostralf Capt. Getabar:theaaly atildtat/Captala Wes reiglataat. monlog 1 0 o'clock, at Xddaload's Audlosi Itoorn,lls Binh street, , vl.ll hada, susaUtz of Mir ma , sand ;- 1421 C 4 :0 1 1 4 ir 1 1 4;: • {, 1.... C ~~ ~~—.. ` 5 .y'ti. "~: ..eah ~v s.n ilr.`~d~ * .•':~~ `• .~(.Sµ_+..r~4~~~yrvl ~4~Y ~~.4.'Si^~f^'xa.uy.~'.'s;il~^"~~"eni:3'r~'R ~~ y d . ..rl..i'twvt=~vi t ~-~`W#.34A:~.m,i.c , r.a~a.. c5;16 r.'~eufi~ "R . 'r Virginity Board' of Control. bur Allesharry City Board of &atria men the Fourth - "' Lae OTOS. The minutes of the previous meeting were rasa and approved. , On notion, Mr. David Macferron, Receiver of Bohool Tax vu, aloud a commission of three per conk The Visiting Committees of the Tl/1011.11 ward 'drools treat:cited their reports, exhibit• big a very, gratifying progress of the scholars. The reports were received and adopted. A warrant was ordered to he drawn in fa vor of Mr. W.' B. Raven, for $lO,BO cents for printing and binding. ..A bili from Mr. Win. Patton, for coal fur nished the colored school was, also ordered to be raid. Mr. Francis reads communication from Mr. M. McGonagle, setting faith that be had received $319 from tho County Commission. ors, collected as taxes on unseated lands In the city, and asking wbatdisposition he would make of it. ' The communication was received, and Mr. McGcnnigle directed to-pay the lame o►er.to the Treasurer of the Board. A communication Was received from the Treasurer of the Board, announcing that the State Appropriation had been 'received. On motion, luijostrned to meet On Monday evening, the 25th inst. $lOO Treasttry ., . Ncitivs: m A Dangeroni One of the most dangerra owanterfeits ever Jutted is the icoltationmiof the $lOO Troanny note' which are now being exteririvaly deco fated. The following to a description of the counterfeit: On the totmterfeit the number of the note is larger and less brilliantin color than the gen uine. The imprint or, the American Bank Note Company at; the ;top is also ;larger, the double rubs running frpm it is hoarier, and the terminal curve tided as lam, while there la a diagonal shading at the joint of • the im print With the rule, which does not appear In the genuine. On the tight end of the back of the bill the "100" in!the circlet are inver ted, thus t "001." InAegesidite the" 100" in the circles the.left end resat: thee : "001:;" the counterfeit they arc thus "100." The outside circle of the 100 in the tower loit.corner of the genuine tottchei the loWerborder ; in the counterfeit it doei not anise within one-sixteefith oL an inch. The paper is also heavier and somewhat greasy in the counterfeit, and there., are e th er elightdif foresees, but the !plutons bill is so Well exe cuted that several Wall street bankers ex changed it without hesitation. This counter felt is said to be extensively circulated in. the West. Three members of the gang. have already been arrested, and detectives are on the track of the others. Another New Railroad Project company has been organised for _the pur pose of constructing a line of road from Co lumbus direct to Parisi:Louth, on the Ohio River, to be known as the Columbus; Chilli ootheand Portsmouth Railroad Company. The boobs for subscription to the stock of this new and Important line are to be opened at the °Moe of Gm Dennison, in Columba". • The line passing down the &lota Valley, wilt be carried through some of tho meet for regions of Ohlo.and will bring Several important towns of south-oashim Ohio :di rectly in communication with the Capital Ind With the net-work of railroads, of (.which Columba' is the centre. The contemPleted road will also bring the Lake cities shd the river into direct connection, over theCleireland and Columbus roads. It Is a line of commit elution that au been and still is much needed for the convenience of the business interest of the State, GiLIM Family Matinee at Moronic llall A bio afternoon at 2 o'cloelt. Tllll 13081111.11 TBOVOI.—Our eitirens are taking advantage of the opportunity present ed by the Misses Woodruff°, to gain an in sight • late the orreterieti .of giass•blowiog. Their work is truly magnificent, and all go away perfectly satisfie& lAn afternoon exhi bition will be given to•idsy. The price of isdnxissien will be fifteen cents. By all means go and 800 the wonderful gloss steam engine. Bt rm.'s Pasorum oV min Was.—„This exhibition hu been drawing good homes during the week. Those wishing to see cor rect representations of. wan, of the battles fought during the past three year., should take advantags of the peasant opportunity. A matinee will be given this afternoon for the amotamodation of children and families. Env. D. EL PUNCH, past or of Chanlees 11. P. congregation, Canonshozg. Pa., mu re cently Rustle thereelpiccit Of , s handsome pres - ent, tionsisting of a purist wall filled with "gut:fluts," together tOtb other tokens of 'good will from hie congregation: Isranzan rn ♦ 130.1. Pl26—Patierson Scott, son of Alex. Scott, Seq. I of .Ifonongshols ea:, was severely ll:Jared' oe Monday , after noon, In a coal - pit, near , that ; place, by the falling, of a quantity of !'horseback" upon him. Ills Injuries are not coneldered Carious. Cones:—The 'Court.was engaged 'yesterday afternoon in the trial of Andrew Watson charged with allillation t on oath of Maggie Barber. The cue :was not concluded at adjournment. Srame.—The jou:do:rime% Cordwain ars (men'l branch) are on mstrike for an ad vent* of seventeen par cent, on their present rate of wages. ELEGANT Rozninaro and Cari?oda at auction thin morning, at 16 o'clock, at Maple Hand% Balm Booms, 55 Fifth 'treat. Reasa's Gold Medal Freedom Pianos, are for sale by Charlotte Blume, 43 Fifth street. Penrcrs's School Organs. at C. Blume,. $1 Piano!' are warranted for eight Joan. RP Ef..3 a MAKIAIi, worms:- Tacna Pinar, Plain and Ornamental El itoofar, and dealer tn'Penturylvanla and Vittgant ale.a of the bast qttallty at low rater. Op . ea at. Alex. Lanablin't. , now the Water Works, Pittatirgh, Pm. • RiIeIVAL.--Bamite ' 1 Graliain &Co., Merchant Tallers, bare removed to 73, Smithfield street, and . would moat rapectfully.call the attention of their friends and the nubile generally to their new steak of Spring and Summer goods, which they have last received. Their Ito , * is of the vary Snail quality of Engllah and French cashmeres, doh's, cashmeres and vesting. Also, a very extensive assortment of Scotch cashmeres. Don't fall to glee them as early call. Every garment warranted to give full astisfaction. Qtaaatrt MOCIAIIDIXEW. TS Smithfield St. Tint Miasma and foul vapory generated by the hot sun will be far more des* to our Volunteers than the enemy's baybeeta. In the Indian and Crimean campaigns, MOLLO WATM PILLS were used iii enormotts quan tities. They kept the troops' In perfect health. Soldiers supply yourselves. Holloway'aPills and Ointment are now trire tailed, *Wing to the high. ee of drugi; 3te., at 30 cents, 76 cents and 1,10 per lxix or pot. For safe in Fittaburgh p. L. Fahnestook .t Co. For isle also at Fulton's ;drag gem Fifth street, Pittsburgh, arid by George A.l Kelley, Allegheny city. Boa Coughs, Colds and Throat Disorders, use .Brown's Bronchial Troches," having proved their odic:nay by s tart of many years. .71 or sale at Button's Drug store, Filth street. Jar Ithasnrao tan &um son fisrs—Tics In. assortment of Pall and Winter Clothing, lately thosirod by Messrs. John. Whir k Co, Nathan' Tailors, No. Padtail shoot, loghony. The stock of clothing °insists of this gnat.misty of geotetuintalooho, Teeth coats sod wronoste. The style of patio:24a tasteful and fashionable. We world Weft* and ourieedtoz to gin tho above gentleman WI. ! • • How= Arles.--The nut and second nights °lath gem tragedian rally Jugged the an ticipatory notices-we hare remised of this :mum artlst'S great ability.' His Hamlet re newed our remembrance of hls_great prede cessor, Hoer 'Maus, 'and Macbeth was My equal 'to the eminent ;stook from which . To-night he vill appear' as Elng Jamas the Mb, in the great plaibithe Her. James Whiteientltied the Hato or own Coo- Wwroxis, Imtsr; No. U Plfth Arse, Is now opszdsig the most shape stook erase Gold ssa Eaves Wstatusr, imam Slim wait sad Isioy GoWo aros digplarkj In this city, Ana is mince the* at ssmasubly low saint. ADMIIISIOI to Masora° Mal this attention only 15 cents., Poz caws and degmbi9 grllo . ds go to Barkeee, 59 Market stmt.' oszna H.:eatrrx,'Attorn 7 at 1. Gnat street. mr' 98 , 24.sas, Dirdarstie-Pesii-stmtv ofil m ind A 4 •D bub,slea of kb mfastwilL L. :• THE LATEST NEWS lOti &haat Bolus OEM SPEQIAL DISPATCHES FRO M *ASHINGT N Special Dlepatch to the Phial:4mb Gazette. WAsizircrron Cirri, April 5,1864 The resolution adopted unanimously in ,the Hanle to-day from the Committee on Foreign Relations, Is construed by its withers as amounting toe notice to France and Maximil- Ilan, that If they carry out their Interference In Mexican affairs and establish an empire, they can have no recognition from the United States now, and are certain to have war here after. it le not:probable that the Senate will delay action on It , although the Senate Com mittee wee not Consulted on the 'object at AIL 1111 not worthy that contrary to the usual custom, the House In this matter takes the lead of the Senate, a foot doubtless dee to Winter Davis. Is back from sorbeza Monroe, In company with Gen. Ord,'and went to GM Halleek'■ for consultation. Counterfeit. The bin for the adjustment of the venerable French Spoliation claims, as reported by Mr. Stunner to-day. appropriates a sum not to ex ceed five dollars in the adjustment of damages for detentions, seizures and captures made by the French during the eighteenth century. It does not cover the claims em braced In the convention of 1803, nor those !of the treaty 4 1819 between the United 'State and Spaln,nor under the treaty of 1803 with France. This bill au:bodies the appoint ,mont of three COmMissioners for throe Ivan, 'at $3,000 each, Mid a Secretary at $2,000. The expenses of:the Commissional shall not ennead $50,000. Tlll 811CMITARY Or RAZ 'Returned an anaWcr to the Senate resolution asking for the order of Major General Dlf to Provost Marshal Rodge relative to the Mary /and election, that there was DO exist/lice of any such order Upon the tiles of the Depart ment. ascaorned ra alaatuous emits. The indications In the Senate to dafii_on the Roue bin, allowing States to eonil/44e crafting Macon down into the reheifinas regions loam unfavorable to Its passage.lho northwest Is specially opposed to It. Itft eoxEsTran Of melrireSon A letter from Attorney General Bate.Oiras oommunicated to the Senate, to-day, *s tint+, the bequest of Commodore lesipathe Bomestead of Jefferson,. to the Unlte<filikts, shows that the property includes Iticlo, $200,000 in real estate In Notritilrk, sad one hundred thousand dollars "At It to bequeathed In trust fdr Agri:l4o! I School, and for the support of warranOklers of the navy. In :the Supreme CourtOew York, Juetices Sutherland and ClarkerlZSAer - a 1 a decision, declaring the bequesttiCtlis United States Invalid ; Justice Mullin 6 , ,Oint" lag. The ease has been taken to GLISCOurt of Appeals, pending whose deelslon,AOrney General Bates rimPende recommendatkltS bat Is disposer! to loot with but little lavert„.tipon the assumption of such trusts for mereliThar (table objects. A Sonata resolution, adopted to-01ii44, in 'tracts the Committee on Foreign Affatii, to consider the expediency of amendieg - ; the Neutrality Law so as to make it recifirsiia% each Government , extending entire neufnility to those who return the same, and to others the exact measure which they extend M. The bill proposes to allow the Hudson Ray Company's steamboat "Intornation" to trade within tha limits of the United State. on Red River of the North, subject to proper Custom Reuse regulations 'controlling such trade. RILL FOR THE ECLIE! OF RISPRIUIR COURT JODLICB Air-Anthony tUbmittod an amendment in tended-to be proposed to the bill for the relief of the Supreme Court Justices, which propo poses to retire the 'Chief or Anociate Justices at 70, if they request it, upon a salary of $4,000, in a cave not exceeding Ofteen years service, increasing with length of judicial ser vice to $6,000. It retires district Justices upon three-foorthaof their respective salaries, provided that in no cue shall it be less than $3,000, where judicial service has been more than liftedn years. George Thompson, the great English aboll tiemist, arritedjbere this morning in company with Oliver Johnston, the editor of the Anti slavery Standard. :He 'peak' la the Hall of the House bccwight. Re 11 the guest of Mr. Stephen, late city Pont master. TEX TAX BILL. • The committee of Ways and Means have little hope of reporting the tax bill earlier than Saloorday, and may not get through till next week. Nothing ii allowed to be known note Its proviiloni, except that In general tonna, taxation will be very heavy. AIX= : NAT, TAZDA. Representative Blair has made earnest ef• forts to further the Interests of fit. Lords by arranging for a visit of the Naval Committee west to impact sites for a River Navy Yard, guilt as the same .committee has been paying to 'Eastern points, but the House to-day re spectfully refused the committee leave of reb sauce. Western mon complain of this dis crimination against them. Generals Schenck, Garfield and others who have been off speaking 'in Connecticut, are balk in their places. There la genoral rejolo log over the victory. It was expected, but not by so large a majority. The Senate to-day, In executive session, confirmed the contested cue of the nomination of Robert Beale as Warden of the Jell of the District of Columbia. NIIMPIAMID WlOll Brigadier General James B. Stedman, of Toledo, Ohio, formerly Government Printer, wad to-day nominated Meier General of TOl anteors. General Stedman is the officer who signalized himself •t Chickamauga by march ing without orders in the direction of the en emy's fire. and by in doing saved General Thomu' flank. zo PICSPECT or AM movimairra. There was steady . rain all fait night and all day to-day, and time is no prospect of course of important moveinenta for weeks to coma. Several members 'are off taking p or t In th e Maryland campairru, whloh closes In the olect tlan of to-morrow. The Maryland radicals, under the Iced of 'Artutor Davis, are confident of triumph. rim ntriumnirt or causomna. General McDowell, It h mnderttood, ham been tendered the - command of the Depatt meat of California, and is bid to bare de clined it, Initiating on an active command In the field. It hi mild that the mane tuts been often• aid to uncial Ilanhr with the same mom, and it Is hrther reported that It la likely to hal:a/red to Gen. Fremont. WITISCATID LANDS r3O BOLDWAIL The Committee on Pablio lands are abolit to 'report a bill setting apart confiscated lamb for the benefit of eoldiers. E iltherarbrn eizotrurioaa. 1. The dodgiest of thegriust Qtalobilver case in favor of the CoMpany today, has led to vary heavy tpemiletleal. Movements of the, market thus disappolut the mieederors, coacureasuor mots= coirmuisai). ovY• esTsral. DM:lngo. COngrosisitos here, in. aladtigorkollSorl.4llsts ILA srsamber from IlliSiits; endorse, snore or leu guardedly., the IstoClopperhosdortra wo.notooriiialoav om two Cato Tam. • Tho Mal named to-dsi,ll a tote of two BY UMW& on Blimpss WITH rasscs MN.GIURT SPOILATION CLAIM AMILISDIITAT TO TIM NrmuLt?r LA4.I: 72■ AIItrVAL OP 020101 IUOMPBOIII coictrr scsmina aoineittp MI YLVYLAAD CIAXPAION to one, to order the preriena qnertion oa the NM from the Committee oh Moods and Canals 'antioidedngifie : .hefidingef railroad hedge over the - Olde: dice at the tale, one by four meioritY Whited t, lay it on the labia. It Wee finally tent back, to the Committee. mg , wzarince Heavy rains again toLdig. PROJII Spools! thootoh to rim Plttobaritb Gouts& aortaintrrte, April 5, 11384 Gen. Crawford left here for the Rapidan tc day to take . command of the Pennsylnala Reserves. The whole diSislon is once more together, forming the ad dirislon of the 4th army corps, under Gen. Warren. There is great rejoicing over the Union vic tory in Connecticut. e The weather is of the foulest character. J Congressional Virmanscrros CM; April 5th,1864 SZNATII.—After tho transaation of maim portani morning badmen, Air. Powell, oi Ky., endeavored to got op his resolution calling on the Secretory of 'War for information in reforenco to orders given by him or his sub:- ordinates, for the security of pleas of wor ship. Mr. Connese, of Cal., reeved to lay the rep lotion on dm table. Agreed to; yam, 27 naps, U. 8 —On motion of Mr. Trumbull the Senate went into executive session, and after thiee quarters of an hoar the doors wore opined. Mr. Fossendon'e motion of yester day to postpone prior orders and take up the naval appropropriation bill, was rrjeoted ; ayes 22, nays 16. The joint resolution to amend the Coneti- lotion came up us the prior order. hlr. Johnson said, we hive heretofore kept four millions of slaves in bondage, and oa one of the consequences of that bondage they had been kept in a state of almost absolute ignoranie. This was a thMg of which the world's history afforded no parallel. Whether this was for weal or for wag tha (stare must decide. The Only qaestiori: for statesmen to consider wpo whether this mounre of. Oman, elpation was right, independent of Its cense , - quinces; if those oeuequenoes aro such as to render it expedient at this time. There was a period in our history when there was but one opinion about the question of right. The men who fought through the revolution, and recommended the adoption by the Amer ican people of our Constitution, thought that slavery was not only an eV% but an evil of the highest character, which It WAS the duty of all Christian people to remove. The history of those times would bear bim oat in the assertion that if the men by whortanhe coutitation was framed, and the peoplef by whom It 'was adopted, had anticipated our present troubles, they would have provided some constitutional enactment at some an/emote period to revoke the clause permitting slavery. Almost every titan of reflection of that time tier satisfied that sooner or later, the country would be involved In trouble on account of it, and they looked with confidence to the time 'when It should be eradicated. The provisions in the consti lotion protecting slavery were adopted upon political and material reasons, and not upon grounds of morality or religion, and because they believed It would be diffirmit to have • union at all *lthaca. Slavery. Whether they were right -er wrong, it is impossible to say now. If they had voted to adopt our constitution, without the recogni tion of slavery, Dooms, now a spectator of the scenes around us, would, regiet it. Ito enter tained the same opinion, of Slavery now, that be had from the time heifirst studied the sub- Jan of human rights. 4n ,advocating this measure he was not deputing from his car. iler con:lotions, and would appeal to the con stitution itself, in Justification of the vote he should give for the measure. Ll° would not inquire whether dower, had produced the war or not; the war was upon us, and slavery had produced mischief, and amps the meas are. before the Senate should bo adopted, there could be po permanent peace. Mr. Johnson at length proceeded to controvert the Idea that the abolition of slavery could be ae• coroplished either by direct legislation orthe exercise of the war power by the President. He believed that the rebel, owed allegiance to the United States, and were to be proceed ed against as traitors under the constitution, and ally other idea would be monstrous. Mr. Davis's amendment, that no person or persons whose mother or grandmother is or was a negro, shall boo cltisen of the tini. ted Elate', or shell be eligible to any civil or military °filmier any place of tenet or profit under the United States; was rejected. Yeas 5, Nays 33. Mr. Powell proposed to insert at tho end of Section 1, the following: That no slave shall be emeaCipated by this article unless the owner thereof be first paid the vain* of the sieve or IiALVCI so emancipated, which was rejected. You, 2 ; Nays, 31. Mr. Davis submitted an amendment pro viding for the distribution of the nogroes set free under dile act, among the northern Stater, according to their respective popula tion, watch was rejected. Mr. Elselsbell obtained the door, and the Senate adjourned. Hover-111r. Arnold, of 111., from the Com mittee on Poet Reads mod Canals, reported a bill, which he explained as amendatory of the post route act of July, 1862, and providing for the construction of two bridges, over the Ohio river to enable the raltroade of Indiana and Illiaols to meet on the bags of the Ohio in ICentocky, and for the security of assignation by directing the bridges to be built from two hundred to three hun dred feet high. The railroad, are made to conatruet the bridges without met to the Government Mr. M►llorf, of K 3., In advocating the bill, said that if It bad been passed two years ago, the Govenwzmat would have saved two mil lions of dollars In tho transportation of sup plies. Both the gentlemen spoke of the great nillltary as well as eommerelal importance of seeming the connection. Mr. Moorhead,of Pa. , unenceessfully moved to lay the bill on the table. The motion was defeated by fon: rotes. Mr. Washburn), of 111., said that the bill Invo'ved great constitutional principles; there fore; be moved that it be referred for could gentler' to the Committee of the Whole on the State of She , Union.. Ile was opposed to bridging navigable dreamt. Ills section of the country had Infrared too much from the bridge at Mock Island. The motion was disagreed to. The bill was then recommended to the Committee. on Roads and Canals. Mr. Holman, of Indiana, offered a resolu tion directing the Committee on Military Af (etre to report tho bill increasing the pay of privates in the army. Mr. Schenck laid the Committee had pre pared such a bill, but withhold it twee° what amount will be raised from the new tariff bill. Mr. Schenck moved to refer thevesolution to the Committee on Military Affairs. Agreed to by a vote of 70 aphillit 49. Tho House refused to give the Haval Com mittee ten days leave to whit tho Waft, to In-, Tact sites for a navy yard. • The House wont into Committee of the Whole on the Bank bill. The Committee rose and roported,Bank bill, as amended, to the Nom. hfr.Sterene °brads substitute forlit, similar to the bill ILI amended, but tiring due rate of Interest at 7 per cant, and omittingstate tax ation. ealr. Steals, of New York, made a speech against the system proposed. Mr. Elevens acceded to the suggestion of Mr. Brooks that tho amendments made to. the bill Wthe Committee of the [Whole on the State of the Union, ,hall be printed be - fore further s action on the subject: The Howe adjourned at four o'clock. A Canard. WOMIKOTOII, April 6,—The following par agraph •ppa In • recant number of the London Okbe: "We have lOW= to believe that on ac cepting the throne of Motion, the Emperor Marimillian will *Adroit!, from Miramon, • brutal notification of hi, acceulen to the throne to ' all the Prince, and Powers with which he wishful to establiihl . dlplonfatle relations.: . Amongst the amber are the United Mates of America—Mr. Day ton the ' American kiloliter ln' Paris, having . already intimated the readings, of his Government to accredit a rep resaatatlie to illexice, and to receive a Min ulster from the Emperor of bitaloo.": There Is every reason belieie that Mr. Dayton hu given no inthastiond the chat actor thus referred to r attd.tliat pL Govern ment bat not authorised bias to gip Ley inch. From Cairo Casio, April S.—The altb .Lidlans, and the Second Minis Cavalry, sistertas, left far Nov " Orleans to-day. ;Brigadier General Corse, of lowa, also passed ftlown for the same Captain Gleainer, of the Empirif City, was arrested to.day aad lined 10.60 for sums" risitably Aaldng ti eottp; from the Tsunamis The edleirs of the shi r weir sr.' rested for landing their { host 'ow Ahs taoltysisste contrary to- girdles. ==l Washingtonlitelne. eSuOrtrrost April s.• The Navajo* /a dieus of New Mexico, having recently sur rendered to the United States tome, the proper authorities have Raked dungeon for an appropriation of one hundred thousand dol lars with which to procure them agricultural implements ima smspunce, until they eon support themselves an the reservations set apart for their colonisation. Lieut. General Grant left hem to.day, for the army of:the Potomee. He was, 'mom. partied by Major General Sheridan, formerly a division commander in the arroyo! the Cum berland, but now ordered to the cavalry com mand in the army of the Potomac. Connecticut Electiono. lisarrottn, April s.—Returns hare been received from all but three torts, New Fair field, Chester and Roxbury. The (college up are, Buckingham, 98,445; Seymour, 32,904. Buckingham's- majority 5,541. Tho Senate stands eighteen Union to three Democrats and the Rouse 158 Union to 12 Democrats, thus giving iho Union party two-thirds of the legislature, which sebum, the amendment to the Constitution, allowing ;midterm to rote. Niw Hares, April s.—The entire State except 18 toting has been beard frbm. Buck. bighorn's majority Is 5,853. The Union party hare els-sevenths of the Senate and Aimee fourths of the Rouse. From Saint Loots. Br. Loma, April s.—Mr. Slab, censure tire, was elected Mayor ofiefforron City by twenty. Ave majority over kr. Wagner, radi. cal. The New York " Vindicator,' sent to the Subscribersu of the Mitrepolitan Record In thl Cepartment,.has bone promptly .suppressed try General Roseerans. The Twenty-first Illinois, General Grant's Old roglounst,and the Twentrelghth re l enlisted veterans, mired here to-day and received an enthuriastlo reception. . The receipts of Cotton were 360 hales. Sales of Mr/het:odes of Missouri at 02e. Other arti cles unchanged. Distillery Darned. New Tone, April s.—Tbo distillery of J. C. Dayton& Co., Robinson street, was foully destroyed by fito Tbb lois ilAisivy. New York Canals. Aleut?, April S.—The water will be le. nto the State Canals on the 80th inst. MARKETS BY TELECRAPHA Eohitadelptila Market. Pinup=lna, Aprll B.—The weather to-day be. been 'nufalr,hod budams Is meetly impended. ?be Floor market la dolLand only 201:0 bble sold at 110,1234 for suP•raue. 66,6666,76 for Extra, and 5E08,73 Finley lah. ?bare Is nothlog defog 1n Rye Fluor or CornmeaL Wheat market quiet-males IMOD' bosh common nod prime lied at $1,6601,70, Wbil•SL*) LSO. Small aka of Eye at $1.30. Coro' ear" sake 3,000 bosh Yellow at 51,21. Oat. strictly at Kt 83e, Prorlslons adranclux ; ado. Old -Mm Pork •1 03,50, and New at 521 24,60, Hams ItXp l4 k l aat 140 14 %, clear tildes at 1134,, afar Shambles at 10,0.10,%. Lard at 14014%. No change In 6erd4, nein adrarmod; nic of fbblo bbh at 8 1 . 07 eaml drxag• at $l,Ol. Paltapzum44. April b.—Stocks stasdy: Nem..... _NO fronns. B. B—. 79 Hooding 78%1G01d -....-.. .... la Lcmgol99l 48 IR:champ azi IL 1 p 116n19 Te New York Market. Nrw 'form, A prll S.—Cotton heavy; WIN of 1,530 balsa at. 75firide. Floor adranced Go; ales I,SUO bbl. at 5aix.,(36,7S for Erato, 57,2507,f1.5 far 0111 , , 87,:art(d7,rs for Southern. Salsa of I,IXIO blob Wheat at 111,b201,G5 for Chicago Epilog, Bad Si,ceEo,7o, Wblte ELS& Corn quiet; rake of 3,000 blob sl,=. Pork buoyant ; Wm of 4,oootbsatU4. Lard ,Idsady at I:1413%. Whisky firm; sale. of 3,600 .1/ble at 61,0301,05. Soot buoyant and floret ; New Orleans 17X/421%. Cobs firm. Naval stores buoy ant. Petroleum firm; Crude IN, Renard In hood, 01(409, Fres ft. Stock and Money Market New To., April s.—Btocke .trouser• C. A IL I: ---123 ;c . 11. A Q.-..... 145 Cumberland p 51.--. 85)..i:blichirout Central-149% 111. Central Scrip .-.1565 !Harlem, ..... ..1411.6 Miliiiguil t3 l . N T 1i05tra1..........143ii 1. 11. A A 14 1 ••;i Reading__ Hudson River _...__ 153%ii'. A N. W 153 0 Canton Co- .. -........ 7•,,;Oold 107 4 - 4 11.lisionsi 0t.....- ....... 72'..:•Conpon 5 '516 111 0 " Eris ._...-_ _ ___....l23.;,;t:clipont ISAI 114 Galena ACh10eK0...,157‘, Onicteliver • All„ Clots Laud A Toledo .151 ,Oold closed at 1e.8 . i.1 • Nzp To., April 5.- E'resltip.--Piorks aro lover: Carolerlaud p3l Ii; illariern, ........ -... . 1385 i Nei - York Oentral,..lt.i% Ltroickintrer ST!, ilmbion Moir- .... _..1 , 3%; Pacific Atall 130 Canton Co 13 I,:ii;Gold ...... . ......... 1.3 - 1•1 Ilicsourt ER 7:1 ''osii....os 183 . 1.- ..... _ll3 Kra. Itti. lirramry 7 3-10 lII', New Yoax : April :1, 11 e. n.-Tho following are the claarig pries..l storks Tllo market Is .leady : O. a It. 1...-..-.... V 4 3i: New '1" ork c,a1 4 .4 . _14,11, rutni.rlarill ptil stlVllcAdlng• ....110 1 • AlielliAart klauttirrn..ll“ iCantotk C 0............... 7•11 5 , do do AL1...1N-340111. Coulnd 5crip.._.151,•,, New York Cattle Market. Alt tr To., April s.—Drer hlghar ; calm at II madly a I.2.3iGorpc. 1149Xc. Sharp atril Lambs Welter ; aatta at s4.7ApAtit per bead. thrinr—thern ir ^good butnelan at S 3 W:49G Itaralpta of 8r.... 3,181; Shoop and tun* 8,611; Elwin... 0,141i2. Baltimore Market Ourtao.c, Aprfl 5.-• ur steady ; axle. 1,0.0 bbl. Ohio Extra at g7,3G. Whist quiet .attsl un changed. Corn Grin; whit. 111,20, Tent.. 11,22. his.ky dull: °hi. (.Oro rory Orin; Rio-3.44.T4i'. The Ten-Vorty Loan Nttr You, Aidll 4.—The subscriptions to tit ten-forty loan to-day, at the tint National Bank amounted to 8100,0CIU, Tho receipts at the Custom noose to day areraiilB-1,(00, of which 52O0,0:0 wail in goldrertlficatet. RIVER INTELLIGENCE iGeO. Cipriptilti OZTAILITILLS. Manta Gmharo, Unmetlls. ilds Rees, Oil City. The river rose about three Inches during Monday night and yesterday, Ent lest evening It was at a stand with eleven feet In tin channel. The weather wntinusii cloudy, mild and emelt!,d , with every appearance' of more rain. There was tut compuatively little trainees don* at the wharf yesterday, and while the shipments are only moderate Cure Ise material falling oil la the r.celpta The arrival. Oros Monday Include the Gem, from CincinnaU, and the Camelia, from tat. Louis. The =elm Amiens., from Cluoinuati, wu due last night nod will doubtless b. found at the wharf thhe morn. I %OEIO ilohinton,from Ginclututti,irgonsot from ft. fouls, and the J. Gilmont, from if ultville, are due tetchy anitto-morrow. 'Them wore no departure. for below raterdarwith the exception of tbe Imma Graham for fattest-111a The Ids Ben left for Oil City , huteventaf, with Moderate freight list, and quite a number of pae iSitgera. • Capt. Perry Enron and Copt. Andy Robinson, tb. owners of Ma 'otatmer Partbenla. Domed by Abe rebels In two doroberl.d viinr, over ono year Igo , bare been awordoAS3o,ooo fur thole boot by °Uncle Sam!' ; The Cincinnati anamerefel nye: There having berm conalderable Micas:lon lately, - relative to the epaulet Capt. Knight's new PoMeroy cket, O. T. Dumont, ere are antheahred by Admiral_ David Gibson telltale that he will run the Porten:teeth packet Dorton 'No. 3 against the Dumont, from •Clo cirosati to New 111cItmend, for 51.50000 against SNOW .—rhowager to be given to charitable ;nevem •IVII bet on the y money on the bobtall nag; who wants to bet gray 7" - As Will be seen by card, the Camelia bat ellanged her sign from St. Ler& to Nashville. Pancogers end shipper will please make • note of this. Thor Illetem,Papt, Gordon, Is the regular packet for Wheeling,. to.day, leaving proseptly at noon. news. Johnston and Denton are the clerks. The well-known steamer Kenten Vapt. Denlap,i will be ready to leave for Bt. Louts thfieveviing, The Paragon, Capt. Donnelly, is loading for St. Louie and the Lilmeoori NWT. She will soon be ready to all. The America, Capt. T II Goldles,is the nizt packet for St. Louis arid points on the Upper The etatinch and reliable Alapha, Caplaln Porter, will positively leave for Cincinnati and landrille this evening. MARRIED JOEIp—TIArT.-011 To/Man Apr!! sth, by the Net. IL IL Nesbit, D. ii., Ite*. J. P. AtNES and Mts. •PANNIN It. MIST, datighter of . tb. dote Jolt, McGill, di of ttlleghony City. Pe 1113LL.—.0n 'Sunday moralar, at Oa" tetlock, !WIN rcLari HULL, aged la Jain and 16 41 a. Tao (aural wilt take plata oa TECIEDAT X 0017.0 Ttb, at 10 Ideelcet, team, tha praldatma of her brother4a•law.,ltobt. 'hwy. Chateau! street, Um. manilla. • • . iirampramma 10Po. P. Vora.. 1 Lafayette sun, April 11,18c4. [13.102d REGIMENT.—Circular : Paymaster 1. expected Lem I'O-DAY to ay the Regiment. Commandlog Mena of compia p tor r t igar i jo r : r bee ar ; headquarters at 10 et er., cllca Ipts Dy order of JODN W. PATITBSON, At P. CALtAilr, AdjutgMa Ind PLOTA W. 11411002 atilt. [D. IMERZION Term*:ly with Eaton, Nun= • Om fir. mu calm MOORHEAD, DENNISON &CO., No. 81 !Market Street, /tarok* tetehto a stocioTINSBNOI. DI BIBIIIIIIN6, 11186 AD Laoll, 1780118 H tad 111ENC11. ONAPX, SILN and LINEN ELANDEBBOBIESS. GENTS • - SUBNI.STIINO GOODS t boot titiallty DOT. -TO _,N ISEIII2IO and SILK OiIDSHOOSI. vtanitzrs. trosizar. GLovxst' t..t• WHITE BIITM, LINEN and PAPER. CIOLLABSt BUTTONS. all kinds; SPOOU . COTTONt Ile s style BONN - ST.IIIOBON% .... an.. width am °Sorel to tbs trado wbokialo sad rttoll.cro tooetboop44l4 k,on toeco th . CORN t ioo 2°Ot tenelo6Dio.tmcamairaEar b 6 l , l"Colombie• 4 4? " W/4 4° ' UnsUloWboiar bar a garl4ak".°"•o4 . ) l:`: ~eauorainn 'X1*14140164114i. f 41)(kirtIq emonm MKlN(Jlitel. CIEIEROKRE PILLS. eirGss.cowgm YEKALE 1180171ATOIL For ths Itemaral Ohstrorthem awl the humran. of Itegrahuity hi the Recarreme of the Monthly Nricld. they ears ar °Wits Mai onsnerosU Mame that why'. Tam bxgolarity, by removing lb. Irregular Ity lbwlt Tb. 7 cirifillappressed, Examlno =drab:Al M. They carreGrean elelmemo (Chlorads.) Obey cum Barrow and SOW Affection; Pains la tta Ile . rk and lower parts of dm Body, Ritavlneon, ovortlon,Polpltatlon of the Marti Lemur of /plebs, llptarla,Blek lloodactm, GSM nese, dro. to a word, by removing theilrregolarlty. bey lIISMOT. MS caws, and with It oB the scoots that spring fn;m It. Cloolpaud of simple vegetable exttscla, they mo tel/I notblej deleterlone to Loy caruntltutlon, how. ST= delicate, their fonetloa halos to rubelltote etreegth far sreeknote, when properly need, they never fell to do. They may be safely used et any age, and at any period, creeps daring rle fuel Drs a!enils, during which the enfedilog nature of their acid,. would in fallibly present pregnancy. An letters smoking Inbannottem or adske will be promptly, freely sod disereatly answered. You directions eammpany each bon. Prim $1 per box, or de bore for goat by mall, free stiatagn, on reeclit aline. - &Id by all respectable Dniyibits; DD. W.S. MEM; d 00 .,, • Bode Proprietors, No. 69 Llb.rty alroot i New York. for We In Pittaburgb by Dr. OW. H. EDIDSIB, No. 140 Wood .tray and N. MeGIeMMI a CO.. COMM of the Diamond led Itarket GLAD NEWS, YOB THE UNFOIITUNATZ.I THE LONG SOUGHT FOR DISCOVERED AT UST. CIHEROHEE REMEDY CNEBOKEE INJECTION Compocadal from Hoota,-Barka and team. CHEROKEE ItE/SEDT, lb. great iodise Ma ntle, cures all &seam of the toiliar7 crone, such locontlnence of the Urine, Inflannaatton of the Bladder, 7oWmmatka of the Indite'., /linnet in the Bladder, Stricture, 0(.44 Glatt, Gonorrhea, and especially recommend.' In thou else. ofrlnar Alba§ (or Whit...la tnalee,) where all Ito old naem.a. medicines hare failed. It is prepared ti. highly cousestratad tom, ths dere !sing trots one hi Yes tesspoonhtlls three three per day. It it diurscite and alterative In its action—purf rylug and cleansing the blowl , uttnittg It to Bow It all its original purity and Ague, than removing from the eystem an pernicious saran which bare !adored Cherck. laj.tloo le tot.dod se an ally or amid not to the Cherokee Iternedy, and &mild b. mod in coul.ctiort with that medial°. In all mum oftGon 0nt0... 0 eat, Thor Albin or Walt.. Ite attach no. heeling soothing and demulcent; rimming al scalding Mot, abode* and pato, Instead of the buralog nod ahem! unendurable pain that heap. ri.ced with heath all the sheopquack injections. By the me of the CHILTON= BEITEDT and CHOU/KM& IN/ZOTTON—Sbe two media.. at the num timo—all Improper discharges aro remmod, and the areak.ed amain are epoodfly neared to foil vigor and strength. Ter full parthabin, get oar pamphlet ham any Dr., Siam ta t►. country, or write m, and we will mail May to any Adana, • full treatise. PI Ice, CIIZROKET EEIIEDT , TS per bottle, or three bottles hr Prim, 011£110ERT INJZOTIOW, TS per Milky or throe bottles for $2. Beat by atoms, to .y addrese.. the receipt of price. Sold by all dragnets everywhere. DB. W. B. 111111 WIN & 00., Solo Proprietors, No. &Albert) street, New Turk. Tor into In Pittsburgh by DIE 010. U. ELYBTB, 100. 140 Wood .treat, and Ti. mcoLeanss R 06., corner of the Diamond and Itlartot etreet. mhl7l.awdseramer ELIXIR I ELIXIR.? DR. WRIGIFITII REJTIVERATING ELIXIR: Or, 123871C0M 07 LT76, Preparsd nom Pan Tegetabla itzttnnta, containing nothing inbriotto to this most &lints. The Stinennating lute ta Us remit of modem Mammies to the vegetable kingdom, being an en tirely ago and shared teethed of tromi, irteepantim .tall the old and warn-out eystran. This modicine has been Imbed b the matt =into medical Alm Mae day, and by them premotrami to be ene of the pealed tasalisal diaeommina of the One bottle win ewe Ontand Debility. A Dm deem enne Ilyetarita ta Orsogrg ct e . bottlA tares Pipllatioa et theteert. thaw dome restore the organ of pneration. Prom one to thou. bottle modem the gemiloeu Ma full tiger of omit. A by demo venom the appetite. Three bottles carts the went ease of Impotency. A finr Imes einem Die low spirited. lettite nation mental pewee. A Dv deem briop the miee I. the cheek. rota meads, restores M. many 'tier end robtet health tle poor, debilitated; wets lova sod de epitritat &wk. el soma] almost... - The tisthes,aaemtett youth, Cho atop-Wk.' al a irf.lbeetness, *et violin ornate= dspresihak, the le dhLfirsi nlrottait I. gourd WOhlty, ' or free orataroace ef a .I.o.or tr an,cu 11.4 tcextectlato and penult:ea tette tly the see of gbh =Or lona. of MA. • Price of par YKttlyor llumw bnahlelbr Ilk and ,tbararted E 7 milks, on nomtpt of mom to so) attract. 8014 by sll &builds iweryirbire. . DB.. W. B. lIZAWWI I 00., Proltrktars, lEF, W Lpertyitrost. Ihm Tat r‘rr ash ift by Pr. aro. H. Elam . Iffo.llD Wool Arad. lai M.OLAH3dR 03. 'moor of lb* Mama m Maud amt.. • CHEROKEt C 17195: TEM OIitIILT INDIAN MEDICINE, .oampnedid from Boas, But@ and Loam _ - Pm walling' Amur fbr Opennatombos, auntnal Weakness Nocturnal Emissions, awl ammo esznot selt•polluthno, such so Lors'ot Memory. Ilsirsroti laWttele. Pains la threßsek, Dlntront ot Ylenn, Presminrs Old Am Weak Berns, Diginulty of Breathing, Trembling, Wakstalaess, Eruptions on the- Tem, Pals Om timanos, Irosnitr, Clousamp- Ban, and ail Bo Molt) complaints among by dro Parting Bum as path of nature. This medicine, ht a 'ample modals =reset, Med ono on which ell ma rstrout It has boon used tn our pm-Um fso many years, Mid with thommds trosisd, It has ant We 12 a sluts instance- Its curative powers ham boon surldsot to pin eletory oser the , S. itICBII trtilta aria, their coastitatfon, cola they Mak thocualrea beyoa4 the nada cf acdical al4, ere" would sey.'Dapoir wit! the Owe. ken -Oats wilt restore Tart health;and 'IFS sad after all aleck - doctor. has Weal • Per folliairtleatate pt aahreler from alifProg Store la the weary. n write the' proprietor, who writ area tree to soy ace #epip4. • ibe - cm , c fell trance la 'A males orn.. • 'sa Priam 52 per bottle; er.tbtae bottledor N, ail tbrwerded hy e to all pots of the vorlik, UM by au ant= atorpthera "'. tatilLnierlystater. Wt_ - lira Me U 41,41040 by_DAolo,kAlfraala; Troo4 _fre6 6 •PA.jati-.. kaPILLX It co, MS= . '_, ',. • ', : ,t; . .. . , ... ,m-- _ ,;,1-:-..,-,, !' ,N-rz.-.*--z-m-7,---,,,,,, T -1,3 = ,,, *•' 4 "-' l " .--1.- - 2 - ? :°?'"'"- -- - ,- 4 ,-- - , v , -- , —,-:--- , ---.- , ,--fi--, ..4 -, -,-----.:*fte.- - -vt- - : - -- -1, -, _..- --. , , , DREES MIPS, J. M. BURCHFIELD'S. litesambi#o. Grenadines. Pongees, foi,snifs., , Cballies. Black and Colorectehintses. Do. do. Gingham Shawls and Cloak Boys' and Goat's CHl!mires. NEB' ; G-OODSI H. S cor. 4th and Malta NEW EsPRING GOODS, WHOLESA!.I3 The Watt steel 61 ' Ortrithitz 11a.41j,146 tOottiibt ' to lAD mirth: Our itock vitt ttitited.tot*Oirs... plw la notassr. citio*; .oxpirg-, 1 : 3 .4d nal aopi*.#ol#ioi dit. i be4us Bool7Amiraciti g kef =BONA; soma:4mm irit,* HOOP AND DALNONAt ititß; AND NOIIOOOO JW4B,rov,e7ol -Loup 0010311 AND.: Ai* pgoivo,u4 *i,rit l *l the clumped In ths,otty N 01343 AID Alt4ii WANItS; Lima! onris i ocigos," t'lsi.l7..llo.frPul 14 I ce,ta WA* PINE .LNANILLKDDOLLAII3 Ibe . o . mem 11783181/12i0 GOODS. • Lap . gat. . . . sr anmonawrs[iad an whet inti to in Npecti ars tuiitad to alno as r . i call bedbre parelliiallisil 'hers. 4s pa her Orli frirraiii2ah . chsctsainial liage. comma, sad sell at Woo that cannot till top . !, SILKS, 'SHAWLS, tralcetui CI CP (3 1313 AT' RETAIL Bead Gimp and Bead Buttons, AND OTHIR 78.1111(1110 She air Rasetau palarand CWT. elemput Poke gams Betts a:4l Epul4oireialefsi priced ind floe Llnsiall'dksls Lases. Orem Wine and Crape Vellif Caabrie and Husbarg Tatmanldo, In grega Texan t yw'rkeir. euxini Haab and Fart Eibbo4; Hermit', Ilshe and Irk oro ; Rood Nets, tvity ails; Etockbir, Corsets, Hoes Skirts stoiSpling pa:mai Eklo. A tall lino of Diesel Furnishing Goods ohms hut& Ladles' and ftbfidrep's Mirliso.lll4 and Gauss Uodenagts; Lair,' White Maim nada kirto—coat tau• thou the matarill to mato them • Wbotoralo Boom ail 'Stair. Boyars fa tha etty and trots tie coolitt7 will do Tall to look at oar !Mak beton porcbaring; • •. • • SILKS AND MANTLES, or the lab:frt &Oros.. , ALE". BATES , wha.4.4,2z4a, 21 FIFTIISTIIItET. prz er.vis oc•23s. :nas*Als.; w AND LINEN , GOODS. oo Mecca FOR SPRING TRADE! Bead and Bugle illmm Bead andaien binges, 01 all vldttok Obis idqles al Bead Bettcme, Engle &Imam% for Dna azia ,Tdouninga Rich 19ty/e of Sashltibben4 EThbang, Trimigng itabon4 T. ',ma. v. Wits AU Mini:ad CCIUMIII. W olts tiov• lug. amartmeat of goods, parcbsied LOT CARR to whirl we will otrar to tbe fiat% es th• . llDaal brim EATON, MOUE & Nce.11•11D11111r1111MIUM Bit Kthi4Vet Ftlli rya LIU.LIDAYB, - DRESS 090;81. Air rumuoicp- wmcams ILAII/14 atiumpr mil.' un viniann vr: anitimr. O,EIVICKLEY ACIADMIY,A Classiest 8.3 mid. °ammonia! - BOAEDINGI'BOI3OOL JOB 8088, au Um E.; .11.; bilks don Plttnorgh. dar. J . B. VidDAY. V arr ib VB. 'l4l " - " *?' • 7for Madan Arnim. -itaonaailos Nirruir v,, 28 Wood mai' ;Or to lb Or md. llooloklorado P. 0.. 8 11 48/07 0 8 4 8°. mhstollawoodll or gr' O 4 l 7BllA.Dl --- r4; . 4,54 sOa. is! 64, AvkilEvvrinst.-sh-wiraingefturi, 4 7' il44Fr PsPer ll3 $ 11 0 4 0 0 1 3 ,4 :purism MU.. *aleau4 ocaipteft- 11110r—uosiaea m_ , .-s, 4/eir "" tam, Oftir IFOODI4-at. Mill i'u :7~ ,- 4 A large aataxttaaat of MACRIIN do OLYDE, NO. IS St GREAT Rii.E, J, it BARKER & COT, 69 M=.ketfStreet OpAKS, -JOSIEPIit.-HORNS &C 0.,. 27 A2iti...4ifillaßEZT MILT' 1 : 1864. An ougent impritimat of 'BOBS. , 1T An T4 1 .3 1 11 3 0 --- ?walling imthins • -- 01,2 cm _ - - BOW: lb 'MKT TINE %Mita Tito WI? Intecoo to eaD at OUST Ent :1 og - SPRING GOODS, pOttaix,mi 'MIA!, PRICE! - .glo7logr worrostlot to sloe ottlaTactkal, and, sot poring o!roprooiirtod, 4 ropoyoil Ito* of char go. , ir Bo !arko coil totals `olop sloroboos, eat' No 6a Fifth Street.lasi 7 - muss.. ' = , 1 1000 i. •••• • :_i..64 0 -; • , ..DAVAIAR.Y..4I:3OI'.c • ACE ; 6J5,-81878 ErlBBkir, • BlaiKkiklo 27- 111ri3utuur4 NEW. GOODS! IiEW.GOODS I w. hioni..o4 . *mid aux' Soto ; stook of soorr'.aks SBOES, !nada fito will all it tit's iffilltlifeiliff Mani W•fulfo tLrhe t st Fuf to!, alsetoct 00 0 * of ants, - robe kctid la the 4:14. laLDTE;i' 431 . 11dr/lEtta -la deateleetee. Glee no a .7as; Robb, MAREIT, smart. opoDtil 4 ;,. [AWLS' aLovi Kra imiliolevnooms; Do do - CONGB29B do; Do IdoBoooo &GOAT fuzz% do; CIESTIt TRICE] SOLD GRAM a CALI! do; AD of tb. bit =obits cork, sod imitated to efoo sating tathrtetkot, ' &Z EE, ca; MM!!InMM DURING THIS Avarcrm, will bo AT Les 2 straimrws riucra, Ladles. Congress *litters, trona toed. Do Dalntarals and Boota., 634 Mims' and Children'a Dahntrals,Galtars Biota' Broo Ilea`e, Soya' and Taupe& Calnanntei Qattin led Can woo and amp* Dement:at'• DOEXAND'S,A Market Asia. ' neoand door hops Mb. JOHN CAMPBELL, ifannfactarer 1)1 CP BOOTS AND'81101(8;of ihreo ,dtptlon; 1110111211614 itzeat t ptuburgh; • adliVL - ALBREEOSON -8; CO:, Writie ! %..X ode ml &WI Drab:min 1 1 0029,111101121,ft..• come Wood mad Tooth sthoota. Pltizbsnadu SILVIIR. PEARL SOAP. althlktP4'oll 00.„ : I 387 Lilt party Etrtst; Sole Yimprietoot ind likundhelorrini fir Wotan Yetiwybranis Ohio, Lieltana s Illinade.nd Ifirnotni: sonnufectrinsiof =pad* artichicif Palm, Sermaiioliveandlosia Soap, - TOILET AND FANCY soaps. of oar sa pie*, vogionft:, deostiolly recomonend vs bettor kc general nee than any other taken the p*lls should baton* in mind bne neither Pottiskflelte WM. dflkidniof °do.' sabstarse bOttn teszionstero_vhkh can.atirkk or r - lapin the dont Woks llsonsela anti Moak= am be washed math- the colt= or linos. Olathe Noshed vith the- PLOW PRAM, 80AP do not require balks. ye ball vlticio of - 0,4 7,,F., Mt , far. • inenat MEV SOAP . - - 11ctoovos Messy Ma,. Tobacco, Atari; Mame. lex sod the w o nt: ledge Watcr Philos Ita• -- • invitstely; it pith • moist Symp. thus protecting Cierpets lad fropoltrooi frono ends It tollilancy to Plats. Jan, Cilaarericer, Ilnerrieged and Poked . tether Inereadlately ;land kr. in s f ilu smrtle deor tO. tt heo De, Nut :Yoe the B szutpertle• , siorlyttir Ehampooolog,frivas-T flOdP - • ls perfect lately s van, all,jirtes hese Irkd - site atipstbk. queltllah achnoorkdas tho. -,gclettest-i . discarery of Ulnae. Thlsolsimany soma from aft who srelotereeted kiln Akep.and to way cue will forbad the pricsi • or the soul:.heard to a i • to accomplish whit we didnt kir Niftiest, Osman , =lloxßold • invi- e lkjbine igliciOraa; ply i cr e. dallnotri,to s Se At e , rarst= .4 t ot f lit:4 Moan% 'Dire:lk= ote an idliLeclreges, :Mond 'L3ferchante Camel 4111 - dir well to giro • ~,;; ORIIIMTON & 01= Set ithertt ot. triet, ono, .1121•Simins o tidionet none genolne =lra bearing Oar trildeviark;-ffiLTAII, 17.A.AL Bu A Nym AND p11010E:BELECTION . • • - Spring sinatlinzamer Boots Shoes:Ruble , Tartali at fla fir* Boot Aini:gion UOU or 13LATEiEt - * 110,17121, ao, at muuate irt; ion. oOn Tian. 1632 BOUNIT I..:! reit Filth Unged'stides #tittitery t' Itomito visited C*01; inatibwi LIGRT, HATINBINI, 'ram • rromemaii la" avers - nott Araq.of Ito Nokia. ,110:u saga "Meat 114021fkrversaamint IlOunes._ Tao lama =Kam rola wars. LQUAL PRICHLUN haat sow cf&.l.= , • itocraittag No. =NOW= SI", • 114bl:414 °motto U. 014coV; Jry • . MI& 1 7 : 11 ...4t 1 1 6 7. / g qt'oN • .qiuL BALIAIOLLI A.VIVKRACTUR -L. - Propnabi Art !mita ki Gradnatkm, Ks. r , rie Bildt* dedeentnecten,.Ledler‘ory.th... _ lend EiCk 4l .l l xe the illConneLreitle .Beffrosd, between Lad Carobeeiendi 401braclat sidled:nee ationt,eightyeloreel ndles.in sections of abeam* mile nab. Ineedd a.tlos .111 Le reedy at the Orman% OM% putebersb,, en and outer thelrr .1:10 APRIL, mar-. and wilt !:•• . eseekerel latit the LLD or . . ILAILTLEiIIII, !resident, Cake or P. C.L.:13. .• • Pittebergte.. Idasch ISM. 13.1844 eeLliktr ('RIDE- TANKA -of hum Larreerows cosmosizeta , ,TAl' : mad 1'023, of ill kinds, for ladmeli,s. aA Tsai Mabel sami dm Put 113 : ' work warranted,' It , theatop am 11A8I0N AVIA U . !, at cr !Pm! as mans BOX 61, Aliegiguli 1,63:11am00d I.T. Y 410 A * " ...21:".71V"ug114;4",r41; Co „ 1 , = ,210.surpial mat: do; In AIM aba masarnim. Y 000. 9 S 4 / 2 " 7) 813 " 2 .• Sold 'solved= Moro: • • , =be= Woo Zest Idird. 14111 i P it rat: ow do oio iddikatt thaw Citiod; • cleat doil tired ~oanawnard , TAPER -AND '141%-vErooraw4fug• L 110111111:—.TotAd.atutazoprkAL tbir tads.: Storathobt IP` Pl' ramr-altilahn6stri.t.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers