The daily Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh [Pa.]) 1863-1866, April 05, 1864, Image 3
r Y U- oittsstiurgit sSauttz. eruli 5, 1864 TIFESPAY MORNING: CITY AND ATIB7IIIBA.N airoFricum PAPER:OII Sanitary Fair Bulletin • lieesiqUartere of the ElMUClreCotilMitte o % ter Btreet, where the , ce-retory. W. D. IleGoeran, will be found at all times, and the Chairman every after noon until the opening of the Vale Headquarters of Ladiea' Committee at the Sanitary roams, Burke'. building, Fourth street. Printiog required by the emb.committers will be ordered by the Secretary of the Execnt lye COM tattles. Circulars and Blank. will be found at the Eucu. • tine Committee rooms The Chairman of the Executive -Committee ef the Fair, has received from "A !Brooder - No IS of the Plater Canary Gazette, published at Kingston. Now York, dated Saturday, January 4tb, II 0, a relic of olden times, which will be exhibited ea' sold at the Fair, The paper Is le nonrated for Goorge Washingtn, and contains the proceedtnp boo on the motirrifulceeselon of his death. One of the advertisements Is es follows • For sale-- e stout, losatUti tho inchned to purchase, ma_ pa ' Allorz ' a applying to lotto Se hammsker, Jr., at Rochester, eve York. Nov. M, MU. Court of Quarter Seaolona. Before Jody' Sterrett and Brown. Mary Collins, a young girl aged fifteen years, was arraigned on a charge of attempt ing to poison the family of Rev. R. Beacom, of McKeesport, on the 15th of October last. The &sound was employed as a domestic in the family, and bad a slight difficulty with Mr a. Beacom on the night previous to the al leged attempted poisoning. The prisoner had prepared breakfast, and immediately after partaking of the coffee, the family were seized with symptoms of .poisoning. In the coffee pot, after an egamination,some thirteen grains of arsenic were discovered. For the defense It was 'alleged that the arsenic bad Inland its way into the coffee pot by accident; that ar ea& had been purchased by the family for the purpose of killing rate, part of which had been used for thatpurposei that the rats in running through the cupboard had scattered the poison about, and thereby had found its way into the coffee pot. Mrs. Mary Smith, who resides atGreenoak, near McKeesport, testified thatehe hid known Mary Collins from a child, and that she had been living with witness for the pact two weeks. Mrs. Foster, who resides in the neighborhood, was acquainted with defendant for nine years, and testified to her former good character. The 'defense offered no further evidence: Mr. Dioffit, the defendant's counsel, referred to the fact that the defendant was a poor girl, who earned her livelihood by the sweat of her brow, was fotherlees, homeless, and almnit friendlus. If guilty, she would naturally bare endeavored to conceal her crime, but there was no concealment in the ease. Mrs. Beacom purchased the poison, and defendant saw it placed in the cupboard. She bed also informed one of the children that she had swept Some poison from the carpet in front of the =board; also, that she bad bean the only fierson in the kitchen before breakfast. It had been testified that she bad refused to pertakeof breakfast that morning, which was in her favor. Bed:ale deliberately perpetra ted tie crime, she would have "shammed" to cattier breakfast. The counsel said that the friends of the defendant had left her alone, and if he had believed her guilty be would not have raised his voice in ter behalf J. M. Kirkpatrick, District Attorney, stated that the defendant was undoubtedly conscious of the presence of the poison, cooked the breakfast alone, and there wets poi ' son in the coffee. Defendant had made con tradictory statements. The question for the jury to decide was, who placed, the poison in the collect The demeanor of the prisoner vl was not that of the guilty generally, her con duct in court indicating scarcely a reelization of the fact that she was on trial. If guilty, she bad been without any moral control what ever. The Court delivered a very inipartial charge, and enjoined upon the jury that the evidence was entirely eircunistantill, and that the rule in such 'Eases was that the circum stances shiorld point clearly to the guilt of the defendant, and be inconristent with any otbet hypothesis. Tho jury found the defendant guilty, with an earnest recommendation to the mosey of the Conn, believing that the o , ime was the result of youth and thoughtlessness. The defendant was remanded for sentence.' Jane McDermott was indicted for selling liquor without license at No. 9 Point street., on oath of Martin Adley. Verdict not guilty, each pacrty to pay one-bait the costs. Michael Ghanian and John Morrison were indicted for forcible entry and detainer, on oath of Alec. Gallagher. Jury out. Movement of Troops—Burnside'. Corr Going East This morriingabout one o'cloek, fifteen hun dred men, belonging to General Ditrnside's Corps, arrived In this city, from the West, and after being provided with a bountiful meal by the Pittsburg Subsistence Coma:awe, at City Hall, they were transferred without .delay to the Penneylvania Railroad depot, where a special train was in waiting to con ray:them to Baltimore, from widish point they will go to Annapolis. This is the first install ment of the Orb Army Corps; which is now being transferral from East Tennessee to Annapolis, to take part in come expedition or campaign not yet made known to the pub. lie. Thew, will be followed by other large bodies, until the whole are transferred. It is expected that about.l6,oo o will pass through this city eastwardly during the nut ten days or two weeks. The troops which arrived this morning compose the let Brigade, Ist Division of the 9th corps. The regiment. we the celebrated 19th New York (Highlanders) formerly com manded by CoL Cameron, who was killed at the Ent Bull Run battle, bat now under charge oMajorf Major fiimpeon the 36th Massachusetts, Droner. en d the 20th Michigan, Capt. Barnes. The brigade was expected to arrive In the city at nine o'clock, bat was delayed until one. The eripperprovided by the Sob sistenee Committee was excellent, and was highly relished by the tired and hungry sol diers. The 109th Ittegtotent. The 109th Regiment of re-enlisted veterans eye now in the city, en their way to the army of the Cumberland. A stand of colors for the Regiment arrived yesterday from their friends in Philadelphia, and willbe presented this morning, at eleven o'clook, in front of the Monongahela Souse. One company in this regiment was formed in this city—another in Hew Castle—the rest in Philadelphia. Rev. J. McMillan, of Allegheny, woe the Chaplain during the first year of their service and will present their flap to-day. Accident on the Pennsylvania Ea road—A Mara Killed On blonder afternoon, about three o'clock, a trtakmman on an Eastward bound train, named James Travail, was thrown from his car, near Britton station, and?nstantly killed. The deceased was about nunteen years of age, std had been engaged on the road but a short time. We were unable to learn thapar timaari of the accident. The body was placed on the train and conveyed ,to Ademeborg, Westinereland county, where the pronto of the deceased reside. PlnAponfaiTisi Dv.Annonrr s., or vas nono... GC .L., ) Pr:Townes, P a nru 4th, U Central Orden No. 2t :—Enlisted men on farlough in this city, by reason of re-enlist ment or, other muses, guilty of disorderly mosdnet and breaches of the peace, will be ar reseyted and returned to the armies to which th. belong in the field, without regard to their being furloughed. %When arrested by the pollee force of the city, the Provost Mar shal it the 'Girard Home will take the of fending parties in castody, for thepurpose in - dilated above, on infotmationfrom the Mayor. gy Commuld of Maros GNSILI.AI. Heroes. THZoDolin RueD, Amt. Adrt. Gen'l. Swum Friday night last, about 1l o'clock, two freight trains on the Pentinyl mu& railroad collided near Lilly's stntienr Cambria county. A smash up of considerable magnitude was the result. We understand that no less that three engines and twelve can were totally wrecked and ruined. No lives were lost, nor no personal injury was done the persons having the trains in charge, we believe. COXYLAIII? MIMI= a MORT WATCHMAN.— Alba B. Barber, Captain of the night watch adder Mayor Sawyer'e administnition, pre fared a charge yesterday 'against Watchman Thomas Graham, of beat .N0.:6, for - , 1 oarlike conduct_ The Mayor had an investi gation- of the cue last evening, which TO. =lt'd Jn the complete exoneration of the °Moor; Treaturne—Mr , Edwin Adams, the young and -talented tragedian, made his first ap pearance :before a Pittsburgh• audience last main& fit Nth. Shakspsare master-piece, Hamlet His rendition al the character was . emellant, andelicited frequent applause from " ths andlenera. Miss Mille hfarden, who puma aa Vphelia, mire great satisfaction. 40h la asummeed for this evening. • Our Book Table. Tea V= Pak= Unice, and Jesus Becoming Vis ible. W. H. Ferrates, Author of " Bennarks on the Four Gdyels," "Jesus end his Biographers," "lt iii.tro7 of Jeett% " sod " Thought.ilak 1110 Lilo sod Character of Ltrl3l of Narnrath." Itoettot Ticknor A Yields. Pittsburgh : for sale by Benny Hiner, 71 and 73 Fifth street. 30Ipp. 16mo. Written in a pleasing and gratlefni style, and with due prepexation of study and exer else-of the heart's affections also, as regards the important imbject treated of, this volume can hardly fail to interest and benefit Its fr read- om ere—though probably its being written the Unitarian etandpoint will mi nesdimsh some,- what Its general acceptability. B twith standing the onesidedness necessarily involv edby this position of the writer, his book may be profitably looked int, even by the most in exorably orthodox of reader/. lie disposes vary effectually of several of the recently published view. of M. Reran, whore semi-- fidel " Life of Juin" is now being read ex tensively bothin Europe and America. As Mr. Furness' book has the imprimatur of Tick nor k Fields on Its title page, it is almost needless to saythat his beautifully printed. Ran-Tars aso Piocon-lloutOrliuln :Al ebelt from the Banks during a Campolpt in the Army of the Potomac. By a Citicen Soldier. Nest York ; (7arlst roo, PittAbUrgh : for sale by Fleury bliner,'7l A 71 Filth street, 318 pp. 12at0... This ls a lively Mid pleasant book, full of good, hard hits—in a word, full of such good things as the writer himself was lull, and which he has therefore written down not only con *more, making evident the pleasure it gave him to de so, but am with at air of responsi bility, ne tf he was conscious that his own eyes and can were reliable witneises. There is oonsidefable freshness and vigor through out—and/nett pungency withal, ne can hardly fail to &Muse the reader—that is, if he has DO bowel S of compassion to be moved by the aforesaid ad hits, that are so freely dealt at certain is Itleu wights whose tsuit or muster tune It is So wear unsuitable shonldor straps. Toe FAMILY TRIASITBI.—WO are happy to weicoMe this new monthly to our table. It is conducted by Rev. David MlLinney, D.D., and I. N. M'Kinney, and to devoted to Christian Doctrine, Science, Watery, Biography and Evangelical Literature. The April number, which has just appeared, hu the following very promising table of contents: Parental Reaponsibility ; Solenee and Common Sense ; Forest Meditations - The Mother's Anguish; The Bank Notes; Christ—in Early Uninspired History; The Lawyer and Revivals; Home ; Little Alice; Our Summer Visitor; Atonement; On Receiving Some Pressed Flowers; The Day of Days; Food, Health and Longevity; Faults of Character; Fancy a Handmaid to Truth; Wandering Thoughts in Prayer; Bible Pictures—Mara; Major General Mitchell; Miracles; Selected Miscellany; Child's De partment; Editorial Miscellany: Secular In terests. The editors of "The Eitnity Diteurbere" are so well known in this community, that it most be quite nr.necessary for us to speak of their long editorial experience, their piety and learning, and their well-tried ability as writers. With each indisputable advantages as they possess, undoubtedly our Presbyterian friends will receive at their bands a sound,and judidonsly oonduoted family magazine. sPECIAZ LOCAL NOTIViss, TVOILMI Pau:, Plain tad Omillnantal Slate Roofer, and dealer to Penuyhrania and Vermont slate of the boat quality at low tales. otoe .t Alex. Laughlln's, near the Watts Worts. Pistol:ranch, Ps. a Sototnas see to your own health do not trust to ithe army supplies ; Cholera, Foyer and Bowel Complaint will follow your slight est indiscretion. HOLLOWAY'S PILLS AND OINTMENT should be In every man's knapsack. The British and French troops ego no other medicines. . . Holloway's Pills and Ointment ore now re tailed, owing to the high price of drugs, Ac., at 30 cents, 75 cents and Sl, l o per box or pot. For sale in Pittsburgh by B. L. Fahnestoch Co. Pulsate also at Fulton's drug store. Fifth street, Pittsburgh, and by George A. Kelley, Allegheny city. Reno; .13..—Samuel Graham 3 Co., Meichapt Tellers, have removed to 73 Smithfield Street, and would most respectfully call the attention of their friends and the public generally .o their new stock of Spring and Summer goods, which they have just received. Theiratook L. of the. very finest quality of English and French ',:ellAdirlll3ll33, cloths, cashmeres and vesting.: Also, a very extensive assortment of Scotch eassimeres. Don't fail to give them as early calL Every garment warranted to give full satisfaction. Gahm! F McCa al:fuss, 73 Smithfield Bt. 1 tar Manaus LID ILINADT ►oa flate.—Tbe fine assortment of Ball and Winter Clothing, lately received by Mown. Sohn Wier dr Co., Merchant Tailors, No. 146 Federal street, Al legheny. The stock of clothing oonsista of. the finest variety of gents' pantaloons, vests, coats and overcoats. The style Of pattermiis tasteful and fashionable. We would invite all of on: readers to give the above gentlemen Wa.ecnim, Jirwoustr, fro.--Y. M. Roberts, No. 17 Fifth street, l now opening the most choice stock of fine Gold and Silver Watches, Jewelry, Silver ware and Fancy Goods ever displayed in this city, and Is soiling there at remarkably low Drioes Duelers and carriage calls Will be taken at the Omnibus odics klo. 418 Penn street, day OT night- All ordms left at the above place vill'he promptly attended All calls must be Bald In a,loato• • Poo caner and desirable dry goods go to Botaor's, 59 Market street. loatra M. 0/./.1111, Attorney at Law, Grant street. SILL., Dentist, 948 Penn street, wi we'd 4e 40) Isurinessure SLI naotatePc RIVER INTELLIGENCE :Emma Graham, Zanotti rids Sam, OH City. DIPAILTW3I. Aramtatt, St. Lora. !dire, Ott City. trilda, Oil City. ,iCAtage, (II City. The river is ellil rising slowly at thirpoint, with elciut ten feet tix inches lin the channel last even ing. The smother continues wet and very Mangoes able, rendering the tranaactions of outdoor business Blatant out of the question. nosiness :was pretty active nt the levee yesterday although restristed emnewhat by the Inclement con dition of the weather. TIM only arrivals we here to record from below 'sr* the Armenin, from At. Loads, and the Imam Graham, nom Zaneeville. The Columns, from Cin cinnati, and the Camelia, from. Rt. Louis, are both due here to-del. There was not seines departure '. for below. Cottage and Orilda both left f Oil City laer .The ..en ing, with fair tripe. lo Dlr. Waring the accompitslisd and c clerk of the Armenia, we ace indebted for fe The Minerva, Capt, Gordon, Is the regular packet far Wheeling, to-day, leaving promptly at noon. Mesa. Johnston and Bunton are the clerks. The Imam Graham, Capt. Ayers, returna to Zanes to-day, kaving at 1 p rn. The staunch end reliable AMplia, Capt. Porter, it announced for Olncinnatliind Louisville today. The Kenton, Capt. J Dunlap, Is filling op rapid ip fur EL Lords, and mill won be ready WWI. The 1.1.15011, Capt. Donnelly, to loading for Pt Loots and the Illantatni rimy/ The America, Capt. T Q Cloldinp, Is announced fo the Upper Allasissippl. WET B 12-0. Sunday norhing at 4 o'clock, kiss. 1121111.6k11ZT W MIKE, wife of Daniel Narita, and daughter of Daniel and Mary Berg, Nod 26 Year•, 5 muotha, and 20 days. Oho funeral vitt take place from Ma rait'dcucei of tor husband, on Carson emit, Birmingham, on tbo sth Ind., at 2 o'clock, p. m. The Wendt of the '.ally V. raipectfully invited to at tend. L 54 WUHAN —lla fiebbottMAyel . 'll, at 1 o'elock, p. m., HUGH M. GRAHAM. The funeral will - take pls. on Tlll2lOll, April Ptb, et 2 o'clock p. m., from Me late roslOtem on Canal Bank, seamd door whom Chtstoot stmt., Allegheny city. The telatlem and Mends of the family are re spectlhily Invited to attend. 2t WECONG WARD, ALLEGHENY —Thare •W be • meeting of the t Minn and moiled man on TIIISDAY, APIIIL 6th at MeSchool Ilos.e. All }Walt Committees bent/ nottand to be pn.ut with. thtlr Oollectl• 13coks. W. =Anoxia, emid.t. .W ., Sec.) .P5ll V. V. 100131111.11. (n DZICIIIIVI larmerly with ZIWITI, Kamm & Oa. fw. or= MOORHEAD, DENNISON A CO., Mo. 81 Nudist Strolet, flayeinst mitred • Salto* of EXISIOI. DIM= vummigo.Elam Lass KNOLIBII and VIZSOR MAP* and LOVA SAIIIDIRBOIIIERS,GINTS VORNISHIRG GOODds test *malty 002. TON, _IMMO and BIM ,:lasorzaAs aenums.-1105111€11S. ULOVEB; . best WRITE LINOS and PAP= SOLLARS; SUITORS, all kinds ; SPOOL SUITOR ;latest stylo run= moons, do., do., latish an offered to tae trade, al vtadatal• and oil the met Smcoble term Ibr oak. oslintasts . OLL B ARRELS, for Crude and Refined on, am and lacand-basa, on hand and ha. SON T HBILRING.-200! half barrels JA Lokißening SR Bab as= „ maim marl THE LATEST NEWS BY TELEGRAPH OUR SPEOIAL DISPATCHES FROM WASHINGTON Wlatiiloe, April 4, 1864 ME= Secretary Seward has written a letter to the Chairman of the House Select Committee on Immigration, recommending the passage of some bill to encourage immigration to this country. Ha says that at thepresent moment we have very active sad increasing immigration, and our commercial representatives abroad say the consulstes are thronged with persons desirous to emigrate, but destitute of moans to incur the expense of a voyage. He esti mates the coat of bringing over one hundred thousand emigrants at a million and a half dollar.. lie sends a draft of a bill to the Committee covering the points he recommends, which are, in brief, si commissioner, with a salary of twenty -five:hundrd dollars,and clerks; provides for advancing money to immigrant. pledging their labor for repayment, and the claim can be enforced in courts; authorizes a reduction of the tonnage duties on emigrant vessels, reduces the term of naturalization to oneryaar, and abolishes the law requiring a declaratiori . of intention in their cam, and also specially provides that these immigrants shall not be subject to do military duty. REVAL OP AIT.ZI. PIIIIIONIIIS Seventy-five rebel prisoners arrived at Point Lookout on • Thursday. They were captured In Glonceater, V... They represent the times very hard in the South, and the Southern people vary sick of the war. They say, however, that tar:men/wax exertions are being meAo to hurry on troops to Gen. Lee, believing that Gen. Grant would soon move toward Richmond. Among them are six men that wore only exchanged some six weeks - ago; and who left the Point with the first lot sent to City Point for exchange. Their stay at home was extraordinarily abort. THI lILATB VirISTIOATING CDLYITTII Mr. Howard, of the port of Et. Louis, ap peased before the Blair Investigating Com mittee this forenoon. Members of the Corn. millet, have expressed the opinion that thee 112===I favor. One of them says that O has led them to suspect that Blair gave orders for small amounts of whiskey, and steamboat captains changed. it to much larger amounts for par. poses of speculation. Blair's witnesses swear very positively in his favor. hfoClurg's evi d, _ tune to not an to yet. ZILISTIMIrr OV 6Z1+11.11 IR U. S. SOOT Eight hundred rebels at Point Lookout have enlisted In the U.S. army. They will soon be organised into a regiment. Most of them are EastTouterseeens,who were compel led to take op arms against the Government, and all ran be trueted. COLORED TROOPS Two full regiments of colorod troop: hub boon recruited at Baltimore, within the pr 42 month, and aro now ready for active servieli. Regiments and companies of colored tro4)e are constantly arriving there, from all piiVe of the country. SoLDINILS AT ANNAPOLIS, NO. ; 7,f; There [LIT over !soldiers at Auld It Md. FRO-71 11.1RRIA6URP. &Tett! Dispatch t the rittatiairgh Carom: 7. Hon m A ean, April 4.' P:r' ISTLI-9 PASD mitts . . !, ': Hansa— Ar ern oon —A supplement:fs'lle Pennsylvania Lind and Marble Co . Sity, presented by Mr. Myers, on his motiltjtas considered and passed, giving it.thßtkne privileges in Somerset is the compar Stow has in Montgomety county. Mr. 014: E re stetted n supplement to the general 4ftity law, declaring that school directors otlisrds had the same power toles.y taxes as thrM,Lonl directors of townships. The Preep69. !and Shenango Valley Railroad and Coal ool4any, with the right to oonnect with .y INiroad or canal in Mercer county, requires ofjly the Governor's signature to become a law. Also, supplement to the Beaver Valley Railroad. SILLS IHPLACI. By Mr. Henry. a supplement relative to the prOtection of _fruit ; ens by Mr. Searight, for tho relief of creditors of the National turnpike; one to increase the pay of cos. stablea and county auditors in Fayette county: one permitting the school directors of Union borough to borrow money and sell real estate i one to authorise the !school directors of Werth legion township, Fayette county, to lery a tar for bounty purpose". A resolution de nouncing a Massachusetts Colonel for the alleged arrest of a citizen of Philadelphia, and earrying him out of Pennsylvania, was loaf : yeas 20, nays 83. I=l BtllATZ—fly Mr. McCandless, bills relative i is to Ho es of Wage, Lunatic ilospiS . l'kand Pena Pen ntiaries. Sr . eve—Earning Sinn/ion —By Mr. 011.1.1., a supplement to the Pennsylvania Salt Com pany- Capt. Brady, an old soldier of Perry's Tic tory,slibrarion of the Senate. died this moro log, aged sixty-nine. Panegyrics upon the deceased were delivered by Meaux Lumber ton, Johnson and Claampneys. Resolutions of condolence were passed. Serione difficulties are prevailing among the AepabHeaas In the Homo, relative to the no portionment or the Hutto, upon Sanatoria districts. Betb Houses cdjourned until to morr. mornio6• St. Louis and Leavenworth Eleetione Sr. LOVIS, April d.—lncomplete returns In- dice.. the eleation of Jac S. Thomas, radical candidate fur Mayor, by from 2000 to 2200 majority. The new Council will have from four to six radical majority. At the election to Leavenworth Joseph S. McDowell with his entire ticket was elected ' by from six to .eight hundred majority. At I noon Mayer Anthony Issued a proclamation closing the polb, and calling on the citizens to assist him in pre-earring the pesos, wbtoh wee disregarded and voting oontinueii. Ri oting was indulged in to a considerable ex, tont.. Several persona, ineluding Mayor An thony, were beaten with revoliers and driven from the polls. The Dnaocret's Leavenworth epeeist says that at the election to-day the polls were seined by the mob In the interest of McDow ell, the Caney and Copperhead candidate, and Mayor Anthony and many of his friends were knocked down and brutally beaten. Tho city Marshal was assaulted and danger ously wounded. Armed mcn took possession of the polls early in the morning and defied the city authorities. The military were cal led on by the Mayor to proselyte order, but assistance was refused. Oen. Davis, dlatrict commander, lsssuad stringent orders that the il soldiers at t)oe Fort should pot visit the city u nless entitled to vote, but the order was openly violated. Oen. Curtis is shunt. In tense excitement exists, end the best citizens denounce the election as a farce and fraud. The Copperheads are jubilant. Other dispatches I: say that Mayor Anthony tried to excite a mob by closing the First ward polls, but the people compelled him to open them again. Connecticut ilAirt7olo, CONACOTICIET, April f.—Tbe indications at tbii time eta I'. M. are that Bneklaghern has been eteeMd by 10,000 ma jority. The gains are very lug* over but Car. - • New Haves, April 4.—The following eight towns in this county give Union majorities : Derby,. Esst Baran Guilford, hierldian, North Bradford, Nor& Raven, Orange, and Woodbridge. Tho following give Dem ocratic majpritige : Branford, Cheshire, Nau gatuck, Oxford, Seymour, Wallingford, Ws, terbury. All the former give Increased and the• latter reduced majorities. Devon -elects two Union Representatives, and • Union SonstOr from the., Fourth District is elected. New iLevca, April 4,-10 F . ol.—The re tarns from this county are unapt - the town ' , of Smithburg. Balfitak itua 102 majority, a gain of 959 oref 1 . veto of hist you. Congressional WASEITOTOT, Aril 4, 1884 Hons.—The House considered Mr. Elbe?. idse's regulation, calling on tllO Secretary of War, if not incompatible 1.4 the public in- torect, to 1 ornbil to We ElOnse Information as to the amount of monetl received op to this time as commutation far drafted men, and what disposition has been mode of the money; if entistitutat have been purchased for the drafted men, how many, and where procured; what same Dave been paid [or them; whether they were white or black, and bow much for each. Mr. Stevens moved to lay the resolution on the table. Carried. On motion of Mr. Arnold, of Illinois, the Secretary of War was called upon, if not in compatible with the public Interest, to furnish a statement of the number of men called into the military service since March, 1861, the quotas of each State order each call. The House proceeded to the consideration of the resolution of Mr. Brown, directing tho Secretary of War to communicate the ono, ber of negro regiments already, when organised, and the number of privates; amount paid for bounties, pay and equip ments, and other expenses of organisation; in what battles tbo negro troops have been engaged, and how many were killed and wounded; discriminating between the differ out battle, Mr. Stevens said he was opposed to furnish' log a roll for the enemy, and therefore moved to lay the resolution on The table, which Wr/s agreed to. The Hones then resolved itself into a Corn. mittce of the Whole on the State of the Union, Mr. Rollins, of New Hampshire, in the chair, sad resumed the consideration of the Nation al Bank Bill. Mr. Elijah Ward, of New York, offered an amendment, the object of which was that State Banks, when their organisation under the act is completed, shall withdraw their State bank circulation. The amendment was rejected. Mr. Blair, of Maine; offered a new section that T per cent as fixed under the 80th sec Lion of this bill, shall be the lawful rate of Interest In States Where ac rate Is established, but each bank shall be governed by the State law where it is located. He made a few ex planatory remarks when the amendment was adopted by ilk to'2l. Mr. Van Valieriburg offoredan amendment that nothing in this act shall prevent the State froth taxing the capital stock of said banks the same as for Corporative,' State or Mani cipal:porposes. Mr. Davis. of Maryland, offered to farther amend by, tempting money Invested In S. Bonds fr, at taxation. • . . i The question of the propriety and justice 'of State or municipal taxation was considered end discussed at length. Without concluding the subject the Coin mittee rose. Saran—After a debate, Mr. Johnson moved to postpone all one, orders and proceed to the Naval Appropriation,bill. The yeas and nays were demanded, but as there wee n 6 quorum present the Senate adjoarned. From Cairo Caton, April I.—The eteamier Constitution from New Orleans on the 20th ult., has arrir d, with a cargo of sugar and molasses for Cincinnati and St. Louis. She also brought up 420 mules and 70 wagons, heloogina to the 17th army corps, which were The let Indiana artillery veteran:, An • • • . • • - strong, errived hero en route for New Orleans. A portion of the 3d Missouri, numbering 200 veterans, also arrived en route for Little ltock. Memphis dates of the 2d inst. contain no news. The no/I•tho says: The miner-market continues firm and quiet, with conaiderablo inquiry and but little offering. lotus upward, and market closed firm, with an advance on all qualities of .!.,„ et, above previous quota tinny. The receipts during the 1.41. 24 hours, were 1.0 hales from White River, and bales from the country. The shipment+ north Fiore Met report wore 200 boles. t- strict, 5P6, 86: good, l'roin 31 t ophte Mamma, April 2 —Gen. P,rreat, at last a, UDIP, vu at nlektol3. Tenu ,nrvatently ar nging to travel Nrrth. Lien. Chalusore is ruportetrtu have a run hirable Curve at Wand Junction anil ltuli Or ierpou'x cavalry art all out, and will gin rrort scale trouble in a fight near Selmer Tenn. • Cul. Rant, ff the d.h Tonne:amp earairy, pOrte three offieem and eeteoty fire en killed, woonded ddri to the 29:h. report all quiet. Nu news from the Red River expedition. Lee and Wirt Ad tine are reported near Can- Mimi., with their aommends. Pay ol I latate; • WAadilttenTeg, „April 4 —lt is now fixed ty law that the pay of Cadets at the S., Mili tary academy, shall bo the same at allowed to Midshipmen at Coo Nava) academy. Cadets found deficient at shy °rumination shall not he continued at tho military scads Illy or be reappointed except open the re• otamendation of the academy Board. The students of the Naval academy, when exam. inedqbe admission thereto, shall be between the ages of fouxteen and eighteen years. Mar) land Election MIN3OINIS, April 4.—The Senate hav ing recently called on the Secretary of War tor the order of Major Oeneral Dll, to Pro vost Marehal Didge, relative to the Mary land election, the Secretary responded that no such document is known to the office of hi, Department, or is to be found in its ar chives. liletropolltan lilaultary Fair NIA' Tons, April 4,—The opening ceremo nies of the Metropeiltau Sanitary Fair to• day were very impuelfig. The proceeslon o reilitury, firemen, Ac., was immense, and th streets throughout the whole route wet• thronged_ Much enthusiasm was displayed Movements of Gen. Grant Wesonsoras, April.' —Gen. Grant, escom ponied by General Rawlins sod Col. Com stock, arrived at noon to-day from Fortress Morisco. Ile will probably go to tho army of tho Potomac to-morrow. The Pirate Alabama Taw loam, April 4.—Thu pirate Alobam was at the Cape of Good Rope on the 190 o February with 30 of her crew sick with th Yellow Ferer. Death of lion. John Banks. Itsamara, April 5..--The llon.•Jobn Banks formerly member of Congress, and more re oently President Jodge of this oounty, die. here yesterday at four o'clock. The Ten-Forty Loan Now Yoax, April 4.—The entrocriptions the ceor 10-40 loan at the Pint Nation 1.1. k to-day amounts to $280.000. MARKETS HY TELEGRAPH Stock and Money Market. New Toon, April 4.—Thu following are tha dock guotatione• 11.1 135 'Eric. .......... 1 ClVllborlaud (Wenn k Chicago... 327 111. Central Scrip WisconslD d. 7 1. blichigau Soutbern..llh Michigan Contrsi.,..lsB do do g1d...161,k1i Marlow 130% ...... C. a. P 120 Penna. Coal IVlouichtilver Mewling ....... ........... ICOI, Treuury 3.10. 110 Hodson Itirer....—.lo Coupons 1801 • 11714 New Tort Market. Now Tote, April 4:—Cotton Wady but spiel at 75(37f.c Floor bar an adrueing tendency ; eel. of 9,000 bbl. et ifsflsWlifV" for 8 ".. 5.415 qg 7 . 30 1 " Ohio, and $7,15.97,35 for . ttisern. Wheat rtn, bet quiet. Corn quiet: Wes 12,0Q/bush at 11,5 3 f.'s. New Yellow. Beef steady. Pork firro. Lord at 13 G 13%. Whisky doll; Weeteni beta 51,Ws. - - GOOD NEWS TO HOUSES SEPER —The subscrintia, tharodul tar past favors, re.. szc Lr ttall . 2 nisteHotank s t f bris patrons to call and. 11:1111111itill .11011SE-1/11113113111NG GOODS, Clonsistincot Catisry, Ise Trap and Walters, Drlt tants mid Block Tin Tat Seta, lire fro. and Stand., Toilet Ware, Bird Cages, Lamps, An do. ; Cooking Storm, Ti. and Sheet Iron Ware, ' Hollow Want. Grid Irons, Ire Cbotts, ?leas Stsrat, Sr. Ti, Rooting and Job Work dono to ardor. All work warranted. fs2A,Sm A STEL&I. OIL WORKS. • ASTRAL MACHINE OIL. Having purchased the Sebum lately *trued by Wit. Z. BRANDON, we are nor prepared to attar to the public out supulor MACHINE OIL, menu featured on strictly actenttlie prbactplef, and yes , rented equal to Lard OIL THOS. L. Me M OLIL&NO & CO.. ae. L 21 Wood !Weld. SYRUP. —551) bblet Syrop, of the fol lowing brands': Jabraton & Lallatrin, Es•IMIJOIr a Eldrr, booth a Edo ar, Gras; Turnert Cs., Dud- Hanrer. Camp. Branjen fildrry, ll•nrusd'a ey, fur gals by LITTLE h TUMBLE. robs ,Nos. 111 and 114 &road street. FiUCK 'CREEK LUBRICATING OIL bbls prime Mirk Creek Lubricating 011, ..routed to be O. from grit or sediment, end equal to any lubrmatorthe mark- t, for mi. by JAB. DALZZLL s EON, oth2B OD end TOWater streak UTTER Alal DlRS.—Receiving dai- PITT gismo, fresh Bon Hotter sad .. . . __ fiDOPERS AND CARPENTERS' tootsrrau b lam ‘:. 'Lug nOWN,lllrodi A. r r , 117 FO R CORONE - ii.—ALsx. Aar= * l4 r.. 0 • caotfolote M 1 r tho 000 of Coroner .abject to too dociaLn of the nopublicso Union 00 ..t7 Co aveatlon. sobl&cloorte CORONER.--SoLomoa SALA, of Di, mitigheht, vlll be o =Mato for Oore own% . 11chient t the dectiiion of the Union ODIUM Ckinnetitheo. niti9:nonto CORONER.—M. B. Hearram i or Birmingham, will be eaadidette tor Oan otter, eubJeet to the declelou of the Colon Copnblittan County Coveenturt. mh2lalrtz —.wax MoCtuwG, of the , Vint Wi•rd, Allerhe¢l, will t.• caadt dste for Coroner or All•gtmoy Ootinty,sotjact to the lecldnc tl,o twality ncorctv Pt - floc r wyraotton. 4,114, FOR vrtl! PROTHONOTAR.—Ciso. be a candidate tor th Y e ofll. of Prothonot.7, thbfect to the dectele, of the Velma Reputllcao Coutity Convention. Ja23:to FOR PROTHONOTARY.--Jecou 'WAL.n, of the Sixth Weed, Pittaburgh, ergL be a candid?... for tto. mike of Prabovotary. siibtea .0 the dechlion of tbo C ohm lloptablican Cot- r7=-vFOR PROTHONOTARY.—D. C. Htctt will Lee candidate for the oat. vi Pr ottonot.y, enbJect to the decision of the Unit n Republican Cuurrotion. FOR PROTHON(YrARY.—Taos. Erma. will be a =rid/theta for the otfloo of Prothonotary, auli;ect 1 the decialou of the Melon Republican Courentiou. ° elßttc FOR PROTHONOTARY.—Ozo. -" R. Ili DOLE will bra candidate for the office 0 ProtbouCtery, euhitat to the decietou of the Union Goncenlion. folOulawtc FUR COUNTY COMMISSIONER. Cottise,tif Penn township, will be vanitiiiste for the above nitio., 'abject to the deaf.- ion of the Union Republican County Convention, FUR COUNTY C'OMMISSIO'N7I?. --Jots 13oanca, of Wilkins township, Ilan be • candidat• for'Oonnty Controlssinner, nabJect to the doclitini of the Colon Itoptiblkno County Con swition. teb2•davta COUNT Y C0MM1 . .4 lON ER.- Parww, of Rawl Deer Townehlp, will to • candidate ter the ofDaw of County Domini.- Dinner saki act to the tiveleion of the Union Depute con Ciinventten. folemlawl c BAGS ! BAGS' BAGS! SAOO Scantling two bused Esp.; 2 0110 I tallst lou de ; 10..00 0,4 80411; 0 lour bushel head tarn Bap I..'"„Uilo Salt Bees ; wwwril hand Senn.less Bata; nanny Swine. We ere coast...oly renclrinn new mid Wand-heed Sao, earls and Gunnies. Thy trade supplied. 1117witi 'OCK,ticC CO.; lSi Second street. ICE CHESTS,- KEEKIUE An/RS, SAVES &ND HEAT HOUSES.-1 , • Chests fee Earailtee, Beer Hulls, Ike. he, MMOMII=I Tho attention of `the tr.l. 1. called to our amort.- moo tams go kW. Shop Y+'A RI 1.4 A VENT E. at the mahout 1. 1. Al "boo,. or Oar." DO X M Anse° coy P o. 0..10.2frua H. T. PRIM a S . S. BRYAN, NOTAII.V PUBLIC, V..UIiTII nTECGT, (Dock.' tar+ hour. trvm D.'. 10,k . m. to 6 oVock p. m PoRTANT . TuuWNERISOF ul L .k Oa SALT W In .to, In goof cu nwttnoh..d 2110 feet P•un.l Bra. TuWne,ll inch, Wutklng •nJ all tntopu., wtmt4-1. v. utt , r for ask et low rate, sor \\TALI, 'ER._ N;:v. srti NEW dT l-0W PLLIISi PAPIER. bonelit, 1,1 tho 11{4111t N., I , 4 1,41..ral ttrvet, r.W2,' M Ali Ell All NVII.I, Hi ASEn convenient ivy nwNLI.II,; itiol.:KN In Shotrpsbarg. TWO•, 1.1t , C56 In Niro,- InFli St'mg) • lin, property on Wylie otrt rt. J. ft.II‘..N.ANGE„ 11.1,1 A,rlo and Broke., No 107 1 , • .‘rth strwt. near L,m1t103.‘41. 'r;SI 0, 1 I%lii U; 3:1 4. , 1%, • .I'4 and Gran, Intel Behar clo • etn.l )1 • Snztr, :.; 1.1,44.. ...ire N. V. Fn.,: 17 do •tba. Vor .ale by -- • ST'N131111:. 4..1.a lads- Wlslte 71oh .1.1 Late 11....r1T.m. 150 do ha. 31 sm.. and me I. 51 2. No. I do do. SU do No. 3 I ar.. sod med. do, I.ol,oz.•aEsatere Dairy Ilmen. 103 Ltd.. tleflned Oarb..o in aloro mod or ule TOBACCO. 2.90 parkiwa Dark Firea Dr) do Op.. !toll; 75 do Nary round; 40 do sluck eat; 175 du N attired Lear: 35 kegs Six Tort.; or sale 17 (,ob1) Nn6ITY.6A L Ann D PAPER AND ENVELOPE WARP -1.11/t'SY..—Jues opened, a forgo stock of Nterg.. LEITER AND cAr PA rEus. Alao, KIS% ELOPES., to great vartet, colon and Qualities ( fur ever, taw.. For nal.. by N. G. JOILMSTON 1 00.. per Dealers 001435y-rrtroor ar RECEIVED ON I'ONSIO MENT. 1 car load York State Aspire: SO obis. extra cbolco4Thle du, 1 car load Stwll d torn; 140 bble. Lake !bore Pore... 'Pi Pry Iltdne; In eters and for sole by QWEETS. ).-7 135 Ude old and ctew crop N. 0. So ..r 70 do do do P. R. no; l• bbLe. do do N. 0. lgolessos :nls do New York Syrnne; 1.10 do t`rushecl nod CoSN. Sugar; 110 do C. Yellow do; For telo b 7 (m 410) SEIRISRIt k LARRAR. IDKN I CORN ! 3,1k10 both choice 3lnsklnimm Elver tar Coo 000 do do do do Shelled dl In hem. "Columbia . ' and 'llturnshle,. • now et 11 nougeheln Wharf. for gale by 800011.kKER k LANG. =hal 32” Lll,rty street BLOATER HEItRI bblo. fresh ernolpd Bloaters, o Ice rellell for breakfast sad In., Just received helm New York, and for sole at the Family Grocery Stare JO of lIN A. RENSHAW, Corner When) and Nand arrant. rob3l SPRING NVAUON FOR to sold tor, by the subscriber. • gocol second. hand ens-borso riming Wagon, suitable for .:press pumas.. Apply man, to JOlll . l A. RDNSHAW, attiZl Omer Liberty and Hand enact.. 11/OXEit, FITUES, &c.--100 empty LI snitablio for plotting liliaarman, dr. es, 100 Dry Flint Hide.. to arrive per messier Dein for sale by AIeDONALD 1 ADDIJOHLES, solt:10 Noe. 212 wid:ll4 Liberty st a•ar Wood. o N . : , WOOLEN WATER. PROOF BELTING—A wooly of the different - trldthe facetted and for sale at the 7ndl. Haber Barad., Noe. 26 and 28 tit. Oistr street, HI by 3. A IL PLLIPS, nobl7 Note Agitate for Alleßhany moot). _ INNIN H /DDT ES.--Fmoked alibut and Inseam:l Salmon, • Oveh supply Jost n ratt ed and for te.e at the' Family Grocery Store or JOHN A. RENSHAW, tatt3l. corner ;Theft, and fiend errata. PATENT SAW MlLL—Page'a Pate , Saw Mul, npright and dmolar consplets, store eed fur - sale by 1n626 ISIAIA 1 , 11;11 MY • CO. MOV IN6 TIM ES t LOCUST POSTS. le. Peed, Poe., a fel long; WO Spilt do, Empire of WATT W 80 14 .0021 2.2 Libel laT PIG IRON AND CLOVER SEND co to. Voion Furo. PIO IRON ; 1/0 born. OLOVLII SNIP; In .tore and for We by WATT & WILSON, )47 Liberty ntrerl KIM & BCEIWLETZ. CLOTH ES BASKETtI.—An anottiuent of WINO. Clothe. Ileeliett received and for pal* JOHN A. 11114811 A IV, tTner Liberty end 1140 atrmts. GOLD PAPER RANQINfitI..--An im mynas esiortinent of low 'priced, u lie Pee, um muting in, for pale by akhd W. P. 11ARallALL, 6T ilfteat virret. POR. RENT—A good Stomromn On - --nnunone nn.y. near Wood drat. mle2d & OUTHEMIIT 6 flUdd, M SWAM M. TAILORS' eiRMAttS, ne — w patent, tbr sah. 11.7 .1 A MCA 110‘411. IRA WO6ll ittrrot. Q BBLS. NEW NIAVLB BIMAB, In EP ate% for oak by M. HISAPISIMOVI mIkS Plamorot Pilts,otritto APRIL I.—catm , WALL PAPB - W, from 10 to 10 roots, ana 111.1,4 ft 13, fot. W P. DIAIIBII LI, It Wood "tree. ' CAE "MATH Elt, or 1-4 Tioo. RA nod P.S MIT Mr.!. cohlt J. ,*IIII4tAP6, irtilk — UX ) pigs 'O. • tiblems Len. for sal. e. 12grailt ClLUF:ZZlTtailerfor gee by mb23 InIFISTII. COLLURA uric w.. T JUSCEL Lamrsors. SILVER PEARL SOAP. CRUMPTON & CO.; 367 Liberty Street. Sole Proprietors and Illsrmfartmws for Wen= Prortritranl. Oblo, Indians, n11330i. and Iflrormi. Palm, German, Olive and Rosin Soap, TOILET AND FANCY SOAPS. Of oar tiILVER PEAUL BOBY, which we csonfb doughtily recommend sa better tar general cos than .7 other before the pahlls, ahordd be barna in mind has neither Pocesh, Balt, Lime or Rosin, or any other sobs - Lamm to its mannfactura which can shrink or Nam the finest fabric*. Flannels and Woolens tau be washed with tho rapidity of Cotton or 1 inert Clothes washed with the Burn? PRIBL 60.4 P do not Ingram boiling or half Om rubbing, which of coarse scree the wear and tear. 811 1 732 PEARL SOAP Removes Cream, Dirt, Tobacco Stains, Printer? Ink, Smoke and the worst Beige Water Mains mediately, applyiug it with a moist Spoor, that protecting Endows, Carpets and rondo:try from ends and stop. It imparts • brilliancy to Plate, Jewelry, Glastswue, Ettanuelleil Paintings and Patent Leather immediately; and for cleaning marbl• and time the It has LID equal. For the Bath, and partite warty for Ohampooning, the SILVERTZAEL SOAP it o perfect corny In • worti, all who hay. trod It. euperior onalitleo, ocknowledpi it the greatest discovery of the oge. This Clammily ask • trial from oil .ho are interested it. using Heap, and in are mat, will tefund the prim of hie tame ahould it SW to somniplish what we claim for it, If used according to our directions. Sold at FIVE CENTS PER POUND, In Shy ponnd home, dellvemd to the can or boats, or Ink legheny, Birmingham and city maidencm hoe of Marg.. Direchous for r>m mut pickere. Liberal discount to the trade. blerch.t. from abroad will do well to giro CROMPTON A CO. . call. Llterty street, oppn. rite Pony lowa* Railroad Paterenger Depot. /Mr Bowan of all imitations ; none genteloo miles Dearing oar trade-mark—SILVER PEARL 511 ILL —ea socurod by National Copyright. mhttf NEW AND POPULAR BILX)KI3, Vigor. A nosy • by Walter Barrel Clark.,„, The Campsuer ihal, de. By Jaan Pato. McChllan'n Report. Tarlou edltdowL OndJohl A Woman's Rautom. Counsel and Comfort. By tb• Ommtry Person. Yuma Woodsou. Brld to thmaisge. By Be Vigra, Whip, hoe and Sword. A Visa of Slavery. By Bishop Hopkins. Rouen's Life of Jmns. Roller at Now Odom.. logto'glO Biography. fly Smllre Gen. Greet and his Oarepalgwe. By .1 K. Larks. Pets:Rm. lettere to the Joavere. A.Dramuthorp. By Ales. Smith . Hutu. By Marton Berland. Lights Shadowed Peths Br T. B. Artbgr. The Old Helmet. fly the author of Wide Wld World. Borowski's Diary Ile Perfect Gentleman, or Etiquette A RlNl:atm Ervakfron ie Bed By Sala. The Greet Corommatlon. Toler of s Wayside In.. Broken Columns. The Mug of Atlll4[4. Three months In the Soother, St The Young Pawn Thacker/by, the Humorist. The Cr.. otthe Legion of 130111(4. Aothur liallaure Romaine And all other new ob., ran be 0.1 et BUNTR, mhtd atreet, Masattlg.Mall. pH4 Ni KB Pll ALBUM:, CARD PHOTOGRAPHS W" 2 . ..g.v , atreot DITTO C K'S. WOMAN'S 1; 0 AI:sum CUNO ri CA ki k:. IMIIIMI OIITI.CII IN NEW I LE% N..qz d u agnni SI publlaL,d, , ST A TIUNEA.Y END NXWB DRPOT Uppo•lt • the Po•t °Mee. do: SCTI OM MICR a Led NO ,LTI Libor. Id RE.FC VEN A 'RIK T. .11,1 a rr , thla artfeL% In rontoring I. oe.glnak 404., Arad prodnolng Ho. 41.1 43,ogothel bt.cutne Chtu, la vv.., Sat lx.c.,.itg max 12 . .s&ItAgt, and ettsl.ll2l,e, road doubt, tb• Loins— rant a w 4, s• wawa./ mem monmer,./11WIV lira* Hai ' its orinnail oda, nW to sal mold LI grow os Roll ENG& nal 11 teSl radars Marra Sonsloss. T:.al4 win esescat ths Diadeei wad Itch). nal ft sell was dm Bois kre Thal it will pressen Ow oryneal Coln to Old Ace. not d s4l preses• Ma Efoirjrce• Failisp Of. TIM is will vitro all Mew*, of Wan. It is not • contains no Intrata Sk i m •01 othcr ingiro&enit injurious to either or IS•ir Prim, ONE DOLLAR. 81E11011 JOEINSION, General Aver, Dor. of Smithfield and Itcartlal.., oolAdananaar --- METROPOLITAN The very latest styles for Spring $632 BOUNTY I FOB IiAW lITAMUITS i Finn United Stales aril:Jeri/ Recruits wantedbr thle weilknosta Regiment of DATI"NRINS, now reprmiented every rent Army of the Union. lien smile odisted 100 this regiment will receive lIKOB Ciaronamont Bounty. rhe mole aortas* role Weer, Alm, I=O LOOM. PR115111781 the highest mile offered. Remelting Rendesrona, I:‘,. 1911 YOUIITH Fr., Pittsburgh, opposite the Ilayors Onto. TllOB. WILLIAALS,Jr.. Ist Lt. 6th U. B. Artillery, Recruiting °Mese Ott a SAACI tIRAlti, constantly cm 'Seal s Ltte Ned thoroaskls owed stock of DNUKINO. BOAT AND BOTTOM FUMEWINDOW &RAKE STUN/ UNTIES, JOISTS, SPOITTIM, WATT& PAL. VMS, &a, ~t o B. .111 otdan tot SAW= STOWS 1,0 proaptsms sad et air rate. N. B. Persons wonting LOBO TI VILA or n LAII partlsulm7 Instead to ozstakms ht. ea lc. 1111r09na as Ors* strcot, ups , Seto.. st=et ORM novo slorara on hood and casts to onier 'HON £513 IMAM SORICEIi win( 01.0113 ; BIZVES, of oh kinds ; Ibr ?Ntary owl ; HYATT WOB6 WINPOWB. do.; 13111E1 (12.013, 0 II 1141.11 MAL WiltS far Modem kn. iT TOUR ROOTS AT BORLAND'S, 9B Market strret. PRODUCE. ODERBII-- SCO boss prime Crallisc U7TER...-1,000 pod Table Osman • PPLIZS .100 bush. be Wilk Ante.: LARD...—.— W Delon No. 1.1.. AA Do. 10k i . Ag caos...--- et,. Ranh; RATIA beet cord Timothy; 11...1.11 As. f0 r....... by D. ILIDDLI. A 2. No 1.1 Liberty ban Tee for isle b mar Ti. comma. I===l AT HUNT'S 13=1 PITTOCICB WO V.. xl.l hi A. llt LEONARD SUITS, lIIIIIM GRAY & LOGAN, Ho. 10 liirze FTBUT. Ul! - C1...= MAIN Xr1;11.1.A1 &Lt.= tiztiT UP!}. tl sNormwo Baas OF WIWI wogs. Sr AU ON. 04 WIRE lEN SWAN Si CEEZMI - BY COOK, P ETTIT & No. 10 forma ruct.D DITty.ST Just tocslved In .font 60 tlottes rine Loaf Load 11 6,017161505 s tom Moroni 10,000 da de Plato limns 10,000 do 7 Cfatintatt 7oo 014711 r Cved 60 10 steiVstat 0 400 bnst. tsd SIAM;mI.2 ItTNEII.BIIII' IsliiTlOßNt. JOON J- T. lietivinneit thie-inty ht e ntntemenriete4 ititit ne Winer in th e TTeA Mahe.* enethd en a t Jen. CS 414 tOtlNkt To %Ina •nd nvoittiontin, Alleettley, Tn. Tito note met ti t le of the tint relit Wenner ten OW. A. WALLY II CO, Alleetion , tfrekOt tt. DEMI ingWilit. ft. tette Vont it hide._ We Ali prtpuni. to Zniatet,tros'ekttaiitrii tatt. *OW to poi toot et. , Wet triWt. -• 1.. TIMMY DUX . A - ri tatten t ic .s6l ßoMrea ripsb — taibitii ieirt,tbeel by W. P. it a mama,. _ , • al inK4 slept. MM , NOMM DKr. GOODS, tec. DRESS GOODS! LT J. M. BURCHFIELD'S. Igo:ambigua. Grenadine's. Pongees, for snits Challiet. Black and Colored Chintzes. do, Gingham'. Shawls and Cloaks. Boys' and Gent's Cashmeres. A urge evertmeat of NEW GOODS! N. E. oor. 4th and Market Ste. apt N EW SPRING GOODS! WHOLESALE & RETAIL. She latest .tyke al everything:lg oar Roil brought to thlo market. Our stock will Do foond vori coat plots to HOSIERY, GLOVES; rich EMBROIDER. 113 add TYNE 00005 ; 711111211N08, 1a snry sinthle .tyl. ; besatild BOYNIT AND T111.11X1216 RIBBONS; scoTcre PLAID isincr RIBBON HOOP AND BALMORAL 13LIS1B ; ELI, GILT AND liozooacr pm's, Dim Mlle; LADIW 00K133 AND !ears; PIIOTOGRAPH ALIMEN, Us cheapest Is Us city; NOTIONS AND MALL WAYLD.9; LADD'S' AND DENTS DOLLARD, allattly wlLd, from 6 to 12 cult; • ; TWINS! ryas rtreaniun OOLLess to as cirrs; OWNT6sauNraatxa GOODS, Ism eat. 1111.80E/MITS, and all .do Wt to ottl opto, sr. low!text to eve us • cal beibro pore boning oh. ',ben, I. we by mly from mumfactorom or fm ;tastes. and sail at riot* that cr toot fall to plows. htACRUM & GLYDE, GREAT SATZ!, J. IY. BARKER &CO.'S, 69 Market. pStreat, SILKS, SHAWLS. CLOAKS, DR ICI4S (al.l).1)13$ AT RETAIL Bead Gimp and Bead Buttons, AND OTERII NEW 11/111111110 TL. nor Russian Cep.. sad Ouffi tierant Point Clouse Setts sod Ilandkorohlotag la p Iced and flag Ltses. Ilidk•fa $ Lases• Gran dine and Crape Vella, Cambric and Ilarabin Trimmidis,in great vart ' eiy, at lo• p& ; elegant huh and fear( Bibboot itourllta, Elea and 110 Reed New, or leery aryls; EtockisP. 01. Ootasta Hap Skirts awl Spring Balmoral Skirt.. • foal Its. of MOWS PIIIMISI.IIIIIX Goods slvray. tu.ud. irdka . 011141ren% SIM and Gar. Underreals; ladies' White Ilertho Under- kl,t►-rnei tun (Lao tLa msherlal to make them. WbigeSol ROOM 'Up item Balm to the city ud from the aquatq EU do 'roil to lack at oar totk befcre purehoates. JOSEPH HORNE & CO., 17 AND 79 HANS= VENNI SILKS ANP MANTLES, If U. Writ das'ins. ALEX. BATES, Mu,Leap, sod .214101, 21 FIFTH STREET. 1)R Fr. 19)3 CI 0 4:1 US • SHAWLS, AND WHEN GOODS. totX% • / , MARCH FOR SPRING TRADE La otopot suortmoot of Bead and Bugle Gimps, Bead and Engle Fringes, Of all widths. OhoSok of Bead Buttons, - Bugle Ornaments, txr now sad nook irtmama Rieb Styles of Bash Ribbons, Bonnet Ribbcauk. Trimming Ribbons, To wl{ola No loons ill* stiiistba of aor eurtaares. tin Ti r t LY oVtiinard, It= mill ells to tIo. trod" as tlmi mart Ilbirol Loma . , EATON,IiAIIiIIX ft Ca t • :A" rki.iriam swum. stb. BAJUNIINISIO.II T/131, r H0L1D4113, inmss oust Avirnazoturnm pisses u LAIII4 111•4301 00.111 • 111111 a. Mt-1i) s'•l st• w moos, SNIVELTi _' . Wholmoda Aga ishictarerie I.ADIES' 1100T11" AllOllllOllO. 110.111108411 .19uant triager,l ftnatielphli4 Hu wiatantly aiharia • mord aiwortmemt of tovitslgamair sad ,CHILDRZIVO DOM*" . SHO ritta24 ext Ors Ea =moo , wad. allACtba 250 plus e listonsiaettiikbT, Aticioinigs otinDoN; Nom. NW--itotines • 4Cao. VoLa.a, .! 116 W Nifileit--Parsona wishing anything BOOT AND SHOE LINE, H Inn fad U to tirtr tutored to on st CONCERT HALL SHOE MB& And isammlne their str-li SPRING : GOODS, wksa en mama stoat ONE-HALF THE"USUAL num Crory par wan**td 'Wert rallefactioa. sad Dot ynnlag as npromantul, L nopalreil ens of atilv. Sr Beware aid all before Lott` *Lemberg, sea gar No. 62 Fifth Street:lM ,x.hts 1000 I' OAVALRY ROOTS MoO=JS"D'S ANTION, 115 FIFTH STREET, Binsonio Hall Thaildin.. , mtab . A NEW AN - Li - CHOICE SELECTION Spring end Slimmer Boots, Shoes, Rubbers, 022121:11 ISIZT7 BOOT AND.pHOZ HOUSE OT BLATEIt &SOUTH, No. Si lIILBSL'T ST.. td door from Tthl. tidal NEW GOODS I NEW GOODS w. bor. 14.8 molved oar Spdrig stock of BOOTS AHD 8110E8, Wbkb we .111 sell at lb. LOINUT GOB PUIU We bare the largeat and best indeeted stook of Men'y Ylne Calf: llquolo.toed Boots, To be Wand in the city. Lit DEEP LAST GAITZBS In abundance. Mr. on . 63 MALIK= 511111:1? FINE ,GOD, JOST REOLITED, LAMM! . GLOVE KID BALMORAL BOOTS; De do do CONOBRSS do; Do MOROCCO &GOAT BALM% do; °TNT% TIIIITS BOLE GLUM & CALP do Do TWO do ORLY do; • II of the beet cdstom wort, end warranted to eve. .On eatialhothea. GEO. ALBREE. SON & CO.. No. n.... of UHINU THIS MONTH., will be sold, AT LAST SIIISPIIIPS PRICES, Wks' Moven Qatar*, r•cmd toed. Do Bamoral• sad DM* Mascot andetaldrele•lerrals, Calk.** Doom. Yea's, age tad loatti's *almora'.•. °altar. .4 *mg.. Cad 110011 11,11 d MVO bargatic . at 130111.2011/13: 46 Hasket itzeet. • manta door from Fin. VAIN CAMPBELL, Manufacturer of tP 130018 LED 880113, of every doneription. Ha fIEO. AMISH, FON do CO:, NV sale and Rota! Dealers Is BOOTS, SEIDEBota, wow wood and Tema eneetn. Plttabrtrett. NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS. Illsontsca'a Orrick 031. nITIM Baltimore A Lido Railroad, BEAMS, Ob*lint Ranh, ISM. Nepal:Os will be received at this calm until the 22a DAY OF APRIL, mat, tar the Mason work of the Railroad Bridge to be built OM the Ohio direr et this place. Plans mad epecilfratlent can beam at the LW near's Once, an BalDls, from the linb to the the day of April. TM Compaq norm the right to reject any or all tide. Payments monthly, in nab, with plow restres7 flee aa wwerity for falelltamat of contract. Thu viu tr in extension. wort. shad yen frori the attention of And der contractors. JAB. L. RANDOLPII;Ittginwer. - " adiAlmodtagd. pUNNIANUE'b PHOTOMPR BOON% 001111121 TUTU 111IMA3EX2 51 did id Ratio, oar liattuktdaest inky Stan.) Viratitriss, Pa., of lorry atm wad rtyloadatotolook, - Dtia t PrhDodo 4. VDU* to Oltstost sad Ilto Otto. avcm would tattitiolos7 11:__ tf tall tot ot. motion of the AO= AND UMND to Umory c c. ,lb W 4 of tali ottoblbasoont, Wog mast) by • awn *lsbs of dem Prices soloesto, Ltd goanatmed. ollattlttref 416110146 .WURILIS, . • IA LIZZETI STET" • bosattal and wad mat a 'wad Kamm. lonumeate and Brave StoneL gm rLAST PALEIII, wing wow= Ts , IIUI3SCV.IIIISE, AGM . ra. John Nara a OA Soda - /sk i. destaxtly roaktaag tho az" which two sail WI tho won hautablo taloa. Ildo Lab to patita, lady adapted to She Issal.fsettin dal/AL C. W. 01117BenTaii, splits sorra /Mb'? Mtn % Philisdolphis. NIGHT BIAMMUNG GEHICUS, a new Extract for tbs Ihotkorchl*L,;ltY th• mot froofolat fooll tiolleoto of aU peofamoo. /t sot - stein the boodkorthitt. Imp to& sotooloti omoortiotat of 1111 E . 10T 1104/111. hyhb noooredodffl tor ikodorlog the Alfa soft, far end torfootb. f • - Mao. Odell urrALQ so= au:tiara comas, all ohm; liar Baud" Poll au* BiO sad Toltb Broil" la as eartstl, kept, cow/tatty oo bate/ alai lb, fob; at aso. A. imams mit* slop; Oxsuis Ob3o sad Yodoodstoks, • gdslii If-• Of./ tkof • EYES AND EAR, . a's DR. BS.EL. Wationsr t fa staunct 'of. . DUZAMstis atica llas Z7Z hull SAE onus*" on Ornaner. int Agronous -1.11111., toads ARTITICIAL NM, sad mato ell IHNLANKETWIT NM; atl oAIIDELWIIIIG. owl 01l dlopoot opctlng al* tar-and loollzyg :to Dubow. IXsr.:lo37nrrEi MILT. CUINTRALt • 13... ow .4 meal argurif. am. A. /141.1. Proisinah seasitams tortzf r Aisi xbrourm wrigniadarr cop,eytt*#se wrftr ea war** / 'MUDS WA. TAISM.4-pf all - rifee. Ai:arm:m4 coND .1. , 13 TA ; icd TiMpu kix vha trUalocies. la wait vartaated, at thy auwar END co NOWA &MOM as ta• =alma cr .4114. ant artiZ t...d : Wm!! 64. legbay O. t. T. r JIGS at STOWS tiliiiP/524, 16171 KARIM sr.. kw. uwir limns !Mall ADAM A' DerAiik Connellya et gagrag,: . ecnist Of ,MWd sad Gnat Argots; put s buo,„.=—Dr. ALIL Pollack, Vr.l/41, p .a. clit at a ua d.,:pavvittid ! - : .... Jas. Robb, AND nun.