The daily Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh [Pa.]) 1863-1866, April 05, 1864, Image 2
fi;iti ,,, , , p ~ ! 7::•,,,. #. l . - 4-. 7 -t" - v tr';' ~. •:;:ifil • 3 ;,..• . -,.-.. ?:zt.rir.4.-:.704:4 V , V .,,i f 3:-.- ?. ^ . 2 "..."... ,, F ,-1 : ,,, 5 7 . , i - A - ' , ::' ,,,, .`:;CA'-';',lr' 7 '.:'?;42,''''' , ::•.: - ::! , :1::: -. :'12- -- .L::".1': - :L . L.' ,,, : " : 2 ::, ,'1:: -. d -7 . - '::'2 .. . ,. .'•'-';' , .- , :.. -- 'f . : ~,,-1-.", vittsbiirgit -'os;aftq. TUESDAY MORNING:::.-:APRIL 5, 1864 Our Sanitary 'Fair When the project of holding a great Fair is fhie cify in aid of the Sanitary Commis sion was definitely resolved upon, we gave it a suitable notice in these mimeo, corn roen • g (hi ts it to the cordial support of every man, omen and child who wished well to our e e and to oar soldiers in the field . 13ince then our city editors has carefully noted all the movements that have been made in connection with thin patriotic enterprise, and from his reports we have learned that, so far as this city and Alle gheny county are concerned, the good work of raising means and exciting a proper en thusiasm goes bravely on. Pittsburgh and Allegheny City and their many offshoots will do their duty nobly. and well. It only - remains for tts to say a few words to our .country readers, whose aid is needed to make the Fair in all respects worthy the generous patriotism of Western Pennsyl . yenta. Wisely, as we think, the method of rais ing money by Fairs for thq -benefit of the Sanitary and Christian Commissions has been adopted in all our large cities.. Chi cago, Beaton, Brooklyn, Cleveland, Buffalo, Washington and Cincinnati have already held Faire that have realized immense sums - of money; and St. Louis, Philadelphia and New York are yet to have their Faire, which it is expected will distance in grandeur and substantial results either of those already held. Pittsburgh proposes to do as well, (if not better) in proportion to her wealth and population as any of the Fairs already held or to be held. And when we say “Pi,bs burgh" we would fain include not this city merely, nor even Allegheny county, but ate &sellers in all the region round about. - Cities are but great centres of wealth, pop ulation and enterprise, and in the matter of our Fair it is understood that Pittsburgh only takes the initiative—acts as the pion eer—leads the column for Western Penn sylvania. With this brief explanation, we beg leave to direct the attention of the loyal citizens of neighboring towns and counties to the proprietrof assisting to make the coming SaAitary Fair in this city a success corn , me4surate alike with the patriotism of Witotern Pennsylvania and the wants of our sailers. A corresponding or co-operatieg committee, we respectfllly suggest, should be formed in every couoty and in every town within a radius of at least one hundred miles of Pittsburgh. These committees could establish depots for the reception of goods, and also appoint sob-committees to solicit contributions of both money and goods. For so noble a,parpose e as the relief Of oar brave ',Miters who may be wounded or struck down by disease, we hope there will not only bdtno holding back in any of our neighboring counties, but that a spirited rivalry will speedily manifest itself. Er ery county and town which contributes to the Fair will no doubt be assigned a booth or apartment in which to display its con tributions. We need scarcely assure our country friends that their efforts in behalf of the Fair will receive proper credit from the gentlemen appointed to manage its de tails, and that their gifts will certainly reach those for whose sake they are solicited. Let us all strive to make toe coming Fair the great war event of Western Penn sylvania. Even as a thank offering, because oar towns and cities have not been visited by the ravages of desolpting war; tee should make it a glorious event_ And when wo think of the -aufferisige our soldiers in the field will be called upon to endure before .. the next campaign is ended, the obligation to sustain the Sanitary Fair becomes still stronger. Oar soldiers are battling for the preservation of the institutions which have heretofore made us a peaceful, a prosperous and a'happy people they need oar help, in theileld and in the hospital; our Sanitary - Fair is to be a meant of helping them. What more need we say? Neale° and the United States We think no real foundation for the anxiety which is felt by many persons concerning the probablb results to this country of the assumption by Maximilian of the reins of government In distracted Mexico. It is thought by some that the new Mexican ruler will at once recognize the Southern Confederacy, and that France Will immediately afterwards do likewise. To allay these apprehensions, we give be lown letter from the apparently well in ,,;,fcirlaed London correspondent of the New 'York commercial LOIDDI. March 16.—With regard to the fa turn relations of Mexico with foreign powers, and especially with the United State., some lateresting features racy be relied upon. It Is believed that toward the and of the present month the new monarch will send • circular to earl power •anneeneing hie astumption to the throne and inviting the nomination of Anibeseadors,Co/11IIii. fic. That this circu lar will be favorably met and responded to by President Lincoln instated to be a matter of certainty. According to report one part of the recent mission of Gen. Foray to Washing ton was to sound the Washington Cabinet on this tabled—the •result being that it was in timated to , him the United States would ac credit a Minister to Mexico provided the new empire adopted no policy directly or indirect _ ly antagonistic , to the Union. This account of. the present posture of 'af fairs coincides with some recent manifesta tions toward the.Confsderate repreaeotatives at Paris and Brussels. Mr.Stidell, it said, asked an audience of the Archduke, to which a ready assent was given, with the proviso that it wet tke approval of the Emperor No. Thst . liPP"Tlis however, was Immo ' diately and distinctly refused. At thesime time, Mr. Dudley Mann, from. En:3l446on tomplated seeking a similar fart v,qint seeing the turn mitten were taking, he ahstained, and went back to Belgium. In explanation of the course adopted by the - Emperor Napolcon, his organs is the Court reasoned with the Confederate partisans to the following effect: " You have seen how Prance has been hampered for two or three year; peat by her commitments in Mexico.— It hit occupied the resources alike of her army and navy and treasury. The conse quence has been that she has felt compelled • > to shapo her emus, with regard to . Poland, Italyi,and elsewhere, so ey not to add to ex. latleg difficulties, The prospect now exists of terminating this condition of affaire, and eligL not risk It by adopting any stop that might plunge her into war with the United States. If England had consented or would Mow consent to her proposals for recognition, ilia ease would be different, but as it is, a of striet ttelitrality mist be the one fer - Frauds, and consequently for the new Em• . Idre Of Mexico. Prance ham undertaken to suppdrt the Archduke on hie throne, but it - ;' - .lnttilthei.contingent on hie not at the—outset draggin her into new complications. If the United Stated hid Mine against Mexico, the Empirnehispideon would at once have recog. :nized the Confederates. All danger of that :,event having pused,:all probability of recost : nition hag pasevd with "'llia farther reported, in harmony with the 'foregoing, that Mr. Preston (formerly United . State* Minister at hiadrid;) who ia moven his way to &leek* en mission from the Confed erate Government to General dlmonte, will 'not be 'received by tbe Archdale Mazimll lan on his arrival to assure the throne. • /hid& thew circumstances the Confederate . . agents do not attempt to comma from thon tiel►ef-tLbt; lot alto patent at all events, the boleti!' froth Panto aro tower thou at any fonner pwilod,tutdnot unnaturally they throw froth .blame on Englazidaw *hiatus of their ill-fortano. At tho tame , time they have no choke to' 'dolt that England it entitled It'fi-Absk ..tnipect frqwniigr-biling_caJoied MEM MEM= ;' ' ~ r~'_ The Rebel Army Drawing Ilnpplles from the iinited Stortes. The N. T. line a few days ago published some ichportint documents, showing that a contraband trade has been carried on by certain parties in New Toth and the rebel?. Tho Tones does not explain bow it came into the possession of these papers, but it appears from them that under special authority granted by the Confederate Sec• rotary of War, as long ago as March 12th, 1863, Gen. E. Kirby Smith entered into stipulations with one Jahn T. Chichester, of Arkansas, for the supply by the latter of.militery equipments and clothing, it be ing, wording to the terms of the cow ra et, "understood and agreed that payment for all articles delivered under this contract shall be made with cotton of an average quality, at the rate of tweutj-nte cents for every rociuu, and that pay ment is to be made at the timo and place of delivery of the articles." end it being farther "un derstood and agreed upon that the said John T. Chichester, or hie duly appointed agent, shall be permitted to transport with out molestation or hiairoacs on the pert of the Confederate States authorities all cotton paid to him or his du'y authorised agents, by virtue of ibis contract, to any foreign port that he or his agents may select, provided the cotton to not sent to nor shipped ofiervrards at the city of New Orleans, Louisiana" The eighth online of the coniraot pro rides "that all assistance that may be re quired by the raid ildin T. Chiohestir or hie duly appointed agents for the purpose of protecting his property from guerrillas, and otherwise assisting in transporting it to the point or points selected for delivery, dial( be given by the military authorities of the Department Trans-Missiesippi, pro sided such assistance is not detrimental to the publio rervics." How much hat been &dually done in the execution of these agreements our New York contemporary says it has no means of knowing; but there in little room to doubt, it thinks, that immense quasillies of such articles as the insurgent army has needed must have bees supplied from the Untted Stain and payment recoio ••d in Calton, very iftrir. ire or which .re said to [taro rotoct•tti •? hin our Uses In the South west in ecoorlenoe with some arrangements made bet nt.t.l2 err eu taring partici residing on each side of our lines In that quarter. It may be proper for us to add that in what purporii to be the leper from Mr. James A Seddon, the insurgent Soure•sry of War, siring permission to make each a contrast, he rays thet ii it " not desirable to resort to such a trade with the Cfaited States, which under tile lows of [the Con federate] Congress, •hen carried on by citizens, is illicit; a t. when necessitits have compelled, the Confederate] Govern mint has on many oceanono ?warted to it to.a greater or less extent.' The ?resident's Letter to the Nor h American Review. Reports were current a mouth or two ago that the publiebors of the North Amsr.- can Review bad received a letter fr,m too Preeident of the 0 :Atari Stars called for,b by the article in the January numbly on '•The President's Policy." The let ter iterif is printed in the April nunah,,, an I has ac interesting bearing upon Mr L views on an itup)rtan} point of political theory. It is as 1:T....0: EXECUTIVE iIIX4IOE, WASIII,T,, J4ll. It, Is&4 Mew. Cre.sby S‘cLoli Centaurs: The nunitur fur lid* month and year or the North doses - oar.. /Usual wu duly rocs not, and . fur u - hich pleaso accept my thanks. in o.dirse, I am not the roost impartial judge; yet, with due allowce for [Li*, I venture hope that the article. s_ title an d ••Tbe Pr. aide. s will b, of value the country. I fear I aln hot unit, srorthy Sf al. which je therein kindly said of me per...salty. The sentenCa or twelve hugs, ronstuenc4og at the top or page 2.52., I c.uld wish to not osaut/y as it 1.. In whit{ le then ,pre.aeel, the. venter Loa not currently vi01...t00l mu. I ha.. meter had a theory that**mouton could atwolve State. or people trim thuir allegiance. Prncusly th• amtrary In the Inaugural Akddreur, .1.1 it sea. because of my belief in the cs , nt lunation of thus.. adqutiess that I was punted, fora time, n. to ,levy tug the legal 'hits of throe MC.w who rcinalood Judi eldual ly innocent of treason or rebehion. But I mean no more now than to mera'y cal attrollon to this point. • Tours, rsapectio'ly, The sentence in the January num)rr, referred tgo by Mr. LINCOLN, eat fellowe "Sven w long ago as when 31r. Lee , olg not yet convinced of the danger andm agnitude of the moos, wens endeavoring no parstwie himself of l'u on ma j4.lriti. at the booth, and to carry o r that was bell peace, in the hope of a peace that woe d • have been all war—while he wtoi still oaf .rcing the Fugi tive Slate Law, under mom, theory that however it might absol‘o States fmns their ob a-ga t/eau, amid not escheat them of their claim,. under the Cogatitntion, and that slavelvotden in rebelliuo had eusie, among mortals, the privilege of having their GAO and catgut it at the wane time—the ene mios of free government ware .[rising to persuade the people that the war was an Atahltion crnamie. To rebel without sew aon wee proolsimed as roue of the rights of man, while i carefully kept out of eight that to suppress rebellion Is the first duty of government." A COMLEOPOODESS of the New York Eve ning Post, who, in 180, predicted within one electoral vote the result of the Presi dential election, ventures another trial of his gift of prophecy, and' puts down the figures for next November at ►ollewe: ratan. Sickroom California Connecticut fillnols Indiana Maryland M ic h igan Michigan klinnesota ...... Nebraska Nand& ..... N. ilampohire Neer 'York. Oregon Pommylesula ...... Rhoda Leland ___ Teinnorme Vermont Virginia (part)...._ West Vlrglobs.—... Wisconsin Oppodtion. 5' Aeulttok y. Doubtful. —. B I M latouri Not Voting. ..... • 7 North Car01ina. ......_.. South Carolina.— ....... 41Vireula (part) ... , . Necessary to e choice ......211(if • majority of the en - —.21, the elect. rat rote Is re. 3!gulrech) lel. Noceneary to • choha ;to(If only majonty of tho e voting are ) 61.14. Coming Event• The visit of General GRANT and Staff to Fortress Monroe, taken in connection with the appointment of Gen. Deter Swum to the command of the forces in the field in General department, Is a sure indication of serious work in that quarter, and may be regarded as conclusive evi , deuce that there is to be a combined move ment against Richmond. What BrENSIDIC is to do with his expedition is not yet posi tively ascertained, bit if its destination is Nortti.Carcans, as is rumored, the move ment against Richmond becomes still more probable, and of course more torn:ridable. It all these rumors and surmises should prove to be correct, it will be a grand eight to see three heavy columns of troops march ing from different directions against the rebel capital. ANIMUS!. LOYil, PAM IN KENTUCKY The Unionists of Lnington have purchased the office in which the Kentucky I:cyclist was published, and have made arrange- ments for Issuing next week the first unm oor of the Nationct Unionist It will be ably edited; and have a decided influence in moulding public eentiiient In the heart of Kentucky in favor of unconditional loyalty. • Tna BAtristour. Coarrxmos.—By the terms of the call for the National Union Convention, the representation in that body is to be based upon the electoral vote of the several States, there being two dele gates for each Senator and Congressman. Pennsylvania will accordingly be entitled to fifty-two delegates. New Parsa.—We have rweived the third and fourth numbers of the Pon, a new Union papa publhihed at Morgantown, West Virginia. It deserves a liberal sup port frnm tbs people of Morgantown and neighborhood. .~ ,~~ ~x 5..~~ L:.:. ... MMM [We preavat below a short ,poem irrlttea for Cm. I oolvaatu try one of the moat sifted daughter. of our State. tier literary coatribatione have heretofore graced the of etym. of .the Inobtsgjourna's of the country. We hope to hear from her again.) OUR BOYS. BY LOCUM C. VICULOY. Our boys: I slug Intr. brevo, bright boys. Tim& blithely riash.l to mast the for;; Wbou daatartl bands trrr• ;Aired to .trik• At Frestdom's sh ribs the tratt'Atos blow. • They plat their trust In Freedom'. God, Whetting their bottle blade. anon— Their rights were right. their lathes gave, Their Wed the land of Washington. • Onr boys' aqr dear, brave boys, who fell Asleep amid the battle's din They left the freest, lovelleet homer, That ever child! o d prattltd M. They 1°1,41 those homes of 14. , ri•st and orchards•aralliog fair; All' arr., h,ntkolan's *orrouing wan • Shall cal 111, bllghting core' [hare! They lured the ichoul house by the, Where rich arid pour aro taught tha aiirne No rain ambition called Ch.= heiroe ; Th,y fought for Lihorty. got Fame. Tat, conquering Roman rawer leg His sons so thrilled et Glory's call ; Such geuerone valor ems not theirs Who topped with pulls Odin's hall end poets of the future tfmo Shall tot their deads In glorlorm yen., And htstory from etre to age, Calrettrned, still the 41, teltuaree. Our boys I our dear, snrvl ring boys I We'll wreathe their tonnes with laurel now. We'll give them wools of praise, and .y. Thank. God such noble boys are oars. O' bravest of the whole world's bravo Are they, the boy. with veteran ice., Who from the Northland to the Bonth, Bear Freedom with onr bunkered attars Jornarroww, Pa. A FIENDISH Paorosir,TON.—The Rich mond Whig proposes to hire Incendiaries to set fire to New York, Philadelphia, Bos ton, Chicago, Pittsburgh, Washington, and other principal cities of the North. It assumes that this piece of vandalism could be accomplished for a cash outlay of a mil lion of dollars, without risk or hazard—as men to do the work could be picked up in the-614 , e t, t.o devroyed This mode of warfare, the Why ibioke, wcti d ho .per jouidable, leiti.ima , e and right' TOM. the scoundrels are capable of wishing to achieve such a revolt we have no doubt; but there ore difficulties in the way which will deter them from undertaking It. The vazgeltiou, however, shows their despera tion, and fortehado•s their weakness. PUBLIC JUOTICES i 1 THE ANNUAL ME KT.NU of the stockholders o . the '• Iron City Lsnd Alas ciattos" •,11 be hold st the OM. of Bruer.Siogiay, 930 apt rttret, ou WEDISZSDAT, the .41a to. its.. et 4 u`docS p. at. .l 3 1t 0/1.011 3 / 1 7 SCOTT. Secretary. [1:54=.111b; rilY:-It IANS of l'itAnburvh, Alltatieny acJ vicinity ate recotmtivt! to meet on THHESDAT EVILNINO, Apnl Ttb, at 8 o'clock, at the B •AHD Utr TH sDC 11008/8. Yvon!, etre. I, near-Bank of Plavtatriti, to tat, action In "( 17,7=t ' o b ;th . v It " :7lo " ve r iktrata IVAN, of td. Pao• I wy GIO.IIcOOOH, JOHN DICKSON, itpsttd THOB. F. DALE. O.TEMPERANCE LECTURE. to be d,ll , ered to the Iron City aud Erring Star Takpleo ut Eloaur, Elarth•Waeoloatoo ,oca3l Tea. ple.acd the Chapt-r of Temperance and Wisdom, oo CUESDAT Et ENlFfri, April S.L. YX• OELSIOLI li ALI, corner of Federal nod Lar.rk etroota. Allo.ghrhy. The twt - tires of toi .101 IN D. CLARE and Her. A. Id STEViART have been ee canal for the ocaaaloo. The public are reapectfolly invited to attead. Feats free. Lactara to ecruntartra at T o'clock. • 4,2 t BOUNTY FUN D, TH I ;, I) WA ILI) destrotto ono tribal. to this toad, era swpa.•ted to p‘y their •ou tributious to the Treasurer• Sir, !Ai AFORIEIt, Na haada•kl .three A. It is w0 , ' , ... 1 ” 0 that proper w 1 is.os Lt..nds 50... twhey ato prepared. tars at I basso! coatrjhu i t sr 11 do so. and It is hoped wlthoot farther de lay. (a 2.3.) JAS. Bk. re., a... teat. : Rs NI E Nti_TH -1 TAIL QII , CEIN of Pittaburgh, Mleg hear. Dir.logLam and surrounit. g ts tiolimot • .o v.e.L at ato Ita'cltante" F.achang, Fourth, Pittsburgh. co a - E.tivAlf. April Gil., at o'clock p tn. fur the ply-rota of tAkihg m.o.:rim as may h.. droloc4 toihrsaery to assist lo approaching r I tars Fair. . . JOH ti A. RENICIAR, mbJl JAI/ Its 111,S TOOTH. NOT/CE —;"ererai .1 the Pr o ili,e 1111)cern of the tit A havicc ..firu• the C...senuatt--... ore rie,tr..E...dubteinisK a court. wl.lWilt wn i ("I,OIOW - thy UNN to till tbo vacrtu Appll tither per...thy or In et Ulu vrl.l be received until TUESDAY, April Sib. At ti. May.,r's OM, All .pplicaitbiti• mutt b., 8A . ..0VA Med by •.tutacb,ry evld.ce .d goal .cherac. Liberal compensation. • unb2.ltep6 J. L. L. IK?if)X. fba,rman. a?ICIAL 311KKTINti of chu nnYckh •Idrr• of the Cleveland & rlttebtirgh Railroad Onrupany will b., twit' at the °Pica of said tapany, In • lorelatol, on thy ITII,P 1T Ur HAT, ISM, at le o'clock co.. to vote [mint the mare.,. of the Capital Stock of uld Company, for the pat • to-a of allowing th• Londe of eald Company to be raw ertrel Into at•'ek. The Tran•for P.A., will le thannt ruff t•eltn.l day of Aprll and open on tt • rah day of Ma]. fly order of tha Board ot Dirr,Lora J N. Meet; LLUU,II, Clsr,land, March ho, twit tolitss 'n,y6 p, th'ATES NAVYAM) -2 / MARIN 6 CORPS-1 am authorised to n o Iva recruits for tbs.e ornmirottons under aq order loon the War Depart:nett, dated Horeb 2501, 1664. Able or odisso's seam.. t not his than four rears ens male. COMilil.loll as ableasatoss, and not hes Ikon too years an radium, seaman) , Will noon* transpor tation to Philadelphia Three months pay In ad vents, to be refunded from any prim utoe•y, to which they may ho entlthul In the El ARINII COMPS there Is no advante pay or bounty, hot the recruits twill receive PRIZE MONEY. Man for the Nasal lentos or Marine Corp., mull be crollted on the cferdsfor Droll Ms sums as men for the arm). J. W. KIIIICES, lE=M==M . . Frown* El!ambers OfDag Dinrict Pettanylv nita, Alltgheny Clay, March 2921864. rath..9o ATAATEETI TER PAINTERS' the evening of Hardt 21. t, Swami, That haratfter other than by MO 51111142.1111 at the prima arranged by J. o H. Phillip+, NO "OF Tilt 111Ae • ASSOCIATION, held en , 1064,1 t 11.11 nnantmoarly no Work will b. taken t, or by "Meek and time," thla degradation. 0111 Band a Orr, William Lem, 3. O. Boyd, Renard ti rnith, Wm. Modal dr Sow, John 1r Mary, Jelin The:op.m, d Co., J. 0. '.l y re Oro, On T. Orgy. B. Oillihmd, James Ponnll a Bro., Trracy, I. O. Wiring, Bonny Wbeelar, dare, redder. Weelay Conner. raW g e• A :ir::;4llti Moore a Pollock EGEI=I22 W. A. Ly.s, LIIII & Warno, Papp-rdv A Porto Blown. Harrow & Po., P. 0' Brim. B Id clldcomey, E. nry frmdamo, W. kL =Mtn! nosh & earn.. Noah U. 0 alg a Ou apatavni3. FIRST NATIONA BANK, OF ALLEGHEN Y itZtnae • This Bank Is now fully organfred and in *unmo ral operation. We an prepared to do a genera/ Banklag buelnew and offer our orrice* no correspondent to Dank. and Banker. throughout the country. Spacial attention given to collection In this and the adjoining City of Pitteborgh, ae well es on all parts of the country. Moneys received on deposit, and Exchange on all the principal Cities bought and old. H. H. DAVIS, EINNHY JOHN THOMPSON T. II IRVIN, .JOHN DEAN, WM. lIAIII3AOOII LIME= C. 0. ISOYIA, AISTEUR 11011A0 AZ Vin, PnralDort. JOll3l P. K&AJ R, Otistm. 1=!!1=M! U. FREEDOM I FKKE SPE 11.0.1 I TILICHISIN AND PREMONT I The citizens of Allegheny comity, friendly to the election of MAJOR GENERAL JOHN C. FREMONT to the next Presidency, are regneeted to meet .t WiLifINS H ALL, TUUBSDAY EVENING, April 7th, at TX o'clock, Per the pageee of forming a Fremont Club, and maim arrangements for the ensolng campaign. Die tlagnished speaker* kill be in attendance. tohntti Prrrethrega Mr. Warne.. 01116•00 if4LI,IIMT Omcz or nth Socorragr. Pittsburgh, P. Febroory Se th . 16e4. DIVIDEND.—THE BOARD 01 Dthottor• bare Mb day &dared • 41Mdend of SIVEN Pia CENTUM en the Income. or Thlrd More Bonds of We Oompetiy. oat of 110 ran, logy alien, ponoble at woe 110 14. der of April Dalt lfe2.6] H. DAME% Beep O.EXCET•SIOR INSTITUTK—The Borantb &salon of this histltotlors will coot , maraca ea MONDAY, April 4th, 1864, and continuo twain weeks, clariok Friday, Jai. Mb. For tam., a... 0 &DP, at tko Inttltoto Itoorsw, .from 2 till 6 o'clock p. m . or uldroto for Circular, R.V. W.I. GRAY, Box us, Plttaborch. 11:& , SPECIAL. lioylua—The owners of 011 at the Alloktiend hiding are mooned La remote tilr 011 at orudd, otherwise It will Imo is be removed at their. memo, id thin Is sot moth there to do the eturent bludtem. Attention tdrthle miter will eare tremble and etzesitee de • .1111E8 . t: • ItEQUIRED:BY7.6I7I' 91 0 _ SKIIBLI, natl.!" borabv On that DEW bOita bha ben leDatuteit Anistant Coelho- Af 'be rathazi• OWE Pitubursh. B. Pittabingb, — ,ll 3"113;a1111, --a" `\~ .N*W* ' '" ' = • .r' 7 l& ) lL.Ell—Fourteen foot long cheap IA - Cal at JA11133 TI ()UN'S DOME@ 31 R L. 4111,... Way. Must ton 'old tome Stately. air , :dt I VbR SALE. u ttne tar,. 1.. t • f DEOH£ AND UNE/. olt At the eta Lton Hotel. a[lnent Job WY.S rBT px N rro ti o'l'll 'E _L.tter ofl .L 4 Ad tot Istret , on on the etetnut • f Thome, e f the illy r.r Plosbanth do eat J. hgtvitti been I one 1 nnd rttign.d, .11 p..r.00s .n Lard to *sit evta.o miu . 41... mud to en pay- Mont, an I those he. tog . proet prop. fly .nth•g.tic h.r sett]. meat. 'ld IIU eti JON LS, Jr., ExecoJor. apAtlt la6t•T SALE--THE ECAYN3IY FLA •;T (11.133 WORKS, AT DRIDOWATZI3 Ps., tIX LIBERAL TERMS —tblo narks le onkel; new, •od S now en ontai in the torionfacturing al Carbon .td ritzier Lamp Chimneys. Its capacity t S pot (croon, II stops, Eau dozen per day. /las the paeans, y buildings, : Lars. Packing and Store ROOM.• kl , king tents Sand Mill utd Boons Pot Arch and ether buildings. Tlrreibfattrths of sis i acr• of gnnurd en the river bank. Thin open • rare op port.lty for • liminess Mall A • officinal trade 11 now doing to take all good. roads. Hands mid kilow att Ire near the works. A large •tock of pots and other materia s on b.od, and if opt acid by the 25th of April toe proprietors .111 a:intim:le the border.., Addren Port 005 c• Dos /OR, Pittsburgh, r see the owners at the work.. airetw FOR SALE, OAK AND PINE TIMBER A treat of land, one me from the Albrgbeny river. sod elenmuulcatlng tie It by a planked road, to blelie. comity. neer: erydon, elk Wien from bteambeirg, elt the A. A U. W. Y. 8.., aboooding sick OAX, PINE abd MitAILOOK timber oontaln- I g ltdo ACItEd, I. ode ed for sale. Pnll leormelloti glvett'ind terms suds kneern by 8. 8. BRYAN, Droker an! Icsunno• Agcy. apt GY FOURTH EIT., Bark..HuiMug TO GLASS MANUFACTURERS.-A gootlototan .goited In tho maw:facia., of Olus, tut, would Ilk. to cormect himself ultb some lone° le Plltsburgb. HAW twelve 'cane expwienee, and it thomighl.i stqualtivi with th. both In I:bag u..i towu 3 of refry For forth, Itt 'or •• truidr, se, for three day. 1 . 0. Pittsburgh P. IpRODUCE (:()NSIGNMENTS 1 car load Pratt% (flow Note., rar load Oata and Guru: 14, Lb'.. Cider; • 10 di Apple Do tot; 00 do froth Igga; 10 eo ch.dca 0,11 Meier; • 5 k rgs Pa Itod du; 2 bbl.. pritus Lard; 100 broth {rime Du P. aches; 2 0 do do do Applso; 10 bbl.. Cr.o app , co, au i.usb t:lovor lo .turn .od for sale at No. 10 ara , thlisld irtpe:at. apt TPA NI( VAN 00htt6 - - L'OR SALE—A two-story Hrick P lag HOW. on Gamma almost, Last Birmingham. rt paa the r'u r. Hon*. aearl, nem, of modern dolabs aorta room, 61:14 kitchen, audiluleh ad al IC . h•li rS t he, wide, tad rally. Lot - 4(1 feat fr at and ITU fowl p walk. paved •ronnd the la a e toad lot ••• out with choice fruit traaa, bra/he. a gray , •Inmo, eorumenclag to hey Ih. prrearo• • rara l`pi.oronalty firr p al4l lag to buy • pH- Ca', metartioe In Mb dartrlablag bovoagh. Par mme aad particulars angt.ire JN , i. P II OU •N. Jason of the Prams, t 'antra &treat. .pt OPEN I NG MRS. A. PIM:CRATON, N. 103 YEDLRAL brearr, az TIIVRADAY, April 7th, • ban/fano. ••• rteneut ~f Spring and Summer Millinery, To which she would 'writ.; the allot...loci a :be Ladles at. 1161 I N Al( ci)AN(.:F. 1 ti:•'l'l,llC IiJNS fro. 11.4.1vtartent, thpartmaut of We. Virginia, will 1 , w•ld •t Au , nt the Gov. artitow, t Stal,l.• tit• o•ar th• Vity W , ". 3 ritit!i, un Tu. n Ircy. A prat tit 6,150 I, 116 UNSERVICEABLE HORSES ,Msme,m• IU o'clock • us. Is , it‘ o.r.stment ut V• uds. J 0 YAQI9IVuIIYII, lispe •In and Assis , nui 1,1 1111 ~q,s s Ursa l's, March nth, 1).4. n. 1.20 • 'I I W I \ CFI Y PLANING MILL While A - alexander, - Rteee_ttlt burned out, nnka ylnaenra in informing their trionda and the ntadle generally, that to-y have leaeett nom and tower la Wt. my lON PLAN !NO bIILL, mar their late ieation, and an ULM prepared to eto me ul onion entrusted to thorn, •1.13 ptomptuts. and dtepat Bering • ingg• stock of Dry Limber on hand, not damaged by the reit• rat nro, they *lll, En • kw day., L. evil-area to furnish dry Mill flooring. in any ittottiti-f. at reitaontible fairs. na• githni . r° RAILROAD CONTRACTOR& .-. -rPropittalt are ItIVI.I for the Grwillution, 111 a. *tory, bridge Supteetruoture, Dallaat, Cr .a-ties and I nick •laying of the Pittsburgh di Connelleville Nalitoad, betwtea Oor.nellsrille and rhunbetland, embragEng a distance of about eighty...en (RR) cuti“, 0, sections of about ono mils each. Elfewitl. oittiottifeilli be ready at the Company'. Orrice, In Pittsburgh, en and atter the hi OF APRIL, pro., and *pools will be received 00111 the min OF API2I - Ft; ensuing DENJ. B. LA7 ROBE, Prolident. Nir Ofilitelof P. ar C. EL EL Cu., I Pittalthtyb Merril OA, tsga„ .-.."---4?,- othiPttE Fl*:t KALE-A FARM of M ACRES : 2 LAND, in Brett township, f 3 miles wrath of :,116 . •iburgh, on ertileh la • nearly um tome hogiekelt all mono ' hall and pantry, cellar l odor 111# . 410,,. ne bons., • Darns bare .od other lauthillega; a it - t I:failing rpring near the bootie, au imollerit lorctuud of about ao u.., Br or sia acre. of g mmedisie porwseirm /Oran. li Ere of WillEL OfiIIIPBELL No. 94 fourth stro4. " It' ruh • E BAI E AT 912 PENN I.4o a ir r .--O n TVE3DAY, Agril 6th, at 10 Wang, at No. 911 Penn atroet, be sold, a gnan• tltkNlZar.ll-kart furniture, embnaing Mahogany Nprß4Beat Sofa, Rocker and Parlor Cbatra, klahog awyAkrd Table-, Cane Non Mans sad ltockett, Diolrotand Breakfast rablem, Dressing Marra% Wash rtabgt. Bodst.a4s, Blinds, rends.., Oil Cloth and Stalibi }meta. Vorpoard, Cook Nicks and Pizturoa, Tutni.:-Ba Asia, Eltaheo Rumors, Sc. fir. T A EIoCLNLLAND, Aoct'r. ..E . D 5 WALL ?APISH. 1114NDIIEDS OP DIWFXWRNT Sol'l4 vary low, .t O. Book and Pap •r Elton .t ..----0200,000 600,000 DYEING AND 800IIRLNU ICSTAD. ntsemmarr.—Tbs underslgard harlot epeoed an et t•bllshatent at No. 42 FOUUTH STUDS. f, Now tenon Market and Parry, for the purpose of neer,- log OD the DYEING AND SOODSING DINIESZBI3, rreoeetreM7 sellelte • Mum of public , patronage. Llwring spent nine yeast la the extabllehroootuf Mr. Neaps, he flatteue himself that be can glee the full. eat eatisfaetlon to hl. =Amer. All good. taken w4ll be returned In two weeke. Ird3lle3w OSWALD WMREINB.. FASHIONABLE BAT STORE.-Will be old, cat TIIIIRSD•Y NOSHING, April 7th, at 10 o'clock. at the Rat Brun of 0. W. Bloom de clining buslanta. No. 163 Wood attest, the satin steak of lfelt and Ca...lmes Bata, Cloth and Raul- Bors C an a, OIL Bilk and r. t Cops, Military wad ys' Taney Cara, 80. Alto, the Store /f ecmpflalnk Glues Coos. Marble Stands. flho• Nat Rack, 87. Also, Ratters' Tools. U . 6.14--10 LOAN. GOVERNMENT 10-40 LOAN, levoired ot tW offloo of HANNA, HART & CO. Wood shoot lootd3Cetf Jo.: I . U. •$4 Agent. QEWICKLEY ACADEMY, a Classical comm.rofkl BOARDING SCHOOL FOR BOYS, on the P. F. W. h O. R. R., 19 Wise-from Pittsburgh. Be,. J. S. TR IT E tad, A. 11., IPrlnci. pal. The Fatly. fourth Semi,. 1,111 MONDAY, M., 4,1, Mg. /or Circular,' or forager Information apply to II NXVII7 It 00., 26 Wood .trees, oa to the Priori Soallcaleyvlld3a.yvllleta3twlr le P. 0., re,legheoy county, Pa. enbSdr3taer DRY AND GREEN SALTED HIDES. 1,000 Given eat ed Hooey Hides; 250 Dry do do; To arrive by eine cod for We by mar.oNaLp a MOOCH LIB, ma Noe. 20 and 241 Liberty , tear Wood. FDA BALE—Eight Brick Dwelling Haunt4loniunitly manta. Lot 60 foot by CU; also n vonontilot by to feet, fronting on litorenson street. Ttin bourn sot oonsonbintly arranged, gill boat, slate toots, and in tet good repair, nog trilling for ins po t anal. A pri, to op{ CIITHEICRT • SONS. gt Merkel it. WINDOW BLINDS, cheaper than Oil I T suswoAmanAN BLINDS, mkdd of voodoo Nary 51,2Skkith. •JuIINJ Do. ZOU US Wood it OGICAPHIO. ARTIRTB— P Irrad, NAO2I-0110IINDS, cla paper are k a t valiet, pa wet appeared =atm' apMSwti JOHN JDa ZOOONN, 112 Wood it. AVOWER 1113 d - • .IMUKII TES hutskatablised am ll4 3°W b .SUMS: gi.JOHN DI Z01:1011Z • 3gl = . . • Jot' N W.F.S rBIIOOIC.. • P A RSONS, TAYLOR 400 - - - No Qukkeilver or other geld awl in this machine. She prearure of gas from the atm: mains acts upon a flexible dlaphragto, to • htch is attached a valve tat.: is made to ciao as the ga• le abut off, and opena to meet the demand. alum). and Invariably adjust ing Itself u ths ctrotonetances require. =lO3 No. 104 Fedora! Bailey, Farrell & CO., Bole Agents for Waders Penximy!Tanta, HENRY G. HALE & (X). Which In extent, choir. and tone veld gum.. any thing ere have .ear veered to the paLlic, returning thnolut to oir many Mande utd patrone for the patronage heretofore to and trusting, by close attention to Logone., to inert .11 onr old Wend. and many an ono. DA TiP • 111•ILW AIP Anat'nl Stituctiptiono to 0011111111 07 PIEII AHD BT. OLLIR STREIT% STANDARD ARCHITECTUAAL WOBICS. 810.'2 Model Architect, 2 vols., folio ....._..11660 01oati's Constructive Architect. 1 vol., 0 oo Moen'. ricaieslced Architect, Illustrated.-- aOO frhatee Modern Architect .. - . -.--.--..... 3 to Owen'. Hint. on Peddle Architrelore - 3 60 The Modem Cild.. By Lefever.... 5 00 The Baulks of Architecture. by Lefever ... 3CO Baker'. Modern How. Builder. __ 200 Ileapiona's Practice of Architecture. -....-- 3 30 BentAtun'e !rudders' ___,__ 3 50 Vetoes 'Villas end Cottages. Nevr - ediden...-. f 60 Dowalea'e Conatry flonses-. 600 Dowithig's Conottp Berldeoues &Cottage Ord. 260 Cleveland • Beck.' Viline A 'arm Ointageo- I 50 Wheeler's Burs/ +CUL. 135 Bullock's Rudiments of Arehltecatcre.----- 15 Pleld'e City Arehtteartre- -..-....-. 250 The Carpenter's Book of._ • 23 apt. IC AY &00 66 Sired etrept. pATTERSON & BROS, Dealers la Youghiogheny Coal and Nut Coal. Orders loft at the Odle*, on DAIIRAOH MAIM mmt Bradley's Woolen Factory, Allegheny City, promptly attended to. airWetterawdon promptly Med. mhlo:2airdtf DOCTOR F. IRISH, WATER • P1PX3: 4 4000 faeV. Inane Wats. rms. from sto foeh cob* mh6 - Haw R. ODLLINIt GROVER Sc BAKER'S Celebrated First Premium Uhaulagilikt_ Wllll ALL 113 E LATEST 1 tIPROVEMENT They will Seam, hem, Yell. Track. Cord. Biro% Braid and EH HIIOIUKII. Thie Comptmy now make the SHE ITLE <r Lf.OK STITCH klacOloos of the same patterns and at the .or prices as their criebratsd Holselfst Grover Baker Stlton Machinea. This Is the only Company which teak. bosh hinds, and Ito only on. that ran supply all the!wants of the pcblic. THE GROVER A: RAKER EVERTWURRE TRIUMPHANT. These Machltrs hare take. tile Fhat. 1 . 1.011111 all the prtocipet F. re throughout the country. th past maven. over 11 , 1 the herreolor.• p.pular Id abler., and now all at the HEAD OF THE LIST No other Machias •111 do a good or as groat eitalsty of work. They are simple lo conatrustio sod easily Isarktal, and w s i h proper management Never get out of Order lIEMEI3II W. bass more work that .o un possibly do in on htitching tooqi, and plincipaliy 'row tbate w h • ave aim klabbirice. ft. fact speak. volumes t. favor of The Grover & Baker Machine Aad .Dodd be ham* In mind by the.. about per choming BowirK 31.hlorm. The work done. on thew blerhin.• bey. I alt.n TH rll-tf4T VILIECI•111.711 At , r•ry , air It. the ...shilAted tv dais Call and ...Ina them, ur .end for a Cl. cn , ar taltang or Stitching and Embr Idery Office, No. 18 FIFTH STREET A. F. CO ATONEY, General Agent GITY Or ALLEGIIENT, t Tavaautca'a Orrin., April 4th, 11934. t (AWNERS OF DRAYS, WAtiONS LIACKS. lilliKll2lCnE3, and every . .. licrLdilon of I'ARItIAGER, are teitdrad r.. rJI at lb ottic• of the City Traimarer, and tato out their Li. ream, au or before the In Or IfT hFA T. . - . o: eacb aro]ow. t 7 Wagon. Cart, Oa a, Dray, Plum Carrtsv, drawn b y bum., lb. Gum ul 11 4 MEEMEMBI MMfEMEMI ►or tearti and every Omn•bue and 'Uvular llihre`e. drawn by two h. new, the .to uf. . 11 00 ►er ...di ad.litional bona , allarb-d iu en 7 of the above named eab ofd, the sum of I n kite. 4. It shall be the duty or all Livery Stable Kovirra In Led ally to make • ratans to the City Treaanref, .Item twenty de. after the peoeate of thle ordinanee, and annually that rafter on or before the Ist day of May of yea and every year, of the umber f •Al-lee of every caw:Option opened end nmd ft them In their hewn et, and the kind there of, sad said rots n Le made under oath. 1.. 8. All owners of Carts, [ham Wag as and other enbicha, wh • ebal rush ct or resnse to pc. on. a It , ono. m af. , rvea d. .hall he suffers to a penalty of not lest, than 10 per onot for every thlstv day. the !setae rot/latent oupadd after the tat day of flay of each peer d Livers Stable Keepers hs:1114 to snake the , return n quires/ In the 4th • ction thl• •wdlitasser, in addith a to the ftong.tog, ha subject to • penalty of not esonell'inf ER dollar., els of which • penalty .hai l ha recovered hefosr the Mayor or one o• the Aldermen ~ f raid city, by annstnary Con•ie add It shall be thr duty ..1 the Chief of Police t ' . seek out all pentane who have faVed to oortiply with any .st ties provielosta or (Live dhanne, and re port the earn. to the (7lty Treasons, for which we. •t.e he shall renter the soca of Ilfty orals to each cum, to he taxed a, d collested aa part of the costs, open conelction an aforesaid. The penalthe for non-oompliante with the or , ll- nann will he atrletiy enforred after the abate date. eel' Isr It kIA . TEIIitGN, f Ity Treasurer WU EELICIt h. WILSON'S I=l LOCK STITCH kiEWINCI MACHINES THE CILIZAPEMI, SIM PLZST AND MIST Principal Offlra and Wholad. glapolinen, Aw 21 FIFTH' ST., WIC BIIII I IIER & CO., LEFFINGWELLS GAS SAVING GOVERNOR W•tranted ton,. 0... n 16 to 10 per cant N. B.—Eacb machine le tested by lb. motet when yplied, sad In no ass .111 It be left mien It se • • stylist:we all we prombet Applied b N. 12 701711TH ritZe. Spring Stock of Goods, A chola, coll•ction of ENTLERIEN'S FURNISHING 0000?, always t n hand. IZZ:=ZII PHYSICIAN AIM summit H0.'1511 '6a Nand. Ptllignritt -WED ICA I H um.E.HREY'S HONEOPATHIC JIEMEDIEB, A Fresh rupply Just Reed Ted. HEAR 1 Tilt' PI "LE FA The und,ro., p 1 tit tIPIII:Fys• SPECIFIC .14 •5i 1. •I'k I - 1/ KEllk.l.l, families walp PI., ....I revos, i n full•unrlty aud che,r,tl., 1.1...ta to mil who wip.b 10 • at hand (r prv.... nse. The Bee. N u. Duarner,r .I the Nm11...-n le e1,,,rde..1, Anl ne o n N Y.; the r h.,. h. 11 t,reow.7 D. D., Beret ,r ~f rl. Per, e I'hurt.ll, Auburn, the Bev. B. I. I wee, Auburn Stet Prison; the Rev. Spew', It. Eire, Itectrr, New Bed ford, Men, Ih. It,. Allen Steele of New Y...rk ference ; tb., It. 0. P.,akt, I Niehr.le, Nn Gen, Confenan e, N. Y.: thniliev P. S. Pratt, Doreet, Vt. the Bev. John E Buhl, Butlelo; A 0. Hart, Esq. Utica, N. Y.; the lion. Neel Dow. Portland, Me.; el Hon. Schuyler Celtax, Sontla Bend, Ind.; the Men George litanyttraya, N Y.. Henry D. Cook, req. Edito4 of the Woo Emu •', Ohio the Hon. H. H. tirabern, Dlullnr , Ill.; the lien. Th .1. Chem, 19.1th:elle, Pls.; the ti.n. Joiwph Ben Mot, Utica, N. Y ; Itrretol, A. Utha, U Y. A. h. Pond, Esq hoe, N. Y.. Jae. Plunkett, Esq. NeehWille, Tour. No. I—For F , •rrr, Coogratiou and lutl•matlon. No. 2—For N - orm Form, Worm roar mud Wetting the Ihed. No...l—Por Coll, Crying, T0,111.1.g. wJ Wakofn neon of Infanta. No. 4—Fur lrarrlios, Cholen 'tarantula ea) Bum mar Complaints. No. Iti--Yor Coil:, ()Tiptop, Dyidolory, or Bloody 6-Fur Cht.lera 'Aarhus, Vomit ng. No. 7—ror Goughs, Guhhs. Murata and So , Throat. No. 6—Fur Twill ac Lr, Fare...ache and Neuralai. No. 9—Fur fltedi art, Vertigo, heat and Folio of tbo Head. No. 1,--Doneyno H I.- -F. - elk and Deranged Stomach, Constipation Nu. 11—For Frond:. Painfal or Supprreaed Period., No. 12--For Lencorrhen, Prefuta, Muse*, and Bearing Doan of Ft-Inaba. No. Id—For Troop, Marge Cough, Bad Breathing. No. 14—Solt Wenn, rsyrfpelas, Emp llous, PlP3pit.. the No. 15=.1thearenire Loire—For Pain, Lazoonons, o Soreness in the Chest, Bark, Woe or Limb.. A—For Far, nod Agne, Chill Fever, Dumb Agu 0:d Alismanig,d Agnes. P—For P,4-., Blind or Blveding, interned or E. tern 1. o—For Sore, Weak or Inflamed Eyes and Eyelids; Falling, Weak rr Blurred Sin*. C—For Catarrh, of long standing or recent, either srlai übstrtictlon ur pron.). discharge, W. C—For Whooping Cough, abating ILA violence and shortening It. rooms. In all acute disease, anal .o Fevers, Inflamma tion, Werth., Breintery, emup, Rheumatism, and Emurk erupt ire diseases scarlet Fever, )Irate and rvsipeles, the advantage of giving this proper rem edVhe pivmptly Is ohv ions, and Mall much rave the apm - ine. art Ilk. a charm. The entire diem., V of. ten saremed at ono, and in .11 mows thiviolenre of the attack to moderated, the disease shortened and rendemd lens dangerous Cough, nod Cold, which are of .m.b frequent oo curlew., and *Awls as nrten Lay the foundation of dlareged Luno, Brunt-hit. and Cousumptb., may all he at once cured by the Fever ILIAC:Dug+ Pith la all chronic dtreanea, as Dyypepala, Weak Stomach, Cotosttpalptu, Hirer Omplaluta, Piles, Fe male Dehillty and Irreicularltieg,t,hl fleadachra,tiore or if eak Er-a, Catartb. fall Rheum, and other old eruptlumg, the cave haa speclllen •hnse proper appll cati.•a wall a cum . .lm et every instance. 011eo tho cure of a.aldglo chronic difficulty, each am Dy.pvela, Pit.. or Catarrh, Headache or Female rakpase, hag mot, than Poll for tl,a case ton °Vet • Case of 2.0 vials, complete 39 50 Case of 20 nal. complete, In morocco, and boot. d no C. of awl ~ k , plain.. ale) I'S...* of IS numbemd blea, and lee , k Ca... 4 u Akaes, nnmterred. end Hock ......... I Sp Smale atnt.ete.l Loge*, dtrectious. ...... Single 1eft.....! imall.•• • • ill] dl n-rtteue Large caw, el 2 u... vial., pl..ntere and 1.1,7 ma lane 111 10 Fo. Aden. or DtM.-ult, Ifre4hltig, .heeded *nth Cough and 6.e.p0c10. ration. Price, fel," per t..ux. Pur At, 1.4.• Lur,• Pod 1..../urss - .11Lscharr • fr.= the En, the moat of !caul, reerr, IHrtodo.or 11er ut telt. For Not,. le the Reed, Iferdut cd• Hear ing, and 161,111 g lu the La, fled he. f rke. [...eta. per Ina. frr../10.1.—Stilarged Glands, tnla.ged and la dnrated Totteibt, bwelllnga and Old Ulcers. ScrLftil Catth.trit of Chll.ll,n. Prim, 50 cent, per box. DrLillty.—Pbysical or Nervous Weak VII/10.1 the rt,tutt of fitctotetts, Excesalve bledlca non,or Esh:.nsung Ducltar,.,. Prue. to cent. pe boa Arrnoaulatipna, Tumid Pleell Ines Is tiranty I . nce, 60 netts pe tKia. O. r Sn gieivors --Drathly 'Tartl4i,o. Nan •re, Vomiting. Sicktoais fro riding or moth, Priv, centa boa. for rritiar, juwwww.—Fsr Grave, Ernst Canon!, Painful Urtuatlon, ' , beaus of the Kidneys. Prins, Rd mute pm- twx. For &mutal Ihnunovs —lnvolantery Dischano• and cm:wow:writ Pnatnsttou ae4 Lshllity. boa rusults or evil halms, The mootsuelwasful and efilcient remedy know and may bo ndied upon as cunt. Price, with full directions, $1 per Ism. Persons who Irish to place themselves tinder the probwisional can., or to souk tultirw•of Prof. BUM- P ItElti, can do ,at his odlory N 0.582 I.lroadway, dal y, from it s. PI. to a p. m. , or by letter. OCItILEMEDIED DT hIAIL. Look Orer the Wt, make Op. . GSM of trhat kind you chiveo, imd Inclose the .mount in current vote or stsaipe, by mall to my eddrne, and the medicine will be duly returned by mail or esyre,a, tree of I. M. FULTON, Fat h Street, ( DiciusicA Building.) Somrnd 1.,r balm the Poet Office, Wit.koala .gout for Pittaburgir and vicinity tollYl L INDSETII IMPROVED BLOOD-SEAROIIER. To tae o of all dim... arLaing from Impan rata Pr th. blood, .cad am BCROP - lILA, Canosnms Forma. Cons, Cutaneous Me mos,Yrysipelaa, Dolls,uo plen oo the raoe,nore Ryes, Scald Tetley Affeettons, Old and Stubborn Ulcers, Rheumatic Disorders, Dyspepsia, °Missies; Jandice, Rheum, Ideremial Dbemai, Carrera' Debility, Liver Omit plaint, Loss of Appetite, Low Spirit; Poe] Stoma Female Complaint; together with ell other orders from an impropgr condition of the circulatory system. Am a gormal Tonic, its aims are mast benignant, mid cannot RS to benefit, where used perseveringly and ac cording to directions, TIEI3TI M.ONI/L.LSS The proprietor du certif:stew enough on band to All . road sized wolotno, AA of them th. hoe will of• &lop of those who have bean cured by the Mood &archer, bola which he neleota tho Ml:lowing: • ANOTHER CANE OP SCROFULA OUBRO VP LINDSHrB BLOOD-812AROZAIL If there be any who dal doubt that Llndxy's Im proved Blood4Beoreher ho. ood will permanently can the moat deg:erste and lung-etandlog mess of Sao!. ttla, let them read the following and be cunelneed : Dr. J. IL Lindsey : I wee afflict.] Dr • Dumber of your. with a disease, said by my plareicians• to be Scrofula. roe the last three year. arm eo bad that I was rumble to be outot?Ln I Died an the ranallea and the Lest ph I wee able to pr. curs, without any boo dal result. I co:dinned grewtrut some until the gash and .11.1 n were entirely mten off the left side of my fore, nmk, shoulder and era. My suffering. wore w great, and I wee so far reduced, that it required the effort. of two persons to mere me in bed. This was my condltlaa to., I wies 'educed by the Blesses. Itabnon, of Wert. to try you Improved blood Searcher, which, re my great relief, sad the astir/facile. of my friend., I mon dis covered was helping me. I continued the me of ID and yahoo/ so rapidly that is considerably lee than OU6 year I su able m e. about and attend Mama of nti haturhold dutlet, and the parts olfected Iran all heath up, and corrred with wand. health) Auk and akin, and bare Ito continued ever shoos; and I now y a state of health that I had for yea. glees op allhopoof ever agaha Wing blessed with. NANCY BLEAENEY. . . Near ladtrrtuu, Xrsgtroug county, Pa Augemt 8, Storms., Jammu 24th, IMO. J. M. Ltedwv—Boo Si r: We are very near out of your medicine; please rend us twodosen- We irtodd Just eay that your medicine h. ClSrei • Mae of !kra als that loss been coming en Gx.years; the theb wee eat.m al the lady . . arms—yon could see the sloe. working. She is st the etahth bottle sew and the Rosh is greying on very fast Tour Blood :Searcher Le going ail over the cottou7. The p.pie are very rf.t.ll pleased with the above Mb. MAYO statement of oar secorost, .d oblige ea.• truly, JOUR RALSTON a 00. Merton, Irene. Steno.. 1. IC FULTON, Druggist, Wholesale and RetaU Agent, • Noi 67 AND G 9 Finn. iitnutrr, ennnoses, To whom all *Am mut tot dtrootol. ziM~~u .. S P ECIA .rorrcEii, LYON'S LATHAIEON kit/ hfti.Al 1. h o 1.1 tlu GrlYt ar rcl'oßatbra . er .1( ttt.ttin," eth.lfy Log to clehere neje..., and reetere 1 ht• anti , le le Whet I. aeon. r rotdOr. For pet...ming, rodent.. and beautify.. the human bale It ir the meet remarkable p-eparatent to toe world. It is agate creed and tilt up by the original proprie tor, ehd u env made rich tba mate rare, still] mud at tortach ore it a saw of cr. one millheu bet ting nor ere um. It Is a mint daligbtfhl hate Dronlcg. Ml=9==3 It Levy,. tLa bead Mot ianJ I t make, the hair rich, wit sail ithsey . . It prevanta the half (Wiling off na,gl turning grey. It ..•tare• bait n,.13 bald head.,- .t ny Isl 7 or gentbernsa who rano. . brantlfol head .T ba, should we Lyob's Kathatr.ti. It le bma'am throngb,mt the el. illzr.d Word. Sold by all r,p, table de.ltLra. Drat AN S. BIIINRS d ed.. New. York. HAGAN'S ILAGROLLI BALM, Thla I. tho molt delight al' and et traord luary do ever dlocovefroL It changes the , winutoind face .ad Laude lo • itattu texture of raw lehltos beau ty, impeiriug the marble parity of youth, and the des bor. eppoaranoe u, Inv/tlng in the olty belleof (ash. too. It removes tan, freckles, pimple. and rought.. from ilea/ran, loarleig the oamplaziou froall,,trauspa rout end smooth. It contains no duitertal lodurious to the into. Patronized by Octet...di/lora Plug. ore. I, le what over, lady shor.ld have. Sold sorry. whore. Proparod by W. 6 //AGAR, Troy;l3 Y. Addeo. all ardor. to DEIIA3 lA. BA.BNES & CO, New York. CE=I Inimitable Hair Restorative, NOT A DTI., bat erected gray haft to its original color, by supplying the capillary tubes with natural enstenance impaired by anor obese. Ali laarosits. we doe ' are oompoisid of Now mastic, deigroylng the vitalitywid beauty of the hair, arid afford of them oleo. tiodrealag. glelivistrret'a,lninvitable Coloring not only restore. haft td In natural color by an easy peones, Gut Oros the hair • • Luzurimat Beauty, promotes Its gmetti, prevents its falling off, chid Irate. dwodrolf, and imperta health and plearantoeie to the bend. It has stood the Wet of time, being theoriginal Rah. Coloring, and is orturtantly increasing In favor. Used by boo gentl.meri and ladle. lr is wig by all teepectsble deafen, or can be procured by than of the commercial agents II D. 8. DAFES Cu., Brood. way, New lorb . Two sleet, Id cents and Bl... BIZXTCAN MVBTANG LIIFIKENZ The partiaa in St Lode gad Othcinuati, who Oath been counterfeiting the Mustang Liniment under ;nemesis of proprienmship, Ithre been thoroughly eatoped by the Wort. To gnarl evillest further hin poeltion, have procured tram the United State. Treasury a priests I:eel-Owe nominee camp, which 1. placed over the top of each bottle. Each stamp bears the for .lode of my signature. sod without which the ankle IN • counterfeit, dangerous and worthiees imitation. Examine every bombs. This Liniment has been" In use and growing in favor for many yearn. There hardly exists a hamlet on the habitable globe that doe not contain elidenco of its wonderful effects. It le the beat etuallent m the seurid. With Its present Improved Ingredients, ltadlectaithon man and bean are perfectly remarkable. Sortie ere healed, pains relineed, lives saved, aftable made useful, and untold ills amniageti For cuts, epralns, rheumatism swellings, bit.., mita, caked breasts, strained horses, tic., It is a Sovereign getaway that should not bo ditheneed with. It should be In every family. Sold by all Drrigglatia D. S. BAILDR.S.:Now York. fnal:Gmoof -ammor &BOVB LRTICLES , . • FOR SALE BY NIKON JOONSTO N. Corner of Smithfield .11:1)1foaxtb •teseta 641 64e.641-uum . E . -- PRIVATE DISEASES. -,, Dr. Ludlum's Specific I. the only rolLnble monody far &elms of tn. organ of gm:And:no. It to Ite dim:over, orma owl:tout Phyo!ciao whose t( woo denoted to the crimp:neat of this class at disoasos, sad with wispreesdanied m• oeq 6m mole than twenty yawn It la perfactlioa to Itself, requiring no Injections, wad IlLeerlng sntlnl tram Me reirtakan practice and OM mamma worth tvas owspoonda attend to tire pubtto. It Is balm!, ragetablo and perfectlyiuge. It acts like it charm and Imparts stroalth .d vigor' ths dimmed OHM:, —The great racoon of Mt, re to e 5 foottria permanent ear. Lao lad to tte belog Imitate] by anprinetpled rm. Obßerys, 14terefane, m.t th• signature of the prqiprhstar Y amid each boLEoos other tenotee. .Prepered ooky by . tVII. F. DAVIDSON, . . Bde Pr o prietor, Obactonxtl..o. Bold by all pruggbria. Price, in per box. P Poi sale at trhalatals by 020. H. 231518, 140 Woad stmt. Ja240.713aar1 40- ONE OF HIMIEWELL'EI °BEA T BE NIX DkES--.llUnisnwiZLL, TOLII ArloarclE.—.ThlaJast/ 7 ee4brated pews tlon, which hub truly earned the name aid gems of • • Trra Anodyne by mulm ,t filch had badied ever, - other attempt at Laurier re-Nat to Nettralgla, Itherartatism, Goat, Zfiirl.l.l4.4Ch., Too th _ IT4 /Cared., C'aolera Itiorbm, Pains to the Stomach or Bevels, Limber* Vistrese alter - Main, Lao of Bleep, Clenerei Nervous Detelty, Paroyirm Asthma and Whooping Cough, now declared to be tamely per•ol2s, and for the pains In Monthly Men •Letremtlen, also declared to be oase.ef the mina tm. portant points in medicine. A lady writes froM New Wm* "Imre it too dollar. • drop, I would not be without it In my family, and no one should be with. out It. Tar We by all Wholesale and Hertel 11:/aeleie. /ODA E. HITKNEWETA, Pray;later, • Preatkal Obesehrf., , lkotan, Mao. for We by Jed: Fleming, Ge., H. Keyser; IL 4. ratmestookft Art.t. [ac Pt burgh; Cleo. A. Kally, W. J. Meow) And Dr. Broom, Agette f Allegheny City., enhlemets-Je eo rg'Al PEYSIOLOGICLt VIEW OF IDABBLADE, coottalubcg nearly 300 pave. and 130 Loa Plates and Zogratinge: of the . anateeny of the um.. Orlises Ina Kate oylleeltli and Die ease, eith a Treathe on Loony "Error., Its drplerable coneequeneas upon the Mind sad Body, erith the author's plan of tresstasent—the caily rationid et• suecomsfed mode of core, ea shown by the report of awn treated. • truthful adviser :to tbetnarrled, sod thou cos templating marriage 4 who entertain doubts of their phyd al condition. Sant free of posing" to soy address, on receipt of', its, to stamps or postal currency, by - addneeleg Dr. LA CIBOIX, No. 31 Dollen Line, Albany, 8. S. Sehtlesdavri - 8IIPEMOB; COPThR MILL A SMELTING WOR*S.Prntirann. PARK, McCRUDY & Matinta . c4tunta of 13BIEATHIHp, lIIIAZIEBtrAND soler Opera, PRESSED COPPER BOTTOMS, RAISED STILL BOTTOMS. SOLDIM. Mao, tmportan and &aimto ME.:ALS,': TIN PLATE. SHEET IRON, WIRE, &air, Oonancllly on hand, TINNEBS• MACHINES AND TOOLS. Wantons% No. 140 lII= A 19:1 SICCOHDBTS., Pittibanb, Pa. ; afnnal onion of Coppet cot to any &Arad . pat. Wm. toy2itlydriet 'TE CONPEBSIONS AND DX PLUMECCE 01 AN LIMILID, pubßatuid t,r the lemmilt end mi son:yang and inmiticm toymmg emu olio sutra from Eme'ouu Detain Bruumtum Deny of Manhood, etc., myylying, at the inmeitteno, Ma mum of *eV aura. By one oho hos cured bitumen after being put to great expense and . i Mau throne% medical humbug sad gaudery. • j By endming a bottle:lid midremeadMiMlopo,thygia amine my to luidui tbe , atittiur, ;: • ' HATITAISIISIr iminrArn, seyntrdrorff Bedford; Mop county, T t~3DIBEABE@ OP TRZ KEETON, NIMINAL„ INIINANT 'AND HEXCIAL anti trestriret=fi Iteicate "orits'lNCliird 14 mail la iitalesl biter mekr, free.of amp. 4tdireito D. j. OM. LIN BOINNITRN; ifpward isocl . .Naa ilinuth Nbi • 4111.115, VONI.O • • sahltikly 10"EKIUMIE:CQLLEff Fonvuu) - .tRa insICOIIMMION iktitgerli*li CDM:g3, Wirica,.l332D3 ni3l4 PV4IIOII ilfterany, WOOL . 11.1.111r1141.1. SPECIAL XOTICES. BARNHILL & CO., BOILER ti MAKERS AND SICEET IRON iron. ERS, Penn St., Noe. 2D. St, 111 and %, DarIASI. mama a large yard and fortilahed It vrith the moat IN proved machinery, ere am prryared to lIIMICAMSCII every dowrlptlon of BOILERS, In the beet MAl2.6r, and warranted equal to any made to the cocattry, CH LIMEYS, BELCHES, FIRE BEDS, STEAM PIPES, LOCOMOTIVE BOILER_a, CONDENSERS, SALT PANS. TANKS. OM STILLS, AGITATORS, SETTLING PANS, BOILER LEON BRIDGES, sCaa B. PANS. and win mannibetnnera of BARN. GIRL'S PATENT BOILERS. Repairing gam Cm the sharteet Lotlen, . unto IUXBUI. 'L . ,17"..- ROBINSON, mrA 111.0 & co., (ono- , ceiliOrs to Rowse., Moo. blo.t.oss,) WASHIEO TON WORKS, Portioras A Mscrosurrs, Pittsburgh. i d EGAT AND STATIONIERT 1 STEAK ENGINES, BLAST ENGINES, MILL MACHINERY, GEARING, SHAFTING, OAST INGS, or all drecriptit.. GIL TANKS & STILLS, BOILER AND SHEET IRON WORE_ Avuta for oIYFARD'23 PATENT FOR FEEDTNO DOTLF.R.S. TO NERVOUS 8 OF FEELERS 0 BOTIf SHIES.—A revresoad gentleman day. log bran restored to hosltb in • few dark altst un dergoing all the usual maim, and irregular tupelo. oleo mode of tmetenont. without sacceakronsidem his sacred duty to communicate to his edictal Wow creature, the moan. of care. Hence, on the receipt addressed envelope, he will mod,./res. emy .1 Me 'prescription nod. Direct to - Dr. JOHN DAGNALL, lee ruiton amok N. tub I I tlidasT (3> BAZINVART'S BRONCEL&I THOLELLS, for the core of nauseam. Throat Disown. do, are specialty re.mmeanded to blinbdurv, Singers, and person. whose Tomei...calls them to speak In public. Elonuteetured only by C. d.. LIANNVAIIT d CO., Harrisburg, Pa.. to whom all order. should boaddressed., Whold by Drugghte everywhere. C. A. BANNTAUT CO Vais. REITER & CO., Stioccoitott to B4tar . a. 4.112... A Co„ manufacturers of CAA' STEEL, spnwo, PLOW &AD BLISTER STILL; BPEINGS, AXLEZI, CILOWBAIIii. Works, //EST WARD, Allestunty City, P. O. Address, P ITTEBOUGI2I, P.. _ _ JOB ' CDC/DIAS &BRO., Man, trfactorcri of IDON BAILING, IRON . VAULTS AND VAULT DOORS, WINDOW SIMI TEES, WINDOW GUARDS, &r., Er.. VI SECOND indite THIED - STBEET, bet. Wood and Market. Mn on band a varier" of two Patteriol, feacy and soltabLi for all pawng. Particular attention paid to encicelng Grave lota. Jobbing done at short =aim via • B. HOLNES & SONS., DEALERS POP.EIGN AND Dollia. - TIO BILLS 01 EXCHANGE, CEETWICATES OF DEPOSIT, BASE NOTES AND SPECIE, No 57 HA RHET STBEET;PlUsbargb, Po. ar - con.tiou. mad. cm .11 te. pri4cipw .Itiea throughout the United Stott. nall U . S. SANITARY COMNUSSION I R, AT PITTSBURGH, PA., FOR SICK AND WOUNDED SOLDIERS AND SAILORS 101113:03 THU PITTSBURGH SANITARY 00.11 KITT/IR, a Liana of the U. 8. ffealtary Commietion, Mat , 11.h.d for the relief of the eat and wounded suldtors, calcimine's' to the pall. that a Graaf Falr wN to bold at Pittsburgh, Pa , commencing on ' The Ars!' Day of June, 1564.. The object of the Fair is to obtehe money to on. able the dOMllieSiol3 to proceed with their good work o 1: ,ncreared energy nod usefahmai. The prutleal .....raLoge of the Clotted States thadtary Comailmita - t bare boon of mach Incalculable pod, era have tiot mach high appro..t Qum the entire people, that as enumeration of Its claims Is =elem. Every ono feels It a dirty-to rm.. the ...odd, etch and dlialded wabiler. The prompting. of emery loyal heart speak clearly, flat we, who do oot War the dint end turmoil of the battle, aboald provide liberally for the.' war-worn moos of the B.eptibllc.” Cbriglan charity speaks trumpet. tongney to each and every one, Wittig us to tender to pavane& of 1 throw who are Ida. "roundel mid diaablod fn oar countvy'a glinicoacaorw, The dales of car commonlmonanity teach on that -. ail shouldqmlts In the can.; and if • cup °Scold eater la not to go mirewarded, what Immortal (Avon will not be beamed on those who are this liberal do. eon to io deserving and charitable a wort. • Hoch good has beta' Scampi lined In the past. Illuchinommut be to the Hume by united, ener getic and liberal action favoring ths United Statis Sanitary Commission. ' The.ranta of our armlet are belie' ray:43y KIM, god several bonded thousand, brave odder' now rand oalmerlder to awake to 'uphold the lit.. (persona end politimd,) boaiple of the Great Itepnblio4to hold aced oar aand oar atom— • to pmeeree our commercial and political • ProoPerit7 , and Isbell we not gnome and ad diem when snaatied,act and &nailed? Our asteroidal; • New York. Rivetlyn, Philadelphia Cleeehmd, St Louie, and all throughout the, length 'and breadth of the land, an engaged In this holy and necemai7 work. Shall not we also thew by our liberality and bounteous charity to thielfalr, that VI, too, Dol. to. the came; and will gtvi imam towards it/ • .This la ne merely local matter. We cordially In vite lief donations, costributionaold .and co -oleos tin, not only of Allegneny City: Birmainchani, Atte. . &my comity, and ths State of Pennsylvania, but of Ohio, and alt the Stets of tee Republic. The re cipleata orals am of the Panitary Comistimion arm - the eoldicrs of the Cana States, without regard to what award State enlisted from, dam= Wr for. ofgeen, old Or young, and without respect to act, faith or color. Allerholight and are disableditathe cam of 0112 common coontryi . ani embraced bathe mmaannaaggeemmaaat and caned the United Ste's. &ham, Co is. Wo therefore OE the toot, co.apera tlo• end old Of all. - Donatons of money Will be thankfully mama • by thellonorary Treasurer of the Fair, b. limmta Contributions ormarchaisdise of every nays wlil be nexind by the Committee appolated ;or that v' Malr will be under the cmtrol of the; it,. Committres, F. It. Bannon, rag., Chairman, and replies will meet prompt attention addromedlo S. F. Pau Bcorszetrr, Honorary Correepooding Secretary Pittsburgh D. S. Simitmy Commisslonlair, MM. burgh, Pa. John Chairman John FL flhainbergar, Than. M. Balm J, rAlannott: Jahn ChalLint, Chia. W. Hatibehm, B. Y. Joss, Salm O'Connor, . • Janis Park, Jr., Mark W. Wataon, John Watt, W. S. naVeb. , SEWN.. W. PITADDES Prattle:Lt. Mn. Felix R. Emmet, " Timms, Paztaa, • IStir*: • , ' , W. Bakolga • 1 hi Watt. Brady Wllirlus, Ammon Pell, 41 bliss /lam Sellars. • , Mary Jdoorharri,' Map ELLS STEWART Hon ararl Secretary, Mrs. DierILLAS, Min HAMM ELL, - danistant Secretarial. meaosve.s. soentaii: Everything fist can to eaten, worn, told, or la =iota to leak at, Is solicited In aid of the maw Dow and contributinnsof all kind; from Tanner., lietcbante, Manaftctnrera, Mechanics, Machlukts, Jewellers, Clotbko, IdDilners, Gs :Amen,: &missal .lirs,_Plorlsts, - Nurserymen. 'AA, Are wanted, and Pine Arts. Cenizettln, Specinietni of Nail:mat re, Pact, .151metilla, Battle nu% to, " Blatt received on donations or en ashibiticn. tares. ConiscrU v antertalernants of all sort., are d.. sired, end all the - Crimea of the soldier and of the " glorivagsauss sirs urged to exenise their liberality and Ingenuity to ma thle effort s tacau. Pepe clay do ws solicit the gamma Plass Gerrywares to Role tliebr liberal aid. ,- - Money to t» meet to D. DOLILES. Treesann-. Aft goods to be addrsased Lo P.a. 13110NOT,Pitte. 'bough Sanitary Pair, .and the tutors Of the contents' marled on the package, or the tame of the appro.. crime Oostralttcs. Small package • nay be nut by xpress. Ail freight settled ;La Pittsburgh. The Talus of each package should be Elated on the out side. • A notice of even .blpment, inf an taTid. tdlh the catinsatel silo* of cash - artkle, ahoald be wet with the ow of - Lallleg. to WU. D. ithiGODAN, Sscretary of :the Pair, by mail. A. letter et ac knowledgment will be rota:mei at cure. It Is &arable that all Leiperishable articles abould team Null:mut' by the 11th- of Alm and they should ha sant no ninr.b waiters@ pod} -1 Perisha ble articles can be sent in for ins opening of the Pair, and Sating it* progrias. 4 , , . "VEIT' CASTlM'.Altilir FRANKLIN .171 P TihnitCAD. - -Ciroka Capital Stroke the NM CUTLL.& d'IGOVILIN UAILIWAD COMPANY will be opened on WED. NiC3DAY. Corti" oCApiD , proximn. . • -111 rho Cllr of Pittelargb, Eon= of Os Doan! „In Nen Cootie, Liwiespio eocntj, at Um Mind *slim Castle and- rearm Taller Balleoad Cion. } lamb. ilentex tonnli. ft tho calm if Wlflam Meow; Esq. . • in 'Franklin, Tenaispa couty, nt Ike Mee of the Vint National Bank. -' '.. ay WO IS 6 r dassianaiw: A. 14 (Inman?, Samuel 11.-Itter. S. Q. Brava, ' • J. &leer; tem. Dilwortl, Jr., -G. W. Osm . Wm, Stewart, -- - - J. a - 111( r i Zi; J. C. Shaw, - l.3..rt. tg , -Bobcat eatmartly, , m+m ~Li...,,, Janus Blealdey. : l4 -Igillt i r. , 4; 11.1144n" ' ' '- I 4 . l w ertrallt . Jena IL Kerr - -- - - -..,,- D. ___ ... -DayStaantam, - (r -.=•.-zi IRANODI AND L&Matiol, tu.r.