.:"~ -`" Vnle3DP Y griTSIND 317.,13p88AN From Yesterday's Evening Gazett6 The Criminal Court. The Maroh term of the Court of Oyer end Tartniner and Quarter 803g011 commentedt-- tliy—lloa J. I.:Sterrett prig ding- The Grian'd - .Tury was sworn, with Mr. C . V. Bonney as foremen, after which Jtor Sterrett delivered a very able charge, dellolog at length the functione and duties of tor Grand Jury. The charge contained many valuable suggestions, and we regret that our Ilmited opsceprevents oe from girmg it entire . In speaking of the mime. whole would he brought to the notice of the jury, the learned Judge remarked that many of thorn would be traced to the evil of Mem persnos. Iteference rasa also made to the l ee s, which were regarded by lawny good althorns se not being sulkoiently strin gent Courts, honorer, had not the power to gemedy this, If the isms were not stringent enough, it was the duty of the people to apply to the Legislature fora change. The Courts, lt was true, bad the granting of licenses to those who sell liquors; and while the people who, a right to rentonstrote against any applicant for license who had not the propel:l3gal qual ification, - yel; very few romonstroncera were ever inosiA. The Court hod eat apart certain days for hearing these Implications, and pub lic notice was given in the newepapere, so that no one could complein of want of proper notice, yet It was daub doertrue that the Court was sometimes, deceived for want of proper evidence inregazd to the merits of ap plioants. If those applying ter license, how ever appeared and made out their case to 11 e sat , of the Copt, with no one to *all in question dolt fitnesly the Court should not be held responsible if unworthy men should Obtain lir:mime and abuse their privilege. Be hoped that the citizens would see to it in fu ture. and present their remonstrances ' which would be duly received and properly con sidered. Toe frtentful erne re.tiltmg frog thetn creaee of prosti tut I .0 is oar to ob.?, wore al .o alluded to. The jury was urged to tn4itrite rigid scrutiny late all howdy house cases. It wee only by prompt and fearless admiods tretion of the law, and severe ponishment of offenders, that th is growiog evil would be choked. Attention was also direct:d to the condition of our Jail, and it was suggested that soroe . plan might be ed-toted whereby the prisoners oonld be made to work. This matter was within the province of the jury, and they could discuss it among thotwolves and make snob rehommendation un the subject es they saw At The jury, after receiving the charge of the coast, 'retired to their room. A jury was then empannelod in the cam of Emory F. Boyd, charged on oath of Mrs. Prance with assault and battery with intent tansy*. This ease, It will he remembered, was tritd at the last term .f the court, but the jury felled to agree. The defendant, pro prietor of a photograph gallery on Federal street, Allegheny, had rented a room to the proseeutrix, and WI. 'barged with having en tered her room at night, and attempted to violate her person. The District At torney stated that he was now cot:Mead, there vas "nothing in the case," r _id he did not think the defendant should bo snhjected to smother trial. Ile had ne tostlmony to oder ; and the jury, under the charge of the Court, found s verdict of not guilty. The Court then adjourned until two o'clock. The Constitutionality of the .I.lounty Act. A gentleman directs our attention to the teet.that the net, just linseed by the Legish tore, granting authority to issue bonds to pay bounties to vniunteers, is unconatitutional, and regneats us to publish the seventh sec tion of the eleventh article of the constitu tion. We find this section on the somuteouth page of Pordon/a Digest, end give it entire : The legislature elm!oat authorize try co rely. city, b..roech,• tniznehip or incorporatel district by virtue of a vote et Ito cizireok n: zti.trat, to boootnenetockbolder in en, ...Pau) ....elation or corporation; or to obtain n,ney for, or limn is to any G1A11.1.‘1012, trawl:mon or party, If the opponents o(tbe act cannot obtain any stronger oridencoot its uneonstirnti , nelity than the above, they, nil! find it diMmit to "make oat • -ewe." The section does not cover the ground in question, at 101— or if it does apply, in the remotest degree, to the is— suing of bonds or borrowing of monoy to F.y bountita to volunteers, we "oer.'t see IL" Attaorn Ho:num.—Money Hooter, a col. Grad man, we.Dt into a clothing store on the comer of Market and Liberty meets, one day last week, to purchase tome clothing, and While in the store mimed his pocket book, containing eight or ten dollars and a note for fifty-two dollars. Search was t0..de..4.4._ the pocketbook at the time, bat it could not be found. This mo:ningn calerman in the at tablistunerat loft the note at Mr. Wifliame' banking hcinse, stating that he bad found it ender *pile of nloihing in the storo. Tim loser of the money enspering that the oak... scan bad robbed him, had a weersr.t imed for his street. A hearing of the case will be bad the M..yor title afternoon. Call! COTILLaXO Slej r General Calls+ has been ordered to inspect Camp Copeland, anu --ii_ZION- 111 the elty for- that purpose. This minion, however, does not interfere with the examination now going on before Captain Foster, Provost Marshal, who will devote every evening this weak to hearing witnesses on the subject of tho alleged abuses there. Those possessing information on the subject should at once nil on him, at the Provost Marshal's office, OR Fourth .street. . . "Gunnlaza Wail. HILL D. " — l t being un do:stood that shortly Ur. ,Chippendale will take a beneffi at the Thesis, we would rug gut the propriety of "Graadfather White head" being patupon the stage upon the °c owboy. The father of Mr. Chippendale is well known In this country as the original .arandfather Whitehead," and we hare no doubt but that the eon's appearance in that character would be a drawing cud. The play in Well is a striking one, and one that has never failed to draw. CIIIIDITAZLZ.—The fair gotten up by the pu pile of the Second Ward School*, Allegheny, for the.benotlt of the liiabristeneir Committee, war a mot IMOStliAll and creditable ariir, berlog reilieed the eini of one bonded dollars h cash, after paying all eipeneer. Thlo show. what great good can be aocompliched by a little effort. The young [edits who undertook the management of the affair did net expect to realize more than twenty dollars, but their efforts halo been rewarded flee fold. Valtuata troy ORLDTTED.—Those veterans re-enileted a the Dad, and not credited to a district, or credited to "Pittsburgh" or to .Allegheny county," can (on application to Capt. Foster, Peacoat Marshal, with a ropy of their muster to rott, cortLinsit by Adj. Gen. Russell, of Pa., and evidence of rs9ldeace, ) be credited to the word, borne& or township where they ectetal/y resided at the time of en listment. Ile xeceived an order to that effect yesterday. Binitiannais.—The Council of the borough of Birmingham held o meeting on Satarday night, at which an ordinates was passed, Authorizing the issue of bonds to the amount of 570,000 for the payment of a local bounty of $250 to .each volunteer credited to the borough. A meeting of the citizens of the borough will he hold in the Town nail this canning, fur the purpose of taking whatever action may be seemed necessary. Issitos lists of superior furniture; Brustels Msrpatk, gut =ducts, An., to nr.orroor (Tees day) atoning, at 19 o'clock, precis. iy, at McClelland's Auction Looms„ 55 Welt street. Also on Wednesday morning. et 24 P." sweet, elegant furniture, .oil paintings, Sae engravings, French plate mirrors ' &c., in cluding the entire farciehment of the holism - Alto, on Hsiday morning, tit sales rooms a laret . strantiry of household and kitchen lux- COINITSLD VOA A ,linurfter. lic,mora.—John iltd, who was emoted on Eanday on o charge ofhone stealing, hada nearing before Mayor Lowry .this morning, which Toraltad in hie ease ealttol tenjait . far a farther hearing on Thursday nett- Miff 0 dlstker from the Ist Virginia Cavalry, and mu dressed in mil itary ei thing laths time orhis arrest. i; YY ~ yy : N'~ 4y !S t Tat . aztCsts Aasts..rOn Hatorday,in the Course Common Plea et the instance of Mrs.. Merl . Date, Joh n? Kirkpatrick, E 59,., made motion for the appointment of e com l. =halo rto take testimony in regard to the .sexily Dr. D.. M . Doke, with s view to have ..his pro It, pieced in proper hands. The court e obstett Men. DIM Richey as COM , Two :Irma'', of Youngstown, Ohio, who itnner oiling/a slime tempted two prominent citixtni9l'lEla 'lice' from:nitre:moo to their w lent week,rwr on Beterdal slgbteridreggodfroni their beds by, spotlit tv.eftherritit metro! gr thslowni tarred tß andtered arid diiieri Into dilated:l: I _ ,-,. i : w: ‘,.., ! ---. - , . Tit folionting.pernans are now confined in t'he County JAM, awaiting vial fur the of fenses named. In a diithdy to these are a number of prieoners o...r.fined on charges of furor) , of the peace and assault end battery: damns Simi, murder: Story Keefe, larceny; Maly !Pilgrim, keti.ing bawdy Louse; Mary C2i./.710( larceny; Susan 14 oolbruann, lar ceny; Christian ShWenherger, malioious chit f: John Smith, bnrglary; Peter Dames, and Martha Barnes, keeping bawdy honer; Frank Johnston, larceny ; Dart. Seanlon, oon• spire.cy; tfugh Martin, Peter McCleary, Pan. is/ Gordon, Thomas Grady, naaanit witb in tent to kill; John McCune, insanity; William Cook, larceny; James Sims, riot; John C. Heenan„adultery; James MaTicrusn, robbery; John Kohrbio, puning coAnterfolt money; Abraham Crabtree, bigamy;' Wm. Price, lar cony; Banal M. brown, If Sward Akor, forgery. II 29, 1834 . The following named gentlengen have Loen appointed officers of the Court of Quarter 4esione for the present term: Tipttarer—Dernari Dougherty, John H. Lerimer,lsaae YeUrsine, J. C. Smith, Hugh Stewart, D. Galli:toll, W. A. Chtattnn. Grand Jury Offieerr--Jeurer S. Richardson, Wu:. Boston, John Auboup. PZ.V4ZSTATION.—Un Friday loot, Min M. E Wakeham, of tho Grammar Department of the Thtda.laard Schools, Allegheny, was pre sent.] with a handsome oopy of "ThOMplOn'S SOW)." by her pnpiis. Tho vamps was splendidly loon.] end printed In excellent style, on tinted paper. WILL AuErrit To- Moe-Row —A telegraphic dispatch was received this morning from Dr. M. P. Morrison, tinrgeon of the 102 d-regiment, stating that they had been delaytd,and would not Mire In the city. until Tuesday morning. &want in Nay Blionsou.—Mr. Jos. Ledlle (Stranger) will read in Original, Hu morous Lecture at New Brighton School Hall on Tuesday evening, March 29th. Sabjeet "Lore's Labor Lost," concluding with a ',Le gend of Greece" entltled,"Oleagina the Queen of the Isle." OF Friday week, et Iteedeville. Le, Levi-- town, whit assisting et tho yrrltmu,ary vices for eommunicn in the Prcobytetisn church, Rey. James Williornonn was prostra— ted with ape ?le sy and pars!, st. • ...ho left tide. Ut. condition I precarious. ~' ~' .'t ,x w~~, '.. i ..,.. The Jail- Qa!cedar Criminal Court Officers Crier—John Patterson. Assistant Crier Robert Xenia°. . atoro at auction, on Monday, a. 2 o'olock, at No. 59 Wood at.reeL T. A. Mc Masud, auctioneer. CO,II.M.EBCIAL RECOBL. Poportect I:prosily tot the Pittsburgh asserts.] MOVI.T, Marsh 2s. IM4. GILLIN—Wheat la arm, with a hott, diquand while inlet.. are unchanged are continuo to gnot from Net hande at 51, 0 0 for Rod and 52,30 for %Chan Corn la eteitily, with a regular local ikmand; .ale c 120 Lets, on wharf, to Car, at 51,10. mho, anal aalea from .tore, at 51,1061,10. Burly may he plot W nominal at 12,20 fur Syria, and 51,00 Cr, Oats quiet but firm, with mall tali. from atom 50010. Bye —ti.no ufferiu, w.u1,1 bring 11,2 J I. 52,20 from Brat hand.. 011110E811LS—Tlo. es •Ite.l u.d tra.• Itte.l ,s , wll- LiOtt of the Ztarlet, togstber teals the esteems • slrs Of holden has a t r e tard bus Loss, null r strict opoulte us. ; , ugat is firm, at I'. to 1.5'!.c I , r Cuba and It: to 17 P.t. Nes J,l a•.•. ale of 10 laisda New Orleaus •t IC , y. t`rus,ed n.ay 1e quoted at W4,,21. is Orso s ILr, luta of W bpi at 400_ )7 n'af•fr4 is tient 0 th sales .0 to 00 for oil as,l t 011 r for urn-. PL1.01 . 1. , 10 , 1:i t• irm n in,C.4.1 dem.cd qn.t. at 10 , r1 4- ., 1..1 St.• nlJrr f,r UAL .t.lcen fur Plait; Ilan, ..nd I'.c I. Su4., holden .Icing I' am u! changed. Flsuell—Thera la usw , trianlf , st,l . the part of o , lli.ra. lIL4U I.tua• cas, a ad. - .ha. been ri,al.s.ed. l, cahhat. as yet, ba lad higher aa we tot, taint , . to .0 •t fosr Spi Whest Family and 57.17 t 117,4.6 for %inter h. at do. EL - TELL( EGUS--licitt,r, ysattr.ll.l, V", la twi t., supply said raft, dull. with a dm pit.; tug, dears; wale rd PAll at :if, and ° bb's at 46. aria slain chow, it n I n . at lltaa3a. F.,gs eery dnU and lotto r sm.'. sales at Y., 1. , dose, • • II It 1' atea.ll, with ad...m..1.11,ml tttp ply; oaten Lt.', t.tutt 1.1..1...1at1, to 6.P. •.-.1 low., at 531 ac • Dt111!.11 FRUIT—'.I.. of 1 . 44 1.1.11^1 AN:tr. a . 3%c Peach,' may tot qa..1.1 at 1,417. ViEEDS---Clover tittta.l7 - with ...matt former tarn. Flax metett, a .1h 3 fair inas•ai at VI,SO t tr.t.iat. stactabl. at Ft . PO'CATOB-S—Qsi.t ent aaCd. w • s..t. ea. 1 ,4 1 fro,u to 611 bo.lo. as I. quw,t, 11.,e10.2 Usti: apt supp.ty Ittnlt. , l • WHISKY- t• Arm, tsoc,ch hen.... 14 vre c•nttunn to gm.. •1 •,, ISELKS—,stowuly. ' , Man ',hire at , tal•Ilel (Jr rwassaost u. pnts• wlttt. Pltteburgla Petroleum siarket 51 ¬ '&4 —The most roluartal:o fact to to ti,-43 in tn. Potro!outa trade, la th. theno bat not 1., a singlet arrtval slut, the lllth tots 4 This, to, they .Ith a light oarply, rot +s t!.e ranth t fot crt to rule firm th,er,it prtroe are not tr.u.n %To note til.y ef 1.5 tads at rle y ,. . tao Io t. IM' ta. on the aunt. th fit Llt ,t anti 4I at Ito fined Is quiet and inactive but very firm. tale or L5O bhte—prteno up-liver brand—ft, at 54, iti.ool city hands rusty b. fairly quoted at 45. In bond and 5 5 , froct. 'Coptna is steady with but ilttiooftoring; would all readily at n—.:fir boldera mkt 211. rocldeeru la firm at last quotations. A Lai. of new tanned vii barna. w rororted at n. 503 each. Crude bartub mat with a fair de mand at enr-hanged.atos. New York Petroleum Markel. Opectel Ditytatch to the Pittabezgh Gazette: i!erw Tons, litarzh M—Thara ta • good demand for Crud. and print ramaln unchanged: sale. cat thaapot at lit.'s. E,ti c and 33 for April delivery. Re lined in bood is Arm and holders aro arking higher rates; mini at 61451 c. Free oil, too, la arm with an advancing tendency, ranging Isom Walla on th• spot. There too moderate demand for leoptiu, with sales of tanned for April dallaery at 30. Weekly Review or the New York _Pe troleum Market. [ReportedEsprenly for the Plttsluargh Garotte I direr Teen, Match if, Itod. Then wasa tolerably active movement In Crude all through the weak, Let particularly daring the (worm Three day. tut paned. The refiners have fought more freely thou fur wane time, added to which there Inman activeampeciatisellemutd,undt r vs hick the tracren - tlous hate been pretty heavy, sod pa ma have advanced lalXc per gall,n. The rap dt nannotel has teen very moderate. The receipts bar. Leto nunsually light--ott some day. nanny ann.:l - 100 able. The . act has therefore decreased, though not to that extent which would appear from the TO/09, of business consummated—a large pro. porn a of the Lucian. cot:mining of roman of , et,- tracts for future delivery. The market hoe ruled reap buoyant and Ann tOroogidemt. The sale. and resales for the week comprise about 07,MA hble, mostly at ktfli,r —but 110110, from 30 to 32t4e for40atT gray tyipt whlch about 10,00 u for future de livery—nearly all fur Aptll—at dl% to 33%. bat Name late Was wen W. at 13.3.1kie, buyers op, non. The market chased doll and heavy at 52e, on the spot, and 1251(ad3c for April. The movement in Rained toss been altogether lighter. - The demand has been moderate, but hut& ere have beep firm, and higher prices prevail now than a west ago. The =has have been &bra:1,15.000 Itobls—gratkaal-45,345aie fur light tram to whit-- and rilane for white-64c for "Olephese, - Tar 110 es have been neatly all fur immediate delivery. About 13.1,0,0 gallons to tin have changed hands et MI to elm To-day the market weevery gain but Ann at about bail fur prime lot.. In free the Latino.. has alio leen light, compara tively, bat the market, nevertheless, rules very inn end prim bare esimrlenced no change The sale* fur the week font up about 11,9 u. UM, mostly at foe an/ for light straw to white; 61.03 for prime white, comity no theepV, bet !winding about 1,1000 bibs April at lltue-c, sod 600 "stmdard" for May at tee, tellers option. The mark/. clued very {llllllt bee tr6-41.t.... offend fur prime light straw to white. Of NapOm the nle. commis* 700 WA, Ite 103 gravity—on thes-264.27c; 1.000 In Philal.4l. pbla (00.040 gravity 2 I.e; 2.50 fur Aprll,2)oo, and 1,900 for Ilk, at. r Imports by Railroad. Prrruccon Ir 7. W 1,12 .sr, CLII , •00 RAILIt..ro 3.1.1PC1i bide applen p V angurier, 2 belt cep, Rasa Kell; 3 LW. ,gg., lb lids dry apples, 1 do but- L[, 3. 13 Volgt it co, 1140 Minn;h Ilarbugh A no; 40 d /, 11 loom & co; 130 bbls tour, Mat geown & Llohart. 118 boo corn, 1340101 Wulaca; oats, car hay, lbw & 6.4 ; 147 bp n hint, J S Liggett A co; 1 bet cloy , 14,d, 1.1 dal/cork, McCreary & co; 3 bbl, Moir, l 3 Showad; 00 don broom., II Ounr, lot rap,llcCollongh, Sinlth & co; 183 aka barley. Dan Wallace; 168 ets corn, Simpson & Knox: 422 bacon oholdeto F Sellers to, 241, boo corn, Thoa 1211 Lamlwrt ellIptoo; 21 do du, 113onnegger, 100 bble nom . , Bingham, Sturgeon A ro; pkgs stiodrim, 11 Gorwig; 40 dor pall 4, Da 1- 241 &out 20 do dn, Atwell, L.. & co; 20 du do, John Floyd. CLCVM-1. *OO rn - resvnon R. _3larcb 169 aka mill-Cud, Simpson A )1004; 11 3 00 bbl 4 11 , 04, Ilortesu A boo: 210,3 do do, Jo. McCully & co; 211 aka 0534,1 I Ilagme; 4 cars lumber, C Datchalu; Its rap, 1/21flay t Clark; 7 bbl. beans, 3 do ape Jew .111 Angel; 172 aka curn,S It Floyd; 165 leo rya, Jew Dorrlngtom .13. corn, ILltchomk, 3101'reary 2 co; IDpkgs fish,. It /1 Jack; 23 do do, LIGle Trlmblr 16 do do, J 11/445; 20 do do, Cooper; 30 do d-, W COoprr; 00 do do, J 311/0 Utt: 13 bbl. toimoco, Rutland & Connor; 1 do do, C Subs; 230 oks bar -0,71 Fawcett; 102 do do, Illiclacock, McCreary it 11 bales hay, J Bayard; 26 bids whblry, Lambert A !Motu; 66 bra abuse, J 11 Canfield; 33 do do; It Dalssli a co; 119 pkg. potatoes, F Vangorder; 144 alts whest, relloll 1 co; 7 dales Loy, FiWitgOtnetry. A rucnsna; Much 04-2 bit% Up, A' Corby; 12 dot brooms, Robinson & McKinney; 1 kgt lard, 3 pkg. sendrics, .1 01ger; 327 rks oats J ii Spann:3 l J do do Mcrcer 8 C.; 1 Fkg eggs, Mercer I Rebillilbn; 1 mr b» 4144, Eler A Weyer; 72 by Ilassud, 11 11 Suydam; 71313 E Your. Polo P 44444.4; L1,471/.lljeMgreLber i t , ; ,, A b do m ap s t i s ,1 L L , 11 1 1 . 41t I cb nr . abult4l44o; 000 aka wheat, J Voegbll7; eke oats SlMplon& Knox; 15 do do 11 Yetersoa; 47.131 gu u ,L t ed„ . icntt knamnlon; Imi Wow, Hans. li c Eixt:l6l dioeals, .1-11 4;pear; 133 ban 13 o4. Noble i 40/41; Mai barley, W W Auder uY: 1 U W,l 4111141 1 41 4 1. 1 1 14414 4; 3 tru wee Boston Flab, Market Nairn 26.—TLa market for Co'llith la rather and, and as Lent Gloom and 111 swum of Increased rto. Oalpts is close at Land, priers are har,lly w Grin. though al yet turt gntt.blp loser. We put. Pain at Illoncuttor 2,5,0 dmlntala George . .., String all In thlpplng ardor, .t tn,lo prr quintal Hors Ins wake hove bst n Grand Bank it 1.15,1- 7, , Gar Fond!. tru.ll, S.l.GO.lonse and SO pulsed. Bak.• bats boon selling at t. 3 lame, add S3,EO packed, Pollock at St toe quintal, loos, liar_ktrel an in tnE.l , .r.t. do rmant' at i.reylutu rate.. liaba of ho. 1. a , Sln.lotln: P...! largo at VII. and medium I.10,IsrolO,76; No d Lunn nt $14410,1.0, and trterlnon AtelKiTell am t Ihag atdL per rr , md us In (~b clunnnd at I2,lsrat Mr LLI. Chicago Flour Market Jl•uts: bbl. Market arve annl arm,. weve. 5.1 1.1:1• City' chhice slater 'shoat at : hbh "I. P.) (1.," kSumerfis:d) at 57,/4; Nashville Fax:.' $7,3 5 ; N. hit:. rad win , er extra at )6,50. a. Mole ..hacker's Doable Extra' ahohaapring it )5,4r/ Na , 41:18 .:Brosne NNW' (('Mat 7.1 1 .1 or.uK • at t-0 EU) Male good opting extra at 50,00; bbl. : •11onattratioa - nt $5,23; DOG bbl. "Janerdne Centre do at 700.25; 40Ubbis medloto extra at $540, 210 bid. otprlt4 ettp,rlloo at 51,:5; 200 bbla wick" rphog &Atm at 5i,50 Philadelphia Seed Market The devilue m Cloventsed rocoried Let tweet Iva b.toad m . vitality In arttele, awl about 2,lSet oth bate teen taken at 56,75t17,50 64 lb., and Goo bat for expert at 11%alle. Timothy Is uueettial. Sale. of 1,004 bush at red SO eke at SA riaseiod Ii lose active, nod selling at 5i1,25 ist, Imports by River. ZiNESCILLE—Pas Elms GEtatuxt •-23 roll. lestleer, 1 sack erke , l, 3 bbl. finisced, G bble wed apd dried itpplea, 9 bbl. e‘cke, 43 1,10. do, 12 bbl. d o , bbl. do, 1 lAA beau., 4.114,6 floor, I ph glue, 1 he ult., 5 bble grease, Clarks & Co; 2 roll. !ruttier, foists tails, Flauus, Fell Jk Co; u tabs Serum eboem, J Baldinger; 14 bbl. dried apples, Shackle" & Co; 4 bbls ...d and dried apples, Fleming & Steel 1 bid seed, 2 bbls eggs, 6Vm P Beck; 75 oil Pb!., Elder 1 Clarke; SO Pb!. dour, Janie. Gardner; 70 Pb!. flour, Yoeghtly 6 ]Copp; 60 bblsdorm, Be. 6 Kiel; 6 bbl. flour, Thomas Bell; 10 dos brooms, Atwell, Lou & Co; . , 1 bid eggs, 6 bbl. bomitiy, bbl. eggs, god 2 oil Ws, 13 Idols apples, 4 1.444 a wool, 90 oil Mots, 2380 hoop polies, getter * Armstrong: 12 aka flour, A J Began 56 oil bids, Wooldndge • Atwood; 140eks ooni, C. B. gt i Co; 171 flour bbl., Jll Liggett* Co: 3 bbl. me, 1 grate nice, Means Coffin; 6 bbl. egg., Fr an k Van Gorden 31. gine, Henry Collins; 10 dozen churl., in_ Wayne B. IJ; 1 inning eggs. Morgeneteni A Deo; 1 lot old rapper, U 4 Hussey; 100 dez betoken, 13 id Edgerton; I bus clotLing..o.lo A Bra; Y tube eggs, J Dilworth: 10 sks oat., 2 sky diked W I Luz:Lab.; 3 bdb ...eke, Job. Woad.. CINCINNATI—Pan licatasz —3 bbl. wad, Bock ham d Long 2'4 hams, J Li rhdd..; 10 Mr& shoulders, McDonald 1 Arbackla; 10 bbl. 011, Ntharolck & 00; 1 hair mills, MeWhanney d liana 5 owns wine, boa. 13 Jones; 00 Idols shoulders, II Brace: 10 tea lard. 1U idols J Klelp.trizt I Bra; 7 pkgs broken Flan, Itsk , well pa.r.l co, XI c 001.., King I Pennant; 25 d., to 'rho* A rburkla & co; 140 Jo, 11011 WA. floor, Clark & 00; I too Md... a bnckl.qt. Mc- Lain S co: 600 hag, roll !cod, Knox I EloKoc; 3 par,. anodries; It IV Mot al; 5 Idols wins, 2 bases grays carting - 1, C Writ:art; lot h h good.. Illra Young; 01s2 boxer crackara, 5 bal. Letup, IS Idads 15 to hams. NASIIVILLZ—Pg• PAsinst —L2!, blies cotton, M bbb Sour. Cart d co; IW dry bide S I, ugh sobs pig metal, C Loom .; 253 bbis W.srl Inc • King. STE.I.UBOATS - po , z NAsIINILLE—The flac k: Ml 1: ...Amer BERTHA, Copt Tanh.mt, leaves. abcr. La, WEDNISDA Y, at 4 p tn. mhz9 JAS CO LLI , S L CO.. Agents. r., 1 ( IR nT. LOUIS.—The fine pe , ..ncer .t.4.3.r KENTON', I', Donlaro; Sl.rp 11.31/1311 , , .1111•.%..0tn , f• •th N EDtir.SDAT, tn. ?Oth .n•t. JOAN FLACK. J. U. CuLt.II4OWQOD. l'~c~°"' 'FOR CINCINNATI k LOU. Irr• ISN'ILLT! —The tn. g..e 1— steamer TEIIPE9T, I Apr. WA,It. Arl'l Ira,. As at.,e YR In DAY, rnb In.t. r .l 4 o' o.h p. rr. freight or . f.l7,t_T o ip . r . ly s . G . w b.. - 0 - 4, , i . . - mh2 , JOHN D Itog '""' _ 1 4 1 11.11. ?"I'. 1.1)1: IS. K Koh PULL. NO TON, I.lli`A' TT'S YEN NOLT. IIOE IAL AND. "LIVIA( LAND AT. ri., Illter--The etramor NA/LTA lAM:L- I'A I:Apt V. 111. • I:I laave st. Ar. on It , Y, t h• 31., 1. rt JutlN rnh./ . .) .1. D. L ------ • - - - t , 1:4 - - rw. P)o}f!...'ar.r f-p itl LSE!: CL." "op . • oc Trt ADA S. a,. =EA itlitnr , , OLCIo.), • for frrigH ..r re tourJ, to JOU . " , FLA. R, tchr: J AP." w. 13/“ a , 4p. Fur I.,iii,t•r raidagls apply .n Loard J”litt J. CULL NG 1(01. J. . - REGULAR WISEEI.ING , r A LIE Er.i[ll:llG r ACK LT -11..1%,- - e;ig..6..' st•annr 311 N LEV trpt. JrAm •rtll ••••r7 TC V. lil 1 1,1 P , A TUILDA 1, rualtinc h.e1.1:14 snd PorPral.Utit P.'k • .44 tnna 1011 11 ,, N DA T. WICI , NLSDAY Y LIDA V. 1"...••••ng.r, J fr.,...ret , ript•Kl litrou, , h to I'Lrlsersl , .rg Id 1.... r svply nn tn , orrt or t‘o & hart et toot of Wor..!. Or, at. •Itf II E 1,1.1N(4. AIA I I 1: A ANL , KOVILLE.—The 000aro,,roteramet EMMA t: M, M0m..., A Cocutomaler, Irro, rataburgh rror7 TIrESDA . at p. m., Awl 7..arer 111, FIILI , A m siciorlt a. In. Th. or,atoarnrr Wtn litt•Lorgig RATCUDA Y. at 4 p. m.. w•.l ILO" prory E.,DA T, at t a. or. for trr 141.14 or pan., apply oct [marl or to J. P. LOLLS NUI DVD, Agmat, Pittaborgtt ; Li. R. P12.14C1& Atr.nr., prr.3 Zavanilla, ‘l6lO. FU RN MTRE OADI •aD WOOD ORAIB WHOLVIALI OIL ILYTkiL. JAS. W. WOODW ELL EaMM: pATENTED OVrOlikat DITSIBIDOE'S PATVII OVAL C'l-111IN PoS VLINT GLAMI. Thew Chimney , an kurehdal for the 111.1 dams, heating all parte thr greet Neatly, dose hot expose It to crackle,. Z. T. DITIIIIIDOZ, Fort NU 01... Works, Wuhiogton street, • 17 ['Melo:met, Penes. MoCORD Co., I=l Hats, Caps and Straw Goods, neve now lu .t.•re i6e largtel end to It complete !dock of good• for ISF•I2ING EAA.I.KM 151.,. A:Cured le the trurt nurchant• er. rtquratod t till urul trassalue our tt...0 trh oat, trill b. will st ran MUr. I al Wood ills Plttaburiglu tuhl Nr WELT CEKELI, a new LI Extracit Rath Ilandkeirchiof It l• the moat fragrant and delimit , or all plenums. It .111 riot idaln the banfliirailef. Alen, • Mare and mmpleta armament of TIWI TOI fat 30APel, hlrbly rarmatandrd fur rem:lain ao skin W.t fair and *month. Also, at. DOTAL° HORN DIIEBBI7O 0011118, all .Iva; Hair Etralunt, Pug Dome, Nail and Tooth Brush., In area validity, kept tonatanily on hand and :or oda at GU), A. K5L1.1 L 6130 Corner OW and Ve.lona street; I. Market O u '• UNION IMAM WOtili6. nsarsvioLD & BITZbIIIAOSbr Brass Founders. TISISTIRD DRAW) WORE larotsbod at N.. shad .* optic.. A supoier ankl• of B PACE. INO METAL, on Boman Oylhalers. No. II SEG. ONO. veer Burt Pitulnagb, Ps- Ist,!ly HENRY WALLACE, Commission Merchant, Ifo SOUTII WATER T. MUCAGO, Minds. rarticalar stiontleo paid to ening orders for AIGtIW - DILS, Plll,llBlofia, rLora a 62111 N WALL. PAPE/L.—Now reweaving,a large slat of &gigot of 0014 PartnrPe• pro., Oak and Walnut Dialog-room and Hall Paper ko. A prat variety of clump Papers, as No. IV !twine ar.d. emir COO, BARLEY MALT.—Prima Fall and, Spin; • BARLEY HALT, Ocastanity on band and lbr nalo ' D 4 7. ALWAY. ran. r•• 43 Liberty otreet. Pittabargb. OUTLEIIIt—A large assortment of ?Ws and Tartlet. far We by latOW JAM DOWN I= WootstfteL ERs' AND VARYNNW nhl9 Lk SOWN 121111ffedVitrest B Li- PA NT.-1U bar • tw Kftweng Telat, • ra•aritartfidAbr OQ Hu '"" ' ',1P1399r,14C153' -• • 4'4 • 4 4,4-• • •• • • • FOR BOLE--FOR REJFT. WO FAreMB FOR SALE —The un ,:fortguelll 01,m for sale hla Far-rt, 4/06t1.14/r-; fon , hotelaA wd •ixty oesf", all civet - ed, of whlntl Chore xr” tarry acres of Vend. w (monad, except a afar,tdatalty plower, wh , .l, la 1140 , 04 for ita taw. Tt, larva. iLatoch ralain4 wrieultra-al that to rat. , eppor• onit,, //a too masa 1., L.O t har • feral far the 11.0 hrtn.o f.v:a a ... —I! 0 1 0 o r fat part, Id •.:1 part.t..terra. teat haa the tort of la Cr am law,litr c, 0004- / 3 1.• 11 / Ilan, fn!, 1.• ••••ty. with Or. ea.(llte..n f.• t eh,l in fro- t a , wild all otherrunic at a choi rs farm . two Fr•,l a.rtharda of gaarlad Molt Poen, Food. 1, alatmlaure f Laver falling of riot.. T 1.., hat etwa.,t th.. 774.11• tan ttort,-.1 1.-g II ta , .. war,. oth. t intro. • .-uad.ta, Said land atattoated te, mike from Alleg..tag . and Orr minute. walk from 1.., 7....1•a..0rp1 , Per. garale Plant fl oat Salvor,. of DAVID nladlog oti r tm Jotiti 3LCLL - Nt:, Peon atrewt, Pitta. I,nrx h. rolk:edniclawT pw.TAN T TU BUTCHER:4.-I,m. Pete. 79 LOTS, .I.rh haring a front of 31 feet on Lintrel nud Jututrr str,ta, end ranging In depth fromWU to 120 fovt 13nundary etrr,t, r here there la a tine etreant of water', end tear tba line of the Pontaytestis twilrowl. The lac:nthoo is worthy tbe scrim. attentlut of those engsred to butehoritt, a. It presents alTantaf, no , t,urpassed by any almond the city. It Is shoot tolilway between the ffity line said gnat Liberty, wham thn Penneyininia itailrosid Company are istatilishlng_ their ex•etvlve rattle yards. and where the bnirbem'wili soon bast to re sort to obtain their supply of imer, aa the cattle yards within MI, city limits will soon have to yield their locations to rapidly increasing pepulation, which now nearly surroond them. Terme easy. splay at the Real totals , and tem:manes Ofllts of O. 9. BATES, Lawmenasvile. r►W ELLA HOUSE Fo E SALE-- )." The subscriber offer. for sale the dwelling hove to which be now lives, eituated on South Av enue, (ire* Worn, Allegheny. The tot b£l feet flout by IGO doep, running heck to • TO feet alley. It I. • two ...wind brick, contain+ do roan ■ and collar. The out-hoceos are • wash home; stable, ni banes, As. Thom N a large yard surrounding thelbselliog, trawl with shade and ornamental tress. There I. gas and water in all the rooms of the dwell n" offer for sale • &sib...tole country residence In Sochater township, Beaver county, Pa., contain.. big twenty acres of ground. There is a new two. storied frame dirtiling. containing tilg roams, on the property. There It also • youngorchard of .11 kinds of fruit. Thorp is a grad barn. outliteloww, Lc. It le stout a mile from the Rochester Deis& Tem term ingot, of R. ffi. BOLVI, ja..Mtf South Avenue. Alienbety City. VOR SA L E—A Heantiful Residence in 1 flirari.aborif, situated on Main avent. house or:nista.•. rooms and flotabcd attic. A a wl of cover ero rot -r and en ea...Alen, deter° at the door, n cora, n The h 1.77 hat 4 iorboo haft and to • t ' , here 10 Vett*, Flan . ers Atol Ahrot.hery In ato nrhssio• re4llooll do of 0,1 of porrbo•to ft • broortHul rµorot tn. , • more plorranat or• t o thte 11r1. fly El rlttiro of the fse4ll4 cf the eubacriber. on the pronariaa, or J. 0. LEW LS, of the ',onto! Inrtelz, Dal. tea & Co., at their mill In Shmaborg. rololastawd3or H 14 - `0 R LE-V fILI3 COAL PROP .'', ettaaral on he ID , nongallel• etae t all =Du from It). at the ro,sith of Little 3t , AUD, in Of 120 AL LAND, alth • F 441 karsor for boat., .I.ich . rrcoed •Et =1 Saw' LIII sbd • Inro-at , •ry Frame Ilocm, all in gni:4 rept,. F r farther ptrtiollon Inquit • uf PECILIP L AiN. li• /LT. on the toTruattr , or Jour, 1 Idor• E. Ptuebunrit; PE Vt HEN V, Egg , Drvver•rill•_ 2. THREE HOC3ES FOR BALK., Cr •utio, co t Mo. II stn.. (B.yreley's Lace) ehc•id N . rd. All. be0y..12 EL. Ito. rf Mae. pwa,gor Hallway. no, ly th• not. Hon VE.I4, Heath. • Al. y e Vtlo II,G COON ER LOT:CIIEAP. adjolv• log tnA alovt, n nf 1.14 ••••01.1e end Ilayrtte str,t--.67?.., by 116 N betderp. Tb cm• of iL. roost .I..trable to the city. Trrlne nosy. A pp', . . . W N 4 , 01,1 r. Wee', pp.it• the 111 Ay' r • An. g h , ITALL'AtiI.h: RI V Li-t ricol , EßTy V r' PA I.E. ..tu1t...1 on It,. 3L3l3ont.hela floner, ahoy. th. Aria Lock, having • I. out un said rt., of 4 , 7 f. et, .334 entondltig !neck 4, Braid.clt lo non• 1...1n1nk I err. and 77 p-rchee. Tine to otu admira l:oe location r, man ofercto rtnk the rl.rer In front .1..1 milt-owl In the nner, end ran M .o,11.01.1"..•. lb errct..ll rot 10(113, kr , to 31* KT A.N T1'71171, on the pretice,, of to nUt.:lll3i2l) , CCU, No. 11r n,il4 tr VOR SAI.E—A r.luable bopinewi prop rerr,3 cooratlr, of • 1111111 i nor'?: AND 31'011. .1,0 fe.t. Ivo at"rtr• . Jr+cli•A Irl.m cn•J, lollime. 30110. with or • jaw, • v., fruit 3 .1 1•41, t,,•rlor , *llO t•• MM=l=M=M= •ar ,114). Ell p, prse •.an n, to r^ton• ttom • 4 , •5 'IC./ • cF7ICE ft,T toN A n rtv me., . th- nod hater 1-1.; I WILE, tt I'OR LE-IMPRM . F.I) PIV.PEIi TT -A twn-etnry Brick righ ro.,tne ball. large gad wril of vratnr, trill rte. Lot ad tr 01.04 Iv 7 fret nn n. Eno fn.l of the (Itlr_nno.f.-...nr na.ll•lny lerunt .any. Apply at the ft...J Estate and IF...drat.. offl , of 0 S BATISI, nub% Bmlm Ornret, I,nlemhnnel:ll. - - LEA RN! Ft 11C 'A: I .F. t r.L;u3b Te renal .IUM,' ”13 1 . .- rttubbrgh bud Sh.r.b Ito•il, la Ti.., I, •u Itpc•ro se lb. •• G. • fr I tb•cPy. t. .•• o• I! , •e:d Kis.. ma.. /br 1.-ru.. arr . , In It LL, or. J C. VA'S°, A t•brr..i-at•Law, T.nrlb 0.4.1” m 1.7.1 T A ACHF--. 4 (IF LAND for tl.xoi. trlr six mattes frown the eity. omfl wltht nat... walk C..entrer. MAO. P , it. W. • C. R. R., .z.l with fu, H.., tr.. , Terms rash A 1.., 42 ACRES OE LAND, hal: A [Ale f4.t . tai, Rtat Ar.ji mud • ateryd : thr.e tz culawatva. TUI. Indistputztl.. Ap• ly N. W. MIA TER, Atten-noy.st.LAw. IO Fifth .n. VOX SALE—Twentpseven Acres of L Land, part of I. Loren: to,roa, candlng • line el,. of Means:ire, and .tenure l• onum•bout one mil* from iOllO , ll . ferry Landing. Thvro,rie no th• prembs• Dome dna fruit Uses. and • okter•ndli• piing of expellent water. Will be sold tongrtb•r, or divided to milt purchaser.. Persona duiring • toanury madame, will pl•••• eall no il. ALLEN I 011:32, Nn. EI Wtt, sir—t. 'BUILDING LOTS FOR. SALE.- 2 Lou, 20120, Conn Tom Mr et., near l'ennsyl vson. A. 2 Len Penns Avon.,E. , ar Con,rw, II do, turbos 142.4, 21,X:122 2 do, toot. WI c 4, 4 do. now, Or.vUle . L4n103. 7 da, lo [tiro Inn... 1 do, In 5.02 Librrly InE22 8. 8 RRTA 77, 72 Toarth street. V 1 0 . 14 SALE—A trre.Att Ezionta, 13 foot L Mole, 10 'nth cylinder, Ll feet teen fly wheel, and of al •11 hone power. AI" one Elevator. two Pry Oven, and littucat Glue Pollees. one opthiht Boritg Kochi., one Chaln tot Pew, on• for making Pump/I.de fur Ott Wolin, one Dyer Toil ri.nbme, end .I, oe , ICO fret .y 2 inch Shating. All of the shoe. nettelet wi ll he onld et • ereat boo. gale by applalng at once et t 7 711TH STRALT. i" L'Olt SALE—That desirable property J: eituated In th• Borough of Mancheetes, on the cornet of Locust stre•t sad the Oho Herr, and kn.rn .. the Greenwood p,oportr, which IN erected • modern style Brick Ditching Ihm., Hy lion•., Stable, Ice flow*, in. To: furtho particulars etiquirt of J. D. bytf o Water •treat, Pittsbarch. VOR SALE Oft EXCHANGE FOR on T PROPERTY —That LIMON WA ELL II, 0, •Ith gr, ends attached, on Lama street, let. way accupeel bl Ohrt.tlad Ihresen, Isle of End fllrodualletn. rita , flog sod outbuildings to the ar of the If orehlog Rouen. PILED. L. MIENS'S, 109 Yon rth *tree., Plttsburets 1.4 1 1.1 if. 1L& 'l—'l'u a small hainily, the one I alf of • beautiful neutrino-a lo /daunt Trey. eue rolls Woo the Allegbeny If ergot Beall.. with shoot Si acre of pooled, all co.rind .bail ardor fruit trews, emerge... ishrol bevy. Au. An chortlert well of inane, sod a large rhooro of spit water. Yogi:are of A. LI IIAUT LT. mhc4.tr On the permiw• 1 4 1 0 H. U , AL ils,--Two Wrought Iron VI L 1: STILis, airnart nay. with Copper &wan blear and Candrneitag Pip.. All the .4.1 sad oonnro. time cornploto. Afro, TWO ATEAIII BOILERS. Enquire of COU Al. DOLE. ' Coro, of Pohl% aller and Duquesne errant. 1.111 , 11 VOlti TALE--l'hnt two-4017 L DWILLLIIO, f 014.0 In seal 411 11 . plete , order, Olmsted en the .urns of li.r•t ire et .•d Carpenter's alley, 'Sixth Wood. rental tog eight rooms and flubbed garret. Osn be had • bargain. Enquire; of fig GULP it SUMPAIIb; STY Llborty arta VOR BALE-swo Ca lrob BLAST 11; CTLINDERS, to ark Italgstgdionlarly ; fort) Wet= diameter. obt frot ttrokm; altablo for. Car cal rural. or Rolloory ; all ootapleta and to bra ardor. Env by of WL£TIRMLH 4111 00 2 tio2fOtT gthaitnt. Molar 0011107. AIMRE OP PORTLINITY.—A.I3OOk i Eltationery and Nein Depot for We, In the Dee location, la • largo city, and dol., • fln• bcslome• T.:2Zu wiltar . a% 114WO• apltal, It will te so opport ty to ens. himself. for particolsramll at JORN P. HUNTS, 1.18.1 t litisoottla 11.11, Filth street_ . U'OR St.LE OR KENT—A Farm of 5:1, L good land. In Wilkins tolosothlP, log , •nd of Moo Ifercbsnent, and within • next tb• Penosylvanisollallroad. Tema ressonabla. MMt.MEE2I POE RENT—Siz largo end well light, /: ed MOPS, 11Ctr1CO, suitable far Gainer. Makers or,ll**.the Dom IYIII to lemool to Imo or diff•orol skrffer ftectr N h 1171PTI1 STUTIT EZZEMCC3 VIVELLS, RIDDLI3 & CO., No. 215 TT Loam STararr. oppogit. flub, Plttabunil NATa,„7.74 L'Zi r t6L:iargra RBAIDED Orden. sot sated true etseifilds. sql oft% ornameir dittrp.d M gra ondreatt..... ffKINO MONNI, lihugart's ,Cqr tar" s "q b A r !it lown.-izawood ri pin No. G e h l = lir ertrUti , a. oorata. DOLLAR SAVINGS BAICK, NO. F 5 fora= &raw. OTIABTERED cia isha. 13.. m deals , from a to 3 o'clock, oleo on Wedoes., and Pan:at:my evenings, from Bray let to Nomads.' Ittt, from 7 ton o'clock, sod from .yeeerobee let •s Alas, let from d he f o'clock. rtopmelts rocclend of al mums not lase than One and • dl tittered of the pr.,. decLowd twice • ye•e:lo Jone and Decennia, Istemst lout biro de. went.anomally, to Jane and DecmtMem, olore edselligh: trete organised, et the Me of sin per cent. • tvd r.. .. r. lf nut drawn out. is pieced to to credit of the depositor es principal sad hears the mane in- Wyk frost tho flr.t rhip of June and the:ember, eons prosodists twice •year solthrtat trembling the &pad. trill salt, or even to pretend bid pees book- At tab rate soortey will donbio In lean tLon twelve yea.. Woks, rzataining tint ilbarbtr, 115-Lans, Belem st 4 Ttegulatiens, franksbod walls, on application et the taco. Parnerst—GEOßGE ALBILLS. James B. D. blends. WO3 Doog:a*, Isaac L. runnock, June. nhldh John B. Idelndden, John 0. Hannan, 1111211.1 r.Anley. Jato u Plxoenterg, Sarno Fier:ltoar.. Pot, A Iratirs, WOW. 3. 'Atui.rsou, A. EL Pollopic, AI. P „ Henry J. Lynch, John 3lnrahnli. CSII/11 Jam/ O. BUMley. Grerrue Mirk, DUI Durgvrtrk Alonzo A. ettrlrS,l Charles A. OeDoti, Johrekram, V,el4. L. Pahureturk. Jam J. Gillespie, William 8i Purr u, Peter 11. 11131 Diehard /mei D. If elty, fiLIT.TI. 111.7/0,62 . total SECIJNI,) NATIONAL BANK, We.lthr P. hianhall John Or. Bel rt Robb, • - - 11tury i.. ILlng - mralt, Illmm E. firbmnrts, Alcxtualer Speen., Alrsender \V Ilk. Veutkirk. bear. Whittier, Wm. P. Worn.. Christian Taw (RAE. A. OuLTON OF PITTSBURGH. • TREASURY DEPARTMENT Orntenn• Contrrsou-na on rill Cyr-tannin, Wanbingion City, Feb. 13th, DISC WHILMS, H e vatiantetory rvideoce mem t as. nude sign ,it ban been made to appear that th. SECOND NATIONAL BANE' OF PITTSBURGH . ~ • in the Comfy of Allegheny, and State of Pennsylva ia, has been duly organized mder and according to the requirements of the A. of Cong.., entitled ...An Act toyond& a National Curreuey, smeared by pledge of Pulled Mucks, and to provide for (ho circulation and redemption thereof," approved February 27th, 1812, arql has complied with all the provtdotte of said Art required to:be compiled with before commencing the lossinee• of Banking : Now, tberolbre t Ducat Iliceneocca, Clomptroll. of the Currency, do hereby certify that the said SICOND NATMNA BANK OF PITTSBritOII . • moot] of Aliegbrinj, end gteds. of Penneyloo.M, Matterhod to commence the boalnees of ItonkinO taro der the Act aformaid. . .. . -. lh testimony whereof wham my hat, ". } ra4d7 13Eln bl I.f oaks, this lath day a February 11cCELLOC11. ....-- t Oomptroller of the Curreery TIM SECOND NATIONAL BANN QF PITTSBURGH, PA., (formerly 1.12.0 H CTIR TRUITT COMPiIIY ) %W.I. 8300,000, with prtrill go to In 0t.000,000 The MON CITY THUHT COMPANY Laving or gttumnd under the Hattousl Currency Act, offers Its vertices for the transaction of s treoend Hauling Hmtmse Hrete bought sod told. Money received on Deport, and Collecttom made on all pert. of the mammy. Robs. 13,Lintoc R. Bnoithensa, 11. Gorri, Jamb Pntu. Ja.e nill, C F. lalup r Wm 0. p.t, G. E. N ARNER. rroPident JA). K. PATTERBUN, Cash•rr 4.904 m MIUM= OF FITTS BUR G TUE./Brill' DEPARTMENT, (tretcr. Or Ccmr - rant.tea or TO% frowner, Wt/tlit2gtun llty. Feb '&1504. Wuranu, By aafteatctory eeldraca prreentlto the undemigned, It has been made 1.. apt.ear that the TIMID ATION L BANE Or PITT:tiII:BOLL in the County of Alleebeny and State of Penneyl. Imola. ham born duly orpantred undo/ and according to the rotate - entente nf toe A. of tangoes, °untied 'hail Act topeceole a National tnrenocy, rdcurrel b 7 $ pled,* of Polled Stet-. moats, and to peo. nle fur the Cl/Ctlia•if.rl and n.dempri , n thtreof,“ app.o•ed It rotary ItAth. 1e... and hat compiled with all the yrtettlons of ...MI Act required to be complied • Itt, before a+mmencing ohs buelneee of Banking New, thoovfore, I. !lash McCullch, Clamptroller of the Cconrency hereby certify that the sold TIIIILD NAY lON AL DONE tlr PITISBCBOIL County of Alleglione and State of Penney leant/a, to vrthcrlxed to comae., toe business of 11.nking an d• Cho act afrnatd. In teallmony ahem:4 wltnern my hand and weal of Ohm OW 7.7 th day of febenary.lSll.l. II CO ki n.CULLOCB, Comptrolim• of the Currency. THE THIRD NATIONAL BANK Dark; +rg•bLv.l or. Arr thu Netton•l rarrnsc, Ao pt.par,d do • Geoutral Banking Business I.IEPOSIIS 11E , E , VCD, Exchan,, on tn. prin• pa', c.o. of II•1e.t and Het tr.n,fnt nnl ntlrtolectimas msdr to every aectalbln pert,.( th• nntry OM. for the present, (until the roccpletlon of the Few Lacking Ileum corner of Roof .t .t and Vlren ear)) le the Banking 'loom of the DIME BS. V INGS' VOMIT UTIOIi, • No. 110 Smithfield St.. OPPOSITE TOE CUSTOM NOUSE. B. A. B. Deli, Alex. R. H. Denman, Moor) Oenrtg, L Morestutena. ADAM • EINLMAN, Drnoldout. IL 0. 80IIMEDTZ, Csobtor, pro a.m. tob.r2m fIROOSIO A...A Am bags piima Rio °Tiflis; 50 de do Cape do; 105 bbd.. N. 0. gaga, ne. stop, 60 do prime Cube Sugar, 200 [bib Refine i Sugars. aise7rleg, 200 do 5. 0. Halsesee, new crop' 2.55.1 do do de, old crop; ; 100 do Symms. ..crud brand.; 1.0 . 1 do Rangren kir.; lido package. Mackerel, bbl.. and Suit bldg., 150 bid.. Corinne Bay Herring; 60 do Bay of Island do, 60 do Labrador do, lin beef bbls. Lake 50 do White bib; 6 , 0 Ghia. Tatra No 1 Salt; SOO do I.stra and Iztra Tangly Mar; 75..0 bi :ea tobacro eseorted; 70 bids. Ls. Na 1 winter .trained Lard 011 50 tiarmis prime L.-al Lard; For We to the tra;• lose, by JOHN 1. 1101183 a (70 , ~bl 4 cover Miniebtlelil and Water atrarta. LIQUID STOVE POLISH. Hamm, why It Ls ben. than dry Pella 1..A1 I. aimed) onLved. It has uientril ertiatevvr. 3. It prodncee no dirt or don. 4. It stands tba most intones hoot 6. It preserve. from nat. a. It le the moot economical rollah. T. It I not ono-forma tiet 5111021 JOBLIMII3,II Our., ' , earth Gad_ Smitbaeld *treaty (MUCH RI ES. Vf Irou bags pr , glo Nth Co. 35 tads. N. V fare, 80 do Cuba Ix 60 tierce do do; 110 bbLs N. 0. Magmas; 100 do disks Syrups; ksd 10's Tobagas, 2U do Puseds do; 15k p 0.1•1•1 do; IN half chinos Tonga Upon, Inogdrial and Black Tema; Arriving And for ..l. low by JOS IA UM PATIII . OI a 1140., GM • 191 and 191'Llbert glorrt. BMIMANN MIRE AND PRIIORLYS or NVNDAT &WOOLS —A biography of Robt !talks and W. Vox. By Sohn U. Pow., I vol. Trio* Fl A MANUAL ON EXTRACTING TNITII— Tortodvd o. lb. Anatomy of the parts InvolTad In thn oprration; lb. kind. and tooper construction of Inidroineala, A.. I vol. IStwo. lINAVKN OTIR HOME I vol. 12von. BAILING AND SIIVENRING. Dy Lbw'. Patio-- gar. A largo aupply of a latter work Just received. 1.1, G0 READ , Tv Fourth Grad. Vlptl. I'. 111“.;1i & CU., Whole/kale Oro cen. 185 Liberty .reel, have ha rale „. bbla, Ilmnanlto A ppl, leo do picked flamed Apple.; 60 d. prfroo White Bank 6000 St* Low( Tobooco; 16 bbl,. owoot 6 do Tana, 3 do Bordbom Moles ICOO do tztro No. 1 Fait. 200 BBLs SCAR CiVrEIE WEST PLODS. 100 bbls. Pos.'s Doable E.t.a now; 100 do Bullets'. do do; 50 do Colo'. Obotoo Zdtra do; • 00 do Ford's Bost do; 60 do Oar. ht.. Tam'', dA, 10 do Troy. AL Lodi. do; 100 do Golden Ado 11111. do; for sob, by LINDSAY L TiLI'OIID, cohl6 167 . 14b0rt1 NDTA StrisitEff- _ B._ ...is BELTING, HOSE, 1 @TIAN PAOKISO sad OASTSIIIS-4 large stock on band and for sale at tba 1.41. Dabber De pot or rabid & U. PHILLIrtt, Was. 24 sad el St. Clair stre,t. nIiANUES AND LEMONS V ISM born latialna Orange.; MIMMI FlBlll—Nos. 1, 2 and 3 large end indium Mackerel, Lake Basin lerse , W Labrador and Bey Island He for nle by seta Lrrn,E "CB IiERKING. -200 half barrels Lt. Haring *a nb bi • • man- - - 11111WETICOOLLTIVIE 3 fit i.r .y aid) 01111.11M17,13111faxistseql. TIEDICA Cil ER.(lli 'e. NI 17.71:,,- CEIEROMEE PILLS VOLLMATED f LIIALE REGULATOR . I==l for the 11.10...,, al a I I , lupt ....AM 11.1.1 the ,rAnnll.l•ls. of Ile,•!,1:, r. n. I th. 'ltirry cure , orr . ..rtr tr. or L•. ,rou. that spring fn. :.wul+ill y, 1.1 i. iunsing u., Lleg ulsr ity They cure Pniuful 31. v They etre , G r 017 ;..) They on.. N..E v... au 1 Ap!nal A IT,tioc, Palem to ha Ihrk and 1,.v rr par.. of b D.:4ly, Ilca,ln4, Fatigue .0 .cto Pt.`l.lLstl , " a the IleArt. Lekraosk of Irf - k 11.-artachr, Chid! cra, &c. In It nuri, by rrmoTinf the Irregalari.y, hey ry to, it r teLl d • Ith It all the eftecte that .prln (o IL Comp. 4.4 ulimp`a rvvlaLlo e•xtr.t., the? .2 thin malts 4010t,10t0 to ooy rwnst , totion, how !!!=:1 trtaith for Ireakue , ", wlll,ll, roped, oN.I, they serer fad to do. They may 1. of ly aned •t say age, and at any period, exo , -0 Burin, Oa Anl ...WAN Bich lb. entailltn4 nat.. , of their action would In =l3 All leiterl le foreettioe or nark... v. VI b.. promptly , fry w ~: r.,-.) 1 . 11. p l M. In a. for OS. beat by mad, ren lo of Bell by all DL. W. L. 31! !MIN 1 CO No. r Liberty drank, Now York. ►or We In PlttoLarigh ty Dr. GILD. H. %YTS re tahl7l...da s soy, Ir GLAD NEWS I I=ll THE LONG SOUGHT FUR DISCOVERED AT LAST CHEROKEE REMEDY CHEROKEE INSE •TION Gompuoudni tr.su ILL.., ii,u ka sod Loa... CIS th.QII I.g Y, the pr.et I ndlan Dlu n•ttr, t wee all d 1...•.. of the urinary organs, such .. Iner.nttnertoe .f the Grine, Inllarrunal lon of the Inflannantion of the Kid..!.. Stone In the Bladder, Strtctute. Ores.% Gle.t, Gonorrhea, and Is especially re.. 1139111.1 led In th.t. caws of /lour Alb. (or Whlt.e In f•®La,) shore all Ibe old nenerlns andinlr re bare ly It pr.rars•l is • highly foi m, Ib• d , 4e ! ,, Ing fr..= othe dsl It Is diatnctlc and a`terative In It. action—puri fying and cleansing the Wow!, ranting It to IL. In all Its original purity and vigor, thy. rnnutvlng from the tytteco n•ernlelorl can., which ha , . In•luctd Cl., ken lulrction I. In'er.ded an an ally or anairt u, to the Cherokre Remedy, and thould be used In roWunctlon with that medicine to all cur. of Gun arthra, O eet, Alb. or Whiten TM effect* art healing ...thing and demnlctot ; remnvlag al welding beat, chordew and pato, loatead of the bunting and almmt nanndurablw pain that 1, ozpo• rtenced with nearly all the clump quark Infectlona By the two ot the CHEROKEE REMEDY ttni CHEROKEE INJ ECTION-11 , • two medicine. at toe saga. tha.--all Impw.yor dlorbargas are mutt:l,A, at..l I.le tmottrned o. am rpwdtly motorwl lc roll vigor it... 1 tt r. rt;•h rgan 1 - nr f.:11 vs.t:cro..re, g, our parapblrt from my ,Dtry, nr write cut, ...Iwo will tree, , full treat Len. CIIELLOU. kE REM EDT. $1 pes bottle, or hr. tottlem Price, CHEROKEE INJECTION, /2 per bottle, • Om* bottles ler SI. Sant by antral, to any aJdnaa, on U. naalpt of price.. Bold by ail iiriu,tists ever) arbors. Dlt. W. R 31 EDWIN Solo Provision, Do. 5d Liberty strott, Now Tork. Tor solo Ia Pittsburgh by Oils GEO. El. ISTRIA No. 140 Wood otroct, mid N. EIoCLAItRAN* CO., corn.. of lb. Moo:tend and Ilarkst attosit. trthlTi2atrtlooreovrT ELIXIR ELIXIR! OIL. Wll !GUT'S REJIIVENATING ELIXIR; or, LFSiliol ON L. 171. Prvatred from Pure r•plabli Rdraats, cora•lu:sig We, tilj irdl3l i. 12.1 to Ili. mad defogs. The Itajavenating Elixir la the malt of modern diatom:tee In the vegetable kingdom, being an QS- Wyly mar and abrtraet method of cam Inaspactlfa of all the oil and worn.ool nstataa la montane las boon taatad by tha 10002 em men medical mon of ths Oily, and by Moat pr. notional to bo 000 of lb. Fasten medical Moamar/so 01 lb. ogo. Oaa battlo will oar. Gonaral A to. dm+ corm Hysteria to famalet Ow bottba Conn Palpitation of lb. first. • am dans restores lb. err.= of boom-an.. from as to litavo 1.10100 man,. lb. moollnaas ftal Ono. of yonth. ♦ fleer doom moons rho aprwrltc 'throw With% =se that wont cave of Impotency A few norm .u, Owt bw Write& Ono bottle restores natal power. A tow doet• blasts t►. rant t. the ch•en. This medlau restore toaaeoly riser and robot health He poor, debilitated, reora-dorrn and de eladrlag deroteeof woman! plerunre. The Ilethee„ eaerrotal youth, the am-baked nun re orb= , the rialto. of aorooas depreorlnt, th e le dlrld el sordorlog from general debt:try, or from weak of a omits erre., alll all del lalsardlate Lod rrataattot roller by lbe use of this 12Ialr or ra ms,» of Lles Prlal AR For bottle, or three bottles Mr b , ,, and Arree4A by exareee, ea reaelpt of osottellar .1 addres. Nati by all dragalett ore." ahem DN. W. I. MENNEN a 00., 8010 Proprietors, No. II Liberty street, Ns* Tort. R.a to Pittsburgh by Dr. GEO. H. IL TSIC, Po. Ito Wood atra,t, and N. lilentA !ULAN &CO.. earner of tho Diamond a.. 1 Sivitet missals. trail Tttanditirsoni T CHEROKEE CURE. TO g 0 ILEAT INDIAN NtEDIOINE -en Comixnuoiod fro. Itootz:Therks sad Lntn. a. unfailing sum for Spermatorrima, damtual Weekneee, Nocturnal Embutious, and ail a 150...