The daily Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh [Pa.]) 1863-1866, March 21, 1864, Image 3

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    Bonstly Meeting.
pitishargh 6101 ette
i At an adjourned meeting of citlr,ts ii
6 Ward, Allegheny, hold at the ct.ool b c
Saturday evening, March 11, Th. e.
E , q., in the chair. thy following Preamble an
Resulut ion of the S.cb. 1 Boaro ,
-6117 AND SUB V12.13.AA, an w d a n d o rt:d. ea:
, we desire thst the onota of . ti•
Mat ward shall be fled mitir.ut a draft. taere-
fore: •
that so won a• tae purnos.d
Additional Election Returns.
for the assessment of *ales, for bounty par-
The following' additional election returns
poses alien be passed. • e are ready to levy
hare boon hand; d in for publication I tax for said object whoa instrarted r o to do,
.6CITICELY this district the I by a maj,itY of lega l outcryn. ''"
Union ticket ova, einoted throt.;bout, by anward.
average of far; v•tcs. The copperbeads ,
Nlosr, ILRI.s,
pollodas high ae twenty eeren votes. The fol. S. P. 5. , • , "'•
lowing art the names Lr the r.ic,essful e. 11: V 4
Justice of the Boom C.aconelSaryer; I
For.reis,rs, Samuel Neely, t:ardner !
Ass eahar,._ Elsa. Reno; At.i:tstot .
W.' B. H amilton , Joseph hl. Scott; Judcb of ,1:,0'1'0•:. that the rate of the ward, a. to
Election, T. L. Shields, Inst.ect,r,wh.:her sorba tax be teased In care of tho
Moilattiei Auditor, John beta; Town C le a n . • flo'alY Bill becoming a law, shad I.'
D. L. Shield.; School Directors, Wn. :.;ec 3 -, i t..l.en on Tuesday evening neat between the
Hugh Linn, 511chsel sfarl6ttLConsto.ll, hour: nor P. 51.
That a committee of thee oi -
Sorra Ptrran . nou.—iicrgess , 11 . 11l Intn
pointed to hare suitable ticket. prate : f,
Barker; Justice ct the Peace, Thomas Came: said election. 4
Messre..l.lsu i ns., Semi. Byer at! Poi 1.0,
Council, John slicker and :piney J. Brand',
for three years , and IL Eater sod Leon Brea. .PP.,in,te •
• hee,dc , ...a That said tax be asseassd, tad
rumen, foil one year: School Directors, Jona- I
and , ;
thee Brack, James Candy, James M. Neely, ; paid is one year.
.oired, That the School Board be in
Itabeyis,tasnutuA,Le6.l:: 1..
I ..tructed to make, arrangements immediately
Thomas Caa.ady; Jodgo of Elections, Beer/ tt incurs tie money as 0000 as the Booty
Geohrieg; Inspector, Jonathan Brauff: Audi. till passe.
tor, Anderson Dailey. Barges, Barker re. Re...clued, That tlaa "lonely Commissioner.
be instructed to commence recreating Monday
reined a majority of some fifty votes, while
the balance of the ticket was elected I,y an I morning, and to nee their discretion no to the
average majority of forty. amount of bounty they eball pay recruits.
robed That the Block Committee be in.
Wractsts Yowssetr.—Assessor, Wm. Swiss- '
to work immediately
I ” ,e . l ii ,.m. , b A i s it a o ilt ; an s t ur te i e . s o o , rs :
W Je r tn .
BP.ctbeibcuaczt, rogulce elocucn .ft's
Ji fo.K.hw; s4,to Diroctor,, john 14.. c k: con ii dny i t t d h o . election on Temaley.
Kelley; AuditoVJames Keller Judge of 1. " ' That the Bounty C""6""'"
J.. maKoirs; b e instructed lo add as many names as are
(Link proper to Block Committom ;
urea, James.ollmore; Inepectore of Election., ~a motion eljournod,
Henry R.Chalfeint, D. Bohm; Constable.
Smith; Township Clerk;lno. J. IS:oKed. C. A. CIIIII.BLIN, Secy.
atfla Towsenrr.— was very smell,
l'iseenidlogly close. Win. M. Shinn, U. wan
beaten for Joatico of Peace by Peter Ivory,
D., who led him three votes. Mr. Shinn,
hesrever, defeated himself by expreesing an
tßaillingnees to carve. The Democrats also
elettliGtitle of their Sopervirors, Wtn. Marjo,
lay*Miferity of one vote. Wm. W. Ileadly
sWasittheThadon Inspector elected. All the rest
of•Alii , TßLlon ticket was elected, as follows
Judglialfthn Brown; Inspector, Joseph Crider:
Elehoebirectors, Wm. W. Ileadly, John t..
GreithAnd Peter bangare; Assessor, Moses P.
Peebles; Assietant Aeeessor. ' Paul Seibert,
800. P. Q u ail ; Auditor, Jo hn Crider, Jr
Treasurer and Clerk, 0. C. Lightcap
MONDAY MORNIN 3.3.1? RCH 21. Ib6l.
Thomas Aiken and Edwin Burchfield; A.,
leaser, David Aiken; Assistant Assessors, J.
B. BAWD and David Irwin; Supervisors, Jnn.
8. McCall eind James Stitch; Anal tors, Jelin
B. Irwin and John Murdock; Tow, Clerk,
Wm. B. Reynolds; Constable, Jodie. Moyer,:
JgdEn.—Pirst Precinct, William L. Negle;
Second Precinct, S. 5. Brown: Intpeotors
nest Precinct, Mous PhUlipr, Jno. E. Baum;
Sikaand Precinct, William Wiley, Thomas
Destructive Fire In Allegheny
Saturday morning, about one o'clock,fir• was
discovered issuing from the wagon shop and
agricultural implement works c,!' Mr. Colon,
hue Coleman, located on Marion avenue, First
Ward, Allegheny. The building, which
of brick, was completely gutted, and the walls
sobeequently fell in. The flames o"lnnionice.
tad to the planing mill and sash and door fa
tory of Me/ere. White Alexander, carpenter,
and eontractors,'; which is. ai,ri dertroy ed.
The firemen were Orr mptly OD the round, but
owing to the inflammable nature of the c,ir
tepte of the buildings, they ri otd net be
rayed. The •'llope" a n. Cot ID it
lee, 1.1 the borer beramo ct taaisaraldr in
consequence of the fright roused ey the fire,
which wee In close proximity to the •nglne
house. They refused to pull, and lett the ap-
Paratus sticking in th e um I. .11., ix, I
ent." rendered goial Nets ice, 111 did nth, rtry
The building occupiet ho MC•6I.. Whit*
Alezantler wee butte of train, art c ere-1
with sheet I,n. It w - ttl f.::c I alth n:c-
We machinery, and the, had n
of mooch on hand. Their lot. t, r.:m..ttct et
$lO,OOO. on which they .r. mturita, tf
$3.000 In the nGirard — and .. l'eta,ylvanta.."
Mr. Caleraan natimatea his 100 at $7,000, and
he has an Inaurance of *3 000 in the "Alle
gheny." He had a large et•,k 4(111, ttccl
In the cellar, which ',alto hilt 1,1, much hue, -
ter than It would nthcrer!ce bare been.
Workmen bed berii employed in Coles:tor'.
shop until nine x'eloot Fridso r iubt, noel Cie
supFwatition is that proper wet:lull,: had c t
been taken In extinguishing the hefi•ro
leasing. The Ere ewnnt he notevuteil ti.t in
toy other gray, as it eistiortatt itiriee the bid id
The Allegheny tree en r,e.ived
their new hoe., etel they were c. ooh enneyrd
by the her.ting ret,en
le_ use:
We refer our ' , ad., ths a ievrt.sen-nt
of Messrs. Sister J. ata, y.ll crien a
large and ertll selected of a:. ALI
shoes, on Monday, March 2let, a: N • al
Market stitch, recnnd door fr,,,in •'h4l. It
is the intention of those gentlemen to suppl,l
their customers with. the .very heft I,rends
boots sod shoe, to Le had is the market, and
to keep enrat , etty on Land every r•ar:ay
style. They wilt devote epeeist' attention to
the ladies' department, and endeavor to suit
all taste., hotb in regard C. stile and :mi.'b.
Toting ladle. who are practicing gymnaeties
Till find a new and superior kind of that at
this bones, which is well worthy their stun •
don. The firm have every needful facility
for purchasing or manufacturing, as they are
enabled to sell no as favorable terms as any
other dealer, in the businer.. The gentlemen i
will he found fair and honorable in their deal
ing., and eci obliging to their pa
trans. Call and examine their stock.
The Sentence of Joseph Moore,
Convicted for the murder of Jocose Mon•
none before the C.Aart of Quarter Sessions of
Cambria county, was yesterday procouneed
by the lion. Gsonoz T.'Loc, before *thorn ho
was triad. The sentence la, that Monet shall
Imprisoned tr, the {Venom) Penitentiary
arm of siz year'.
' - tart of the trial of JO,4IPLI !Inoue
• • ra. We ihould hoe* been glad to give
"ilia tip of the learned Judge if it could
havr en obtained, but aa only a portion of
to wag committed to writing, such a desidera
tum eras Impossible.
Thaponts}otion of Moon for the murder of
ii113017/1 la a rare Instsnee of the slayer of
• itadgetr and adulterer being convicted of any dogree before a Pennsylvania
Government Bounties to Cease AprlL 1
Boa.ati or Basitn.umirr„ 23. n. DISTRICT, I
March 19, 1804. J
lii`the copy of the Presldeat's last call for
two hindred thouiand mon, as transmitted
by telegraph and published in all the popere
of this region, was stated that the Govern
ment butintles„aa now paid, will continue
midi April fifteenth, 1884," whereas, by the
ofilelal copy Jost revolved at this office, the
closing paragraph Ls In these wordy:
"The 001/oTllolftlit buuntie., u now paid,
tantalum until Apiti Ist, (first; 1864, at which
time additional htuanties crease. On and after
that date,one hundred dollars bounty only
will be paid, as provided by the act approved
July 22d,1861."
In the Eastern papers the tall is published
eamselly. Jostots Comfit.,
Commissioner of Board.
Colonel Montgomery
Tiels gentleman, who was formerly to the
rebil army, but who foreook the canoe and
took the oath of allegleceo, to expected to ar
rive In this city in a few days, and we would
seggesithet he be requested to address our
althea@ on the ettrreot topic" of the day, as
be Is a capital stump speaker, and Is compe
tent to give an I dog inside view of tbo
rebellion. lie deflected an address at BUTia
berg, about the time Govern* Carlin was
insurnested, and we have beard some of oar
closers speak to the most glowing terms of
his effort on that occasion. The Coleusl la a
2dlssisalpplan, and Wes • large and wealthy
slue owner before the rebellion.
BOY En.tro.— On Thursday afternoon
George Shook, a inn of Yr. Samuel Shock, o
N e w Brighton, vas almost instantly killed by
an eastward bend freight train. Brom the
evidence at the inquest It seems that he at
tempted to jump on the ears, and missed his
hold - and went ender, several of the trucks
tialithsie •hlia. flu right arm was horribly
mangled, his neck dislocated, and hoad_mtteh
braised. Ile lived but two or three minutes
after being taken up._
110anclito or: Maissavoolas.—Donlel
ras; ootontl , of Jelfeison esonty, Ohlo,
.Isollatad for .the `murder of Boolsmla
, fn, also colored. _ssaaoolsololoal . ol
IlMettArr Weaved/kb sad sintitosed to
lap yaw bud labor la tha . pirdtindbay,
beeilecgl mtii# ofthe Lan -
Lc-eq .11;
We glean the following items of Interest
horn the last number of the Oil City Rtoister:
The late "natural" rise brought en immense
quantity of oil to the month of the - creek. and
the lose (considering the groat quantity run
was eomparatively small—not exceeding Or,
thousand barrels. It is estimated that be
tween 15,000 and 40,000 barrels were run or
this freshet, most of which will reach thi•
market on the present rise. Prices alvancvd
—the ruling rr •re being $5,25 and 05,75 at the
wells: Some bolder, ask $6, but no sales a:
that figure. Sao', at Oil City at $11.50 and
Wit in balk, and $O, barrels included.
The total lose by the late fire at toe Merle
Shade well is as fo.lowli Surrounding tilc er.ll
were 20 large finks holding 17,040 banal,
The total amount of oil lest at the Maple
Shade wan 10,000 barrels. This, at $5 per bbl.
which Is the selling price, would be $30,1100
Th. tanks and fixtures would 111. , Alti I to
$O,OOO, making the total
1,00 barrels of oil, some engines and derrick.,
3e, were burned, belonging to other pert , oc,
which would make the aggregate. $75,0 00 to
The following Union ticket has been placed
nomination by the citireOr of Oil City
Burgess—Dr. M. L. Bagg. Council—D. W.
.11'Clane, P. Smith, Wm. Parker, C. Ratner,
Jacob Shrk. Justice of the Peace—H. Ful
ton. Ass...or—En. Wm..l. Bell. Borough
Constable—Edward Iluesum. School Direr
tors—Samuel Hopewell,: Andrew M. Gardner.
Overseers of Poor—Dr. L. M. 13agg, Wm. M.
Williams. Assistant A sss sorl--P. Smith, ..
M Gordon.
Miss Lallly b Ikitir
o are piCe.etd '1" Ile, a,
• roostpllsheil lady. well km. ten in Now
as an eloquent reader, has responded It or:
invitation frjrn our Library As...elation, and
will road at Alasonie {Lull on Thursday neat.
Warmly endorsed by Oliver Wendell Hutu...,
Chief J ztka Hoar and others we may be von
hdent of L. hoe d.splay of elvenrionarf p"• 0,
This Is Miss Shaw'a brat visit Wear, lint Jr ,
ing this teas. she has read in St. Louis, CE
oogit and Cleveland with greatsn I
her programme we notice htttiet'a e Barbera
poor it, Lure 'e Due, deal. reading of which orcisted such oensation taut
fall. :be read. •1.1.• Hoed'.. Sor:g of the Shirt,
one, W litre Valont.l.o and many •loor P• 10 -
tran•, prose end pert:. A full programme
be publish.. d. The lector, committee
are certainly actuag very generonoly tat I
t heir int/scribers—this being the t wellt to-.
tore of the coarse
.I.l4ault pou 1.1 atria. n
Oa ~Atttrday right eta late hour, a number
id rowdies writ artier rmy dieordtrl, oa
High - .trees, near Wylie. Two city itatAbiner,
Merton, White nod Met:reedy, were attre
I • the rp ,t by the noon, and requested the.
Zr keep quiet, hut Inca.' of •ing thiy
oesnmenAed An Ariel , . open thy wet
with vett ly injuring them
watchmen rapped their ma,• fee rerafArcr
to•nt, when be aisailanie fled. Tiw af the
party, flamed Thum. Jobe QAlaley.
were meted and taken to thu Mayers atfier
On their way to the office, the party followed
the if/leers and etened them until they retch
ad Fifth .meet. Teeterday morning Hill a
Quigley were fined eel in default of pey
meat odnamitted to jail for thirty Ala,. each.
Warrants bare been leaned for the •frf, of
others implicated In the nisault
Gownl . /sm.—Robert P. Brown .I,IU. P. R
Seiumep, mobile p.sir.g the store of
Getty, on Ohio etreet. Allegheny.
day evening, made en ontleught upon several
ttarrels of fish and pickles standing •t the
door of the store, helping themselves to the•r
contents, and throwing the fish and pickles at
each other and at persons passing by. To it
aetiopsattracted the attention of the police,
who arrested thorn and conveyed them to the
Mayor. oflee. The. Mayor toed them $.5 And
etutte, which they paid and were tits:hal-get!.
Tea Nayst. Baselea.—ln the list call the
President asks for men for the naval service,
as well as the ailitnq. The regular pay, ra
tions .and clothing are the same in amount'
but in the naval mnice there is a chalice for
making fine hauls of prize money, In the cap.
tare of blockade runners. ftneh a businesa
would meet the views of ninny cdronturcus
young fellows, who perhaps could not be per.
guided to enter the land service. Let such
make up their mind. quiekly; for after the
first day of April the Government booed. of
$3OO end $4OO cease.
Itioxxtr..— A. few day age, Mr.. Han
nah Crabtree, arrived to th• city from Phila
delphia in search of her husband, who had
left her some six months Billo4l to come to this
city. After considerable search she found
her truant lord, but wee surprised to learn
that he had married a Miss Harriet Hoed on
the 21st of December last. The ceremony
was performed by Alderman Nicholson. She
entered a complaint before Mayor Lowry
against Abraham, for bigamy, who ma. nr
teated and committed to jail to answer the
charge at Court.
Dthosentats Cownver.—On Satarday eve
ning two young than named 'Mostly Sloss
and Samuel Mitchell entered the shoe store
of Mrs. Alpert, en Federal street, and
lordly assaulted Frederick Stahl, who Is en
gaged to the stare. They ware arrested and
taken before Mayor Alexander, who need
there ten dollars and toots, whiob they peld
and wore dhebarged.
ATNAPOLTI.—ThO Ist Michigan rumt
ment of Sharpshooters, under command of
Col. Chu. V. Deland, who have been detailed
at Chicago, since August last on guard duty,
passed through the otty on gamrday night on
their way to Annapolis. Company E of this
regiment is composed of I 1 t Cherokee Indians,
under command of Capt.. E. T. Andrews.
They attracted great attention while at the
TRZl7ll.l.—Miss Arent& Jones, who Is' well
an.l favorably known to theatmgoers, will
isommanoe an engagement to-night, at the
Theater. She will appear as Leah, in
the celebrated play of "Leah, the Versa.
Tian.-00 Saturday evening about 12 o'oleek
ihv broke out in the U. S., Barraeks, on
First street, but vim extinguished before
much damage was done. The fire originated
(out a defective flue.
Finn Wain Baum Miinno.—The citi
zens of the Ward will meet at the Pabllc
school Howie, this evening, at 7} o'olook.
Fall and punctual attendance Is rot:feasted.
MoTIIIIIIIII OF OFJr. 1:324111 . .—Li0UL Gen.
Grant yarned through LonWalla, on Saturday,
on bla way to Wuhlngton. Ile was expected
to roach dug city lastnight.
_LI —WM be told, al tha Alloabony Whoa, on
Atoll tat, mental FLATS and FLATBOATS, to pay
whatfate Tba owners aro mined to emu* tol
ding and p
go chtnes,ay o eta A
, seta
rnbt•ul WU'S:tooter, Allothaot Wa.F . f. •
ham, • Droning unastapg Mr, isms, Idt.-
lua on tbe wrap nry.•Boo lan Dinenizi 'in." —
dm In oniz c ruint , r•y•npen torn
VP , ' 4144 . ,
. -i ' .:.40--
Z:11 tkit
CAIIO, March 20.—C. W. kfe.N.Sharzer,
am: of the V: 5. Sanitary Orimml: et .r., at.
triowi.ilger the reeetpt Cith Reid, re
f:el:it o.ivaiditridlot % t I Ida
SI•S nrr f.r:::..eid :lie it biir r .furrect
' brrte. r dike
FR( )11:1 W MING . -
gpee,i I , tep.tehicoatel•lttet.o,, t: seer:..
WaiiiiiGrox, Silva, 2n, 1.1n,4
The Laois rot:ire:ring thr releilae tee r
rateit in Califs rria on taking till' Pre. iiirn•
Oath under 1110 amaeet. proniamanion—e bri
rzfartV., L. rb Ith RaS jecert:y pnnac-•h_
be:oro ;he :71art,:ne
a p'ot ra. lain Cc ir:oto ono mtnrn
armed Cc.:/fonia :Ft
to can lodU 01,ar nue c rer:
reel pr:Ta tee, 'I. Tom man 1-1,1 nrig nate
the pt t t Llebther.l kr.J te,ared
aclu, mur f roarpc Itt
rebel govero r end ailh the, retv.e
t San Finnt!pco anii ley nem., 2.)
complete his eoheme when it wits diecevercl.
Re was arrotted, the proof nine
and he Nevoid bane been hong, when Le do
mande id the right to t. ailLlemeif of
Preeidentie e ,nertt —1.,0k ti.e oath and WI,
cacestarily dismissed ecott free
of eimilar ca., in large Luthi,m, IF admitted
hole, e.h.l er...prt4 w::1 le ma,it , to bele the
Pee,ltieht in setae racy this derfl.
flhdMSpl..o.xt&.pflJflVflJWl higist lay 1.0.11,
the rebid vare et•ewpted to orors th•ty.o,.
pahrinn,k a' three sii.ff4Trit fiirci , ILs
were dion,siend tisei?) 11•1 -
age. Al icvcriy Ford a sharp iistie ..
tarred bi fire they were repulreO, i¢ whird. we
',AI ',Le thirty 1,15 012 era, inoluding tea at
three °Cool:. It to aeppo•od 1u3.00 that
thi! was the !..eginning of the rebel raid, con
cerning we hare been having eagles
rumor. for aunts time. and by others, that it
was roiltninary to an attempt of the Rebel
army to tutu 1aki , 10 . 4 gunk.
a w o Lund-ad and fifty thruaand dollar. are
t be eepande.:, if the Lill trcm tbod
tee on Tertitorlea porno, to build c.ipitals and
penlteL:larie- lor Nrvida. Daeo
tak Idaho, Arisora, and Mvntop•, forty
thoo.antial;llara to each, and .area thotteaLd
mere to ea.l. for buffing a law ltbrar.r.
Till C[Ne C 5 cP 1P.11‘..
t i•ropo,ed to provarle by law for (allo t {
Ito rer•nr of I lab..
Th. Naturinal Speechmaking Society •pith
meets in the huil of the Rouse of Repro
crory Saturday to I l•ct speerhai t o
mply bonding, name to a fitting end sot
Satnrdsy. A crazy men appropriately eloaed
tEe exer-Isti R. the ❑.. use adjourned, by
mounting, tie leek a deck and deeiaiming a
poem alwat ,:,d an I Libt,ty.
an.l Ai , it of v.venl,
uhtlent thst f.- the reteht tith .
Uraht the motetoen'h LI the
Pt.t,m hrtny tt. rwro t. ilth Metule elated
yerteeoo nrrni I.erk three
lry uer• Ter B • nr Prior:meat .0
1% •.:.111,ct.,. 3•
ite,l 7 t far day, He
1,1 1. , •b:, lyel,l Ad•
nrtry I' unierti..od har• 11,41
n•• 1 am • 0,- •e«• g an'g%
aLot., nl c..trre. will
Panic ,•• :ican Is
o anAct tekrn
1=!1=1!1!111 1 ,1
' o•Le e', , inn It
remclubero.l Ma' tho
n•rted bi•Lntoianti., .1, Major ii.nern: •.f
ilr 1. ;low, nl Yranr• rerp,r,r,
• the wepr gocar•lrby In the
rrir . %, tr.s-I• I.;
V ,,, ^^
the rn.
ffroilvr I .r r.
n., .Ia• hun , l•cd rc ••e tV,r,
tho, ./.1116 day tar sg
Prow ihr
N 1,1? T c r
dispatch fsabn ,t • Asir,. f the Pot , ,n olOi•
:Le tIVIta .eI,L nb L:t w ILIr a< osi '&l4 by
A tietwr_titurnt f the retwl luny , sewl
it ic ck •• E - c-lei.ckahufg
Wudue,day ight. tue fol L.. ing 3.; t."
Brysn, cr l'enr•yt , ••ic
Hpture.l twenty of
On Friday • dct e 4 u ,,, ,!
enemy crialed •t Surtiin's •rd and drore
the 7th 51m-big/tn . . picket,. but were cu Me
ductal,- roput•ed ae.d lorcod
The 2nd e'srpe were diseoerging ii.eir
all Saturday forebbou, a hiah may per Lap
areouur fr.r the firing bear.: In the dtrectio.
nr Dom. rf jo*. The, ere other todlestione
of rebel damonetr►ti.,na which are Pet prop,
to be published. Stuart Is Mating his eavalr)
•t Cb•rlotteeoiile,where he hies throe belasrdrir
and at Frederielreburg, where be bits two toil.
Thotaportad sari:opt of tho enemy to pros
at Raocoon Ford was not rorreat.
The Ist Mcchigan cavalry, 12110 stronkwent
to the front on Saturday.
Twelve deserters frJo the 10th Loab lana
rebel regiment arrived It our lines within
three day.. 'They are the Ant deserters that
have come In from that regiment.' They get
hold of the President'. proelamation wbleh
was du ributed by KllpatzioVe raiders.
WAN4lngtan City hems.
Wseereoros.—Tbirtytw•, vessels are now
nearly ready for tee, hat are waiting for
crews. The transfer of sailors from the army
It Is suppeaed, supply the demand..
The HOW* Committee on the jediciary
ha. Instructed its chairman to report with a
reo•mmend•tion that it pass Repreeen Wive
Wileon'e Joint resoletion, proposing to this
several lute legislatures an amendment of
the isonetitution abolishing slavery at Incom-
patible with a Republican government.
to. Representative Kellogg, al 111., it 1.
reported, in to be the Governor of the new
territory of Montana.
There seems to bo tro deobt that the Senate
will pass.the House bill, providing for Its or
ganisation. The appliesets for the ether oM•
ees are 111313,101,0,
netters from Europe report that all kinds
of titbits of nobility aro to bo conferred by
Mailmalllan on the seeessionist", who in
largonetrubare attend hlm from Paris to Merl.
eo. Dr. fiwin is to be a duke.
From NCIV Orlcau■
Now You', March 20.—The !mold'. New
Orleans letter of the fah soya that Col. Tsv la h• Pri Md. Cavalry,'arrived yesterday
rem Madisonville. They had soeutid horn
ghat place nearly •ll the country between Tan
nipahus and Pearl rivers. Th• 9th and lOtn
tattalions of Louisiana rebel cavalry were
drives from Chappapeld river and a number
of them raptured, of also some of their blood
hounds, with which they had been bunting
tonseripta, Thirty negrues, captured, by the
rebels from a plantation near Port Pike, Imre
been retaken.
Oa the 9th there was not en armed robs!
within 00 mtins of Madisonville.
From IHlem phis..
Maarten, March 18 —Gen. Ilalhul made a
sperob to the city Council, giving them to
understand that If they did not clean the city
nod take rneasuse to improve Its sanitary
condition, he would stop their collection of
tiles and do the work himself.
Gen. Ferrest fa reported to organising for a
movement to West Tenneemee. Be has ob
tained a large number of horse", and le
mounting bla infantry. Gen. Chipman's
cavalry is welching him, aek will she him
warm work if he advances northward.
&rota the Kanawha Region.
Now Sou, March 20.—A Virginia dis
patch says that on the 19tb all was gated on
the Shesandoah VAIq. ' There Is ao move
ment of the enemy of a 'Mem character.
The latest infaintetion from the Kanawha
Valley doe, Dot oontirm them:am that the
miyi !trice wasto owing o:tiparb!)l
"thaits timid.. Indication AO thelmenry
From Cairo
eonttnbuted or the cause purl,
63[1 t 7,942. Fear's double
this acarlase hare been aided t rat'ons cba
: ing, traneportion, e e.
The stenmer Loa 15:1.
up Gen. liu!but. en Tonto tr f bOlOO to ri.i.
sick family. wilt. , , o.t. ru o blle? r.t r
St. Louis.
Tho ~ Darner r .n.) 'tut on ..•e. :••
Egg Point. fit 1.,. :1.. , It ro n•I
Yo lire: oerr ••• .11•• t l-er rig-En tra.
• ...rot:.
SLr Acr, or .1 rh.ta
It.. sr, lira car , -Utlaia7 Oft
Tae g
2.d . IndiaLa
re r:l'et,l vll rm. e•rire .i, en rout
t.- r.-.,
F.r) reJ2I bison
, ni V Irk
te ulphir cutt, malkoi MLA dn:'
undlangen . re..blpto by w. four
or tnc trod I,: /Iv Nuento nortb,
f ne Jar g r
(.7,3x",,,, March Grant and
e tan ...Fired here itis wn-ning, tit d left
right for WaeL47l.,n. tec•man ale •
arriccd n i. Ir.urulLg.
DA. V It, I. \ V —t•l. b tzt,l•3 t Ten/e.g. dlAtt.,l
I •t t.r panwtiv, by E.
c. rAe. DA V it , to nom.
L.: 1:.: 8:1 o; A It 1.
by 116. P. D. naaptoon. Tifkritol J.
t - Lay o: Pit ta:.orgl , to 111,.. 11•RUI
6. II I:LLEN. .Inoy htor N 6.0)atolo Fr •
Sontb L'alor, too ash:r., Pas ot, Po
JON Ktt ,• `ry evnti - or, o' pt,T. Ttr.a,••
Joneti, Pe., In Ire rash year of Pm spe
fanctai ..1. tots piace from 1.1. let• ottarn, •
on Trenatt-, Petat, rattan •1,1 1. lentsod tit-or pt.
Tateola}, at 2 e'clork D. nt Tbe f lradt ar
farnll7 are int •t-el i.• atten I alatut
far - Oar not r
ntor.lnt March I.Ltt,
phlce o• Hetler, to bet :!th
Too tr kod• of lb. f.mily aro rnrye•lo ly Int IM
•tt•od tb.. fon•rel on Tnt.tday morning It 10 , ,
from lb. i ecd nev of hot htnitostad In Fast
Lll.rty, to prootetl to A.ltgh•o) Grtn.tory.
LT Oh' I.ETTERS remaining in tho
POSTOFTICE. at A I. 1.1:011i:N T. Pa.. at Mon
on SATr RDAY Mart l9i h. I ra
Pn'11 , 11• ralbrig r..r th.-. 0 will
tl,•y •re adrertlard.
too. , 6a t..tnao Mary
.Anlaln A 1. nin )1 ta , Pat La TA.,
A narr.s. 6,11 0r... taw+ A Mar, A
Dtnl^l iGarolu, 1! 11ate.1,14 1211 r.
A n , lar. ,, n marsh ..)arrnau,lll.ll /I.Aar
Adams Pusan II Gt.', Jobn 11.411. , ty !la
Arrtn Jahn J.. 12” :io.r,, 1.1. in- ./
is. A. .11are•er JUL.•. uhr. i.aT
nn , , N If Ilaaoa
Al,-t. MA, iiil.l. • 1..% t,l n,
B/11 , 1" A M. I. J :111t,c01,1
111.1,.'i iii:,. ark.,l3
r J 1--e.rlzht
Il.huz..rthhh, I .h ht.r•th rh.hth.
11,. LIIFT, J.•.,.. 61.1.'44 hhhh
llamar.!. ^ I: t h
y J. rhh . •11‘ h..“• It , hrhhhhhhh. •hr•h•
, II •n NI•• t•
Ben., ph.n J.., • hhh h h, t h
11,1- James Is uf,
J. F., • J.r.. • •Rri•yr.r. Claw
Rr r L.:.
Itorrrri l•rorro •Ir•ro , K n
Rarthr.i. J,L Rts•rrs, Lrnr,"
14•1 , .. , Ir•or
idc• • Lowr:r. It.. I T ,Snydar Env.
It-nu, Lee, Lo•r. '.•• , t.01 , .. , "! IR. , I
V•hral.. Jar• Isrrnirklns KR•lra
1‘ •.4 31.-y LAlRruan Jrrhull !NW, V 1
Rliwir Morrintvt L.,•on L rriterrenkra Ans.,
11.•;rirrrn Lo.tlirrerr
It:. t rr. • Lt., IT rtr Smith Jsr•
RA ivy H su ea:WA la* It
c, a.ry 1 11 4440g,'."
It a.l ulib awrith Jas
.le a r ,, r. A Shallauberrr J
IrplaArd Adsonl drtylAr A11 , ..rt ,J4L1111154.0 -4
A 11.1•,,r 1. s-on• T
entno A :Al Salta if
1 n•rt.o r
r syr.on7
efrt• r
••• I Jam, %ht.. r,
t .•••• v. ):.• t.• {V J ,n•Crr
•1•1••.:1 11 • 1..• 'La, K
•.mr, n 3
A 11• r• r•-.. 1 , n rk, 1:-1*- • •
N•• 3 In: 111•rgarrt
•r...+\lor I. ilarr 111 t 3
1: 1 t u
/I r
l• J ( , toot J.... Vt.,
1,7 Jam.. Ill** 71 o •toto•il joor Nt.n.. )twit
o t t t o..s, Joot t , Hr, soor, , P•ogitt I loot..
yiss Slotry Moen.
Ito !Iwo, J toi c 0..• llmrt•
l•aris 1 1Ary I J,. 1•r.41. A rot P It; Frortalol Fitz, W.:1...0n:J0
1,c1• , .t Ist tssooo :o• :tot st aolosoot 1
1t..1 t 90 - 9.1,,100t 4nro
la, Arn I:t V.a W•oof A us...
1, or
..1 boast
• .• E.ont st..• J.
Nscs, I.stt!ri i.n.rn.
s.V.Is V
r••sr i•ar N~ly ll•rthri it bit. lilts;
I Lisa , S•••••• Ms , Wrtgl,t t) r
Mar!: '1 , ••11-1,7 Nra
Si !, /I I:rr- , amrs W•r.:
Olirtr Ms•ga.^,t !N . H.
.‘4.,1 A mails
Thorp,. Annie 1
:ors i.Pstsrs. , l A T.uct Nn.'?
Palms, F
FA wrET. RTI , III,It 1 . u.
n, fo. ofltua of Cornuot
..Wort a. dotiawn of 11. ',pub!lran t vivo
• ••onla Coo. , • r
—Umn Cotim, or Pon, tam ush.p
otualldato for , ba abo.• (Mc+, Eject lb. doom.
1.7.1 or be Oulto &opt:Winn County Convontlon.
r'FOR CX)RONlCR,—t'oLomoty Sate,
or lit, MID ghat, will be • r-rtridtrtate for Con
at. subject ..• the rlori.l'on of rho Unto. County
.4.m0. ret , olaote
—Jon , ti tom. ~ f 1. Ulf. troremblp, ultl
14 • raarfidato for OnLittn robJect to
Urn florist.. of tho redo° Republi.ran (bunt] Co..
•'rice roht.darrlo
_ _
•{CII/11.X. PILLOW, of Cut sleet Township,
.111 be • candidate fur the orno• of Ooooty
onote.rt to t 1..• d•Asloo of the
raO Oa a..., tloo. fma:ctme o
Ptatat viii t.• • r•ndldot• fof Mlle,.
f`toitboout•m7, emblem to Me lemialon of th. Cult,
Ft•pobllcao Coollty ()poem:doe. 1•1.1. to
R. W lace , ofthe 811th Want, Plttehorsb,
urn" he • oattelttlato foe the aloe of Prothoootati,
esablec , the .I.rletoo of the Colon tterthllean Ono.
emotion. 1483 e
Ilem .111 be a candidata for tha albs of
dectlenoinry. snideet to the decision of the tialen
Iftepohlkao Co.r.ottna. AZY.te
lts7 etrzci. ' , sal P
tar • ROT/lONOT
outdl/I•Le f A
ar Lb• La —TO s
Pr/AA/to/Uri, traldatt to docialoo of lb* Urdu.
Lisa/tab/Iran Cool , nton. •IL:ts
E. Croons ho • candidata for tho oaks of
Prothonotari, nitileol no du decision of the Ont.
(POI{ (()Ittiti ER —M. 13. liAnncll.,
-/ of Birmingham, trill be • candid,. for Oor.
.Im...object to ths decision of the Union itoriblioan
County Conoontion. tohitolsosts
Tr.;:?(X/RON F04,-401331 MoOccuto, of
. o> the "'lnt W.rd, Allegheny, ‘lll be • caodl•
d an for Como. of Allegheny Ornutty,sutieol to the
uotelon of the -coating Connty Onion Oorreantlen.
BROKE AWAY, from the Allegheny
%aloof, on the tdaht of the 1010 of March, a
balk OIL PLAT, with the OW. of 11011d161 .
McBIODIL on the end alit.. It le about h 0 It, long
hp 14 ft. wile. The trn k bead and part of the dock
late on lb. boat. A Basal reward will be pall So.
In rortnaOco of the boat. There woe a Traarb mak
boat Ord t. It *Mn It broke away. cab One
Jit MALI!—Two Cast Iron IILAtST
CYLINDZILS, to work perpendicularly; forty
Ischia diameter, sis feet stroke ; suitable fora Glass
cod Pkrnsce or Refinery; ail cortiplote and In siesi
order. Enquire of
ODLE-ILLS, ,WEST/1111•14 k CO.,
0201/ name edema canna." Pa.
I. We bars commenced recolrlag a very Oda
IA of 65,000 bushels flautheras Wheat,
eqoel to thatsrctu elblob Ow Walked grad*. of
St. Low. P.M if mode.! We arm nor papered to
fern tib oar outcasts with fiver 'goal to Ibis Nal
et.lo l ab s brine*.
11. T. IiToMIDT 1 PRO.
e OARICIErqId sad tarialshe
UWoiy iat•Li
GLAD T.IDI tick,
L:<. now of. , R•. t—' 1• . I.
• c.:c.t aii• Lp 0.0
ere bundrej, nod f - 1)
i• i
What Is Parerla Brara
TFiE U1:115,..LT OE'.%
It he• t,f , O.* 11...1
IQ.' Prat... for tr arlf trvasarle• Te. VI .1,
PA LLE.Y.I.I URA V A In v. • vt•re ~,
Within th•• }teach ot All
1.1 4 a./ dao , anoa of Om Maid, Id" - ! - 4. •`
or !heroical El•rol:Irr. Lu.
C.:- aril I, 4tH, evrep ,, oru: In I 4 port, t.-
ars . relno , ve;: .. b
Trung many
, nnny a a ITertng frun tn. run
111. cuo..inent cj.n oat, Ind.ina et Inn r•.no:
!mould I. tn. b,1114. wlrll , le , /.1. Tnt ay n
Wen. lon,•
NiuTutTs txpirro.rnoi
a) rs
a:ttiug the.. alvta, Which •.• 121.101 .“10,
rant a• n•rtir to th• re I tl.., , tauc). 11,1.
irptm Pita Mr. I. , ay awl Ih..h. • 14.
asatert tutor. rarosaltr•a -a pra•ltral, alo
pretractod, DX la I. log r..allottral. All
oat, •gra• that won. rho efh•td.
hkA 121.12. IN 1 1 1, 4 ( . 11 I .ail)P4
1 , 3!IIM=!1!!I!I
n. Lb.• a. or
totA t ton' Int, ,•••,• I . •••: tf 1,114, o.•
:. • • t.
O f...
.10 4,1,, ts.
17, riwin , u,.
app.. a..., 11. age*, •
rte. .I, r: *la
Throw Pray.... to th DOtrh,
Ilona. i pun Furlough,
11. 4 7
. 4
4,11 fir, t••
ih• p--tal. ler 1.••••• •
•<• 11,1.1nr,
af• Abu, L15.,1, • u•• •
a' OTT N - Ci MEN
mar, n V.. h an, 'lb
ca.. rot arr... awl 44.4
¢ll , ll .floe a cora, a
weds Ilvoir n$ nor
in voteraddloo rh..Edtr.. $. lb
dooonrbod, or sd g./.llltla pot:sot*
a0p......11y name ..1 old •tpr, un q m, ld d., trj
• 111..firte• thoi boo Wow/ Ow tow 4 tow., and I
whortooltou with tb• oho hi 1 o.
NI grJerttully orattlest. st, us, ad amt.., n.
Prio• .05i IL DOLL Alt V' la It onT.rtac
Wholer.ale: ,f,kl Ft,,laii
bitil'ATUEl 1301 I, • 1-u /let/1 elrftzt
roe 1, .or. or sii d1r..... ...As. !Tam ... Impure
01M0m.... fvosos
I.lofis, Chow..., lAr
ear. lery•Oml.... /11.11s.Plen ,
Wage Itt. rare, ewe Jr..K Bald
Head, Tot.. nl..r Lou, Old and
atiabbure illsolosoOSa Diaordera,
Dmpapele, Ch.lveZkrer, Jut Wire, 8.11 Itheam,
hlortusial blermace, General Debility L 1•41.7 (kap
pleinte Lt.. of Appetite, how 9pirlla. Toal Iltearaoh
r. 1. Oomplelets, toeether with other db.
olden Item se Improper condition st the
elrrtgatot7 xyztere Ae . enteral Tonlm
Ile abete t.olgurott, sort
ammo* fall to t. -malt, where
mod pareetertogly sad err
oordbrg w direetrona
J. I. PULTON, Drugght,
Whnlesaie and Retail Agent,
7 . 4T01i, „ p7 on 149 F 1,711 Satz;
1 01 K
frZ.i „:4
------- . -------
x. oi.reng LI 11, 'kW.
so Ila•ch rqh. 16,4
I. • ^ .art
Nancy nde r.
Ti.wm g
[,. 51
It hu, 1..,1 M. • ~{a,i
GALCCL , )",h
IFILAM.IIIA7I,I or I'd 61...0[1
hesitti, -14 y,
att. • •tatt•rer •.t
114,•tti, L. < ary•
by •••
• Tlap•bt b ro. II
•trlctr , -• , y° tZ.
li If: I_7 N
1r4.-"tear , .l
►o. Wit KIM
/1171130111117, PA.,
. 17 ISCELL.1,1rEOUS
LI v.ll,
M xf
ru. ILn .✓f, , leutp.
I• r r
P it.
Got •ie.t. I
o:i• s. .1
lav•rn, o.
I. • . AI ,Iteay
i I• 6 , 1 ,,i, I, Cl [1,41 r••er
I Il•rn - y I.'ls,
iAuguA. Kra-td
I At. phm Bit tu. ,
Wm thru
; 1.1..nry rt,-.•.
i. P/411, ••••,,,
• r,d•He in .utta
I'Li.ii. I'l I.
Ad.m lop h:.
Jamb liming,
lge, Nau,
J• l,l r. 8 ,,,,,, . -
V• mun• Gab, , 1,:. dn.
Tot-r Atm,
Erne., k.,/erg, do
U.,.., Ulan,
..1.., am,.
!.1.•. Kn.p,, en,
1 II myY. Id' 1,0 , , 4,
, .I.'no .. L. r ,
1, Jahr. nr. 14001,
J wk. echo odo
Fr.* -1, terndo.
I.nfir,n., J .
F ra n k u•nr,
Frank BOY, Ja
Jam• ..11,..
Jacob Gn., ta In. ...
John J..c••,
Job.. tiollnldren, d..
Jag on Ir.,
Ann Dn. ett.
liar, Valaer, ••1 1 ng ban, ....„
And, a .1 1.,, d'o, Pan.t, et ln•rtrshl,
AIM 11rall•nro 431, tIL, el. 11 • 1 •Oen.,..••111b I, i
Fa.- r It •nhavr, do do;
ala.ane.or Sci:rev. d.., F..., Wyman',
111••betb ?arm ••••• d., •ban., tnarnahip, 1
Pnt, B•nlne, .ailnit hon.+
WI Am, '
IN THE BEST STYLE & HANNE, 1., ,, •••r 14, Ma" . Ip,
)11 , b... 1
An hrl•.',
b ts. S lar•rn 1 1.1•• o.rnshll.
71”. 1 ourt ',II In., on ,I . EI I VESI , CI. )larch
!KM. 1..4, $l, 10 ...!..-k • rn Ittan.n•nrnnree alual
In Mod 0.1 or 1.1.'t• I/..1• riny Ayyln antra -'II t.n'n';
ilr.” t•-.od. to 'an ,111 . I. 4.-• • the 1 , n...1h...ring
n'l.ll ",..1 . 0 /1 FRI: , \ .11',1r.
4, . ..A
•atlng It.rrningn••••
lA, 7,
• Inc h cur
c. t Mr=mg`otrn
Paqu.nn kwrollgh
E:!ss , tht Foroacl., D ESIR AB LE (FOODS,
Na ran Lawn 11;;•.
ear p.t.orp
K..1.t6-th tow ni,L.4l
I rural... gyp.
j ,
ri; , ‘ , Nasl CLAIR s'l
.Va•ex College
i . 111 4 ,41• 14, ka ley •• •.1 .A.jr
J Kti IC Ifs t 62117141,
i11.,..04. Y.
~, ...-
,r. .
ta•••, t. , r. vat 'Rt. rib., .1
det.,lll .1.- ••• nqu••11-1
7 . , IT, Mom
.19> 1 1
lonlitoghtn) t onl and Nut Coal.
, L• % . :j itla
r_meLm sem!,
t 0.., • , auttt. 4 , 1,61,44 (24 ,, • • , C , •`••
~ 3.. •4, La• ttp t 11 t p t•t•rt
•. rf tt
. ram a A r,
lo 'RN ar2 4 4, 71 u-aat
Yittannrgh lx•rd6rar
A DNI IN1z: I HATOtts 111TCE.—LV
-I,r, CI Adensol••••tson up u at. c , f
W 14, of,ch,
`, I 1...13 ...opal 1., 1,6 u, d-tssA...l .12 pe 600.
ta,..61,,,n to ti,6 •61,1 eet•t• rusk.
• ••f 2 , 21.. 66 0,104 .2$ 1 m. ,h.
••m• t.. 14,001 . hr./4 RA flr.a,
Itun. UT J.
11? 79tnt et • 'el Plttabca , gtt ,
Or, t • 90PKINP1 A LALE,II, ILLS Pine etn-ws
1 qC>4
A la9ro asmortment IN,C7rt AND COrliTl/10
Dot:151 DIALLIIII , fuo pap.. le cloth, la
roan, I• Imitation Torksy, do Turk. Illoroccc..
ltli Olt edgy+ and with m , rlrl.edva—alti iaa
patent pLantpo And eloAtto (extol:olNp. All its, .0
frnon Eh* C01T61011 , 4.t to the ‘nry 1.6. Tar oolA
me...noble mu* by
Wit G lIMINSTON A CO., FuLtloners,
.11 Itow•lrre• ^ Wood eteret.
Aria,. CA ND raci • nmAT,t
IMIF I f,IC e.,ll.firnyofc
♦d•mr Zzoemr LIM., Fulsrryh, PL
;oh I ,itn ',llrar
uothort.--4.. °paned, • lam. •tc•-lt of
Lrrrilt AND f A! PAPERS.
♦l.n, Ea VILI.PLA, la gm.t nrdor• and
qualltle• for ...n ••••• for sal. by
I.l' fl. .701iNFT(I! , J (XL P. Nalewn,
wver Ft Weed .rves
I k r of Admino.tration
. n rom• nf J 1.1. of
th. a , titt•hursh, Ileo••••,41, Lon In..
.0 th....4-crl Pt. ill
reagn....d to en , ..k , Imo,4:llnit•
•ot Ott. 1.•• go, cinlm• .rt .1. m•nd• mualeut
nro• a.ondeot en•lt.mal•
• 1 boll d. 1..
11 , 111C.7 P. TOW VAF.N D. 4mHlitratn.
~,, 1 1.1••rdor •••rth
"rd... for purclote of COMER, NCO!, It, g•
&Indult., executed.
Ppecial attelatop g - 1.11 to st,lppior
Ref. - nag, by parattaloa, to.
Moan. !burros, Elatnott Not Torlt
Rua Wbethir L Co., do ;
Middy, Ithaford t t'o., ;
jai ameo
Doush ll my, Woods At 13411mors,
Mato at al &T 021 . 4 0 VTICI, V.d.rt la ...INA, attar
Bmlthßlld, PRlaburgh.
Ar-knotrtottganrut. of 'hope:Mona and AM
es'elke taken. At Dada, Mort,o,na ankle* of
Agreosetrnt, Lesara and Lsnd l'orp•roof oe:a . Mod
(4scosopes w lames Holmes & Co.)
DWr to DACML A 11D 6 11a11 , 01MrD mats,
(MINIM MAIM= A.HD Tian rrnsrre,
BENT--811 . and well=
= 2MI be 402.4 au. aaaw ilSanat
t 4,
367 Liberty Street
ron.rie.ors wad Manufrcrorr, for Wettrrn
Prr , ory:r•r•, Icdlarrr,l:lln. 4, add In ,:.
scy- article
Palra. German, Olive aad B °sin Soap,
C•f can Lv 50 kr, whk6 yr,
70.1,,: L .. •:•-: th.
L. , , - 1,4:71 rr . y othar
5..,-.1 tr , r, r
' • tr, t!' r; Pr 1 1:1 SOAP
a., • t t. cr • hi•L
.I—,r l• l• g,lo
n, s
•,,,rl4 A t.t. t4t. r 1•1414,
1 in
It, •up•r•-r Et•
.I•«•o. , •ry tn int. Ank. • Ins. t . . - “In
• at. tat, , ,cd Ist , sp •Id .c.
.111•r$ faLd ri, of the •a,.. • tr,ii
L. e•rootrllsil o.a!na •
oar eltr,llons.
nlll et YI , E CENTS rKE d.ll i 1000 7 ' I EN WANTED,
pound tw.. it 4114,••••nd te bowl+, or In rl- I •
Dllttlittlitln and Ii
chary, 1 , 1r...-Emos tor use on . 1b.,.
dt , ..vnt to IS. tr,L4e.
1:.-cemnt• now ahrnev! .Cl weL la
PTL.N • • ca 2. Llt..rty • tv••••. •PV•
sit.. Pen's, is ern. 11•11ror I •..•• rI,, •
4-11 , 0•ary 6.lllrtrt•tio.,; COUP It,
tramog et, 5r....-.5'1,1 - F.ft 4.1:L
—•• Nation•i . t
79 FEDZILAI, STRUT, ' Allegheny
4 0 Ai, —4,6101 a ill oe 4 . raal wad at
It.. ta Orr W. k., N.
N-nth Nef•ntlf stz•el woo un.a. 1 - 111 DAY
an: .1, Is 4, In. •.,o,ing it....A. or ar, ,a•t
• nf Ll,tott lfiTl'll (Noes
•ll.t Lam,.cttaolo In .0. toaoloantnn• of Itininlna.
lia, .0 to dnlis..ied on the railroad trart• of
lin dal Worl., at lb. In!, Ward and Ninth Warn
'tat na, tba telineing ' , anoint, quantifier • elibt
thong sod Inn• in each o , tn. fonnths of Soptann`xr,
• tober Noren.i.r. Ite , ..innn, and .11 !banana?
1••• • in .ac`, 0• an. tinnati, of Jan, Juts., Acy,t,
I ani .84 J•oca•y, 1.6 oaf, ef.d
L-h, Wfl de! e•red ler.e. L:1, ats.4
spprao••: nt the. [LIR - m.4.r of the le, w e , ~,
Sc t-t the 'near., Ith eh the reh , n. Le
Is. prrph.ede he:oh d«-•elbe th•pra-t1.11., 1,110,y
coal• 10t.r.3••!
be •• the
ham, :h• exChe silt th-r h ehtet. the.
L. rhie-L. If the, , t 11 , ”/ r.seco
ur 1 .'. , 11•111.r ,
ton .1,-1, µtic. w ,ot
e •
•.•••• rava.•• tc. . •
la I- or la part, a: • at 1..)
+.••• (La , cloaato..., 1,1/
' t 1 ..w1•.• . .n of t •lr
i. •
-• " .
h a . s..ttty t-..
qua: •ty anel
•. ILLIL intuit o f n, .01 l o ‘..
. Nos! mtni
11.1. rsr..l
Yny , ri •
r i __\
- . • t 1,.
I' Pl';•.-.IG 1 , 1{(;.N1 TUE AIS
01.17 CUt NTR V.•'
ondersived la I.lrk .Att
Fir•t Class Itaysil 7lnll 6tramern,
Direct to Nos York or Fitt Imre, frr, Lleerrnl
k.:oroct.t r.41.7.4••r7,
Lower Than Any Other Agent Hero.
(1.0 and ate Vint rat. and 1. eau.lstad than
sail only .at, asd pa...0z.,. an &mod
toy not
bro enserzlin. dlo mho cost IW the ^ WASH
Clipper SaUine Vessels,
Buffing weekly Wye.* Limpool ohd How York.
Parties brought OW tz.) add line at grehtty reduced
• R 8 %La, p.yabl• .117 a Its brutchs. la En-
Ical w Italsztd.
011erenleie 0f5.. We. 711711dt street,
and No. 130 Bailtheald n. . Plttsbanb
H hel EAU) OAS LIR; UT. —The
ertain Gamma...tad Gal •pparatan )tan
afamaring Company,
Organise! under the Actet hay. ISO, Is an. pre
pare! , o receive orlon fur /Ischia. fur use to brui
t.. hoes. privets tlealitatis, luusts bed pubtle
The asspssatus 6 clasplo f. Os canstroolfini. (.1.07
rowagyd, sad oat liabls to b. pnt of order wag
oat gran sacoloosswes. The Gas hi la Militancy nD
linty .goal to coal gas; sad.. tb. inaobLis la se
ceasLri.ciod sa to atawfacturs It as ly am east as It It
wird, thew la ao accumulation, and marquee/11v w
dangss of thaw WlTlble 'splash:nu to which mai gm
wd la patut a( sops.. it. oast ls, rncs.
pared with coal gas, a awns tractuni
Our ware era Uadill, on dellver7 at the Factory
.loa day. Macabre., calculated to no, twenty- a••
banters, {WO: for largo 0n.., apeotal mutrama vitt
b. made.
Ordera rnay be a4dresead YONTIII A COIF PA
N V. blachtniala end Arlene Headers, reenaref Non
and eteneri• atraeta, PHolnargb, P.
CHAP. O. rogrrn, Clark
ALLcoemsri CO.,
vino. of an eider of the Orphan.' Goan .f Allegheny
1.7. I will expose to Public Sale that Lirl OF
A Met r All •1,1111, Dgelllog lione and bra.
W. thereon, tale the property of John LaTely. deed.
b , 00deid levet by the Dealer Allegheoy Plea
Rang north by the Bew lined, eget and mouth by
lead of Wm. Hectic
dale to take plum co the pasmlste. o. WEDSTS.
Do Y. April Stk. at I o'clock p. m.
Tao—Tes per centof purest= mousy to hood,
balsam aa cooknostion of =le .od 1.04.1 of deed.
VON. SALE—A Beautiful Basidenea
J 2 hharpaberg, a/tasted on 9Wp meet. Ma
linase contain. anon rooms end a.I h.d .ti/a. •
dotla goo 4 water and an *sealant cistern at Usdoer,
r. with poet In rash. The lot tit TI beet 4 inch..
Pont and ?SU feat Ilwrp, to a aunts. hnre L fermi,
flowery and Sbrathery 1. encnOniree firms. din
sl•one of purchasing • beautiful mann. n cannot
pea • mine rhea...tole in Oda skit UN
Ecquize of the Neatly of the sable r•hor , the
pracktees, J. U. LEWIS, of the &mot Levhe,
1.0 & Co, et their imai th.tnetbnog.
tobillthentato B. a. prwif...
LIQ ins VE POL .11.
Ecarca. nay it Is botWr tbms 47 P.M,:
I. It is &ready cal:rad.
I It has as melt
3. It madam as dlrt or dant
a. It stands the twat Wawa Ira.
e. It
gra ."- Eson " ial-14,1151t.'
7. It b tot obretbilb I.
" 447- -. 5 u 11 9 r PIL:STPI=IT
mLf J OafK 1D1~~Q!~,},~
Et 0 0 713 AID 81,10 7E19,
Itanir , tprtas and .um-r vela, Web far
oaatnete an 4 4brabill:y =sect Ira anspasand. Tbav
will be Iran a:
A lolall Advance en Diadems Prtogn
1 . g00.1 roprffy ifftater Goodol kaad, vides,
an rolling off al met_
Na 94 MUILTLIT ST, 74 dear tram Mat.
a till
Do dt. do CONOREAS So;
De MOROI , 'O *GOAT 13 o LEM do;
Do TWO do GAL/ do;
Al of Oho tool nat.. %wt, nod worroooted :0 rya
tlro osolodocolon.
TOLLS CANWRELL, Nlnnufacturer of
v BooT3 AND 'Es evrry dconlvinn. Hu
3 , 1 PeelthAtld ttr,•l. ^03,17
!Erin :HMI, I{O ,, TA,
Jai ZL U 8. ocroot.
LIEU. AIARUN, ::ON W., Wizale-
N.X Nqapvt, SU rS.ar_,
earner Woad tad Town% stree..
':An I.ICP EbT.
W.:tb.srtne, rd. nal; ISC-L 1
ti t ve this ma.
t ...4sr. - 1,4 •t p St the do.
11 , ,q, at the Juno.. ,ng rt—..u. m HORSE EQUIP
MENTS, VuiteE t •retry patt.rx, nst
Lba Ar.eal,
St Lot rr•nikle:d nrursr,.
k le.e Allegber y uts.
, Pepot,
• . !ti r".,(1.;,..01.1• tee to be rim:dared
te,apt the hub;
•It 0 tle.,r rz Tt,eture Kai tratorlog
u. I t `.. u a-; nee, r.irtups =logo
er^r•rr. :e eel those de-
I-- : /10 0 .1.10,0 acre otat 1. The trod; Ikko
a. be el In- regt,ua..c r. ...owed sires—toot
lay that. tn. tmr• on t.L. Inside
:1•.• ; • , .• of tent obit* rout
;he pomea•ir .0 nee:ter .1 beech, well put
terotttr Ch. ,re as toe tretb of an Into thick,
au Li I, Into thew . e e,,rered withtbe
he' ugh, ...I ea t.l e , t•r U0,11{0,1 to he
etyecuntor... t.• 10 , nsp.coork
tor, tr wEi :.:.•pe.ctod t. It, cts , a where de-
nrt h no . than
1ty.1,, It • - : c., , ract• nets It
• t ..1 r to 1 itOt. to xfoD r.t..l;ttd
nre 4...:dry st-t• I , - •,k . c.,..tracv
IL, trrt .!•.Ir:r.v .^ rta4o. an
13* tint 4.ptl:. lAAI
0:!. ..... a• • 4-er'..T..a rat. lefil
-.t toe• i• th• tomb.
;la 1.1•., taai to germ: et that •inol.
. . -. • •
r 6 rartnto^l 15 b ryl to erarala Ih
1.”.....0wa shops the W3I a ea.
YJI • o it LWtSs ;{tom
th-.r nrer thrt-
ptrzy a:run - act b- obltsed to
r Wr i t le.mda, 1.1•11 12prorcd f, Ito
UT , a , a• eg g sada,/arc...Raft' 1 , 1.41 n
:, DC 13 eel] tuzz.l.l."d vet:ll,;crrgas of eentiael
, Load.
1 , , Department reaarru tar Ilia/ t. rtleel sty at
rot norm. iatlafshory.
Yr detals will tw atarrr,..l to Erigaaller
err - s D law.maty. f , rdanace, Waahlactat,
C. .111 h. Proponla fnr atm
lacil.kea CEO. D. ItaI.:SAT.
Elrl,adlar Caterer. Orfr ref °rattrap.
02222 . . 2 Otrus. Nr.a DtrusanotE,l .
• Wasbnaiton, D.atr./a 4. Mi.
7b: tl.a.• tt.t. orr•nta., .1 ptupmalt =ld. tats • t
•itrartis• eat fin Dorm repairsonts. is
caul tia • !Pre lIISTAYT, and t.L. fast 4.74
ttl April rib, D 64. GEO. D. EIDeAT,
Dna. Otatural, t.blef of vrtststaot.,
Clostpasebrd horn Beale, Barkmd Lome. -
as ofalllag aura for Bparrafforrhat, Samba
Watkoara, Bootornal IMS/Mlll.{. .4 I 4lstans
amd by albporlation, sm. r Loaa of Mental.
12tafraraal FM. fa t.• USA. DIM. of
Via ea. Palmate. OW As. , Wvak Rama, labboalty.
of Breatklaa, 71rarablin6, Wakeolonn Lnpefnm
oa the Pale lkano•aa oar. InnaltY. tannarp
nos, ant a I the 'dash:A namtp..abata .nand by do.
parting fans the path of Worn
Thla . alai. 1.. air.. Trgetablio final, sad
os. w Irk'.h all ray ray, It it. bra 111 , 141 is oar
n'az." 6' 6:1•1 1 1117•1 . :1 h andar
tan,a b.. been nikleot to tall victory cr. Ma .
watt nab.. eato
Ts atom Chahar; t card 4WD lUD Mmiltylbilt,-.
aasU tbry dank Mama ha. !tamed iba “11111
eatelleal .Id, would aty, D.rpoir molf aa cbrw
tot Cub mill mama yam- burial awl TV.. MI
alt.. all quark doctor. ban, Wel I
Tor full patio:Van pt • <treats, from my Drag.
Eton la the martyry, ec mita the probable?. Irbis
NI arta fru. to nay asn baklava do blab a tal,
brat* la i r arathlot
Priam $1 F ur bow., err. bottler for /a, mob
Ibrrrartird by eaorta to al: parts of tba arorlt •
9.11 by al nortetabl• hart 11 btu 'atm,.
DR. S W. ablitattiq a co . .
Dat Dructrl.tits,
To. al Llbtrly Waal, N.. Talk.
Tor sale Dlttebargh DT.0143. R SMILZ,
No. 140 Wood ettwo, mel N. McCLITSBAN 000,
roman Ittamentel and Kaaba Mlle.
on111 , 2••••••rorowl
The vary latest styles for SPriZirr
6peNLSR czbal BOX roast's.
bei2 z 1 G.CD.sI /14.. i DOAIWIL
y 0 ,.. a . b y 1t53L1.1.! ur.ra, sv lim, k•
— of
AO. Oongo/so 74A:taco:
HaMmore rpcx, Tau= ;
Fool Poolot. do;
" dot
Col aad ..Lo7 !looking Tobloaao_%- •
Ste orgd do d•Pi
ant:P.4l.o Cat
Swoo.'lhron ittaoooVr; r n .
Iltuioo doff e
4 s: ice .1,14
abta IsGoo cum: a'
1300T8'4.ArD I.IIOES.
kfor.lo,ll , • 'U. truly said.
A knits,-
•00 fr-trYtt.ii Upettl this bead
Ths y.., sr cu_.. 0. springs.
pu hr.°, raeakm
W mar, b.,. of a.t.:,• ncn.
fo'.1••• .;:p an.
Mx., • r a:: Ineet
Which einno I TIP O!••• b. oot tried Mitt,
Othrr., =at. 116 tbair
.t tiu 44, LI
♦r. ahrays is tbAr tattler v.vag.
in.l yr, ?ler rdoma sLoalc
Cat 5:111 the coan of ahs.—,:eit
A crUdd. :Ake*
runt,. h, other,' lucky bits,
Aootdlog tlc'r zictAkcc.
Flo taw", for ist•tarre, that the litaile
kr* ••ry fits fecal *con
W . ." tn . ~,< AD Baal" • scrota, of • •
~,t irlatT HALL do
o are now may
st . w•ri
Jos. 11. Borland,
GEO. &LORRE, 80H & CO.,
Po. 19 117TH MUM.
a.... • r met, Thllailapbt.