Vittsburgh Oaztik TY:DZIESDAY=.;..^:.:::....::::.2.IARCH 16 - , 1869 CITY AND SUBURBAN. Alumni Anniversary.. The Alumni Atiociation of the I:. Y. Theo- logleal Seminary held their first anniversary in the Rev. Dr. Pronely's church, Allegheny, lut evening. In the absence of tbe Presi dent cf the Association, Ray. J. T. McClure, of Wheeling, the Rev. William Lorimer, ace of the Vice Presidents, occupied the chair, • arAintroduced the exercises by giving out a portion of the 72nd Psalm, after which the Rev. A. G. Wallace, led in prayer. According to appointment, the Rev. R. D. limper, D. D„ of Xenia, Ohio, delivered the annual addrees before the Association. Be gave a Wet' history of tho Alan, Mater of the Alumni. The Seminary wee established in 1825 by tht Associate Reformed Church, and the Bev. Jt seph Kerr, D. IL, was chosen role Professor. - Ile served faithfully and well -ler • period sf about lour years, when death terminated his earthly life, and the exercises of the Seminary were partially suspended. In 1863, the venerable John T. Preeely, D. D., WOO elected Professor of Theology— D adectic, Polemic and Pastoral, and cull sense the institution with great acceptance. In 1843 Rey. Jae. L. Dinwiddie, D. D., was chosen Profeesor of Biblical Literature and Criticism. His time was short. In 18-17, the Rev. A. IL Clarke, D. D., who still tills the situation, was elected Professor of the same department that was rendered vacant by the death of Dr. Din , widdie. In InLI, the Rev. D. R. Kerr, D. D.. was elected Proressor of Ecclesiastical His tory and Church Government. Five profes sors have been connected with the Institution, two of whom aro dead. Prom the year 1825 to 1664, 423 students have been eruo:led. Seventy-three have died. A few have enga ged in Semler pursuits, and three hundred have entered the ministry; some of whom are in heathen lamb, and some on the chores of the Pacific. Dr. Harper thinannonneed his subjects, fol. • lame "Christianity the Gartereelice Element of the Nation." The constitutent elements of the nation are not to be overlooked. We are a nation of foreigners, who have brought with them many of the anti-ohristian itinerant:es of the land of their nativity. There are many honorable exceptions- Entail sax anti-chris- Ilan influences have not been Imported. Many are home born. According to the lasfeensue, there are millions of people in the United States. Six millions are professors of Evan gelical religion. Twenty-nee millions aro not connected with any church. There must be moralized and christianised if the nation is to be sewed. Onr only safety is the religion of the Bible, became it recognizes the being and inculcates the worship of the true God. No nation ever existed without a god. The ancient heathen read pantheism, but they had no atheism. Because it recognises the ro premaey of the Divine Law. licannee it re. veal. and controls the principles of civil gor • eroment. Because it is the infallible standard of public morale. Because It tends to the formation of a round tied healthy public sen• Himont. Because it is the patron of a sound education. Ignorance, more than treason, has led thousands into the ranks of the rebel army. And lastly, because It is the great • arbiter of human rights. This I. but a very faint outline of ono of the most eloonent, intereeting U( patriotic addressee to whirls we have listened. The audience teetihed their appreciation of the reverend gentleman's enort, by chair lareth lase and undivided attentinn. Dr. Oracey led in prayer, and Dr. John T. Prouty dismiseed the congregation with the benediction. The dosing exercises of the Seminary r.ll be held in the same risee this at snits, Mason d. Ilamlfa'• CabluM 6rgarta We clip the following in relation to these shaming instruments, from the NOW York Tiiheas • _••These instruments hare now been blown by the wind of genuine mccess from Boston to San Franciecn. The organ—e'er..., oeurabite none•. A Latin poet et about the fifth century is the first to describe sic keys, pipu, and breath. and it may no assumed as as out-growth of the passionate Christian devotion of that period—for the walls of Egypt's temples, or aught of Grecian or Ro man relic. of Pagan times, are destitute of _ally memento of this mighty musical cetera, err mighty, because with the invention of keys same the perfection of the smile., and the ability to sustain and hence to analyse sounds, and to create the new world of modern harmony, which is as grand and complex so modern astronomy, and as sublime as the Armament Itself, for it is based on the math ematical laws of the motor powers of the universe. Whoso would hear an organ to perfection most divest his body and mind of some sir hundred years as ho enters a Cathe dral of Cologne, of Strasbourg, or of Rheims. Theresa the can streame with lyrical beauty to the eye through the coloseal painted win dons, and the soul rises above geogrsph Iml boundaries, arithmetical propor tions, fashion end "custom's falsest scale," let the great organ peal forth—first with the '•tower deep of the pe dal," ldwing distant thunder, dark and divine withal f. then let the offspring of the organ, the foga begin—in spiritual, eternal, wind ings and sequences—the symbol of the soul and its unrest, and of the circles of the marl: nits and the eternal. Harp we the grand na. tare of the spiritual like oonjunctione of et, an d, oolor and architecture. A sulflitne effect from suljlime ceases. The organ, however, can be • heard—con geese pais—in tool heaven-drawn and toned places than the cathedrals of the middle ages. It has effoots,if not inspiration', to email churches, and in the peculiar hall or drawing-room. (That Messrs. Mason ,b tram- Iln have succeeded in making • superior small instrument) from little bandbox like things, to those which, though portable and not larger than a piano, con make themselves felt in a church—is the universal opinion of the musi cal profession. They agreh that co such me chanical :works of the kind can be hound in equal perfection in Damps. The tone Is pure and full, and with en immense body for so small a prorocatire mechanical force. They stand rough traveling, had usage, and Wilt live le climates which will kill American mie •ioteariea.' Mr. Mellor le the sole agent in this city for Muon k Ilemlin,•nd has now a splendid stock of their Cabinet Organs on hood. It Is well worth a visit to his Mask, Rooms to see tkam. The Courts LUPO/091W exeLasreata eon 90a I.• Drinier Coca*.—This Court ye. Corday MI - --posed of the following oases 1 Stewart'. a.lovinistralors vs .1..h0 Continued.' John P. Peery v. Joho t La pia,. U-080. 10 M. Grave.. Nev... S Oro :7 Ou 1. 1.1 . Ltd. Partereon re 9. liclEtoloy admr contemn/ for 91.417 40 (Mar tom 11 . 21Thti11.1.1 19 Alex. Malice vs P. I'. Dommre.t. 20 John McMurray. W. W. Wallace 33 Ann Gottsm. n. Penn. E. 11. Co. 04 Wm. Gould v. Wm. Mouck's ornlah.r.e. E C. Varner . Cataract Oil Co. as Wm. Stewart, for use, v. Wm. Mooch'. gam! shove. Owners of steamboat Emm• vs•re •toam• teat West lUDs. ft lams AM/CM. A- t:, . .. .lutltt 0. Kennedy's garnishees. Costwow Pt.saa.—This Court yesterday dis posed of the following cases : 64 L. DU/nod vs L. AroslL•l. ph,l“Lin 66 00371[0 A arno t s D.. • rmthal. Cont guyed 20 EvisryHetb v. Belle Duni. 7. Jury This , concludes the present Coalmen Pion List. Tom Thumb and Troupe This interesting combination of diminutive Wimp are attracting large. crowds to thaw daily levees at Concert HAIL It Is a pleasing sight to sec the ialry-looking little creatures play one of their amusing &rem—with Com modore Nutt as the "fanny man." The Commodore appeared on our street ;tenter day mounted upon a pony, in riding costume, and attracted universe( attention. The troupe cannot remain in the city longer than the Patent week, on account of their engage ments elsewhere. They hold three levees daNY—mornlng, afternoon and evening—tho filenerul and his lady appearing in the morn ing eery In their wedding-cook:miss. STRLIIEOLT ACCIDITT.-Y Oneida) a the tow beat Wm. Barnhill was passing the Rail road bridge, on the Allegheny rivet, with two bargee In tow, ladened with oil barrels, she ran aggdast one of the piers of the bridge, sinking one of the barges and Injuring the hoar BO badly that she woe run to the Alle gheny shore to keep her from sinking. Tho barrels In the sunken barge floated down the demigod a large number of them were lost. Wu/Wm) and kept In repair, free of Ants, for Five Years, "Prince A Co's." . Bebeel Organs and Melodeons, by Charlotte Blots, 113 Fifth street Pargoal Unrivalled Melodoons and Sonnet Chrtimi t at preioutika Indira! new stavortatont, on wind. Otuamorrs Bole Agent. Letters to the Christle.a Comuelselo The following letters (rum Airs. Jobe and Mr. R. Deeern, a clelegste nt the f" ,, m micelle!, will 'be read rit§ ;eterr , '. tNe of our .eldierr: - . . vc. P. W1.131,4—M, Dar clr Thanks tot ti. ...Inside boa of clothing and (mita yno forwarib,l n. for distribution from your Commission. It Is reif good in 70131 . 0019191141i01:1tOonn. U. to to your arstas in the blessed watt of mitering th. inflating amongst Madras boys ttho stand twtween ns nod dans-,. W. will caril the Min.l clothing to (list tanooga or Knoxville, who. it will be .t r, tho night. bring no cold as to mak , . nor iv I OOCI3III the hottest day In InlMmer. 'rho this - mond draware• , ts radird diatrfl ms oatod to MIT Chlnman to Naphrilk , hungry find;. rn Te- Terre:hell 3tonne • of the n,uPtnio and /I n...nary •ugnr, the cm, lugs of suCerer• fron,enr, HEIM Ptttal,urgh Lae door nobly Is, for,,,,,tatg uv't, and lompltal 'tor . ..tan , ' I know 41,, , iv , . In to I. •• •• • tingla lltnta refustv ul...iscor , to II.• nott.tan,l mrutlioriti. of on,' es:nu:au 4.• Ir. will at lilnrty t.• can li,nG ag 110, Onr want. 11,,. aro Ammo.' clulLin,, good tAntidg..., whisk.), bratyly, tumnln.T. p.,a , 1,, •n- in tn , hun llAnti . . . P. Illy—Pear Sir radon mo fur rot writing r, you wont,. The truth 1., utter ene nook. hard all der, he hr. no dlepoaltlon to derds the night to letter writing. The Chnst.° Contonisswn work io hard work. It is hard on account of the field I,einz exlmmely large. and the laborer. rer, taw. There I. work enough for 111 monk tlelegate• at th,. S.ution. The.ame may he met of every Statk, to the bold. hope others may he Induced to deny Ihemeelre. . o fow weeks of hum., lite and demte Itatunwqrati le the good of thole who aro tut fertng iuour htopltalit or battling to the truth ed.. It It the most dolightfnl work Any our can be ongturnl In. 0, how glad the sick or wounded ...dal, to spathe delegate and 1011, him nuntster to his want, .as 1 ent-ted general field Ilonmtal tent 1, war.l 1, • V.a. day. ago, • y,•uuß 4rrldier et;ed out, '•Thera vomos the KIIKA man; •IwaJ has aomething good W read, and uat what we want We art, alwa,e glad tow h Im .** Since my areleal here, 1 heard many chaplain., as well a verymany eoldiers, epcak of thr great Anil neble work That e. being acconipbehod by the L Chriattan Comtnistlon. Pitt•hurgh rec. tea nrra: credit ben for what II btu done In ',ending ...ore, Too Lionantioden agents acknowledge that Pitt.bargh storearo the beat. alwaya well linked, and in good ca. el. I hope they may have no homes to on lyng their opinion. If the people at home mold y two how gladly and thankfully their contribution. are re ceived, they Leonid feel that theirgifts and labor. are not bestowed in rata. Than , Ing you for undlng en to the field, I remain, your., "l b V. U. BROWN. I. S. Chli.i•r. C 0011111.4. • "thy does I so much mane . ears . "This i asked, and the ewer. The wt., • the siok and wo n voices much ex I Cons id which t laboring to ward I the soldier, to en t here the anxiety f make the dear bets I ready long in the just enterittg4t. cannot be kepi. in t expenditure, and as pending upon it ha judgments of human far exceed the cost, must be kept a.going pat truants 01 the Com support from the Oent mends upon the trease dep• sit in it of $40,0 branches of supply to; late by the promteds may fill It with goods etant drain upon it Cr.. The Want, f the Sanitary Commis sion. he Sanitary Communion neEd " The Harrisburg TedniropA: a plain question, honestly is a plain and bonnet en- ititaibuting nipplies to ndod, 'tittle of roars, it it, IPSO, but ono of fire dune- Sanitszy Ct. 111i5.i413 tr diveaso anti from Ira epecay recartery, I. re• • f relatires at home, and . ht experience of those al old ;Limitable to regiment. \ a hie wonderful machinery Mien without a very largo the reaulte for g, de been decided, by the end sagteitiut men, to et 00 ii it, the whole All thme distinct dr lemon's work draw their I Treasury. Tee do ry own for a monthly ti, and although the. amply famished of danitary Pairs," Deceased Soldl •• Back Pal. 1 ., 8.1ti..1 .1..1,0 I. .•,tl. , to. 14,11. al:houg. : ,. .r ., t . d . 12 - r =31b....1..z u t:;a. s I T; I „ bv ~..,,t,T.teLt.h,* bust, der loin,. G,k h.. 11 Lan., M. Nn.,311,. et I ..i.• Til. tn.!' Is tt ti I t,o tato, al,tiliy •• this lttto p t.t 113.11.1 lest wran!ng .n. , tratissg 10,1 r.... ,t in.. 1,6 new-lob.: ~erd,, •se <,,1 at, I ri.ty...ttl ~12.•11. e,. .1 HO VI I ' ll a cuss where be re of a soldier has, j, ' .T. r. „; l ;,:;: i ' i ,„'„ r i :::;:;:,: ',..,, i , i : ~:,„" i i , ,:,7, . .':;',1 ;;;.„-,°. ,lairneil full bounty, the gli there were arrears ni, t a b fir o r n i l t ‘i i tiL. ,. 7, f . 111 , , ,, n , a n 0 t a , ;a , : , ::, .. ;:„. .., 0 , : f . i .. ; r , .t r a , tii , i.; duo by Paid soldier on p y accennt,l•., it has iii th. ItPII: 4TIV I liter, 1, - kithury Th.. I . •rx r g r ..n been derided by Coctipt oiler 111 - oadhsad that T i i .i r o . ,....y . " , in v . "' • ',`,•• ' r ."-' , r , tr.'''''"ir• e• there,ls nothing in the aw of July 20, 1,41 j, The 1... A.,. oil I.i a it,... , ft. qj 11,1 111, je t .. and Jnlyil 1,1E62, ellen ing • the prutice un der former bounty lams, to the affect that the ...rt .1.twa..1,...•• ill. 1, T e.,...rt Aqu..l , n I 1.1 2.. m, 1,1 direriniebtedneee ni et be deducted f•ii.n ::,77 . ', 1 h i. , ' ,," 4 „':,.. 4 b h '- „7.f;:.,":...t,',„:," '-' ri " '''' hie bounty. linder the ystem of allotteente, Th e Sli c 11 .Phs., fiiifid• ch... es. liiii, .oldies rood so large a portion of their pay '! h i. ,ii•i i ii` ‘ ,. • rr,...l;rif f " iirl"'"fii:^i sad :. E to their farl3lilol. that, wh n they die In eervice, n ';','„ i '„,..: i ,„ i, - r " .. " Y '.. ' *'''''''" "n" ft small balance on account of pay will often A. ../,-, I, . irt..i., Alp., • • Th. •1.,41... a be due to the United Shiites. which, jostle, .1 ea...tics. liii t it. It 1.....-tine mot iiiiosid ho i should he deducted, for the cootrael of en It, t • P r-mu '''. ',..,.. '.. Slot 1 , . P.''' . , N..h.. , t. meat -I sea net hind the Govern:net, 1., VII . O . y r ':: .. : , ' Is. ~, .I' . • sahib, An, , 14. , ..i 5/••• lol•Pr tlt. for the Fiddler's /eerie' , •ieleelffir P . 0 .n I tact . ....r t :r . o " l * /..% u ltn: : : ' ; '.1'" .1.... " :.. u' :.:1: ...:7 " ! 1 ,7:::. rations, beauty. and iskorsicic L01a..., ...a ~ ~... other 0te,,,,,..n. lo 10.; 111,... r.. k. I '..ostoat.y title from the of hoe death, a balance aria- - eil-eiissi fai•ohcief of ing frequelitly from allotment. ler the here- ' l ','' 3lo :i i i7l,lre; ief i l! .. ..St ic•iii•? , .. , "ie.,, wiili hit of the pertiee to whom the boon ty de 1..„* . , . E ,„ i ;:, i „;:,;;.::1 , 1:1 ii " / " .. " n ":' . " , ,t' . ! ::77: 6 Z: . t,..t1,1.. tr/p. Ed money. the ern er far It ennetnnt re Tgo• , o: • ,Irnm-I .I•noou I •• he 1.••1 looln rt • Leasing Counterfeit Money. Stre-I I-,, ha inorio•Ae t•Or onow/not:I Curti. U. Car, colored man, colored a cow- 0 " plaint yesterday before Mayor Alexander, n'ap' o' A Dr•not•e, against Mrr. C .0, who k eeps ' ;..;;;,,, ' „:.,'„ ' ..t i „Tr:L k ,1L. L : n " i1 ,:,.41" ""' ".""'" Water street, in this city. charging her with Th. °•!•.• 'VI"; feeling a counterfeit two dollar Lillupou tom. Mrs. Curtis denied the cherge, and c r r"."• olo,noo I••I larger good •••goolro. e• .1 heating of the ease was had loot craning. the 0d!... Throe witnessei for the defense were called. • one of whom swore positively to a rent In the DIED: bill, and pointed It out to the Mayor. 1; olor• ,oto ln•Aelnr, ••• igov. M.l-01 I, ag tunably the veracity of the Wit.tittol was eh: r'odi. x It AM* MAnift"...•• 0 1 called in question, as the Mayor stated that la ' T 6."" O. he had azeidentslly torn the bill himself while tolatiro• nut (glob, ef the raw i!y aro •e• examining It. Mrs. Carson was held in ;00 • 0. , with... fa slew not!, bail for her appearance at Court to an, war the new the ricil-ero of bee hrotbooor inhaw, hr L. charge. cot,. a... P.-nu ••rpnot. on Toras,..r arraaa.,,•, the - - • 17th t t•.. e I/. pornerAd In AllomEeloy Tos•ceo Curiciati.—Wo find C.-meteor the (showing communication In the New York &cm.. 2 Pas( A friend of Mine °terraine the habit of chewing tobacco by substituting a bit of cracker for his accustomed quid. lit had previously tried camomile flowers and other mean., without suceera, and adopted the cracker upon the recommendation of a casual coach companion some years ago. Hill hankering for tobacco site soon overcome, and be has never had a relish for it Sinne. Ile gave up the net of the cracker abe in a fee weeks Sutclos.—Lloyd Moore, a well known chi • ten of Clarksburg, Harrison county, W. V.. committed suicide on Saturday morning last, by placing a loaded pistol in hie mouth and discharging the contents into his head. The deceased was highly esteemed, had held Many imaltions of tract, sod was Recorder of tho eounty at th• time of his death. 11l health la alleged to have been the saws which lm - Tolled him to the act. tist.aa /I stock nod real estate 47 bests .1 tdelleraitle, at the Commercial Palta Rooms, No. 64 Filth street, Tuesday toroth:lp., March I.stb! Allegheny Bank 57 35 Merchants' and kiansfaeturer, Bank. 66 75 Monongahela Navigation Co . 46 7:. Allegheny Inenranes Co '47 75 Lot No. 83 in Sweeney', Plan, Mount ilmmet property 1790 1.0 WIFS BC.ITZSG.—Jobe Oliver, a re-eniisted soldier, belongleg to the 46th Pennsylvania iteglment, wan arrested yesterday by Meyer Alexandra's pollee, on • charge of shipping his wile. John has been taking advantage of his thirty days' furlough, and has been into, 'entail - the greater portion of the time tines his return. Ile trill have t braving this morning. JCDOZ JEWETT, President °tithe Pittirburg, Columbus and Cincinnati ra Iroad, has do. anted seven hundred dollars to the widow of Barr McMullen, formerly n engineer on the road, who lost his life in t e service of the company. This timely don. on ensibles the widow to relieve a piece of I d from an In cumbrance vhieh the decease was gradually liquidating during th Oast y . CeeLe Tow'. CAIII.-Thll piece Is now being performed at the theatra, and notwith etanding the feat that It has been frequently before the public, under thei management of Mr. Henderson, It is unman with extraordl• nary favor. 1416 house was e owded on both Monday and Tuesday nigh end tho play I will be produced again this e ning. T DLSOZDZILLY CONDUCM—M at M'Corabe appeared before Alderman cilia, of Alio gtsny, yesterday, and entere a complaint against David Kurt,s, °haul g him with acting disorderly, and calling h r hard MIME. Karts was fined three dollars an costa, which he paid and was discharged. Tot Atlantic and Groat Wcat•ra Railwry Company have leased a spot of kround near Ravenna, 0., for the purpose of Making brink to be used In the oonstruotion pf batilnge along the line of the road. It is expected that one million bricks will be turned out the coming season. A Nsw Prima mat bias. ELID*SCSON.—We barn tbst Madams de Margautitlts, the lady wbo translated and dramatised t hreat Ex pectations," is now engaged in Oar:Waling a now sensation drama', from the , French, for Effie Henderson. Easrux Wrixtria.—Mr. J. P. Hunt, Ma sonic Hall, Fifth street, has rOosirod ibs Boston Paw and lb* Phlissialphis ,lotorduy Slismdsg Post, of March 1.9, Audi the Boston True Flag, of March 2e. Ali fobs leading Eastern Journals roceivokdaily by 'apron. • SPECIAL LOCAL II OTICEJS. I'll E I,A TESI' FROO I eIIaTTA-4.00G-1 5.L11 UM. is cax.r k Co., Mr.rlALarli Tailors, i Hill tem^ - 7, io yo : re" Itrt. Tritbriali ctreet, en 'recites PAUT, Plain wad Ora=lentil Blate Rooter, sod dealer le Penneyteazle and Vermont sLslo of the best quality at lew resse. 01Roo at Alen. Laughlin's, near the Water Work,n, Pittsburgh, Ps. • Iron Foundry for sale ror sale, that valuable lot of ground, Iron I Foundry and Warehouse, situated at the cor ner of Water and Grant streets, having a front of 100 feet on Water street and Front street, and 160 feet on Grant street, the sates Iroing now occupied by Anderson A Phillips. Po.- ; aO9lllOO given April let, lie:, Apply on the pre l m w isea, and to BA PKARS A Co Frrerr sot 3(,lo , Ulalrg Eat I,loos will soon °over the bodies of those brave men who are fighting their country's battle,. Tight air, . bad food, and drenching rains will make sad have, with the strongest, threfore, let every man supply himself IrPh HOLLoWAT'S 'OINTMENT, it i! • certain ccro for every kind of skirl disease. Holloway's Pigs and Ointment Sr. now re tailed, owing to the high price of drugs, Ate. I at 30 cents, 70 cents, and $l,lO per hon or pot. For sale la Pittsburgh, Pa , by B. L. Fahnes• took Co. Far sale also at Fla lion's drug e, Firth street, Pitteburgh. JLIIT LROXIVIIID LID ELIOT area tista—The ale assortment of Fall and Winter Clothing, lately received by plasm. John Wier *Co., Merohant Tailors, No. 146 Federal street, Al legheny. The stook of clothing consists el the finest variety of gents' pantaloons, vests, °oats and overcoats_ The style of patterns Le tasteful and fashionable. We would Invite all of ear readers to give the shove gentlemen a midi. WATOSIIIE, JaVJLzv , a:O,—J. M. Roberts, So. 17 Filth street, le now opening the moat otwios stook of Ana Gold and Silver Watehee, Jewelry, Silver WAN, mad Fancy Goods ever displayed in this eity, end is thew, at remarkably low pries,. °metros and oarrta,le emits Irv, be taken at the Omnibun °Mon, No. 410 Penn street, day or night. All olden ibrt the abocro place will be promptly attended m All rall4 mast b• paid in advance. • C. btu, Dannst, IV Penn meet. CD •• ten' , 4. all Aings•kee al tar neolienkn. ECOITII• Title JUSTIer. A named John Wilson, ehargeil with being a logitive from justice, was arrest:it y•aterday by Mayor Lowry's end lodged in the wet. n hatisc. It is stated riser he was enn rioted come titian since in Wheeling fel. pas.- ing counterfeit money, and esesped be Pure being sentenced. Several tither charge. will he brought against him at his hearing, which will take place this morning. Kirin,• —A coal merchant named Dobbk Was instantly killed at Piedmont, on th Baltimore Ohl° Railroad, on Saturday iut While rtending on the track looking at on train, another came in en opposite dire -lie and mashed him to death. RIVEN INITEILLIGY.NCIi. re. , 1!: ;In ft.., 00.11.. - - - FOR SaLE--FOR. RIE.ArT. 111 V( ) FARMS FOR SALIi -Th. , un 4o,afg-anl ,Act• for axle boo Farm., ron•af n i a , four hundred and nisty acres, all tlean.4, of •hlen there are forty acre. of mead. w ground, r,ftleieut eicantlty of timber, trtateh Is rt.,. rad :::r lu us, To pors , :us 4/taboo. t , foug.alt., In taw k r.l.lng or arleeltou.l pnroult., this it • rag.. opNr• innlty, lotto same , ha, In•n itapt for a stark Immo for t e‘n palm dl soli whol. arla part, to sal poronuera. one halt has the beat of Improvements, wlr • Largo Tram. ber. biog. o•r ly ; frame it.,,, rorly by olchty, o.tb n oth.?ewer root shed In t . AL.ep alth all . Improvemeats n•ceseavy to make n choke farm goad orchard. grafted frail; fentws too , h, wbb an abonelana. of newer falling •Iprlnp. 71, oth er half h. oratext therare • I•o -storied C. - 111.noa all!! other Inagrovl,lll.oll Paid land it altnabd .Ixt. , nom Atleabony l'l tl, Rod Ore !blunt,' watt Lon tn. 7,l:anepla nod ; riu.lle Plank }Val ,r I,Av p !LOCI • Pk.rN, reedleg •Le premises , /URN 114, 'MSG, Prop Orme., Phis !mesh. nib'. /mei aveT fiX)lt SALE. lm TO LET—A new FIGICH 1101 Ft he East Liteerty nese the H• 11. rand DApol, eemtaipinie ten r.earks, Snl.bed I....e'en given ea Pre nr April. nr B. SCOTT, (Of t h e firm of R. Nall • (~ ) p 0,1.2. No 141 LlMrtr .tn.t. Plltalmmi. FOK SALE—SCALES AND WACIDN. —We have two good mmori•lmori PLATFORM !WALES for IWO—, 1:1* le rg. the other •ma'/ Al., roe loot er , rmrl•heod nn. , h-ree it 0001 I minim al toy Mllle m1115:1. J a LIGGETT / CO. LlO ft RENT —or, wiz {tone ie the 11 6 , 31111,g form•rly m.rai P.l by John A. Lea, No 30 Market evert, toe, rpm, to N. Holmrs-I Amm' Beak fog Apply is R 0 BERT P. '/111 , V 1 PS. , V. Assn. CHrivel Inn:maws. florspasy, ityrslsy's 14 1 OR BANT—A two story Frame Dwel .l Ilbg •• tly otatedfurd street, Ns. 2.0 use, 1.0 (root 1. , ..t.55, str tenet., Isar, soar, damn., els. Apply to A 0137118 RUT a /3()Ntl, &I IJALUAIILE I.lYr ON CENTRE ENUE roa NA LE-21 Net by 120 deny 10 John etre... A pylr to melt a. mrrnazirt a solra. Al Market rt. nUNCAN, STIERMA Hight 11111. ot. tbe Cslon .• n add abt 11111.1 on yrs., Imp...toot tors Ikrmany, trance, Strttssrlsad sod Italy. to , tale la .oms So onit pot. chasers, by WM._ H. WILL I.‘lllll • 11:41., snIN.A.O Wood rt.... 9tl R-- .•' to WI. N. 0. Molars., (sow n•op); 13 at No 1 Lard Olt; . , 4 Gar , . MTN . Star Dmrn. , (Plain and Caaraasad,) 'rat ~robed .ad for aale b LINDSA T & TELPORD, natal It , Llbnrry para.. 1,1014 141.E—Ttlat two-story BUICK 12 DWELLING, no.h.i In good aryl-, and lu It mandato ardor, on the rnronr uf Novara ttrnar and Oarilna.r . • allnY, Sixth Wald, ~ uniain. log night MOT. mod nn l.b.d garrnt. Can N. had al a bargain. Fannin. of GULP 6 .91117PAILD, res 843 Llbrr . ly alma. QOUR KISALA.- - -iieissiivod this day, 16 IQh. r bbl. (tidy A (Manure. coletmato.l Ro.r rsca thr owl. by L. H. 907477* 00 1864. DIARIES. I )i54. ntd:rp7RlN, "t in O r f i rM.K l rr o rk A p. l ; C I .U n roam, In !nitration Turkry, ark.) , Moni4,-- with gilt edge., and wlth world. taigas—with twits, pal Ant clasps and slants futanlnsa. All Owe, and Scow the commoner{ to the you b&n. For a/ romonabls rates by WM. G. JOHNSTON & GO, Stationer., ocldialsar-wiszt 87 Wood maroat. PA PER AND ENVEL O PE WARP 1101.3118.—Jtutolarnsd, • large stock of NOTE, LETTER AND CAP PAPERS. A 1.,, BNYZLOPES, In groat varieties, colon and qualities, ton,•••e7 lMw For We 67 R. Cl. JOHNSTON & CO, Pspar Helm; oalt.low-orva A 7 Wood Wino& LAlla Na Galm head crNW.y 2313117,11. claim& BY TELEGRAPH OUR SPECIE, DISPATCHES. • IA bispotch to the rltt.bare, iael ft:l'oX COI r, Starch ;,.; tClit/LIML or PRISCif LSO, Gen. Wade worth is back from Forts," Monroe. Ile denies having taken aoy euch orders to Butler d.tatcerninst the exchange of prieoners as ate reported. In the meantime, on the other Lend, it Is asserted positively by pers.., who aught to knew, that the (lovern went hes ordered the stoppage of exchange. of, the resent system. They state the feels to be that firet Ould notified Butler that at a certain period he would declare certain pa roled prisoners exchanged, and that he Butler might de.sbe same. Boiler did s, issuing the order Oneuggreted by Ould. The Government thee ordered Butler not to do this again. Butter then reeds the percentage arrangement lately 'pet et which it is asserted tbat the re...verement has Mee stopped. Id4n.nrap..eit.l 4fld4 The Renate bad p warm dismission to Ln• erufit's Sot ion, over the appointment tf Mark W. Delahoy, of Kansas, to be Judge to the District Court of die ruit.l States far the district of Kalmar. Mr. Pomeroy op posed the confirmation, and Mr. Laos fa. cored it. Deiahoy was charged with &mak - cones. nod other disqualifications, but satis faetory evidence ams wanting, and Delahoy war Gnall• .sounrmed. CIIFTGAL The roso!uttort of Senator Id onou t tall which was puled to daj ooltr for ittforwtotion re!, tire to the pions projected with a ♦tow to o l,o The sd(apen of , .. ,t wyieh ottAttlit.htotnt of a government'. I spoke la.! night, 1 ohtleas means that the Cesdral or S• oth Asuerios. t rebels are strenzi Poing , their position at tat COLOXIIC•II.111 Ye•ID. /runnel will probably maba a hoarier The Seoratary of the n11.4(61' reports, lo i kelt there than Ito, d.d wben Gan. Palmer relation to the Golonittlion Fund approprial. I reuonneltered their litie.t about Dalton. ed 1.3 , the la.t Congreet, that s:::',22d hoe hero drawn from the Tiasseury op to rho proaent time, and $2.:0100 more •aa drawn by Mr. Memphis papers ..f March lith say the ten. Pomeroy for the South American colonisation, kte forms attempted t,. laud on Dauphin and that no opecifio praeti al results of this I island, thinking It ,ecup,ed, but happening expenditure are shown. , to ratchalght of the Confederate soldiers fen- coaled sad awaiting them they hastily retired, slurred' farit.mily tootling the woods. They also .>rtbe Yankee l rkut lout. rem...1..1110 with impunity to the 3.llsies wharf lteat4ar ;dement s t C hettencov, Rieurelowiy,falliog The Ithin.e did hare the virtue to Jay to refuse the reeotmottotadation of the Election C:enreittee that Mr. Sleeper. or Boston, he paid for nursling here to cont.! for • seat. The raw Wei so p:ain that not one member cl tt,o Rouse would rote lor ht. elaito The 11.. u.e /pent moat of the Jay lo lb. Jl.ousion of the gold bill, bat .1111 di I n", 001130 to a Vote Irlends say II salt" ottoogth al! !ho Line and are eon drion I of carrying It . Mr. litelbun od•red 11111.111thli•41, to 11011.11 Mr. Bot:well, setto h. hitherto ma le moet of the optoeitioo, Agrees, troviding that the Scoretary of the Trectury he Authorised to •ell gold it New York whenever. it his judgment, the interent• i•i the eountry wld ler no.t promoted thereby. always chaereing the piech..e. sad guarantica contained in the tier of Februttry 25th, lees:, coneerning the • •iiilitog fund. It L. stated that both ti. t•tittout ii•ortitarle• of the Tres•hry hair /too •04 ar.ented 1.. thi•, end it it biped the Tong ,Ichl'e ut•y 1., utorrow by Ito titrr•g^ • IMIIII=IIIMI aue wore litat.Led t.. .I.y. Mr. r,l man •n exceedingly rfteotive ftpee,b, lausyna a most hut. ~n t6n toe. W gra,. ypeaklng, )Sr. lli. it t 0o.,•10.1 int•rrupt tutu. on., ..:MIX 1n.., jolly that vh,t a4,..y: acur the truth .• be he.l 1,1114 eny time all m.. :rig tt K n..a ~ 1i..1 :e:en .111g:cant tittle o lo•luenoe, thet curried the C , ctntalltee hint, and left Mr. Itteir in • ,unailderably 'terse poeition than Lafere /16 ludiscreet inter reption. The Commttlee n w•tting n•r the late evidence Mr. Altair w ante to totrodu ie. As SOOll se the printer run fur rich It, the mittee will .:,rewire whether e,, admit it an I will do„de the exec. titpuistutntery T.: Hill hat no t.httlnt of Ittatng reit,ttc.l for rt. yet tint and T (.1“ • th•••• I=E=!l Tho Senate Comm' tee on I odtan I.l.ars de ctdoti out t re 7otneuerl the otnploynro• ' • f ti ,rtx Indt.e. at our tuilitory Letters here Irsdn officers at Chattanooga. speak of immerge cumbers ut horses 4,1 1:1214' OP atarved to eeuth there during the wit - ter, estimated hy souse at forty or Silty thous med. Inc stench from their Ladies le said I, be prodering seriOCII incur. V ellit DOC. The amendment to the National Banking Law is not ~t recommended, concerning the redemption, Lot the and Moans Com mittee hive asrecd to rec..mmend sL..ot ten of the prineipel citlu in the I cited State., aa °Pier of redemption. =l2 Tha petition of K.e. Thomas 0. BACOb, Episcop•l clergyman of New Orleans, of high character sod unimpeachable loyalty, will La presented to moirow and referred to the Ka belliorui States . ...cleat Committee Th. memo outer priderlo againei 1L• recent •lealion ordered in Louisiana by tieneral Banks fur State officer. on the grunted of the itregul•r Ity arid illegality of Peat eleatioo, If the Cuestitutiot of that State was etlll to torte. He charge.. agelurt Geo. Banitr groat Inter• ferenco fn rerupel the employees of th• Our. ennui:at to votoger his oendidete, and estab lishing ivioh tuft* for the givernment of the deafen as to proclud• many epicene from vottag. There hying nu civil nouns in the State to which b• ran &ripest/rem the military opprissoion, he out.. before Congress for • remeJy. lie aths th• disapproval and sus peniiion of Lb. proreeding• under the recent proclamation of One. Banks, until the detail• end proof of the allegations made can be pro dewed. Slruire lettere and petition. creme In from other parties In Louisiana, and the matter la likely soon to be alluded to In the details In Coaerese. stated that the Committee on tho Lou. duct of the War hare sent to the President and Secretary of War codling for all the our respondence In reference to the Florida oatn• pals. Itwlll probably soon he known, there fore, whether the effort to throw the whole, reeponslblllty for that 'disaster on tfen. le suraelooll by the foots. 701 CALL, lu■ The cell for two thoueend more men talked I for porn. days 111,111 IL le not known het her 1.111. .l.•, t. altributs I to 'lon Orunt.: both•llon •nd to ...low intrlito bad room:toot t o night. It to nnttotntonl that the Adatintottntlne hat rnmo dirru..ioo on the gold bill, and on the tfuention pi (toying Lounge• w• nonneeted elth tbn rent noll. 12113:111=1 The following °Meer. were Mornbs.d from the ;novice Major J. 1.. Carey, of the 12th Ohio, for druoltennese,•nd Capt. N. M. Fry, of the ith lowa cavalry, for frauthOnpt. Jno. H. Lilian, Fiat Lieut. Ilubt. littnedale and Jas. A. Orr, of tho Sifd lod , for drunkennese, and dominion of outman& ; Capt. M. 11. Floyd, of the 117.1 Ohio, for abeenoe without leave. lielease of Hebei Desertere. WA 60110 TON, March morning eighty-eft desertifir from the rebel army were mussed rums the Old Capitol prison, upon taking the . cult. They dratted to go North, and were accordingly furnished with ' -sPECI.IL- ----VOTICEs. Another L• 11 tor Troupe. Nt ...41.070s Mar. Li ll:.—Th• ! eta ta , .....„,"' -•- . ...,. f L-.... 1 ILianateb Loth* Plttabarzh tiacetto. an er , !•• ble 'li• Tr - eider' ' t" e r,i,..{ . 7's w al. BARNHILL - & thi . p,,,, L ,.., HRATTantiona, Maya/ 13, lora. Ste', - !•Etlen AND itylgg r A:though the weather woe clear yeeterday r-,7, , N • or , . 03, • EW. , . Peon Pt., N IBIL, Ito !1.., 1 . 1. 1.,,, W°" .. - ' it wee cooler than ror totne da r t . poet. it ~,,..,‘.. , W ) ;,',.,',':",7",‘' .. 71 '1"' I .'. I ''''-' ' . '''‘ r " • hat. T .f4 '•••frl , wnwl fewl ' ot . it -- --. - Commenced elogdipg ,1.• .I. davi t 6111.1 while d I the force ',MT,' t., ,• bo ' oraft n .;: r' r '''' "'Pr:. P''''''''' - --- i---,-...„r, ---- - ---- ' . .27. Lr the nary, 000 r d,no„, L 1 write. • 13. tn., it it menially envying. and It pro•id , or. a leg alto reeerTe for, fn- '''. P "`"‘ o ' '''''••••''''' '• ' 1 " I '''''' •'•••or. Couti4erahle ii,Lentitiee „f contraband ar. " `"""ll'''''' '''' ""''''''' '' the bye Lot. '''''' ''''''''" M" ''' 007 '''''' '' '1". r'''''':l'. ii,:., h.” roan.,:, „, . ~..go,,i thr,,nh . the. , , h, „ eor,d ~ , er robed I. or ~,,,,moey tat, CHIMNEYS, =LICHEN, TIRE =1.., avra,2: 1 ,, i, taL. veil i• hereby made end a draft P IP”. torTbIROTFTE ROILER• r-spr-•- 1j on care, and 11(01,01, end eater good , hale been I order e d '.rL to . hundred tn. wand ' , en for PALT PANS. TANELI. fLIL FTYLL . A. N ...i.Lia t iI soi.l in l e fian,, o f 1t.., r , ,l a , j,,, , ;,,,. ra i Ilia Jmints-y ,ere i-e d• the army, navy and RATTLING PAN& BOILER. fin, 1 .9,,,L,1. and con , ~,, ‘. . 1 . r, , ,,,de,e_e " „ 4. marine e..rp., • f the ' nit< J `;ate., The rrn- I if i ln PA .". •1. , . 4 t . ManuLteLo •., ~/. ISA II °: . 31. ti , ~,, ,11,, !,:, , ..,,,, „:"., ~, , ~,.. ! ytertionete ioil• • 1 r t• . ac'e,ent ye, IT. th.ehortez PA L e T tI S •I T . B"TLERS n'''''S. etref ‘' -...' ' ' t. , ern •, ;0 , ..r.b.7 , . pret'lr -te ere flten ilia Ciao, ~, -- ceeti in liringin; •_. ' and count], oil , be mole hero through the77,,'" BAHEJJART•B BRONenTAT ii r ho ~,,,b , . •,, o r : ~ 1.,,.. n ~, I Prot ••: 51e•d.0..1 (anon, II bureau, •L.l no '' moaris, for the earn of ITlLailletio, 5,..d.,, ...i,,44 ,i. 1,,,.., of „,,,,,..1,7, 1 2.7,. ... ,5 „, , , , , , [ , , ,7 t,,P r e.s. of the . ir b edite and del3- The.oai Llaence az., TJ., apezi.•ll, f , fo,llltlellael to and llo.tddy . .. I{u•.. • Day ideoit's and Pat • 1 Ap r il , 1 t,c, , , i, " 7„i ' V o ' ro t o ' : . i 0 .., j ' h o l.' ,.l.: e i l y r , t nf :''''''''''''. 8 ' . F'.... 4 P. , .. not whet. rneatl - ta calla terson's cavalry, ;L- allele ctomuntnoed Ly 1 which the ntleulocri tenaired in each I;ard ° :: " 17 ' "e" 1""ii ' 3E '''''' " " r " I l. '"l'' be raised by ratan- ,i, .. . , t h Ii r. N . D h A ,,, RT , A t,.. f.T. , Ilarrishe Ler. Ye.. Lo • 1.-'n , 1 wheeler. The Oahe), .....y 1,,,,, 1„,,, tr ,,,„„. iof a city, town, ho., may a' the ferry across C .t.e.ttoga river, between i t o :LT, ' ,Z, l ,. " :l 4' n ' f n o t. ~" . ,4 . , 1 ,r . ' , ' , " , , w , i ,. " ,, q be i.i r m h ad s e h o i . n i •• 1, by Hnnarlant ‘' . d .:ery-h. r, Spring Platte and Lath., at Resat., Calhoun I not hare filled the ./n.t. attig,rd to I: within "O'r 0 " "' '''', t• eby eetia.. tat, ~ L .. ite. l' and at Rome. John If organ has •leo 1300 i thee Hine detigna tad to: the Lumber ropily-et , `etrtt. tr . . 0 1 1 4..\ - 1 , 1 , . IRT d i, 'LILY nin , to GIS Alai quotaa. TRe iira it trip he amended ' ; 1 .t Decalur, alteady a ..unted, ;Ltd als hon. 1.10.11..0. lAM AOO7ll atter the l.tth of Ap r I: 114 rlctle.- .• ' . 4"d mere waiting 1 ... '.err , ' " the ''llr•l' l ble. The government lo.antice a• now paid '''' ''' •... . w 31,na T 61 ,,,t, L, - ,-13.0BINSON, REA e- co., (~, . I concluio the availaltle rebel force now under 4 will tic enntiacied until April J., tl, 1064, al I which time the additional br unties ,cote. 0 ,.... -' ,„ to g,,,,,,,,,, , 0 , 0 ,, 0 . 0! „ 0 , , , v ,,,,,,,, , , J, Leen, to be 3.iligroto ,st r , oo. Reinfereements are arriving. and ixt,g,a .' : ) LT' :l °1 1 t.. .! . 1 11 7 . 1 t , 6". one hubdr=l l ' 3 . 11 ." VAN WLYRES.Euranana A ',IA N117A . . i itt..burci . 41010 , r..P , Cr, bohg. ''•°•ll"r.' o,l at 11.1- L art approved JulyJ11 1 1) - ;,,P,ai i :i.,r. l'''''' led by th identif.rivrerl 0 , BOOT ANT PTATIdNERT , z 00,,,,, L ,, , , ,,, , e, PREMIX lINCI=LI, =AMT . ENCINES, ILIIL ton. They will probably bo n enure el ' !Signed: , MACHINERY, GEanrm, Fin Arr txn, , AST rreaknets, rather than atrength to the v ete, 1 °Siete! F. D. Turteaciro. .........., . .. . arts r. On Sunday Inn, Cot. Boone, of the I:nth Kentucky, went to Lafayette end oreupied the tuwn,took mono rebel wounded prison• en, ate dinner and returned. A large fore* of robe:3 entered the Weft, shortly after hie departuri. Ai: quiet along. ',yrFe, to night. liesn-ter. n4ll o:13, In :it en ay. , o f thirty pro boob day. John Mergen'o , :nrotomd it ■d .er;Lni (41 leas, Locator, tholOth. 11 . 110.71 -ITO a N 1ST() Ira" Agree,' to uw Plll.l..tegn Jar-•:. Col. G . erreatS:l:ll "T e u rl7ael l tri " e ' li b i and ?td Mlchig& regi mien ts, end the lth Ibo Caesar', was attaliked on Sunday evening at Cheeks Cron. Itoadii, are mile. !rum ben., by • superinr fn under I (Illiner, and deli.. In to within • Iln end . heti 4 torn. At the laws time Ithe I. ot*.e,ted our elay.,•, outpost on the • &bade, Lieut. Col Klion of the NI Inaisnn. Fa; see., li,, pulskd Thu saaratag h.•t • .b.., y Bahr .116 • rebel favaity I , nf r. - .Lout fact thousea.i e , roag Hn..hipped theta baselaemely, thr.e, aaan.loog nes, sad aapthariag , as puraloit the cormy belyand I -4 il-tetr lie rsamteed IVO mop prtsamese ihe oe.ul• tylipige ef.teman4, orbiot ..‘ hastily .hat vOI InerrAtersered the It,. rebel. wer• eaak..n at the title r•I J../ email Ven:Mhz wit thh• have. her n 0 , 1.10 at dillersat pellet.. a aar liar, their obpo,t •loubtleta helPaz I....zan•ver our .11 ttr,t,go4; floe ~/.• 0.4.4 . has moped totwarl b. 1,41 tr• u.p . sad the re- ~.Irving 0,110 are or. I ns I:ailn..d Th• report lb, 1,00 e.treet'r army b.. 1•••.• soot .dierateie.leoetere t 4t. Lohert: too 1.1.• et at 1:•• toy i• .N.totnanderl by Buckner !loud 'L. bekon pr . &Ad scot to ileorrie I) Lusaded U 3 F Lace i. tveot7'.~6ou•..•l r•eo.•rl hr.) it it IS it r It it: gra. e.l with bilis , r Ant;, g •hr- ugh , alenda'r o t ty ',no, I :ro. The -1 L, II Nerr Cart:4 ,0.. d Pr, 1. last 1•11. Ly 3h. h".. t.ll, Mercer, but .• :hunt, ...ndrenevrti I, Mr 8,17 a, 4:f An are relative t 4 • the protoode of the Shei ^ • . . .le. noel Filo., IP the oottety W.Lt . lot to hacr•gte :b.. pay uf fur a and 1111Aral.ii lo the couoi l'Amhtia, WsBl3-.1 .d Wreene Ao act to repeal approvvi tem day of biaaJle, 1560, f.• the appoint of tan ailleotor . in the 1111.(1.,1 of Weetoeotelonit and Payoff, Ac TOsting tl.. Caml•r++ C,•m A let t•I p 4 .,1LL.. So Etawry Female Clingy An act topple:twain, ' to 411 LIA V•hl.•h way a •applement roorpor a ling the Pltteberph en 1 ,teuh,onr ill. Turnpike fte•d Company. An am to moor's., .te • ...,mpany to build A bridge ate the Cl., lett river at or near Stover's Dem, e In the count) of Clarion. An set relativ• to Ibe .elegy of the Super lutenilent of the Con.dmrletd re) in %Combing log dponty, and for Icier purposes. An set to .mpel toe Y.r ie Canal Company to ennstrnot and keep in repair the bridge, made necessary by the eoteetructton of their canal. An not to ennucpl the Monongahela City Cemetery from tecetlen ereopt for State put posee. An act to luereft4e It.. pay .1 carton °Mears in the twenties of ,intlrerr., and Clarion. An a ,, t relatlre ti. oloroyanoes to the Ea:- Loony Society at Economy, Boater ouunty. An . net to change the name of a earialo street in Pitt tot.ashlp, Allegheny Co. An art glrlag a bounty on foe and .11.1 oat scalps In Westmoreland Ninety. An act to authorize Auditor 0..1,1 and Baste Treasurer to ra.ellie Ihn aottoonia at Robert .1 Conan, leta froaaurer of Val:fano namely. An eet to extend thu uhdrtar the Moho° gehola Bulk of Drown., An sot d. eatabllsh n ferry over the Alla gheny river at Mille Brook near Pitt Hole to Vanengo county, An act to awhollro el,tlyn of fun aupetelaora In this town.h.p. f WhartGn, Pay •tte county. A euppf•mnot to on Art to appoint a outi routtnintionor to take ohargo at a portion of Hot Warran and Stratt•totillo Stato roads In Funnel oounty. An act to appoint-4 too., to lay col a hottl lu Einmmit town•hlp, Etta county. An sot rotative to tlo tuparrlsors of roads in Paters townahlp, Washington county. The hove arti ...owl until to morrow morning, AAAAA AfkIPIOV,d Sr. ;•.,1 .—A WI author ising the oollwllon of a ',may tax in Butler, Somerset, liedroul anJ Huntingdon empties. An net incorporating 3 company to run small steamers on the Juniata river, The Senate passed .4e remainder of the snertionn In the 00r.,•t0 r *don of the lore eastern bills. Adjourned until to LW rrow onototug A Fall of 11140{4 In Now York 11 " r TOIL. Maul' id—There wu a guise fall of now for about Dos hoar to-day, with a Str' oo B mrthwaat *lud, bat whioh tuts nutty • TNGS, of all deerrlpt , .....t ; 01r. TANN b. 7 i L I.S. ('ongrceelonal. IMILEII AND IMIKET DUX. W•edilaCroa, March lof.i Agont. fCr GIFFAEDB PATENT IN.tgorott, Moves —The limits then rot need the coo.. , FENDING Bt./MEP—S. otderation of the gold bill. Mr' COOKRAI 3/IQI N Y., adt , cated patuge. A remark of • • ha called op Mr. Boutlvell. oho caused tho' catchiness of IRON RAILING. IRON kids, Dow ths Secretary of the Treasury to ! VAULTS AND 'VAULT DOORS, WINDOW SMUT; he rt in which the oecrotary ear., that on , TENS, WLTbOW GOAEDB,,te., IV/s.. eELNIIe7) the 19th of b'ebr,.a.y he aildrea lat.,: to ' and 80 THIRD STREET, bet. Wood and Market for Canthon t :Ark,-.litue Why. al.l , ark.ali Base au LantlAverfery of ace Pear,..., May end y ae'; gold, and ha had not On for all pan... übang.d hit opinion as to tho desirableness of rari.aslar attention psi s ( tr. rurardha Drava soeh a measure. hr. Hibbard, Couu D>hhlavdru.e at short r , tica. ar.9 AdrOaated and Mr. Broomall, of Penna. our.. ! N gaLkurs dt sed the 14;i. Mr. Mcrri., of N. Y., told a b o o' TOVIPION "1: DOI( ESTI.' Mad, UP Vow is 1 r support of tha measure. Mr. Dennison, of Po., protested against the Tren. PERT!) IC ATVS c , P DEPOSIT, ear) being turned into a hr. liar rhop, Ind i DAYS NOTTA AND srr:l - 1., Ni. MARLS? would continue to vote against the bill. Mr. BTEEET, Pltdthcrgh. Po. Woobridge, of , and Mr. Gar fi eld were In I car C4.11,t1,... ma or de . di the hr...alpal .101.. favor d of the bill. Mr. Dori., of M. V ' said throughout the Unita./ Stairs. WIT the HOUIO rote erldeiiir,,,pg t o h., , o ld not bo duns b y 1 0 0,i,i 00. yr, „ i t , , o f E. ..,;)-HENIIY H. COLLIN'S, FoItWARD tors, And Mr. Jame.; C. Allen, of 111., opt., 1110 AND COMMISSION 31E111711 ANT and sed the Senate bin than the coat thould be srhatratde dress it CIIIKESP., Firvißß, sr - r.t n reserved to .'any cot tho pUrf.le. for •Itiob It I PIAR, and pa - a.duca So. or is solemnly pledged. Plosharah. P. ,„ • After on earneet de hate Sir. If rl l ,lt r. , afrereJ nn muentiment to the 6111 as a 'GAR PETS. OIL CLOTHS, d MC. ie. rt.vber that. the ti. create a sinking , food by tba set paired February nth. 1,2, ti AT MD PURCHASED km:. ADDED rhea not i.o impxue.l itinreby. I ri Mr. Sias ens exprorsed a hero that the ri-te en the bill bo taken early bk ta.nrrow TU OUR OWN TIM The lion., at a quarter to jonmed. SIK•T• —Alter a hTO , (J • t t., •1 i rienate ailLturoeii From huoxrllle Iat , II"LLC, Marrh I A lie,cuaut eG • gaged ta 1-'4,t I altr.l9tatee art.,:lery was Ibot ye•terday w, by a rebel 1.1,Z,n. The cart uet.t t•: All 1. tota to the fr'tnt Pea^e 6,1 it ib. N .nit re,cally , tptured .;• tuay Act, Ind, t 6. take up %r.. utt.i..• •r, 1,1,1 t ts, were. 417,hung (or !he ' I iitite• iw.. permit ,j K. t ',it. ti • 'l , O but.•l 11,1 it, trprei.ent ate" fart Thr, ri•:. T , riil.lll,,,neme to 14. the tribe,toil se .•proil :be S.m,r the return • ( Lynn,. they hare roe:Drill:Led n u e niien.tur tiirtritrer Tiier.ry of then, here Leen throw., intandthe reet ore r-11,41,1 in the Itiountnier ••.dt. ght ,ktriniabing yroiidy 1.-yend tn.., in whidb the rebel Cad Col Jon. wail killed All quiet to day. The rebel, a..-e Le in roroe at Rail's Dispatches !rum l'ltarlcatati Fokrstr.... /11030101 e. 11ar:11 - The hieh u.nd e. , ot N...., ;4't: , •tsiOP Ore f wring dtcrairhe. lie hdell tired at the e,e•ll •Crll- ha,e =l= •14. —4 7 The rn,wy ht. n .-tz the ^l.y The 1..01ti,m .t ide 1 al theits . to day ifurri.k 9 —Faye tkikicituita thuifa thtir of MI, more, tug Tennu firf at Fort : 4 untier. An artillery And , t - ttt kept up heifer, bat ferias tiregg nail i•ii;liran Leland Tiere an unwital aotivite among the enuiti,'. o.. Fti.iy liihusi/ un Tiiii,day nigh; The tort/tattier. ertittorett ist I t ttoyt v.inn, 41 ttt < 1 a, :he Libby un the —Thirty :h.ll. 111AL1 . 1. Ila (culrcl Anicrica Ve 1 ;er., 11er..11 ;5 -'Tee itesliner Ariel .red from A.p.r.•all. ;;;;• treMis:, T.., The the 0zru'....•:...1 Beri raa saw kirooodoon aoelarcJ Ma• legLl.l) cle,tod Prowl.n: II will h., .I• ted th.t he .aced from o 1 VTIL io tho I . a touro, Nopcono. What 110,,00rs will rake oboe. rrulaino to he All Is tranquil at E,aJor. Pain has offcred to medial. n tn. lo i niling qut•ti in bat wren iloliva and Chi: De ma tic! Nit' Locomotive,. b 3 liar Cair. NTICC-N,I, N. J., March ll. The prose at.nenneos that Col. McCallum yeaterdzy In formed IL., builder. of thie plate that urines they would procreil at once to wr niall the o,,tetui tut with two handrail loco motirm, he should have to aid, their shops and run them upon the Government ascount. Locomatl•e builders here promised to comply with the demand, and In two of the factories the operation who hare been on a strike will terunie work to-morrow. Coullrmlttloon—The Gold 1.1111 55 /411INGTOW, March 1:,--The bencie in Executive Session to-day confirmed the DOM ination of Chivies Gilpin, to be C. S. District Attorney for the Eviitern Dods - lot; also, that of Mark W. Delahsy, of Knots.., to be Judge of the O. S. District Court. of Kansas. There are many vivito., in {Vashlngtor,, at • tendant on the proneedinent of the Bout, and evidently Interested in the gold hill, judging by the eagerne” with whirl they crowd the telegraph office In the Ifoarit of Itepreeenta thee' gallery, and ootrannnleate with their friende, regarding the rooditiot et that roe,. Ilealplalion of Mayor FIllr) or. LOCIA, Morel, 11—Ma3or riHoy rerigned to day. Mr. Ftlley'l adadntstra•ion of the city's •ffaira Aloes s gratif3lag e s htbit to St. Louis bondholders. Without borrowing a cot, Lao hundred nod thirty sea OD thounand dollar, of old indehtednoso Ita, Lebo liqui dated, leartag a halanoo in the Trraeury of nue hundred and seventy-11re thousand dol lar., forty thousand morn than at the toll, Ineneement of Ma tetra. Arntat at . Gen. Seal fun •t FORT.IIII V 036.117. March IA -- reo ti.; r sar truce York, arrive.) bore this antral:lg. General Neal Dow,4ogether with • Ceptain Flynn and Sawyer, are among the Passengers. There Is no later news front asp Sherman. MARKETS By TELECR PII Philadelphia Market Poitanetnnt, Horeb lb.—Owing tr. the want, / ail. tenor of the fortis n new. the breadstuff.. markat wan decidedly doll and uneettled, the only eaten being n few hundred bbl. fur home consul:lip ion within the ranggrade bri46,26 for gape/One op to ifinp,sll for gh extra family end fancy how Rye flour la held et EnsjO.2l. In nton meal there te nothing do ing IV hectic meetly.. of quoted at 111.1300 LOA for en d and 11,70 to $1,93 for white. Rye 4 oflered at $1,1441.30. Core I. innrtti, fat 4 1 .17 , 41,10 in alone and afloat. thata are unntiringted . then. le nothing doing In quer citron bark and It to tanned at lilA per ton. atilt/AK/hush diner aced were cold at S7,t4WEST,M; the not al theistic... brute Prot . ..hunter* urn , and prince are well muntained • rale of hatn• In pickle wee made at 1:1%r. -Petroleum It quiet and the rate* Ong barely eaatntalaell ; we quota crude et , Mole relined In bond 470 and free at 87A;1.- , the rah-. eon only Inn email way. Whisky tenchangod. New York Cattle Market. Nrw Yo., blorch 800/ lams, prim. 9/1."... /3heop gal laollo, is tom,clo.lng dull ot 0N046+4, Noun quiet and Itoory 78.0{,t, for llor, and 14_4 WY for droned. lovitot, 14,0 U I , And 0,101,1w1n. =III Dears,.az, Korb I.s.—Flour 41.11 w.l I,evy, Howard Intent Superfine wile w. 6.1`.0.1 .Wheat dull and droving: Ic y. W4l. St hoDmle b yob- Ibtiod, great we having - boob taken in saketing pi.. adapted to the molar taste: TEE HOYE CHICLE; A sollscUan of listohs, broths. Folk., Etbotniscbmw, below. QusArlucc ; Contra float= Tow-Hand Hooey and inn= Cow; Yoh. TUE BILVEII CHORD; ► sellsation of Sor." cleurteta, Duets, ta, with. PL.° etasan• romlwat . - - TU gIIOWYR o PEArtil ; A coUretrun of Choice Vocal Dust!, with AerrAmpulmeut. OPARATLO PRAMS; A rolled - lob of Soup, Da me 1 Trim, comprising she Toad Bestulus of dm ban Orono, erIM Piano Amompurtruent. All um abore (71 volume.) kror idarydy et Ike folloerlog Nit!. Pletn,l2; cum; i)1!.%5; Cloth, MEI AM, es. for safe by CITAIILES C. •MELLAR. 81 Wood stmt.. REMOVAL—On the let of April wo will remove ars tutto !Lore to No. ea FrurTft STREET, Tbe boue at present occryird by Yo. Bieber d Bro. A floe aosort_ =At U.i PIANou baz.,l pro early 61 MTH "um. • J. M. HOFFMAN drl3/10., Sao digits of Naves Moog E=IIMM= Pianos and Musical Instruments, &op@ mutual, on Laud • flassasortg., of SSW P1A410.5, TIOLLS9, OVITASA, &COOkDJ. OSA, 6T lice. shir,k he sill nu Ear Ips D gOklAsti • 1T E 49 BOOKS, for Bale 1• rf.yer,t SY, 32 Wood stn.{ /Alb and Oorrosntoteen. ar Thno. ra.ktr. GJ i 114' Peltivet an oesy, vois ... Bittory L of Futcrulan ........ ettmeeloys Gbtat Cneresdteatiot., 24 &slits c) Tha.tatny's 6 nnbcf - 2.20et Papers; Illiesttaltae. 0f Atosandsr tlfettle's I - hrs./ahem oh. rt ,, ..cor r l i tbe GellOartam. IST Loiter_ 'l3 f Mar gafralbtaa traced to wane._... GO ti rs (tom the Woof aof J.b. my 1 &Pei.— f.s of f.oy.ftf I , y ner rods. ...... Poem.. by (ono 23 at . I nolf.--ef • ova oftlittoo _____ (0 itorl,n - a. CS., by J T. trtrortildie SO soy lion) C... 2., by U.... 16 .r 1 . --- tq --- b. vac [Nary Thell...flt a reams, tr IL. Ifsal Eogltald Glocatal °ruts .n 4 DV Cuuiragya.—...— . nall2 W I Iy,E.W-1100ES. EISE AND rxodnrss LF NUNDAT ECEOOI.B biorrapby at Edbt !Wiwi Viz.. Ey Job," O. Power. Ira. Pylon El OE - - A ILANDAL ON 'REENACTING =MN— ronodrd on the Anatomy tbs wt. brand in the pratior. ;Att. kind. and inqm‘mudrnctsoo,.d Icarroraanta, vol. Iko n. !LEAVEN ODE DONE. 1 rot. DARING AND mu/rpm - so. • ByrDiret. ?earn- Pr , A Dn'awitcpply of thr hour work Pali rerrd.M. MAD. Teartb - -- JAMES 31: I-VeLEPEL' A BONI Prep.... Yawn?. IbrAtFtsto- 43 ... 8 fx.ttic..”^gb, tbr kinds of 8.11,113106 aajririFintetes their artokba rrobbtatts titant:' • - OffletrobtriStabfilb Intlbetc Lembo& Ltd AtiAt*asitibtitsttii. 4 • ,•I'.."IVZ MIMI I SO ED