The daily Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh [Pa.]) 1863-1866, March 14, 1864, Image 1
EM:=22 •A • • 4 MEM ittsbttrgh Gazette. pJWSfIED IT .;illlllll ?MEIN LECWIOI. .'itsimrs'or Tau GAZErrE. ifiurnialyriati, by tings poi' pelt— 00. mouth—. TO. reek--- 111. 0 stogie coylee------ Nyman lirnytas, by gun, 4 60. a mouth. Ed n... week--- 10. • ° single 8. 11hamIT Tomos, elngb cork* Pa rat— 1 Ca " a dub. of 6b, 10, ... 1 60. a chibleeTlD more ° —1 6. =la eta . 42triel• the yarLY meth* deb. - Ter • dub of Men; we .111 send the zynnwa Murree &ft. Tar • dub of twenty, ere .113 wed the MOM= GAMIN daily. Single copies, 6 et'st. AU tebectiptlohe mica', • ahem., wad pap= 010ey• 'toped when the time expires. MONDAlr===_-..r.r.:: =MARCH 14, 1864. - Writ iromarked tiro or • .rx when aretefarred-usEilpttricies cavalry tour. ael Slou:Sotbsee iinee, 11,1ms,been to l l{. quite - opportune and , profitable to the pia has them and employ them there—forllse, lossent. Aportionet - them marched Ulf till the -Peninsula ,to Newport NeriteFolitit, and On the Tth were embarked Air Foriiinottil, 'Va.,fctim which point they marehedenSuffolk, where Gen. Hickman was three . teneffisitlieUnemi. On Thursday, as a telegram from Fortress Monroe tells us, the town of Suffolk was captured after a brief dingle. To obtain possession of the place, • fight oomurel between the rebid garrison and three companies of negro amain, to which the enemy lost twenty-See men widest tap, on, our Atiatest amounts we bold it iktown, • Ilisicltensentla lalchnstand During,- EU. -thepattleate litatd...latentlou to Blow Up tte pillow* , Our Vora. Got Inside the City;;Fttrioits Conduct: of the Daughter of the Rebel Stscretail of - The If sw - Tork. ;miaow oorrespondence from Waildngtoa has the followings PromrststrnedltichoWnd prisoners weglean the following incidents-connected- with. Kit- Vd•ricit's raids When information cashed Richmond that Kilpatrick had emitted the Rapidan the most rigorous orders welts issued respecting the prisdners. hisjor, Tuner, their keeper, bad been severely censured for the escape of Colonel Straight and party, and was told if any more escaped he would be mut to the front. One of the Maiming's prisonen had also written the Major that if be did not treat the prisoners better, and allow them to have.their, 101:Ses they wooldeassainate him. Thais threats, with the 'advance of rick, induced Turner to remove the stairs of the-•prisoe so as to use r communization with the lower 'tory, aid when the fact that , Xlip"tria was really Richmond waw established., the, prison was mimed, kap of ,gunpowder placed under it, and every preparation made to blow the prison into eternity. This feet is eitsblished beyond From - the ringing of WM., the passing of trumps through the city from Pe.l tersburg, and -orders that no prisoner: should impacts' the windows near enough torteb the heronpenalty fir beingthdt,' aPtittt ktilsiltaaTt mac really sitesonthag Shalt deliverance ,. . • lipteriatthat thee-prison wo•mined, • plan vu formed to attempt to join our forest should they enter the city. On lifonclej het moth* sweeps ware allowed to enter Libby to clean the roams. Only those bringing rations awe In, and they refired id con verse. The guards were increased, and strict orders given to shoot any one who ip preached the window or stairways. On Toes day night the cannonading, when Kilpatrick Was shelled from CAMP near Dlec•Uniss eine, was distineUy beard: --- During the ancitadust, at of .this •[' *tie had been overheard - to say that he ..erould shootimeafthe damned Yankees -if be got a thence" fired atCaptain Hammond, of the Sa N.Y. Cavalry, while at the sinks, the ball grazing his head and -- pasting through bis esp. Alter the affair was over, the at-. tendenta became communicative, and were bitter in their denunciations. Three officers and Me hundred and Arty men from Kitpat pattiek's man wens confined in the cells and fed only an corn poste and water. Mrs. god• don, wife of tho Rebel Secretary of war vizi -tad the Hospital to identify 'a wounded off, cer, as connected with the burning of her . She felled to do this, but abused him unmeasured terms, and said they all ought to be hung, and she should 11110 every exertion to have there bong. Dahlgrum's body wok buried in the field next the road in a pine box made b Degrees out of boards torn from a bun- , Th y is authorities in Richmond bad it dug up for Mods fury and indignities. —A letter from Annapolis, Md., the writer 'of 'with* gathered his information from the Vales prieonere from Riehmond on their aryl vs' there, fully corroborates, the above state ments, but 'peaks of the "lady" who visited the prison se the dzinghter, not the wife of Mr. Seddon. We copy the paragraph On Friday last a daughter of Mr. Seddon, the rebel Secretary of War, visited the prison broltal end asked to have Lieut. Morrie, de of the sth Michigan cavalry, who war wound and taken prisoner, afar passing the outer line of fortintations, pointed out to her. _A_p- prcoushins .the. rot , where, he was 614 20 unfolded the - shotti4tit that h• oduld-ohly Mere at - 4111 in ItemosTegirrueia. tog peihrilmid furiouslythekinglier Sit in hie War, 'dinn know ended to. Aft .wu the men wh6autered.herfetheeshioserkicked s tidst of ber,eleuer:absto. the doutoindinaderuseed hasolthig. tongues* , to tha occupants. She added, that. she believed .he wee the gain, party, and all she 2011a1204 221111 , 1214.210,112020 proof to have him gibbensUfiefein . Henry Ward'areihir 012. r Mies midge "to Great Br itain." 411 Its". Ewen _ Wain ktuausa delivered aLlsettcre, eit_Thurvasr night, at the headway ofklusin New Text, an ~o ur means to Gresitarithin." - Ht 4 BSl*lige in announcing bli'vuttiest, remarked that it might bo used . • why .the shouid toossigo to theistStrlisia. '.Ths reastirelridelkisksbi(Mis'understood- the post fldt praiollOra I this oiduitrY, sad Hat se, the are upon the ipot, =aloe mbreriznizarty regarding them thin hertelf.-Nitbetteenerliens have °unversed through theirtioneenistinthlS thaequLvoosliangnap of diploM47ltut Slat berieaterth through the gerieral--sdasation . .of thi Masts; thepsteplethernierrin - .Will On duet, ins hrgs degree, the interoaterse, In put User =confined. to -the • diptodesEei ter'. these itrittistion whetha -Louis Nipoloon emit -bare , smdettakan the -*sped .M 1 'to Ham, Itad be •understeiod she sentiment of the sweaty million people of these Northern .Mats. It mar be asked, if we mond a mes sage etroiskiehy send itestiecially to England? Simply bemuse she Is nearer and - dearer thin tantikes. - We' know ' her faults—proud, 'haughty,-Mogszt,'unspettkably provoking— but blood is thtokor than water, ther are our kfth kigthers, and we naturally" regard their opinion,'-They,perhaps, entertain . the mutilating towards us though the *eater dldnet think they eared much for anybody's '0 was the joint mission of the two . ta ttoos 6:legend Christianity and etvilization -lksilegfibut the world, dudes motesuch they ow un should steg-band ill hand. They are n il&Wlte_ing- the" um, struggle as ourselves in a different form. the conflict '0rA1113137. aristocrw, The same 'met: wpee( id Italy. and, • Prance. Gotaisinent , in founded, the tiOtho .deris of Arsklllt : N "-Englanders. prided Viosoilitios'aihsixtl4l.'ssad shoirold moms Eislibern States seerenotudiledem . yby voltam:4 nor luu/HMS _pleasing tY et bleed Ibarsas mush* ssitarritr log; tofiTivor , Molar motioned to lsiiroposty; the South ossesubsil isorilsrafiisorotourf autocracy, aul 6114 " dim boo posooszo4 atf. potter as igiiuktit.htliratEritalizisself.; Xis S ons tetenditlrli A4laiird . l7oo/1. -Timm ""Essalls/Se'liblitlfliouldluire run peaceably to. ptioOtbd, stok - swp -sssotionst been ‘iipsiate 1211101Yrionitliatitirt i tsdsr drie...ooreau om H tisine:;_thir " of - demons:lp to Weed pont through its labor and mustrose, heft ne* tdarield IV TM, litter lies in: the inidreiltitehtiostesa. 1 ; , , - . • ,• =VMPIN.est tot,: iniuucuati that we had notset had tke.reouting * ESTS-bitditirs4 l lienieDlS b" ki CiabbfekithSintly, - bat tone ad ISt 'Ma fovri dm* brad and its makes; 1161?-1100101-11V-fixd. zlofa~G F91M411,1)0*.V.110.00 '4ol* • - . , her Power of endurance, cerialtily not through ' EVENING GAZETTE TELEGRAMS.. her brains. The Chief Magis tra tea the two : sections are illustrative In their pa of rlous of • —___. ._ . Shell' respective governments. T'Avis, spawn- t *MACES FROM NEW ORLEANS. ed by aristocracy, was reare d In nristocrat a ideas. He has a qulek eye, Is ihturd and, }Mining, but not else. The difference Wren cunning and wisdom is as wide the gulf between Abraham's bosom and the be - ; Steamer Attacked ; Steamer Attacked by Guerrilla*. ' ---- . man that looked at it. Who cannot 800 that the policy of this Davis, though sharp A GMERNMENT 6TRAIROLT 1113STROYRD. and conning, has been, in a oomprehen- . —...-- sire orate, a gigantic Mande?. Mr. Lie- ' Preparation. t• Twastitsrai• else Stew coin, not at all superior to the min of WWI. 1 , 00 .1... ~,,, eme .,.. led, With menners uncultured below the °out man level of American farmers, never wise 1 in selecting men, too kind, elute throw away tools that proved unserviceeble, has after three years of governing, at last dis tanced i Davis. Shrewdness and cunning are nimble. footed at first, but fall behind simple honesty in the long run. Mr. Lincoln, the homely President of a homely people, has shown that good government requires but two things-1 common sense and how honesty. A 1 woman that knows Wining up ale boys i willnan'ererni itatirm. • - • In alluding to the enormous debt of 0,000,-1 000,000, which we shallows by the Ist July next—money which we have not invested, I but shot autY, sunk and lost—the letterer , considered the sum cheap to boy off the devil with, and to abolish human slavery. It was end to think, too, of. the 100,000 slain, lost to the nation ; but emigration is rapidly rap the gaps in our ranks. The drain of sot diem upon as isinsensibli, as may be every where felt, by obserringthe myriads of young men in every Horthernotty. We were grow ing risk not because of basin spite of the war. The North had produced more within the last dire yam than during any other three years of her oilstones. -^ Wis had public debt riches in &greater ratio than our public debt had developed. The people ef Enabled .warp taxed; we taxed ourselves.—that was onellifference le tween a monarthiest and a .liepabllean form of . Glevettiment. Mr. ft., after referring to the suspension of the habeas .corpus, ,peke of the teelicdtpof afoot Slum. :He 'pole hi' the ludifloent effect of oat Homestead Law, of the minute division of I land in France to one End Ares acres to each . farmer, and to the contrary pruess in Ettg.,l land, are land . Was being mitered in the 1 hands of et few, leavingtite mass of the Eng lish laboring . ' Mesrlandlars. The speaker concluded with an assertion that Slavery was by no means dead, as is sup ose& The only means of killing It was to strike where the heart of It was--in the Con- Isar:talon of the. Unita:States. One blow there, `not with the sword, bat the ordaining wen, and Slavery was dead. What Judge Edgerton Says of - Idaho.. • The Akron (Ohio) Beawm publishes the substance of amonvalteitlon wlth.tion. Sidney I Edgerton, formerly,membew of Congress from Ali Retsina now V. S Judge in the Terri- terry Uf nem. He esys,the population of lbw, Ternitory to now sheikl3 itElO,-bat will Probe- i 'bly mods 100,000 by ttemt . December. For agrloultaral,! prdphees: the valleys: are ex tremely fertile, equaling, if not surpaesing„ any portion of the world • for raising stout ock. Cattle require no "foddering,' bus run all winter and become fat upon the bunch or but-, foto Th ere c is very abundant and nutri-• d cious. ema no rains there at all, an in the valve comparatively but little 1111011, but abundmsh factilitles for , irVittatioa, mountain Wellies 'Mei very tor, and never -failing. Large preparations are being made for apiculture' operation' In the valley of Jefferson, Eadispn and Gallatin, and to Bitter Doer tsrge• herds of cattle are 'beteg raised, and flouring mills are already in op eration. Of the mineral resod:cmof the Territory, Judge Edgerton epeike to the madglowing terms, the country being stelae quartz lodes, bar and gulch diggings. There are already two quarts mills In operetta', thst'iMine to late I theasason, both Althini sat WV? line , “' - ties of gold, and two more on the way. The bar and gulch diggings are also h e way. ly to those who work them. Soon after ar riving, the Judge was invited by 'me J. Knowles to visit the claim of,Emplelas, tiaras and Higgins. 'While looking on,he was offered the Flamed' of a psi , Wf dirt, it he would wash it , out hicoself, the " shake " I yielliftithinFthe 'sattillttle'opitri" of a 30,05, I A Mr. Ilacklay.shes:harite4•- biaL,l4_ take • " shako " out of his violin -which. yield O ed jest, 11E1 , The Judge esbibited some One samples of quarts, nuggets and tine gold, arl, well as some solid bars, the rodmt. of the I quarts, all of which were certainly very -.,,11,101:18 of the precious metal- Vlseillngton CA 2II,IOIIII..ASSOCIIATIO II . . ThePannDlrants lerre7o¢l.9/11Plarrair over 250, have formed a campaign association heregono-operato with their Stara,CoramAtee in the Preistdontiid 'anti's. • At a meeting dila evening, J. B. Sipher, Chairman of Corm Liao on Organisation re ported OftOen 43 pasentive doMutitto; of one from . each ' lhntato rjal .I:olsMict, and rule., and mad* prothdon fax th * collodion and disbursement of funds and the dlisemination of political intelligenca throughout the State. DT.CIBIOI COICINAZIO 3.44110 r/tO7II.IMAZT The:Cominiasloner of Internal Jlevenne has hretofore advised °gloms not to I perosecute wholesale dente* in saroprietary amid for , for selling those articles In the orig, that Otokage without alining tbe appropriate stamps, where such without _ mode urior to April 1, 1864. The Comicilabiner ti r os now decided not towstenil Ala privilege beyond that date, sines COngreie loin session, and if anylartheg Wier da to: bigrexited to the trade it should be done by that body. GU. aunt's SUCCATOON. The .itopvendon has taken strong -hold of my here that°Baldly" ,Smith an may bi - ealectod u Gen. Mescies sttocemot:io thwevent of the removal of the latter. ISCIIADED TAT TOL LDIELS. The Goose Military Gommittob; a few days, will report a hill increasing the pay iof nod-commissioned officers and privates ea WWI Onicrly sargeantd.s3o per month; ser. vents, $22; corporals, SA mta "pirates, sp. WO7llll net TO Tel CILAIL • L letter from the Arroy . of the Potomac soys that an order has been issued directing that all women within the lines shall leave as early as praotioable, and that no mere pastes iltaG be granted to each visitors. - Steel Millen. Some interesting ,ezneriments have been made ILI Prussia with steel steam boilers, an areirant of which hu been publlibed in Mg t.* pamteek , “ , Joevear...A steel believer the egkend shape, 4 fl. in diameter and SO th'in length, *Stoat Suer , UsirStriedi It bl o a , , ite= ,draes;,livia.tiletketerrl and 2 ft ln beigith ind-thisplatUereniutielburthsf inch In. Michels& Beddejt,thers was pladed another boiler; Smiler 'ln Gray respect, sii ttuirthet the,..pbtleitirere;:nthrliteAlt of annen In -thickneu. The etaltartictler sru tested by hytireslieprenurettpis.l9s plias [on the ineh, hid both ties Iron and steel boilers wereworked tibonder ut s' I pressure of 65 pounds on the Inch for a one year and a half. Daring this period ohs the - polies generated; griur steam—than—the Iran Lure, ey were thoroughly examined after eighteen months' praotieal working, there wu less scale in the steel than in the Ina boiler. I The former ottaparstes:ll.66enbie leek, of wii• terPorkehrr-the hut 9.67 ealrlir on feet: an I The qtaantity or coal unnamed was average 2,706 pounds for the steel one in twelve boars antl.4,67l.potrads JOT the trail boiler. Tbe i platee 'of the itteelLboller over the fire were found to be uninjured, while those of the Iron one were about worn out. I In Prussia several yrsralqut plates of Iron ballet" havelateljr_been ablating with - staeli. which, it is stated, tuts tour times as long. As steel Is twice as strong as iron, thinner plates of she former may be 4=10,4. for boilers, and ceder perfect twiddles:l—W se cured. A greater quantity of steam can also be gend in Ousted boiler on scapunt or I us sit* putes,-, and : ddsktdialk,:feet: Zl27th bd economised. Sachets= boilers should an ger the attention of all who make endue steaubtifets (or engineering a nd u ' taring patricies. 15for T aOle SRIORTSIII-TDS SEW g lAN9lp,theeg siambiatriarot feL. F RESYI. TOMATOES rgeons tais asc:. .„ 4br 7"4 2MWELL 0141) OUMB, ta amok oat ley ISOL" oeu GUT rl l,ol:jbWr i g n e t it y TOVNIN S11"111 ;;I=.l -i'SZ GENERAL SHERMAN'S EXPEDMON AT VICKSBURG. Two Army Corps at Canton. miss. 11,0 an raison:as s MO IMOSCIES OROVtIOT DESCENT ON yAzoo CITY► "rho ILllleotton in Tenneselee • Catty, March 11.--Th• Mauna Covtitn• thin from New Orleans, arrlvedthis afternoon with 100 bales cotton and a large number of troops of battery F, Ist Missouri artillery, 4th lowa cavalry. end parts of the 16th aid 17th Ohba batteries of re-enlisted veterans on their way home. ' They will have 30-morrow morning. • 1 The steamer Millman was attacked by goer i.illas, from the Missouri shore. while working tay. thOenef'weotldoirertaa :11Nledilsevoena wounded, and two captured. The boat escaped. The steamer A. J. Sweeney, laden with Government freight, from Nashville, Tenn-, I struck the pier of the bridge at Clarksville on Wednesday night, and took ore, and was totally destroyed. Six thousand sacks of horn and thirty horses were lost. The boat was valued at $40,000. The steamer atlantic, from New Orleans col the 3d, anived this morning. The new State d of would be insuriumte on Marc elebrateh tit. Grand preparations were making to c the event. 1 Toe attained Gladiator brought up the 30th , Illinois Infantry regiment this mornbag. ',deices from Vicksburg, via Memphis, of the Bth Inst., state that all of Sherman 's expe 1, dittos had returned to that place except the 17th and 18th Corps' which remain at Canton, M, until farther orders. They did not I proceed beyond Meridian, and hid ne fight of ,any consequence. Our loss was small, mostly from straggling. The 148th New York lost two hundred from this cause, being greater than the entire loss of the balance of the expedition. Four thous ' and prisoners and six hundred negro= were brought in. ' • The net° troops ' at Ilabaes' Bluff made a ' lieecent on 'Faso° City on the 2Sth nit, and, I Wait a sharp fight, occupied the nit, an a lose of about thirty killed and wounded. The uncoailtionsl J ohnson Unionists sleeted their audio county ticket in Shelby county, on Saturday hat. moon in Welter!' Lottielaust•—,... 'litho!, Governorships Sr. Loma. March 1.2.--Advlmo from Nat- 1 5 . 0 , d .laid • . of Ohs megroote Iternmate. thee of the 2d say tellable Deformation' puts the rebel force In Western Lottisiana between SERIOUS FAMILY. 1 5000 and 0000. under Gen- Dick Taylor, Gen. . I Polignake and Col. Garrison. THISULADOtts BUOCTSS, • 1 The enemy lo fortifying Fort Demsleed Black river and Trinity on the Onchits. ROARS OF LAUGHTER, THUNDERS OF APFI.AUSE. There Ls only a provost gourd at Shreve- TM hon. croadett nightly with the 111. sod pork Three rants are building at that pOl , At. fashion or ths city, to vit.. tha ratntord:rutry ' The rebel gunboat Webb recently showed of to 1. farlantad Spur. of ' herself aj the mouth of Pod Mir. We have quite a fleet of Iron clads and rams collected , American and European Artists. I there. , A prominent officer In the-army writes to •• ,I " Tts totter to: r ta , nib than ba deans." friend in Illinoie that Gen. Logan is unwilling I to Worms • candidate for Governor 14 GUM: AI Y NKEE HEIL'S Bette, and earnestly hopes that the loyal , Voters of Illinois will unite, without reference . to former party ties upon a tioket .d e isp of Monster Minstrel Organization, unconditional-Untodsm who favor the prose- , cation of the war and to the final overthrow GREAT IiIIRLESCIT II of treason and rebellion. 'OPERA -TROUPE. AID BRAM; BA.IIIII. --- The Dental Blockade—Ofliclal !Snare. Wassormycis, March 12.—The State Depart pent has bean offeially notified of the block ade by the Danish Government, of all the porta end Wets on the coast of the Duchim o idchlearig end Uolsmin, from the 25th of Farmer, but, With the exemption of Nem tadt and the Island@ of Almon and Arai, and such other place. ma are actually under the authority of hi. modesty, the King- Longatreet Probably Prof Ordered to North rolia. • Loota•tt.xx March 12.—The Deneocra: has information from an officer from Knoxville, March sixth, that Longstreet had tent his wagon train to Itiobtoond, and was mounting his entire forte, and that the general im pression at Knoxville was that Longstreet ad been ordered to North Carolina. ----- Supposed 14{0CkSde SUUller Chased. PORTLAND, Marcie 72.—Tbe brig Ws?poo, from Matanzas, reports tbat on the 2d Inst., `rigged 32.58, Long. 76 20, she saw a bark 8. gunboat chasing and Wog s steamer, apparently a blockade runner. Gas Howse Blown Up. ilosssoaut, March 12.—Tbe Gas House In this plane was blown Op this morning, and is a total loss without insurance. Two pot ions wore sitrionsly injured. Sailed for Liverpool. Haw Yost, Itiarott 13.—Tba steamer Etna sailed to. day 6or Liverpool with 00.8 00 &alms in gold, and the 'Bremen with 1760 dollars. PioddrtlB • citcc. BRADBURY ousza&ro 3P 3C 11. PC CO ES • POWTHITIL aDd ELIAASTIOSED iea m maDatacturet to the DrUti. Itemlud mittd. • moth M Stat. Fairs and Lime tato. Via as I aganU for Gekontaakar 0..'. sad Boardman a On) 't van ktrane sztamt Pima, and B. D. it W. IS. Saab's Melodeon. Wlll Ilutsol was.. Ye, o . d.trios • POW •Itsd to tall and classine neon parntsens eltatrbsra tsmotd• Ohms tybo bar. Massed tbs.* lawn manta +a this tkdolty vs tale plasm. la Marina to alien Imam, fan., and Dal an Goo, AG. Kb./ 0111; .Joba NE•C•nly.:. Sip., (of Prat, Ate. Curdy C 0.,) Dim llnGaVkland: Dr. Joust-It. 110orslor. •. Md../ P.M. put Marty ; John Quinn, Gr. G. it. a...ut ter; P. Y. Book, rag.. sad Kra. Blackmon,. rttla., burgh. • gnarantas dela rears VA stab Matra. weirargx a BAAL ; set. Adaata trPflinbursh and Western Ps. wtrootelmeottaboat of Biome Claxtil Itm.millr, ou A comErravz musioxt LIBRARY. CloropristAg niorly Thoimnd OW. of PIANO MUSIC. v only Ton DoLlaro.- • • Th. fallacies books are of =aorta dm sad style. and tons llorsrl indispensable no awry quo .ho ban piano. •Po better collection of estate pub lished, pent pre haring been taken in glinting pleas adapplito the_poyular taste Tall non* omiaLx; A collection of Watches, Wallach_ Paps, inchottlschr, Radocss Quadrille, Contra tranvia, Your-lisu4 Placa. and Plane'Oesam; I Vols. 51.1eTAD MORD; • A collection of Imp Maid% quintets, Duets, kc , with noon Amnia. coilst.BHo4llll OT PILADIA ; collection of Cholco.Tecal Dweb, with Plano Accompaninsent. OPERATIC iDEADJA; A collection of Soap, DA. St. arid Trica;trertnprising tbe Vocal Deastkrotlha boil Opers, • All the Oven (6 volumssi for KO, or singly at 0. following priori Fiala, if Cloth, SIX; Path, ha Yst bY , 11ASIMEll 111/111T.Was • 111 Wood stmt. RIMY • —Oa - the let of . .ft.prik w • ma; !marl our 11000 star. to_ aix;ma AS print accalimen 'Metro • am .yea awattsient of P an bud yrs. GAUT ll 11 11137 1 as )1.1(071i1AN Soli Ascots of .DgcblisPlascs. MgE: * / vumoll g •• r : 11111H 'lasi, ? ea u no . see tr b Are sow "ccesidand qa. TOOT !Well NADI, f e i e, .4'1 4 T• 4 J.744P4.-t.t• .4 Ol USEJIEXTB . prassuii6l = ,.. ald_ M woe , ~.M Fop Mt". tdelbt. onto. Th. gloat nodal drool, of Mt(eltM 10M.'8 I:attlN, In which thattalltoroalPflnY *III &hp**. ttolatnel NOM. Iltattaa add tabloans. Motu, to tho tnertiatiftd rottoel which thl* Want l• Mt b , " , * 1 4, t0 b** ottal Pod of tab Ihronghout the ottottity, tatli rohniond that do idodito toe IP the. tot e m nt Ihno tint enrol thwappototal of Iha pattlio, Tlll6 (Monday) irviolltta, pnanomd, r , ..61t. Inn** Mr Rana.* broods, ...Mrs. Itynor .I.lllto wards U .1. .11 In 1.11 ,00 Gen.g• paellas elamy Tl‘y 6ONCEILT ItAl,l V . tom ODI7, comm•uc l "L MONDAY SVSSINO, March 210. nimblantion Tiro enbthltlane In °tot' Tee met attractlmonftittion nor trivenns. ELLINGER & FOOTE'S GMT 11011At1118 17101 AAD COMNENTAL VOCALISTS. The three-DOM{ l ose , tutor In existence, CollllloDpilli FOOTS, 12 years old. Is Incase high. and neighs 14 Dm Ile te 11 Inches shorter than Tom.Shamb =42 ischee shoete• and 6 years oderthan Earennees3o,ooo Ant. BAO/41316 isminuanzmi bschailimpwo44. ed, end the taldee tamed , We noir angle:age P T. Ma the' eshaletnineld to produce the of WY. MOTE. edealds., weight afth got. A thorough echoic ,. in INtOII4I and n or nh. and hi. • matinee end taint ae • knordian, ootor..Qrstor ' and Dancer ere of the bleu. otdet. . Miss lataSarfivir,t, Meter o( the &Dowd. bath's . Icoonsein tbs./WEI' OT Inn WEcT, the itntillent inspired Ids fa xbh enoe—not hill the sistoT Tom Thotatie telfe—te lt yeers old, St Loch. ugh. and weighs 14% pounds. COL. 111111.1. L, The El .le mad Vernal'. CfrialPter rawer. ts 17 years old, So inches high. and Smighe 26 peptide This tete of Lillipti• Isis Wearies*, qunlOts meat other exhibitions of this nein., In which the char aeon ere trained to app.. in • certain postal". educated like an animal show.) are thceoseghty , and appear la • •airry of 0C.11.10 BMWS, Comte aid Al ' 1:1611C Dame, Idonitable Sminentia, An, ...sexed for them glib Veit care to please them. , futidloue lute, in they letS be misted by the old, .1..1 and - justly celebrated CIONTINENTALL VOCALISTS. Together with Min 2.1. Q ELLPIOM the adebra tad Pined. and Composer, and Pm( CI. H. 6110010. the eminent Blind Pianist and Pion... siir Pei.% Matinees EVART AFTERNOON after the •1...1ag eight, comenceing et 3 Ocloch, Ladle@ and Children. Ladle to afternoim lfa IS mete; Childs., 10 cents pones *pea at teen o'clgek p. to conmeroce at 3 and 6 o'clock p. m Admission. SS cenii; reserved mats, 60 cent. Children under 111 years age, 15 anis. C RUSSELL, Beninese Agent. 010. W. This They:lay Eveniimr, March ath. SNOWED AND LAST INSINN. wsrs. INEVZBI ITHIST PRIZI3II re, I ST. CL4OI , St.. near 511501 Brtegs. No. 63 31:r3/1 tl masiloa. Ovastovion --Lynn .4 limuirmr The promat sawn being their drat appeannwe boron thelffiC•2l public, OW • Deem yews' tow . on lbw Emil" acknowledged be the p. and pablic. wh:trar they haw. had the bettor '"iere:on of 'Wta'k ailment, sod Blaotera or their Profaaton. rondo:al oi the hilloarhig satiate NoIDRAN ant •za. 107.08021 GRAY. I FRANH W 414? FR kill( wrist,ow. n A RRY CA NITBILL, DICE 110130W•11, Put ITUITTINGJtaco. FIELD Prof. NATO. BLEIER, J.I MEAD. It w ElllO, FRANK HPENCIIL ALBERT RIAARAII NED TURNER, mom. ittustroab , JUFIN WILDER. CMOS W. BILL, L MIENS 91C0aCit BROWN. W. U. A. TOBILY, HARRY ELITE. Door. olro at 1-1, °momenta at 1% o'clock. ADMISSION. . .115 cants. ma - on&NoB A LCO NY EIRCRADII, gr i llVAT.L a ir,D " B f aSS "''" sNEERIIILL'a BAND A GRAND Id •TINITZ will Le gloom tor the con. man co of Ladlo• 'fad 1 bade. oh SATTISDAII AFTERNOON, al A% o'clock. Adadadoe IS cents. Children seder 12 *award... IS amts. [---..a..)NCERT HALL ISE FOLK WALLER . AMIN BEINGS, Or 1147131111 AOl, ver Known on the Foee of the Globe. Poeltlvay .el) • ttor do" oommesolog Solurday. March 12th, 11364. TWO LVTZES 40 , 45 TUSIDAT, from I so 4%. sad Ntolp m. Ulf= LUTZ= ea Nollo* t sad a.. day Ibtlotrtos, from It to 14%. I to 4% OM I% tot 0WC4131... DSOr opal halt.s hoar to adiaaca. CEN. TOM THUMB, ,AED eu BEAUTIFUL LITTLE WIVE. Ma tato alai LaataiiEsints, the faachutthal Qom of Bastrty. OOMMODORE NUTT, TI. 641310111 ..130,CC0 Hatt:' so mad twat borlag rocallad that sum from Et. T. I Harm. gar Cltraa pan' woe. EI/In : .11fintsge -Warren, The malted Lady of her sae aver wee. lien an • Married Conde. a Itertheterand Sabha lbw .ofgb. tog bet Mo :ha. Perfectly form and Ashur- The wood sneer lam an) thins lett eo 'keondertel. No wric than so mom hit At tha anemias of the I o'clock morning Lief the Genteel and ■ll2 :trest. the !identical 'Meddling Coat= they were at Grace flume cm dole ALstriaseDitiibb• ipth. US& They appear in a great 0501507 of Nealcallag p er t, siances eat Ontsoma. The rich. rare and coat Weddin Pram* alio the megnilleent Jewels enemeted to Oct Sem Thumb b 7 the °comma Heeds of Lime, trill tit uhibiud at each lore*. it Plea:daunt Miniature Beach, (meting 81L0303 110 tow than "a Itnalel beikst.' • days by low ef the malted you're In the weld, and attended by Lida Coachman sod ,100 la JAvery,ll(ll POW ta ens& the stres, and the Rum BUM imam will all Ada et walla ittoe'jael twat the Ball of ICYlallloe and the Hotel- tt'' vS omit Childrenunder given of ags—.---.1.1 1 tablet* 4GEJV'TiI. pENSIOIip, 1301WTY, BACK PAT. T. WALTER-UAY, Soldiers' Mari= Agent I,IOIOBIID DT Tat IL S. 110VOSNIIMIT, 50.103 Vilth 101., 14 (18.0 Wow - tka.ooolll No shams is owls WWI the clam U collmted. WAS MAIMS, literary descriptio, prenentat •nd =WI tionft*Alcmintbe Omni amps, the My Deviation:4k sn Prgesinstst: oll!m1 1 , at Washingtn, 2 Prise Sono Ds Saorsalne Oineae Clam promptly atteadid JAM M th KUSTAIT mum W. I. PATTEItIION. 144 . :1Pirdigrtil Stiosit. Waco; Mame in Pg6lolo2lsllo l7l inc_ . OWL PAT ...t z • Cli NUMB SWIM ORMIAIMMAITCIFORk prxosl7 atm& OAS t;WEB., N AITOBJUIPAT.TAW toe-rma-strifti_Putstarst. re. ado", **puma% Boinm, nip 11011 .*o...lgoriudr 101191t01. 111111X4315i XCX,:I'A and .X_ MUM* a as e r i pthyq;collootsd lry.Xmiu.• ogrftee.lX rams'i': traiScatil r I other cIX2OIIItA _ , ,0.414141.‘ tor:. T; . I.3.esa .1: 4 " a u i b f t g g .00201‘xid Y> , >2l I ,:;.;',.i...',114:i.',4:::. trrallidlAVE hauteur° Co. or North America. rutLApeLput. neurones Co. of the State of Penns., .?11141.DItt.Ptilit Hartford Fire Insurance Company • al/rlnauranos tha show. old and rollablo also Tenho eaa he olktalhal aor application to w. p. JOlll.B. 4 fey:illy Waders Buildings. I/7 WO. street. AMERICAN LIRE INSURANCE CO. PIIIL&DIELPEII A. (Turorporees 111.50.) Authorised Coptual Paid op CapltaL.—..i.. 850 000. i,90 Ile Zl. aniLLDIS, Priedout. gAgria P 7011.1., (of 'Work, hicCoach t C 0.,) V, P. Llat "gigs to secure the payment or Pi , " 4 - tbs Meth or the assured. Preto= to be paid as may. AP. So, 17 00 FAX ea et to rel al.. 40 1 07 tba premium easy be paid le 1, t;11, e r (0 mom:oats, hate* Air thee., mid all particulars ou Appl _Waive to It-5..81171.1t. Pittsburgh Areut. 6D Tenerth enact, (Burke. Bullitiog. pagrmc nisu AISCE CO. of enoosions. X. Y 08 -.... 191.701 1I is& SO OS Tbe lanfirosd In. teen app Anted Agent of thli bod pOpular and reliable Oos le ell.. openpoend la prekered to e Policia. ea favorab t IL 8. BRYAN. AO , Vrff B 9 TOUIBTII sTazgr. (sus.'. ilurtilgyrA B.Set.Sat VirSTERN INtRRAI.:CE COMPA F Cn 07 Prrrimunu, a. MILLER, Jr.. PreddraL, tit& C ria 9114 tear et , e 4 . 6 9.4 0 " WV . " g' r W " b eri tads w R.. .d Merlon RON A Raw botitioice isali!loed iro Directors rile l aw 44117k500n 2=l; dowses" data Vhey lam asswas4, eria,' Che I ereactioate OWN AA, Lein. a be imeerest. 0 , 1113010 Z• Aakdrem Ank Alaxander Spam, Mind M. Long, hem J. Thomas, Bmg. P. Batsmen. Jobs h. Weans, H. *Mex. . Jams litenill ' ay. Nathaniel Beleila. Hrsw dieie. /MIA, B. Barron. rJJD CT" In &DOD, Lawton. PETIZEN'S INSURANCE COMPANY V DP virrsiloson. Odlice, corner Market and Malaria:roots, wanddoar. Wlll. Bader LEI, Proadart Sail= Mt. Swam, hard. Btoantboata and Otayos home al abut W dad &meg. in the oartantioo of tbar,Boathorn sad Wadero Wawa Lakes end Royally and the narlipaint , ef the Seat. 'toad* spine lon and darned. b 7 ara. W Par , J ." 4 1.1" Mt r., Blew ' ban Sblprea, W. Johnston, ~rnee g. Cooper, B. r. 4onta, Harhaagh, Bono Care., Celdwoll, Jr., Boa r. Bowe, John I. Dilworth, Barclay ?radon, Wet. A. Bader. 2 De , da'r 11Vism, de3relyd ititYIi4.I.a.COMPANY , Officer H. E. corner Wood & Fifth Sta, FIRE AND 21.ABIES Elf SITRAIICE. russCrarA Jrm.. D. Verner, eßpt. John L. Bleredu; sasnuel P. MrDer, Groril , rJ" . '' 1 . Elanano Lore, butler Arbuckle. ;TILLIr." 'wen. Phillip, John IrJata WzaablinTn. John E. Park Charlgo S. Dla a, l 4 Van Vas LILY. INIS• PIIILWP& Prmi,E.E. JOHN WATT. N. P,osidne.t. WEL T. CIARDNYS, Sorreelvv. Jr114:17 • _ A `.I.EGUEN Y INSURANCE PANT OT PITTSRODOII - Otdc - a. No. TI one stows, Bank BIM. Inaaraa afinladt all kinds of Tit. and Hart. Dish ISAAC JONES Hand-at, JOUN D. !CO Flea Paraddpe. D. B. BOWL, Gaendano. t'Apt. Wit DiA2l, armiml Om. VI IMLTOIll• Low Jour. j !obi D. litcOord. O. C. lisZa., , C.O. Adam Jim's. ' D B. Starling. 1 0 1 172 1 .. CI. Gray. j , '..ut . Wm. t.... , Jam Ilmin, Jr.. D L. tietimyr, B. L. ~.".„,,,,,,,,.. . 1. 44, U. DSIU C. 41 RP ETS, OIL cLe THS.I4c 414 ST It Spring Stock of C A_ "Rd 1:' ETe, MEMO oil, CLOT H Well ...weed "0" .r iiYadom Nhadil, etc , QUITS. AS LOW AS ELSEVIKERS At ireallues Carpet fiton, 1e ST WOl5lll/ 1111 X CT. szliT HAP I NO PURCHASAD AND ADDED TO OrE OW V TUV ENTIRE STOOK HMS, OIL CLOTHS, tiC, Lotaly M& Ilpy W. IIIoCLINTOCIL M 11.1 Unfit -. a. , OA, by Ow obseanbdattue; le yea the LARGEST STOCK, TO BE FOUND IN TIII. WEST, 0f T 'rim LOWEST PRICES Oliver laoOlintoolc & 00., No. 93 TITTII snore. ATWOOD, RALSTON it CO., Itasaboterm sad Colsenfaion Itereksata, OARPETINtiII. Oil OLOOLA, Matt:lns, Rags, &a NO. CIO 0711123TNUT aTiINCP. tilkls _ PIANO COVERS. Fine Embroidered Cloth. Embosset Cloth Vichorin. • an ..t rptiat4l irate. et pat rewired 41 Ma NEW OARPET STORE Ile/MAID, COLLINS & CO. yErwrisN BLIND nu, us in mad*? tie asd aosaplet• siaorteanat Jost ts• NEW, CAJELIE7IC'T STORE NO:NARLAND, COLLINS ilk CO oaf DENTRITR EICKW/fArtie!.., Oiniitiller *an 14111 ilt .A-CihOode_oor•lta .; 4-1 • , . 4 .J~~ "'~ai'~l;. - - T" .wz:.l.'ur..Ve•'n..ti`.ri''~s~ ~ a„~~"5,~.-e.-i~`.~.x~.~i` MEM OILS, iNrc WARENG & r COMMISSION MNIIIFILLICIB, Anil Brat" to PdrolCUm and Its Producia, AAA Afro to Bateau Ilatoruao. rirt"h.‘_l,6 fir .VILLUA ROE a PELRSALL, POILLDILLPII i • CommaSulam nernbasta a. Brokers. Petroleum and Us Products Tor extort mad barna ossimailObaa, taitie tbie tor Carom at reemitiabla rate. Liberal &dram. made TB REWEE, BURICH4M). COMMISSION MERCHANTS, Airast• of 0. GLOM rausirto Mil> LIBMITT OIL WOO L& Litoleal art advs.r .%ma conelptax•ab of Refined or Crude Petroleum. OWIL. DIVICELIAZ WAY i wPOOOL .OIIIILISITOM 1[18013•8121. BHIPPE.RE OF PETROLEUM. • lui itilIMN LANK. NNW Tows.. Ample beffteks for STOII4OI LIED 811.11 PING st ,Thrtl net snag, In Ea. R ICHARDSON, HARLRY it CO., oomitastoa a ronwaxinso ILZIIMIAST4 Crude and Refined Petroleum, Is. II lIWTI MOUT. TITTBBIT64II. Mr Liberal Cash advance. au constittonsots to. Plitanatih or lasts= Market.. Nemo. J. B. Dilworth Os,. Bpringor Ith Zoo , , Thompson BoU Prost. Orsomoronsi Usk.. mho- ezo _— IRON CITY OIL WOKKI% LYDAY & gIIORPENNINIi. liwoutoListrors ..d 6.du.n of 0.1.61103 OIL. BILB LINZ AND LUBRICATING GILL And 6.abors Is etZI7I)IC water oypu~a m''‘"'""g Dean. Da lie RABID eras= WAI.I.ACIL c•..m m. omicyfx Pll.l3l . otUlr , t. I=lll CRUDE it REFINED PETROLEUM, moo Nz AND LUBRICATING OILS No IA IS C CH4 VO, ?WI L LA DELPIII4 Ear Stomp, capacity (mailer ccurer,) farbbla Alpo excAillent lines far aapplng dmei- • wad Foreign parts, nt ocif iihiirf tb. Schuylkill River, war the platfarla! T ACK Az BRO., Crude and Refined Petroleum HENZROI, &, us MALVOT RT.. MITLADIELPRIL linsineas entreated to ounce.. receive ea peat , roe. er t i c ition. Elwin Berke A Co.. .11 ileCkll.d R Devil, Pitrebergh; Tina, Nei. Perot. Book N. A.; L. None , . MCCOHM col & Ciaa.El ER, OIL BROKERS. 211 and 213 South Water Street. ear a•wtsnmron imtglottal soros le Lyda, /, Cliorporialtty, Iron City Oil Woyks. /.rob l'olotos, of .1. Paint. A Oe. Im.Cholfaxit, of byway. Clialeysit Oa lea ly -11111:1SSIONTIM pUTROLEUM CO, mums AraisTaoNa as KIDD, GOTT.I PIALLAti. LITTEPOOL, CIiGLATD. Re. Tori—lltrall B.G. Dun AIM ,TI4B Pirr.baro—tdomrs. B. O. Ds. h ; " u= a 4 Co. ; •rdeireo 011 Co. Tor terms und lam'lash. •P 4) WERIBELST, do.. wood arid fourth Woo* Pittamgh. &Vella D L MILLER, JR., Amorr, _ tm W A LIFUT IT., PHILADALPHIA!.. CRUDE & REYERID prpyliztrz 0 , 4 Oonazabgton eaclarmity. All le of am+ lITOBACiI TOR lIZTIIMD tu cool altars. Tar 081:7137Z, ander good abode. Particular sttentka mid to SO D A 113::POST. ros iIaa—OAUSTIC SODA, AIR, to. • CABOT, PM : BRION A WEIRESTSB. General Merchandise Brokers, 143 PIIMIL BTRETT, Now York Also. 1.15 6011171 ITONT IT.. Philadelphia, Ps. OB.IIDE & REFIRED PETBOLBUL (MUM() 110 DA. SODA AM. BRIXITONA DRUGS, OILS. k Orders to art sr all promptly standar! to. 001111.072110111 XESCRANTIL evellairbar eliesttes paid to ecrobleareesie oi Crude and Seined Petroleum. Sir Liberal advaszeia mama (La. Wa.R. Woodward i 05.,) OiIiNEULT, COMICOMI =MM. Bpdal Etestke eves to . e• it• de and Refilled Petrolenni. Pa in gars WWI? ISTIXIM, PPM& 666:2m1 WWI 1=111...* . pETROLITR OIL WORKS. 1142110.4=111 0 e MIMI Wain CARBON OIL, IVISOLIGUY LIIBILIOLTIItO OIL. Ogarity top tbeassa. bamli pa ma. REESE & ORM, PkOPILIMSII. 11101t01101111LA 1101 . 3 . 33, PlUgbargb. 1 1, 1 23 • PITTLIDHLPHIA ROM= z•I'• I Ix I 69. CLAM et. PITIMITTBAM Forwardingarthmadukaffierohant 4BD.Diuunt nr oss. SILL' bk.• 4 4 . • '• 4 • 4 ' .• • ?risme= 0114 ils...coustaatly ca . tatid • lbsials at tbs laved maxiM • • • M. V. NOLDCBSP....- ....w -.-T • • WOODVILLE OIL REFINMY. Quo. w. woramouP al co.. . . llLansdhatasts it =IMO OIL MID LITHHICLI, 11,TIO OIL. Inip_cosrtantly On hand the Tay bid Slinahr a SUBSING OM dear sad without coke; OW a ma WTHEIOAWA- pm WIIITI 1U WeAll and CUM CilittiLßn firms adore ha a Ara ID nrra Dank Walk wietwa floor, will be pnnatat= - , Ofi of Vitriol is' d. Aqus . , OrdeeAdis; Zals. .11.1.A-VFACTURERIS, try, „ • - DUQUESNE BRASS WORES, CAD*AN & CRAWFORD,. of awry variety of ILeishad [LASS WORN. 704. PLGIDEEES, STEAM OR GAS TITTER S COPPES , MACH AMITIVA INISTS, AND -: MASS CASTINGS, of all descripttona, nude to wrier. STEAMBOAT WORE, STEAM AHD GAS. TITTING, sad prouPOT Attoh , ka to. Particular attention paid to fitting ay HUME EGIN YOB COAL ANDO/16E0N OH& ey Al.,leaula Bole ;Want tha WainamDistrict of-Prou for tbe rale Of TILE= LACEDL A CO.'S PATENT SYPHON ?MAP, the beat n E rer L rented. Marton nu var.. to to not HAN in get oat of alter, and null throw moue water than any pump of twice lu else. ; • WIT V. I. waccrwromr.......i. nws. RON' CITY WORKS IACKINTOSII. lIICEICPUILILL t CO rorsoras AND liaCtlllllSlt Ousieu of Ma and 0930r5, and Pike ant Walnut Stmts. (Near city P7*tee Worlm,) Manefactaron of otstlowtry sod ether Irsorugg, aoLianso MILL CASTINGS sod MACHINIST, of all Uncle, sod soneral jobbers. Proori4 attention .pt to ncithim liourst MILL MACHINIST. JOHN HALL & CO., VALLEY FORGE PLOW WOILICS, PITTSBUSOIi, PA" &alas hi Ji thadhlbrieit hula 51.aLOWBrPLOW CASTINGS, SCOOPS', CUT TING DORM Se. With greatly,. ineresend fit. ilea ter doing bagarhyra eanustly knit* deskn to 11t. la • cal kunumctrAry, Tatopesaseaville. Wareham, Cecil, .Nei sad Liberty LL. Pittategh. JOUN BA T. J. HALL. STRPBYN WOOth. JAS. J. BROWN. BLACK DiAldoiii; STEEL WORM P 1111511178011. Pt. PARK, BROTH3II3 it 00 SZST QUALITY DITINED CAST STlrla., Liquor. Ilst mg Octagon. of iall-Sists. Warn:dud equal to way imparted or ussaufsetf.ed to tbt. outus war Mos sad grarabouss, Mo. lig sad 131 sod 120 and 143 BEOO3ID SVIZETS, Pittsburgb. ibll:l7d BRITANNIA AND BRASS WORKS. COLLINS & WRIGHT (Bnocorsors to Orin Newton.) liantifacturere of CASTOR MAKES, DWG& CD Pt, LADLES, mad • great variety of BEITAYSIA articled. Atlas CARBONOIL LAMP BOUND= and LAMP BRASSES geberelly, In &cowl street, Pittsburgh. ALLEN M 0010110 K k CO.. Vacua Totowa", Pittsburgh, A. slirWarehonse, 331 LLBEETT STREET. Manufacturers of COOK. raiLoa AND =AT- IRO STOW, PABLOB AND KPICIEEN MUTTS, UOLLOW WADE. etc., Steel andCleaeldoulds; Bob. Log Mn! Caning% Mill Gearing, Geis Water and Ar tisan Pipe, Sad Iron., _Dog iron., %Two Bowe, So. gar Kettle.. Pullers Hangers, CarWlesels, Couplings Castings Castings generally. AIM% Jobbing and Disallow Canines made to order. Patented Portable with Stella or Eloise Power. WELLS, _RIDDLE- S=W,. No. 21. Liberty street. episodes Suety Pittalusmh, madame area of WHIN, IsAfilITS and SWITC.4I - and every dramiptiou of Lit..VIEJ L BRAIDED WoUK. °Arra solicited from the Mad, and goods prompts ,1 shipped as per insuurtivue. tom t -1 w. BEN NETT. Manufacturers of L.P. WHIT& 5T07.:11 CDI\A and 011&A]1 COL. OILED Mee and Warehouo No. 74 rum Pittsburgh. • ruhl&ly . . . DD)r GOODS. OUR 1•16•1.01.....13.1 CLIII-.01 111.C1....=10 WILSO, CA lilt & CO., (Ga. Wilma, Prow& C 12,) Wholeiialr dealers la YORRION AND DDNFSTIC DRY GOODS, N 0.1.4 Wood street, third hone. aim. Dhtmaad aUii7, Pittsburgh,— spliktf „. tun I AS Folmar! Asp Dostarrio DflT UOODS. no Federal meet., Oeroorel done Mem n ew Market Home) Allegheny City. tott9:ly PATON, MACKUM CO.( Whetemile LAt awl Reall Dersigns TRIUMING% MUDD/ 1- D'EtNES .41 DRY ROODS, of every o.crlptlory No. 17 and 18 71ftb arvot, Pltlmb=o• • MACRUII & GL] DE Wholesale and LVA. Detail Deese, to VANCE AND STAPLE DILI GOODS, TRISMINGS,-/te., No. TS Market street, hennas Dlaraosol'aad Vounh Pittsburgh. BURCITFIELD, (successor to U• Burchfield & C 0.,) Wholesale and Beall Dealer fa STAPLE AND VANCE DET,GOODS, Northeast censer a( Fourth and Market streets, Pittsburgh: 1 - 01 4 .17PR I:IQRN — E, Vholesale U and Xe tan neshria al Mods of TILIMMINGS, DEE GOODS, to., Nos. 77 and 791larket street. RBKILKER TITO., Dealers in all' uds of DELT GOODS, N.. 69 Illartat stmed, bitsees Third sad Toustb, Pittsburgh. D 11. PALMIA.7I4O. VV SS o-a Lu. Dealer trill°. , GING% asd STRAW GOO Is HA gosteralls. STILAW .17 - USIC ----- MLOTTE BLUME, Dealer in MU )AND kIUSICILL 1N5T303112179. Sal. yye~wt 4r "CeLBPITZET onmileta ON& No. 43 7lltb Meet, 'weed door aboln Plneba . res. Pianos to let, and taken to exanange br nem • nPI.9 . 'KLEMM BRO.,Dodem m MIT. . 910 lap 311751 CAL IIiErMITIMSTEI, and - .rile sant' Ibr ISTIINWArS CIiaJiIIRATED /1- 1.11013, /SO Irlfth grant, Pittablanih. tety.4l ORIARLIES Q ICIELIATR, Dealer iE PLA3IOS, =LOMOND, to” No. el Wood Wows Iroorth most sad Dtstotand S SEVERANCE', No. 53 WaTEIt 67d, martotheturor on :WILES ntrk - is. wiaTta r tliras, common and roittolkor *Tory dacrticka. ft/o=w sled or duped SPIELS sad !UTICA tarp or =O. made to ardor at abort Potts. d woortateat coadsatis on brad. akYza,aa !Gig - - - OCINOTII, C. WI OM 14 S. C. SCHOTER, Att.orneys-a4. 1..). Ls.. Mike, 15e.139 Youth stn+Pl.PltuburiA. er.1.7 'IS r Pl• A • .4. . • Office, di0.1.50 TOUBT-ri BS LlNT,Pittaburo. DIXDR, IdOIITGAGIB, TECCELIHIOS' , and altar Jn trassanta drawn. Gut• NW A . : • rr: LSD B.C. UAW for solo by • ULM L. CALDRIML, corner 'Mit: baditarkat itreeta. - 21 KU m 10430114 from stmaer Enre,lor was by rob% ISAIAII DICK= it CO.. 'th BARREL TATNT.-14 bonds illtarsl Mit, sipetior tar Oil Bar. HERBY eoimara. • JGARDIMIR COEM - Atent. for . • tracklll.l,oelphla and "Watt* Usual:op' Cbmpaales, Narrated's =me Wood and Third az. P. I A Agent 'nethAni •rien, • . • State at Paannivadia, add Radford laser. idea Coadai lea 87 Wadd situ& . See =t r, ' 001911? W ater a% "'"---N,SaretiTi. Wes t ern—S d =ranee Cosipsa7, 9 3 Watti Mint: l i - ! 1 3 4 : 7 11 :to • • 2111 DR rroGgsts... SJOHNSTO Dealer is PURE DECGS AND .GULISIGIus; -- Trarumu rr, PANGGOODS BDEISINO SLOW, OILS, Mntas ¢7 EZDIGLEbIi Ay, et atrial,' IL avallty, ba airs at • argot prima' Corae 'Ma lad Yourth strostsjunbargl. .CrawiPtk.r car*. 7 dad stsD.Dosn. acirgre - 7 • am. Drm..ol•lsonsfscturen of MIME .LTAD AND umLßuy. won Wood m y tCat lareda, Pletsbursh• ~l~i-~~' LEW!. :cc— • 119 St .11 JOHNSTON it'CO.; Station. Sts,' Mat Boot 'lliantatarsts sca Jul> Maas, No. ST Wood area,ecso: - IP—reraiX),-Boobieltets and *taint /1 No„IN Wad ares,nnt 4ixefio ,==.2t6Aleloobllo4 41mer110054 ~.sostirtor iml.ssaitonerr, No. TB TossiS amok pp 4l _ 'goy , daft Load as. . unlikte Cb." k..l4 * td erellobsr-- = 01111siow arna1,M1.11.16.. .4.3`.4,71111.,+•:&5:-..11711- • HOCEIR fIES,PRODUCE, 4; iticeLKLLAND, • „ (Snecrier to EleCtisligwd& citiamai calreitssioN nreacits*TlN Fiatitr, Grain and Praiistinitt.: - . B±l•Fattentlaa clywn to. the purchase catali" . a erne HICFINED PrrecoLutta. • ET WOOD STILM, POLON:ire, jakly • , RI.FB a IiALSLEY, Prednee and Commission Mercian,. KEEICWiDISI lIZOIXFS,, Aud &Ayr in GIL ktiult aIOOIISTIII noDuci.- 80. IT laTalefilfTarWit Drama Ileacmax.a,-...—........c.c+Le tof the Inteitrm of D.l a Co-, .1 • i,; • . M r DONALD. A ObSo luau 13.1, .311. Orocus, Pc.odias and Corkidealcs ' chants. RE DS 10.11Etr, V. 0. SWATS litutllo, , LASSEN, ,lIEEttaD SUGARS ISTIIIIPS,_nom BACON, . TOBACCO, TEAS, MC': CIIKEEB. SEEDS,AC.,Boa. De awl 24i Liberty. stroolittA• e' ZIORIM 'AG LAZKAR., 10 Wholeads Bd AltD-00211X153105. NSECLUSTIJ, Ha. 12 EG essitteekil st. car. 6ecota, - - • I TINUIL A. UMW PUTTEB,,AIIiTS REEPAILDTorn. .mlukonirinviumtrand Dad. , " I.Poqf istii s " • laa Wawa. YR grrs, rikus...Bwrivr. fixes. • EGGS, TOTAIV, Et, and Procto6e gncrally, a. Saar iAtirty meat, Impolite Yalastak,irllspot;. l.l tatiX:xt - Ditmorth a-co , a coat#o.l7.oThai gra; Atwell, /ate Auo Job. Oraxler • Platabyzak; Watt A . M., Tlelmarall Van Itraat FIMW.a.; nlalatk 176110W11N EIL. Loofas Sinclair 0 Graz: 1:4 Din Tod,: taxa rord /AMU. Racinemil. m3 Ol l, •• =saw. M• ACKEOWN , 71.1N/161LT lagori:: ILL 'Jc 41n , riCtOIS, PUMP= A.lO , 034.01112 2 }, .11tractsams, der tire ego or roar, Graln„Porte Da • , Lard, Better. DSP. Mead. Brume "Plaiolte-''' Grew. Paethers. Potatoes. Pot and Pearl dattra. Salmatee. Linseed end Lard and Dried 'and Orem • Tlenotb.7. Clover, Vox and Gros Sark : • Cat% adrauremente made on Consicontents. aplay V 7 tibernr wee. Marta*, FRANK VAN GORDER, .• Produce-and ComnOision Merchant, No. 12113Z0b5D . ME= Pittiting.b. Denier In nova, minx. BEOO)t :41 2 1..) 3 1.t - b , LAUD, =WE, FOWL, DRIED- AND p. predna pnarally. . Liberal nub en:lemon connil;n4! vv . a GUMMY, WIIOLSHALLE GRACES, 30,171 LIILVITT ISTREST, tlttib.4li Haviug purchased the ludarmt et tie tate Pasthei% coatinve the Madame at the obi ethnel,threl irllll M phased to metre the pathmageht ths old Meade .udcustomer& saYlibtf WLB &talon sauktm• Whatnots &Pen in wisrsiraj 13.Y.5411VE CIIEFSE. DRIED Y,GUITS, tUnTiL, EGGS. GRAINS,and , manes LEATEILIt, gIDES, OILS, tc..Dis. 311 ~ rapt, - street., rituburgh. ihirCash.a.haannoentn onde." Ognslztunants pr. • Itched. Jel2-Ikad WAL P. HECK le C 4)., Nei. 185 A arty Street, Plttaburgb, Wholeatile Gra. - Coloratastoo Oftercharsts,'and dealer. (0 COVW LOY PIIODUCE, PROVIOIONS, 11.1GON,"tiraIIN • RCITER, POGO, MOVE, NOM, Se., PR0DLT12, , • ,.. %LOU% (MAIN, SEEDS, GREEN AND VRCITJ, Sc., SALT and LIML. paTTERSoN I$BlO.N. N a ELM SW ILA * N. 0011.111NT.i. MOOS AND titratiZt, awl. poen' PGODUCE , loakm, So. 6 WWI) STXSET, - PStraer, - ,14 mizkly JO.IIN B. CA...tit:lElA), co.vmustox Altu • Fozapannto Itssru.arr and wliolemtidialei iNTSTKIIN ILESEUNK. CRERSE,.BUTTSI4LATIA. PORK, BACOIi. noun, MU. YOT, AND TURK, - tiALKRATU, LLNSEED ARV. WM . i ,- I.IILK, DRIED PRIM', and Proclina gencraiy;24C..; [l4l and 143 }'runt streal, Pitta.Kß: [ rz,s L- BLE, Wholesajo Grw 1-1 cm, mpd coiniAolo. sreicb......Teztre In 1.1:0DISM mm 4; ISLOON; GITSIOLS,t irWir • CARLO AND LIWD OIL mote. EYTIER J BaYraEßtHeileaecitallh , 1.4 Depreci a Atiderom) refacias . FRUITS, NUM AND SPICDDi -VON , - rECTIONSIVY, SUGARS. ITER WDDENkr,2IOIi4 ,, 1.%),.ad Wood arcet, above .; Fittli.,ViDs C(ULP fr. SHE PRARD,Conici.** Direcurssa and dealers in 10131.11, OWN, , AND PEODIICS, No. 21.3,Libertg streets Choice brake or Flour tbr Bakers an Faudly use ceratautly 1 4 hand. Particulsr.sttetabut Pald.tdiT filitugorders ot-64., C41141,,LES LEECH; .kums ,, -Arti .- " ):: 1...1 Gaeta Fermat eau Cosortudds *ltiracetau , 4 0 C.7 • the sale a GRAIN, SEEDS, CHEESY., P11.01)114/A k, and went for the celebrated Da hreteard N &coed .d. first atrecrhFq hems Wo od gm Itherld. Pittsburgh. sea arersa4u.: EAD itETZGAIt, Grocep.:nwa Cormulasieu Merchants, an dealers iis o 1 bads , 430.A,7 Produce and Pittsburgh llazufactudes;. , • - • 151h..140•Libertgatreet, eyposita bead of rsotlausah .. Pittsburgh. Id. JONrs. , riECLJON'7E3: SON NTIL 010044. v 4 Grocers assi Drat Tnruirhere, &SUSS in . 1411. LA WPM, °ANVIL 011.9; PITCILLad - Plgm . burgh manutatured articles, No. 141 AVuler 474 4 z.; above the llonangabeLa Bridge. PiltaserglC. - • uotaur IDPOBERT DALZELL, k (10., •39.11014 v. • AN sale Grocars,Ccimitsissiort yarws.ullog Ned , chant.. sad 'dealer. in Product; and Plttatugh allecturce, Liberty smut. FlStaburgh. • WALLACE, Com /Ll'. odd Wholes ale Dealer In MOLT asacithnl,, No. 333 Llbert7 erect, appalls Psonaglirsula Puma"' Dmpot, Pittabargh• • EOM* .MW. -.., horse, miser NYsyne and Pena streets. : =Mir WIT LAKE1C1t1........ 3092 AI'ABEET, 8HIPTON:&-00 1 . 1 Tholet7; LJ We Grown aut Produce •Vbistiii:liii; Ruth' street, Pittsburgh. WATT 0 WILSON, WlicilevalcOnfr.. 11 erre. Commission ItorokumW - dialoortir Produce sad Pitt max.tacturtlNlBN.lsB3llK..2. MSAY & TELFORA Li and &gala GIIOCFII3,TLOIIII AND PHODUCS, eraLrns, ISI lava, street,ll.ttaintr,b4 Q.CHOILLEER it LANG edirIITSWON7 disizeirawn rad choleraic Lasts la -OW WeitiSii, noun. Gams. igiODUCE 4rre No. rift : Marty attar. Plttaborgh. • t. A. uroarrr.:.-.:......----......-. ,0173%•,U5rair; 1 S. LIGGETT /4 CO., CITY: uca n , coma Libtrry - as.l Ada m • dreets, Plttab ;Ps. • •• c. ••• .-1 111re dai t.citY D . AL 6131,14bnrrel" : "ISIT17. Itsion of LAID' OIL, cas k. Com-mind= Marc Cant. =a oftlttliD Z• 8E.11.151D Nat. 12 mind ID Ilriate• , eftet,fitubeeTb. Adrukecom.daktreiannignslutteee KIRKPATRICK Ic:BROWER, anc, ,-. er • awn' to Brown . t SALE-41E0MM, Itos: 141 sta. nbaninctr , ;: - _ a. EtCOLLlNS,Tonnirdlng and Caiinatailmi eloat Jut 4 dale is pIiEJSE„ BUTTS. : VIII. and ?Mow genersphlio. ZA, Oars Wan, Pittelmugh. • , I • . WEEDDLE i iinneeiLSOr II Ilea " ' togtol"otZ11"-V i ri•MILi . ;. - : , : bal o grii & Rdlty aellettaL 7- • - CO; W 0103510 mom Onombdon Neretatats, end desk ' r Pted i ncs, Ned. Water &root arkel 66 Froc% 147 X, " 11.0614%-1. simnrrte — rp TOILN FLOYD /a 1)0, Vilkpleskalet,kko-14# orr. eat Corsattedaa ffienlints, Sitta,ll2 Void . sad 22:1 Liberty ortzea; littaberith, -; I us.a.ssoLsul WE soymossor:At 2 l Se ".„ ismal Halm; a c 0..) roux-PA . 422 Ante ',X. ll $l 4 nd .4 11 r • TOWP. solo=- o- s on t-Tornoenna Aux rAcnsil and doe-, • • se la PROVISIONS, No. L^ Yosath setY, Pittaborsh. Dri = NA *1140 7 . ,T , a nu am VOlGTeniceceasove drat(.nicontroz jIF Pcomuystoli ElatIMARTS,3l7l.llmny .11061 1.1 - t; ------- )Uti 1., otocrels Awn co E wilssto-sSumeassita,"' ... nonec or itteddatiild. WWI' faMegr:PlVATllliii, )f f,. 1 T- TAXX, , 03:0148i04,,z,r Prentuiiti, od , [-.lent In PILODUCX. VW= t. Ttecor,l4 - cpoui alani, 3.e.,lso.;lSftithfielot .", *mt. i relig. -, , , ~., , r ,014, ...„. Effv. raw ----- 162ineioN -w-t.k.a.:..,, • asocru tam ociminsatoN zuzzurr. , •* --, 1 : sad arm: of tbp IlismostklithAltiratannir. L , t , 3.3 wate ,— ;,.. 2 02 Met, NAIL: ..13 and v-1041- ant-rule:a et ammo AND 001111004 08 te r otillakti . sil1*,4 . . , Waa ::rw '~y~cx_ `~~~.~_a MIME -}Bl.. ~,guy. M! ME El_ IMMO