...., • --.-. -,,,,-,, : -, 7-, • - • ••)4 7•Tr• -- '`'''••! - -- .!••.. ;-• . . • . .. I-- - - Y ...-i5r":7,,w•••....1........,.... .. , .•.. 5 , - MW(7 . 7ir . 5.;-01 7 :7" - '-. - r- - %?- 1 " •l .•-- '7- .- '7••••:-••571:974-'7'.-.-.---t".---9''''''''"*.f-- .;.-,- ••77--, --•-`-',"41•••-•--:1,•••'‘'±-4••••77--'‘:-•----,-.Ar111...''.;77•Mif^,,7-1T- '; ' ,,S7 .'f f •r. ,l4 l • Zl:• - -•="•=•.••••-• , - , ' ''' '''• - --''''--- . , .•., - -!. •• • : ~.:'...". . • -:-•'-rr. -:-.•• c•-•,..74_':,4:.-;.•;,..,C;.,•,,,-4••-,A'3'•••••:,i'•':•'•''4'''9.4.••••‘"'''-'''''',4-•—•• "r •---- .' • -• , :' •!-' 'Yr' •• —••- '• '-; - , - ;:-..;f::.;:": 11.,, t• - • ,,, ,: ,- -; - 7 . 7 . :".. : : .: .7-7-...'', .t:4:f - ..,1, ,!-- - - ...,,,.... , _...-, , ,•:cr.„!:., _- -, ~........,--.,.. , , -. .- ',- ',;.-' ...V.._,J--,-, .- , . •.<4.. ei - ',...,. - ..... ' aii. II ii I ii 1 1 zas,l.t-J.Ol Ca ick ~~.u~. 41011.018 AA. . - • ...- . N litiiiai , ..,i;,,,,,it: ! ,Auto.; ~,,, , -I. a. .ti 4. .tas ortiga Cost - lbsebssi - ,1 Iffijairia.'' ' •, ' • - - ebi , . . 1114 1 - -...--- • "-) . ~.e. . .: ri?,o44*-iiwa,14:0.4 c 1 .4 4 z i ~...,... toV -ixiiiti4iraietitii— iiis" I'. . ..... .• ' ''.7.4tuttlitt urtest *Odite l b - 1 .,,, s . g' itioni . h. • .. " 4.... ~..:. -___ 11 ,4 isi - iiTtiV; . sat firo6o4;*ioir .. . • ..StiligAiMmOriklat ,jl,!. VI EI . , : I ..t... i 14*121E641* slaintsbssads. . thitilifi'stiolibiitis &Wag • ~ • Mini that be- would tsiterktqs estmt • issLdsl tit Sliii4tsta 1,-Viiitiasntaad ibis appostis to. bs issistagrallbssatts itsmss hats tas ass la aillisr, la Vist inventor u row a 'gzebsoss . is de'd of abstir :-11 mod tidl6s7 to . taviitakii . bsa saasst* stiti thsp,tp !-Uolir Oasts' is.. T tbs bops 1 I .. tat sattaittaiiti dams& ottbi-diggsrs - 1 :.. be suotaalarmuistailkiatillwpablio '1 .11brestirost OKI' siesutly, of asytag daa 1 • ': =loss tokAbste tug. ' Mbli•te osztabay ~obiam* to its* of ca t sist4: l l6 coal 1 ibis tilsobbssoskielh. ' comsat coiniu• lip . Moro AS - ttasibss basskswattlag the, sationstal brrsator, ss : proms blib stiods of Mang •=b s s elirmvivilitioili t(LAW.CIt vanawnr , iscast.. - _ the soastitststias of i - anbiset will beitsioast at As . I= l • of tbs Ezdakert, wilt la ispisbist . - —411.14mr assbiss-alsulatpldnio . - • sablbltitat. • .F...:avOt) ..5. 4I1:1 `~,' ~;~~- ~flK itssranrib±tm. I,lsiuminwoimle4-,Nto , cmsni t t l tuairst morasetas :11 14.41A'Atihe fiataAtailtimattilik 4, usleue,!iiiiibt lits4 1911iiiiirsibiutiiiires6 Is , 74 " / " X Pr it t i U t ."1". 1 tiaiildreii - 3 1 . - * 4. V/. l )lx44;*iiivel roof tatolutdawthe irsatarestatact the eta A .1 2 0...i.bat54 11 1+ VW :Sat swea"sia Ow*. btirgWo ftnr., 11111 A which has bierierandind.tsb : 74 0 11 P,T I ORP# 1"--110- 4 0 10 1 11 tinWia Afileauto93B* 81088, `bin rontif,,MoastB• lloo3o / 1 li ad —WM* wolsbil-And road, If construotad, toelation to the I Wham and travel, cannot but mats ouch link in the maimed esantiotion an Import= fa A change of gradeis e r i ssed on me omit Tdaskyrldgnefield niftfttisd, w by it should be mods to ecinfieyst _to that e 41,111Vddgid lrers,Twread- A tha Ala NAVA esiiiisiligiole 4124. Ow, oboe to stove **nab= game selidnallP „ ands Baltinitsrers,sta--leteder - row**, Newark aailWbealing , Tbe - Mae' ispy: -Tneimikrudia rangensent is teen at • gleatea,Alys • *ma by Cleveland and Tittsbargh two .nelery and we may essyrecethezeoSte_ to take the traits." *-*.`" Metsperntii rateountes,ltum , * Oa Friday alithtisitil4l% MCAT of Za uvilli,*hi bad bean op Ojai/04 hard aT‘ aMijaatOPS 1 .of the house, ablUotelni ibid 4 — W4 101 ; 10001 of the isispy_Tda hover, Pat Itispiabl in ble pack* and mint Tiiirs.Arrs entering** doorinoin leadin from tleeVM , lMfti Due dinrut lee UtiAan Ober Usk et** with* darkibuibertlas lb bind. The Caber Immediately Woe assi Ilea tato Mr. Mandy's face, and, at thetas:Ml inatesit, fired a pistol at him, the ball pawing *rout tigfolbof adtttri=l Ids heart, Wrack the door, and, onrl buried Melt in the mai lie then made tracks au the door which wria thrown open, andambliWit Ulm* basfilitr report ot Idol smitherrobbet oldie sing doers Wish stairs. when Mr. Brandy fired at him. The fellow stumbled and fell, and before be could rise another shot rtes. grad, whew, be sOmng derfibei door and to Off. 'The midi , ben left two ehisetglisbind, 'blob, In their Wm, they neglected to take with them. It fe not. known whether shams vat Wawa or not, u lee. , t long to afford die es. Oath. ViettWat. —Ad 4/000WI101:- /4/.P , Mgo 4OVUOMP-L448.,' was lead in SlS,lstrobatotqWellitt i ftMP yesterday; under Ow act recently punk dividhig the borough Worse an d But a • .s vote was polled, and fily little Intense vas manifested, In the visa,neg ~tl}olll. Klan, fre puldleanb wee li hie Dentomst optesosit, Ste A. wed I 11. /Mow by a majoidlywif tarty votase YoACosardisi Sinwelill•Slstoss;.A. IL.AnderWesselnkai-W. * *l64 4.lbseir li re Otomi. George Itifee,ltigiabiltiani. Jagless— • Wm. Sway, J.A.,o,44ok4taptagesot, Judge,. riWit*S 4 'ant-eh:WIT° y Itigu44l"-PIIP Obe tax. DEMO* Itep, fiesond gei& SA. Edmund Mil. tins, ineperdeurs ijksitaid-Da BAP, stsfl,mmrttittntralte e, p. Illabon As . dD. 8. IVRepa: : Measlansas 33 41:1 1 .. d'ostisifiDSVlrll4,oll4l4 Maim Classite mirror Übe . •4to/* L- iik_F l W* • klia initkik -12 ""w• r:!.t:=J smuts waratilingtha--- xffirgrat-ra goo aggetb-- . • sZvirittWyt lat.ralltrer e4it EL2II ... BIMOD OO .'pre , 1 5 _BMX 111.0msarri t1 . „ Buda-. D. of Baltimore-per Bbadteig Basolem- VA. dalrAt k ot. aimtaat _born in:Bream lisvms.,--This avian maw lay mugs sis.s.gostissotts - zgers id i arP bottoms .et -outßleat -Rene, *Sod s basts - NsidOsinhAllaZi I inistutitbtoir ts_ozjissm dascentlailmost QS* e r gi.ro= 7o allO ABWO.I.XL ; t o lllll 4' : thilateitSgr, 11” "BI T ^ itimaro.44la ,- Thexutor•,., aloe ta n we * lb* togo , iirTiat l 44l;6lt.,' "'waft 1145114 te ts ' r lie& ...43 1 114. 4* b ': prs. 2l l/All ' 1 • 1rta . ,a11 : 2 4 11-140 ." gt•biso itir t , ,4 4 , - ;60;-, ,r" -6di tt it 11°2 * tineto i(113 teee estg i 'l44lllMll4Dotilainap7,eAllecilße ereletOlv -sieq A rtgettratos Cuttariqweeebroxstluds nkt-W•24 vettrakaAkell in _ lll O4 , ',croxiinuticlod Auk-,fr 1041161tt.-611/' Tinswa.ifffrincs TirsdAsdite 4iprom logiPls 3 " 90 ,„ bav t°T ths it AtXbats - Miabouxo rilLe. i 4 7 vas w ty jag 401, Stan. 0 = risd i p 11"4". ma itil** l"7- 1" 6br ..° 1141° . ,, ,,,,, 144°" „ Asko' - ioi i i . l•=ijon WW l ' "bowl . __• , yoatet a Tg r a m esill4Witi 410=T hrip juirts=r l , l 7, l aimbeltrule iutt""" it t IgniudinsUlogf"a dt " , WWl.l3"eur.7-oilasimaisti eh MI toldi ips okbasthlo4"ltilia+: unoossAturg, am . ,sdaeatasi ot rit*V l4 /41 4, RA! ii las ;~'~ :~:: .=': • 4 ic-- -, , , , V 0 . - k-1 ~ ---- disttu li ka ' .: atueraa:a •. sseePl*- o Srjr • --., ..,..a....5 r thi F o l r,,, . - ":-. 'e .1"4 tit Ai5witt«... , 21...:064-t 2,ecof ft a maim - ScutiltiDthsrali-a .---. -,- :4201**111 1 0!7---. ,-- •, , ,.. ~-, ~9r41.".. ,' - _ • -: , i,y. i % 4 ; ...,-. 7 _., ~-:&r.:, - '' ;0 . ..., - .=4.,, -061..01100. ~, .... v .......- , 7 „.. ,-.......4 4 ,. ; „ 44 , 7 ~,,....,0 ...... ~.. - . _ . , • ;;;;,.. • zwa - A, - -0 ,7 , ~', - -- „ :. • ..-. - 03,1itiiiiikii;a re ai Oil kin*li#lP t 1t'40,14 8 0 2444- #l lll4l4o r al* i s i 7 ,.iiittar4iittoiiiii: 4 4 44l .13110.tootiotaarwgrat; Lt 1410101i#0i'ioliet)screitos solaut, =um , id .Iftufast Vsliss Thomas citsy, itt e , l. 'i 2 144" '{"used AtiltiM,A, Plair"i a eltbdayisibillawisight erattlbotoi, June Vas- iselseedidtm totositi.ol4ll, gni* 15- OtaNtlfrvtlite_Cillyssyl id . at • 4aa i lay # Bl : 7oolo,St thit''brotr: . 'Vred ; _ taleier‘irliert the watebermstottnk , -, Ibis -;saltresir-proond aroared nee trs of thsayfitio.tefittpfa a abut ttiorr.reittlill.,...llith A IMP 'dirk b. ',' 1 mot mow Poiret, arcielr.triointlyst Pisa -,, A1ta1g040,4101414. 2108,141..10Atenel taiiii'lloinie tile %UM' ntarittediP ' t figidwfalraidsOta4 m lF ,P 1 igaiAt,, ,41FAIL:Exes)Aolgto . toii*.thisintiasnotteimV• •001 ;biked it( . etitY=4taDosbeirtarthis otookin Atto2 - Wee trOtott lerletit *ills oloolVA.Ottobs N otiblO t ot4 !° - , - -:5 , -.PtalttattiZarta •-- - ' .4. 0(11 1 416 • 4 , : toes 0 1 111 'l lat .1. t 49 high tortriar potatoes tor mazy yearn nu.notip-. ~. .; .... ityqk;,*44447iefialAtle iiii • crop st liftt artarplitilaila', 2‘;.littols tit laftutt et 50%. arph.ratesti . last year 2,056' bull . eta of PoOffel& - terldth 18‘441,2T0r41,2t6 emb. KioXi it to° Kitt ton, tad Stet andasset, Is' ' t ,':jam arse' term, ritti the bop 'd realbalt sisp.-vietivid aeorrupood, ~ Musts 't la 11 *tun doomed tp. ~.,.- I.Prbaturfabeie etaidabture 1 Itigt li ardour .M 047. ooltiostode coo it . lob iiiiiptte4::keri "Ai itswilii Wis. 4 4 - • . palmtop au . prvitabit Imp. Terer '0tf154111;'4."1T4 r- Pr' fir. - imp ~ 2 4, ,,,,,,„an-,.f._„. , . 3 OW , / I/ AO vas I/11W by 0... , ..a Masai viskt, virektritaiblE to ices Castlialldisstindat , hr ...nnelsottile hit fathar hulas butard Ist *styli% :~ .r, ~~savQaa ~ax~*~ 111 11Frent7111 *014'1410 liamet2•.l IntraubLl. gamic 9, ULM. afinglill-rtuurTir Irallip,' fro &mud .fit erg. 24. 4 4 ' 140 0 ' O 4 ea 4 , 14 ?illti.Dr i ' -soal assisaila; labs rims estipnit 1 0) 0 4'0 4 g4drASPr ' Whit°. * 4/ 0 . C a " 10.41100. 10 fa .iv, ait,jt,l6fot Ai. Ttu agartaa•llgtic. 11•11t7 Is study ii; gl„ts' it tadaii. atm 'Lao an VOL -brat auctomded; a".4 4B3 aL tb.a atk-O L I at ." 74 •7 4 's " 4 V° b'ab Maria lit Ala aye-aate .41 au. at Imo. -lLipaaor7 market ma somewhat Stated Way', la rtheerfuence of another mitorted 440,110*.1de Toth, Ilwportleti It that P;kehse tasmiseed.-WlLdrlNotad*rvilme amides la wt., Wail .21uadiratiLa th eta WI. Wobbly.. /endure wthaamanalT".l LW* ba wetto time Laing vs omit winnow , , . L. . 1,11011.510118 -la la rte sem Ordure 1* warm ba Blema,Mith Om ems•tt.ok thatll• turbot is Othr A ve 'sad =Oa? 14 t1 1 , , 1 1 W. amtfuturto Two. ar far mlifialft err Itibbetlldrap ' lUD that do.IWAL.V . i., Ayr PIMA tterm, I 1 2• i I for supwOutt. n0v.12 bat WM iltaLIM for ladle prim are firm as /Laity* for thy , UMW rock - met ruft 'Wit wallet) au ., -Thew's. set a amzeivlbtra &algal *se aklikodkawhol, Om =Atha. is Ism,' with** tuttuathild Litaliattp;• Sate -of VI id& law data 116theall a Car 9) beatable gh:11 WASP; Sad Stimarbble White TWO 1:.50. 27 71107/ Math. , IMO vilaidr/tradl siltd,6o "ALL IL aMt O obi and dull but unthawed. uleti of 260 beir stsNlo•6,6olbr Mars and ti. 00•7 , 57 for twatly 'ale, Illebbli kiss reT,Z. 511111 a IthOLS-Tbr dimmad forltoilllutter Is etteoastektherataziatli Ilna, ettla mks at WI to 3.te l i g ri a, ? .. 44.1.. Snip: , dammoi PA 4,4 / . 14- , ... - .4. &Os& Oen tn amtqcou• otllitt. co- WO; eges trosseesieeorlO leseloiat fAS tease ger Sow Wee, Atom wisp Wed, -Itcmanto. ital:t. 0 ALPILIOL-Tien with dry of prime IS s3 arlst-saisor 100 b....voguth naiy au. Ma ID boissi-Wastsre Hamm as sir amps Ogre IMIIMV-13.00, ohs cor Civet ad Oath *Loth ai !SCOOP= ..may co opaccts• Itaxaemt fa trod 04)15 V In demand rd PLO. nmatbp Sad Wn. ' rAlletkett, Live Stock Markel. Wel= Tf-Tble week bus up and e osstestet , Galas One ides% aide; ea twat am. ea, ten Visa lemmas I. the 020.1a101 mock °facet W. iko y•ttinonaberyi bathrif irrtheam ru aunty mule tlktiatat Wife seams erase lesc OW *Lath/ al th math. bower. OW ally twattitthr of Oa them offaadans rely Moth mdllo.l 3 eldanatul °Owl ato mow here a One arks atace,l44o. , the water.' rim °Wool Ibr-cadlia iron hot,. vacuuming the ettaaseas Ides that crack tattle soda .41 fir braL sad tau OotakfataMte km mean ihet the path haw belarflOrt OW wet Wilk • imr Interim moth iLthidnWElVeirerOaauMlL Oda time, at i say prim alalletla4l era4l4. as IMO alder beI•SX, plaids* aiscractackas et lon cilom. lb. wassatarikninatterome Irish • imi cum scl• at Gar vim" ilsAy Salm° brought to moms. Wass irtiOsalli sort Nor nay grate. Thy wen Dot palfsberf Lestro b. MIL WOK tbs.:lmm gaud supilietW All In basso scy LOW WilnlisoCtkistracsili• Co t h e cmcm• marlut. 11•7 chookrbst• Ulm tb•so. to II •IfiCktal/ki MaMai• We ressarlsot, a bar awls atom %haat the orlon obtabed Mon :.w. 7eas r testa*, the ma- I duke sight be = Awes that there was VD aorabl 130 MOWN' Our predietiora tiambeen 1 kap wad. ILA amber Si -thaseatabll Stalud. imil &Ow are 411mt5lf was ma to nor lhalalhsi awe arklaa this. _ The wham oasoheretetod said crawls IMMU ma Is ow sigrepita to VW bad, .111ano wad al Pleadthi.....' ..........-...-;.-...--.......-.-7 *We 4 iP lathe•Pf----- -......--..------.-3 Sim LB le Iltitottocassos moon of :sod ot i t g aic a ir, {Shall:el tatl ma gam, =luau; a, gccallusod stacir,ol4 at 6Vic. O R . ,4100111,040 MA was a Istrosia stack stilalti.. illaiduniti , Aridullia 17 ilaiii J 004 ~....Jlol44llosLinbrior costs, mkt W i1 4 415"4 0, ~511=64,114:4424.37000,, ” 1 7 vim. J-licttno.4.o 01401r44,tair 4110 09, "11=2.0 bod l iadi a r i Vo e.o fiat quatiti soldoooo 1 , I: :-...1 4 . I. a A._ , .. , L 3000ilds 210010 avallatseL Tory imitator. 00145004131100 - ri : MUM' 4400 at good -6111iit...-weahlsg 1.30 itioaastiou ram swore Fut* castiu - maw a mistbsidotauiesasa 4z... *A fa s:00 Was boss OW4S 0 . ..-4000 4 OU. :alt tot W W Delsay 40104 . et stiorissa isills-on , par Dse TAW ZWIOIOIW, 14 Uri ofirsisgb O.D. sold for 10- 4,00a0 ow o_lo - Son VA we 10001 SO hood at good owl, at s Co, idd VS bes 4 0 tar smear alarm at liViicii 4.1144 14 4 mold 7410,1 f soszass Illi nois awn 004 , 01L00 1240 40,0 s)lsOlis. llirdekai ntsusa 100 bowl Mad. egasi mTtldd be. st:ftialfes. de ad , ._ , • L Mtn 14 bead of marl! 00 stork, 014 v s 10f ii0k.11i filtiO. BlStkli a CKWAMPL 4O,I 4. IO a tilt3 2 : o 14 sum, si WAD. ~ Ilemmeitik Cos Mina WIL bela 0 Lathob" ta rt 4 OrmaisissWd 51 .1 DT bialys= 'loaders, lo - ,' : I : .1 • I /ill" , „iWva14404.44•01 WO 4 W 411 0 4104 0 th . isssiao,ooll4oo,, 04 smsrtai solid 004 sal *a , vino vdies ars 400001 iscbseged. fasavrair , witeelpisd ociaaaanotipkt pgaterimrstnetrom 0 iirquenir. • ~- - 11'411110 4011;•1014 tie Vest ,Iseid 404111 VL/ 1000011'0 00 st - trats i 014=14(10111,1140"Oget.". ..'211.1 ' , inttillWO 140e414WW ihittets • 3114 1 IE-Arborsisi,o4.ll4oo tend demsnd ter Crtso,oo44lolll 0 liPwwd , In . dasarz-ThiftaaSum- Anessibst. Lai o•4ooiLessapasattedylPMEr•so vssass tan. Ilsotoolo 000 0 11040 44 ting sad SPALIS Saab. Las 0204 0 0 Semi 1M bao 010, Shwis is av 40kil ilmostA. Um &rasa briblesd. fess, ls toscirat vs essolalsessdipd but i asidsolololooo it ts al is most Impsodlao toddatoll-W1• Ws load at Os ton timidoo Ls 00,14% osi. 1004 sad Ito dls, et altHatsiss 000 Vadat. it is 014, was shoooo 4 . lab 0 NO tAls .Allsdis" 600,0 oL.lial WU& Moats:knit maw Ism 'Ail Om daldkdd 0 00 4090 Sa murk. We saute sally Is 0440. . - 14/0/0 SIM 00 sishosiLisals. 110001000000 Word 0 bbli atlia sad ILI , Kass ISt. lodide= Id Arn it omiker anaatoo l • New Tat Petroleum, Marta. AIiSPNIPI4.ft 4 6 litit4atiiisat i* " . . ...-, ' Its. Tam Vaal 0413/4 motet Mr Frus ta. to insgstopt sidixolitoptimat swinge svotatiesvi 00 04•00011lielabladUltiNflpoilittftar• sat WM, Wit_4oll 40112 1 14 L OM Is slagesper- , v 1501440004 01 4100 4 , 04 000 him eels 0 - 04041 MOS Olithi kola 11000 OA 40 lot 10 , ,vo , 4004. Tars is 4 issiessii Latsad ,Or 0240444 4 000 00 1 m 49? 0 4 4 ibSiPt 4 44 100 " h"6l."ur.S. 4 • i ' . ' , tadttias, -5 uthi etosag lowa vm....---rt• ID btr rpikai4 ll 4 l +' woe. likva M Wm/ nIPM:O IrbelrOgr n'aV • i • ~. fitolirkidzi ittlots it iiiiisata botit'llomes a *wow ma oodirytto - rmichiet, tonates • us 1 sadmel P1aegg1145.36 laisririts 461* 'goy, b• 404 Gm telliginel itp4 mood far tatc-1 relingolitt Vit#4 ol l• l 4 UM .. 1 0- da7 Alt OW INA .titia Ottsjimit to toptOitiKesr -1 1 01- 1 tost•Pwattu.sad will OtiNtess be ttortgil tit go_ fenassint to. till sow todarkateslamtbo 1, 7 ...wi Otattetber 4 f Wes WA Seats., _ Tho tattki bill iiinclissmardAtiosel tat otter acts per DU= o• ttilltillemrdattit te , igith *wage .o ',idl e ; 010, 1 1 =asd• Its 00 no slot* 411 , 11111,4 lA , ' tatt•sogle• MIMI ltill: - " lietifrigroattimawsta omit kat fd .c.i. • 410061)1r•rittehuAvelpitatsOtt:readcntln.gb. .4ri..1! " away _ aa VOTelbelas=l ~...„...5. J..... = z "....4- — eir iiiPA t slql is -...r .... v la de.' ' wor04,1 1 0 61 0 00 ~ * ; , , ' • • • iit*ittitiivici!Ortnii*iisdor or, AO- , aim; 447pn • titbit teli clitlipts irk ljt took 'Pam at thattias add-p&lneticas ettitair In eintor nuanced aerobe:lllam InlMPHlMatEtritidltbllkzett foco,savas penal, of 1466:6X4 766 Winds .an Iron:the United fltatea. 20. estimated Imnar. fde6.ref6l,6t6.oo6,COhpoands; ef ithicir them teem. tittlatedirant Ina.; 660 tannt:4 — . tram Ems 126 muum; boat Dr.l 70 million.: fn.= the - United' pie, 66 'Mum and trominher comltitest eklea d li cat of la cotton to Greallttial iZta n, I llig!6'4-'grnM eehowts tbe ta lbe lt, , : khat, ifi Mt It Paid 1173,591,710. far 1,131,6H,- k7likesamteita 1663 paid11161,37 6 ,t1i Dm but 473, , .112:6,726 pottndao 'Ma contmleoloner.maintalaa that: hammer great hat been the incase of (align cote: to,,n — nto /11210t6311 prodnet, on the titan of pea.. krill &Me tame it from the markets or the timid, on ammant of. the gnstater:otecapnem ozakezttellenco of oar cotton, and he:woke. ono need tear tooupac i lti IY cultleatlan now. Ile maintains that pt r anzlland Mina: cannot become thereat meminnor of English and kiench taanufactarm that the Vatted gime ht, and thereinto timer natiom must bay from us, as they cannot long trade with commis demand. Mg gold sod*ilea; that it Is this demand for their eacton stab nom makes the Lowest on money so WO in Gnat Brdaln and :mom. Theepreemit stitildf textlikimatertilii:thtmahOwn In comparMan with .bat It was la : Cotton production of . prom nc : 1a:461 t.IkOCOPO6 ' toeless lala;4oo—L a. 60 0: 03 . incriala alaprialik. ,,o . .Deadt In 186.1 Trots this Won is shown the hapoWblllty of a meow dada, Is tho ratoimi oftrool lad Astatil lb. re b.rnoasprapate, a/ ape cottcai product of the Alatuatlitasoo Maras to Ma Its foram atisaltado. tnlpOitrby R 216. 6 ", Treitaman Tr. 10'6223,a20 , 031calo 1.641.10 , 111. 111=11,11 '.-136,214,ipple•Jaill'Llta511201 bum - &dew** 1 lags lard, J B 1163611 , 1•1 , b.) o tar, Bammor Danar; 24643 pit paid . J ohn 11146:26 , 44; 1 33 4106 clcrna nal, Jairll2l24lllck ,b6Ol - MS by alma. J 5 Unita '..4 coo 3 141 - 1,6416 y, Jciltua 1110:461a 100 bbli four; Ealmater . a 1•360.60 tags 11141,10308. W320a2 deo:.1121 War Ilour,l Ma 0141162 , 1; 236143 0626 31211 23 m, Sl o =a °a; Ti Via,Loam I aa 01112,16,' 1 es 6 B Laos% 3 drop, Tor— Nam 3101 M W. oil WA; Cangl6,7; 100 Ma lour, las Cardttar, ICO volls lll !attar 04 pkp trine. ate, II Gonda; 2ro bather. Wu lim as; 173 act away, 3pcuarrt Kay; 40 do do, • Baunallos; 211,34 soap, Ja 8r0w,224111,11Ufb. at tars:4l stip, L II Volgs It c0:20504344661J 3-Ll6- Ct 344.4.421, airo Preriveleart Elitisttaff. - Wareh :1211 bilk bawl, 4610 , 6610 53 MAN 011, Palsoct, 1/41 1, Ala 4 6 3 , 6 Bala. tan: 33 0014; tobacco: ` shtar t Ammar; G 1 obb chain. P 6 Walker, 2233 bal&a1o011ars,11oo0 & Parker; 637 ergs mill read, Blown & 'Kn..; 93 As wheat, 16eamml7 A bac bra mill bed, A 6 111,a3a; ssa blab corn J 8 Warta- Ington, 109 bbla flour, Shomakar a taus; -100 do ,d 0 J saxes co; 1.113 do 444 Culp a 31 , 616 a d ,.. bbl• isrd,l3 bbla pak, J P Maui; 144 410. barey, W Garrard; I OW whet, 2.6 , 160dg k 8r0;69 aka bar ley, AtialL La, a co:3 016 Ivd. 11l 6arml Ode% 6 ,1.4a14y apples. 3 Jac loverlNd L II Tale d co, 10 cram 7 Waft nor, Galool A dark. 5 lAA. 660 104 . Fetzer & Arrostroom 9/ du potatoes; 32 624 Leans, 9 b ebl bbCar,Potter A Albea:l4sl66o shad .1 8 Limn k ,a; 44 614 aaaps,A4a Leon .; I Dille cerka._ Glaze Imports by Riser: -6f; LottlS—*u Us...L-231.b1* all, .1‘ M a.; di bides, 4 bids'al Won,' A Bonds's:l o redla pt. per, 840. Ma. dry pasellea, Little A Ttim ble;LlCO boo extatct coffee, uttendort B a rka wheal ISeneldeiot , bni‘D3 Dble loops, Brener. A co; 12 btsdo bacon; Cook, Pettit X ea; 2 bids vitiate; &bast: Bdo do, II A Ellistrar; 63 de, Killer A Riot atom; 100 dm, Marlette , Smith; tel lard, Jas Dena 155 %Ms whisky 8 111cCrIcket A Co: lode beetp seed;.l34 relineitock co; 8 aka do, I. &Alwyn!, eldsda tobacto;Jolin Weller; In rope, PrrAlas Ines bbts dry peacliaa, eke Dabs., A Abele; tbded 3 rn ulaY,Cellra A Wright; ls bacon,f) J I Townsend: 75 nblw and, If eSon bro, 10Dbbla sp. 11 Leech; tarp let sundries, Clark m. - yle NASIIVILLE—szn RusrA—M tAle, se to we. Coon, Partite It 07.1 bble.blee link water., W Wes. sawn 213 bbla ohlaty, Dan Wallace; 101 balm Wisp, Ilaratiall, Patton!, D 011... 100 bo meal, W llsesn; s eke alsouldera, G J Towner:l2d; 3do bases, `8 Ewan & co; large lot sundries, Cflsk uo. POUTS CINPLNNATI tr, LOIT-ka si l LlC—The et.1e04:4 steeme• &WILD SAXON, Capt. Pattereett, were as shoe- on 11111DAY.11th inst. a Ter freight or 37gro p I ly s o uw( 1 7o rd .9 ar to .1011 N PLACE.. D volt caIRO. IT. Louis, HNNNIDS.L,QIIINC.KNONO HOCH Is4.4ND AND UPPL% L.A. 111 Theni t•aoarr ARGONAUT ho Capt. J. 44. rosur. N.II 1. at abriro on %IMMO MI. 1b 1001 toot.. 4. 4 o'clock p: Tor Helot or p000k405p7.14 ra tosr4 or to . JOHN /LAM, J. D. COLLINNWOOD. Ar''' VOW T. LOUIS, GALENA, DUIUQUE AND SS. PAUL —"a Guy sew sad crmmodlous min.! sAvAii i i i ib IIL Ilaaosr arli/ Is - as aboviroja =LS DAT. :Cih ar 4 p.llll For rrrigllg. paorage apply on bi i,C. or to 101 IN VLACH, mbs J. D. COLLINGFOOD, I °‘ =MEI .......»...t.5u.% 2 v. 803 . - TE.I.SI BOATS VOR ST. LOUIS.—The .tamer .4C/18011.1, - Cepts , t. Jrabn 4 , 81 41.111161 m. u aboaten t Itut , at 4 o'clock p. • Tar freed orrag o apply au taiarcr at le = •• • . LLISCIAOI).IA gen"' as - - JOHN "'Lim MGTdjkal li g E Ct i g. 4 3Th 1 4E4 this itatairser MONA. t.'.: Pittsburgh tor Sitlooltog TLIOUSDLY and gATOttagl, aiithhtlt clan Our. mottoes vith tb. Whaling sod Pirkorobutg ail B HIIIMIIIig. Inn tetra Whoottoit story YON- DAY. WILDSCSDAT Odd rstraT. 1.. , d freight recolpted Orme( W Pithianburg. Tor (night or .I,r„gr =OW or to 3 ,DD INS Agr.tr. itOn Wharf Itoot.it tholoote R unt. donrdtf ,VOR WHEELING, litkittrit TA tarp tAirtIMLLi =learrier ZMNit'Ortgaglit.Mun 1. gree, , Watt PittehargtiheirtrlVESD KT, N . Vill t e Loostillecraintiaataat Vets& Luba, Ism rletthAnh - 4.4.1(ar UT, 44 4 D. on.o4ad TAAeoltle eve "7' , 4 , dact Am. freight ar peek 'road A or to t-- . r ,:~ W AUCTI kBOTION SALE . 0 OUM WAS_DIXASMX.T. . . Orrlca rat CSIU QOAXTIMMASTIS , il"maltlngtot, b. C.. Iceman tub, MI. Will b. oold at poblto a• Okra, to Wu blabert Id. du at lb. plural and daara nutral blur, 900 Hone., friday, 4th Man It. Alt Witilamoport; Pra, rdo lioree.; 'faraday, Bib Mara. At Wltaramt, Pa.. 79 Wows. irtidayillth Want, - at ktrar'Brktrarkit,. N. 3,, 1O Maw, Intraday. M7...40. Pa., We oraraitriday, lath lfarel. W. J.,k00 Mau, Taraday,„"al Ilarrh, _At'Lebrawa. Pt. WeJloruk-frildral. Ifitlatlarch. Att Milk...barn , . es., .904, Turaity,. Ettrb March. Thaw Ilepoes have been Coadorated SG airtt for lb. Cavalry vrtito dT nut WWI ttatne Army. re lied and lam. wpm a =Any: pcd ter alas . .matt will - b. if:14.04W. _ ba,la at ID a. moisatcaditl6ll,4lo4 LW a 1134 SOU. Tama dub la Vatted Piste; LUST, TraWitraf Wats. eat,. , - addl. -Chief Qautartaasrafr-00.1fareatr ZIPtIiIOII. FiIItNITURE..-&e. AT Atronos.- . 4A IrstpAT MOrtallo, ' Diu r Utb. o'c'W o'clock, bt.autezin AnttlO. 51, Mk Wed, win b. mold; • lone quantal t. frajittratut*.tltoltattot.•ltt Walnut tilLebeards, z.1. 1 ..T 0 P 70 ,10 US Human, Steak thuniod Hoots W 7,11,4. SactOluble UP- Otag.,AD4 at. U. orb 'l list' gest 544 Mahogany T.ta tab, MAO. Pharr and Silas* Tablet- Chalet. ato god. 'lnds and Ittotrotwa. Irooltsto, r sal mat..urp m IM Gllt Vn.L. IdinT"lfovlttan-,lllitottAmie Cook sox., Instals slot Litt C•trot, Oil t Sup; reodsrd, 'Vamp% Ultra iota folio. Woe t Mud Boma AnClorlut alltoboo Utandls, Ito Alto. oturacoottOtlWltlag ttlitchloo lipeclst ittintlosi It Jolted to the •bot• tato, th• Sand uu*batl,- alma. Dos sad In good ord.,. -sabloct . tr r"-----27rr-----"----il lda& letlP 1011114 6, • 0,. 3 P E N N icr.— x On TfltlBso/ 1 f : MORNI NG. % at 10 O'clock, VIII la% 0, ot No: ate rani ottett„ - tho =Ono sunk of Ilouaboln .fanttn% no , coma% los 711/1 footballs% Badlos, Cepa% Oman latotena,-Wab 113.111161, MAIM Üblaill. 1444124 011111410..1ie4 in .ovory affuts•..Sm bousabacplag. Mn.. to teat Coat ing, SM.. lank atatalla, • Counter aaA Obolotar,Decaltass,_olsosso, to. cola -,. i''' l-- 1,111.t 11•11.WAUCL /Mails. TT ` do ). 111" STEEN, Vitas Vouxuals, ea Alb Saadi Simla Tarticatat . s ec bald tit the Stang ay ara ups_ irlaser oil WM -11 SUES. AN Wads of imps AN c lIION COORS rade I. order, Also BliArS CAI3TINGS, of kindia-aao at the aborastaot All =tars loft et Noa r trai WAUGH STUNT, A,a7 Staatt7,7ol N. fly *Mailed to, larno • ben of tb Nang proothease% ,theedia, ofacuiajr.aa=rriea rgee La titer bottoms will WM" to e o even respeca We ore also fbf Gad. Gerrlson A 00.4 l'unr.!to snunkl°C 91*. d.eu.dita -0 fl 12 , ' 15 M,Vll°436llLi"B:;;. ill* -landing bad ft OW Ms. mama* by lbj!,_ 16E be dosed 13X,S;OLD CHB ,to vIL.F P'EA43 SUE ;modem limb Ifk caur, • U s r44 ' I 41' 11.""t211111Zri MS: dl dllffETk an LAsrliotr*iik; writriaicibrtilabf • 11111"1"-Yjir oo ourt-T* burfittegMaLitiv 4- 'll:2lCat`li mai • ,"*" 1 "" fr 6711 • • roffauslG-:ameivvollt 'Max-- 1 IjS.22ii.iinbro