The daily Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh [Pa.]) 1863-1866, March 07, 1864, Image 3

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phdaugit dazettit
; .
0N1VA1....- -.
ei-or mum. rAymn.-in
Tire good, steady Compositors can obtain
permanent work in this Once, by applying .
go eg. Wages, 33% cents per 1000 'ems, end
ply every week. The men at present em
ployed in the Gonne once make from $l2
to ft= a week. Address "Foreman Gasette
A. Sanitary Fair in Pittsburgh.
We are pleased to tem that, at a matting
of the Sanitary Commission, held on Satur
day it was unanimously resolved to hold a
public fair in this city, for the benefit of the
now exhausted treasury of the commission,
in order that necessary funds be raised to To-
Wive the wants of our sick and wounded so'.
dim. Fairs of this character have already
been held, in several of the large cities of the
eountry, with the most gratifying results, and
although our citlasms intro contributed largely
to these fairs, as well as to the general calls
of the centathaton for funds and stores, we
feel w
ill that the efforts to gat up a fair
here will meet with the hearty to
of all
those who have at 110111. the welfaresof our
soldiers. The military operations bf the
coming opting and summer will dbubtless ho
extensive, and there will be need for every
dollar which can be raised for the purpose of
alleviating U. • sufferings of the sick and
wounded. The success of the projected fair
will,depend greatly upon the efforts of the
patriotic ladles of thatwo cities and vicinity,
we. their 'votive and energetic co
operation in the good work. The timo and
place of holding the fair will be announced at
• Satan day
Death of an Old Army 01liter.
Col. Swearingen, a citizen of Chilloothe and
a pioneer of the Belot& Valley, Ohio, died a
few days since. The Cineinnad G.p.tatc say s :
James Strode Swearingen was born February
2d,1182, In Berkley, now Jefferson county,
Virginia. Ile was ono of a large number, in
cluding Gin most prominent citizens of Scion
county, who on from the Valley of Virginia
end wen among the tlrst settlers of Ohio. In
1800, when a mere youth, 110:W•11
Mr. Jefferson, ensign hi an artillery regiment.
InlBo be conducted a company from De
troit to Chicago, where he remained for some
time primulas the defames of that port. At
the time of Bares ezpedltion be was stationed
at Pittsburgh to stop his boats. In 18011-7 be
was stationed at Fort pickaway, near the site
of the present Memphis on the MississippL
In 1811-11 he Was placed at Fort Mifflin, near
Philadelphia, and was ordered thence to
ItacketSi Harker, soon after the. commence
ment of the war with Eugland. In 1813-14
he was Assistant Qoartirmastar General at
Pittsburgh, end in the spring of 1814 was ap
pointed ;.Quatermaster General with the rank
of Colonel. Efirheadquarters were at Chili-
Mitlie, when he remained until the close of
the war, when he left the army.
- (Esparta:l siclastrely far the Gaged t.. 1
DU/17Mter.00011.7.—The argument in the gage
of Margaret Carlton vg Hobart Conway el al
wu concluded. Decision reserved.
Co nstaw ?L7.411.—T0-day (Monday) the trial
list will be taken op. The following Masi aro
dial for today :
7 Bounat Talry so Charles Fula.
ii T. u.
J. II Mora.
ii J.ll. neiarled J. F. Deneun eua Rui.ll
8 Wm. McClelland vs Martha McClelland a .1.
11 Conrad Bawd oo George Findley.
10 T. Baler[ sad skis vs John Bernita. a n..l • IN
11 F.llcnonvs Andrew Mosey.
14 IL Smith la Oo.ISOm. W. Candela.
10 .I.lll:Lettirstirsandt Meteor.
111 B. CL Wool vs B. tfogh.
17 Wsn. M. Lyon me.. Sart Lew 1, Mr
denS F. Beal vs L. Haldeman.
en ladle Moslem".
Soden Fenn hforriao.—The eitirees
the First Ward, Pittsburgh, held an adjourned
meeting on Saturday evening, and resolved
60 eantinuetheir operations for subscriptions
'Lathe bounty fonds up to the 70th Inst. The
Oommittees were instructed to mete
out lists of all men in the ward liable to draft,
snrollad or not et:monad, and report the same
with the amount subscribed to eneh meeting.
Thou who 1111's already subscribed are es
te, pay over their subscriptions to the
=um, or to the Block Committees, who
• are empowered to receive them.
The meeting adjourned to meet this even
ing, at 7 1 4 o'clock, at the School hones.
&MOSUL TO Bs ficso.—Richard S. Cooper,
vate of Company it, 10th New Jersey
rent, was recently tried by Court Martial
ailing. neon the charge of having mur
dered le citisen, named Charles I'. Mendbam,
V Pottsville on the 25thof September,
b y shooting film. The accused was convcted
adeenteneedto be hanged. The finding and
matinee the Court has been approved by
Couch, and the sentence will
be Arseated by the commanding officer at
lan Mifflin on Friday, the 17th of June
_ ~H
• +ff
WIII3II STOLIIII.--601:130 soldiers Of SU Ohio
regiment, who are quartered la a warehouse
on lint street, near Smithfield, took • barrel
of wltisky last evening, from the door of Itir
Thew. Moore, liquor dealer, in the vicinity,
and earned it to their quarters. Information
of the fact was receired arthe Girard lIOUILB,
when e company of armed soldiers wee sent
to the place, who, together with the city po
llee, entered the building, and removed the
liquor. The bang had been broken into, and
• considerable quantit y of its cont ents' drent•
• "0
' • 4
The lite VIII on 011 Creck.
The 011 City Erjister, of Thursday, contains
the following in reference to the fire previ
ously noticed in our paper
"As we go to press, we learn that an ex
tensive Sr. has occurred a the Maple
me Shadex
well, on the Hyde lc Egbert farm, so
miles above here. The fire occurred about
three o'clock Wedtesdey P.M. , and is sullppos ew ed
to have caught from the Keys.= we, a f
rods above. In boring the miners struek a
vein of gas and oil, which flowed directly be
the tanks of the 'Maple Shade. By
some means, not as yet clesirly ascertained,
this oil and gas caught fire, and in • few on
manta the whole space around the well WIL3
enveloped in the Aimee. The flat fora dis
tance of eighty rods below was burned over.
The loss, as near Pe we can get it, will not
exceed 12,000 bbis. Dilworth A Ewing and
Haldeman it Co. are reported to have lost
from twelve to fifteen handred barrel each.
Several boats wore burned, and the upper
end of
the Story farm made a narrow escape.
The value of the 011, tanks, ke.,lost, will be
about $150,000. The 51apio Sh ade well was
still on - fire up to oar latest 'deices, but It is
thought it will be extinguished without
serious injury to the well.
A tire occurred on the John 111'Clintock
farm, at Fawcett A Cris well, consum
barrels of on, on Thursday morng." 100
The Cahrts
Appeleael. Boats too rtWo ere
authorized to state that t o adds ion to all
otter batman bonus of fire dollars will be
eras to any man who may enlist for the 69th
, I
4tat,1241, Slat and 106tb regiments, known
Phibrdslphis Regiments, end belonging to the
sa Coma, G6ll. lienocult. Men enlisting for
awe regimen% no matter baldwhom recruited
or. 'bans malted, will be pa this bonne by
. Wrigkt, Prolost Marston', upon their
antral, at tbs Girard neWle, *lieu, all recruits
itVIZT 41 . 1.111.3 ►1 Ancrios.—The livery
: stable of Ms.U.H.Patterson,Diamoad street,
mill e , sold at pnblio auction on Wednesdey
nail. its the stock is ►ll of the best quality,
• rese opportunity will be afforded for invest
• In superior horses, carriages, ate. Mr.
Patterson is well known as one of Out oldest
livery men, and him always been noted for
the ruperimity of his stook. Mr. T. MeClO
laud, auctioneer, wilt sunduct the sale.
POl3Olll/D4ISTOT&I 131019b.11 of the family
of 10. Pao& Alberson, of Clarion borough,
were poisoned oi Friday last, in consequence
Of eating, panstipo. It appean that parsnips
of two years' grow are very po •
isonous, and
fins of these having been 'mixed with others
owns very near . prod ,oing. 'fatal rem
those in the habit of cultivating this Toga.
table should be careful to destroy all the old
stalks, lest cho ll a: accidents may occur.
Bonn= Duarn.—Coroner idoCluna held an
bout yesterday upon **body of Terrence
Choy, a laboring,ntan, reading In Pitt town
ship, who died
.uddenly of heart disease, en
ifstorday slight fie had been engaged at him
business during the previous day, and ap
peszedas Well ss WWII. The deOlialled was
about silty years of age, end 'enroll a wife
cad three-ehltdren.
fin.—ln the ease of Lookart & Yrow
vs. Lieltenthaler,emor, In the Supreme Court
of fillegbany county, Judge Thompson, bet
moat, to
Philadelphia, read the doehlon of
the ileurtorrendng the &Aston of the Court
bl o w, mil ordering • venire de 'woo. The
&schlep Is rep:dodos high.) , favorebl6 to the
sdatelffe In atur.
Dianna diairrial—Paliaar Coates, a de
attar Was the 123 d Peamsylvania regiment,
Au been arrested, and is now • military We p
oner b the guard house siraiting his iby
earecnutial. -Coatis bun bad mord, there
Wag • dugs against bin for stealing a
bane from David Quail, of Ross towcsb t p .
Ile will probably receive his desalts.
'Mizoram Bmarzo.—The following retie
aura vire, on Saturday. elected directors of
he Third National Bank of Pittsburgh
Yam Adam Baumman, 'Wm F.. Solonerts.
Alpaca S. Bell, Samuel H. Hartman, Luria,
Biarprotarn Augusto Has*, Alex. Uold
state, Beary ' Oentrig, B. Ooe.
Onnea.—On Bewley monatl4
WM' Lowq:ltsa orentemo cases of drank.
conduct and vagroney before
Tverip $ their 60.011, sad the balance
7M 00IDntlttedta Jan for short terms.
PawnisOrc, Ws:a—The Outy Rog
issossalas that Mesas. Looktar t .., of
66 Or. lum bon offend $lOO,OOO for tit&
antra on Horse Cnsir. It is proinetas TS
Tao Mressratta.—Tankee ours Great Bar.
'aqua Troupe continua to draw crowded
houses nightly at !fluent° Gall. This troupe
faruuperior to any company that has ever
before visited our. city, and cannot fail to
please. The roars of laughter and thunders
of applause give evidence of great satisfaction.
They advertise for to-night an entire chan
of programme in which they inuce
laughable burlesque of "The Serious Family."
We shall look for a tremendous rush, sod shall
be on the spot to witness the "Serious Fsmsly"
in good season, and we advise our friends to
do I Muslim.
. ---
The following suns have been paid to J. C.
McPherson, Treasurer of the Fourth Ward,
Allegheny city, Bounty Fund.
Tharnaa Gibadn-..-.-S, 10 Jae Patterson, aid__ Ix
John PetAUST...* 40 Want Halm, add-- 40
Geog Sue& ... - -.- 10 Bey John Davis....-- 4,0
Jun KlttJaman, add-- 58 IP Johnson, add 10
11 Baassade.. 10 0 B //obtuse*, add..... 10
Bolt Childs, add....._. ....... 10 Henry Boldebly, odd. SS '
Wm $11111361111CT.. ...... 25 Lewis Mclntoen, odd. 10
Jaw Ilartmas._.____ S J Id Snowden, add._ n
tx lr Doha!, add..-.... 10 4,00.4 Waironan 15
PI Holtman 20 Wm Becker, 40
_ ... 5 Thomas 1:e11son.--__ 40
tallot Da 40
Adian 443
Wm Lutmn .........
Fritz ........
Jame. limn'
.Cliszta Mertz ........... 40
Lewis Kali--
IVot Brown ..... ....... 2bi
Henderson YO
J01.1111%1111=3 ....... 10
Km lotibbou. ..........
',John Tollbart. .......... 21)
1:A HuttWater. ..... 15
ilJohn D roma, Add . 10
fli 10
J 11Jobtteott-....
Cog Ober
Peter Batley
3611 E
Wm }le..-- .......... 20 °Cannot.
Henry linlol. .. .. - ..... WI Wm Nrillie _
John Myers, add_ 10,— Whitssides •. ......
Et C Millar, add......_. l O. Wm 31MAlawa. ad ' - 2 5
Tboataa Waleh 10 .1 Smith
Hobert !1ean............ 10.1 N GIOCII, sdd . . ...... 1 . ;
Menu Parana. ...... —151 Wm Treater, add 10
Jahn !Herman, add. 11E,
. 1 ,- ,
~, : . a1pe.....- ........ .. 5
John Braker .......... .. 401 bt Mattlass.. --. 20
Job Koch --_. 11.0.,Patek Cartaltagb.ara- 10
tiotleib Vireisa_-...—. Pi' Nleholaa liatzal___. 10
OW Shad. .... -,....- I:lllintry Noekerthcat. 5
I'm* NT Placket 10 L Covell ...... --... 10
II Wightman ..-._ •.. P Smith .. . .............. . 1
113 Stn 193,0a0 Gereodat,..._..... 10
Merman filter.„..._. 'M T Millar, ad& ....... ... . . 5
John 0 Walther, ad'l 5 Philip 15tesiateger, add 50
Wm Beneath., add._ 5 A Lraatt..._..---
Leiria Omar 10 Clam Saltel . , ..... .....
.4 . :
, ate . p. r t i , Tither, stid'l .
. L 1 ,. , ; , . 1 11K20,31,1,,..41 .
.... l io
J Porter.-- -___ EM Klee:sem Holli;gar 20
-_ 2 1 e m it ItErelles, add. A/
Fieleury Whleits ....._.. 20,Lorera Strobl, odd gr
And Copeland. add... 10.Greger Bata ...... ..... ,
Ja.. U.Q01•43[1. add._ 10 Juoir Krebs, add.... 10
John lia/dinger 10 Joe Crane, end-. 35
ilobt C Chric_.-....... 10!Joba Prolsert, add. 5
Henry Bonnet. add._ 20IA Whittleb.L.......-- 3
Enders Tool. ..... -.... 10 m Johnston--
Wm Speer.------ .".. Adam lalugamo.-.... 3
Lleanader Ilistirs.-__ 3;l4.rarts Pulnionle 15
Previously reported $`33.73.. Total 00,510.
The Commissioner. of Bounty hereby giv•
notice that they desire all subworiptions to he
paid in by Thuraday evening next, and all
potion' who have not been called on can give
their lubption.M'Pherlon, Tress
arer, st kterchanto .0 FILIMeill Balk, In the
Diamond. Tho Commiseioners hope that every
one will come forward promptly, and thereby
enable them to fill the quota of the ward this
The following additional subscriptions to
the Second Ward, Allogheny have boon e
by W. A- Reed, Treasurer, fur the &I,
4th and sth of literati :
David Croon --.........$ 2.5 Toshuilfeltalt uld._ 10
Gorge Lintisey----. 5 Phillip Itreth ............ lo
Hoary Echribe--
.. . ~ Jno Vogler ..... .-.. •
. to
Thorns. Smith. and._ 211. A C 111 a...— ..... ...
Wm J Warstoek--- 1611 Whltusore ... .. . . ... 10
3 Holtzman .-- ....... 25 Thant Rahn, 0.41 10
W V lacinight..-- 10 L T Douthett le
Jon Lalooll, a 43....... 10 8 /3 Moles, add
\ In
Sus'! Young.--•-.. 221 111 l i Mc9ilsh. ......... _ LI
John Young__ . I &mil P Moore. . ....- 9:,
Jos MeDonald ....... -. 10 El Ourcunerville, add.. 10
John Crinnian.._-.-. 50 David Rots ............... 20
V XI Cooley 10 .1 I/ 801te....-- ..... -.. 10
Robert 134113., add.- 10 J o. Eonkle, add 10
Hugh MeElven.- ..... 10 A Cruickshank, add 5
Geo Ranfahn .. . ......... 30 Alex Mclean& add_. 10
Adore GIN/land ... --. DP,Thec McKenna. add 10
Jac Hawkins.. 10111enry Boner, odd 10
Jobn; Starr/R. ........ • 101.1 no Hunter, add ....... 10
Gee 6 Eked, a dd ...... ... 17111 Baird.. -- ......... ..
NV lileGLanicir, addl.. 1014 1 Bran; ...... ...... le
Cleo Noonan, add..-.. 101
PreTIOUSIY mpertee, SIS,CCO 50. Total/ 13,4:4 50.
The following additional ailments hare
been paid to Mr. Andrew Burns. Treesurer of
the Stath Ward V olunteor Bounty Fund :
Nicholas /Ruby ...... ...$ 501 P IVCcillough....•••
J 11 Iluccup....-•••-- 601,30 e Wat50n ........
;tar 't D Reed.•--..... 201W/u Fleming..
Saufl A Long _.J.... .11 Myd....
D A 1-- ....... 401.1 elsoL-
F Fraucklubach ..... . 43 1 ..1 II1 4 :1.121.9..
rDGa r t t - ..- -. -.-. 50 .John O'Neil....
DB Ceohnute---...• 2.7.1V1 0 Stoneman.
Thoutl Co.b.- Dariarty.....-- 25111. Ma.._,,..
-.-- eilitienk
-- - - Wm P Graham.-
Geo ) Duff.-.- .--.... 100,Mtn Colingtrood ~... 50
Chu I Real.--__. SOIR es • ........... 40
/oho Orr.-....---. 50 ilebn Lippincott ...... 100
Jao Wilma, greasy-- lilte 01. Brennan ....... M
Jos e. ardaer....— - 40 Chas Ilossiter . • .. •..„. 40
oteviously repeTted 50,145; total, $ll,llll.
TiO7.AI PAINT, Plain and Oroodwn
BLte•RcoLer, and dealer In Ponnellranl► and
Vonnont Is of the boat quallt7 at low rotes.
Wow at Also. non: tlo4 Water
Works. Pittekdirgh,
SOLDIIISS, 1 :----- 1) TOR /1074"!—Toon,
rushing into the esponres and dangers o.
Soldier's lice, ebould prepare thems elv theSo es °f ns
the fatal Fevers, the Dysentery,
and Scurvy, whi ch are almost certain to fol
low. HOLLOWAY'S PILLS, rued ocossion
ally during the campaign will insure eonnd
bealth to every max,. .
Holloway's Pills and Ointment are now re
tailed, owing to the high price of drugs, be.,
at SO cents, 70 cents and $l,lO par bez or pot.
For sale in Pittsburgh, Pa., by IL L. Palm,-
A Co.
For sale also at Fulton% drag store, Fifth
street —.-----------
COCOU, BILOICOIIIII6—The entire freedom
from all deleterious ingredientsTenalliß Loun
Bronlaell hooky, or Cough sod Voice
ges, a safe remedy for theunost delicate fe
male, or youngest child, and has caused them
to be held in the highest esteem by Clergy
men, Singers and l'ablic Speakers generally.
For sale at FUlton's Drug Store, Filth
street, Pittsburgh.
Jose awn sin nava sow Baus.---The
!me assortment of Fall mad Winter Clothing
istely received by Mews. John Wier k
Merchant Tailors, No. 146 Federal street,
legheny. The stook of aloe:Ling oenaists of
the Snot variety of gents' pantaloons, resift
apots and everooats. • style of patterns Is
tasteful end fashon. W. would Cavite
an of ant readets to g l eethe &hove gentlemen
a can-
Boom. Gasman & Co., morciant tallors
sreolosing out their-fa ll and winter stook
goods at s rednood figure. Gentleman desiring
• farnionable and well made suit of clothing
would do well to give us a oall before pur
chasing elsewhere. Soirmn. Guilin & Co.,
bleithant Talloket street
WatOnWit Jrwircsir. M. Roberts,
No. If Pip strain, la now opening the most
°holm stook of One Gold and Silver Witches,
Jewelry, Silver ware sad Fancy Goods ace
displayed in thin elty, and ill selling them at
remarimbli low
1: 62
Owns= and osseisge earls will be taken at
the Omnibus °Sofa No. 414 Penn strut, day
or night. All maws left at the above place
will be promptly Winded to. All mills must
be paidln adrenals. IP,
gaz advatlsemsost headed Livery Stahl. it
,nouns—sale to' oommenoe on Wednesday
morning at ten o'clock, at the stables of 8..
Patterson, Diamond alley, near Brent.
--- -
a. Euu.Lnentsst, sta ma omit, ae-
tolla suistatato of lb bolo:doe
SUMOAB.PENmasa at T o'clock at
ff flab's
Subject—Sab. th. WWI. tt
VMS trPti--'-011H11
SoD desaa tort Staostool, te isaiK
Tar My db Asstrairaionis.
81.<1.1 Di.j.tch to tb• ntunnrsh
March 6, 1664
rznalozifl LISCOLN LSD 111. [9aar
-411 essentially unjust and untrue statement
concerning a recent correspondence between
Secretary Chase and President Lincoln, har
ing found its way into's western paper, elther •
skreptitiously or through the incontinence of
some confidential friend of the Presiaent, it
Is proper to say that the following are the
facts in the care On the morning after the
appearance in the newspaper of the Pomeroy
circular, Secretary Chase addressed a letter
to the President referring to the circuber,
stating the facts connected with his having
consented to the me of hie name, and his
Ignorance of the measures friends ware tak
ing, and asking whether there was anything
WCe action or position which would preju
dice the public interests In his charge. He
added that he did not wish to administer
Frown:try Department one day without the
President's entire confidence.
Mr.•Ltncoln acknowledged this letter at
once, and a few deys later replied to it in a
spirit equally frank and friendly, his letter
closing with the statement that be did not
paresis's. any occasion for any change. From
this :it would 100 M that the Interpreta
tions sought to be given to the correspondence
by certain journals to the effect that Mr:
Chme might decide for himself whether he
could honorably remain are utterly on war
rented. If the Secretary should appear to Mee
been in any way Inspired at the White Boise,
it is Inferred that a further correspondence
should be probable.
Tna 'Wilms vlrglsrriox
Lt is stated here In behalf of the President,
and in reply to the late attack. on hint in the
New York opposition paper*, that the Florida
expedition was planned by den. Gillinore,
and that the President's private Secretary,
John Hay, was not sent down till otter Gen.
Gillmore's plan had bead approved.
lixtiocs onaants ',Qatari . nag. aectatxas.
A written statement bas been furnished to
the Secretary of War from koitisen of Mary •
land, formerly a member of the Legislature,
' and cousin of the rebel Gen. Lee by marriage.
In whose house Lee stayed during the battle 1
of Antietam, in which be atoms that on the
night after the battle he tent a messenger to
MoClellan Baking &personal Interview, and in
accordante with that request McClellan rode
through the line that night, and had a long
interview with Lee inside the rebel lines.
During that interview he slates theta*. told
McClellan his army was then crossing the
Potomac. The writer of this !testament, with
ten or twelve others, who aro said to be erg
; natant .' „iif the foot of McClellan having such
an iriteAtew, have been summoned to appear
) before t h e Committee on the Conduct of the
litereaS 05 ei.e. Scan To TI!. sites,
don. Meade has returned to the army. It
is said he has received acearances from the
President that the recent developments before
the Committee on the Condoet of the War,
have in no way endangered his p , Aillon. den.
Meade wee before the Committee on 'gain,
dor. Tie Is underst. , A to bees admitted the
Issue of so order at Gettysburg fora retreat,
bet to have Misstated that Butterfield was re
sponsible for It. The Committee propose to
prove the =attar further. Messrs. Butte,
field, Hancock and others, are to be called on.
The development., if sustained by further
evidence, promise to pot • ne• f v on scum
of the rpputatations achieved by the brilliant
accident at Gettysburg.
or lit die pis l wart Bta Beard far room•
mandi In negro regimanu have examined
fail- ulna epplicenu, of whom thirty-one wars
rejected, and twenty-eight accepted with rank
as follow, two majors, Gave. captains, coven
dist lieutenant. and twelve second lieutenants.
No person oars be re , examined for any cause
whatever. The decision of the Bowl Le anal.
both to those woo do not pass and to those
who way desire a higher rank than that
conferred at the time of examination
The buncombe Mu:barged in the House yos
terdsy was of usual quality. Mr. Voortiee'
speech use that of a desperate political bank
rupt. He declared his
,solemn belief that the
Republic was dying, and that this Congress
could be mourners around the grave of the
Constitution and liberty. Ile eulogised Val
' Isndigham ea a Christian statesman, and ap
plied .to him several other adjectives equally
astonishing, argued for on effort at peace, mag
nified the public debt, eta., etc. The replies to
him were not particularly able, nor foreible.
is proposed by et bill, Doer before the Coto•
.ittee un Claim., to direct the Qo►rtermutet
General to take testimony ow:turning the
slue of the bona! and other property eppro•
prlated bp the Government forces Waal' Gen.
Babson during the pursuit of Morgan through
Inatome and Ohio, sad Term the vemsto
Congrese without delay.
No doubt to entertained here now that Gen.
Sherman Is back at Jacksoniif not clear to
the Mississippi ap3n, as foreshadowed to
these dispatches some days ago. In to fa as
the objects of his expedition were successful,
they embraced only an extended reconnols
sande, and a destruction of the rebel interior
lines at communication
Ten r!.1f11I1T Of 0110 1111.111 n.
Us hill now I.foro Oongress provides for
the payment or tbe °Mears and men of the
second reglmont, Sd brigade, Ohio Militia, for
not over thirty days service during the sole
of Cincinnati.
Elpootal Pispittda to the Flttabargts Gaamt.
Carrranocia, Idirob. 4,104
The following telegram from Dalton gives
the rebel view of oar recent movements
Dolton Da , Feb. 211.—The enemy's line of
skirmishers wore two miles this side of Tun
nell mi l last night. It is not believed
will make any general attack on our
s forse has fallen back from
The enemy'
1 Lafayette to Ringgold.
A brigade of cavalry Is at liummerrille. Sev
eral prisoners were captured this morning.
They report
continual desertions in their
The Yankees aro refasten to r•-•nlisL
Their regiments do not go three hundred
inn sub.
All Is eerene this morning, and from pre*.
tont cations the enem *lll await rein
forcements to make • dank y
movement by La.
Gen. Wheeler yesterday captured • surgeon
and ten privates. Two of them bay* Jost re
turned from the front.
The enemy °option* to fall book. This
morning Gan. Wheeler's revelry advanced be
yond Taonoll 11111 with • view of entting off
the enemy's trains.
Oar line of battle has eavanced. General
JohnstonU et the front, end constantly in
the Noddle.
All prospeem of general engagement have
fail they ar• overtaken.
February 17.—The enemy is still in or
front in force, and their line. are distinctly
seen from oar signal stations.
Rifle skirmishing at long range Is going on
this morning,
Later—The enemy taus disappeared from
our front,' going toward Chattanooga, -and
heeler in ppnruit.
The dispatch from here, three mile§ this
Ode of Ringgold, announced the capture of
fOrnal prisoners yesterday. Stewart's and I I
Sterrenson's divisions Meth* prinaipal part of
the fighfing. Breekenridp's old division,
wk4oh nerdy anzagod theenemy, wt. TfpUblll4
and f e ll bark oral our right.
Two Taos mountangthi".._", faPP O
by blowsy Willow,
mu loft, oseopio th e asp Wain three
mils" of Dillon, on Now Labrillo load, tiya
alha Texas tat,VsealliSiti 1401
ntoudng, stenurtg4 to the hospital
record, ow legs is witendiage erits Otte
and fifty. one mes, including one Col Certrati,
of die Forty-first Georgia. three lieutenants,
Guitar, of the Fifth Confederate cavalry, AAind
gel, of the Sixth North Carolina, and Nesbit,
eighthe 'thirty-Po:nth °sores, and in killed
eor ten men. We captured thirty-five
Oar army is eager fora puersiangaemeut,
bat there are apprehensions that the enemy
will retreat to-night.
The following furnishes the particulars of
recent fights in Mississippi et they were' re
ceived by the rebeig •
Desnpoli., Feb.:b.—L.oli intelligence tree,
Missouri says that Gen. Forrest's force, in a
recent fight at Oakland, did; ot exceed two
thousand men, and the enemy' was six thou
sand. Late in the evening, the Twenty
seoond regiment of the latter forded
in three
lines, and made a dear:rata stand,
three times with sabres on horseback, and
wee esob time received axd driven back with
greet slaughter. Many named through our
lines '
and werecaptured. The road waslines,
lined with sutlers' store" thrown away, and
dead horses and Yankeet:
Next 'morning Gen. Goblson, with six or
seven hundred State troops, oontinued in pur
suit. Many of the enesorawonnded felrinto
our hands. Among OW anktided is Colonel
Barton, of the Bell brigade, arid Gen. Goillson,
slightly. We captured many wounded horses
with bridles and saddles, sad pursued the
rooted and scattered eoltimns to Pontiac.
Gen .
lost as many oMoers as men killed.
Bberman's advance has reaohad Pearl River.
Gen. Polk had two hymn killed under him,
and he killed two Tankage with his sabre.
I take the following items from the Deity
Rebel, of February 2fith
Brig. Gen. Patton Andersen humn pro
moted to a Major GeneraL ILosig Ou
tsell has Lose promoted to a Brigadier Gen-
Senator Orr, of South Carolina, says eighty
thousand mon will be added to the Con rad
ate army by their new military bi, ax
hundred million dollars raised by their finan
cial measurer.
In an 'editorial the Rebel exultsover what
it calls their Sacred/ in Florida, Georgia and
Fe bare at Cisatteneoga no news of impor
tance. Longstreet is probably retreating
through the mountains of South Carolina and
up the valley of the French Broad River for
the purpose of joining Johnson.
ISo further change. have taken place In our
Immediate front. .:
It is now hoped that Col. Bllholate, of the
14th Illinoit, will recover from his wound.
The ball struck his arm atid_passed into his
abdomen near the groin. It his been •x
it was Col. Palmer, of the 15th Pennsyl
vania Cavalry, who made the expedition to
Lafayette and Summerville, spoken of it the
rebel dispatches above.
The weather le pleasant.
The Tennessee river, ebb:bind rieen eon
eideratilytwithin the past font day., has eon,
meneed falling. Daring the clue the punge
on the:river by the (emerge serionsly interfer
ed with. The pontoons cued in building the
great bridge now being erected here soroe s
river were carried away by the drift.
work on the bridge pregnant. slowly.
Lieut. Cot. Coxcomb, of the 15th Indiana,
who was wounded in the recent •speditlon be
: pond Tunnel Rill, died tut night.
[ A train Ins of the, tract at Shell Mooed
' weirdly, In ooltSegaeltee of the dieplsoement
of the switch. A fireman wasVilled and the
engineer ly wound.
Lieut. Col. Werner, of the ItZth Uh.s, ••••
"oh'ii,PUl:::oel ttebemr.."."..°:;7.7: ,1 0."L f t h e "
Col. Mitchell. or the 111th Ohio. has return
ed and assumed the command of the brigals
formerly commanded by ties. I.:•atty.
Col. Mitchell, was esmamoder of ono of the
two brigades intimating t'. Gen. ilranger's
carps, atChisaimangs., whose timely arrival
and gallant betting oa Sunday afternoon
probably saved the army from destruction.
As I clove thisporttoe of my dispateb,iire have
soma exciting news. Col. Um:rhea's 31th
holiness, has been drown 15 by the rebels,
Gem Glee/Mel farm, be bleCieweeree care.
Reporte say that the rebels are at Dug Gap
In great form their Lily awe threatening
Renville. It le probable, however, that only
-airy on lighting oar lines in front of At
We have Intelligence that many rebel fur
.aces bare ,rased runnleg for the not of
coal. The manufactory ler farthest plates,
reoently. Their supply of coal for
merly owns from Chattanooga.. Latterly,
tb got soma from the vicinity al Selma
Alsbarn•. Snob furnaces el tan, mostly us •
The news Is 000 firmed that such of the rebel
force as left Dalton a few days before oar ex
pedition started to TuOneflllll, returned to
Dalton from Atlute, when ward came of our
edvance. Wealthy families are removing
southwest of Georgia. From another source
I learn that the rebel sick sad wounded sot=
alert hate been removed to MediSon, Ga.
Gen. Niemen is not far from Atlanta, Os.,
with from three to fire thousand 'mounted
men, end some hundreds more waiting fif
horse:. Some* artillery eompenles alone oc
cupy Atlanta. They have no guns P.
Kettlett.Le, II mob ./, 1881.
General ffohoneld and staff rotorned from
the front yesterday afternoon.
Our advance ti now over Morristown.
The loteation is to hold the country till the
bridges are repaired.
Lonirstreet is supposed to be at Greenvale.
His forms hold Bolls G►p. It is thought
only a small part of hie smay, If any, is
going to Georgia. Ile left the railroad ants
sired, intending, es althea, say, to as. It
Twenty deserters came in 'Wats/day, In
one quad, among witiott wore aisle officers.
They spook of great dissatisfaction among
titer brigade. blob conalsti of Tenntssee
Interesting DetSlll l of Gen. alipatriek's
POII.ADILTHIA, March 3..-.. Tie lea
oroyi publishes the following account of
Kilpatrick's raid from the epeeist oorrespeed
ent of the tribune:
On Monday they reached tha Virgil:tie Cen
tral railroad and tore up the track in four
places, deetroying whatever property would
render the Toed useless. At Yiedulek's Rall,
on the Centred Railroad, they lams upon a
court martial, puestnlly holdingite sessions,
and oaptured a colonel, five captains, and two
lieutenants. Oen. Lee had passed over the
railroad, on his way to his array, but an hour
before our men reached it.
.om:satin...By Union families were encount
ered, who gave valuable information, and
freely offering what they had to eat and drink.
Leaving Tredariciss Hall on Monday, they
putted on to Richmond. A.tdetaehmant othe
SOO, under Col. Dahlgren, keep'ng well to
right in the direction of Louisa Court Rowe,
while Kilpatrick, with themen body, moved
upon Ashland, both p scouring the
oountry thoroughly, and doing all possible
damage. As the forces neared Riahnsond, the
two main parties began ooncentrataig. Col.of
Dahlgren was to move down inAtie right
Richmond, destroying as cou r t_
_Pf the James _—
o f u possible, theniaklng the river jr rota W ashington Citye
road was to cross a wait. snannter the rat/ Wassrabros, March 8 —Brig. Gen. Albion
P. Howe, lately commanding a division in
from the South lids, and attempt the deliver-ance of the prisoner§ on Belle Isle. the sth COM has been trI11110111: 1 to tits poet
Can. Kilpatrick, with the main body, wee of Chief of ' Artillery in the Department of
to attack the city by tiroome turnpike ein,hingtot,Brig. Get. Duey, eegerea
to Oen. Grant's Department
It is supposed the bill amendatory to the
sinimoyulmtaima.onslyit,:„ pohosp.driblea
a th e e ci o ty th . b u r
Monday night or early on the following morn-, Internal tax bill will not be reported from the
tag, when s partial, if not a teal, surprise Committee of Wisp' .od Means before to-mor
could be effected. Two of time fatalities row week.
which more than once durinvikde war hue The of of Mei. Gen. Meade to Washing.
snalohed success From as, preantsd the con- ton is reported to be in connection with the
reorpoisatlon of the several army corp. under
stimmation of on* of the beet oonocivad and
most brilliant plans of the whole war. his command.
Dahlven had taken a Negro to pilot him to -- -
'Richmond, and he ledhim ton Goochland ileavy Shipments of Specie.
Instead of Richmond, and on Tuesday Dahl. New Yost, March n. —The steamer Oman
m a found kill Kunst milesilt.ilst the Queen tudarrlved from Aspinwall with $508,-
oppoidte dinette% fetkoNcat he wt ha d to,ta k e- too in specie.
The negro was prhorptlyimmj for nil !roach: The Constitution, which arrived at Panama
cry.' The men, Anamerstaby this, bullied on the 26th, brought 0,600,000 to treasure.
the lama end hdeaddings el J. A.Babillig. of which the shove am was for New York
the telal Beemetary of Were: Dairen ri .. and thobalsztoo for Eoglond.
traced Me stone down the Jiver 1,ktf1..1! aid TIM tilt British matt Mama for South
-110,00 ikoSninonnineidaßP 0 Au'uelvi Itamptoa, took cone 15,000,000 in truism
ITU the dteineteStelehlittlrfillatadyerat errthe
''releist4llleelkithaVlllTttliniclT mad* the at,
tack. • Dalgeli'l deteelusent Wee ,divided
~,.o eereral patties teethe i*ompllshunent of
different eljecter keeping. together, bower.
A very eblirp,...fight ensued on one party sa
to:llo2n ti Mutes the river. They found the
enemy in or number* confronting them
on every r d, which compelled th em to fall
hark. In Usimistiog to cut their way out,
Major . ti, of the 21INew Tork, With about
one hun dr, d and fifty man, got separated from
the rest. ',The other detachments succeeded
in rejoining Kilpatrick, but nothing had been
heard of this . roe. Meanie i ll,
advanced down for turnpike, Ashland haling
torn op the rails at that point, destroying the
telegraph as he me tcho3: At one station,
however, an operate, ,ucceeded in seodioG •
dispatch td itichmooti , announcing die
keel were were coming Less than fifteen minutes
Put Rieke:loud on the rot ties, and it has since
been asacertained,tbat about a dormpieces
were put In &battery , and new intrenchments
thrown upwhile awaiting his arrival.
• The troop reached the outer fortification.
early on Tuesday morning, and as the apiece
and houses of the city mune ,la •Isrer cheer
upon cheer went up from our men. ' Riding
rapidly forward, the outer line of work], were
entered, and the rebels being then surrounded,
throw down their arms, many of them warren"
daring, cad others taking to their heels. A
fight ensmed at the next line, but the batte
ries were too much for them, and so with his
battery, Kilpatrick opened upon the city. No
doubt themen would have dashed upon every
thing that stood in the way, so enthueiaetic
had they 'become, but Kilpatrick toted the
wiser pert, and se the shrill whistle of the to
oomotiveitold of the bringing up of rein
forcement( from Piehett's brigade at Bot
tom'. Bridge and vicinity, he re ' luctlantly
WO the order to move. towards Mechanics
ville. Onevery road the enemy'. picket. eon-
fronted them, end a series of manoeuvres took ,
place, in which the enemy were found to be
on the alirtiat every point. Night coming
on, Kilpstriok helted, and made preparations ,
to snout'''. Ile had chosen a place. however,
too near the rebel camp, and of this act he
was remlnded by being libelled
not o a kis
sitlon. So the command groped itsy on in
darkness and gloom, fighting when pressed
too bard, and with the tell-tole whistle of the
locomotive, now warning them that troops ,
were being hur
riedried on to Bottoms Bridget, in
the hope f off their retreat.
On Monday Gen. Buller ,received orders to
send over a force to meet Kilpatrick and a.- 1 1
slat him if pectiesety. Thls movement woe ,
part of Xilostrick's plan as propo,ed. Usd
he known of or expected a force at New Kent 1
Court lipase, or at Bottoms Bridge, he would
not have turned away !rem Richmond, but '
would hare entreated (len. Dative's forms to
fight for the same place. Two thousand in •
[entry under Colonel Dunkin, of the 4th U.S.
colored regiment. end 1,600 cavalry and
Colonel Spear. of the 11th Pennsylvania cav
alry, and Bolger. lot Battery, the Ostia older
command of Col. We
theree ord., ed to New
Kent Court Rouse, to be governed by
oirensmstancsa ss to further m ovement.. The
tannery ..1 oldare.l troops left Yorktown onnt
Monday afternoon. end recoiled New Ke
Court Howie about none the next. day, halting
made en extraordinary march through rata
and mad. The cavalry loft iliamsbur et
Monday night, and art ived on W T l uesday re r
ing about eight o'clock.
On Tuesday afternoon Col. Spear toot •
p_ortion of his cavalry force arid poroceod aetio•
u to
Tunstall'e Station, where he destryed
steam saw mill and the Court Rouse. After
resting •whilethery resumed their morel down
the Null:mils. Gen Davis, oho led.a
several men shot by guerrillas, and Kilpat
rick and his •ttend.ota chas•d a body of
them, capturing a lieutenant •nd two men.
The force picked up on their way one of tbo
escaped prisoners—. o G.I. Watson. or Wellies
of an Ohio regiment The urn end horses
have borne hard mar. lima remerkaidy well,
the .addle. not help g removed during the
trip, anti but little sleep given to the men.
Over 500 prisoners wore taken. but from the
nature of the coped.. 'a it trir imposelisle to
bring them in. Tit e ce•eetties 'wove not been
!ascertained. Col. ...) , hlgren, d1.)..r C o •.k•,
and Limit- Col LII , livi i end about 11,1 men
•111 103114i14 To, act. L pram O 1..10 ho
awarded to Col. D a o:rt.i., nor 1.. tuto lt re
gret felt .1 lii. su m.... I , ipture.
Y roar North Carolina.
Nov Test., Mute:. • —The steamers Nllen
end Terry arrived Om rvoning from ?dauber!).
A latter of
s (he' s i...t p•ates that deft.. •vis
has uppe the Itsietelt Spoooraill A
Ineraaatusr t ss he e surety f as oditires els otion
asGovernor nest fah the rebels are remor tug the vhstruetions
is the Noose river, below Kinston, in order to
olio* an iron•plated rem to come down to
assist In the anticipated stisok on Washltic•
ton,Newberp rod Plymouth, for w hi•ii ti r e
140 1 1
fe . iillis are tnatlog grand prepar
wi ations.
liq:lile %O.l+W !AI be !sad, on Aoanrhe
silty, as well Mona roYir river. '
The Villeigh tlrstrd,rrre states that the re
cent aUsok on Newt" rn, was rely a diversion
soon to be followed up by heavy denaonstra
General Wevrel is .I•ogrrously 1 1 at Ply
month. „
The needeee , al• • ',gam the neeesany ...f
chenging the battle t -•-.ond from Virginia to
North Csrolinis-
Ofsmal intelligenoe oontirmie the report that
Jeff Davit has order•J the immediate sairnre
of ellpoints non to. I by the Federni• in
North Carolina_
Geo. Peek has mew. Ail the preparation in
his r ..., end all cit , tone and friends are e n •
der oriel, to go int, the f o rtifications.
The hanging by the valetas of V men of the
Yd N. C. white regiment, has so exasperated
the loyal North Ca" tin e troops ond all
bounds that they li i , • resolved beyond no
mote prisoners.
-- —_---
Pram Neve Orire me--Admiral Farrn
rit's Operation. - Mutiny •t Sea, etc.
IPen Soak, Marsh +.--The incarnate Col
umbia and Geore Cr. have
with Nen (trieens g eilvi:-.•m woll
of the 77th of Feb
Admit], Partarit ~tht.tritted his attack on
th• forts below Mol.tie. A letter from th•
fleet, dated the 23d ‘.l February, aaye that
the whole mortar fleet had kept up an knees
ant Are on Fort Pc•011, which commands
Grant's P., Since 343 light, the rebel ram
Tennessee wog of F,. .t Morgan, and expected
to attack our Seat. 9 , `ie Is said to be more
powerful than the Men imse was. For! Pow
ell cannot bold out lou t ; against our bombard
ment. Admiral Fat, opt was an board the
Calhoun, near the Lit. Our regiments from
the 'Nebo arearrivlng daily In New Orleans,
and are being sent in transports to to operate
with Farragut.
Thlrty•four prisoners had escaped from the
New Orleane Custom Howe. Ten or twelve
were recaptured, and it was probable that h
rest would be caught
A mutiny occurred no hoard of the barque
Garibaldi, at the Northwest Peas, on the 2211.
The chief mote and seernan are reported
to haws been killed before the mutiny wes
Gen. Wallach was .spouted to return soot
to New Orleans.
-_. ..-.
From the Southwest
Sr. Louie, hiareh 6.—The statement of a
Washington correspondent of ilia New York
Onnwercial that Sherman was at V loksborg on
the 24th ult., and that ho will soon start an
other expedition, Is a great mistake. None of
Sharman'. Prose bad remelted Jackson on lb•
24th, and Vicksburg advice. of the JTtb make
no menden of his arrival tl•re or any ten•
ierinjelaied new movement.
MenaiOn'tl neaps, whioh reasbed J acks
on the - 24th, will probably remain there for
the present, but another expedition is not
likely to be made very moon.
Parties from Gen. Urant'• front say It Is
not probable that any lighting will take place
there for some Lime.
From Memphis
CArao, March 6.—The steamer Darling,
from Memphis the ath,,pasted today for Din.
einnati, crith sisty-rilne hale. of cotton. Tbe
St. Patrck, for Lonieville, yetterday hod 105
Over 1000 persons 10 ?lymph(' obtained
foreign protection, which shields them from
ha draft, bur prevenu them from voting.
Another large meeting of unconditional
talon men was hell In Memphis oe the Bd
Cotton quiet. ()ova middling M
do. 77.
The 7tb Ohio Vrtarans arrived. sn route
for the front, with moterhaly strengthened
Weirs tram Rebel !WIMP.
S'ss• You, lifiroh !I.—Blebs:et 4 parte. of
the let sad 2d tams bean received hers. They
admit that Silpstrlck penetrated to Withb2
three miles of the city, and relate how max
rawly Lee estrepcd capture. Gen. Wise abo
had a narrow cscape.being at the reaidence
of the rebel Scummy of War, from whence
he reached the city.
On the 29th of February4o o more prieeners
were shipped for Americo', Ga. Nearly $OOO
haws thus fax been sent there, and umcommo
dation' suet for 6000,
About 46 miles of the Mobile & Ohio rail
road was destroyed by Gen. Sherman. The
Southern road was destroyed from Meri
dian to Jackson, and 4900 negroes were car
ried off.
The rebel acceuete of the battle of Ultutoe
in Florida, show that their force ',c oasted of
fourteen regiments of infantry, four battal.
lions of cavalry, nod three batteries of artil
lery. Their-locums 800 killed and wounded,
From Calre.
estao, Hutch s.—Thesteamer Rocket,
trom V ieksburg on the 27th, arrived this et
ternoon with forty-coven guerrilla prisoners,
oaptrired at various times by the marine grig•
ads. They belonged to bands who have been
into •teaers along the river. Among
were two bleatennnte avdp. captain.
Memphis papers of the 3d contains no news
of interest.
Cotton flat ; good middling
; •tridtil
middling lA.
The river has risen four feet within the last
three days, and continues to rise.
What Lougetfeet a Doing.
Suutritts, March 4.—Seonts report that
Longstreet has shipped his wagons per train
to Richmond, and is mounting his men upon
the hones and mules thus released, and Is
pressing all the animals that eon be found.
The rebel easalry mishit scouring the <MUD
try to the east of us. Martin's oavalry ap
peared yesterday In the French Broad near
the meeting of the Big►
Pigeon. Some appre
hension is felt of a raid by Morgue on our
railroad communication with Chattanooga.
From LouLvLtle
Lotrtsruo.r., hiareh 6.—Judge Patter, 4
the Chancery Court, yesterday decided
an ensigns:Dent from disloyal rm for security
o f their credits, generally to fi be e
General Grant arrived this evening ea
for Washington, Care city, K.
The noted guerrilla Centel alias Colonel,
Richardson, Alto wee en route northwest as a
prisoner, while attempting to escape, wag shot
dead by Captain Stone of the thirty-serenth
- - -
Philadelphia Market.
Pnitturtruta, March s.—Tratla moues slowly
.11 departments. Tlnnr—tbsora t but little .hipping
demand. with sal. nrou 0 Ibis extra Wally at $1,62.4,
and bbl. on term. kept serrri. Rye flour dull
at SO. In morn there nothing doing. There
I. • ateady dem=id for Wb.rar gal. or yawl Null red
at SLR , . .md mall lot. of whit.. at st, by.
•alla at .11,1a•gi,d. Oorn In active slamodad; tin,noun
Lodi yellow at 108(41.20. Oat* dull at .201
fide. dover feed unchangad; 1000 hotati lan 'nu" sold
at.33.'25. thong. In provimono. Colon doll at
"Mirk.lll.lll L. unaottlad wed ioluaurod in 914
1:1, per Lb!, and •Ic for drudir.
Putuaattret k, March S..—Stock. 0,40
. ......... 9.oilPron's lI 8 .. . .......... . .11
_73 cxchans. on Y par.
Pomo. '•
Keuting • -
Mor (anal
.4pray. T 11.1., 1,14 , 1•\
e....::., • la ..b..h..;
tl i•. ht Lunt.,
The p..lnt had rwan Cannel tout
during 1.1• wanly four to.itir• ending tart evening, a,
which thus the per mark indicated eleven feet, and
ruing alu•ly. That... Cher yesterday was rion.ty
end raw with .vary aprestenee snot,
Bo•ine....mlinu. lulu brisk •1 the wharf,
Ithetanding there are init• a nuentaer
boat. In
purl, tt, re arrears w tve plenty foe t In
Tire Thiatle, after an ot ar , eral mouths,
ea ye.% Saturday front Louisville with an raral•
lent at: the ftvight shavvinid had.
ti.trer Spray, from Clarhsollti, if n11....V., gut s
t night with on• of the twat trips .4 the
ninon, other itenro she has aro liutoltvd and
1104. of tv,twove The Savanna from
avt Saturday avowing, eometbilig
ths ne‘ghbort..aet eta liundf,vl ions—having
..a, other a rticles-4i ,, I.nodrvd sod imv•aty• five
..rdeo of cotton The Nt heeling ra. kat. Diluerva, rit
In snorni. .111. a frolght tint and •
fair titmtesi parcleticlri,
The Paragon heft h.' Cincinnati at noon ou Satur•
Jay with • ;nod (*lr. Including quite • numbet
awyen,ere. The Jennie linbtrs tor Saabs ale with •
argo raitriwri Iron, .d the Leonidas. fur St
Louto...ivared on Sunday sourniwg. The latter tat at
wa. haled .1.11. tier guar. touching the water.
'The .1111.1.1e11._tor Zaneavilla on Saturday evening
with s twit trip.
Nati' , all of the coal toss hailstorm up yesterday,
weeverwentlyweeptetad./. 4puiji tespactlya
toors, preparatory to leaving for below, Eleven bat growl stage of water br this class o
home and It la f air to matters that lb. moot, If ttot
aU .hero, wi ll get oot, and that, too, with ..big
'The Major Aodereott from t'lnctneuoll dand the Au
ra wed ergesaut from Lcute sr• among th.
seas doer to the Marine llailaray last
t purrs"... a basin, some a•cess,y
pat. wade.
the Silver Spray. Jie .so by .ard, au•
neencod t inctou•G sod Losiiitillt to-wermer
ortnitoi Capt damnl inhume° in tetssnand,
whilt Mews. Delos sod boom., are auociatrd to•
othtr to the odd..
The popnier wed reliable Shuttle, Gaps Gordeit,
la the teguLar Wtt fling I:Owlet for t o day, lesehrs at
wow. Capt. G ors. W. Jittouton ham chart. of the
ant.Wel by Mr. L. Bunting.
The Imola Grahnes, Captain Aye., returns to
laweetille tot mom. weeniug, at the usual hour,
four o'tiock.
AIthISTRONii—DIIIILAGII.—on ihnrelay even.
1ay..11 web Al, le a, as the re thence of t he bilge
porerge, ty the Res. h. D. toed. Mr A. D. ARID
ST gONsl, of Allegheny, end Mtn t+ALLID DAR
RACitl. of Flit township.
SMITH fthday evening, Mara , Ott., J NT
0111111 to the 00th year of her axe,
The Me ade at. family are respectfully itorgest
to attend the fungal, on klosnat. March 7th, at 10
o'clock a. tr., loom her lets meld. a, No. 40 Robin.
nano street, Allegheny City.
rEABs ssi.o.l, Much Oth, BIDNST
CLINTtai, daughter of North% and the late 47.
Minton roan, to the 11th year of her age.
The funeral gill take plate at 10 o'clock Mont ay
swarths, from th e residence of her g-reudlether.
John 11. Page, Nast Illtotinghten. Cerriakee
lure for Bircanghths at 0 a. m., from corner Seventh
and kenitheold sires .. na. , friends of the toothy
ar• invited to attend.
re REIM' .
Wood Stroot.} 4r°
Our proooni luytt.o oe rum dm. 6ar tog, at
Loa, become mO -*and more andoeirobto 6.1 r our boo
= rSi b al, roro, '1111.!bOV 7P21":17,1:"
Nontly oi.voslte lb. Plit•burgh Trast Corapauy
li' TW ecoln•lr. &piaci Lx
WWII Mashu to vat totoPooLlon. la toOan.
T•ROVIIII - 621, - REA & CO., (M-
Dreams to Rosnuot Moos a Ido.sans.) WASIIINO
TON WORKS, lotroosza 1 ItAnortres, Pittsborgh.
tlsouffseturers o , BOAT AND STATIONER'S
BIOS, of all descripttous ; OIL TARES k STILLS,
ufactosere of IRON ILtILLEO. IRON
and Ad TRIED STREET, bet. Wood and HAAN.
Rate on band Avertety else. Pattern. hog tad
stn, suitable for .0 purpose.
Portioolarattootton veld to eooloehas Oral; La.
Jobbing dope al short Wk. eV)
N. HOLM: • 130118., thuuse
to 70111:1019 AND DOMISTIO'BILLB 01
ExonsNoz, czwringsirs or orpotor.
Pittabunh. P.
C,ollowttorts nude on all the rauolPa utt , "
throughout the Unit.] State. 022
10"11 - 2111tY IL COLLINS, Saimaa)
wholesale dealer to GITERSM. DOVE% GICEDS
m a.. ...Toy. Na. LS WOOD fir.
PlttemmlS. Pe.
.tr:3AN ELECTION for rresident and
U'et ,, Biz DirOCUM of the Ilsochestar ravings Dank
erUl be held at the Banking Wave oh fIATUUDAT
the I:6th esy of Mach, 1116., When th. h vu n c , i
and 4 edges r? ....
2410100 1 .1. T.l. 351b.1 11 “;
, eeht:td
I fh. ode hl WM 14. 001411 EL:
k!L - EttIIOVA'BtF.
onsucnster TLILOR
79 FEDERAL STREET, Allegheny
W 11 IL e. ‘ll 11.SON*
Tut UUKAPLdT, nIIIIPLwrr t. ND 13
loelpal 02I1oe .ad Wholesale Lopodu
Tta. claws twloir Sant Blue.
Virt94lll.ll 4011WitS.
Camp Companions,
w i tb_wv i th i zd ... s ro .i r
tug,. kilad
uf .11 .1..• and .471.
HUNT'S C.}.AZlETEatrac
Of the Border and Southern ataten.
LICNT'b aTIONI.II4 Pol:Trof,lon
pro•e4, .1 11• "1.1 p
Book. Btationery & News 'Emporium
111 rat 51114.1cT, L \SONIC DILL.
lyl - 0 - Ra A N tr. CO.
Saccesmass to A. S. 11. MA.giAJ
CollateWyllie Coal and Coke,
By B.Llywd ud Ilhor
Bring miry inipplled with onr earn cars, and or
to c herstoforey particular situation to o f
...taro orders we are pruparra ato thla allt , r lc d
ODAL AND CONE to all polara, by nal or m ay
A feae barges belorypisg oth-r part,. bo
loaded al our aiding. near bilcKera port-
Rh will till airy orders by the car load.
No. 80 Third Yr. c Plctsbargh,
Mad Ilanallketurors or
Partiratar attention geld to Um tatnufsontloa o
OIL OANS, all slate and patteras ; SCOT.
CON DbfffLOTII, and an tht, of Jot:tens wort
done to totte.
Also, a large etoot of tasty DIEM OAOSS just at.
3. 3: FIZINDIER co
opmril t. Ptitet±targ
A w IttAllia3Al.L DBI7O AND 30)3Bnia TIMM
341, cormes wmarn tatIXILTS,
opposite Delos PeseetWer Depot, sad sou offer ex
mle a 'moral assortment of DIICCY, rierrarr
WUrrlll LEADS, oils, warm
OLBBW•litr., do:
Po:mimeos will Dad our stock at all ttneee wall es
cort.% sod prime each ex to sits satire satletattloa.
J. J. DUD= • 00,
oar. Liberty east Wayne ettrate. Plttstrarik.
. _
Commission MerehantB,
att.ntlon to parataatng
Flour, Grads', PrOViSIOng,
Tor E.tera .0..3zt.
11. F. QUIMBY—
NMOTICE—AII parsons ara cautioned
heoltst oniplejleg, to taty form, the . trad.
toarka which hare been coed during:Ow put three
years to designate the shag* don 11.• end treble
strength of DITHRIDarti CITITINETE,. Th. ,h•
dons brood. aro .
itrl x ‘Pliot Ms.; Pt!. I PI, I lin?, ales
I.X.X. 7 * 7, " .. DAM" "
Or Dap' liht. Crikckera. Or at.Ocal Sot Cracker.
Thaw who Infringe as arty of e t
broods will be
procooded against according to tb• law croula W ting
trod. rks. X. D. DIV:161
roft pm t
Otam Works. Sact.l.llre. V. aonaaoa
1 - A — R -- r cLLIme,
W. I. & HALL gATrEasols.
44 Fourth ISTITTITT. Td
Claims tur 1.12381010. 4001411, •
AIso,uLDILSUE RITMO Vsonaleud°
TOD Stair. instated o the,lionangaele
lacer, sic se the gra Loch. haring • facet on eta
river or frn fret, end extending back to .dock
.toot, aJobing th• thronellertile itehroad, ran.
'sluing ecru and 77 perches. Ufa es anaciodea.
Die location tor wanuitectserthll reeposre. b ee t., 0.,
river to Groat and patio street nod eallroad to the
rear, and Saw WM and totildtrup thereou •,.[( t d.
r o e s e ism jkl, anal_ to MAWS MIK Tteri ig,
on the prelates.% or Cc W. CL•A1301311111S121011,, o
112 hargh • ,gbaat
11.012 1 AND lIILLT BOVISIgL—Iee Rum trx
muds, ramiltee, Beer Hal* to e An
Warty, 01 old Mote, &ads and Er hteratars,
and made ae good so ore.
The attention of the trade hi ogled to oar /bonrb .
went and prleeh
Shop on Min= klrloslM alt tu Wined cora.
lop ALVeet.or sddretasoll.64 0Y5.0.
ill work EArr.U. 5 / .1 2,2
11/1110N ATS 41P.-'
millie _ .. adetrome /4 1 •40, 1? • °-
• n.T.Tatase
• tau ineriqrs- a) 144 -".
_ .
NOTICE.—It an incoam-oratible
. sts.-^ , nyg t.crtli withal
Rat et costraactima, thtt th• grtetcnt Nazar.. to
pe Fund fad HIT
Why I Dena. , they tLe tart goods to the
world, having them all to order In Manual.
Pittsburgh, Philadelphia nod New Yore. expresely
Poe retail trade, nod Cr try par b vrarraated, firaUff
In the stank Ova ; and It they if. Hip, no in any
ray trine apart, or prove nnattstanory, myth
ed for notlann, an allrarance male, or a nor par
farelabed ; and slat ill tire• peculiar advantegra,
thle unequalled terrk, thee, irnnirinr AtraCtiona d
reasons for pardoning at ea. orktn.ted Inon, vre
offer one more, as a Onnl ellarhlng argament— We
.11 au ens quaff, ni Good , fer 4n veers Ora rye
ear bay rubbighfor a carrel:re.
air mot bguad Ws going op Tiftb stroa, bee
mesa Wo-d and B=loll4l areas, No. 62, neit deoz
to Oa 81prres O.
psintni on the sictote
()REAvI cilherf
0111L&P I cumer 1
Eicelelland's kuction.
66119TH Kruaccr
/Cm . ' sw:ctit ED
D do do CONGUESS .3q;
Do M.OBOOOO k GOAT Re Laq, do;
MI of tbo beet easton , o'orb, eel tee• - roate I to glee
tonne eatlefection.
so. Ti. mr. of Wood snd room, Sti
JOHN CAMPBELL, Manufacturer ot
800113 AND BRASS, of every drecripclost, No
34 Bmithfteld strvet, Pittebureb .21:13
Instltutlon, located at EL Union, Stark nano -
Obi°, offer, WI extensive educational finnln 1.1 10
wodents of both aeons.
Th. Faculty consist. of ELme. O. I. ITUTeTIDEN,
L L. / 1 — FrrUdaul 1110 O. CUA73IOII, 0. DI.;
GEO. W. CL.l.ll.lit, 11.. 31. ; F.. N. GA KIIIIIOBII,
k. B.; J W &I' 'MAN n., beeides nom.
Tear:bare in I bstromenod ra
Comm Commercial Science, Gyrnoustim , and the , German,
Trench and Hebrew Landrume ,
The Coliega pounnow very exist:mire apparatus and
apeciusene for tees-TA:4 .wLt: y, 'aural TWIG..
phy, Dotany, Pbyel-100, Ilitacsica. Geology, An
mammy, 6arretyltag. EnFinarring,
The pew College Edifice, which le 116 lbet Wog by
nti foe wkly., sod font own.+ , high, and tunffrOmOuff
by soy Colima Edltmo In Ob:o, completed for use
twat mrsn, which bold' or tb4 ern ur...vAscu,
18G1. This new bulletin, *scoot
muMate 450Ittudents.
TIG6II, CL/NDET/1,11,„ Ge.
Good board cante bad b. pal ae families at how
IP to El GO per weak : and, m sbact Ll cents a week.
go.d mansinbtd wt. bon. .60,5 and farlinra,
say rental la :owner. al, 1,wr.1 Varlaw-il., or taro
Loud to. pc,auefautinc., It au"
...dri In the Teeehera', Scleralnc and Mos
aNrarees more tr•in F. 310 tapir rinay.r.
Tiowe reyartwe 1. , 1 , 102 re Mtr,with. in • ste•
<harp, the adeatiloge of nail). dr.II tu the Nerter&l
Peoartuent. The +realm. begin on anon :be ORO.
0.15 D TRE‘.DAT of !inward, Norenaher luid &Jaren
of earb year.
Mt. Dillon L. n octet, healthy and moral village •
voila and & halt arm , b .I'lionco, theths
CloreLand Pittsbnrgln Railroad trail the Pitt+
btrgli, Nir myna &eh irogn 11 ail way.
Fend to the President LT a Catsingter.
teen doeoript Wu of maatorlol comuntly Lana.
Eapalri font at abort =tic.
nio. 129 Fourth Otreot.
Spring Stock of Good.!,
Whitt. Ln extent, elite, and ta..ta ccry e.
t i t tur•0b0.7,•.•..r, o r tra , t tberr gratto:i
oral ptenag• berstore • received, d tsini.tas, b 7
clo• attention to Ininiticie, to moil ora old fite.
sod many new own
Awtego uxilaction of
euussa p l pTB &?U' , ff AU ST . !' 612tE 72 .
21 sad 14 .torlss, over Skim: t.s.2`l Sorelry btenh)
e23crrocka- 4 ..vgis.
CI *eery dm thud dila, Pty at olotul.tte [>.. popular Carte de {'(rise to Cautort sue a,
PIIIIVIANCIEtundd porttotdarty cal the at
teattou eau, ACLU MID onhodu to! to the can ea.
turelbrlity or Ws establiehooeut, ree , ha UT •
I=eicn, theta ol Nate. Mow otdorate, and
rearanteed. eoe.Vo
Pays portfoolsr allautten to the treatment or
04111.0100 DISEASES, the EYE and EAR; coasts
PUPIL, inertia kirrivietni ,
and all diereses atter tin -tbe FAT .1 leading VS.
-.0110 I DROWN
rx.itipm •
ink.. too rrrrn erruzET
Ito. of all she Hut Powdenr. Tostru or Willa ;et I
introduced will 10 eactuall74.-uir, MICE.
1 80AC1113,,
They eat It greedily sad die laitaioUy
f ri )SIC° Y LA.NII, ,
eaQAB, e:
Ordrrs tor archas. of 60'FIrTS..
cdtbfali executed.
ppypeeecLLll attrbapoti zb,„lptr.;;.
Bemat ck..
•• Co. do 4
A kiddy, Illufor & do ;
Dmberty, W d oods t Co., Delthmor..
ioo dos, ji salon sod qr 62 t Malty..
V. Cll6ll sow*
600 • Tomato ILetchop qua, to and pmts:
:00 Pepper escica;
16 •• w
Cumberland Satme;
atontenhiro du,
- 6Vtal66. Ketaurr.
•• 1111616rocti ‘IIAA
20 Imporsed Irreocb 151.666di
Imltatle6 ••
Now to note and 6:.• antL bluznitts tao 3,
1166.121 and 746 Wood stoat.
AvgATOtter DaYll4.M.—Lat
urs of Athalolat-altita, up s the Wats
o .fi of
Janus SP. Baxter, lota oq PUtobroub, doo. w
Isasiug ImaLipanuol to OS fmtlortlgotd, .11 po.rat
Wonted to the sold total". .re refplectod tootto
poroont, and those tail* datum to prto.t
osuoito sAxsics,
- Huai.= J. II • 'UTE.
Igo. 111 Tani at I fof tittstrorgtt ;
Or, to SOPKIBB a Lazgor,r3 Fifth
AMOA.I,--Aldsrmaxi ALD
lob 2011 :Mooed tib,Oditro tro9 11f1
a l l: wood to _.1.11171[1020.31,0CtC, b-W „door scF
tits Wattnt Foal a aaits74o2?.
An. paw nallvtag Uttar
al war :a hand
PintaLaa, Pa- •
C}n . t:W' 7. , .rti'' 4 B'"a" ".et..