fitbburgli MONDAY MOB.NiNttz:=NEB. 18M Corruption Wilco le - letittnre. For severed sticeissive winters there has existed at Harrisburg an organisation called sthe „Bing," composed of aneinbere of both breathes 'Of the Legislature and a few lamp' lobbyiets. No private bill could case either branch unless it' had the en dowment of thisulling," sale secure this 'ldorsement money was generally netts ry. We do not know that this corrupt organization lOin existence this winter, but it the half we hear of the rascality in vogue at Harrisburg be true, we judge that it is Here is a specimen of the kind of legislation to which the State is now be ng treated: The other day ,a bill pseud the Home authorizing the construction of a new rail roadie.= Boston to Mauch Ohnnk. There are several suspicious circumstances e on _ datedWiLh'ihe passage of this bill which seem to leave little room far doubt that Im proper tailuenece have been l resorted to to "put it through." The Philadelphia Bute. tie some days ago stated tiaesereral mem bers of the Legislature hedge:se to that city. a advance of the passage . the Lehigh bill or of any action upon I and bought largely of the stook of a certain rail road which would be five bly attested by the passage of the bill in question. Another fact la, that the pro ' rational eborers" who In est Flirts burg while the Leglslaim.e to session were active in urast d the p age of the bilL The aid of arguments, used en e.r.,itty be guessed at. But • most pad dle* evidence of corruption furntehed in the voluntary statements m • . e on the floor of the House by two of its mem . re—Messrs. L.a.a, of Backs, and 800 of hiontgo. mery. Both gentlemen eta d that they believed the 'mange of tho ill was pro. snred by disreputable means. air. Hoovra plated on file his reasons for oting against ' the billiu the following words "'Amok-aye Oss oppose[ to tine paesage of y bat as be- Ulf of oehtei I had reason to ism! evrrupt Warsaw were mkt; end ' mg that such Watson have Dean used to astir, the passage J 1 qfilde btli, tthertfors [ rote May." The Speaker pro fess; Itr. - : flews, of Mester !tweezed these Tardy to be etricken - Irow the oared. They involved, he said, a reflection ''on the House. We trust that this matter trill be tally Investigated by a felfttild inve;tigating com mittee, and the guilty partie punished, if the allegations of Messrs. Lse,ts and &e -vent &mild be found to be *sae. In the meantime we shall note the lei= of the Senate on the Lehigh bill. The. Enrotibient Bill. Oongslas haying adopted the report of the °caimans orior.feranco on the enrollment ■e take the aarUest oppertunty to Inform .oar readers thee the prim of commutation is 'Sued at $3OO, and not ;400, as has been stated some of the papers. The payment of this ma only exempta until the list is exhausted, and. In no event fcr s. longer period than one We may elate another feet, which our read ers should rally understand at once. AU per- Joel between the ages of 20 and 45, except those declared to be physically or mentally cud; are liable to the draft. There are no other eiem . itions Visa these ars; disability secon.l, procuration of substitute ; third, pay =sneer $4lOO. Those, therefore, who wish to %void being "grafted into the army" should at ender bestir themselves to 811 up the quota of thee respective districts by offering beim tles to 'minute's's. Only oco ow remains in which to do this. TO.DAT the convention of Free State men meets at Louisville, Kentucky. All the sepresentativott of slave States freed from rebel rule will be on hand. Andrew John son, of Tennessee; Gantt, of Arkansas ; Henry Winter Davis, of Maryland; C. D. Drake andOratzßrown, of Missouri; J. M. White and Thomas J. Durant, of Louisiana, will be among them. Kentucky will also be represented. The action of thin . conven tion will be 'yokel for with mach interee.. An attempt has been made to create the .imprezeion that one or its objects was the lomination of Fremont for the Presidency, but there is no reason to believe that such an idea was ever entertained by those who bays called it. Its principal object is the consideration of the slavery question in eonnectiotywith the great work of waving the Union. ChrZ of the features of the present volut. tearing system is the advantage it gives a rich district over a poor one. For instance, It ins wealthy citizens of a ward In Phila delphia should offer $6OO to every recruit required to fill their quota, and the poorer attire:olot a rural dietriot should not be able to pay more than $l6O or $2OO, un doubtedly thePhibidelphians would take the recruita from the rural district if they should not be able to raise them among themselves. What, then, butanes of the country district ? All of its citizens willing to volunteer having gone elsewhere, mid kaartp bens orinffind efewhere the draft must fill with great sevari7 upon those of its citizens liable to be visited by ft. Thus the drat after ail, Is bound to fall unequally open pout districts not able to pay large benuitlea. e?Moutr, dispute& to the Philadelphia ariktie, dated Indiana, Peb.2o, says: -The special elastics to di the vacancy le the State Ewan), caused by the resignation of Major Harry ,_Rrhite, new a prisoner to Richmond, took place in this district. The returns so far received indicate that Dr. St. Oialr, the union candidate, will have a nes. pity in this scanty of about 1,600. As r iiminntreng county eannot give more than two ar three hundred against hint, Dr. St_ Glair is elected by ebout 1,200 in the die t:riot" Thst settles du) question. The political campaign of 1884 has al ready commenced. The New Hampshire Sete election occurs on the second Tue 3. day in March, and the Connecticut State election takes place on the first Monday in Jive In both States a Governor is to be Ousted. Its New Hampshire both tickets have far some time been in the Held—Goy. Gilmore, the present incumbent, being the Thsion candidata. In "Connection; the grant Union Goeercor, Buckingham, has been nominated ter re-election. The Dem ocrats have not yet selected their ticket Tus.Union members of to New Jersey Legislature have adoptedan &linnet° Pres ident Lowers, requesting Min to be a can didate for re-election. Tao State election in Louisiana, under Gm Banks' proclamation, takes place to day. A Governor and other State eSocrs in to be elected. TUX UIIIOIItOWII Standard Xi out in favor of Bon. John Covode,as the nest Coogan fnen beta the Fayette, Walesonlnd amt lidialtit diatriaE l'onst-nin rebel tainners 'tnek the oath of alleglase• in Waikato:a o 'll'odeminy... _ , IMInI,UM XIACEMAIM a*k „ PsztitmcliSurciatat.—Thei..Belfters City Convention hare paned a seen of revolu tions indorsing the Adminietratlon of Presi dent Lincoln, rind is favor of his ro. election. BOT2I. Monaes of the Minnesota Legislatam hive aduptectiesolutions approving Mr. Lin eoin's administration, stuitaining his emend. 'potion policy, indorsing his Amnesty Procla mation, and nominating him for re-election. The Lower Bone of the California Legis lature hen adopted the Senate'. resolution In favor of Mr. Lincoln'. renomination. THE Rochester (Ind.) Ott-aside pots !Ora bean Lincoln's name at its head for President, *ad flan. Batter for Vico Prasidont. Tax Wisconsin Senate nominates President Lincoln for re election by a Tote of 22 to 11. A DESPATCH to the Phiadelphis Inqui lap: A mucus of the Senate shows that no over eight Union Senators are for-there-Dote ination of Mr. Lincoln. Tao Union party of Indians are to hold a convention at Indianapolis on the :Id inst., for the purpose of nominating an entire !State ticket. Gov. Morton will, it is said, be nom inated by acclamation. Gen. Dumont, now a member of the flouts of Repreeentatives, la among the candidates most favorably spokon of for Lientenant-Governor. Tut St. Joseph Daily Trilase nominates lion. B. S. Loan for Governor of Missouri. Tug citizens of Laurel county, Ky., hare indorsed the rote of their representative In Congress for Speaker Colfax. Mr. Randall is indorsed by a decided otsjolity throughout Ids district. comma of sixteen has been anp.tnted by the Desecrates of Illinois to rust *arrange ments teethe National Conventon to be held at Chicago to July next. Faawnws Presr-fs letter 'to Jeff Davis, telling him Ott stood would flow at the North it the should secede, has been litho gre;lted and distributed throughont New tiampahlre. Gen. Piero. Is said to be the Democratio candidate for United States Sen ator. Tau Legislature of Delaware has voted down, by 14 to T, the bill for Citrons( of families of volunteer', Resolutions In favor of a vigor ens prosecution of the war, of thanks to the army, and sympathy with the woo odd and the families of soldiers slain or disabled ware likewise tabled. A Corezartow to lona a State governmeit for Florida, is to moot at St. Annstine on theist of March. Tea gold districts of Nova Booths appear to promise a considerable yield. Some Boston gentlemen have invested $15,000 in Waverly and Interbrook Districts alone, and Intend erecting extensive maebinery there. Tie Halifax Signaw says that the steamer Chesapeake is now diffehargtog her cargo ab Cunard's wharf, where It la received by the custom house officers and stored In ►bonded warehouse. There to not much of her cargo missing—not nearly so much having been disposed of after her capture as was generally supposed. FrorwrnumANDtro the magnificent endow ment of -$1,837,448 enjoyed by Harvard Col lege, the most of it to so tied op to 'pacific objects by the will of the donors that the in come of only $189,853 to mailable for the ex penses of the under graduate department, and Oils, with what is collected from the etudents, last year $29,000, hare to pay the principal expenses of the college. But the amount ie found insufloient, which is the cause of the tuition being lately Tabled from $75 to $lO4 a year. A NATIOIIAL Onion Club is forming at Pia oinnatl, sAntlaalon twenty-fire dollars, and the same for annual rata. GiIiIIIDACEI aro being prepared In large quantities to pay oft Eros Potornao Army. The paymasters are to oonaosenos operation. next week. PKRIION4L GMAT effects are inlog made to pot Oon. Sigel in command of the, Dcparunent .f Wort Vicenim Outer Joartmt Taxer is In a most feeble condition. Taman in a rtrong denim in Congred. to con fora leading command upon Gen. 6.rge Cad walladcr. Err. A. A. Tom", of Boltimora ba. born rent to Port Dol&waro for dialoyLlty. tan. 5C1064314 baying sooepted the colonel ey of sectored regiment, resigned his pasitinn o Provost Martha' of the Erie District. The Bucta.lo awricr says: "We learn, upon what we regard good authority, that Gen. Scroggs had the choke between & white and a colored regiment, and that, fur good and sufficient reasons, he selected the latter." Tax papers notice the foot that Amos Ket doll has appeared before the Court of Cisimo and advocated his own claim, though be is over eighty years of ago. Mr. Kendall owns a Mae plane northeast of Washington, which he bought white one of the proprietors of en administration formal, many yearn ego, in Washington. ilo L hale and hearty, though /Oa hair Is 'bite am snow. Lie always rises early, is extremely motive, and hoe lived eh stemioarly. Jona Brix and Neil/ Brown are In Georgia. The former takes Ms daily morning strolls through the little town in which ho has sought repose from the •'tyranny and oppression" of the United Bute. Government"his walk as stately ea ever, and "that umbrella" under his arm. Brown is a personification of misery, confiding in nu one, and O. one confiding In Patens Bain SALM, formerly commander of one of the Garman volunteer regiments from New York, wu taken into custody on Thurs day, by one of the Government detectives at tached I. the Oleo of Provost Marshal Gen eral Hays. The order for the apprehension of the Prince emanated from the headquar ters of Dimas! DU. Among the charges preferred against the Prince are that ho has been representing himself as the Colonel of the 68tb regiment, New York Volunteers, sad raising funds from verdant young officers desirous of obtaining oommluions In the same regiment,—.Y. Y. Pep,. WALLACII Ds Wm, Eins., son of Rev. Wm. H. Do Witt,bas boanappolatod Prothonotary of the filopromo Court for this Mlddie District of Ponnsylvants, to fUI the vacancy oocasioned by the Oath of Hobert P. Ferguson, Esq. Another Escape from a Rebel Prison. Private John Niedermen, of Compauy 0, flinty-ninth Ohio, has furnished the Dayton Journal with an account of his im prisonment at Richmond and Danville. and escape from the latter place via West Vir ginia. Tie left Danville on the 12th of January. At that time there were eve prisons, with 1,000 to 1,200 inmate. each The daily ratione were one pound of corn bread and three ounces of meat—a portion of it mule meat—to a man, and two book. eta of niter to a ho - ndred men. The pris oners were swarming with verocie, and clothing Ives very scarce, so about one half that sent by our Government was stolen, and worn by the guards. le his journey home Neiderman and a Michigan soldier, kis companion, traveled by night, and received es ential aid from Union men and negroes. The latter never proved false, bad gave them valuable information regarding whites who were secretlynegr oppos ed to the Confederacy. All th e oth knew of the President's Proclamation, and were waiting patiently for "the good time coming." There was much Union senti ment in sound localities, and lo ens Me tric& a Union league of sit hundred men. Seldom:tan and his friends had many narrow escapes, but eluded ell pursuers, as shave stated. Ttta Arantsa.--Amoy, •here the Ala bama is raid re have been at lest advice* blockaded by the Wyconine, is a seaport on the eastern coast. of China, ID latitude 24° 28' north, loogituee 118° 04' east, nearly opposite the centre of the Island of Formosa, and about two hundred and seventy miles from Macao, in en east. northeasterly direction. The main ship channel of the barb), is five-eighths .1 a mile wide. There ere two other atownehr, each three-eighths of a mile wide, making an event of two and a half miles to be guardod by the Wyoming if the blockades the port. What Southern Claims are Worth. A tale of AtMOMltil and claims due from parties to the Southern States was made in Now York last week and the pieta obtained were at follows: Amount of Calms. Sum Tams. te 500 1,705 ,300 14,145 01 400 South Car01ina....,..._ 54:6 osin SO 73 00 /jabs 6.7016 1%440 05 102 201 Ylepp North Conan.- 5452 37 As* S 5 • =0 1,668 06 led Maryland.* 86 MI a 5 4f64*--,•- No i than olsrfrploWiii barb taken tbs ion of illosiosorinteltil, Ithc, within sEntofile: • •-•••• . . Grant". Present Ciiipalgetit The intentions of flen.;trant in the in cempsign' pregresn being mod j de , tiered. As it it. ,ittnetteced firm Chattanooga that Longs, reel is retreating fr,m euperior fortes, it cannot be harmful to say that the mein body of the army of the Cumberland has been pushed into Esit Tennessee, with the design of crushing, rebels in that quarter. If L•ingstreet saves himself, It will bz by the employment of his Itge in feting onLlf the way. Logsn'e expedition was a mere feint to draw Johnston's attention toward Rome, and Logan's corps is when , . it can render effective gervioo. Precisely what Is expect of of dberman'e expedition is not yet known. t t the public. We - have rebel authority that he bas oulgeneraled Palk, and spread non sternation throughout Mississippi and Ala bama. Johnston has been alarmed by the movements between Iluntarille and Knox vine, and has been unable to reinforce Polk. its Items to have had a notion to make a diversion In favor of L , figetreet, but to have faltered in his p' . .scs. Chattanooga to I so well fortified thsi it can be tucurely hold by a small fo , .e, while the main body Of the army after Longstrect. The situation before the battle of Mission Ridge in reversed. Then, the rebel army was between the armies of the Onto and Cumberland; now, our forces are between the armies of L-mgetreet and Johnston, and with the railroad between Knoxville and Chattanooga to facilitate movements, have In effect the interior line of , operations. W. will know within a few days whether Longstreet has escaped, and If so, whether it is likely Johnston will receive immedi ate attention—Cincinnati Commercial. TEE ANNSITT PROCLAMATION IN Late Atm.—Several hundred copies of the Pnt. idenee Amnesty Proclamation have been lent into Letie army within ► week par. The effect la already perceptible in the in crossed number of deeertere. The proola fustian hereof', ell! be eyatematioally shored through IherAci iVush anwipon. PVISLIC JrOTICES. L. A.-THE OFFICERB OF th• several Coun llt in Pittsburgh, Allegheny Oily, And the exhaeuut timouglas, aro regm•t•d to most on TOESDAP EVENING, Pete xa , es 0 clock et HMIs,. Hell. By reined of the GI. V P. ILI.VOLUNTHER BOUN.II MEET ING.—The ortireus of the &coed Ward, Al leabeny City, will nasal at tee PUBLIC eCISOUL El01:16K, ou Oil DAY P ENING, VA instant, •t 7 o'clock, at wales tl all Block Committees anire. quested to be pre; anal to report lb. somata aub. =flied w eats Prod &Matti mum to lb. said Pond are earo•st.y migatemed topay pear at bore, to W. A. SKIM, reuurer. as a number oft -rtim sr• peetrd to arr:ve early next week. fell I, By order of Booty C lam Issiot.m. O.LECTI: RF. B PROF R. J s :N. the Forth Priebe tell. rbp11 11 ;; FaiDttY EVENING, February fetti, ••Fer the benent of the Fr tin • Church hoof ay behrerl." haydo.—•• Tee DI of . 61" The , the Awe beta•e • f ..erne. to be delivered within ib• sent f w week. at sent khrth, frneelwe to be one of the le,terres bet eLf rw. nee de p In terest eel I h the Profr tekee to the youth of the country le .ell known Is ail& community, and a lee. tare by hint need only be atherinern to insure a erowled bo AO. , oton• 1 ULAILK • dettver the next lt -, n - e the rams Fdaber, TIICIISDA? ESI NG. w.r h 10. h 9 .bject—•. The smell*. Wee—ft. Infte eue .to, I , scente. Ticket. tn bid of the ,her. of the Cher •L end ott the Peng 81.041 In the rirtb..d Ninth Werth of I. arty 1.21,4 Oh 1i /LICK NuTICIS.—WaIsIIISB6. re , some tine peat tba public pavements beta been greatly obstrectal by idle persone, b . ate in the habit el ..blip, at the feature of tit, street, abd In Trout or the mita pnbile plActee. All each persons ate bucteby notilloal to desist front Ruch I 'le practice, as the la. will berraiiter tee etrictry et • baud. By ord., or the Mayor. flAblirEL LONG, Chl-f or Pollee. City papers (inolibllog Golan., phase low ttbrier t :GUM N G tt I RST N A TIO NA L BANK, UN` lacN o.pits.l 1100,000 With prlvile.^.. to incr.... ..... 500,000 EIMMiMIIE= W. an ;enteral to no • gar/oral Banking offer our we Fiera so ourroopeadend to Banks and Banker, throughout Ike country. eittentioo ;Iron lereties-thin in tido and tho adJoinlaq City of flontinargh an well us on .11 part. of the country. Moneys uncalled on deposit, and Zzobungo w nil tuts prin.-ipal eon.. bought and told. T. El NETIN,H. iEt. DAVIS., , JOHN P , AN. . HENELT GERTrio, cE.M. HAELBACGLI, JoHN THOMCKEN C. C DoTLIE, I D. N. SPRITS.. ALITHr N. HvBSON„ T. Lt. AE 18, rerx.rumer. JOHN P. KR AMER., Goan. Lev tali WARD, AL.LEU El Y. EN Y. u - ce - WARD, o. , anati tone and En rolled Men loth be held THUS (Saturday) EVEMMO as 7 s'elsek, et LI • bonen of E. F. A. Fealhaber, Cheetnut Street. A full attendance le earnestly le quested. frhollt r y.AN ELECTION for Prosid”nt, elanagiirs, ecretar7 cal Treetanrer of the Biro:ll.'6am ant 'Basta to 7 arapike Fowl Cimpi ng, to wino Er lb. ...glint. peer, •111 be halt at JAMES BEA iftDV'S HOTEL, in Birmingham, an the PIES.f MONDAY IN MARCH, betatron the hoar, acne ant three o cloak _fernterT J5lO. S. WILIACE, Trxisenroli. [O. FIRST WARD, ALLEGHENY- Tits cttlr.. and nostril atoro to the Bonet' 7.d an requested to attend smelting at WAtilli INGtON HALL, litoi•loson Motet, oa THIS (Satur day) ItVglilAtl i to him the report of the Bonet, F 4174 Cazatalttes, and to take some octlon to regard to the oacond itaots A Intl attendanee to sari neatly reintstrd. if 10) Ile the Comel,tee. PROF. ROBERT KlDD.—This I noterllimmtinatst, who hal watt snub an utelabls reputattoo In nor onsuntmlly, sill be In rtcm ely In a few daps, and orgsotne one or more alarm In the Pltnibropp recasts Code,se. P•of. KIDD has bon eminently trmos•afol am a temiber. and thee. who &are we tecelse tmtruetton Imre a rare oynortnotty efiered. The Colley* Chapel bat nt hewn completed, and b slml only adapted to ; . 12zem. Pot tsar, t., apply at the College. BOUNTY FOR VOLUNTERRE —The MOND WAND Allegbeey, h not ready to gay llbrral Email.. to Volunteers, •re rating ognatering gartlllca , . froze tbe Pron. Id anhal to WE, A. SEED, Treetatrer, at Allegheny Truer Co JOSEPH INKPATILICK, GORE ILAILNIOHT, /OLIN USAIR, GEO. N. RIDDLE, DENBY LUELLETEII, Bonnty Contealerlonen. Gtbecrtb.ra ocattrtbatarn to the brood Ward Wire] Pon! era Itgoleited to p•y promptly to WK. A. nzrn, Tresenrer, and gat their mem: gates. JOSILELI NILIKPATILLON. felTat Cbalrman. MrA CARD.--Grateful for the kind attention end getreuerre Mu far repaired Prue the people of Pittsburgh .od vicinity. the Hices Etkatkbt, would reeptstitily uuttounceAttel new =meet" will be eitnited Into their Masa of Flagged Oakum /Feb leth and 19th, TUESDAY sod FRIDAY • irrsiamoiss .of leirEititioll, a sad 7) reopectively. To+m, a Admoca. Ledlie end Gentlemen, mane of TO lesmos—nd CO Clildom. 4 CO 11.0:2• [IO.TIIE ANNUAL MEETING QF TUE STOOK NOUMEA of tb. ALLNOki• NT VALLICT DiILDOID CONPANY be bald at the Om. cf lb. Conway, on Weaning!oo wrest, ilttabirriti, on TVIMPAY, Ifebrtiary Eld, et 11 teclooJt w co., for the reoeptkra of tbe knaMil Be perl, the election of Sianagets, and the transaction of ancli othor notions se may be sceetwoad. • By order. K. O. ODD, feLtd leormiory and Treawder orrxcx nr W arrairs.voatirrax CO.. I Inbzunry lab, 1601. HE ANNUAL MEETING of the Btncr boldors of the \Teodoro Troonyrrtatlon Ildonpan d .Ili bo bold al tbol et raL it o Plttoborgh, on I'ULIIDAT, Yob Idld, In 1 o'clock o. to. f-Agdtt A Mn &IVAN% TEII RD NATIONAL BA NK, PlTTBl3llr.oll —An Inaction for him Dt• rector, of thtt Dank ettil b 1.1.1 on BATIIIIDAT • O. fib of Vara, 1866. of the Moe of the Dtion IsTbss Institution, beterato 11!. hoar. of 9 and II **mock • m. I.IOBZUT O. KJEIIILICTL, te.hed Caekter. P. T. WALL PAPER. A 11,4 swop!, JEW terelred. Boaattful styles and dna p, at tba Book a.d Paper Bton of T. 11. WAELQAM, 104 Yedsral street, Allegheny . !PITTSBURGH BONDS WANTED.— arta to all.n od* fur am PITIIIIVROLI BONDS. Pitaannat 0.3a.11.1.1!• Railroad Bone. TON SAUL 8. 8. BRYAN, Broker A Irnomonco Aft, BD Doan% street. 144.81 X Y MALT.—Primo Fall and Briar DAILLEY 211 A Ountouttly on band gag ku. gee by LTs D. D. GALWAY. AM. No. dB3Muggy drug. Pittsburgh. " .. 1 —5 000 fret . Co Hub swell's! tlbia 15. . 41.;•.• y:1 k; "e• .. or e lu J. L. CA.NYIZL D TANTED—BIard fors siiintlecaurt; . Ch'el acei tiesea,t sleth3lt7 of TT est , " rr,b. ottelocceeelble 17 the str. et cars. /1414:••• 4.4 IL V., nitre of Gee. Alb Tee, Co. & Co. $6007,,Rd - E 6 in'RPt b .rB . t2 l :, ! I ran!! Dewar - meta to thcruit f. the IAthPENS fri'L VtN I A VETI.:I; A S o r B ny - 1 3 .tmrylvartio Urn in. ut TI,CNTIES. : . •• 200 Local Dear __ —. 200 Offle•r, •`CommerefAl Building.' third .ton, oppc. flu PrAteff•us tftb strer4. W. L. /WILK, Lieut. Cot. 4Blis Pentsylnuia Y•taran Volunteer. Ilcernittr, Otrie, 2.2121 t V() R SAS II VILLE.=- - Tho fins steamer GOLDEN MLA, Capt. 8010, C. A. Clondoonen, Clerk, will leave as above on TUE:DAY, nd Wet., if the lee permits. Yr: feelvbt or paesage apply on board or to J. D. COLL( tit:111'00D JOHN YLA , hi, }Agents. EECUTORS' NOTlCE.—Letten of Administration on the estate of James ()manor lace of ow of Akilegheny county, pa, de: tea .01 s ed, hewing been issued to the undereigned, perso. a indebted to told notate are repented to make psyntent, mad those. having claims against .old .t.t..111 prevent norm, properly airth.ilos• ted for settlenonii, to the undaraigned. gAHIIEL 1. 1 01(110.11. Jr., J. H. ROBB, F•Cltiri Executors. S RQUESTRATOR'S NOTICE,—Take notice. that 11W. day promoted soy tosormt sa Bronwerator of the Pittsburgh Fannon' Mechan ics' Turnylka Road Company (showing a beano. dos tat of SSW Se.) to the dierfert Court of Alla ureny County. Another movies was or.tered to be at Na 101 of July Tom, 18111 and that if to escape one should ho Geed thereto prior to eta Penh day of Mares next,lo• tams shall to taken Judean. abood as couflesed emolutely. B. FL lIAIIILLT. Ferry:au 40th, UGC !attel' FOIL SALE- Main Street and the °lnsane Passenger Railroad, In ilbarpoborg, doe miles Itom Pit sborogh, a IaLROL LOT, on vonlob then to • good throlelng Doom °Treble roomy. also • Broca $011•6, • C•rli•r• goose and Stable and ontbnildengs„ all built of brick ; • nail of goad Innen; plenty of good fruit, and COOMiiOIII to Martha and no boo] Hennes. le will bee will at • sacrifice, as Ow owner Ls gobog west. Terms—Half coon, the Wanes to .all purr-ham, for ;articular+ addroo ores!! on 0. T. GILLIAM, 9hsrpahnr7, Allegbany aoant,y, FL rleoledmeto SEWICKLEY NTIRSERIEa Our stock of FRUIT TREES, GRAPE VINES, STRAITBERRIRS, And mall Finite of tbe various ante, Oreastsettal Plants, Shrub. an t Evstareeos, do , for sprind planting. Is unosnally fins Ole season, ale! APPLE, I PEACE,(MAE. CREght, I &ED OMPG YINLY, via. DELAWARE, I CONCOED. And the new epproved varieties In large quentatlss. Parties Intending planttsof theft Cis-dena, Plasm* Or nods end Orcbsids, .111 find IS to thelt interest to ststt the ouzo-site of T. L. SHIELDS & CO., errlet•T SEWICKLEY, PA. PIMA LS FOB BITUMINOUS PCOALN—Sealed Proposals talll to thosirad th• odltea of the Philadelpela On Wo ks, No. !O &lath berenth strret, aotit noon of 111.1 DAT, 251 of April, Ik4. far oupplytux Nth whole or any plot of LltetiTY Satkuiaato SONS Or DITIIMIEOI76 00ALti, anthabla fur Um ntaouraetura of Ulanlnk lb. Oak to be dellvored on the railroad Irma. of tha Mae Warka, at thy !Int Ward and Ninth Ward Stations. In this folloolog issautaly quantities: eight thcr.s.d tons In rub Of the moo W. of September, October, Noratabor, December, and ale Shoham/ad ton. ha teeth a , the menthe of Junk Jelly, Jojoba, 1434, and January, To-b nary, March, April and Ilse, :Bub "the eagle mast o datlis,sl iliats, dry siad of a quality approval by the r of the Om Works, bas equal to the ..combo oo which Ma contract la wed. The imapands 02.1 d• cilia the particular rorloty of coals intend.d to he supplied. !Lod Use Iticatloo and noose of the talus orplt trim which they are to be robed. If the are of • Mod wit now or recently osodfot thug Work.% samples .r trial of loot ley than fifty tons, cocoa t• Li •raral at lbw Wrathy Citl or boar* tbe 711 af peril next. - - . The gram ten. of No potiode .ill be case/Awed SI th. weight loterok-.1 la lb. propoule, =dose du Ttrace h . apressly etetecLl he iiit•lefe recerre the right to seen& gay gra- Feesed I. elm!. or 10 port, or to nlect a. they meg deem teat for the interests of the Trut. cos- Ith the erect of failure tit the put of .ny eoutreetor.Lta deliver the coals emerald,' to 0 , . egreenteet, bath la queuldty end quality, the 1r it.., right to hay eleeerhoro ebetet. tee:. t,t, roey tie ,vcialred to totot the deli:decry, .lid charge loam &rafter-tar gag lope or daELLIC. flue Paymento U 1 be rondo monthly, In two eq./ la st .Inenta et four and months after the epeellied periods of dolirsry, the Isth of eoch month being taken ea the evetag. of tbe monthly &limb% or al the option of the Trona. well be med. es met:or delve with 1.g.l letelerld Sboold nostretrtom lora. to make delleerlew miler then bleier! they may I. received as ees they mon be coeveniently stored. but payments will be made to cl de tram the Urn* tpecifted In the contr.. . ✓acnrity for the tultrtment or contract sill to rtn. qultatl, awl each protwital must oat., tin anstmat and charactsr nf rt,urtty that arill b oannal JUN! C. CltittaoN. Itatfaser,4-43KIL nw WELL ST REST. —An personn [erected are hereby notified Iliad the nadentrist ed Vlrerere, sppertated to Yew end wan the dent we and benante wising from the intoposed eltrettlng of tildeell street. Sod Ward, Allethatty, WY; bet in width, from Franklin street to Ward Ler. hot ground en the erestorn aide of old BA T - C reel ern to on the line of reed etreet on BAT- CrID/1 T. flitch Sth, MC, between the homy of P. and 3 ?I:Wei - p. t. JAMES Matti/al JOON D•Ali, Plower. fe3o td PANGS ItICURY, A LLEG II EN Y AVENUE. —All per- JO. tons intstrated are hereby notified that the an. dathigned 'Winne, appointed to erlow and masa the dowsers and hematite griming from the propeeni opening ot •Ilogtietth Atha., from th• mirth Iles of Ed dep, street to • &wool meet ordared to ~ opal:ed. • distarnee of 2,633 feet, is tha rim* allti Footed Wards a dike... 7 qry, .iU mon U. of said street for tile porpow el their appoint. ent, on IifiTCHDAT, March 5, 1564, between the hour. of 2 watt 3 e'cirrA4. m. Jo KAAE - LAT.I Jun DEAN heodel J Alf L 5 ptrijie IDAHO TERRITORY GOLD MINES. —noes wizblog to migrate to the richest Qotd Ilium In the world, and desiring manned. In mood to reseed to lb. coo piney, the beet and Whet e of teaching them In the min tort time end at the least expeam. prospect. when there; lc hitt en Information nmeteat7 to than migrating, trr de. Mifhlog to emigrate, will be fornhhed until the Boil of April, (when th. last Math Irate.,) on rmitpt by men of on: DOLLAR. Adder*. J. OD=RLRA, 800 kiVe. It. Loath Mo. fsZY.2I ArgOOD. RALSTON & CO., Uanafactarers ant C.catnisrloo Ildrakmota, CAR PETI NOS Oil Cloths, Matting; Rngi, &o, No. Gl9 CIII.SSIICT BIIIELT CLOSING OUT PALE OF Boots and Shoes, Al DORLAND% 10 9 4UCT STUENT to mats room for Sprit( Goods. W. taro on - tand' • Wilt Motif utdeb ors wig disrms of at old prior AlSo, • Pk, I. of lIILT OVZSZLIOLS on band. crto 108. 11. 110111.4111 D. VALUABLE STOCKS AT AUCTION. TM:MAT XViltlB6l. rob. Rd, 1664. at Tl 4 ~e olook, will be mid. at tbe Otmeneecsal Naha No. 64 Fink moot : V ohms 11zottang• Bank acct.; 100 de Pitt etuegh Grab Mentor Co 64 do Allegheny Bank Stack; 46 do Allashes, Inman Ckt.; 10 do Little Baer )101 Ran Itted.roadi do Quillen. Valley EaMood: An DAVIN IiaLWAINN. *Deers. L3Oll tTALE--Two Cast Iron BLAST CILLNDETIA, to work paryandioui.rin rosy Inches Sumter, is (rat Make: snippy tbr • Chat cow ft....* ludizwri; ad complete and In road ardor. Eagolra of OOLIBIAN, WISTAIIKAIS t CO., fallO4lf Sharon, Manor Doty, Pa. lust RECEIVED, a fresh stook of ti Men's Pine Calf Bowed Boots; AT BORLAND.. MO et MAAR= IiTtIEIP. DISSOLUTION OF YARTN/IRSHIP. —Mato. Le hereby given to all personal that the pertnershipParetelbre esistJag between JOHN KB. PILLlaod JOSSPH rzurwatx, In the Port Pitt Oil Worts . ender the name of ISCHLS • rait- WHIZ, Is W. day diettolved by mutual consent et the sel.l partners. JOHN ZIIZIMIC ,h•Nk.3i roszeu rzunint, Tr K AK_EIIA • bays RAGIS AN ' PAMIR., OLD BOOM and NIWZIPAPICRS, And &Iva the lashed price In nub or goods, et the 13001 AND WALL PAPER BTORZ, GYd N. 104 lfeeleral etreet, Allegheny. WAS — TED—Nine ( 9 ) llmnsmers and . Mem fer one of the beet regiiimu U the porde*. The hlgheet Loral Boonty will 0. paid to nub, to addition to the Government Bounty. The Oolonel of the Regiment artil Fay gf p.. month Ia sdellthm to the regular pay. App.) to T. 2d. BAIRN, Ilerruiting Agent, Be SS Ifedertl Weal, (Rd floor,) Clty. :EE SEWN] I--HAND MEL O I)EONIS. MI BALE CHEAP. CHAD. O. arezzon. tale 11 WOOD 1211 M. sac es: sles . aS turs rece"'n " • N. MUM!. SECOND NAVIONAL BMc'it'7 or PlTTSißtallail j =LAM= DEFAIITMENT geeerca or CaK/I•01..1 07 111. Cris=NCl, 'Washfuton City, Fob. 13 th , Mt. liameame, 8 eatisfectery widener p to the it has been made te appear that the SZCOND hA °NAL BANK OF FITIABBItaII, to the County of Allegheny,.d Owe of Peanryter nia,tue ban duly organized ander and according to the- reqstremente of the Act of Congress. entitled "Az Art to _valid* • National Currency, armed by a pledge of United Stabs blocks, mad to provide to the circulation and redemption thereof , . approved leebram7 5Ab,1.843, and has complied with ell, the morldons of eatd Act required to:be compiled with before commencingthe bailor. of Banking : Sow, therefore. 1, lirow Moth:atom, Oompareller of the hereby oertiltr that the said IiECOND NATI ONAL BASIC OF PITTSBURGH, enmity of Allegheny, and Etat. of Penosylnala, is totheriad to commence the burbles. of Banking on. der the Art afromaid. - . temlmooy erttanol nines. my band land reeler Dian, this lath day of Ifebrury, HUGH Mcaq,LOCII. Comptroller or the Currency. THE SECOND NATIONAL BANE OF PITTSBURGH, (rmmerly ILO] OITT 2111:119T 001IPAHT.) &ow. eadthooo, with privilege to lam to 81.000.000 The IRON CITY 11117BT OODIPANT haring or. gummed Emder the National Carnkney not, arras Its WINVMS for the transom= 01 IL 1.10•1111 B Boolneet. Drafts bought and sold. Money rttes * Z Doparlt, and Collectken made oa all par te of the reentry: Jamb INMAmr. hits HA CI F. EkThr. Wm Omper, ilobl. Bobta,ao R.AB. w.r=7. 1:3213 EINER, President. O. EL PITT 610:41so STILL BELLING AT ULD PRICK MOOD IMPUOVED AND ISFLADDID Hunt's Union Stationery Portfolios L still sold at SD ante coatalzkag $4 ENVILOP&S, e. 3 • •tai i I PILNUOLDIIII , t HUNT'S PPITSEI7IIOII • Ltd AtiAo lIALESDMiI /On 111d4 ; lIIMOILIIDA of 1111 - PORTANT Iflirfni NIA ELI too veLusst.2 IMORIPTS HIEBELLION BLOOILD O. 4 SOLIIITT LAW 133=3 OILY Sib OBINTR— Dona, A Mena dlAr.mot a th. Uric Trar.ling aa,o . wanted. JOHN P. HUNT, NOTICE TO MACHINE BUILDERS. —Prvtatala will tot meetly/ by the Mosong•- Lida Water Compaq fix th• tralldin• emetic. of • STILLY ISGINI, with Ihusipiag ilpparattm, far th• hew Watar Werke! of Einuth Pittsburgh tad Itirtataghast Th. machinery will L. required to t eet h water at dm rate of one gallons hellm noticing hone, to se elevation wheat 137 bet SUM* /dawn 'abate River. The dlstance of &air, from Rime about 2,ooentet. Bidders sill nate I. prica of inarhinerry delivers! at Birmingham and pal op ready far nos and 60. compaial thafr prop:ode with plan of machinery. Ldirse O. J. DONUT& Uttar nos Pitubarnh. Pa. Th. Cotarnittaft 012 Machinery, Monongahela W... Comatang. fi'SrPs T TIEWITT, M. D., PHYSICIAN AND sIIIIODON s.. a 4 rrotaiL eraser, Lupett..7 01-7. Pr. sawn. torah omprortally ad* bra prodii• atonal artratom to th• attires. at Allortheay mid alatalg. arming .1 who ma favor him with the.. PittrtitlalP gat all the • rmaimor art oallakt and 11.1111 FrOglvmhe madlodloa mill I. Nought to bear ea all HMI wammlltad to bb chugs. Wm Imam, all boom at Ma day or olstit, ad award la Ptormialonal riolmtioo. taltoltr NIINV MUSIC. ELI= Brir POLKAS. SllW,oe.t.onS, xicw MARC/781, ay... an ALM amotad. lb. taloa gad mad fahlosable pal , 1MM0... Chas. C. 11 WOOD STIIIIII. STREET NOTISE.—AII persons inter sated are hereby notified that the andmigned Yiewnre, appointed to view and mow me the damps mad benefite attains from the propneed opening of • einem to the Mooed Ward of Allegheny, from . point oe Allegheny A. 104 feet tooth of Frank lin orteed, when the same cram maid swam M.o. .01ST narthoweterly to . point on Franklinstreet 121% feet fad of indwell street, of the width of GO het, in aoteriatme with the plan thereof le the Reg. milator'e also of and city, will meet on the Hoe of old street on BATIIIIDAY. Marsh bib, leak be• tweet the home off and 3 o'clock p. to. JAMES MoAtillY, JOHN DEAN incrizT, IDRODUCE, NOW RECEMNO. H.. troth 801 l Batter y 100 doom trap ftp 1,000 lbs. No. Lord, In boa; 100 bush. nto-d.rlod Appal ; $0 do Coro Mad; t. 090 m.. Docl o heat Flow, 00 H. Nooks 80 book. prim. Clovor Had ; bbl.. choice Harrti Apple; 100 do tars homily Mbar; MAO Mk. &mod Loaf Taboos., ; 100 bozo! Woofers Brom Mom; To =lvo sod Wool* by H. ILIDDLIII, HIP He. 113 Lltorty Moot. GOLD, SILVER AND U. B. COUPONS. Tb. irtgbat eartei price paid har COLD, SUM a U.S. COUPONS, At the B.*bg Boom of A. TTITH 0•10-it n_ROCSRIES N. 711 Ida booklis. Rio Ootho ; b N. O. Isom • so r. DU MIL bawd do ; MO 40 N. O. /dolman; IZS do FL Y. Ilyropo ; Ha .but. T. H., 0. P dud lorporlol Tout 00 do Slack Tram • LSO baud Dart Ttualurd Ipso 801 l Tobacum 40 do Dotard/ Loaf do t 5 k.p Tlehl. atirtart d o 103 du BL Oarb. Bodo ; IMO Ras. No. I Matra Balt • sad for oals b, . MITT ICU LAZZAB. QIINDRIZS. tfoXI bbl.. choke Tautly sail Dall•re braze/4 of ; 1,14.0 both. palms WA Wheat ..%`0 do do Walt. W Witto WOO 00111 96441.4 Cora ; tpa bbl.. Pasch Blow Potato..; la Vora and m...;. by CULP a 8111LPA rat. /143 Ltbett stmt. LOOK AT 43 LOGAN STREET.-A thros.tary ilakk Dwell's( Usu. sal Let .! latoWstt Or sale. !daunts soar Wylls @taut. MU. ,parlor ; Ova chamber 11)0113, &..g loom, Met= collar and yard; gas and was. datum. WU; tu BOND, M Marge; at. CHIME —3,000 bosee B. D. Cheeim low a. 31. as WO dna do G osb Hamburg doi oaA J. B. OANITTLD. EXTRA 'O. 1 MACKEREL, in kits ' oaf ball Wm, Ow Wally ant oho far oak al , by lb. pond, al the holly Grows Ifon of JOHN A. SONORAN, mow lAborty and Road moots. WniTE LAGUAYRA COFFEE-IA Ty bap my filololl RIJN .I.4pnyra GAM Jan poadrod.and Ar Mk by 30113 A. RIIMEHAW, MY Corner Linen and Hand anat. OROICE DRIED PEACHES—A few 1.../ Writs wry thetas baler Joot recoiled and lin ay b 7 the Umbel or parer, by 3011t4 A. 11.1411811 AW, Ibl7 career Liberty and Road greet. Oa. RENt—Fonrwtuty Brick Dwell -1 tali time of teierpter• mane, reliable (or • Boordb4 Hoar. sltusto es lith .troot. A.X to .0•3 O. OrrEBERT • BONS, 51 X I.L 20 vas AO. 0 lON- T. 6114 le tee MD • •. es b Istemid s:gib KNOX MalElll.. M 3:0 rawly SUM, iolat,?..ou-217.;au"? TONff past or We thb Iserulag,ry • • istaziamum. 3[0.11311400rty drab, 6 . bundles' tO Be i rinTs 'SW Mi Drag •00. SECOND 'OP APPLICATIONS for rolling Lt,on, :11.4 13 rb• Cleft's (Men ap to robruary Ittk, 1,, Nang, , . k. 4. /Mow. ChJomph PG ft , Ana... 1,,, pg,.4 . p,,,gpttgr,ag o. Mtge, do Jab Jamb Kona, do, dot William Clinton. dr do; Trazierman ACo , othor goo o. 4, dcr P. lettolaby, Worn, : I ward de . , Adolph., Rtnithard, ot'r g do, 44 •ard. deg J. 7. itivh 2 Co ,was, o, d , a James Rea, other 0 oid. 40, de L. H. Told & Co. da, W. wahl. do; Platthtsa Oettuot, Co, 51.1, ward, 4 , Thome, Bell]..,re e do; Goo. Ciachwon,l.r, 4,, do, do, Markin Rinth, 4, J.: Gustave Shunt., r tiler g',l., t1..,` sisal, .1., Job. Lang. tor ro, ward, &a; Jamas Heorion, d.,, 'Sill ..,1, der, Lynd MoGoillo. 00 1 at word, I. lloshoo, , Jcwerb Lekorol,o. dr, a t z Batumi Heigh., d . al 0.14, do; Jacob Ka kley, dr. do, do; 7red/1A Haerwagas, , al'g L'.., dr, do; W. A. Miller A I. T. Graz, t W., iti, .ant, do; Amt. Prsehity, Loo , rp, 4th • ord. do, Adam Glazier, t .. do, dot Henry al. Ozzwisor o, linipws. Boon Jacob Dietz, atter d ir v.d., L•wreoesoillo; Pater Smith, tarorn, liaEo•wporti Joh• A. Bisthwa, do, do; Thomas blaplor, do, Coilina tee 'ship. Job. Net, t ••tng houo , , do do; Frank Wolff, toner, Machu. do, Dawid Jobe., do, '. pm dot Andrew Jack, de, Plum do, Amato vy IS bit.ak, i, .to, Pashtos do, Job. 11.1dsr, do, Chart's. do; Ilatthwe, Her , Won, de, Coto. do; Me COMI welt IZI.N. on WEDN'ESDAT, Mara get, UHL at 10 o'clock a. zo. Escoonstrazwar MIA be dial on or before that day. Applicants will bet.. their bends to my nines before Cu day af boozing. falittEd W. A. HERRON, Clark. MOUNT UNION COLLEGII—This Institutloo, tooted .t Mt. Ihrtoo, Start moo. ty, Ohio, *Coro Ito ootonotro ortuoational (.meet.. to ottidooto of both grant The Faculty mutate or flev. 0. N. akavnioalt, L. L. D.. Pradient • e4EA 0. CHAPMAN, A. H.; OW. W. CLARE, A. H.; I. N. BANTSVOILII, A. B.; elm J. W. VII & PISAN, B. • Merida com petent Taenhere In Instrumental limn; Rotation, Commerdal Selena, Glymmetiot, and the German, Trench and Ilebnar Lamp:tag. The College postern. any maculae apperatus end epedmens for teaching elmeletcy, Natural Pbficoo phy, Botany, Teyelelegy. Mineralogy, fileeings, As tronomy, nurseling, Engineering, dm TM nem (Whim Edifice, which te 116 feet lons by 60 feet wide, end four Melia. high, sad athscrpeassd by any College Edifies In Ohio, completed for um nest perm, ertlich Mem on the lea OT MANCE, 1164. Ma nen !edictal it 111 eouvenlmtly aroma =date 160 students. TIMIS, CONDITIONS, La. Good board can ho had la prima. fosnlilef st from SO to IT 60 per weak, stoat 115 *mats • work, good rano% .unalshed With laid,stor• sad forattroa, ars Tented IA •tudents who bard thaltlalnts, or mho dedre to hi,. table board is prinst•fansillos, .t shoat $1 60 per mask. The Tuition In lb. Toacttars . „&:dontfilo and (goo deal Oonnera ranger Stan $1 to SS par sit:tartar. Thor miming to teach GUI haw, without antra charge, OA advantage. of daily drilla In the Normal Deasartateat. sees/con begin on drone tho /M -OND TORSDAY of Await, Nceranaler sad Karr& of each par. Mt. Onion la • quiet, healthy Lod swat . mil. sad • bald south of Alllanco, tbs psnotlol i g th : Claeolood I Situbargh Railroad with the Pity burgh, It, Walns I Chicago Railway. Send to the President toe • Catsharas. Seldr.tordaltaT G EO. WELLES, Avanogszs. BY NEILSON Ji. NICHOLS Pure, !: 3 meat. STREET. (11aosvor Sq On Thnraday, March 2d. IC o'clock, ict tho Sloptro Wort', food of MS Berea, Soot Stoic, Important Sale of Steam &wines. T low-praetor. modern lag STATION LET Z. GINES, uek St. Inch cylinden and a fret stroke, built by lb. .norreity Works,. No, T. Very 11V . dantasul by the late flue wo above rks. Cylinders, Air Tempe, Conteraetz, U., are ln vett order. Th. Out.ofis are regoleted by the Governor, rendering thaw Noginse as soontuntral le Thal ind any In the linked Maar o( Mgr as. The &w an and Ilthartst Celsnna, together with all the Wroogla Iron Work, were highly polished. Thew are the [august Stationary Ingtoas in the rafted States, and were built without regard to nut . In miler to son. blia beauty with strength am esooomy. 1.11111 BAILEY, FARRELL & co , WATER. OAS & STEAM, Ng>. lin P0VV.71.1 OTILIBEIST MORGAN & (Yeuorgrrets H A. a n. Mansa.). DKALmis uc ♦ND SHIPP/DM Of Connellsillle Coal and Coke, I=l Me. SVATICIi ITILEIRT, (DP STAIRS.) Befog fully topplled with oar ore ram mad &- hag, as heretofore, particular atteutlou to fillhig west.. orders era are mimed to ship USD euprrior COAL AND COLL to all points, by rep or by rim. A few bars". belonlag to other partly. may be Wetted at oar dans, soar IlicEeerport. We will olty ardor, by tba ear load. PITTSBURGH, P. ROBERTS, BARNES & PARTS, de. Se Third Su, ritt•burgh SIN AND BIIZIT IRON WORKERS 11!!EMII .1 AP A.NIV ED TIN WARE. Partkular &U.Nbe paid to SU numuliotating of GROCERS ILA 04.21113TER8, TOILER WARE, WATER 000 LEER OIL OANA, due and patterns TIN ROOF. OONDIPOTORR, sad .21 kto& of Jobbing wort doe. to order. • Also, • Largo .toot of fUley PLIED aim Jut coloyd. ZINO SCRAPS and OLD IiZTAL.S boasta. billy CO -P AB T 2§; ERSIIIP.—ROBERT S. DAVIS bio asoootatild witch him SLYErn A. CL.L.RIR, Om of O. n. aaaa a NA. awd VW. W. WATERS, who will cowelhoo l!ko ~t and h ...17 ,72. bartaeon, and.. the Om .f DAVDi , Pittotoorgh, Robrwm7 4 MAL DAVIS, CtAILTLE & 00., (Itoccooooro to Bobt. 3. Doob,) Booksellers and Statfosurs, fie. tni WOAD erassr. amti. Ccnaer of Dissmod Prtslxtrea, To GARDENERS AND VINE GIROWEELI.—The oatmeal - Mar bee enh 41wIded hie Tamattend. Gm MI. dowa Ohio as which th e Aocommodatlon Trains of the Ptttabargh, TM (Raked° 11. B. etok late tote myted bem to le eyrek width be °km Ito Me as apoonkrekle. deg tat.. both( the late are keel Lad well Mt eel for pardralnig and country kat% whilst °thereat" partly lllhfle, d the my best ellee la the oonaty ter et:Layette. Iferwer-fallag .p. op warty every lot, • plea of whirl out be web et the kers of altAllial is SHOKAS, 165 and 137 Liberty WM, Pttlabargh, and on the premises, where Fer mi whaling wIl toz " relkese Nod property wear the l . plesee J NIPS OISAIIANI. Orme or Oeuramas or *tisane= On, YEAH Meat crib, TebruaaT UM, IRA. TO THE HOLDERS ON' FIVE Y 1 00IINT L Y T , P M TA O TON T T . OBDO ND U Or T YA T L O L ITQOHUNT TILDA.—The worpla of One rN Tax, collected thew Hood► aft. parole %worst, .Dl no* I. op. .0.1 00 ea , ligadoltft. sr the swan isetestote mu. DOkat robe, I. the menace of MUTT THOUSAND LLA HS. Holders einAlci U to n riy AIM! IX: e cOt ra l.. blehedatt•T TREY ME INsTA N'TLY How. of all lb. Rat P0w.1,1, Putt. es Pills yea lettrodeced wfll ow ea. -snail, ilaluoy TUTS, MTCZ, BOACIIMI, an am VONVZLL•M RAT PASTIS Tbq ..M It v.dily ...d 4J. 1n.u.47. BIMON Joatirron, Corner Fourth end Pala&ld MINA& -- MAR OP TEM lirEst 300 'l3 D n ----U1 126 bbl.. stra Re. 1 241; 20 do MeWW2 No. 1 Lord 00 20 hems do Gorman &op ; 10 do do Mould Oandln norm* Davis' ISt. Ham 30 dmod Ilacßet;{ 38 do Woobboardo • 10 do No.l Tote For aolo LINDSAY A TELFORD. 187 Marty strooli. RUNDRIEs AT AUCTION—Far act lka commit irbas it enurens ri gr o advsawa t i r g t oZ, at Mash tad l a b. ' l7 7 ead.H .Iti lo• Oa Oar ROIL _7l. 0. ItaCiasall Ono Pfd Y. dad Vella Tai 80. Cada; Oa Diamond 17ag ad Fa X 7L Mbar. %P, A , . UNROVAL--Aldualsa J. DONALD. Amu Eat toosuvoti ow boa -X*. ea. Ow/ mei le rs-SLOCC Pratbar op. tboW aines tag Roo 0 Go (now Pwasor y l a in. es 7, NEW GOODS! GOODS! All PO .twntmeot .... thing in ttis TRIMMING AND HOSIERY LIMB, =l:3 We would oft tL. puticalsz attmtion .t nu 1....A.1.71M15. To • large sad be•atlfrd dock of all kinds of Bead Buttons, Dress Ornaments, BUGLE GIMP. and an the ...Wee