*oh dual, ,IngIDAT 111011311:11( -Htx:FEB. 13, 1864 CITY AND SUBUBBAii.: roxYeqsAte Evening Gazette. Sellll4 Liquor on Sunday. Tim proclamation by Mayor Lowry, relative • to Sunday liquor Belling, war very generally ...;.,, obainrid, Opal :map the ; hitt yesterday, it.aute iti 'F"' - Abotitnitle-ten o f those wEC have been in thebabit of vie ling the law, eloSed the doors, back and fron and, In the language of sit old tippler, "It m almost impossible to get a nip." Some f a very . particular customers rappesre ' potyrith :their "morning bit --UM,' fai - whIC no charyn was made. There was very little drankanness to the streets, and as an'endlience of the effect of the prods, matron, we may state that three of the drunk en oases who ware before Me ham thls• meriting, acknowledged that they bad put. chased their liquor on Saturday . night, and carried it with them in bottles. John Cloursin, the keeper of alow rum shop en Water; atreati °MO& OP milsual , " an eaoljOhour; and dealt ;oat ids pollen to every one who entered end paid for It. Ernest Vends, who keeps In the same vicinity, also did • good business during the dey.• Thill morning, Courtin was arrested andponunit.' bed to jail to .11111WIR. Warrants were issued deVothogrorho will ba. arrested In doe time. The' herr Is determined teenforce the law agabistall 111f.^ 4, ...,-Sild 1e -havi reason to believe that he will not abandon Ids efforts wain die law Is respected. There hare been ainiatotany speastoilie efforts made,in Me dirsedion, but after • weak or two of watching OR &owl of polleeinen and tavern hearers, the evil was permitted to assume Its wonted sway.' Let us hope that Such will not be the result of the present raid. Arrest of a Burglar. On jSunday night some person unknown entered the tavern of Mr. Greenwood, at the Allegheny Valley Railroad Station, by boring through the cellarentrance with an auger. He --else gained leatelto the bar room by the Lune means. Very little money was obtained, but the rail:al opened all the barrels and mike in - theinll4,-and let thellottueerun - ent. beta.- - tug IS lestasl,ooo. Be olio stole some wine, tabamooita: TMs morning, a man who had hosiattesoitla. gat the St. Clair Hotel got Into :'.:_4.'4llBosilty' with the proprietor, Me. An , denten, and being under the influence of ;liquor ha was turned over to the keeping of Atdarnian -Donaldson. It was ascertained tbashe hid been out daring the greater part \ of the previous night, and had cone Into the \ hotel -.vitt* drunk and quarrelsome. The \ Aldermen sent him op toJail, in delimitate due conduct. Iteppeare that this man had stopped at Greenwood's tavern a maple of • weeks slue, itßiLliek--Enapitalleo( having comae& the night akar he ]eft and ran \ sacked the house. Suspicion fell upon him as the anther of this second visit, end en search ing his room a bottle or the stolen wine was disourered. Alderman Donaldson also remit a lot of totteeco and other articles, which Mr. Greenwood identified as his. The anger was . also Mond, so that there Is-no hope of the fel , kir *mating onnviotion. He gave his name as John Smith, but of Course this Is only an anumed name. Helen stronger here, and • Is no doubt an old offender. iiitickingtinrder In -Columbia The Peaceful borough of Columbia, Yt, was the peeve of a horrible murder. on Thursday nT TO. The vltUi Vac e young man twenty one years of age, eon of Mr. lease Hogan debtor. Dining the evening young Bogen dobler attended a dance at the tavern of Law rence Smith, sear the rolling tarn. Whit. than he became engaged In a quarrel with another man.whose netts is not known, con cerning a girL This was quieted, however, and the stranger and girl left the dance to- COOL between intend eleven- o'clock. Soon after their departure liegendobler followed them end Put as he bad overtaken them the stranger 'turned and discharged a pieta' at him, the ball entering his abdomens. liegee clobber fell, exclaiming, "I am abet." He Ism soon after conveyed to his home by persons Ides were attreeted to the spot by the dis charge of the pistol. He lingered until Svc ealeek.Priday morning, when be died. The tattrderer made his escape, and at the moan Uniting ham eluded arrest Tie-Carbondaie' - Firrer. We observe by 04r exchanges that that Is no abatement of the new and fatal malady Vidith , has pimnitly appeared in Carbondale, tithbi Bials. Indeed, from ell emomits,-it mast be on the increase, and what furnishes Goma= for additional anxiety;balks fart that adults are now being numbered among iii victims. There have been as manysu twelre -fenarele-in Ante day. Edeettre steps. am being taken to arrest, as soon as possible the farther progenitor the disesie,wWch has thee foroneared to hale ent ir ely the skill of th e . resident physirdage. _ The Delaware and Madsen Cana Compeny,through their Prod dot, G. T. °inherit, Esq., hare engaged:the sentieseefthe .Itrt =alma talent of New York, &ad tt at their own ezpann into the Whited district- Among the latest vie - of the terrible , scourge is Mr. Montyr. Ste • a, of Mount Ploisant, Wayne county, for some iao part engaged inearreying in Car bondale, who died on Monday .arentieg last, aged aliOnt twenty-eight years. Allegheny Cl;; Teacher' , Inetittst4,. Thu sesed•asonthly meeting of this inttltitte ,• was held ' Saturday forenoon—President 444 ' The essayista appointed - for the day ripest mithetniehre. net prepared. Two imponant charism fn• the programme tomroberserers 'Opted - .thr. Ineldnetent . Its meaning reesio*:;, .Tbe int, the introdno , Vow of tymagooe - ziorains, sit.taiireadios —lcassysi-Asett - ustitutcd,a7; - )MteseColut the raiding of relented piece. by two menet; fruni tech eihoo4 the reading to be followed by general critichinis by members of the 11-- etttetar.. , List measure b epochal" de --"-V-to keep the Test , calmed inll2. - in t ag,nicin the hour dasigneted , fee the lelecekin Ebecation, and, in ease of thsrion . appearance at the teacher thereof-:Prof. goodthe: - Institate - occupy the whole bairialte 'abate •xardsii. artthmettti Were emi dieted Principals Squint*, ' ,GOlS;Chamber - • . Second Ward, JancifteWF.. enrolled men and cid. . sins of the Sexual ward, dlleithinp, heft in the. &heal , /lease, on Baturdaj mains, ft . Raeford, Vieille stibenibers to thefteite; Ay hind be reepiested to sift it the Ailegluny Tntat Qempeny And psyko Wm. A. heed, Timmurer, shit- amnia of Viola subscriptions : - Intalp. Alio - , ibis every turo an ilad m . end Milieu of tiet daend ward is larreby he: rpeastedro attend.* matins on Tussdareven. ,hlg.'-i?#7nPiiftbilt _IR.. 2621044 rot.thi s pulko - simian . imanglimeatiril.ppme money itotanterme-Alsoi thoksiesry, minter of the Block Committee bermitsd trt+gue ofwithitsiMPLULe' LA -1 -me4si-sa i s - person st said meeting. - '4ll4i4Hi s Tb" 4ll9 ...llMthrt-erseitsolm-mbo herelte - TiaidW - 111 - reis subscribe, be pnblishief -- - -Vola¢teetlhg InTa~n~Rn., ___ Johnstown 'IAN. its quota, ander the Ist* anU, At volunteering. The- vacates hors snioind to- issue bonds to the amnia. of 41.2n a ntikwhich It is o:Petted triU be taken by thweitisens. -- Thirmstrill•gli442oo to anon voltintearrequirld to ail the toots. • tin =tinnily to legalise thilssueof We bonds and with the lorylng of a tai - entliclent to Inset thiun.st maturity—ten years henoe—will no&abebesll4tat — ThinationoT thsTrolitis toils peoples's= to u to be wise and woTth7 et indintion..l4 , terl g ht that oU' citizens of etirj aisainaltY should - boar the aspens» of thassiattlitaportion:to - theirabilat7 l 4l 4 7; - . , . , irctruniie 1111141.116 smt Ms. 1. P. 'Efuntj , Mateale Bail. Fifth street, sag 111/..J. gamplaiT4 indica attain, Alla. glaany, hays oilfired cataber IL _of ---fab• Novidatto," containing 9412016, the • Pout tkin Pointa; • Tato of . Oita: Alf o; stmtior.4 of Mono's Tan Cant Novas; oontalaing.tho - Wan gatarcatt Ass thusibditZaii; 41361 - 7ihe:ginthl . seleaf niabarl3. nf ficall - flook,l 'The Yritottioy Meguhte 7," The Amertean .Pt r one Mg of Ont Union," eta., sta. Tait P 011; ftiiiirair.—An tame:taut amid bis of Pittabarth Co .11:Absige milt be ir the now of Trade -Beamsi Itoartb stroot.-Troothur.athrontei, at holt put ow Wolodt: 1 3:1Wtnoosboor of Althitxdisaw gni ait`A. • 434 11( t1e t 11161,14g0",_. f 11t 0,1044 *MO 44"/"lrdipli'= ---wasis the dye* igoviartli Naas -Tswiaglratisiata =Lab .shilibitaiiing 'it b• 4/11t eoliCeTwashiplas Oiled He quota order the President's late cell for 500,000 men. This is Malty this district, and tarnish= es sn azsottihr far the aim districts of the county well worthy of imitation. lien:ea. Jobs Dorm and B. C. Jennings ishorod tad to bring this malt about, sod for , their ps-. ofetio efforts In the natter, they &stave the thanks of all geode! flung JOJenalcw......—,Eo ON Vinod Meahnig— Hobert Eisrpar. fa 001 8 0 Voyford—a- 60-00' J C Vandanct.—. 60 00 Wm MoClinkm —. 60 00 W II Goy. 50 00 John 40 (0 Wm Blmrstaff—. 50 00 Jacob Inorden---50 OD Wm P McCabe__ GO rm &null Ileek---* LI 00 Sam Watson.._.._ 60 00 2.Y Watson ea oo MMll6ll5= to on, Porm--. ao 001 Jacob 7 Yam.._... 60 OW John Woods-.---- 60 001 Mellillor 50 00 Samuel Onstadt...... 20 CO Edmonds.. 00 1 11inTii;rizig= r i Cootie Perim a-- 60 001.1shia Chary 600 P 11 Bteveroan..... 60 OD 6 CO B Neely.— 120 GO SaminAtim....—... 303 ' lohniSteeettema...... PO CO Lova Clark 60 03 ' tura Shirsrupon...... 60 CO Wm 60 00 &Uri 60 00 Mecum...—. 60 00 Win /Sahli— 60 03 rt --. 26 Wi' Alec Stemma=..._. 60 00 Bad Blay.. 600' . hatolith ea..... 25 CO Jobs Mown —...... CO Than Sileddint.—.. 15 00 T 60 to Hugh Empby....... 600 Wm Q nand*. 60 00 Wm B NeerelL—..... 10 00 Jaime Creighton ... 600. Imam 10 110 Ge 3 Memben......... S 6 00 The Sixth Raid illoviswg. The citizens of the Sixth waribeld a boun ty meeting an Saturday evening. John If'Drvitt, Esq.; presided; sad W. N. Bast sell was Ahem Botretaly. Munk lan Harper, W. H. Williams and Thee. W.V7zight were appointed a BILII{IIIISS Oesontittos, and reported - a plan for cabins w botaty fund, similar to that adopted by the citizens of the Second ward. Dr. A, G. liFllandless. Joseph 8.. Hunter, Job G. Patterson, Joseph A. Butler and An. drew Bums were appointed an ,Executive Committeo, with full power te appoint block committee', to collect funds, and pay bounties to fill the quota of the ward. Tlui following resolution o ff ered by Mr. John F. Marthens, was ado pted: Ragewci, That a imMclentamount of money be-reised in this ward by u s ub sc ription of forty dollies - from residents, for the , purpose of ;laying UOO each to a suffielent number of volunteers to fill the quota pt the ward in the impending-draft. le the event of being at= able to procure the number of volunteers re quired; that the fund, remaining on hand be aPproettoted, flat, to paying $2OO to those drafted men who have contributed lo the fund. and afterward pro • rant to otlare who Mel be drafted. Vegetables liVanted to toe Army. Dr. A. N. Read, Medical Inspector of Grant's army, writer: "There is the 'Most argent andlumuldlets need of -fresh vegetables to the Army of the Cumberland, and parUca tarty for the troops about Knoxville, 39 pre vent and care sum. Dab= thus needs an at once impelled, the afficionoy of the whole army 'Labe greatly Impaired. Of over one hundred maims neently cent to a hospital at Brldelmit. ovary one had marry to soma form. Hwy veteran wed to the army gold dent to vales. It would be • most ex cellent way of using some of our bounty money, to save them from the Epproaching struggle: — Time Lithe gravest anxiety felt by the surgeons es to the condition of the troops. There ,Ul be more than one hundred sadlitythomand men conoentrated at-Chat tanooga In the connect' six weeks,and as the crisis is so our at hand, we most not lose a day oar an hoer." John Hicks, n re-enlisted Mon from Mercer _Pa., got iota Coursin'a Winn, an Water street, and 'wm there made co drunk that he was uneonscious of what was passing .boat him. When he cohered up, he found that be bad been robbed of P 5 5,1111 the manly hi had a:rasing minty amts. He Is told fa be a very worthy man, and not addiciad to &ink ing. He tondo known his sass tp Mayor Lowlybat boring no Imowladgeof what eo wr4'after be beam, drtinki there wassieth lug upon which to base isa informatkm. Cou sin erss_wrrested and lisid-Soanswersrcharge of .oiling liquor on Sunday. • • fraaras Wolin or Aar.—A nuurnitbeent dlelay of ins works of art, baperted from l'Wy by Signori Giosannonl and Zannoni, of FlorencepisnOw opaloto gala, exambuttion on second flOoffif Pesti lAild'llvalikem 'runs. tkuk roods, Iliftheireet. Tho catalogue em braces deb and elabenktely anti& gconysand gorse in alabaster marble, °opted from works Of-thelgrail-sosaters 0111 - Vaasa of the Eturscarr, 7lormotine,ifebe, Egyptian, and ' other styles; .alegant eard fteordrareiTariae,_ lamina of dela:Wei , and a past vazisty of artioles for Thrusehold 171.11sanants: tad damns tion of Lilnatler,lllablasts,ka. This splendid collection of genuine works of art willbe told bg catalogue on Wedneedaymornfa the at 10 ?dock. Lad:loan tlrinsibd. Ti. Eduirtißoi, Quintals =Palma Tr., —Tbs &Juni of SW Second :prooinet of Nor bbn townstdp- hob!. isnsinting:oti' Thursday ltb of Bottonl Nous No. at. a Sisotonton ti aninisionslya.d4t- Ad, tog -the-sotinntbirlidiZty ty_ CtOtorentinst in sulatton.td•ths bonds, Aura ammo lisdOnlited' :to assetwy-bountf - fold ,Te.thb sn j ost• and equitable znaniti;., It 40 be umunnbsted ant QW:ltstssistii to es ClonssattotiTr‘m tbls dlitsint 7 was instructed ' to lets *pits! the lasus , a collaty bonds, but ss thirbists )of issui '&41411 by tba Consuntlin 7 met t}t'i **is thatititsiss- , Of • ttni qts misting loos talbsileilindotsiatsliotidn: Atizras.cr Tacors,-.Tbss 23d aL reglinst, *nand Olson commanding, dr. in -this city Mai thol.sdat on Botord# night. Thoregimontins formal; cconnumdad by Ctolonal(nowasnaralgiinsoy,asad ndmbers owl, four handrainten. The migimantiras organized to Thitadalphikand on. owner from this eity,,formuly Commanded by pt. Gangs Tatung, braitactiod to it. The m ant was hold* on s thirty days' foriongit, haring ro.onilated, width bum Inked, and It lonow C rook for /elusion's Wand: TIM Salsiatanea ContraintaaProparsdaimbetsattial msal for the s'abstans. Th. roglaseridt for its dartination en Bandy •socriming at aid Cotritssurr :Tertiary itvosiaa. Isaastrair None—A aim seantistelt on the .20 petatory atotathirtittelrtieelelbeMilitioifiit drool* Coo. ilia %see of the WA niatliejtsetiamtie of the mole, zed It le•sepyosed, that put of the ' _ fyipnaata,u trenestobse, bat the tread la eisily,deteetutlf r aratotalag th. $2O Is vignette: the deter bierbieb casyrs.lll poitlei edge letysheestfir - Oltii - tVcaidatsp! 31044 le the yeeelne there 4 *Wilk them. The !pie of thi se le not so Whale as he the treliablii.ista the hick stthi bill le coarsely aseasted. • - - -Isnririvalirra7s Traadai aitar• noon, & qua# Mai °Wean, witb laag Mary , looks and beard, and wholly dreadEpee lla &bit% flue Wdtdlbot,aeir nach laattl at ct Zlitsjoup snow &Mb knapraek 1 . 14 ' aplar-oppaaaaarbi n a, Ohio. H. is a-ray old ma* &ant alalzas to have fatth that , b• will time ann.! Jading M. lie says IA *Wings In; net seadas the bath imam , far, bid ha a.— quint it, while loans, he alma"! wauld Oortarne TO .rort--mr, K. gesoz, shot aid ktlisd' Gans Meath- mar lldlen. town, &jiff daps ap, while . attempting to arrest hW:sa.sratessts6 matemmitted to jell taday, to iwaihthii altos of the milltesp manumit*, Mr. Clooner was a loop seolihst Masi:dim aid has united* imp number. of duettist. - Be slime Ashes shooting, la thro - iiiiii — iras amideatel, the OM having bias disoharged to $ aeuelLr... 111111' Woos's. Swir -Dom.—The 0- E4ms of Kn. • H 0037 1t094-tay themotrao Oef - a . lieu stay ;KW Mr. PM! pow - Itls entitled ....11oSso Allen - an Sig+. wing - Awq to &W and -;ms to had at W.N. Althoilsbnies, t 6 Pin streot._,Prloalt mu.- - MMUS= Wiliam Potence., F 4, ;SrothavirnalthaPtii• fialattea—Mory Mama, ea oath of ha aio ni /6 1 41 1 1 - 044 , 4 Bomar.; mai ootataptaa tojalivallstarday. i—tho !orator IT Algoma Dousidoia oadtho litiabrAl6l9MKTlZlLlMillfrg . Demo Coact' of Damao las speed Opaly *bounty, ofs2oo tcvnticistAtGiait thir 'Mins 'Mad& f 54 11421"4-ras°00°1121M j : Anumnii — " lypit o isltai' ail ti,di Ab ar - tor mows "Urge Elizabdb,ZaMt4.4o>r-4- - -",•• bavillusdthitrqs isk4illl6.llsimm 377 1 ,15 , f7 ' t 1,0 Hwy ao &awn /Ern.— eo oo Soma Nagy ao 1 JohTahOtta= . 10 00. Was bring. • .- 50 John ebbs 'ma- - .. 50 0 00 0 , Robert 800n_.....: 15 OD Wm Ger, se .- 15 00 rseetteCbar 25 00'! Wm 41Itonssr...-- 50 00. litry E r4; .r.- ... 000 : Jerombh almone.— 10 73 1 Jams Rannay.--• 00 00 John larCefortor.-... SO OD ,JoGGlctlsster«.-...- 50 CO [John tbr0rt5..........: GO 03• 1. 1 1=31 : trz z ...... 4;o t ; ( 1 ) ) !RabatMc/R.lde,-- SDJ i t totnallolßlntas---. 15.. CO A Soldier Bobbed. natter ri t si bta•racka .- 7‘ 97 4. - .4-*"1"14541"344041.""1tadi 49.4nM0L1L RECORD. - 7:II77BBuRGH If A Wih.fi,l . . _2l.ol.2.ZslunaryAßSlA.` illl2llll—Wheat Is quiet ma dell bet ocluiluallY' unchanged. Sell oleo fro* wagon ai IBA 8* Red aryl 41,4081,111f0i Cola is dull aud. slacted, thtntalt the...As:are coropsratlsaly BOIL; sae 0200 sacks, ha ears, from erbarf„ *VAL at. -.oltell carat Bla. Barks beds* but sacking k4; salts of Spell. at 61,35, out Pall at 81,80. ImoirLSIONI3--Salas of-7,000 It•Bacou at 9% Ibr Shouldsm 11,lic for Mak awl 14)40 for Sugar Cured P.* Bulk Meat—olsodZlOollw Shoulders at 9c., sad 2009 Eta Sid. at IW.d. Lard Ls quiet but Arm, with usallsslea of city rsadcred .0140. Ness Pork aomlaal at $2282240per blot. ogocEares.—Baw Sugars rule buoys.. and Aim with asks at 1.401.436 for Island, and 1414016% fs 4 'Or W. Strictly prime Kw Orbs.. Coftero-ludes la lots of SO bp at 1534 to No. Molasses, may. is quoted at Stej Teo for ald..nd 80c for war. Sy.* rang from 05 to 51.03--the latter dors for laver- SESUS-I.oossr Seed is quiet bet Ara, It from 118,081 to 50,00 per barb. as to quality and ilualtiltyi sal• al 10 bbis WOO pa bubo!. In. Seed i t , .toady with a le at, 22,7432,80. Timothy Seed =PT Loom 53,23 to gleldl. TlBs—lira with obi of 10 W. No 3 Largo Mack. and at 011,00; 15 baltbbli do. et PAC. 33 abb. No 3 ita.littla do at PA% lit bar bbbo do at 85,00, nod 25 bbl. Mao nth At I. CIIXIZZ-1 staid, but without qnstable thane. Bob of dirty boxes. Warts= Banns at 14a. and O Cosec natribinsg and Englieb Dairy' at 15. _ den with • dirochinic twidno.Y :Bakst= Ralea oillokadasitroas gitS to 115 per ton. Elated nay Is gall with • manly largely in exams of lb. dinitand. Mint rnun.743c0,4 7 IMb-a rah. jobbing cis. g cu Ibr APO** and 16.1 eta far Nadu. GIIEEN A2P.4ll2l—Cautlana to arrtra pretty freely, bat Ms diartaad fairaad tba :market ready, vita alas at ham g2,EOta pm? bbl: POTATOES—SmaII taloa Irmo atom at pion tao_ `log trost.o3 eta to 61,00. • WEIMILT-11 =matted sad prim ars so Irregular that is quota amuloally at VallgorouttOpolgargusk Lag Igti. Pittsburgh Petroleum Market. Tab. 113.—The market tor both. Crude sod Unapt ruts rosy gnu, though thaws mum but ocesparatim• ly bar . traumatic= today. Crud* la • shad. bishop bilsamistosmassomears, ool'itaa mu, sad abam an Um utousum oftbauarkat. We note s sollll 1 . 211.4113(c; IR do 43.41. gravity, at sad.lol)do--atillaturday. Seined Is Arm Maths atm= =us of holgara, ha • ludo= to radrkt tnornallota. 'Tor betidad, 400 la nasty oda. ad lot gaud mairiard brands, while =Man causally an sat.thig sa Ural= anr Mama quotidian,. Tree 011 la quotahla us fosulat tutor, hor light .Iry to NW*, hialotha—Elala ut)so. hotels—ft Isus hoop— banata—at 19X. Iladdaum h hatd at 51.63 'CM bbl. New York Petroleum Market. spec d putrid to.itio Ptttebm=b Gazette Rev York Vab, I{.—Crape L loco. with Wee att ltatepal u sUjjait, aad 3 for Prbtaap denten. Mufti Le ftltaser mad • shads Mahar, Balm la Load 14413, euutttee at tiable. Napeas le nominal al for. quatattifust. Weekly Review of the New York Pe tnalonm Martnt. pirportbd tam:ably tbr the Plttabargb duettal Teal, Feb. 13, 1884. The market for both Crodenad Echoed Petroleum Oar been chamecterlzed by Increased buoyancy .4 trauma doting eke past !rah, an 4 ton micro have been resltteL rare*. ytevalled • steady hlr de. mend for export all through the lee., and there tug also boo a 61r. ■pemdatlne demand, to then o f which the &garaged* &alas for the weak bane barn tol erably heavy, bOth to erode and Rena.. ine ne calyte conttnue fair, but the on 6 of a blab gravity —for which the demand b lm active than for th lover grasitlelt, which are scarce and wanted for shipment. Prime light straw to white b ateo *MVO and held vary firm at an Improvement for the week. or %Elle per gallon. Orders for ablpmeat te a con siderable extent continue to be receired—lost. they aremattly limited—end.. holders are eery Arm, tb• Nam are natrietecL The rmerta that or.. et the wells ars running low, bat bad the effect of imperi -1 nig termed Iltrmans to the market. The odes and routes for the week • tneacted 1° about 20.000 bbb,labscipany at 308314 for 40 to 47 gravity; .1034 to 3;c for 4S and an der. end 46 to WA for 47 to 60 gravity, including about 4000 Ude, do. literals during March and April at 31 to nr, buy ers and oaten °pilots; also 9100 bbb In Bost., 4 0 to 47 gravity, at ik. Toe market today rated drat. witkantsiderable .ale. at 31 Co 31% rents for 40 to 47 ~.g ravity. • Tlse trartsictions In lieduod oil comprise about 30 ; 000bn/eat 45(4410 for straw; 463. for light straw; 47 for light stater to white, and 41 to 49ye Ones white—of which about 17,00103616,660 663. for =Z.: in Marl, AprO, naj and fine at 46060 c, natetly bum . optioo earn math. We also note saw of 7,6 M Oblellathad to Philadelphia at 4i to 4Co„ pert fob; also, la (Ins, 11,000 galloon at Wto hvf... The market t.-day Was Oralwith a good to .oool Thokelz , n u argti47 , l=44 , l l Ar light straw pL The astvutunt in to.. oil boo been tooderste, the eales . •=rittlng only about BOXlbbb . at bant fa to 67c. 6White3)9,3511L • for llght straw to white, and 66 to 66c ; anise gm at 64 - to The ealev of Moths have boa ortati 67a. nod to 1970 bbla at El to 224 for Crtubc Tie for Westera Pardned, and 2104/c for city do, neatly et =cr. Philadelphia Petroleum Market. Tab. 13.—Sh• Petrolawn market has been quits actin aiming the part auk, and tat bonded on tu,. has bona a spiriud airport desuiud, clean at an ad vance ad ono ant tpllon, our 'Om naiad rate au the date albs Wrist iltent /aid circular. the sales and rowel, gnat urn 13,t00 buratto* 44, , 43„. i 5554. 40 and thalllf at 43% mob, to awn, ladiebris Woo banal it taunts, sad on* lot defraud on board as our highest quotation. Of eras Olt abut 1,000 bar nds sold at 63 to 56 amts, but at the e 1 Mara as Maser non* *Suing at om lowest quotations. Of .11rods 011, alt/0 builds add at 233112113 i seats, and a =2,11 1 60 ,4 = for theitcpetratio Unita. t 10,341/13,75. Naptha both. kedging.: Thakrfs. Ausban eGiariat for Baud on . 1101101001 ., with dead° of 3303 goons stew. Thr fallowing rested ars 1101, loading or =pod to load at Ulm port:llmm 103 a, ton I' slam% ail. thlr 3,W0 bsrudg Auto. IL D. - Brum, Oak, for atm, 4,510 barrala Bafluod; Trash W, rogargalas, - 1,300 barrels Crab; hex Todd 01111:113r 2,6110 barn& Mud; barqui Glenwood, t G o a r u s u t OO M ba brarersd a & Btond ; banns t P h a il l o m ho . a , Oatrordan, alsstedaapaci Ua I,3ol_banrab U nto. ..Ate siortlog of the ionebonts ;nen-soled to lb. bold cal /toady lost, an °fp:Limbo Ira. of. iitorlffideribff rum Ai -.IU - Iroontsfranis Petro l.= Amdahl* otrillffialoli..!...sfullffeliffonth. fitillemeff ifoffrolaifoff ao elan .1. ran for one inr...Proddist, H. L. roofer, Tog.; cfce-Proddoot , Aff.p, Eft.; J. 11.• Lflotti LK.; Trworst, W. ff. nosiff, Xs'. She. asocciukgo woo *Miff Nth rho vim of fricolstog Rio trade am 101 l oolptodoete la to nob of ontelonfig bW. mid at thy ant the. =atlas' • pprrosppeerr noton of On Wu -Ws dale rapidly fonioWeg branch et commons. llow York Wool 111orkil. Pas. IS—Tbare'.hia ben it active morstaaot to Fell. Planted tautly Diankate and iseveya aqd prkes are without deeded champs, ea bi- Farad tone apparent Jolts mutat tar thll di stention, Nine ins bottareadel • traudn - oompars. Molt Mast •-2biertum ablation s north. mime lead mall= erodes or neenestle. and tho pandas et eteimirtin Is maintially the ..in as Sod 1 444 Wen nut of lb. train. • nisi , Pliorse dull, inainthicterars montending Ibr soma ahem:mai talrimeiwidebadins aro oat dincimpli to monde, Sating Megco em iria la t mest thronih the doll mai amount aldla rho coation tha tha anent kilp will be required beim 16* cti mama M t own 'beldam appear billiperel to form teatime at the an pate of a &predation etwahme 'Rho lest comprim man yes Dweactsnoadedbeltata, Iniaolo, and Meng= Me-must ahltntallti.and Pallid, 71 toenet,int Mrs 1400-,L - 151Xilitiasaricais,•-itentesi do Mt 'Phlladelphrs, part St to nt; Se de eiders, in to itit Mt& Dun lad% dil to tO aaddhltini in do Doaskol NIA di Maths nil Mee 'no' strParnsate V. .14 6 000 Se ahem It Ile balm dio edxin , de OM. In.; 10:14O Samoa Aire, QV do Zlete,aind 60,00/no illeelitarammin (Eahe) cm terms on del not loam Cleveland Markei. • rn. lB —Floor—lgnadi. 2.ndit. and; unchanged. aciaa Middat22...ndau-Wg.--Ighent*Tha go,„ wad Inn guns gged Oda attatatnt.aud Inicannan, Cahn Irregular, and Chi ,rannet o loop • nada ai the miners m' Puna/ Inn • rupPlhal.; Dabs during nu 4sl an Choke red en track at !WS: an ears do at 114,11 tun An decialljit, thew can cannon do itlll,lsoad ana cat Wad -cad . and Unite et $129. Gor d a. ono cerium nelltd on inn 111 VA. Noicannactlone to Inn grain!, and anon tamale unchanged. Importa by Railroad. :Prnososaa ft. Warms oritlisot GO Soasoao, 10b.15-14 boo tondo, 1 Hyde; ZS Ulm Lou,, Wm mks, *lam 47ato barldfiJashoi balo2; a bbls dote/ and. Hookaos *Lam ICe bbl door,'Maksows 13=c, do do. Greg i roodeafacird do do, Jae ox 10040 lorlat WILM-60t1ako Wort, I nett a co; 1. better." Jor Itftst , edit & 5 Wet tow, Young a ,:o; in al 'mugs, D woman 1 bn pork, ScClurkoit, &nos a' od; 11 pould 3 S Ono . 1140414 rolls polPoradtkibil , dt4 .Ito otitopotodoco :liord niciatniz r rol ot; roll. MOW, &Mut Noildraiden ra • .15' ceded?. , d 1 44. wimoopor; 10 do do, J A creastyg; Ilikealkdabi Saab earn do do, Art, 011itost, Peron a co; 10 dodo, SI 5=14 Id da , 01 345101da0a t teq 4 do do, Watt A Wlloon; IO did do, It' 31141ddel an did 5 51:45.1 3 &7 1 04 do as edru,.l' J nald s r/ . * 4 5 ./ 015a VW ,II A 0° •'• ! tixtitAisit A&D'l l 4sdtild Law* kik 111-. bolt Aa i r i s.3 lon.t - Medd do,' 3,411r00n *IQ /IToka =4 X.,‘,114 5 :IRA A ljtagmerill:o savant. Itinait Lhas' us ftruisy; 16 do founi,.lMelu4.ala, KoCrootidi CO, & 0. 05 : bbh on.' ;polio sasiverck, Mx; 4305da oda; ILSlStildglo33)&lB AN; "sawn& roars k tort die sego, Ildp .. ,LAS SS bp tid, Sbooldeltdid WO4 lart 52,5 • 15 r 1 ; 1 19 /.4.1W !&° 515 tauSlllA.lo.4%4Ogildsk f-11.1:11.6414":44:14M1112T11760a. ! , .. r ____. ,-- 2 - 71*Vorts by ZADEIFEELLE•osath Etna Gskitazo4arigAse latieftas. 'MAW tete 3 WI tth appktkllldirkm..l, .Msana kCesho.3 bblx,wiliklfidts potatoes, Tout! EmastwatMEL l ooo timothy amad.3 bbbisnien amides. 'sl6tds wrest thier,.W P Deck.* eo,• 1 box tobacco, 'WarDigabiy; 5 tha Wool, It Dalsell • an 15 iks an, W 0 Deasksic 1 box niedlthee, 8 E Senors& ern I kq segs,.•3lradley; 1 box gisse. thin leerdly; I bbl Dm. ekty. aged. 1 box say, J _Dilworth; 40 sks doer. Iroseitly &Kapp; 20 thicorn weak 61 sks oorn, Pea • Melia box thaw, 3 W SVCay;,l, thelsioo pketnorWW, lIMI Spem 1 1.1,1 Ilinank• cult; 17 plip b b goo4'Dorarr on board; kythd 11 • C P Markle; 10 dos wash boards, I dos Whin,' j W U.% UthfliaPo.lialley Pane,!no; 10 Ws bat ter, 11 !ibis ongtam, P Vangonlior, 10 bbl. gine CoDins; 4 bk. drugs, Gooch Keyser; 1 bbl 041. Mai • le; 1 plig thew Om Taber & ev; 120 as shelled earn, Emma Graham 1 }mine, Onnendorit 63 as wheat,' bdl aka, I letter, Owens & Kennedy; Usk. 1 1 olit l co; 69 cal bbls W P Wool dridge, 45 ski corn, O W Pram; 114 bbls apples Pte. thing &Mod; 9 bbla ether 9 jsrs better, John Btdin. thetas; 185 lin earn, J Peirce; It beef castle, Baas • Wilsyr3 beef Wile, Garnhart; 4 bbla cap, 1 tab Nitta, Union. Express. - • . ' CENCINNATI-inni Mutn-SKilbales cotton, 60 bb l. Whisky, 30 as tallow, lathlike arloiat, bbl. floor I bbl. Clarke co; 1474 sks wheat, Ken. nidy Dro; Mkt MI, Thai Arbathlsit oa; .1012102 . beeen, ik Paster; lot stuthrfek, Was Maybe!). sr.e.gonto.sra. :LWEGULAR WHEELING as i . • PABSEXESDUBO rAturat—Te J.; gni dement REENZETA., Co jar, • • , Ir kayo' Pttrotough for Whoolfits .vory TUESDAY, THERMO/a .od IIATI:IBDAY, uniting dam coo antlsos trith rho Wheeling oat Porkerobt* Prick; et. Botorning..ol Lean Whealtem Glory, YOE DAY, WEDNESDAY nal FM:DAY. Yossoopro NM freight no:100M threnteh to Yoriterolotrg. Yee hit& or posomo_apply on booed oto JAL COLLINS CO., A r gdmts, 0. Wharf Dad, albs tot of Wood stmt. de3hdtf VOR WHEELING., BURIES X TA AND SASIESTILLIL—The Else r. p4•4o4gerEarass EMU GRARAlklyouse 47 m" , 4 I. Z4:244 . lfrerert be ll=l 4 D 4 A •el . ock to. g'l lt Ars Emmet Jinn. Wss. u 44140 6. O. wands; lams Pttubsersh every SATURDAY, AS 4 p. azul Z. ,U. ovary TMDAY, wto. hhvlahtm pump app4p4a Dowd or M. J. D. COLIYAI4W44Oc Iu = h , ; U. 6. MUCCI & 00., Art o 4 6:2, 441 volt CINCINNAII & LOU ISVILLL—The splendid strum IiCLIPB2, Ova. Win, will I.av •• lbm DAT, lath hut., •t 4 &dock p. 7„rfreight •r puns &Wynn basis' or to . COLLIIIGWOOD, I Mliarows naoz. 041806 'filOß ST LOUIS. MISSOURI in, • 11.1V.WEL a$D TOM 11W10 GOLD 1111 WIS.—The saw mad shwas,. Awn. • Osptats Thomas W. 13111., will tsars as Own as TUCSDaT, tba 11lb last . , at 10 a. Es. Tor 1%424 °cp. sage apply Gs bard. es as fsS JANES COLLINS ot 404 .4ipsta. CAIRO a tr 4 Loute.= . - as•stscankr NZVADA, Oast D. O. this/rail. Will lea. as &bow. es il. AT, 111. b fut.. at 4 o'clock p. sa_ Vo,fctigkt arr o w s. ..aka bonrcer to 11 .1. mcomayowooD, 411"" PJdrtbH; AVSle,,ge. THE BUGLE CALL BE OEO. V. Sr 0? The Rallis Cry of ►n 44.24 . Is In the BUGLE! CALL. “Loes LIB to Dm Better, the Breireet of Atm^ la to the BUGLE CALL. "Bleed op for trade Sem," to la the C1!I' Z1'I! 'Bran Dap are Th , y,' U la IL* COOLZ CALL. "0, Wrap the Flu .round me, Bore," le In the COOLS CALL. "Blew the Tinian Platen LW.. I. k t the BUOLS CALL "Jar in:any Is gone for to Ik. In a Tent," Is In the BM* CALL. ~ T oll the Bell E.r the Noble Ems." le t the limns ant.. Ho tor lb. Ovnboata," lm dm BUOLI CALL. .Behold Lb. Bonner o'er coy . h In the HIRAI CALL. And !MUTT more Patriotic, Elongit.-ank b the BOOLI CALL. Onto, maned oa remlot of :13 reran Ca.AIL O. SIELLOI/, 0113 • 61 Food West. THE BEST ARE THE OHELPINT. acatonacrra a up..a CELEBRATED PIANOS! Gmra ern prnn, GOLD AND BLL YU. kIDALS, manni villas s month. at lltida Pale and tab al tb sums.. inaucouN_ N. Y.h 114/S Dz_W. BILADDUDY, for tb. UZI , PIANO YOVIT.S. ZICEONACOMS OD., iliGnialpdla, neared the CHYDTAL PA LADD PRIZE !LEDA!, ad Landau. Tannatha ban matron Una% Diploma. nod Dna Inn Tale and laxtitain =tat= di enamanadaGaa from tagb an minleal Wan, manning Gannebaa, Etas tank Grob*, We. Wawa, dad ono% Bain and nava, than ny ant Pisan and* taT Wiirrimited tbr rive Yeas*. WAHSLISB & BABE. Bob kranta L Pittebargh mid Waters 111., 8o:11 BT. 014.18 81111161., Near fimpospdoo Drifts. REMOVAL—Oa the let of April we IS. 83 spur= ITHCICT, Tbo boats at proonyt ooroplad by lleurs !Lieber Bro. • Sao onsartomat of - PIMP:XS on hand pm*. rally at 80. 61 I/IPTB •TRZZT. /. ffi HOPFILIN BRO., 144. Asonts of Deckoto Plsozoo N. BINDLE, Na 183 23/errusmo t3Tt Pianos and ffinsicsal Lurtrnmenta, liowpooonstontly an nand. Owe mortassat al , NEW PtimnAvtomn, _Gram% icooans ON; IINBISaa, wtma lo for kw pion. tqt. ttallwwd UNHI ett, PIANOS, Halsor BUM NW N. TONG Pl4llOB, GBOVI- " BUIS A 00.11 N. TONE IPIANne. and MN lINLODLONS and BOHOOL MAIM kanlentlkl swortnont etth. *Son well known tantrum's:2lPd retelved CHAHLOTIN BLOWN, 13 rittli at., &le Assets flit idanvfiketzmus. CallitPETB.oll.ll, CLOTILSI,IItc. A OPLEINDID ASSORTMENT OF NEW GOODS !, Jag opm4 s e • OLIVER EoCLINTOOK & • I. 13 llhh Street. ; '*""144 1111.1 2 4 1 1 1 416 itX : rll/17, Till ISIGBAIN OARPETINGS;' Floor On Clothe, JPlrattings, _ viinow svmna r ati. ftrtb , .. 7l Won 'ban...pt. Wow% sad Aer. ma. 114 at tin awe Totten market rata 7 W. hum also 7;17 . • ilt7ad 14; dock of LAST _IMAJEL4I Ts ohrek w• tith. in. suntion o.yrtiniAtauzit.4 t04.10.12,,d . !at manor! Ile coat. OUTER M'CLISTIKUk.OO., Na to netirtmuarr. faS SUITABLE HOLIDAY PRESENT Embroldand IPlaito & Table &aver!. Illoalao and Velvet Bawl; . • Vulvae and Ursinels Hauoe►y .144, W. D. & S. reALLIIMII,' _ na lI,YOUITII 111111 Th HE W/Jra JELICEILLNZEI. LOCK ;STITCH " •••-• '13.4 WING 114 - AOHINES xn 11"11w" Ilitheit • Ititinife en the twait State and 110theateet - ** Iw Lamella:eatshava-teentlr-tort_ aftad. inuca 'l4l It the matt thstruble asitipth the ilivvra Naiads*,lNTirklit ' alt , `,Xlyiss. IMIUNIFIDXIiIOkiIipaaI, 1 . 00 a1t.. 4 . 091416 ' MTh , .111thimis thliththeNt gdt 1,3 '-4'l/y!lTSt'liL:r.k'.*"gOt;St .• DYES COLORS. PATCHTED OCTOBER IE, IRR. Dart fhWee, Lfedu Orem, Mareass. Maim, Marees, Oar, Peel. Frets, Bard Ewerrie, Salmon, &mid, guar, Berferie., I nave. . Goods. ea.. 0.• Bonnet., Ilse., Jlothlng, and all Made et Waiting ipPasel. sar • SA.MEG OE 80 PEE CrENTMaI - 'ger Pb cents you nit color as many exedras trOuld 'there* cosi Aes th etes that. ems. Various shades on be pexhiced Ile= Mamma dy. proms la Magas. and. any one can me the dye with perfect mown Directions le English, Preach andilerman. Ind-deer each package. tot folikarration I n Dyeing, said &Mg parent know *betook. ere bed adapted to Oa emir ottani, . many Mible recipea,) Mem* Howe • Stew 'Treatise o nDyeing and Coloring. Sent by mall on receipt of price -1.0 cents. Xanulbctured by STOW r E & Tor sale by IV:RIM. end dealers generally. DEPAIVIDUI2rt 01'4031ICITUria Wasnnurros, D. 0., Ilea to 180. ETHEGROWF: RA AND • dintllll3l.B or FLAX AND 111:31P.—The flemimbakmana appointed by an Department. coo. aiding of Hon. J. L Dfoorbod, of Penneyinada, WM= Of. Dailey, of Blade Island, and Jahn A. Wardsz, of Ohio, to carodder the following appro. priatkm elide by the last Comma, viz: " /or tionatigstionata - test • tho practlesbility of ardeleatlng and preparing lax and hemp maw =tell tun far estbni,Wwenty thousand dollars,!' ; groins met, mod ann. emend days' innatigation, Win that a farther and fhliar notio. of then in might predate valuable result., adjourn. ad to meet again cm -WZDNIDDLY, Ow 24th 'day of &throaty .not, m. _ Tharregosst ell :Internam:l in the distrion of OJeet Ibr ill =o Vl° am aam i d to to this De k7 Sr, on *rhino tbat day, of the hemp bad lax in the differeu r =aug preparation ;af duo etas thbries by thein, accompanied by ments o the Tarim proms.. need, and the omit of =tor eachdracripttona of the sago, machboary mid, where mu* to., together with any and all Information th at may be useful to the Clowitolmlon. IWs llfemaa„,_ .. „,...b* smiamiWie beCori om b r . Lto . lllgen iihtdb.t.r=ll. Om.mbidArner. d•23red GENERAL FO:tErGN AGENCY. AUSTIN BALDWIN & CO., TII 3110ADWALT, NEW YORK. Clulltanwa at law ralmaalmat Britain, Irahad Itarm mama from Lfrarpral or Quornstont. paptgautbrtsrdad to all parte or inna, • Wypakll 111IICIEWI, h., Ages', otaltiansce llama ; Etpren Pitt burgh e j NO. BURGESS & W., (11800.1.3., Nit J. • W. RUNA.) Commission iliforwardliag.ll•rebuits, OIL CCITT. PA. Having parcbaumbil."llcoan Warobanaa" at 00 City, and having 'mule roan and facia:tem, wan nowptepand Waniti and *mei ML AND NM CI3ARDMZ, of emery dencliptinn, and pmanni sal bfaction to all ♦ho may farm raa with that, patron anStrandeso Wan. TN A IX DRUG HOUSE. J. J. BONDKEL • CO Ban opened la Pitlabargb A WHOLUALV DIIOO AND 30E11130 BOONE, N. 341, moor LIBRIITT A WAYNE STREIT% optoWo Colon Promo Dmot, md now °See Or MI • mooeteamt of DRUGS, PATENT mune rfaV warn; LEADS, OILS, PAINT% T•Itill/EIESrliTZSTUPP3, WINDOW OW" OLAA3IPARE.26. hackman vitt flod me stock at all thaw mod, ..d peon sack so to glo olio minim km m. - •. J. J. HINDER& CO., LlOrty aid troy. Aran., Plttelmergla MoCARGO'S MARBLE WORKH, sis Unarm frrnscr, b 0441111311 nrfed mosostoboo or WARBLE EANTIILS. Nonuments 4nd...firave Stones. eLAsTax nlti4ossav6Ls ARID ioa — To*crizzrni. parorm. 'mac camp, • • ouviavi IS, I I.IAf 1511.11.1.J3, ALLURE:7II7II7, inv. poulloallis airtred s Isms and UM soanoad aka a MIDI_ 0, DOLT LWD PIAMUN tit INDOW /WM 11117117 LINTEL , 61711411 1015111, spoirrrso. taisir. PAU H. MOB, ts.; lAD cedars Ibt IIdWID Wtll l / 1 1 gra 1. 7.1" ONO TIM= rm.. LAS ars pmandm baud to standnethank. SOWOII, an Ornte anal, mar Dobbins. raiISUBSCRIBER, • ADM 7011 • John Marsh & Co.'s Soda Ash, tosalainny tendstaitto raw, orhlob 1..111 es tbe mast lksorside terms. This A.s.b to witty. adaptod is tIA manniketo.r. st Glam. C. W. WIITROICSAII, St 8017711.710717 man 1101a4.Wa. osltentood • 1 & M. Navas, ..BRASS FOMIDZE; ,t?e ans aitilkesala Morns. Motional's attantke =lisft l ittnif_orp and . reintlrtng of OIL ItEll• A Undo of MUSS AND 1110 N COCAS made to anted. Also BEAM CAST 12401,' •I 1 Lade, nude al UMalaarteninattaa All °Merv - left at lima it.A.t4 WATTS STESTT, Am Liter% slabs jaomptly KOWA, to. lITThe Umtata, of this Atm WSW !WSW.. ekAtist, of =el year? ospetknct in their !mama win Wart Ito stbetetkat Is awry moped- WA AM - AS. tants fat Slat, Scubas it 00.1 ItrEJX MEP, Sot pn=pinig Watt, entdo awl St ated OSA Sc. Sly mrcoturtlM- a. usa MTOLLEThiftTCBAKEt, • Ifinsubasemn seo. dealart la Al Matto of T0RA000,A1737 AID OIcIABB, SO. WI fI9cAD 81.211CSIS Pernotamy /Ps, - atotai* Binh bugs ridgy of Vpso smel nescalles Sabina. orttly JUST RECEIVED ANDFOR GALE at 0003 4 PETTIT & CO.M. Foo bb a. bat* Piet, floor; ae do i..M holes; 6.-11usihrVtd ; • SO do lies Itoff; • 1100bush:litipsZsiat000; libtds.11011111oltsr; IS btethilarp.lllettoty Roll; Moo, alotatnew Domq , to &retro this v-k orillit'a•grpinnitzt, ausairagu,ssisi os anus *nut, -, e.u.istaaa . to oiler maim £I BaASEI WIIIII 0101/21 11121/1011y_ctetl ttedar 'RIDDLES, _ Ibr roultry OA S YOB WM BOWS,IIa.OIIIID OAOIO3. 0 XkIIZ.NTAL. FILII9II.WOB*OPe lows, Ac, AP. Au ous at WWI es sink is '. marl • NEW EUOKKUNEW BOOKS iur I.loJuMos ouxuat scrawl+ ....A gaspby ormoos Mariana WM, Vo,s. Di Jobs O. Poser. 1 rd. Ploy SI 00. A IMAIIIILL ON ILITHAOTINGI ULM— lamolkdos Aliatamy of Ike roma lovotrad Our operaltm ; Ms kis& sad mom& amatromloo of loatromaala, am. ,1 MAYAN 0171111OSI. t vol. DALLIOA3D6ITSVARINO. Lana Salim mar. A Por Wyly of Um hater worleJost tuatara JaS . L. BICAD.III fourth strooL LnIVIEN . 7IPIO inaltannbeiltnrof Orbs! Pico: V - " tee l n enticany on& tonsidund Indians , dt , norlptlr• annum of the Om; Tule Ltd "Into, set; plopml ; lbn priOntskimmogratlvel of '.nalcl vulva ; tbs blot rsOles InariddUnn-flunania; undue' and Inachlnsi,nlnS tidoniprownsu In mon, to. ' ;t y Uaran.. Tor-nob Or' lark co.. w. 9.1 1 ‘ ,-,A .4.. ‘ . - I—. ! A ,: : " • OUTER ' ANA ' DIAIC:bo moS iselort Wands - at cram stay • CRlAla.and. all; MORINO . A/11:1 , NO KIAOCO, AX171 1 7. 7Alemorsaatuvis PIP TIMM *c.. *a., Is variety lINIDiIi TON 8 . °HAULMS 110. TII PlAsbatra. -- -- • - - IL The :0140LidAs Meal torsos. oQuFfp, , = ' ;" 11 PIirg:04 6 itii . harlik - sitri . direact.inat.ooLis.tho aragabieW' ems, lam ohm*. ..• mll4l m 4 74 1 t!ho”i4onirogthlew" seer t " t w emoted iirs eirairLaertreediranlmmtiv 'pat 001WILLIMME.P.4700bis 3160w* ao. s wart •rafi zolx , Latiommei ran HJLE. nWIiLLIIsA HOUSE FOR SALE.- She tnlmaribor oilers fat the dttailtalL bogs. la altlch hc oca .ituntrd og South Ar cane, first Wald, All•gb•ny. lb. lot l leet do*, Manta; Lark ft. • IP feet It 1.. twooteried brie*, contain. air room. .ad cellar. She mat-L..••• are • botsa, stable. co•Ibotoo, •e 'there Is It !aro. yard sarrouhdlna the derailing. fllled mid trop. Thate Is au and er.or In •:. tbo moot* of the dwell. . lug. I deo offal for aal. a de., aLla w ruinremienoa to Rodman. to • halo, W 0... (~ncts. Pa., contain tng twenty ho Lat is a oat lain. atorleal frau dn... • tbg . l c MOSIIII, on the propet. There is a 1... .r. - herd of all tend. of froth. There I. ca. b.ain °whoa., do. It la about • mile from the Depot_ Tor tem. 'militia of It MAMA, Ja..lllf booth avenue. a Fler.bany City. NY FOR SALE. in I:uionmn, I )ANNE k corutty. Pa-, ono et the west parliat wi tabilahmeota in tlio conntrv. The eats are of • caps. eity for 6,000 hides a year. with other appurtenance in proportion. A edam Kati., with a else* 60 hat high, and run chiefly by the spot tan hart, aorta lb. KM, Ekarettnre, Primps, Ream, Ac. The whole in under root, and corm half a town square. Con nected with st • o afx teen acre of prime palate and plongb land, a large Brick Dwelling Home, Ten. ant Manse, 011iceand C-Ilars Stables, de. It d of .ay acerb from Pittaliergh I railroad , and being on the Na ti onal Turnplka a ndnear at,. mumtalna, bark to readily procured an low rama. Tor terms and farther In'ortnarlon apply to ELI EXWE, On onto's - 11, P..; or, JA-. VEEOII, Altcrney, ja3O:S• Tourth and Grant stmats. Plttali/V— -nIIT GOODS STORE FOR SALE in a floarlshlng Western to.. on the P. F. W. a 0. large ever Meticlits Prose Pitteburgli, note doing a largo rid profitable trade. Tbs rtock to -nay, andliaa be a en tooted with reference to do rectintn7 trade. Use ell berm porobasst for rash at lowest market prima The preeent tatprletor bee decided be retire how the trade owing to boa health. and now ralameatte alien the meek ter sale ; alma the toed trill of the s.. Wing pet". The 'hoar. has a large rad respectable 1.14., wielob ma be released. The Fremont stoat ten &woke from seven to to, thansead dollars, bre meald be reduced It dented. • PILAW wishing to know the particular. will pions sidrase or dl prircomilly on LYDAY CiktOIIPLIYHING, CA Rand street. Pittsburgh. P ..Llon. SALE—A. FARM or 190 ACRES, Intl Improved, to Derry Coins Vioatosomo Mod Doubly, Pa. Also, • TA/111 or ABOUT ISO £DELI, lo Clair Wortmorrlsod romty, Pa. Aug • PA112.1 or 111 ACHES lo Unity township, W•Mu.rolaod 00 . 0 q, r... t BtssM Oda 51 .11 Abu,. PA= or IT; Al I.ES,I‘, illsabott, lowa. ship, Allagbay county, Pa. Also, • valusbls TlL.cr UP COALy or, the third pool of the /11ottopipMets rims, ooatalotog about UM saw. Aloo, lee ACRES O 9 00AL, es the Monongabola ri TIV. Poe partlcalant Ingalls at Ho d . lea Tatrttt Omit, Pittatatret. H. TOWICII, laftita Baal Utah 1 , t. 'WE SALE—A desirable intaco of land, containing 1110/117-11118610 (b 3) ACRES-alt , .tact on the Pleittonal Tampa.* and the Hempfirild BYl.oad, about 214 mllee from the city of Wheeling, Wart Pa. 7 hirer ela acne of add laird being . crtek bottom 1.4, end well ft:lWhd grr gyirdenhrg par. 10 On • country reU•nca The romaining fortyreerra aorta has a good orchmrd, and runtalam .crlicat (tat, which metre thie pert of Talc" 10- .ornoh as the railroad pure right through Mb part, and cad con ho forwarded with facility. co evalon ma be siren on the tat of April. Tor farther inkireuttion widrar CLAIM Dux 104, Wlas4llo4, We V Irgi 11. , Whi , iOm . 1514. • ARM FOR SALE, in Burrell town- Witatoortlandd county, within bolt • mile of Palma. &atlas, on the A. V. H. IL , contalolog 104 1011118, mono or 1t... Thom II Log Dam, A tpod Team. Omar. to hold grain, . name bet of choice Apple Trees which tr.er cold hearties fruit; Homo, with Hitch. ediached.. 1 0111 eall 11 WI, or to two or Do. late, to raft purchasers. Tusts—One.thLtd to hand, or ea conannatten of dead ; the balance In two or three annual payments, ow soy Im ogre. upon, with Intereer, mewed 14 Wed and intertgage. If DM sold by Um De O P MAUCH, It will be of. ad at pubhe do on 10[1 day, at I o'clock p. m. JAB. MARTIN. STEAM GRIST MILL FOR SAL— ID E 1... In Baldwin township, on Milt Saw NM Son, about 43 wale. from Pltteborgh. The 01111 la Mel-guars,tootMory. end 0.. throe too of PRISEtt BiaT 01111 Btona The mill tot 0011141111 14 sans, with the right to dm am. of coal •djolti• log. T 0... are oleo emoted on the tolll lot a. Mrp Taw. D.lling, with .Ice rooms and Wailed ma res; sae mall frame Dwelling, one Tr.. Stab. and other ontbulldlogs. The mill was !Maly built, la 1. goad rendition, doing • firm rate Luau., sad will be sale dump. For toms, 40., toot.. of W .3. TOAD A 00.. on toe proml., or of J, W. HALL, _jet:nice If.. VD Fifth atm., Pltbba .h. VS?. SALE—A Cormtr RESIDIO4.OI, conishang 11 acnes, attended at the Shargeborg Station on the Allegheny Valley kt•Proad. Oilman Pasemirr Hallway Gan pun emu 20 Wanks. Im• ta tire a Dwelling entitabaing IS roam. ri= " l,arrlage-turnee, Wagon-abed, Cart-Wed, Cleanable, Oned-boas, Chicken.hoine. Tema lron, go dn. Wader condnated lead plum from . ncion , lld3lng ruling io ate kitchen and wash room, asd inaky b coadrictod to emry room in the bon.. No better alto for • rolling ant, oil a glen late I. to be found. There la .o abundance of oil kinds of emit. inquired( mums. 1/X/ISTRY, benne. the hoar! of 10 and 11 ' Man 1 1111 R SALE—FOUR ACRESov LAND. .L The ondscs4ned offers for Ws rouit AOSTA OF LAID In Moainre township, soar the borough of Ilanchoster, and a quartet of a mile from the Heaver Rte, In the mar of the enbaniberA 01111 house. and banyan thasesldantee of J. P. Litt and Thomas Batenell, Zoo. TM lend is is a bljh state of etfltiration. Thor. 4 a smell Frame Oman mated thereon, and an orchard of fine beating fruits, consisting of ionsuly•fise beating apple treea• end thiftplee banlngtherry noes, of all sorts; alio peach,. plume and online. Tor forther particulars apply on the pronsisae, to gala JOSTPH SIEFFERT. mimic COTTAGE HOUSES 808 SALS(Srdatht.g - ost 'A, • Lew.) Scout Went. Allegberq. calla ellit dueler Siesreger Haw. nearly opposite the resi ded* pf Ithi-latthe Heath. Abe, a CHOWN 013/INKR LOT. CHT.l4 . otn. lug Cha Abbr.,Athlete the comer of artnto atlASayette street-1N by 1110 X lbet deep, The tootles le tuto oc the meet dee,raMe tbecity„ Torun wry. Apply to W. CASSON, No, 46 Oilio street, &AS, opptalts lb. Ifeyees Office, pmed FOR SALE—i^ontaining 125 sem, Adana. In Shabr to•nahtp. on an* old Dull. narA, mile from apnea Dolling MEM The barn:mamma are •sood tram. damning boom, • tram barn idtb atom Oa...mmt, and otter au, oullmlldinan. and • tarp al l ord er grand frui t . Tlas lama ara to pad order, and litod la ► blgb atatnotetddratlon. Tor term apply to BODZILT SZKIVAItT. o• pad or OW. IL ICIDDLZ, Ea 59 DismaitrainNri,PitaaCrih. tbilAkitarlT Wt . BALL.-1 have still on hand a ber Drag and If num Dwelling Douse% with till Impend esagrag I. gal from 21 to 390 feet boat, sad la depth from ICO to DO het. Tba bans rentsha from Ore to twain rooms, and ramps la prig, Rom $llOO to WM. A 1... Lots of all alms ..d paw., an lon az sheet err dlt, to Wt. Tann ems. Apply at the Steel Mate mad Tararease em.. of O. 8. DATE!, . FOR BALE — Twenty Acres of • Lad, pia et, ilte Loans taro comminding tad Steve.! Pitaburgh mat vicintj i s about La MU Prom Jena` tory Landing. Ira on la maw ape One bolt be... ad A bertibiktling spring otandlitett voter. Will be told nigether. or divided to sun purchaus. Persona dallying a matey, taddence till plane all on V! ALLEN L0111123L, ko. kWand. Wee I.II2OUSE AND LOT .FOR LA. That astable Lot No. BS Palo Alto staad4 annend Weed, Allegheny Olty, cunning beck to Trankillatteed, cm ahla is ratted • red Frame Neal% of krir now, via all ths Mader. appli ances. Gaps ran, shade, sash and plat tato to rho said ; and valuable Said lug or tautness . K. On Palo Alto Mai, vnvsni tor father part talon enquire on the pramlare, of co tax w. WIRT. Ikloll..ll.ithr.--41. /Wiwi !Nom, 13 fool s: atralta,lo lark willada, IS Toe{ lota By wheal. attel'it *bad 150 tone rawer. AWL, an. Yawata; tae VB7oaawa, sad Steam Olawilalles, an. aytiaht Betinalischlas, can Chalet Back Savo= machine Mr making Pamp Beds Ibr Oft Will., aaa Don Tall Mach, awl shoat 100 feel and %fatal Shaittag. sii orthe Om Wicks wilt be mold al a great W alo. (applying at maw it an PITH a ISM. PP/1 SAL4yzirs WW. --une YUPPR I F I. ?um,/ =GINA IS bah cyllatiara • 6 MI 1 a admirable- co n dition ' with is wlttsout Main aft, ry Moat. Thwtai,Toram-IPaaap.,&a. , ' Thla ha, it well adapted fin. many parpoiee, bat is for a lloinuell II Otll and wa IL sta THOS. Althl KM LS II CO., katbor Cotton 1/111a, , . 4,14.1 -.— - , Allealway City. 1401391 D AND' LOT FOE - SAITELSit: AA. 440 44 thir COM Font, tiartagi trout' on' Gibbon street of 20 test. un Attending. bock LUX tort4Tbrbot -stmt.. Threw stos" Wlth ha% onstoonso lad Whir: Brntiotr foto street - Pt leo 22,040—0nt-third lo hand. balsam as. now Apigy to fin B. IIeLAIN♦ QD..102 fourth iamb 1R SALE—That AwCHstnry BRICK WILLI3O,, Ilatab44 fa loaf style,- tad ad tbeatlatit order. Waged on th• tonitt at Amstar slri.t rid thivitouri allay, aixtb Watd, cantata. laa=roosta apd &Miami pm*. Qin bi bad at 'n4 3 33; CULP SBIPAST4; 343 Liberty stmt. A -RIM OPPORTUNITY.—A Book, A-s • 4 tallefort add Nana DPW far at* to tai ban location; ti a tonicity, and dales • dap Dustpan. To o tr n r 16,21 add $3.600 - eapa i l i k! ti arm to it. Pn=2 1 1 .411 % . 1% P HIIHTS, • dafiddt , : . it Ball:lnith atrrt. 128filACRES lOWA LAND FOR ~...mal leo *hl 001k111131/pi TIM4I, In trod, ot &ma BO to hitt ecru This Widows Wed ott ISA UMW to 1$111; Ito PAW. sad So- Ogles us, tut , ptioratolt, wo One WM pre push to dra o t tho land at a la& tor price. - - . Alf H. Nal= & 00.1 L 102 Youtth'itroit EoR, stas,l-: - 40 bean, ..tlratricated.9o4l l 4 but& allfr. MP% 104 thettleVa Strsigo raid th IrStemsburg PBa Termosfilatv, • lANIVOtka Mitibkterbtaiiiitiatiki6ii „o wl , Volt' SALE. t! '.'!- s'.:'j S _ TEAM" SAW MILL . F 0 • Situated on the back oltibeiOhto these , lliedtai from the day, be the ' Hero; of Sovickkey: ?kw VIII has two acres of land with It la in good putt W 6 ord., capable of enithog beanie. it Oat IA h asth, .4 admirably conetrulad for beep band. g Mow. For !briber partkadare wider - R&Ii&D IIIaIIASIZII, tkrz P 0., P. 1j OR SALK—The Trustee& of the 1: Third Prbibytorhus Contenation, of • Pitts burgh. offer for sobs tho property at th• corner of Mild and Perry Wont. Th• lot hoe • front of O feet on Third street, sr...extends sloes Ferry street 99 feet towards Smond stmitt It wUI b told to Its pleesta condition upon Leo...able terms. Tiepins of 17. B. M. SMITH, Serra Puy Board of Trustees, feSaf No 93 Diannand duvet. WA SALE—That desirable property .K situated in the Boron& I klancheeter, on the corner of Locutt street sad the Oh=o riser mid known es the Greenwood property, on which is erected • wade.. style dirk Dwelling House, Cer• dap House; Stable. fee Hone., tw or farther partici:Oars enquire of a. D. SMITH, fel:of SS Wider street, Pittlibtugh. AANU FACTURING SITS FOR BALL-4 lot a troana containing about dr unto, fronting 65 the Monongahela Liver and Oon oollovllle itallroarl;a4ijalnit the property of thg heir. of &bid IL Pain r, and east of the Copper Work; in Pitt township. tor bonus otpky to AUL H. MILLER, Jag:2w lio. 93 Diamond Meet. poR RENT—Toe small family, the one•half ef t* beautiful nuigenne ha Mount Troy, one mile horn the Allegheny Market Souse, mth about 5i acre cf ground, all mead with choice fruit [re., evorgrorne, shrubbery, An. An eteellent en II of water. and A lam. cistern of Itaft wattsr. Enquire of d.lt. &STET, an the premise. felatf VOR RENT—the three-storied Dwell log Boom 310. W, dttuatod on Taderal stood, Altegbecy Qty. nerdy opposite tbatatidaricardthlind' Bobtroaou I. term apply to JOHN OAT. Jr.., At Watt Min's, a 1331Aloaty Week Pittaborgb. • IitOBRISON UNDETWOOD. HOUSE AND LOT nu. SALE, on Gibbons .t, .t, b th• iletth Ward, Piro Boos two= to m. botaa thiply to EtAOllllBl.l. JCFITSOOII, /atom" Jo2edm_ Nn. BO Ono[ atom, Pittobtoyh. PROPOSALS. pßoPosms FOR EX/RAGE. Omar Quisassanaa'a'Orrica, - Washington Awpot, - •••*.bm 3,1381 J grated proposals a... Monad-by theamiandarted br anp*sing lb* 11. S. (Martensartres Disartment, at WaahlW.=, D. 0., Baltimore, Md., Aletaadtia Sort Moons, Va., or either a those plows, with lIAT, CORN, OATS and STRAW. Baissill to remind for the deltrary of 8,003 bash. aeons or coma and 60 tons of hay or straw, and al,. ward. Bidden mud slat. al whteh-of the *bore =Nod point. MI pupae to snake Mintier, and the Mee at which they mill maks &Ulm . ..Oath/ost, the gums tlty of *soh article propmed to b. Mimed; Ito dm stun aid &nums shall to connontad„ and when to be consphund. no prim Acme b. wittea oat 'avoids nil th•bld.. Coro to bt pat trp to good •toot tocto;oraboot two budadds exch. Oat. lo ilk. eclat, of ;bola throw bushels each. no socks tube tartdAted without ex. [mei:Lome to ell* Gor.rommt. The bay and straw to to smartly Wed. The particular kind or doreription of oats, rum Igy h. or = to be delirrred, roust be naiad All the ankle. offered ender the bid. herd. to. 'died will he =Q.t to it rigid inspoction by the Government turpector, bones hang accepted. Onotrecte will he amirdedgrom glare to time to the lowest teem . :wills Wine, ea the ltinntat of the Go, eminent may require, and payment will he made when the whole amount contracted for dull has ben delivered end ecorpted. • - Th. Weida will be required to vecOurpory hie pro. pail with $ gneringf. Sped by tem meixnudid• pawn*, that In case his bid is scanned be or the/ trill,t within ten days thereafter,execute the coat/Act he mmee, with good and mdilelent enrethm, sum equal to the amount of the contract, o defiler the longs promos:lln conformity with the terms of this edrertlasmertMund incase the wad Mini timid toll to enter into the “ntrst, they to make volt the difference between lb. offer of amid bidder and the nett lowitt retlKmAinde tater, °quip:rem towboat the contract' may be .warded. • Ths rorponnitillty of the iptarnntotssamt IA shown by. as *Eclat certW.ste of a U. B. Maria A Collector of 'Common, or any other oilleer u= Molted scat. Governssent, or rmisonsiblo person All.biddare Ida los drily notified of the socaptanos or raJectlon of their p the tall arm* and m i.7 l ..aditns‘ed each bidder mart be legibly written in the proprul. Proposals mon addretned to Brigadler Gemini D. H. 11001=16:4.11Hef Depot Quarts:router, Wash = abanlit De plainly muted ..Propo• Bands, Ina mai equal to Hu ansecogof Qs ma tract, dame! by thocontractor and boat of hie =ton, 'will Unpaired of thin aaecesal ylddet o: blame open nontriteL Illenkfonenat. gnanottaat, aid batik auy be Obtained mous at this alai roses-or nOPOSAL. (nova. °aunty ud • 1, the eatoorlbor, do berebypropme Ltunteh and denier to the United Staten, at Um Quartermaster* Deisertuommse agreeably toe. terms of pus_ adratiannont. batting proposals for %ram deletWealdnirtoss Depot. December 8, 1.8113, tbs fol lowing art:ldea eta .--buieli.of m* lama; at bushel, 'Of Id Venda —buds* p of u ron Osto,ts oseizol pit boded, of 39 da . —tone of MIK sa 7. M Por face ie VC° Puna& tossed IttiiWat or...Mimi:4s. /Whirs tometruimemon NOr• the—den of lab; Mato be mated eni sr bolus tho— le Of —*l36* and !Volt to miter into • written =trod 'with &WA State% with good sad uw i I r.r eectititteo.within the apace of tem dap after IMAM that my bid bra been accepted. obedient norm% Intimater feral D.H. Emma, inlet Depot thwtonnothar, D. .017ARAJAn Waal . niton. C. WA, Ow andantgned. rteddonto ot of to eh. Ornity 111nd Htabd keroby,lcdotth.aad ..malt)', ecranesit 'with' the 11 . 11 .14tIntrt and toe:001th bidet bo that both teithth ton da.thifter thanceeptoneo of add td row onth thatratt (laths. tattherttle good and dant otwellat; la term equal to (hewn - mato! the contract, to Amman Um tonal propowdln tenntorndth to tbe Sormatadrartbastant to Dedenther7,llo,thedor width Ito bid was was% and, in me thnthid . . -- - shall bath e a tar Into a =bath abowald. orm: antes to mann good tbs 'Munn. bonnet tlw pder bvlbe, said - and Ina mit lowest nsponsilda Mader. or U. porton to " Du contract may b. awarded. bon Wenn" I (Dm mace oar hoods ased male . . • y hereby ceetitythet, to the ba toy hated ea baba, the ehareombed goareutore ors_ magus& trot:idea tiorniee ter the anoint ffi whi& they - eller to be eecotih ^ • To De certtlia by the - Tata Stabs Dietrlct Alta r,Te_Contt,4Yr ofCestortui,.or soy one= aim caw themor altetitt, or niyeetiblenyetncto . • All polessle mend Celt? tea <aaAitlemiut will be mimed sod crammed at.thbelsoaett WILD HOMY and WM/WAX of each week Atli mu. Means aro reepeettolty mined to be premet at the epodes of belt, if thee &ere. D. H. DUCHIDS, Dtlgttleo. and Rutionneeter. 110POSAL8 ..F0 CAVALRY p "" (LITAXINt MIA Omni or 'Mar .102,11214: Salad Ppooda Nib dace until 12 o'clock a roy 'NINNY, so 1.115 A Ls, THBSIIIIIOI3fIaNIi(IN22)OAVALBY souse, to ho de hared in Within/toy. iilleabare Dapol,) t. dain om - data of =Wart. Mao, bawd Propnala ricebrod at tzus or ate until oNclook NONDA.T. flan n r mond.) o l3 Fbruary N 54, for TWELYN WIND (12121) CAVALRY. ROMS, tats" dalbrend at Bt. Charity Ns. email, Malik within Wilt 001 dip from data Maul bald hems to be mind fn all gnitleidary not ' than tea (5) so num than 121.n0N) - yews old; tom . 16 to 15. hands WO; Nitd, - brldia illy and Of MIN sadineditorbasalry pnepnaa. tisi kreophaidlnsi-miN 4* airndo odNaro fnad tniNal ni/ornd. it men snrifbalar. • - • No bid will bit entertained. onloo...arnolig andal, 117' • rumba ihr. flataithial pialbnneaca: - Nam OM aidtstaranty at int 2taloadlinika• lion to Captain POZIEIk A. Q. IL, at Mon. dy Mind* MO - • ilaccelaltd bidderawiltio Naar Into written costraitywitit_ 2,04 inf within LIT ( 4 ). 5 ‘3 2 Nen dd../ mon tomcat m&g, -1w0_51,22i2F-eVt relitl er. ) I Vit The . nM[d .....-rtarrinittpl„ bids anc - • t'" - 2i11 . 1 WINN bninlielibilindicrelbal 2111-Worny Nyman( mill hi NW. isti esoM i al 2.ll:!tring at moon therdittir Vail • -11 Proptifill mint beendinand for notic.o iddreibid 10'13013114 JAB.' Clitargitattbilitzab„ any thrther - Intoilialidtrolli b poulAtiiirair on anlionlan to- ;t. :411.14 'Oblefiboutinainar Carats* intendit PROPOSALS FOth - - CAVALRY I. _ - , - volixarDcutt; Omni wog Cram Pranrailsonti. topotalii Wan IX U. 1f0f.13. teat aro and sill be oed id ofieo for Me tbrottbloar of Orratalt Mtotad oms. to beds. I Ilymet at Wooldostoo,"D.' 0 , SU Lodi, Mo. tat =ones to amply IMb tbo fat olottafit• Wm, obi : So to from fifteen (It) to mum link bands WA. film ,Ant (S> to- t i t old, brakes la- tbo .nd free fleet rd=iPootil ill IP* link ll* b e g sen - or the nia.kg to ft= 'kb igniont not oancatood •by too _malblo.. yonaltift whom µmatures mist I* Mpeded tor lbe intratitea Ito )oatmatt MIL to antertatmt oblate **oath of allegatica of Olympia, or 7-pectorat biding *brain This rooptostbillty of tb•gaaniatoni smite Amu by the otedol contra:an or The Mika Qs atoolif pp Markt Wart or et , the Vatted Btatat ftlift:tztAb, min to Mimi* Ur pat. •og. a o. 13 cedegtunirmodinamata mammy In't b• "Pm" 5, ,4h -,FrIT , "- EMV9Mt 2 4* Cotter Thom &radio matt Crai atm oraraltral tionswal to Ilmwrairtik - stikir.prkeh i d gb., ittapietiat NM Tait Olth - albba7. Hebb - . /IVY'S inflaftlettoltilatl vaireastic. ft i fte. /114 1 1 ' 64 'tt 1 :: , Alte altifinf Mimi '' , Sox. osi : - --, mile l / 4 llt Owl .. 5 : 4- 1.1 ; , F• , :,... 1 .'?; 7 ; --, i , ,,T" . Y. - 17 ,1,- ,7- -1 ......- , P , e. , -.&S 0,.... 2 e. ---,7,--.4,14.„ WNGliiVlst g ~'.'2L' ._. _' Cissuitrablekets an Geis, assii:ola Us sail} mutt al Ibis stuellsat4rable to. Ildli . LZaw routs, azdr wiry" puoibbt cue wilt be fir to. oosdirt of emerterra sad rapid isesmest st tort. , Trades NM Isere Us Depot ta TUlebeigh n. Tls. TlEBOtraf - 4koomitorapoar Tun hs"..,,th. Nutette &Won dale.luatet lipase.) ~......,,"_,- aa...tde . at al Ittaterts barmen Prete. — .....rd.WM kid Takla* alma csasee. 100 Ps Nem York sea The T13:110II08 to the Pew sou liallesi lld eerier iler — tatigia l lbridtelk, s aa P. b., wirothip ask tno 0100,1 = iss direct cousecliret et ter acm "d W"tddetil. WM It *Nov Tor eta Plals. &dal, ' ' ..121344701- / 16 4816 libili • Issese alb p.==toi etee_tr,l statism. =to dined lialtbsers. Weal. beton and Ptalibdpil... t.. Illudy n" ) AnT et em i r , t.. 6'n ..:e1t ... ".1". t00l at peisedial "4".l"" eas. loos. Ny la ' ls, Hatirsors seta Weellueroa. auditor Ithieres7atiraleatosrs mull „la ic .; chug t et cue; up; it Ells:kW& L. ertv York. ' - ACeOkliODAVldae.iiiiim. Slut Johnstairt AeoressUbits; lots hues day ouretesadey)uklo at id ausloar. lid lecommedatioa,ThAlille Atoll Bala trues dale (Um' eintray)at lri.iir. liond k•telalian - ULM 14 var. altatket kens lisle breeept ;est Ilitil it. 'a. Third Ste AbikiWaies aims eates de, 103,P litabbnAtikal PAL Tooth'g 0 leassusodatios ltabt trdillars Italia Emu We (Meer littlieLetitate.e. The Math Tole WW l Win l == es • iv ede.s. en.; estuals& , _ at Its= Vat= antra ta -11401820 r Won LID p. a. 11.10 a. aa 3°l=U:ink Am, - ' MOS a. ma 'lint wawa Ratios a... Ma a. Da Sanald Widrialtallon'dox, LS!. Ls. Third W.W. SW= '.. 1:61p. ma her Wan Stabs Asecanzendatftnt.::.. WS a. B4ltietces Saadi ittl zertmoila: ts =Arßlatail ' ITandlndpag latanactionlt Jobastnen Aocouuswasiton%7ll : 4= . Trab2 So. and pi th Madman issensida and Lams. 'Trains tos nese tempest ahem= .flit lz. raw Trains end Itith Wert,eo pith Threed Serraostodatfoo mei Err Todaiiik To New to TuiL Q to To Pbfladolphta—.. 10 60 To Calm a id To Efsrehbarg.—,.,... 7 65 To 60 Resheerihhoeted to all at *be Nose6tree zle anti halls zed he ratlade4kla, &Melon agedltem TOIL Perieagers purth=eu he acorns TM he le audition:* traveled. fiVtkitito the ittathet tete% emeeptttes Wino where the Compaq lull ocitest. lllMCL—ln:amiat t6o, atiooe will hdd tbreesettes respausible IhrDmimit , hhaPWl 011 7. sad her la *mend itn Mr" t.t.461 Qllmikatt .Lberhoodepl e guid to &AMYPaallatill wol.heoppaltataniftwee the De. pot, al 's diarge te:Enintion eattlahalt,oloa PM. taw and . lamigo. • Tartiet tb. . Pathertaele , Clechh6 , Belttold- Bteeloo. on 6,lberts ant areaSitteete; rK smrPriPi.rrEi. MHZ ATLANTIC untniabt a. SOUL MAIL 81=11. NAVTOA. , GA I. 4 - 11 E LIMILLTIO,I,9IXI fionincireri . 4.1X 0110011 . ZUMBInk I.oooriace9:l44,lol2liiiii. _ OOLLIMBLIAOCOECtitaX kik AX GL rA, koce acewparin maxiikast imiimhfoxitrinstiiirtis tram Saw Teri 14r Ighwirol pii p• OH =ow sp. as Mum Masi, and their accommis latb LOWICIMI m 6r . itsaort imp*, spply to the ar .t V i . &maw tanwid• • 1441; /MU ilar Mat Drafts outtacliattecalliitti terbbir as soy of ILa branottes q &ea& rlfr lar STEAM WEEKLY 'm. LW &VA =POOL, taoshiag (11311=3TOWN, Oona Iluamt-Vbs vell-ktiowo Amami lir. , Tart's:al YLmd.lAbLataimdlp Ompaujrare Wm:4W *slam: CITY OF WARIEMOTOL- - Yob. I& OM Or 114-11.3.h0b..17 am or LONDON,—.-----B:)Lacb Asa wary onsendtets llatarday, st VoCiii from Pisr ' sios 'oft 'mum. Pamlia la-GokL *vet soolosiod - 0100044., l ono 90411 to ...—..La.400 do to laud= - do Postolos II OP do to Putt.-- 96 CO do to llotia 40 ID , va ~in; a a tag. tia usibg st foneardedle trairiv Berry Zap 1=1,117. son otecosur kmir IdoW M E Warm [nun Lirsrpoot at Illoomakinat Odd% wodC& 51 . 41 1 30 . — TbaW mho Took to tbr thalt Mends akin 411Altita liata's4 rem 7as Iturtbor tnemsaties_asisii ibilisors Mac • JOHlt • ' acebrisorreson, stmt. tea Weis troilibt M4ltl) '-"43"24. 0 4-raa P t Zfl ol isystsslast is iststseltt .,, *IIOII'I6IW 061450,ts ise.sssmil eels wan mat 404.151. sao~ueaaraaas, n It =!23NI Frig NaTp.N44-A-4mA, ow PITTiBT:IIOI:4'7''; murAszinnift. Awnri:l OrtlCl or Codettatase air Tsit thadideß. Washhostetieltj.deded ettelitlgh= .. WitostsiZsettetheeey4matade to tie ®den It hie hies made tor r agr i at the lITHST AT/ORAL BANS 072 to the axed, of rAlkeiimy,4lDil littitdet.riddeter • ate. by bud dely crdeelboodetedeekhd Ildhe to the reqtdreatioda et. thai Lot cif elinimMid ed.* Ark to wedded Nathan& ,IVide.7,; by theOk or Uatted‘dtoted Stocks, eed•ta Ile ehrelettidi lot eateseptioadleadet, Yebidur wthozeahr bsdeouptio *he =oat eLiiild Ael rordredde, me t ro the teishmeedf ild' Nov Q om amen, McGezzetede of the Qornamer, do .betsby-eettitvehtV .11:11EIT NATIONAL 5A1M.,431 , -. MI% Priet7 or Auer. sod &stew 70 i.o.u. fa terthedeal ip onsetosdo the bestaesiditr• Or the Ad stansaid. —e-t=t JlB.t;of— -ice losad of _ -Ude 64Argel - - —,--- ht • rase saoa QP PITTAUBCFA' ratnirmwom- . Ilintas.B4l . o% . lX)o lag i taliabiaboollo a oda. .:,. 4 - 5- - 4, 1 ,.. t , , ' no I'llstorllie*ia o , labla bake good 'to pnrrido'44 Natiota IDs tali of ti•` - '111137-1111,11021.26,1t _ :OF PITTBBOI4I4 mod& arpnallalt ! . i . -allbt-thilmais *e the oxilectlaa enikilir.Pll en nfttr• raM7• 4O . &Patti and 1 41 1 1 = etwallti 2 a an Par 000 r,1h009•,,, , *-E'4'l .. -Mb magma *hick' ha ''sa - Me Trap Oferag•Oi stapi - M . Orgaitudied " Ira - SZT e t vs toilinsi to In a. loadmit ipmalatia•tbas sotrusted As am arpalmalatailLarabaasi lam PromPt ilitle .....:—. _ ll= r .exteestriannisaOssmirftillaok, and all - itaiataillii beltlnt wa ,osa act =mg , iii tba" villib•t o Rltb 9r. lab= x Tba woes :In heialt 4 tii.i.i.lisi r .413tR0x5. , ,, , ..-- q,..i -.., . f -.,..,,,,...., . .04.0n05i . . i .... a ~.t) 411111111tiliair --., :' , labial. ..,..", .., ; , 'Titalab4r, „,- holaji,..l • = 1, 4 3 = .. .'i ~ i WIIAL Sp z,! ''' -• .- ' . e: ", tr.t. - ( ' ' ' ''- ' "-- • .'' 2 - AisixiviliaWarissikia= -.* tn_.,k,:tocittWOOMlC7i4i,.,..., vas.... Amprime.lll6ll:' .--, DIALE4AY WA:UW.(I" , ~'lrr.rl4tittridindiinjW,::: ,"; ,03 . r . i Open dialti Sus 0 to, a' Ow ci:rfairse4 aml lato Ilfmostar Ist. from t . 9 9 91 4 1 .49 it 3rerba to /l0 11 " 1 "al.lila rd.'4 oo lf, ~, ...7---,.. • "leo- t'• r tvots , {wetted of 'at ?Doll o fsr;psidadeadial otatarabb %Taft is Jusavidaltessior; . UMW - - - • , elsoCliend 4 9 l,lllo 47:#l ,l om vot . Ilieriltek I 4 1 0 1 01 1 ":l.IP 'Pi larstia?imer... s .Csia, 0 rksztri,:i iiiil — eic s ai i tiii eteasposlimargettidpai West immtas an dap *Jape sad aDdriorlWilixia IFIFA, 11 4.4.-. l r494..tallaiftpllitaimmag Cu% crlfirlAprimit Za91 40 " 11, 94k 141111211 otitiabiya , tlilairOaiihromsa....„ 6,4'4sattablet Abr. Charlet' - 8" lb" "IpTifi4 ustairacasiatiatsasiasi• the osa.,. --- 4 !:',;.,,-, - Vt1i)1 , ..,1%,,1.Ut .4ilA . ...__ i g Man= I' L ''''4s NS TT . ' !• ; /olio IL s-w . - Inkm, - ' : alisiteftior. - - --s.:':' ''Jelrys - 114 X. Akwider bpark.: a .',..i• oft b asa 4 .121 . tkol. L._ralgaisfgelt. z,LIW A James inc5a.1•7....4 .- :. AIM ~ .I,II,MICUIALI4:—."- , niumpAlln4g3.l - aditaliins . : Iftti c . on= 1 Jobs 41.8eatotas. -... Artmi&p. f. 1114. IMa II Biffitq.--- -,..jekprorr-. . t Cisorgonacki, -......5., ! 4tainctilbblhot•suxn Alanztrr ;,= ~. ..801301.4 T.* i arosciai "Caltas.-- - ! - Mtaallth , • . •• •Annishongwy . - - L , ..1 Jam ~,..,,, *odd . 'plait -i*/,,, , • , • ; '!•51,7-:.••,.:7 •740 .,j a m ait2 . ”314: -, 'll' 'p.= le ki 7: - _":. ,AratanieWei 244 ,-ilthemed • . 1- • —",'" rdisp ar arid* • • • "'sibs Irma!" drxers land, . fQ rx* 3 ° ll3l :l;4l ll3 M ew 's., •
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers