ESTABLISHED IN 1786. :WIUSIACTURERB,,Itc. i • • 100...LVA PAKB 77.7 1U1 ! = • itumscimirs et ritzy satiety. of Cobbs! . .. ~. , 81438 woo r rat, TrantEras, irriAm op '......,..-:.....-.;--.-, . " Ai ....icon lIAC II I EP LIT, AND 12 ... :' ;2 4 5 .... , T I NAVJA C I ;ID fri 'k' tc r an t ",tED ' Z ' Ar ~.pitit ant tad REPAIRING, prnoptly attended th .. ' -..1 ,' hos paid to -AEU= up 1M0... ... . 111/S to (*AL AND cAsuori (nu. Abiri hgesits tic au Western Dtsttiot oriole - retreats the sale of HARSH, LAM:WELL a 00.11 PA SYPHON PUMP, the boss ever Di vested. Mathis no starts It to not liable te got 0. " Grader, and will "throwmcce stater than esiPaimi , of take Its she. , - !lON p TY IORKS. airawaiLub £ AND irApiniurra. 7. 0w.7./ eskil':&"& trilotiot V Plte aaa Willt•lit Streets, gni inier Work t ,) . itonotl,-tame ofstat.totary sad outer EisaillE3, ROLLING HILL 0,11111W:1S sod iI.A.CHINERT, oustotto,lattpootat:jobbtoo, ... • Prom i rmttontiott J ITo n to roptirtnig MILLING Wl.-bl, 4004.- VALLEY TOME PLOW WO $, • .PITTSBURG% PA.. - - ,'• annActumrs andaam . fc." the dinartut ktno• . . of rums, PLOW CASTINGS, SCOOPS, 80X.)23.-,Ara..l4lth:greirtly .Iticreicted faco!- ,45ititelielncbulnaa, vra earnestly linrits.deelera 1.6" left ugligalt , ifialdultal..Tamparintwellll.l. Wsrehousa, Oecl to allay and Marty St., Pillalealk. JOHN WALL, • i :4%." 7. JULIA STP.PIIES wOons, ovum JAS. J. BLOWN. . ': . BLI!fgPIA I ,4OSD:n_MVORKS,.. PPITELIMGE, PA. , Zsguifsetarsaid 1, - ';;;;Barr iitfidaniutrnm sun ATM. flquaf, VIAL sad Octagon, of all slam Warrazdad fNiff.l to .47 flapOrtod or offamfactmsd fa this c Gap -1.1!1-r°121T HI) •ndl4o ad 1438E00DBT11EST6,Plttabm b. 64111 yd WILL LAX B 4RNIIILL ex. CO , Boma' ____Nakent Sheet Troia' Wirten.;' PEI *dog recand.• ...IP ma and litrahatialt'‘lthille Iron Improned nacklaarr als parpired maauthature aver, dasetirloa of HOLUM to to e 'boarrianbar, `: OidffiE •-•Piligiu,ocomovr.siarcerlir STXAMI marma, 71. ALT PANS-T - AIiX!VOIL - 11111.1.3 AGITATOBJ3. ',''arrnaNcelyar4 BOIL= • in6VBRIDOI43, • 'ISUCTAILTAIWiaeIicae :thuatrattareni 1111215 k 111L1.11 'PATENT 11011211.13.-114aring dons an the ataatatapate. delkte AZilt ;COrilalta & WRIGHT, jensoenora Ifannfacturora of CASTOR. FRAMES, MUGS, CUM LADLYS, and • sorra; varlet, of BEITAISNIA azitclaa. , Aboi GAMMON -OIL LAMP BUUMMAS t''‘'lnd -LAMP" If/LASSlCSVolatallpfia. 139 &cold "Msnotitilittabuirld F• - • • - • ' • A LLEN M CORMICK h - CO.; Viitsr TOIIMT, Plosbmgh., P. .. 4 14,DiSTWOrellOolo, ST:LIDERTYSTBEIPP • ''''"lltasteletmVo of TIXOC.;.V.I2I,OII'ANIPEFEAT ISO STOVES, RADLOE ADD KITCHEN GRAM, - HOLLOW I,TASX, ete., Steel and Glom Houle. Holt. •`•: log Mill OiaUe 21111 °haring, Oa; Watar'ind Ar- Dora - Plpo r Warms, Dog Duns, Worm:atm.. S. gar S.ettla , Tia.T. Mager. Car Wheels, Coupithig, DIS EPO.TAEMOriat, JoWlag mad Mgchiao -Atastkoo Ep4411.4.. - alat, Zitent64' raigh Auu, with Stems or Horse Pare. ~p14:61.4 SE VIM NICE, 53 WATER St, .A.T_Tr.tudiciAtamumuatmt4 ootOILICEI 1: . l t =r- tioc -,0' .11D AP1 3 3.9. 1 7 !Lnd r.! l .7.torever7 a . tui WU* ta• null; male to order at aliatt aotke. A .-.-sootemortreomt manila* am host. -torA C 0.,." N0..215 .1:113AIDA. prdefirliolildtoitrom 9 I.lA' good Drom" shitlel as 'pin. Instrodtiln - ' - - . fe/s:_ty W. BENISErr, Manufactoreis tif „ILI'. wit= =OFR cpPIA ant] .4 1- 14.;.4 1 4rrit r iiMrivr, Pittaboagh. Kohlsll '!Dier i;foons. JOHN W11114.........113Z W. CkIit....DATID le.1101.11:1111 WILSON,, CARR & CO. 55AT.; TT' i L:4-4„, ; , ,0,4-41 64 •'' • DemoZagora in roams AND DOMJEStO 1:13,2it0.14 pause above Ditmandidle7, Pittaboria. ' splrtir uses L sus —.a. sus sessor—su norms iiVENI A a D CkT I " LM k T CO- . r G 3 Y . O 41 OD e"- Na. 140 Podord street, (oeurrol door below our ktorlrot ~11012•4),A1105t0n5..C1t7., . .mkrely "fiVATON - 111APRUN . r te ttd6iale !ti.t.catisitkakire. 12;..` TatintliGS:tbl33MlL , DENTEN cd Tar - Gooms, - of every iroUlyilta, Nos. 17 and 1.9 army Tittoboorstr.- 1 , 141914131 & GLYTE,_Wholesale a4d !Deign" in rllii(DirtAtLifDltY rIXWIIMINIISO3.• 71r1II - fleritnet, between Diamond =ld t • ••••• • I;ABURBBElELD; , :(ein.ecesisor Co ti Bincheeld h en,)'Wholeinbiandlletati'DenTor • In !STAPLE AND, FANCY DRY GOODS, Northein k . ~.coroox of roanti as& litorket -st.ccet . 3,Plttsborgt -IOSEPB110.1LNE; - IVlfore'sale iarrle u tan Deiler In "an klado orTDDLIfINGS, DDT GOODII,Inni Nan 71 . arld 73111arket Oleo- • W.-BARKER & :Dealers in ill e.I: konotninaviaon 2 14 -62. 11 . 1 . i unit. toimrea Tiara aid Poortb;_Plctsburgli. A , t - Ri v iL iaa - PAS,L in 4& h ER 4 4 "0g4.. ; W00d &refit, ~ : 11131311; and.BlllLW•GOODrgelLralli.ll?..7?tilki. ?-.Vr ,QINION:JOHNSTON,'DeaIer in AMR AZDIIISII4, 413D,LICEUICItt8,- PRatirUNSMY, olimnoonsamilunci,YS,Vlß, OILS, YAM , -LUZ AININCINES,Jtm. st,striatly. prixosmmlity, which be eters at lamas prima. Corner Smithfield •aad Fourth streets, Pittsburgh. Pnewriptiorm ofs , tali" eatepostodal 0 - 41 hosts..:. . Align C :ph Desserts, 1111111 mansfecterms qf TIME %I.ZALS.A2llll,l7llAltakeersor lYsodand Fran - 11)113110Rall IL KEYsER; Druggist, ./". 4L ANt 4lll tl, 4 ,l .t f*V.C•rir ri .n.Tll,...l 4l . • zl,,Alll7BEadlorCE 4451Wlifi. OAIWINER-4X)FFIN Agent r , 31° VIV-P.JONES,Agent North Ameri Ststo of Penmrylvania, and Itaztford Insur ,:622.l7ls)ter street. R 4141141. REA Secretary Citizens' asessippiCartainy,tidraer MAO, and Water ata :iVesWEloltteti t .Seeretary WeetenWt lames Ozmpan7.94 Wats, amt. 111 - o.lC,Sooretaz Allegheny fle ...Lorit lam= Company, 37 street. Vfll76lle t 'Av; PHARLOTTEL , BLUME, Dealer in lurato AND 1117EICAL INSTIONMENTS._ ijOill iiimk tar SWABS, CO.'B PIANOS,' /lAMB SHM:W,IIIXIII4 *Alll7llllWer.* 00:8 72 oite{r-maaviltir stmt. wooid=door above W , .11114112426.,PJanoa.koiet. Awl taken In • m.0../C-Bl4,lllealers in. , I. ISO AIM MUSICAL MTh -'.orplltll fl ar 13traNWAVEMTLEBM 2 a rt.. No, 63 nth and, Pfttsburgb,... - 36363 .. , a , Arlbinte*Venler tin PUNA 101.03/80303, Ay:. No. SI Wood, , it; ~.,,,„.Daciau .7. 033 ,4 13 4v,. 1 4 132 4 Dia1 3 6 1 4. 1 . 1 /0. Pi3t4bl G. JOHNSTON & CO., Statioti• AMicskilookAtanatuturen and Vob Meta% st467.Wootsinataltsibecrgh. woo T. • __lkeq,l3nakis. am and Scanlan. arta.6lll, bastivet.icat, itaar tithe eoew. ct ' Titifjftt6l-adaooLaudlew noose 1 „‘Bookeellet and 131:adage?, elkt.l.9roank gr0dt,( 4 .1414 "/31211 rwro,Jaarrs. er P W se l tirit 74ihno Icum brea. Triammina .U.ssaxituchf mow. rams cas=v4i/ki . kigicsk aor4{7, . a• nrcesbx. tbmiyidos tei invest their ravarytorxd OP eita , A 4 MIS4F 4 dui PRA!" Win • awl intendant strictly eting. diatid.. - 00:5, Gant Wed, osvetts . POO 41•141 PPM `DF..VTISTDA DOthit nranaglia Jilicadloy amnia a Mamma ant drat stride r , te-1 • 1 %Ivo: • . =-2.4. " .., ; 7! ...J : " :,- ; c7 f;:: , 7 4 r7!:::.:,,:„-, : _. ; „,,,_ „ .44-4 , ,,,-...„,:-__0it,, , ,,,•..„.. .... ..,..„.„,,i..„.„.„..,,... _ . . _ DAILY . .. . ~ .T • _ U „...„„,t..„.,...,_ , _ GAZETTE. FOR RATAE• DWELLING 'ROMS FOR SALE.— The mulacrEher offers tor ,aide ttte do - el/lag tatmilatimuttehho fIOW Uh.. Waited am South A onto, Tina Ward, Allegheny. ,Tho lot la 27 feet Goat by 1.30 Amp. rat:mina Wit to , • 79 f." It him ttraLotoriad brit*, amudto rix oaf, 71,,, 0a t-boaaat aro a trash boos*. atablo, etatbotkao„ ao. nom la • largo yam" ourroundlng ttm dwelitog,withstradeand ornamental Me. Mina la grand triter la_othtba moms otiba'atten. o ast othr for axle a distr./as crootry raddoteo Boeteeter twin:whip, Deaver conity,Da., cattalo trkg twenty scam of ground. Them la • t WO* stated blared tutlat, tn. zfrowir• • 'Th4 7l,lll,7 =diudolial hinds or troll. , Them la atarn. mah good atma, dm. It Is about a mite from the Itothettor Depot. . YAri .to tznas Invo.ll , at CrLra, . Sostb.lixeuvoi. 11/tegbay Qty.. 4 I N.NEgy.Fott sALE, in ,Uniontown,,lttrorotthe raostilettoos iahllehmeato In the Courittr.... TlSettite,ttolda cape. city for Eattri Wee a year; with other appurtenants to Pt - B kr torA eo with foot i the Eleistors, Ptlfiapi Beam,tr!. no: whots Is under roof, sitAmmes bid: • tarn equare. Co.. &rated . with it sos sixteen sem of prime pram» : and ploothland, • Large Brick IraellleDlome, Tem , ant Houma OMesttiorlOdlattlikablea,:ad.' -It Is of easy littera tram Pittaburgh railroad; and heft on tlis National Turnpike nom the mountain., roamed af kriratea. rot- terms 17/a further leen:matt= apply to ELI COPS, On entwie, P.. ; or JAe. FEE n. Atterney, Pour& E and rard streets. Plitsb'ph. 1 OttlAtiW-41 FARM or J: well Improved, In Derry uttraship. Wert more land county, P.. Also, • FARM Or ADOPT Ittl ACREII a , In lit„ Clef. tawoehip , Wratmoteland cootyv r.. , . PLUM or nt emus. ieunity a..adp, went.vroune squ.ty. sifth Sloe= Octet Atei, • WAllllttratllACM,m Tilie‘herls tosm ship, Al kt aannty, Ps. H-Alacysea ra ltrabl ny ieTßACLOrMilAD, nth tJti thin) poet or the ilerarairettla - river,' idataltiktr Vaud tOO Norse. Akio, 190 AMES or coat.'iniiiso Eolitarehtta river. Par partkalan Imp *I P 4 fltilWl.6a S• h. Pltaburg • *,* feCtim . Heal Mesta ' DRY GOOD'S STOKE, FOG SAlits, /../ • Souriebtog Western town o the R. P. A'. a O. IL R., mit dttettlgtainis t Plitehtuithi coo totesarid profitable bade. Sta dk aew sad b r ae bum. Selected rwith netomuat Jo tee , Xmary trade: ilea all" beta' Parubetied toe eleh at lomat barked prima The premed proprleter hie decided to retire wren the trade owing to bad health, bad now reiturse..4 offeatheateik tareelerabatbe toed ortbere• thing party. The holm has • Large sad respectable trade, which can be retained 2 . . present steel will Invoke from 11.1013 to tee e %. nd 4Gare, hal could be reduced if desired ewo..ishing to ILIUM tba particulars will &soli •• - • LYDAZ A 0/1011PLE19180; . 0r.15.11 52 lisattittust. Pittsburgh. . volt ti&LE--A desintide piece of land, aotitihalat /Hllll7r-4ITHER (9:1) Afediddl, Wad on t h e National Turnakend the Hampden! Railroad, !shout dgirdlea Trim th e city of ,Wheeling. Meat lia..:llaLly ifs amerof sad Laid Litt Utak hattona hind, our well adapted fur gwdening per. poem, or as a eamotry realdrace. The remaining forlyadtamatram Lan a geed orchard, and contains .cellsat dial, which makes this part of rultia;,,Jn• unmeh m the naliderad puma right through Ilia peat, and owl camber forwarded wltg facilit y . 1 . '.4 mutton van:beer cid on Hie lot of April. Tor farther InEwmatlonaddnas Ylsdda wh.81.4:1:.%14,:11247,1i0g, w“t 14:3. FOR SALE 'OR EXCHANGE Foil 41117 - I.I.OPkIITT.-140 acme of Mall to Ohio, situated on she Ohio .I,lr:a the month of Yellow Creek, and J Meilen of Mar Clerclasd t l'ittaborgh istat, gattabisrgh At Wheeling Railroads. AbauX ILO licraiclestred and down ispgrties, with good km* lee large frame Barn and rlionso, oat-hooses, or ' chard, md,an abundance of - -excellent. water- The Wanes of the tract 11 covered with heavy Umber, and pastimes acme desirable 'matt°. for is too grow ing,,.This propene will I. sold cheap and on earl ters, or exchanged for city property. Ingram of S. B W. GILL, friar Na, 89 riftb street. STEAM ORIeT MILL FOR 1:3416 EltElits In Baldwin toe oehlp, on Little Bart DI 111 Eon, about 436 miles from Pittsburgh. The 11111 I. lift*"agnsrufur nog, and has threw run of Wench Bari Mill Storms. Thu trill tut contains 23f, =vs, with the right Collie sires of cost wfiein lug,. There are alio ereorei on the mill tut one term Frame Dwelling, with nice moms and finished gar rat; th e(idall graced Dwelling, one and other cutbulldligs. The mill was lately Is In good condition, doing • first rate brishoteshind -wall be soda chum. , - Fortegns, enquire of CIT . FOUD &.00., Ire pre:taws, or of" .1. W. WALL— No. 80 stmet. ?limbered!. • 'FARM I.OK SA , onv wn -12 oblp.,Wastatorsbanduonnty. aitbtn half a mile of Pa.-mama MAIM, en tho A. V. &It ,contalaina 1O •CILLEI, more or I. Thom I. • Log Darn. a good Tram. Stable.Oftgarle• to hold main, • nous be oltchMea ANA., ?rem orb lob never mild beating fruit; Monte, loth ptcho attogbod. • 1 will .11 It all, or In tae or three' hits, to mit purchaser. TxXxo—Ono.third to halad, or On Copfirtootion of deed the balance intro or three annual payments, es may be agreed upon, with Interest, soured by bond and mortgage. if not .old by Mode OW itA.RCEI, It .dll be °felt ed at puttlic nle on that day, at 1 o'clock p. m. pa..thisTattbl MB. DIAN:TIN. TasteCCITUOE LIOVWss FUR SALE, frailties on Didscell street, (Bagsiey's Lama Second Allegheny. mathe line of ibiws• cheater Passenger 'nearly opposite the reel disco of Bon. Mishit Nyisth, Also, a shako COBBLE LOT. cheap, adjoining the *bore, eitristo on the earlier of sillegneny .made lad Fayinte streets-034.h) .190% feet deep. The otionca is ono of the most desirable In the city. Terra - ntsy.' 'Appirto ".• O • M • W. CaRSON, No. 40 street ' Ja2lsc2sr opposite the hfasor'• Office, *lisp's.. tit] 9firk WILL - PU neIIASE TIIREE spliW V AMES OF. with • owl pit eperi thetioa3thlag • Myr T of vein of g.. 1 oy which tluto is oracted • "rams Dwelling of four rootarceelliii good' } Haller ter, Mune stable, ay, situate la Vollow4ll, roost), Iff mile. from Pittsburgh, en the /forcer ram • Is is • good sirs* lama for • store or publbo house, and will b•solli opsto ."..Apply at.►tweileal Mitat..• and Ituraracica aloe of 4 40 .. . meet, Lawrenceville. SATEHLVenty:seveh Acres of a: Land, pool of the Lorenz farm, commanding a doe view of,Pittstrorgh and eldnier. L .boot ono mile from !once . Ferry Lauding. There ire on the pumas. WSW tint fruit trews, and • never. failing wiping of expellent water. Will be told together, er divided to rail purchase.. Perso. desiring I coon ry neldence will plasm call on AL ALL= LORENZ, ,1419:1m , • 210,132 Water atm.. p:IT:A3I tiA OR -SALE=- J Situated on the bank of the Ohio river, If milt from ths city, in the Borough of Sewickley. 'lke tIN bas two acres of Wad with It, Is in good raft Mug ord r,.capable of cutting tit. or 02 feet tr. lent tb, and admirably constructed fur barge boil log parpcsee For furthar BANNS' `MoMASTST, Box CT, Sowleklevellle P 0., Pa. , HOUSE AND LOT FOR Tbtt esinahre I,s No. 6.3 Palo Alto street. &mend Ward, Alligllaaj City, running back to , Frunklln street, on which is erected a good Frame Bohm, of four room. with all the modern sppli I =me. Grape vlne. ahado, peach and plum tvas thoe. ; andllTSPltMlilll,lolodlng or boaince. site on P olo Alto Wm. vacant. MaiiMl;=3M Fox !SALE, vEzta taw.—line PUPPET VALTIC Wolin, 26 Inch cyllodsr, 6 Ice stroke, to admirable condition, with or srlitotrt Alain Waal, 11 Whorl, Mirage; tom Pump. Qs. This /2aglao wen adapted far Truorl tairproas, tart ospoclarly fora Ito Mug UV Gal and asp it. , THOLL ARBUCKLE a Anchor cotton 11111 s, deaf , Alietthenif i eltlte FUS`SALK-L.-That 91esirable , ptropertp situated In the Borough of Monebeeier, on the comer of Locust Meet and the Oh.o riom, and me on •whkh ,kourn u the Ilninnood ined toodattLidsidEtlclt.D Mtge House, Stable, Ica Muse, Lo . . o roFt?!r.:F , snf”47AiTY"..lf . .±; sm a ll, feldf , cs Weer ithwt, Pittsburgh. kr A N 15 7 1 0 AUTURlikki SITE FOR LTA: iAlse+ . 4 vitorli*ic6 ii;itituo, , avut sci.; (rooting on Monoittoltoli Wm sod Oda.' sotivtlitr „ltottroodoctibthertbo-ltroff7 a al. hart of Mort EL roater.and oak Di. Lho.Coppet Worts, to Pitt imp - whip. for lerskapply, to ALT,X...14 zattamitr, — l.26ae . ' ' 116.93Dfornood tenon. -VINTH STREET • PROPERT Y - L FOR 1 BMX —no Menne: BO MooNall, t00.111.1X.1 preoent . by Joan Ham To blecon.lo.- or Sot bac. net nett by ILAI *et In ' 4 7 t 41; .°." . 11: W. Offibplyyriyaj . mis A Jima ,oryinauxiTy—A Book, Statlcoury sad News Drpot for ulo, I, the but locattypilit tarp Mt; cod :ilottut w 110 benineoc So lb about 12400 capital, It .111 be on r r a WL to enompilbelelf. far p=aul at JOHN P. Illnirrs, NX3I tur . kn i cen' tnnr ' fis Ha ta. L.ll ' * LIM, ct raban . r., l l l3l l2 Eg a tro na m (st Prmmt occ.Pad b 7 noiph W. Ittean: t r t mul t.j.! Jvg shut I= wok otren4 %rm. - ;mower fICOUSB • AND LOT . TOE 43ALE, on -11-I.,Glbbono stmt. in Itui Zlghth Ward., - good !OM= In 'an boar. Apply to - - : ,Waltial. 4 JOWSSON..litanoTs t - InEintm .SinAn Grantitteen, Pittibonin. --- NOTICE TO IRON AND NAIL ago 12rie ItY=arreAr i tr 4hith'g tof erobl7 wellesembelk antl2, l o.Xi t Tr u balli, belonging to Kittolltos Co., be add In lots, IXI. UN/TED'STATES TAXcLAWAlLN rllB.—lloatintriDtrical sad Utile Tax BIT tot:Lathe Lsel ultetitatim,_ Tattles sb Tax ' Salty ~a~D~t & r ' IL&Y 01:6:55 Wool street. • 1 ff 1 . w 1ttt , .0.1 .7.kk Wt. aosuriarotanmuft.c teb/1014,5011imItafatirealli atm ' '.4 - 41 . 11 VISVM tMr