WE= ittsburgh dual ;• /!;FP, .4864 Cin i AND SUBURBAN. be . framYesterday's Evening Gazetie ..., , . Tbs New Staple—Peuveum. . Thot Ntler4g Aiblese thee eltailra, of the rapid det e lopment and vast importance of the ell trades of.%item Pennsylvania: Our touc h are making the nation rich. It b turprblig how suddenly a new diecovery is sande to wiadt. as an ltrportant staple. No r. Other &Until he the world Ina bean en ripe for such extraordinary trantitions. The Banana knew that England abounded in tin but centuries elapsed before it 2016 to thela dignity of a commercial staple, and it -*3 exactly so with her iron. licj i o,- - Iteetne bo in all respects an ex si sin. glen. and iron roses he . co. The lets 1 e, into national Issitiantio staple ifa gold 0 CaliforniaV Ibecaten .. _, bat • of these en . - elltlithatweleemellinor - Tipetroleurn. Pear - bracolibarY gegen, _,,,,,Wkalt to elevate it from years have bee r of a Analog Wilde the: we ~ran obscure mak to the rank en o., r' eple, of which the world cannot of e_PLI&V.. There, ill nothing in the history l. 4o . l non - inlaid develo ftu nment to equal the pen was bliss made. n dent the ritry Iflat, heard that an adventurer in Waite% Penn _ sylvaaista dug a well from which gushed out a thousand gallons of oil daily, the multitudes ulioded to believe. Malty of those who did believe were sure the flow would quickly fail of--it - wan impossible such lock should last. Itnot only did last, but has been matched by hundreds of others. In this country development Ls In proper ' Lion to the crowd that can be collected. As In the gold mines, so in the oil region. The latter was 'already :within a day's ride of a dense population, who, amazed at the &saw sty almost at their own door, flocked -in to i see, to be satisfied, and to bore wells. Out. alders, &thousand miles away, became simi larly affected. Presently Oil City was found ed, and ?optimism flowed in as rapidly as the oil flowed out. Thousands took to boring ;it Was,lo fact, a community of borer,. The ~ rush was In a mall way equal to California itself. Widths a single yea:petroleum became an• important staple. Its hiding pima in the caverns beneath us has been penetrated, only to prove that the supply is inexhaustible. It has already founded now cities andgiven pro digious vitality to old ones—even quickening the trade of such se thin, and built a redhead - Strensty.aerep miles in length, over which, in the fourteen months ending with 1863, there wens carried 430,694 barrels of oil, 22,717t0ns of freight, anal within thirteen of 60,000 pas sengers. The teceipte were 9384,705, and the dividend 25 per cent. All these wonders have been wrought within four years In a wild re. glen, Into which strangers never penetrated, , - where ' the land was of little agricultural ' velas,and where imputation had never soh. l T r Pie lklia the Prelleits of the petroleum trade astonished erelybokr. Bat that of the poet year has exceeded all expectation. It is. evidedt the woUebare ne bottom. What the product for the:year has been we cannot say. It may be that itil.the excitement of a highly prosperous bushiest' xtei' accurate account has been kept. Bit`the iCestom Howe figures give setae blikatkal. Tetroleam I. exported :to every country in the world. In 1861 we .ehloped 1,112,476 g 9110212 2, in 1 , G2 it rose to 10,187,701 gallons, and -in 1803 it reach ed the extraordinary quantity of 28,00°- 000. Of this total, 10,544 ilni gallons were shipped from this port. In addition to this , foreign export, the home demand is encl. moue. Though the whole business is stristly a new one, yet it has already assumed &hart and stability. Ships for conveying it to Eng land pre constructed oil tight, and the barrels emptied directly iota the hold, thin carrying it in bulk. The export of last year employed what was equal to 232 ships of 1.000 tons -. each, and was worth near 816,000,000 If re _ fined, or about $12,000,000 If erode. The ex rat for this year Is estimated at 40,000,000 genius. Panned coal oil is now as colorless es water, and quite as free from smell. It le horned in lamps in tone of than-tends of familia, hod fortunes have been realised by the inventors of lamps and the manufacturers of diadem and chimneys. The consumption for illuminating purples Is only just begun. As the pleasant eat and cheapest light, next to gee, it is des tined to supersede all but the latter. Like iron, gold and coal, no one can ex the limit of consumption. le can only be arrested by' the warn °Etta wells to yield. Of this getdo .', gists assert that there is little probability. The petrel/am welts of Buemsh bare yielded uninterrupted supplies for thousands of years. Ear long our teal mines may last have been frequently calculated, but no calculator has ventured to predict that they were likely to . '-- . give out. The iron and gold they sgive up as Inexhaustible: If they abandon petroleum to the isms extended term, it may justly claim to take rank beside them as an equally en during staple. , .IMo Accident:on the Citizen's Passim. l get Kaiiwap..4erdiet of the-.C0r0.. At tau o'clock this morning, Coroner Mc.- alai Manned the investigation of the ca. "'f -...estinatinteme connected with the death of s of Mr. Louis Dove, of the Fifth Ward. - C. Moreland Esq., appeared on behalf of the companj, and E. Snowden Esq., rep, • resented the puma of the deceased child. Duo W .Petterson, of Penn area, testified he noticed two clad= attempting to gross the street, from the north to the tenth - - side, on flagstones; Janet the time Unit he ' noticed them ware eider the torus' feet; he saw both wheels of the car pus ever ! .s.lbrre's child ; the eo was thenatopped, and a passugurpteked up Duve's child, and curled It to Mr. DIMS. Die:heed child got up and .. , '`'.walked home. Be heard some persona in ....fiont with the driver series to stop ' , the car. When be flit taw the ail dna they were about on the tar - auk, Dialer's having Daves by the hand, Mid the heaves very agar , them. ,The'. ••• a were one slow trot. Witness did not • think the au Mild have been stopped in time to - have the children, and his opinion wan that the delyer checked tip . as soon is he could. NigbGilTnore, oirlowreneeville, was eon doctor of Car No. 12, on Tuesday, when the iteldentlisppened. Se truths= on thong pbstfdan. the plum esaigned. for the undue -tor and know nothing of the accident until it liadoccorred. There were vehicles ahead, aapppa~rently,quita 01040 to the ear Ills aa. war.nctracted by people hallooing end, :about that the ear was checked np.l He :,thought the cakeould net hare been stopped -I :muyvooner. At time time of the accident in- , ::other'carPatiect by off the oath" traelr.! On ..eross-ottandetation Mr. Gilmore atated Ithec Gaither was the regular coudactic of he wu sick. _ • MG Gilmore explained to Mr . Moreland that-be was an aura ectiductor,employed by • Ur. VOIIIIO, the Prattling of the company, to take charge of tiny ear Unlined to him. . . David Plymixe, driver off • ear No. 12, testi lad that be had been employed as a teen ster • "-pretty much all his life; and tad been engaged -.-. gather railway about three weeks. The that paw woo the children running ',Out the ' , neer" hone; a car mu Snit paeslog at the tiMerorie child was struck down by the hone. driving eery slow, and dldract lee the children iterate tho bone ran against them. diamatwo leng,tbs of thecae ahead werehthu sabiedesi klehalieradtbe Resident could net have, been .avolded. As soon as he saW the • ' , flatten be dittalliS his-power Meheek tea in the horses, put on the brakes and stopped the miwithin about one length. The children mppeerifflO.ootne from bebtnd a cut had-tuned off the track ahead, and • followed the other ear wideb was panics . . - . The testimony heft closed; 'and the jury ' after deliberating afew ationtes,:returned the following verdict:. unit the deceased, Matilda Dave, elms tO • " 1 ' .bar: death by.being accidentally run over by Car No. 12 on the Minds' Yassengultall . way." A Soldier_ Robbed. splitter stanted•danies appeared be. Meier Loarry,.., Gran', and- ; piefeired • _Amigo of lareintyagainati3toan Woolmair, ,ken Rua( sti.., L had' mislaid a pocketbook -.-- :heal bit hind, ientaining &7 In bank bills. ga mar ittleani Cusp Colieland, - end wind • to the .Ciattieialfoute, last evade w here he. found this Ltd and another nsmu View; Male be.was Wet reading for name °piton, lba defendant, cached his 'pocket book and went et with it. lle followed Into ano ther mato when he found ".anotheresoldia. On Qamaadlag nion IL:1,1014bl aame. believing I.t ohs had pined tit book Orr to followed - and , attack him, but he. Watt madelb= mommt. namedThimj, to - hiving 1.0141111 - mum : nith - s pocket boolt in his -,before - De -lett - Abet hap& edit Woolf seer was held le Axel handfed dtdi' larf tatiasteeteaCotat4.:X tv *O Xoo7t : ;itiv, - n-t.:i n iii,' ) ,,diprltl3 sl 61* . 4 : icnispay -v en troinzdangleisiti - ingc al s dAn:, - Pristv - mehinond, la.'sapeotail daily . `.frona lierritt4rg. Roth* of the *Aiwa, will ;inn ea anon:as the eorre arrieae. . _ • --' -"" • .ThedkrAlareamteaula*cdtuittsiiis. l'ola43eatlar3ikat LW. tor The Abth regiment of Puissyltaabe Yam- aw n a 4° ",, = I L I % Ir. tam, COL - -Coetta ecenatiodiagitan areteed jaryl i Tt gn6tdrEUY raiit flaky—galaM baCiaida so" at Olitelaniti;sod - ars empattedioneteh ele bear ataaaViao! . Seed Saito =Jana at 57A. asa,- . .otattaetis 4aLit—tlak packing beams Allteltomy6CatCon oa Yriday at:um, as will, AN D kea; weeto, averaging ICON, at fr `a aeon by the Mowing era n l )/I *.! it O N' CIIIIOEINATI. , - Ede. awn,. r no- 4sai , PanuiyiTin , ze - b y ' MIMI. ' eraa) -Voluntoara, Ma boatload tad • - GlSCllitraTt—aos Eittlivt-11 cuss atrong„CoL, J. . 1. Cartier rna FM * t ch i 8 bus emety, A Apple; ado do. /1 A boa as bur o'clock shi s a tt ar , _marado.do; 13142 A; 6 dodo, John:Graitto;sl tae lard, Long Dud; 10 bola bungs, 1 . 11, RuCtur; atrtte at-t" detgt ' • • - .I°o3 pis imam obotddata, G J Totaamirt 64Obosaall day. ` ,- o••wcan and ertfe had, Sus a Mateo . 05 bbls apples, osnurr; 6 +ski bacmiAlook,Tottlteb co; IGIII bgs .beet: GO3 has A Mao verenaiaa — ,_ dusilks,66 cgs baron, 103 too beef. 11:21 btu bacon, *are oaken beffatrt , .Z" A erde l .r..1E. 1". ' 4 '1 1- Glad • c°r * avatdagi ~,b. „,, CINCINNATI— Vow-arm-3 bbl& liana., They hadletwA 4. _pa_sommu ‘ llll 4 l . SoleplaialichaildZaa do dry trait, L To%t ter; althoodratra ai fot At el Modena tste.e.tiv .. 4do liquor, IlleStiggios; balestsrsort .4f , b 444,44. 34rAilarre, blu 6 tun bungs bad k iama ax,. ers larkila .r 5 4 11 t 4 Ana e r n il lau lt • " ze°l4 ' .Tblik, ' baM 2 .l74oota ' to SA_lsis soap, Larne & tier Wide was anelciently &babbitt to g r i gi bk ; g& bay ca. Maimed A AA: mob* 13 to :finable than to keep the whole neighborbied tunas, 3do beef, J A Denabso - 38 pligs farriltona, Wan ttpraar: " Mr& Allea Ina very - aro:alt. G 11 coats Woe, Is tau ou, J Ilsadnay; tnd itatogionsly ' dtataterlf. - • Bb.l wee matt lolgo met ,d 'i w, CW l ' 4lOO l krjalltbloty daye, and hat buaboad•forten, tot sotrurrn.bD , -ela aan no Ms. maw bb t. whist - 7,83 WI; 11 cues tOtilleCO, Urea bacon, 151 X) 40t1111/it:Of • " . • bgsegssb,.Lbt btta pm*, 1110 bola fLaar, (Rut A co; 14 Elids tobacco, B. W Poindexter; 12 do do, Hurt ,land d Connor; O. do do, II Dalm rm.; t Morniol dopd do, IV & D Elsebart; bss aur 0 ar; 22 111 s dry lute, L Volgt It al, co; LSO bbls tour, Sas Toe atruza:PAsmox &mono Is DUTY.= The Paisurrille Tskyeaph nurates the follow ing laughable incident, connected with the laze railroad accident near that _place : Hon. IL Lowry, Senator MAU Trio tolla Perinsyl culla Legislature, was a patisengsr on the train um into by the Accommodation last 'week. lie was thrown through-a window and ' landed headforemost into a mow bank. The ' Ant thing he seasheard to otter was: 'The Pennsylvania Legislature =now organise 1 , with impunity.' " Tan Rininearrat Etats= by the re-enlisted member of the 'Thirteenth," will be gases on . Wednesdayinening, - /elonary 17th, and not on the 10th, u Incorrectly stated in ores paper of yesterday. The managers are Mayor Joseph Browne, Thomas Welsh, lames Hannan, W. B. Lawrence, Charles V. Clifford, Thomas J. Mcßee, Wm. V. Hulett, Roswell R. Basel. Amman: , Analvvr.--Jos; Markup, a workman employed in MeC 'e glans-works, was bold to bail by Mayor amender, to an swer a charge of striking a son of John Bohlen with a bottle. COMMERCIAL RECORD. PITTSBURGH lILARKLTS illtnanar, February 4,160 E GRAIN—We hare to note tads?. dichltally dull market for all descriptions of Grain. with a stoats downward tendoncy In Corn and Barley. Wheal is steady, with salaatil,4o to 21,43 foe Red, and 21,43 (31,50 for goad to prim. VirAlte. Rya no In batter de• nand to-day, and prlcealtaProve4 about &Apar. back; min on track of 2 can at 27,25, Garb? mop be Wm . GA at 81,10 to 21.35 for good to dmice Spring, and 1,4:41,50 for Pall. The recants of Caro aro liberal. and prices weak; we note sales from wharf and do petal 11,15011,20. Oats remain about stationer, at 75 to 22c from ant hands, aid Si, to 85c from store. PROVISIONS—There Li a continued steady de mand for Boom Lot priors moan unchanged-4% 09,1 c for Shoulders; Irio the Shia; re for rut. and 14,x,014%0 for Haw Cored. Lard I. doll but arm at tke for mime city Um Pork nominal at 5224525,. 50 per bbl. Rem Beat to quoted. at $15,50 per bid, !ups is rep Bret with sale. of Is land at 14 to 14%e; 15 to 15%c for prime to choirs New °drunk and 1.7!.4 to liXe (or Vaned. Coffee to Iron with a good jobbing demand at from 95 to We. Molasses remain about ae last quoted. HAY—The receipts of haled Hay both by mil and river continue large, and se a eonsequence, prime have doclined. _Sales on track at 733 to 135 for Tim othy, and 626 to $23 for Clover and Itsd Tap. Lome May iserento7 from the scale at from 733 MVO for prime Timothy. 6NED4—Therrs ts a fairjobbMg demand for Clorer heed, with maoll Wes at ham 58,25 to 75,9 0 . Tlon thy la trot at from $3,25 to SIP. Flat Bead it to good domain.; at 62,63. MIND raurr—tbe nwelpts of both Apple and Peaches continue liberal, but the demand is fully equal to the supply- dales of Apple at rk. and Peschee at 16 to 17e. BUTT= EGGS—totter is steady with sake of 801 l at from 23 to Mic for prints to choice, and Puked st . Nw Petah packed Eggs would sit readily at ZS to 110 c Par dozen. CHSESZ-71rem but without quotable chute to prima; sake of Weetern Nevem at 14c, and liano burg and Goshen at 15.316 c. CItANZEIMMICS-61st' ha quoted at from 10 to 715 per bbl, according to quality. - 'Pittsburgh Petroleum blanket. Fns. 4—.Tbere has bean more inquiry for Crude to-day thou for enteral days past, end the Wee, to the aggregate, were Lager than usuaL grins, bow wen wan Invader, though it is but, profer to re mark, that the tendency is downward. We won ales of 430 DLL in bulk at 173f,c; /0 do at leXe; niCo bbL—bbL incloded—+l l 3 5. fob, and COO do at 2:%e, fob. Banned aostinuesquiet anddoll, though without quotable chaop is prim. Good standard 'Wanda may he Daftly geared jilts in bond age, bee —tome toldenrasking ZS and Ck. ' Weaken a We of 106 'DIAS, free, "Septets" bread, at VW. Disp els' Lenin and tin nominal spansztois Is Vie. !Le. sidearm is sun quoted st-44,00: New York Petroleum Market. Special Plepatch to the Pittsburgh &wine. Saw Tau, Fah. 4—Orwle Is ateadp, with sake ea tha spot at =%S.blw. le stead', baud& V a shade higher; eahts a< 47603ia is bond, and 53 to Sty tree. S.pthatr dal and aombtalip un changed. , Allegheny Live Stock Market.. A1414/7X1r1.62: 1 , rib. 4—Tbs 'receipts of tattle dalinttba past mule ears only moderato, while the demand ems genil4olly op to the supply. She of feringslit sencreists, asionnlid to about `even "hundred head, tbo nut 11 not all of widen mere taken at unchanged piles.• The current quotations .warfallres: .23(, to k.i.e Or interior to toonnon; 494%.0fer fair to kood; snit 63‘ to V* for priine to rhietly choice. There vets but tutu Inquiry ter iloreaminvnt cattle, and itatranuctiosm In Ulla made et ;tack ems Tory limited. Suet cattle. Trete in bolter deirasid, and pod steers, averaging COO In., brought 11 0 33 4. • for patine belay cattle., imitable for butchery then lea continued good disocend at foil prime. PO= 6 to CP*, groin' anitalit. a 6 ilarrick mobile bud of ex• to cad* to lay Ackley and setae caber bombers, at from . 1 to lic—vesid to have , been the beet lot em sold in lids market. Tbs. opening of thelme yards at East Liberty. U. bad the abet to dimlidide tim imelpts of cattle ft lbw* yards,, but It Is thought that for' a time at if.-not beam" be &Winged at tbakllimbeny !anis. All Of the btitebire raddLeilti the tieloity of for old yard. 111 contlisi to obials:tbelr , cattle there as Itma posble; lartbe • MUM that- it Is more convenient. aud.(se they allege) laniampensica. . . - . - Mots to bat little &la own . lo( stook, and the sotto, wt.* , the m a p be nawbiered ova. Ina tnwastiono Jun lizebad •*a of a logai obaracterorbite pekoe am soonnally unchanged. We undannand that am* mend-tots amain/ bands at Ow nen warns: Woaseaday at pima toontag r m . $7.00 to 7:23, the Waled.- rre markil bu Maui aim MUM ; tad with Im mod mod*. ant a bettor claullid, plem haw rtdel Malay at about kninerritell. About oaf thou said lawicbsesed Wads at from 151 to 43iPa and them mom the...storms rata at Oa =Mat. Tiegf York Grocery Market. ( From the Com. Lin, Feb. 3.) tl.,fles.--Tba inarlut-doce oar but boo nonalood shape at a stand, the demand being . quite :light. but; though Modem -Me puertily firm, porntions am whet lowa and, still annewbst Damned. Wast ladla descriptions ma mon, dammed than tollis the Ofterinneut maw= are coated to alone.