The daily Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh [Pa.]) 1863-1866, February 04, 1864, Image 4

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    ---pUtAurgit tonzet4
C 127 1117klitalrIEBAN. '
This lisec et Motintillonds - In tervlear
with - , the -Controller and Cob.
slosters--PrposfA County
~ Mo mm nica.
'134 otakomi of the Imo, meeting bed in
, .... _ , •
• -booed, Asti, Wt. moorage veltasbleticts
in purtuatits of the resolution -talented by
that body, isitonlaid St the Cominimieners'
*Moe' V-- de for the patine of confer
, 7,_,
ring with ths ensusty Dineen taring eontrbiof
the llllllCell,relative to the LIMO of bo o st)
...<lglidg., Air M SIMUOIIIIIIi the Only Ciplall
. sloThtisprasent. , Mr. Lefebert, Matraler, was
'' -lII IO . n Vi nt.
O:motion, Gen. Thomas ,M. Move was
; C lussan
.. eludriuMot the meeting. - - ~,, 1 '
' ` Mr. lorabert *Wiwi that, however aesi,eus
- ' Gus Cars atidbimseit were to 40- ,
--spersteleilis their fellow eithensithn mold
- tot assares to blue the Wads Met a ;the
peepar,legal authority. !What hs tat ,
he *lilted. it tobtvanderstoed,vms not b
-'' irstildereelanding on' the abient"Consteis
1' Ailment: It the het,1420" 'would ti" .an
'act-„satherhltig Me Jena of the heels; he
wotaLtior r the tinting of the tame,proyided
' •--'-' arovestion of delegatesrepreconting the pm.:
7... - % VA Of the acooty .00tadvapp_roTo Of Mt
would rot,however, like to sinew the v at'
- _ nessibility of attschinglai IOW& to the o,
:without - an eipresslon'ot the:Will of lascan. ,
- 'Murata' on the subject- In order to obtain
thatespression.bil proposed,withilse sanction ,
1 n o t of the Coausassioners, to tali A
Converstion, of *reel delegates twon each au- ,
lola hs the cotmtn, to meeiattlastlourtlformo
monies, on Monday ifehmao-11th, at eleven
- sfeloM.,' This wee the beet thiegi t he' felts t,he
.....,, Corettaisioners a n d tambelf amid am: • ,
- Gomm! Johnson stated that he hoci -pre=
- -pined a bill,lrbielito hasentto Ustriebtog,
riving sto,commotutoooto au th ority toilette
Bounta betide to the amount- or ssokoooi II
' SUM liClaideilt. to pan two hundred dollars to
titan= St the four thousand that wi ll be
isquired front this county under both cello.
' The bill Aso itorethe Commissional' author
ityt levy starer olio mill, which would give
. ' ii,',,, : si Sr -present yelnatien, the sem of 22,-
, -00 12 tops ° 7 interest on the bends. It was also
~ provided that , spell MI of °nodality be levied
on essay taxable in the county, which was
for the , purpose of :cresting a eitaraM g. fund
for the payment of the tonds, which were
- Come
made pap ist , the pleasure of the rs
earl s sad
stoners one at any time within J
: tA boar six nee cent. interest.
-- 0 Ile toa thit aim might be 1 ,
en. we segges
' , witeetronhie about the collection of Aiwa tax,
- as It was-in -times of profound trastenility - e ,
Very unpopular measure: - t
Aid not ' - ,
~,-,- ~ 114.--Lembecr Min h the collection
of & poll ten_sould be enforced. - Ile thought
that II direct tax ortwo anhanualle would
be more. easily • collected, end ...would stover
the patois contemplate& ,
IW. Covina, of iiharpsburg, was In favor 6f
levying the poll Mt: -
It was ingested thatla.r., Lambert, who
- etas Loran's with the enlaces of the comity,
be authorise! to correspond with our Repo
sentatives =the subject, and hive OM shill
- - --passed es would meet the requirctnents of the
- Too l e' to Lonish the qapt , a.
P movedthat the liseentive Cont
. Sallee, of which Gen. Mom is Chairmen, be
requested to issue enaddress; ttra , log upon
every ditteet 111 Mt, -allay, which has ode
faledits costa, to contribute immediately to
a bounty fund,and that those who contribute
shell receive bounty bonds for the usenet,
provided the aims asiliinted., . , _
- - -Goyarllol. ZOblibtoll3. Ultra' LDS mo ti o n .
'Tharp would probably be neilegislatica on ths
'.':subject until the 24th or Fobroory, which
• would be within hie ar els days of the time ,
' Axed for AD aplivalott of giving the florets
': moat bounty. _
-"Mr, Nimick ettered an ammalment to Mr.
Pears' motion thatin no ease Mall any ward,
'borough*: toerestan receive a larger amnia
' of bondi Mania thej amount of _money they
have sensual,- paid inlonnties.
- EThe amendment -was anented, and the mo
'tion as amended was adepted.
• blr:taitbtotdesireitto know f ro m the meet
ing if the number or doiegoook-tbroo fioto
toot sunset_.rox wows* or too smell. 1
-,.. Mr -McCarthy thought thatlf the Controller
and.COLIMIStioOOII desired an impression of
the people on ibi subject, the lumber of dele.
gates from sash dieriet shonhl be bated 00
tha unable I:coalition of the dishiest. Pitts
bores- and , Allegheny cities - cOmprlsed ars,
' half of the-in:slat of the county, Asa would
= s rresentation of thirty-nine in
-- th bconv entio n while the other half woad
have one hundred and , sixty-isine,
While the meeting was conianeed of the
justness of hdr.."McCarthn'irauggeWlen, it e
id was
thought best t o name the usual couri
„calling conventions, and the repretantatio4
•was find t three from'taaVl!!t!let.
lan motion adj tome& .
That s•llysteritimilMeeppeueriecr"
A fitter dat a ago 'republished e ststement le
... , .
• irsfersnos ti the ',My:envious dissppeeranee't
of Mr. Graham, eigineer,oflllanehester.. la
. _..
.bee naked by the captain of the Tigress
;Alle'rionala over night_ On the boat, tu the toe
.WI about breaking up, end he consented hi
r .? - 4de so, - : . It eras aso-knoin to the uptain they
- liethilma had arari a asa on a bank
shoe fan
$11,4(1 0 the tame day. In the evening, (
nine o'clock, be went aboard the boat, mitt
found the watchmen eery drowsy. Ile asked,
for the mate's room end the watchman, after .
. pointing in the direetion of the room good;
me indifferent attitude. Mr. Giuli
.the door faked, anduot wtebing ts sit op 01
. night In the cld, dell:drat/1y enticed home 1
.: and
went to bed. In the morning the watch.' i
. man reported to the captain that Mr. Greheml‘
• went Into the mate's room, but that be' had
mysterlonsly disappeared during the night!
A messenger 'me sent o'er to hie house,
Inquired if he not lu, and reeetrod the 3111rf.CY
that,' be .was not (es ble had - tart , OT d
ante' The captain tutu folly Wished
• something vu wring, an d he stopped thel
=it of th dwelt, not dreaming tha t Mr)
Dad It in his pocket. The .grest .
distress of the facolly," and "painful anxiety,
of the friends," u detailed toile, IMO 1,41117.
lenegillari. , Mr. Graham' ma doubt read Sic
notice eery complacently, feeling thankful)
that. he had neither been murdered star
. - drowned; while hie wife, no doubt, felicitated'
herself upon tierin bun spared rub llgreatd
&strap." Mr. Sha g
heen must take such things;
. .' very philosophically, shun he serer even toore
- • the troubto to correct the. rep the authority
ort. We ha
' . this eaten:nut, hoverer, upon
' of • gentleman who bas 'eon hins,-.and who
' ' Ostrow "be still lives." We tope o
Information is correct, beano we are told
''• WI Mr. Orsh Utahans ls • ray "
good man, end
- - do:eternal to odrosnaltim Uws can help it.
• Dated States District Court.
• Wiconsnar, Tehenuy S.—Before Judge
United States ire. Daniel Mayhew and Wm.'
• punier . The defendants are resideots of
Itirteloghato, and were indicted ar harboring
:sionecaling a deserter. They Ware u
nited in September tut, in a ho
upied ors
mingham, which they jointly occ, on
cherry"( barglery, and the o errs
with them 4. D. rumor , (eau of de n d
. ant Firmer) and one Thomas Williams, both
substitute daubers. The forma went u a
substitute for a drafted man a Weatmorelend
_county In ISG2, sad the latter for Mr:A. S.
Beebe, of Birmingham,' cedar the last'dra ft .
They had, as slieged, been frequenting the
house of Mal end Penner for some time
previous to.' their arrest; and ' , detectives"
world times searched for them without siail.
The fury &mei verdict Of uotiguilty.
Samuel Ideblichsels, charged h Whi
lst& • deserter, vs" licvdtted--thet pressen •
lion offering no testimony. •• - '
Conn ants Thursday
edjoerned mrales.
• .4. •.;
•:4 7
. 1.
-• : :. : i.•:; ; ;... -
.....- .e:•" •
•• ~.:..,
:': , .3...
•:;pri4;44' .
!Important Atilt,
On Tuesday soreobsg, as - 01191(W.ray.
elle Maces. pallce, vias loOPC.Oftad o4 .0 4
0.0117* SAlAllotistortall‘
entaiod,' :toll- , lbolije;sioder •The Iallifooto•• of
Ilqior, .they set - aliii6ll7.
fdnar Wray arreiteditobloson, when McCabe
&Web edtbaodielevandettempted to roams tba
prisons's, 0 Mar Willisoo, ono of Mayor Ur
sy'm neer Pollee, soon appeared upon tlti
and both parties sere convoy sta to the Inet-op.
• Duri4t alicor,Wl4:l4llltinad
• Botlinryn Itis ID isiddanho cis& aim-.
• ea -Ifistraekiot ind "robblintilt, ighmg
as of the Fifth wart . son.
month. gibe. -spa tames be warm ansloii
to somas hi* 'arfasl;: Tali morobitt Robinson
• was eorcusitto Ito 101 l craof prowl:menbbery
001121 t,
charger tO gtorsy ro.
was. dosd tau dollars and costa b
Als7ag fOr,bts uarossibr
c•r. szkvivisr.
maw! iatellailloisa 1000 2 4 . 4 3 ,/
Ear Bytom:ns Sitio Ymnt..4-71m• an
- tltted to moire ralief zaonaj %Sart airman
• faa dair. tto same., on Estuldsy wr
t it
'' • '•
bash A
Crn aPpllcation at this at.* of Jostles
. •• • ,
- . _
!. •
- • ' 4;=ir,
.e.---.;---.•""""r''' ---- . - ----
The Sew Relief StatistAnil/C.
yesterday had the elealeseirf - an inter-
We. ..
view erltichlr.S.T; Harlon, spilt ter the
Arnoskeag Ifsanfseterine Comeau], who has
. .. , . . . . .
jnit suited in' this etty critlithitew stem
' engine for the Ballet Tire Company. This is
the seventy-eighth eneworbuilt Witt. com
pany, and their engines bare become so gen:
gaily known, that they bare already ciders
froze Cogland and from South Acerrioa. • Tlui.
protein. engine, in of
to' finish end am:d
imness, bt *header anything of bei Outlet:
fenditad by this comp: nay. The finish h
apples, -•-, • _ . ...
This buildlogencesaittee consist of Ileum.
Joseph B.' Swint,-Mmhulum ;' B. C. Sawyer,
Jr.,Pridestak Itach;:ioltn A. 'Kircher, James
kleGinnis, John Ferguson, BatnardifarreU,
Joseph Little and John'' , Sawyer, _ •
The Mil of - the 'aplaratim h, In rouridnum
has, 22,400. flee weight' ii 4,200 ' rands.
Sbeis 'propely- denominated. W seemed olass
.04118 end throws butte') streams. Ilei ao.
don is vertical, hsainian 4134. steam elflhodor :
end )2 inch stroke. lterpnorpe are. 49/ Inch,
with 4413 Inch atrolte.‘Mer- boiler - contahts
249 upright iron tabus w.. Wheals. dime-
ter and 20 inches -In length, end slor Can dlf- 1 ,
charge 200 gilionf ciaMrpefatbrate. She
rases shwa • in az :minutes", sad will Wiwi,
alorroght anl.)4, inch noielewAlstaiws 0f 1 240 ,'
feat; or through two recites of One Ilia!, a die!
tans of 175 fest.esek;2The'jr o t e y an y
Omits tag. yastrialtiiihnueon, and they
will bits a yroblie trial_withln &day or two,
of which I.l9ywill_gl
The-4141W illiallds-Wfdatlitee.
WettalefiedONPOideeition ef*SiStorfe/
_ ,
dealezingiWea steads lapoiatha:.publle ibis
teilke,a aslitelftellio,yroprietOrir these
stale luise noVleiten the hint" and aow they
it* :60 'al:1111100 abayfba lair, ;with the.
costa of proaetation added. Salta hays been
entered before Aldeitajai fileholaonilry °Men'
Hap*, at the lastanee at the District Atter.
ney, spinet the following porititeas of the
deseripdan otstalids - refetredle Ind
Junes 'gave, Fifth and .11arket;
-}lodgers;.Fifth- sad Sidtbeeld ; John! Cara.
miaP.2.9lLlterty ; And:Fanges,Filltatte et,
near Postiltdldinf 8art1;326 'Liberty;
Stephen Fulani Plum .alloy and Lltextyat.;
Simnel Shirley, Fourth and Smithfield; John
Gardellag near Theatre ; J.
e Seallate,
Youth and Market ; lota Mattis, Fifth, nat
Wood; and Mfaluiel Cells; Fifth and Giant.
Alt these hove entered bail before. Alderman
Nicholson, for their appearssee at Coaraat
nest term.
~ . ,--. Bank Note quotations,
Corrootad especially for the Grosse, bp Diann. I
Fold A Lire, of the Notioia4 Soak l Be
. .- . ..
porter. gates anent= at presentatin k :• ,
rrnaraelni Pa asW.A;
. .
!lei .41,..a 13tatos.§ Virgir.r... \
New Ir. Stala...- . North 0ar1ina.....4 -
tier Yak Cityi...... per Earth Ci.rolinn- . ...-
New iersey-..,....,-, N, Geortia..:--------
P 61111.1. J.
-Phi ..—. par Alabama .-.---.--.. -
. Pittaburb. par L0nia1an5.......... -
Mot-orgh, p. 65 10ndr6k7,...........-- par
Belmar thpt. 65 Trunase•-..----- p
tatteCo.,pr, Ohio -:....--.;......: .ar
la Bank, Indlaruy, 40 ... , .136.644 6 a 1 .0
Pa. Country .Banha- .4 . Bllnos-......
........- 1
Dld. of Criatabia..:-. laws '--.7...........--, 1
lir"r. _blue r = i tsaarl b4l63°
Irbvinia-WhrarT: / 844.21.---"'"'""-Pr• 44
%Yheellng Brand... 134 . . - .
N1.C11.11.M...6.111,16 ndet co New York and ran
aelaL%ll9 ct. ;war bankable hinds. .
-an - a.. baying rates 65 ainl Mbar lit 4..
babkabla fonds
Presbyterian Items' ~
Itev..T. 6. Bider 'um relessed,from his
chap of Bethlehem church, Pa., and metal
la Pier& church, by the Presbytery., of
Clarion, on the 15th inst....llr. Hobert: But
ton mu ordelned, as anevangellst,on the 15th
. inst., by. the Presbytery of Colon on..
iJohn Ewing, of the Presbytery of. tido, has'
received a unalsbnons milts the Trinity Pim.
bytertan church of Philadelphia...Atm it". hi.
Wallace, of Bromerille, Pa., bee been ailed
to Altoona, Ps. The
ems unanimous.-
Bey. George W. Thomason, B. D:, Academia,
Pa., died on the 281.1 t ult.-
Butler County. -
. _
It to but a few days since flutter .oeurity
began to more In the work of getting up-rol:
nation to fill the quotas of tbe subdistmets ;
bait is going on briskly not Middles/= -
was the lint to ILI its quota; then *O en ,
oagbof Butter;. next Beata townalilp; lan
llcaster township lilted out to-day. Bullet
Jeffeason, and Adman tornstape an their
quotas start/Tull. Many:other eab-dfdrints
hare their Wide made up, and win !moot in
• few days. Am thlop
_bob , now. tbenewill
be no droll In aft county. •. _
Starnos Accrosst.—Tuesday afternoon an
accident els weans nature occurred
Citizens Passenger Ballway, between lifalnut
and Proctor, in the Fifth ward. Two
little children aged about font or fire years,
while cresting the track, were run over by •
persenger car, and one of them, er• leirn, f.s
Mill i n jured. Orre, the child of. Mrs. Dove,
residing on the , corner d F gi bed, P,
bad the fingers of
a ndhft h the
Might tut wilnjurcd, also tbe back of tbd
head. The other. • child of Mr. Dierker,r• -:
aiding in the vicinity of where the accident
occurred, was crashed about the beet to inch
an extant that it was thought death would
result. Dr. Dickeou wain attendance. One
of the hands of the child, of Mr's Duro,
it was considered would have to be lamp.
toted. .
. ~. .
Issruscs COIITATIT Essesttix Al• an aloe.
Coo - held by lb. stotthoidess 01 the Ptts:
bQlib •Isisurenee Company, oi Tao/W.ld
Wt., the followlo: D ( e n were ehosso 1,
Geo. Stash, C. W. 13steholor, Ales. nsolisle
John SeotA,l3ssonethlselneluio;-.114. Kimball/
Charles Arbillinot,,,Wco. Cur. Bolt. 11. Ilarti
Christian Yes ger,,lderk W.Walson, p.n.s.
A. Drove, p.s:Oslirsj, M. K. Idoothsad, P,'
lleltai, SaFailitess, Andror hiller. •
....... .
mantbron of ,thro' s old
Thirteauth" (1024 Regiment') Aso. in fur - i •
lough la this' city, intend giving & ball,.on,
Wedneaday sleuths, the 10th last, at. Can.:
cart RAIL . The affair Ss- in, excellent haads,
and &pleasant semi:don mey lae . anticipated-
Maj. Drown, Charles P. Diltreid , Jamie
Jamei Porter, and othrre,• have bon:
chosen as 'assurer.
Pcarv r t ztudacarzcs.. -- Oin oerilleheidiursti.
of the Independent Police, op Tuesdriy,srra .,
red ens Daniel If. Rowell.= 41140 (rigida*,
from justice. It is isfd that be escaped from,
the BOOM aunty jail not bong elute, and ha.
was committed by Alderman Nicholson until.
the authorities there could be . communicated
with. •
• Satiitn Iscaguruh•z-lit • tasitlit of'die
idenebester Council, ball ' hurt' avian g. on •
motion of Mr.' the salarlct of ilia
b o rough ealceis weri increased the
fof .
ingtune:Tresinter; f 7.5; air;
tune:stable, 00; Solicitor, tr51;'..l la eniteWll,_•4 llo ;
Strost Commissioner, -
Commhp lorris Lenk will be pet-
Mod to turn that lass Bmibe.osre of
=or most socomplistod Yottoasts, vUI
oanceit os Illarsdey main MOM -UAL
The oases of the pirrforman, vini , ,lNl§Or . o . •
grwsnrest Int.artsro:2-545. -
viiiiimasT or eaoicoml,l
ifammeraw. D. c i ,row.ts. tscs. , •
T o Tag GROWERS AND la ci,,
7607131031L7 07 MIX AND 1321111.-4 1 ti
' Oas s balms* appentad b 7 Ilea Ditlmumet. caa.
Acting of iloa. 3. IL ltasetasa. of PWOrilinhals,
Wlallead S. BMW, of Mod. lolaaae 6.4 Jobs a.
sissittc, at Onto, to masteitt lb. climlt asp,
, ue. l aths by tab 1•1,i,
ror LargallAtions to Sy of
I roltllatlag ..41:.r.."4.1_1....... bszr .4 a teasel.
, tole far cotton, ter.thrt ,out mete &a 1..; . _
• Bolos saet, axed moral alp' lo...tlpttoa ,
L tallolub.l. a WO.. and falls. pal* of thelr I.
rest might twolooo recablo ramate.el.o.3.
oel WON-LSD& f, Mat Pea Say of
' al to
='.4lll"l=ki ' l - a thee distAlsettnt of
att. or assiota Le eansa.p des salsa .
fort 4..V5=4?. to seed to this Dopertsers.. oa
ed... t.t.s 3, V r rrr°:.l7rbratttll
Plim,aalpipt:alr 7 tlsat. Stoa•PuL" I* lilifio
meas the memo promise cast, ....4 else cat of
pa mat cam; alto, &sceptics, at tba
ma mat at saacittnary Ma, sham eistbs, kn,
tares, stet my sad all a5...."..e ies..m.7l:e.
onfol to the flosestatacel. wt.. ttuair,i
1 lila tallssolloo la
dietrtbatllat a( Ur apoesei.• cate_bil ,
data . MAO I.______
.4T - ri ---1 - 47 .
wrobriortingirrnuLt—N, IllurauerlfoV
Z a rta thm . :11 trZeici=ns EBOROXSII
limbo to arba. Jaw muss imerßalh, stag
was. ma. ia-tia mmas taw . 1 _1:
I. , an ° mood% ... limn isilt= tir
MGM. er , b.
poo.ono. ..„„..7=111%. Wog grecilooloW .
-4 ......1 r ..Ly I.= Ito A% i,.. :
ru.. ' u. e.r OA Garttatileit ON:s
.W. rp121[P.Vr.., , ,,DP1:7 61149165 " " 1 i r •
'.'":"."--."--'-----..., rtivfxwilry----,....,-.1.1
ota.a. miLa. , .- .- 17,- , f ,, ...:,t1 Ot i tbi
1 4 :I:al 415141"."'"'' ..."11.---.6.. tibisiiiii Flttikareit_ 1... b., , . , outoror, wool.
soffestous. _,__.
TX, on Ts wila " -P7 - 41 r 1.1.1t hm"
fmblr ' ' tititiangs,Urissr aWi aL M - Ig n i t i O:
m ia
.-- ' . Z ..
,- t A
trrortai-60v 4,,7 • - 111. ft ., i'13616436-41thilt"[M,_ soasisege .f;
likl. ' e 'T.
" . 0 "'2ll-'-11 200 bb for
inortl"Goataggraus 50n6500rm.....t.140......1. wira sa g ~,.,,,,nnima,
.._ . .... .
. ~.........iiiifos., •
w „,,„.... Vardar: 3, MOL ,
ORLIN—Corn is estrele.dl=-hsgs ea* 'edits
a supply. In . x n.n. 4 the demand, prior; hive
decuiia tzuLteetati•Trois whit ea depot. we
Am t s. id 61.10,15 far Ear, . tub, From ,
at SiOibegpring, and tllP for traill sail or gall*
: apthar, au tract, at SIX, Oats ter, dull, and may
, briuotad seminal at 73e frost Auld hands, add at@
Outs= Atom By. Ls dull, and Ire* , ernes!, 11 1 0 ,
weld btu fair gust:silos:l. Whest Is Om with side.
'Oulu 'wagon at 11,40 fur Thal, add 51,45444 3 fur
PIOTDIIOBI3—The only near feature to notice In
Bacon ta that. Sugar Cored nun are now bald at
1435 q which In an advent. We note small safes at
0W3951c for Dodd era; lleiliNii fir Maw; Mg
120 for Plan Mans. and 16(81430, for Sugar Cored.
Lard is quiet with null sales of city in tee at 140
I.43o—ineatly at lic. Sale et
_lhbblo Eau Pork at
M01r450. law Bat is soothe at 815,60.
ONOCZEISS—Sagan continua to into very firm,
mad we note midi sales at 10104 for.lsland; 104
616.9.1,2 for far to choice Newiirleans and 17% to
16 , 42 tor Reined. Corea le stiff, 'UN :02W Wu of
Elie from 65 to We, Obi clop 'few Orbs. Weir a
•sea May be quoted it edalte add dad erop deal 80,
TLOUN--is extremeily dull sal nefilect•de *ugh
tits Market, notwithstanding, ts firre, and prime era
;ally sualnisined,Ve notaukapfExtralfanar
.tore it PM i° 5 ,ii--ou t yst 5 7 , 25 0 1 P --6if
geed to Prime water wheat brands. Eye dear say ,
he quilted tuesibill at VP.
IIBEILD.INUIT—The demand to attire sad the
searketilnn, with sides of ISO bush Apples at 62 per
pouhd, and - 600 bolt Pucks UAW The aits
are improving, but the stoats by ne menu large.
13SEAS—Cloves fleets Sem, with sallistakiesf 60
biwin at tram 10 to VA Timothy 804 isstrad.Y:
with auto of 200 kith it 141,424 also; 30 bash from
store ha small 104 at VP. limit "lc* at in" deed
BUNS —Nora vitas and • shade higher; wiles
from stets of 801 m at f tom 62,50 65 2113; alto, 60 bn
prime at 82,1'3.
1111TE611 8 LOGS—Prime Nall Butter to steady
but anthanged; asks of 6 hi:hipline at to. and 0 bide
choirs at 'dd. Eggs scarce, And trash would ail at
Wkillarr—The action of No Senate in regard to
the tax on Whis k y, hies produced adeeldedly Utter
feeling on the part of &slue and speculators, and
they are now confident of a miteriala advsnai tri s the
mice .f the article.
11AT—te.41211 and neglectel, but without quotali•
change; null ode' snow , from seeks at lNStati
per ton, and bakd on track at 1191406. .:
GREEN APPLES—Steady with • regular demand nd
at forma rates ; sales MT) bbls at 1115, per
bid a
60 bkis at 63,00.
POUNCE—SmaII alas froniaton at prim sea '
ging from 10 to 11 per bushel, an to quality.
Pittsburgh Petroleum Market.
[ pm I—The market few Beane; continues quiet
sad dull. though uottrUhirtuding the demure. bury
[ light, there to no perceptible change ha vanes. Quo
tattoos for good s tandard brands may bs fairly given
lit from 98 to We 62 lama, and 47 to 49c, tau The
ally vale reported was IP Obis, city brand,Jrai, at
, 42c. Cade le vitt but steadyat iodate ratos-1S
to Min le bulk, and 8161=34e. in bbla, according to
1 i p. s vity. Bala of 600 bbls on the spot at =r, mid 12 0
Lila do at W>ic. Naptlai is quint, and we give its
1 nominal quotation st Pfc. Sad dam is anclunged,
\ being held firmly:l6 ll , fe
New York Petroleum Market.
1\ Opals' Dapstal to the llifxburgis Queue
Tye Tux, Feb. 9--Crude to drat but without
quotabla change in ulna wilco on the spot at WWI
60e.Itallned iir es:changed; sibs of honied at 41e,
addend at 5343534. Dalltto le dall and uounlendly
rodeo Vi. ------------
New York Cattle Market.
kr. 4 . -The etterat for Nut Calls gonad a
snaked chimp u cornpared with last week. The
irapply was large and gemsally -of a poor quality.
The weather oust:oat as unfavorable on
the at
Monday at
tt could be, and contributed lonely to
dultnesof this 'market. .
Prims are quoted at 1092 lower,and dull st the
reduction. .-Tbo bulk ot aferings was for annopon,
and the decline was greater lintel/ Mod that on the
better grade*. Thew sold about le per its lower this
last week; the nun of pilau area 734 to nraV
bulk of the cattle sold st If to 11>Q2. T y ere
wa• a pod many cattle unsold, and it was Caught
luny waild moan unsold. ,Spemidstors have lest .
busily; Otte dorm soled at oast trt Mine% atoklbe all .
" reds are rather dull and tray awl no ohmage la
Shwa sad-Lambs la large supply and the market
greatly depressed. Paces as crib laser tar all
Vanden. Dnttara quota a decline of LO
.Pk to Vie...cis
Swine have recelpte sold fairly tare ogh C w ...
Total o f stock Oda week. at ail the yards
ware Dawes 804 Cows 3191, Peal Calves 273, :sheep
and Lambe 16,819, swii_
ettlgage Market. `
Pins.l—Paiiiipt• of live bogs =Of Nowa togs
flogs,Cattail. Itemipts for Cu week 410 Ilre
264,,,....i110g5, and lien Cattle .
Liu Erma dui 'Oat% higher; ask. at 64.10
0,5,60 far Eghsto fair $5,ni1i.76 far median to goaO,
1610021,7 0 lie Vitae to chide. - Drooled Nap firtaar , ,
and 10aNic higher, Wag sr for Under 1 10
Patt1,76.6,66 far mrar.9 oll kw. - Cattle Ina and very
thus doing; nominally 63,76•3„te for common so
inedlem; 8.471a4pi tor pa, sus 114,2545, 28 for rime
to choke. Ness Port ium at Staus,6 9 ter country,
819,00•16.66 l evity puked- rams mono twat , .
add afraltylittgfadll4s. Plated llama in gad
demand at 1011•10110. slide Nuts Toy Inn; 9.1
for Crooliotwmt cat, 10yoheic for short UM , ll o d
Wen, and lle for bag cot ll ama Dalk Nests acte
and Arm at 50A23.1e bell ms. ity.sanc for Shaul.
dor, and if" ear Sides. tad quite ftrar, 111.44
lb for prime Gram Odd sad unchanged. Post
quiet =darns at 6260.7610 t gadtochaiceatdpping
exult. Wheat steady adieu active, at NIX ter No
1. Spring,and $l,lOal,lOY, for No :do. tore atudis
iit indt• for old and Weefde for new. Ost• quiet at
1474:866 Eye ismieUled; norninalt 111,0b 1 , 02 . Ilar .
Wawa*: o.l3.l.albr.p!atadoits. boars .
'Toledo -*aria.
NO. 2.—Ohr soudstrhare retorcrea from tho at.
Orem of Um lam [map 6. 51 .
nil • sloe. no 51
mheas,donotra au &Mom of Ic ad stl ~.7a, Oa
- • -11100.-"Pt.5411.93; Sarre•
aor %MOP i
15tr0,.113,00rnr..; poobla Bun .• sod Paltry KO
ca.; mono& rum, 19. Bye V10ax,•114,12). •• !
W boar— SAM DO bo Amber 111cblpro at 1. - 156.1
Ws doom lfo. I did LIU; Ito. 2 Carl 101 A C051i...4
TO molit sr WTI dult ; Om ohly tate nrporud Bi d
140 tali the or. um* car, at WM for 12. 1
pet..—rant ailsot 20a. H
Clarloy:neat A. UM,
.--5501.5 pr D 4 r.
doom ti cs UTlittr. -s,rada—rogo4,oo.lor V
tur bbl. Little Omar cm the
- m a
root' to
Pa .7)(1 Ma Mae of $l9 ; 4001 We
mos at llyo, alttroot ll
- ' IClevelalit Mirka. ' -
. . . .
D.b.11,--rowatioto, Ina luxt then 31•01 4 1; Ikt.
tIVO thasi vadat fry. 541+140 Dols ZS rid .I 16221;•
,60 tbla a:am 614-5,75. • • •
Wheate-lir Tory po-orallitut . Salm thew,
taro Tad farm M 46 a0 at 61,;rtansall one au orhlto do.
— .
-OrrnrToOrm and prim InT6oUr. lairs one car
Par akalled au frank at OPP, two cart do id, )1,01;
ors car doOat•—mla ono cm on boar at TS.
Sp—tforloropd, Wad nomlsal3 7lc 2:5 from Mom
batbyr-_.a thla moarlag two cars prima oo took
at Yip;
this attoracon ow ear pod do 61 51.5 1 .
- . • 'Orris by Bafiroad. .. -
' •Pirrestlia. re. wmcs a AND Catcaoo RattloUr,
T0b....2.-2 5 boar* Imp, 15 Dilworth t on_6o dorm
broom, Wlllb / t OEOO Mr . dry 5 • gym'
sari A an 10 topdry and*, 5 5 Tard;ll6ll. l poor ,
Little A Tricabta; 6 blla patinas,. W I`. , W s l lso tr •
II Ws Plbla emir.: A Ilarabar; 61 boxes canda,-.
li • D laDombn OD aka alrast., • D Wallua 56
preludes nobaron, Tetra . 4 Artartrong; 0 ran ,
01l bbis, - 11 flay; 2 ors toy, 5 P Irmr, 251 alu wheat,
.1 151456.11,1 co; 1 or plead. It 0 • tomr. 17a aka •
barle,Optua' i 51'1Iary; 25 Ma 1 , 4 11 , atorlt 1 bbla ;
dry app 1 Donlon 60 Irdli buxom bandies,;
Inslrol Soo; I bid" Nahum A - Lour; 11 bp Am- ;
them 511 Elm ato bblo whisky. Cr 2 Otlbra; 410 ;
My cum 3lt Salto; 'D aks rap, I Target-dm 143 ;
Wm bay, JID/larsord 9 aka di ,linke, . Gab= '
' ..,
'AMandar 11Tao6,41fatt 3-2 arra storm, Wm •
almr. SID by barley, 15-W Andaman; 104 by to
mod, Zona Ilarolltorn 341m0 our, 0 Mum; 5 bp
Mara, VI t bortabost lour, Mamma t KIWI; 6
thbr afmbra, u 640 'ITU bittern C 11 %WWI; 21 Mrla
door, V Peterson; 9 this Ludo. 2 bp dry rodeo, A
Doom; 35 Was, IS 11ar0161 21 bbla 0,120.1 C.•
eon; 3711 ski ado, 111 aka mar .1 It Spear; bbla coro
race, 9 dr barfarr 5 dr , 14,510.., Ilisintody d Oa; 96
bbla 55tra.Noblo a kw,: s Up tad, W II Talbla;
tG, Dig* kw, Jll 00141.1 t c 0... •• - .. • •
CITT6Larr aid I' rtIMMES6 Eat 45019.• Mit.. 3
90 itica rya, Ultotroxk, IloCreerry fox 41 Woo hay „
5 B Prof cli t bar lloom, II Ileswlmph; bar Morro,
JD Co l d
.. 9do do, 16 Damp A TO; 4. bbla oat
aml, 2 do : part barley, Wm Daragor .17 balm tow,-
/ II MUM k an 113 bra drum, I Dyer; 1050 OM lu:s
-tun., 0 %trot as 4 4 5 0 ' 0 , 1 Mg* otel i, E. ,00, "
al& * Obircala.
r' , 'tripoli by Ilbritti -
,_- •
CfgellitSkTt—roi hramou-200 bg MI Mad; 5
k.l Cirotharr, ZS do do. 11 5 floydaro; 100 dos
Moms, 5 0 Dilworth d co; 11 thla outs., 65 do
12 ABUT applar, LII Yore. kTM in Ow e
a,' At
A co; % do de . Freak h 110rai:
WOO*, Opekstrballsor • Bun 142 do At.
W rer 11.-
Up; PIO Ims amp, 50 bbla UM oil, Shosoakrs • A
y a p Ibblii wino, opearaio; a ebb 0615 bra atop,
s Scoot 13 eta as, .4 • • Tatted do do, - E
Iliall4latorn 116 b b bla alcori, 20 d • m . 116 DA Tatra
j a k.l
dlull4lSealltr rry, itii%art,u,l:,,,,,;
rnstsG_.,,,llrokira.l.l6bbla ardm. 100
uut& & cla °lour; us& to, n no t0r.... 1,
• Trip At an 165 bbla arpOr Portor .15 ift46; CI do
, do, la ria sod; 6 bpi der r.'S to rotors,. Ni , P
;Dort Ai to; Ira ADO., 1...t* "cot: Oda do, I.
Tows * r0;159 do dcnif Sag 21 tad tabacoo,J 13
~ per 25r aka halm Thar 801 l lan 169 alm wheat.
knrls46 at 6000.b00p pairs, Tatra* Arm
itroad, 6as dry halt, t to aribo,iltaararair it
Isar, %boa brow: Caid.'ll*l,,6;ls PIT ally if
iliteorsha;-11itak=aw.1, 11-4.I.LJE: 0 1 ala b la,,oah
Ithirdon 6 taa talato J Omar, n• ITtro p' Pr .1 11
(2161551055111015,551010 T• • • -
.5.~.a.. x •r;,..,.u.~..-yam,;
- .
steszoet ISIDEBYA. Capt. John
leave Pittiterryls - tor .Wheelloy vey TUESDAY.
TUTIBSDAY end SATIDIDAY, waking close con
sections with the Wheeling end Parterebutg Pea,
ItatartiingorM lease Nbrellng every SLOT
d freight receipt.' through to Sorkersborg.
Woe "gb rf
&Tr jO s I P TY7acV_, 7t et.
On Matt D.A. , . the foot of wood etnet.
=AM..' ICIMA CrIIAIMEr FluercuAlme
er. Looses Pittsburgh orerpIUZSDAY, ot.
4go ,'end Yeamerille emery MURAT, ot A oclock ,
a. m. The seta Ilteamer JIILIK,Wm. Coulson. Corp
learelor, teams Pittabargh emir, SATURDAY, et 1
p. Ely end Zataustilo awry TVPRDAY, at ge'clock
S. ISI. TOL treightar puoaP_PPply an board or to
• • -FL 8. Plißill &
It oo., gen6l4 -
_ ~.. , aZIGIVIIIIO. Ohl..
art= C skiSLS.—UMI
x law oplendld WIA,
COL ylloorlll Iwo for oboes and Intar ty.
pmt oniRDIIeD&T. I r . = board Or to -
.L too now stew:oar Stan, Captain
XeCullookb, kw* abtra lotlo tt
4th tut. st IL o'clock p.m. of
- Tor frolgbt panto apply od bow. at •
Wood moot.
isplUir..—Tbs splendid stomas:
Mai SUM, Ospt. U. U. Irissansi, sill Was
as abort TUUBSDAT,Lth bus, st 4 pos.
Nos &sight or ossug44PP l 7 o
'Mt CINCINNATI fr. LOU- l'AM i a
isvntr.—Tto dos
Dm Aimee
man. CIO. A. O . Ilmpoporn lome M ig =cr.
TIIIIVDI.I. ith Inst., M. 4 o'clock p. m.
• Tortroltht aryarytlie board or lc
I .:•• J. D. clowiathroom,}Agia".
von tILICINNATI, CA1132.
atearnerVOLMlN SUM& Capt. W7i. 1 1/Wi.
mill leave for the above and batertdoest. puts en
11161110dT; the 4th butane. • '
Tor Creed or pamate_appttan board or to -
i • . • ' JOHN PLACE;
l a t
lacy coiteass.
ADBIBTLO, LSD trAn.ilalni, 000 UM ,
UMEUISEU. licasaprrar.l4oso tons I
COLUBMILILLOXIMorr.paser. 3D05 tam
ANGLIA, lACO llorouvouttr. WM • '
!As suluDdlkAnt. Iltaartuddy COLUMBIA *EI ad
from lbw Tort fbr lateral on TIDDIDAT, ths 25th
Or January.
Mum ablyanra salmi MA trod and fated afloat,
sad Muir
far namengera ara mash
ralkul. Ica LOWER BAT= of pomade to
TMO.. opply to tto. spa, D. WM BILL.
:anal Obrrotirla Bulla Int tt.l o BM 0 4.
and 55 Actillsp..PlUmburitt.
alisLcht IMOD on the Nattonal Banc. Walla
aa Any Ida Imatebn-In 12n4land or Delia, kir
*MA et 3110tlyan
O L TEAM WEEKLY TO. 1,1 1 7:4S
ICSPOOIg, Warbles at (10109159T0W11.
(Wax Mum.) lb* trall.knorre steamers ote'
Lnrerpoal, Tint Tart wad PtithekOW* Itteguriablp
I= are Wended as
19111311G 11 ---- -.-- 16 13starday, 'f
And 9l wiry eaterdary, ai ears. twat Ties
41. North Brew.
sets as rows.
Proll• is Gold. ee Os stotirogaag is Crrerei.
Ton 00301..---fa reas---. CO
do to Leedom— Bt. do to leredira 94 CO
do to Paris-- 900 do to Parte —6O 64.
do to Hamburg .90 do to name( tri CO
forrardoi off;aer% preseor. Oa.
tordarrtverp,eq toy Ws.
Jeri* tram LiserPool or Uorenstaire ; Ist Oath. 1
t 55, Eat Stamp, PO. Those Irtio wilts to
wad ter their grinds ea Vl* tickets hare at thew
T. Meter trltrorakoapply at Oa Ckaappare
Moire 908140. DALE,
New Aa.
16 Droreiety iwTat.
JOlll9 1110111 . 307 9 .
Head west. erg beer from Use
19.1 Pittstecolfte
.1111'"OLD 0011117 RT.
-Pomoengrrs brought out to rnin CLASS MAIL
872,01.1018. from Liriprpool. Loodndorry, Gob.,
or CoTII4-tor.
And by main vuot
Lass, t,r ttot,
APPII rtomitgl Than ° lgth st tri
21.2..L.Mght Wat sna s
,11V thaeld r.liS'bk.
CUNARD LINE.— Steam from
Wilcaroot. on) conisturrow
Pil 9 lid& or WI ocalvland. b earmlcri.
Irian Mil , TOltg, ps erana.7
IDOL 1 440 W
Ber4LISIIED. 1760.
ts AND u CII4KBMIS errors?.
gargao/ 1 2 U 4724022:, drool, 800 Toll 3
2242.12. 'ton th. esmska of doolecro to tt. ortldeo
EL inott.toctAro. of
llacoboy,ltoo Its2Poo. &ono lloppoo, Americtui
Goottertron, DeuttArco, Pont 2ltstato, ItotAttothosi
Cep: • ig:6
&etas, Tout DIA Tar at
Loadebot, true., Deno &cub. froth Hooey Etoptch,
fresh ..
• Atto Sootc ottoo 11 &tad to tbo Irmo rodoctloa to ;obit
of riot art Cltowto4 and Bosom/ Tottex.o., ott.k.A.
mat to found of • t agr 3 lmlttzt.
Bigotiso--Itcor., No. I, Ito. 2, lba I and 2 otito2,,
T i
Co, Carrtio—Y. A. L. orplan • Com..
dtsA, m 13woot evoot Notated OrooowTin Toll •
AsoKuto-8. Joao, ipso Ith.Connotor, Toroth.
clicolot of Floss will to oat on oppr ,
el N.
• ap10:
, "E'r
WI tam umr ln Coati et engem es OIST
patties rewurytnnis Avenue and di•
11.1nr, itiplikeetes Au Factory, Lap sad I
tztalstve wow, .Ith su Ibi• med.= trorro•
wets, sad will to In covipirto =l°g ores m o
stoat tho YIRST•:I24thaT, idite . ,PAl win
to mist!! to uttanfActotelkATAVl imar44 .
Flint Masi: ChbOlLe3lo*
All 7,°;pt7);i."'te;akto. " •
0171(7Z A ?MIMS.
Achlrest, JAB. NL LINDSAY ,
W 001.101411 01 auras.
. .
ir i m awnoraiti‘Absiale•lLLiiimegad
amm.a coo,
rant wawa cum. • •• -
pars:..?: • •
IX' , Cal. A 864
Thesectdasseis sie Abi lasi*
botterin pit!' altar klis 001060,P110 satispose
imigoir.twi %abaft wok •
. Nassietann and asks is q lloar blf
TosBooo:biti7sAl -
' . la IT! . !miff Owl". rtilswltie!. n..
...4 63111-1 *
aifti** ol4,oo ! "6l
MANNERY, FOB SALE, in Uniontown,
.1.; Lyette county, Ps., one of the trust perfoet ea.
' tabliahmenta in the cottons. 'Dm sant arottf ota.-
' tit) Dr VW tddew a year. with other appurtenants
in proportion. A Stamen Ilogineiwith a !Hack Mt foot
1 , Italtb.and run 'clarity try tho *ant tan bath, 'rode.
i DODD, Elwratorh Praoll., Beam, oko. The whole
wonder roof; and corm half town Kcal, Coo
niuted with it ttif slitteen acne of prime punnet,
apd planet laud, !WV, Drkk Dwelling lima., Ten
sat Donee, °Mee and °Alarm, Stables, 00. It is of
easy sows Dom Pitts/nor& by railroad ; and baton
eit thi, EationalTnrapiko and near the mountain!,
bark In readUiArixurod at low rote,
-,. Tor term* a farther information spat) to
or, JA.
VEECIL Atternei, COPE. tin entown. Pa.;
.140:30 IDestrth and Grant atreets, Pittategh.
The auteuriber offers for tele the duelling
house is which he now lives, situated on South Av
enue, Tint 'Redo Allegheny. ,The lot Ls ..It
front by 100 deep, running back to a 'Ai tot alley.
It le • lgoeitoried Mkt, contain. eilv rooms and
esdiar.,. The untehouleasire • mash Muse, stable;
coal hi v
ing,e. nose ts a lane yard surrounding
the dwell Ailed with elude end ornamental tram.
Thera:hips and water in ell the reams of the Mien
tu t
iiiiiii offer for sale • &Waldo country realdonee
in Ingtesta tosslishlPs Boum Tautl y,
, lag twenty acres of gond. • ace two-
Marled truce dwelling,
is di rooms. on the
pert . • There Is elm ts yormeorehard of all kinds
of frult. There ta • good barn. outhouse, go. It le
&bast SASSY fiats the Itochader Depot.
War tame Moire of . FA 11. BOLTS,
j4,g, Bon9i /mune, d Umbel* cup
1: gun linprowid,to IOU 7 township, Woottnoro.
WA *mutt, ' •
Also, • YAW Oli /MOUT 160 ALSO, in St,
Clair towniihly,litiwtmoircliina county. Po.
Also, • tilllam 10114 ACTIUM In Unity township.
Vottinottlana cuntuty,_Ps., Ith Mown Grist UM.
Alw.ulidU nty
K Of 1,11 !ICUS, In TAttaboth town
shi ABegberny Cou, Pct.
Alto, • coltiabl•TDACT 011' COAL, on tho third
tr 01,0 4 the llontinplitla dm, containing shoat
41111,0 ACHES OT COAL, on tlm dloviongnlio!•
Yet catikniars Indio at L'i..16 4 Ptmth end
taborsh: G. U. TOWSIL
folklittottl lartato /wat.
.i." a ildfhing Weatrrn tuwn on th . a
COLS. not 01911, 20 makil from Pittsburgh, now
&falt it lap and wadeable traEl. The stock Is
fonr, and kw been selected with isfernace to the
okintig trade. ilam an been wawa for calk al
knolat Man{ prima.
the ON prorkititr has decided to Mire limn
Lb, trail, ONUS to bed health, and now rollictaantir
arta the nook fOn id& t also the good will of do re
tiring prig. The hams km a lam nod ratpootable
MAN which ow 1011 retrained.presont stonk
wit Woke foam seven to ton thontand dollars, hot
mold to andsund if re&
, Polka wishing tknow the putt:Wart tit i Wass
ad d s ' s"". 5 Pmrild.7 g CIPYRIPYMiIIii ),
. fa 3:Esdatntn lunsh,
Tbetyclrate residence shunted on We miner of
130,01.110X1 and BUS streets. 'no lot boa • froi.t on
Bluff strait of BO feet and extend, back PAI feet to
Vlctroy street; on which In crated a Istgu substan
tlarthroPitory trick dwelling, finished In modern
sty% with all *elate bat rove:cents usually f-no I
in. • brid elms hams. The lot is teetotally laid off
and planted With fruit Msdflowersoind in the centre
of which is • targe fountaln. Balcony sod Promo.
nule Amt. troth abirli ars es - tenstre slew of the
river and Yonongsbela valleys= hal. Parana
2.1(14 • tint rate reablemee, ve le tho Ooze,
le offired at • tow price sod easy terms. Apply at
"lkiliAlti 00.'8.103 Forirth Ilieet.
- _
-1,1 Strata Intaldwin tOonship, ow Little Pali 111 11l
Hun, about 45(, Mlles Dom Pittsburgh. me m s
K&et attn.!, four Wry, and bas Dam ren of
Vouch liiirs Slill Stoma. T . will lot suntans
2% arrea;With tbs right to are acres of oral aAlo W
ing. Iliere aro aloo erected on the Mill lot cli•lerge
armeaDirolUng; with °Me moms WI Sobbed gar
ret; ma wall 1 nuns Dwelling, OS. prILIDO Stable
and other outbundlogs. Ibie mill was lately built.
la toe coadittori, doing glint rata toselnem, and
will 11011 cheep.
For taros, &A, =quire of W. J. 71311.6 & CO., co
tbe preludes, Mof J. w, flail,
_ _
.11.• 4 1 _ _ „... _ .i. m
.... No: .. as fifth stmt.. Pittsbargb.
FOlt. SALE, in Burrell town -
PeWortmoretand outlay, • 10110 ball • mile
of ParIaNiSIRAOM 0. the A . V. It. IL,wandal.n
, 10S A0619,11:141. or tem. Tiwro U • Log. Baru , a
gram. Stable. Orsaarim to bold gran; • suet.
iMrof choice Apple Trees which never mime bearing
halt: lion% Inth Kitchen a ttached.
mem. I oft mil it
al Zar a two or three lot., to snit putela
sta ill
-oOmiriblnl to hand, or on scrotirmation of
deed ; tbe balance In two or three =noel payments,
eie majbe Darted wpm with interest, secured by
bond and martgsge.
If net sold by ao 07 IdAltell, it .111 WI. offcr.
4,4l :4o ____'• 31.1 i public ale o v a
Oat day, at 'I (feat :;._tinii....„
. .
3LX SALZ--Lreated No. 69 COI.WiLIe MEET, 1
Sixth Ward. 'Pro . tot to 44 feet front, extending
'hack to Chario4 alley, a depth of 142 fat 4 Inches,
Caret Irkini.V.;st •=larrdra'rirli!dint
room at 4 trash boom on drat 80014 and three bed
iharabera on wooed, 0 Ith tintrhadattle. Ilse ben.
aimed. In offal. West, tee or Wet. Swit„ with t ell
cot stone stet faney Iron milled in front ; got all
'toga the boos, and bydnant at ease hems.' door,
dor partkedara enquire of
j. 133-23 Mb' rty *treat.
1. SALT., Ocean; as 8 b 1.. 11 stmt. (1464. 1 .. r.
Lau%) domed V 4•44, Allegbsoy. oo tbs Ilse of Kau
,1.0.0 1P4mt4P.4.a4/141•7. /warty oppsgto tbs mi
of Itati. 11. Wm Holub.
• clicklos 0011211411. LOT, dwell, lotl
Ws silos% situate on dot owner of Altruism
ts stvest-411Y. by 199}6 foot drop. 'us'
tesullso is sus of deo stuut 4salrauts Is the uty.
Mau amp V . to
V: C 4118014, No. 49 Obto stmt.
• ..moults dm, Mayors 044.6 Wimp'
VV .ACIOLB or 1.A.151Di• ullb s coal plt
Plltitehnt;tenn I.'insfsrel'rlSfro" =hitt( f ".1 f...1_11 .
"'rooms, cllar, t v7o; wall of Inter, Osmo Mout,. .2
sltusts lel ItotWoplo, Balm coustp, 11l miles from
Pittsburgh, em the Marcos Ma It 4lb good eft.-
tlou for motors orpublls boom, owl 1611 to sold up.
Iltorsl ts
Apply or
at os.
toollasl 'slats and lusurasse QS,. of
Jl3O • Balla . street, LsornorlUs.
CillOß BALE--Twenty.sovon ACTOS or
.1.: Lsod, part st en Lora. tem. ocurtrosadlog •
fin• • to. ot Pittsburgh sod sleirtiti• 1. 1 shout upo
ails Emus Josue Lora Wain', Theron. OD we
pretalso sow Los fruit put sad s sosor•WILL
rigor sacellaat vats. Vir ul tto sold toothor, or
to WS. tutrota!sirs. Nuns. desiring
°C42° 'lll
Vi".. M. IVA LOal3i.,
• 141f9.4.... ROLL.
relkUSI err ar • . assissi num,
DUD B,!Asst
%LIS Taut 01:11114.
tia •
ro4firli) et iltevoina
ays ' teats from derangion , nt of the 111i:retitle
organs. TLe ,An. were orhcp. of thew dieeweee Le the
enure, though noodle. tog itself to a great variety of
forma,. Three 1.1•.. t arising Priem inifi
geetlon, wow I..q.nllty of the %leer, ; mod secure
pain In the sloniert.. enuee.l M g actric 4'erang , vecut
In tho Muer. e coating of ',quads, ern [WO Idol)
dIrDIIIOI manlLul atww vf 11,...,1,031, the 49 , b ,
the same, tLe) are both ro, l Ly
remedy n.
When the 5t..15.,11 dud ininola per form their hiro
Woo net:Wally ; whoa the rewini of the skin are ornn
and when the Woe) are to good c ondition, causing
the tains to flow healthful end clear, disicase of dig ken
Lions Ore impoenible, When any of these agents
(*perform their work properly, diaereses of digestion
Ire the natural and inevitable consequence.
realm all &wow* of dig:eaten, no
matter what y
be the symptom. Beearlbe they open the pores,
cleanse and atrungthen the stomach lad bowels ;
make the urine dim healthfully, and give tote end
Vigor to the whole system.
cents per bon, 11.10 aireervlgti In tho core of Bilious
Complaints, Asthma, Constipation, IlyispcperLe., F. 17
sillolae, Los, Nets.. and Simple Fevers, Gastric
Pavers, Gripes, Heartburn, Headache, Indigestion
Hysterics, Liver Complaint, Neuralgia, ithoarriedism,
and all dim -coca arising from went of action In the
digestive organs; Bolls,Deficient actlan In Bowels
Brant Pang, Catarrh, Cough of Pregnancy, DlElcni
Breathing, Dyspepsia, Dyspeptic Coosompt)oa, Im
perfect Digestion, Determination of, Blood to the
Head, Earache, tery, Flattilcney, Frequent
Blooding at the brae, ii.wtric Fever, Headache, Hys
terics, Incuntltwoce of Urine. Intammation of Vital
Parts, Inflammation of the Stomach, Jaundice, Loy
It may '
Situated as dr bsak of the Ohio riser,l2 soda
tress ties city, is ths rough of iiewidtley. Th.
SIM to two sures of 1.076 with 11 11. Litscd t. .7 1 i 1 ;
slog sisibs, capable et calling
leastb, sad odsobrably caratructal Ws bsrge build
i ill=ar iiartictdacel address
MISS it itausitn.
ja.13.1w Dos Cf, 6. .tCYtc —' -I'. l'e.
1019118ALE,Irarr Low.--Uner PUPPET
.I 1 IMINI Man, 26 bsdk cyllatar, 6 bet
WA% bt_sdadrabl• .anatittob, •riti or trttholrt
Ilan 6b•rt.lliWbeel, lt•uget, lora. ?amp, La
Tbladr=s• te 12211 adapted be =my ;Knob,
fa • %Wing lib Oa/laud fie• it.
TH03.A118114:111L111. At Ob.,
br.ohor Ceiba Slits,
. a11e0262 C/22.
'VOR SALE—Tbot desirable property
1.. alluded In Sorge gh of Ilenchater. on Oa
caner at Locust street end tbs. Ottio rtni.oad
tom es fiery ron property, en 'mu, la -
ended • • wipe Brick Dwelling Mar, Cu.
NOlional. Stable, to Ilme . e.
"" I r4iku'in übq
t Ants,
" IWTrit"
ILL SALIL—A tot of WWI contOokg Oxrai
acne. frosting es Ito Idononskels Blew mba r ' dese
Seltrortl, Weld:4 the properly of $lO.
Oda d Bobeti EL rer,&ll4 cur or the Cm!
W.:Warta township. .
Tor war spyly ALII. EflLLtaii •
— )tiamma 4VA.
illoolt E— A Biiiit:
I. —Toes. 7)4 boob bc4i, SO Inas Wan ; Dollar
SI Ina tlinnootu, V. IL lons, Mood 'analogy:l4ot.
Also,—to lot, • bulkUng sal ha • s.t ht
thine stades, 304410, 1,12.t0d cellar end at.
ite ms . In Chapati's Was, Wee torrost, Itatireen
Third ond Routh ..troetal• .7. z•. •"• -• • •
A npl y no &bore.
A. IT Y .—A Book,
Vla blamer/and Nava MIKA Ibr Ws, to tba but
taaotks. tua largo city. sad dolga( • Sea bodonia.
To • yoroan glib alms 12. 600 c•PttOt It . 111 be ►e
asoctiorat o=toity to cup,a• blrmota,
To part call at - Jolll{ P. ILTINT,
• ' Jalta., .. *Om ,
_„.20111•!Irth attcat.
- WI Ylli . Sliifilf , r eat telrfii.ffi
A: • Bitrt.Tb.• boirAs'atisa 'Xi t VIVID
BlSTlTTjoypidtfr Ilaauslo • 13•13. • aro %loon ►yon
'b. Taaotpl/2 at wend oacyptaill by John Ilays, To ,
yastoydid„. na lot lalon.lDlopagitcootiorluttLesi.Hgret le
aegek.' . Tot taztleolaro Ongollait at • - '. , '
J-, Two on Raw stint: oce - on TIM street; oWil WO
icotex w mt. ono on Italford street, owl co • Sobin-
Woo Woe, one on itstotts street, two on Xln eticot.
&tot trom $ lO P... month t 0 53 57. rt ,
W,3____ P. ltgl:___L_.____l ... 1_11111:2i,t_.
- LOT pit. ALE, on
Olbbotal street; ta tab • Itatittk
r** . favlaarritMkau . . ,
:was 11.15,111,.4
15010 Tit three4torica. Vita
Je.'ing new No. S., Attlee& ea. federsl6l l l• B 4
13:togbotry ooatiy appo•lto reoldtoca ergo.
Botooson. fat tams imoly to JOSti 0 A1f,1t., 1 66
Itsst Wilitsio,ll6.l6B Liberty Snot. 1116.1081114 -
..,__1848106._ inThrOttl6 •
p - • - • &large • ' • . 291 6,
. • 701,07 as ebad_drido. seityoo . l %,;
•-•• ausres.m.!_
g r adefilat.t4l l l 4 A?" o " l.7 .. '7 • :•.71.."
1.201414,14,10,;330girea : :
110.. -fo
i_iikdi dueouh_
TABK : " 116
* 660616 i 311=11313). ibatt rdi =deans
'iamttlineamt !oath ftn6 l fahl.
21A-11.-11• 633 .9 easta i l t:
• ,Na.
large — icrid - Intl - We l
t,L' • qie so" wikak tx csaiD4 Waft
gm 1r Snot io cx owes*
pats. aro a Tung
• - •
be rod that • Pill which Is recommended
COT so many di:agent discvitre tco prsteraing, end
in oolue , r. arum is lees worthy of ex:Laden. than if it
profeered to cnrs , fewer dlwaste. But, se tocutionta
above, these complaints arise from the arms maw—
derangement of the digterlee organs—.d as • gen
era Grt, Nature °urea the .nvic dna of diseases on
&few loading priheiplee, e•ch as enter into too 011-
101101hla the th4.ll,orl=CO. T 111312
a • Mracua wivnts us. "IA That Medan fa
j taught of no human school, nor puff
ed op with any medial fake. Throe Pills L3ll in
harroordcusly wee r
(awed that physiciaaid
hence their power over vast eariety of &gases
arising trout derangement of the same vital organs.
There ere tome complaint's In which these ellie are
utterly poweriesr— and for the axe of Orme the
reader is referred to 'flu Gradeaer, Mama! qf tru e
sad other pabliutlons of the fintercuberg Company.
1100 let those who suffer from wry of the complaluts
Just enumerated give then it fair trhal, according to
directions, alai they will he lawiod.
We, the tindersiguel, citizens of Brwken County
Kentucky, certify that for many years we bate fre
quently used In our famllise various blade of moat
envie of which bars been prescribed by our
fatally ptirsichans, end wine others, called "po tent
modLeines, we how purchased from druggists and
mercies:itsho led them for sale We hese re
cently used the "tirseferiberg Vegetable Pills and
Family' Medicines:" webs... , fully lasted their Thine
.d or:vett by using them at different times ; we bare
emu and bras/ of their remarkable efficacy, both In
ur ....tiff °awn * Warr. an d we theta deci.
&di; the moat deserving, the safest and most valu
able uterlicitie ever offered to the public, and we re
corrunend them to itilwim Med medicine.
I, James lloustou, Justice of the t he
.at Bracken
Co., Kentucky, berrby cogilly that the subscribers to
the foregoing certilicates am them Bracken
County, Rentneky, and I know them to be resorts
of strict veracity and sped reptite, and em sure they
Would not lend their a.m.= above, bat with unmet
iceiffileoce In floe medicine- Raving used the
e n e rg
Vegetable Mirth my family, I chweffilly add
ray tretimony to their faro!.
Girt" under tel head and val.
noustos, Jowl , of the I` race.
We, the mderelgted, end [Wiens of the t o
me of
Pers Caltararffus G..taity, hi. 1., end the town of
Collins, Erie Comity, If. 1., nowt cheerfully ccrtify
-we and our tandlice hew cued the Ornefouberg
Vegetable Pills and family tuallefeta, and with the
most gradifying molts. We believe they pastly
merit the foerd qualllics claimed fort by the
Graelcuberg Compenyould would confidently recent
and them to the publlc.
Signed by
George S. nicker, Thomas J. Parka, (physician);
&brat:ern Sucker, {farmer); I. D. Kellen, (fafouirg
Jobe Ilarens,(lnerchant);Elyysge,(humer);_ffteliben
Rooker, (farmer); V. J. Goes, (drover); G. Y. South
wick, (farmer); P. Walden, (carfare ); %Von. Griffiths,
ily,(lulb;;r);1.V. (m e rchant ): toer JoT;
Bandit.; (Ilumr); L You Dorlo,(ordwainr).
Often, Wore,
JOIIII IL WlLDOE..Juctice of the Pence.
DR. GEO. D. KEYSER, MO Wood streetsburgt,
dell Sole Aga_ t for 2it
Ste prepared nuthr the immediate enparisloa of a
skillful physician, and they may be yelled upon In
all can. The intelligmay of the community le not
insulted by the enrol elim,le wahine which clam
to cure all diem., bat Um GeneLmberg Remedial
maid of eleven difrorent medicines, all unequalled
in the rare of the disowns for which they aro amine•
mended, among which may be *elected one awe,
prism to any of the Shame incident to thh country
and climate.
The Greenberg 'Vegetable Pills arebettor then Ley
other kind of yilla to the world. Price 25 cants • boa.
'The Greefenberg Beresparilla b by far the most
pc/armful and elle:edam =around In Ina. Yea* 51
Te Graefenberg Dyelbtery Syrop s coriAn snit
•oleb remedy for dlpmeda of tho bowel. Trio
50 mom a bottle;
The Graefenberg Bisonly sever falls to tor'
relieve this diatreming dirome. Prim 51
a bottle
The Oraefahorg Cbpirms Pommes 111. Muhl
able composed ix ell &seams bactdout to- chndrsa.
Prim 60 carts a bottle.
The Gracfsaherg YOTOS,SiId AV1. 13 Iterlo4 aw
ards. specific' for this particular dimmo. Price 50
Mates hot- . •
The Graefoshorg EmOrt flocutalu Olufseent ex--
coeds all other takes la Its curative offsets. Prim
85 masts a box.
The G rie f ahrti Consumptive's Balm affords the
most satbnishbrg relief In all pubruutur complsiata.
Prim El a bottle. '• •
The CinefebberglierdEsllitters arethe most
ce 25
-omt.arul delightful tabs arm yrcpared. Pri
seat • package.
The Oraefoubmg Eyo Lotim is.unpauncleil 111
Mdalbsessioit or &moms of the eye. Price 1.6 nt
bottle. .
—The Gracfcaberg Ilarnsaf of Health (chrgest l 7
liberated with apowdre cograiluga,) la the most
complete medical boot isr Svans. 1 11606 a" ZS oat-
Pent by zOO% pat-yard, to any pod of the ormsdap,
ott +wept of 25 Milli'
The Gragenbufg (lane mouth
holl'a) Ilterind,Cetholico s
is six totalttilo roli.may torsi) taililo'alwwo.
sisritios seances, tumors, clorridierk,
Imumation, whites, haling and other lead &range.
cot of thO ttLerllr prgan . i. _Price 60
are tiattia cOT • , .
' emit' 16,...Ln i s sica.,,rapay
tidtto name and label, tak bean T ut In
sa. au of AI. Oactenberir t, 117 Italkinat can
tit sofrlysent by exprewn ln quantities ofd rn
tom+worth and apwar4tey. will be forwarded at •
liberal dcdaction tram retail prime.
Sole Agent tor letaburb.
. "",--2---------------------_
[Prom fiat Sas- Toth Tell:mm . .l
,'The Grooltobers•Fabally &Medi,. srs" road Lelia
to tbs. ortirerss4sad dlausatiror disease* of
Women; tbe remedies are prrtle,J9diciou.s.sod artreiji
llNtas the N. T. Time, Et2lle4sl Noe.l,lMl
Wa seldom Settee aity of the adrertirrmeml• ill tint
Open sappostriglbst overy'sdrert bor." eon'. state hie
owe dolma to
. pubils maiden.% . Bratietbz2re bow'
ever, s roaster rotate fip of sdartelit:lMportallee to
PAU/ . • .0 1 from us.: burl se decal lobe the Glake
fenborg Ciasparty,. Ito. n. 'Perk ROW; *Wet has .1.
=et rovolutionized medical-Tractica by intruder -log
bestsrut moot ammeetful methods otters:: ?Me let
tan and testitumba. from every Dart of tbs. country
bear eridenee oft rut, and term them It-stage that
tbe DireClon of the Grsareaborg Institution - wader
rate their claims to 'po
em oeuthmer, lostowl.rof
claiming too s ot*
sertals Idort that they stand
Orta ort the all . =dud the =non Owl lotto;
Tim val. of their testlmoulebt is fUrther SW
eaed by
from 11.. Dr. Bross, of itta Elethe.
diet Carta t Vreamii Ilan, proprietor of tho Cene ,
sterrial Adeertivrr,tod. others of -. reeortibuttytittd
Prentoits intim end tiatimontalet han eisteellencd
lin t that t OVA NTEvszna - Coiirnanra
=VIM% CAT.I3OLIGON - la an
Gall reitablocon Tor than Onicin. latish Tudor an
Ilan of aroona. icon tin tego.ot /r. tiPtthrd,
to en an'ezteot only*enNii to, thascaeltia. V
co modine di..
oat lakt ermurk4 mid One.. emade
11,111.1011ttetnent Of Min, or a ailedosi MAIN ittiocd
targosinenk eralostibence.Unload eon..
nantoass. they ei eta a landed sitti-Veridi.o
-Undid,' forint& 1 10, t 1 sAtic i a
ant, Donned Appetto, Actow Complexion, 'pan
in tin Meet oral - Vide. a l t.: Oald , Honda mr3 1
Von. illeeetotcei, lameria haw. V icenaght. Pepin.
Cm of thillout, DisidecoiNienbtlaii.•• 10.64.%
GenOchttoge. Difettenod Sleop; Veen. et Von en ,
.4A raukersccilareed Palo la thittivieueue De
once thea • Vhcaddina . Add atIIEM.44 NAN.. Indl,
, iv. cton, , nitnad .putiagist Ild.• I, l ll v-. 11 ..$ ..,
anarting.-11444,- tiontioe or 'lnitatichtL,e the,
Instil orp.,:irielta. -Doir4r,,Aniterjah,
;ta,zie.l, B.l,Lact2altripkl
.;,',. altirelail.
Apper k e 47 '4'..e .. — Bkretad int thacinia
:V oecomen m , .. CO thir. VtittoirOhgas4;
1 ,,,,714 . 1k U n a. the Liii.:•f Witiar!;-
,Ifreerildheperao. arra. Pan tojelet . teke
i-lbei Oliniviteet Viaantrir Marto.
kenpina la so todantokediddlitint ..illi
'depaideet. art:: /1.11 DL Abeitig IL UI6LII e ingstiotoenolitleai
• de, ' ~ '..- ::. -27 .Wr°°l'B4n,"l4ll4luk
- .
- - '
.• . ,
tiii,...J----------1-----, .--------
C.171:1 QC.LIVIT.I.LASTSn't, Orrice, 1 1 1211T.B.Are
R.latugtost Depot, December la Dion. f IFIETTZB AIIBA H
Suka proporeds are belted by the goderOgned for tfllthiT.-Bllia DAILY TRAIN& L_ eon,.
, g the U. S. Q.rte .3 lateen Ttepartreent, st Copstmat addition , era being =We 10 the
T11. 1 4.t0n, fh C., BolUtof , re, Bld 's eam
and 1 ment of this earrellettt double troth and pier!
Fort monta!,:oyk..l,so: J i ij i er o‘fy.thoee pLogree, with 1 rtrotrez3iffd.7.7p-pettsibla,:treldwltlplat
het = 7 4
ids will be received for
fl-lirery of 5,030 bosh. , freiriht. Trona wilt knee tbe Depot in Pittsburgh
or , or bat% and En toes of hay or taro'', and up. 1 ae I,Howa ;
Bidders west abate et which of the . b ore . c o rns I bf fr as w th .. . Pl.! o r litstionrisdt,,( ~....,a,,:.
L-,A,...-...'hbovirv,_Zre'VvelVtLl.ercat,a. wed the o quen r' -1 burg . h sor ihrlad i it tpb.l:, •and making direct Stanntetw
non for New York and
My a .o.eb uncle ptrd to be delivered, the 1100
~,,,, ~,da &11,1-1, , ,, Ibe contmeoced, ens when 1 The THROUGH BAIL TRAIN teams - the Pose
tu be completed. *anger Station ere - , morning 7 .....,,) "
The price must be written out la words ohthebitit h
s 6O S. pri b ...........,.....
o , ro io bP PP' ° P" `' d "vat 41a3.11,OTIrtre '''g antl Wad,
bushels each. Oats Ift lke rocket Of n \ mom
Ide.. int,,,,,...,,,4 fot , 8 .. -
12 - viartills.
Lash le each. The ...VA to b 0 fermis
no charge to the Govoroment. Theityvlandtbtrsool; d:251111pnTe.....,081711.,5X21=3. TlLATNavareli.a..iffitillat
to he ...rely baled.
Thospat-11.W kind-or derecOntion . of ostttelearo, dimettee.eeeltundectbtortumatprdrras.,C.o.,,,...,,,,,h,.
My etrauProl mmd m b" ldi " r". =s' IT, rxgr LINZ Loma the ft/A=4 , of (suns
to the proposal.
All the articles offered under the Ilea heroin In. Sunday) at 806 p. M.. Iftopptos may at prinetpdittle•
sc,, the . tinth.wice.rot tagolam...hadstarrt..xliria.,;Txtutrg,ht„lrki„..ltal.Unsorehr Sad .
C.rntracts will be warded from Uwe to time tfftb Wr .
lowtst reeperedblo bidder, as the to tof the
How York. . 1,
ernment may moire, and payment will be utsdo ACGOISHODATIOD TRAM&
when ilia 'ddo amount contracted for shall hare 0. Joi.ove, geonsuraxiatima Tat 0.....,„„
been delivered sad accepted. (arrelptßundayll43.-00 p.m., stopping at ea Stettin,
The bidder will be required to accompany bb pro. Lo a touring jo , t n y i s, Co
poool with a guaranty, Opted by too responnbla rim mougunodagson Train Err var.:aim.
punons in ease his Lid is accepted he or they w wws p awittreepe fitesaby) at
. 00 .0:,,.. , - -
. ill, ..that o.huwo day. thereafter, execute thecontracd Beeped t emodation -Tram the Watl• Btathrs
for tho acme, with good soul sulTacieut swedes, in a l e vee daily (accept Beledny) at Iltida. in. ,' • ,
theequal to the annum of the undract, to deliver yyph.d. Accogemoduagg. , usop foy• WAIN Maim
the forego ProPeeml to sooform lt Y . 1 ". the ...tee, eS Doves daily (fount Sunday) at 314 p. so. .
this edvertlatment; and Inoue th e SolO4/0411,100¢16 p,,,,,th ,#,,,,,,,,,Aa10g SrrpN, be w o rt n o w.
Jail to enter into Ote contract, they to make good the u t ,,... dagy b,.eept Sunday) ttl:koOtp. o. • _
difference between the as of geld bidder and the Tkw cure l q v.,. b,..r.ivers m o o . c ow 8,,..
facet luweet respooalbid bl.ddrr, or the pens= to whom day at 1105 ra,1361 reDleninFi lenTanyittabargli at
the contract may be stwani , d.
The responsibility lit he guerantontmust be shams 'en:rang Troia arrive In Ntlaborglits*
by the o r certillmsto of . IL &District Attorney, adt,:,,,. p„,,,,,,.............„
.3) ll
p. ,
Collector of Cstoms , or aoy other officer under the i ndl.daphi-kr,.....,............. ......,.... 1.. p . w.
u s e d
Stat.. GOOSTICCLOIIf. or norponsible person p, uw,.. .-............................ kw., ga.
kovsru to this ogle. Through Moil Traicr..........-..................
All bidders will be duly notified of the tt.t .
or rejection of their Pt"' Jamatown Accaremodation...-...-.-..-IMOS .m.
L Wsllloatstion Acconsnodation-- fha a. tn.
Thu full name sell P. O. eddreee of ea ch bidder s‘woqd wnivistwliow A,,,,,,,1diww.,... 8. .. 3 ,5 ....
mitt l 0 et written in the proposaL • . Third Wall's Station. Soccossracototton— 1:66q. au
Feelowele whet he o"rmm d m J3rWalerGmmT4 Youth Well's Station-Accommodation..-X4m.
.U. RUChI: t, Chief 1,..5 Quarter: raster, Wash- B . it i mwr ,„ I.www, wi n w,,,,... with p ill
logien, 12. C., sod should he plandy matted ••••Froptr, ~ a l em p....n ~..p.
seta for Forage." -"frsicor forlitairsollle and Indousecrubsct atillsins.
Bonds, in a anm equal to the amount of the eon ,m. qw,,,,,,,,,w, w i t , ~,,,,,,ugb Ac.,,,,,istfara
tract, sipmd by the contractor and both of his guar. jo t w ,,, ~,,,,,o un awiwa,w, wed
Tiltheure ,
, ... sill Do required of the sucorsabli bidder or and w i t h 1,,,,,,,...c. 5.v.,......,T=ww A.,,,,,..
bidden opoo signing tho coo tract. conflation est. ''
.. . . - .
Blank Curses of bids; guarantees. sod bands. 007 ' Trains EDS El.netn= Walnut at Crosson with Ra
be obtained up. application at this office. , press Tram end Dag Train Vian d with Ti= ll l. ll
DORM Or PROPOSAL. attornmodalon and Express bat.
(Town, County ravittate,h---------, VAUD:
fpnee.)------. \To Raw Yek..—.112 g 0 To 8a1tim0rfa........X0 00
I. .Leto do hereby propcoe to funalsh nod To Ph
s . ll=Pit ...
1. 1 9251"V0=,...... , I 1 rn
d ' h"..t t° tt* "it'd .s"' et ➢
44'"t"re tore
age °hawed to all nations on the 'reshapes -
D'P'rtart"rtiament, Invidn'tr probposlyabi'thfo'r Array. de Central Itslimad, awl to rtdiadaphh., Dabber.
f e gg d . ii .. hh: o. ip,i, L,,,,, e eeber 2,, iiffff, the fol. angetrlr :.,heet,ex
ticket. to
the .
lowing Sliftlee,Tlit
-----,bashels of Carta, in atcka, oat--. Per --- per budocl, charged an witgAr. to the distance traveled,
of GC p.a. In addition to tbe station rates, wont foam idh tt ons
of of Oath, in act. at --- Per btml" miltraVE.Camird., a 1., the Oompany will bold
of M.' pounds.
----tons of haled Hay, at. par.oil, of 2,000 tbeswelres reoponalble Il L mao ltt nal oo. baggsgo may ,
pound. end for rat =mat not ea
....--t,,,,,,,A5ua,e,at por ton, Off ,000pount H. .....-___tottroaßms. .Llns•basboon_. emplorto
Delitreiry totornMenceon or lwforo tios-:- --.0 .1 r cull P cb,ll7,== in ,,,, i;: ,....-
Dff-,andto be complemd on cub: fore rho— pat,
day of.------.186-, and pdge myself to enter Into e imager Idtweglith. - Tor ti
written contraet with tier Rotted Stelear with goo. l, winu , 0. 4 .1 . Lor a 1 .7 , ... um .
and approved suralrilicsortildo the 44.0 t tenday• At-the
after being untitled that my bs been acospled. Ibrotholbert - r and Grant treet. . lati
Your obedient ann.:,
.. 7 _ l.7..w.cri AiLL .
1: •
C "ilgll"fin*l.'AZ
19 IbiT E It 411.111,NGE31E14T.01C and after
. 110NDA.T. 'November 16th,15C1, Trains .111 leave
We. the ondeiargued, natant. of ------,
to the Depot of t the Permaylvan la Esdirmai_ , ,In Pitts
'''. ''' .--'''''' 2t.'""--H----'-' b.w2h. cc
" Isiniertds ond Whwilait Lbse. - '
hereby, Jointly ► end eevenslly, covenant . r .,. t he
Le. ;
10.... .
c—P,Lo. he the
tra'nff il ' i, " Val.& . tao ''" li:V. •. 0 4:05 w
bid e t —,-‘.,. er.a. —t or OZ. I
0 9.45' w. ' 5105 w
within ten daysafter the acceptanc e of unkr111....." w‘ v gre in k ~,, .. aim •• . goiV st
cote the contract for the P goal andsnibelent _ do
sureties, in an:unequal to the! e anicoant of the contract, Arrives Bellalr. -- ..; th . s:l 0 ' 11:15 4 - 6.-9) W
t o, for ea,
fnrolsh the forage proposed In comformity to_the Connecting at ',Etenbenvldle and 'Seib& with Sten.
term. ofadvortisernent dated 0 O
0000 bendlle and Indiaisnltailreadand Cuntrat__.Ohlo. Dui::
hive the indium made, ..a, 1.... ti. 4 ,11 - - ~. ...4 tz. mer)))e. 1r"...t,_!:.6....1 ....!!!! . ,
'r attail faille enter into sic as stomata...6m .- , ton. indlatiaPhlia, tec_innnn ,
~, _ 1 , . aw .7., e
"' t°
l'''l'. l ' Wd the
dlff'"'''''b"*"' the
f " i l''''' ' 2 V
''''Pb. Il l t gita".. gitrosTlZ
~, the wa, —_- and the next towed roe.: ble , end at e!Pi_6.l_,. ,__ .1 . 4 u . k. ...., ,
bolder, or the person to whom the drama re 1 les •
Loaraa , E , tm i t i, ..: „... ." .5 r .1.4.5....§. 1 44; i.
Given lend. one hands =dode do iiie1i5vi11e......... 7 . d.. 50 W ., .. - 4 5 :02 5 . 0 0
Wit"'4' I, this —7day o f —OB6-.
- Peal dodo, irli"rdience--**--.,-.-.----.., _T:I 6 S , :i.. 6 , 58 6,36: - :
[Seal. do . Ravenna. ....,-r --..-- -Va : ~.. . 7 0. -a.
I hereby certify that. to the best of coy kp2 do lindeoe.-...,...-......... _ t _ , _ , _ _
end belief, the mated guarantors ere
1,, sad Arrives er e
tlend-,--...- nEn ..., n.lo_ It.
sufficient as _en-reties for the amount for ev th'y \
nConnteara Dayso d rd witlit.tismiraw„
be eecnrity. .ew I' •Iplua an CADA'
To be certified by the Lined StatesDistrlot Atter- Pittsburgh 1 rt 'Wayne and Chimp .halltned; Pt
ivy, Collector of tbis `Bent ly other °Meer under , Itaventu, ith?Atlantft and Great Veateri rsaltroad
the United Stara Go . responlide person 1, for Warren, Grecenville s!..wdo_rit._, tre.Carq,,__.
known to this oflee. Jamestown and. ca, at
Annum fre t
a vie... _
All prcTreals L
recelired under this advertiaement lend. Zooms:Hy ag_Ctectuno.atlrgraGroZati_
will be opened and essmined at this of INT 1) Guyahom. Sal ts_ _
.1_211116, 4
.. 9e2pleul
IiF.SDAY and .SATITGDAT of each uvek, a nt 1 .-. 11l- with U. AS. , ..?„,... - , 11 ,... r . E
.DPAI;II _ .h at 1 3 5 fr . ,, _ .
Bidders aro nespectfully invited to be present at the
~ '/ty,l te.,d, rt. 11.60
opening of bide. If they Satre.
D. IL,RitiniA, Ste nth
übenville end Wel:brit Altehmita tare
Brig. Gen. and Quatiothittater, 1 Allech City . _,,,,,,
• - Beig trairovertive rat 1.9 . .99 a. trav SW p• sc!..
, ..,-. - • •
!0,,,,,T-,-4,2-0.°71,:i. f ,;,. 1 ,,,eit_,,.wi. ea , 1 ,,
proem-east the Liberty Streed ilr.l.Pittabtirgh.
, , G gouGg p , 'cut Agent.
'4 - A.. Q' . ielirttrtta`k li.ii rti
Tor farther inforMielatsu Awn
At tbe Company's 051 ctr In VreightlitatiOnf Vadin et.
1'46. ----411:-.
Gemrsi ••• • t mast..
pri i' dk.r Chief Ik•P' Qu'L vlrlingto:n3o). C.
PROPOSEuci, sruss,
Orrscs DCTOT Coisr.esusr orScnsurrscol
Washingtme. Ifi.tle dam SI, DK&
SZALP:D rnontsabs, is dvika., ere I
until thews DAT Ce ratsuumarst .0 <idea
a m , for the CIISCIPS,SIIINS and TONGCIS of
ell Government Cattle-slang ttered within the an
cient limit, of the _District of Colombia, far three
mouths, or more, from the commturstoeut of the
The above willies lobe collected by the contract
or, end removed from the cartons llama lit Wet
the Cattle ere killed. at mteh times es dial be &els-
Dated by the otdmr to clidif.. t h e Maas
The contractor ahallbe liable for aid ,
Shine and Spawns =Ong from all the Orrimunneut
Ded,Cattleddightered, mime It am be madegalls .
Dewily trilappear to the Subsidence Delyettment
that all due exaction,. diligence mid care araegriade to
obtain the sold articles. - •
Payment will berets:drool every ten days,la Ski ,
dement funds.
The idds will state the alumna, per anima% for
the articles Mitered toe and I. emnanerlhabY the
following goarantee, certificate, atil arils 'of each
eturantori and oath of allegiance. Illenk fortis can I
be obtained by application to the tradmdped. 1
. . • "Proposals. • • I
I, --- —•-•, of, the State of --,--, !minty of 1
----.. o ffer, per :heed;for all Chucks, Shins and 1
Tongues of ail Gorentmeut Boef Cattle tilled withlu ,
the ancient limits of the Dietrlct of Colnrsidur ----'- ',
dollars, and ---- cords, (tee amount to be la words
end flgures,) initje4 to all the conditiom of-the ad.
•etisement heresith appended.
. . .
We, the unden re
Ignedi residents of It the
county of —..—..,indßiato of hereby, jointly
and eoverelly, cotenant witlithe United State*, and'
guarantee, to moo the foregoieg bid of then
be accepted, that he withi ys afte
n five ds,
aompteace of saitibld, sign &contract for the prompt
and faithful operation ot.the mono, Ind that we w i t
b' as ' L e v e b -tTia 14117.1AVAT=''olf`31.';
contract be minferniltY with the term of hie pr2po •
seJ, and that, irrease the mid shall fall to ea.
ter into a contract, mildew the tonna of the adver t
meat, dated JatreMlV.'Gth, IEO4, gr.arentoo to
the difforeoce between the offer saselo by
th e in the lanolin proposal. and the
next lowest responsible formal. bidder, or diapers=
to whom the contract rosy be awarded.
Witmom: .Ginn under oar luottliandseals
. •
day C.
. • ~•I • .
The respousihiliej of the - guarantors . oust be
'limns by the official certilicete of tidied Slates
Piet , lot At toitirPor„ silted Stairs Judge. - Theca ,.
tillotte , mutt be In the folio a ing form: •
"I hereby certify that.trom eridanceointirely astir ,
factory to um, tlie oleos roomed are.good,
and sufficient as enrollee for double the amount for
which the! offer to be security. .
'TO Osiris retch,goartintor most malte'and append
. ,
• •
.T4ote e t . .... - -., musty of ----tbsforeTtA;-
--,.., 5 ,—...... Wandler the caterkty and State Afore
the Weird ---- ono of Abe
an the guntanq or ;-----, who . bang duly Wan.
deposes aa *es that be to worth, over and above al 1
Jmt debts, end Ilablllthio, the snm ortlnt thousand .
dollars. „. -- -
_-,:, , ,''
“Beibscrlbed and strata before ms, Oda ---- einT
186.....t.......—...._. . ~
No bids aill be tanaldered ordeal made out In can
tonally with - the abowi4orsa, and are aecompealed
hy the foreardmmitarantse eatldcate and afddaylts.
.All bidders mutt . with. their proposals an
wath or akaline*: =tem ono may be on ell falth the
anew who shall -open the Wei sattnatatspossla net
tall complying trith the Sartain .xsf,:g,wty, as
wait. bet - ae WS tame, stint. ateslamod aortitord
ed as a proposed-Within the tanning or thlsaaver .
The conte till , tai held aMountable Ter the
Chuck., de., ono wtwA. 'flee the sliming or the ton
10101.Ulddsrarnast be Vaunt at tiotipoll6gorthoblda,
tot respond to tsa Tame norm, sad all tddirtanat
domed `AProposal ng Chneks,Shlna and
TonglawAnd, list directed teem trodetslAndl.
jaddtd,,,ll.:4o:ol%raill, 9 ,, Td• and 43..&4'„
p S Ob. _ "
• : •••••-• --..1..H.
-,, :i -, CiTAIIII iiditit c`: ...
4inkcs prima CUL= QVAXYZNAkaiIiP, , ;
WigrliMai D. e. Jim. Ars.,
,citt.;... will be Mei ad ea la 1
Proaessis L ate VA .
... _
dace for the toretelfttof C.T I / I ‘ l ' ll ?i,nria
u... 4 at wasb!lrr,tlP- 0 , sL I' m "- -
ChlrellrOlL ` -''..• .'
. ' qbe taeerier erecir g "'
The llama re empty with
itona, 'der To Ti from-fillran (L 51 30 arge."l 4 1 2
lomat tier: flaNaa.'a, (Ore rantglavore obU sab I
broltra to the aiolilirtrao. 9ll r 7.'!?•- -11.1
laza fan foal all Wrote,: „i tur m i n „..6 i .. t
The gait,
.t iht'bl da.r t° '''. ' la' reviiii. gummed br.t.w° u a ta es.t.t.
'whoa aimann"rtuttlm•PP.,__. _ ___.; ~.
. 0 ,
-floworaele.ol.l..."ltr='brd7,4 i uu i;
cabs parr: ! o f r
fl!ttratill aISCR 4 ;,- "ohi ,-•
La the virl6l , lo inffClerk of the Wit .
Laded Coaxt:;ar-of thr Doitrd Str , .., P - ) !F,ic. tat ":
tcm'i. ' iiria4 ieiii;mwatotvoi-.4.ii.
sevillzi,. I.o.ltfAgglouwir cl r i c r P:-" "
..alto eauloral4- illa,t lll* l*, PPLE,' fr.(4
iloreol-',......,di.iiiiaiiiiii.a 6 ....
,ok.aemiyattCZarr..i ernmerkat,aaaktr_rirre,
— if go plaera,risr U.. , Tea, Cll. AlbebY.
I I , OU . La Bar-be"'e -14--
I. l 1q , §b 41814 P", __ua.ta' i
c o aararesOble; 110rtr,1ri?1,..,1
O. Watir
S POR T RAIT44II4/13,,','•_.
IrialrlaTcr • Sul Aurfrox ,
isToLkagi ve a jitodaztomit ,
kind. ,Fo* re.
riuw --- C , OP'E 2 W rEBTOOLS
. • .
=DASD= DZPHltntEn.,:j
Orrice or Onarrsorsis or run Ccutiotoor
. lineeldustorrlllty, Angijot Mb, Het; • -
tracararb ... Dr dwitorl* PlPra to
tlier undosuirloo.".., St d . bees made tivuir that
the YLDST HATIOSAL DESK OF rlllrtitilli
W the Connary of Alletherth and State of Dennerlre.
Dia, hes boon duly
Al tender sad warding to
the - requireineste lif o Act of . Ccogrems, entitled
"Al Act U troll& IC/CW=l Currency, socured-hr
s rloilge of United Stelae Sloan, rad to trirido tar
tho circulation and Idlecaptian Honed? .aorcered
1 r ebrnary sub,wa, and bat COmPU4. l rithl a & l,
of old lint required to itrocatarAleallrelu
glilw'scounnencinr%the baboon
NOW, therefore, HMS li inCritocre, Ctdootier
or the Currerry, o becobt_cortillr_ thin- die ishi
=duty of rillettosny, and State or rennerleanbb le
antborincd to eminence *a bedtime of itantitint tin.
In Ultimo* *whereof witaim sal bad
tSS land
. 0 . 1 of ! ,, PAN ith Estbnar Anus',
1861 111, - Gll ID OCH, .:,.
....... i .. ~= Comptroller ot the Carreacy•
tie iteei li ATION AL liiiix or
.prastune.s.,.. TA.; ~,, ~:.
I (at= PODIVI,O Tit 0 9 11 r , 47 4 .;-.
Gums, e4ocOoooriarpstruto. to,, _
so _ -_,
Th e pttlebnigh least Cotepol WM:4 initil,
' th r e ' tltee:ictttt TraliVioliMac -01
mrszvicaa, 'world sorpoctteltt ger Its seems
too the collecttonot Tiottortroans , Dula etratt.n_ce.
ar..„ reogve roan te.deposit,. and Wu- sad 14 li•II.C.
obsumge on all perui'of th es oooattl - -- ,-- . '-. -
'I be ettotese altich "hie -.steno.'the
an 11,5 Te li.tilstro ini
fret C.Poq; atm its OrSnnt4 t i nn.
I* bane.' be a soldictenbatoranttO ttat
entrusted to the noir orvplutSau" l 4 11 rscdr th •
41"itrMialt : - ' .' ' iiatievitil
IlatoOrayrzyntenelte oen=
L and Banta% thtonghout the country; tothelles ar• .
I Cin ant IZMUIntd fiCrallal to times vhe do btatr!.
The boantos 01 be coteloctid alp* waol4lllcr.
it., dle - taterer %wet. ~..:-
it o wtit. Ova, - - ' - Frauehr
13 01-11htles,..,
Thaws Bell. - Alm nnlioi. --- ;'•.
'Maw Vishumor—' " 114
.....1 ). . .•
Wes. 11.0ittniak.... '7- .. ..
-- Jairratatorii_Faati rirop:o.
Skillllo9' ii. 1 ,11( - 'VS 55
, ittioa uar from 9 to 9 <dock, sus ea Vefriiolii
I 994 154¢9day - acealogto from 111sy_lat frr - Nosoloor
Ist, tarra I to 9 0910934.994,-.truma-NoTeltaq /.1.1•.t.,.•
• Deposita Metal of all cam falmoilitlun''• , . ,
DOM . ." aul*divillond id the plonf a derlaradorko a
yeas,lxv.Josto sad Mane Utmost boa tan 6 6 .
bca -rime
dared wzolAu*taeit,A4 Vfon . .
i t ttu:lr n" of .10 ps..coof.
i!rt.;.; mit; tiflietiiiir Eali
at *a &palter as prlocips=o fo i =b i ou rjr, ,
4.7ll:cclatitrtgairremd:Tilifboalfroolglos ifrofrrPolf• -
tor lo iall, °ion* to vrel.o.t Warms b.* 11shi,
catooorroi.villt double In fru tlisalorlas vars._
Boalu,'• confab:log lto Charfor, -13,plAniLaki
a.ds.galitions.ftuide*lg"lC:" IPPU"'"" 01
c?' - .illiCi4/o', ii,..f..-.i
obn ff. zforoaoh T ~ ID Ause Briltsiscor.,f .•1' • •
•John 110b0mf,,,, -. , ;
Jahn p,lot
AteunderSpear;---- - ._- James 14 V;11 .': . .
,1304.1.rahttet4SCV. . CA:2lllraker.l.l2l_4 -
4.....-M6k*S2 . ~.: .; nia Zar.s , . -,...:4:7..
•' JaffooPkffrbof.;. ' " `Win tsm • !". 24 ?".
\ ,
''Cialiti iilaio;',--7•:7; '--l'efrif 4.:MA,7.,..:..,.
Johns ;llatfrofrl; ,': ;„ ;,lifaltff r. .-;.,:,;.
sataivinaki..,:,-;: 3 elm 'Orr. - - :•-:-, -;
„Georgo,flaafr., ...-:. .-....- "::.frotastaolk;:, !,., , i ,
lcamo troGatsfall,, "IWO laSlovklak
:•faufko A: *lwo., •., 7..J.0045b144,- , ,_•-•
511,11frox Dot4laii, John If.ftboootmokor. , .. ,,
. Sohn Vraoa.' . - •.- ' 'Nl y MUM rOkbrof•fOr
. wwa s . th.... 6. -..-_,.. , • ‘Alezioiderlandko .
Peter 11. Minket, - WinioxiVaelikiti. ~.:...;
-ItichsidTholL,l ..-...,,. -I-macOndtt4r...: , - , i ,1
~,,,,,,,i , .x- i llyi• ~, , • r•r-W50.. ?.:W CtirlftLn roaor,- , , A.
"taistAsTA--ItastAl , s; fit. C 9 '-'l t
-lettglair ..::.0 %.-,-.• ........ ,-.. .- ... 4 ..t.,... ..-., • .1,-=
altrWoriUtraidiTuir„iale; trbeteeth
or retail, at Os*
It- • "Sei.P.ll6a,SW Clatria&t.
. - -
DIG 2011.1.095 S
41..- twoht.: vo i um
C " -4
-tioionansbesibilitLeltle rel
i t isuT!NEED soars, at -
aits, ir,ulunt w lioi);etlitort.