6azeftrt. ::: 1 86 t riraEXPA7; rrio , D 871.BTEIBAN, earoinnoum PAPICSILMie Prof. Again& on Geology air • Formations. • It Is not often that our people have such an ',.intralectiol treat as was famished last even ing at Concert Ball by Pretenses Apple, as ha tea his Largeointedligent and deeply inter - .sisted-indienee through those vast and numer ous iMelogical periods and .mulations of our globe, up to its present state. In simple, elms and onimpassioned language, illustrat ing his positions with diagrams, ho showed the. Mewed,* stages of the formation of this , earth's airmailed surface, beginning at. that 'timbals it wee editing but an igneous mess, before the watercould lie at all upon Its ar dent steam, up through period after Period -,,noting the first ndeand simple developments z.": 44 animism! vegetable life, so unlike anyer - , thing now existing, then rising to the high 'Mid more perfect d e of both, until , leashed the Present period ts and man. But the subject of the coal formations was thatnpon width he dwelt the most fully, and which in Tel his matt object. lie dem onstrated the vegetable origin of the vast earboniferotui deposits of this and all other .on e s of the world, and set forth a theory at onc ingeolous and plausible to account for ionerasive overlying strata of coal, with ex . Mashie mid Tartans intervening deposits of earthly matter in the form of shale, slate and meld. To-Morrow evening be will continue the ablilasion of the coal formations andsill go .; farad minutely into the, animalrep • table remains Contain coal depoelts. • Pi:tenor Agassis is aaccen agreeablend o sp f eakeveryr, .:with : I. slight foreign nt, a plissat 'Monte:armee. We an told that be ones maintained in a thesis, that the female ea is; more perfect and of higher de velopment than the male. This eonehisiothat n is ; isocwidanci with his pological idols, the lest development or formation die perfect then any that , preoediki it. In be agrees - with Burns, who, when speaking of 7_ the formation ; of the two sexes by nature, &aid, "Her prentlee hand she trial on men, And then she mole the lasses, 0." We'd:Wl certainly not dispute the authority of two such judges ; but we think the ladim ought to turn out in all their strength when Co &hint • gentleman discourses again on his dark but interesting subject. Volunteer Bounty Meeting. A meeting of the • citizens of the Fourth Ward, Allegheny, was held on Monday even ing, in the Columbia Engine House. A. N. Burchfield was call& to the chair, and J. C. :Pettseion chosen Secretary. The following :Wien was taken : On motion it was Baalsed, That the enrolling officer for this nerd be reepueted to furnish the blockcommittees with the nano:sof ell enrolled men in their respective block. Beeeked, That any enrolled man who da+ not sb scribe the sum of forty dollars to this bounty fund shall not be entitled to any of it. t otbestas. Provided, however, that any citizen not Lieble 'tannery duty may designate any cualled person In indigent dr cumstalseat beloaging to add word, towhom his sub ecription may be credited. Eaehied, That the,Comminelonere of the Fo Wad, Allegheny city Bounty Fund, are hereby not h ada:4.nd empowered tasks publidnotiee. that the sum of 1150 bounty will be paid to every volunteer enlisting *Mac:Bled to add Ward, and that suede awn of Fl5O will be paid to every volunteer and re cruit ipedited to said Wool, hy II Gen. Thomas M. Saa'red, That the 'moms of all cootributor to this fond, and the amount subscribed by meth, shall be published in all the dolly lepers from time to time. The meeting then adjourned to meet on Thursday evening, Feb. 4th, at seven and a ludf o'clock, in the basement of 8ev..7. B. Clark's church, corner of Sandusky etreetaetd South Common, at which time it ie to be hoped the Block Committees will be enabled to make • fan reporg; and thatthe &Arens who mayfbe tilled upon by them to stbscribe, will come up promptly and use their. best endeavors, both by vabscriptlon and by action, to somata the necessary - fund, and by so doing relieve tide ward from the impending draft, and thereby sustain our common country in her boo: of need. Ground Hog Day assu- This is the famous "ground hog day," stated trithirlach is the ancient superstition that "of all the days in the year" this is the one upon whlctalr. tro Odchnek ',skim from his winter sleep and sallies forth to scent the alr. If he bounable to see his shadow in the sun, then his instinct tells him dull the rigors of winter are at an end, and he needn't "go back to bed again." lie knows that the ground will be soft enough to "root bog," and consequently be won't base "die;" but should be descry his shadow, he hastens back to his hibernal quarters, there to remain for lie weeks longer. Parsons who are curious in these Matters would do well to note the "sign," . and npurt thier observations to the "Clerk of the Weather." Ss Wows Tax, 1863. • The following instractiens have been re ceived Hon . 11. A. Weaver, Autstant 8. Augur, from the Treuury Department : litorder to Lamm an early completion of the annual Ust. for 1864, Allsollllollswill instruct their Assisting at once to begin the collection a beam returns in their mactive div Ilion v Although tax-poen are authorised to delay making tetum email the lit hionday in May, these who have not made return by that day will be liable to assessment tinder the provi. gnu assertion iltb,P. S. Buis* law. Toe Gain MILTOOTAII TABLEAUS AT JA. some Ram, Last.:Eicarso.—Thls exhibition, which opened it kiimonte Han last evening, is one of the finest things it has ever been ow lot to witness. It is got up on awe" ef mod silicone° and splendor we have never seen equaled. commencing with a pietnre repre senting the gathering of the angels around the Almighty 'a throne to hear a new decree, it illustrates Milton's immortal poem of • imadhle lost from beginning to end. The mimes representing heaven, the war of the saes end the casting eel of Satan la a n d his • hosts, are 'perfectly sublime. The ncape acronery of the garden of Ulm is beyond do . seriptitoo---the UM thing we have ever 'rit ualised. In fact, the whole exhibition is one of marked excellence, and should be seen by all We doubt whether !Ansonia ilalColtl bola all the people who will endeavor telkein entrance this evening. tle-early if yen wish for a nat. BIACETOOO TOI JAIIIIART..-MX. W. A. 011- &Drw, 45 Fifth street, has receir. , d from ttbN• AMSTICAU publishers, blears. L. Scott Co., Kew York, the January number of /auk wood's iiktgarise. which seems quite good ea*. Tim contents nre: Captain peko's Jenne; Toby Butler—Part IV.; The W Mind sadßody ; Chronicles of Carlingfonl; otimeter Colige and Commoners ; Lotter inns Folmid—Pirt IV.; A.Soag of Proverbs ; The European Cobb.ss SztrinilrrnilD VOLIIITZEILS SIC[ Fir MVP! ' 'Pats istaifilm warned In ttmo, supply your _ . minis with ItOLLOWAY'S PILLS k OIN SESIT..-Thay are stumattod to onto the - went ease' otOoresi Man* . BeterrrreT 4 r , - )iat"Bowel oomplab4s." Only 25 CU. perlros • BOUllty COMMile d .1“ , Adtopteente. borough: bad 71eititermest, tut evening, to till t (=ta AtAtittle am& The number ot men required Elatili HILLTII—Wao Wilgus rre Surrallniversal Empire has Menthe der; Hag Objector *Us of despots, dynasties, and states, frou the Alma of the Pheraohs to that oflcapaisosat . Om& Sou 6f blood hare been .sbod-to attain it,end Um bones of the myriads wltelaiertemrelinghtered in the penult of *kr* howl Skald, if they could be collected ou arid*: pc the highest Pia °f th ° Madayair mountains. 'nom tame .nearest thavtaittamatioi, yet, even she was nem, In teeth, the abroltote "lEistrais • of the Yet *EMU a of antra:sal: empire add* heats= at tain ed. It is an empire not ere theWdl andrbodiesofmankind, but ova thalildiseaUf - Vie conqueror sae has ashler edlititstiat- mama is Dotter- IlallOway, of Landsat at toast we artitusht to believe that be bie Amu, - 'by Touchers Item allpails of thsChilitlaWand-heithon Whfeh 11110V3 loottrefatando,wnd which, in-facti so far as • lfit lostwribewc marry lam challenged. - Hie . Pitch ' 4l4o*m* are "Sabana' ramdise fa. a //date: Ilinis,".Mpsy. , i buOtaguited 41111100OttithC 1 944 11 lobe, and they are 141115**4°_,....,4t: ..111111tee;m1)Sharerc- Itwwesspui-4,-, t thfsperditti'it:llS444°'• ihit the SCE sti nied With sactrataffact ln actieraattailddadfcbOliarnand loads, and 15441"i1t6414(14,34•1nd1iz_0f ciaptire idifebming loregtvst.irsz to • ihww,,Ascpiratipikkof trf: ,-thersobleot P -;413110& - loldah *fetches Its twain ..ea= An Important Event--Removal of the I Cattlelfarde—OPenilig of the New 1 Hotel, etc. OD Monday, order; were received for the shipment of stock from the cattle yards in this city and in Allegheny, to the new end extensive peas erected under the direction of the Pennsylvania Railroad Company, st Too` Station, adjoining the villageof East Liberty. As this point is hereafter to be the great cattle market of the west, we deem it proper to present to our readers a general do ' seription of the grounds—the hotel, pens, ete.—time not permitting ns to enter into de tails at present. Tait UROUS 03 • yre very_ eligibly located, gently declining, and lie between the railroad track and the Greensburg turnpike. The company procured lifty.live acres, extending almost from the village of East Liberty to Torrens station; at coat of $55,000. The ground is very well adapted to the purpoae, and perhaps a better location could not have been obtained any• where else in the county. An extra rail has been laid from this city to the cattle yards, them accommodating the broad-gunge ears of the Western road' which terminate here, and faciliating the atapmens of stock from the West without unloading until the yards are reached. The location also hall the advantage of an excellent turnpike, and a street railway lending directly from the city. MIX= --- In view of the immence business which mast of necessity be attracted to this place, a large and commodious hotel has been erected for the accommodation of cattle dealers, mer chants, and the public generally. The hotel is four stories high, exclusive of the basement, with a court in the centre. It fronts the turnpike, and is surrounded on the east and west sides with spacious gronnde—the cattle pens being in the rear. The grounds will be tastefully,laid off in ks, and decorated with flowers, shrubbery, etc . In the basement there are a barber shop, bath rooms, laundry, store rooms, eta, on one side, with a tenpin alley and billierd room on the other. On the first floor are the dining rooms, her room, office, kitchen, baggage room, etc., etc. A fire Iroof vault has been built in the front part of this story, and it is the intention to partition off a room for an exchange or banking office, where eastern and western merchants con procure such money or paper a. will snit their wishes and neceseitie.. This is a very im portant feature, and will obviate the necessi ty of dealers visiting the city to arrange their financial matters. Before leaving the first floor, we should make mention the very admirable cooking arrangements of —the cook ing range being one of the finest in the west ern country. This la the judgment of first class hotel keeper., who have examined it. The second story contains the ladies and gentlemen's parlors, reception rooms, etc., while the third and fourth stories are divided into sleeping apartments of different sixes, but all roomy and comfortable. On the west side of the fourth story is a large hell, designed for balls, concerts, exhibitions, "etc. Water is supplied from a flowing spring on the premises—one of the most extraordi nary in the country—yielding an ample supply not only for the hotel, but also for the im mense stock yards. It will be forced by steam power Horn the well 'into :elevated tubs, or reservoirs, and from thence conveyed to various parts of the house and grounds by ordinary pipes. There aro also gas fixtures for lighting the hotel with gas-to be manu factured on the ground. In a word, no ex pense has been spared to secure every com fort and convenience for the guests. The building is so constructed that one portion (the eastern) will be occupied exclusively by drovers, while the western division, with a private entrance for ladies, will be allotted to the use ef regular boarders, city guests, and others. It will be conducted altogether aloe the European plan --every one receiving whet he orders, and taking his meal at any time. Having said thus ranch about the house, a word as to those who an to conduct it may not be out of place. The proprietor. of the yards and hotel are Messrs. .1. J. Worthing ton, of Ohio, Joseph McPherson, of Chicago, and Andrew Wilson, Jr., of Ohio. Memos. Worthington and MoPherson arewell- Wil known dealer., of large experience, while Mr. son;is known twthe traveling public as the provrietor of the White Sulphur Spring.. The latter gentlemen takes charge of the hotel. as lessee, and wiU exercise a general :suer vision over its affairs. He in ovary way qupal ified for thoTosition, and in his hands it can not fail to become one of the most popular resorts in the county. Mr. E. A. Huntley, of NeW York, an experienced and accomplished gentleman, has bean entrusted with the gen eral management, and it will be his pride and pleasure to furnish the very best to his guests, and in the very best style. The hotel was formally opened yesterday, and although it is far from being completed, an excellent lunch was served to the company, eonsisting of cattle dealers, hotal proprietor', railroad men, and others. Some time must elapse, however, before Mr. Wilson 101 l have everything in trim. When the house is May ed furnished, be -eon accommodate two hnndr guests very comfortably, and le good t from the magnificent scenery which surrounds it on all sides—the elegant midi:netts, the delight fnl landscapes, the pretty village, andthe dis tent hills—.Grandview" would not be an in appropriate name. lift CALTTLA Pr.S3, Through the politeness of D. A. Stewart, I Esq., General Agent of the Pennsylvania Railroad Company, we were shown through the cattle yards, or pens, as they are more properly termed. An Idea of theft extent may be obtained when we state that, wh c o mpleted, they will cover an area of over sternly five acres. They are constructed in the best style, and will all be enclosed and under roof. There are cartways for the delivery of of feed, and en abundant quantity of pore water, supplied by hydrants, with hose for washing and cleansing the Den% The pens for logs and sheep are planked, while Coos • for cattle and horses will be hardened with coating of cinders, and supplied with props bedding. The capacity of them pens, as a• present constructed,will be fifty elvetteand head but they can be extended to accommodate • much larger number. The division is Hogs and Stun Cattle - Hones Total 50,000 The facilities for leading and anloadin It are most eamplete. The pens are so arranged that thirty double or single deck cars can ho loaded at once. This is a very important matter, and will obviate a source of great complaint on the part of dealers sad drovers. A building has been erected here, in which are located a telegraph to weigh scales, etc. The scales are very conveniently es , with a view to coonomy in time. A car load at a time can be accurately weighed hero, and the scales prepared for a fresh load to a remarkably abort apace of time. Tho in weigh master and the drover. although separa apart:Manta, cammsuilcate by signal bells and speaking trumpets. In a word, everything has been arranged with a view to fully accommodate the cattle trade, wren to Its largest extent, and render thin a great stock market, where the eastern pur chaser con meet the waste= drover or pro dacer, and purchase and ship with profit and facility. These yards, As we have before stated, will bo under the immediate control of Messrs. Worthington and McPherson. All Interested will be glad to learn that the ship ping business Will be superintended, at hest for the present, by Mr. Stewart, whose sepal *lee if a sufficient guarantee that the details of this Important matter twill be Unfelt) , at tended to. The shipping of stook from the yards in this city, and aloe from these in t be Second Ward, Allegheny, commenced hut night, and ere long the cattle trade will be en tirely removed from both cities. In Alle gheny. it Is expected b o th c i ties. retail busi ness will bo conducted until cattle become more abundant; but as soon as the present scarcity is relieved, and the market pplied urchasers will naturally Is well su seek the larger market, as It is there they can puribase on t h e molt favorable terms. The principal hotels et the Allegheny yards are now for rent, and the propriotots,together with all others interested in the cattle made, are preparing to get a foothold in the vicinity of the new yards, where the entire Intsinem must mutually concentrate. ' avesAvir. AntAND's rtriWons—bir. Henry Miner, next door to the Postofnee, hss for ash) GustsveAhnerd's "Indian Chier—s new story of life in the Par West—full point with ell of excing teams—inch se Absurd can • the vividness and power of one 'holism him self seen end experienoed wo nt he would pre sent to his raiders. The book is published by lifesus. Peterson le'Brothms; price, 60 ots. Tasaalis,r—Thr =oat singular and original parformaaeenfjba modern slap la, perhaps, the lap of Mrs. Walla?. film will dila eras - Sag represent Ins tragic character, for the only time daring her present engagement Many attic" hava pronoun oad her lags to )» equal to distal the alder_ Booth. —:--.aj------ _ ~..:Wiliniaa;, Jwlntraw,'Sci.—.l. M. Roberta. Fo• /111411:itt*ti to saw *posing the moat - Abolosskook-of Ise idolid.arid Cam Wachs*, Jrrindry,lillasa aro* ailiariai. ooo4l4 °a ram= this city. as#ll Willi dusk, as e 224 District. .t of the sasses striaken First Class, 22d Diu- Exemption In The following is a from tho enrollment, trlct with the wars o aivlnaptiOD : rir''..ren:ll:l3l"°"::: ,,,,,,, '":”rirfu:f 7cit ;:: ; ° . ":' Michael Casviday, , laveph 1,11.0 !Theodora Berman, i h t fk r i t kl Ib l lll . ,'". J John Conway, David L tonne, Andrew Proton Jr, N P Willa Gotta Ernest fiend& Andcww Herr, (Thomas Hamlin, Illinry Jona., J.wialt IL Johooloo 1106{00 Jones, Albert Kellar, !Cahoot Murry, W H Millar, Fred'lL Miller,: , Jll 2l It Wan, Sebastian Madden, Palrfax C Milton, Nathan P McCultongb James M'Cart, FY n sardt, LIT N har i d P!abcriwni James Prim', mos 3 Partinson, Peter Pile, John W Raynolde, David Sobinvon, John Snyder, S.ainrial !Rowley, 'Martin Tracey, John IL ThowPw.: i Elext7 Winder. so w•nn.! !D av id Lloyd, C Broom, !David Lloyd, !Jain. M. ViSher. NoweeviJowb Ella. IL Alcsandor, J. E. Chambers, (Smith Falls, Hoary II Smith. pi...OWL. ! IA C Marton, !D I Johnston, ~_'John • mitt age, I Sanolel II II hinvy, i I c Bedell, Robert C Ill'ClellAnd Edward Wenlter, char!. A ilourkwr, Junioe Batchelor. Jaws Graham, inures Huddle, W iii C Ilionliton, (Clark A Harlan, Doinel s J oh neton, !Thomas Jon., /I icbral Robb, m m s lAnghlin, „ion.. Lemon, liibizaticiar Moore, W m blandiall, !Robert Norris, J .eren EVEtro7, ohn ll'llortry, .. .i 'has WII Henry. i William Owens, 111 II Dell. ME= Minks. Thus Posen, James Bell, Patrick Gallen, Patrick Moira, John Iliclienbsch, Michael Chan Samuelle, (ho' Connor, 'Mad Fowler, Phillip metre, Thos oltrien, Wm JP Laughllo Goo Striuhauser Mark 'tailors., Michael Lee, Wm Luebbe, Jon Gunther. David 110047, John Tobin, John Seberrer, Thos D Doll, Wm Malay..n, Jr., John Johnston, ►Jam Teter, Unsutrablenn. s/ Ado (irn 1". sod /Itar , lo4. Jeremiah PTuoln, Leopold Kahn, Dant hlllonnepl, Coratantln• Conrad, Wm Schnchman, John Tool, Patrick Pc.mera, J smelt ICTinha. rAtrick Crean. Dan . Twenty coe J Calhoun, John Sing, • Al. eu: N leholas Bc , Bart ley Patrick I.l..arus. Thom Gums,. Jan.. Mnkill loan sßiter, )latlhow MoMallan, Chris Ahrou. J..hn Thorns... ' I'atuanth!...no a , A , *II Ab001...1. Johu 1.1 Rayl .1a John Lowe, Joseph Arrn-ln•ota. NC !Mem Bally, 1...w1s Evan, John Hod. 11.1wanl Drown, 1.1 1 1111.11 u 1111,1.111 n, lhooitlook %Ina N .1 t. John Connar• L'ade' Tecate ohb•uu Whaley, or, Fart, Thoe N Ilhacan, Ntiltou Sheltlou, teearge Thompr.a, 81A , 14013 or Parent t.” Thum , Farrel. .I ,, bollnidl. J..ha Dotto , lly. Atason, 00011 i, Moritz &M, Philip ewady. .{oho J {,ter Fab, J..hrk hvalt Chri. Fn.! , Imire. C ~ ii.3l.ltner. Fri , : C Tr.,,,,,, John 11.,-ker, Palr{i.k Dunn, Joh. Boyd, Louis F.n,.....1. John Don , inne. Santuvi Moore. nilesseMo M hnri. AN.. I..ing, arn nig:Lewin, Thom. Me COOT t, Jam... II . Fei.li , , Henry Shintilortin, Joe Boner, not.rt Lugh.h• Lewis J /for., Jno Gibbons, Nlorrl.2 Drills, John }limb.% . Lewis Gs., Ileury 11..ii.0i . John S..a ney, ö Tr , -4 And.rsoo, Jowinh Irvin, Frits . 15..lhatn, Marl , • lipaneitii. , ,, , Joix•ph Wont , . Hugh liichobion. 111..”h+sr Como , 11, John I , ,hint•li, Gliarb• 11411. JR...ph 6 Curb,. • i Denni• I C onn .,. Patricia Pilo, 11. ury tivi•-oiti.•, Neu A c.. 1 Wm lihite. Joshns Danl.lllteCsrti. • Thor 8 'tomato° Jors .1 .1 k, C ut'l (tot , IteAdlrk, Jam. )1.1.'13., r.. 1.1 jr, Patrick Snyder, Peter r Morrd,l 'When Los, John Taper, Rudolph I,ppolt %Itv $.r... Wm hcholtx Je hn Lltsrley is. II ite.art, Jobn McGarvey G Ftuto.rt, Ja. Mauna, Ilot.ert Castle., Chrhdophar Jr, ItlcKem, Jen Ninths, Peter yulnn, Josiah Cnhen, Fred 1. Led., II Tl' Lean. Edward earl, Us.sitabiesess die -- Cnm a , mai Marri.d. Emanuel Moyer, l 5 A Waugh, Over y.r. re Jno 5 1;1111nn, P”rul.r. Ir liter! Bender, is" MrlK••nne. I:l4an 11 lomel, Jam rami..ll ...35,000 hcad 10,000 " —.. 6,000 " Ali ft 11 lan 11.•nr) m .u. Fr. ntlnw•, GM=il 11..nry ./no Cntro.l.oll , nlol.l. .1 no u Bend , . Acnun Thomas Curran, Obnrlns RAM; Wm Karroo. Ilsary liverrtnnn, Wm tkmk, Michael Stantanno Ltn (Po Upton, Pet, Blum, lieury Brimlug, Jaott Gotharil Lippert Daotel Jl.Ol , flosnirs, John Mallon, Tb. 112.0 Theo llodemitagen, Atichool Kennedy, Jompk /Goblet, Maim' Schwitibart, Richard Fitimooy, Jug Forgo... Frank Nichol. Simon, Ang Memnon litioemaker, Joseph licanderstoin, Jao Meyer, Stopben 111cCitmisoy , Phillip Wol 0 RaMager , Wm Mama, Patrick Poroitine, Juo Wortley, 800 No.& Geo liaise', bobt Arbuthnot, Albright ilickaler, Patrick Jno GOsAmkti Jim Henniker, Wm Couninghoni. C a wlbMeaea of 401 Ono 25 awl 31i0 , 54. Lenard Peter Niggl, David Johnson, Jim Conner, Trod Qnigilti Benedict Ached:far, Anthony Wenger, Gh. Wirech, J amm Allimn, Job Mason, Jno Weich„— Nick Rider, F G Wm Duskier, noonry Myer. Jno 11oe4et, D POUT CWITIIIIMt. Join. Item, Wm Wood, Clomatia FerSk., Decry D'Coy, IWO Droste, Arthur Colville, Daniel Tosrommd, Tlmatby.nGtsins, Pat. SCIP.U, Phan My Patrick Rams. Michael Martin, David Oollioe, HamDavismol, • Starovall; Chas Sprawl, Wm SPIV.% Dad Common, iq.a loqulPF*, THE LATEST NEWS sy itmßas. OUR SPECIAL DISPATCHES. -- ----- FROM WASHINGTON Special Dinkateh to tho rittstargb Gezetto 11"..9ui9010s City, Feb. 1, 1964 A PINION CACCIRit A Union caucus Is called fbi`itext Wednes day evoning, when several" matters relating to the eouree of the Atimluietestion party on the questions alieady raised, will be decided. A 01011110 Or Toe coa4TtAa C01411110310N. The anneal meeting of the chrtgthn Com mission comes off in the Hall of the House to- morrow evening. TOE 50311111.T10N Or our.-4cnortszo. The Senate Military Committee will hold its first meeting for over a week to-morrow, and will take up the executive nominations. General Schofield's ease still hangs in the Committee, and many think it likely to hang there for some time. The fact begins to az citalbomment, that the nomination of Gen. Schofield evil the last one that the Presi dent could make, there remaining only that one vacancy in the list of - Major Generale, and that he was chosen to fill It rather than one of the two or three Others, whose claims for such promotion is generally regarded far higher. It Is complained of as • devotion to. one's friends, and out according to their merits or deserts, and the anti-Schofield men Insist that this will be enough to defeat him ff the question gets into the Senate at all. . The Rouse Election Coinmittee have. de cided in the case of .Ni'Kensie vs. Ketchen, eash claiming to represent Alexandria and Martinsburg district in Virginia, to report against both, on the ground that there is not sufficient consistency to warrant its represen tation in Congress. The fact that this dis • trim, including as it does most Si the Vugin ian battle fields, has been greatly depopulated by:the war, explains the scarcity of votes. More were east, ho wee er,than for Segar,from Norfolk district, and more titn to'r4dhybody who has been hitherto rejected_on llair ground. Be tween three and tour thousand votes were cast, and the care thus assumes an importance not attached 'to any similar ones heretofore decided by this Committee. The Senate Finance Committee have de cided in their report as to the whisky tar, bat have passed a 4vesolution enjoining special secrecy about it till reported in the open Son ata. The prevailing belief is that they have decided against Fernando Wood's amendment, taring all on hand. It may be reported to the Senate to-morrow, but hardly expected before Wednesday. Martha °Tomo , Alto•oel.nogb , Froookt Hickey, lifortrael Westor, Mirbool onn. P . mling,John !Inglis. Wm • Taylor, n. 3.; rte...., Jhn Sort.n. 'wm Rafferty. ~ t h'ln Lewis. I 4.l.ltwrt Merkel. ramee Crllly. Owen Muck e. 31 31 Iti'GnYy. • - tOalit-Ttrlolll OF notranan' TaTlOns. Mr. Arnold introdaced a bill in the Nouse to-day, providing that when soldiers, through the exigencies or'the service, are placed on short rations, they shall have whatever amount would be noceesary to make flail ra tion, added in money to their pay. ras acw Yong. CLIMON netni 13VMMIOATIO 0 . The New York Custom House investiga tion continues. Deputy Collector Hanscom I was unable to appear today, through Ulnae. but is expected to-morrow. Ores / , 4 - iier.. !Thomash Commons, I Peter Brown, Aug Bris-Itschrislat. (Jo.cith L Paisley. Aileen. of Pareals. J. 4 Weiecaberirci • Frank P Case, iLlitgli IniffeY, inclines render, ,Jsmrs B )ll'CRllantl. Christopher Smith. John Berlin. iliauicl Wrlty, 1.1.-/i.-ail , sii. Th. Coyle., Join 6,i16..ir, J.lll. Robinson. Dosub.ht, Edward Anger. Jahn Burke, Eduard Barry. .Jahn Butler, Ver.,' Burns, ; R,l.crt Cramer, listinls Onesy, .1. rsinlish Downey. John Dolan. .111cliard lisaken, Josiah W Ells, Raieph W Flanagan, Charles Uri's, Joho Gilchriiii. Patrick Gssring. ~1... ha W Boon, Ge..rge Houle, i Armstrong C Bonder , Ssiasitel S Larnheri, Antiwar litaf au•. Mart dorsa. 11'11111p Ilorts. James lieKeerrr, Patrick MeGinerri. ;II trii.l litaDer isnir, i /rancie licUtaughil ,itscar If iMillan, :121::it1:7;n, i/jeter 11..ecita, !Jabs Sirs,. Wm Strernrucl. !John Struts. ;Wm Smith, James Terupl•leri. Evans B Ti...w.. ,Jawa U Welder, 'John Witebrall, (James Wlggientim, Lewis Walters, 'use Watkins, J W gimuuton. lea.. Jan Ran . , 1110.7 Laub'', jn* Iglu : Uu'° Foe -11 , .... I no Gtarrn, litia. T broil, Wm 6 Petternian if* F,......, M 0.,. Win G 11e1.1Iure, Disability. Michael Beats, !Jeremiah BrireLt i Wm T England, Cornell. Geary. Go , Grinder, Abraham fall, Jas ILsrts..ll, J. A Burma, A E Kitcrailler, Iltrirris Mcßride. W R lictlinice k Chu If Talus, ,iies, Niles, ,Jao illortignincr! Jai. Miller, Ban. Nichol .M Optstibei met, Till ORD:IA:MI QVCDIIOV. The Committee on the Conduct of the W had another session to•day. They are ad engaged on examinations of questions co. corning the °plume. . _ Tba contested aloatiori can, of Gan. Loan's district. in Iliseonri, sill probobl♦ be derided a-LOOTTOW tipoot.l ItOrvalth to the Pittstnarzh Guxtte. ll /emission°, Feb. I, 1E434. Mr. Blahs= presented& bill authorising the inspectors of prisons to restive persons now under capital &antennas, not yet esedited, confine theta under • Governor's rendi tions) partialn. There sr* •bent twenty iamb el." throughout the grate. There was no other western business... The Howse asiJoinnedacte s. r two bows spent presenting petitions and lama bills. J. . _ CougremionuL West:moron, Feb. I, 1864 Iloose.—Various resolutions proposing • inquiry es to the increase of the payment C soldier - 1i and their pensions, the protection : emigrant. to the Territories, he., wet adopted. Mr. Blair, of Mo., offered a resolution for the appointment et • Committee to Inquire Into the practical operation and results of the Tremor, Department, the trade regulations lndus commer States,cial Intercourse with the rebel io and whether frauds have been prectioed by agents or favoritism shown, Ito. A debate mising, the resolution wee laid over. The committee ea &titer, stairs to inquire into the expediency of repealing or superse ding the omscrlption laws, and In order to oc cull the men nceesoaryl to put down the re bellion, by giving Incressedifpay and bounties, reported. Mr. Stevens, of Penna. moved to lay it on the table. Agreed to yesl464 : mays ttt. Mr. Grinnell offered a resolution declaring that n more vigorous policy of enlisting per sons of African descout in the way would meet the approbation of the House. Adopted by 60 against 48. The House resumed the consideration of the bill to revive the brevet rank of Lieut. General. Mr. Garfield opposed it. They should wait until the war is over beets oonferring the bile. Mr. Ferry/forth advocated the immediate truige orlib bill. fiktr.Sohenck.in voting for it would do se without in the least degree wishing to be un understood as interfering with:the 'election of President. Mr. Ross Offered an amendment emu mending Gen.l3rant for they osition of Lieut General. Agreed to by 111 against 7. The House wont into Committee on the ICU amendatory of the Enrollment eat. The House then went Into Committee of the Whole on the State of the Union. Mr. Davis was in the chair, and proceeded to the consideration of special order, being Senate bill, as repottlid from the House Military Committee with amendments amend atory of the Enrollment act. Bat little pro gress was made. The amendment confining the term of service to eighteen months war rejected. The Committee then rose, and the House, at 435 o'clock, adjourned. S .—The Vice President presented the resignation of Senator Bayard; of Delaware. Mr. Davie, of 'Hy., rose to a personal ex planation es to the course imputed to him by the Senator from Maine. U . Morrill and Saulabury presented the eredeattats of George Read Biddle, whit. was sleeted to 511 the TaCJIII.V of Mr. Bayard. Mr. Doolittle's resolution mequesting the appearance Departmentstomet.4e, bef ore wl t t h h e committee on investigation, is being discuss. ed, Mr. asstmes eapporting the resolution at length, an sot of justice to the Depart ants. He Introduced a tong letter from Donald McKay, in defence of Isherwood end the Navy Department. The amen dments were discussed. Nothing Important doni to-day. Ao4 Rams, ' .1 in. IlTianibt idga, 'Stroh Albright, Ak. Thompson, Sisplito Wolf, Lthisrlg Lana, Wm Ramat., Dennis Ill'iiiina, Almon Remo, Robt Wallace, Goo 111•Kra, Adam Balms, J K Doirtilog, J no A Gamier, Chas Jamison, Mader Twenty. Irraosis Wirth, Gwen Klanoligao, IRMA B Aliso, . Rom, baron, /siphons Kim, Geo./ lialmboohor, Daniel lireoy, ,Jim Wilkinson, lino Rupparl, idichael Williams, Gim II Moro. Ores Pk.. 4 . , Iludolpbus liana, Jame Idslitrkle, Laois Docker, lArtbur dill, , Wm Ilmailtoo. /Torono;dosi. laisa W Cook. ' 1 : W c ...T B J .... . r k .d 7o .: 11 :: ::: 1 d D i ,ci, r i: K, R 11 ::::: 11.0 0 , ' 01.7 q [A ; ::. g 7: * Daniel Taylor. liisabifrv. Thom. Arnold, James Alelou, Henry Boland, kitrant , Obsess Baer, Joseph I Duvall, John Fraley, Thcomia Vino, Leili• Fleming, John P Glass, Wm Gallagher, John Elartena. Frederick Belotalmosil, M Hellman Georg, ilsinaarr, Mika Hoffman, • Moor, Bunter, Philip Hoffman, Jams Hanlon, Jacob Kniper, !red Hlnaman, Thee! Kennedy, Gamy Kinzer, Edward filmdom, Jacob Les., Wm klulrey, John Hiller, Gee W 11•11 rain, Jr.wkinsllToy, ' Fran. limal, John Pair, Charles Patch, George Helmick, Vote Hammel, Henry Sale, John Smith, John Hupp, Henri Blamer, Warr, Scott, Stolgo Sproul. John Stiums, I a TUrn.rt Ma 111Abeilibbia, Henri VaCk.' Coprad WOULOG - Mamas Willlosu4 ' Jogrpb Wollf. Chow 1r1d.014...rf , Bank of England for Preniesi; sovereigns or Alexandria. Allow pounds field In private hands nerenko mitred to Paris. Gen. Thayer Assigned to a Connannt ...Negroes starving—lndlans Desert ing Magruder—Gen. Magruder Con centrating his Forces. St. Isms, Feb. I.—The The,occoes Fort Smith special of the 29th says: Gen. Thayer was assigned to the command of the District frontier, heretofore commanded by General McNeill. Over 40,000 negrocs have been concentrated in various towns in the interior of Toss, hundreds of whom are now dying from starva tion. Thirty-eight Somioola Indians today de serted from Magruder and reached Waldron. They represent that Gen. Magruder is coneen• tinting his forces on tie border of Louisiana in anticipation of an attach from Banks. A rumor was current today that Waldron WWI captured yesterday by Price's forces. Waltrip° is seventy miles south of here. 1=7123 Coll2l6Tir, VAS -1105S FRou eAnuisnu RG. Arrival of the Steamer Ilibernia. TIALIVAX, Feb. I.—The steamer lliberni from Galway, has arrived. Denmark has rejected the lustre-Prusstat ultimatum. The Austrian and Prussian ambassadors are reported to have quitted Copenhagen. 0 arribaldi had issued' proclamation for the hWiaa ormaton of a comittee to promote ,Union m and -inviting alt Italisns the to rally awned A new Spanish ministry has been formed 'with Lorena* Atlantis as Presldank Tea Veer LATI:ISI ar TIIIMILIVII , -load s " , Jos. 19.—The Duke of Cleveland died at Holy Castle yesterday afternoon. The Londort - rwtee city article says : The summary nidificallon sent to Denmark by Austria and Prussia, for the withdrawal of the obnozions constitution on the polo of Im mediate oompation of liehleeing, produced a further depression all of the markets yesterday,which :nil' aggnivated by the increas i ng Intensity of the drain of gold from the- Dank of Brame, and the probability that ire action on this • side may Ware an early return of intarof discount to 8 per oat. The genera discount devised was not active ...at the bank, but est .sot w rit the forties termitliatherweas again as 'Moms teatrinam • and the _ betide, apart stottal].a father. if At. About 45,0111 , ruses were .taken borne* 4,1 MARKETS BY TELEGRAPH Cincinnati Market. Special dispatch to the Pittsburgh Gazette. CIVCISNATI, J.. Stt. Tho wuallier to-day Is cloudy and damp, With a sllght rain. ThiSTlcer in rising very Aowiy, wiih 22 fret of water la the channel. The steamer , Nicrispater, and Liss' , tit.. tin left for Pittsburgh to.clay. Yloar—No change lo the market the demand is light and sputa - awl to higher grade.; extra sold at 56,11; metrefamily $11,40. Whiskey byrathor firmer feeling; salmi at ifiEs,7sln; Precisions ow , tinned flrm lint rather quiet In fooling ; then. Is no change In gnotatlims. Wheat opnord dull and on center!, hot towards the closo them was a bettor fol-- hot,hod $1,2 1 was uttered for prisnats—Slar kel dull and quoted In bulk. at eland In 9tt(Et 93. Itya dull wgd prin.. lessor and Ormer ; euthy at Bariny Is eery doll an dnominal at Corn—llime is a Liana &wham In mar ket. although thwdetnand le got now wit stw:lll.4 w eptil tiowatvi fit 01.sio trent l.overoutent Lontractott. • Philadelphia Market. Pa 11.401.Lr1i/J., ro.b. I.—Trode in dull IL: or ....- part meat. oulti, to the rain. There L. very little shipping deutarol for dour. and only 2,U00 Yatra Faintly were eol.l at 117.• , ,e5T,:r., nod sconerawy at 59,50. There In aothing dying In Bye Flour •nd P rim Meal. Wheat I. dud and I.lwer 6,1100 both prime Penosylvante Ited, • .1d at 151,1,4.y.1,70, •i.. 1 Whit. at 1111,hi1k41,h3. Corn .0 aud lower ; small *ales of Yellow at 51,00. .4.1. err dull at fqc. Clre. yenned sold at st,7o. nod 1 .5t...1.1 at 1.r.,45.@:.M. Proqinion. nrroly . ante.. al Mesa Pork at 111101.1.1. Ur, and Lard or lio, and 000 bbl. at Sr. There ‘1.,..ny,e in 6r...cat-len. Whiqty Unwttled of ltfl 1.1,14 at no. and drudge ark Petroleum le quiet at Y./.1,7te for Cruda, 4 , .? in hood and 63(3351 for Free. hrom••—nrin, Pout., I TAMA :. • 95; rail road 6r,,, Peottayleani; railroad 75: Cold as change on New York par. New Vork Market. • Nr.. Tote, Vet, 1.— , 0tt..n .tad! ..le. 7.0 NOW rl...ur ; 10,001 WA. nt tab a ,“ firm; Lush. Colll buoyant; aka 1.1.10./ bush •t sl,....i.sol,ol.Provisions •tr 01.7 and or:chat:V.l. Wbusay ttrno Cl hol.trr• mating lalTance of 0 to:a. 41rucorioa hot agorae heatr. Petrolt , n luiet at for Crude: nod 44.147 for Il.ebtiott. Vrrtgbta New York Stock and Money Market. Nee Yoga, P.L. t. ork. irrepnlar dr IL I .. ti.alana a Chtrago.. Ilheriand pl.l , 2! j tle,land Toltdo. tn 7 ,4 Ces. Scrip Alt , I.lllehlr.Ati l'rntral -an Southern.. ..... .. .1101 ',nitro! ..... a`..CleTolou.l 111iN Itlver ..... F. W ..... Gold ,ror rer. 1,7 e74oVote-Serentire „ 14 , 1 Philadelphia Cattle Market. nzt.a nett.., Vet. 1 .-Tb:e market lor Beet i'at. .te wwi doll, and , tint, ...ate 1,300 bead, Aare all4llaplied of Cl d ate.nt 0r..01001 rates. ranging from 5A(V.11.1 the poun • t good and extra quality. rtea.fr, and 2110 limo! Core 101.1 120 to 136 for Springer. Alk,ol SI , to 6.50 for rear von Hogs are !owe: so.l the nrc.e.pta 11;111. rem+ about otoch .r.re auld at Iron NA the In" pon•tola. 11.1 b 1, 1 1e b,.. Coto o Co.. Zinottri Go Neu ork 1 ink StateLLIEUL Nr. rel.. I Lb- ILIA atmurra Pa Ow V• 0•1, ,1211.11• decrease, C.,•••,1211., decrease, j5,•,21..,, -.0. Isrree., 512 , • Iners.e. 1155. A.• PIIOCIAL LA RIAL NOTIL 1?-•k C7soTril 13).% idelf SLICING Mecums have obtained the highest premium at every Siete, County, and li.stitute Fair held In 1361, the best remit) and the best manufseturing machines, and for the beat machine work. A. F.C41,011,,, General Agent, le 'Fifth street , Pittahurgh, Pa. l'uou '.'1•315 end Ornamental BL. Roofer, lad d e ,$r to Peansylvarkla cad Vermont than of the but quality at leer natal.. Otilea at itlez. Lau%ktlizt • it, tour the Water Walla, Pittsburgh, Pi- • Nittouno ood Foul Vopors generated by the but sun will L• far more deadly loour Volunteers then tho enemy's bayonets. In the Indian mod Critoesn ca mpaigns. 110L1.0- IV A r'S PILLS wet, tout in enormous quan tities. They kept tb • troops itt perfect health. Only 25 cents par b.t Soldiers supply your- elves. For sale In Fitb i. - 1 01, l'a., by B. L. Feline- Wet .t Co. For sale also at Felwa's Drag Store, Fifth . - - -.(formourr. , have y . examined the fall and winter stook of goods •t the Merchant Tail boring establislimen , .1 Sam. Graham A Co., No. 14 Market stre, A fresh supply of g. .ds every week. Have you entreloci the prices of goods at tbe Merchant Talloclug cotabilshrnent of Sam. Graham .k Co., No. S 4 Market street ; if not, It Is now time you would, and save 10 per cent. in your clothing bill. Every garment wcrr uated a perfect at. Sourly Gusatau, Ono. hieCauntasa. Parr ItWanwa owe K.DII;It SlLZ.—Tba fine assortment of Pall and Winter Clothing, lately received by /Messrs. John Wier & Co., Merchant Tailors, No 140 Federal street, Al legheny. The ctocl of clothing coralots of the finest variety of -outs' pantaloons, vests, costa and overcoats. TOO style of patterns is toateful and fashion chi., Wo would Invite all of oar readers to lyre the above gentlemen 01INIEUS sod carnage Gaits will he taken at the Omnibus office, No. 410 Penn street, day or night. All orders loft at the above place will be promptly attended to. All calla must be paid la advance. Iv is a wall known fact that you can buy Dry Goode at.l. Finch's, corner of Grant and Fifth streets, cheaper than at any other house in the city. C. th:J., Dentist, US Posisi streat, will 61 toad to ail basisiesitesi of his orofeartha. MARRIED: CRONSGROVE.—ItrEIBBEN.—Ou the btb o Jeonaß, IE4, by the Hera 11r. Wubington, JAMES CILOSSOIIOVE sod lay LIZZY Nick: ID BEN, both of Ibis city. EA gISILI.--On Monday, February Ist, EVATILTEL HAMILTON, Infant sou of Elizabeth and John anznaey, aged IT months The Wanda of the &may ate nepeotfullg invited to attend the funeral, on Tr .141 . xnfltUO, at 10 o'cLnk, from the maidence of the parents, Wmhing• tan Pike, DM= township. UPIIOLSTERING.—Having_ purchas ai• large 'tuck nf goods for CASELI abb to offer mat bargains at satsuma!, law prima. FEATHER REDS; Hair, Haat and Sprtag VAT- Ticessgs gro • • at variety of SHADED TABLE & rwon oh, CLOTHS; CARFETSI EURO/WED TABLE COVERS; Adlleldn, Ora., Doc. aud Ma sills Bordered MATS, of NA boot quallrf, sod rbo.P. Aunturpamed. order.promly attoodod to. House Nu. IT2 FEDERAL STREET, Alb.gto.oy, (forsoorl) oocup by Hr. _ _ _ Sotoplo.) dewTROD! AB DARK ER. --_ - - - SEVILLE, CHACTNAL FLUIdB=Z, GAB AND 8731 kid FITT/JUL M. sa fIIDZILLI, 6TIMIT, Allegtony Olty..a VT Liberty t Pitubamlt. ( . 3 r EORUE R. LtIDDLE, Man, Dm N 9 Diamond St., Pittsburgh, Pa. MOM, IttORTGA011:11, 10811rilltd1S, BOND MICIIIANIar LIEN% rad other Instruments oi Wziting drawn with meteor rad lee* roeurrey. k000tott• etatret for Zerentore rod Armlelstratore, Titter to Bed Utah, werrotterd sad Itecorde marched ter Liar. kr— to. ooltrarrearT GLO. A. KELLT, PIVMSII.IOI. dretIiKLIRCIISODtZA N T/Bi. is. Or Madam' proscription amen ty worm& NOTIOE TO 11;0tv -ANO NAIL zwarsis.—Tk. go* isuaLtorantsx of &Donlon* handrol ita4 any Vol I°l* sokotod sita .1 000 aiffs, to Matta:mina i. 141( lUD (h.,. be sold f 11( lClti .‘ " Ser n Tit OMIT*. is • °F • . - RIVER INTELLIGENCE. ittliive weather CObthintS Cloudy arid mottle d, Failit every indication of mote rain. The tiler has ritlialleawzi lathes stna our last reports, the par •"&alliiiliwning showing want ten feet. The nee 'b''"t". tha.Nlimhsliy, as the Monongahela sp- PwriTOitlideasitsitalWeary. likii'i.i'. l l 9 ,iillablasettv at the wharf Dram - dal. ' the d4iP'""'"ll44l4l,._la;atislie Cho receipts are im proving. The moans" iilvaaTyinoymati, itad the Cll - from Cabo, uitticlllilkesii*-.0. the Jenni e ßuhl. twine Cineinteitb midi*" yy. 0 .,,,,,,,,,, fr ,,,,t, Zanesville. ware due last nighi . : 4 4}ArinzA m b i i,„ be found at the wharf this morsdni..4.-i ' , ILI . • i . The Minorca clwrod for 'A heeling Mg,: vy;'. o'clock yesterday, and the Leal Lem.' firr b r adrkiisy. got on about dusk. Tae Leati had an excellent (11%. I including a ego ammo. et SioTrroristit siiitvii. bir, Sate! Jawns, ono of t h e pilots on the Camelia, ' reports having met the following named coal tags Jan. itrith—met Shark ar Pomeroy; Jap. Di, met Whale at "Swan Bar," Jan. 29, met Star and Storm at Parkersburg; Nuii.Pi, Lake Nile at Fishing Creek: Tiger and Bengal Tiger at Tishing Creek Wand; Arab and Dolphin at Captine; Tout Jotter= Grave Omsk; Dirk YOH. and Tom MN. at Wee Gee. Met tour more, names unknown, on Sunday night above Wlawling. Th. Cottage Not arrived tram Oil City on Sunday and the edits Dom the same pn is doe this morn ing. The Outtsge bad among oth ni er t Items, smite wren hundred barrels of petroleum. The steamers Navigator, Lizzie Martin and Caro line, left Clurtomti for Pittsburgh on Saturday. The Nevada and Hate Rebinwn would doubtless fol. low on Blonde). ' The Wheeling letelltruwer of yesterday says The river was falling last evetalng, with about eleven feet of water in the channel. The stream was almost entirely clear of Ica. The West moreland pawed down for M. Louis, with a splendid hip. The Lancaster ho 4, rapt. W. G. Battelle. ar rived from Cincinnati, and wlfl leave again this everting• from the Lommile Jestnut of raturday, we extract the following The firer le rising dimly. Thera I. • rhur of alio eightln feet four Ind. en the canal, and sir. feet I , Met.a le the Indians chute on the falls. The 011 re Branch arrived freak Now Orleans Thoredep stoning wal , • cargo of enter and 1,,r 'met Ira m 'Sew Alhahy and this city. The receipts of the round trip of 0, the Olive Ilrau to haw Wheats end ha , h, were 341.0 for Ithigl and pmenag , re. A . ram ~ sound , . fon. the lardHil ad of l, Payne Co., on Thursday, at New Baste are taking pound freightscrom here W h Ash vMe at tents per hale The steamer tveupesg arrived from Nashville with cargo of tolacco cod cotton. Kos halm !data Mat hh,ls tobstwo and 459 bales ,est ton. As we learn. she was transferred here yesterday evening to her new owners, Capts. alums and Watts of Madison, Ind. We learn that the Mare I,wded bay at Cannelton for Neer I okays this week of Vfft per ton freight. At last accounts tow , Memphis, the Mnarternmater was pressing all the Wats at that place for Govern ment set vice, Boats will be was L• for a while here. The new and neat passenger steamer Silver Spray, Capt. Shuman, will positirely lea;, , for C olraint and Louisville this molting. Meters. and Sereitser are the clerks. The MIT!, Capt. Andrews, will be ready to les. for St. Louts tbio evening, and passengers and ship pers Mould tow this fa , t in =Md. The neat boat on the list for Cincinnati and Lents- Title, is the neat and popular Miami, Capt. Tirlson She will leave on Wednesday evening. The now steamer Golden Eagle, Capt. Donalthwn annonnmd for Memphts. MciIARGO'S MARBLE WORKS =.5 LLBZILTY MELT k bekk Will aal meal an.rtat.ot ol MARBLE MANTELS. Monuments and Stave Stones. Pe 121 b. EOSINDALI dBD MAUI otrrtarr IL4Javy M. 11.1.26, K•p• .*•uctaotl n bond •Iv gv thorantS4 m0m00. , 1 work of DMKINO, Beat MID BOIT , . PLAN, WINIKPW 111..N•Ilt Frain LINTLIS, evu-aILLs, •I'OUTINO, LA+UZ, PAL. TKOs, Sc., He will All or4l. BLWID 811371 •113 prompt o••• •nd!Kir ram. Personth% LUSO PIM= or LAB an p•rtfeoh s 'mo lry Inoltal to .I.ltrul KB da PUP.I. 011P0fIka an Craig ctrtet, eau PLobtsolOs. stake Y LAND, WOODS ca. RIERCIIANDISIC. BROKKRS, .31BAIlD STREET, BALTIMOIIII, MD. Ord.. ter ruoo of COPPICE. BtGAg. it poc hfully etieottod. elai attacattuo Ow. to atiipplog. taferring, blPoimil"". Masan. atone., Benue. t Co.. N. Soh. •• Nara Wltotior d Cu., du ; , Skiddy, lf loford d, ; •• boogie-My, Woo . . Co., Baltimore. ttlb 6=211 ON KIL A STONEMAN, ILASUYAOTOIMEII 01 WIRI Wolla • as.. alwar. on hand make In order IRON A g.r MUMS SOUZEN WIRE inara ; 81TVIES, kind.; DIDDLES, for Foundry no; LIZA V 7 WORK TOll WINDOWS, !a ; BIBD CAGES, 0 I. IffialINTAL WISE WOLIK, for I/loamy tat. Mr All dm of FIBS for M., at 1911. ID IK:113111SD STIIILIT F .E. TUE FALL, OF 1863 EALOOO APPLE Tara twtra ens-2, I, 4 and 5 years old—lneluding all the old leading sarletli.e, and many new anew Mao, • eery large neck of PEAL (standanl and dwelt) (MERRY, PEACH, PEEN. EVEILOBEEL SHADS. AND ORNAMENTAL TEEM ROSEIS, GRAPE VINES, BLIILEBS, 011XENBOUS1 PLANTS. Ac., Ac., wholesale and tall at seer raw manhole prima. JOHN 5IITHD(1011, Jr., wslAdawir Pittatroorhsold Oakland Earremiew EYES AND EAR. DR. BAELZ Pays particular stomann to tam trrotmant of OILUONIU DISEASES, dm EYE EAU; °parole ott GATAEACTI, SQUINT EYES, fur VICIAL PUPIL, loser. SIITIFICLaL EYES, .d INFLAISItATORY EYES; also ILaILD HEARING, and all di..a affoottos tlut E. toul Wading to Dee/hem 06..100 Finn STELVICT. malMlyte - • 1864. DiA Hi EB. 18E4. ntulTviralt47l,o`;` POCKET AND roan, In tmltatton Tarty, In 414.4 1ic00...... !with gilt edges end with marble algae—with Parlay patent chugs and elnatle Whining , . All Aug, as Dom the commonest to the sery hat. For sale at relitonsble rates by WM. G. JOHNSTON d CO., Statlonent, belliSailosirma bt Wood West. Wil l ER I.l;ai FLN VECOP - T - Vali tal I. HOUSE.—Just °prod. • 'i.e....Jock of ROTS, LETTRN AND cer PAPERS. , ENVELOPES, to great varieties, colon and lea, for every trade. For sale by W. O. JOHNSTON a 00., Paper Deafen, nell.3me.erres _ ____ ,67 Wood oases_ . I.IEESE. —lOO Unme“ prime Cuttin C Citreae Ica rmelved and for sells by LITTLE & .r.) 112 aad 114 fkleoad'strwt. pEPPER.-50 bags Sifted Pepper in .to,. "'d for "I° IiTTLE a 2111.318L8, 112. and U 4 Second stmt. Q.EVEN HUNDRED DOLLARS will , 1-7 purchase Dwelling Dome and Lot of Oround at DM land. Apply to Jean A. CU r . IIDDILT AZOkt i hi Market et (lOWA NETS.--5,000 fresh Coeoo NJ Note 141,11.4 this day by BETIDER a DUOS., jai Hoc 12a and IV; Wood street.. WAGON FOR BALE.—A. good strong VTowe-bone !Nome:o4mnd SprlnglW_agon tbr sate by n. WALLACE. No. SAS Liberty stn.( NOTICE TO ROLLING MILLS Groom, Tallow 00 and Lard 011 Pr ale by MA'AM DICICET & WILI) Witc-73 013ien Willow.. • VT arrltAnnd forma& b. wawa N. amuse. Jat MEEM—fal boles -Prime W. it 10r eale by den COAtt.o SALSLEY. 119 Libarty at XILAS E .--e 1 htiliN. 0. Molli gee lei atom and for aale by del.& J. KIREPATILICE A Etta., OIL BORING TOOLS—One Sett, net, for eels by & DALZELL A CO., Liberty etherk • assorted Grand. a dlrnM to de"'3.lttlLKE t letrUCK A BRO. rote and 0 .tx Diary Jost received and Tor eale by • J. D. c/arrrar..D. deT ON GENTILE AVEN E—A. UAW*? Lot of Grodiselfor vale. Apply to • Jal9 8. CIITIIBISIT k 868/1.81 Afalkot pry. OtOL TO - 7191 - 1 Apples reeollocl mid for sil..ok itta ee9T2 j uku — iww L-1011b19 now landing Ar z"sil".4 r" Viliat Intrii*.kbo " AktjingAN~REI F IN P ht ^q! a• t'su d F d r P t nift:DAtrirtlM. flth ; MIRELA far Cr ider lira olutev94p7 .JAAMALIsit. 60%. ca.salovi • .. A~ AII..IIIIIIIII..I.—ESCALL-IXEO.IIS . I 007: J .ID ii) s i rE , s ---- . I,Ei.Ga 17 r na. YET --" V iai7NEs. VALENTiIiES I VALENTINES Tbtrd lvs a.m.!! Ibis rms.. N.* sill°. ot SENTIMENT AL V ALEITTNES. Few atiloo of , Comic Yalentluetsl MILITARY COMIC VALETTINES 'l.V.Eden.tiri.e Cards! la assortment *A-11'1'114. AT 11 - .. Put up In 55, *lO, Sts sod 1.'?0 , 42,1.,,kt- deolots. Truda Plitzst.lata no. ready. Adduct .11 ordure, to lioure prompt ottimiltnt, to • fati 5D Fitt .voce, Mazolalc 11.11 pHOTOGRA.PH ALBUM'S SUBSCRIPTIONS RECEIVED, DIARIES, Fin 1884. WALLETS & POCKET BOOKS, AT PITTOCICS Book, Stationery & News Depot, OPP*SITIL TEIS !'OST ovrios. REJUVENATOR FOR .rilizr. H AIR The tresdestol erects of this article In rtetorias Hair to lta original color, and producing 1:41r vbara It b. 4 altogether Woo oil, or booms drib, to sorry dsy becoming more =West, sod csiablisbes, be- yomd doubt, Ito fects-.-- not if stall / oartiore. atm awatiwor,rodere thew Hair to Bo aiiaa! color. That It sal auk. a dr/metes Ba/d Bolds. owi That tia rotor , da Noutral Srerrake... o. That fe in= moon , Re Madre aad Thai it Nal malt eike Hair SO and Giorar. Dr.e. th. Ortonal Oolor to Old Thor It oat mood the Hair/root Fan* Of. Thai it .00 mere all Dueviss qf tlw &alp. It larnot D ; cootain. no Nitrate off ilver, or an, &Jaw ingredient injurious to eittairlikin or Bair. Prim, ONL DOLLAR. STITON JOLTNSTON. General =T it, 0. of lidnithtleid sod Fourth Pit nolfbkoossarlf HENRY G. DALE A (X)., Fall and Winter Stork Aud in•lto lboir bletbb. bud tbc pnblir ty caabutto Moir .took, tb. ha.. mud =cat cosupt brmygla to ttb. tr-trlwt •I.LrOttENT UITI ahnki. on harni.• large aseortmeet Of GENTLEMEN'S FURNISHING GOOD 001INCIC OT PENN AND ST. CLAM STLIZTIS, Lill RN all Ric 0111 D •ND WOOD ()HAIR ,ULM Off AT ILIDUCCU MOTS, WHOLESALY OR RSTAIL. 97 andll 29 Third atam atr t, t. nan oppo lt dte ,Vmnadton Co. and It irourth na d° ALWAYS ON RA. PERTIDIZBY,MAIII BBBSIISS, NAIL SCUSH ZS, AND 100111BILUSEINII; MG/LTA PLIITUDL ED TOILET SOAPS, reop tale; LAIBD'S BLOOM OT YOUTH, for the oeroplexion; Superior LILY WWI'S, for the twit ALBA ROSA CILIPAX, for ebsprA heads; ELAOKN'S MAGNOLIA. BALM rflillll3l3 1011138031 A., for the hair; end FAM ILY BLILDICLNES geutrally. t OLO. A. KELLY'S CENTRAL STORE, persona are cautioned ampinylng, in any torah the traria mark. which. tamer been nand during the wt. Mir lean ttreatt7l or 11 P IMMEMITIVY 9 r dr : ,. . `. non. Royal X riot Olean; Oral X Pilot Glees; XX " XXX w XXX" w Or [loyal Nut Orackiira._ iOr Nut Cracker. Thome who Wring* on any of throe brands will be Prwowwk'd against accOrding to am law mamboing tr.e. marks. i. D. Lil2/111.1DOX. Port Pitt Glum Work.. Jan. 1, ISM. Jaiianc I ;wane - . craLan r. - LA BELLE STEEL IVOR SIICOMOTII to Bdtor. Cfartoso & 00., manufat Omen of OAST STEEL, SPRING, PLOW AND BLTSCIII. MOLL ; &CUING.% &MM., CROWBARS, de. Wafts, (MOT WABD, City. P.O..Addivn.PITTSDOSOCI.. Pa. A 19,1, VALLI/11LE IF W I the Iron .11fauntsclareof SCIEN T Great IC Britian, uM th theo retically and practically considered ; incitaina de riptive details of the Ores, Fuels end nude em poyed the preliminary operation of calcination; the bleat; reaming and puddling f 121111.001; engine. and morhinery ; and the various proresees in union, be. By W. irlll.ll. Price YlO. For We by tot irair & 00., 5 Wood street. —_ _ _ JAMES Prawn' Unroof. !Ammon Ann tionnorarromm, ihr W land. of Bindlogn, and speristondt their orvotioo on rensounblo-torron Ogle — An Anderson sena •birepon ernes.Urgt.noy ritiNCAN, SHERMAN sk CO.'S 'Sight lb. portant-I:Won Dank; Laudon, and B . Sight 1s llaivry Im town In Gartas. frau., lfze fi laad Itit sale Is sums t o salt pat doom, Wli. WILLIAMS & .suerkgras Wood arms. moor of Tbtri ‘AlitiLifWgf• ' ' ' • WILLOWS I' WILLOWS' Mil 1+29 ' tumor - H. (*mug. Tr Krcau A&STrEPPER iiAl.lirE 11 wo doses quart Sad plat Eetrams ~ ' Ibo ' do plot pepper fiance;, Irk re sto 'sad for tole by lIXITIZEtt 131105., . .. Pros.lZl .41M Wood street. _ "F'bAILP FEE'r," says Dr. lint 1.1 dee* coia and preepetere deaths... Fare in ft pa WATFRAMOOV Bi end get* pelt; at n*l9 JAS. TtOnft'S;l9 Mute( einot. AIL-T.IIEItDELTII.4I3; also, kium 14 Setting. Boating; Item, °east*, I.aa loather aid WI-eta; large *lock always on hand at the In dubber Depot of - k 13. PHILLIPS, , , llai.2a and 411111.411,4 r _ _ . riff - LT - 1000 , ROLLS OF, CHEP NJ. WALL- PAY OO, ED& BOUDEDE. d4 b kw A sold wars swiss at OLD PDACES.., _ Y=s 11ADS1IALL; Sl,Wood Jima. BU"'"t-W-?loboxis fresh Ro ; - thbe A bAcket. pncicod Nuttier; J., A. OANIIALD. IYMTMI DRY , APPLES.--50 bushels BOOt 4•1 Wit 7114F0141020. fiVicititi—ltu._ emits- IL dr:mats:nu c argiriviaft.t.iy es ajcunr.rx 3 (kJsre Uwe emeJaseity ' '3: kri tit teen .to es , rot A.l-i,C+ A IN'S ONCERT HALL SHOE STORE, FIRST DOOR TO TLC HATISYS OFFICR. We are deferral:m. l to clue, out all the toall V.!' before the IrIIIST 04 IMBILOASY. to Dale tu, Immea , r .i.ca of SPII.I.VG Gonna d .nd nearly road? fur laspection LT LOWEST PRICES F IN GOOD:, t ►T PU8473117.R7. PHICX3. 60 DIFFEIIEST STYLES. that !I, - .1, ri, of W. , ,... 611 , i Toorth 4.. 1 - 011".sr 1....4 'll-' - i:t - E.1.1 - ... Ma lit; i'ffettf ror of tr ROOTS ASP mines.. f ,vrry 4,rrirtinn. ',,,.• 34 Salta:flea snr.t, 1'::n4r4r.14 0et1.14 • .. . (Li EO. Al.lltEli, SliN ..1.; et)., Vc h 01..- NJ( tale eufd Brn.4ll.,,tlerr In D 001.,, snorf!,,,, , earner Woad and Foarth streets. Pitt4berah. Lo DISTLAI.VI KINDS. SE IrL.VG & LSON'S SEWING MACHINES Ate ntlii reeri , I thstr JAS. W. WOODWELL A large and lino lusurtirmat .f cvnun Ohio and Tederal ,nsen, rksit Liosue. A 1160.117 REITER a Co., 3 TONS fsrVed• by I:lZNgi ILAVLLINO REASE.-24 tierces or our own ren eni le 'Kim "sad Ibr ate , i.towssr. D, •., • • • - me. 19 fourth street. .1 7'; 112 FIFTH STREET I>NIV; QUICK LADIES' GLOVE KID BALmor.At Do do do CU:: UItE do , Do AIOILOCCO &GOAT DA LSE L GENT'h TURKS St/LE (MAIN ACA la do Do TWO do VALI+ • do , lof ills lo•ol custom sort, sod warrnot..l g;• GEO. ALEREE, SON & CO., NAVE WON The Ilighest Premiums Et ail the important State and Stertiankal Take letters extribited ilia ..aeon improicineuta Lava rvcdraljklaeo randerAt she luont d.stilkbic sanclkine in 1.11, Every Mach/n• Warranted 3 Year. INSTRUCTIONS GIVEN @NATO ITOUSLI ilkireel pod see tbern to or.ration. WM. SUMNER & CO., WESTERN AGENTS. /Or Pillaburrat Offace, die. *I Fifth Streets three doors boluw Bust Lava_ Jed strssrY j --- us'r RECEIVED AND FOR SALE a COOK. PETTIT 6 CO •S 1.14. r.‘154 Yartiti, Ft•+tt , oormd ANA , . : do l.mlly Lard . do ?dens ; bush. lam , Po 51145 ,, Ltd. 1451.8151.1vt . bush. bug , Blck• ry Nut.. lot. of rosw Radon, 1.5 etrlve CIVN DRIES. inriTr.R —lO pulls choir , Dr. r7' ' . 10 tubs do do; 6 braes do Fe , ; CIIEFSE-10 0 do Goshen and Ilsabrag; - WO du Western Easerve; WO du Englleb Paley; 110111NY— 40 bide. flint; ASIIW-- 40 casks Pearl ; /1541-100 half bbl.. Luke Her:ln t :4 APPLES—ton bbl.. dimes Green; lo dare and fur gels by J. B. CANYIKLD. SUNDRIES. Concentrated I.ye; 6% boas assorted Stop; 100 do Pearl Starch; 60 do Silver Gloss Ptareb; 40 do Corn Starch: be kegs 5 O. Ends; 60 Gores ds do; 10 cask. Sal. Soda; lo store and for sale by del4 L J. EIRE PATBICEiIaI._ N. O. SUGAR do Cubs do; 303 N. N. 0. Moltuees; 75 ehcos Green Tens; 60 do Blsch do; 125 Irises assorted Brands Tubstco . 600 pkg. Mackerel. Boston Inspe oo 6oo, Primo boo Lard, Nettla Rendered. .4 a genera. stock of goods On our line, fur sale and In store, and arriving at bIeDONALD & AUBDOKL-623. SrS 242 and 244 Liberty strust. CONIIIUN I.IEN TS. 100 baled Cheese: 60 Dumb Grier Apphs , 20 do White Beans ; 6 bushels Dry /Mei berrlai ; 20 barrels Sweet Cider ; Just received and for lisle st No. 126 Urania Mita. Js26 FUAtili VAN 0011.14 EN. SUNDRIES. -20 Sacks Poultoe..s 1. bbls. Onto.; 150 do Green Apples; 20 sacks Dry Apples; 100 boob. While War.; For gels of 165 Liberty street. de 243 MM. P. DUCA & CO. SLIGAES.-2 1 1 hhds. prime N. 0. Sugar, 30 do lsissul 60 tierces do 60 ebb. crumbed 60 do A "Cods" de; 25 do A do do; 50 do U do, store asid for .le by . ILIAb:PkTRICK k BEW ! GAM GAME! 25 .addle• Vela Inn ; NO Quasi ; Babbitt, Pheasants. ,Le.; caved and tor sate at rim 124 necond Weal PRANK. VAN 0011DZR. bbbt. 0 1olco" l'onts000; DKIE 24° d ° nlu=kry. do; 150 do chdca Green Apploo, In otoro and tor lain by o 7 GULP & SIIIPAUD. CHEESE --3,00() boxes E. B. Cheese 1,000 600 du llambnrg do; WU do Cosh.; J. B. CANCIIMD. 13!=r1 114 it NV CoNtI!GNMENTS. bo bows Lemons; • 25 DLL Cranbertl.; 64 du Fdut licvalay e 2% busk. piste I.3orcrotd ; L. 11. VOIOT 1 CO .r . b I OTATOF.B ANL/A l'i' LES. —N ow In store and /or fah -6,000 bath. York Slats rotator.; .. 1,2b0 Dbl.. Cora Apples; WO do Lake Shure Tbrelptd ' Alb L. It. VOIGT &CO. -- -. _ . .. and ITN 1 V EIvIAL CI-0111ES IV HMG kJ wits --Another large supply of that moat de• strable Wriager,Jost readred sad for We at Nos. ttd sad to It. Ittair ewe., by J. A. R. I•IIILLII'9, 1326 Sole Agents for AlletttOrY county. - - -- LAUD WAN'rED.-I'he bikhestcaoh J-J prim psis] for Country Lrd, at afl Mom JAIL IPALZTLL eirgl ca aa fp-Water uoet - - -•-- . _ Ioo LARD,I toe. do do :14.37 le odors and for ma. b D. WALUCK, lie. 343 I.l4arsy nreel. URESLI ROLL BUTTER. • , barrel ; 10 tuba Packed, to arrive; 1.16 WEBB Jt WILSIgeON N()Tics TO ;.CO AND 011. 11 AU WAAL sod 11. ou band sad tor i>le by P. 14 • 1.53.1 AU DICE V d CO. --31) tierces LEAP LAED al by scum:AE.3w. rprn RLIE:3T Go 11.I 1. 111D1 . 8 CAVALUT BOOTS tzt cb* f.mand At . JAIL ILLOOto3.l4.ll.arko. Moot .Q,ALT.-10U0 bbls Extra §alt for Nll;sv IMCON, taaes, suouLD AND O.IIAIIB Orr sold br - ems, L. ddLDWStki , . - id?.. comer 'lnt and nuked street*: Milt MOST Al' .HOPIZIALTII HOW -1 DAT WIT, to• it. Sadie% bl'a Ilk al d BOaoo m k 4 can be bad at JAS. nolurvi, $ 11m5".1,4,4:t. ppLE --UFO bbla....recnißge; line .n 1; reielred s.sa for Pitts - 67 ..r.u.06nv1x4U. I . - • oak:ad single 2 .ec rext+ lll ' ltowx,lseseooan 4 e% -Ak ND TABLE CUP , ' two' .lill/1 QIIINOJLEi3 , .-41, 0011 e. No. pa mo:ft vutst; . 1. 14 AO7 . 7 * --- .400 pigitialetac tO nrrify .16 sad brAibig z-q: ' 1 ilput, rorra