ESTABLISHED IN 1786 X.IXIIFJCTURERS, DIIQUEEN BRASS WORKS,_ CAD & CRAWFORD, of limai variety of flat Owl RUM WORK OR PLUMBERS, WREAK OR - OAS PITT RS, MACHLTIERB, LED L~ :.4if:L . - ,151.15K CLUMNGS, of all descriptions, made to 1. BTIAMBOAT WORK, STEAK AND GAB- Arn eader mso,'snd IMPAIRING, promptly edwbrßd to. . Partlerdor attantion paid to Molar R aralliKe sun tog COAL AND CARBON 0115. • Aim, Bois Agents for Om-Western Disttiet of Otfan ti fer tilt Ws of MARSH, LAIIBDRLL a 00:15 PAWN! IMPLIO2I PUNT, the best orer Is embed. Raring na valves It Is not MIAs to got sat ordw, ea will throw mon aster tiww any s p %Wit* Its dn. • p loN CITY WORICS. & CO.. TOITODST.II AND NAIMISIIITIS. .Gana.(inks and O'Hara, itad Pike and Wafaut Streets, (Mgr Qty Wittor Wett,) Nauresetanno *rotation:o,y and suer .11OLLISO SILL OAdlrtiOS awl ILL 0111.2113.1", , &LI kisio, lad plural jobtero. "-" Prompt Wootton eves to npertos ROLLING .`` , AICELLr /110111IINST: . dead e ltatilLtuAL a 00., 14=1Y FORGE PLOW WoMO, PITTSPIPHOTI. PA, NitillitadttM6 and daayra l Um diffennt Ir.Lda dt.'ILOWS, PLOW CA.8211i618, scoors Togo /BOX. With Froatly Incrsame , d IYeW um S thus Irtalanda, Ire earwatly barite de.l.sel ...41•• la • ea. . Manufactory, Tnmperalwevilla. ' Width/do" deiL alloy and JOHN Mar HAtyLL, St., Plllsb's6. T. J. HALL, STILPHEN WOODS, WHIN JAS. J. }MOWN. BLACK DIAMOND SITEEL WORKS, PIPPEBORGH, PA. PARK. BROTHER & CO., 5M QUALITY SETIF= IIkAT /TEFL. lotr" 1 sad Oaaga., of all gate. Warralsto6 . dog Fe say laarriod or asanafactoted la ohl. =a • Odlowand waraboase, fros. 149 and /51 TEM sad LIO aad 12:1 SSOONDETILST/S, Pluaborgb. 'unix . 11 B his, RILL &CO ; BOILER: •,1B aiskses and Short Iron Workers, PENN. BTRYZETe 800. 2D, 22; 24 and 26. Havingoemme4 • - fteMideed It with th. memo Implored mprep...rod to momeactars emery dommiptleni of BM:1;r O' Om boot Intoner and msornotod ',qua' to oar mods In the. cosistr7_, CIMOMETS, BRUM Eh, TIRE BEDSJ STEAM PIMA L000)1011111 BOILERS, COICD=SZER SALT YANA, TAME, OIL STILLS, A.GITATOBS, BETTLUIG PARS, BOILER IRON BRIDGES, ..L. L:BITOAR.PANS: mod Ingo manaßotrumo4 DSIvS SILL'a PATENT BOILERS. Repatri don" on dm shorten oaks. . delSztt fiITeNNIA AND BRASB WORKS. COLLINS & WRIGHT, (ems. to Oda liwtost.) • Ilsantactarm ot OAISTOR raamr.s. MIMS, O.0"n LADLID. nod • great sailor." or BRITANNIA szticlos. Also, 0.41:110M OIL LAMP BPENEBS sod LAMP BRASSES goueraily, lio. IsBewail Knot, Pittsburgh A LLEN M CO. .1•M, NeuSpar. Pittsburgh, P. INlrWarebeetea, VSI LIBIRTT STREET. NAlteut.tetren ef COOK, r. 4 P. 1.011 AND 'MAT ING STOW.% reimoz. AND KITC/MN (MATE" Alobtow WARN, eta., Steel .trllles Moulds, Ml tag NM Clutingt, Mall Geerlag, Chs, Watet and Ar- Dom DIDe, fad Dam. Deg Den, Wag. Donee, So w Nettlat, retileys.H.ra ge, Car Wheel., DL.PD.P sill (Udi. lobbing AntlDi.h!ne Outhatee herder. Patented reneltle vice Steam or 11.teDavrer. .I.l4:iteeS JOSEril ECASTELII.)N • • .C1ar,11711.57 LLBSGTT BTB., Pittslaugh 6131PNIC1011 , LYNAM MOISES, I.I•CICL3LBT, to. -17171 f ViIr.A.NOE 31 • Winr. ST. .81 1 .1 a ttLirals. maw:Lamm of BOIL= uivers: 11310IIIIIIT OPTICS% =faun and rallroa4pf arras , - -=Latiod or shard Sprium an/ RTVIIIII, lar•astall, mad. ardar at short aoalco. • ! • • apartment ceonsteatly an baud. mrLLara • 1 . • t te CO, Np. 215 • aabuty toast, opposite Plrth, Pittatmr, Mixtfoctorors of WHIPS. LARTILS mid SWITCH - , 111% , 1L54 titer, utoription of Lrapaza. Blt&IDIED • WUJIA. '• • OrderPoollottoi from ths Mad*, ma goods prompt ',ll OhlppOd so pia lootrortions. t•tly AT* W. BECNTZT, lianufneturersof ..1.1• WHIMS IiTONI CIILSA aad Ca:11, OILD WAltr. Ole* sae! Wovharma at Nto. 74 rant S+REIST, tai15.17 DRY GOODS. JO= 1M1NDR1.....10412. Ir. 961,1ZU Ti CARR Sr: Ca, ••(r./ I V - So" Pne• 00.,) • Mohr& deakaLla TORSION L 1 D DC,11:5716 trEITQOODaaa. 94 Wood aunt, thlrt hen* abase 1 :P 116 "a lasi. Plttemrgh. apllktf • "EST.. VANE, McABOY L .- CO., Dealers in , - -„, - 2.4IODZIONAND•DOSIDSTIO DST GOODS, P.. rea.'"eZilialadatal Atm; ~Haas,} ARatLsaT l i seconl door taloa arwrtst . ,VAT 01.1,31.30131111 WhJesale ..11.:Aad Eats laalenk ta DBLICNINGS, 'DZIGZIES lOC DEI GOODS, or aver, dectatelaa, IT sad IS Yttib greet, TlGabarah. NlAcßum /t GILVDI.I; Wholenalb and r liken Dialirri In 1 FAS CT ADM STAPLE DAT GOODS, ISSILYILINGS,44.,afark , t *mt. botapos Dimmed sad faa•-th . Pluaburgh. • . .1 I LU, (success r , to • Marchtleld & C 0.,) Wirolowd• and 'detail Ikator , IMAMS AND../ANCT DST GOODS. Notibiost • , eeerstret numb tad Market stmt.. Pt!tebrdr;er. ant Re '.3.)Pleir 114.? Watt Ittado. of TIUMMINGS DST ''`cloollFi:A., K. 77 and 7SI Market arett. - ~.. Mt.& CO., ealore ip all klas M is'ef DRY GOODS :Dittis , Do.trurgh. ED Mari i nom. eri it Xmath !llPpriL PALISIER;No. 84 Wood SiTeet, • 42 hiI3OSIOETB, _IIXTS, STILLVI 111111- :1 ~ , ICINGRointSTRAW GOODS goaerilty. • 1 DRUGGISTS QIMON 7OHNSTON, Dealer in PUKE. DIMCS- AND CHEMICALS, Prnrofroitir, -;'444l2lrltiDGainZ7n„ r.tfittliyitg"74lNdy: ,4Yeliblolk binders it loyeet - prleen. Corner Smithfield aellrinalistraeta, Pittsburg).- 'Parocliolono:roro .:,lhlff Componani of all her" . - ,101/ YAlllesTooK k, 00., .Whole ';. ..;"' • A, oslorernfeentn, sad -rannnfacenroro of ITWTE. LLD AND LITILMGA, corner of Wood and Front ink? L..GEORDE KBYSEII, Druggiat, 140 Weal ntreot, mew of Virgin alloy, .r= i ; .; .r ~ ,d GABDINER LVFFLN. Agent? for `wA-rivathii3'buisapia.aed Inatrx.el Chniparkii, Nartbsast ostler Wald trA 111 r d JILL „ 1 „71/ . Agent, -Ame rea r .114 d• Pren6raata. 'GM Itart:or' d *apes' ST Water rtro4t. ..4cratary Citiient( i .caner tarket 'and Wat.o i!a;V i. AM2a ~.JQ'Xlbli -21 c: It% Dealer in Liu -- MAIM CalflenTlll7ll7lM. Selo 41er...11.L11k C PIANOS, BAINES PLUMS, 444 MEWS k CO:S ItELODZ ''''' "1e.43111Ak inesetieeemd dem atarreMaafi. ' , WNW TWO , " let, £ n 4 - taken ia 'esellann• aple ere in S I. •• 151DJU1D.2111810.8.14 OE/ .t 1 inatuadz _B4.Efia.v.a. 7-: PLarosimrt,orneoats; a.i 14. 81 W ~ ?- c 16or fmmplyslrineth strait Atud. , Dlu=ond dlon raw( C-771 ...G...TORFATONA CO., Station griiiiiiiisturern sad !Job _ _ Pit t sburgh. woo u:wtttr, o 24ool?3.llo. 341, tj, !a c t 1 :; . 44= , e scn 9 ovs::4 LAW 9.6 V=33l2ll.xxam.i.a.di 't-t , IVILLIAW WARD; Deiler PROM • , xlmoir,soll:s..ziolurs,iwirraemes , plut t ; , -lieou.m pep= :LOA= Wm* ZrY .':4loo . lllo•Miiits - ra+mmam km* vxd 4.4 IhVe* gtni 1.17 a et ST• • • • • • 4 3 / ernmakeltiesSiisaltailegiratte,tecieb . ~ LlOlOl l lllllll glid i? ?ig4l ; • :""T'y . . . .• - THE DAILY GROCERIES, PRODUCE,Ire (Iltetoomr to lioatllarki a Datta,) GICNIEZAL 00101113101% IMECTIAIT In Flour, Grain and Provisions ofriN:Nrul.l.7l , :p V.lT'Lrolhar"'" J. sr WOOD ITEZWf, Tittabareo, I. iaa7 CEIARLES Q BALSLEY, Produce and Commission Merchant. MHBONANDIaII 1111.011111 i. L 4 deallir la kw aEOOIIIITRY IMODOO3I. NO. 171 LEILIM77 ITZZIIT, I'DONALLS...-- CULL. • J.. 1/1.117Ci., (of OM lets Ora of D. ID. lirDiaald l Fittabergit tt Co., Wellseille, M'DONALD & AkiIIICILES, Whole /3-11. male Groans, Praises sad Cersaiselea sr duets jobber. la COIIIM 4 2i. O. SUGAR .ad MO LASSES, REVIDID RUG.* A SYRUPS, FLOUR, RACON, TOBACCO, TLLS. RICR, WIESE, SLEDS, ta., Nee. K 2 sad SU Liberty street, Pitt. .14,17 SHRIVBR k lAZEAR, IN/00BILS AND COMMISSION ECEIRONANTA, 152 a. 27 and SO 12,111.11a1d St., wt. Medea, NifACKEOWN LINHAR'I', FLotra 12LL MID Gaam rarams, Plana aro Oommastar atdardaSTa for th. aala .f Thar, Orals, Pork, Pa - ea, Lard, Paw, mgs, Chow% lama Tallow, Gram, ratan, Potato., Pot aid Pearl dam, Salaam, Limed ad Lard Oils, Pried and Oman Prolts, Timothy, Clear, Tla ad Gram dads. Oaak advarmemastamisdo w Ommiganats. •Pki2 Pie. 297 Liberty area, Pittabstral.. NV M. GORMLY, VT . IlltukliaLLlN GRACE.; No. m LIBISTY 6SIXIT, Pitubstrgh Rasing parchased the lateral of Lis lets panne., wllLsontlans tho balm. at ea old stand, and will he pleased to re... ths pstrosags of his old Wends anal myth:. WITB VinKINSON, C o &mos Issaaahns, Wholesale dealers In WF.SThRS RESERVE CHIME, DRIED FRUITS, BUTTER, EGGS, GRAINS, and prod.o generally. Alen. LEATHER, HIDES, OILS, d En. 217 Liberty street, Pittsburgh. =Mash adrancentents sada Comical.. le- United. ellt-nend WM.. P. BECK & CO., No. 185 LW arty Street, Pittsburgh, Pa., insolesslo Gro cers, Genarataskol Merchants, aud dealers W COUP. TRY PRODUCE, PROVISIONS, BACON, LARD, BUSTER, EGGS, OGRESS, FIER, Le., PRODUCE, FLOGS, GRAIN, SEEDS, GREEN AND DRIED FIUIRTS, Au, SALT and LIME. 13.16 JOHN R CANFIELD, CONXISAION liedcarre and rholenals dale. to WYSTBAS BlZEzrz CUELdE. BUTLEIL, LARD, MIL. BACON, ri.otra, FLAIL POT AIM ?CARL ABETS, ILABSSIATUS, LUNSILD AND LAHD BILA, DRIED.IICIT, and Premium generally, Nos. 111 and 143 Front etrost, Possloargh 00/ VITTLE Jr. TRIMBLE, Wholesale G ro- J_A "TS Ar_! CA,lsse,Enlet Wrtioanty, an an, PIiODINJI, FLOM!, XLGOIi, CHX)I6I, L...k CASSON AND LAID 011,12011, NAILB, 0 LASS COTTO9 TAWS, sag ?Atari:ugh masatsc/ao puerally, 111 and 114 Ilocvad I",,,burgh. a. lIROI HERS, (successors IA; to Kepner & Azoismotylmpale !Aswan ill 'FOREIGN EECITS, 14 - 17 Tb AND SPICES, CON PECTIC:SECT, SUGA.B.S, FIRE WOBJES, C.16.i MS Wood Wert, &boll. Pirtsbargt. /722-4 & Cu.. Vaizry • CI; LP k SHHPHARD, COMMISSION Mammy ...8 and dream M TLOFB.. G8.A114, AND PRODUCE, Net I 3 Liberty Moat, I Nttabur6b. Cikadoe broods of JOIN. Ihe Bakers and fondly ma centstansly on bud. ?articular attention pald to " Mos onion for ltarehandlaa irenorally. 0c6:41 ell - M:LESH. LEECH, FLoca AND Gun FAO.% MOP OJZIMMION BLIMOUNT Sas W. of GM.1.116, REILD3, PROD CCM. Lc., and scoot 6r th. teaks/14 Catosbnya CZ. scxxr, Nos. 116 Sewed sad 146 Tins streets. be.. Mena Wood and Szoltkfield, Ilttelstrgh. ee.6 WRANK VAN tiORDEA Produce e 72 -W-Gommilmdera Mardszat,deala .116:117r.suz. TEM, 1111.0010, ISEILDS, CAL and p lZrehr, /VEX, AND GLOM roduce gets, Liberal calk advances on coulgotnente. Wareloctes, N. 191 thetend litra6t. Pltieburalt. oz.. a. MLA. CrUla. rj BAD & MI3TZGAR, Grocers and 11 Caninshaina Merchants, and dealers In all kiwis ed Country Predate end Pittsburgh llsdardarture., N. tin Liberty street, opposite lead of Weed street, I Pittsburgh. GEO. B. JONES le SON, Wholesale Grocers ,a 4 Haat Paralehere , dealer. la HA. /411. LA OA[Uri. OILS, PITCH. and Pats bard& oamsfactared ankle., Ha. 141 Water street, above lb. Ilarteagabela Pledge. Pittabargh. COMM ROBERT DALZBLL & CO., Whole salt Grown, Csnritulabse sod Portrardtrug aunts, sad &alert Is Produce sad Pittsburgh court aLctura. Laberry street. Pittsburgh. I , esalUtrtiS3lolll cranne, p • and Wholatale Dealer in FLOUR and 011.5.1 N, Ho. LW Libst - 17 street, opposite Perooryleszia H. B. Passougar Depot, Pittsburgh, Pa. Wens Ware house, comer Way. awl Peva streets. no17:17 INERT 1.11111111 . ..—...../0 1 1.1 MOWS. ersttscr. LAMBERT, SRJPTON k CO., Whole 10.1*C/roosts sad Produce Lssalers, No. 6 Pisa, street, Plitsbrrrith. lONS WAIT -.. JO" 111141"01‘. WATT le WILSON, Wholesale Gro scars, Cam el=km If *reissues, and dealers la Produce and Plttsburga maaallactarss, )o. IG/ Lib rsly areal, rittabaxals- Ju26 LINDSAY b TELFORD, Wholesale LA AAA UAW! anoczas,rLous AND PRoDUCE DEALLUA DE Liberty street, Pttultargk. —ma. V. LANG QOHOMAKER LANG, CogsnsmoN 'Pt eraentan and wbalemela diadem La ORO ORI7EII, PLOVR, GRAIN, PRODUCE, kn.. No. !2 Liberty attest, Pittsburg*. .413A1 jr S. LIGGOT &bi - ) , CITY FLOUR. GP s lICG MILLS, cerssr Litsrty sad Adams streets, Pit•shargit, P.. Mirespselty,4o4 bartsde per &U. spll TAMES DALE - WL & SON; hatinfac zr cunres of AD OIL, said Colordolon Anon, for tha D A and sale of CRUDE AND lIRSIXID PETICOLgUId, N. 130 and 79 water etreat,Pittstrorgt. Advances undoes ecraslopmente. I KIRKPATRICK k BROTHER, sue t/ • mew. tri Brow. A Kirkpatrick., 9111.01,1 L SALL GISOCELS, SAL 191 AAA 113 Liberty street, Pittaburgb. ep13:11 1r11.1.11.1f 11 ani.r., lux. A. corrogl — ' • Spacial Pa.., AS FANS COFFIN, suecesson to .LYJL M'Candlewl, Newts i Co., WIIOI,SSALs WitOCT.E.9, corm: of Wood .od Raw. Knots, Plus bore). jyatly mk CHREV. ii - rAREERRISE.-1311 ,1 1t1 COLLINS, Forwarding mid Osomoisolon Mer chant and dealer CHILSN, DOTTED, LA KZ ME, and Produr• genorally, No. NI Wood dm*. ibboiro Wafer, Eittabonik. • 110 • Zit, itteeessor to Jno xestufbars, ae. IS3 LAmorty street, Tltt. buripk,ccaral IMODUCIS,O7IOCSIT AND MI IDLIBIOIS IiZSOILANT. fiesitgaisnits roupeet fatly solicited. ItJATAR DICKEY / CO., Wholes/at Omesrs, ComoWon Wirchaats, seml &gen t. erode., so. GO Wagr .trim nit a Front woe., Pittebttrgb. CU. W. 11111.0171,-...........-.....-JOllll S. 011.WOM. S. DILWORTH & CO., Wholesale . Grocers, Zia- 114. asti 1:12 !wand ex.; r.ear Emitfatal/, Pittabargh. nal man JIORN 14,0 Yb CO., IT' Gro em sad Oortudualire Morehostbs, Yee. 172 Wood .1:1118 Lir-•i7 erect. Pittsburgh. Jed to James Haws ie.,/ PORK • OMR and &Nam. to PUOVISTONS,coraos of ILarkot and Flout ,tzeoto,Pittaborst, G J . TOWNSESTAleuqoessor to Tack moo kTalmand.) PORE rsaitsu and dead. I,:pROTYSIOI3, No. 12 Fourth street, ow Mb erty, Pittsbunk. n 027 H. VOMIT & CO. 1 anoccessore L. n. G. Grad. PBODIJOE AND 002/14182102i MLUCTIANT2I, 247 Litany street, Pittsburgb. JOHN I. zaAlesw UM. TORN L HOUSE - CO. • Wholesale moms AIM cosransaxoNSisacivarre, scuba of !middle-1d sad Water Armes, Pittsburgh. - • Jay . Commission Plaam‘ddil &aim Id PBODUCL, MOB, BACON; WOOL, 0116.111, de., Fe. 12 thaltbeeld street, Pitabeadd. ,il2ll filp "An -liwnsw, WhOleddie I.:a MX= AND COMMISSION 212:11012A211', Wait earner eftli• Liamead,lld Id, Ilttebarsh. mbltlyaz i3_ek rIAGA N Y, Grocer, Val. VI azd r 3 WOW Allot, rim binh. 1144.1 f Aakil :I E . 0 e.tro. - cerlmpaitor of SODA ASH, No. !71 Marti amt. PlOabarxh. saki - o mile -a; . s ' GDOCND3 AND 003DLISKON Um DV Wi..4ox,elA, TDAgAgib=l V • : li"t er m • 111 16.113111. BO .• 80. PT Irm." pittiburgli Oaartt. W EDN MOAT MOBSINEE:::J AN . 21, 1881. TERMS OF THE GAZETTE. Ma ma 81.1710,1, by mall. per year 00. E10nth..... Tn. at 44 " 4lbgla EV.IIIIUI Hanes, by =II, p r year...—_. 4 bb. mewl. u. "rin6ls c. 91. tome', studio oopie&, per ymr... 1 00. • cameo of oto 10, • _I N. • ail:Lino( 'dor sum,. _ 1 —wad owe wire to lato port,. oradlad obte. Tea dab of Anson, wo will seed Om Sermon Goma daily. Ted • allalr .f twenty, we will mood Ms lifoortyo Iducorra doily. dingle &opts, 0 weft. Fa An soletcrlptions *lend Own, stepped when tlio dote expiry. Interesting Rebel Correspondence. A batch of intercepted robot correspondence, recently sent to Washington by the blockading officer who captured it, and sines published, makes some queer disoloaures shoat the dean alai operations of the Secessionists in Europe, aided by their friends in New York. Col. C. A. L. Lamer, In s letter to hie father (G. 11. Larose, the Savannah bloekaderunner,) dated Paris, Sept. 10th, 1503, raid: "I have mode some $5OOO on notion—em arranging to probate. R:00,000 of- gold in New York I Gov. Foote, Bowers and sell. anion to to borrow the greenbuke in N. T., bay the gold and ship It to England--wn then draw sterl ing, which Is sold to New York for green- backs, is.y up what we ewe, and 'the holstoe all he profit. It will go, I think, to 100. _t.•_ epeculstions help me and our Govern ment too. I, helps to break down their car- I=l J. T. Sunitar wrote to Col. Lamar, (the writer of the above,) from " Zalderman't Walk, London, 25 Sept., 1661," saying "I hare years of yostorday and will call and see Mr. Duncan, bat I Isar I shall miss him to day, &she is not down in the oily at Peabody's, and I ern engaged to dino and pass the night in the eountr7. I will too him to-morrow and report. There aro other parties here thinking of gold operation _ . . . . _ is in Ntter York, hut I have not heard of moth helot done. I think gold mast ho 23fr before Detember." The next day, Duo. 2d, Mr. Smatter wrote to Col. Lamar from the samo place 'eying. "1 beet seen Mr. Duncan, end he is willing to buy gold in New York and carry it fee corn mission of one-belt per cont. a month end Internet, the margin to be not lees then ten per rout- pet up when the price is twenty eve or thirty per cont.; hut it would regain more then ten per rent. If yen west into am opera tion when gold was higher than thirty. If you bought at forty, I sense. he would re quire twenty per omit., and e+ va. • • • I think Mr. D. would not like to hare the gold elliptic! to Europe, though be did not make it a condition. The letters abound in the most hopeful as Mr.°, of •speedy reeognit ion from the Em porta', which event is pct down en /WO to hap pen "sixty days !rem date." The Lamers, and J. T. Emitter, and Cation t Duncan, and 6.93. Carhart turn tap very frequently in these letters, end with them the minor w-rk me, eneh as Trowbridge, of the yacht "Wan derer" memory, and Camtasek, who, when he I reads the letter of hi. Irina: Trowbridge„l will learn the sort of faith that one rebel keeps with another, though all arts "F. F. . Camninek's name, by Ike way, op. pears In the Olmstead examination yester day. Ile flits about Now York and Nat'l., and liars.* and Paris, like an uneasy spirit., Mr. C. 1.. Lamar is the entire men at the Europcsm end of the line, and le an burry se he ems he with Ms epeettlations in cotton, and gold, and ships, and his various venturm In blooke.le running. Trowbridge, who seems to be the "man about town" of the firre,arke "Charlie" to come to 27• w York, and amen. I him that he will protest Met if he " will keep his mouth shot." He evidently consider, this reticence as enterprise of rest difEculty, for he afterward tells him that If ho ehoold hoar the Lincolnites in .New York talk, he " would hunt " with Confederate Ire. Trow bridge believes that "Charlie" is on excellent I Wms with the Emperor, and advisee him when he meets L. 14. to "offer Mat Team, and if that won't repay him, then all west of the Mienseippl river," for his valuable assist /thee. The paternal Lamar Is also se anxious for negotiation that he resolves himself into the entire Confederate qmornment, and att• therisee hie son to instruct Slidell "from me tt negotiate for the French Protectorate." The ecstatic cotton epeculater has a 'mien of future greatness, and triumphantly points out the pasta°n and pro.nerity of the quadruple &Mance of hiesico, Franco, the Confederate States and free trade." . . „ . . The correspondence, as we here intimated, rcilecu severely upon the morals of the "patriots” who are their afflicted country among the Yankee'. It is not the less pronounced in regard to the corruptions of the Confederate agents almond. Thus, the virtuous and youthful Lamar observe• to his father, that •van he "cannot conceiwo—al though be bad a liberal opinion of them on that subject—of the amount ofrwindling going on all the time, and conducted by nevern• moutagente." Capt. Bullock is the only honest men among them. Others have gum- Mar residences in Lennon, Winter residence • - - . • in Paris, and live at the rate of 35,000 a yes, Young Lamar, with a callow Innocence that is ;tally totreiling to beheld in the represents tire of n "natton," engaged in a gunpowder P1,6(91.6015, the said powder being made plaster br Paris tnA belling water•, but no potent an to metre to the South the ability "to whir. this time." Re pureettal the se cret, and writes his father to have a caveat hied in the Confederate States, to that be and . . . . Ma associates way make "millions." "Char lie" Js half persuaded that the powder ls a wicked "sell," and fears It may be "another Bentele catch." lie had probably suffered before. IJ. atids,ll lem "fool enough to be humbugged, I ought to lose my money." All this was errltten under date of Oet. 18. • • - T. day. lator he writes to a friend in Paris : "See the powder man and tell him I here instructed Phinisy to institute preceedinp apinst him for damages." Ala. I for the explosive and detonating plaster and water, and for the credulity of the tender Lamar. Had he listened to Cammaak he would have powder bb money. Osintemek pronounced teh 'powder ih!.burlhog" (rem the start. Veteran Troops Ite-C'nlieting. The cart:dation of the rohele that, at the expiration of the terms of ramie*, Marinelli preiant year, of most of our troops now In the field, the military power of the Gorennment would to materially weakeued, dons not prow l* realization. From all flame of the country, and *very deportment of the army, we hear of the re• enlistment of veteran troops, whole regiments going in together, and the prompeet now is that the period hopefully looked forward to by the rebels will never arrive. There can he no doubt but they are wall informed al - to the, time of the expiration of the term of err-Orel of the lint volunteers, mad that they have been looking forward to their retirement from the field as s propitious moment in which to erike a last desperate blow. But It new ap pears that nearly all the veteran. will re-en- Bet, and that instead of decimated ranks and raw troops with which to commence the spring eatapaign, our army will be mere formidable and In batter fighting trim than ever before. We look upon this as one of the morthope fed signs of the times for us, and It must be equally discouraging to the rebels. The Bev erhment was undoubtedly wise In paying an additional hundred dollars bounty on veteran recruits. -They are worth more than that over new mon. They are already soldiers, and ready at once to eater upon duty, and be ing seasoned to camp life, they are much less liable to fall into the hospital. And, beside' these eonsiderations, they went into the bald early, and bore done the butt-end of thedght leg, and it is hut right that they sheuldeeta plate the work they hare me nobly married forward almost to eorapletlona them h# l the glory of putting In the enlibleg blows,'" it seems almost mortals now, that , this • Rill tritneam Ito - 0)41.0 rowiii. t PITTS URGH . GAZETTE. PITTSBURGH, WEDNESDAY MORNING, JANUARY 20, 1'43-1 L A, Mll tire banq es O'Reiuet lly on to the In the ••Nayßrigade gerst, to ! • 1 EVENING WE'VE TELEGRAMS. New York on Saturday, Captain Daly, of the 47th Regiment Now York Volunteers, one of Governor Cartin's Inaugurpl. the guests, being called upon for a song, said he would girl them one which was very pope- i !prole! Dispatch to the riatsimah liar in the department ho came from, and 11•11[11,51,CG, Jan. 11, 1301 which be had done much to reconcile the eel- ; Fellow Gideon e of she Smell, ma /Lose of Nor eliory of the command to the institution it re ferr.d to. It was Private O'Reilly of his mg- j Called by the per , ialtty of my I.:Pow-eta iment, who Ls In the habit of saying that he I, r tlene to the office of Governor 2f Pennsylv a has seen such aplenty of white men killed in Isla for another term, I appear before you to thin war that he hat no objection new to let solemnly renew the prescribed obligation to tang the "Rambo." take their fair share of support the Constitution of the tinted States death and wounds. Against any white men- j and the Constitution of the State of Penn - opely in the trade of "Walt hill," 6 ° h° sylvaala, rand to discharge the roeponsible phrased it, Private Miles had •ntered, Gs the I the truet confided to me with fidelity. air of "The Low-Racked Car," lyrical protest : When first summoned before you three yeirs Soms tell us 'tie a burning shame ago to sesame the sacred duties of the Raise, To make the tenure richt; titre Moe, the long gathering clouds of civil that the Ovule of Lein' kllt Belongs but to the white: • war were about to break upon our devoted nut es for me, upon my sown country. Per years treason had been gather. So liberal ore we here, Pit let Senshobo murdered In plsw ef myself login might; it had been appropriating to it. Oa every day in the years fiendish lust, more and more bountifully of On every day in the year, boys, And every hour In the day, the nation's honors; It had grown steadily The right to be kilt 111 divide wit lofte d An' died a word ru bolder in Its assumption of power, until it had I won the tolerance, If not the ganglion of a formidable element of popular strength, I even In the confessedly loyal States. The election of a President to 1F.60, in strict l eonformity with the Constitution and the I Law., though not the caner, wag deemed the fit OCCLACD fon an organised attempt to over throw the whole fabric of our free institutions The man who oldest to Saint., and plirge • nation of thirty millernt of pee- Should take hoe piece •wl heel; , pie int* hopeless •narchy. Tho grave offence isd li s setter wberee ...races has • 1 ehargul against the President elect, seemed Thalia ll', theta wake an' white ; hough Samba's black ea the unto( spades, • alone to comeist in his avowed fidelity!; the 111 sinter wthriwrean pull. I floverument, and his detormined purpose to ad hie eyes twos et night en the barrel Irlsbts From under Ms cherub of wool 1 I fulfill his solemn current , . to maintain bo twer me all, boys, darlings, in violet„ the union of the Smtca. Don't think ['compete' you chef, Theright to beadind l'lldhvide wid him, When inaugure tea he found (linter in open And give him the largest halft rebellion, disclaiming a::.....;ianee the Gov ernment, frand•lently appropriating its prp- I ohouldn't at all object TlE...lbws body eboaLt atop ball That woo cumin' forme direct; ♦ad the prod of s Southern baguet. &liberal are we here, I'll nein and let Samba taks it On emery day le the year! On every day In the yam. bey., An' whl natmoryenr Duty pride, Al! my right Ina Southern bagret.hred I Wid Sasebo I'll ddrlde. News and Miscellany. Dn. li'matow's T AIM awn ENOLISH Lrxr- I CON.-1. the crimple...of the comprehensive , Yuan and tngliih lexicon by',the Rev. Myron Winslow, D. 11., at Madras, India, the orien tal literature of the day has remised a •alun bin contribution. Th• work, Just published! at Madras in the highest style of typogtaphi. , eel finish, contains ,snarly sixty-eight thou sand Tamil words, n thousand quarto neg.., , land includes the scientific terms of the tan gunge, the names of gods, heroes, poets cad , authors. The work cost its author nearly twenty-five yearauf ardu•us and constant la her. The language Is spoken by nearly ca. hundred millions of our rune; and the wont of , a complete dictionary of the language, long I felt, is at last met by the completion of this'. I work. RUSSIA ISVISTIAO ix Encase fetus. The Matamoros correspondent of sty New York Tribe". say, ••I tls stated here en respecratie au ority that the rebel officen who retreated .1. su ,s, celerity from Brownsville en the lan ng of I one troopt, as well as many of the I adlng eontraelmw in SAWA!, have shown atitles% and foresight which Is rarely maulfes ed by those who arriv• at sudden opulenco.! Cob James Duff is reported to hare purehm d near i d 40,000 weith of Sterling Exclomo., and ty.e. Permit:on P. Bee, ft South Caroni, ebe• , I alter by birth, I. said to have in•vsted o the amount of 130,000." Tun number of alerts sad other ottlials the vet-ions deparls.onto at Washltston is thus givcii*roond numbers t Suns Dopert racist, SO; Titer:try, 1,200; lowlier, 450; War, 200; Nary, 100; Post Office, 020; Agri luau, Dapartcs es t, 20; Commissioner orPublie oild . lnp, GIB., 40; Senate, 100; House, 120; ulieo, 110; White House, Carts, Pe., 100. id In these 8,000 man employed by the Q atter. masters Department to this city, andVeast r,OOO more at the Say, Yard, Arlene, don the works at the Capital and othet,pnblic !mailings, and ono can term an Ides:4f the army of occupation paid by Uncle 8 . EXTILADIDINICT NT sase.—A wager :To laid on last Satnrslay, by two-geettleures:o•Akn• treat, who are ardent eympAthlsere with •aeh or the iontending yartiee the American war, via: gt 2,500 that Grant would 110.727 ten Atlanta; $2,!00 that Char'eaten wenld rent fent $5,000 that Richmond would never be takes; $lO,OOO that the South would norer be conquered; taken in tote, the whole amount ing to $20,000. A rod thing for one of the periles at the close of the war.—lion& cei Carafe. THROWING TORT. OLD 50013 ST Us —The officers of • Musachueeste regiment erCleb recently encountered tbe rebels in tb. Shen • andosh valley were much surprised at the ereng es power; „d t this wee b persisted pe t p c: l i j a n r y n . o z i f e li e . te fi a n d n e , i b f y w ale . e . ne e m .a. y'a th e . a d on th o a n t they, the leader. of the as he. the rebate had not fired either shot Or eholi— become evident, •r.. 1 alavory and tr st the but bad need inetead pieces of railroad iron k untn i e end rtronnt or discord ant and old home shoe fastened together with wire.—AaronTranscript. must 50012 share a common grave, telegraph wire.—Aaron Gaon°. D.-Pitiorrut, Seq., of the Lotdaville In t", great struggle f, r 12,r , nce, na- Jourrosi, bee addressed a letter to the Detroit' t iooality, Penney fruits ha. 'Go imm or t a l Tribune, denying tote th e widely copied fame. Despite the teachizs of the faithless and ['the hesitation of the timid, she has prompt statements of • correspondent of that journal that be btu been incapacitated for business 1. generously met every demand made by intemperance; that the journal has pissed I 'T ■lnd front his control; sod that his friends havej upon her, whether to rnpol invert:, or to purchased a place for him in the eountry, 10 fight the battles of the Union whenever or which he has retired. where're! her people were derm•Dia,:. JOHN S. DA annnt, a leading Virginia rebel, Coon ' every field made historic and sacred hay recently said that them exists' no hope' • of prolonging the rebellion beyond Dolt ;by the valor of our troop., some of the mar l _ wine, he military strength having been nom-,fiat youth of Penoryl r.i• hare fallen, and There Is scarcely- a hospital that has not been pletely exhausted In the Isla campaign," it is reported that ho expresses bitter regret slatted by oar kind oillees to the sick and for having gone into the rebellion. We learn, ertyrthe Washington R epe lli nne, l wounded. There is not • Department :n that when the first Greek lire 'hell from Ga.. , which brave men do not answer with pride to mare's batteries exploded in Charleston, • I the name of oar noble t‘tote, end while his contraband who witnessed the spectacle jump top endrtre•, loyal heart• w; ; : turn with fool ed up and, clapping his bands, exclaimed, I "See dor I bell hal, laid an egg!" logs of nationsl pride to hart shoe where A OtNTLIN•I , In this city, whose, wife is the coalmen deliverance of Pennsylvania end away on a visit protracted long heyend the, the Colon will stati rtword-i in the sneer promised return, writer se follow: • "'Tie acid Iweed glory fiat bloods , id. that absence conquers love, but the longer you ettir ewe) , the hotter j w ee you. " pi e need hard) anew pledge, that dor 'her on the tax; train. ; leg the term of odic* on which I am aluatt. to , Lone PataiIIIERTONI. rep orted f to have thus ; rotor, I will g! , my whole morel and official hit oiP f:the position of ins. in Europe:—l power to the prozeouti, of ,nix war, end in '•Eatrepe has been threatened with a torch aili ng rya , , r l(Poland) end • Inciter match (the Daniah' n " ° "' enT•rme " in cans. agort to mantel the •early end complete moms, over Duchiten the match is the most likely to set I the home on Ere." I our molly, not foes. For rho preservative of • Tee Montreal Herald thinks that miles, the I oar national life all thinss should be enbordi entail. It Is the Ire highest and nobleet duty rebels are a little more civil toward General Dotter, possibly sem. of the Confederate I r o t . O. alter. It Is hie protection in prisoners may be put outride dm tow war, i ' as he himself hat been. I person, property, end all civil and Tell- Crronce, the celebrated painter, is engaged gimm privileges, and (or its perpetuity to on his large South .11.mericaorireTtilteaf "China- form and power, he owe, all his effort., bureau," which, It Is enid,'*ill r o, when [his lefineisce, hie mean' and his life oompleted, to be quite as 312000i1l DI al any of • To corepromiee with treason would be but is his former works. A curvet company has been organised' in Boston ' with a capita:of $lOO,OOO. An agouti has been dispatched to the Mississippi Vallaj to make arrangements for the cultivation of the staple. Ger. Morro', of Indiana, announces that he has made arrangemealta to furnish all vat aria regiments from tlds'and all other States with hot coffee sad a lunch at Jeffersonville. Ox - tho Zlst nit.. et Jefferson, Ohio. Gnu. 1 Goorge W. Julian, of Indiana wan married to Miss Laura 8., youngest dau ghter of Joshua R. Giddings. Oot. °boas, one of Morgsn's alters, died at Johnson's Island, on Saturday, from stran gulation, caused by en ulcerated throat. Vlti.t.ux, a POP of Edward Everett, lactated in Boston on Tuesday evening, before the "Lowell Association." .Jima Kura, son of the President of the Kentuoky Central Railroad, was frosen to death Week before last.. Urania= M•saatua b is Richmond, re. &toed to cotton Jean *loth*, and turpentine whisky. - - • Affairs la Meileo--Amerlean Nailer Shot by the Consul. • Bin Fasitcnico, Jan. 18.—A prisate letter (rem Marysville, Mexico, dated crake 11th lest, based on French authority, gives the Cottoning items from the interior : The French army, 14,000 strong, was in Onacialejara under li en. Bonn., aTnd another cola= 4,000 'trims, under Drottey, were ep proaehtng the Moil= army near ZapoUan, only twenty learns frets Columba. The Mexicans totend to °ppm theca with only 7,000 men, under Gene. Drage and Sepia.: The _letter also states that the 11. B. Consul, Mr. Baker at Mm7rville, killed an Ameri can ocHez whtihad desertedfrom the U.S." steam or Saginaw, bemuse the latter bed refused to obey the g sental' order to take hit place In the stooki prepared for his confinement. AA the seller wee unarmed, - .the aegis reprded lia.haying bows wholly anwerrstOols. blr„. Soler bee bees anested;.'thargei -with ant der in the lint degive r snii - ielll4nobably be sent-to eszanintinfot tad, tke paid en*. *note: '-1111:inittetet.wIll be • With - drawl - liielstiier birini*. le 411: acted th:llllo444bien: : . 5i t.; erty.and insolently oonteminir Treason was struggling tot eupremacy in ••e ry department of the administrative power In the Cabinet it fel•nlell,:f disarmed eel Our arsenals wore robbed to enable the armies of anima to d/Ctleb n continent in fr•tornal blood. Oar onaste wore loft comparatively defenceless to fall au en.y pray to hitter,. Our nary was scattered upon distant seas, to reader the Repubhe helpless ' 1 own pro tection. Officers edncated, 001011ts.ioned •nd "'era to d•feLd the tilverlllll•At ageLinft any foe, became deserters. Tney defied Ilearen :in rhanteless perjury, sod with fratriridrii band., sin, their sword...vs...pi ine country lof their allegliiner. A ' , I when treason bad thus completed tte prep.r•hoes. this wanton and wicked ••••;was forced span .nr loyal pee , p!0. Never wai wac to cautelert The Tlirrh had sough` nn surtional triumph, ,needed ao • rights, and infr•rtod no wtengs upon tor F.ontli. It aimed •• pr :Le smir, of to destroy It; end teen relecl led the sword as the ark -sr, we es ['Amsted erery efork .L.. 1 Pent •i the ~.stepe. Of our Government le are ,: rbo bloody drama of Clu lut thr.. putt. istulut prututu4 ty trn.e❑ t.l •asl dteouul erm•nt or oteraecice wa• wa• ' bj to a rcrt the storm of d• lb wbiolt tbrtatbened the Iv Ore of tat ruir,loa! MBES that., per oe, an It y cold glc their infernal •mbltiot art • th• mins of the n obles t .1d freart ',Tarr:6 •rer der ire d I.y inn. Three year. of oody, waiting war, and the terrible samiE of • eie•tl-t million etnigylo is open Ile. and that we must limn to the tietversti, of their purpose to now prepare Quintet, for the tremendous overthrew ovr lit- ties. Mourning and morrow check I Lucy aro making but; prer.r. , i , n , ; vread over car R.. Ora aation, and difelit and I they are haying mermnarios fey the light as derolation arc Lb. teirrib's trophies won by the , men key Ithet'p for the shamble.; they are traitor's hand. Asir people have bees sorely ! payiug bountke, the half of which the tc,rld vied Fy diem:tot, but to the millet of the 1 never heard of bet..; they are apeman; ' deepest gloom they bare stood wire 'teeter- I money with areckier• profution [ha: gentians log devotion to the great Venue of .hr cotton etraugely with their native parsimony. Oar muntry,redying open t h e uit IPS. :t :UM . 1 of; enemy. tee, will oeramenio the next eumpaign right. Tray hem 'remit equal to the' with some advantage of position riileb they I morn duty, and wt,tby ei 1,, riot ' did not hare in the begin ti , ag of ]heal They atm of fimdom. wAI begin at Chattanooga, instead of Nes), Theis fidelity hz• Ire. w...! r•werdod. lc Vicksburg instead of Memphis. Owd's own g,yod time he has smartsl his Th•y etonso Dashed also with wild hopes, and they are estimated with Increased arrogance. Widfall, in the rebel Congress, soil: Now those very farmers will actually burr their wheat rather than sell It to the govern ment et nee dollars a bushel for the use of their own sots and brothers. They stood wrangling about the price of pork per pound, when their sons and brothers were living on a quarter of a pound a day, and sometimes had none at all. What had produced ouch a clangs in this people, he did not hesitate to answer WAS an inhaled currency. W. J. J. give It renewed oilstone°, end enable it again to pinep us Into another connote.. war. in the destruction of the military power of the rebellion is atoll. the hope of peace; for while armed rebels march over the 101 l @deny State no real freedom can prwrril, and no groom. moot authority, eonalsleut with the genius of our free Inetitulloas, can proporly operate. The people of ovary State are entitled, un- Ider the Censtitntlon, to the protection of the Government, and to giro that protection folly and fairly the rebellion most be disarmed and trodden In the dust. By theca mains, and I these alone, can we hone an enduing Union, I prosperity and pence. AK in the past, I will, in the fixture, In faithful obedience to the oath I have taken, team no means, and I withhold no power which can strengthen the Government in this *indict. To the measures of the citizens chosen to administer the na tional Government adopted to promote our great cause, I will give my cordial approval and earnest or operatioa. It It the Canoe of eonstitntlonal liberty and law. Power, which are essential to our common safety, should now be wisely .4 fearlessly adminbteradt and that ezemative would he filthiest end held guilty before the world, who should fail to wield the might of the Government I for it, own prerervance. The details of my views on the measures which I recommend are contained In my recent annual Mes sage, and nett not here be reverted. I beg to return to the generous people of! ley motive State my hearty thanks for their unfaltering support and continued eonfideneo. They have sustained me amid many trying hours of °facial embarrassment. Ameng ell thus. people, to none ant I More indilA ed'ihan- to the eoidiera of. Pstmervgais, an t have :pledged to these hues mall, xey.iintichittitatheit, theh:hehilf, ail riz feithete ,isittnkindpir. and I coamend bore, kg I have frequently done before, those depends,: upon them to the fostering site •f the State. I cannot eio! , o this address without as ea: . nest prayer to the Moot High that he will pre. e.rTO, protect end guard our beloved country —guiding with d;vine power and wisdom our 6overnraent, Stale and National; nod I appeal to my fellow citizens Lora and elsewhere, in oar existing emharrase— meats, to Lay aside all partiren feeling. and unite in a hearty and earnest effort to suprort the common .1:190 which involves the welfare of us all. dentlemen of the Senate and House of Repreeentatives, I pray you, in I God's name, let no In this era to the histsi of the world, set an example of unity and concord in the support of all 61M11.11.1 for the preservation of this great republic. A. G. CUILITE, GOTe7rter OUR PRULDRIIIIII RPECIAI DIRP/TCII Spacial Dispatch to tho Pittaburgh Coastal,. Pattant.crnia, J.n. 19, 1864 There wiu a grand exodus toward Elands burg, this moroieg, of the City Councils, the talon League, and politicians of all sorts. The rain seriously interferes with the display. The approaching campaign Is looked far by the Republicans with solicitude. The people are urged to a meet vigorous battle, as every thing Is at elate, and a:glant danger presses . . Admiral Dahlgreer.l. on the look out for the rebel rome at Charleston, and prerarations ere made to receive them. Theo largo rams and iron clads us already In commission, and another, tho most oflia;ent, 13 nearly ready for serricc She in to eery eight guns, and is fas!. A fifth Is on [hr stacks ready for launching as coon as the mo chincry I. finished. This is • formidable fleet, and dangerous if they should some out and at tack Gilmore. Prtrft• letters state that a large pnrty of Union oaralry sad infantry, wader General Meson, mado a raid from Point Lookout into Westmoreland, Nrrthumborland otal mond conntie•, destroy: - ; Loge gnautition of grain, pork and baron, tone erie,, burning, o b•idge at Farnham's creek, and talzing 25 prisoner. and a large lot of ratio°. Sh 6 till. modem d Mom math asststanoo at iris• pate s. The Richmond laroatiner say, the treating with Putter will net release tha ~.ittful wretch from the ban of outlawry pronounced against him. Wo ran still hang him when we etteh bet eatebitig a before bangiog. Ha should. however, be aseented and f.oribtlees, will 0e by the Arm canted era's officer in who" bands he may ebano t to fall .4 Risl“gh, N. C., paper .eta that peace ear potent W . 1.13 the Gar ran.; et the Cii.,•ernment Niue. to il a rr , a , a raiisits of tie!, sod will ye longer boy what the solditire nn d the irriint, the army and the penvti pill to•olve then - lres tote mob, and tbseeo who bora mi:lod and roinad , them dy for their li.ea. Enough be already hz•zi raid the CM.) to satisfy tali rearstatiolc men that they would gladly :c.a., the qoartei :rod; the sword 151 iifc: it to the councti elle:130c, Se-Annd ply • : •. To timid the odor horn yozr and t` the prudent there appears CAAes for anxious oo;iettude. while iron he;oism Reel! bets that the ro th.• I. of Wa ttald on a Wagon Traln—Gen. Vance Captured—Nebel Negro Soldiers. Wannzeoroa, Jan. 19.—The following die patches have been received at the headquar ters of the army in this city : Noehrille, Inc, 17, 10r.4.—r, 9qur Gomm; G, sierra se Chief —On the lath loot. Gun. Vance made a raid towards L.ulsville, and raptured • train of twenty-three warns. tin was promptly pursued by Col. Palmer, who re-captured the wagons, aria took one ambulance landed with medioinee, 150 caddie horses, and 100 stand of arm". Gen. Vance. his Atl3l•tarit Adjutant General, and hls In rpeotor General are among the prilon•ra Cap -1"04t. Q. 9. Gaarr, ldaj. Gen.. Ila•nyr. sos Yo D1,1,3101T Or Tat Drr•rr- MINT ur VIYOISTA, Ncv Va., Jan. 13, IREl3.—Captain—A eoldier of mom. Jemee A. Walker, Co. 11, 2d Maryland roe molt, who wee captured iY the atta4 upon the train at Aloorfleld and Allegheny junction, on the 3d inst., by the enemy ender ti•eeral Fite Hugh Lee, escaped whet near Broct', Gar, on the sth Met., ant reported to tee this evening. hie inforu..ed eta that thirteen of tho enemy were killed bed twenty wounded in the arkirmish. Ilia also states thet there were present un der the commend of Gen. Fite Hugh Lee three elm:Tonics of negro troops, cavalry, armed with carbine!. They wore notertgaged in the attack, but stationed with the reserve. The guards, licireporto, °penis admitted to the prisoners that they wore accompanied by ne gro soldiers, stating, however, teat tko North had shown the example. Signed, faithfully, JAMES A. MULT.IIIAff, Colonel, Care. S. Mrtxao, A. A. G., Department Wott Cumberload, Md. Second Inauguration of Gov. Curtin. 11,taatEntrao, Jan. 19.—The second inaugu ration of Ger. Curtin took place at 12 o'clock to-day. The scorning opened with a heavy rain, but at tea o'clock It cleered away. At II o'clock the procession was formed, consist ing of nil the branches of the military eer y ice, under commend of Gen. Couch, followed by the Governor eleatand the Legislative Com mittee of Arrangements, the Governor', staff and heads of dejirtmenu. Then coma the veteran soldiers ef 1812, followed by the clergymen, county officers, President end Councils, the press, fire deportment of Ear risbuti, the rear being brought up by eltlzensl iu carriages and on foot.. On the head of the preclusion arriving et' the Capitol a entitle of fiftzea gone-wee tired by the Ith C. S. Artillery. The Governor elect wee hero received by • committee of the -o Houses and e• orted to the platfo- ens two Houses and escorted to the platform eme led in front of the Capital, wh!ch wu gaily decorated with the 9n - 1 o f the Teter= troops from Pennsylvania. On the oath of office be ing administeredahe Ciowernor made his in augural address. Reported Terrible Railroad Accident.] Haaarsauno, Jan. 10.-IPews has jest been received hers of a terrible accident which hap pened this morning on the Catti.wie so railroad, by which a number of lives wore lost, and an eatirelreigla train chattered to atoms. One of the principal bridges between Summit and Cattawlisa gave way while the trails was pus ins over the bridge, and the train we, ran dered a perfect wreak. The accident was caused by thasioantheary rains. Fortunately the passenger train, which wan due about the same time, hadpassed over in safety. Ths AV is fall of etuangeti Co *haw* the inaugurationoaidi takt, t plain this litaing. It Wain Taiping, *hlth *ill seriati ia sly Parzuzzantuasn.l9,-Vite 410..on,tlicAgivitibialtreatt L podtifely liptisdidea in lafaxedvs; 2. ' VOLUME LXXIM---NO. 55 ›, PITTSBURGH THEATiaI 07=a151:170i. I .oe-nil ttantge.r...- tmuscrer ..... ..... remelt of Br. Z.. 0. SEXTO.S. irrTs Wig .e r—' - ratodl, E. B. Fcr , :e'r rorto-drowAtio ro man:v. ‘.r.utioa THY: BOTTLE IN F. ......................_J. 0. Seto, Tovonto Dutoo. _TAM, Lb. long d:og o'lnoltot. MI, Jostle. Drok , o Addicts to Ass Satoricat nag, by Anal& EbtSo, [floor Ctp for tb• bout Connnt'ar.m. To ot>saindo A 11. TIM' GLITTERS IS SGT Tay ...... J. 0. Sefton. MAW.Ebtrbo._ biItEAT PIMURE AT IVLA.SOIO7IO pv:siohl7a c 4.4 Commenchig Workday, J. Is, 1804. J. WBOO WILLL , MEr (TALEBRATID PANORAICA OF THE BIBLE. Th'a Se the Urged painting of the BaendScrla tura •la the world, coveting nearly ftar thousand 'guar. rade of tsars. Own oaoh evening at 774 o'clock ; goo Nrodnoodal sad Saturday ofturncons, at I o'click. lichees, 16 Maim, =der ha yeays OICHTEL torutf .&sCONCU.E.T HALL ECISEY'S MINSTRELS Tueed ay, Weds:G..l*y, Thursday and Friday Elegy, Jena. 19,110.21,117. 81.1.11 TN BIAS ARTISTS I fe:artistes the ail. of the profusion. sad the create el the seismal t• RU.IISEY'S nnerCOMIIII; . and the ^ 2 SAISEISLUS," -I,dat the immediate taper rinse sr IL S. FCC INIENICV. Mon itaa'arst. AdattnZt—.... ..... !Lev.. teltket RSICD VOCAL &. INSTRUMENTAL CONCERT, I.ltrAt of th. aCLe , TFTENCT COKHIT 7::E. by U. Chet./ u'hilist's M. E. Church, to.t L.A.FAYET TE Oa Thnrstlay Jan,. 91, 1164, Ilesars. H dt ♦. E LICBgr, rat , ITT and 70EILSTV2 (By Qll/,Otte—Vrb•ri-r's nrsay..By M. ...... Ba, W. Seneki. V B. P O, , W. R. Belem and L. De:o. D•ott—S'•ACCl/ r 1 1.10 2.10 , .. By tiept.rn .1.1 ET. it A.i. Drown. •Ser, yolettral.) Wm Wm, Et Tru..l4e. - «. 1..11 is., Eprl.(2 Iltoo_.oy !Labe, qt. pret—Ply llosotain Woßa(cr r.Mceti ,, P 11.3 I:B.traci sad . , —.....--....- Drownlo.,--woronad, f rocs trot or Den V...0p0i. . U. D0 . . 4 ‘ , 011 3!!es Drown &II Sheer. 10-4 , 4.‘41ez to 4 , s _Votu.r., V. rttl. c,.rtotos.---.11t.p01..,....81 ni rozor H. ........._.e.Elober, Brew 3. and motel:. in:how—Wow Donntlf.l upon tlw Mount.... .47 TtraJtolr• ... Uno, Tl.• Nam.. F , .rty azztlun oorlaina d irma 4.-1.-bra.“...1 mane...tory of 10a..c...4 t. Elcb=r & .:ham—Tb, w.h v the La.-1"1. Ely Maw •a..ChAlr. -H. a ..I‘ar a v.- ba.r..ty telser ..M . lamach and 1.41..z.1 rc...-.Trom bier t, . (Lair T4osi cam'at not ...DJ Xialnot, llrs. IS. .SaLert . Chorca—la.a, ana Sea Tear—Pram Bana2atti—... to—P,.: [ha' co; clay be._ :corn Op., 113.1t7 Mnet:- M. A. a Drown. qw.rfwtte--.54,nz f • Tllounvid ewrs ...... C. ‘rort Brown smd Elnkn.d, llnts-rA EitMISIEMM • . 0 M. Alasaakler. .tutlae,-I he Loran Ling..... 13, Chaple . 7 1t0: Was X. Z. Brows will ytaerie at the Platte Forts. Car Tickets ,- 10 matt, 1.2 ee het/ at the Manic asd P. ug stuns. Deers epee at 7 e'ac. - 2 Getieo coter-enee at quarter eOOO, & n'cleek. A MLitt VIII Inca the l'eatirylesala Railroad De, !tot icamegnataly eat, the iltacart, =alga at far ea Dr ad 10 I'l Station. jalWid O. C. ALCXANDII77, Director. .luCrzo.r F.ILEa. LLE - 13,1_tiT!.... RARE era 81ELLrLLS .1.4 1ti1.141110 THII ALP., ragmen,- tniitandav, Jan. 18, at t;-1, 0 rlrk, MD b. •d 4. at a. Cos marlal SM. D.orra, 14 11n h .trap.. tarps ard eploadut calloctfro of If -reign Soa Shelf., *am fully *domed la arias pate of tla morld, by • gentlemen of tat* au. Joirgloon I In L.tle. This rolkotteu cobra-no may ram sod salable wane. les, rod Is all worthy the attordlon of Isaties ad am: parsiculal; InteraUng to etudoots la cantal•iy. T. taw who admire thr 1 oautl. end woods. of Oh. deep, thle Is • rat for oorimuy oylosold household orraarolts for the Was-bot or Tents. Also, It will to bad a s;sctat opporaulty for tame collattny ust•lnefs of toe saran.. The tuna ad saternd !Oster,' all ho on sah Th•-allatfort can be eassead damp the Jolt DATiO d HeiLlf&ifi Ami Pro. AUCTION $.11.;& OF KERSUY CUT -712108.-0, TaiD3DAT, l'ohrsary 4tb,1064, et 10 o'slock a. m., be an, a the Unitril Star 1(010.7 Po/thirty Depot. ktarkas otr-.t, Ilttnan• (.1., to the hlthest bidder, about two thousand tt.000) pounds au LIG= BLOIS KTIMILY VINO& Torsos of sale cash, In Goaransat Pada. ALES.Ai DIA CONN. OvAain and A. Q. HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE, CAR PETS, (IVIENSWARE, An., AT AUCTION.- 1t Hannan Hail Auction 65 Ilan oral, en THE:MOAT MOTINING. at 10 o'clock. 001 La .Md. • large quantity of Younitma, embracing Oland. Boom. Citaaber and Kitchen Itrattra• ; 100 yaw& cant. Brawls Linnet, E.:tchec and ata l r OniTant Lineenterare, Maas* Clocks, Caen Mares. T. A- bIcULYI.L.A.N Lt. Aunt', zaw - INO MA('UINES AT AUCTION. kJ Oa TITURS UAT, k if oieltak. at llneonto Mai Auction lions., die. AS fifth tttaet, win be geld, one 1 brae &Irma Ms.nhine, euttable.tor tiller. net; one Ladd, Fdliater ODA; end ene Paws 31 - senizie new. These AL•ellitts art a perfect order, mod ore wortlid the attention of thole reoniiitin %la T. A. LIc01.1:1.1415/1. Argot', 14 4 .41.ArTS WA; T ED— A. Situation •22 Argenta ilook-iimpor or Cork, br yot.-y 4 .4 moral habits. 2, %%Imo% S. C, a% thin oOK.Bilir HRS WANTER—StewIy B empl+oyaret. at goal Inkrry te coed ISTILUI". and TORTIAZDER Ant tal6E5B. Appl,l7 TRU OPIPlei. jalktf clooD @IBL WANTID—To do gan tral Inturvra-k, • dkort datum la the Wan d. Itlglent pal. 1 ObE rat Or. ettt yly TYTT. OTTICR. W?:t r oi r :Tl37 7. l.. llent'S r a m , aB mlflris i le DVIIILLIIIO Ow with rtst,:. awl bake- ORD prehrred. L TOIGV L CO. WANTIO A GARDNLII.—A mar Y V ?led man mlikoce cbrbtret. prettened. U. meat amiermatd the ealiatra et drupe!, ead em be ebete cf a little bard ne,rl . .. Tim flea Lind of a man ...en pt a teeneanent eitratlou, and geed ter. r. 404. at ILSSeeeetittret, Plifeleargb. D. def.' A MACELII.;I:3IO WAN ED.—J. good Li salary 1,111 Merv" to,o-rra.4 re!! qvamltliol to xopettatoul aalitlialsi of nowaboot. • d reko the € , MoIRI oyors:;111 of • L'lschl,, Slaw to Rad laol, 1 ottani., Cormtpuad vidtb (ABB STRI BLING, ILySloon. toirarniso. ront,try. VITA NTEit -,-rot) A MONTFL—We want VY Awnto at SIOA • sorodb, carom. MK to . 11 our ./Oceriodim PrwoOr, Oriental Burnam and thin-. other new, maul and cork. Arai:lm Nlfloon *rd. dm snot frm A/141mos, de=loodoorT SHAW s CLAIM, 1111dilatat. er7 A MONTH 1-1 want to kirt Agony V hs every county at STS • =rah, .4,2128 oy new cheep Family Ben ; '* 28 ILLDIAOP, Alltsd.11•1.• =123 OILS, lfe. - anuirtroN reacaurrt ME=rl Petroleum and its Products, cll DL.116, Ell, 414. 11111110 AD Tom. sir Ayala far the POIMAND =Man 0171. wow, SW TQIIIE man' cw.inis CIONPANT. *a. - W. A. ciurvx, 13 Inlet I=Treat ist*. _ j uczyr oth - w4=% mrsons;iimmai.6:i3t4 01 1 :4 ia - 0/ 164 :a - • ...,--- rttn. l 9:l=l qa:oof- LT lETII'e'YB • i riwaP itv."l : - 4 : 7! P I ' llo7 . & EIMIIMEI Petroleum and Us Prodevete, Tar rrreort .1 home torarnaVerni. Amp , * Um A. A...., at reemrrAbl. rat.. Libras! ad,nner pcolc CITY OIL IS LITIAT & CSORPERNINO, Easmfactarers and Ildtren of CAJIISCI ..)11., HER. ETFIC AND LLIIItIOATING 91T8, sad Antra ti C.lllf3llC. P'Ff:TFLOLICLML. Oe., 171. is, LIAM/ lIITAEIT. WMffa BREWER, BURKE & COYMORION TraRCHANTB, Assn •i Ike tILOWC. PACIITIC AHD Lragrerr OIL WOHIUL L!lawal cub ensitrei saolo eautarstkalsat Refined or Crsxde Pe! roftten. GOB. DOQU=ISTI WAY A HARCOCIX ors, ...r .nrrew. s Ps. W ISA NVEMUEX & CO., 13Ce3,05 MU101.1Us1:14 SIIITEIISOF PETROLEML, NATIM7I TAlit, HIM SOBIL fsettlatme L:411 • 13.1,raLks at yerl sad .111.21, E. Soot. :ctf RICEAYASON, HARLEY & cg. 4 commissioN & Ten krlaitts , 3 ltiCi*?X3l, Crude end Refliied Petroleum, R.. to raßrilt SIMI= PITTISSMWD. Gar LlSern: C.zahartsfireeme. lbw Pirtantret .r Markaut. liesc-s. 3. .1. rnworth & Co.. Sprcmg , r HArbseait, Thorcpt, l•rort. Cotraiaarlal Bent r..hlo:G= WALLACE & CURTIt;S, Coznrni.aion INlerolmatx. d=laem CRUDE & =TEM PETROLEUM, sZ.NZINZ JI.7D LUZ:FIG.IMM OILS, ge. 124 17,0V711 Ii794STM PHIZADIMPZLL gar Pitareza cgratity (.dar cover.) for 1B,C0) LLL Aloe ...culler,: :neai:lre for eluiptng to Ar...arican r orei,u porta, at pi for car• . maV.Y. R. R. Pr-&-kl• & BRO. W.... 1111 IR Crude and Renned retroleum, BENZINE, Ana, 182 KALE CT n, PEILADELPILLI. Business estraste4 to vox c.c.s vat MLitt O.St Beer to Hn '' t ' tCll 7 ,co, Harley 4C.., Burk. k nal IloGioUoad T.:oryo, Pittz=; 1 t -a. 5.,114, tot.. Prcot. Bank 1; 11. L. r0...t0r a co.. PhllAoloilLl4. 34.k1y MCCORKR:K k CAT.LLENDUR, OIL BROKERS, 211 and 213 South Water Street, edr Oonstirsmata eelkltad. arrelt to Lyon. Cluayanla,g. C:ty GC wads Jacob Pall:zr, a J. Palnt, ,1 Oa. Jno. It. CIL 1111=4 ^I c'Es"`. , Co: 1y211: PMoLhu.M. COMII6B/0;: c 1 CELLNIA... AR NSTRONG & KID% e eon= P 111.1109, • UVERPOOL, TIZa.A.ITD _ For:r—neor.. FLO. Don , 314 nrOalllll. Pi..borg)—?iessra. B I G. Dm 6 00.; Loom* Oil Co. • O.rdesco CC Co. Co? terms ALA Laformat ion opply to C. scianusT. Coo.TSeed ud Foortb greets, CiLtlbatet. D LLER., .h. 7 Ao3o - 7, • 2sz WALNUT IT., nritsimmmotak. CRUDE 4. REFINED PETEOLEITEI Ou Commtian.... gtoddvely. Alt oltma of toad rosoonable nava. frrortAGE VOR EIMMED m cool contra Tar CiLL".DII, ander good otrols. Particular atoonttor pall to OM nil MOUT. Ton Sus—CACSTIC POW., SODA nail at, . CABOT L. PEMBhILTON, General Merehandize Brokers, 115 rotrrn re.olrr rt., nationsitte. CRUDE & REFIRED PETROLION, CAUSTIC SODA, Frq"..‘ ASH. PaiIDISIONT4 Dal GC, OILS, Ac., dos Ore." to btu ar 1•11 r. , ^^ 1 .4 1;a. ALI,k..."N .NEEDLEII, PL•TLADELPULL 4.70.UX1101019 JIISBCHAS:IL Rttonation geld to ..v.ard Crude and Refined 4,firqiet.iMi /GT LiLen.l adva•.ov sada. .1-17 ENO. NN OODWARD, ('...t0 of Woo H. Woodward & C 0..) GIME-UAL OfflikllSSlON LIESCILLTI. :portal attratiow etrack to Mr ado d Crude ‘mad Refined Petroleum. .Ho. .socra 11.0112 STS T. Fin -L:4. JAC.--..narrazrat our: PETROLITIE, OIL WOAKS. • -:,,, Alavlntt , ..zen of PRIMA CfM79 CARBON,' OIL, rors7An'tAHD ri-Lto" LEilt it , rtiticAnzixe Cepactzy thauand tarrelii per Irma. RUSE it GRAM Ptu=ors. os, ItOCSE, m Platt, r. rt. erty..2 RU.l.3.Elrr ABHII - OICTII, liaA M. CLAIR RT.. PITITIMURS, Forwarding & Commiszion:lderOtait