,1V.3 - 1••> <'= ESTABLISHED a 1786. P.SCTURERS, art: lALLES.N.E BRASS-WORKS, & OILMOILD, . _.„. ~ ' , ituiEwOirat bit PLUMBS:I:g, BritAtt OR --•, ~ - an yrrirftS,IIKIIIINI.TS, AND " ' Rain s.' ' CGP IIi. PE Qf itil deoet ITIIB : IrttiOlis, !node Co ........-- OAT worm, STEAL ( AND GAS -1 --r. fd, to7aEPA111.1"10, Proz.V o 7 . 94 '''' Pittloolor atttmetoircold CO flolog op 11Elillir.- BIM JOB COAL AND CilllitON 011.7. b _,... Mao, Solo Opals tor the Woototo - Dlo.rl•t _o f _ _ ' ' 4 fiylnhts rot sale a 'KAM; LtiLsDria., , t ''CO' *NT 5TP21011 , 41310t Mob.< o' .. . . rootedAtd , Usolatow Tibet it lo no% .. V!I . PA ., .._ it ps out ~.. p ..r• lad "t tiltAll*.witOre,.. l4l F, e-. 1.. 7..91, 1 - . ''' ''' V. fe .l. MUMI.Li.....r- f. '4,,. ..., g 'arn WORIE rt ' , i,,,,., w.,) ...-7 ....... ...,-,- 1,. en.. PIACKDEPOSI{L)ItIanPA"'"* .. ,7-r , .4. ...., ,4;y, n ii g i Aga watt19320!!.._ 1 .--,,z,.,.---,, V, ,- - - 1 - 1 - v errr , ' -- rug. imccursatrat pro go ~4"*.- ~i't ~....C.f..wasr.wottz9 irso* ,' -ti:: _l,- - '- . 1 . 7 ." ,-41 t"7 -- 7 --- " • • - . . - ...q v i c , ~"-;,,... ...: :iti..igi t .;4,-„r-m or Ills , •'A '''''''''' IV ;.1,44.; VIZKQVit'VM.'"4 116ClifliV!.* .3' .07/" . ...,......utfte1ki1d4 0,0 4" ' IttiTTll73ll e':-;-' ,.. • zc Pi - 7, ,, ,'-.-1- - ai cimi*_*- -70'244 ,- 7 -- ler F: r , ..- , - 4, 2:* • .- ~,,.1., - , .„`. ' . - _'4 , ''' „ .j 4 4o l HALT.-0 2 t - ' ,. ;:!-' i ~ .., , L `,--.:',' ' 4,- ,if . v, ; it i s ' r tartft,taW W 611118" - , L-Le.174 +4,..''',"-- ' ' S ''-r :,t - ls..3V4t 4 ' l 4"'"VrerlOnnt)laT t PA., ' 1 ',. .; • ,r,-"„:"t--o.,1 ____. '..t-' ,...1 - '7,,:iil jar -..' ..tho — dittoroo . t rthelit t , „ -. '"L ~' 4" .1..-Watostactot., ....-.....r.,,witigitytwor, sliMptt, QU'rP? ,_ l t" .. '''_ -''..,, '",,l"rlir:likiL-7e.., With Votalr'itrt. lllo4 taci t; 1 ' - ;:„a ' '' - ;; - ::„.“.0tailmacknithassonsaztotal,,, .12rittfir,"" ~?" ...;.,..*;,.slT7l,l:4WeMatit.hl76la .-- ',;="...L.-- 1 . 14-4- •.r . .: BrE p REN vir v Olt.' 1' '---1.-- , ‘T.-..,-.3-_,.. e i t a d ir -•‘-..-7-.:-,... , --'-was.^.r.sizo‘ .. ,4. - 4 ''f'rk" --r ' - \ 1 ••‘......i '''-'4.• ,%-^,711" ..f . .. , 74tAcw,Day9N - D,51.2,331, Wwsa.ev 1%,,:z.1tr,z..::- • • , • ' , 7, , --' •],,..• sr. •.,•-....-; i , , , ,: 1 4 , -.r , "1-., -... ""-- 2 • 4 ‘ .4' f ''''' * ' - 4 6 4104 - 11RonER & cq., 1 irST rtaitAI,ITY . IISTLESID CAST s TICEL. . 4 Sows, Ttot and Octagon, of all otos. Worroatod -- ~... .11. 4 t. t". 7 !op-rata, LaaaL..tvred In . ~.--.. I lir 0111. and warebnuse, Na. In va111111387 nu and 1218XCOND BTU EETS,rit :'," 11511:1Td , ,' WiLIAAMTCRNiithiik 'F'4lsilten and- '5i.4.1r04 , 14" 'ATM** - STREET, - . Arteruo,sactroveourmitti : oo prat*, ataehlaem.yrs art Patfit4s;ll44foctiitti Mett A4 o tottimAT• "tut warranted fa. my, - -in" Wa tedardaY. Ito‘th , "4•• _ATEUXIVISTss.saicimr, rxi.z. BEDS.! erza.at PIPES, icictiltotiv it, BOILERS; LTINDtNEESS, 2/01, TANESOLL STILLS A9ITATOBS, .f. - 41FTLIN p G As YANS i 'BOILEIL TION ,IIE.I 3 IIGEI, I'A.T 6 EN I VAIta.ESS", - Iterfelc o e f , dtellit'Zi -,'-'.•i-74:thwithertet4 notice. ,-- • .4 dd24 ' 4INNIA AND .8RA.:3,V0N.K13. • COt /IN s & wlexcqur, fi • M.Molaci• • ra h ts, Vett S and ' ; :713.k.s A EN•Nafit.ll . ALLEY rowro b ar . „Plytabargh. LIBLT.TY " • iN i rSVOW,E t rIi. L IIVI K AIrD A Y I AiIiIgIL IT T I ES r ; - Apia! RA i lzit i c i ,! lte.ll ., zda ., Latti or dga It - p Dos. hers, W ova 11,irceo. gar KlMl.l9VPulloya,Thargros, Car %Throb , . Coupllool • -,804 Coat merolly, Airco, Jobbing surbi.• Pat..aed Portplito NIL, vilth Stem or Florae POS., KPH:CI:ad jOsEerfF. I.IAAIII..ToN - E - CO, Cor..?fl ST AND LIBEIITT STS., Pitisburgis, --, gllv.unlit hTEAIit ZSGEM,IIitiI2II2MIY, tr. r .e......u.1.:.,,, ...........„...:..„..'...,...4 0 , . Y.r 4 ^-t - -.. •.-.llle , Mt4iN(..;;Fi -No. ~..53 W r. .02.2. gr., __.llll4o...yftiseut...."- of non..r.r.imirms, wu.. nr iM . ~.. . ,1-atztozps and rni!roul, of every E.' ' ... • •::,--, Partiogor stied pr A.rect stiras .D.r. ' 3uvris, , ...., ..„ Arp. 01%1=01. Made to order at !short a.ke. A good &aortic:Ant iormaAntly on bAmi. or3-20,t. ..„. WELS. ei! co. , No. , 214 - Wee,' oppolito FIXtl , rlttaMmab, - Mantifocieren of WHIM IASI( E 8 and $WITOI• 31:8 and wen , drocriprloa of LEITILER IMA WED WAIL Orgratioollcited rroaCthe troZo, ead goo4a prompt. . _ . . of dapped-Al per tutrartems. • G16:1, & NiCPTONg r erA, T . X7IIIrUCIUI;Tti of win.= STOIIB CIIMA an} ! . - . Oaks and )Voeduicue 41. No. U 7111 W STARNT, phi .. ly WILSON, CARR & CO., (Leta Inc., Payne et Cb.,) IntrOOD tAcWrs N, g 7 :41 4" 11 " ; Nebel Ill"rL ° ebeee• Dlitnaid alley. Pittsburgh. spited ft: bean A'Asoe..-..-r.be erens. •T ANFe. licut.BOY. &.* CO., Dealers in TOD.EIDN AND D0NT...411C DUT GOODS, No. 1112.Moderal aired. (second doer below new Market • licse,) Allegberry City. mhftly 'ErATON,. IiACR.U3I & Co, Vritolesalc: ^_llassed Itete! Denim in l'Srmlntrcs, mono': . room and DAY-GOODS. of every ete.-scription, Sts. Minna 19 /Nth street. Pittabureen. MACRUNI & Gri l Dhl, Wholesale and B•tailDealfrolei.F.thiGY AND lITAPLE DRY, ROODS, TRIMMINGS. kr., N. 7S Market street, lid - Wean Diamond and Fourth rittebargh. qt./ to • Burchfield 6 Ge...) , Wholesale andlietail Dealer u'aDiSTAPLE AND - FANCY DRY GOODS. Northeast earner of Fourth ind Market ettveta. Plvtahvelth. • hidesaleand Re "'"' Desterla r aDlandal of TIIIMMINGS, PET :• GLKMI. sr-, N05.:776.6119,Murket atreet. •T' W. BARKER CO., Dealers in all 41tIndinnfalar GOODS,. No. Z Mutat ,treat, tllannen Thlsd and /ThoxiA,PUurburgb. JELT I ATIM,No. 84 Wood Street, -LW Dealer In BOSSZTS, HATS, STRAW TRIM „MINOR ,na gnaw cams morally, MEM • 0.1310/{ JOILtiIiTON Dealer in MHZ mteraf AID etrow,Atn, ' VAINGT - IXIODS,'IXTUIIIIVO 12 ' 2 nar 14.10/CLISM A 4. a suisay -riga gnaifr sbisig beabertst Frk.L. avAir graibt. 4 --.: • ltlfystt wa4cd at ert team :,1f111.7,PA-Rxertmck nol"..); iwa nitortsderth , a ttLsTrr - • ' LEAD 11,1111)1. 211.41taromerocryt 16'94 14.11,a so; w.tops4pAcomm-., ,, r,v,i4k , •wz L44lllllL4vin= 4Gleerl7l. VARDINER 6YFFIN, Apr% fnr 11:r Tnia&tta, I'Litaildpis sad Itrilwa I/mewl - ' W.`l /P! 4 4. • . VET Amit -- • ~1 5,atatbrd roommoni, 6641 itutsons how noes ChmysoW . lFF f, t";.,.! • • .1• woicou w s i Z s Lb e e r .c a r o Z o q iC w 4 t7 o ; Im l m 6 d i 3 T hG Z i sm* mX a 4 . I „y kXII7 Colopsoyilat, . - riljAßJAYrill BLI-1111:, Dealmr In Mil l .W 4110470) 'MOHO/It INSTROMENTd. foto S Aja i dI AB intg A IV I :X7C.I . I.IIII:IM ON mgt. laws, tomcod door 'Woo Wood, TUtobdrigh, Wet, sod we. lo *sawn". 001, -. ~::~ t . r::~~` nkitit - 11;1110.. AND 110Aflab 4StBTIIITOLNII3, = Oa. Welds.tar. STZINWArtI CZIAKIULATIOVKI ,;ANOOao. t 3 Inf9+ Pittentrgh. mjW :I:7IIMGWITMEMI4, Denlor in FILM% 1117)bEONS. Wood !unreal roar& Knot sad . Dimond alpl, Yin. V 1 0 : ,z,..t.i 1 • ~.- BOOKHELLERN 2 G, -- - —.... 02JOLINSTON & cii,beation - T.,,- - :...; stank Jk . wlt Stanufat gums nod say '- : r-..ri impale. 67. Wood .f,... Pittslior.:4o. ..2 . 3 D_i --EriV i.5:71100k6 Olin%!aid If tatloll4 seklfo.lLS Wood Wert, nest door to.the cimani ...f 4' :-. 44115it Pittobarch.. scnooi and 14W 'llOOSd • • . toasting yea band. • j 1.4.• ..1t.8.A.' D - 'Bookseller and Idtativaeri 1 riX:i. 4 .:,-:,. j • , . ..v... - ' . , . 5. ..11, 7 , 7 ; - Z., .. • ;Ago; 7111-7.7ra 4110 . 4 Ap31101„111:11ding. ,1 • REAL ESIWTE AGE.Arra.! f.T&M WARD, Dealer in a P__ av:i li.oll.i yrovv.imm-' 31 .9"° PF! ail Niacin , * rce"""" l ' sa~.ow 4 1 CC 4:o` Ams.tbronsu far r di:, 4, ?" . •ft0 worifidef V. ,, ,..111114 1 411111”1"2"4 *MI - 11.3404.0,11511. b i tiiv r ea *warms& 54. rump bLKt 46111"11;1 00 . 1- AM!, itT:;:zes' - TIC DAILY PITTSBURGH GAZETTE. of loom oinitty of foltohod E=M=lls3 DRY GOODS DRUGGISTS. 1-- G GCE c. 43 ;44, h I ROCEn/ES • pR 00 ' , Tee editor of the Andy and Sou Juurnal, who hoe hen, fee ored with a gliconse of Count JAN 15 tog. ' Garevreki's fortbooming diary, says, that in I the audacity of its assaults upon nearly every --aaes=as , statesman and general of the present period, Ganututation Raised to 8100. :it sarrieeae even tbe first volume. The Senate has' made a number of import. I Ova Patieleciat, who broke up Garibaldi's out alterations In the Se last hopeless enterpriee at Aswan:Mut. has Sentiment Low, the I Just diatinguiehed himself afresh by painter most important of which is the addition of l ax. the most rodoubadile of the South Italian one hundred dollars to the amount to be paid i bandits. TWA man Caruso WO4 the terror of for commutation. Thin amendment will probe' Naples. He hat , been tried, condemned and ably pas. the House. This being en, It is, executed. Pot e lonfederate prisoner escaped from nothing short of downright folly for the en Camp Douglas during the severe shorn of rolled men of any sub-district to suffer the ; Thursday night. Two of them were retaken, draft to fall upon them, if, by tee payment of, dearly frozen to death. The minima of the !other two were found the next morning nearly a liberal bounty to each Volunteer, they can find men enough to fill up their quotas, [hies miles from the camp. Toter am 8,000 teams connected with the They gannet be at work too soon, for those army of the Potomac, which if plated , In a who aro beet prepared to pay will have the single line would extend sixty mires. The best chance to procure the men. I horses, Including the cavalry, number apt far Beth dimes hare been thrown together, from 75,000. Tin lowa Prorovinw gays thy[ Alenenaer athlete greatly increases the number of those Dames, e hoyelist, i 3 no longer ,paid by rho inte ' l ' ested In haying the drab. avoided, and in line. The "San Felice," which Is now being the same ratio direinishee the amount that ,publiehett, is paid fur at the rate of timeline( n each wilrhavo to pay to make up the required , letter. . Tot Lotalme Irearaterf teen hitherto very I local bounties. , friendly to the rebels, say. th ' st. Jeflatt last It is probralelo that the law oa the =Wet , message is m bitter, if cot ire vulger„against eleOliolbi parents will be very materially I England a. the Now York Herald. :node.), but whit shape it may take we are I A PaanSia.n doctor has diseevered that aaable to say. t brandy or rum is the beet antidote for ehloroe form and that it will at ones come t the - There is hardly a doubt but that the pro- „ roo t s „. oeecance. vision which exempted men who acre in sere Vireos. Hato entertained, last Chi tinas sire en tie rued •lbr"'"ae'• will be le - met, at his exile's home in liuortithy: - forty , pealed. children -whose parents are theepeereet I of the poor. I The Escape of Morgan.l 'n SoUTHettit ILLutots cotton is coming Into Theßichmond Ihspatck, of the 12th, an. market . One hundred and twenty Mace were nounces the arrival of Gen. Morgan in that re a ce r tiv sold at ei g htycoats a nomid. I SarlUr magnificent packet. have been, built city, and gives the report of a epeech made by mr 2 new line between Boston and Liraeol. Fitm e nt which be detailed at length the man-1 Now yone oyetece, , o excellent con ai tion, nor of hie and his comrade's escape from the I reached Dundee in Chr istmas week. Ohio Penitentaary ! Calle Jcsesee Tarn 's body servant, Elijah "Everything was new ready to begin the I Parker, has donned the Union uniform. work; so neout the latter part of October Tax low of life on French Railways is one they began to hero. All were busy--one to seyen million passengers. melting a rope balder by tearing end twitting up strips of bedtick, soother making bowie kit a es, aad .140 tiler t wis -mg up towel.. They! The Forst aiding' of Supplies to ,the Richmond Prisoners. termed jeereeveringly e eoverat clays, and ,„„„ Baltimore _ after h'ung through nine 'nche' of "ment ' ' 'lrear-ratfied " to " b '' e ' aVO s te enema:tete I and nonu tb tanner s of brick placed edgnri•e,; , that „ ~____ they began to wonder when they should reach one , the , e e e_ea e a." .. aa:_r A 'af: o _ w I the soft earl h . Suddenly a brink fell through , w e. "."1"...ea re", - `` charge of tee lade age hat could Oa. melte • le hat infernal ~ham-0 7 o W ed weedaY, ford with over one th d her had they reached' It wan immediately entered, and to their great astonishment _na I b b oxm Ca a l nd l'i b - Leels ' of *applies for our au- , letrltTroveil to be en air chamber-extending ere in Richmond. The boxes and pa gee I the whets I, no, of the row of cell. aunt to our care are being daily forw tem., After twenty-three de,. of unremitting h ... The Baltimore and le orfulk Steam twain bar, and getting through a granite e.ll of nix romPeey conveyall our boxes, free of charge, feet in thickneet, they reached t h e l e e " to Forties. Monroe, onroe and the Adam. Same, tannins tip f or c 0„,,, and tight daisy all at the Amerwan ofTme with , g to lake them to the beat free et ' On t e at e l e btae• I. b`. we ' ' he re ` lrrl "g at the t thee their delivery to no there efith arty et November, lea ; The next night, c harg e , • forwarding to their ilestma et nick k, wee determined en as the here; ". -' irt. r .L n e t fn e r t &neon who may be dts at which they would attemrt their liberty. e o a e - e n , et as oat, the actin mod The OTOWW . came, and cloud. began to girth-, Peed warding g bor er. Hew they prayed for them toaineresee. Wet% boxes from Baltimore, can wee rise , if rain ehoutd only begin, their chant es of the e necessary funds , with the assurance that, detsetiee Ireilld be greatly lessened .While ' their w"ee be promptly attended to. through d am All sueb, persons bad better indicate the ar l minds the there thoughts were pate log tides they would prober baring sent. Al to -keeper entered with a letter for Gen. Morgan. Ile e e ened a, and what wee his me- clothing - there need be no aneasmem on this re. Oar information from returned peisone ar tie, and, I may my, wonder, to find it from ' ere, both from Libby pile. and Iloilo Island, • phter Irish woman let his are min ranee leads es to believe that the enmities, of cloth• cutnt-cu ' ingl "" °me" forwarded by the Government have been feel certain you at' going ter to g" eon i rug delivered to the men, and that they I prison, Lot r e or sake, ,loo's you try it, my _ _oe cur pereent need 14 deer I.itured luu el only he taken prisoner have abunda n ce ave. and male suffer more the. , you dui vent eefferthg ...,WATA lAA Apr, GAN Toeetsreu has ..ado fill, eight, ten Gated, came. new each ' ,a report containing a list „ nil 4neoe palm threubcd ths qutetly awaited th e I th ,, coone „ oon o , eece Mina' ad' e' Is I e'er—the sentinel, IRMO.. from th e Regular Army to the , peedel his nein I—all well. After ' rebels. The number I. only e 1 whom few-momenta to see if he intended to clip! ~ are from Lhe Lighth Infantry. lit. hae bae*the signal was elven—on eetetl, slipped , ale„ complied a het of the °Moms of the diedetto the air chamber. lin t • a•ia"e th e e ' r Regular Army who had left the scream by &Mire! shirts and Pleethff IL,. "). resignatten desertion to engage in the re- were acne tome.] to he. Ae they moved ywetly ' belliet The total to r 7, a whom 143 la,. along through the dark recess to the terrain, „ at th e rebel leonine, 12 a rc where they were to emerge from the earth, thirr e thy, have dean ene.weadiatmeeed for gal . General PreParei detherleirectmenewe face el the stelae ''' utenn e nc ' e " e „ cene " • ne made an attempt desert t the rebels,' WWI pieeeri.e... can never et , .erge.ten. l 242 baepegasete.aaa, were and There were roe ached scion brave men, who - had resolved to free. They eventuated "'a' withboars.la "` ° ' me" eato f e-e ' e kelv " Nee searth Cit ague. —We on derstsod that I Life, in their condition, wes searcely to he the etocanetacat „ „ tneN. y . desired, and the moment sor the dmperete meat here uniancenealy inrithd air. nue M.- nth had , trrirea M.P. , a! 'beg e' e a.e e- Meath to resume his old position am publt.her from the ground, that the dog thould glee the; of that paper, ie place of the gentleman who I alarm—they meld hot die 1 ha. held it Fin his retirement. Mr. WEI- I Bat few moments were thin anal n ralb was cannoned with the Te c lhae• ram, t ePPrebeaaiee• The bn" had arrived, , ee from the very beginning, and its lune,. has ; yet they 45.1 Fortunately—you, pioneer,- teen largely doe to his energy and Intelligent tially—the night hail raddenly grown dark , ana a.„ o. and rains: the dog s had retired to their ben ' eels. and the sentinels had taken refuge under A oCuturnee" Preeee —The pirate Seiner, shelter. The inner wall by the aid of the I e a , „jaw, a smooth °plena to his wife , which rope ladder, wee coon scaled, eel now the finds its way into print through the columns otter one had t, he attempted. Capt. Taylor lof the Mobile Register, wherein he declares , who, by the way, is a nepbee of old 'Lack) that be has "schooled'. himself to endure the being a very active man, I,y the assistance of I trials of a row era life, like a "Christian phi bin comrades reached the top of the gate, and to.epher to the same letter this Christian was enabled to get the rope over the wall• pirate alludes to one of the Learn Generals, I hen the top war, gained, they found a rope , a. "the limkee Mute Burnside." extending all around, which the General mediately cut, as lie ausnemod that it might Br a rote of fifty-one to fifteen, the lead into the wurdena room. This nosed eta Legielstare oC More and hare reeegeneed to be cornet They then entered the sentry, the overwhelming sentiment of the people box on the wall and clithged their clothe., of that State, and have declined their and let themselves down the wall. In eliding , purpoen to call a conventenn to amend the dune. the General skinned Lis had very State Constitution so as to effect, a. neon as and all wore more or hem bruised. I Once down, preetleable, the abolition of Slavery. they Aqua-abed, Taylor and Shelton going one — _ _ way, Bogen:. ith,Bennett. end McGee another, I and Gni. M. and Capt. lime, preneeling Im mediately toward the depot. The General had, by paying $l5 in geld, suneeded In obtaining a paper which in feral ed him of the sehedule Lime of the different roads. The dock stuck one, and he knew by hurrying he could reach the down train for Clime...en. He get there just as the troth woe meting off. Ile at once looked on to no if there wore any soldiers on board. end, es pying a Union officer, be boldly walked KO and took a net beside him. lie ',teethed to him that, "as the night, was damp and chilly,' perhaps he would join him in a drink." Ile did so, and the party soon became very agree able to each other. The oar., in creasing the I Scioto, hare to pass within a short distance oil the Penitentiary. At they peeled. the either remarked, 'There'd the hotel at which Morgan I and hie officers are spending thew lateen.' 'Yes,' replica the General, 'and I ,ineerely hope he will make up his mind to board there auriag the Nissans of the war, fur he is a great I neleancea When the train reached Zebra, it was detained by rome accident more than an hour. Imagine his anxiety, as 'olden elan soldier would p.... through the train, for fear that when the aentlnal weed hie round at 2 I o'clock their absence might he discovered." The train war due in Cimelnuatt et a eloek This was the hour at which they wore turned nut or their evils, and of course their escape would be them diem. tired. In a few mama II to after It would be known all ewer the country . The train hav in g teen detained at 20212, was running very rapidly to mobs up the ' time, It was already poet b o'clock. The Genteel raid to Capt. Hines, "it Is after U ; If en go Mae depot wears dead MOW flow et never." They Wont In Oho Mir, and Mit an the Makes, "Jump ilined I" Off he went and hill heels over haul In the med. Another severe torn of the brake and the tfenural 'Jumped. Ha Was more suceeeeful and lighted on his feet. There were lemur soldier], who remarked. "what In the b-1 do yen wan by jumping elf the rata e lmee 7" The General replied t "What Is the ,1 • I it the use of my ping into town when I live hewn'; and limiest, what business le It of pairs 1" They went imernallately fe the river. They re t ied a eklif but n o once. Boob a little boy mune over and appeared to be waiting. 'What aro you welting for 7' said the thenerai. 'I am welting for my hied "What Is the , price of a load?' , Two 'Well, as Ivo aro tired and hungry, we will giro you the two donuts, and you „as put us ever.' So over he took theta 'Where doe" Miss ..-- live I ,'Jost a thee( distance from here. yeti chow um he:theater 'l'm air.' The liaise was remhed, a Ban breakfast Site loon eta mined, money and horse fPAWSIAWir a good woolen's prayer bestowed, cad oil he went. From there, forward through Kentucky, eve ryboay vied with each other as to who should chew him the most attention—amen to the no. grecs; and young ladles of refinement begged the heeler to cook his meals. remained In Kentucky some dope feel ing perfeellyanfe, and .ending Into houlavilie for Many little bee vented. Went to Bardstown, end foiled a Federal regiment had • jut arrived there looking far him. Remained here and about for theca or four days, and thou struck out for Dixie, sometime. diegule ling himself as 6 florornmotat oattlo eentraelor, and baying a largo let of cattle; at other! tunes ik quartermaster, Until Ito, get to the Tennessee river. Here he found all means of , trensportatl on destroyed, troyed, and the bank strong. ly guarded, but with the aselstance of about thirty, others, wild had recognised:hum and Joined him In spite °this rentonstrancee, he, suemeeded In makingraft, andhe undOept. Ijines ;tooted over. - Outoosmor to MoClotland a,u.i.,) GRNEILLL CONIIISSION KESOIIANT Flour, Grain and Provisions of 7=lll,ll 7 3:E;VanV"" 4 * hr,,, n WOOD STIIBES, Pittsburgh, Pa. putay 6ELARLES C. BALSLEY, Produce and Commission merchant. WIERCHANDIBZ BBOICNI, And donlorto 011 k -fade oiCKIMISRBY PIIODUCS, 190. 179 LEBEIM STBELEIT, plrnntalo■, P♦ /NO. AstucsAc {ottbs lat. lira br D. ft D. Wllobald t Pittaburgb. • - 1C164 Wellsville, Olio.) ; WOULD & ARBITCKLE, Whole iii3•l3lroccrs, Proituro 'Litt C.lnilll4loll Yl..r -duat.f.lobters ha coma, IL 0. sOGAR andM 0- LLESEVBIRVIREDVIOARS a STROPS, FLOOR, BAC)I24,.._TOBACt3), TEAS, RICE, ODE}' E, SEE $ Nos. 212 sad 211 Liberty street, Pitts -1014:11 WAIVER & LAZEAR, GIIOC7JPI CONNISSION 11811.011.0111., Po3nalthedd et.: cur. flefoOad, ' ,. 211.19 . 1.111* 19,...,........—........WC1ALR1-1. 11 1 11 .r. rIL - ~.k.. LINITAB.T FLOOR Giant Vacioati,Tociainca alto Optimum. lannotaorfador Om ado of Floor, ralryyPork, Ba nn. Lard, Duffey, Lima, Cheese, Mena, ITnieni 6ninait, lathers, Potation, Pot ntad 'PearAnon, ditil o myna, Lltneed Cad Lard Oita, Dried. aad tireesi u 7 - I`fnitttty; Clover, lilaz - and flrato Bea.. , ,soillgtots nada on Constantatenta. ; s .' , 1 . 1 No. 297 Liberty , strret. Pittaatirgh. MEn IP/QAPI4.I/4,b 011041, - 334.1:4,1413/11iTT ISTASET, Pittsburgh, parchand the ULU:cc:soo.ldg l.m pamora, etratimaa this Maine/al at the aid stand, and will loo r issed tomseelve the patraik&ef his old friend. trtylietf Wer4l4; WILKLNSO COMMI MOM Illcacmarra, Wbeleraln deafer"WESTERN ' ILESER.TX •CLIEESE, DRIED rzul4B ' , BUTTLE, , jaiG &a_timmK , -gersurallixi , At.'• inoEs: OILS, ec., No. Ile Liberty stmt. RA. r-e - cro,l3,o4sancetUusl., =Ma, Oorwilgnaa ao. at, Streit;Tl 6.onrole*Ll6 , oll l NO, Commis , ton_ Neraistrt and ara.n cou S PAY Mamma, rttocisiorteti - aucpli. LA RD. Burl= EGOS, C111113.11,116M-44WRODU GE. ir.olll, 1111A111,- MUM,. Gar Ali .1,11)1DIM.11. 11;.CANFIELD,.:Co3amAfia. AND ForsAsurtßa MtscRAFT *Rd whaler-11i Eied, IL WESTER:S 112:31d1Y31 CantsE, AUTTER, LARD , POSS;SSCON;noCE insa,,,areaw PEARL A AZIIES,, , MIRATUS, ~LINSEED AND LA ED OILEMRIED7IIOIE, &a - I , NA.° pusiaraßy, "lEIRIOI4.3I • Fort PRIA ash. ord TIM. ITTLH S TRI LL, Wholisale Gro - ..1,2• cat* WM, Onatitiatldll Ukrchlults Is PRODUCE, FLOUR, lISCON, cils.ksE, rico 115-B1101:1 AND:LA.3M OIL, IDON. NA 1 LS, L AS9 COTTON TARNS, owl Pit t.bucgt. oannufActunm senazilly,ll.2 out 114 Elocond attest, Pittabumh. .a. C.. tteiXlllls4:4llll.. Ar 1 lo LtEY3LER'4S BROTHERS, (isiletemsors -le Reymerk Luderson,L 'Wholesale in RLIGN YRUITO, N PrP AND SPICES, t'o N. FECTIRINgItT,ISI.IOFRI. n 126 ga.." . . Yea, rut. ,irei. /3W , 17 - • . *aru-crt.2 • • • • fltal.P4lo§th fail Cu ' manst , ./61.; sni.rairrejata ‘lloilers . fo PLII dR, GiLLIN, 'ILND raoputi,l(o.:l3 Liberty envoi, Pittsburgh. C 1,., lerift *Pilger, for Raker. Lod Piße-l. s. =vo+l43 , IA hood, Porticolor “4 , azdettitr, yrnoratio. Unit, L}S IL LEE - 01, ..F.L.Or CLAile Farrel AID COIOII.IIGIII the node of GRAIN, SEEDS, CHEESE. PROUUrp., Irr., Aria nett OF ,ilf3, =144'4[4 GlSityptow. DENT, Na.. 116 Scroohd sod ILS rind street, be two. Moot alditioclllol‘l4.PlLlatough. se3 . 1M( Sii)( VA? GORIER, Prod Ilee au Coinamlntanltlerahasit, dealer FLOUR, au:- TER, BROOMS, BEmB, LAND, CIIEESR, PORE, Da/IMAM, GRENN FRUITS, andprod..;eo,v ally. lit.rol atoll adrariors on 6011•{41231.1e4,. Warebortso. No. 120 °trend street, 1•it.,1 OEM. O. HEAD... 0.3.2 Mr ;WAIL HEAD METWAIt, Grocers and C . VS: Elareltwoto, aadd.aloro In all kind, of Country Prodato and Pittaburgh Idanntitturea No. 249 LIN/ ty amt. opposite bead of Wood tarred, Pats.ap3:ly 80. B. JONES t SON, Wholesale GrOollitand Boat St¢ai•hen, dealer. In NI A NTI:LA 'HOPE, ossrbi. OILS, PITCH. soul Nos tsrgb manufactured articles, No. 141 Water .crest, abuse lhis Elocionashela Bridge, Pittsburg!, 7. LAria.. ROBERT DALIBLL Sc CO., Whole *Ala 6roorrs,Gammisaten and Itorwardthg Mar. elstat.s, sad dealers in Produce and Plizsburgh cum atarterat, Liberty !amt. Pittebbricb• P'WALLACE, Commission Morchu.nt, • seal Wholesale Dadsr In FLOCIt and MIA IN, 159 Liberty iterese,..eppositsi Pennsylvania R. B Passenger Depot, Pittsburgh, Pa. Storage Wits, time., corner Wayne and Penn etreetn. nolT 1, 2,1.1[11-1. LAMBERT, SHIPTON & CO., Whole. ma. Grocers and Produce Dealers, no. 6 Sixth === • ••--- --• • -- WATT k WILSON, Wholesale Gro ws, Catotalssioa Merthants, sad &ales, Prothro and Pritsburgh mahuthastrn, No. 15.1 erty meet, Pittsburgh. {ASC. LIEMAT. . ...... INDeAY & TIEILFOND, /-A.d Rotall OBOCERA,PLOI3B A/W novas ozAtras, lt7 Ltberty .tre.t, Pittsburgh. QCHOMAICER dr. LAN(, CO31)(1381014 1,7 :Inmate and wiluleesle denlen lb ita- CIXIIII, YLOIIB, CBAIPI, PRODUCZ, Lt., leo. Liberty .trees, Pittebaret. oelaidly & ti), CITY NI A - UK J. 11c MILLS, earner Liberty and Atha. itreete, Pittaborib, P. larCapaelty, DC barrel. per day. apo DALZELL & SOW, Manutho tarevot LAND DIG, .and Commisolen Me, ebinte foi the pica:Lot' and tale of CB.CDE AND REFINED PATROL/SILL Nn. 6p .od 70 Water etnott,Pistobtro. AdeandstaMe an enatignmanta. WE. 1[1:041,1T111.. ' KIRK:PATRICK BROTERH, ado- J • 0441434 to Broom k Klrkpatricks, WIIOLE BAT;E 01113 , E113, 1f05.131 and 143 1.11.4f1y atovt, 11.Liatt trza.a, 1 " to A. I:2ltl — ' Spootai Pastarr. HANS COFFIN, sucoesnorn tx, 0.1 greautitora.o CO LF GIVISIZIO, cot cm of W oo d sod' Wet.. nn-u, f t 1 grA rff(37oB — 4 1 - 'IN . 1 - 1 IT. Cl)Lll.ols,lfontraiitngaMCnatottatlop chaat sod Costa fa (SIMLA Ettrtglt, LAltt PLOW, owl Produce get:wally, No. tta Wesel att.**, abor• %YAW, Pittsburgh. trijrCASFltiliblgsTiedelbor Lo Jno Strialll 4 r r, lfo. 1113 Lthorty stroot, Pitts Wet, gerarat PFOIAJOS, GUOCVIT AND WO KttetlONliraolguatouto ron.ol ton, 42Atly 0A A I fifekk:Y •:&tii:, - Wiioges,X ..L:Graosn , , , Litiptattaloa Marchasto..4•4 dta.t.r• to rwora, Plot: Ur WWI shin' sail CA Ifnotit Malts, flttelenrifh. Ira. 1, P/Oritis., ~ . CO., W hatoal o I) • f;mr;ro coo. VW and LW. bloGottil tarost, near .... PAIS i ; COTO it% 1401sitUla 0/0- 5.,/ ~=_.' - ~';%7n~: _.. '~.~9 4 -~ , ~,~r.._, :"2 ter.-.i~s,'+s"f~.:?"~~?Z ~'+'.i., .r:.zU-,9 -1:..+~a~_.. ~F,sta. NEWS ITEMS. Fr.,4..rrs ODE.DINDERS WANTED. Nl' d WANTED.-. Bornplo, tufm *4 goodvl4{o4lll.. good 11.0 Leh FORAYS BOER AND FINISHER. Apply at TH9 OFFICE. jallntf G OOD GIRL WANTED—To do Fen end homework, • taken &Oar. In the cam. try. Iligiimt name paid. Apply at the dektf DAIETTE OTT lATANTED—To Kent, as near no possi bin to No. STI Liberty wen, a comfotaide DWELLING HOUSE. One with stable And balm. emn snalirmi 4.11. VOIGT OM wIN 'rEll rted man without children preferred. ne meet oudaratandalos cults:re of Drapes, and bat be a-13 if a tittle hod work. The right klud of • Dian cat got a pernoment situation, and good pm. Esquire at 102 Eimond Mom., Pittehureh. Pa deh- VITANTED--Employment, by an en. I I mewled nem, 33 yeses or ago, wito be. been sccustoomol both to bouliAreping atid'lbe ado of goods. A pertmuout situation, either ID tam et reentry. desires. If noomary. roomy can be &pap Ilea summed,. Allan. T. 11. H., GASAITT. OtTaX. P. 14,31 AAI A CIfIN A N IST W Roos DaLsry will 000..0 10 • mac qm•1111.1 to puriol•-nd tb• building or flerstnb••l FAWN, •• d in.ko ttw gouN oversigla. of • :61 , 1110u bd.op I. edbum, In , 1141‘. Comdr../ *lib COD U.t STILI 111.1NIJ, ludbuut. 001 . 1111, b 11101.4. Yd .dry. Aft . • Vieffir poit LP UM EBR, by - Oft AMIPRO] 00, her 1.110 LATICII? .4 nu? NU9TOUY or TUN ILEIIXLINiti, Jona nthor popolor twoloo,, Wow 'la tho thou. Wong to ploy owl Lodi all oniok)7. Now efroutoro Avdp. Writ* of once to N. 0. STORE., Aubaro, N. Y. lel3:htfaltwV IV - 1 ts-46 ^4 6 0 A 410N — Vii.:3•W n. O Arnir •=4 , .W. WlSlftli end corifou article*. /111**n aril. the. Addrosa thenteld*w? AVI MAIM, Dleld•for.l, M*. ti v *very minty it tle I wo.th. W A v : " " divisor:li -dc .8. O. .80110 Y -$ Attar/A(l64dd .Lnr. Oeca,lld.tXtirowthstwe EVENIIG GAZETTE TELEGRAMS, _ _ SLIOCKENG CAT tSTROPIIE Iti 91111 ANITICA. uvER rWO TIIOrS'AND WOMEN ANTI rlf 11-I S' t..d ...I I'°` MO. b.' Om or the rww.ifne- WREN SUFFOCATLD To 01,1111 SW. t of tee gloat Angle Germ. Tragedian, hir. D. E. BAS:DMAN, who wit upiewr f... 4 we last time h. , . hit emlebrettl Lhar,!rr he , e:see THIS ITNING, HORRIBLE SCENES AND HEROIC ACTS. HUI be whelnekl, ear tile lest tie. Plttaburgh, the eew era& drama entitled, REPORTS FROM RICHMOND. ITATIOI66Z ; or, TAR LA , T OF CHU POH• 2.ADOUS.. &e., ht., ie. liarelete D. H. fitetadoesp.. ult. A.S. IComes. Diderot F. Chip:wed:ln. Lapse Lotneffo. Da J. Garrison. Margate._ 7.10,11 e. lro ceeetroie with In Santiogs, the capitol of Chili, South I w THE SPECTRE DRI sar edoeslay, benefit of Mt. J. U. Sefton. America, the Jesuit Cherub, on the night of r ---- = - .TITE GREAT PICTLTI E 1 the Bth December, took Are while the inimste.!,,:i ttlate coneeption of the ,irgin r. a. lAing ceol e • brated, and ever two thousand women and children suffocated to death. From the M, brwried bi,p3,frh m thl Pitt4urg4 u.--u Pint-AM:UM), Jan. IS, 1864 in Del no pin • , before me, dated the 17th ult.l C ' r, "'" ....lo E 1,1004 .1", Jar. I e, 1004. I translate the following: "An cuthusivatic !NsCO CELEDUATILD audio.. filled every nook. Thera were very I PANORAMA OF THE BIBLE, few men there, but three thousand women, comprising the flower of the twenty and rash- This 1. the largest painting of the Sacred &Tip ton of the capital, ware at the feet of 11c :;; m l ;l ° 7 °rl' `"'" ri° ' " rnH Y "r e 0 ,„;„„ . sinitica, Terp many againet the will of father. I .n o d rzoe , l. ; Ate Wed.rondnY and hnsbanda, but that, of COMC, only showed Tickets ' , Cl7.NlZl. l hil t 2ll7 . o d uti tun y.sn old, forth the power and tright of the- Gospel. /alS:tf !le CENTS. Never had pooh a pyrotechny been leen be- 11 -. ..f7;.CONCERT HALL. fore. Twenty thounand lighte, mostly cam phone, in long fest...lens of colored globes,' turned the church into a hall of fire. The performance had nut yet begun when the crescent of fire at the foot of the collosal image of the Virgin over tho high altar over leiroprising the elite of the profeeslon •nd the cream flowed and climbing up the muslin draperies , f thr, r atsxr 's Nl-:tilOtt.lll3'B," and t , h t. e io t i, t(rPlitELL'll." under the tuintedtals super-- and prate board , levises to the wooden roof, surged a torrent Of Hama. Women seized In fl. IS% 13.11.3111.5.E1( embraces of flames wore se. a to undergo & I The Lion Banjoist. transformation. Though by on optical delu sion first dazzlingly bright. then horribly lean and shrunk up, then block statues rigidly fitted In a writhing ettiendo. The fire, imprisoned by Immense thickness of walls, had devoured vi or) thing combo', hle by ten o'clock, and then defying tho sick• ening stench, pooplo came to took for their t's! ones. The silence, after those piercing screen, acre it deo: n. Wor It wee the si , cace of the grace. anbroken, hat by the bitter wail or fainting cry. Over two thou:sr... veals hod pc,vd through that ordeal of fire, to th. juign.out seat of (Lel. rune lletoir net, if sublime lug re not been %ttlo-m—arintor A a011em...13) inept, aeon, wanting. Itndwring . ...o'l.3 has been rs.ited z in every ruristicei heart by the all.ant efforts NY. Y 5.11,1, W...ll._toilera , ~ i rpbn . t t 1 u d 1 3;0 1.. ,. . 4 1.......0 . .. . ...f Mr. Nowt°, lite Mtntster .I,..titt, United Da ..;i7,' ..',„" th . , ght .8 , State'', hill cortatrtt man. 51 r. Xlc;g . g., at,i .... ....... ._ Mt.. 1. 1.. v A. C. Bro. ti. •ttlttetttd., Mr, Wm : 31- , uttlte.4l. t,' t ot. --Wet hall tlt- t aut etyritt, T0me...13y Antra. . . A young lady named ( ire lie, baring to.rain implored route bystanders ' , see her mother, rushed in and sho - tiy aftera rin.ll miraculously issued forth with her p treat in hot arse, i young laity, of the oaten of Soler, just before the smoke hor, bed the pre sence of mind to tie Ler tt:sisdkorellief isrouna her leg, •.. •` . ei i reicht be recognised. N.. the bow el ILL Ight, ho ”ro..king =Ell= ruins of th. fatal It teal a rilent &inlet ha h.q., viaitad, :.e., the light of a Luna e‘t ry ^tt; sh..acd ,„ the appalleti gate iearfett 4 reape of ear l iard arrre, that iiiitery ea R t t!t or tictitatr;ug aSttatlo et( their frightful tear t Horn. I,net huhtirtai fi ft; Call r unrecr plat - 4 et•erpaey ac:c en the 9t.h and 10th, earned to Cue , o. t:totem. The Iteatrty rod tht wnaltb. aotl the pr•. • • `,/ had their raptetzutatlvet in that awful .1n car dn6 II I troll] 141 Lby rtianat. rerort, that tho 1:ot outman t ttilietnlt at. atrongly tlialtvatti t. r.rn l t heutartrot Pritaideu: Li oettin'a amcr bath of ellogiav, Sthlef erumcn! if ti.r, un g, nII ur,nn Thi ii oot at ;,11 Nl:pal,. Nr"•,. ilragiCA Rtmy . (Le IA anid =ID ered throughout ha lOU., j TI wh. k nvn~l.'r : 1 of tlse Is 3{ OOP, 17.t.i10 atry .n.l, (Ssorralt S L. Lae and Fergus a. Jlilitaty men .ay the P-Attat. Army nWho rtargitolatel Kati eeneolidated tutu three eorr. and that an independent r. :Tx i•r fly and wen will be ithleatil outfit the - i..tud of an unnamed 6gcunb (knera: with rot- , bitmehr to take Melte. nil in the beat say he W. J. J. Cotton from 'Memphis—Condition of A f fairs 1n Rebeldom —Mr. Lincoln's Proclamation—Strength of the Reb els, etc. es , no. Jan. team, Forsythe, from Memphis oa the 14tb. arrived at this port to-day, with one hominid bales of rot- The ktearnar 1.1.1 y Franklin ciao arrived, with as Ten hundred and thirty bales for Cin• cinnati. A refugee from Richmond, who traveled its the Wilmington, Ifohile and Ohio Railroad, to Okalona, furni.,he,t the Memphis Did!rein with a long account of the condition of offaln in the Confederacy. Ile describer society in Richmond as being terribly Join iralised in *Reuses. An extraordinary large number of ollicarn were there, and there is raid to be large numbers of Union men in that city. The same demoralization existed in Mubile. A propoeition hoe been made to the rebel Count-es. to conscript negroo, for soldiers, but It was 'rigorously opposed by the members from Virginia, Georgia and South Carolina. President Lincoln's amnesty proclamation has caused much excitement among thepeo ple and soldiers, and it was feared that many would accept it and abandon the rebel manse. It was believed that a large majority of the troops, If loft to themselves, would lay down their arms and ae,ept the term. Lena sand Longetroot's troop are estimated to ho 00,000 etrong. Bishop folk command. no Department of this Mississippi, in place of Gen. Johnston. Uio assumption of the command of the army was •ory imposing, while the denunciation. I of Bragg were bitter. Bragg's army le cons. pletely demoralized and clattered throughout the country, and his men tare deserting In largo numbers. It is the to!ention of the rebel government to concentrate all Its forces posalble at that point and ohech the advance of Grant, and drive him back if possible. The number of rebel troops west of the Mississippi le estimated at 80,000. General S. D. Leo commands the cavalry, and has a force of 17,000 men, 5,ti00 of whom are under Ferguson at Okolona and 5,500 at oxford. Two regiments of prisoners capture/ by the United States army at l'ort Hudson, bad boon declared exchanged..l supplied with arms. Gen. Lee's headquarter, wore at Brandon, Mississippi. Immense quantal°s of corn were lying along the railroad on the Alabama Ilan. Ma Ey-two rebel soldiers were sent from Mem phis, on the 18th, lo be er