MP= • r...,^ - ' ittsburgh iSc.l- ~ . i„...... itztit a. -- - -T-. 8. BIDDLE * Oa., , 7reerra is4,Tiki ~ ~ I ' "WEDNalitYscitmscr.--14L .8,-184 2 ; 7 Trade srfthe Efintidul. Ilitt7onf.intinuilig I:Wilts - least to inn . - lion' the wisdom or ,sticesiiity of i the policy ...hitherto pursoid - ,with,,reprd to the trade_ St the ld:!saletipitiviestay'esprese the hope inteMarageryAL.texter isclonniteenahnst ;nith the Nation'i: -Sang to semen or LLL getatty'l :modify alone dud now fetter sid'ilseit , TO do not, fig= Cat that the'. Government mat - tali coo .thstithrunh traitors or rogues in the - Ws; triensestorsils the Arnie; thr nbil utieiiiianot be ilothecliatod,lindprane ~.. also in pert arme d sad fed, byelantiestine] Mitintettouilatun the loyal States.- Setter that nopeditit belpersoittod between those.enne and the recovered portions; -31iiirtaldeded States, thin that-this vilaerl*- . 1 - ._ gorinatill rampant treason t4punitttari's Ent agorta are now, g, or are about to he, Inas lii:irseitird :Tiinesan, lonian* and Arkansas to the :prisfies a id fin. Sillip they abdicated by reballow, and-it .• teen grecakt s odesirabl 'that asS on : rept. Sloold,Leatimon'and o far as ble be tinertpit. 'tinted - ind'ivgard si. nay waynne • brethren. The' rule that - “Trade talons the flag" subject to esceptions brava hopri_very soon lobs a ble to announce that well-freighted steamboats an plowing the Mississippi wa r ;- mithertir ,Onsturant . .. agents ar by legPt POW l e a agree:with the Tr the Mann of , ilte 'Leonntry,` lteittgeggtoleitit: the ;rebellion, Is pars. intrust to Owe o f commerce and print* en yet the : government ought to put to drive the rebel' fines sti flat fr o m the banks of that great clutuna a trade it'd nutty be -safety thins open glaniarij day to unrestricted commerce. Vat aripy.,Weeic Awn some .propere-,:t0ktki1i..'4471...W ktkili..' 4 47 1. ..W Wet . 1 W; .en an nooncement of the arrival of very col:udder. ithWfili"4ltbst at cotton, sugar and maw L..see st Cairo; on thelLway to St. Lodi and - Alinannett, fen the lower 3fiaaiosippi. The ',boot governments,. under I , Agtidspeikprotntantipn, in Loinvisatt .'-.Cka . 3divistippi, - will 'main al . hones in the free' navigation of that F ai t ri eT e th e won', of tob Les so torts. teen felt btthe panto of its more northern - 'itltiug' . in the - Swath - ter Our A , --. '.tivitinster And/Sirs' reeconnteMigloa, that „ • She renksat our, depleted rogimonte might tili reSt7tited_ io the South, by the offer of iiehninr,indacementa, le eeprensed in the following langusgir. ' ' . --.- ir-Having nerd :into. the told one man It last lintel every three of her enrolled mi litia, at sometime or ezOther'since the war ~ begetinrodireVing.spent. forth° service al ready _net, leas than V 4000,000, Including municipaisisPendittn* but not including the ketimd ,- eastatieni I do not think it we. temetiAat the ' people of this Commonwealth , - - -tOsitatitt'any utentiite of jus tice tending to preserve „ Wee industry, her. ability to be , .-- mutat& dm anttry, and yet to_reell the.. --11131tiotilte-:tuitional incites... , -- With this view, I think it not improper thatehe deal bo allowed to recruit her washed: mesh en, the yen' fields whore. 4.6. 0311 '-'thmti' " iii base . boine the 'national +d mit L , honor, and in the , very States Ahoy have helped to green from rebel near ...yam - Eyeerg man she mightthus induce ',-eta join bet crank; would be , one civilian /IlTal: to thamitional - -industry,. one soldier addett.'p.4heenny-of , the lino; one the . : haillpoalbiS - 71114d111. of re bel conscription, one Unitkiehnof the ' South enjoying, in - the 'fortit:Or sehisseecimusette bounty, - some - : eacipensatiost , for ;the *este and wentpvitti • which the rebeilloilail visited him. Now, - whether whack:man:Or Meek man, why shouldipronot be permitted to 'invite them - to come? Why , should we not encourage . - lbesobrthei j*etUidadvantageit of es re -7:nate:MAlN) cornice? Why not weaken the welle of the house of the enemy by attract - tog whatsoever !supporta them?-And.hew could the mission be more &direly prate entedet disabusing misinformed .Souther n men, and ;spreading over thellouth, now gained by-an'filikleta iubstocirlab theprin _ciples of tho.dentooratio North? 7- - , I waifs - ire to suppose that the opportunity °treed to untinhabitants of disloyal sibstes of serving in the residents of. tie ystzlotie. ".".. testilllite volunteer. , of being:.helped and red by-their bounties, of mitnatzill us ,' their tried and experienced commend ,header .', shotdder to shoulder with their intelli eth-iit the rank and' file; would e beiiinningof one of the mazy moved the nor.. ThilleleßEWS,lartllay '-- :unposed - in Congress,:of permitting all the -;:- al' Suttee to mama for - their-- tokmteer snipe in those Stater to which no . violin'. ._...; venter!! essiggegiKrespeetfullyladunit , _. ::ftioreothe:support,of the losgislature of - - • . - lion 10 214 ; under slats" qr :dpoislogui liiirs,":4ldi Uglily and courage un twervbiciuq.!4diom.ftitAp, h.rPwple ti l be 41 v'drdy . _ ratuutbn• :rho Arnisamarini e propotuchich bear to uesee ti - Mkt settle,, — ateledeed Ounidmilinat,l"l°/ituit ca nAln6spin eaTOPUW eenens 1860, and pi' as* Usti ' uPan'62' tios tor Ms P l 4 ths"thtl" tin of tra tovarat legka• Po 5- • forty ,the PCTlllation /8% so . Sri in The wIL4. country Upon-*ldding illectittul'lrte4thitdortes tbl bd4 4-i‘fiv-ilt i m atall „ tu ba rearlB6llbout2DYCl° ef u Zeld idtell . 1;0 of ./24" 41124 "111'44'ilig ed the *ge too and Pus , _ . See, tented et diffetantoo of )48,900 enter. p... •'- lti l er Lahr_lie military age. --. 1 r the --- safiltari — elita of ti trams ; l l , pashas, 6- a '• - amount to ' 61`,00 dirieg the pear, le aving w - • - the aimed lunar ltatratupo 91,900 , - To ibis MI thesphi_fritto immigration in the year , 1861-46 - 001;wilaii itaranaearlisp po - • Wallah arbloh,lnta 131,400, and the total te enage of arawbeitrlag population of - the - -• 40011027 to /28,400..A..Tbielethe bones° le - ta-,atate of Peatat, toAthleh Mt& let lidded . the lora izt Tar. this is compost at A .,- 000 far :4esihs iik strike,' and !1000 for ally aid deaths after 4servloty so that •, total inereeesaboutimakes opiltrlatift le the gain'teem istadtrithis is &find. ass. ,' - -, tscall ago tasks iiiihiiishoht4datice, the kril Stets hue il anteeleePertlen - —if huseteee than the rbiltleas one; for the •-•- breeidestiee, ealltArreu thei r eider *. e: . ... 4- 1 60grel4t-coliteeilottez:f'- ', • .no t thwier fee Mae —T7A the trench, pipet of New Yotb, paper thii . boo trio tkiii111&441P 1 4. 14 45 , 4 141 0Le s rim; oritltihorebelik'brecoopelled - y.eon - fen th*t*P94o4gra"._°i!a"ri"n' a bad l 7 wiz Ili ;Au ar - inuit; ,it; admit; with - • tars in Its eye; tie tem of,4*PiOrtb."- Chaneenailialli end 4a7 reverent: our ti bia by our onze ? •whilor we can proudly voila lathe.substantial violinist of Getty*. burg, Inokebory Parr !totem:wed quety. nbeteCeeeMoo of Sou* , 1 1 Mirefilwr* been, steer, sterile" and so to opeeX-xie pelves thaso , of the eiT e orth i l igation of lhe. of ierkeessa. the 0 11101 Fel Partkok sad - A aooir insTERS - FARSI; of 160 nett Tennieteer and, lastly the gobilng of o d o ole s eekto et the tar Idea of et pl . seni foatisild as the shores of:-Tessellfith has dor---.ltorotWoreettab tor eesstre um.. au , "'M t! " ef °ll " 4 " Pa I:l444titis"!4"kr soikgraosaiss Lt 2"4"meal arthea"cirilTripiplog , ra c;., 1 ,2 4, - .,006‘, ~ fitoopoog.?, 0 0. 0 - ~ r youa. " any,fascia. its r~ 141L"Ifoargasion is the khot theAietier7lool IS - U . oieto 60 2. 0 % • W liZ i = 45 "`• en IN g ?! - " 4 . l nYilauf,ln .2 1 Sr -j•• - • _ _ eitagisitsfastU.Pue. cosiseisi46 It win roe Interesting tbfuturkidettarane . to knaw - tiow allitositincoNortflettoe thirty- eighth Congress voted on the national, questions that came litifon them: lf Pennulvanians now to know how their representatives vote on suer questions, and we - shall, therefore, one gangly make a record of .I.ladr miles In these connuts, In addition to the record Air on tra .. B ,T ° ll aiar w r its of 'Conmtu lo4 4 l proceedings, Last . Tuesday Mr. Lielderbt, of Massachmetts, offoutithe falowlng Tfuresmt, The ergagasd treastothaving dte beadsmen' at Mamma, ells* la &haat siolottem et the ledontOonstitation,.ena no damn be turas& Übaldo than as en outlawa ' - • Indailidesszt eeallnation of cotreirat lT l .44 ,1 trait= ean tone no rightful asloontx over the people of, any portion of the Nationaldlinionr sad no warrant for Ulan anted of the political 6st/swot the people of Anything or section theme; and no wsreent bat that of eensgreor and bassos for any emomption of antborit7 • whatever, ' thergors 1 Bralsel, -- That =yin :40eltion to 'motion ls the Teltolleaders at Idohniend, - tunne times Wtea-the aothoritiss" of Richmond,) for anitooktes of loyalty endesderis thou, , porticos of t h e Repablie which tan been disorganised by the rebellion. is, batted: a proposition to nogoist tba rbsgleadere of the rebellion as mango represeat and bind the loyal dtisenr‘ef the Milted 6tatse,-ehout they oppress, and to give countenance _tad support to the, preteedeas sonollsoy and , tramcar end, Vionfors,every such propeal. ties thimlit be rodestad without hultstion • or dbMr. Copperhead Cu, of , Ohio, sued to lay the preambleend restantiostorttletable, ' brit this foiled, and est wen canted* Vote of 89 „yess told nays. Ma Amami vagina voted-ss follows: Oes-stessm. Broomall ell, EallarC. Myers (Il ) L. Ryan (Cid, ersedlidd ate. Iwo 184, 'blur. 8 ,1 4. W ( 8 4 Mose-ldearra: a (030,,nawhal too, IStrorme(Qp. sterner Mot Bree-Iteema. (Op.), Offir. Lott(o o aDamonsiOP4. ado gl= Lamar ),,-eteaw (Opl, ( ntilar A little later In the dey, Mr. Copper. head Bourn of New. Jersey, offered a long and odious crumble and notation meant to be en entering wedge for a pesos propo• sitton to the rebels, which was laid on the table by a rots of 78 to 12. The rote of the Permaylianians on the motion to lay on the table was um follows: fese..-ILeera nano (Op.). Broomall Hale inier r i _aetihetq l .ralea(Ct), l =tgt , Truce w Menu ( 4-12. - dreee-dneure. admme (Op.)„ Damson (Cle.), Dad- I min Med, Lamer • (ot.).MWm . (oe.).Asadall (Or). Wain (Dp.)-7. Ahmed or sot Pet p- Wroth OW. John. ear (eel MrAlltster (Op.). Moorhead (u.). Sinn ( 0 1.4 -4 . From the voting on these propositions and from former votes we min itato exactly who are the war men end who are the peace men in• our delegation in Congress. Mr. Iloorbmd, of Allegheny, who wen absent, is of monk a strong war man. Mr. ster of Blair t also absent, has voted for oveiT war meteors and against every peace ovum, that boo been traught up when he was in the Huse. The other grantees, Coffee* Johnson and Stiles, are peace Democrat& The delegation may, therefore. be closed as *aims: DW. " BedWU r. 0 • 541:4 , •• lltsmno,Oth. ••• Sham; - ••, Tracy, l3th. .• Williams, • tad. samas,ass. Vet Ns. Stoosoall. ••• Hee. • NTsrs, A. *rpm 21011. Mr. ICAUlmer, 111 h. _ :smarm \ Kr. Amara. gil. Mr. Tamar, 240.. Ocerotb. tellb. . =or, • 14th . baesco, Mt. " WarMU. Id DeWitt. I°l6. ." Stria, CA . John... . 11th. •' Bursa, toll, 11 TM save trouble and speculation to oat out and preserie this clusideation for future .referunce. The position of tomb number has been deliberately defined by himself in his 'MUM in the House. Oar maws in the. First District are especially soloed to observe that their representative, M. Samuel J. Randall, Ws lost no apple- Willy of ranking 'himself with Fernando Woo Cox, and their opppOrtieS assoolatea Phila. Bulytht. . The Amnesty Proclamation In hand• ILM:=I A 'Washington letter sap: The President Isis had several eh:asked copies of Ida prociamatinuof December Bth, declaring an =zesty to all rebels of the rank of colonel and under, providing they lake a prescribed oath, printed In large typi in the shape of a handbill, and at thoend of the proclamation is the follow ing: ".Thee book wherein to record the taking •OUthe abOTO oath by such persons SD may apply, is in the custody of at —, wbo is authorised to administer the said oath to such persons of that vicinity; and is reqttired to give every person requesting It • certificate to form below, and which cer tificate, shall be, until some other mode of proof stall be authoritatively provided, suf ficient evidence of the fists certified to en title the holder_to the benefits as proeided in said procianation. .Cctrtrwaht.—l do bonhy aortal that oa day Ile —lll6, Mg.aal6 promatal by t Paskleat of atm ICadted Mats to Its tuorlamatlaa Doembif hen. habbstahusared sal ataty-thno t has oar taus. •sabsettbse and Bads math, of treat. by This hsadbUl is to be posted through all the rebel territory oecupiedby us, and it is *Spaeth' theOSlLlb of seem& will avail that:twelves of it; that . Tennessee, 'Texas *ad 'Louisiana , will be first. to return as starts to their &Mesa". Stasi ezeithl seem ts raid to ha*, token poets the Preach Senate st short time lines on the open this address to the Em peror. .The Minnie do Bobs, criticised the conduct of the Government in • sonny that eastounded If. Tropism the President, end the *haters, that ary slates; test their sen- Oak Ind tialte.leit their 'pressmen of mind. The Idarqsis Ise - Oast/sok to warn the &apace that as losdirilfl.. did not lair' *the crown to hisses ' es the I .7Ling. of Rows " did not n oso ed iothe Samos of IWO - 141e the cows of hie aseestors did sot dame to the Bob. of 80111011101. sad es the Constof Part. 'stilt &seta .1110 where Louis Phllitnis as the Printslmpetial coed .nat,ineeeed is the throne of Napoleon 111., unless that sot irelgs were better advised. • rekallion, la .11rittolt India h netting mint. Adria= foam Itonday I. the nth et liorataba roort that mare anktlig had skin Awl. and the British offered savers losses. Sharp - Vitt took plaits on - 30th Ottobte lith,":l3dr . and 19th liaresebe ,r and another ta f11001t66 tri telegram from Lahore =Ler data nth Panatela% ~ . 211• -British Last in thine copra:este 13aisers kLUod and'l2 arettad. ad, and la kliladindwoindon nearly 000 men. T 24 2kanba2_ ammo. u7as "Wo are now no leaps swaged with a. leWianatiot In an la aisaileant raid. bat swsr with ntonereas, triberorheae saateriesl Unmet'. hiss 'al-, most iattootesibla otantri,;:it is dlinottit to WirAT'S Richmond paper, '41"18171alf ' th e bußffrf Pt:l4Rn of. the Conf ascii ires - ths fallowing poits, its fables to s 77,over ult tie people on Mt ths so*, muttlaft t if irmy tad, cm 110411 must ,starve; and if the people starve, vhst's tb• =o,d the mace" Tho quation s *Clint : gas; sad the obelt Wid botta Pew • BONER.; '-46i5:, , MoCulago, of . ft Vat; Jlattialtt4.lll tea mall• at athatalky moaa o Coastyr adttacayeattat laths the asiogoasasyoa. o h /alum AND OBITS.-4 Wirral utal,r'V 1i1t . 0 0 4 Ott W't s: isk &Lb tot tvOid ••otoLU to to tegolor MOW a WO sopitior luttOtt. to 4 bops is be able to All ill odor kr ft. Jons-a: iancenawi MUM PAPER AZOLD-PEWEEL-L. - y 11ete1desaWark cwithred silepseg 'Po ustalVllin WU et the W. r. ILUWEIALL BE=E Tr:rsitsistor rsti2ssyLvione. LIOSITTAL..—Iks Annual IrPsting of she Clostritralota of the W 44111,111 from/ Imola Sosoksl tos-holdin At tbs liarpil W. at TSTDAY,ths ISM Inst.. At 1 o'clock p. tn..skss 50 Vortturs for Managers (tillinks Plass. lb. c 6 O sill Iran Allrkbenr Ott, st IT o clock, sow. —TIMILAS SAE SWELL. Trat/ont. J. A. 11A1PRII. - /RILL/ MARINE BRI DADt. L J 0111130 H. IVA Dallas., of Bviirada, tia=gy - Baandeaa mama Ciwata• War lad may to Rama Na. Baiafig= 13T IST. mi.!' Cheap Jean's' . Cam MITE ' . Jatat Ginuum Tx= MD 8.10111011 Ears. E . . . ilitelmsb, P. tOM A ISrPEOUL.MRSTiNG OF . ~ socauroulsna a this Bask SIR NUM IS the Itaskls; Ethan, as MOND.6.j, Os 11th tnar au 11 o'ahak p. m., to otsstdcr tits proprioty at ta ausshap, tits esphsl Stock. - 1.66d1w GEM A. MOLT. Orlder. IM I _ - Pittobargh, J. 4 lett. 10•DIVIDEIND.•-alio Praideni and Inteeisro.of this Woman bus this day &- eland a Dtold wa aal of ONII Iftlf.f.Aß ef *s ts onto, hat fix month.. froo et Gov. oat erniMi 142. Ma& to etlaskhoWn. en or Oa the Mb M Intent. 11. 31.. HOOK &t TCORTIDEDID._ • olives or nrisonts. GAS Ceara" 1 - laanasy_lltb. 11164. j Troateor ot PlciaborablastOoaspaa= Ma day drearod CUTS Dte s e d anO DO AND BUTT TDB ia the Capita: ems, palate forthwith, to StcolOoddan , or their radoloadoitira. jaltazd. akas% IL mum. WBRIDGB DIVIDEND.—Thu Stook beans of th• Pitt:mbar& adleeway ihh!g•O•dddlb at Head stmt. ara_haroby radtded tbd • 11Mimi of SIX. Pit o=.. Until DeLtAlthillg hal bon thb day de or the sambas of ther pus 1. 3822 . 1 . psznibla 7t MEI B. RUBBILL„, Treasam., Way, lai-THS NW GYMNASTICS AT HALL.-11he Clear __ far DrT-ase . IY ma Vase of resetft& end m MOIDA Ornalm TI MCAT WM- Ma at T 34. Ledku nral Chi and ldren; WXDNIVIDAT eadeIaCIRDAY A3f1681600 1616 , at heeled. aarnehol ADCI2IOII For Lean, roam of twent7terroes--$ 6 00. Nor Lab end " " 6 M- Tar Chtleess, Mak CO. nolTad Onus Perfumes lb BIZZONSAII Pummel• I maw. 4:lb Pimbsrigt , 3.. 11, f ti;p.A MEETING OF THE STOCK ICOLDIIII d this Plusbargb ood Iltnalsr bars Noma. gamma Oroopeny %ID be bold ea MUSD/1Z ft. 11th dal or Jalsodry. PO4, at 10 cdtlocit do 110110110iLliSLA MOMS. Plidtballb, J orklob dm and plate an sleets* to eto titrectort •111 bt bold. to torn for tbs gaming W. IL 111111C1C, Psserstar7. rtd 117, PITTSBURGH SANITARY 170 M• Inn.= 021 c. md9..r5.7, 59 Fourth Bt.. 4. Hat.ona Woad end Maxima Street. BommAav—JMO'II&MTNMM. Varmast.—JelitE 2l PARE. Jr Oostrthatites of tlxaw7 ard gmula moitclumf. etas amt to all part. of lb. army otbrotallos toad:oho:1 Campo su m rotatlao to tn. &Irk god • coded la OwHowttais. re. boded on gmets donated b paid Was. AWNED. PITTIT . II6OII BLIIITART COMILITIZIL 6s.tati al_y~ l :i Jl-jam !?Rr WANTINI—A Life Inenirenoe Com ;say, 11:141/ &Lag • Lugo bonitos In Mr city, vO6OBlO obtolo tbo models of LITZ KAN" to sot or OlL•lldirer. To .00b • prow • Moog oft r rrillb• Inst. Adair..., l woo nod rdorroar, LIPP I 1301111301, ISM P. 0., Plurborr,b. jalltSt WELTER GL&SS, intending; to quit banners on that'll of APB oast, will soil Ws BOUM, cm Gm mattnnnt onto of ths Diamond, Al =(Xty, oont•intag rooms, goon MGM and mint 14 yaws' Isom cheap sproon TM lot Is 13 Inn $ Mobs. Gnat and 118 not dram a 10 Loaf alloy. It Is • good stand Int • Dry Goods, Gr. CZotbing or Dom and Oboe Idiom, and At • TM, Damn lroo and Olen. estantleurnat Is ono of tbs Lust. If nos ins my bon, to the aty. If ac 4 mid am, D ortil bs nand. jal3lo UPHOLSTERD;O:—Having ad • largo dock of coo& Dr CALPH,c 4 = to air rest balsam .t satnneedy kr• MATH= BM; ash, ilsa,"•od i r HAT TILLSSZS: • end *alley of SHAD TABU /t nooa OIL CLOTHS; HAMM; 11110aSED TAM COWS; maga., on" on••• Kr •111•11kidasd MATS. if lbw bed quality, and . nosuced Oa Moo oa cutammuct Cancer. Nardi. doted by an Inordlnda are of ommay." He applitd, mld sine olntramyt, ad gnu am Wool runtedims. , My tam haled .p, bat the lallandullon tram not thmottly renmed. Is Islamism usr. he Dr. nommed ma mund. and Ilea far ham. In April. the Own main isturned, and m tiobant mu the pain that I Mall not red at Mot. Late in May.. noised to Cincinnati. tad gain pliCod a:l*V un der Oa Mame of Dr. Thortm6 with whom 112111 ill• IA until Mmtember, daring Oda Um be and may Ono rowdy. sad partly Mootecied In Mackin the . but who I returnad bytema than wore still three Moo ups my bee: I onthoul mini Derma porparehmi, ad oleo medicine that I got from Dr. Sly OM the Cow mannedpaw ing oath U bad stied Om left ride of all, are, the greater mail= of soy left tied; and Ind enacted idt ma. I lad glom up MI hope. 01 nem maid rielbL cured, Once Dr. 111 obi he oaly aim but Om • ore Irma frapanitia Ia Narch. Itbk 22 bought a bottle Of "Dieodtkarstm. ^ butl mutt mn- I that I had am filth in U. I was racy oak vim onacomod ming it; bat I food that I mimed by dap, and also that Oa Moos arm mama dr/mg ap. warned, tad alma the third NOW am tam my Dm mu heard se if by 11 Mo. de. I col .tooth bottia,ead I harm bean healitar Om than Ilan bora for the La army pent Al though my iota molly ft:god. I drat* rol i• • bold. Pinibbmom Who bee = am ii tu .a. pUli end MIMI. has dosettoeugh the ity of "Lindarrelmprorod u rd adimichaur. 11Ohn sad sahloribed Obi alst aim Ammo% D.lll4lmain ash ewe hatioat of Me 'Pato to and ior the Dom& of Penna. JOHN QC/WM P. amt Cl; J. tam. • • ' • • zmzr ocarrzAzirr maw sr =nem IXIIIOII7I BLOOIMUMOURIL BLAU MM" , • 7irsossA CO yippossed bsibrims,osis cd tSs Alattfas of the Rase la sad.** Mgr eats% OuldriCPC. lobo bo. duly mom s=dlacto data dipsse sad Sat a was W.l4atioitli sets tins Vies +=stoat .w4d14108 =ZIt ra gl ak= s a rviTtist " irdt bully walk; so WW2* dal los ad sold. Naas that last follloosaassondatklag Idadases Imptor. Ba d. sadby tie we of two Amin porloats cond. I foot sat to apasoomal It to MI elks war dam lbw dtsisaa. Patna 6 antt7. ssaltits sad atbse Odom Adana from totastha OA, Waal. I wall sot Aka to do Vaasa' U. ocadsler as =ant haft ardistao. (dlgood.) . _MOWN fix.= Avoca sad absorlbsil dds USA day of A. D. UV, ,I. GOMM ?. 31.71. Lon b aseddisi of Imam= • via lama to tie demo of lOW sad tomato so smaaofortodlootitaaastassit todoess. Amon= oar OP swarm MUD sr WOW'S IcooD4lllazont. rs tug. be asp it to ber an &ma OM UMW" ire. wad IlbeeNieltro oal eaemaam*elal AM roam drama ad kmearsodi ale. at tam nod the IlWoleaa tad* aumbeeir Dr. J. M. Liam t I erai-ad - Or amebae/ =ark • dameet, bray. aladoeme Ito be lat ameba am real Mae a lad OM ena amble fobs eabateL u I had se the remedies sad Oalra sae to pi rette, 'Meat say neat. s emdbmal =Niyaw Writhe Sale wed ale inn oath* ta lalytamf imr so . k >seko arm. 'Sy Ines so pea sod rva es kr redvoed, OM It nmadted Ike elbraottro meow be sae mole beL ines my asoditio• e/met Woad by Out Lam liabtoo. et Marta *0 your beamed ,Illood4essober. trhfeh,army alas Mast eat estabeelem ay Ile% emu da tad Me s ta as. atabnied moat 16 all gibed ea tbod faeoradeablr Cia• as par I wee sap amid maiatmed to NMI a my beenelead data. sad asserts eadad awe •Ilbeiat ea sad domed via etask. WM, Ilea • sed alas. ea& ben asesittasel et ascot LAT .stene lue• elate olleatit Maenad ler ern era I "nwP"'"'"l'da bd o7 m—i nus w r=l . , 4,724revxmattird*-. 0p.119 worn 113111 Z . , Seise dead ortlio s itlaread Uttar on .alos and sad Caos,aftat WOW illadroldwew wkick W tt i l Anid to c - are-1. Ina by W. N. Sands Caals try *. Is e ßsoad Bbad.Ssarchorso sad torm.stt read tad mast Isaac pro BOSOM WPM nevi. Tlos tae toots eat ass* Wag @nor an year sin. as WO tad& at winos astandas frala the Wars dots *Albs Trlttaj as my tam ImandiabOaraassalosnoado dadald ima wathwid to b. ladia 3 tonntai Jo• I :em sand by Ur Illood•darebar. Wyskna um at shot slant molan, orbs $ll the Oa* mai sad arm on than, !Ablate Wad at asy dr as do batiastaa Vas to UR ar wee/tout dandboms Lay lambi sadad7Pronst tratag Wray lbooL I ban Dow ban mind di mke, mod &kVA= to Nt. and tbayndlla scantly. masks this sta l iomn "" 4 - il& tio%hat others = assy ba_boasdnag Ity • Soles It antsodmontbsd babas ma. CM of tk.ld. &taus ta lad to the cltyArtpdatelkdOlo ties • ADD. Alamessu • rrimas:taaviiry leAw—Destitc vir a. irk waramaziraist yam saidk3aC.P3l•o amainatlagdasal4 Mayon joait ap , that roar viealataslinavidampaaelkava. .als that has lame eafialagaia ran; Os laahvia rasa dr the Id" eamyeteaahl4rk 'bums warldig; Alban lat .11malghtla Saab tow, sad. Oa Maki grarlagua .167,1114,- -Tear Allual4oFelitt la phigali OW! Ilia -comb,. The lad& aze ara *ma- arfthilar &bars. Plaorksaack n. aa, Ml ear c=aamait i igMii t _ co . • e - lathateArladiami . _ AB AVTONiI3,:h haa se mpg I:4 111;e the muusy vita satitares estkd , 0 11)4. taN" eft a .!` g eyes tons the ITO:Mpa 1. 114 -1-11211:Palaaniii.j::: RIEWI2.IU-01/ COMEctinaTel Ds I it.lizirdweithintnniTioci; Beestralli hu i I.I.:IIIISON:Retatio puntedell "6, •"-.. ; II aj~j " t t ...-Skiat t afirif9Vri el - • Lrf titxt i s4A - AAMINNIOMIA:6 4 , ineilitilMloooll* 41::;'-44-.S4r-444'Mj*,;*104-1.4*kisa ' ' - =iMME Amost4Eir. Oaseuvat Wes, caws Aair wmarait. BEM'S AND MN& MEW scorn • L fa!rgs*cf arceß racy. PAUNISZEL Patent Vietelle eillaiiir• NSIDEDOWILESTATEDCOM o* ISOTTIM, SOMME Bos s. 18 /ICS LllO, 011800 i SON I , ssitm paonoricrit Lagoa Ist ea!,t, Tal 100 T. ONLY OLAML.,- g•itatthas Imy $2.a3800a caluda.:olo culseiethaa. ealytabehates CONCERT _HAIL SNOB 1114011, • _ . Nark TI? it 11113 MIT. Noes Calf Boaz, good qamAR risk ma pa, l wimstil-pildlie Si Mee 1 la Wawa.* Dimble 1111 Kora Atm *maws — lnuit. • An Ifhada; aziet a34.41311.*. 11/iLMORAL CHEAio MeCLELLMYS AUCtUIIII: es TIM- - FINE GOODSI .rost ssestrip. LADINO. °Joint xi) laim:lm soots 1 Do fa do 00102nD at . Do 111111.0000 GOAT Dalat'D do OTNTI THUM SOL, GRAIN a OAST do - Da - TWO do - CAL/ " :41o; , AD at On bat mhos w% sad orowootol to Ow mitre ostlifsetloo. 080. ALBUM sceue co., Malt griKat Waal Bid ironiti' CLOSING OUT 13*.13 cpe BOOTS MO .13100a.''', ire 1101/ dadmi oat our dock ot ilito4,lo) W r iliTlß 1 r l g OOD - 11 t nano,4' 711e1l 7W,fai,..170 re. ar . 11:14, 0. al /08. No: 1111 ILINIZriq Sicoad dear tram BOOILI4 sfiLisc.mrs, Aro. EU/Nr B- , STATIOTAY PMMr!)LUMI:-, Bmni !Vat 21 211111CIPPE9; 1 I'ESSOLDI2II: 1 LW" MOM; ttoSTB 1 , 11:1111nm AlitalfAol, t eizzimis sonnet: - • itasolumi moms= iwww; miLmmntrttirt ,:as the clit JOH3 P ~• ItABONTO - Imsecaimiss.: PHOTOGRAPH ' ATLOArat MUG= BIIBSORIPTWNB "rll 2lllllttli " MARDI% FOR 11184. 10 =must Enua. POCKET 33k03g zzl.k.Az ziitim AT PITT©OWA- Book, Btationerta News omens rayon Famait,m4. can: PllOTStailliiC " ion biking' icnirs - nunsiblisiftatol , Anerionnut BOOk% 141 M. 10:illigallilt* =;;;I LAlbtli Ant CLlDlninnainkerPahal ik. e tcian sail amass as itedcaillditKil ..-.!-::::::: Tsai,:: •:.•?.-i7,_-3.-1- JAMES.,..:' ~1- 7 ,•,,L,'z,.,i ,;•..! . :Y;•::: . ,., ',:iiiii4,olo3lliiiittif;/:.-,,t-;- so, sa-iNii _~_—. ~~.... _ ~ ~ " .l a a ginwn444 - : , ,l%tii4Atikr,*; , s - e; • • , • mcsnicsail--• Aisidittpin- • - • F.- tkik wum Abu att-maikaded-wa v4mummmagiwymme - :r . - -- ;;Fn —,, 7. - lbw Inman& desk : f 11 . 1 . 4 • 1 :.--P}Strk 11.4 c. 7 - E,War r . aiaa~a , - = dam docra leinr ankliabag ,--, • Messrs: !rtiTiB9lll/41151.:;'13r T rEn4 rtsfosstlibr.=aarz.,!.trt:: MEM )2'