1 ::::_.:•,--, 2 ,, -1.• 1 ,.....-..., ~.Tik‘.....,,,:, ~, • , , • - • - 7. . . 0 ,„ :" ........ ....., . ....... , . 1 ,- 2.7 . :11 -........... ':. ~, ;5ai.........:::ff -7-: -,,-- _ . - TUESDAY' M01114ING:::=.7 ' °WWI 1 , 42 F. ;-. Fl 71t _ rottiVaterclafsEveaw. Report of ilia 818.1.0' Txr.lunrer. Ice have received weepy of' the report of Mr. M 4 Grath,'thei: State •Tressarer. After skewing tho'firincial eondition of the State Txmirctry which 'Lai already Leen girea theltiqeegrnor'e mearage, horsy': enejectt of 'the paymentof the interest on thaiiiiblie debtat the State ix one which, from its importance, ought.;to receive your early and civtieat attention.' of Ike last two years, and including the amount - due on, the let last, the interest hag hien paid tri'speclo Or its equivalent, through ' Men= tarnished by the banks of the Com monwealth: In 1862, under the act of April 11th-of that year, they were required to pay into the treasury their rateable proportion of such ,premium for gold, or eta equivalent, as had boon actually paid hy the State. Druiag the last year, under the provision} of the act of June 30th, 1863, they were required to ex ' change with the Commonwealth'' r' sufficient amount of coin for currency to pay•the interest. on the State debt ; and the State Treasurer was authorised to issue to them Specie certi • fieates of. exchange, not transferable. pledg-. lag the faith of the State to return need coin and re.exchange for notes current 'at that time, en or before the fret Monday of March, 1864 d said certificates to bear Interest at the rate of 2;5 per cent per annum. Under the provisions of this sot the Cora ,trionwesith haweachanged with the bunks cur rency for coin, amounting to one million nine ;hundred end sixty-eight thousand nine hen ' dred and four dollars and ninety-seven cents, :181,988,401,970 the interest en which, due the • :, banks on theist of March, 1804, will amount to forty-one thousand atid forty dollars and .fifteen rents ' ($41,010,15.) ) 7,'.T0 return this amount in coin at tho present Market rate for gold, (151 N) will cost the State 81,013,1156,06,.which, with the interest Clacton, 541,040,15 amounts to the sum of 51,015,020,21. This Commonwealth has pledged her faith tu.pay on the Ist of March, • . =esti, If' it be determined to hoop faith with the' -Eolders of the leans, by paying the totem.: .on the public debt in specie or its equivalent, aul.tho banks were freed from similar calla, do atot doubt, frotuthadispooition they have manifested to aid in maintaining the credit of the Commonwealth, that they will be will in; to relieve her term the repayment of their coin for the next your, if prompt stops be to ken to provide the means for their reimblirse ments at au early period. But to continuo longer this - Spasm of compelling the banks I A tone to furnish eciu for the Interest on the publitt debt, is, t think, aekiog mere than they I can bear, and more than they can be expected , to do. fielding this opinion and desiring to obtain for your honorable bodies all the infor mation I could get on the subject, flat month addressed a circular to the banks of the Corn-I • monweelth, inquiring whether, under the I teams of the existing sets, they could be relied on to furnish specie or its equivalent, for the pai men'ofthei'wf t e co at l? ' ume of the banks :t r ti;d es m it uejast to their stockholders longer to con. tine° t is system of es:hanging rein far our- I reney, end therefore decline tieing ao. Others are willing to ronticce the system if concur eel in by all the IriakA. and required by the State.; bat ail agree as to the impettey nod in , justice of singling out a particular interest in, - the State to bear ell the burden of doing that which interest:. the yr hots people. They claim that, as they farMith on annual reveant. to I the Treasury of over three hundred thousand dollars, and are now bein,,; brought into own • • petition with another system of banking ex crept from a largo share of the taxation ink- posed upon them, it "ought to be the diem,- titian of the State. rather to relieve than I impo:re additional burdens upon them - It is evident, therefore, from nil the infer motiontl that ran be in. tbst 0.,: State must' - look elsewhere for the purpose of maintaining her rredit. And is it n-' the dot •of her pen. I pie, in view of her heretofore well settled , policy, tomake soma sacrifices io order to ac-. cotopltsh it? Theenbject was very ably argued by my predecessor in his report to the Legislature Met winter; and fully concerting in hits views, I take the liberty of quoting two or three of the very pertinent questions therein put. I lie says the question generally asked fn die cursing this subject is, con the State aliorti to pay this largo difference between currency , and specie in the payment of her interest? ! Ought not the question rather to be, can she affordam to dolt! Will not the credit of the I State suffer materially if she refusku to do it ? Is her credit of no value to her anti her- eiti• • eene ? • To the State so rtrong, and, powerful, :souther° any liability of future want, that elm' can exercise her power irrespective of any sEthether action may have upon her credit?" This State, by the act of Jane 12th, 1840, appropriated a sufficient sem to reimburse her loan holders for the diffrroncrtain value 'between specie and the currency in which they had previously been paid, and then eel ' emnly declared "that hereafter the interest failing due on Pennsylvania sleeks shall • always be paidfireperde or its equivalent." • This to the law to-day, and foe its ob. ; ~:xervatice, and the maintenance of the present! gaol name of the Commonwealth, no alert or ' . sacrifice - ought to be spared. '..Ttio General Government pays the interest in:fill debt in specie. tiasseetteetts con. to pay specie, and Now York partially -eat Omagh the system she has adopted of dis• nriminating in favor of her foreign creditors I Some of {the States that pay in currency contrithedtheir debts since the suspension or, • .. speeiepayMents, and therefore borrowed cur• - reney; bet Pennsylvania borrowed money from •,' her creditor., and she ought to pay theta in n'ate•• w ftey.l4l , 3 • I • * -Let witherefore so act now that in the fa-1 „tare, it may be the boost of oar itionered old ' • „Commonwealth that amid al the trials of this • _ eventfal yeriod of the nation's history, she 7natlifnllyPerformed her whole duty, and ” : "'somekutaf 'the ordeal with unsalted honor. - In !another portion of ;his repcit the die -continuance 17... the Pennsylvania Railroad -Cioraykuiref-the• collection of the State tax • -front. the.boad-hoidere le referred to. This in ... , ,the only colopen,' in. the State that over per- I . . . . fgrmed that. duty, and n. lem unable to find „ any law imposing it upon them, 1 presume, of _ • '""' course, it was done voluntarily. , iI 2 'a es - Stlell.fsititerrell nisnoini, that a very large • . . portfolio(( the pireonot property in the State _ eecapes taxstien altogether, either through the pegloot of.assessors or the failure of the owners to report to them. Anti it ft therefore Ellpfising.that the easy and effective mode . of securing the largo royonue dueitho Com , moniefialth for taxes on rho bonds if( corpora _ o ,•by requiring the corporations to collect •-' •• theists and return it ti•tbe Trcisury, has not beforst this been•provided for by lap. I Log leave, thmefariti.. respectfelly to urge 4 ~, tb4 . e.,BuTsgo,of„ pAhorining end direct ing railroad corporations and other corpora fobs, at the lime Of the interest on their bonds, to 'deduct from the Amount due „ • •the holders thereof thi; tax due thq Common wealth la the name manner that treasurers "of ,r. municipal corporations are by the Act of April 2911t;1814, now requited.to do. By the report of the Auditor Gdneral, lest Ir, .::; a ,t i h oi l . E furided debt s o: the railroad eompa tafed a t veuty.seren millions of dollars. A very largo proportion of which, excleilie of the amount held by non -- residents, escapes taistion,l It mint be eel =".' dent, therefore that thsonsetment of such , Slag' as hsveteJladcd to ill • vary ' largelptibroditedelTrintre." , The act of April 16, thli2, and he supple 'meta theretc;ef April 22d, ISO, or tlio pay sad exptusne PeArlsYlvatia" oluriteses :.-All provided that-these elibursbould e paid on • -- - I -of the otrar-0 3 ,0 0 9. 000 . •lif -03,009. 000 Ilthorhee ••• , l• . by the sot of 1)11 .ii if the -Fero lnanleloat,thenont of any o cr mane 4 • inthe Trounity. not, othnrerisa app •printed. • .. The .."ItariflPit7, l ,o nor oslipirui .1j and 1 , , these claims It ti trippcned, 'will Mount nearly $2301i,00, istirto • tint tb esamotitsiviskdireitiof . receipts _ the Treasury many real:100bl° tl .0. WI raill/C/PingC4 4 1 4. 411 the in •=ref: . .StateAteept the tax of 234 'tea Pfirsoliallproporty, Is sppFspristed •• thefil • tog Fond,and IhlSlCiimenssionert f thcS ',, leg Pond are authorised to trans r from 'general fund' ru zionunt tuffteicat • • pa, interest, Ind redeems portion oft • prig 'of the public debt rultullly;fewl be • era that some other means eve Pirnsentof these lain _ • P.eitif.u-Birlng down Vood str rd• in at Chas. Metlor's Piano It one amino his new .Grand" Chieke • and Were , found,-a. perfect faro, esi procure seats to the Gottschalk a • • B oPfiratiaconcerts, !.o be given on et a n 4 /61137,,,0t Beale. The , :oriff if r sdom. Voyontt tg._4:. et, .1A Irebniumil• by the elite . of ourieitirs - Our publhe always ai true moue and-talent.saeli.sa.G Cl Wlle.,Cordier, Pitting I • A few „choice. scats irst,dill to, e , for both nights. Conn;Vrilli IA is irliCzalf: — M l jll&t.;inu.tairilltVll:l l AlAClmmi tte• from court, • ,-;••%; irkttorlrial.fiPM • • . . #....0ke of , t . tilbiem7 Ilrefirtit ,„1 1 P . Y' , .. Arms. The - jury found • hninnot-Orio• and ordcrcd the costs to be eget* , divided beiween the parties. John r. Jones was pot on illal - frrliAla , Ulith Nial a r i r ri ellpllft . ilef , -Vat cu WaS fifiAlColitTiaal*r Jo* found • yerdiet of guilty. Jones was nut arraigned on a mach more action, charge—that of peritu7. The indict— ment charges the defendant with having 0002- milted willful, deliberate and corrupt patjary, In testifying, under oath, before the Court., in the roar of the Commonwealth vs. Mary Wag ner, charging her with adultery with hint, (Jones;) that ho never bad any illicit inter comae with her. Since the deferidanthasjnat been convicted of the offence which he denied haring committed, the cue looks rather bad for him. On trial. Gazette Pittsburgh and StenbenvUle Rs!lrma], The Stotitholders of the Pittslrargh and Stahel:lalie Railroad Company held their an nual election for President and Directors to day, at the office of the conipany, on Fourth street. There wes no formal report made to the meeting. S. F. Von Bormhorst, Esq., the Secretary, stated verbally, that the work of constructing the road was programing favora bly under the direction of the Western Trans portation Company: Tholeliewing ticket wu elected : • Prmident--Inao Jones. Direetons—P.. Smyth, M. B. Brown, James Sehoonateker, Wm. Phillips, Joshua Rhodes, A.S. Nichol son, W. S. Karen, M. K. Moorhead, Jesse ltdingion, Nathaniel Holmes, A. B. Berger and John S. Cosgrove. Manchester Borough Election. To-morrow (Tueeday) the annual election fir °Mee rs for.. the borough comes off. We have not heard of any Democratic nomina tions, but the following ticket will ho sup ported as the Manchester Borough Union Ticket. The ticket is composed of some of thollelt MOD Ja the borough, and we here 110 doubt that it will receive the support of nearly every Haien man in that place : Burgess, Wm.. S. Spratt. Connell, James Miller, W. N. Kirk, W 11. Phelps, Abraham Patterson, J. B. Livingston, James A. Butch lation. School Directors, N. Belson, William Trimble. Judge of Elections, John C. Har per. Inspector, Alexander Patterson. As , senor, David Luther. Assistant Assessors, 'James T. Simpson, Allen Means. Auditor, Wm. A. Eas . .emou. Constable, I. Stewart. CHAaTIJLS EXTRSDID.—Ants extending the chartera of the following banks worm passed py the last Legislature, and have since been signed by the Governor: Lancaster County Bank; Miners' Bank of Pottsville, Schuylkill coanty, Exchange Bank of Pittsburgh I Bank of Northern Liberties, Philadelphia; York County Bank; Commercial Bank of Pennsylvania, Phil's.; York Bank, York county; Lebanon Bank; Ilarrisburg Bank; Farman' Bank/. of Backs county; ilonesdale Bank; Bank of Delaware county; Wyoming Bank at Wilkes-Barre, Lucerne co.: West Branch Bank, Williamsport; Farmers tad Mechanics' Bank of Easton; Bank of Chambersburg. The Governor vetood - tho bill extending the charter of the Montgomery County Bank. . Io Toteetc—Bartholomew Scanlon was lodged is jail to- day,.by Alderman Nicholson, to answer charges of &caracoled assault and battery, preterred by Samuel Norman: as sault, and battery on James Mason; and con spiracy, on oath of \V. P. Kane. The diffi culty, or transaction oat of which these suits arose, occurred at Ireland Station, on the Allegheny Valley Railroad. Boor FOUR o.—The body of George Ogtr, who was drowned in the Monongahela river, 'near the copper works, on Tuesday last, was found this morning, and an Inquest was held by Coroner McClung. Tho deceased was employed as watobroca un a pair of coal beau, and uoidentally tell orcboard sod was drowned. Ile resided at West Newton, 1744S morsland county. NILIICANTILIS LIDIAIIT SLIirSION.—Tiso an nual election for President and Directors of this institution will be held this evening at seven o'clock. there are two tickets in the held, anti so exciting contest is anticipated. Every member of the Association should make it a point to attend. One of the tickets will be found in our advertising eolconns. PAPSED Tneoran.—The iSth New York Pagimentarrited hers thin morning from the Western arm y,and after being so terts ined and tefrashed by lite Subsistence Committee ' took the. man for the-erest. They ins•e ro-enlisted for tin war, and are going home on furlough. COM.MEJ2CIAL RECORD eirisstroniT DaRICE.TS. • humor, Rmonary 11, XB4. • GRAN—There Is mom inqulryjor Coro, rod the market Is firmer; Ear is held et $1.30 by the car load, and 1111,1.: from etore. For Oats, the demand Is I light but prices are very arm, with sales from @to. let Wie - 487c. Barley is steady and enchanted: we nn- Mono to root° a $1,3:1 lot tipring non 51,40 for Fall. iTherst le fine and I demand, while the receipts aro very light; from wagon, email nice . ot $1,117 for Red, and 51,4441,43 for White. PROVISIONS—Boa. is decidedly firmer and higher, we note email sabot at telly*. for Ra:tide., and for color Cured name Lard, also, has advauced, being held at from 1:7;1• to Ito. Nees Pork I. °seated and uneettled, nod in the abscisco of mks, or omit quotations. FLOES—The market far flour coetintom to rule quick but firm, while prices remain unchanged. Good broods of Extra Family are welling It tho melt way from Moro at 57,23 to 47.50 per bbl. Hale of 118 Girls Soporarte at $3,60. Buckwheat flour Is dolt md may le quoted nomlual at 11-1,0064,11Z1 pet cwt. GEOCKULES.--iingar Ls arm, and ELdlacef has ad tomcod % cent par pent, the quotations being 17% to 111%e for soft and bard. CoCee le eteady with a fair demand, ohne prices are unchanged, rettglag !from Moo 36°. Idols.. (plot but fir= at from hI to Rec. lIILL TEM/I—ls gala bat Arm though unchang ed; sale of 5 tons from eters at sI,LO per cot for Shorts, and 51,70 for Seconds. 111ddlInra mar to quoted at 12,16@2,1.5. IlAY—The demand Is fair, and with light receipts the market may. be quoted Arm, with email miss or loom from scales at SAD to ESL for tun, and holed On frock at $38(340. CHEESR—Tho demand le may moderate, theme% the market is firm at tic for - "astern Reserve, and Lk for Coshen and Lfaxabori, ?ale to the trade of 134 LAa on private term. DRIED FEDIT—Firm with regaler tiemend, and we continue to quote Apples at t to Dc per pound, and Eminent 140. Pittsburgh Petroleum Market. J. 11—The market for Crude was more active ea. day, though the transactions in the aggregate were light, while prim ore unchanged. The sake re port were: LO ibbls, on the wharf, at 2 4 1!ic • do at 2.1%0, free on board can; and 200 and . 240 Olds at 25c, fo h. We also beard of a *sled MD pbt, in hulk at Ric, but we cannot 1,116 for the, correctneu of the report, as It was not waft authenticated. fin_ Coed Ls quiet and unchanged, the nominal quotatioU being 400 in bond, end Vic free. litesidetuns is held at 114,03 per 001, while then 1. net enough doing I. 104400 to estabiLsktd quote dons. The receipt* and shipment* mace our lut report, were as follows:—Stdpments, to New York, 115 bbl. relined, 1002 Willi dude, 42 LW* Residuum, to Fide -1 delphin, 584 Lida relined, lib 1.4i1e crude, 49 bids nap , Ilia, 41 Ms lubricating; to Boston, NG lads residue; to Balthrore, let bids crude: West, Ili tibia refined. likciipts—per Allegheny Talley Railroad, 170btile re fined, and 1451 Mils send.. New York Petroleum Market. Special Dispatch to the Pittsburgh Gazette. `.fay Yeas., Jan. It—The market TO Persian= continuos dull and Inxtlre, though prioes ars on thangsd. B=lll4les at .1142.31brA for Crude; 440460 for reflood to bond, and 01664 c free. Napa% le nominal at Coulter quotations. Cleveland Market. 9..-71mm—Itarkat confirmed aittromatirea, mostly ter tba Warrior.' Saha too bbla XX rid at 5 1 5,15; ltod bide du at id,Lt.; 6u bbia extra at 13041. WhoatMariwt-dra, with good demand and nett readpts. sr:es 1 cartel att track at $1,28; 1 car then stan at f1;50; 1 car an track 11,30. dell and Mull es; ra don 1 car new on track at sl.od. Oats—Slail aVitiratract:l 74 o 7s c how .I***, Rya—Tina; Mal. 1 car ham 'wrest $1',20. Itpiwy . --tiordad at . • • Imports by . Railroad. , nroorosoi, - rs. Warn* Cm[aoo Einacur.„ Jan 11-4 oats Wane, .1 Scatod.b; 100 bids dorm - WAWA AVilsen; lug bides. a Dean. t co; 44 NIS henguy, . 2 '