Vithstrurgit Omffe. tr, 1504 - 0 -7 1:17 A.ND SUBURBAN arorricum PAPER 1M ALLZGELENT VITT VISION TICKET roa tii&TOR: A. C. ALEXANDER. MISZTOIS OF VIE POOII: GEORGE , GERST. The Gazette Association The Stockholders of the " Pittsburgh Ga zette Association" hold r. meeting :lie after noon al the P 401215 of the Board eC Trade. The Oomelthae, whose notice appears to another colimn, say that the lanai:tees for the eOzeiderstion of tilts meeting ie leo portant to each Stockholder, therefore, a fit attend...tee it rit7 dealrahle. •Pkesetrtment of the Grand Jury. Worpublish kt. ;engem, beesete of its cleat. deli practical important, to au' chisel., the Presentment of the Grand Jury, which / body, havint closed lto labors let the present torte, roan yesterday. We heartily tubiorlise to Its ovary suggestion, And are not timid - teed that Ills llonnq olthigd Stowe, on its mere eta an, ordered it to be recd by the Clerk in open Court, which was done,. and al!, precee as he did et lanztb, to speak of its import ante, and to thank the Grand Jury for the ViCittetiLation 9t. culla and ea an yeditera that Wield no longer be Unrecognized. WI trust that the soccestions i f the Grand Inquest will be at once atincli on by those whale business it it to see to them, cod that this is the only pOesetemerit which then ever be reouired to call attention to the, mottoes complaitied of. The whole county std its dtteens Pro Interested, end we feel moored that the comparatively smsll expense noon:wary to make reittere. oomfortabla r.boot 007 Court House will meet goecral approval. We submit the present ment, ',hurl will speak fee DLCMlter.r. forested,. A. Ti , 19. SL Lhe if comic. eto Jeans. el aka roast, e •A. County q f tifechcc : 'the Grand Juror.. t IL^rrooot w.., final% y etllortrrilug, deem it trap, to rail the sr noon,. ,t run' Honors be sums =anent we oh limy roresir , is bentcenent tuterest. Tito tat payers .d the Csnruse of Y.C.egi,rnt, o years ate., erect's% a soitabl. Court floor wt, puh i ho phnuotes, tom tun:hind ofdponsiterteeuc• of which is bytau confided to our County Commue,oocee. Tl, style acid fladah of the budding, is credits:dr t, our entsens, and lisle enduring menntunct of thwir or. terpriee, taste and libtrallty. it. lote.oel trrange• meats, management and rel:ic, ar• ell to kraplog within troposin„o extern.., nor cock is it this nUay required by the 141, te,.. DM/ Of the Cottety. The mown occupied by the Greed .red Inverse Jurors ore mphatactut condition,•nit carpeta, matting, or suitable doske and free, aro. badly &Aimed, hostestand lighted. they are not only &wool, te these intrusted with their ear. hat they era wltelltJ unedited for Ile public Li:sloes.. "Lc is any proper proridoo tunic far too exaosen odatt. , l of the District Attorney. end thee ho Alto tni.titAtes teforothetlrami nary. To try ntoing .or Is postmen, we here as the preeeet ter, et... tit:ra• LIU ikateale .toss sal infirm ro oin •tornio SUM. comielh.-0, at this turdemont wasvei of the ysor So mottle for hour; in ttio and, awaiting the tintosii , rlon‘.:ftlito Catecv to erbiLlt Co,rt.d. Fe Philedelphia, leeenzter. and otiter cities incur Odututouwanitti, alert a indtcl, us libor sily ontwelihs theemell maxims of o piddling won only, cotton to welting ere yr:Aided with aparttneats I darantly carpeted sad werrood, end fornt hrd cub such CuLIMIII.Z.• LWts neceseary fod their lorwne% oanfort. The Dlntiet ttorn.y le, sloe, pro,del with an appropriate team, %Coercing 'die nape, end move. may be posporit rt.parett add ke p t There is worm-Ban wieterel, wily Allegheny County, toe ...s -olid in the State in sefelth, pcpulttion and rasoorco, end in themes-rands of it. public Luetrest, should sot similarly provide for the wants of het too psyers, anitors and toneets. lo.zmnble ce le the twee., Cum aud ilegket M the ionimisslontre lit Chute =M itre, the medicine of the Let-houses allotted to the Genet Heera, is also each as to sub)... them the weereet !public counter, We elects qr.—llion, whether early stun of ationts would be pertrilitot to exist for t . tigle day outride of the limits of uur ' To t iCisroteorstina ws soot:, that the ani tor orthe Conn Itunes, su nor salary deft hundrud dollars bye the•. Mat, ti.uoil Is IA the habit of deuothd!he adduitieso pay icon to t public offices o( the Cocos, I,:a eel-vices. t• - gard le e! stnnil no t ho count,- recant by the Camme.eineerz. It oprestro tan.. the ender.% before no that it. reorient oven houSrivi dation a year in this er-y as "area foos. We r- cora tuned the • DISCO. of some person rho oat pzaforre the dears of thootiro far salary td :I ir gal program. . %Ye stalled theJafl, ac? for the ?invent I , r'notr any statement as to Its anditim. We are le hopes that there will be &decided improweehet on ler the name agemzet of the New, theritiand conpensatian of Grand and Tritest,- ior , rs wholly inachtquate,end re I,trmlll4-334 that hostsla• Wen be had to remedythe C. It. Aeneas,. :creel en. A tint ADDIJOU Inass,Ovrt. • Lee• you ersenined the felt end aeeltleat on the Central Ohio stool of gvad . at. t ,. Sterehaot T. '- On Tuesday evening toot, a train of COIL I ioring establighmect of Sam. Cre!•••7. over tLe Central CAMo "fathead, bonr.4 ; r,. 51 MSc lea arCet . street ^t freshaappiv at goofs every wook. ran ott t h e trey ßarn° ' 'lll° ' f.nn. „ Lase yon er;mined the prMcs of goads at I conseitaeuoti of a bad rat!. A passer.ger ear ! the mere , ant 'F•llorie , ' ' sat......iiahment of Sam. I war thrawn down an embankment a disMnee graham .t Co., :in...A Me..liet street; of 100 act, and Mr. Den Fisher and le.dy, of tt tt ao'. "me . Y.? "vs P"' . r:at. yen,. eloth , og -Wheeling, Were each somewhat injored, the latter slightly. Serena ether lotrr al were s eem scratched tad bruised. Among the o:sopcnis I^:itaTcctr weer aTr.—Mre. !fens of the car wort !Myers! members of Congress. .t i'1 M, K J w . 27 . Hon. Samoa F. McDowell, et ludiuna, when ben i t, 1. k .„ Yo: :. Lie I per , the car seatthea the bottom of tso a.ll. found ' ho himself with bah. in bra m,, 7.„ „ . kLU frig ai ht Y rtiri dinfootth'er'ltiltllei..paselsbelOgitc.rvforoedgbarpdt I b t. P .7,n7. • e which l b h ! :b.„,l7:xd each their escape atom death as almost miraeolous. ; .....t for tins of lion. jamas D. ?Santis and F. Finney, 7.0 ' 1, 1 ; . of Ohio,l3rntn" Clay, of Kantn d ' l' and Gre:neieb :.ow Ye -a. garde , Mott, of inertia, ware oecupnets ; of the enforiamate ear. They were on them I The above is far .ala at ralton's Iris St. way to Washington t Fifth Ercet. - - The Rebel Raid. The Wheeling , ,Tilur ad. 7 , data, that "the trains ever tho liatrim,re and Ohio railhead aro now arriving and oepartlr , g u rtrual. The train from Baltimore which Arrived Wednesday morning, MM. through In safety, and nothing was seen or heard of any awry respectable number of rebel., •,ve halo not been able to vie vsy purticulars regard to the recent capture of a government train at New Creek. It is geuerally believed that the rebels, after capturing the train, ske daddled, and that they were more: anxionv to avoid-Col Thobarg's command at Petersburg than to surroned him." City Mortality Dr. A. O. McCandless, Phy ciLia tv the Dolird of Health, reports the fo11:•••eing deaths for the work commencing Dec. 24, And end - gig Jan. 3, hlchlte 20 T0ta1.... 21. 13IColornd Inflicumsilon of the Lungs, r; PArslyeis, i ; Old dge, I ; Ifterperal 3lootrituP, I ; Disease of toe ileart,• C.Menaption, ly ruorper•J Perm, I; Apoplexy, 1 ; CungAttion of lloer- OD, 1; Comm:lions, 1 • Dromy, I; hurlat 4 mA, 19 I ; 1100 ing Cough, 1 ; Yoe- Atom, I; Still Dom. 3; Cangestioscof Longs, 1 ; Typhoid Paean:lonia, I ; Dlptheis, 1. Oirrixt. 01 , frierta CoNcErr.—Oar musical !ohne wilt be delighted to learn that the grist Combination will give two of their rceleedir entertainments in this city. The tilt of ar tiste is headed by_ tits renowned Gottschalk, whose artistic execution sad chiming position stamp him as the scouter roirit of tbe piano, of this ago. Brignolle, the delightful tenor area charmer of the gentler sex, will fa vor us with BOVestai row morceaux. The Prima Donna, Cordier, is highly spoken of by the musical attire of New York. Add to this Carlo Patti, a violinist of no ordinary merit. - We mast not neglect to mention that our distinguished pianist, Mr. V. De Item, will assist Mr. Gottschalk In hi. concerted pima. The tale of reserved seats will c. 0., mina at O. O. Mellor's music store, on Mon day, minting next.. Pairoimits. of tax Pmts.—We auaht take pleasure in — tilling the attention or oar read ers to the oxidbitton of this beautiful Pano rama at Mesonto Nall. No one should fail melts it. There will be a Matinee on te morrosiViaturday)at 3 o'slook, for the accom modation of the little folks. Co script° lo cum tOod seats. Oral Losv.—Mr. Crosier, who Toddies near advertises that his denghter, s girl of fourteen years,left his house on the Thurs day before New Years, and cannot bo found. Any person furnishing information) of her whereabonts will greatly relieve an anxious fatally, MAW yra Tuszir.—A man woo Wit- Ram hlfillgan, was killed on the Atlantic and Great Western Hallway, on Saturday leer, et West GroonrIlle; Meteor county, while 'et- Wearing tot:nap on • freight train. Ile wne trader the Wass= of liquor, and hence the seedant. Aueree.-.Oar neighbor, Pitt**, hose 5 Ono *deaden, et km prim. Cell and standee. Re hair gm I.targestook of Cord l'hotegraphe Generaes-Tbsatrirall. to., Lc. Dean La all ataittooles, opposite ttie Post.Ofts. •.~++n++` ~ ane~~AGl.v—~ ~`3~~::i'.i ti~.i"~43J!u~u:.:M~+. +.;.i Yriiwtc. ...~...~..~id,..,~..:. Our Book Table. Inc trees or NAVAS, With the Answers. By esmost Istwowes Prints, Aottur of "Powor of ate. New Tork Harper A Bros. Pittsburgh , it. nines, 71 out Ta Flfth lame. :175pp. hbno. The author seta forth the ecope and purport 1 of his work we follows :—"iire years ago the 'Power of Prayer' was published. It Will hailed with wonderful interest La this coun ty- and abroad. It was republished in Eng land and Scotland ; widely circulated In Nfales and Ireland; two treniations were printed in Franee, and soother in the East, and more than a hundred thou,snd copies distributed and read ...... That publication was made after the Fulton iitreet erayor meeting had been is existence one: ear. Within !Ulti 'Drier season the record was en gracious and glorious ae to fill boaren and ..arth with joy. Sew that floe years moo n have passed away . ..... it has seemed to many that duty to Him who bean end •aswere requires that another r oost should be made:.....For the sake of a me'.ee distinct and epe.,itle effect, the power of prayer is in this volume exhibited is, the d•portnien ti of public, social, and do t:nestle life, showing the remarkable answers C —! hoe given to praying parents, hes hs-iids, wives, and children leota that have hit, brought to light in conntmtion with the pre) srs of Christiens within the last f.vo y ears.-I'ftere will be statements here at whic,hnebelief vriaLaugh. Some of the people of C 41.1. *ill doubt. Many will deny any con nection between the result and the prayer. But when all the scoffers, and sYeptles, and Is:the /10TM here had the opporteusty of doubting and denying, ;hors are ettli thousands of de eon,. and humble Carist:ans oh.: will f.el their faifn 3Lrenrr, and their hopes brighter and to joyful, for the of there glorious emote o' pra7sr." £OO Pitewarit.s.The ira !- jug meekly Eastern papers rtatorlal, Literary, el 0.,—; see.vod by expresi at . 1 . W. rittorX's News and Periodical Lopot, Fifth &treat, opposite the Post-office. Coal there for topics of Frank... Leone's Ten Cent .K.outbly, for rebrnary, Frank Lestle. trete.' Notrapalfer, for JllllUfkry If ; Tlarpor'i Meetly, ar..e date; The N. Independent Tha lle=e Journal, ate., eta., of thu week. In feat, everything in tho Nen,papar-t r Mag azine IWO wilt he found then, Or prompuy supplted to order. Posue. !Teske:t ai.d stag,' 'Willed 131.0.71'S Bronchial Tr,cnex ex:or—title! umeftil, enablitie. then) to soda, more then ordinary exertion with eornrxrotiVe rare, while they render ratieu:stioe clear. Sold by all Druggiet.. nrown's Breocatel Loch, for pain of lititen's Drag Start, Fifth It• Pao?. Asesiitz.—This nniun • gciehrd scholar leotureiS it k;o:.eert LULU, on licusiay and Thrtredey e•enings. 14th in•t. The eimpla annonneoinhue of thiF fa,t ought to crowd the loin on horn nigh!.. The reputation of ills 'enure" . has siren hien a name dist is almost a —household word.' NID. P..•:e'r • al,r•i• riaaeral Neath the 'N•77 Dai pratitienni a rtir io thD Senate to di!. lir 6:••••011 •na renletian ja l airy n in Iv en•e nt• I:herno...!,i'lltef of the Batter; of Engir.nertar. aati into Cue management of ntrriccs, It" 1-kr"'"r"'' ratoalb PA•sr, PIA at,d ttrna,anLal Slat, fonit,, and dealer In Vcantaybrattlmatvi Vantzat dace of the ban gaai!t3 at Jett rata. Of.ea at Alta. Lau:blia't, :eta. tb.e. Pl.titurl,h, Pa. • 1 7 TT- -Na-AT/ SIILK.!I.O Tun sr - cu.—This Tobacco, egad by tee North Amer ico., ledinus. to manufactured from the ducat quality of tobacco, and commingled with the Moit healthful and odorous Sauce, Sark. add Herbs, indigissous to tba Rocky Mountains, In such proportion, aa in Impart On is dis tinctive oharecter, and cavern fur it wherever it becomes Irnawn a hearty welcome. d teal, reeidanoe among the Indians of the ItoclEy Mountains, insured an wig:v.:mien.With tboir'hebi , s, eastern:, nod modes of lifc,land len,cong other things, an iatlght into Vas dVPI p-,sVaon of heir :making tobacco, and • knowledge of the means by which the exqui eite'iaroma Is produced, which renders it, ?tea. inc to the smoker, and eo aorespuiblo to those-wile are net. oictere who once be euMs acquainted with this tobeeco will carer be without it. Sold by all tobatoonltts and ! by tae ,arenufacturor, E H. Herne, 511 Ches nut ot-wat. Philadelphia. Pen !Fs,. Wsse.—The Sam.- pest, seri by them ereing'• , en,t, brio=ppm:need ; :be: inn end winter wb; eberUy are. us. and WO west preside ..a r- Ls.* =s tens! to keep us mailer:- an:4. A also fell snit, or a good end weit mnae nvwr^nit ere the reel thing, end we do net !MOW of !Me plans where our renders wean •nli themselves better Lb= Miessm. W. H. A On's eletning nstabllshmer.t, cern, of Yeciersl street and Diamond. noaars, sshen.y also rcteeitrod stea ' plebs aeSoVal.oLt of imitlemen's farnithieg ji i tnnt sidist".; of sew pstAerni f. r islinneaszns, • Duut.oes sad Dysaister— will &mimeo tic rolusteors far more thca tie braless hf the en. tilaj, therefore Let frier! man Nee to it that n. carries with him n fell "Tidy of flolietesy's Pills. Their nee in India end the Crimea eared theoslnde of British shldlere. Onlj cent. per hon. Ili S HOW.Rket. r•INTXLFT can Pns, are for Halo et Falcon's Drag .Lore, Filth street. VDT RICE TILD 11 6 r.r.Lni r..a SALA—The £a• st,ortnient of Fall sr4i •Winter Cb thing, letsly recoiled 4,7 Niessnr Jobe Wier A Co., Merchant Tai/en, 5, .46 Fedora! street, Al ler:heny. The fleet. of seething *envies of the finest variety of rents' pantaloorx, vests, ',eta and overt-vas. the stabs of natterns is tasteful and fashionable We It amid invite all of oar readers to give the above ,ventioinee W.TCAII7, „Tworatz?, jtabe:v, 3. 17 rlrth ' , sect, is rt. elscoing the cos. ebbs stoat of dn. Gold and Silva,. Wat , her, Jewelry, Silver WWII Sod Fr.,' (iitud: 0,11 . dt.17.11.704 in this oily, and is sollir.; throb raminrlcably tow Fir... STATIONIRT.—Th• beet note, letter nod can paper—the brit enweloper, and °Yu -piling In the r•atiunery line at reasoneble pri eat, at Frank Care'. Newt Depot, Chronicle Daileti2,7„ Fifth tercet. Orroirvrr and carriage &IA grill bo takon at CimnZne orEca, 17p. 410 Penn 'treat, day or tight. /.11 orCallet at tha &bora plaza will' be promptly attended to. All 01,1 b, most ho raid Le advance. • • Pmcr; 8171 , 7X.R, Welbti, Cigar }folders, Pockct Knives and Curroacy lloikrs at Pittooe's, opposite the Pest Moe. Ltor'n, fur Farnary, and No. ed Noadlea' 10 Juat received at l'ittonlea, upposito the Post Oni,e. WTZILY, Leslie's Independent, and Clipper for this week et Pitteelie,oppeeite the Poet OfDee. thiams f.,r 1884,10 different hint's, at Pie tock'r, cypoti te the Poet 0,9,42. SUBSCRIBE for an E 11.114111 or WArr•.rtri back 010 dot 2C3Oiution of thank, to Gen. Durnaide, and his off..ers and men. • Mr. Nesmith. of Orogou, Introduced* , nlnt ' resolution tendering the Coopers I to tion. ruemes said his ,*vets and new I Mr. lisle, of Yew Gampshire, moved a ro,natruetion of the I.:tot-rum inatrueting the ....iitnittoir on Naval Affairs to oxemire tn 4, the cfnimey of the .team engiiro onnstruetod for the nee of 'Se 11,07, 61 prom:tins supplies test the•conduot of the deli:rime:it generally, and that they t p o wer to send for perm, .rd papers. I Ur. Hole desired IS , inecirtg:tles, to viol. or the choirs cons tuna in s speech of Mr Iriokinsou i but would prefer that it 6o madn 4,1 medal ohm armee. Yhra chsrg. cannot teal :' hare their abort. no'," they ere investigated. Waite he did 0,,t ende,re tOO Senator's seoticeents in the arYtch alluded to, yet from the tnuiroeuret or had with C..T01,..t. lb., Weis heart-rick, and desi . mtred of th- eery or it is not ewnduored. Mr. Grimes...! lows, ;aid the Seri ornry the Nary ria,lrtd an investrgation. U. ht nu deulet that it would turn cot and pro yo that we have no' only as foil. hat fairer %WO: than cry other nation in tt world ... Poo Arte-nnein, had no riouLt ; of :be of the liseyti.epartersoat, but aor inqatry ouleas neceseity ilemen.led, wnoll r4vet more hags than good, for ehorgee with tat a eound fonodation, toad Pa destroy con [Hence in tae liortriotneut. ISir. Conneer, of California, ageetol:with the vie." of the tomarksLeve,ofole made ir He-ore. Hale and Dori, lie did not bell, e that on try wee beartelek of the manner I tr. wtio_ toe nave was cond.:toted. I Ser. Hale danced Coat to. had mode erltol,:aale oltarges against the Adminirtretit n. Tia wol.“d rep en the Senate. from Cattier - nits, that it ebtd , ie.:lotto injury to Ow. .ldniinisteemen to chink from an la reettgotion, All tot ' departments elleald lie as ...pea as the day. Mr. irerk•. of Ly.. alto replied to Mr. nest, Joelatir: the t he wocid always oi r • wr.e, L.....ider,d to be wrong. He had o;.. the groat Ilea of the herinitoge. leat• art I,llr to be fr.gbtenel by joeko... Mr. :Armhole ri imotrro there woo no dl.tgo.L. too, to sLriola from in reetigadon, -ol.temption of peofea.i.g frimone of Ole ! Agenieletrat.on, who ioduiged in rettgole, {ldC. . t.f •./ it to-.12y, having r•tjoartted Mosititty. - Latest from Eqrspe Jen —1 ha Pte.: sslis!lh L e :: esas ho tr.: 211 m u7t., vi• Qt•ere ..sser nu the es port nt rNcuing. wit'. ill fr, , n Extropo Thn rte.= Now nn th , 21th att. , Ith.t 1..r•-r-tnl 011 2Sth. rantlnz 9.1113 k 1.....•ttg1. ctetica•hin al.. from New r aved st South esse•taa. th• 25th alt.' Iturre -il./.11) WWI t,pott.i•••2. fr.; Ate lett to tics 2stlc of Lc r, that c•ery tody ra'ght Sr re a obc tha fostic ales I.lelar •c: tt Chri•tence. To, I •L- ..-n , n 4 Nor/ een. I. ,rd‘ have re!..sed several oilers , or the •Morrey rem.. de,tarieg that they -r i ••ir s tinderst. , ..,l that the !'situ liktate- M sewers in t.ondon sod Pile are continued efforts to prevent the simmer hap pahanueek nom learieg Calais for the high sea, as a rebel ern:: or. Stores for the ship hed reached Calms from England. ILer• , :cotton of the Bank of England's rot,. die , ornt to toren per cent. would, it seausreted, soon be le..inawd In u fur , hre rodec:.‘,.l of the rats t •il per rent. Bullion in the Benito( Eng`..ed had le,reas ed during the week to f a41,00P. Fo• .ce --The Corps Legislist,l had debated the loon hill at ..uce. M. Tiers awl other op , .rition mewhers apalso in fever no a peCifiE V lie, cr, the part o the Goveinment. Mr. Pitar - de censured. the Government for the M•nleso "peel:sten. The kill was finally prs , ed by n rote of 142 to 14. The g.,iersis lioe. —A t • theet 2 ,4 at Altoona, in which thousseds loci . part, Pt thee p r ,„i„ r e,k was - formally proclaimed Deli., of tletein amid the greatest enthusiasm. rats tows WOO tutsequ•ntly Illeminnted, and great 0, ',ads trae•mod the streets singing the na tional song of Holstein. It was reported that the General command ing the Austrian troops bad been recalled. The Saxon troops had entered Altoona, on the 141.1, of December. he Danes left 113 the Federal t:oops.ep pearsd. In Spain a bill Lad been Introduced Into the Spanish Congres 1, tieing the stre•gth of the Spanish army f.: 1801 at 100,000 seen. Er aoaay.—The rumors of an insurry , ton ' ary atoveniset in Hungary .1111 continues. Natalia was !akin preceetionery elSeeeteb against took s movement. L, Met. Dee. ^f,.— All the me-- hots emceed today, and the holidays nre being reltihraied everywhere. The Danish Ministry have tendemd their resignation to the King, end it has been so. oepted. England and Bunts ix:atriauo to eversion • premiere In Denmark use the Holstein ques tion. The peasage of the steamship Scotia from Now Turk to Liverpool wee computed at IMP than eight days and twenty-one boors. g2Timelteray, the celebrated author,was forted dead to his bed on the morning of the 14th Met. Ho Wee 11l only the day ravines. Ef fusion ta the brain I. the alleged cense of hi. death. Slant the men who were enlisted to serve on bosni the Federal steamer Esamage at Queerstown, and who were ?greatly disem barked at that point, have been committed for trial. AEldnvite were prodeeed showing that they beam - Meted for three years, for the pur pose of fighting in the eerviee of the United Stitae- London, Sunday, Dec. 27.—Te sterile , being a general holiday In this ;Hy, sod pieces of business closed, there Rae & very limited at tendance at the London Stock Erehange. Qestentrnittos, Dee. 27,—Artired, from New York, the Jubilant= at Brewer Haven'e, the Atlantie Griveezend, mid the Europa at • 'reeneek. • The ',Chu reports that shnbee bad hem weather and bad winds daring the entire pu sage. The commercial none Tea almost en tirely anticipated by the 'delete by the City of Bittumors. The utarkste were closed from Thunday the 24th until the 28th. Governor Andrews' Message. , • $ :. - / - 4 - The anza:al Mif.Mgo or Gu,. Andrews waa I._ 4:tivered to -way. It is eery ler.gthy. Tito t LT ., 4- -- 51.ERCANTILY.1. 1 1 1 1L 1i.17 AS6O I CIATION LEC:r Et t 5. ve xiinit into the :Ante Ira.anary far I a6Z, a a a, :7.2'29,000, and tho payment! 4 , 0 72F.f.' 0 . JO rEC,,, , 31.......A . 01, srui,• a• • I , ' , ,-1-. r... fnrheoet:trion.t.let •itte. il'ettof velar:es- , tn. averred nteet the n..! nlrornua •nli• , s . g 3e its Int rep•cle.. rr0d:,..1 so Itnt ' in the sera° c. a.,. los tweet . .. Lie st-d if....tioun he c....- tne relier , .!, f .n der r. and 1 - tk:•e, r;:tp/ Lhl• ou • e': •, .tert • ' r unt'inroy under o_, put, J ucoln. r the r urrruit ' t sr urrrl r•r uu.u.., - u r u to the otn.. rorTioa .... Au , r:rlr Lug nr .• fir, in hour ,- , Pr, pr I toAt a•i Una, es cry :nun nr iu en - rank. Woul.l br ou , ticul! ••: e 14 , 4 141 :11•. r of 3. Nlarert'ro sr.! Cu , !'• 1/11, ri -r: p„ ae•!. 'sun, „ TA“ r:•h IMES= (,um khuraueri Lod r, °Liu faluvr , .j. tr,:n M,ritp /t• r r i~h« "' ' ler vo.:thil L a!c her rh , ',nate" root hl.,r eigto. Iht_l,l , .ow •!„ - 1.11 New i r o • e., .7to ere be re. !se aman .; - I lo ed. on tior.7 'I!" the Terr,il 4 1.1• 1..-p , ther rerc!- rr-y 'ere oe C 1:1r. 1: .• dru.zge ! • ; •7 • ; •11.•• , 1 1,7 I,•• for :at I th,.7 an. led oh: !!! • I.S•n•end it - freer :ht ! • robhe, ler; t! , - tare e Coil!! died •.1‘ :ncr• ,. !rz of a. oAlecr, ..on r.ll C 11 /11.1 1.31 0ut..,i1, OE= =II —ilia a. n.tra t`, sank . brat oce., inn Ir-to onn tnitn[l4,•lll...t.mor =IBM • er., sr,l wurb bruiton. 1,111 to on , . TP•I T , • "tut , : g.t of. ,rr. ' r,ottt ,, tiat: a, i rat lir to in T0un,:14.4.••• , e r tt, 1 . 114 . rD 1,1., -.IA *nerrAa• A- ••,1 VP) Y. ret,71...., no,n, b. • . ' he 11,1 As• nwrr, , 1. A-•••,.., •••• •• ",•• r‘c , r. , . 1 0 ..d. •• sa.. RI •flt.• of ti•A t, • • ,,If 1.• • mt.'," SA I'l A.,r'• •tr•Arn a: wt.... tim• aati • A, • ;'.•••3 rear "__ '" '"' I , 'IIZI , K , F. t.• l'•1 I, ..< caurr.- nog rn t Fogy >1 1 ' .,1 ; 1 .'" . 0, , • ••'"•••'.g1 11 ro.:E rmp. An.l•l • •‘.=. I. • 4... .:t • leK, ..,•• .'••• ,•1 a- 1"-• • • .!• .r 20 , r: • .1 • lA. • 71. 112 7 77.77., •"7,. 77 , 77 7.7" ; :: 041, • , ' • "'• II thr, 1 1- , scar:, sa:. , Ole try,' -4"1 iha e.,zo 10, IMMEMEIII r , • :•••• •• f ! •• .. • ro_ . • !1• Ntrri," frIANIk , Ivry. hr rotr•stc. • 1.!•/•• 4, ...s . e; t I f tr• — Le T • R • a trs . h. n oplnt , • I,gt. gan'eust• robs, CL . • C: prtNs il 7k- ;40 I Y I "/". A 1..:1.1'112. t• I. • 11.1 , ! t 111 1.. LKT • has• r• • I Ar, 1%./ - • •tttn... ,%rvtilars .0, 1. f.•. 1 xf tlr yr, Bel rsy. ..1 07. e, 6.1 %X acry,y• 1 Rllll ARV C1...U.A19. 13=1 w. J. & HLLI. PATTERSON, 1101' , "7 F ACK atal Ti 1 F A t ; 1 , N I'LLFISTENt./.. 1 . 1t1" E 1.11 U'' 1.11,1 in th. or-r,, mp.l7 St. • • . XX PMI 10!. hites3.l,o w .about a. vIrN ....1,-t•M r : .... . .... . ...... plerycn, MACK I: KL lAN7-ON, ASS 1,1 CRT .'I,AIV! bli, GRANT !TELL, )L1 CL, A I M.Q, BOUNTIES, P,orkpfly ...druLtrd to by Tur.rth Piti.burgh, r, 1 -- • • - CLAIM: , of ..ery de..chiptiLm, cz.lirchorl DP too Om A.:lowing nate., 'lx • Pe.low. ; cleitet•lM TA YLOTt, /warns) at Law. :go. 73 Grant rirelet, Pittsburgh, h. IC B. No eltargo. ar. yowl° If Ilra &dm dots not •Tme.e..l. and .11 110+77.01ns trivet" irratis. - - UTICE.—AII rersous are cautioned against omployleg. inwhy term. the trade marks tohlrh have teen us , ' daring the raid three nan to &signals the tinglo, emit& and tral , : a omength of voltfurays Tns TA titre. lean& are • Or's) x Flint gla.. XXX Or 13oye1 Nut trusr korai. 19r Put. Oval :Sot Crackers. Tholes ahn C.Ologe on any of tire. brands 0111 b. prevanded •nalust te the ler reenletlag MOP calk*. E. D. PITIIIIITvAC. Irort Pitt than Wart.. Js4.3m ==E CC)I"TV ._\ OTC FL (Mkt. So. C 9 St d ritt.i.nnh, r.. DUDS, DOIITO orr•, AO CD. KST Err?, DON'T'S, ItlOHAlitai . LUMP, aiel other Inetrvinente of Writing drawn 'Mb ncete-ie and legal aemeesery. Imenttata staid for Sweeten end Idmlalstretura ritlex.4o Bend /state, tr., examined exit remora, mirage fir Urns, he_ ke neleitegieeeT 200tus, •EW M. It BUNCH A.N. LAI= IUISINS ; 10 *ant elm h.dl .14tdn.; 11.0 maks nay Ournuremi int twitTetbr arm. nwlkton. tre , 2lll, '..1.1Y11./00 . ." ,n asootine. Dy . ••11e• Proft , sdorl.Z./CLIS AGArt.l7. 12t.., P. If Kr,t,,, of .t 1..1a TH,, Ja ll ,tto,•. nuary A It I.` •.f r k: MN= ...31 , .. I S i t 1 T,,,i. CA . :Sill - - totutt•l Mt.ttir, .te trtat, Ittt.ttit r-t.rottr nt anti ttt I it', rt...etot t•tf" , l• kt't •••• Rep .t• Itttrl , l rt b.taltt • I.r.rrrttd. s , t-r tttot•lTlcato wt. r H! l 4 :Ttll • 111 L.! ”t • k• . Lt,:Al" .e 11/.../4“1:1/, !*"rif E I'ITTSR''.. , :fI n •7 tirii. It. I Ott !It& I+.l CREED .1)11 \IP S . , ri tit•,..lettam 1,1 bt. Prld, !..11 dew .1. - 1/, - .41 • ili!IIMIll =ZEE . . . f.. : A, • • • • IL, y", 7., r: . N P 4 l ,T CC( r:r o • ---. •.. I. V., t. . . E F I 1. 11,1: nP. • 1 . 1;1. , t Sso . . • .• . • •in • , •..7..t.c. h.% ,•:. - • ,;1 rt - I ItFE "I .1 •wLn. L• .../ , r• L... p. - ' Fr:l. 6,e I+,l trvi • ,rt . t•••• drir .Irelarr..l r• .. "Fit •( 1 ,P• 1.: •11 r r , r It, IC , 01 a t. ,onspnery.i • 4 - th- br le • 1 i. _ ft:A • •rt rr•nt rub: i-A \ L AI. l Ul. rt a 0- de- 34,iusr7 Ist, ,-. lb* . awe , tln 11. 1 . 11'011. r ?S'lR' 1..J7.311.1.NY --Art 7.:teattlar f^ n'a- Tr, •..aa tt.t. tti. •.t: 11.14 art tt• It TI Joutta , , vast. t. , t•aaa tht• • ma:a I:0, tik a. m. ttti..-C•a ai Itt• 14.-.1. T. 11. NEVIN. EIREIMMIC=9 ECM 8 P 1.41 1. .I'o7lir •_ . . -JOHN COCERAii BRO., `• Ti !VT , TAT' , 411 W 1.• W t. ..... , EC0N IP •1.•-1 Ea-. t...n.t • of ”.• i.ney and .1: , J• tlrt: GOLD PENS LE-POINTED [QCAL 7n -• f%. r•.-rtri of tan.. 11,1411. n , or 'Me J V. oppE ea.rion, rr.all r. nrhaf•torp. E Mrritt,,, , 7 awl 01E,, S. HOLMES & SONS„, De.Li.tas rm FORLION AND Po:it...Ulf] ILILL9OI EX , II CI:ETIEIP %TO OT DEPOSIT. DINE IiVELS AND ST No. ST MALE.= STREET, PittstrarLit, P. 111." o , ectlnt, =ado MI la! the rrinclild irrontiv:n P. I t.bru,t,h..l! th• IMI•e.1 State, apr2 Fon !NH AND COI' M ISSION 11.ZiteliA NT .4 d.ral, Its cur's!, 11':' TIER, SEEDS, lIFH, and urr gwarnll7, tio. 4S woo) br. Pittaburgb, - ---.COIZONELL—JOLIN MCCLE,4O, the First Wart, All.ghrrty, rO. he wort dnto inr C. - mer of }iirth.ry Gtiinty.riillect th le of the ...lag County Onion Cmirrutim. Ny i'EcToKA I, I=l 001.1.111, f3OLDS, nokrorzaass, rOLIN TIIRoAT. ,- To public rp-cilters It I. iosecusbio. To persona d.billtatW by loop; standing. Coopb Goosamption, It naett•r both Cottgb end Pr.rart.l .Yl , l fe, rate by GEO. A. KELLY' ;r.e. Oval X. Fllnt OL "„ X " et! , To Ma , Ir. Am... A 11,6 3,7 I EDI CAL CARD. *. H. riODENIIAMET.. m r'Tere iste pee'e•Ort eer-t...+ t' t 1 tltinen• of teebrgh and ..tetnite. le the yeactire of Medicine and enereey The diens... of the LAW., flederel, F, uhed,n, Mb 1 , 11 , Ch coon, the .pt. ig! it3 or hie freher, w:11 r.enkre et r nint ertesel..n. Orr RMdncr at tba lIIQICONAMIRLA npusx Jalat P, _PEEL &.\D 'ENVELOPE WARE -I.IOT EE.—Just opus& a largo stack of NOTE. LETTER AND CAT PASTEL Also. ENVELOPES. Let great mistime, colors au. qualities. foeweary tags. For aslo by' W. G. 301INISTON t CO., how Mains, sellftwArrni brirbold strbit;' FAMILY,. DIS•C(1L013;1 Bizet, Btar! J 1.-14 Pqr Row Noe " Bai tom, L re., 9 .I.r /fro., The Con. rorulettota t ~tP.rary {•••,, IZIEIIMCE 1•••4,0 114,,,r, 1r P. CC' r . IL% • F 0 I Fjt O" , ZT ter. Vdd• trate T‘, • , el. , se dual, ea 1...n14 wet . 5.•• L.:en da. ed shad,. bayeAnced the ...cue n;..• the Tr, .no le al:upie and any rue Nu, net: • .Sy. e p•-••••... L r, Yairdt,- r • _ sun C•. „. mei•le Ye- iqrther try,' e•dd uS . ferienoe u.ip . hat • ddtr . ,d•el .d. 11.. ea Trent... re D'yrlnr, and ddeenne IdennfadturTel t. 6 nTETS—en, 13.deden. Jrsale 37 and dvalt 4 . .r0 •••'... • t• t`l! , • oNN.• • W. I , At [MAN'''. .1 L~ 1~~ I'. 1 KEN'S FURNISHING GOODS, Cloths, CaaAmen..., and Vestings, •.' tl.l. •t:. r =Nil DEMI A 7. I • , n-• t. ISMN=MIIMI S.A I, i• k .‘4! 4 . ill 11 14.11,00 i-r.: Eft.- S` . ll tv4. 11;li Srt,CR• th• er va. ••11.1,-, Mil=l l'res , ,wre IA.o 1, NATI()NAI. BANK. Al 11=1 IDATE.S I== EEC= ratrs — n oarcasis tezi A.q. ~...-, La,* , Crons, : . -va. Maw., Irfo-rm,— C .24" "pa. EIS INIMIECM - riVELY Ov1.1: ONE 1VEO; L. HIP.SHFELD, 'dl amie:ng 4 Fine Lfn n Nltirfm, Untlervhirtt and Dra a rs, 1., re. vas irty. th• CIIANUS LA, r cr , clll n•t Btt , t:L'e,Tti F 4, tyl-N Cornme - rcial P.rports - . 7me II or PRA 117111 ATSTI.I 11. gr:: -, Fi.Tti. Dow In proe, w.J be r•Ady rteler•et; • • , . cs r:trant the ;utak January. tar., ba , el, :kar In tt.- jr.rattota, c• rt.•. , or. Ran t-lottra tb• prvaaat volauta, n) ...fort it I , a^- in.,' NO, •/.0:1 Lb. tteraactrtl4 l•atecttnit, ,rarrat••• 'ha ata. a 1..: m.• rev teat , .1 • • roc ttl.. - !: Inev.• . bth...tu mkt %Ito th ",•• M •6!s ape. 11r.ttot Lai 1.• ttluOlt 1 1.1.- - ettrt .... tr. r vr.ry °tart,. I. l tr. tt.•ltm.J IM•--•tid fs, 1 r it•ri , .•, z .s• e• std rt. - • r.r. t• , .n tnae.rt. )le.• • *p.n.,: -.tioctur Indite% .t...• 1 • t obt.:n ?tor, r-,s•sa 19, J `, E.IIL,f Ife+l: T.E S.O '. giv,ll • )1 I:1.. I \l. • ~r -r ,, • 6n110!1T -1 !A • . -1 et , S • . .11 Mo :»a ilacd In • v“lnno. , 1r •••1,1 lm lorzer znws . I rat, rn 01 N fur.,..1•4!.....11, aa TA! •.:1 .ral,cl . l •.'. 1.. It DM- er ~.,11.114: them In .41 :A. ;.:1 , t1,5....• el nub., oth.-t Orrrl, nr tr.. • r Al.: rur r.‘ I . FJ , rt. Jancr.f; r 110 K —in rtiof.,,fl:ll:s Witt 1 /tot of A.2.cibly of Ai i 1 P: h. Frslr.l J'r• to,•ala rJ ti re. , 1•<.4 of nt:.•• .40 Wet. orkoirr, For eapplylog tar nurs to i>,at.ty,.l4l l WILL Jnan, f.r eu c:-thy ' , woiclt ;Aun.l.• ::!!7 rurrrilred .r 4.7 r^ P— • • u-irr.:.or - s, rir., the. t• " rip rrosut by t phr .4 the ...hit.< sc. af"r.•••&. , •uA F.` , to: f..:31.ful t ••.11 IY•!•! ~ i nurtaulopers, yo , rry,d • !!LI: 0... rd.. I:EN:IT 1 1 / 4 .! y• 1 dt I !! . s. , ;15 • Dr 2"'.!:Ft.... ,, t , fre.l! lu D•V u, r•Vr+ D ,w 4 1!". EFI.. F.‘ W tql.. .2 : • . • ,:l•nr 01:114, I ,t, EGO , ... . 1r Nun!. sc:l for co: , hp fl K. N.I ITS 1. lI...INTRA I. LP.0.., .70-16 e. 9t.• A SELLY, Fr INC ATIR pAit..i I, =MEM , t•re 113,-3., 3. 4 and twia 014 1_144 1 lalteliefo, awl iea r. Alpo. • ; . r.ri largo !neck of 8., ..Au,: I .1.•311.% trElts Y uLr 51. EVESIGIti.3.3. 3/1.4.11 . 2 A.'Sr 1014..N.kilEST51. Ll'.n,-- 4:itArr. 61tLE316.`'..3! TS, wilot*.x.• nt..l ~1 ~ • .‘lll. Frt...., AM! , Ai I 1.1.L..111. Jr., rla:Aa.► rrtr. , •ur¢A 14,1 1.114 t• nd A!). 1) hA DR. BAELZ Par.part Ic'n!,-r attention 1 , , .1, tr.-mtnent nt ..1110 , 1.):, , E55E47 , , U. 4 E. ar.,! LAIL , or.rat“ on CATARACT. EYE, fur `.AL L, how,. ARTIVI, IAL s:1 - 7.2. .n 45 tr.,. all CYF1...017 , 1vr. , r.t ETV.: a r {I C.ATtING. alm.l s llalTrt,n, tl,t T.,' end Iroding ' 01!1 Tall( xi COLL.ISTER A Raiff, 11.03.ractilmr• ar..l h.alM Itx ktoll-2 Gf TvE AIRY , , PN i ' TV NO O WOOL. t4TR1157, r. amautaly sla l•.-fo 1,63 or 111 1,1:40Z - iON ft Aff N ti's I=l 1351219 4.14 t. SICI2OLLNT ER BAER, TOBACCO DEALERS, Inu WOOD 6VIEF Aro telling oZ choir largo Mot of TCPACCO, rtr Es AND SMOK iOKI.O TOBACCO Li the very lovreit Lirurre r rail,. All oil, preempt!) . at tainted te. p. 17 J NO. BURGESS Az CO., - - (SAK-ceseors to Coartmlsolorn &Forwarding Mare hant EMESZEI flaying purchaawl the t'llanna Warchousa - at 011 Clip, ar hawitt amp. roots nil fadlll4, wto now prwpared & stow. and kwwaril OIL ASO lIIEW ANTIIBL, of every thescripttnc, and ;wombat tat: Ittttet to all who may Go or a. vr!th urk.l.lnt Totrou• twetOt LIQC - 05 SfaVE Ihwkena why It to heir" then dryrolldh 1. if N niroady mind. 3. It has enamel! wlnttstor. 3. It prodn.. no Ulm or Ito& 4. t atnnAt o. : ha nx . r.: tztvano bent. 6. It prnoorreo nos nod. 6. It It thb• mad wrocoolne Polish 7. 74 It not ::.-6nnth ti. Intnr. einos JOEIVSTuII 'for sak by A_ HE JOILNSTON HOTEL FOLti ENT —Situate in End Lilkrty, opreltelbn Station. now cloth excellent YOrilC., Vaal 113 41. -r, h. I lug* Der-room. two r.a , lort on Ant 41Mr; hlll eVa: nen Mariners cm wand floor; and hell nod oialit chowder. te third Cwt; tilairt,7,roont. rtlittr. A tart, ttrahltt, 4...dem0 hoe," •Atottri tt'sPtr; OM, bincitratith.stutp. ittrAo •fi•rtitto tat• Tara., fruit and Owl.. 111,1, idtrnitttery„et.c. • 11. CTSIII3IS.T • 6eX8..61 31•ttod pTCOM - CEJ/CEOEIVSC - z - • BVITZII 3 bbli. Vela II1111; , . • • 41*.ssa dal. frail A=11.4 3 3 qt. ran aseaus—ao bob. omit:limo; lowa ser - - viwainza. mule:lr otairt. SPECI.AL JrcITICES. •-• Fersa el erdtztari . trablte , trurbl , l •Itb war, ens, tu rdpltablad of 11. bean. Una el %- elite., attn.. atter cartel, eceilbi herr, rc.c.stira -I,r. rec., .4. OF tta celebrated • PL MAITATIIS)I 4 . , trb nt, at, atts,=.,. ' rtt7.4.1.1 Yu, rag,. arditn.: NtatAtar!tt,..e worriattr.l 14 rerro.4l ta1..1 tad! .lat czc•.xi:n,ly mt.: &En, tveda ' • b"•,,,,Y. h • .1 , - - . and 71,4 4 T Cledata• rtc) art all watiluisto Tio.• ovntwat, el, of 11.6 t, L=ln== T Ire , 1 - I.ny prrri the ii=l EISESEIVIEL t.t • .7n: ;tll nn.! vote *II . ^ C. U. fr.(' r..•• 1 hay .0-4. • ;1-4,-. $l,l to ~;' .. W'~ y: ~:'.~:.: b,. Irv, 1.. 6 • . I 4 T, 17,1pettlr. cu . Lie -A tus , ” • lbat . =ll=lMl== era...c pr. la, • , 4.• I.le, W.: cs cr.r rt-rwly .ttle., .11Lai, k.s.!.‘kor; "1.1..1,1 ,1,4 .+7 11.6 t o.lti en. "! us. Cis 612- haTe...c... imrx tv-eirPzi, 1.1,11 re. , who u,ll, gwttl,,,eu.wW,we Inv qweeterw The dew,s4d • fl,w te., G.Lte:e bum leellee, Stu t. p.- - fwetwe 1 •:-. trt , ' a bytti• Is an weictrqw. weweeen , .4 rzywrWrlty. TLey a. - ` fowl C..: 11,t4.• szewers, p•wreleterx, garaatry 51A701. 13MSIITISitEl N C. a , ), , - D RAKE'SL'4IIi I=l 03..1' Erni:lll6%M ...17 cmlnca %I' Dr. Ludlum's Specific ate , 7 rel rvo.ty .4 ..N. of Las, it Is th. owt.ry af iittfitlit !!•O=Mt3MM 171112=19 !ffl=l I=l mrslrmi as.o /lug enti-dy fr w the 3thta.krn worth .roras teter.-I AZ.. It ur, ilk.. a:a 1.11:+4,.- and :Lc C•cruet the 01;4 in et `...1324 Itnitattd lIIMEZE p. lacl; , :wd ma. ObA-erwe, iuna, th th. eina 44.1•L00 0: LIMP 1.4 —;S:. • tzvland mach 1.3.. g-nWn.. F - rep. 3 2 ,0. o.. 1; WM. F. DAVIDSON, hie Pr , ..9:4,;.:7, Ch.:v....AL 0. 1 , c44 I I.lmrs!bsa. 1 . "1, :1 1,1 L. 2 wholemtits t r GPO. IL ILETISEIL EMS ~ .SPECIAL nyricr.. 0 TM:: LITIZENS Of PITTSBUACH AND VICIXITI It, 1,7, , ,,,11-11!" th3lo: knons-a. Fvr itu e.t.a .1,r..; ToLi: AIi(WIL Tl-6,:rrat14.e.u.;44.• 'iwth 1. r !t.*, wA Ctral—.l Pd..° for 11. ;.or ELL 3:,Litle PILLS.' ,••st 'or= 5i,19 TO t. c resti:i morntr4 cp.! an:- a :la but ma PS ei doe, am. tht• lasst v44-.0 orstm, unii all Gt - rv..sents nl rti.u:x. b. 4 . •. reparxtaons, noel. nntvczdcd cepa.. Eu t zi.ulo,lravu conadeq. .d •, .4 +!. , cr_• t gment , .../a ini)...ckuta, =id al rcaeh of worthy - Ete otteelKo them to Envt I th.e.,ibp, the cow reet.,el a..trerus,,,, I Nrould se* to ,bt tbeat, 1, 1..11! !, I , 1 . .. L. e1e.;, , ,r, 'ref , alt • a ..... 1.2 Iv! • .. • ~ 44211,C1ic. 5 , a1 s sup,ll,l {...L.111.1t22013. Vor a. 6141 at by .1 ?al MAC,. c..r. M. 1 , , IL Antal., y aby J.. 1% - oire, )1 , B. , I ~::nlr.wla • V. C - o , AStr&Pna. V.ES. Tat. q..,tia-r.hav',, - ..k. .reiy •ual;.lo rextr-tly, stcr ~erst 7:are %rah V 01,16 I.IIS Ch,n Crert ...cell t., his To 105.0 demetl, ft. wily St hh.l s•••• 1, h th, ohs ~rvparfo: 3,1 o.c uht,2. ill 6.,11 (Sr CuY,iMr2loll, A.STI3 MA. 1:01:1 111115, Cs - 4 u/1., C2L1 , 1., 11. of U., alterttota tocslaii the r,....i!pttoh. la toortt we aa.lef.., and oprot.,l lettorm.aima trhloh hocor.--atoo L heto...liable elt ha .0:47 eitl,r.r will try hit nro..ty, its It v.!, r....0t ro.thrts. and rhoy rnmo a 1at0..11r4. Per kw leyirt; the prt..., watt r0...< 6.1.1 r-so ELWAL.I. , A. Nr..l.lko:t. • Ernes NOW fart. al.ove renal.? MA) 1.. nb•cakerl . ln Pl4t.kurgh Jo.l6i'il ilmsF.:4 . , Occuer Murke: earn: patprCiert, aloe cl ei.rga HILLt SIfF.LT/NO rtrantr.far. PARK, 111 , CURDY A; NALufa.-tartr• al i-ELIATEI 1 Yo, A-111 ItuLT CL)PrIa RUED !TILL BOTTOMS. trALTET: KILLER. hoperserr nrt! , efaer. ilLrAld, 7129 $51:r1. - t 110.1. MEX., to. Co.tutly us Can& TINN LES' UACIIINLO AND nor,_ a., N...1A0711t.51.4d 1f SICI4II. Pluslsn-zi• ka - Epeetel orders of Copp... cost to or..s awe:sot rotten.. 3•3l2ayiLi•e2 • r= ~iONB23lODB3uF'6OB tslor BOTN hay. lag &set rertoted to heisleartkithioldgps i-tter hits 4vraciug •11 the itaitglo#4:4•q:4o.4hle , 11We ,Te2111116:0&4t 1 Ingt.S!,“ 1 . 111 dt 1 1 IS Lis two sal dolt to ocatiecon::'.l , tOitt6 tillthot,l orsmtnews th• ruesu. of core. we WI roostlyt. of no Isslareared ans.lop, he trill trons!,frpe. • catty ol . .h• Fr...caption ord. Direct to Nr. JOEN 1,,Atl NALL. IEG roltott airsast, 1. T; tohltilidtesT : _ CORFESSIONS _AND LX. L',l/ PEAMTE uz AN INT/LID, itablidod ko du benefit ands, a Itomhs; and cootZto to poet rasa alto, roar from Natrona rolkidt?, Prtioottdo Nosy. Maldkood, etc...or:l:tog, at dokiatoottltd, do eloax.• af ant/ ctuT.. Zs onto who Lis