The daily Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh [Pa.]) 1863-1866, January 07, 1864, Image 3

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ipttts* burgh 6auttt.
masDAT 1864
- -
The case of PlADttr TIM the City.
Jadgo Strong, of the Supreme Court, bat
rendered a decision In the ease of Mrs. Pain
ter vs. the City of Pittsburgh, :affirming the
jadginent of the District Court of thi
ecnonty,before which the case was tried. As
there is an important point involved, we mey
briefly state the case Jane , ISIO, the he y
,st the plaintiff tell into a sower being
COnitlitted on St. Clair street, by Moues- Ai
len lc K.Oll, who had mede a written contract I
with the city to do the work. lie wee injured
• a 0 that he died, and Ws wife brought an ac
tion against the oily for demegoe. The ease.
was tried in the District tours, and a verdict
rendered for the, upon the ground
that the negligence which canted the accident i
WO attributed solely to tho oontraoters. On
Ibis point Judge Strong remarks t
tt to difficult to .11reevor any substantial
season or good pulley for holding the present I
defendants responsible to the plaintiff. The
negliginee complained of was sot theirs. It
doss not &near they knew of it. The ver
diet determines that the fault en, that of the
Over them the defendants bad
no more control than the plaintiff's husband.
They wcto not ia a mthowlicate relation to
the defendant", neither aeries:a. nor sgents.
• Thai were in an independent employment ;
• 'hid round policy demands that in such a ease
the contractor atone s hould be held liable. lieu
ierrants and agents are upon the ground, mid
be can ,more conveniently and certainly pro
tect the public against injury from the work
than ran the officers of the municipal corpora
'don. The public will be hatter protected if
it be held that the contractor alone is rospou
fo: his negligence, and that the city does
net stand between him and any person in
' lured. Thou he will be taught caution, ,hila
a sufferer by the negligence of Hs servants
will not be compelled to resort for compensa
tion to the insolvent servants. By ranger, and
authority we are led to the conclution to
which the Distriet Court casco, that the de
!indent' (city of Pittsburgh l are not hable for
the negligence of Aen 1 Kerr, their on
tractors. T hen judgme ll nt to affirmed.
The East Liberty Presbyterian Church.
The Presbyterlar. Ohureh of iltot Liberty
entered their new Pause on last 'Sabbath.
The opening sermon was preached by Pr.
Jacobus, Lee. Mr. tlollwaiao, the pastor, par
ticipating in the exereL - es. This church war.
organized by order of the Presbytery of Red.
goals on the 28th of September, le:', by the
Rae..loixa Joyce, with a .momberahip of
eatwentyetwo persona, of whom four st'.:l re
main members. AL their trot communion
eleent others wore added, of whom Cntee re
main. On the last Sabbath of Jams, 1829, the
present panto:, then a Lictatiau., opmtacticel
his lichen in tin congregation. and of the
eizty-four members then m the cher - eh, eight
only ore left. The call of Lao congregation,
on which the pastor was settled, war, ads oar
OR the 19th day of August, 1829, signed
by persons, of wham fro only
remain. The flret bona* of worship was crest
ed in 1828 and occupied twenty years. Tho
second bonze, which was about doable the
rise of the fleet, was tiniallei in lbiB end or.
cupied about fifteen years. Of one handrei
and forty members who watered the second
bows fifty-two are in the church. Tho
us.tys, nearly double tho rile of the sec
ond, is ow occupied with membership el
two ha dred and thirty. The ground upon
which it has boon erected, two'was /in
stated by Mrs. Barbary biegicy. T he whole
number received iota church has been itt
hundred and sixty-four, being an average et
•orereighteen per cent. '
' Prof. Agassix to Lecture In Pittsburgh.
We ste much gratified to loon! that the
Lecture Committee_ of th e Young Metes Li
brary AnociatioaThave sachet' the distin
gnished naturalist, LonlsseApiasir, Professor
in Hercard University, to deliver a teeters in
this city next Tuesday evening.) Holding al
_ place In the rOtJ first rank of Eonternuorary
men of seionoo—We might oven say, beyond
this, that he has held that foremost place not
of another generation, fc- he was ranked with
Humboldt and Cooler and Arego, and others i -J .--•'.----ma-- ---
who have paused sway, et en •'stinaisteeog PL.2.1"7/TlJS.—ibe employees to the nui •
eqnsils"--no greater expounder of the soot- , chine shop of the theveland and Pittsburgh ;
direful :swots of nature is note known to live, , Raiiroad, on Tecaday, presented Mr. Philip i
than Louis Agues. It will thorefore be a 1 Corlett, of Mantbeeter, with a maseive gold i
high and rare privilege which is to be eojayed obain, as an evidence et the god a ll! which !
by our citleens next week, when the world- they entertain towards him. The presents- i
renoed PhlosLr, shore r epnitwn te• f
, vi o a t oo t, I ,laeo a t tho s e etin lions., ia the
Third, wn sating i enn e e
of the best "ideas" o I Diamond, •fter which the party partook ei i
"hit Uncle," endeavored, by Ile of of • di, 1 ~,,,did ~,,p „ sod b a d . good ti n . gene'
tißiFilb'd Positio n in Yr"°° , to tottit , ally. Mr. Cor l ett to en excoilent maelithist
from his Harvard professorship, shot curb a and in held la high esteem by hi, fith,r
name might illustrate his reign now and workmen.
htteafter,--shall give one of Lis masterly
expositions of some important department of I Ice.—The ice deal*. are harveoting • plea
natural science, rendering it, es he sera well i tifnl mop ef ice. If they would profit by put
knows how to do, by hie singular poe of I experience, they will store encash to last two
eloquence and resources of illustration, at 1 full neatens. The toe—now beirg housed is
once rich in interest and illltitielloll. , from six to eight Inches thick, .d ef very
! Mir quality.
MoYisMent of Troops. t'
The 11th regiment Michin Infante - , , And LOCAL ProTicr.s.
Ist - Regiment Michigan Fir aley,
THJILIe Poem Plain and Criusmenta
this airy yesterday, on their way to Detroit, , p i s t e ßoo:o", and doctor le Pennsylvania and
totem:Lit for the war. Thu 11th is under the
Versant elate a the best quality at le, rata..
emosstand of Col. Welsh and numbers 300 kit.. La•=shltns, near the Wetor
men. The Ist Cavalry, u - o.der cotomand of
VIOTtLS, Pitteollo, Po.
Col. Tenn, smelters 3GO men. The men a
both regiments enlisted entire, with the ex
ceptian of about twenty-11re. Doth regiments
passed through here in Septeaber, 166 i, filled
to the maximum number. The First was
originally under the t 02111011114 of CC!. Broad
toad, who, our readers will remember, was
killed et the senora Bull Run fight, and who,
'while dying, said, "I die another victim of
Canis! MeDowell'a treachery."
They were furnished with a warm weal at
the Hail of the Saliriaorrice Cowr..aree.
The 211th Pennsylvania is sail or, rho road,
en,4 it was "expected list evening. It steried
from Louisville on Christmas, Co wo aro in
formed. -
Tne annual meeting of the Allegheny Coaxal
Avian Mere! Society was held at iu re eau, No.
IW Fifth street, yesterday. The following.
°Beers and teenagers were elected for the en
suing yew:
Phoi4s . . t—Jons Torso, Jr.
ricerresidass—Jaanus RZED.
Osssemeateg Sektreary--Jao. MraDoCK, Jr.
Recording Serretary—W. A. II entor.
M. Reap.
Moadgens—John MeKelcy, Dl. Hell, J obe
Herron, John Hodgson, Sasses' Chadwick,
Olicer,ll..Chess, T. S. Hart, A. Sprit,
W. S. fleece, Jon. E. rfilrkel. Joe. F .
ton, Themes L. Shields, Thcre. co CPS, GOO.
Oa Negloy, and George R. V: h. ie.
After the adjonruwent of the Society the
Board or Msasagere courant-ad by 6.10 OW,
UOA of 11103= CAM, Esq., as Chairmen, and
Ss Seltotta, Jr., EN., as Secretary.
- *cadent to s Freight' 'Train.
A fred,ght train on tho Cleveland ona Pitts
burgh itallroad, bound eget, ran off the tree]L
en Tuesday night, at Fear 'Hilo -ran, three
miles below Mayer, and we badly wracked. '
The entire train, except the engine, was
thrown off, and rolled down an ernbenktnent
twenty teat deep, 'tattering the Haight pro
malsenonaly over the ground. So far as we
amid learn, no one was injured. The trains
tram dalayed mayoral hours in eonsequonoe of
I2da eminent, which Im iaid. to have been
caused by a broken rail.
woman kuied by a Fall
blu, Smith, wife of Wee. Smith, tobacco
zthits We carrying a bucket of cool up 'flight
of stabs at her residence on Tunnel. street, on
Tad:Leads? at noort,iliessd bey footing and
. fell, dislocating her mole and cawing death
in a , few minutes. Homier kleanng hell an
bitrieet, and the Jerry towed a verdict of scot
41attil death. The deceesei was e very esti
liable lady, and her death will be deeply
taatanted. Bhe Was that, suddenly cut off in
4111 etilite of life, being in tho twenty-el sth
•, starer her ago. Her funeral notice win be
xonhd to *notice? column.
• ATOTIT7IIII TO rag tur..—Yestantay, apse
inotkin of '.lhvid Bead. ER., J. Si. Gamm
ins winsistsd to prude, lOW to tlu saoer.l
evorts.erAufeway «may.
_ 1 -
ilreLditreett• Cotalearetal Ageney. The Frigate Niagara. i
.1.861. TIIS 1.8f4.1
floe assortment of Fall and Wintro•Clottring, i
-- I WALSOCTVA, Tsn. 6.-I!ume remarks her- ,
This useful inatlintionolhich boa boon per- i •
• in-xly ntwured by Mears. John Wier .a. C 4..., I BY ZS:WM.:IMP& ! tog app=cd in the new•peperia:sout the - PITTSBURGH GLUTTK --
forming an effective work in this city, duriu g , .11,trch...a.t Tailors No. 146 Federal street, Al. I i aralng of the Steam Frigate Niagara, an d '
the pet threo yams, It now enjoying e roost ; lephony. The stock a clothing oesciAte of 1 the stattmcnt =de that the extraordinary I
Congresslonel. rsTant.raniwn tw 1756.
weight, of tact.% el ward rank the rest o„
prosperonspatronage, and hence is enabled to l i th.e .,.. 611 . 15 ,
, v ,v ar . t. o . !' , er•-•) ,.. e' et p .y en t.. tfic p ra .„.: ;r m es s t... ,
WAssinGroX, Janne:7 t , 1 , 01. i,,,, this etto aen almost raaeleutt 315 prepor
a. , s r to indunennants and, L inej e "' d ,„ f° , - , I =ten ~ . .d ..a.....5i.. NN. w,ule •,,,te f, Horsa-Mr. Icily, of Penna., *rata to be, to ray 0„,, ,;,„ 1; , ;; , kr . k „d,,,,.; „,,e, half in . 11113 DAILI EDITIONS. ; TWO WEEKLY EDITHOS. 1
o r to those i nv est men we° " ay° -°- 'oh of our readom to give the ItleoVO reDtleMalk , and wits excused from verrlo. as a russulacc el her 1,,,,t,,,.. „„,„„ „,,„ are ..,,,,,e, and he- i ,;;;....„;;;;;3 z ,„„ ; ,. ;;;; 1„,,,,,,,,,,,, y ,;„; ~.,,,,,,y. 1
or may hereafter imeorno subeeribers. The I a
Oar,. the Spertial Commute° cm tl3 * .r Bankrupt Law, I „„,o, by t u t , Na or,. t.lier 'Tara ler Lonio-
agency harts is in excellent hands, end I , .
an ,examination of their book., and en to- • haw, • lito•ttu , am nen o. Co W" ' „
T - r- c id. I'` '"'"" ''' b ' '''-` putt's d ' "" - 1 rent. l" ""`;' '''"'" e '''' i ."- '' h " ' er. I Tur. Pnantto efts, a,sir, to ~..,1,,,,,1, 4 - i 3
rooted oil 131, tram . The hpraker announced 31 „,, ,„1,,,.. ,t , ~, ..„ , ~,,, kr 1 leo- toct
sight into th.e modes operrandi, sa tisfy or : Coughs, r almoner) r...i Astb i roan , troca „ ble l s. I •;;;',„.; the p , ;;;;;p , ;;;;;,,,, ,;,;;;;;
;;„ mr Our-
.0.: roar in ~, a 4. tte ,:Pro aLe cor- ea i the favor with wiliolt Cowl - off, rt.. hate
that every prudent brooms; men L. ; are highly re,orneconood on% prescrier, te o
- i ...once's rssolutio - , offered yeatorday for do , to
Pelet.t• r wt.- 'rt... tt I 7,;;•• 1-0., larger i 3„ ;;; ..,. 0 .„...„, ; : d u toic,g rite, past yoar ro.l
by the informatton to he cb • Phy ,, rirns sod Surgeo in to, Army. • o -pointles.. of a t e le , . Committee of Dane • t i .. v . •'• • ef ,-strc, and .. .
tained here, and which can oo
it an t i',,,t ”..,,,, ~ Fusion. „, . . _
. I, " ^ '- Fdra I ; x!cinb.-.. ie inquire actin the e sped,orey „, t , " n t --;”'' ' .' ° . ) to link COI Curator ofform on holinif ot a.°
where elm. To bare a onmoleto and rollable cute. _ _ __— i ...CWT:III3g a atttliOad htlweett 15 ..I.ingtee 1.,„ ;;;33 k, ~t L. ,,,„ i i :: s z ,, r rn. ro too rod that It, splorre n( :n
of trig character. shading en d re""' [ w,,,,,,, ,),,,,,,,, .g c . I. M . I te t ec t, I and Now lurk, for postal purposes. Nc quo- I '''''
''' L.
' '''''
' "";
the most i root voting, there as. a call of the Bea., eutt
I,e; rionorebly Aralta.l•oo-- ilea roils 1..-, th,.
I , [menu° win . ; he e r.tentlod
i.ty of every business gra, ,i, the ca'n' t
-, 1 .
together with ear s
1 ' "gt r ,..' '
neck of Lae Gold and ti;) , tor Watches, Arm) of trio Pottrierc. , /t, is the purpsne of the pohlishera to
all the failures, assignments, ote.,ooo° ' L ' e ' . I J e w,, g ; see, ra re and Fancy 43,,was ' , o r reoilutiun 0..• adoried--j oes tol sad nays 4', ,
selrea inyelaable to a merchant rte trader , per- i
I.; • dts !Ivied is this air and is selling thew, xt on emit. a r. Braudnoe of Connect.- . 1 , k33 „ 3 „ ;;” 3 , , ,, ah ,....
, pro Corr"' or C.nuat i
la • ahem we consoler that in our day •;P i, ~; ;• lt cut, the committee cn , I•c; Distract of Column- 1 l ''''" . ' 10 " . '. -Ts ' ` L ' L " '."'" ' r ' I. " . I render the Glawraa worthy of the liht•rld
1 ea , ',„r herug o , ete au the Ai alder 1 and th e
patronar which it is now
;l e i ' j a r i• go amount of hosinos. is neconsarily ; L''''' ‘ u- a " . 7 ' e* l''''''''. -- Ins was instrnoted to call the attettlea of the ;
Book murder .tusl roocery. catte4 te- W.Y. t ea•9l , lllZ. Illei tlattlie thsonselotia that
tntaraetett on time. All tilt. information can Outstare and =Mtge calls will be taken Pt
be obtained for the eonsidereCon of ono buil- (the Osurill3or office, No. 410 Penn .treet, 4.y sure beingadopted ap • lint the ep eft •,, ' O. ^la • r ims end, Itorne die part fele
duut dollars per annum, and A the fourteen lb or eight- Ail ord.,. ion at tho ahem, pieta o f ...II pox ‘a the L,...slet of Columbis.
TaL::leiP:l"i."'l" Lo I tb '
r T : e ;" it3- g ' ,. ° 7 1 toe , hoveral le srquatel of the ki,o•ed
rename of Brtoistreet's Commercial It °ports, will he prumptly attended W. All calls moot Mr. Fr, oswortb, a Illineis, from the Com•
a atlollattreal ote I terovy roorittt for Maar,. e•' , - .;;;' I .I,
regiments passed tntostgii Ow coy led :kJ for i roars her: erg I,enn unavailing, cud point
tae orate of the Pot inlet..
carefully revised and greatly onlergod, will be p,,,.i i t , „d,,,,„,,,,_ leave un Military Aga:as, reported a joint • ; with prole and piruiure to tar grentis tu
be issued about rho 10th inst., new la a very resoletton ex , ending the botztaes beret , fo•Le --
Coubernaturiul Noiniurillon. i et-otter:l circulation NiittC l l the GAIL - 11i;
desirable time to nabseribe. Anether volume ) „ Ina Fl'alielrand Cie.i'!. Be wound
writhe initial on rho 1003 of July, to each of i n''''. AileFileny s a cra g2I , . a-. a• g 1 ~
B 0" ''''' b"). paid
j''"ary to
lb' l's
"'C'''' N. II- Jae . ' -- "T h TLcPni' l ';' n has non attained, tea c,olotoce that thoar
D 13 A 1:. • reiweilee I --.nth• :tote Coati otion met lure in tile. 'tor ern, ,
which subscribers are entitled, the: with I enndacted day
I, `"si • ia v , A , ; aaaa . ,,,;, ma... 1
a weekly sheet of correction., and the privi- I its regular ay a__lfeen g The Pastel/ate appropriation Lot were then
; censidorod. thlingre was r0 .,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,d t, 3 , , 0 ,i.,,,,,,,3,,,,, I efforts , lance inert apprreiatsti by an m
it fat Cone., ti, erns lute. end Its proceed I r o ilj,,,nr publir,
tags to enter theofdee at anytime and inquire I daT , Jann a 'Y S. '7'. _
.; . I Mr. 10 &Albano, of 111., t..4k occasion to de- loge _
i ecru he:triortlatele
concerning the
end standing of
hi ovica.-The math Ward C. C. L. meet. on I non use the Railroad Companies as Ira/knitting ' Ddring, the appreaching coat the grunt
parties with whom they may be dettllng-the Thuniday eventag, January atl3, corner Perin- ' am government, nod advocated a new line be
inquiries being promptly ensnared in writing , ' e ylennia Arena.. an•l Pride street, at T o'clock. tween Washington and
nice Turk.
. _ _ _
I ,rganlzed. i C ntiolit for the next Presitioocy will is,
Atutbrs, !As.. Jon , --lho L e g,•1.i10.,. of I car , the carc•ilation of a sound Union
d t d l
by correspondents of the egeney. Aside from A full attendance is dented, as lonsirsts ot tw its Stevens said be r.ot prepare ne- mai.
.. ,.3.;;;;
~, ja,
;;,ara, It ,
thia, detailed reports earl be had at the °Meet importance wail be laid before the Cottrell. nuance Ittilread Companies, because he know
corresponding with the Drones of Ws farms re- _--ww----. Barrer., wes clo tted 6 Pre•...acui of the recant, t 1101teepaper is the surest and moot 000111=4
ported In the
no of reports. Thin is e Na'A. Boys' and South. eel kip and and 13. • I'lnßi• , - ',evoker ..3 the Douse. 1 cool method of sprotoling truth and own
neer fature, and no extra rharce is made to 1 heavy boot., nt McCielland's Aeration Ilous,, 1 . Gee. Caney will he tosugualle.s to aterrcw t
uatinr, erro - , it is the most offieient and
sabFeribets. I Nis. :..:, Fifth street.
Those merchants who trenstact a western I I reii,,hlo eamiinkt. doeurn,nt.
and northwestern trade, can L as e
sepplied with 1 Lames', Misses' and Children's Tial,a oral
a volume of reports known its the North sod ; hoot., at !J
-leClolland's Auction liens*, No. so
ilf 1, 11--
Werthwestern Bulk, In which are emitted the , . , .
oltlos of New York and Philalelplsis. and the ; I
Now lingland States. To men) of oar arier- I
chants, inks is equally an rentable Ise the re- ' m.,...t10r.AD-111....C4.-On ruesany, J.tatery
mer work, so it is Issued semi-xsineullY. and is l ea It
.. Cen,...1 P r eoltylerien Chorea. I.y
corrected with the an sor
er ai Inbar. Ii 3 , g „ 110 I x in ,„,,,.. ~, by 0 . 1 0.
i s
at fifty dollars p monism, and . , ohnsitat, Captain WILLIAM J.4O43REIBAD,
sabscribers receive all
Advantages owl k 1 0t h I 0, 3,5.,,,,,,.
I en.- 1:3111.1 II , eisognier
privileges of this ngency. I .L , tn.. hat ....label ~- maw I 7 Iliad., all of this Lite
Ws direct attention to the advcrtiarment in , '
another column. and would edvise those 111V-r
-ested to call atthe °glee, No. 07 Yourla street
or address Box 1209.
importaisi Order
Th . ° following order was received last even
lug by the Enrollment Llonrd of the 211
stars or 1EN.,,,, t,
.t..r•,V04 P 1
31. N 1.11, CI 0..
tisusisia in:, Jan.
In estahlisking credits to sub-districts for
men enlisted and mustered rota the ttrvi,u o f
the United States sine° the draft of 156%. and
which hate not been credited on that. droll.
the following principles will veers, vizi
1. Men enlisted upon I°,l bounty will be
credited to the cub-district front which such
bounty was paid.
Men enlisted without local bounty will
be credited to the 7.lsec s-nb-district i to which
they ate reported by the reerniting r , :h.rr
have been unlisted—ervidecce to be taken fr"m
the mutter in (=star and descriotire rolls.
3. As to men mustered into sorties by Pro.
oat Marshals, the tatter most decide fur
seises upon the proof necessary to mits'ill,h
the Aforesaid facts. As ta other men not
I,ol3lltUrOtt by a Provost Marsha:, the critic nee
of these feels will be established nt Corsa
Headi t ur-rters, end any ease of this netoro
should be repotted by I.ina to those Head
quarters, with all the details usieessery fee
i further action.
4. Prot,st Marshals will Jo everything in
their power to facilitate a just establishniynt
I of the credits, in etimittiseco yirr. the former
principles, but the assignment, dycisien a
I nocricement. And beyooseal of the Cr.-di..
ue tithor by the Provost Mes.l...otienerat. or
under his direction by the Acting -s:. Pr, -
vest Marthel Gene;dl.
Ant orders, direetions and instruction; Ili,
may halo been rieun hetet:Jolt. , from sets of
t lee in contradiction with the principle; near
in stated. sop hereby reecireed.
J. V. Boirorr,
Idsiak Cot. 16th I'. S. he (entry,
Actlng Assistant Provost Marshal nenor•i.
Urn , n'
P A.NOR •,S VIE 13161 , 1 AT ,111•131,N1,' If 0.1..
sons Else bare a hive for the beautiful
mayexperience full •axistact.ori et...dying
the beauties of tins great pnintirg.
The reetan ,haraerer a' tiffs e xhibition hn • ,e
equal in flit, or any ober ceeritri. I'
tracts •t onto the vrt•o end goori .i;
il31111,16T; In fast, ;mob an exhibition seems ne
cow; toall the wants of society. I, WI" a i
bald an.i neble conception of the artait
embody with b,s tunic pencil the create. and
development of the euth in its primitive tic
leis purity and 'oeirery. Th.. Garden of F..eet
' will folly eguel, if net corpus, the liveli
expeetations of those who entertain the
I elevated notions of its magnificence and cub
Malty. There is 6 Octane" Rod y
s woerners in
the extent's style of tosinting that if , 1.111
I ersptiveting and raresliing. The 1 1 •60r31 1 3 2
4:51,5131610A all the lending events in the pills
history (rem the ereelien of the world is the
Iladiylentsh eaprlvity, end stands rm.:peened
1 , 50 itirdred painting.
iinogtro T03.1.C
-00.—TIliE Tobacco, used VI the North Amer
ican Indians, is msnutactured from the taint
qnality of tobacco, and commingled with the
most healthful and odorous Roots Barks NO
!tern', indigineue to the Rocky ' Moosicfno,
in such proportion, as to impart to (Its die
tltiCtiTO eharacter, and 110CItt• for it Rhere , cr
it becomes known a hearty uelromo. A long
residence among the Indians of the leocky h
Mountaits, ineured NE acluointance •it
their habits, anatomy, and modes of life, and
among ether things, an insight into the cons
position of their • smoking toloacco, ond
Knowledge of the means by which tho taunt
cite aroma I. prodneod, which renders {leo
pleasing to the smoker' cot in aeo.uptintle
those who are not. Smokers who once be
come Nell:minted with thir tehocoo wit
l never
he without it. Sold 1,7 eon
by the sannufnctzser, E If. font,
d 5 ld:1m 11 Char
' nut street, rhiladclohin. e
Fon FALL AND it"nrraa Waen.--The etiCG
-13341i pest, end by the morning's frost, we
begin to apprehend, thet fall and wintor
shortly be upon as, mid we must provide our
selves with the rusitetial to beep us comor
able. A nice fall mat, or a gritd and
made overcoat overcoat are the very thing, sad we dier, o
net know of any plate where our rim
would suit thermals., better then et Messrs.
W. D. 3Seti. A Co . ' clothing establishment,
cornor of Eoderul streot and Diamond ciguare,
Allegheny. They have also received a com
plete amortment of gentlemen's (andel:ling
goode, and groat variety of VIM patterns for
.I.l.tonatlmg, AC.
Grarraaiszs, hays you examined the fall and
rrlntar mak of gGods st the Merchant Tall
lorlng establishment of Sam. Graham .5 Co.,
No. 54 Market street I
A fresh supply of goofs ererf 'reek •
Ikea yon osamiced the prices of goods et
the Merchant Tailoring cstshlistonant of Sam.
Graham A Co., No. 54 Market stria; If nnt,
It is now ems you would, and cre• 20 ver
coot. In low clothing bill. •
filer) , garment warranted s pollee. et.
911111= Giuttas. Gso. McCsantnel.
W-I*.;ToTT.-usT7°LlRl.7„t. . " t n t ° Y! i lgr " ni
noble and Lake
even preierir • II TOIOT JICO
(thl WANTED—To do gen.
N..aaril h•rotoserk, • ,h. .n Mtten, IT OM mon
try. Right-it It siice D• 4 1. • 'ply et the
deg if 0 arrTE 01 TIM
ITAki—it-87:t..1.,0tt.ri M 't.Eil IN. E
etk tin l the hest
emat ete • c oal loin', tone , lit i e r ni l; WITo
L. ,
Dank of dlleplieny Elver, rear the Puha
je.l tar
DIAIMIICCA end Dyeentery will doetmate the -
volunteers f
o rt ore than the bullets nfthe nn vl/41ANTI:D A GARDNER—A mor
ray, therefre let entry man iee to It that he ...el man tedtbact children pretemel He mnsi
tarries with Ilia II full eupply of Ilolloway'. °new... • t 0. ono. a anpea and net b. .0.1.
Pills. Their use in In ie ea t e .nmen
d db e ti a itrrwhows The lift klad of ll 1,.. ..
em n permanent lainaticni. SP rod pay Encintre el
saved thousands of Britlsh toldieri. On
t, 1 1 7 :, 25 T,,,,_,,,,,,,d4 ._.....nme,,,,,r___b. ... _ _ 4,,
, Cents per tom. r , TAg--,,A„aEsTAs..-4431erstEN1 OF
Uounicts's Ornsmirr ham Frus arch. o viol,
isle at Fulton's Dsnt stem, Fifth stmt.
.s------------ . e.... 1 CA a l . . A ROBlllle t tl SLOW i ' areol•
CL fixt,s„Vsntist,Sta Peon strimi, win 10, v i
ADM. DALNIORALI.I, oveq style,
tad to all usum of 14 ;gawks. Let aisa wars, a Nous Etna.
EILVTUCET Arrasci•Tc.-31re. !Lane
Nantes, of Louisville, Ky., says In a :otter:
"When in New York, this summer, I pur-
chased by way of experiment some of Mn.
A. Allen's eelebrated heir Restorer end Zyto
balsamum, which I have found valuable. I
,now write to have you eead mon &erten of each
by express, for the use of my friends."
Sold by druggists everywhere. Depot 19: 4
tirtenwich street, New York.
The shovels for sale at ft:tholes Drug Store,
Fifth street.
the tettlt ll.e.entbee. er Irtninde
receive-4 at the htttle or Leaflet attf.talst, lIEN
tt. etty, hied 24 year.
X Nt Glnaeity morn:let, at lON
e'L.;,.:l" at It me -race of Ler ten-In-4w, J•WIVI
Mcit•ln. tire. 31 Alt S ANN KE.B.WIV, In the
*.ith year of her mg..
The hurla , will Le ...le ',nen , In Tlt ars-
day room
moruirg, •I IS
Ara. NI LI. wife of Er. Wm. ged
yea e.
She frt.& of ake fc.x.,:y aro r•spactfallylai v i t td
to attend I‘. f,:u•ral rote...rlcaat,.. at 2 o ,
from , tiler ratio r•tn•law, 2n flat t
Gottschalk and Brigneli !
TM 0 0 rand COMbillatioll Ytrformancte
311:141.1% 13.4 13
MAN. ATELAU:OSCII. ILA bon - rto .n
rl7.toaca Itt•ol bah, artccwelt.: to tu.1,nc . ,—. 3.0gy
tneuts with the. e. tor. :•• •i•
t , to c..W.nted Pnat• D 011134 frn , tee Sew T. el, , ,,a •e .1 Acaideref,.•
ItlU. CatIONOLI, tho f:e^•te•[ t•, or to
SIG , . CARLO PATTI, Ito young.
nitrA Vt•l•wrt, ,nrah..r ,1•11 n• nnd 1 . :trl••tt•
L.M.GOTTSCH ALE., th, ;t•lt:g
I,'• DE it AM, thr.liftingolel:«l l.l za ket,
1.1 ng. 4 .• )1.,
1`.,•• ••xaz!.a•
41* l[Si • .• 9. 13711EITN
snr Itrtlluc Reser red Aaau.
rv..• ma,' Itvd for 0,11, ILe two
rt6l,a. th, at,t• Imcn
n,n, Hu tr Ai, V • al. 4 open 1
o'rt,:. .ucort rum. el At
- _
11f5tro sn•t Fourth ttte.,,,t,
an 4
rur, tywx.e .v• BAK 6, ELL
Sr-,s-..RT—YirS,EPFI n. lirT7TraL.
, 7S Pram- 3,
Cohl:14110M111 atv! .014
Morns so at f., till pasts of ths assn,
furniabal t- 51.:14 and
r:ne.,..t an,!
pal.l here
- T• 1•11.)>.
• for to:L.:111g. U; speeial anaar•
stanalbg wl.tb Ow. War la - iwa truant, tn Slat*
1,1.14 hare ale. Capt. A. r 2f.V . ." LAND
authorit) teliat • row any of man that ' , lll b.
traltual aa•harpahuarra. Thl• wartpany It cw-
Ilatad am !a••:.l.y, vial attached tw
•••ala •w boatnpfro,
apprw...t th• command
, nt thet.mar tea ( malwrland. this cnapAny
ba l artre.i with *ha 7t , n - opio till., with `AI-ro.
t . ( tiT eatinow.cs dittatew,... C.R. 11 ,, X•
'7 , rattl r. , -rtth Ito a 'nw dal., k.efo.• p r
a;:tur , os evwcial of Ow Nt al pat
rrwat. Apply tut a ultitarient. at Pro , uat 11.3r.h.,1). I
; elco 1-.ltt.bor,h, a e
5 II ra
W.T, St,r. rs:i
Ow RIO, I w
I.IY.M_NAth-Ttc. A'r
Clas••• sr. opou
for raw ow-mbar• aa , h time .1 meeting. twat.
•A Trr..k.P.k T ThIDAT Erni
!NOM, al LaAirs sad .S 11! Iwo, 7:MUT. LAGA7
AffITIRIU,OI,.!t, ea
V., Aal.. crarte
T, 10.. a- 1
Rot Callw,
orrlart i•ITTBZIS011 oarceatlyst at. •.,
P.traltorab. I.corultrar loa
ITO LDERD of Car Pitaalmt,ta .rl4
•111. Cotoparty beld on MONDAY
the Ilan 01:7 of Juscury. IVA, Motes,' toe O-nra
11 o'clock a ea.IS 0 riot:: an., at the olco of 11,
Coany, :14 For Rarest, at lenielk Uwe ar•
•1--11,nRes Pr.eiLevl .n 4 terale• Director
a1:110 , h. 1 ,1. D. F. V t'l: )101 . 414FI 0 Ili a r.
do'Lat:4l 500 rotary:
S EC aroirrers.
F -3
TAT' I-7S a:) V A rT.T 110 ,, w 1 poW sn
7 ralf, 10, CU Alt kr., sco. EgeloN,,
azd TII I :,.ttELT, bet. Wood aa.: Marko.
Hay*tm hand a,-:rte., of yaw Pa.. as, (tory and
.nitahio far ;
ro-,!rumr at,sotoo poi.. to eI.CICLI/17, C , rayo
P44.1:e. 70 'NEW, na the teceirt e. 5
n. Johneou P. 0.44 OM
by mall or otherwise.
F.., E. JCOII.:iF”.I. Itenrag,tor
16 Mei!. Lane, Neve Trak (It).
H. F.OLIdES & SONS., Otodams
Cr. I'7AII6L. (-Kr.nrietrrs Dr DI:PDANT.
STILEVT, Trtistini,S, To.
CZ' Onlloctionz matt. on ..11t ther principal e,ar
ttit-ongtiont limo Toltec! Stoic.. Apr! ,
COLLINS, Fcr.w,a.,
cit, olosolo to CIILEST., BUTTES,
OO} St
risu, Sad prodni poraany, No. 2.5 W
Pit.bnrch. Fia
- -
vi - a.rrs
IVAN 1ED.—. 60 • M 0.11111.— e .;tut&
i I Agonta at Ka' a month, =mom pet& to soll
ma Frerl.6.ll Pewit., Orioatra Dorm, and Mitt..
otbor sow• useful and =riot's artirlta. /Moon arti
cles Pc:afro, Addroao,
de.Y.ltrodatoT MUM A CLARK. Iltddtford,l4e.'
Q 1
5 A itO'lll I-1 Icant, to hire Agonu
ia orory N rorirty at FM a outh, caveman
pat 4, to all my wortettrap Faintly bawl* afirch
Inota, S. !KALMYK, Alfmt. Ma.
C.S . Aistaacer
--- -.-- _--.
nothing about them.
Mr. Pruy no, of 11. 11., replied L. Mr. Weed .
Lorna , protesting agitinO the whoteoile d e nuo.
elation of lintiread Cempiinies, because a few
of them in the opioion of Mr. Washhione had
attempted to swindle th• government.
Mr. Brooks made a low Pantries to show
that ha had jolt as touch right to ask fee at.
in•eatigatien of the railroad stopp•ges la
really in Mine's, or :wooer: of the Teethes . .
u the gentleman had to demand an
tion similar to the stoppages between Wash
ington and Now Took. Tho bill pas.ed.
Mr. Arnold made an anti-e 1 , retch,
after which the Ronne adjourned.
Bream.—Mr. John. tol , of Indint e,prosent
ed a petition front the Friend. of liihijlead,
Vlrgtnia,and Ted:v.lsec, asking., fcr exemp
tion tram naiillary dot, Al,. a potitinu from
W. lleteb, of 'Maryland, praying for
compensation for the slaves owned L . ! her,
which had been taken hy the military, mid kr
whim" p•y was disallowed on recount of her
husband. The petition wool referred to the
Committee on Claim,.
Mr. Morgan of :.ow
York, presented e pe
tition from the EorirtY of Illiendi pray tug for
exemption from the 4,,ft.
On motion of Mr..knthony. of B.hotio itlenti, .
too Sonata proceed,: to an citatien o: the I 1 Ltr.. silhli r
Select Committee on the Poortio r,a'trorril. We lure It'. Cri'•• '' T """, ‘' 't C ' tl " t ' t , on/ i n tcp,i,:ir,
Ile nominated the following Commitie• i Dal.% Loyalty, who her jnrt errivod is 14.,
Tllft .'osll;i:PA'l ti. to'reevorrs:
Maser , Howard. Lhartmero, Collanser, Jona- rile. , n ,i, "•,,,,, 1,,,.., 1 ~i. e .,,, e n "; •f ; 3 , o •en "eh l
Don, Iliallaa, T,u.,..1,,', 6beren, Id .rgen,
~ , i;
I. , wb: „, .
_. , i 'I; eonddriti - 4 I,:r ono tissiristinhir qualifiissl
l'ennet: aed Brown, who were elected. to tnilil:l. reliable, reports of riTaiiy tratir
Mr. Merrill offered the following : 1 , Ur, ot• -r., irom Coarrecrloo.t, .N:d., al kat . • ,
Rrs , l- - d, That the Seeretery of War be .1,- o'clock _ororroy •rre•in, or. oght 1,31,193- .. 1 ,.,: t 0 . ' , ' :i 0 , '. 7 - e 'rn . bl'ol:titU:,i.i'clni,i,e,:o... 0'7",:,1.'fi,,..10.:,,g:,t(i.r
rotted to inform the Senates whether the 1 f •
1 t?... that the eurdo ii-. 1 entered Cutathriand, ,
steamer Majore, chartered by the Quarter- , A ., .. may be relied ripen aii tie mental
master's Department In ll , ,u;:, and regaled Ly ; oil L'.•-"lit ~,.re , liPP . '" l ll' ho I'd'r° priosis, ;runs ...' l nz ni dor. il . iiirt t . urnisl.:ll,l
a committee of the rernato to bo unlit for the ettni.,.; The steno which orrice.: at rlerem ft Mort ittlitreSttrite. nor{ rheirtiller ftsitture
, es , L • is since been pas
by the gol" - o 'clock the see, night, sera ”'midi hrullght :krt . tin rhsnoon Pt . it:Pier?. ~, p cf.pern , , , re
orroloolt 11,1 el ore, by whom, snd at we ,i
pr .. , uud ~,,,,,,,,, any claim re ,•,,?•,, fur rue .C.,,n 1, ers Inter new:, et.1.61D. ... repo! t, I rirkre ,l in procirriti. Teir4l - pliii• .A.1,),A
-,,ri gin al charter, ► and if so, what to the rlairr, I be,: ;,tore= tbe littml,r to _ 0 , 0. Al ttt_epoo. i ' ,. ..rli r t , i , 1;010 r.l•riniii in aritt.trorl tor acme
Ilia pei twilled! that is the r ituaticr. of lb. 1 •
50 ..,, ovem. 0., or . 0,. tho• C o o t ,t, le le. '''' • • , , . ,
claim. , t o , t r. imeo , r..f .1..• on, • prat ,sacs Ir . , .ilt.Tl.r.•T.
Toe ~,,..1111105 woe adapted. • •T, • }
I rAirril,:. Lie Coolinonne r or the our, mutt
l liirii i l , rt• ot 1r ..,t , :,.., ,, I Lai 4,111. - ^ ,
5"- U " .". of h'i'lt., s ' L '• "*l ' 1 " f " .; . I 1 .•
' ' ' 1 an: iel,ori. s c.o.' det I 'Or thc
1evr.,1, 4 rr,niution, which was et.jecteti to iion i L.. Itlegr,.l ~...,,,,. J. 70 " g ,„; , r L o y : "1, 0 1 , ,
~ „ , .
' • Ipu •1!•1 1...1"1..1.,,1. -rot Atli be Mrldo a
laid over . r.-- • ' e a • , ri , - ~ f New Marto: s• 3
Reid.. , (. That rho Con.mittee en the 2,, I ~,,,..,..,-_-.:,-,,,..5. ' ,1 ' . ' ,,,, ,, , ' ,, , s , Ur ;,;,,„, ~ ,,,, , u :::.., primin,i' fr - l'irri• ~, the li,rail
be instructed to Mulder the pow. ty I . u. ,
~ . , „
~ 1 I.IIP. P1117,.1 - 1.11 I.'n tr.:strthv,
of repealing the joint resolution of July 17,e, ! '-^•,'" ' •!! 0 . •! f • I; ; r!!" , .. ri.hd .I , t •y , c 0.1., 0.,..‘ im,,,1,,t,
r„ ,
04 .
Irmo., relative to the! roorlruction rel trio Corr i o•••• 111 tml, ,• 1, ••dirdl..., by s ~atop of tr.coo 1 . •, ,
r ,a a 011 - ta I .' . - rin alili. •••• , 71, ~f ~,,,,i.,%
of and partitoilr. - ly • • tench of sal 1 .
~,e wl., moo , 1.,,,.. , , —,l ~,,,ogl, 0,0
. .7 , i A i i ll. " L .. , , . t
print oesolo..on eto purports topr. hibil. a for• i •
~,, 0i:0
.. ,
~,..0, hv
0.0 ann., wtit tn. coto.lizie , t in tti.,l brineiiit
iiiiidre of and estete bey oiti the mein,: : We '" , " II" .- '' • ' '1 . ' - ' I cern •.t pi• re, end :nil :oi 'manner wit,eli
. : iii. offer der. `; ' .'• 3 '' ''''''!. ' '''''' " - '-• T " • : ‘'`.. -vt:i comtetond ;.t.ll . h, an int,dli4ent
Mr. W Ilene report/art from rho NI Loary ~,, .no' ,„ . 3 ,, ~ •,.., „.'• ' , I il , . I ''•" I nithlic, 'I I, Lit 7.hrrn ni dri ird.spencient
': le', an or , to amen
t ike Eurolliny Art; , de .
~• r ua „ u ,
~. , act, ae.; the iL•v - I itrrrni.:co.r
.iiairnnl. Lorin. to no clique.
alto. a L.II to cotta .1 the time fot pc ring the I
bounty to volunteers • 1 trot' ' .. m. ~f o I ••• .•. r• •• ltalt.morz ood ot.l c. tl lreilied l•tyr u!• erl•al It will. in
. , , ~
ih s seeppe enn i,aceod NI, P o well...bill r , , !!!hro ttr..trocol, r .., ' I !..:'. ~r ....e. , ..ived err c•al , cllal I ~...11L11, ilitius.- ail p ubli c
, ..
i l": .n . ' , ." el the ^7l'il Al'd 11 , i'.7 , ill'. li i• 1....,..a c•dr.,ce• ~ • o -1., ag 3 mid ••,,, i invhsurC roil F,l• , i 0 vii.,.. is ith :•• a i r•._-
other Fem .- roue earitaitrir a. t•er a ..litter) ocr•r'o• I e. ,, ~,d. ! rierta trhicte , the pi vr. ,tietr, pi en Li,
trona Irtertartng kli ...colons. I
Mr. title. , opposed 5 :eft:erica to [be Ju 1 r'•li't l'r;' , oe' 'L' ^ 1 ' ' ,• io-,.. that rt.' , I
~.„.,,,,., 0
ir, , , ,, , ..
dietary Commt.ttee. on .0., ground the? it 2
fated ti, otneell ill their natatory capacity.
M„ p owe :l coat. f; o reference to ilia
J a/1,11,7 COILDLIt.ter, Lt it prate...OA fr,cdoM
~ci•..._ ftxtrhinc to ! he 010. n. 'the coil
ao,,gh e t or he r ag rd,..(1 gm, n' stsrt ling impei 4 ..
li.cctiors bad he eil cornie.l egainet the h ill of
otalori•y of the reorle, at the print of the
llzvis faruted a refer , ace ta the Jul..
clary Cosctit.ce, as it Introduced the questien
wbeherr eertain acts reeernsed mihtary
mee, shell be a civil offebru.
The Sonusio refused to refer to tho
f'oesseitte• by vote of 21 to !b.
Algual tittle - ne it - in the Miselsalpiii- -
tair. i*n
Arkan•as---Cotton at Mem
phis —Veteran Troops Going [tome or.
C•rno,lan. 6.--An anisette( proteetiog con -
reef. and to reader the Deriirfaiell ..f that
weasel safe. it is iu centemplation by the
tiorernment to establish a line of signal •1/11 1
tions hem Lair°, tooth along the lii:sir•lppi
ricer, in order La give Infarnsation that niay
prevent tiewedattoos by guerillas.
By order of the Secretary of War, careful
exploration bat already been made licteten
hero and Memphis, these etatione wiil slab 1
have a small garrison for defence, and •,gr...1
each other and the gunboats tu care of danger.
I rem parties lately from Texas, no learn. I
ti.• i own feeling t o rapidly gaining strength I
throt.ghent that Mate and /akar say. In tn.
Frtiet through which oar inforro•ut paraeu,
plosisiona were quite abundant, consisting
argely of corn, honorer.
Kirby Smith be.. superceded Holmes, who
tes been ordered to report at Richmond.
r Onilin (VW:Ail:l4e the entire rebel res.+ west
el the Mississippi river, with hia headquar
t eve at Camden. ilia force is about 110100.
The rebels are represented ne iociag Tory
r.t%To in raiying and equipping MID With Line
cbjC:: of attacking Little Ruck, which they
(tit confident they meld atte.olt in for , ' unfelt
it. garrison was reinforced.
Itsrreadoke and Price bare six to seven
thousand men, meetly cavalry, sad were toas
ted between Arkadelphia and lattlle Beek.
The notoriety Quentrell sad Ca . rs had
shout 300 men each, and were encamped on
Bayou Bartholomew, back of Lake Provi
Gen. I!arrisca is at Monroe, en WevAitit
vor, with 1,500 efrodivo man. •So Vela
n• fr,•m Arkatical and Louielson. If they
hold Maar:, ha world disband hr.
To. steamer Relic, from 2.lemphis, with
klemphi• dates of the 4th, has arrived, baring
the bud lea of tits ate men or 52d Indiana, ft,-
sea to d‘atli n'oavo Von Pillowmention of
.etch was previously made. .TlLete is no
neat from
/7.1?. 1:* reports the .middling 1. of cotton on
soturdny at 374 W.; good
at 70,
sad middling fair at 73. The shipments dur
ing the week were 1,718 balm Three Imadred
and sixty-Dine Wee nrrived to-day, mostly
for Cinvrinati, bet the bests cannot arczna
the Ohio, that river being closed ahoy c Smith
land, and hoary ice running out at this point.
The T.Crity•S•Yelial Ohio r. Ouzel:AC. l o ,
anr; e oriv.ri here last evening from Tisehville,
inr,itte t• CiaellElati, OR thirty &Qs' fur
lunge. The Forty.Thirl and Sixty-Third
Ohio Regiments, and the Third Michigan
Battery are also on their way bor.. The
Ninth Indiana, en mato for Indianapolis, ar
rived fhb morning. The Thirty-Fifth Indi
ans is bound at Franklin.
I Three hundred and sixty sis recrnita, from
riptingnold, arriveritere to-day.
weather is etill very mid.
Mr. Lincoln Unanimousln
115y01. Declared for
President i
COSCUPD, N. H., Jaw. 15.--The IrtepuiAleen
St 1118 enuVrOtIOR hti•Tted the follow-
mg reserartea .
li.aleni, That Abraham Linesln by the ex
orcise daring the dangerous crisis in th• na
tion's hietory
of unequaled segneity end
etatemanship, ef a moderation and _matinee
which •sporienee has eh., ern to be the highest
wiadom by his epotless itithgr.ty, of personal
character above rcproseh and above suspiciou,
end by his slowly formed, yet enalta red, de
termination that the triumph of this Constitu
tion cad the Union over recession sod rioeson,
shall be a final triumph of liberty through
out the nation, hes received and merited
the abiding confidence of the people
to en extent never awaxdad to any other public
man eines Washington. That the
ests of the Country demand that the complete
destiection of the re 1101105, of the restoration
of rear, prosperity, and the Chien should be
ithineved under hie administration of tho GeV
easement, and that we therefore declare Abra
ham Lincoln to be the peopled' ohoice for re
election to the Presideuey in 166-1.
Thi, rorolution was remind with thunder s
of applause, the delegates rising
trot anti witting their hate with the wilds!'
The 'Massachusetts Legislature.
Doves, Jan. B.—The Mussel:m.oU' Lees
letare convened Eon. Jam LL s°
Stol was elsosod Prevideat a the Senate, and
Ilan. A. A.- Eloog Speaker of tbe Howe.
RAT. Ung. 1'541 , 14.0 of Am
herst Colley. delivered ;the sanuat sensual
In the Old South ,Oltarels. The Goveracres
Mousy Is not expected to be In wail Tri.
, E
+,4.., 111 --
• Cincinnati frinrlnt.
Aprcgl I,,rpatct.
,"1,• 01,
Pre, I r nr ;•
mess. pork SI atrl ;v. N.. , Turk r
old, with vuts o la,. n: int t., o.IIL, I.•ra
advanah4 very
to I. 1..14 .at Fl,l - , 41
'Chet* In s.. t ,•• 1.3h.1.. Iwhul.l
brihr. •v. nip, i1:,.•1,15 o4ti
•sratlia prrvents ra.k.
rani. th. th.rrnn , ..h r .:or.
The river thp..lly. h•ve n the
S.,l4ath.h :e
Another Rebel Raid
tut, I,ln
, ,11 :‘,.. lils. a:it:an:it. and
w , .•!•r t rtiu-ii],r. and to re-eatahh , i. a
u b. - Q.41112e ',ace.. To
permtnent rod r
1 , .1i. am: it w1:1 strirs h. p ro mote the
elect um of tho-u who spapathite with
our A,,.. - erna , r`• and will hold ni. to
met itpd sec., and iponthq those scent
i6,npatht , :er• lk,Cil treasun who would
shher cotortly ~r c.l.only. ~,R. to weaken
the efforts of the P.:esid. 70 or hi- ran"
tuticuo! alert
H ...uns few deg', a
Whet ,:c for 1,,
tLsir r enst. lUer
that t rnil •,f
f0,,t,1,ut 114.
1 - 12031 II I 6111.131•Itt
he.c • • it,.
r ,
bcr , f t!,
fnr poiwair. rt•
Fresetcr, 11. Sf.. l . •• n, f
lr A. W. h . .as, .Ai
Jse. ' Me:. t• , Iran
MiWingl'h Panel phi:
••• I 1
le• ie. .
l:11(0[01, Ma•• ,r i.s a l
1113 m, • • • , er, :..a V. L3riCAS , I
iflorgeant at wrote. v•• • oo!, rhilaileinhis
Assistene, .t,leichany.•:, As
erioh, l'hils.drlp; • • Vase, That , •4,
ler . Dian kortior, v . MeJunls in, Lath
tams:lLnc, t.raan.•. s;vev,
Philadelphia, M-so ; ater•enge
J. E. s.arsevant, (ha • rd E. E. I.icd.
adult - his, J Ltra ere. A t-qh,:y.,l Walter,
3100 too.
The C3MiCS liarrave.i al, t
[lumina lists unanimon•. Inc menthe
from the Wo,t we, Vl:y iireetrivue, ment h e
em.altal in getting the slats t
i ry good a:
Saturday, the-rely seenrinv the notoir
nelm•et el :in .e fey ol• to. lay. We
having a hue fog rf snow of tai
n'eloels • with every - prorpeet of a good II
slcighihg. There Is r: fair p ro. r ,-tot the,,
ate organg wid . amt much il.ftloulte r
trouble. The Union pary s 1 he thin to sol:s
every measure that estil no h--a• ton to •oe•
tftia the Government in tha.: an •rie to Fresh
down Ibis d
rehollion, and rei.tora tele
glorious Union. awl leenur-inot an 11
1 ,,,,a0ent and renwal Ily examining
Ilse hot of r.omviszvions
able to see that tho ea tileol clement preolowi
nate, More anon, insert mixer..
Gtof.trrltC. l
and, r. Or. Heeler has d is , orered a no%
rivor 110 wing into Martins re', op IreAl
CO.', Milfork /Ryan. Ti,, :Wm . hr.
••erndea, and °nu,ea is lase 1,11 or twel , o
miler long and Gum ono to two miles
Potting through this l•ku, ho found another
liver Collier into it et Its eastern Th.i.
river ho naval dud for n considerable dtaaner.
Ile then kft tad re ro•l, and rrt red through
a reentry 5t for settlement. After isle I..ty-
Piz heron' march he frond him•elf at tZusert•
town, or, Liao Wslitpo.. 51.nrtin's 1{37 will
now he the neernit port Realelonerno a. Sy ti
ne, . The Intern town in Martin's lily may
enthely eelqww Dueutlin.
Iblarleta by TeleCrapti
BOATIVICILT. Stn. r..—ridur ; flowtrt ^v•—t
le qadtdd at IrldT7, Whitt IAu a dwthaan••ttn• •l
Pnra itry doll; new ycildw a ,:;•nci
Whicicy ;A...4 Para . I , tnu stilt at
doll; rinn,cl 3.114.,r
r(111.,...r1711, dint. ft.—rldair ; adly
bbl. Lira Family fa. 874 5 5 7 . W 1.10 ... el
f.r, [alley, lactating Boma old cock al
Thor. tionr dr Cntr lied;
Thar. IA IL indnlry Pd . Po Lcat ; and .au.
ti.rtmnustddt of Ent nod Fr.wl P...dd at 51,'001.N.
Whit.. very' rail at 51,75a1,0 . 3. Small In gy
at 11,46, and a anted. CCM corts forward 1110. ly Ita
P.M:: golul •I•IIand at S1,1:41.1; l";
dull at Ifradllt. 1 roriairts 1.e1.4 1.
pereated ;Imam., and nlkll , ll wPw
pdtk at and nano in pldki• at
trona= s.•adl at rd'o l lld for trade ; 34..Z41;f. fur
;Inc.; in lend. and trlgSda for foee.. NC:laity flr
at ltnartl,
. . .
Space, Jan. . cotton warts; loaf sod
dlrb val. of I.Chtl bal.a at el',44,todr. Ylsdr
arm; rale, of 1,4:00 bbls. Sa.Zh&s,l , for Slain:
S;o:br!,h) for bob, and $7,04f5a,1 1 ) for flcso barb.
NI lola has s derltalng Isndsnel SOS .° bof .01•1
at 1,48 for kaga Sl,Ssfal,ls for
tillssals. Cu
Club, and twzg..•: for r... 4 NVPs.m.
Corn da'J sal. of GO,lf_f)bbi s a al Fl.lrdsifist..lfl. Mar
60.040 Pork llr,m; /MO la f ow !Ili, at
I , l'l Lard llrm_al
{d\l'hl hbh. n sky ',say It
epts. fluip.: steady; New Orlrans ..olod 0 1
Nasal Mfrs quiet. Fa - sights dull.
New York Stork and Money Marke
New o.—Sioek• firm_-.
O.& 71. I VP,. ........ .
CISDAN.(I.I.a LOILI C,,. 49 -011.0. 07
I. ........... 7,ar .......
..... rro..
11? 10 , 01.00 , -..
Ilts..llnt ...... -.--.-112
Packlnit. Time, OnNete. Lae. leattt-r
Illynto; • Inrge stock alvrer• Qulaan.l ch. In
Rubber of .1 & Pllll.l.lPel.
&IT Noe. antlC.s /4.1 , 1. r .1r A
zo bow. prism Ville (k'. . Ir. not.; do Weston! Itroorvo, to orri
itele •WEDS k W,ll,tilltiByB,2l7 Liberie
20/1 BIS. OLD CLIEEKE, to be close
.4 7 4 ant F•ry L. WWI r
rinG 'AD.-500 1,16 , 3 Oalom, to arrive
nig Tt2.01F.A.1.111r.
(P:' the :i AZYTTY. 1, tioNT 3 %übject or pr:tie
Ito ii I,,tl.l6lterc NViiit a. rt.crt of o•n
-1 org,Air 334 taunted :41,,,i31 rorrogponti
-1 vitt' at the new^ rentr.l , l( tho asy. tii..s
' are etm1.:4.1 to j 0., from day to day.
relin! le and cop:,,, di,pea-.4,-, which
tire 3) 1.1 SIVa to .1 - .:1" . .l place
an a par ,xith the most enterprmag
juurnala 4;1 - I • • • ,aiii. er West The
same I l t rrl roltlay fir early am! relishlo
! I Will In oontinced.
not•ritimtamlin7 the wit and • •
Ici espimse therJr,ro
lii ,
Frmn raly, ont own Cor
-101.1 rit.:ll nd,nt Pr,nntrib
to I.• a pronting nt
.11,1.11 4, I, 4
hl tu
" "
t uppi... I. 1.4.11,.., oua
GALT,. 11 re ,e. rlnt,
WC' All twarlobty advaa,, 4 att
the Nor , t•• D. et , rpod attito •zrtrattea of the
mr.• arltioL t 1..? were paid. rercelttattm be
a be r.rtatenot thmurh the ran 001, at Pttb•
CRt 1 , t 2 lt I ES.
T ?so begs CIo;
h4 d l4. F. 0. Iracar .
:So o P N.
175 1.,1.14. fLoanfd do •
11 , 0 da II t'. }lolnn4 •
1 - -If do N. T. Elrupo
14 , then T. 11., 0. ad Itoprrlal Tea.;
bodo 1-na , k Teas ;
100 - f.• Pork F 1.44 and Pr's , Bon
4 , do Natnral Loaf .
t. , ,f4 Ylrginto 5 (VIA. do;
if 1 do 10. Car!, Bodo;
103 hbla No. I Extr• 14•:t ;
In store sad for sal• niceß d I t AtBA R.
t Trit-10 pone cholo• Podri; •
- if maw do do.
de Roll:
r117'.1 , ... , T-1 05 do anatPn acid Ibulskargt
RV Wootern
an Tourtisk
Anit. , — 50 croll.l
rL 11-1 1 n h•lf hl4. Lok• 11..rfing.
Art I.ER-110 1.1,16..,4. , los !1N.,:
1- st ,ro
( a n o d rot ^.1.1e I!) . J. 15. CANrIC.I.D.
7.4 ti k
N . • Paols It. ' Pngor;
?An bid* N. 0. 51.44 , - , •••••:
if rho. , f; ...T. T.....
1..2.1,1.13nit01• e";
Y . pko blacker:l, !tn.:. !tyTerth.
t ook Now L•rd, t'.• and • ,fon.
stook of good. In our lino, for and In 4to ot •
•rr4.1.1 05 MoDON.I.LD ft A 1414UCKLF-' 4 ,
1.2 and 244 I.ll.orty stroo
1 kit D 011
.t. 5 do
O.h and for sst• by
lAA. DA,* soN
'1111:1 , .: , t' —4,000, E. D. Cheese
I.^oo do IT 1e;
IlArntur,-, do ;
do ...0..,
For b.
baxto LEMONS
nod 3 , r rob: by
hr.y3l - KII dillfr
193 and W .14 at
ed hnne...d far ealr by
dean c an dw.a., stayer.
IN' MM h thl pan aF,ett,
-LI Idgc, half bbbi., guarder. and ttta, Noa:11,
ate 3 lard. ra Glum, in star. au4 sal, by
LIITLL Tit 11.1r..L7L
rtil.Molll3. SEED.-11.0 bughels prime
riineihy hsrul. and tar od. by
del li'ai.rarrnot
1 iUU CuThels prime
Ul4l '
and kw rale by
GUNS. double wed sicgio I..arrt'
IJ relgtl•b manntaetvre. fm rale b,
fa -14 JA DOWN, ISiI W. 1.1
GOO-7- RIS4I.UAT,:i:,-
in suelt;:iTt tore
..aft for gale by HEAD iII ETZG&L,
nal'? Ita. 141) Libgrgi a‘r.or.
APPLEr , .—litto bbls. Green Apinet! ter
gala by I. D. — CAM , lELD.
.. ...
CIARBON OIL-2 , J0 hbte prime White
NJ for gals by J. IL CA,N fiEiti.
__— . ..
14 tIMINI: —*Li libls. tb;
,esilv,l7. ' . . ~..
11 Jat J. B. vAnrirtia.
___. _ ___—_____
, 'HITE LIME.-200 bbls fro-wile by
J. it. casTritun.
tiiic'E r LL - 141 1 111.1aSint .
d.ll Itent.SILLANWA:,
TAWISA GRAPES --25 boxes reel
•vA lbr alalry MISSY IT,GOLLINR,
ab UM ly IL-20(gY Itns Petard' Buster - 01
LP .
patILY-DT I LECRWE§ , ..__
Paw= emu= Is. tvz.
I Eiaa.
I Elsek
Dori .k
Lithi E
Dark 1
Ter , Ge. 0.22, Shaul, - I
Toathern l ELI Gioyea, Cillaren'a Cgotblvz, ardall
kUnln ,ef liVeartng apparal.
auT - A nA VI I.e. u V .1 PT.l.l3learT. NM
Tor V. cants you can color el. man, goals. wozed
otb,ertsa met San tltuna taw au.. bunnua allidca
a,ko b. pr.A.o4 auto the tg.0.0 ,17.. It. i.,....1, to
ainan'a, and any ono can use th• ty• Stu pori.ut
, Pa . ..crimes In tr.;l:eb, iroutb nod Garman,
lead.of each package,
.F... 1. further tufurraution toTinian. .rdgieleg •
pnr - I ,, ct k man lo,iga sitar colors • , • 1 /, , ,t L.L.I tua..11.0
oast etuata, nxltli my ra vsakuable trcipe,) p1ua.....
lion. ft Sl , Veal . Trratia• on Ilfelng• sou II elorian.
I Sent by sail on reneept nf prlce--10 cents.
I 4.."`“'Lr''' tg UW
I 'X X br-LVT 24B,
Y.4lll,,oadersp, Punt,.
Tor tale by drrt - ioto ort;1 ..loolers cor.d ally.
nal I:nns _ _
Satre 2, 4 and 57e.. All—i. claiiing vt =is
old lesAing
Sito, a =ay lsrp stack of 1.7,0,1,15ni
avtartt) CLIEHitt. 1 3 1.X.11. 81'}:110nT 3 : 3,
WADI .1D t)ENeasr.v...l. TUT:ES. 1.0-3= 3 ,
G . 71 . 7r7 3 . SIit:CPS, XENfiriL
!TANT, Ar , and re.ll T
pm.. Jelith .111: It .303 'll. ,
...JNtinurr , ..
_ _ .
Pan part lentae atteoti..n to It, trealmtng of
CI~EOtiIC D15111zr...1.1. PIE acd IS A.O
r. CAIALtI , , r b.A Cli ICI L
Pi. rt t., inserts ETT-4. wt,
and tb. Em and . ...Dog to
0111..... lacy' rrti Frill;r7
nxsoncturer. Ma,"
wimittaltl, h.n , • of
anJ Stun T
HARLA.Ntio F.W not K.
TOBACCO 13. E AL ERN, 1. , Wool ) entia.
TOI , ACCV, rirvs N".•. r , :.1 INJ tollAC
At the v , ,r7 laveAl Al:
raigly '••
jA MEd M. 11-11,1'11
I,,Nr.A 1,11 F•enfir . .•T . t..
(or all L.nd, e .rd
.r... 11.6 on
nv, weu 1.-arock and
It btivr•n slmott, Aill , 7o•VN C.tY•
' •
LA lITAL,II tor tn.. , .1.-cs bran& n!
~r.NL INN laAl .t? , A Z.71c...17 ,.. . Jdl .11144
nhit , lilNO AND CHM , Es4l tristri
FA XV.7 It F.l 11.4 If ACTIA rtpr:s. T ft A,-
rient rso UNDIR 7117.
VL, Nitshurgh. Po.
nu! E Ar I
SMITUFIF :( ET, lopp...dt•
Ck.tom ,•latnry.
'I,.O.ETTI: ',rill, ?S
1. s‘irp.rt
eti . ort f Cur
A 17.4 , 1tlentitik.
It-htnt 11,4 ,
Jo.,l•llKiti, ,f. Luz C-II VW",
A. A. D.-11. .D.lworth. ,11 D. C. brau,
Fowl. f, 111'. A r„,i,iwnt. Arnith,
.1 IT. Runtivret) ,11...0. eolost•rm
r. lubm,7f.• ..16... Jfm,
J. U.
D. 1— tang,tC. It. Horn , .
J. , . If. Raster, D. E. Ileß,lcy,ll l %.
L. M . h)
Writ. fl. Smith.
Jnins F. J. , m , ince
TrAn... 5•11...1.
T r.% r..‘
DiT.tdenda 1.• ronpla fa. Oren!
em.lll t. dep.uts.or r in - •:•••tpr•I,
er: ,•••rapotamltna it
se. at 1 , •
re,,itnrio” -9••••••Ially
who.. eur.lnzi• tite °plan.
1140/1:0111414. b, dep. , •••%••,
artitch win toe i," o•-4"1, tit Ir
1,1,7,17 twinz hr: t.ftrin, I,te.r.,st„
ranfmt,iz, Qt•prwcturtl,.
.• I•ll‘und
F.T.IS I.T riPrrt
En e- 7 , 4
z:,;,L(Po M'Ll 771L5
TODA rrr A NI,
CM.. F 1,1 1 ,4 NV.41...
One l'rf c $i
C.JNI.C. , .NY
Ar, u; Itu IT 110. A lg.
A r.r1 , 1 T 7:CT
F4J.Jdnu--J Jr
Cipon Rom ^e. a. to ap. tn. A 1., TEITIALIy
O Saturday rroologo, from o to w oclock.
Derma" rcaalc•ol of ONE Irl RE tad upward/•
D.r,artrlt doclorral tCrloctont.o nod Jona of (I[ll
STgtr.T hl D Polt.4111:GlIA VI IISOPTIIII , T.
—Oa TCnsinT 7.SISS, Lfa,,,•t o 're,h,
.11 oa ml 4, at Coe Cornmarelal Salta Lowea, no. 4
Fifth Greet, 1,1 order td Orphan'. egort of Alml,h•-
ny Conory, tt2 ‘Atiol,,,, goo, Ent a t. of
John Herron, deceased, eta
Two Lots on rcan creel, l'ittcsortill , ocrocroming
shoot 41 feet 9 Inahc• from Cm , ' tontraft corner of
liannock ctrMt, each hoeing • tom. el 12 foot I W
eisman Pelmet..., mad ettor4ll26 ban n0r10.1. 4 . 1 7
111 fact to• IC foot Ole:. On thew a,ta ft erewmd
twontory brtek dwellteg 1.00A3; th• moot ollgiol•
and central loestlanaf tns ern .mid ce:r6. and ,
eat clam School.
Mao, mm Lot to
the biros It Dlrmlugham.s.4
fr l . front on Waihhtsgton es.; and annmdidg .6c
asms 103 feel to nprotto allay, below Lot 11
it Gregg's plea. Thtz lot I. ie Om .t Co Foze'
e.t.a.:Curing dlatrlot, and et:noble for hottdini
parr.s. Terme at of.
dentlawiltd DAWII3 BrII.TSA.TI44I.
R II:•:01{1
'4EI T Fon
John Horst a Co.'s' Soda
it emrd.ay receiving tt. Immo avbfeh
o, the moat fovornbla tams. Tbla Ash la rartim
wil odapt. , l to O. oaaonfAclOre of Lax,
orpened, • large steel of
NATE, LETTER LfD 1.8.1 T ER! . .
Man. EINVELOPES, In ;e.nt eurietie*,. cetera and
q"" W.O. JOllSdTo` i argr.,l 4 by
41 ,
. eeleetny-wreal ood
1111 ti I FLOUR,
CV baba annl'o XX Bane. Yloar;
.YM '` Tiartlett's X ••
too Prioto of Illar.mota 1101. or's Flout,
70 4. Tcoten F•lnny
Vol " Golder.Ohrat taker'•
1..73 " Carlos Iron
Xx. a Tam.
For mt., PI CHOM A ram I. AN a,
&Ai idborto atrect.
S UGAM4.-20 hMis. prime
SI Hem. do
bblo. mrsll•3
de ..•'Co
25 do A do
60 de B
I, ,I.4re sod los Oslo by
Itil._ 3. TREPI.I2.IO I :. a . 11110.
5t . 2 4 ad - h - 1. - .-2 1, I back , l'oVitOes;
12 bbb, Onl , as;
f 110 de Green apolgo4
1.3 so. to Diy Apn4o;
lon bn..b. Illitt. re apsi
Yor rid. at V) ttls.riT Writ.
y, 5 'WM. P. 13=K .t 4".3 ',"
El U ?WA :$l, Sli Eli MAN A.- cili.:1•:. riichi
/—/ Tiflis on the I: talon Thank, ldoesion, sod, tl,..di
Ilillann on'isry isolo.sisac isn't% in lionnonl. C.A.
Snifter:And and Ittiy. to; vas Po .sionnto foil tnl
ebassts, by , WOO. It. ViPdt.l.lll s _ A PO.,
ans2,fign W..4,lirol'L.C•oross,ol Tlablf
EW 111: 4 T0RR.`.1.1. WORK..
111.'170W/ 0 - 1 , CFL.II3,LIeS, fril-1101.1Ylit4t IYtt,
AU SCUM'S% ringi!
Ported. • _...0rta. 4
CPc rokto ~, SAN' COTTA.A4I , `... r.
l ii I;iniffiCATiNo 011. 7,
100-cots.rolb Duct Crk, , ,k 0.117•
IA 4 . ' ••• rotratto !: •••••
W.rrxr.ted int to chill or Fr.a, ezial , to NO - A . 24W,
oa lotaleatkni, for re/oty • .
• cnind Ake.r
• lot -
7-11713n-Slit)11AE1) CLOTift,Nli,ri:oga
VA kinds, ales - A.S. on Sand az a .-:(• 'isile,i is ks.rsal ,
.. c
nr retail. as it* Initik. llcistsrrlseis.t. of-.
. ~..i,, i
ii - e1 It. P.alll;DlT i li,jy
404 . Ni5t . 2.544,111...ki5. elkir s ,
0:1111:41.S17311•IA.TVARI.1 alt
Li I%.GS rEF.T. ke., Gl-sali liy • ''..- ' - r. -
~. , , ~--, ~;
(ill'isti.,l Cklathri:Lisi:ii.
'' - -•—• 11,1! Nink.tlrtgitk.r• „
b-u'd.°^‘ 4 r- -4. E.t.erViriT , l.Vg" ,l • 7
r Ed. la anq
Ggen Vat
A.Trermant-45.00011,ctrfetri—Dtled AppNAZtn
barrela. and lbe sal• bit NITIOXeIt CO.
UM sl.loll9,lKlav • •
i-dor - • miliatatutastrs AAAlir.,
SPECIAL .rontags
Pant>oll el ordentaff hnhltat trOnhhtell . 11th 1
,otito, distress fano: itallye e tor;ll tisj. ointatflea
tan; 4.m* , teno:trer le they4.4l.yrA tho
othelocatod •
ore now .. :=7 ieA ilViii.:lt4;clitS l
tivat' MM.. and wnrratnel to pueblo ay Peranlndo
toeforfalel *awl.. Thai ao. contrlanyly tevrxlehl.e.
portent:, pa, noel amt onlaerneyn
. 4, •••• • healtuT. s eotle ettntrlanit h..
They pc:lY, strew - then an.d " •
They reeste a healthy appetite.
They are ay Clitlinta to change of eater avian.
They arecntene efaatts of dantatint. and latobonna
dq,oysre4hen the oyntent end entirety tholnitef. -
They Inert ISLISX.6I.:I! and Intevtaftteillivers.
Teo.; pc. - tfy the toteath and onn...tyof the 4.otar.h. *
Tsui once Inftvepant end ' •
They cneklinithee. Ct:cline !a:. the:era:Ma:boa
Stay coma hirerCeon.ylolus end lioontrviiiortanatho.
They the wean etrons,tne tanvnistboVent.
and son etnntnetcd'e eTaitriataiat - a' They are
eon.poent celctratt/ Calieqa:lffeeoe-a 4rlyttn,
dram, meshes, room and, hette.,lll,vmoar....od
yet - 11nd, rare ..nt. CrowlYttoe.- far
of eaten and aarthatoolehreovianda . oele t.Ot * .
Pmne• irnaostare. Prernfee 0.117Y0e
that it bro P. '2. .h :>r tott.: . tto
Stamp owl . the 'rnr. o.r...find! in 'Gino, pall
ors ft= signature on af. et.e.l f:fiviartiar on
eta la:41. Fr tient ant 1-...P0 11 •,Jk reikitcd antb
overtone and deleterlavo %, 3 dary akk
match the .taeta cat chat-eater of nor Amoco, day
pore= ineYenolterg co wit .1-neaten. Bltorzaft t
linCT Of in halt, it en Innanter. ' , Kneel! only in
ntr t 0,,; cebto hottle. net' t e,inn. 011 motion that
artoo, nr 'ening al otter nutt,tel than.:. , , ntethen . .
Plar.tntlan Mows le /tonna oho..
ntee P. P. Lv, ant will to
elready hat. nor eye con pro porttee• rF ftlnYt eat
wrs, 000,-4 In oettnoithaFrels t ee
Iris , done rytartere. The attn.—, ea..... PI,-
1300 ton too 10110',
por:. , lly Incrntlible. The ain't...l'l*k a
to to the evidence tea trrayott of ant
--tertority. Tory are entr. ey all racnotattleaein,... •
vbratefon, hotels, ownx . cta and
,I t 0... wroGer...
cocesy Acren.
gr. Y
Cr:i ITT ): b. .
ETMON .11,11.1
Coz,r Ent: f 41.3 d raVilt inset,
Dr Ludlum'a Spzeille
he ,131, ..74mod, for itir,oeco of Itoooloom,
of rammtion. T: 1.11 tto Conoolry of too.4.4rtaont
PCT .:Lose life Ina dkvalarl w tha ircairFent of
~n 1 r”rt.cott..La
A twur risoric tA In
aaa.f, ft-qui:leg =a 1 4 ,:etti.o, ..lair.rh,srittuar
alcvu Onnan,:+m,rortt,
00t0p0r,14.1 offt.rott to ut,
aomd pr:tx-ly safl. 11 . t n:ta char=
sia - -6,;65 onel ga- c.b.; &Jawed
gr..: .4 tills te=eth IA At.
, h3trul rew,r.,ut ,ra.k...1..11.Vi0 to be t.ltate3
-Wad ears. ewer'•, theremo, that El.
ialma:u. of J.• p•K.r!e:.s V •woad c5a11,1a , ..2i.• •
ge•nul.. rsvps.7l , 4 ODI.I by
WH F. pAyiproat,
5.:1e eitcilltittl,
Sold hs •Jllints . is. reco, fl fir, be:.
(Fir For vale 1t lat.:m.le by CYO. EL ILIASEIt,
TO Titf. CITIZEM PliTstunal A tto ulcirari
nnaotsiznat you. 4 rt0p....17 , e4Y W-• , -14 4 a
prepaMion knewn
EITZIN ELL'a t;.N :0 CUE laplt Dr.
1.1 nil Tisr4a .4144,17,
'Tott , 'A - Nalyym.
Ty. K -rral:'‘ur43,le, Taounralz. 124.14irleiTmth:
L.. et Ighwil, Gl•Utr.ll Na-rna:lla ,l 7.
.11, tar th• ran. L4 , 3lvntiai lUragtited* , n pos..
....• I , 41.1..
3334ETILLL'th ECLECTIC pats,
Ea. Mal: perfect form of Catkerm em Ova to the .. , , which aver revire more Ur:JAM . ..and eel-
dam L. OM for. cicsr, axe sithopt the hmet griping.
and ons Imhgertion, ifstpipale. Ilikkeims, V.V.
Campbants. ran, Worn', end r.fl dereht,,Jachts of
:Imbed. or boweLa .
The al.'s prrparelihml,cf such emhdldsta4 raga
tattoo la Nair gotglaml, hais,the . cord:deuced:l; sod. .
aanl.lry, g :. cc.n ra
at Ibell of yokimak..c pr rl et
.we Irina..a of of, are; ecorti3) . .,ilifc tenfloo
-' Invalids, who will Dad W.= tile ..
nature In rr. , dicroa. With - . : 0 , -2 c.rso.
mot, eaouna of colt..
eaviciccorw to [rat thorn, VC . " - •••
Jona; Lolics•N `tlasil'iepr#ccr, - •
rxuti....l 4.1.M0151; - .C. , Mant
Fp', /Alt by all vek4esale end I etaill.kalere. .. -
The I.:me:telt freedom of corm:N.lou* wollcitcd.
Caska of r,vd rrterr-arte eopol,l on ~mraimim.
Tor age to ritut. - 4 , on ra.tll..b,y J IL Fedfrff,
G. G..1 . n0,n . , ti. U.. Joteph ricLaical S. allta r k , of
Ciry E.? Jae. Stream, 31.1J.,.'W. J. '.?I oar:okra Goo. A.
Idly. . B. t— kAlL.S.L.Vairt:FaeiStr..
ocladmeiderel Wlmi,e.l9 Akehti, lilitil,..-gt.
tr-- -- 40 COllStalllyEti: - '
• •
Sh• adrertizer, harlot beim - rolloreLi-I.;itralth to " •
a leer week. by a eery simple . reM.ddfliair'haritc
tuffenci a,verel !tare with 0 "erern hdEarfratica,.
mei that. dread dlleaer,'Coorhhal.tleaf—lg . tdahlue to ~.-
, .. ...,,..
make kaare,to Isle fellow sotereri llMMtahe if inn.
To all who dealre , it.; ha erg! • Mod' a copy of th y
arreerif am ..J.d;(fr e o of rhordr,) with :1b0....1J , ...
Mora for preparing end ming the Wet, Irkleh th, 7
will dr_d a es...carafes I..W..tii V . .' . .1 r e il,o 5.. AST UltiA. '
object of the advertiser in .ndtrz .0.4-71. - .4.:11,116ii
I, to benefit the ofrictc4. met epread InfurmaticA
which he convolve, to be inestnatie : iird".he I.crpo
>roc) , anfrarrr .41 trj Tie remedy. et. It" : 1E1N tart
. •
item nothing. and m pryer a Llersirks.,'" .
l'ar.l.a.rofehldS Ake prom.olptton will Via. addrma
..r.rr.-EDWillti , A. WILSON,
, • Wrllimastergb, Ethg II ccragb.licw Took. :
'Pat abgeo raMody ma i ho ohtalred In Itittabcrzi. ,
,i "JOST.PII. :ft.ELflNf.',:linmetitt,
'Curn,r Markel itm.ela4tWfitamocd.
• CAI far remphler, She'd( eltr.' '-'''
L-KICEIt . .
411 P
raL k sIinITNG
VOLT Pit=ll) CerrEit 110 , 71 - 03•15.
FOriCOA:tr.ELtla:Fla. ll 7:::.
Piputeli sad rleittoi • -f
?LAIL% EllEht tnoN, witly.,*.cc*n.try -r.
Tri-szr:s: lq,cnnits t 09 1 ,1%
Frnliton4o,linn. /I.orlviri.d'at c s:C.OND ST‘• ' : -
Special orda4 Coil( r
NEB I IOI7S 81:11 , 1!EBER.S OF
DOM ESIT:S.—A relorrid hol - -
in; Lera reconi LYbtallh - itra tvidein, arty tra. •
4.rigOillt ail 11,..11.11.1 Maine Lc*:
the:!inins crMatOltr t, sllbhct nic - on,isniAttan It • •
bin 0.314 duty V. fnliflt
ysotturns tin means or .fleesce.;<.M.ya, •
'bl.l.l4l,eo,lfawelCDP, h. ~i 1
priveslpll9l vz JOitl
1 rataull.cisc, r.--
rzizlENcx OF .t 2; zliviaxt),
for the benefit and cas vArnitg• crgorlbo
. moo orho antra it:xi- k orrous Prriorsii*.
[oral hillisentood, rorroothis,:
r. 14,
ra,4llbambNc sha,qoot:lcars. ,•
rroonsy ho of tho forlorr,
r?S . . viz V411:1/32.31.1./Ir.,
rnio.)l7davd, Detl4ne.inet4itanity...N:
AA".-‘4' 6 "; - -
r"----,AIOBTESON (11
RBA & CO. ,
lo P. , :aAsan,
WOBriS, Tn-cratss h
or n0.i.7 ti.AnoNEnY
Sescriplioil;ol4.lANA,l vrau,
nouza AND .31:1237:./11_01 4 7:1143,
-14•10‘. Jot- GENTAZD7D rAms - T- 1 N;EtT 6 4...,
-au rZIMINC - 1101.1.7.1 1 . 4 .
ettNEVXXITY74 - ;. -. The
‘A. WILEOWA rentali IA?: at orT•
I 051,6rMrTION,MI RNA. IMMC'Ealle , ", ea,DS
OnGitts , andi,,na taiirslVealoss. to
r pfilervrit)•iriurptlitettizt4epiaoti,tlOo aut
• 9.544 W. 101,41 . 12 PO, cal tWotbdrad nf
1 301 MM vixama.m.-4-,k4 - -
- -,liScUisstsassallolt l =4... l .:
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