The daily Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh [Pa.]) 1863-1866, December 30, 1863, Image 3

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,*.Z. s' • , '"'t , ''' + : •" - . ; h'—''''' •: -
fr - :;= - 1 . - -•... 1 19 ..
;9•::111 - IDMIWr1lOBIONDEC. 80,1663
Umorr crry .
~A, 4 • ror,
, amass 4.ovner,
- '
•- , .eirfir_,CONITALLEr.:
• - , J o ur 221CLItGo.
-:. • s . wmtwt Elfc an /iv a.
• , Arrive! of the Vlgttant Stern Fire
Engine. •
• The nee *Steam Piro Engine, bsitlt .by its
tympany'Atioalress Elisardatturtht Cal . npsny, for the
IrtympanyAids city,. has it
.,;. rired;sivi Waatakin to their cazine hos:wren
Third slrest'yestindar, where if woo fitted op
uniitrthia . sopariatandenea , ,t Lir. P. E. Per.
-• tong,agent of the-Ateoeltimg Compasy.
• --
4 • -Varlon g -tr!e.-mad us that this engine 11 the
3. handsomest and beet ever turned oat. by Ide
•.' . , company. She was boil'. af test el t 4,000,
and wises' 7,000 pounds. Sbe het two
- , ej la
`den, eight Inch°, in diameter, and twelve
Inch stroke; two double eating pumps, :we're,
• •
inchl,nd fczroodOnt.fourth in lell
&muter, sad capable of discharging SOO gal.
• lons of water per minute. Her boiler II en
.- :, eased Inputmelled welnat, SA if ells her tank;
the former containing nil copper gabs. lific
tea besides the largo Mr - vessels on the tank,
- two small cryllndrica shaped air vessels, one
••-" side,which prevent the. Jorking,"Jar
' Ting motion 10 oft= to he fouled .in es
of this kind, sad' When fall gated, thgeWri
four /creams (.Viler. Her alr vessels; halm',
pleats, rode, Ice.; are handsomely. silver
. pbs.
led. and the smoke stack hmtnesseel with is ee
' - POla orSalliitica ,l3 .!:rine,i . *Ckf*l l " l l4 .
baud or . gormog silver. . ,
-On - the Nevelt of the man
handsome Alter plated lamp; which *Misfit
. ' 'cost 5130.- The.fiont glass ofthislamp cons
- talsta the letter V cakinto it; on tbo two slits
are the Penney Ivaniatoat of arms. mannornited
by the word „ Vigilant," and the bark glass
cent:abet- a titer of the city of Fleisher&
; . 'The'eammit of the limp it set witike golden
' .cagle.. On either aide of the scans alma
handsome silver plated lamp. The brass cap
' -on the head of the tank has for a design a
eiagle cryo,tho iritigirli et Odd , Fellowship,
• • 'although in this instance en do not know that
. - this rectatting to attached to il. The breaks
.12* so' IS nto be used by the driver.
a magi the front wheels.
, - The - Vigilant Company are now in chninlete
tforkkm -order. Their house is in excellent,
7 ,- a- • condition; tbirY' have 'got a .new carriage; vn‘
_ ' which we
.noticed a new tete. They bare got
_ _• -.thnee splendid horses. and a very convenient
' 'table, and in fact: their entire .arrangement
is complete. 'root, edorts to
• perfect thcir orgenintion have been untiring,
-, and we hope that thore efforts will bo properly
aPpreclated by those whim aro.destittal to reap
• • the benate, of their ezoitiene. '
. ,
soot.Falubitioil •
Iln 'exhibition stu glum by the pa Ps a
, .
.., - ..ol•Ezettator.f.. , choot t 3sresb, on the
. 7
. 2 : lth of Deeellakele...ll4l.4l.llsTeleee VITO le'
- ti,tb4llllCilalillitillSloo.o4 with tab.;
Adair'.iuld • rocnl initrementeloransie:
Before tho bourforeentinitielng the ezerrisea
land 'arrired,..the Jame mom was filled by
one of the. most intelligent eradicates OTOS
there usemtled. The'peplls were wattled
upon the stage, tastefally arrayed in white;
11. e WO 111 ee It! eO2
‘ b had moat be tif t, tr"t
with the greesrfollagrief.the trees represented
fn the scenery by which lheywere anrroondod. -
~ ...The members of the °Beard, members of the
Councils =anther distinguished .individnals
Occupied seats oaeithorsidde. The Principal,
::„Bonstsy Superintendent, choir, and pupils co
' • copied rho platform, The effect'of the whole
arraugement was strikingly. beautiful. The
perfanaanees were ail very good, and wcro
well reocired,some of the performers' being
' intenepied again and egainby applsnae. The
'vocal Wale 'was by Aire:: Smith; and the
Messrs, end Misses liefiraw—tba mule on
tbe plane hysMiss' Jennie lieGmer•eritb the
Vienna Much (duett) by the two Mese' Mc
- Getle. , Vhti feature - seamed to, giro great
. satisfatticsi to the audience. In addreeriag
the pupils to. bo rewarded, the Principal ap,
prropthetsly considered tho propriety of giring
pablle,testlinonlals;... After distribiting.the
n bonus, elematifalmieUnt,ssacompanied with
• • an" appropriate suldeL.'" - s t was' given - bi
StePhensela, the rOuciPais t. -- plied
• meet Lapp, rammer, - and`the exeres clued
.:, with an eloquent appeal for the cause of shl
" oration by the County Sapttintendent, tottl
the singing 0, the ...Bed, White and Bliss."
The plane esed:on 'the occasion was kindlY
•.• famished by Seidl* l Bro., Bmithficld street,
Georgeairs.. Ilrandentuors
-Latiritlo .11111: was 'Wad- to overflowing
se PObabl.T.
the attraelloa. which had be
.44' , ..notraeitt could Ritmo • have broug .
" 1 ;•:0' u-vir,Aitn4 gifted woulati reading; front !to
IttlPind Par gCf t/AP'Sti such will-rhea&
..7:111111StellII/1111)Ola belt pet fOrt4 e,lla "c oin
• • " SlFlbucs " mos
oann cr
:1 ow (co--could hard
Ti Wad to have the Met attractiveness
'% ll ,
•: I :;aiiitelt the crowded halt and gislisviivi hit
framed no abundantly that it actually
T mcr.tlosi bulletin tho - maid
fOlde ideitos which the sidienco pea of its
nice' 'bility to Abe gentle. • induouccs whtrh
the double spell of beauty and sous arei an d
- anottilung everit; to ray that the
-warmth of the appriclUtion was. at times to
osptsoite,a, endsolly to facet the teadetL-.
and impress the ou•looket - with lb, COD:TIC
I ttust .Vaudeidsolf Is vart . likelyto
towards a Pittsburgh au4 suce
Teel as hisd l .l
, aet , h , did ,
- . • hereafter; Asher Inutssaa voa
: , pater oottliderablo expositor° of oar pe0p10,..•
An szlieneiiii.repoiction„-fro*to Fin
__ our ad-rut/Sing calu sone will be focal a
gtopoeitina from a well-known
- -, "-nettof the Pint Weal, Allegheny, fie-ring for
'lto object the eullstment.of vOluntearti.. to ALI
.She quota of that ward. if this iszatisple.wis
• ; followed by others who eso. ear oneeirst,
!..; :well sisr by the wealthy' tboiftande whO are
Cie quotas 'of tho wartli =tight soon. Lei
Mod The plan_ is a,.g.isfd one_, for two
ressans—ant, the -: money-UMW:it VC! EMU ,.
&rod and the voluatcoe• olfw left destitute;
end, secondly,. the substitute', boa *ersmia.
duseeneat to screw faithfully: Me ccturowed.
at plea to the consideration of all thorn In:,
totaled in recruiting oar .studos. end 'it the
came time avoiding the draft. z: ,
. . uWiearvsr!"-The randerfal . ezbibitlon
In S t i a lanta huildin corner --Of Fifth and
. .
Salt :la meets, Is daily drawing - crowd{ of
blter, untalemen 'sofa - hltdren:. - The guiit I
fa very Pageant ea.; egreeaLle,i.liti
-gat girl, unlike *most or her ,predecdssoni, le
*neither upwieldly- nor - ungracol&- Ti.e.
-- , blvioray are *great 'curiCfsiti
. . their way,
ends - cry intelligent. Mu sea
tarlatge, bates for than:nuking curiosity, -
11141 sat fa Ur it u neither a toy DMA =Oa
, 1110 p;. kat somptltLii
. ottireen tbetwo. 'lt at..
- ---pearsto.possesi aologpfe a; and is car.
- *study for'Aliit °au: -JIG and see
yeareelete, and yon- wilt bsbetternblei to
fie ctie ofilre. 'Paint irmoilie city. for' the !lath
at lArtualband, 'reasoned 'lay =ln Into; the di,,
~Otur street sewer, while It tea bider. Aanstructot,
orLichtanairmrspfietelplostsital importance tolls,
1 di', ond hi Onion sharecormod &sell of 52,1i b t
Lod .1 ~ taa l " ,ertdri= =eat- It Pone
terAitedeoln at Pittsburgh la Xescuibet Lae!, Let ne
71,2r=ru" iZbati; , whth w..
to mow ns for Ms loss id tilleatudbeat
la cce.Tnenneof the of Cm amendoctin the opreig
cd1441, tractiled I the Marin- plus - darini. WIT
mummer, Verdict
rendn'adlor &be plaintiff, for
51,100, Materiel let wide by the.Ceurt , on the ones.
flaw of Issrmaerred. -IL was taken in' thA,bnyndus
„Dee:4ond MotnalriotentadheDistrict Chart altrtn•
of, theta relierhag the city , Don! all liattillty in Dad,
ofte shnilarchatacter. - , - :: y - ,
The cue of tee '7 . 4 nt. l / 1 .1 Oslisad t 'tsiresr Rea.
' r Cbmpeay,Videb Invalred Ore quesilon - wheher
the mild CcollsiT 'strobes:al, envier the ordinance
relatlegrothe East /Mak) . i'swetger....Ulattced, to
trep the streets traversed Dy thesaid road, in repair_
from crab
or. - erdy banana Ilitir mile, as
they claimed =Are Their chartir • van' taint in the
District Court andjtelgtoent for the sity.
litat, case was elm Wong* the, Benton& Court and
'the dodomnat of the Court below idanned, Oasts
r hei r thelleglity of eald7pl to heop,Wititert in ‘ r?;
P "ilratr i e alii: wire.
oily ry, Trr;y, inyytsiii the Ova.-
tyn ad =Mit of _the Einesument% torus- &rum
l a
Mrs. Bp, JeSsicased bathe grading' of Waeletag.
-ton west, vs* trial laths Plitriet 'Court, Ukert to
thebopreateComi‘ondllnallydochied In issoreftbe
' , airy. • This is the Met , caw of Me la te that has
also ander She Act drAsesaiy and the Aniimance
of-Conestin an the trobJect, inn'! its &Magee_ net only
altstalend OW gay tat also edshilthel taliiiitelDie
neer &ad baipartaOysi the biltraTensartt albs lithe..
The esee sit the Cdr, albs Pdasntib . Totjtrva.
la Vueddo2aitrx amplay, insohing the - nett
'sleeted br mid Company to toad a pier on the &Da
ghony vistuf, o f the anima and Against the
temouttrance of the city, was argued In the Vistrier.
Cron. sus] Ws Injunction granted festralning gild
__,_ _
~.. Lee Company
~f rom muting said pier.
f„ ininflitiAACD - ZIA. — W ,- •• A Dill Id Equity Mu Mao been filed In the District
Ni l d, r Zi tiebiltdre of flakertato of th e late -coort,,brottraz tup",,,,, , i, na,..4 .
- ..--,--• - p.lwalt,lCia gaitigact to the County paortroovizing on srl ti.llntat propmed , 4
,' r - Tr ,y - Ipt Usekor Zvi 41 L o 'sunk thliottei, 140 eity, from-the wmaia line on Liberty
~,.. ifiestori °L. • • c ' " • linnet to ttualonongshetz rirtrota4 the argument
4f$100r• • •• 1 m In if the 62"21Craliateral t o q y 2hemetbo-tor a pfellsoloarrhilwiction lam bete
lfrorlirEotszanothoEtsfe, , nadir Oa- tot of n x ,d f e r 0, ,a 4 t0t,,,,,mi.t. z a ,,,,,,,,, flex ,
----$ ...,,,,..4,,, broil& the, Did pa gent; •
Mat Deemer iniOltiptinciples 01mill:to
' ; ! 417 ."
- - - - ' 3
40 proPr 4 ' - —-,
t °.. _ ~f . Ba‘ - 1 ". - 1 4 .. -" r t- 1g . . .. . r di 1 i 7 i s
s.„ t 1 P trooko ten-tb' exitti el bo lt"i mse u t a b tF i rin ‘ di cill br l rir t hi a rg
,„-,4: .-,, Atajust tor Awk...1....1 onr.T. t' - ''''' "" '"'"' common onatasibtad coroputleenuty Conde Stith
- . 7- 1, Coaozonwealth. 21E r inilks 'gap: , was be- th e ~,,,,,,,,4 pmerworth.eiv: ;
~.,..4. ,
4to lairligtaodri.-/rwin. or Law- When ttn_maderairted" nmimardthe dna* of COI
...doll's tuitiOMlS TO:id at $01,010., f 1 '. per hi tailya a iyyy - litt of case* pondirSi
c a rd
*-- `f - "-.,----easeellsass•-"' — ' ' , liktrict Collet, bdog shitsszogrna
,race, waoT ingict
i,' ~ .,Efitini 13.atilitddidt2 ISotufastonn-Th • ,d_,, aan
,-.i n mos Gyr we* rms. - Nearly i l' ils
srat ogicuilxv.itigq.t.4zinad.! .„,,, :a s .....k..,,,,,, of the very loom and imperfect
elm,--fitilnarilig-Ilftailiintiong for tivr atirui tegrldation I* thostinakotts , At theindaliez at the:
~.f . I . 47 Wid 4110 „a tv ...,8,,ket counen—winum 5uifte..... 1 1, 41 7„ ) .r..tin., i in i xg ;
-...- —45 •
•! su ,..grwin._,• --,_ c.neß.;•lgsthaigo wanton ;44kwz 4....vadely . - &ibs
`-- " - ' -r '' ' 0 1.04 Johan ' -ifireo -- . netiD ' al , Tateeiol l f... „...,,,,,,,, b y ;dui, a. ~,,,,, 4,,,,,dr to h,
i f : t i:;: .„ •; -41 • 11141411 :4L IIIII =0:4, 4*-- -PS
_Yl mitlisi 'M IA :
Asite g"" non-; ;.tkist 'C°4"m otai trota ligs" l4. l tardad t4 P o inetrisamtantiA lb. ÷ if:
• ' " I t " ' ' - f 46...41: '''"
8 oTgosiot Ireniil4-41tdia,of *boa imt;dit___,, thernistinviptedilistatagg. "Db It
F- -, ,, 1 ,,,...4: , ,:i; ' - ,',...•' 4l o"'W 4w , a vr er mi xa , mr,lipiiirrO.ll4
,i 4,4 C,,,iel ...,.,tl"ZiTyrtrorsa=tikevanteisde,3a
„,,,...„.. b".:..-riAe , Nblvtd(oo;:.-quiv4",..51"7 - IdoorottvuttrOoltoorpollikom - . 34l4 : rob *Or bo t:
:i', ',.' - e-'.'17;,. ' •: ' •. ,,. ." -- "'' — ' - • fhs
- --'-:"--" s-'•-,.- - .,-,'••- - ,', ,,-4- '-' , ••• •• "-7 , : - that '-ibrOsielabdis litn-atituabte&l"lfk.",
i,-"' :b ';'` 1 ::: " - ''n' e&5.''' ......------ gtl:2 6,l , , rozat Itifatell' r2rokii67-Itatiformgd klattoi -
- ..
' --'' 1 ~.."'""-- " ",....,womiggs, einitatc*.nbOn:o l lß 18160,14101a1tre., Stead
'f , -T•t:t4k. , 7l4turotyciti.:" Doef.•39fillit,. l .4U4 l ft 801 .•,t 0 , b trtitrlT....: 4:11J; , • ~, : --•••,' , :i
" •--- ;•'' 4:::•-e.,' -1 ..t . .. , ' ~.,,.. ~.,--,, .r. • ~, ~,, , ~,, , , C7l-41,_
...- .1 .7 - =; .- ..'4 , 'J
4. 5 ... , % ; L - -' : ' :, .
,- .:-;---% ~..„,..,.,%....,.:',:.-:;::;;:•--':i^':','-:.....,..„"1-'L.,;;,;::;;,,....„.::`,' '',.--;:,--,,,,...",' S
'''.' 1 ",,, ,. . ,' ' ~,- .'''... ,-- "‘' . `.' .3""..i tr --,. .. :,--.- ----- ~,-:...t.7-- , •- •- .''. , ‘ ....A '•:. '.....A: '", ---,-, ~, - '-4, -. ',47.,;',..t.t....e:.,-V-4...,7,1,--__,,,".-L-",.:,..! v1„1,4_,, , ,,:-.*::
~ i, : i..`„'s,k.l. . k- ,t ag
4 .- - . .-. P q: ) ..1,,?44,7-I . q - '' '.' ;/:;i --. :4: 7 -. T.: F ,' --. 1 1tk4 -' WPQV - k, f 1 00"!.?.. , ' -' 4 4'.461- ' 1 a. 4 L'4" . a.g . i-;'' ' '' -4.' ' '''''''''''' •
..- ~:--; 4'..k.A.,-,.,..Are",--;,%'.2,fe'/'"4;:.--,,;,,,:z±t.,..,,;,D.1-;44,,,-,....-i.l.4Lim‘.:., ,-44.-4,e ,,,,, -- --- , , , . -
i - -.., , "---'fir '• : 2:"' : ' .. 5 t,; - -re•••"-W , T=- 4 -"`f;;•';`42 .,, .• :, ''' ,7 .:1' 1 0 -, 4. 4 ''•- '''
.- - : 7,, it - ri4 -77 .4.' - ' 7 L'4• • ilkfi.'-4 t, ;*.ijii; - t' i 't''''':''''''''', ' - -- • '' - - ' ' -
E":; - ".....(1 ,- ,-•
..t- - ; ': t ' :et' '-,_ 7 _'..- -•. • -s- " -- - _ -
- ti:4l=Da.tba.—lt Too ore . fottono.
- be Fount.. et:die cluing szOrclica of tho
iroaal , saaobs duo 000namot with the V.
Mardi; art: Pollock,bild ci Tartla Creak;
_ppEatarday r oaroon, D ato eir - oth. . Th
dogiog lam coaduoted by their tcaohor, Mr.
' . Eflaat.:. Jost. before thi ciao of dm .,
• eonNrt Yr. Matt said It bad jot cerArrod to .
Um that *trod oppoitaility here Fregented
• Ist i ltd 41 ao '. " :1•To t I°° ; " a 9 e r d :ht.' e c0 k 17.%!
Wen be takes the given to
the Chrlitlao Commtwian. ThLi'ioueetton,
• .
to alien tidepurpt the moment, asnoiat
tho haildainift!igunc;twOltiox dolleror,
; OW , '.f , f,•ta*Vtli 80 /. l ellart s :
• The Sf. the
City SelleitaroahlohWaa minuted toCdancili
.on Moadsp oyanlog, , ,r.sal• ordered to bin .
lished. • * ft j 3 a very bloating. danntent,'
and .esizeas That fegal'iqeM • 'or •UM
, .
'thy in in' 'eom . pitant hands,and :that they
have been noanstpiel with great :linty', That
portion of the report In reference to the oda
promise of the railroad hodcbtednass is very
gratifying, and will be :tad with inter
The entire report will be . axially ponied
by, all those eoneerned in 'the: welfare of the
•Tia'rie Sara dint ant.' 0'44 mire
Pacterryk: • -
Gammons templlanee with the o rdi
nano,: pniseriblng the'dnlies of City Eacitur,
I olinilt this re rt of the legal hmes
lns of
the list year: • .••• . • .
• .
:• :••••1-rltilter assiosseire. •
- -'AVLlMilOglrmintef the ydm fleetly Tress-
Mier plated . id irzhaads for oolleetion, all the
outmodin Alba to "gnat and
and for the • minsitmeUtin ;or sewers.. 'There
ware seventy-seven eases of this bled, imhra
.eing claims on seventeen di:recent streets and
ails e, and all except fifteen codes were. for
work done in IaSS and. 1552. Insereral mires
. no liens had et er boss Sled ilitallsd the lirop
hrties, and in a good many:others, in come
. of errors in - the' dnerbtlatte, of Wag
' aka in the name of parties, and the difleul-,
flee Incident to putting Into - operation a new
• sYstaro, collodium have been alow • and trou
blesome. The property holdcm on Colon 411
• lay also contend that that alley Ls a•prieoref
alley, and that the any lad no .right to pave -
Lit, or brad a fewer therein, .n 4 hence refuse
to pay for those. improvements: And •until •
•dechlon of the court can Lo obtained on'tho
go/anon. nothing can be eollecti.T. on these
easel. ..0,0 the Other Miser • liotrorer'l bare
eollected andPald over to the city Treamirer,
two thousand firs hand:edited eisioty•slx dot-
M.-, and forty-eaten coots. •- • - •
Pa Mais! of April , the insertner:3l.-..d In my
Into& the beet
. sentaining, the erne. arennectini
• = 3 lln 3. ls i ttrs t .Z 4 l .,.is in de
At the time tha bent wu Waned la MY Ueda: &Met
hondre,t cams imialited nessatted,anad anima
huedrisg of theMaite In 1.10.mt1..1 esieltdiertlerr
to be crud upon the chiliwgeents. .romeedol
witheint ha;.leeg ear adefitleal costa, in =Untie:
itioaridernble suituati Del 'mama of the tattles
teased to pay utile thial decisive etiolate Lc obtained
than the Supreme Conn, oe the sod
. Bie artierenictitn. I had throe cues, the- ate n.• Jlle.lf acre.. the Clip: n, dd. Ifelfaserni, Sl id the
air; r.. it. Cote, which had been tried In the Mania
Coati mste than two yeas ago, sad held beckon
guralome of law marvel, btonght up fur argu
ment, and obtained Judgments o favor of the city.
Three tam were then taken, by ;the decedents, to
the Supreme Coon. and final judgments wen. itit.
Woad Buster lug tea tenants end caftany of the. as
sessumate. Whils
any new writs Li Mesa cans werending I damned
It 4,..e cot totem add say all!.
µanal teats Ile mch eaten' Deena , the delinquents
•con have tuP tams vintner for not - pa:lnv and If
'payment be longest:deject, they can hare no .reams.
J er complainte awn ars added. have nettled 372
ot they can.; and collected end paid ofer • fajta
on this amount• MUM 6t, and Collected
and veld over to the Prothonotary, sl,lad 71 emti In
Ahem cams. There yet roman' resealed 401 mart,
and the balance remaining neut.! is *gout thirty-.
an thousand damn, (Y13,Olo.) This iistembraces
all the &Meat and doobtfhl cum involving, pet
' hole, morn trouble and fatale their irttkment than
&lithe others.. And in eonagnenea of arras In the
• amesonents, Of the dratr of pestles, the tresider of
properties, and 'of ;'• prior MOW and: Matted sales;
dootelots • antriderebl• antanarall be Icel.. But
with 'Weak's, promptness - end permveranee; per
. bays tert ti.tbirdi of the maga may yet be collected.
• •
•At the time of the left repo rt of 'heat/ Sent' tor:
there remained still in the roma of Meaty eleven
tboasand shorn of stock in the Pittansnidi sad Stee-
Misfile flatiron! •Company. and ate htindrod and
Softr.eirov sheave la the Pitteborgb;:Fort Wayne
lindititticego ttafirway Company. Ail the.d.f.mmd
.prevtonsly teen add on jh fr. analum.fmas 'the
Moult Court of the Veiled Malec The trustees to
stem stake had been aseitmht in Mast Cr
certain parietal, torqht to diepom of them a pur.
Mute of said trot, and of a **alai. Act or As
sembly authorising than to dila. But they did not
,accred :In coneequearti of the dlffltultiee lammed
by those who am etruggling to deism a eorepromise
.Of the Itallrail Benda. Yams remainice etacka one
then 1ert....1 upon and wed lo the sum 1:6•441“. y the
'SOM. had. WO. GO taut now lb. city hat not on.
share of stock alin.ding a brown name. rat the
Sesame still claim all three stocks, ass if rtet•
should L. sumidned. the.MIS tern Yet ho the 'ob
inutlet owner of all 1b... .clocks, audibly will be' available to a Large 113110.12112 in the Ilea adjust
; meat with the Waded/cm. A 14111.414. 0 .7 hoe
I lan aniag fir mom than • mar in the eir , .•
• cult Court d , involving the ralhilly of them wake end
tho 01111 of the Smarm. It was liCwid that that
113,04 bore been decided at the last November
Mt. of the Osurt. t Met net the inetanm of the pas tier
elatmerg the ituelcmdor the 'Statelier' aot% on+
agalest the restemstratee of the atterneye far the
city, the CM sae motioned nail lint Slay tent.
Thascanreadiresee cadrewile , of the *loch sold,e
Mt, as W deddon vomit melte the eon
renter; ail - the also, It woe
to institute other mils until that almuld be Meld el:
Last January number int of sumkanas eat:aloe.
we. tenni Inunthe firma Curt against thunclis.
to e,septi Om payment of certain Ju4mmts on mil
mad L. aria In Jae Ufa wee followed by an•
I attar /14 of roles Men:attempt against the member'
TermCationh..,- The cues came up at; the Nortisibes
Tent err,armatuari, and although attorney'. Ow
via ety are mody and walling for the arzo, meta,
the cuss were 4:colleted, a the instance Df the
plaintiffs, nod hi al probability will nerve be alhil
•a . . . •
At the Gnat Court, additional
ju ,dmiciate wen obtained against. Ma city on the
coupons of raft red Una, to, the amtiont of
na,s3. • AILS at the November Teta. other POT.
Wats of the same hied. be Ma atilanot mr.x.44.
Burin: the year. the Pianos Cattualtirte and
Controller. hare han• laboring earnestly:to erred a
compromise with the becholdem, 'sandal/se
with the act of Ausmbi: "and theordinairtm won
rho. mined:. The dß:Geddes irk the way to num
erous' and .foruillible- - "After protramedlitigatlan,
laxities a Val Oest Orfeeltne., jnelgeaste very
'L_magma Lad been 'obtained,land YAM of the
ltors, nem at tbedelay,, , maerPerermed:ewol
Iceafdcat of memos, ..wookt•igive •Co Ur la mm
'A 111.7,0 jaasr
Ste beat .oral .
tramd by foreigners, • rho • were luancesetde
iticept through agnate in this country, who
sate urarlendly. tri compromise, sod nos •mereh
• dbpaciltontesuntruicate to thetr °Leal ,nos
facts of
Pesos*, on the terms proposed IT tee oily. earrasof
Memento also ler otredlts the castrates: about the
stock; and Unitted upon their bang eurrendrted
':urn they Imola MTh of avant:case. notelets if
Werra...ten to gai amtrauf dock. csai...l ocher
udtecasicont.onstiorable dolsy. Con
. Wining thesedeLars, shwpastnurnds end dlifleal
taw.-aud they an bat ell. scriber: were slid edam
lefa - arkinactiaracter.-It snot strenge, that 601111.
tlepmareee wee made daring the Era torott• el
theyetr. Bet by the tarry and frneverarsea of the
reametti4 sad CrotroUse, the-vort vanymmiai
sod the exchaugeof the now . for ' the ohl Plertila,' at.
Ilengliirteneseneed. The meshes of Bends LAM and
. .yarded , and oar la th e porewelne of Mc Gartner,
yin418;111 teem hem been deloaliely arruged, atid‘
ore rspeetsdtoarrlreln a few dap, when the. new
cue sill be escheard La theme making lo all ettt
. Boodelor (CO,f/B ef the principal of;l.Mi Balirtail
debt, Malta hitcnettberrou; whir-bit +theta tee.
;1131111as muctittine mak log. tit the agmesnlv, eilbt
bisolned wed flay Monert°l deflate of the cliff .
&Imams*, which has been the far comprombed— .
Anlngabout OneDtbeet if Mewbeleamonns.. Nelda •
than shirtier. seetielle• componalsed, negeffetiotis
areneerlytioroldetwil4•couriderable amount of the
balance; arid it is confidently believed that the *bolo .
=emit will te =awl scion merlon, of nest year.
le thole:rods aLreadyeettled Is Included. a largo mount
of thajortzuvetts ROWS thorny oalitkb mesdames
eimusionewerelwead testYennali.' • '= , •
trrs(mfmJ xlOOO •
• - -• •
is,:~i' ~~~.,
IA tl.eplOcreatlloti Mid trial ofuara"ln coat, It to
nadsaaary to bar* • elleut to gather ?sets tad - le M ,
anaton, subporra altorreorazd ta, that they are In
attendance. area 'wanted. Neer hertensatace.
aothetteue earn aodainertny the maces of
In. caw; has to Cip.iter...d by the Irepeat • and
&rave Yellertcrra of the city. In not baraag mayors
to Act depart of Client In thre. propirtus for, sad
**WIN; la; the trial and friao the flame
and 'arm ter of. tbe hdeme that will 1= far the sollcltor awned year. It attl bo
lam to ellacharo. Ids dutlesproperly sathout wale
Gauss arm of lb.& khad. , I would, - therefore; necau.
mad that prostaloalaa nude by onitasare for some
oneefacia,daty ,It atoll la to attatal to. 1611%41110r
pa t kladtben called open by the Sollator. • .
Vaapcstfully ilubszliti.J.. • "
i.Pi.t4bargh; Dr, 33.16c5., .
ri t ro m e.ed Tl 4. en CrudeiretrOcitpU
Thi petiposition, st no undiestana, St, Kt."
tax clinit ell tan cents plc vain', to repeal
tits draw back for exportation as se Orit- -
infillvireil 00. roSnett oil on which. the*
boll:ten Paid, and to allow the exportition
of refined' s! now ander lead..•
Refiners wilt then *tend thoit Assuming
Ant, That it requires three gallons of mad:
to make two gallons of refined; and we: ho..
Hare isjustifica by the extierlenee of ree ,
dam generally. •
,Saound. Thattlie Mimed tax sae
'en th.O gallons of erode del ircred st then
*y.• • Via tax or ton cents on erathrbeitinkia•
.611 con tents per gallon oaths refined btuldng
all, government Image et do refinery; add dm
present direct tax of ten mute per gallon, Inv
khan the . nand tax, of note pew.
&Mon at the stills on Ayeir: gallon used for.
bothiconsutoption. lief:mere who; 'aolasi,
'are highly ,petriotle; (we • know c.f.'s° excep.
Alone,) wont eonenlain of this; u to hohte
mummers it le ebtap to them at one dollar a
cheapeet sod most beautiful ar
tificial light cent friTOD to man. Refined oil'
.removed under bond for exportation, will go
abroad burdcnod tax. of Waist sixteen
,cruet per gallon,—we add one cent pot...gallon'
'kr leakage and, difference of goose. • ildso
est,es of•the tax may wort that there!' noth
ing-which ego succeesfully c ompete iith pet
ition% aid that It will bear any tax'.whlch.
fleettnment may roe lit to place on it: lYe
Pifronrbriefly to chow them in error. , . •
:Our Cfsundian uoighbers have large fields Of
:Pids*stra—tlintranifty of which is not 'nail
to oureltoa at AU additional cost of- two or
threo,eents per gallon in relining, capable of
•prodoeing es largo a permute& of horning
01l folly equal in quality to the best- Arocrl
can,. rclzied from Pennsylvania erode: . •
, The Albert mine . In :Slew, lin:mewl* pre.
duces Cost, yielding from the ton 0C2,210 the.
from 110 to-12:. gallons Crude 011, from which
a burning oil is produced, elshned by' many
tee be m,perioito that from Petroleum. '
. The rottlandilierderne Oil Company hare
manufactured ziost.of their rained, ell from
this coal for the. past year. The Downer
Earrscno Oil Company for the pest slx months
hare beennintaing all their retorts on the
sem* coal, both of thieo mataufaotorles are
areamong the very largest In the country, the
weekly production of eaoh being elxint Arleen
hundred barrels of forty gallons each when
mein; to the extent of Weir capacity. There
companles claim that refined oil from this
malls roducedata ninehless Mist, than from
Crude Petroleum at the average price for the
past rear. bo remembered that Ws
coal Is paid for only fn gold or its eqiralent,
thereby adding 50 to 75 por ocnt. to fonnor
coat to.tho American rennin. ;I:tuge tracts
hero been found in the Crimea, haring the
sainoeurface indications of Petroleum that led
to theVirst boring In Oil Crukt.yalloy. Some
American gentlemen hare,ponarcd the lean
of this territory; and am nag' - ..the ground or
near there, with miners ..inab-t'oole from Oil
Creek. : • -••
England aid Sl.ttatid Oa bountifully cup
plied with coals„stmle and peat, from which
the. erode oil can he.dfitilled of a cost of not
over emits •per; gallon. Persons Thor
oughly eoquaintnr with the fists and Orates
1.1 not care Woo 'phis.
Why hose notation sobetances been mere used
it so cheep? would be n pertinent query. For
trio ressens: Ist: Mr. James Toon; controls
the ;alining of oils tram coal, ettale' or post in
Groat ittiMin mid her colonise by virfoo of a
which. has been lolly trastahnd In the
English cosine =Ref lAN( Colltetteal nat.\ 21.
Crude and Refined- Paroleumi have, until
latterly; been laid down in - Englar.d et a law
cost, sad from , the peculiar nature of the pro
duction of Credo, mm;. have expected lose*
it again equally low. Thera wre pmbape sof
:Wont camera te the itiquity: oatig's poloist
iaryir:i. the .onstdog year. luring ate bold
open to competitors. It is well known That
• he-hen - unused toillions from • the wilts of
his tamales, and that be kat constantly on
; dersold Amick-in olLe.- Wilt not that facts
alone to enough to Induce English capital ta
embark the tenting year is this brarich of
manetfactore,. If not'add this proposed tax,
width isequiralutt to a hope* Ilathe for.iga
rehear. ore: 114 Airier:can of irA-CA4tll per
gallon,'lf we add for leakage eteieit or twelve
cents, and fifteen to termite= cents onhis re
, fined.
Wo a:atoll, eouriesed that eon in reGeing
co' own made Petroleum, the English retinas
eansurcassfully compete with us: Lorrintm
of • ioterest,- camper/tiro /ow ~ eoat •of works,
• dump tabor, fuel and chemicals, added to quick
sale and at bettor prices for his benriee, nap
the sod residurn, .otEssis laity the added
castor freights', eta., on his raw product. 000
thing hoc/tains theyhare ionatutly ender
, sold es, retaining almost entirely their home
trade. Wo are not. asserting more than tho
results 7111 prose,. when wo say, that, If the
Gorename.nt places tidier:any taxon erode or
refined oil which Is not entirely remould on
exports of eoch t the efiect will Wend within
twelve months to completely rain the redoing
interests, redoes The oohs* of tbatuands now
invested reentries, to lass than landrods,
'stop the emdodevelopments, totally , paraluo
this tunnels of trade and commerce, whirls has
so soddenly beecianione of immense 'magni
tude,' adding wooderfhily to - the nutorlal
wtattli of the eountry,'ond taking already a
proinincet place in the list of Its exports. We
understand' that' a proposition , emanating
from en °eclat source -bu boon forward
ed :to ;--'the-commissioner . at %Verb
laktoo, atirtilug a tax of CITII yenta on
erode and f. cots, on refined, with &drawback
of 3.ficatit ou rced exParted, Ootcrement
Inspectors gage at tumors side. This Is
equally pernicious; its braring is, to tbe crude
producer, squat to' taitng 'him 3 cents 'a gal
lon, to favor 'the •Eogilsh or Caudle!' tallier
from coal or petroleum, and to the English
',edam of Amerieut paraffin:et It giro an ad--
vantage, ova 'the American refiner of 4;j to .
5 tents' per -Fallon, .while 'to the inglish
IIiter.IIdMIDA.CIA his oil !foul tt•al Al Canadian
' Petroleum, it girox tahoonty of 11 to 12 Dente
-list, the cent tax en - crude Is ;Mon refined
tha . cO/1(r, cr at lir4Cri rlde 8 minto=4ll;
net. tan 'at 'the imam platelsArrqual to
14%; 1414 drat/boa' centileivas a tax
.on' refined all - ;on Ihiptobard'ef..ll% tents.
This tar:beteg .. equarte a bennti to Foreign
Renner* of 11% , seats - Pau gallon en twined
ell all node rm./admix owner Petroleum—The
foreign .rcfmer et stainieunentde nil haying
ay tho tax ottOrnde of 3 vents; amounts
% his,workS, so; that tila bounty !sot*
about Coat:. , - •
We beliere.thaethe gen t leman Who &dolma
:Ado method' of talettion,did,io to the belief
tb-d, it wier'the' Most fair for both producer
and - he l oon` an.i Clielnattd to tiretho 0301'
ATZOI,IIt umereecturi. . • • :
'The only parties who will berbeleatted by
ible Sherwood Aeration on oxports, are par.
ticanthichasy told erode and rained 01l 'When
thetas takes afoot. They will be profitted to
thet extent of ton cents a titian op whuerudo.
they may hold, &adz ts refined, either in hoed
ins, fifteen 'to sixteen, teats a tallest-7
-smooth to tate tome of them from a tetz,re•
Speetablo toes on bithptioed stook. Ws would
not intimate that they are the ads - tiers of this
- 11 z.: BWl,theyoreundedbtedlyiaxlonsthat
the Chstrernmont should obtain • all the rero;+
nuo They eau, and many or dam:- being intl._
sootily aoltainted with tho Petroleum bust,:
•nearr, it would be nothing remarkable. If their
advice had boot sought and• without a
thoight of tbolr own interest.: Be It
May, if LEO tot gees on " . tor otermetion't
gone'as refiners of Petrolcim, cacipt for the
We appeal . to Crory producer and'relluer In
The 4.Urdsl to net, spook end write; and that
quickly,. no original
,plan; we: holler*. was
.to burly this'matter through : Conte* before
January' dist, hare it become slaw, and tabs
effettlamediately.' Fortunately Abele .weire
gentlemen on the - Committee if 'Ways' kid
Huns who wished to know_ whet they. were
doing, and the thing did net pats at ezpected;
• hot let no delaj occur; bring ovary infirm:lee.
iro bear oval:10c. J Our great talrelon Witt
t giro lightf Ist ne do , it, and - in. Season,
adonte year emigressloul friends by coin -
mitten; by totter or in some way-'. This done,
oar position falrlionderstood, and we hove
rn fears of to unjust legialallon. - . 0
• 4 We toggert a chontro.:lo the pruentiow iss •
that ruiners hors ands:net if they wish to re.
move their oil from refineries. moy do *
plating it in fireproof gournatent warokonses,
under 'barge floronsment 'tare keeper,
and whca.ranor.ed tot home consumption the
tea to be paid„ - and If any additional lax must
bo paid, lot it be oti reined for boos einsump
lion; place no tax or Lpy klnd'an exude.
~.."Etpuill Of A.ISICROTan;—.OI,T reiden d 0 , 314..
leis remember the revolthig murder of the
. .thCaT !amity to • Meant,. tut InolMtr, Rod
subsequent atmet,Artali. me Utter'.:std '
isoteeee or Yridegrk E , freetist 4 9 titainal•
Amer..ilitmseetteammitdhe -- hmkg en the •
'I Rh eftwelliekores7, amt. am.. =doted' ts. ,
dap Count:llZ amtlf tint ostattiocat, ai.
ler: tho'nfgbt or tbel4tte meile•hte
semi* itaa 1 4 0 41 . 1 4 b 4-I 'o ii#A5 11 ;, 11 , 14 %
oeptzred. g-14.
~~u? :'~~
suta 01 . 0
'Snick by farkikt MellwMAs,
anatimeas. Ito: 64 lii4h stmt . , 411 Tess
<toy awning, Dec. 19thi • •
Citizen'c Bank 65 75 75
Mocinfe's Dank .....
Alltigheny Dank .17 99
atarchaints• and hlsnotanturcrs'Bant. 54 27.
Also, two acres of grocod, tuo miles trans
lhi - 41ty, ao the &nailer Boat road, f
Strati Ow Panrmar,—Oarleadas are
!winded of the tale thia morning, atle o'clock,
theaupertb oil paintings. which beef been,
on exhibition attire euetbm teomacf DlTil
Mel:bribe, Fifth stmt. The catalogue con.
acts of 123 pictures, =diver, one of thous a
pm. In artistic execution, careful
anicholee of ttildeetts they ore admirable.
' COmfortible footsore proelded for the atter
' dance of
Etna= La Sowintsna.—By special 1111-
Vest Mist Saabs Mann his enuanted to ap
pear as. Amiss to the above opera, for, this
eagles only, tt Wag the wastes of Ler first
bought to our .olty ; tied avant intood bj the
saangers it cannot potatbly repeated
*Wig the Mien enfaileacnt, as • diffireat
,opera is anneeeoed scary eveneg this ant.
SPECL►L LOCAL licrriccs.
Trot PAI37, Plan and Onsemsetal
.114. Hooter', sad stesisite Pc=llirsahs sad
Yerviont elate at the best osslity st tow rates.
011170 at Atm tateiblln's, sew the Weir
Works, ?Mahwah, Ps.'
Sear-stz•no-ae-sw—broun rinottnn 'Tour
co.—Thin Tobacco, need by the North Amer
ican Indians, to mannfeefarett (rem the Inert
quality of tobacco, end commingled with the
west healthful and odorous Itoeu, Berta end
Flab*, Waleson' to the Rocky. Monatelea,
to etteh • proportion, en to {toted -to Its dis
tinctive character, and 'enure for k wherever
It booamea known • hearty weloome. A long
rerldedee among the Indians of the Rbal
bour , sl. enqualnconeti wi th
their bititi t oedema, and mode" of life, and
merit other things, se Weight into the C4/11-
itO9lUOll of their "Woking tobareo; aid a
knowledge of the =MAU by whtth the *eget
aite.orotoz is prodoeU, which retolua ft so
pleasing to the smoker, and so aceeptable to
theme who ire net: -Smelters. who 0117.0 he
.eutee eutoelot 4 . 4l pith this tobacco will never
'bewlthout It. - SOU - by .01-bitzteoeist• awl
by the nianufeeturcr, 1i 11. Hoot, 511 Cht -
nut "treat, Phlladelehla. delthlin
FOR Pau. sin St , Wren Wasit-Itts Sam
moil t post, and by the morning's frost, we
begin to apprehend, that Sall and winter rill
shortly be upon as, and we moist previa.> our
selves with the mittrtial to lump tut comfort
able. A oleo tall snit, or • good runt well
-112100 evereont ars the very twos, and . we do
not know of may plans 'where ova. reader*
world *nit themselves better than at Naomi.
W. 11. ldoOse k "Co'. clothing establishment,
earner of Federal street mad Diamond Squat%
Allegheny. They have: also received a eem
plate aseortment , of gentlonitnes itunisbing
good', and a grealormietsy of new patterns for
walstenating, km •.. - . .
Granstartehareyen examined the fall and
winter Atoka geode at the Merchant Toll-
Wring establlidwattit. of Sam. Graham A Co.,
No. 54 Market 'treat y.
A froth supply of . goois ovary week.
Hero you 'waned the prlect of gooti at
the Merchant Talbariag eatablishment of Sam.
Graham A Co, No. 64 Market atrait ; tt not,
lt le now time yen "maid, sad eave 20 per
cent. in your clothing bill.
Every garment warranted a perfect It.
Smarm. Aso. McCarneass.
giniercrir Bum Arend:wt.—Afro. Anne
Fos, of LouSerino, Ey., says to • letter:
"ITben fn New 'fork, We 119131OPT ' I pr
ams.' by way of imorimantllolllo of 111 rs. S.
A. Allen's eelebreted liairßertbnor and Zylo
idallarosun, which I bare forted rateable. I
now writ* to bsr• you send too a dozen of
each Ly °sprees, for the nee of my friend,"
Solp by dinggiats ererYwhcro. Pernt IOS
firearrlott strait, Now Tort.
Jnor LW:MU 11.11, Kunz' von ilate...—The
Rae areartintat of Pall and Winter,
lately reicolved by John Vier
Merzhnat Tenors No. 146 Foderel dna, Al
foghany. The s tock of edoiblag onnatzts rl
the flout - rarlaty of grata' pantaloon/4 rem%
tvas and °Torcasio, Toe of psitentr. Id
Ureteral sad fiehfonahla. world
aG of our readza to glow die shore Len:lease
AlTestior, Courser 1— Is ;lotions , . ,ho
expect to Wain their health unimpaired dur
ing the campaign, mart lee to It themeeiree,
do cot trait to the Army Surgeons. eriPPIY
yoancivirs VIM TIOGLOWAY'S PILL% Mir
(111•TttENTS:fivirj SAgltiai &Idler's Vizi. ,
sack oontsize there. Only 33 ...cots per to: or
. liottowsu'a Orrmumi. For aal• at Fel
ton's Drug store, Fifth avast.
' Ommuma and cerrLege calla' will be taken et
the Oman= offee, So. 4.111,. Peru street, day
or eight. Allen*, lets et .the above place
will DeprompUy ititteriedtp: - calla to
paid b sleazes. ." . •
C. Pln.i, Dentin, 145 Pia•
end to el bastee‘e of 69 drefemlee.
CIA. -On Taw.lay, min toatoalt h b
o'cha k, 110 LLIII J., Neta ,e Joke J. rialt,l4l.dlurt,
31mi Rawest 1.111 tata pivot Villakrtilai•arraa•
.1003 i. at 3% o'clock, Loo nciarotai of bac t 0,..
tarot tto. d Mort street. .' • ,•
Taacticy allorsoaa at! o"cloalt.
at ICC) Jacks:sat mot. AUrgoeny, multimst.
UILL1111:14 la ohs Iltb 'year'of bat aci. • ' •
flat Amaral art t tala placa Tito orrcanaor, at
O'cka,lcorn bar Isla Ivalde...aa. •
ra.ssaw...L-Tn.•routot of c.ituto LIMA=
33361 . NA11 will tab plug
.IVirssaar Moacorma,,
lax. 31 at 10 o'clock, frocathi 11rit ttcptlat Chunk,
corm., of Croat as 3 flirt *Aosta ria M.oda of
ob. ram* 4:6r!toKy.ll, ftaiNi to ottani a-It/mai
• •
SPEC UEL rreztoes.
75TWOHEI COWMAN it B110.01tai•
- ..lisiftraw:et 'IRON/LON
vAttiitt - Art.T.imons , inttOw inwr
aid tatty= syztrerom. Won! sad Mute,.
(*To on LAM ovule -4 of or , T.ttitsks. Whop 7nn3
plata. meltable fon s 1 paipteL
• Par tknlnr sunotlon pia in sattalk[4nee to
Jolnlnt dun: at Jab= tattoo. ape
CO-.1301,3) Mit3; ,ItEPOINTED
EQUAL TO SW. on tee nods of
coas. COctilaio 7oti.onyenrnt on aped,
titles, t 7 antl x otboneno. • s •
S. B. 3011.1547 N, Muntoctor and oMoo,
'44 WAS fon torsi, KO , Yost Clky.
' 3 : : 80N8., - DEALERB
Lin) riontaidriats or
cilmrscatv .IDEPosrr,
mune stomps No.. a Xliatlg?
orssErtritufmro;rs. • • ' ,
tirciaKtimineas uo pil;•cipal Oki
• ISO AND coincrenus 211:IICIIINT and
4Atisal. fiar. vrrrn, BUD&
"BM Kl46°Crbirinii,4°...4.l/I
I 5W4f1711. 1:
MOM 00TOIMB 13. Ma.
, Reels,
IseSete, actlatts, /lOUs
teethe., ILI Gloves, Fiildros's -. oothiNt.' 420 .. 11
tied. of Wearing Amend.
Tor to seats reit out colter ea mu, es would
at/welds* wet 4,. theft that roc r an ee st•eln
am be produced Gym the Woe dp. 'the
lmpls, AAA 11117.001.0111 IN the Os trltt i rertet4
eveteet -,DlNeNOUNtibilyisk rrtnset, sad Genets,
Weds *teeth Ittgal >;'
/tor forth. InOsnoodoit In Drina, and Ott=
" Tot=l . l d tg ? ..__4l3ll . c = b ;er il roe, ireee k' hase
' Um. Inovene =AIM DrUNT uolarlea.
Etat by man so Tomtit of pr_teo-no coots.
.Idonollecurodl7 • - GOWN 4 3710195 8,
f Droet3eray,•Doetoo.
%nig. by drealsto art 4 &dors ioNaraNy. •
Vrlailithall I I.lOVTatiTl
ma.. =maw) 1-404pobabheMi • walm elk;
nlorto . frt.:llSi". C/1304 A Wane ea Ger Nee"
trooNooalsod - Roditol Caro of twmstmehtel,
Iceskeees, , lovelentery 'Km lotus, p mt
r sad lagskllssege to Slarrloge NtAemllY I .
Nem:mm.4 Ooseleaptlea. EpOspel and_ Nes.
tel sad Physical -teespertire ronstio.•
Crow SW. •
Amos, 40., Li ROM J. Cromnrsorria, v.. soda
of Ita .t.i.eo Zook, At.-
. ..Shoos to Thomoado
soNaoro,^arat =Set wee, to • piste aovdop., Lo
kV a4t sActrelt e, - toetystidi ewskess of Ja, ether es tee
4*A by - DPL GU. 3; Ct. NM lt N.
Vflise.l. ll Pr ;TOttoP,4O ll lo
,-....t.0 1 fier MIS likbf
followlmtaidlsolot weit
au* to* twawnewAriii.L
Klte,*" ar
;Irisorttswe; ''.l77
~`, ;-` `~
Ept<tal Dittottth to the littkargh Gatette
W.aiuscros Crrr, Dee. 29, leZ3
The Army of the Potomac hes finally tct
tleddowti mad-hand into winter quartets, at
Cedar Mountain. The toy to the !written
there it bell by 4217 form.. The people all
over that section ire in a .tare of Maryellen,
anddally tbreng oar ramps to procure pro
visionr, which our constairsaries are ordered
to sell diem at government pricer, la this way
many are relieved, while ales, the num of
gaersitiu are enabled to obtain acppllea end
protract their thieving and murdering '3,-
W= The firing heard on Friday, wu muted
by extending our picket
XICA.SOC or rmsoNsus trim,
The exchange of prisons.. hay epic calmed
after 507 had been brought from Richmond.
The rebel. refine to hold any interviews with
Oen. Butler, nod sire no notice that they will
not respect . any flag of trete which coven
him. Tide was a determination of a cabinet
meeting at Richmond, at which it wag 're
solved to print the deduction of outlawing
&phut him.
Gen. Odd expeested bb satisfaction with
Gen. Butler's ?lan of exchange, and was will
ing tie net on it. Indeed they had commenced
exalienges cider it before they had kissed of
the appointment of Butler as CoTantithiOnar.
Cutler it they hod &greed to make no discrimi
nation againet colored lotillerx end their IA •
can, awtopt slaves.- They refute to exchange
slaves on aUJ Wrens. nen. Butler now pla
net.). torn an end W sit further intercourse
oriaa Cos rebel, on tho •objeat o nod zooort to
oaerri, a laelS47lee to compel thorn to torts.
The Committee of Ways and Leans have
ender consideration more particularly the
tax on tobacco, pa indium arid dist tiled api rite.
The tar on tobrxeri will be played on the
nail:motored article, to what extent la tx matter
of disoaatiori, but all the modbers favor e
high rate. Romeo( the member. en In boor of
potting the tax on spirits es high as double
that of the present tax. The question as to
petriplarmi la whether it should i c pet on erode
or the riantfeetured Tho policy will
be to avoid taxation orrrisr products if pesil
Important changed have been mule In the
Arta, of the Potomac, to be fullorred by
others. Gen. Ingalle, Chief Qnartennastar,
end CoL.Clarke, Chief Commirsory, bare been
relieVed from dote and ordered to report here.
There eideagoa have green, It Ic LeTicreil, mat
of the recent revelation■ of the Quartermar
ter's Department at Alexandria. Invertlga-
flout et cs.tigorons character are going on in
tea Quarierinsirter's Department. Secretary
s,tauton hopes to hale this branch of the ...-
sloe well norm-scaled in this Old Capitol prison
before ninny days. the Augoan stable is
gulag to be thoroughly cleansed.
Vol. Tramtat, coonettcd with the Aanititry
COlllMilfit/0 of EL Louis, her just here
mad mode his report to the War Depertinent
In regard to the contrabands on plantations
now to OW poiworsion in Tenn eeeee e
.Ipili on! Arkansas. Ile represents that their
treatmenthy our people is entragwons. lie Las
li:enclotheel with proper autinwlty, to eon
inaction with 14. Mullen. agent of the Traa
ear, Department. to shit each plantation end
remedy at once the exisling riots.
GL.N. it":11(1.1..3 MAID.
Filet of Richmond paper@ to the 22.1 1 1n0t.,
tat outteh exeiteruont had been occasioned by
(Ton. Averllr. daring , raid, and 411.0s.ant,
motets of the ...t .leeirnetien or property by
bt.. comb:land are fatly confirmed. It was
thooi;ht •t one Ilene be was endeavoring to
reset Danville •n 4 liberate the Union !nisei
, 41 , 4 there. The rein, IA were rer.rident of 034.-
Outing him, and deciarod that it be gaped
theti envolry bad bettor be rc org-nnised.
Daniel DAS if and Thema. D. Aram',
rebel rfilurr, clthryed wiah recreitie j g within
ant lines, bare plena guilty to the charger,
and bean been nrad tr ennfinenient at.
haw! Lila; to Forth,. Mont., or in mother
pH! on, as may do di. cowl, for fifteen year a
Richmond papers of yesterday hove been
reesived bete. They sontain notbing of im
portance. Ve Scow s Appears to be troubled
tb DLlkittg out &clear .9.0 on the esehange
gentian. Tes Enquirer devotes 1 col
=nee to eorrespondenev thertom.
AGAIN IS OraLlll , lS.
Goo. Avariirs raid vrodno4 gent ronstir
'nation in Southern V irginle. Ilis damage la
the Virginia and East Tenney.. Railway was
not as mach ith eras at Gret sopposod, as the
['resident of that road circa notico that It Is
again In renting order to Bristol, Tint.
Col. Sawtelle, of the Cavalry ltureaa and
iyaversunont purahasor of raavalry and artil
lerylloll6v, has Limn rellaval Oat of eight
'hundred borers Enngt4 In New York and lent
IDi:toner:id Rutter, .stun bnnaired:wesa con
declined. (lettaral !inner has olatafaxed per
'minion to go Into the nryi roarket.
COLD zti Tftoors
In order to facilitate the enlistment of col
ored tratir,' the'esanty of St. Mary's, in dm
State of Maryland, and the mantles of North
ampton eadAcconsar, in the Stato of Viriginin
have /xsiiiinsteitiii in tho department of Vir
ender 'command e 1 the General tom
minding that departtnent.
Otz. cuts.
Oen. telly has adilsed tho Wee Department
of the ►►fa sateen of. the several eVamns sent
mato Interrupt the • comatutleation alth Vaat
Tennouree;', theybrotight In &Veit Ire hen.
thettprisouesi. aEtl .h - large amonitt . of pro,-
erty. •
• ~_utcuma?tn war DTSOVITID.
'rho Richmond papers are disgusted irlth
the; ("Ilan o[ the rater plane to capture three
foreea ind say, that' temps to trallqieet eel
donoo of the urceesity to reorgealre . Mai
Del /Tres,
Deli Chell,
acQUITtil) WV CM? iliatll.oo.'.--
U.: C. Eirraztla Lester, arrested as asp; at
Naxpers Wesiy last stunner. and beld in da
-rin-CeiTtlitiri eve7filnati, :has boon - acquitted by
eourt martlit,nit erldenet haTing been brewed
against '
Captain Alt!riador, common
s alootat Coale
Thutder,;lllohnsfrid,• has bun irrostod for
extortlng 14roiiers'eltiGnod
sus orru. or 43t.sre DO!T
The oral offal's," :Wives etauctiterod tier*,
nu let to:daliii.thit hi heat blddor, at 312 , 60
150laWtiOrkIttZULSX0 1 .
It Is Pow oadersiood time the *Government
trill pot be a loser by Cornwall' embezzlement
to the Redemption lisreitt •
-• DISIE161111) /LOX TEI aznrtca.
• Ltint:Willy, of the 88th Ohio Infasaiy,•
tss littostased-from the sorties on the Ittts
• • ties, wrronene • '
'B'UI escaped &it:A.1614 Pilsen; bet west*.
es .. T . Fsttr. reel:pion d;
eras re; net:Seam'
tom o.'ol*o numbers o fteNeatmlttaei re_
iall*t eii *recta
atejimpr Ram
relines that ateStrolf Reislands obi vis
fa ilk idlit$1•41111113 . br, ibe -rebel -stasuner
'nits; Is her efforts to amps vas:
Audis° tali 41:01.100.
tsilrel? t:Wilui pi! fat tivdr4::
Atws;--Altitlit or the'lltimara
ere Adriatic tad Myer Manchester , .
Cr. Jetani, N. F., Deo. 23--:The steamer
Adriatic. from Galway on the 22d, arrived
hero at three o'clock this afternoon. Der
dates ere fire Jaye later theta those by the
City of Manchester.
Tito government employees at Sheerness
whoa/slated in fitting oat the Rappahannock
for therrebele, have been dioeharged for rash•
the of the neutrality law.
The names of persons serving on any rebel
vessel, who bob rag to the naval reserve, are
ordered to be orrichen from the list, to forfeit
all privileges, and not to be allowed to re-rn.
ter the service.
The steamer Vanderbilt had returned o
Cape Town, remained there till Oct. 22d, and
then visited Penguin Island,tbe readesteas
of the Confederates, where she salted tho
British steamer Saxon in British waters. It ie
said, and the supposition is she was laden
with the cargo of the federal ehipCuimd. The
Saxon was sent to New York in charge of a
prim crow.
It tree reported that the mate of tho Saxon
was shot by a tederel officer.
Lineoln'a meseago and amnesty plociama
lion was generally reseeded as impracticable.
Tho Liverpool Me: rays Lord Lyons, in a
massage to Earl Russell, predicts the termi
nation of the war in the do: months.
The message of Jeff. Davis is regarded as
showing no pips of yielding on the part of
the South.
It is stated that the Rebel Government has
made duo prevision for the payment of the
Si 5,0(.10 Cotton Loan Donde, to be drawn fur
in March next. Tbo rebel financial European
agent writes to the Leaden Wurning Reread
to chow that the iliclunond anthoritica are
taking mem.s to support their credit'!"
Licerpool, Dec. 21. -Cotton quiet and un
changed. Dreadstuffs generally inactive.
Floor quiet. Wheat heavy. Corn quiet and
steady. ProvisioneNtilet.and steady. Ike
hoe a declining tendency. Pork steady. ba
con and le. etcady. Seger firmer. Than
were no sales of coffee. Petroleum quiet.
crude firmer.
Lo.dee, I e. 21.—Breadstuffs dull and de•
alining. Sieger and coffee firmer. Cousels
closed at 91;440 fry money; IIL C. shares
2T 120 discount; Erie Oficia I.
LATEST Via GALWAV.—Lirtfigal, Are. :2.
Cotton quiet and unehangeif. Breadstuffs
opoued dull, and holders demand a reduction..
Corn quiet at 231 Provieiona quiet andsteady.
New .Tone, Dee. 20th.—The steamer City
of Menet:meter hoe arrived thin evening. Her
news was main'y anticipated.
Otfical letters from the Duke of New - Castle
to the Governor of Behaves state that in gmat
emergencies belligerent vesselemay enter arty
port on permission of the resident officials
specially delegated, Ir.:deed of on permission
of the Governor solely.
The Hominy Poet says, Lord Woodhouse
was instructed to toll tho King of Denbaark
that he may rely on the assistance of Enland
in the event of the inte;rily of Denmark going
It is reported that 22,000 Sweedish troops,
headed by the King, were In motion.
The Emperor Napoleon had made a brief
and epee.' speech in response .to en address
of the Senate. A paragraph in the address,
relative to Mexico, met with tome objeetitio,
bat was finally adopted, after e bliniaterial
stand that the government was approaching
the establishment of a stable government ia
rot, resolute and rapid peace parogniph,
relit ice to the Polish and European Cour...,
was debated at length, and protium" a strong
nail-Russian sentiment, and a manter pro
test egoinst going to war for the Poles.
It is stated that the new French lung Is to
bo raised by public subscription.
It is stated that M. tiopervio, the new rebel
envoy to France hoe a mission to notify the
French Government of the teeognition by the
Confederate C0.C.011301.t of the empire of
Mexico, and also to try and prevail on the
Emperor Napoleon to recognize the South la
roturn for earl an acknowledgement.
The Holstein question remains without any
It is supposed that Denmark would not for
cibly oppeseibe federal execettieu. In fact it
la said that the Danish troops will be with
drawn from Holstein, but the little of Den
maths will not acknowledge the federal execu
• • .
Lire xr(,lire. 2L—Tbu Post says We
consider ourselves in a position to ante that
.Lord Lyons, in a dlspatch to Eari.Russell
from Washington, announces that the was
will be terminated within the next three
month/. The Confederates befog in the
greatest extrrnoities will tpeodlly lava to I
propose on armistice. In our !amulet, we
lasso the tallest possible eonfithinee. Possi
bly air. Lincoln's profdatastion hen refernitee
to facts on which Lord Lyons grounded his
Tho synopsis of Lincoln's tnessi- ° o and
‘tret-liftt.” 4ll, tef l ca ll ri nratts t an:livAretds
via 11,tifox, attracted general comment.
The London Vs, toots upon the message
as warlike, end says the elect of the whole
document, amnesty incluJoiL resembles that
of the last battle. Tho offer of peace is on
terms that cannot La accepted. The w Lola
question still depends on the fcriuno of war;
It may bo gratif,ing to the North to be fo,etril
ty aspired that the government M strong and
fIICCCESfUI enough to offer an amnesty, but It
it evident that Lincoln anticipates no pacific
result, nor does the Seeretat7of the Treasury,
who looks forward stilt to two years of war
e :pa sill tures.
The commercial drains in New rarlt appear
to share his misgivings on the ptereirun an
gold having rieen.undre the message.
The reports from Franco in response to the
kassian reply relative to Congress. had pro:
posed a conference of Ministers no preliniinary•
to the meeting of Sovereigns. Another state
ment Is that France to a note to the Swise
Government says the desired programs will
he drawn up and suhiequently communicated
to dtfrerentGoverriments. • • • -
Poland tolcgrams continue tn report engage
ments and insurgent memos and that Onee
insurgent loaders had been hung at Linia.
Prom Washtngton.
Wasuuserrox, Gee. N.—The 0 ;Ism -York
and sth Mlehlgen passed bore to-nighr, home
ward hound. The 7th Witeenrin paned pre
The President and Secretary. of War re
turned ta. night from a short siert to the co
enropmeat of the rebel pri.oners. at Point
Lookout. It is understraori that they satisfied
thee:ll°lles that no less than 100 or about one-.
tenth of the whole number ware ready to en
ter the service of the United Stites.
The President of the Western Sanitary
Cunsairsion, Mr. Teaturan, bas been here for
the purpose of representing to the authorities
the needy and meeting condition of freemen
on the Mlsalstippl, and tarring the tmmedtedo
adoption of.measnras for theft relief. It II
andoretood that Le has been directed; In cin-.
junction with special agent of tlti,Trs,inry
Department, Mr. Mellen, to tao.e,a thorough
lnspeetifur of Abe aba n don e d plantations /M
-iler lean', and rep ort to IV milalngton. Ile lift
here yesterday.
Adlotent Gen. Thomas reports Cot. nit . 4:
aloe' 13,17,ade of 0,000 colored eoldiert, at
hillliken's Band is in excellent conditiOniind
its commander seers IL can whip nor ti,tllo
rebels now In some. Gee. Themes thinks by
Spring there will not only be negroes enough.
in the tleld, to goon! the banks of the
sippl, Ito whole tengthi .boj alto to glee a
largo surplus for duty et Other liotrits, or in
the field..
Why the Attick on ,chatlestort AN .lio= ,
..., . -•
licw Tear, Dec. 2,- Charleston letter
to the Baltimore Ailtrican, dated on the fleet
112 024 th, Ina: As Ltsittaititca in' my leaf, We
have settled. down here,with "thi'o4octation
of a mouth:er two . , enure: of inialvity:' - The
strike .ameng. theingineeri at 'the Serth r
which has delayed the eempletien of : the
Monitors: and deprived cur Iron-pled fleet of
rcinforeercents,' which - were,• eapeetekL,hore_
ntorethette month alone, has: been the,,pli
teary rinse - of . , the deleytim ,disasterto the
Weehairken, and the combig..,of the' winfei
linen. Lorne hopei if GrAllt dOil not steal
fi march by. one Of his. fantoial learnt.'
tacke;thit Charleston will then fell Iri , he
' nuntime, if we- cannot -.look , for. Immediate
indduldre results rhUre ,: lief grist diluter
I need be apernheeded. (1411.;',Dilikatoe'spostt
lion is Impregnable. The monitor Irehigh,i
.t.y the time this rcectiegyou, wilt hero COM+
plated - OD kepairelendered‘ necessary by the
hammering eke received *bile egriunde.,.Thi:
Patapsco has nearly completed her repair*.
and will shortly relieve the,lfenencicet, - at '
Warsaw gonad. - Beth th,oPdappOo;aud - 80.
'high, have - bium provided-with - extra „deck
plates, that will add to their , invulnerability.
itilittetiof Vol. Wells! 'Expedition':
. .
Reaanfuerms,. Deo. 29,;--The -expedition to ,
eo•opetate -with' lien. Averill, consisting of
two uginients of infantry, - 400 eavaby and 1
I & battery of sin , guns, the force . neMberiene
-1400 in. all, unite eommandOf;
Wells, of the Sith Idisinehato ; „InfentrY;
ris turned to If arper'i . Terry w lit :the - ion
of i man, after .hiving:ponidra CU Hurt—
soiobirg,, where -Gen,.; Autill, `dOne[:liie
1 - , After Wellioludixonsidlihed iii &Virg - 4e
} J
- ... 7L 5 . '1:..:.. : 11 1 1::::
' itZjal, Aceiaidlagiciatit:o6 ,' ' and himiell
confronted by-freft'looo.:to - . otrtr , LWlF
forest, pith Gen: , Itetrothe inlle4ti anifftitit
1 of : Mr:me:it "eiriekl4-iti-.141i 'teat.-:- . :5At: Trent'
Ileyel,, by eleVnektratigitiitticAtneasinfte.
, herencepetbfrooptitetirmsfend'aeredtdelai
I late', Dironi,'lsidlitiktmEatif teTtlfdtVitil.
lute ini4nnnatidonOtnintfligt& t ...3 l, s
iitente.unts etegnAtberehandise ori qminte.,- Mem-:"ln4sraTl:
iiilizirithel AlieleWittOniterteetpenffera _ft 7kinde try;
VitiLthittit 1:- pip iriiditiosamiata - eiii......-,E
-isai!victiqkiiiii#ll:oo9o,.... 1‘.,,Wi1f5..,,,f;'-4 '!;.-'.•
' 4 4'.1'4',-%',--'-''.so;-":16r4-leti'Vef,l",'4',;-,' --'4l---,,-7.:
.'..ij-Y:::,;';'-.'50':':::'t:,iiit'..-I • -
' ‘r4,&. ,,' - = . el-.; - .-7t..,.,..1.,...."--:.-. . _ . , .... ,__ _ . X . _ . _ ~.7,- ,-,. 5- : ., 1 1, ,- .-L.- •
~.„ ...,,,..,,,,,,..&..,,,.,„„ • ~,x4 c„ „..-4„..,, t u.:41, —, ..,,,r ~...,„:„..A:, „ , : ..., i
- -gixff4l
for Ice -eiferded--Destreettre Fire
at Alexandria.. • ' - '
• .
Nctr Vas, Dec. 20.—The Ifriekr•
patch ear , the subject of the exchange' anti
ltratment of primeorre hitherto lett exelo
lively to thantanartment of the war depart
ment, ivandailitood to be the topie of a Cabi
net coomltation.
A eentraet has been awarded by the Sur
geon General of the arsy to f. tV. Far eh,
Un. L. House and the. C. liadley,'of St.
*LSSIiP, for famishing all lee regalred for the
use of all the U. States bus vitals at the liest,
and th=so of the dirlelou a the bt Issisiippi
and department or the Gulf, for 1861.
A desttnetirefire broke out in Alexandria
on Christmas, 15,00 dollars worth
of Government bey, and 5 serge a=oent of
other valuable Coiernment property.
Southern News.
Ferrates SI es Los, Dee. 29.—Tbe Rlehmon.l
&Tails, of the Sah eentsina the following:
Bristow, D«.23.—Cur ferrules MEI around
Rutledge and Morristown. Cannlnadinr,'was
heard at the latter plus on Sanday.
Longstreot we. unable to reliant op his ad
vantage in eonsequenee ef the loge number
of barefootal men in his co mmand.
The weather to cold, and the mountains are
fevered with snow.
Gen. Norm pasted thtongh Columbia, S
C.. on the 24th bet.
- • • - -
There are 103 021101 of 'email pox among the
TC2I;SO: prisoners at Danville.
' The Conreelcrate army in Past Tennessee
bas gone into waiter quarter,. •
From Havana.
NSW roar, Dee. 10.—Thu steamer Eagle,
from Damn tbe :kb bat arrived. Notting_
new at navies.
Domingo dates of the 12th, confirms the
capture of the Zan.
A Spanish column which lrtt for the intorl
or on the Bth, to crit off the rebel rupplift , had
not been heard from.
Altogether the aspect of general affairs
by IA means bright for Spain.
In Son Domingo alsint 10,04 troops here
been neat in oft, and =ore not beinf,.prepareti
to letivet Cabe r Porte Lien and Spain.
The •Army. oc the Polsmae..Aroleran
. Troops Going Home to Ream
licsimusericte Amur us run Ptrroute, Dec.
29. , ;-411 quietism! mod hound in camp. ,
The 93d Nes York, Ist Delawarp and
Sliehigun loft lortuto.dxy for home, fermi - Sit
coder recent general orders. - Tissith
tonrin left yesterday fer the same purpose.
Them are all veteran regiments.
The report of the removal of Gen. Intalle
6 total, tWoreditcd,
'New Issue of Treasury Notes.
Wasntstrrott, Dee. 2D.—A special to the
Post eoss Secretary Chase .111 RO5ll cora
uenee to ioeo fire per cent. Legal tender
Treaattry notes. The banks wi!Untet be cup
plied, and atterwarda the public.
Pi.i.ros. mg , s Ire.
VoL 1
THY. HOIE cißcr.x, Va. 2.
Tilt bLiOIV tit VF rr,Ltits
The AIM , an ehola• ouroa-tiotla of Vocal. end
er t ..utal asnee, .1e,...117 1.04 asatal:Ala fuT
Si WOOD sritrar.T.
kiv - itsTiAtuNtaus—„ 7 a ,
la The lineicel Masters of the V,set'd-1 , - --
apcakhig oot la favor 'of
i` After Latino exatehied tho Plano Torten of the
Ifencre. DECK= IMO& eery tin...rally, we Lon
COMP th• • coonloilen, Ogre; folly , testify, that
they ato In every respectenocrlor irotrvionalte. Theis
time la peon, rich, brilliant, very Oletlent., and or as
eatterly music a l
character. Their workmanship le
of thee** bee, plainly deineastratfaz thannont hot
Abe tog ,best material , we rts , J.,. and their touch,
eron nod oltellty of tore tbrouzhorit, the whole
canton. of the key boort, tiumrtnactl ti any other
Piano forth re hare yVt
D. 11.1.14, Slacalero, Rlliiam Mason,
Cho, Fradell, Tina. 114,n, editor of Out ll
Perk» and lrorbf; •Cari 4etabatie, Mentor of the
German Opera t
r y Zuwkl, 011 tor !oared wf
fie irierolip; r.gitter,,Cari Woltetiku,
* choice lot of dawn etiporior bathe:acute pant a
&dn. J. BOTTRMI d Site.,
d a t 711th alma.
an Coetrni . teittitOn'YLissionsylriaale
and Bead. Gated &Sans TV. Iftenbanvilla Indian
IL XL Yakima to leant
Mortgage.' •
The tosdarsignedhas been appointed Special Cum;
i d In this ease, to audit the claims,. analog
thereenw lierehyglevo tor.
the. holden thereof to peeecat the taw_ nao, at any
ell,. Steubenville, OD OCl.e:.'n're the rrasr DAY
or J. 1.11 VA:ST.IBS ;and te e d ertore of 061 Cana.
Tony sea hereby furthcr not Me that • Ont., for the
isle of the neortgagelmontees of sail liailtowl.Cona
patty wattalten at the Z.o a•No her terni of add Colon
and aiday of execution of the ule thereof until thli
Oro day of January.
wan granted ta enable tha
creditors of mid Company fe apte upon the plan
heretofore antenitt.-4 to theca for Its reorganization,
an order of
It sill tertalet , y bo 135,161 after the
odd ford day January, 14, noloss Jitortholders
and creditorsby that time t ot e signified, la wetter;
that meant to the surrender of one-half their 'tank.
sad their tolerant on 'their alai= OlPatiti. the Com
pany ;
ou r, thereforre pm.iblei to avoid
and . and to the Stochlaters onehalf .of their
'Wk. and the onaecertel - creditors their &L with
out interest, I urgently eel open you lei-forward to
YttSTILI 11.01111 IS, Sotnetcy pf. this Wormy et
strObentille, Ohio. par nertinuetes or stock 'MA
etideneee of luelehbain.s. with Rothe:41110 hitrtle
acceptibe plot
of normalization no yinte behalf.
T. L.. J4WSTT, ' •
Fecal= and Bpeciel,Commiesioner
K& I. it.A 6,
• —• •
Mr AI:TAMA t tow AtittatilllAtak.
tatantsaseet,•”. C.. Ilee.10.111153.• 1
FAUTODEUS Or FLAX . AND.111.31P.-arhe -
Comtalweimsect a ppoint:4 by this Ihpariment, cow
slain; of lion. I. 3hothred. Phrases,
Williama - N. Lat hy, or the& Isloatt sod /ohs, A.
Warder, of Otto, to condi', the following amni
prtation lead* by the lant Cats tees, viz:
Tor incostlptions t teat the prac.icability et
cottimxien aid pr.r. des am! hemp es a tut:mill.
tats for cotton, smutty. thomund JollsrA .
• Having tact, and after motel dope lasesticatiso,
ballasting that s further and roller cutler of 01;511 to.
soot Iry hme might produce.. cable moulte,adjonnse
. d
to*et mats on W.L'ONISDAT, the Nth doy of
pcbry Darr, are: o'clock et. - . .
Thal tscuseet 1.11 totereeto d Ja Cm distribulims of
thisepproptiatioo or annism to Jerilyn the object
fat the pooltorok •Icreetid to W. Department, on
or teams
that y, sompate of the beano and Oa: In
the slitierrnt stmt. of preperaficm ; of the fibres awl
labrics prtyarod by them, accompanied by state. •
meat. of the cottons prormsor nem% and mho cost of
prcent don to ach caws; oho, descriptloas ef ths
Ala& and WA a Ella lorry toed. rhare
togettirt with any and dl lothtmatim that rosy te.'
useful to the Ostamission. • • • •
• • hie takinnatten to miceecatybekire atalatellizokA
,dl Wheaton of.thiefOrroPrleLkot‘ogt bemu4. •
&Ma ISAAC 211IWTON., CoallikatioacTlL
tes.—ana tha following opinion tiff
joat.l, thy Asrmamr.w. who r Kft 7, 7 ; “
, IFlrot Premiss Italteraat a loth*. Waisoner:
• ,n l'eassa neural game operiena. with 'lt Wilar
000 Until ; tICMI.IIIO. Wiliam of lamdmis 1: 6 14
gamma it: of from tha metroetion piths .
talegstot itwif,—nao awl, cereal* that it to wastitg i a
ohm ha every 'Walls wbaie the washing I dem at
imam: 'JAM, can aviary 'wring ant a • trathil of
clighea 1. wfneradnuart 'lt te to Mait, • Midi.
Weal a Tim tater: and* Ntranaeh ratett. iha
Living of 'garments 4IR aleneliar a Large goimntaige
omits mt. • We think Via machine mach Om OM
'pop ite VatU grim gm Si the raring of gamenta.
I hemline mama hands, nearly alit* In general oom
Mention ' bon TI coasidir II Important - that Ow
Wring:l . lw PIMd with an", nebtwslai a masa of
gammas magoingL.o fellers. aid alea upon
I he - creak shaft slittand tear th• Orates. tint own .
I. eta of lb* eset iniagoiand ia is at .rod an new,
&Mr nearly mast:ant we.' ,
Mattel: itt NadiArt, and 23 St. Clair PtISOi.O .
a r m • ," • ika., meats err umenanaty.
'Tar Vitti OF 1663
5,00;a1 APPLE 21113..
• . . - • . • • .. •
Tetra fine-7.3, esial 3 kearaoldelarlaling an' ltee
old !tallied =loan; aaa away neer oats. • '"
~alao, a eery lag,* 'etatkat kr..311, (awaked aad
31•34.teliNna.T. MICH, TVMOILIEL,
"MUTE r , VINT- 3 , • BIIItUB3, - • • 0111:01110133E
-PLANTS:4z.; AZ., whoimal• sad retail at very Rap
fiajP/S0 Weer. • . XLILIXXII, Jr.. •
relt:daerT .Tittsbarda Oaldaeal Nana:H..4 . ! ••
- uwDziy4,. . •
. .trahrfAbili:lkiror 0.44; Idol Attle of
N - Ate-.ool•Willrespeetraft
tpliillAVE4 clliallull P 1141,010, ibit s bilko
berard Arcot for tbo w/o of Iftrai '
041011.1wesZve.ANTLonu 109 irr
us. ;An its trartmcoded DLO* . tarat/ , IfFM...
.111 i CletoVl:y.a.zaciorldeltvers t•' •-•
.:0147;,.. - reAS4 , l_ &sock scow: - : ; •
, r os.
; • flicatctrp.rsio>.,
zspetr.4.44 , l'.. au' °#!..".
0,4 0- .. p.a; RA • • -
- 111 , 0 Pea- or
lnutomp.l) Via=
c " da til ekrt.'l ' habitat. at •
• pt o main num%
_ a
v .4: •" , liit.Trizittritteo
41903111 i
tba. ricer exttle,te . S;
Indicate *bast tat :
dab: the •ttrattyltt
:Toth Ice vitt - .*
way in the aotabg..-1. ,
at this point„,sisfull
iehl that CM* for o'
el most, I! not aro
mut wruar! • ! !,
most knimisible orsa
Ther4is .1,1.10.1
"shut, ant while t 1
the Worm
respect : limn is still r
Th ma. tic. al
tram pislicille aau
Rgh 4f thm . ,7ltpenners
celvlar, 4. 1 1 ,,
Lad cabin
- - -
She ittsorTo and An soniswero both May to lea:*
for Clocinneti lest aretanr„ but it xtf 11:ttk..tbilErtt , 4
they erouLl beet, to drlay their depart=s) ttn ol
toy, lerrht..; to the tee. • -- Z+
The .lElenbeny r:v.r was enl.l to he ores farl,
"1:o1 r".74k.L.t o , ohioZ. and It ftnztkir
rill doe talon be mole to 011 City todey. :Mt to ar.
so less than fin) atom.= the .1112gli.or !rhsa .
twly to .onmuntobudna. if fits bet. • ";•'
semrtalurd that the ever dear of, iee,htl lee
prim!. expte-t,s.ltbooF,h eo m.ty lee iie4pointri -
to hear of 04 .I.llezhesy belnz-earbslyfrosoflce ty ..‘
this ore.-in: 131 . e tnerro-s - mert,Lt4:. -
!maser our noarreen enterf.; iota hois4 yearrdszr
rant there Is 110 be sate, enon,e,lt - to lot out -
more ' , broad-lon/1." A, ft ~ Wary ia iteCo
of ulster fur the eosi.toze, noa onothr lar; L o
mew of ••1.1.1,1....1i5m0L1e" sill, no ‘l2ulu, be
. . ,
.1.11.1 to" e ifieinnatf, Lontailile;in.l t.ther vtintr
dos:rs this steer, to-slay fwd. P.a....4
• The Cincinnati Gmere of llon..ltty
onflast in.* the trtalls , •rital been nultit
rainy. The river corAtten To fall; tut then; ls stat = -
plenty - of water 1"..r the _. • • • • , •
The Amain, Starlight - and r..ttloqt . " , t`ttitt ft , tt , '
Pit taburtth on eatnritay,lha Illantrfrad
front lentlavillt,..sunithe .P.tus - Wintt ci°lCrhtutLj
riser, pore L,e atrirllA rm. Vela •
3rrival. Jesteitlay.l3l,llillivY.ct•tia" frLar.
pucka, Tile ,Lit , erty 4, , anti Cricket NO. p 3
foe. •-,
Parkershmr, C. V. Montt, I.siTy Tit* estil AtPttatile,
fa Memphis, Anneuta. anl Starifglit t. - -
.3 Blue tiiint,•lto.lf fox , Nexitnety tlsitr, innit Unto
the depart tar,: on,ft:3l tra y. depart- .
umsyett‘ru• boildea dote of tics Smear pack . •
The Joseph Pierre, Capt. Tretich t irc! hint, •
- •
oxnpletechand in ~ . .r.yexte.l•ltint alsOtrilL'Ls
teetnameneti hotness detzing. ently rift if nest.... --,
The , eirtmat and vommoillacs pess - aarr ateatrt!",.
Para.r.rt, fortrat4ratall
and Louisal7le to rtz,MnAr
MB 'superior aa,ourn•Aat!nris Tr,r. ieenimsa raid
p!cntynfroam for frelglat. 31r...1.1esrsaii
ty the way .JA ooof tba xiCit;attep.2lse.utcl'
sicompl6.l..lnticaso hi Ida
oft ha 4.4.1ict.
The_ &kat, Capt. Cba._ -
A. 'ffartua,,li.4lll44l',l4 6 ~ • .
mr.blii Wrst. of
errtang. . 'The Sixtrauut.
tha nap point cm Eaturilsoy.
Tl. now atedlier Lad Lecti,
cel the IN irorelipismatl and-
• Marketz by Telegraph.`;: _ _
Er. Ihms.Dre.. , -Thens'lros some inqr.lry. IF
Slour;bot holders were a abatis abort, tLe slave sr
boyere, and there wee Lot Mile done. Wheat quiet`
sad sales 11.1bt atuarlausedpriees. tlststumberva.
Corn drooploat and price.. Bruce buyera.,Cotton en-_
Dunsortri/LL, Dr, •.—flour Inn; rain Tem- 7
fly 17 - .3 ;541. l doll; Zed I:LW-v.3IA White
f.1,TZK11,115. Corm dolt ..hew ...hew $1,13,, Old 81,55. Oats
doll of Sc.. Prollsiona In Letter. AlenearuL PuAr. - -
&tat, Old 3lups SIP, Now VIC+V.t. Petrolourt atm;
Crude .7,.vn11; r..fin.a in 1,, , id.4 -1 :13.4'. 1 . - Tr , l 34 (9 3 ...
Whisky dull at Z. , '- ---:
Kra Tani; Dec. .—Cotton more net Ir. Arta abtu t . --
In Letter et 52e fa MlddllnzUrlands. hour O=Z -
and claed more',,t I . lllyle Letter: E 2 ,1 ,"
1,53 for Estra State, l7. 2 q- , ; 7 ‘ ,44, 0r ralr °l4..- "
and 57,7542.7,9) for !Trade Brands,thelatter art e,'
... _,... 5 .
Mute prim.. ttbkky a shade finreard.l43.l.s.roi. ...-,,,
nuts and Western, eosin.; at :Whs. SYlfeirt Ope.hd -„, .a : ,
quiet and steady, and closed more soil. Val 1 , ii,:i.. , ' •
CAI-„, ...4,1
higher; $1,44,51,44 for Mirage Spins, ill, -- t.l
for s .l.% Its dnmber a
wanteo. the letter Am t.l.Mur4 jam . , t31,336.1,5*tri .
Muter Rat Western. tools Letterandrooradolna ~-. •, • :
at 51,M,-I,We for Slapping 111.r.e.ilriatenrin store, r' -.:. o t.: :5
sod 81;21 feria days Orm. Olts r....5.dy sod iu mod- ~- ei t . ':
route donand st hlahtforVestern. .CoTes, Sorer ~;^
*ad Nahum, quiet- Parole= are rely au firm; - =' ,,,, f; - :."-
37.6.4 - 23' 19r Crude, 4C3,,W,44).4 for ltufhled in Loud:. - ,,n1-. - • -;.' '
53 for*. tree. tY,oI .tout and arm. l'ortra easels - . ,-.. ”:
estier ; Sl.S.tire,3l9,r. for old:Jcs., Vl,Lorh.2: L': New -, ;i:-.., :77.
do', 511016 . 1ur 0051 nod New Prizes, 01140(319 fur
sreer Trims Meg. ...putt and Amt . . Deer
flame Armor at 013,14. Gut . Were *COM:-
part to anise at /70:8 for Shoulders, Sidalf , for-
llama. Bacon 01.1e0 In fah rrrpidst. ' Drctirct 11.0z,i • ... - f n -1 ;
drill sod Leary eiligs 4 inn Western. Lard Mora. ', - ,..., 7n ~
actin ...1 seri Ann .c V....1,;t3e, artd„l3}4,h for very_ : : ~,,-,,,, ,
ante*: 510e 2 %"-r) s b/s. do , i! n m Jemmr7 to n A
.nketi'Vork_Cattle 111 .- trKet.' , . - , ,--
N... T..: 1.,. 2.o.—Tito er niontrirlces.f.i . elle
week st all the markets Iforn so fOUOl.rt: Zee cattle, - - A
per cot., let quallty..lll;atall; ordinary . to toed, • .....-, 1.-
ww,...l.lortun rommon, VBl% - intrrini; 15n,0%4, - ..:-: ,- ,.,.. 4 . ~..
Cows and Calm. /at qvality,St,ZoV,,7s tordlearT,
j.."...„.... i
$.1{.04,.10; common, $:1„5(%;:id,,N4 inferiur;t 3 .o 4 M. - " :''l ,
Ve a l cairrsdal.qoallt.i, pet ranada ,;4" L F;; .r.4 , Arro , :: - -,Z ...•
Cal: common: 6 Y-.3fit Interior: - 64, ,1 3." r,...7,1 , ..
t.a, extrns, $4104b: Grime: , 4.36 nrfarterl.
1500; common; I.froart; mferio_r r i-L51440. tim e . ',-::' ~.;,
P. Potmd..nru•Rnit' kisil st lll- frlsßife
New York Stock said Money. bia.rket.,,
. . ,
•-Blur Saar, Dee. '..-..3lc.nej - netire at 7 per Cent. .:-._ -
Sterling...chasm Arin but qUiet at 167.. • Gold 1...4 : J : -
Ap.,:apt a 4,5, swimming tie,s3, and gosling dell sk - . •-•:•.!
Mrernment Mutts niqnly ; .I•'.. S;GA73l.:Congens; -•--..
Al. 0; `T....10s 1et1... • • - ' - ' ' •-•".- ' ' --- ~ . ---
- bin.a dull and biary : - ' ,-," 2 " : :-..- ''', ' "-... -
C, & 11.:.L........ • arty ,31 5.,........--.:........5:11.: ,
I. ri.. NY.,.t C............13141111e. C. Sceig.....-..,.11*n
A.l T. U ..-4.,-...-.. Iliw. -C. gall nt0ck.....;.11.5. • .1.
31...0. P. - D...0..:.:.......:.7.7 - C. al . .—......-.--1.1r4 . .•
8:.:......... - ..'........... - ..... In 1 . .t1i:.......,,....:............ Sa . ..
0-. A. W..-....—.- 07 .. Er1i.....-..:.-..-....:101% - •
C. 50L...........::........1.%- P. - 11.-.........:,..:,........T.3 .-*
0,;.t.C. - -•.• 1013 e N.X..C.. - .........«IM .•,,
lindton.-.....'-...........1=17.1..M10i1ver,5. 0 ;:......... 5 ..
'Wining. ...»........«.1.12 -:. Teu5.:04...«......... 05%. ~
.111.. C.--......:.... - ........12?, - ..., - 2, -., .....,..„;.,.... '.- 4, -
•." • • -
...__F. PITT!3BORGEI 1T1F...A.T11{.. • - ::7 N .
Gaeta sal i15n5g5t..:............;-.:,-..tii§. 7 :licurearnit. •., -:".'
Vr.....e150...---.:..-..-.; -13.-011§§sarat. l , :-: In'
First eiabl of tint, =rel. or that burits4cl, N.:
teal,. pkiodal. !,rail, &mile Paueoullmo, N.M.- -. ''
unmr §:user:, Irldle,' tnewhisni:, tisiddratat.lvas
dtieti sad slipetatm§sts, tstaltd.. 4 , ....t..
.• •
.... .•_. ~ -...,
iarn.t . ottopr swo.suots vor,vilii.Ex.t.rai :- : , '; 4.
•• -1.116,00447 . - -' 4salstrybtt. :. '..-..',. : .
Chnnt;.......!:-,—,--.. 7: : , :-...;.-..-3-4t. T- W°l4 '' ,' ; .. - -
' Paatslam.--.................w.....13.024.... ". i . ,
• Hydeisb4bysilolleowt" fbriludon.,...%%?*
PretimultweldetOlates 'a:Okla duals, .. .-•
fitmolitetntliii.parkkfttniquid.6 d L .01q.4011M: '' •• . 1 .. , -
ent, -i •.:Issr. aiwZi.xciu4i - -...- 4
.1,1Fy.:.,..,. r ., r .
..... :,.. -. •. .. . . ....,-
,i--.";-.7.,...,,,,„, - . :"•-..... • fig,]:.
• , . :•. ii.;
...., ...,..-
. . . ...
•• .. 1 , •• • ',
~ , •
- --;Tt
'4‘ -.
- . • • ..
costatststselsigtossidays Jails 'lei! 44
-1. 4AORAMA: OP ,Tgr.
"lids L. ths tasgssi paisusti of tasisiktecisdji r
!tons /a te..wstle, weryng. 'goy, Olaf altr
A d_.
*tuts ysrdm 4...stia- • . • •••.
p's sseti woo-WA st a:o'clock% tpqlrellsktasy
Sktey, TS 'M estosery aforresses: ,
littSySt•CLlblrestsallettsk.rass told;
r•PßAlitk -411‘:413117
Fod1lit:1;;;I:fillIV4L/8i;k411016C are, b 7 ths
Cirrei*ri*:re!:;_n;.CirdriEr. --•
I -
.4171,15121X/i.(b regent) •
k imp, rostrata 46.e.A4.4...r,5t4in . o ,• .
C.:4csr! Ia • , 77
4. T.
e . ttbe atuit ; a34,ll,sTa . tlfily i 4 7 . • •
b.3.1.1iA14 - 11.0.1141.1,kt,
IC 1401117 i ii . 4ll# //
••, c . ,
• • - - • - • - • .
.....n.da ate. ipe nt i.o4 l .Bbni t v.;.,- -:*-- - - • - "..:-•
Miss. , SaUfLtr-FlOl.l:ELan
. . ... _., ... ..
.. . .
Vt 2 7
- t - iii.iii.TlV..ft..,., ...." . ' ".
LA-:cia=4snivis4: , •. ,- . : , :i , 4.1 , -- -'..- • - -if' •
;,, ~......-. .. ...-. .t 4.6031.5.13L155'414,...,.:, -- - ":;".", • .
--.. -:?:-.......,.:. .•, -, :':t..i''0'0127.6.1113 1 7L it, '- '... -
;AltiVA::.." '.....L.'.......1111-01..111142,.e.- * -
... , LAIIISA - z.4 - 111.111L1T10u1tay.... 7, :r
A1113A...-...'........-111,0*4 aut,..v&y.. - .-p - •
5k.......14 , $)..::-. -- --.,, • - .., i.. '
Cblldr• do:.
. . .
I -,,
. 5 ,
, ). _
:; 7'17-
• •
• .. '• ;: : „: 17 , z :