ESTABUNIED IN GROCER IfES,PRODUCE,Ik Al‘firrlAlCTVßEligo Ka 0111=3:6' - MISLEY, Produce and Commission Merchant. 111MCCUIfDl68 Efe.osza, And angler ho ell Utub of COUNTRY PIIODOCE 10. ITS LIBER77 arastnr, mhttit z V U tenaaa.up,. --All/111. J150....C10N =tea *tan( D.4t 111Tonald t Pi!t.1444 . 0, 06., , Wa11a - 1114. °blot - • j VINJONALD.Ba•ARMICKLES, Wtiole tale firma, endue aa4 Caamil - estei e ggttrgr i ng'oll. 1 .5 9 1 ;k 0 ri 'MR ;M D ? 4 8.W2; TOBACCX), TE4B, - RICA ISVDS. ttiaa4 zas LlbattY *Mei. igsb. - 0.44 a, I.lll.lllitt & LAMAR, • vn.A.La. - Qua's* AND ‘rosfunstux inaccamrra, ira• "..4. 1 1,6 : 1 1 . Prrramman. AMIXV.ItiQUOVII.j. .—..witators , =vast. r auslr,.urgt* faOar 11191:31.1.1co. d goad odoortmeat ootoitosolgorti boa: mrat.. WEWELLS, EMILE No. 115 WE Llbeity apposite Etta', Pthaborgh, manufacture-fa of WIJIPE, LARUEE. and. fiWITCII - ES, and ororg drOdiptiott of LENTEN; 'DRAWER WORE. Orders solicited itecits td trade, and goods prompt ly shipped tis.peoloidniettoom ' " red.:ly D.. it W. BENNETT, Nlancifiscturers of WHITE FiTONE CHINA aod CREAM I.VL uHED WAR}:. trEltr And Warahnuaa al Nu. 74 FIFTH STREET, Pittsburgh. ly DRY' GOODS AnIX •. CARA-. DA TH. 11111 . CANGLIAS WIT,SON, CARR • & COT, Wtudesgir dotter, lo "DEMON AND DOMESTIC DRYGDODS, No. Gl4 Wood strati', thini boobs abatis Diamond allry. Pittsburgh. apiThtf '6.11. N. LANE J. an, Warhol' rat TVIIIA. 1 .A.N.E, IdcABOY & .CO- Dealers in ix./ VOREIDNANDSONESTIC DRY GOODS, N's: 1:14. Federal alma,. (wassand door below Jam Ills kat : Hour,,) Alleabsayllty. • mlsa:l a OATOti, MACRUM Sa CO., Wholesale :..EJ and Dotal' Dealarsin 191.11DAT103, MARDI. IDERIES and DRY DOODY, of ovary 41eicriptiou, Nos. 17 and la TAM tarsal, Plttaborxh. IMACIIIISI &.tiLY,DE,. Whdlesale and .1.1'.1 Rotel Deilatilll FAA& AND BTXPLI DAY "AVOW. TILDADINGS, Sc.. No. iti .Blarart rarest, Amtwrestlllauttid-and /Vitra! Pitfsbuitsh.- - ' ii 14. 7- fitaidlKElrli: (aDeCeuein to tI . Ditialfiald A ett*.,ylFhUl;sata tits - Haar Dealer 5u STAPLII AND FANCY DAS GOODS, Northeast Berner of Fourth - Lad Mulat *DM.. Plttsborsh.. ITOSEPH. 1:10.11jSK, .Wholesale and lie ' *.l tafFDralerits all' IDS& of TILIMMINfIii; DAY lAttfiDa, As., Noma 77 9901 79 Market garret.. • Ddalers iri tkods of DRY•4IOOM., No. CO Mutes avow, latymnr?btr4 cud Yourth,-Pittsbargh.' ,PP 41..•L'AfArgit No. c0 . .1 84 WeBrreo4. - :AA,. Deafer In BONNETS, HATS, STRAW TRIM MINGS. and STRAW GOODS ail.{~1ri~~l:rr;~ Q.I.3RES" :101INSTOY,. Death; PURE lIIAA DEMO AND caw:luta, PERVIPIER.Y. irANCY GOODS; 8101111150 11.1710,-OIig,TABI -IL4 a Iimn IIEDICIINYS Oddly. vitae qualul, srbirlftrif offersprices. Corner Smlthileld Toicrtb inreets;Plttitraigl, Princriptiouz C..«- (ally compoundol . R FAHNESI'OCK k'lll, soda Drnmritta, and Ammetfactunirs of WHITE ;LEAD AND LlTlLkllON,rm.ner of Wood and Front atreetio, Pitts/moth. JOIINP. T, DUCA PAINTS, OILS, VARNISHES AND 'DYE STUFFS, No. 296 Llberty street, Pittaborgh. MI order. .111 rendre prompt attentin. ,!;;Iri-11 - '24E- -fyiih-gtggingct: LLIJ No. 140 Wbalr corwr FOHARLOTTE BLUME, Dealer in MU SIC AND MUSICAL DiBTIIOSIENTS. Sole AIVS. r lliAllkeild i 4Nr i l A gn . l4lll2 ONS. tfo. 43 /Mb street, world door abut* Wood, Pittsburgh. Pianos to hirind taken In exchange Ibr near. KLErgat. & BRO., Dealbie in DID SIC AND MUSICAL INSTRUN MSTS and iadi, agouti for =INMAN'S CSLININATID PI !ANDS, Nel. 53 !Nth Mot, ?Ittabtrrith. — lay= PIANOS, MELODEONS, de., o. 6I Wood K., • • +. • • • • dlakor lje - SVILAXCE AGEJMTS. GARDINER I . YJEkiNi 'l J. Franklin, Ptilladalphinknd liariPerfnalinin 6.44iers, and Won Virg-Us tt..4.llers, cati two tL.ic ten.fwasy 130444, asd 'Back NJ ..cured *dhoti.* will' be _or RIJIoR tho Infortnatl.” to .he S.Adiera, or to de.r..oemml lioltllere ahoertas who ore etAltled w the l'etodoo, itottnty and Back Pay, and the 1116.11., rat en raring LLD Mall, by kV). tog to no. hy letter or In pervert. far ho chantn most collected. MILITARY CLAIMS. W. J. & HALL PATTERSON, 144 Pourt h v 11 11...14 PILSSION, MICICIT, BACK .4 EX TRA PAY, SITSISISTS.NCE, PRIZE .1114NXY, and HORSES loot vr killed In Ow ors tic,, prutupily landed 14. EX EM N 1:L-1 IMS ..n4nd i mithout pENsioNs, Bin! NT Y, RACK PAY. H. C. HACK KELL LINIU At LAW AND CLAII3 AGIViT NO. 114 rim' STREET, Prresarana. On!halo. In Alhothieny ulJelli log comities. Pridictites SOLDIEIth CLAIMS, of ovary ditarrip tlon ; BOUNTIES Eir all illaehargod Soldiers. PEN SIONS, for grounded cacao and Soldiers BOUN• T 1 ). and PENSIONS for Widow& Pandits, Orphan Brothera.a Slater; or other lagol repro sentatlvet of thaw lobo bola died In the carrion, or hat* died after discharge from &hewn contraotad la canton. •TNo charge mill collected. and no lattnt will L. anserensti worm a etanin is inclosed. MILITARY CLAIMS, BousTtEs, PENSIONS, HACK PAY and 111LITART CLAIMS of erery description, tulle:fed by th. gut,- sorPrcr, at itte foliating rates, via: Pensions $lO 00; sit other clatter 53 50. C. C. TAYLOR, Attorn.y at law, No. 73 Grant ialvet, Pl7.l.mvh. N. 11. No charges an mule If al. clalla does slot 1,14,.N. information even vatic .o4:17 tr.darrs. G - OOD GIRL WANTED—To do gen t homework, a short distance in the coon. try. Highest wages paid. Apply at the - dal! GAZETTE OFTIOD. WANTEIL- 25 T 7 t1Re , a ,y t,.a. t , .. zet:r c, as .., pos b s 6 i- DWELLING DOUSE. One with noble nod bake• oven preferred._ L.H. VOIGT & CO. WANTED—To Rent, on lit of April, T • good eland for e retell Tin and Shod Iron Ware and Stove Store. Would buy cut a place al ready establiehed. For particulars aro lie. WAKE FIELD, trend Street Bridge. deMtlt WANTED A GARDNER—A mar sled men eithont children preferred. He must noderztand the culture of Gram*, and not be afraid cf a tittle hard work_ The right kind of • num can get a permanent situation, and good pay. Enquire et VA:Second stud!, Pletabourh, Pa. _ _ W ANT-460Mo:Tra,—We want air a, A r cata at SW& mouth, expenses raid, to ten Orkedel Deoverv, cad thirteen other new, useful and custom articled. Fifteen Mil dew eentined Address, doMlontana SHAW I CLAIM. Btddegard, Ma. $75 A MONTI:11-1 want W hire AFiFta In every county at Y 75 a [Month, expense pald, to WI my near eltnap Tam(ly Sawing lineable,. . 1 / 4 .141can, tl. MADISON. Altmd, Alai. amaC.ltadayr OILS, ire RIDER & ISSION htiRCHA ZITS, Petiole= and its Products, Oils 04 AB c Da, ea, act 61 BROAD 11TRFILT.. ..... Taal. nx WATUR A 1.36 'BUNT 1118 Ilressrams. siqr Agents Por tb. PORTLAND KEROSENE OIL WORKS, NEW YORK PARAFFINS! CANDLE COMPANY, Ac W. A. CIIAPZIA.S. Amon., us Water a 14 Procitd. LUCENT OIL WOEEK DUNCAN, DUNLAP & CO., Pure White Refined Carbon ot h Ell LIMIT) STMT. BOOTS arra SHOES. - - -- • JOAN CAMPBELL, Monotaeictrer o 11100t1 AND 817013, or orori drocAption, Nn 31 Soalnftchl chest, Pituborgh. - r0e.31:1, I f lEIJ. ALI3REE, SON !ol NA nal* and 11nt.13 Deniers In I3OOTB, , eoran Wood and Fourth streetnttalAnTnit. o Cr vv ttutt to 014 . ....anadmannitt O lLcc_ll3 8* 1111 E0.104 w OO . 1 4 0 a ,as UM 4 c toOrr,9 . 47Cptla .144.441 TIMAM The above are choice •olleetlena of Voesi rant In stramental Mu•k, elkg-vatly We CHRISTMAS PRESENTS CHAS. C. MELLOR. NI WOOD STREET. d,12 CIIIRISTM 4S PIANOS. Ao entire new dock of the cOorloolted KNABE PIANOS Comprising. G. VA and 7 octane Mono Fortos, with plain and eisboestaly earned mms. Also, . . 11 LAMES TIDOS. li. T. PlA2tosl • Which have E4llO 111.4 In Ibis ally tyr Moen yearn, and are acknowledged to beoltw boa in the cosautt7 at the price. Mao. Ownresteen Rosewood 7 Oeuvre Pion Warranted fin Itre seam ettenieert Phan node. PRINCE'S SIELODEONS,. - The best In the world. An entire new elixt off all the different styieisltist reedited. Ake*, Slettxleroito tt other stmt.. CIIRISTMAS PIANOS!--: An entire tx,etook of the Unrivalled Aruzbe Pianos, Comprising G 24, 144 and 7 settee PIANO FORMS, with plain and - elaorately emceed calm diem [(SINKS BROS 27. T. PIANOS, which have been used Is this city for the pest Einem yea., and are erJoiowiedged to he the best in the comtry at the price. . ..... Also, the GROVESTEEN 7 oct. rosewood PIANO, warranted Are years; cheapest mode. PRINCE'S MELODEONS, the beet the world. An entire new stook et the different kinds Jost C. erired. Also Irnlodeolui of other makes, CHARLOTTE BLUER deEklu , 43 Fait STREET. INIEW TESTIMONIAL:I I ft 11 The cc /Kasten of Dm End pr A tart In Inrui of DECKER'S " After haringeoamlned the PURIM Tortes of the Moos. DECHEII BROS. eery carefully, ere ban come to the conclusion, and cheerfully totlfy, t h at they are In orory respect saperior instruments. Thob rims In pure, rich, brilliant, very distinct, and of an entirely mimics! character. Their Imekmatislilp of the very boat, plainly demons, nixing that none but the very Let materials Co. need, end their touch, e.rennene and equality of tone throughout the ultolt comp.. of the toy board, armurpamed by nay other Matto Porte me have yet..... b. D. Mills, Theodore Thomo, Witl4m Woon, Chas. Ifradell, Theo. linen, editor of the iftisinid aerie" • and World; Peri /imbed., Directorf the German Opera; John Zundel, editor J 0....! o f AA. 1k Wm-Jay ; F. 1.. Bitter, Carl Wollaohn, cheiee lot of limo insperio Instruments Just ar riving. J. Et HOIPTIAN t BRO., dwt 61 Filth street. PRESENT.TnIi • Concert Grand Piano , arvcd. meth. I,y IiNAUP: & CO 1-IrS Vit.A.reE. __— INDEMNITY AGAINST LOSS BY 11111X.—FILSNICLIK FIRE nistraiscroxtx kezy P/11144/ALPHIA. Ottteep433vil V* Chestnut Ansi, ne. Witt. Statement of Amato, January lot, ISA poblistuti Agreeably to . ant of Assembly, being— That Ilertgamm, amply sectold.______6l,23o,293 OS Hod Tatars (mit .1. 6108,314 Ill) atm 102,916 00 Temporary Loans on ample Collateral Seentitles— 09,136 011 Stacks (present .1. $06,662 TB emil_. 26,766 00 Bute. and Bllls Recoleabla_..--.--- 1,021 00 Tl.lllll 00 ME:111:1 641676.061 66 fidir Tha only profit* from premium which this Company ma divide by lan ere ham risksoshinis have teen determined. - - - • • [neurones mods on 000ry drn.-rlptlon of proporty, In town sod country, at rot., as lon VI aro Consistent ritL Security. Since their Incorporation, a tolird of thirty pare, they have paid lose* by gm to an amount ram:alba Fuer lliffiotss of Donart, tbrrehy affording evident* or the solemner* of laintranre, as well as their .hill• ty and disposition to meet with promptnese all lie. =L=M DINACTOU Charles N. Bander, Luso Lee, Mordecai D. Lewis, Jamb IL Smith, Tobin Wagner, Edward C. Dale David S. Brown, Geo. W. BicharZia, Salami Grant., George Palm, CEAULPS BANCEDR, Peasideat EDWARD C. BALE, rim Prvaidail . A. Bram, &merry pro tea. J. GARDNEII Acme. mye Gmre Northeut co, Wood A Third eta. INSURANCE. Insurance Co. of North America. lIIMIM3rI Insurance Co. of the State of Penna., Hartford Fire Insurance Company. earlroserance in the aboee old end reliable core petit. can be obtain.l en application to faVAly Sagaley's Buildings, 117 Water street. EhTERN INSURANCE COMPA W N a" OF PITTSBURGH. IL MILLE - S e Jr., Praftlesi. Y. M. GOADOX, Secretary. Oltics, Nu. PI Water street, Span A Ga.'s Wart. house, rip stars, Pittsburgh. Will inure wader all kiads .f Fe art Holm Rish. liens. Inatitvtio. vamped by Diremes rho aro erell hams is the ..1.1101.14, sad she are deter , Weed, 6y promMeer or.l liGeralay, to missed. CU eharadee which My ater assmett, as tugeristy the how protoctiOn to those Ms dnire to to Mem/. 11. 23111er, Jr., James McAuley, Nathaniel 11012 mes, Abut. Mettle!, • Getnyer Banda, Ciamapbell B. Barron, Ti. W. B lcketson, my3o r. orn ZEN'S LNSURANCE COMI'AN - 17 OF PITTSBURGEL Oat., un-Der ?dirket an 4 Vatvr divots. monad floor. WI.I. DAC/AI:EY, Regilnd. SAMUEL Bid, Eservea-P. Lessen Steamboats sad Carina. lon.* sport loes sod damns te the ow - totters of the be Weston Elven, Lakes sad Bayous, aadkhstavlgatket et the &ea. Kenny agalset less sod damns by En. 131. Johaat,:a, B. F. Joan, {taco Cresta, lion: T. M. Howe, Barclay Proem _Georg. !Wawa, p EOPLES INSURA_NCE COMPANY Once, N. E. corner Wood& Fifth Sta, FIRE AND MARINE INSIIWOR Wm. 11.11.11 m, John, Watt, Wm. U. John E. Park., Chaim 8. 8 1. Wm. Par, Kirk. P/27V13 Era OLC, PA WM. • Pl JOHN II W. 7. CARDNETL, Ewes A _ LI.giIIIEN,Y INSURANCEcOII- HANN ON ,PITISBUHOH.—: Onloo, rem .1.4. think Black. • Itururt• ardz.bal ii k o latal . ro and Marictiy.thaa JOHN D. H'COIID, ParkkoL D. u. sooK titiStt , = 3l . PUN, amint 4EI , "_John D. Xcibta,. ',O. Jacoby, ! -. 1 1 LlManitazi,' • 11.bG ..417,7, EZ=3:3 CHARLOTTE ELITISM, 43 71378 STILEET Juld rmivr.l Ll CHARLOTTE SI NE, =II EMI:=I W. P. iONLS, A. Andrew Ackley, Alexandrr Speer, Bled M. Leng, Asa. J. TbAmax. Pm). P. Bake ell. A. ll'Cluas. M. GORDON, Berrefary. IIE4IOIII. & M leer, • Jobs inapt. Jams Ccaper, 8. I.larbaugh, ' J. Caldwell, Jr., John 8. Dilworth, Waa. A. Itedgere. 11.30:ljd 'James In Venom, Capp John L. Rhoads, Samuel P. Slather, Coors* P. Jaws, Daniel Wass*. C. - Mason Lon. • BiLLIPI3, Praidni. VLIT,, Vice Proidette. -Warw. -• J:l4 - - ; • ;;:. '• .- ' 4 ..',.. .--- • ' ' i 1e:..... "-..-, ' -,-- "..,.;,"."-:: • - -,'. - c-,•• ?.:.; '., -,',,_,-;.! ',,, • - r - - . 1C ..i . , =-:.'.-• : - -,..." . :.',.: 4,.F •.];'',,, !Na 19 IRWIN el Wir Liberal Cs& adi Piresbargh or Eutern 'Diem J. EL Dftweett & &Deimos Mutant,. Esq., • • .• Meereou BeU , tag, Prst. Clotimircled Ds mlylikem TICK & BRO., CrOde and Refined Pell4eor94 , • BENZINE, &a, I.= 'WALNUT ST... PAILADZLIIII/C, lldetneat eittritsted .to onr.:ears will„servlrS D protapt personal attention. After tollearre. Itiebantion, ILarle,T Sea, Arswer.- - Boras a Ca, and McClelland al Dp4,. Pittsburgh :-,.._,:t Tbolt. Smith; ray; Pratt Bank .&;: L. - rOoler Pltiladsiphia. : 5 itas:ll .„ pox CITY OIL' WORM:: • 1 ago a eitOßPEVigific • Its4nOwOmokrand_Reltnats oICARSON OIL• EFN. OLL,NS SSD LESISICALTSO OILS, ahideslikka tr, tiFturna PITr - SGOLIECtIteI:' viorEs, oppoetr Stoulat,¢ig.' 0 No. Ptrrittrunt, Pa .TRoLEtu , CHANTS., ARMSTRONG 4 G'ptcae PISZZ&S, • k.rvErii , ooi,' , kraF.A.!n. • larziusete: • • Ntre York-I[mm 8.0.,1).4 - Co.,:olll4oadwar. fire,4o77l=aft.sra It. 0, Dun t Co.; tnecitto - Oil ror and fatonion aptly to Lb, Wood and Fourth Anon , . l'lttnbcttib. • W.,2n3 D. L. MILLER, JR., Amer, ! 123 WALNUT BT, PIIIIIADELPMA. CRIIDE & 1113111 M) PETROLEUM On ;Commission exclassiTely. All charm it ;sod .. • .. • STORAGE TOR REFINED lam! caw& To;tr CRUDE, under good shah. 110-tteulaz attention paid to OIL TOR EXPORT. Fos Sou—CAUSTIC SODA, SODA ASIT;Ar...• nol:ty or- • CiABOT dc PEMBERTON, General Merohandize Brokers, WS SOUTH FEONT ST.. P/11LADHLIMA., CRUDE & Imam PETROLVIN, OAVSTLC SODA, SODA ASH, DIII7ISTONT, DRUGS, OILS, kr—, Ae. Orders to tiny...or wll proartly attend:oil tc, amlay ALLEN L , PHILAIALPITIA,_ OOMMLSSION /fIERCHLYTZ to—udaments o 2 Crude and Refined Petroleum. O Mond •dTansys itude. . HE',;RY ROE, ;13 NORTII FRONT St, PIIILADJELISIA, Broker !L.: CominiasionMerchxillT CRUDE & REPINED) PETROLEUM, LUBRICATING OIL AND DENBOLB. dud dealer hi Crude and Mined PATEDLEIT3I _.„ BREWER, BURKE 4k,C0., COMMISSION KENCRANTS, Ageuts of the GLOBE, PACI/I0 END LIBERTY OIL WOLIME Liberal casb adranc. =On on cornagnteonttni Refined or Crude Petroleum COL MUSHY RAT a HANCOCK. STS.. Ihersairstiz.l'.a. Juxv t. WALLACE A-. CURTI . SS, • Coxamienion aderottai:iti. , And datives in CRUDE & REPIWRD PETRoiatirai t .,,„, BENZIFID AND LDIMICATING OILS, 134 SOUTH WILL/MK PH/LAMP/1.4f, NIT Storage capacity (antler corer,) kr15,000 11. excellent facilities for ehipplmr, to American and Foreign parte, at our :hart on dm fir-buyitill. tiler, near es platform of the P. 11...8. . WALES, WETMORE & CO., COMMISSION =wirAlrts. BICEPPERS OF P.ETEOLIMid,' 112 MAIDEN LA IIX, NEW Irollll.. Ample facilltks for STORAGE AIM Onntrsc, their said sad wharf, Br Mai. mylitf McCXIILNLICK tt CALLENDER) OIL 'BROKERS, 211 and 213 South Water Street, ear Cons Ignmmta 1 .7&&Y & CAorpeuuloß iron cq vll Work.. .b,b Niftier, of .1. l'abiter to. Jun. U. Chalfant. of Spanz, Omit:ant ac.. bozo, NOS NVOODWARD, (Late of Wm. IL Woodward & cisarnst, cosimutiosr mrsczum,,-1 Epecial 4tteatloa rem to ot Crude and Relined Petroleum. - No. 11l Aotrra IPBONT 6 171.EZT, PIMA. teXalto pETROLITE OIL WORKS. Maontfactarm of PRIME WRITE CARBOY OIL, BE'SZOLX '- PETROLEUM LUBRICATING air .dry tin 3 tt...a bards wo,k. REESE & QUAFF, Psona-r oza : Om., ArosimaAnne novas, PlUntok RoßEßT_Asftwoirn- t e - IDA ST. CLAY Sr., .11173 i Porwarding, IND DRUM!IN ons.; .. ariLLimuNArnio,umn icsraraictumli:!:7-z: PLIIIULEUM 011 A a... Ibr salt at the laceaL 1111dordens'enlfrited. tlio; W. ZIOUNIPIT>... w00DV.1.1.4..r. . cr.o. N. Nuns. TING quality law. a TOUR I Cdr . Bask oat: A' Oil =ESE :''"s` • - , : , :: -it :.... I j ,i . I .- - " -- T. -1 ,.' , i :*. L ~ Y ~S; A , F~.. ~~i ifcv z f Y E ?; t . 3 , ~4 -r-. 4 - -?1, 25 14 -- ~ , v , 1, -:: I t , - 4 :,,,a- ; • ._cry 4'a ={s:~.