The daily Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh [Pa.]) 1863-1866, December 24, 1863, Image 3

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..C:e=co I Ai. •
. ,
Vhsburgh Santk.
THEESDAY biORN111( 24,1668
-., oalsr.s' Lowux, JR.
The towbars of Peebles nad Collins town-
ships, held • pnblic agninn of their Institute,
an Friday evening, 1 Liuet., in the Presby
terian Church of East Liberty.
The meeting was milled to order by the
President of the Institute, and the exercises
of the evening were introduced with prayer
by the Rev. Methane.
NEZ. - Wm..joyoa read a leoturc ”Diseiplina
b SehooL'l
r' Prof. Smith, of the Iron City College, en
brained the audience with a few remarks on
"Popular Errn. - 3 in DlE:cation." We regret
that thingentleman's engagements were such
.AS prevented him from re meining aryl d.olling
it greater length on this important subjecL
lttr. D. W. Elder read an many on "Parental
`:Co-operation," in whtcb the duties of parents
lowardthe 'Cheat were clearly explained.
Rev. Samuel Findley, of the Western Uni
versity, delivered eery 'interesting and in
. strattive address on-" School Greer:uncut."
Us p ii n a succeeded by A. T. Douthalt, County
tendent, in a tow pirating and general
steminvotr the' importance of our present
- seheolnietem, and the neeersity of educating
the masses us the safeguard of our publle in
The Committee on Resolutions submitted a
~eport thanking Prof. Smith and Bar. Mr.
Findley, for their addremes; thanking the
.chOlT far their excellent meal*, the Trustees
forth* fretinse of the church, and the audi
*nee Or their attention and the interest which
they manifested In this, proceedings. A vote
of thanks was also tendered to Sir. Druthstt,
for his untiring efforts to improve the condi
tion of the schools throughout the county.
The exercises Intro interspersed with music,
and every thing passed off very pleasantly.
Dokallon Acknowledged.
The gallant 12074 to whomtt.o folLming
letter was written, without being intendedfor
publication, deserre to halo it proclaimed
throughout the land, that on the WO Thanks
glving•Day, they made a ioltintary contribu
tionof VISO to the variona Ber.orolent Insti
tution' in this county :
tlat orsisra sted private rehliers of al. 102.1
fiegiesest Asemykames Volaudeere: Wo have
jolt received your handsome donation to the
"Rome for the Friendless," in our city, aed
return you 4.00.in0.r. danks For the same.
This act Ic only another exempla of the
teLf.sacrilleing disposition of our not/r army,
of which you form a part. It might seem to
be enough that you have given youriselves for
the "'Cod of others; but this does not satisfy
you.o.yattr swans are also cheerfully giver, to
hid In inthing estmfortalde those who are
destitete. '
T.ralleneroni contribution shall be faith
fully (appropriated, and we hope you mey
each raaliseo that snob acts of kindness will
not Into their reward. "Ito that haih"pity
zn ch tte a T : :: t ..i l Lath io the Lord; and that
gi • , will he pay him agnin."
Our desire's, that your period of privation
and toil may soon La ended, and each of you
Fappy, as t 4 be restored to the comforts
and enjoyments t mags.
111.ns. S. A. Tenon,
Secretary on behalf artist. Board of Mann-
gee's of the lietee. - <
All!evany City, -Die. 22rd, ISB3
Election by Parent...
the ptaWg. - aph in the Ti ening G,selm of
yesterday,) signed .Justice," mentions two
eases, in which young namezried mon ware
wiempted from tbe•draft through what the
Writer regarded ash-“au 4T3.31011 of the spirit
Of the - Conseriplints. , :Aet." poubtless the
cases alluded to yerre more of 'Election by
resents; but the writer does net sly whether
they were in the 22d or 231 district. These
Olootions ayes:Lode on the authority of tho
folteiring clause of the second section of that
elntoro-tkere era two or more sons of
eyed Oriefriv‘PUtenti.'introt to' draft: do
father, or if be be dead, the mother may
sleet which ads exempt."
This is sll that is said on the subject in the
act, end whatever the members of the Board
of Enrchinieat or others; may think of the
spirit of the law. the letter clearly excludes
every consideration other than tho aged or in
firmity of the parents. Dependence is not re
quired by the Taw; and it is not the province
of the Board to make the law, but only to
execrate it.
Death of a Centenarian.
Dastst Ifertnym, a colored man, diad at tho
bonze of his son-in-law in Allegheny, on
Thuds) , mornlng;at the adraned age of ,yO5
Tsars. Mr. Tensity lived nearly all his Wein
limrishurg told its vicinity, having come to
Allegheny einee Ida hrmdredtb year. lie was
a mane! herculean frame; and although his
mother was a native African, he might easily
hare been mistaken for a width roan. In ear
lyilfe he learned to road and write, and for
more year* dint is commonly allotted to ha
man life was a =miter cf the Methodist.
Epineopal Chant. 110 retained his sight,
besting and mental faculties to-the last,, Was,
trail Within a for months of Lis death,' w
asted and .00mmanteative, and enjoyed' a
steady and unclouded Lope of salvation.
La gostivutrn.a.—Our re:tiers will,learn
with much plezumre, that tho over popular
Holman Opms Troupe appear this °cantatas
hissonin Hail, in PA!lines celebrated opera of
Tat Seirpoobula, tad in a new comic operetta-
Derintillo last three nights they have been
eminently successful, and may now be marked
as Pillsbargh favorites. AS this opera will be
withdrawn aft. f r to-night, I: would be advise
hits to aecare eats early. We learn that on
Militants! de there will_ he Arco grad per
form:tem he first, for the . ekpecial benefit
:f r4 tlarrirn, tot take place is - 11 o'clock in the
gt, when children will be admitted for
11/ Ofial. . . .
TAA . PiCtserr . mum.. Itattatoen.—The Bow d
4/11roctors of this Compsay hart. clivstad
Mr. Leirnbaetti to the Vlca PreTidoney. Col.
nensas A. Scott, Vice President, will per
' tam tbe.dullu of the President, and - 11. r.
Lotnhiert Will be the responsible Vice
Pon t
dastoftheCompeny. At present then Are
two Yin ,Preoldents., lir. Lombsert and Col.
11l A. Scott, w,b.o server In the place of
the Prenistnil sidstr. bfra. Edgar Then:van.
..13AT'Pazedrrs.—Albulan tiectu to :be
• alLtherspfor Babb" Presentr. Our friend
_ Pittoelt, opposite the Post Ofrice,stllleantienes
•to VICCIV• albums of al styles ezd Flees,
"eatable for Holiday gifts. llia pleas ant kw.
• Persons weald do veil to look at his *War
en Pitteek's sonntv eau also be rowed toy
booksibibler, xatnee, gift books, pocket books
by the laundrvW, for either ladies or gentle
, !emu Glecides keel' by alltneans.
ittrazuzzi map Lrrzaaar Maur OLIO sin
Wiss=3.--Kr. J. P. nuns, Masonic Hall,
FM street, andlifr. J. T. &aspic, 85 Federal
Obeli. Allegheny, have received "Fowler and
Phrenologiud Jonrne!," for *snag,
the R.i".."Ledger," the- N. Y. "Clipper,"
the Box n ' Tette Ping" end the n Waverly
. ..
rSta throat Climate and &Dotter:a of the
itikeik."BYellelt Broachio: Thee Act," or Crash
Lesenimaere of griot tame. In coughs, Ir
"laws id the throat eguicd by cold, or sma
stpkwatrttonief theliort, maw, in Ispeetlag
hadittbliO, qg dating, hey preducal the sew
Dettme---kdai q r tap rim we peeked
the beot that Cana had been entered by Jtto.
agsbretihe Oaklaad passenger raft
arayaor damages melted by faiiingin shot°
to Third street, while tanning to a tiro some
thatlatt rata:tier. The jury to the cue hare
febarreg t verdict of $1,600 for the plaLritlll.
Pion* hictonzoos aro nown beyond •
doubt, the test nude. A oconpleartisortznent
ittvathe!plath four oetsve to the elegant piano.
style, with four stops and two tette of reeds,
jiff received. Charlotte florae, 43 Filth
streets sots *gait
intreb +abow-case, Getman
~sitter franntianitreenen plate glue, buboes
in me aseeral but is nearly int y*oB
- aim intleeill be sol yew',
d' at a bargnin for. vane
-rat Ilk at Str: ,George U. Keyser% 1.4.0 Wood
Tite-Itente Brew, It'. Y. • isnot pi;se Isom
• team &rite past. ran in
atd ere the hest :estiattsctinn.. Thai us the
• I WO,PhissEnsads at' en - Obisistte
• - •
.st Plicocyiernx." Cie -PA
{7,~k` ."'
t o ~.
OCR noalt Mai& . The' Great Christmas GM.
Mrrcar or rut Bowan mvpirsiim Lomax ny The put few days we hate witnessed the
Wastes Nerivale, B, D. late Tell., of EL John.' boniest scene at the ware rooms of William
College, Cambridge. Prom the Fourth , London
Tdithist. With • copious Analytical Index. 'vol. Sam= k Co., No, 27 Fifth erect, weer expe
-1 "" / 1 - /r " rit.t D'APP l4°° riencedby bl t kind is
any eats men ofthe
for sale by B. B. Dar's, uJ Wood street. Capp.
Small aro. Putcburgh. The rush for the Wheeler &Wit
' The second volume of Mr. fderivale's "His- elm Sewing Machine for holiday gifts, at 27
1.017 of the Iteatans under the 'Empire" brings Fifth'street, i. unprecedented. Gentlemen of
the narrative down to the assassination of Jo- taste hare decided unanimously that the
line Cover and the establishment of the mon- meet appropriate gifts of the season are the
arcby by ()dashes. It deals therefore with Wheeler .h Wilson's Sewing Machine, sold in
one of the most Interesting and exciting per some twenty different styles, and at as many
coeds to the Whole annals of that remarkable differentn u lt c n t ' t o
. 27 . i F fe in t h he c. t "I' ld A y: 41tit
people ; whose wars, conquests, and recoils- l ag eo a pp ro eiuo as t h e Nt. b o o., & Wilson
tiots,—whoso polity, laws, and literature, Sewing Machine. Nothing could be more it,
bare exerted so wide nod bating en influence
t e e c r pta th L o l u e
0 7 0 is . f tr e h s e o s n e t . f a r m ola bi b c ro . t k li , e i r d. ttLa
on the destinies of mankind. Mr. Morieele doubtedly the beet in the world. A* a gift
as an historian takes rank with Arnold and from a father to • daughter, the Wheeler A.
Gibbon, and his valuable work fills most sat- Wilson dewing Machine woubleemo like pa
isfaetorily the space intervening between the ternal benediction. Try it, ye kind-hearted
early period to which the great work of the I fathers, end your children's children will bless
former and the most important researches of you forever.
Niebuhr relate, and the periodeembraced In A. a token of esteem from friend to friend,
the "Decline and Fall."—lteurs Appleton A nothing could be more elegant than this world
-Co. have reproduced this standard work in a I renowned Sewing Machine sold at :7 Fifth
beautiful style of typography, which de-se:see" street. Christmas presents that have not yet
all praise. berm, will have to be purchased this evening.
Marone or Camas TIM BOLD, Drat or Praaree,. The earlier, therefore, that yon order a
—Dy John roster Kirk. Philadelphia J. B. Lap. 'Wheeler Is Wilson Sewing Machine the Letter.
oinwitt a Co. for tale by H.., art- The agent of the Wheeler & Wilson Sawing
nes, Firth (Wirt 4.000 to the Poston!. 1 800, Machine I. making deliveries promptly; but
Charles the Bold him been Galled the "Ni- to insure their being sent home before Christ
polesn of the Middle Ague," and his career mos day, machines ought to be selected at
of ambition, closed by his death on the battle- the oarhost moment possible. The most per
fect, 121001 t easily operated, most simply eon
lead, certainly affords such a theme as might stracted, most durable, most efficient for all
long since have Invited many an historian to kinds of sewing, and in short the best wed
undertake the work which has bean reserved ohcapc. l Hecht.. in the morn is,the Wheeler
for Mr. Kirk, the accomplished and Intlefati Wilson
gahle coiiitZ.orageler with Prescott in thuaff his
torical researches and writings which hare so
signally enriched our literature. Info no fit •
ter hoode could the task hare fallen.
He has every qualiffestlon to prepare him to
whiero success—and, so far as ho has Pro
ceeded with his work he his achieved It. fa
the two volumes already published, the hi,
tory of Charles Ue Tvoiensare Is Leon ;ht down
to the year 1414, when the war with the Swiss
was about to cossessanee;—andasheever reeds
them will not fear that the same graphic hand
which Las Usual so many a page or this fas
cinating story will 'loco Its cunning' when
Grancon and Metal, and the last scone of
all in this remarkable drama of war, the fatal
siege of Haney, will come up in the history
of the remaining two or three years,
will be embraced in the third rolame. This
noble contribution to our historical Monitore,
will be peculiarly welcome to all those who
hive raid (and who has not read 7) the de
lightful romance of Scott, relating to this in
teresting period of medieval history. The
work has been brought out in excellent style
by the publishers.
"Massa:a: sew Items Panseass."—Tbds
atcry, by Mn. Axe A. Stephens forms the
63dt:1=hr:of Bonne's Dim l‘ovels-Ls series of
which we have had frequent occasion to Teak
as probably the chin eat extmea For Nita ley
J. P. Hung - Masoni c Mall, Fifth street. and
by .1. T. Sample, St Federal street, Allegheby.
Important Suggestions to those About
Purchasing Sewing Machines.
There is, perhaps, no one article In the sirs
loation and purchase of which mistakes aro so
often made by those who can ill afford to
melee them, as in a sewing machine. With
the wealthy this may to of no groat impor
tance; certainly net of ituportanoo enough to
warrant advice from us, but with the poor sew
ing woman it is quite difikrent. I t is sow well
understood that there are two, and only two
valuable sewing machine stitches—the lock
stitch and the Grover .4 Baker stitch. Each
of these stitches, and the machines making
them, have theirpeonliar merits, end anther
fa best for efilkisidi of work, or for use under
all circumstanees.latelligent purchasers har
ing both haschinve beers them, with full op
pottunitY to examine: and understand the
peenlisxities of tmehrwill eelec t the one best
suited to their work. -The -manufacturers
of then intlispenrahle articles gerrerary
make and sell 'in:whines making only ono
of the above stitches, sod the tempta -
tion is always before them to recommend itiol
urge upon easterners the stitch made by their
macb.ines without very scrupalous attention
to the real wants of the purchaser. We arc
happy to zee that ono sewing machine both.
st least pursues a liberal, and st we think.
the true policy in this respect. The Gruver
& Baker company do not confine themselves
.to the manufacture and sale of either one of
the above styles of =china', hat pride theta
mires upon making and offering to the
the meet perfect machines of both kinds, and
allowing their customers the fullest
eXtresemther endguopthposrath
quainted, by g examin a atio d n and tral, w ith
the peculiar merits and exoellencies of each
before purchasing, and this Company at least,
are without any motivate recommend to pur
chaser, machines of one kind whoa the other
is 'Deter adapted to their wants, and will gins
better satisfaction. We advise ail before pur
chasing to examine fur themselves. and test
machines making both of the above stitches.
They will thos purchase understandingly, and
will not be likely to be disapnotated —The
Dr. George . R. Sevier
This gentleman, who has resided at lio
Wood street for come sixteen years, and hes
barn one of our most trainable citizens, dots
not zoom to relax in his energies or detotion
to butters. Educated • druggist, of thirty
years' erperleace, and for a long time • praz
tieing physician, he knows all the phases of !
every chronic disease, whilst his Drug Store
sad business gives him facilities rarely a,
coined by anyone ethic age. He not only
understands the diseases inalleotto humanity,
but also Viso proper remedies to he given in
order to cure them. We know what we r.y,
and whilst wo eVarbirr it strong talk. at tie
came Hera it is true. Dr. Keyser Ls a genic,
in hlsiirtn way. Helms helm a hard studunt
—la still a hard stodent•—he spares xo paler
or labor to stammers the health sad comfort of
emit as apply to him. His store is well knoira
as anesuporiam of every kindbf ruodicino for I
any known cilium°, and there are hundred. •
1 who would now be dragging out a miserable,
sickly life, bat for his remediza.
We hare In our mind many cases cured by !
him, at charges so 'moderate as to stilt the
means of any one. He advertises, to which
roomy object a. unprofessional. Hirmedielnes
would =milder on the shelves, if no one knew
or heard of them without Icing told of it, and
sdvertising tells of them, makes them known
to the community, and, as • nature. result,
all are benefited. When the Doctor matte here
from Liedford, whore he had been engaged in
a reputable country practice for five years, al•
though unknown to the community, he brought
with him testimonidefrom there of persona of
the highest funding, and must reputable
character. We wish him succeu and a tong
life to do good.--Ereinege paper.
Onanrritaa Orrin.—Oar eitisens we believe '
have never before bean tempted with such
beautiful articles for Christmas presents,
whether in toys, jewelry, or the thousand and
ago articles of utility, in the manufacture Gt
which great taste and skill has been a ersisod,
as at this time. The book stores are In tbe
first rank of ettractions, and what is certain
ly tztedithltle t 4 thiCgood testa of the commit
nlttome the favorite resort of gift givers.
Messrs. Kay L - Co.'s thelros are covered with
the behest specimens of art; rover enrolled,
we think, in any country. Take for instance,
Trying's Sketch Book; that charming work,
is presented in a style of art, as to Fero,
printing and binding, which renders it att
presenefor a Primes. All varieties of liters
lure solid, 01110r14 light, instructive, in prose
and verso—may be found there, stilling every
taste, requirement, and puree.
Among the new publications, the work or
Sohn Foster Kirk; the Libbers of Charles
the Bold; Duke of Burgundy—is the great
feature. Our readers have doubtless noticed
the great favor with which this work has ben
received by the scholar, by the praises of the
Bait, and it is therefore unnecessary for as
to speak more at length of its merits. AU
the standard authors are suitably presented.
Than, there is a great variety of Books and
other varieties for children. One who cannot
be milted in this rich collection, must bodied
fastidione. Those who have not yet pror_
Tided themselves with their Christi:lst gifts,
should by no means negleet to pay a visit to
Messrs. Kay
Tea PALL In Wrirript Wrso--The Bum
mori i past, and by the morning's frost, we
begin to apprehend , that fall arid winter will
shortly be upon us and we must provide our
selves with the at:build to keep as oomfort
mblo• A nice fall mat, or a good
Q teati
me& overcoat are the very thing, mad , we do
not know of any plies whore on, readers
would mil themselves boar than at Meese,.
W. H. McGee & Co's clothing establishment,
corner of Federal street and Diamond Bowe,
Allegheny. They have also received a com
plete assortment of gmtlemen's tundshleg
goods, arid a great variety of sew patterns err
m r . T. A. Mo Cn°l *
zubea 17n
at Sla
, m% 14likmA
ittaiii o Uft ol6 :- Cllll4
Tuusts• Panay, Plain and 0111•421111114
Kate Roofer, and dosier In Pennsylvania and
Vermont slate of the but quality al low rates.
Ofdre at Alex. Lanshlies, near the Water
Works, Pittsburgh, Pa. ••IIr—INDT,I 61101S1110
Co.—This Tobacco, used by the !forth Amer
ican Indians, is manufactured from the finest
"quality of tobacco, and commingled with the
most healthful and odorous( Boots, Barksand
Herbs, indlginons to the Rooky Mountains,
in each proportion, as to impart to its die
tinetive character, and secure for It wherever
it becomes knows a hearty welcome. A long
residence among the Indians of the Rocky
Mountains, insured an acquaintance with
their habits, customs, and modes of life, and
among other things, no insight into the com
position of their smoking tobacco, sod •
knowledge of the means by which the exqui
site aroma Is predated, which renders it so
pleasing to the smoker, and so acceptable to
those who are not. Smokers who once be
come acquainted with this tobseoo will never
be without it. Sold by all tobacconists and
by the manufacturer, E It. Lunt, ill Choi
nut street, Philadelobia. deleam
;il Lam ex, hare you examined the fall and
wintaratoek of gotids at the Merchant Tall
hiring establishment of Sam. Graham .k Ce,
No. et Market street ?
A Garb supply of goods evory week.
Mare you examined the grime el goods at
tho Merchant Tailoring establishment of Nara.
Grab= k Co., No. t 4 Market street; if not,
it IF now time you would, sad rase 20 per
cent. in your clothing bill.
Every garment warranted a perfect At.
ficous. hEcOugatscs.
Kl3ll:Ciii BR UM. AItILICLL2L-141 1 .
Nente, of Louirrille, Ky., nays ha a letter.
"When in New York, this summer, I put..
chased by way of experiment roma of Mrs. S.
A. Allen'. orlebrateatfairßisotorer and Zyin
eraioth I have found rolushlo. 1
flow write to hero you rend sue a dozen of
each by ounce., for the nee of my hinds."
Sol?. hJ aru gg iats everywhere. Depot Itbi
Greenwich !treat, New York.
Jul? Itecuiren awn AkaDl ►o■ SALM—The
fine assortment of Fall and Winter Clothing,
lately received by Messrs. John Wier k Co.,
Merchant, No. 14f Federal street, Al
legheny. The stook of clothing mutat. nI
tho finest variety of cute vests,
coats and oVert.ll*. The .tyle of patteras
tagtelbl and fr...hlonablo. We would trrrito
all of oar reader w giro the ►bove gentlemen
ITht.rareras for tho army should not lea.e
the city until supplied with liollewsy's Pill.
and Oinmisat. Par Sores, S.-arty, Wounds,
Small Pax, Fevers, and Dowt.l Complaints,
Lhasa medicines ere the hoot in the world.
Lorry French Soldier uses them. Only
:eats per
Vicuna& and carriage rally mill be taken at
the Qinn:ban Oleo, No. kin Penn attest, an:
or night. 611 erders left d -tbe sianta.pikee
will be promptly attanded to. All calla mot
be paid in advalaCk, s
Dgrrar. lemon-i . e., No. 1151 Penn street, la
Aho phiic obere yon can got the hooka:mop
dentletry in the city. Don't forget the plus,
So. 451 Pear street, neat Hancock.
C. Stu, Dezt.iat, SS? Fenn ruset, will at
-wad t, .11 bnefr u attlx teofertion.
ANNAN --(TLIZETSON.—Ou Detoabor Intl, at
the mid.... of tit. bride . * bailor, Clnda.atl. by lb,.
Wm. Anna., th• 110.. JOHN S. ANNAN',
te.otor of Itot Fir, Prtsbytortan Claltroh,
bat:, m It is LI ft 81i 0. CPLB eaTrox.
M'.LL1.11..--Cta Tv.Aafay. Dr.. VA, at 1 o'chal. r.
WILLI-13f C. !Ill.:A:It, L. the &W pm, of lilt
from hi. :ate ran:tondo in Dago,,. Wa•
on T1111.51.,7 •t lo o'clock, 71...
trim - A..1 0,10 molly non Invited to atledd.
Geo. 234,
)IM. DI:4551011E, • nolre of Calinty Antrim,
Ireland, to the Silt 7n• of hi, ago.
Thr o -I . - i.l Litt, boa ht.lotereaLimeti t
IC.. 2..4 ntrt4t. AlleyLep) , City. ramlir.
the 2241 m.
- -
'DUNI. 5 r -nu Tussd.oy nonalevg. 2-141151d_, at It
o'clock. of 1n11.15.11.41t-n 1* /0/1711,
son f 15154 3117 J. Dunlap. SE - 55: t VW , ..".•
3 muntka
runcral ftoto t r-tlattora, of r•ront.. st Oak
land. on TrUir.l tenant:, at 10 o'clock. to into
noon to e t cottcry Cktrrlageo .111 rte. frcto
Ent.ons, Orono strett, oproalte Calbedral, for O.k
land, t 1 9
loaday moral., the flat Ina..
SIDNEY, len of 11. Brady .4 Sophie E. WEIL..
&gra four tato, ci,allt modt. and twenty ore days
The funeral .dj take place from the redden. of
11. B. LY 11cCl1relderlerdp, ca TAZEZDAT, ten
Elth , at 10 o'clock, a. sa. Carriage. ',III
marl from It, ',Are., of Seventh and derltLflld
street., El...urge, wtg o', . m. 3%
cactiners of HAILING. rnor
and be. TiIIED STIIEXT, tat. Wood and Market,.
Rare nil baud a variety of now P•tterrab, %wry and
plain, suitable Fir ell porporec..
PnrticuLar alter.l.J pat 3 aucloang Gran, Lots.
Jobliitei den. at aliout notice. arg
HOLN.EB tk 80N8., DRALK2/
_^.1.1 - 11ANOP, CEBTIPLCATILS OP DErosrr.
PA.NA NOTES t:o. 6T 111-"IT'
a - Ira:La, PlltaLludh, Pa.
adrCollsclioux awls es all prlaelpal ctrin
througtont tM t.lurd 9tstiw. sP/ti
abolessle defier In MEM, PUTTEE, /LIDS,
YLPIL wad prods, gsr.Nally. lie. PS 14 00D PT.
TOULareb. P.
ER/4.-11 .d the fallowing opted,. by Oraog
add, of the dn... Aricathirke. 'rho says of the e
first Premium On'venal Clothe. Wringer:
"Trent "mend mare' esperhune th It In our
own family: fume ,sh. tarumany of 'n Moan. nbo
have used and from the «nutmeg'aa of the Ms
plemeot festoertaln that ft to worthy •
plane to every funny where She leashing Is done at
hone. A clog can Aunty wring out a tvbfel of
clothes Ina to. Inlnntes. It Is In reall"/ • Cloth..
Saver I a 2lnn a Strength' Mary I The
saving of garment. will alone
large yoreentege
on Its cad- W. think the such". much awe than
pays hr Inelf gleam year In Ms seeing of gums...
nem are several kinds, newly all. In petrel con
etmction, but we ooestdc. It Import.' that the
Wringer be Mud with Cop, otharelse a mar of
garments may clog the rolls re, and Abe rollers upon
the cra...4laft Op and tear the ekdbes. for ent
la on. of the gust Suds, and It Is NI good as nen,
after nearly four man' mutant ma."
/or WA only at lice. :Id and '1,3 St. Clair street, by
dal !No agent. fbr tfits county.
VINE PERFUNLERY.—Jaquis' cele.
brated tannic= Frail:Lowry compszeo favorably
with the moat ascrlalta of the Imported article.
Tho followbut aro vartlcalarly recommended ,
Bonny scenes,
For intl. by SIMON JOU:MOTOR.
CarrwaYoorth sad fhalthevld aorta.
A fall assortment at YEENCII AND ENGLER
se an hand. Oen
roe saor.. , -m• wry thrwetall• KRICK
.DITELLING. Novas Pete mell
fi ow lag imt
ctctirf, 071 tele. Prtre !NM, Ups
teas, Strulabssl wish sikiufils Pus ,ps rasa.
~14,17, teed and all Ms' me'AIIF 0114 . Veda*
Pus the bettetteat later tbe ide a.
•1. 1
• , r. - 10 1 4 11 /44 1 L,•:.. • •
Bportat Dim reb to the ritttlArret Gr+ttr
It it bellertol that the a.ljootu.r
Minuted Imbroglio by which Gen. Itosecrans
was assigned to Missouri, and to /fez
thus fully relioring So:nor:dd. TIPS the
result of the bargain, that no opnesition ah..nid
be 61114.) to Aohofiet , i'• ronfirm4tion
As the Senate Gas adjourned over f r recess,
it Is now intimated in some quarters that th'..9
delay in Schofield's confirmation may cans° a
hitch in carrying oat tbs. rest of the arrange
ment. It is certain that the order asaigning
Rosen:am to the command ofMissouri was
lamed. lionesor, Schofield is shit hare.
Speaker Colfax. left for the Feet this after•
noon, ands large number of the Westorn
members go off on to-night's train. Of the
eastern members scarcely any are going to
A decided opposition was manifested today
in tho Military Committee, as to soy pry ,
nation on the bill proposing to :cal.. .rant
Lieutenant_ tleneraL Judging by to-days
hadicationa, it would seam that the bt:l eon
not pass. There Is great hostility to any
movement proproang to take Oraut away from
arbors he Is.
The reported deficiency of one hundred and
thirty-tire million. of bushels In the cern orop
this year, es estimated by the Agricaltural
Department, hes been ...armed by s-me of
the members of Cengreas as ground t.r 01..
jtetton to an Inmate of tax on dome.tis high
wince. It fa understood that the del
egation will oppose strenuously may loci-cc:o
an the present tax. They agree that as in
creased tax together with the, present high
price of grain, will force ilia dletllterie. ;o a
easpeneloo of operations, and thee diminisi.
Instead of adding to the ***** ne receipts.
Cbaa. 11: Cornwell, Ordnance Chief of ihu
Redemption Bureau, was arrested 10-tilay in
a charge of ambassling various sums oo
money at different floes. Proof ef $11,600
thus obtained, wu developed at his arrtst.
His plan of operation was to abstract een.41.1
aawante from the mutilated Treasury Do'.e
seat is for redemption. and then &cannot for
them 'ay taking them from notes eancoliod and
ready to be burned, from a similar am,utit,
nod having them reeaneelled.
A Lill considering two clauses IWO., C..n.
scription Law hung Ciro in this haste
. for the
adjournment. It is pretty certain that it e
pees ultimately, but It was deemed vary de
sirable to pas, It at onto.
F•1111115.11,1ko.d voted to-day for the 110u..e
antencintaut to the Conacription Law.
lisljataat General Thomas h..te rstarsc.t
hi. deportment here. He repc•rti, derinj Lis
absence, the oreseiuslea of 3!,C.G0 Nero
solelen., He sale that before spring there
will be 60,0110 well armed &el drilled no:ro
euldiers In lb. Sold. He bas a hLit estme
tioo. f their value ►s eoldiere.
Over fifty mirmlber. of "I a IV . d
a requell forth. removal no Mr. Blair from
th• C.GIaeL It I. • totireable fact that
thin far tire whoh. delegatlon from IL,no;r
hire ramrod to Ural. ia tho rvoortt.
Girm Ciirtitiraa area thruirti from hor•e
neer Aaoghter'o Elation, irmlting tite V.
taro of Xis Ault, from which death Ironed in
• for Wars. Baia a :vod Itoottettaar, it it
eexpoottota folesele. taterilftil
attsek of apoplexy. 11. wit! Le erolialin• d
and seat horse.
Stealer Trambull's ram:dation of Inquiry ar
to the number of Maier and Brigadier Goa •
vent with. their Mad, allowances and pay,
who'uaro eciracmcd of In. than a brigcd.,
6a. earmal much commodes emotig military
The Wlenabage Treat Lanai In Minnesota,
are Bald to be the Aries land, in the State, as
told by Internal Doyenne Daw.rtratat, U.IVC
st, tar, averaged two dollars and s.viely•sit
cent, per sem
It le well ascertained th.t L. my liar
fallen haat to llanoec:r Court rintr..; t 4, g,
tote winter Inrotere.
The rebel infantry rkekeet sleet the Rap.-
dart, hale been replseel within s fee ,isT.
dry the esralry.
The report of Mead'. Inte.ation tc fa!! hack
Contarrillo for trintar,are not roltabla.
army still rt.malas in the viellaity of IN:arre
ton and Bealtnn.tatlon.
It it mow that:ol,llokt the drat will he
postponed until the let of robrus 7 , io (oiler
tAi glee Congrese time to amend the Enroll
moot Act.
Cilia ■Ot COOS TO 7111 , TOlll
The etatamoLt that Chas. had gone L. Set
Yurk, La incorrect.
Ceti. 31eCloltauie Report.
w,servoro?, Deo. 23.—Gen. MeCtellan'•
Report no. transmitted to the Mouse to day.
It ectneints of 165 foliseap pages, and is divi
dad into four carts. D. concludes as follow:
I shell not, nor min I before closing, forget
that when I war ordered to the command of
the troops for the defense of the capitol, the
eold:ers with whom I had mitered .o mach
auxiety, and pile. and nageringt of the war,
nail not lost their confidence to me to their
eommseder. They sprang to my will with
all their energy, diecipline and courage. I
led them into Maryland, fifteen day. after
they had fallen beck defeated before Wioh- I
Lopez, vanquished the enemy on the rugged
,Ittiells of Booth Mountain, perinea him to
Atirhinti fought Acid of Antietam, and drove
rhireciltioken and dlepirited, serees the Poto-
Mao River into the State of Virginia.
The army bad need of rest after tho terrible
experience of battles and mesehes ' with
scarcely an interval of repose, which tb ,y had
none through from the thne`of leaving for the
Penh:o2la, to the return to Washington, the
defeat in Virgleia, the victory at Beath M oat,
-tain, and again at LlStlati3ll. It woe not ear-
prising that they were in a largo degree den 6i
tuts of the absolute nemearities to el:Notate
duty ; their Awe. were worn out. blanket ,
lost, and clothing in rags. In then the army
wee unfit for active 'orrice, and an interval
for root and equipment was necessary. When I
the slowly provided =prates came to as I led
the army across the river renovated, refreshed!
and In good order and diseipline, and followed!
the retreating foe to a position where I woo
confident of a decisive !lam. Whoa in the
midst of this movement, wad while my ad
vamped guards were aenaelly in contact wilh
the enemy I woe removed from my commend.
I am devoutly grateful to God that nay last
C311311/111111 with this brave army woo cr o w n ed
with victory, which caved the nation from the
greatest peril It Lad ever undergone. I have
not accomplished my purpose, If by this re
port the army of the Potomao is not placed
hips on the tolls of the histories et the armlet
of the world. Its deeds trophies the nation to
which It belongs, always toady for tattle,
always firm, stead Lest and trustfuL
I never called en It in vain, nor wtll the na
tion ever have cause to attribute its want of
1t1[401.11, =du myself, or under other com
manders, to say failure oT patriotism or ben
very, In that nobiebody of American soldiers.
Soca= oen Justly charge upon any portion
of that army, from thecommending
to the private any, leak of devotion to the
'erns of the United Butter Government,and
to the Mee of the Coestitutiontand the Uniott..
They UV* proved Utak fealty Inilocat apt.:
row, infalau emir sad.thtongb• the
vary aliairrat diaik. This acrousdmisid
ga- au kids whew vs bras kallr o , ly
Sou calhas tbl beat • aaithnks 0417
r `:: %~~`
r - ..~C:
j:i~~ ti.
N .... r o-.:.a . ...
W.rarscete, Dee. 23, 1883
.MiTS.-311 . . Wade introduced a bill rela
tive to members of Congre ss, tilting as St
in .
torneys,counsel or agent , tutees in which
the l'ttltcd States is lisfonaar.t. lier. reed 'o
the Committee on Judiciary.
,11r, Wil,on offered the roll..iwing, which woe
nueed to
.2:coofroi, That the ieeretury of War be di
rected to inform the *etde whether persons
held to service or labor, by the levee of Dela
oare, Mar) land, Meat Virginia, Kentucky
an! Missouri, have hero enrolled ac,ording to
the provisions .•1 the not, for fulling out the
SettiollS/ forees and other purpose., approved,
Slareh 3, lhOl, and If not, who troth
latent has net been mode.
• • • • .
Mr. Tn.:ol3 , lll's resolution, toqui!ing for tho
towhee of Majors and "1nc..., Generals
without a ecantotul larger a hrigatle, the
ox,aat of their rank and pay of their re•eral
Ftaffs, with the P 13101.11 t.l rations te-h,
ie., was token no 0134 adoptea.
After an ete! vies centre the Beasts DA
-I„forax.--fas Fpeaker appointed the follow
gentlemen a. a Select floroluietoe on the
National Bankrupt Low Spaulding,
Kelly, of Po., Unseen, of 1,1., Roarer, of
Frank, of N. V. Morison, of Minors,
'rooms,. o! M.l Jenkins, of F.. 1., Chanute,
of N. Y.
The lipeulter laid heforo the Musa n corn
munication (torn the Secretary of War, In
complinnms with Mr. Cox's resolution, tran ,-
mating the report of lien. McClellan. con.
rule: the organisation and operation, of
the Army cf the Potomac nhila in command,
and all the army operations whiis commander
,hicf. Mr. Cox oficred a resulnii,n that ton
thousand copies bo printed. noferred to Ct.:k
g:WV. on 1 3•
Mr. ronton, from the Committee on Milita
ry Affalm, reported a bill to facillate tho posy
tarot ot . hountios and arrears ot pay doe for
services of wounded and Jo.icascslsoldiors, re
.11arrielrueek, Irma the Cemm:ttre ea
tarr plain, reported A bill to cream a km. - eatt
of military juytioe. Alto a td!! to repeal part
of the eared:of-at act, the to!t object of
bill being t. cmire the tio ciase,eg into •.flO,
to take on and after 11. renege.
kernaude Wwid,„ aaid the enrel2toeut vier
Nil of defects. and required eunh mod. ticati.m,
at erebtil 1111 fir our tailing gamier. Ho b. pod
peoding bill would not ...lei upt , ii
at Oil, time, snd mooed it, refereo•:e u• tLe
Committee of the Whole ou the State or the
Mr. Schenck, in reply,
paid the Commute,,
oh Military ditty, would not report a repeal
ins LIII. They, hcw••ot, assidioutly engaged
in eppaideriug amendments to mate the Att
MO, erretlliirtl.
We. Ancona offered ordeal:nide setfing forth
the Act, commonly called "The Conscription
Lew," at oppressive, uhjeat and 11110.0114L11.-
ti,nl, because It takes from the State, the
control of their own militia: therefore,
1:-.•ofr..:, That the Commmoo on Militscy
afalrs he iustructcd to bring in s Dill for the
' , Told of the Ant. and the substitution of
coottantional and just hill for the im
mediate titling up of our armies.
Mr. MCl,ne then moved the Moose adjourn
—carried. The Hou.o, In pursuance jf the
joint setsion, is adjourned until iho nth of
J au uary.
Farther Particulars of the Great In
tertiatlonal Prize Fight.,
Tote, Dec. 21.—The following is od•
rational new. by the Jura, and
the s.ght
The clinics rf grthad R. won I,y Been to,
and exsetly at 10 n'elotk, on the townie; 01
the Una tnat., the men were delivered st
Roth. I le:—liacann doted in,
King by the neck sod -.mug L•na toold (nth
toned hog, until the referee entered the ring,
ned strictly asnoor.ed him not to repeal the
- operation.
Ruurol:s-.Koig forced the flghling unseen
se he came to thettersteh. Been,. eloped In
ag.slo, end ether hugging Kin; for aunt° firer,
tlare• Liar.. In thla toned King drew the Oral
blood, which wsa slthwed.
Iluund .Id—After some hard ex. Sanger,
! Heenan again hugged King end threat lilro
armt,s the rupee with &want violeote. All
gk, con ring arid egsinet King, The only
toi l rli n vi d b 4 l. o l ; t,_
sver i w ” , foot 1,1.04.
: ~ .•.44 Iwo 4 s
under to :cft c7o. Deerin two et
tempted the huggung 11,1110, whisk, elicited
lend retnetha of thAVIIOO/171.7” - rt. With th,
I exception nolblr parttenter nee.,reed ne ,
this retina.
.. •
itaand antne ep
K lag go: to • Lrea, aL w un llecnw . .
baz, naati, ,, t ed, id+ temple. lie...aka ia
In pair buggt.4 K ia g. and threw blur rioleatly
}'.band nth-11,AL mat, pegged ,nay a a.•••h
ochre. The ranad fiaished by Henn.. gi , iag
I"il74l2Mber bag.
Ittand 10—n. betntauheg bnl linens%
S 3,1 Crean baL a a 4 Sing Ite.t
y baring chit tound King gni . . Ittaraau
:B.,:nr Lb. za-t^, drawing Oxen. a:
Round -al, Ititp,icourster•og sa Loth bides.
Iletnan sgitin Logge-1 at t.s,e vc, but got
irown himerif.
ILonrl 9,ll—King struck Heenan a trims...
drew blow the hes& Heenan rinsed itinp
on King and threw him
lintmd lOth—King landed him out hee•ily
with both ND. Ile Amend in and war thrown
by Heenan.
Retied 11th—le thin round Heenan hegan
en tiro. At the Hoe* be euebeel in and threw
King heavily.
Mound 14th.—The r suie result.
Kneed 13th and 14th—ditto.
/I,und I.:the-Some swinging Mows wore
Oren on both sidee, when license kr .:knd
King down elear late the runner. Thin was
the first kunok down of the fight
bound 'Atli—Heenan came to the wretch
with a dreadful eye. A bard struggle .onk
place during this ...rind, neither side gaining
are particular advantage.
Iteond I7tis—Tbe •xeitement woe new so
great the ring regulations were dieregardcd.
King's blows xweiied Ileenrio • , eyes and terns
idos to • fearful extent, bat be here it Man
ioliy trout this tee the 21rh.,, and last round.
Ktc, went abased at b. perfect gallop, and ti Ole
O. called for.
Round 23th—The Tonga Vac thrown op hy
1.C..n , nd0 of License.
Heenan was dreadfully punished.std should
ne•er have Loon permitted to pan the :lot
round. King presented no viesibl• marlsof
punishment, except a Inoun• on the eye.
L/e tor/eludes its dietwiption of the
3g e 1 In tho following words: A braver . •on
test was nOTO, fought.
Southern News.
Lemur-ea Mowtua, Dec. 23 --Richmond pa
peva received this IMMitr, have the follo wing-
LeAbarg, Ore. 17.—The enemy about 2.W
slrong, with several pieces o f iLe u k tis.ey, un d er
Gen. Averill, left Salem last evening, the way
the) rainy.
facelesoin. Loir. 16 —All quiet. General
lleatiregard tospectod Fort Fieruter Last night.
Glartest...lke. 17.—Four shells were thrown
lute the city 1.210 night. Our batteries opened
hea•lty and silenced the enemy.
Dec. 19.—Ten shell, seer* fired
at the eity this morning. Oar batteries keep
cp a steady flr• uo the 011[1:13, wb, 11.• eugug
vd In oi...t.rocting the approaches to their bat
teries en Mortis Island. ;here wee non. fir
ing on Stone to-day. Twenty-nine
looloding the Trot:aides and four monitors aro
Inside the bar, and the am:sal:number in. Stow,
Dalton, Dee. 18.—Oen. Jos. H. John
ston is oppottted to the command of tho Ten
nessee army. Hein expected here early next
tionerel Blotto:tan hue solved and taken
command of Ma old dlvielon.
General Shercon'a corpe hen fallen back
from Knoxville, and imesed through Cleve
land yeoterday.
Caorketoe Dee. 20.—The enemy opened
!Ireton the ally between 12 and I o'clock and
threw fdteen ehdln. Thla afternoon twenty
more tore fired. Thera was no damage done
end no one Injured.
Cadrf..row, Dee. :o.—The enemy continuo
to work on Gregg and Wagner, entendlng the
former and sodding the latter.
No important movement of the fleet has
been made.
A calcium light has beau di.played two
nights, reflecting on the city.
annul, Va., Dee. 19.—A skirmish took
place on bron.lay at Beans Station. The
enemy after a stubborn resistance, retreated
towards Knoxville. We oeptured 70 wagon
loads of stores and some prisoners. Our loss
in killed and wounded wee 800: Gen. Oewoo
was wounded. Two hundred and twenty-flve
prisoners hare arrived.
IV ashlngtan Items
See Yens, 11 1 11 C. 23.—A special to the Poe,
dated Washington, Dee. 2sd, lays: The re
port that Gem Schenck and Garfield will re
sign their soots in Congress end imoopt of •
nommaed, la undoubtedly untrue.
Senator Wilson expresses the confident be
lief that the present Congress will not repos,
tho three hundred dollar clause of the Enroll
went Act.
The draft, It to said to=day, will take glare
on the 6th of January.
Meeting of the Indiana state Central
Istaatfernas,Dee. :3,-43 a mooting of the
Ceatrat Committee of raeondltiosal
triton . run,lncluding Wu .Pomousti, held
to-day, It was dstonad to all a Man Oon
.mintion to be luldillitatiana—lie on tient
And: 824 of lralnnatr, tor Co. ..pS a SW*
ticket and seffert4g Ole -
Dispatch From Gen. ATerill.
El:114T, POOallorrag Cogg7Y,Ve.., Dee 31, via, SR..—To Goa. //oLlcch---I hare the
honor to report that I cut the V ir ginia and
Pennsylvania Railroad at Salem, on the 18th,
and have arrived sa:ely at this point with my
command. At Salem three depots were de
stroyed, containing 3,000 barrels of tour, 10,-
000 bushels of wheat, 100,000 boohela of ehell
ad corn, 50,000 bushels of oats, 2000 barrels of
meat, several cords of leather. 100 sacks of
salt, St boxes of clothing, and 20 bales cotton,
• large amount of borne., shoes, equrpreents,
tools and various other stores, and 100 wagons.
The telegraph wire was cut; coiled and Leaned
is: boll' a mile. water !tato., turn table
and three 'an burned, the track torn up, and
Cue rail boated and sis.troyed as much as nos
sible ; in six brava four bridges and several
calcorta were destroyed over an extant
of Afteen miles, and a large quantity of
bridge timber and repairing materials were
also destroyed. My march was retarded mica
eionally by tho tempest in the rnOnntainli and
oh: ley roads. I was obliged to swim my
command, and draw My artillery with ropes,
wross Cregg'e Creek, moron times in twenty
four hours. On my retreat I found six sep•-
reto commands under Gent. Early, Jonas,
Fiteell, 'mho:len, Jackson Holes, end Me.
Ceastin, arranged in a line extending from
Staunton to Newport, upon all the available
roads to prevent my Orion.! I eapturen
dispatch from lien. Joan to Gen. Early,
giving me his pofitihn and th.t of Jackson at
Clifton Forge. I marched from the front of
Jones to that of J w.itson at night. His out
poets were prnia.d in at a gallop by the Vir
:a:a mounted infantry,and two bridges across
river were saved, although the fog
gots Led been piled and ready to ignite. Sly
column about four miles long, hastened
acre.., regrirdiere of th- roomy until
all bat ray ambulances, a few wag°ns end
one regiment had passed when a strong ef
fort was made to retake the first brid:e, in
which they did not succeed. Thu embalm:i
ces and ions sick men wore lost, and hr the I
riseknees and difficultioe in crowing Ciao sat
regiment was detained upon the opposit , rids
of the riverunti. this morning. Moen I as
certained that the enemy had determined
ti maintain their position la the cliffs,
1 incises the bridges, which were long and
high, to to destroyed, and the enemy home.
dittely ',Winged hi. positiwt to the flank and
, rt or of ,bet detachre-rat, which was cut otT.
I vent an order to the remnant to destroy the
' wagons and OUDIO to me arenas the :leer, or
I over the mountiOr. They swam the river
with thu lees of four men, who were drowned,
sad joined mo. In she meantime a fortes
l'of the enemy were coneentrating upon. c.• at
I every available real, but one which was
I deemed Impracticable, but by which I eroaded
over the top alto Allegheny, will, my com
mand with the exception of four caesium,
whisk were destr,y t 1 to increase the
truing of the pierce. My logs ix tix men
drowned, one and four men wenn
: ded, and tour officcts and ninety men
mmissing. We caps wed 201' prisoners, but re
hewed nil but :our officers and eighty men, Ln
oesoennt of their inability to walk. We took
about ISO horses, upon a very poor
country, and the officers and men here suffer•
ea ^old, hunger and fatigue with remarkable
fortitude. My command hiu marched, climb
all slid an! swam 355 mile. eland the nth inst.
W. W. dreamt., Brig. lion.
Later from Enrope—Arrival of the
fetetruscr Alias
Dee. r.—lbt steamer Aria
two days' late, news, has arrived.
li•en•n has sr Loon nrBken. Ile had re
ceived DO internal ',prier. The hots on the
rerult forted 4141,206 et soy ever made on soy
slmtluc occasion. The given an edito
rial nu the atrarr, sod ray., Honoun was game
thrnaglinue. Ile tried to crush his stator , .
nisi by dashing him to the uniund. King's
tartiOS con.:.tod iO, striking a series of sledge 1 ,
hammer Mina on the most prollilnriat mcli ;
of ilearian s phi:, o ot•I the latter enliapsoil
from et ltallttiOlt.
The affair wor In 54 tuned* nod 35
lainatar. There apneas to tia, hero iittle
1.`11.04.• to eithrr ride, but it wed nererthelate
• s Land- np fight. Tom Sayan WWI Con• of
Purina.—lt is 1 i4 . 3.....rac , 1 that the Froth
Grroro rnent urn preparing • r; L twolrou for the
Pauli, with a'stew of sh..pping oho .opt
• arm' from Calitirnia ter Julreq..
.4s regards the 11..1,1,0 rienit oir., tr-eps
had left Prague forwh,re tin
troops are In vireo-A I .;epolalori 0. their
departure for 8010-m. to rt.t.•. - ;;;. tie r.l trod
execution of the ;; , ,xto ingettt, and will
enter ilolsteln ,[t
s od it
• rue Aastria Prnasi,o reserve
strong! Will quirk)e lours to oho front.
The Dresden and Wirtrtalo.rrg Chamber'
bare adopted a resolution for girtng the Ina
inerdni, otanpii,ito of iio;•trio.o o d
Yonne Frednrlil, of .tuguatemberg. has is
sued a pr,lainsiiian to the 1101,trin i aunt
ina than foz. t,rotr flitaßty, axid reinserting his
rights. .
Pots au—Ser eir.l imporr rist . iletdrier by'
Polish trent, tser tat Boman troops me ^on
d•e•a—AdriCes Soya that at an e straordi
nary meeting of the Damics, it area decided
by a rote of 65 against 45. that there me no
grounds for declaring war against foreigner,.
L o s 000 —The rater of discount Caralttlitt at
8 per cow- (told is flowing into hank, and
funds aro dram tared advancing.
I rote.— Tbere has been more herd fighting
on the frontier. The tribes haw then
agsinti British rule, and attacked British
troopS, under Gee. Chamberlain, with rent
detriment, bet vfore repulsed, and bad not
roomed the ntfuok. Two Ertgliah (acme
were killed, an d fire wounded, inoluding Gen.
Chamberlain and rel. 110pe. Qua hundred
and twenty-eight British and native ta-oops
were hilted and wounded. Chamber; it war
in • strong toained position with 5,000 men,
and was confident of final soccer,.
, Br' Tahsattare.—Lendra, Pee. 2.3.—The
rebel otenmer Pamper. was ceerseity poised
by the Cnstona lionen authorities at Glasgow,
' on the loth, by order of the Lord Advocate of
Linrennd 17.—Breadrtuffs have a
d.ownwa a rd tendency, and all deacriptions
slightly lower. near dusairy. Wheat
aed 54 lower; Red Western, Ss• td®Se Gd.
('ore fiat, and 64 lower; mined, 26.(din'as.
Berm firm and unchanged. Lard quiet.—
I n
S II r firmer, and Is higher. Codee very
The Perula reaehed here this afternoon.
Cotton firm and unchanged. Broadettafe
insctive, without change in quotation, Pro
'Slone fiat. Pharr buoyant. Petroleum
I..wrio, Dee. 12. Ereniny.—Coneole for mon
ey 93314411;C dueotutt.
A ppolnted Re r
gents of the Swltheutitan
W ae lirt °TVA, Dee. :Z.—The Speaker of the
Douse Las re •appointed Air. Cox one of the
reredos f the .trnltheonlau Institute, and
ILL preeentati•es Davis, of Maryland, and Pat
terson, of New Ilempehite, also regents in the
place. of Colfax and IllePhoreon.
Counterfeits on the Union liauk of Phil
FoxosotLlri a, Dee. ::3.—Ptterson ' s
tor mettles the !uhlie ageint eounter:eit fete
on the Uni.m Haul of Philadelphia, just is
Markets by Telegraph.
lire Tong, Poe. 2: —Cotton without 4.11 , 4
e.. e nge. ruur ntiiet sod about be lower,
d clewed rather blotto.; PGA:SI6p fur Extra Stutea
far gotta Round Ilthcp Ohio, 31,7f40010
for Trido Brands. Whisky operM excited and elow.l
quiet loot exceloz at fEcr...7, with rumor. of Was La
high NI 00. Wheat heavy end 1 to 2e lower; 31,411,
1,12 near Chicago Spring', 41,4X45141. fr .1111
Club, 41,0.5 for told do. in .tare, 41,40 for r=
Red Weeiern, 131,00a1,CX for Amber. Corn heavy
and dcellning, at 41,'6U1,20 fur Spring from Wee,
chiefly 111.=411,30 abash Owls a had firmer and
lit dnranod, st 01406. VI.1.1:1, Wed firm and in
fair demand at rOltgl. Petroleum very firm; Crude
, Relined free. dl , EuEorA in bond, 40 do. for dati•
nary, Pork caner aid lo good demand at $18,2501
12.16 for old Moen, 501071 fur New do., $13,50g.14 for
Prince, 117CIli for Prime Moen. Beef steady. en
Meat! quiet nod primo Doris Olden in al, SIKVIVOt at
12e, c ity long and nice: 11% Western .hurt and clear
cilll2, Clonitairland flub If/r Tobroeiry 11/A. Draasial
Hoge Omer et 7i,"5C!.i. Lard firmer at 12.3,10.
New York Stock and Money Market.
Na. You., I). ll.l.—Money to brink demand at
7 per cent. bold opened at LI and tinted
quiet Lad .ready Uuterpunnt stocks
Stocks dull Lai Lank,
P. rt. W. k (...._.. . ktki,HAL.ok 124
‘7. I C
C A P tea I it. c .. ~... t- , *,
itt.t.c nit. C. 5crip....—.11644
S. 82.0115.
N. T. C
trio ............ Quicksll.•or Co tT)
ITED tiT ATER MILITARY RAILUROAD Or Pr; 1 , 10. 17J G stmt. Washllis
Km, D. C., Dau•mbor 101 h, OM
IRON TOR BALE.—I • ill 1.11 at public auntldo, at
the Oman. and Llirsandita Railroad Derot, la ax-
Ca , WEDADSDAT. i/n; 111ib Al
day of
Jan.:AT nett:
Tro tociondrhand Locomottra Eoginta, 4 fiat Sli4
inobta gauge.
•bont I,um tons of oid Rails, T and D parttitil.
200 " Cc Whlieln;
2C41 Cat wed;
200 " Wroughtficrap item;
"010 Oat
A lot of 814•18pringt, Sheet Don, d= -
Bala to oosomanett 1014 . UV'
Tonna cosh, to Gorimmonyttrtott. '
dtlLttl C.ptato oad A. Ct. it.,
outi . AND IV telEtt tifiL.E_ I .
.■ ClatkP TOIL 06511.—tb• TAW bit fat
trout ' Toyama osiroot.yelit.b, Watik. &a ram
botto )07._ TA. BOVA 10 • two4tort
brick, yr-Alai:dug Ivo room, and 4119 C 3
the 4.sp
jat., Ittenoi oa -the alio. 1. 1 . tez
aMying l3l oocT, tp, ..71314.a 115.X0w1410)4. ,
. • „utak ernk.
• - -
j r
The wharf did nnt preemie eery sottniappatirsiner 13gROCIA...MAJWISIU*17.0N•• 1. .... -
. L . .,44; 3 Z `,...'
yesterday, nil to snake matters still warm. fears exit .1 =PS. as• = woos of d . - A1 .4,01, ,,
anterrtubsed by our shAuselsontnem that naelyst.ixdA 6... . a- U o . o •4 l. .t et til l i ttl " ,to glorreAD.,.le.' b op, of t t-:;
HIM 0 1... ~,,fOl,- ,b ,
.111 bo oboauCb.l by Lb.] 1,. rho eters I. stilt 111 , . ~,,.., roolltllDA . fox th 6 = 4 ol loeSP, ~..'" '
cotton dentin r, with len than ann. fe a t In the Plltsbint andeof the tr., ao . og gymitAV, el ex",
eland by in pier marks last *.ToblOg, w tai• ' AM. L 0- 5AWT .53 ...1 t pd collo "'.b.::.,: r
Irsies thin. Me PT•a•A n '' '' 't ir IEICK ' t -.ea t ^-'''
the erather nontinnes ...el. and the Allegheny neer rprizsge k y i i rl i.k yrrArs, --, „.....---,.',.: .
le full of dust All; ire. 51WW_....,,,,,, el- ,
Tim Dar or .0. , !" - ' 4' . : 1 4t0 1tc..t......_,," At
The armlets winos nor int .iscinde the Wen .00n• Weird of mad city, 4l•fa ro . o f ghts Ontinitdo• k 7 s At
Led and Logien:le from Cionnent•, si'ls foir Trips. il l. ilatt r o l' f ,2=o,,,,bon of bad= r e t t . t g, by.,.'•, ; ;.
'nett trete no depart, -i. their rapers: wards sAd pef.:efta i 4 m e ggiblys",":o:,
The ilttle steasesers .I.H Excisenge and &drone intl•to teed'. tb.r0vi.d....1 . ir iss7 ,
.., , .::::?....,:-...). the lg. el e V of lion • •IL. ‘d. dti -al'el
started fora point sbenit nine soars op the All , gbery 000
„ o .„ „oo to oo , ree e e Mayor Of ni
_.,, ;_,,,,,!_:', - -,e
elf-r le s t nerns U. , ' Ir.- P.M.*. of lighting up and One pen= to . are al lit•Atrutter
Of of .ir.
pulling off some barges looici with pet.olatia. and On person to wren ea. To. _ p ot twt , yaps. . ~-,
Etch of wt.= stall bold their otrAti s l t .. .o o dt b t.
aarrensul. There are at. - int. • number of ail :nen ot , t.t ....., t5y, it , 0t ,,,,,,,, tx 1107. ).4 . ,
leetworoi and foam, ea. h 4 . ...*1 onion, b. ~" .b . WittOrttico. ..I .2.-Q to 11 .-O rd ' s "' " , ` "?! - • - -
tortameel for hobo dal.rty. disfyloanc maid c it y, the anion. of Ch.
___ t, „ . .. 0b0t . , ..„„
Cleat v..rd .in °L, by beaau ..°lvrn; two '. 5'
There to. tererel Mats arse from CLOCimbatt, autong member , the s „,„„ ~..,,,,,,c i l o f „,,,y dry._ . . ,
" 00 . t'i - Ch•rturr. 1. H- GILIeo...Ad N.V.- yeas, and twopence= to to =cabers of tylCutitl9?
The not and p:pniar steamer Boone. Capt. D. . 6 ,...... ri .. „
........ t .. toott ,b e rgy ~
B. Herron, I. the Clia...nnati patine for to-day, lute- got ., .t,, too porst,o l tb t , t , tooto l er egef the Co:A=A'.';',
ins st 4p. m. Yasseupsiu and ehiplare vela find :be Po-rent. . . ... 0.. , .-1
clort, Xr. W M. List, ationtl le, court.nn and s all a Ward ,
1 -OLe pe . rson t.., L . ° ho w l
or oAnli th r c ,'• ue ,. ...f. ,, ..2
relerat. Ocruill.
T deb ta HM .'._„.
The °tint, Capt. C. A. Harlon, la loading for St. Fourth W. ;nano to bo •in o ss a. ...-
Lon, end null it. all probability get ,E this no
eusg. tts c e . stinl . t so as-1-0
persons to be t o of t • -
Toe. 51.12. or tin 1311.Mbi Pants DONT A.-We Fua, N v. t ., t _o ro , pt,t,t,to tow ~,,,,,,r o yy cruto de- - r,
were rolatelten In rentoon to the depth of weber in loot .od . / .,„„, x ,. to I. no ,,, et b er , of rho *tom" .: -
.filch the Prima Donna weenie& at Captina. She p kooto iL
Is felon on hex .ids near the .hut.,on at seer one& a li o, g p. t .,__g,,.. 0 , 1 .., to t.. =color of the
lef Int enil. l 7 out of the •••,, A f`-'•.•Wt` Select - ..: Con perms. to be snorahurnof thsCoridlial
able leirtion of the freight bad born rolled moors N totot t •
and will be need. An nap:An will be appointed togsscostb Word-One man to ho a Atrtf the
make whet the law describes son genial overage. Ito SattsAand two pereone to be ronabers of the C. 010.011
that all hands may nista. an Aithed panne of the pleto.a.- .
Ins, which will not exend, lo eluding I.Le me I Ei , ....t a y gp.,.. d _ soto p0t ..,,,,, to h o o °te a* r of the •
rte b:eat. Itofont7 -0 . tb•tuutid &Mx.. Neu. - t.l all Select nut tam. persons to to tronalers of the Coni
the freight contend to this port was Inured. It toot , c ototo u .
I. "w.f." th" ...•••• tan l• •-'' i't• -ne t ft ''.l•" 4, Itithib Wall-Ore porno to ho i - Pof the
root d0` , ..... W•doeuta7 night. LA. snl.l' Ugh. Baled sad three persons tube Asembers of the Com
ae ber up trip on 'I leunday, .au upon Om °burn. m00 c 00 ,,,,,, .
t '''' and r ''''''''' ' '''''''' '''''' -ck iffr Ant . '•• to' Each s: a hoos shall bb gralitled to otres ite a form
formed all the bosta they met of the fan or (hr ink-,„, !yer of the House of floprosentot Nos a ..
Ibi. c... 1.
, Ins of tbe csAl twa, but unfot .unosely hat oo blare ~,, b .
of informing tint officers of Ina Fan. Donn.-- At the d eoe p ot , to he ha m oo 0 g,,, e m . ,-, efte,ong,
Wooden Detellinnorr.A January le tub day of Janua, A. Do itlit•/ •
--- ---
, --, P11 ; T513.71?0.! - ± TEMA TiT:
._.~_ti ORu ~.
algtol th• 1.9.6411 .tor, Ms. J , ),ICYB
1 , 8.1.)C108,, vim. appritr ku rywerfed
TILLS (Mare -ley, EVIL - dirSt . i.
Cillt be presented, the s 4.lhlstoriest drams of
IdT7AITLANCITET, Toe Lox ex see rose , .
tYststtlaneher -I honor.
To *mar& with
iiT lot J.t S.
*lra. allarnocn, 'tTLe Ghat." In prtp.
matins,. a ata Pantomime:
Satrday. farraall bona, nf room (.1:.
g - mast)sic HALL.
Somnambula I
!!! 1 1 Iii!liMli!!
Scenes from the Battle-Field
7 ,, c...t1-4U..r , mie ilx•na 'At
la ry. rAa-
&rt..< :mad pexUrman, (I,lortma.
u, 13•11„ . oat.. 1.0 oats.. Law.r...l
Mt., 50 CENTS. D7 , 11t opr at to a , uum.aa at
71,1 o' lod.
aa.t. may ...cared *about .11..• charms oat sc.
pl ...110. at the B-x. (ram 10 tt 1
l'AritiTZD ULTOOZU L 9, lisM
Darh ILA*,
L V.,
IA., Drown.
L As Lircu,,
6....Uf Srvtn..
leeetherg bid Glues., Chairs's 1./..itiha. and .11
kin& at Werth 1G
/Sr A BAirl RU UT Si` PER MSS. - He
'or LS centsyen eau odor es mazy Fed. es
otherwise text hire tlases Wet an. %schwa &tides
tea be witty: xi frees the Mail dye. The "mows
Soes. and &Ay ms*csa nee the dye with print
roman. Direetiore iirrnelllKTrigerlearatialiha
Ittehis of tut perk-sax •
re, further Intarrasticn Ihyl:hz, llldartslp
4gt , *
psibbt knowledaw what tadrm tattidaptad Mtlye
Dstedam., with many valeable r , witaatt pwrattaat
am. d Strwmecraaal or Dinah awl I:blotted.
14. at by mail •an rt•ttipt a! prlh.— 10 mmia,
Itaantaetated by lifybrld b STETIESB, •
For salt. by dre,wlals and .tealars datarally.
PAES.—We take thie earth= of teeming Cu,
Ciente =A the pubic veteran, Chat 11. aro aclr
. practice of Dentistry. rinse who C. be=
poupcoote We tau= dread= =oration asay.otoe
ail= the= Raft and al. as • mil, as the apparel=
tre hese in ma hen been thoteeely tented d nice the
pan foes yr," tally =tabled:it= the safe iced pain.
lam character of the operalicon. So Drip at Oita&
:as net Gatranic Battery used. A those' =ening
the ureic= of good end tellable Dent!st wilt do
=la h cal] and te=ertll with
744:.b B. RING. D. D.A..
. .
Ha. 152 Fourth anat.
at, D. C. ONO, 51. iT 222115.2ett 'tr.*, Pitts.
Irate, je2.2l=xl
Arkoworio4roorom of 'Nod; Dowdlions sod
Ulm. M.o, Nods, kongogoo. /Mule. of
Agromeat, Looms ago/ I. e.l roper. of ovary Iciod
venom_ eoldlars
Airn. A_ U. .10GLISII respectfully
baton. the Minna of Pittsburgh, that he has
nen appointed solo agent for am sal. of MYTILi
YES. They ars recommended by the Lcrzed bedssa
ha the city, onnotz .tith an
Gum Montan t cc., Srenaa Cr., •
_ . ,
kloosszan d Co-, t Ixas Can Taerr Co.,
tro, PArst. a CA, { And ettosi.
1100,0,10 Aprta nn ,
Erie. Rm.-3, 3, 4 sad 8 'nano 1514.--ic.<1.111.4 tits
•141udtti varieties, and 1.2177 Melt nne•
Abe, very Ism* sunk of PEAR, (antiard and
PLANTS, it., ha, whotrash. and Wail at Tnry res.
wra.ubl• prkw. JOHNIfUIiDOCII, Jr.,
usl6;d•gri Plttsb.m:b wea Oakland Nureortret
.UNDIUFS.. ...j
BrITER-10 real. t.. Dam
10 tube , do do;
b Aro do nal;
crrua - re--vn Goths and Itarabarg;
NY) d 0 Weatrrn Rareme;
600 du Eoalish Data:
lIO3IIN Y— 20 bbl.. nut.
ASIIES— 40 oak. Pearl;
half L. Ilerriec
• TPLES-100 bid. chr.tra L CsArm;
lo twos and for tato br L IL r ANYITLD.r.
A. =sins, CITY, POOR AND 1149INTAS
Id, for usa; ars duo and moat be v.. 11 famiooda.
Sorstrod at City Tr...oral', °Moo, Tuorth an'4l,
dn.-tug busiaoas homy. or at toy rriddraaK,
Webster aunt, malt., the 'Water Wort.,4, from CV ,
d. to. tad b for Wellek r. ea.
&ea J. R. NILWILL?r,, refiecior.
ap.previst-0 t .zamtLlsg onr gw,d•
•L.ET, eay Ik . Halt, "psis
Lacs colds wad rrareatar• daattla.” TN.
pramtlas to • Wt . of WAITa-FROOT BOOM Go
endpt • pats, at
dap JAS. ItollllB, 9t Market attsat.
. .
60 tt n .
For a ~
t* by 7A:I. DALZELL t SON,
deib 03 sod TO W•ify mod.
ra. 190111XEST of Lad!ts' 111.. n CLlthitea
sans encrsx,oArrrna, bussondaarrmas,
ta..melhystomp to dom.:Whoa, at ItaCLEk
t 5 boar LIX
P.Vit 11101 , 41 sad Va. 1.01, by
$1 1 17561* ARCA.,
not H,IL. 190 5‘ , 11 13 7c , ' , i strpet
BARIZZIA.-I;, second,
V band, Crab and Reansd 011TainAL. ? sa•
ad and 7C Water stmt.:
Vf ktodsoloosfs oo band sod for We. orholoogi
oo retail. ell* lad/O Zubbif Depot of
, • • . ika li..tarmus,
/Ulf • SOL ZS 28 St. Clair Meet.
6 tome.
IL , ...ix f 4 for Crude • • ••• •..
latop .. ii,loterir4.4.lL - DAtiatteasos;,
ei gn, • cisattlowateritreor...
AlaT4i I :1 . 71 ,f.
4.0 W.
Publie sthinol Nome In wild ward.
TLd Gve:lore of the Second Want n 111. vele 'at the
Public Signal lionse lo raid ward. '
The iloctora of e, much of the Third watt na
north of and wret of Grunt owed., burnsprecinct No.
I of maid avol, will vote at the I,i:to of. IL Suiten
oei the corner of Sixth end Sreithllvid streets. .
2heolcotw.ofeo much et the Went al lies
Routh and east el Grant ettool, pretirn-t No. 2
of Said ward. will vote at the het= or C. S. Seneedy.
at the corder of Wylie and Tunnel etroota.
The .1..,:t0re of the Fourth War! will row at the
Palle School/La. In wail arid._
The eleinoni of so tench et. , th e pan thani as Ilea
Dortia end nano! Adams ehroet, being . nreclitct No. 1
of said waid, will ooze of the nadic nchwel
In raid ward.
The ahictors al eo mud. a therilfthlTard as lice
sollb and weal of Adams sweat being prithinth No. 2
(wild ward. will vote at the Public Schorilllotnes,
la said ward.
The a'. tore of the Sixth Ward will en4o at 2. - •
Potato School Homo In mild ward.
The doctors of ail Sos.tii Wood rot. = the
Public School Donee in amid wra — d.
The electors of the ftlith Ward with veto as the
Subtle Scheel Howie In nLI ward.
The electors of the Ninth Word will rat at the
PubLio School am. In ...aid ward..
Given under toy hand end the acid of. the said Oft)
of Plttrbur".l, the 1111142,C! Deccatter, A. D.. 18 , 0.
deltdts B. cr. SalirliTild...the 114 01 %
81/ELL 0600r4
Patent Pattentalgt, Without Buckles.
nailkorts the ekaLsr In EVERY POSITIOS peesibia
to Ibe
it plates the art of GILLCZ7rt. tEITINO with
to the reach of retry prreott.
WO can .lute with theca at once, wipata
6t1,,-Ate, wit.hzut lennAn7,, and withcrat
my clwa h> put or. cr taken 2S by say or, id% aal In a mornaT-t'a :bae.
V. a/ P. , vie
• bolted..
I' 14,1 , 4
They are made It - holly of CISI Et7Mr..ll, sod ere
perfectly datable and rtilable.
Thj are the =cat bearattral and nrtdttc Elratca
n,cr prado d. Yar
Ladies, Young Pc.rsons and Children
thej =l> o.irertr.Ly
E. to sm.
For Grrn.nors,
conalderstion, the EMI Grans Psi* •
ad... Sages possoned undo other..
Also, scarls4 Jos:Pat:meat cr ktads dr ; §
REAM far eaktma. - Ladia zr:4 awl
stnil. wryly of oil kinds of rparttag soon rpr the
For Safe. by I.SIMS - 1031Thr,
:•70. Mb VTOL STEXT...T.l•lll.trazt. • "
tisilklisszsi •
corrowns To EMI. Etf'MMMIE :11TOCK . -
• ;g:
First of iTanilary,..lS34.'L
13 ALL ITS MiAIDIEM : .. •
4.21-4 f. • • .
. .
11,4111 , Charlm,
.I7i. All per**. naming all nod oar: freight mut:
md-t. •%..%rl• Otlce, LI add: 1.144, thej..llo
tl& a pixel° load or vales&
ALL cdaalosa. matt -radon. tbelr oLL vithise the
Wm specified:by alad mot report at Wharf
Oldm. wbd , ..b.dledd hands, that/mm.2.r paztlad
mai to knew.
Pcalticely all craft yradhltnlb.otarcad the r
bofideas each ea. a Inds, ,t.rtlzt, except r!Enlar
Kamera of the ilm. .
All cote, at soon ui unloaded= lying lab. Wig be
removed Immediately. that lorded Met may pt. in.
lillethurtyv must be Inswitahly Feld in advance.
Transient coweliame,who bee* no permatent alto,
Ws who Modal bowls end pleats hourete-and 'who
to mealy oboe moot I:wad/7 found. =net Mete D.
Wharf Odim sad lets their babe .rdieelW Veettned!O
711 }sines depotitin6 dirt nithOM
stool wheemr, Cu paid whet% will be de.ilt with
the immttlicor. externte taint g vet got
lOC an=Sdkt,llith tOld ieft satistancr. • •
tiodenteMorna. ;Ott al tuirdt•bsteortrwa saint;
tnaktme and clean cinder. from Ironworks; foundries,
cad maim glom mar Le reeelved- o the extent of
what le. heeded. h 7 ortaltzt talVhdit Cttiee.
The *boo native will be omated without totted
ofz i rjs. ilailE3 ALLEN,. •
ChAidiw Psiseata.
COrtiUmts Preamts.
CLilstmas Vretenis.
Crbiiatsaiut Prawate.
Cbxtltmu : Pr.untr.,
GbArtmas-Presentp...- ... . • .
- zro. ea •
• Mr Thebeet Nodtta th 4 1:n1:J1,6704A ittlig
teeme•V km , - •
tor Cbroalo di toorthinu - .,
COLDS. Etomorxrds, soatlVr.p..ter.
hoothotbl.i • .
dao.ittats* try lotkg itazdtg.Coug4 et
To pax=
bath Corglrizul
1.0146."1 fal
cvx7».OASo a '
41C.1ig! .T.tiNES I • •
• .
ikabbsoia,,,,,.. ayes t
,m *, 'ATOBSitzt e •
"a TAREBAbr.Rafismidpo MU
Lmid nclosir. takesoina
, - - 1. • -
tkxt to the Valcut sm4,.
, . .
. _
Os au:N.34K •
ialls**4lloex, 521,-Atny