The daily Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh [Pa.]) 1863-1866, December 22, 1863, Image 4

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    lade of a '.Physielan.
astlity last one of Capt. Wright's
- arrested a young man named Dr.
Ice?, on a charge of desertion, and
the Provost ; Marshars office, on
.treet. The mrest was based on the
facts, Dr. Walter had enlisted es a
Sept. Solioyer's company, 180th
and bad served with the regiment
t aiz mouths ago. Being a regular '
be badhoped to obtain the position
but failed in that object. lie had
ed, bciwaver, for some time as As
rgeon, and was a very' efficient
timmmer he was ordered to Phila.
appear before a Medical Board for
ij and if found competent,hc would
id from the ranks for nromotion as
as Surgeon. Re went to Philadelphia, but
Or tome reason or another he never reported
the remit of the examination. Not having
been discharged, he was of course liable to i
arrest as a deserter. When taken before Capt.
Wright, he stated that he had received a 'ear
lificate from the Medical Board, bat had last
It and concluded to come home and join his
wife in Allegheny. lie stated forther,ithat
ht wife had an infant only four days
old, and that she was very much
• disturbed on account of his arrest. Under
these circumstances, Capt. Wright concluded
to let the doctor go home upon condition that
he would report every d ay at the office. lie
..reported on Thursday and Friday, but it ap
pears the& on Friday afternoon, while on his
way toAlleglomy, he stopped at Super's drug
store, on St. Clair street, and wrote the fol
lowing prescription: "Tincture of opium, two
ounces; spirits of camphor, two drachms;
simple syrup, one ounce. Directions—hall a
- teaspoonful every two hours." The doctor
took the drag home, and it is stated that be
swallowed the contents of the phial in the
presence of his mother, and in two or three
boars afterwards he was dead.
The deceased resided in the Second Ward.
Allegheny, and studied medicine with the
Dre. DL:kson, of this city. He was a young
man of considerable ability, but did not sne
ered well as a physician. Ho entered the
throe months service, in the old 13th Regiment,
as • private, but acted most of the time as
hospital steward—a position for which he was
well qualifted. He subsequently visited the
Peninsula, as a surgeon under the Sanitary
Commission, and rendered valuable service in
the various hospitals. He next entered the
139th Regiment, 3.3 above stated. The Coro
ner, for some reason, was not notified of his
death, and no inquest was hold.
' Oa Saturday evening a painful iwcidout
happened at Lamb's planing mill, on Marion
Avenue, Allegheny. A lad named Turner,
employed by Mr. McKee, cooper, while en
gaged in piling staves up around a revolv
ing shaft, was (taught and whirled round be
tween the shaft. and the ceiling, receiving a
terrible fracture of the arm. ile had a com
fort about his nook, which caught upon a
screw which projected from the shaft, and ip
en instant he had received his injury, and
was divested of nearly all the clothing be had
'on his person. Ito is about fourteen years of
age, and residue with Ms mother, on Ohio
street, two doors from the West Common.
The arm was so crushed that amputation hat
to be performed.
On Saturday morning a most shocking acci
dent occurred at the saddlery hardware man
ufactory of Messrs.Olnhausen A Crawford, in
Duquesne BoreagE Charles L. Fry, employ
- \ed in the establishment, was putting a heft on
a pulley, when by some moans his left arm
was aught between them and he was thrown
with ouch force against the ceiling that his
. arm was flirted completely off, when ha fell
. to the flaw s his' arm remaining on the pulley.
The injured min was lmaadtately conveyed
to his residence on Lonsralloy, in the Fourth
Ward, Allegheny, where his wounds, were
dressed by DrAlerdtmeyer, and hopes are on
- - -nertaluederrhis recovery.
Donutlonel for Sick and Wounded So
The following donations n ero received by
the Allegheny Ladies' Ala Society for sick
and wounded Aoldiers :
Mn. Brief Davis. c Inikle end pkips of pawn, Mrs.
Slattery, roll of Lie linen; !Ica. Frotwit.,
each enveloped; Mn. flow, 10 Indken Hen. Book, 1
Jew picketUly and I pair wicks; Mr.. Brunel, I or.
noels, Chwintlan Akl twelety, cetil yarn, 2 yenta
canton flannel to line ellppore; 42 ~pin of tin, •• LII•
OHM. " from Kim Ifeireer; Mem Copley, mind.. 0(
me, 2 do pearhea, end 2 de tematoec Mrs. Jae Livid.,
55; Ladle. Tract noclety• of Allegheny, Lune number
Etessengers; UlaktlOWll, poletteen awl stone
Sao apple batter 1 comfort for the nick: work Iy
Ladies Society, 'di" shirts, molt containing a puck.
with hdklion4 ones religions reading; al. :1 pain
bolt woke.
we of J. B. Beason, alias Major C. P. Comp
ton,alles C. Poster, alias Charles Foster, came
up-for trial before the Military Commission
on :Friday morning. The prisoner was charg
ed with fraudulently obtaining money from
the Government of the United States, the
charge being contained in a number of speci
fications. Poster, probably seeing that there
was no chance of escape for him, pleaded
gallty to the charge and speciflcitions, and
was remanded to jail. The ending and sco
tenets of the Court will be published as coon
WI they have been reviewed by the proper au
thorities. •
Funs Lusua'a r o an's Mao AZINE 100 -
ECM Or raatoos.—The January number of
this wall-known monthly common , . the
Fourteenth Volume, and promisee that the
coming year will ho no falllng off from its pre
dacessors. It contains a beautiful double
page fashion-plate, colored,—which eclipses
in site anything among its competitors. It
has also a intaticuae of things, whose uses
aid qualities the ladles understand. .all for
copier at J. P. Bunt's Ilan, Fifth
Arent, and at J. T. Sampler, :43 Federal
tweet, Allegheny.
A limy Boon BY Miss BIL,I,Doe.—A now
novel by Was M. E. Braddon, now one of the
.gnliming favorites" in the world of novel
readers, hes Jut been poblirbe4 by T. B. Pe
terson, of Philulelphia, under the attractive
titlenf "The latwyer's Secret." The volume
contains also a second story, entitled "The
Mystery st Pentrood." Price 25 (tents. For
sakat.l; P. Hanes, 59 Pifth street, and at J.
T. Sample's, 85 Federal .trove, Allegheny.
4Ok..—The Citizens Instmanoo Com
p y hare. elected the following Board o
Direniterst Wm. Bagaley, Jas. Perk, Jr., Wm
G. Johnston, B. P Jones, Reese Owens, 'rhos
M. flow., B. Preston, Geo. Bingham, 8. M
ICler, Jobe Shlptan, Jas. M. Cooper, S. liar
bough, John Caldwell, Jr., John S. Dilworth
Wm. A. Rodgers.
Met Stortm - ra Duman Cser..=-151x. Pierce,
the Sulattitute Broker, who was arrested upon
inforination of Lientonsnt Sproul for obtain
ing intbetlinteni for tho purposo of sending
them out of the glace, under tho advice , of T.
11.11amilion Esq., his counsel waived a bear
ing before Alderman Nicholson, and gave ball
for his appearance at COurt to enswer.
Smartt WARD Lolll,—ALtalltioll is directed
to the rale of Sthenth Nerd Building Lots
to-morrew craning, at 7ti o'clock, et the
ittietton Booms of Dawisqt Mailgram', Firth
_street. They are twelve lots fronting on
Root, Reed and Dunwiddie streets. Plam
eat be had at the Auction Rooms.
Lto Bactass.—An Englishman, named A.
.Jemert who lately came here from Cleveland,
In intar ' Otir employment, fell on Federal street
opposite Gen. Bebinsou's residence, on Ben-
Allay, and broke bla leg. Be was kept all
sight In the toll • bones of the mspension
bridge, Ind was salt to, the poor home to-day.
(t►r?. W. O. Smear, of CO I, 139th Y. V.,
to COW in the city. on a short sisit to his
ftiands. , lie joined this company ea Ordorly
Borjr?lnks and has been twice promoted—trot
as adentanariti aroLweat , ae Loptain. Ho is
sm excellent eoldier, and nobly earned the
Celtrwrataßorren.—The ladies' Aid Society,
--ef/te'eheater, will gho a supper, onChrbstroas
•Eve .at the publio. sahool house--the pro-
Meta of wblch wiltrbe!applied for the benefit
4ere.—.llajor -E. d. Idootooth, of the
- .7 town, end will speed the
Wo are glad to lee
ri ll ei g ki llic .T .l '4 , _ l4 o ° W,9/_/'
rt.% eWcdonits .1d: Butterfield was, ca.
D 2 17
to putlce in the District
6inntl, on motion Or du.
iburgli Sazet.4.
OiNIEREF.:::=:±ISC. 22, 1863
terday's•Evening Gazette
Shocking Accident■.
AOu tie.—WlThom. G. Item
WWI —2. 411 / 1 1 admitted to the Bar oo Sow
AO; UP', l4 lGt c 11.,. P. Penney, En.
Moaner, Demanbar 91,180.
GlLVE—Wheat la Br, with a continem] far do
roartri, sad la sedta small sala of lad at Men Cr`am
wagon, and from store at 91.9461,45. Oats Onl.t
but flan with small salsa from Eras hands at 11.6110 e;
ale of 400 bosh tam store at Kr. Barley steady.
with nail sales from wagon at 111„35 for Sprint. and
91,50 for Fall; dater QUI bosh Spring at 91,40. Corn
to active demand, with ales of =5O bosh, in Pan, to
arrive, at 1i,1,25; SOO du do, [mm .chat, et 61 . 3 0; 4 00
bush from Mom at 51,35, and I ear Shelled (.4J) at
Bye is In demand and same, and may le ,
quoted at 51,3301,40.
FLOUR—The demand le hdr, and the market DI
trot, while the demand la light, and the traneectimes
are =all and nultuportent. Budd/ mica from elma
at hd for Extra, and rt,onoTrAs tor Extra Family,
Buckwheat flour may let quoted at 6i,oo@tAs per
OROCREIRS--The groeory market I. quiet but
Arm, with small mire at former quotations. hogs
ranges from 13)4 to IAo for Itair, and 170-418 c for Re.
hued; 3343 fie for Coffee, and GA, for 31olassos.
liiIITTLU A EGGS—There la a bettor supply of Uoll
Butter, and the au" Art to a .ends easier.
ton be glean at 2AalSc. Eggs—ash,. o(10 bbl limed
at 22c, and bbl fresh packed at Tic.
MED FRUlT—firm but without quotable
titans.; sale of iiithosh Peaches at 51,50 per bosPi
also, smell sales of Applea, prime, at t 2,00.
SEITh4--a•b of 30 bush Clover Seed •t 117, 5 0 PrT
brultel. Piss Seal luny be tooted at 112,131.1t2,131, and
Timothy at 52,7342,87.
PD.OVISIONS—smaiI sales of now plaln Sugar
Cured llama at 12y —now held at 130. Lard I. •
.bade higher, with a ule of 10 tee prime new arl33S.
ado Pork is held at $M per MAL
HAT—no , .apply was exceedingly light to-Jay.
and prices, In consequence, a dodo higher; min
from wales of 4 loads at 1142043 per ton.
APPLES—ate:Oly with • regular demand, and we
quote at from 1P2,21 to 12,73 per bbl—accordlng to
Pittsburgh Petroleum Market.
Duo. 21—r. market fbr both Crude and refined to
.m.tet but Arm at former rata+. Quotations for Crude
may D. ginm at 93e In bulk, antl23e In bbl.—bbl. In
cluded—alibi:Pugh we heard of one lot of bulk being
offered at 100. A eale of 'l3OO bids in bulk, um re
ported at 93e, aed some to. other .mall sales ware
road. at the mum figure. lthed, alm, le quiet hut
Mut, and wa continua to quote Isootted at 40e, and
free at 000. A mar of 100 =la, free. an outside
brand, was repartee! at 19c. Naptha and }befall=
remain... bat noted.
The nrelts ts •nd shipment. Matto onr last mport
ant to follow. : Shipment ., \.w York, 6 , 43 Itlds
Crude, 4."..2 Wan refined; to Philadelphitt, 14 , ":, I t4s
rude; br Boston, 44 bbis crwle; to Baltimore: 137
rnftnal, sr.( "t 4 1.4414 crude. Wee', 11.7_ bids re.
fined, and 2 bbil crmitt. itoreint., •Pri 6614 erntle•
New York Petroleum Market.
Specie/ Dispatch to the Pittsburgh G.ootto.
tirsr y 0,... in flew and ltigheF with
sales at 115.yg:02..! oo tha spot, and 3 . 291,r, January cle.
livery, Wynn option. ilafinod ntea4l7 01th saint of
bondd at 4,5 u on (La spot, nod 47(y ts, (or Jan.ry
buyers option. Fran oil is higher, with vales at b-i!,
15Ac, and Napthe is dun and nominal at r2c.
Weekly Review or the New York Pe
troleum Market.
flieportod Expriwaly for the Pittsburgh Gasette.
Now Tong, live. 19, 10.13.
This has been muphetically • out week, and rho'
only feature w.othy of Intoreet has barn the deter
rolowisfppositlon which la everywhere manifest to
the imposition of eo large • duty as 10 *rots per gui
lt. on Crude oil. TOO, it it argosy with • past show
of reason, would annihilate the larinsand important
export trade to this article. ()no dollar per barrel
would yield a handsome revenue and would oat mato.
rially effort the business, but It It certain that so large
an ImpoSitiou as 10 cents per gallon, would have •
Yeti itylurious effect, Oaring to the supersbnadanre
of dm:Toils It, E.rope, potrolenui at a tomb higher
price than now obtained, would not b. used to any
natant, end ,ousequoutly, would not be exported.
When these farts shall }teas loan brought to Ito. no.
tiuotemagreas, as the) nirloubtedly will be, It le
reasonable to suppose that the propo,tion Ito
Commbesioner of Internal nevem, b. lan crude 10
cohta per gallon trill le. reed p.l.
The business for the week La beau light. bolting
Monday, Tuesday, and It was e+prlaUy
so. Since thou, a fair traded.* Oren done, yet the
market is called dull. Prices me about 2.1207 c blew
thee of a week ago. The aline ars about. 18,051 bbl.
Crude , nearly all al °MP to 31c, of o Ith about 10 1 4 X,
bids during the put two or three Jaya at
the market cloo• steady at 'A4i1f5.3....;„<, and CI, for
ell Junewv, buyers t. ton.
Italian! Is. sold to the e:trot of 20,00Ad6, mostly
the spot at 44944 k, chiefly 44(41 , r, but tueinding
some 1,0911 bids for futere delivery at for .11
this month, and 17(10 for January awl February,
buyers option. The market chased dull at 4464.50 on
the q.t.
Irma hes boon eery Irregular. gales about 1,000
btfls at fit 44,1. 101 straw. tso for I, g bt •I raw
I o white, dot to ln3 for NIL. srlfte. It has born
almost linieweibie to give accurate. fraotationa,
prise. are nearly notutual. o quote, however, for
Oat" Anis to white at the done. Scythe IA .14,,
nominal The sales are fee, bids city at 'l7,a, -toc.
Nigh Market.
13.—Fib—Tha market ler t'odfiali, ti i•
.rally caw. at this, remoralary qt.., 11. a
conannaptlt• dewed for It a-a as artark offal being
roperwded in tali. Lalltu.l. by meats. The high pro
ova which bare ruled this satown also tend cheek
the consumption. Thera la • rah detuand for goad
packing grad.* fur shlprit.nt wrahsrn latitude,
and theee are held quit.. firmly, but loose fish are
dull and pnraw tending downwards. Sales grand
Iluik at Soal6 T-5; !lay runs., ea SOIC TS; .mall
$4 50,4 75 ml 01. flak. an doll at *3 falgT
01. ',Hock aro selling at $3 76t44 V qtl-
und ILMI.III goud supply, hut prlroa are well must...Lin
id. oak. of bay and abort, No. 1 at 514.91:, No. S
lar,e at 510,1110 to, and Mildllll9 at $OO9 :,0. ,
large $55,453 w, and =adorn , at BdV bid.
wing 45 $5545 l'clabad Ilerring sr. dull
at la: for oonamors and 5b LO4O 34 lahl. tor Lahr.. •
dor. Salmon 1,011111:111.—{i704. 1.641000.
Imports by River.
LA N EdVIL L E--121 EMU.. a .-2 evolve, 1
141,1157er; 2 bbls nudes., 10 do gag owed, l keg Lot
ler, 1 box tobacco, 12 as dry appNte, 5 bbl. teed,
W or P Nock & co; 1 basket and d. ot.mte, Henry 11,..e.
5 eke dry apples, nettling • Maid. MO sky ecru, lic•
Kano d Auger, 4 {ltem butter and eggs, I bbl. and 1
boo butter, 1 bbla oolong Fetzer • •romtrong; 13
bbl. appkt, 10 kg. lard, C oolong,
LI bids mdse rind
I keg do, Shoemaker a Long, 216 Wets .Addy Cupt
Edgell; 72 olllbble, Th.. V heel, 1 1.14 bbl
nsolesetes, I Mc meal sod 4 dressed begs, John .1221. ,
14 bbls apples and turnips, L II V o.fight;ldda and 1
elt dry applos, 6 du do, C C Mader 7 key lard, John
Miller; bide chkr, IS; 1 bbl anndrbm, n0d...,;
150 bide flour, Gramm & .8111/14.48. 108 OM* dour, J T
Colvin • co, 6 do do, C Stoltlobleek; 300 bags foul,
bbl. dater. Viegidly A Kopp; I cm.k stove, 1.1 kehaven,
8 bbl. Itun, 1 smell; tia.linen a gab.; 7 gg.2.
horns, II eke tells, 1 2011 bk.., 1 roll leather. Wro
Paw.: 2 bids t 001..., 8 do apple., Job, '0 red; 7
slot oats, 2 bbl. oats, It B Lytle; 6 bus« poultry,
Adana Es Cd. 84 nom, Kamm Grabens; - temw
butter and eggs, J K Long; 1 2AIO batter, 1 bid imp,
10 eke oats, .1 Lionabori UM aka Mdp Muff,
i Iona; 7 !ebb, mun meal, Fred Denny; 2 bbl. molasses.
Jauob Guerin.; sei bbl butter, ,% du beef, 2 do tromp
won, 1 empty oil can, A Brallay; 7.5 pkgs h k
Yonne...2 Arrnatrong, 5 roll* leather„John Bell A cv;
1 bus and I bbl hotter, W A Noyes; 1 small roil
er, J Tiros; 4 bble seed, C C El• 1 bog furs, McClora
• co; 24 empty Id ale LW; Ii ale • co; 16 001, cider
10 do eorgllons. 3 du guise, 11. Backman; 2 021 bbls cl•
der, 1 keg sorgbono, J 11 Danbury; 7 bbl. appks, A te
Walter.: 11 bids beef. 3 say butter. Cook, 7.111 &
co; 2 bozo., 2 bags,AKe McCormick • coo 7 boom
tulmca., I ice; 7du do, 1 bbl eggs. 1 tub end 1 Dog
butter, Gee Thiet4o2 bib apple*, 11 du eider, alas
Krauts; 7 Dbl. apple*, 3do meat, 1 do molasem, 1
pkgs suudrice. henry Shepard; 3 bbl. hour,
Capt Mewps; 1 de do, klr. Bender,: bags core meal,
Amonte; d boxes tobncoo, 1 John bores, J lloyd; 1 bbl
turkey, N Gordon; 5 do oPplea,Jeccb likbl 6 do du.
Annie frisker; 150 elm corn, J Moblemas; 343 do do,
P Brow , . 75 oil bbl., Wooldridge; b eke wool,
W Harker; :71 ats mill feed, C Clark: 7'2 balm hay,
Wm Laryhroy; 700 pkg. produce, 550 bids flour,
Clark & 00.
ST. LOUlS—ran vita-3 horses, Ewing; 1
dean boiler etc, Den. Salt co; 4 bble oil, J Scott;
4 do do, I Dickey co; 2 bids varnish, Myer k Son,
do du, Iracklnn S Indn; '.46 eke wheat, 6 bbb ap
ples, liewnedy s Pro; 215 has dope, J Gardner 126
cal Ws, ildgarton Stewart; 49 do dn, Richey; 1 ' 44 do
do, J D Csiatteld; 1 bone, biennia.; 2ON dse.
Dean; 00 Ibis door, abemaker k Iwng; lot Int goods,
Jae Disent; G4O lads pork, 43 bilds bacon, 100 has
do, 40 ban nadlea, 43 sks, 4 bbis Sea seed, 42 tibia
oil, 12 hhds tallow, IU by harm, 1= Ws dour, LMlr6
eke wheat, 100 de wool, Clarke k co; 60 sks wheat,
J E Ligstoll k co.
HT. wins—rsa 01t.7-000 Loxes starch, 1513
bbls flow, a balm cotton, Clark &co; an boxes starch,
0 Iloralutpttart iW bbl. floa,E A Hysra k m; 3 dd do
do 3as McCully* c 0 yl sks dry fruit, Jan Collies
co; AtO bides, H 100:110, &font C A P H li; 3 0
boxes sheet Wad, 0 kll. .hot, Ad sits Areclay, Aloe
Gordon; D 0 blooms, Stager 'Hotta A co; 33 oil bids.
W r Herd.
CINOIWAATTI—rsa Cate.n No. a-3112 sts
wheat, Clarke A CO; 31./U empty ht.'s, Ardsoco Oil co;
3 ;Aga, Pa B. Et co.
Imports by Rallroad.
C J moor. trrigsViuls RAPESSAAA, Dm. 11.
.ko ma", Markle& co; 3 al. Inrd, I do *I, 1 do
b u tt, 55' 0 , Bork & rt.6l2lby fruit, W B Hap, & r 0;
651 aka win feed, A Beg.. 23 bble Door, 11 Oar
136 hp wheat, LP Wallar ' w; aka 1,01 . 11, MN,
Ball t or; 45 baleo holm, /oak Rhodes; 13 do do, Y.
Wainwright; 25 bbl.a. 50 Ward, Shontakar &
311 ban drugs, B I SOMA co all tua corn, 31 o
turnips, Hartman & 800 ;00 balm bay, 13 BYloyd;
1.17 W corn, llitchco - ..k. McCreary St corl o o bbte
door, Metuusald & Arbuckle; 61 bbl. cider, C Barrett.
Pinworm:at, I'2. Warw. & CHICAOO SAISSOAD ,
Dm. 21.-2 cars medal. John Moorkeod; 1 do dO.C
Loomis; 01 hp man, 63 by oats, IS B Iloyd; On inn
barley, Josh Rhodes; I AG ram., Markle & co; 20
ies [obis
Ewan & co; 12 do do, Graham & Thommi; 25 dodo.
X I.lowtiaton; Oak. buckwheat dour. Jos IfeCrdly &
.co; 120 eke clover teed, J I Bodnar & Bro; 34 hides,
11 Ralston; 100 belle paper, B Bolds= & w; 52 OP
barley, Upon= &Meliay,
Amon= 1111101, Dec. 01-21 bblo apples, 1 do
elAdr4Duls, Sort* th; 11 bbi• appIes.AVSSM; S
tivacallia: A LIM; 1100bsli besto, W W Anderson;
:hullo leather, AOT N; Id holm to w e C/ 111 *
55 41.11, 1 1,01 Ciao _mod, all Sapless; A boos apples,
Otte= bp, Id aks du med, Ewer . & Handkon: 16
Woe, tapper - .kWalar 0 hbla cider, geedtt{ 201
00. Lark"; / Iltroubt . cars idrat.y &
215 oseip, A Toy . 1‘47, 13 bad buckwheat door.
B Byer; 2.1 do I lap clover eel, Jr Craig; 316 aka
, morn, 3 8108, IDS do do, 30 do owls, Simpson Al Knox.
.......---- • ---
pumorige, dis....n. IDIBLA ORA 11A M . Al o nr, Ayr., in accordance with the proviakats of an Act of the
tottonatnier, leaves Pittaburgh tot: ry TUMID/LT, at' General Amombly of theflonvuonerealth of retle•7l.
4 p, tn., and Zaneer Illa every Fttf DAT, at a ot,-iett • rant, prof Wing for the incorporation of the City of 1
tn. The new itteatnor JULIA. \ VIII. Content, i n ane Pittsburgh. anti of the rarkare eupplemente to mild
ar.der, leeres Pittaburgb every *AI i: RDA T, et 4 ,Att. 1. R. C. SAWYER, Jr., Mayor of dd clle, tdo
h. na..., and Lan•rellle every Tl'Pell.t T. at 4 e'cittch loon. the, tor prowdatuatt., that on the FIRST
th en. For freight or postage apply on hoard or to TURSDA lIN JANUARY. A. It., larA, being the
J. D. COLLINOWOOD, A FIllll DAT or Tee 1t1e.,11. tile fr.... of each
pi,,h n eph ; W.I of eatd city, q.lincal to Toto fbr raernbers al
11. S. PIKIL(11 & CA . Agent., the lion. of 11,preeentativdt of tit. Cattatoottomlth,
holll y,aeeeille,
elec ts In
—.......—....—.. - —•---- ---- - the, 1 , 4 ',tit , wards .t 1 trectric and elect •
141 OR CINUINN. \'r I ,t. Li 1t . ...ff4 i... , „,,,,,.„,,,,. i .. • ,
r th• proeittione of . Act of Ansetubly,
S.. ISTILLIL—The rte. row votatow •',•• pe e red the Irate de, of 3in5...4.. D., 1857,
‘RATS ROBIZSON. Capt. IL hold . ten, 4. • ,000 Cie, pert. 14 to 4orre an ilayer of Raid city,
es above on TRIO DAT. 42.1 inot. , toe pawn to serve a.• itattruller of amid city, and
For height or passage apply on board or to the. pt te..o L. •erve . Trot...neer of Kahl ray,
i, p ettli.Ll Nn w, .OP. I. Ent L ..I el Mom 1.1.n.1 hold their 0111c0 fur too
del& J ,, rts FLACK, AL.....
On th• uuno. Amy, to .00ttranty to the clad
. ,__.
ill() it cA Ili( ) Jo 61', IA )I'lB . _
_fr,F,ii, ~h.rll he, and aln td .too Ordlnnnote of t'unocela
The new .d light dratr:ht pateon ....q. 1 '''' P o ' ...! '' t ' je ' r• L l ' t tl l l 'i tlot ‘i r I r .t l y ‘' lUl. ° . ' ' h' i
non to be •
gee packet STARLIGHT, t'eptatc. J. A. Harlon, • tnot,oter ef the Sete. t ' i'..ut ' .. il t ' tf °fl e.4l ". .l ' olt fur tw o
will Irate, on T4II t. DA Y, the dhl in ,at ‘.,„ ,„,, ~,i , ,.,, .„., ~, ~,,,,,,,, a ~,,T,,,,,,..,,,::
4 o'clock p. re.
For freight or paeange, apply nn boardor to 0.,01,1 Ni ~l One pore. to he a member of the
d. 19 JOHN ll.AC,l4,A,ront. s..
1..,, and t et . p• r...ste to in nt.n,Ml,3 of .b. COMelett
T1,...1 NS., 1 i•ne porom to he a member of the
- -
ITAI.U.AIILII: REAL P:S " .FA ' I ' E IN IN- .11/t 11.
U Fourth W... 1 o.m. per-en to le • member of the
V 1/LA N.l COI:NTY Al PRIVATE S %1.E.-The Sete, nod te e peroine to to members of the Onm•
andereigned offer. for sale s tract of Intel T....d0t...1g ,„,, r . ...merit.
500 ACRES. ettnete 111 WoolWhf. lll ^ lll 1 ".° 11111 p Fifth Word -On. ten.on to he a member of the Se
!odious county. Abont lull erre. of this tract 1. 1 ;..t. and .1s pers... to le members of the Common
clearest sod under cultivotion. It ~.,.10ud41...A1 1 ~,,,,,.....1 .
buildings, on excelleol orchard. a Sow Bill In rt.' 1 Malts Wer-I 00e per., , o to be s member of the
rousing order. 111 otos of the but thirster co nsume, ~,
i ,„,,., , L „, („,,,. ;..neon ,„ u. n,,., a ..
nh .,..., ns
Bra i a gad Coal Bank, In ,docking nrdor. anden i tk ,,,,,,,,
abundance of Iron Ore. Thl. Ira. I I. 4 nolo* front , 60 „,,,1, 5c,,,,,,,,,,,, ~,,..,,,,,, to ~.. ~,,..,,,,,,,r of i b,,
Black hick Station, of the I ndlsna Brunch I'. R. It., 1 50,,,,, ~,,,, two i .,....,,„ 11 ., In ~..,,,,,,,,,,1 ~,,m . ..
utd 4 miles Dote Bolivar Statism on the Pennsylvaula , c,,,„,,t .
Railroad. (Too. to School, t'llorah end )1111. ! Eighth War-I -One lemon to be a main Lac of the
Abe ono other tract of timber Laud, ~,st t aining 1 Sedeet sal thr, 1...r.0nit to 1.0 memlere of the (hem.
116 ACKIJI, .baste In Ilnrrell townehlp, lodlana . mon Cotmell.
imuutg, 4 miles from Blairsville. Th. timber. pm., Ninth Wan) On., tereon to le s member of the
elpallE oak, is of the bent quality. There I. elan on Sole, and three iera.n. to Is members of the Cool.
fhb tract ao abundance of bottl end I POI toe. The m .., ~„„,.,..n.
tract Rosen both eldee of s g..0nl stream, on, whs. li , 1...,„ h O , „, h „ re ~t,,,,, ~,, g„,,,,,,i, to „„,, ~..,.. f .,,, : ._
are agrellent Saw 61011 twain. ' bor of oho lions: of h. to ....wart's.. of tide Common.
A rare opportunity I. here offered to pereem. wle. ' a .,,i,h
wieh to purchase valuable lambs Pr0......1en will he 1 At the election to be held ea ofoneald, en Tf11.1,1,
given to the first trout 00 the Ist of April. Ddel, a. 3.1 the .sth too of 3,1110T0. \ It , itifol,
to the oecand treed Imme.liotely The elecion. of the Ed.. Word will tole at We
Ter further partionlon and terms addr.,e, i ('abbe SoAnol Home in aud ward.
W. R. ROVERS, Attorney nt .1...w, t The elector. of the Sfrttll.l IA sal will rote all the
i l 4l.lrnrille. Pe. i I'.ol-lon School Home In sold ward.
~ . 1 The electors. of .... muds of the Thin! Ward as toes
jltY GOODS STORY, FOR SALe., In uorth el and e,et of Grant .troot, being iIrOCIVoI Na
• flourishl.g Western totem en the P. V. W. d. 1 1 of said oenl, w ill rote at the house of B. IC:Stay,
0. B. 8.., fad over 300 mile. from Pltteburgh, 00. 1 on
the Torr., of Sitth sod Smithfield etrests.
doing a largo Lod ?rentable trade. The stack bI The elector. ot a. much of the Third Ward as lbw
new, and has been adected with reference to the i ennitt and met of Grant street, being precinct No. I
country trade. EISA.II hen porchsaed for cash .1 ,of owl ..trt, u .11 .. to at the helm. of O. el. Kennedy,
loWeet market prime. et the corm, of NI ybe end Tuttnel street..
The ?snout proprietor Ana decldtd to retire from I The et., tore of Ow Fourth Word 1.111 vote at the
the trate owing to bad health, and now edwerneffs Pobilc f , houl llou.e In labl ward.
offers the etock for sub ; ehno the good will of th . . re• The electors t
ut so :ouch of the Eifth Ward tu he.
tg 'tarty. The hone. ha. • btrp. and ...•,, I north end 05.1 of Atoms
ll . , mret, being precsuct Nu. 1
trade, whle l, can 1. retained. 1 1 11, 14 , -. •it •ro.k , ........1 ~ ...I, ...; ~., .o rublt. i5,....01 11ouee,
will 111.11ifft from wrett to tee ll ~,,, •.nd .1..11.10, bosin ....1 ern. 1
could be reduced If desired. I Tin , ole , or , of a. an. 1. . - .r the rtnb 0. tit,
Portico wishing tattooer the porde-elan will p 1.... ....TA and •oet ~ 1 A.latn. .st reet, Icing pr.eluct he.
address or call peruntally on a naid ward, o if 1 rote at the Publo . 0 00.0 , 1 BMW, uu
LTDAY It CIIOIII'ENNI NO, 1.......1 wood.
- ocle.itf 59 Ilm.d .overt, Pltt.bursh. Po. The ele. tors of the Sixth W.iei sill rote al the
Pi.bie ec1...,1 !foto., in mid ward.
VALI:ARE FARM • FtlR SA 1.1.:, - A 11, ...., .... 44 the ee.ent It Word will vote .t the
V valusble ?arm, coutainlng 2bn yrs... tot -.... In 1 . u:41r 0ar...1 House la .....1 ward.
Vrenklis townehip. Penile count s. Ps , I Y.t, mile., The ~ .i.-. ~ .oi. of the Eighth Wool .111 vot• at the
from Dawsou'a Smsloo ou the Pitt.t.orgt. etot Coo. Public N. teed Boone tot end,l word.
nollovilla Italia - rim! ;1 01 ..r. rif . g ..1 .1.1. • f cr.'. 'he e 100... of 1110 1, iltlh Wni .1 .111 tote et the
tivation, balance Kootl !Ind.. r lett,tl I hetn.?, ro. , rohd. `.h.,1 lien.. h. st.l oaf!.
meot. me o hewed log 4, et we lier I. sf I'.l, 40. en uo.t. t tot hand sod th• w ..
.eel of th. 1.1 elty
containing ids zooms sod see.' o, iio• . . lur,.. Iran, of Pi: t.oorcit. the l4il, da, of Ise...otter. 0. fee, leaf.
born. with etabllug undern. St . , D. '0 • 11 .• n 1.01106. lit I i.. 11.. 11. t•SAII 1' F. It. Jr , Nierff.
Sold f.rot 1. ...11, o I.`l'
'll'.'"'.. Ac.
i I 'I . I IIII2TFEN ' III I.lSl ' lII' A I'I'I.IC,t
-wattrt, and Toutaion In , f ,•to .I.le ... , it 3 . ..
a ten fuel vein. For tern. . apply to ' TD , SS 1..1 .. Bing Lottiors 51-1 to 11.. tlerk's
G. 14 BATES, Osommer , e l Itrolter, MN.- op to December nth, ..,ot.t
dell Office, untie, ntr,-t, Ln. I. nr..1115. . Pei, Gennert. loves, Ibt, Pittsburgh.
-- .. - - Jane )1 rohernon. fat', 1....-e, do. de.
pu 13LIC 5A1.1 . ; ti-11 ' 1 Will offer 1 , 0 Attie 'ow ...1.1 rbs llnann. tate., do, do.
j,_ I. oh. o no , 0 4 800....,..0 t 010, , ..., 0..34111 . ', r ,'7"!,;' , k , i ''''''• ' t ".
DECEMBER, lafX, one SANT AN I , rl.Asi I NG -:
.`", ) ,;i: . .. ,,, .; . i ...
no 1 . 1 , .. ,
, 1..5 t.,, , w 1 . 11 , t „h ts th i.: 7, . i . , ....,. /. .. i , , , ,,r ,,......, 1 ..i ... ...1 .. 1 ,:, :
. 1 , -. , 1* ~1 , ,: t. 1 . i 1:.:`, ,,;,..,_,) , , ~ , , .. ...a .,,,, , ,,,.,... •1 i : ,.„ '• .t..,. 111 't
.. 1 : : !: : I I : I r. 1 , , '" 1 . 11I 1. : 0 1 ;10` 1 ,... ;
ees, office furniture, 1.0;00 fed of lender, olfl. ;..,..,' i : ,..n : ' " , : , ,, , : r . ,, , .. 1, . 7 ,,,
warty other thief. too numeral.. to snentien.
itento. Golilen, other g0...1., do, • do'
Sale le .ow. env at 9 ...,leck a. m. dot
Taltlli-Fllf Real EVA... oae-thlid down, the 1...1- : •;," . h , 1 .. ', 1 ';' , 1 7:: .
, d :',. , __ , .
, I` , ' , ,
once la two equal anew.' instelment. from April lat. 7.:7_1,',..1;i:,,,_-...,-......4.::;,:-. so ,
~%,,,,,. et , 6 4,... ,04 0; •
UZI, bearing Inters. from that .iste Perottel :,`,.....:::, ,n ~, ` ,...i .
~. ~,,:,. ~,,, ..,,,. ...rd. ;
property cash. STEWART A 5 Elifoln Y.
Ale tool to tit.... tavern, 9tl, said, do,
dedO2or l'r sill Al ri.htelbet , n, hem, do, do;
1.4 1 0 It SAIJK, VERT tow -lOne. I One. I'l.' Vl' ET JL.i.. 1 , . • -.• (0-5. 1.1 .. rd. A ilelheeTi
NI to I . %duos do,
.1: VALVE ENGINE, to hots cyllselet . '. bed
stroke, In inirulrable condition. . irk r, . u ., • , nt , I' , " .'',;,: ::::‘,' :... 1 . !: 2‘..1. war,!,. d..,;.
Main Shell, Fly Wheel, Flange.. Fore.. r....,.. ar. It :: ~,):,...,.. L . . .. d.. ... ~,
~ .i o.
Thi. Engine la well alopod r..r et . es p0rt....-. 1•....1 TI i• yd. do, Eut Blrfolnghem,
but repeclelly For a Rollie., 11 ill ...1 .... it. W. ,....,..,, ,
~,,,,,,,. ~..„., T.,,,,,,,, ,,
T11..,1 0 ILK , ELS A I . t i ,
1111.., t etet.h..... 1....ta, Franklin tnewe ' idt,
Att.,. t wt.'', MiOr.
I 1.1, 1.-... do. Mifflin do,
Ail. ah , er 1. .1. . 1...5. Ft, . .1..
LX/R StA-A I.t.tattli itli ronitioltee MI i L''''' r"1 .
,t ~ 1,...
.1: !foeta Troy H. l l, on. ndie I k it:lt. a, t'it, .::::' ,0 ) `,..' - ':,. A.
Bartel lieu., with ...,- .1 •10...1... •• . ...I 1 te.• 1 ,
~, r ~...0 .
of fruit, evergreens, .I,soi. ti , s- de. To be ...MI b . A., i l
..,,,,.,. ~.
and 1 aymouto easy. Logo,* of
30110 R. It. FADDEN. 01... k ., rt. , . t . ~,,T li . ',C o l .l ';' 7„'' ' 1 :;: -. ., ' ,
,:' 5 , t u 1 ' 1' i N ,.... F f 0 r :,:c:..1,, t ,„ ' : ' ,.,,, L '' ..1
or. A. H. ILA IIVF.T, of, the to-mines le ti1..1 on of bet.... tlost .1.1 Apple ants will erns;
01.0, some no. toulding lota to l It). 01.0 , 00 ~.n.,, 1., ~,,
..,,,. i.. ,
~. 11,.
~ s ,
~, ~ ,,,, ,n ,
deTilwd' NI A. 11 Eit Nil's. tiara
CIIEAP 111_'11,1)1X 1 : I,l)Ts -, ..Irt•r `ArI'AKI:n~ MARLE B wuttEzi,
r, sal. In tly ll ntlin A ßMin
31.• en
I. t
enlh WArd, , I I.l'
Ynrenkril IP wntl., 1 4 •• 1,1
Ul Ifilit..ll It, . 4 ,1,1 .1... ...u,
vr.a LII. II st • Emu bargain
API , Y in kIN • g
A`, %1 Minh!. M
LNlikt SALE--A 5,...., ENoism. I.; t,,t liototments and Grate Stones.
strut.. IA halt oy Mle, 13 had Ir., tll .1,--I.
and of atana 150 tv.r... p...•r A 1... au. Ela• as., .1...1,
Bo t 7 in p g ry l L " ., " 7„ , •!:,,,,,) '.. ,t n i n . L ',T,:: . : ' ,1 ' : ' ,.. " ',7, n ,.. " ,:. 1 7., '' ... •' r . 1.5 ,. ‘ ~ c I' I Ills, Kos ENi..A i.g. A N D
for making Pump Naas for 1111 Well., tale 1,.... 1.11
Machina, and abaut IM fr t 21.; w.. 1 'I. sm I. ahrte butt.
All of the a1...a a 14101... arzil 1.• anll nt.,trattt bat. I/''l l a •
11. 4 . IIY °llidY 4 fut at l'"'' aL 41 "" 41 'T.K ET • i I i';llitl i b it. it ll l I li.r.
_e_ _ 1 ;
• _ •
I ,,Clit SA LE—A lot of ia.rl4l. etontamilig
12 70 ran., mituat.l 114 tail.. In,. La:urn. nt.-
Ilea ,tsa lb. Patobargh, an tlaya. A ,hr..a. K. It. M '"• 1. . ^. " "in..° , " 111. ri”a l. 'l f g h, P.-
Tiohue:l:,±"...ri'd"„'4l."l,y,,i.,„;"r4,lui'it7,'l:.„,—l'Tl,',;',:.„f:,",-; n I , I I E
i v , L. , ,, ,, .
~ ,, i , , : ici1. ; ;, .. ,, ,0 0 w . 5 ,„ ;5 „ ,1 4
o ß , ) ,,, : e il r bl
i 112 . p n, ..n: ., *: . r .. 5 i
will L.. 0n1.3 L.ll ren,....51 , 1...r.
Per truth.. particular aa..1n.... Wain, •1,4.0. n W.lli n..• , rare •••1 lath.] .curacy.
ha?G•tha N. CM :V
. rAST/al. 0- Yrlc . ..I. V% Mr P. A' •...,• .t..-I I. I 1 . ..., .0. , .. ..n.l A.lusiolenter.,
• ntl., ”, 1t....1 1,1,..., .t,. ..
, •..nutrd avail throttle
11 -'()R t(ENT— KICK HILL
"'"'"l' l. "' ''''''' " '''''
7 "'"
11l . : 4 :.1 A N 1 . 1 , :1111.1.: tipsurneLss.
Plahk 111.0, t rao auk. from A eq....13,1 , 11h net.
dwelling hatre and tatiant bac.... .3.111.1,11 1.. and , N .11. oloaa.aling taa .it... ill of jealous
nu. ncrupiatt .. a deity, kia ..... am tht C: n-a Tn- ..,. • .. V..l..itra. a 1.... 1..., in tn Or name of Clpft•
T...., Nialalre of J LI NNI Ht ',NOT, -.51, I tee
dr7::!..- ""
Milt SAL —Tlireoh. thro.•
or , .ry Btu k en ti'•' ..1. ,t{ 11,. wardn.4,tid.daaraenda of out
th• -,,, 4 .f wylio •0 , 1 ip
ci• P. All 1 Let I. wtit.4l N to exanilna all other
ddrmlo. finkhed smodr , r: adyl• and the mat, Lb., call and taarulu. , the Ett;ESSIAN•
aar rod furt . l.o ILtddnal u 1.1 1.1. ~,,, F.O sale by
delveod No 01 I\iridll hrILEKT
1:11.)R SA LE—j irgin
tween NT..d awl, Y: !•.l ft
mewl, b.ntm winar.• P.,. veil adwptl.l 11.uttfo tur.t Ronnie:l Pebble lipectwriwa.
• eaanufsetnetop estnblottt went. v 6,44 I.w
Apply at No. la W 04, 1, PTI/EFT 4 7
VO — i N.II.E—A largo l'otLage BRICK . A p c cRA io
r DWELLING TionAE, on ft...s , trest, I en
reansellla, tetth ta1.... ltd or - gr•Atad, le,. DN.) ot
SIAM. L. 4 . tom and elnnte 1..-..
Enquire of S. II W. 1111,1., ALLEGHENY WTI,
4.15.1. ati girth street, !Almelo., t th
IC NA LF.--A Molt of Framing 'l'm,and tbond4talj
: '..."
" ...; a 7n ', .‘ " I ,
7 171 t Le
.tar.lo ' T
AN li 5
Pike, ...easng front t. to 19 inches ler...
1.1.1;1‘, WINDOW ruAme STUFF, UCILLE!.
[aloha at No. 1.3 FIFTH STREET.
81' , 4 , 11.1 , , J./ ISTN. SEOCTING, LATILE, Ed/.
eolotttf , !NUS, ArAr., kr .
- - - Ile will fill order. Mr SAWED miry. .ith
r ~= NOTICE—A NIEETING (IF THE ..,,,,,„,,, nr ,, 1 ., f ,„..,„,
~, Stork holderoef the EITTI•IACIIGII GA/ KITE N. 11 EeneAte ...lug LONG TIMBER or POP.
kNiUCIATION will be 1.11 on Tn. eday, Januar) LAB sr. most, tilary .noised to eau:alas Al. Mock
lA. 1.'4. al 3p. .., ..b D. I...bat /1.11. A.A.. • inlir - Otio.. on Orala street. near Bobinaon.
Building. a.m.
of Penn and .t . Clair etrt.ett. 1-,r atan:tf
'h. par" 4 Nny ",""'''" " ''
.1p...a of 1ttret.t0...... other oftlAere .1.. pt.. .•In
0 / 4 *.... .rid l ^. .. 1 •m - i• .0. , l'...An'et PA I N.—W. take this method of Informing ono
Y)be. nt,otine. erlends and the publo generally that we are nom
D. N. LONG, 1011% WATI, In too ',act.. of Dentistry. Thor rho have bee.
wn l pun Ina thi• mnrh dreaded operation may no. lay
anbie tholr fear* and give as a rail,aratus
sea have In uhat 1... t thoroughly Pared A ring the
Pecvl lour year., full, eatabliabtng the sad and ;min
i.. character of Ot. operation. No Drop or Litexel..
cal. nor Gtavanic Battery natal. All( thole. 'etching
the sort net. of • g0...1 and reliabl ent tat .111 do
an II to tall atd ronattit rith
JAMES S. lki !NO, D. D, 8.,
1 , 0 . lA_fourth Arrest,
,Da C Ill:10, No. (7 Smithfield N . 111.0{, Mts.
(yt.(litic GENERATtiIt.
Pitiebergb, Dec. 19,
j~TKW 14(10K:' NEW Iti )( )ks
11 Daring entl Suffer - init. Atl,• Ore,
fiallmed latent... In II
Pittinger. I T.ll
Beyond the Linn., or. A
Ike klen•el't New M.A. 'Mt T., rt. et Ed
I 'vlam,
The Led Time, by A 1...
;C.D.I Phillip.' 0p... hee .1..1
(ho Monday M.hml. and 11... re Menu. It. A
Dew ntipply foal
twei J. I. REA D. 7n Fourth et
AJIIIIBI,AI gree rr AA erre Litrtce
' •-
Car. a and etro-ta.
Ington It C., N , r, :7111,
NOTICE.—WiIi Le sold at public
Pon on WEDN CSDAT.Y, the .0. and '.41 of 0.
camber. 186.1, at the Corral. near tho I O....oratory, In
tills city, a lot of Public. Horse. and 31.1. , condemn
ode unto for pold,raervlca.
Tenn., rant Covernment fond.. Bele le MEM
mend .110 o'clock a. tn. C. 11. T1 , 31PK1N , 4,
deLtal Captain and A. Q. Id. I'. R. A.
1 ,, bbl.. Pry Apploe;
boar. God,. eh,•••••
50 /dl.. prime Ch•rnpetgu , 9,ler :
00 blob. Onions.
Judd r.retved and fur
"'RANK VAN C0R1,1211,
des 12 , Her , nol
Loi,R, AT I Nil tril
100 bbl.. pure Durk Cr... 1. 011,
00 " " Tranklln
Warranted not 10 chill or guru, equal to No. 2 bald
(111 ai lutufratora for oala
JAS. DA 1.7.1t1.1. A 535,
0.10 00 nwl 70 IX., 711:4
Sli!s: D R I ES.
bbl. "Fluke" Potato." ;
230 do Mr key. de;
I:. du rh Ace toenn A. 111.3;
I. .lora sod tor .le by
ne7 CULP A F' A R 1 , .
--• . _ . .
l j • AHD (111.,
co barrels No. I Lard 011;
25 do •
Do hand sod for toils by
1101 IS and 70 Water menet
100 Gbh, fresh Ert ra Milts for Mir by
giALLow 011..-10 bbis now landing
(=I ratlevad; fur sate by
OIL RiTITSTIITiag---One Sect, new,
Ibr este by EL DALZELL k CO.,
Doi Lib.,Oy lanvt.
b 1,19. N. 0. Molamtes
..1.1.1-111ecoro and fur ado by
Tg.".-10 0 half chests Black and
ars. T.a. InM..rb .ea
: del4 1. KIRK PATRICK t Rlto._
to Cider, on con
tv.4.111/cal oo.“1 vsr lad sor.rl.oaitt
/ I , LA MON D. PT act Ical
31,1 M,.rof no Pcmll. Bnllahyg
,>t "rt.hvr s-avy h111,1.J4
Tltls Imprn,meot has brunt Bolton uP not nat. -
hazard, but Is rho result of atoll', ouppliattnlnig,
W..- nod exprts, Mow anuoyod wltb =take and
dust will phsteo call , If not satisfactory at tho nod ol
too days, the apparatus tato T . out and no dump,
No. 10 Cc. (Nair ettwat.
Dare always on hand and mats to order THAN n'tflf
SCHEICN WIRE C 1.0711; 811CVZ11, of all
kinds; Di DOLTS, for Foundryuse; DIA YY
ItIL TON WIN 'SOWS ; dc.; 11111 D CAOO4 ; 013 ,
NA IVENTAL VitALA, for Plonem.
liar All olsAf of WI HE for Ws, at
CENTIIA). uftdCi
Qom 014 , 2 an.l Federal him., dlisgheay.
Gam. A. ',ILLY, Prormrro.
Clrrhjcloia.. .....fully mut
ottl pound
1 . 4'0 R THE 1101.111 A 1-:4
Bow., BhoeN, Gaiters, Balmoral., Gnm•
Marking, Cork Soles,
At E PUI(T.A. Co.° ono; wine eII, I.
J H. DoRLAND'S, 9S biark.l, .treat
Seenod d .or hom Flab
CITY Or Atasottrair,
Tresunrce. Office, Den, 1, 1883.1
BONDS WANTICD.—PartIo. holding Comoro
mhos Bon& of the City of Allegheny, PA, are tanrnbY
notified that the Bleklog Fund fis 1116 a wi he th
(a thou, Bona. at Ilia leaned rates
Proposal. received until SATURDAY, the 01 day of
By order of the Committee on Nuance-
SIACFBRItON City Trandltrer.
- - - -
10 trails 11•Id05
10 wok. m. Owrazats;
Jowl ineshrod EDW. EfIELTON.
No. 29 Fifth Street,
La Tit,' of tb- sy.proorh If the
Bare put opened a leap. . rplandld eevrttmeut of
o.nsieting of Victoria, Emlawaerl and Xmbrolden4l
TABLE ANP PIANO l' , /VERS; Plain anJ tilt
lionlered WINDOW SHADri; Velvet. Chenille and
TOW Bras; Plain and Fancy MATS, RAa-
Also, the Taro,. and wont ron.plrte stork ~f
Oil 01010.,
Matting*, it<
Ever brought to the Mt), at hoes than prxecot ma,
ket rat.
the pre.ut mouth, ut wholesul•
Nk t 'l d rlll.7l.fT ANY ADVAN@IC IN PiIIICIC
. full Iluo ol
Floor Oil Cloths,
Ic ,heat. 8 44 24 foot wide.
corns, WAN, MATH,
Thews goods hare adeenced, lo first 11.4 from
TXN to TWENTY-MM il PICK CENT. within thirty
days, a. we are now wiling . t LESS THAN MAN
OTICTIIIIXII.II PRICES. Oar stock is almost en
tirely nevi, all hating boon purchased within ninety
days, Air cult. art the eery lowest price. of the ye..
McFarland, Collins & Co.,
rico. 71 Ala , la MTH rnarr,
kat 0f8..d D4waidi Ball/lap. 43
Er 33112
Hat we c•ottnne to anti. nntll ruttlut nottts,
goods lu our line •1 pri,a
Reduced Fully In per Cent
W. D. & H. M . CLLLUM.
ADRIATIC, 1,21Xt Hones. tenter, 4.00 toga.
HIBERNIA, 1,1.0 Horse-lamer, I,on toss
OOLU 61 DI A, I,esst lione.povrer, 0 tens
A NOLI A, 1,000 Iloraw.power, Wm.
The matrolficout Steamship A DRI \TIC will nettl
horn New York for Liverpool oo TL' &SHAY , the I'th
Rave of posse,. from New T.trk to Ltrotietol,
able In gold or its egativalet“ In rutreurs.
Pint Habib slot3trerago....... ............ 190
Intermethalo 401
Paettengers Strwardtet alt. 1. Loodow, Part, Hom
burg, nacre, Diemen, Rotterdam, Antwerp, Ac...t.
th• itneewt rate*.
P.n.. from Liverye.l or Galway to New York mld
Bestow. TAS, BIS, FA, bk , e,
for peatuk,, , Apply at the ctißretT the Agents,
SAARI. A SEARLE, Rtow.lwag,
Jou., 11...4,4
neemiep retreads
Jylolv.N. No. To Fifth stree. Pittalmrgh.
Innehtna• at grEKINSTIIWhI,
(Chas Ilsamaa.) Tb se l•knnao steamer, of the
Liveritnel, New Yntk and Phltudetphia Steamship
Gemyntny •••• Inten.lei fenny.,
And every saeoetettng httanrday, at a. a, froto
44, North 101. r.
Arla Or PArt•fir..
Patonl4s Go/..1, ott Nwovcdvnt on o.n-reviv-y.
Ft CAetn. ...... _PA 00
do to L00d0u.... 001 do 0, Loudon 14 00
51 nal do to Part.... 40 00
do to 11.400008. 40 001 do to [lamb rYI 00
ran.r.g.r. tan , Invvrnr.l..l to 11,, 0re,.., lint.
t4r/Into. Aut., rp, 01 .quill) low rota..
Far, front laverpo..l or qu0.....t0n0 1.1 robin,
115, W. 1106. 50... rage. fits. Thy.. wt., Inl.. to
not tor their ftivtvls two boy 00, kr 0 Lery 64 tLooro
vs, Panbar lam-burlap %DO) 1 4ho C./ 0 /0 00 1'.
Oak,. .10E1N ti DAL/C. Adwta..
15 13routwn7. Now York.
.10/111/ niuktPtsoli, Agrot,
Iland attent, It of boowo trove, 1,r1d40
silllo-41 rittnbordb.
Ot'N.ARI) LINE. —Steam from kft
LiveiteooL AND Ur It/LbiliTOW!""•-•
TAO to gy+A. or I lu currowy
Saila evory wool, Apply to
r ifh
_ .._...._-
Crooned out to PI R.ST CLAqM hi AI I,
STRA3IKILI, fro.. I.lverpnul, houdooderry, Gathr..y
or ork, for
rrw•ltty-Miva 11cAlure
And by utiliqg vewle fur TVOCNTY-ONE LOL.
LA UN, la ranotscy
Apply to
pwdro t'An.../.
YIRh strrot.
L./ The toulnorehlp, exlatlng lets
the aulna-ribors. and, the nrm of PIIILLII'd
YILICW d f`O., has this day b..n Moonlvod.l . llAl
KRAUT and WILLIAM YRKW having pto
chanol the entire Inlrmo,/ n 1 the other partuon.
The NU/ill/MS of lb. late lirce •111 1.• «r I I.OC
I . lMaLurgh, Aucol lOtb, 1541.
AR,. ...A PIA. WILLIAM may
LocKtiART k
Producers and Refiners of Petroleum
god BRILLIANT OIL Nr,ley'• Rau.
OISIce, 171 it 174 411./OD Brusrr
.1. 3. nsxnhx & CO
Have opened In Pl...burgh
No. : , 41, oortak LIBERTY A WAYNE STREETS.
oppoalte Val..a Pasameger Depot, and now.nffer fur
gala a general rowortaentst of CIRCUS, PATENT
Purchase. will and our etnal •t all time, wel
marled, lras
rled. sod prima.. glen entire. ..t Israel n.
ear. Liberty and Wayne strewra, littsbst4.
131 to PRI Itil'Al{Y AN I) REN'EN 11 E
A_ STAMP'S, of all denominations. A foil .apply
kept conatantly on hand, •t the Internal Novenae
Ware, No. 17 IT•ter street, neat door to l'ity Try..
tir7, All G egheny. I , AYTD
ollettor of Internal }Seventy , V 74 Pin. Pa.
Nora.—Lotter• should be directed to Allegheny,
red l'lltaborah. *CM
. _ _
- . -
.1-1 DIM ton tlm 1.7n1.. Dank, aull dlyh
Hell* on ev., 1,,, ~-ant P. 1.11 111 fforpmpy, Franc mud, for .1. ip mms In suit pus
ch.ora, by Wtl. 11. WILI.IAMtI
.29:11113 afro.. Thlrvl
TIO WA, prluts Orom Apples.
la ti wort Cider;
rig bash. White Bad;
3,oiri Do. Brirkiirheat Ylutir
Jcvd recni;:d and kr outi. by.
Noe. 130 end IYY &woad vii not.
X.) AO Dnaee pima large Groben, in .tore;
100 do do Weatorri Ilmerve. 1.. arrive;
XllB WEBB AWI LB INSON. 217 Libor. et.
alreitt. Aol I
rtliblol -- 11. Y HP.E - 1).-100 bushel!! prime
1 Timotby -Mood ohLaud, aed for min by
del 81. Water etreet
iikrbg AM) REFI NED Oli, tilWaysi
tl on bond and for sale by
dela G 9 and 70 Water Weft.
fiadTP WALT:l 3 .KPER:i.—Boautiftii
Wall P`ri...tlarAttiticitZ4
APPLES.-200 bhie. choice reen
and fur
" 11 CAN mu.
tube and 10 pails choice
AY Dairy Just main , ' sod Ilbr Webs
dnT J. B.
, 7111 ' •
10 a [Aar:Omit Grit.
d for mi. by , L. IL VOTBT a CO.
Rio Coffee in store
t./ And tbr No by J. RIIIEPAT7RIOR • BRO.
argmr-rG ..V.ICHIXES
~. p
1; 011
P •
e)ii,3 l L e s \ye no it.m
Btizi l , in,,&„cs
Industrial Exposition. Paris. 1.381,
Ie canzpotitlon •Rh all O. leaf lag Sewl g3l Attlee
in Europe and America, vud tb
Sin As-rimann.! Moan:4.llnm
w.hington. Frohl‘ltn
Philadelphia, ov.-iat an. Ih , .b t ;
Ll:OariCaD In.: “lite, en Y. , t; Idar,lap • I..tilnio.
Ralthnotn; As..< on, CIJ rlnn.t
Fsentnek7 Inetituta. LonisvIllo; hl , -elnanleer Insti
tute, Ban Fran , .sud at every titate and
County Fair Iler• Exhibited thie
Arad which et,%•. lothker word. ef Ih% et , eaa
popalarhyl[l lhr c%lobratad NV II tilt LEN A WI L•
BON T AMILIC SEW INN 14 Atli IN L -the cheapest
Idechlee lu [L. %
LV15T,..11... WA%%OIUU.o rracu.l,o
0t.1u1e,4 au expinunUon of tbo
tußchine, Itl, t.-t. Whet .4 the high
pore. or 0 in.ll
Agenta for the Weatern SteOw end Woount Ps.
Prlncl_psl C/fllLes and WleJessl. Kruserk.S,
No. a 7 Fifth Bisect. PITTSBURGH, PA.
Pikes Opera Boas. ...... 0.
Masonic Temp1e....... _....LOCISYILLI, KY.
el,ll IRA _ _ _
Ever A vrard..l W I,Ve•velo4 klaebl.• In nueW.
Ttusse Marton, were awardod tho PTV2III.
urs. urair all iseetsivitoes, fur the Bea Fetweate MS*,
lilacAiwes, the 800 Ifueraforbriem Hew/sines, and the
Brae Muck.. Teruel!, at the folloolag STATE FAIRS,
of ,
Yew Turk Ware Fair,
First Premium for family machine.
First Premium for thinblii-throad machi ne First Premium for ISM:14111e work,
Frroust ream Poo,
First Premium for family machine.
Firer Premium for manufacturing machine.
lint Premium for machine work.
fuwes Bats Fair.
First I , emilum for Wally machine.
Tint Premium for menunw.iturisig machlue
First Premium fer machine work.
Ifirk.daa pare Fair.
Find Premium for family machine.
First Premium fur manufacturing maahltiv.
First jr.minm fur machine work.
Indiana utee p.n..
First Premium To machine for all puma*.
pint ?random tar machine work.
1V...4 &et. Fah..
Virtu Promlnnt for machine for all porpreon.
First Premium for niubine work.
Heereackp Skim Few.
lint Premium for machinu for all prop..
lint Premium for maviiluo work.
Pranwilevowa Feb.
First Pr.:llmm for nimmfacturing mmiblue
Tint Premium for beautiful ma blue work
nun Maw Foie.
First Prmuturn for machine work.
Anti at the followinz County Fairs
(mower. tb. ( VI.) Apr-WlN:nal Nocietio
Tint Premium for family rum - tine.
First Premium for manufacturing machine
lint Premium for machine work.
Olnimpitora Pollen 1 1Y.) Agriratineral Suave..
lint Fri:micro fur fatally machine,
First Premium fur manufacturing mechloa.
Fitt liteininm for machine work.
ffernadrai Ca. (2.fass.) Agricialmnif wrists.
thpluutei for family machine.
Diploma for inarhise work.
Prnaktm Cb. IN. F.I For.
Tint Promicra fur family machine.
lint Premium for marinfac.ring machine .
Gem...! CU. (N. F.) Apriewitaral Seesaw.
First Premium kir family machine.
Irselowitnis en. (N. .) Fair.
Tint Premium for family mac/dna.
Siwoleeria On. (N. Y.)
'trier Premium for family machine.
Ifferita's hwesmes (Pa.) Pair.
tint pretultim fur machine fur all purpresva.
Vint Premium for machine. work.
The ahoy. cornerneen all the Fairs at which the
0110 Y EH A 13 A ki.sB kt AVM IN CI were exhibited
this year. At miserly all of them the trawling Sewing
glischinee were In competition.
The work made upon the Grover A Baker Sewing
Machine bes the Flirt Premium at every
State lair in tits Unittal State+ where it has been
exhibited to this date.
Sale. Houma, No. If FIFTH NT., Pittebargh, Pa.
k. T. CHATONKY. Agent.
16 4 la CHAN/MI! tallIIF/Ell,
(T.n.n.rly 4° 4'hett , tato Ittre.t, New Terk,)
Would rail the itt,mtlozi of d<rleni to the article. of
tuenut:wtorn, r.
Ms.raboy, 'para. ltappre, itenarlcuch
Gentlemen, Itemtgroe, Pure Virginia, Narbitoollos,
Crotch, High Tow. ervdrh, Irl•h High Toast ••
Frvah Roney ScoUth
rest; ot. L.
Attsullnu . calls4l to the large resluctios la prices
Fins Cut ens slid Smoking Tvl...ccos, which
ill be foetid of . scp.nor qnslity.
• .•
TIN. crr (•nrwtyn— P. A. I. or plain • Careo•
Slob, or livrert ; Sweet sonote.i Orououu; Tto roll
Nrionine—S Jam,. Spentah, Canute, Turklab.
N. B --A on ulu of prietw will be will on appll
on spill 17
Brass Work, Pipe, Pumps, Valves
And all kinds of °Woo for Vratfv, Itv sod St
p ATENT Ft) OtrlllllElt, 8, 1861
T 11... Chin', ,4 an. intAndokt It eat 6 lug all 1 , 11 te of U... not
It to cra,ltltsg K. T. PITIIRIDGE
Fort lilt Oloaa Works, W...l.lngtan
•{l7_ Pittsbor,h : Pen
71 k M. m . sTF,p:N, BRASS ForNuens,
tJ . On •No STLAIIIFITTL.. Pert 'cubit' attention
pant to the nltlng up and repairing of OIL nryi-
made to order. Al.i, ItRA.SI CASTINGS, of all
land*, made at the ahorteit mitten.
All B orden krt at Nin 31 and 34 WATER tiTIIICET,
near I. iberiy, mill I.e promptly attended to.
1143Tbe ineinin,ra of this firm being pricerlee/ are
careen", of many years' experience In their basin-•
will insure to give .01(41.3100 In erory respect.
Wit are also &genre for Guild, rearrteou A tin:
STEAM PUMP, kir pumping Water, Crude and Re
lined 1001 , , Ac.
AND DEALER. in tits most select brunt,* of
in peat rarlety, UN DEN THE ST.
TEL, Pittsburgh, P..
N.B.—The Trude supplied on liberal terms.
mrll dll
300 (lore.* pth LILA 7 LARD
In odors and for sale by
110.5.57. &S., N . sale by
4 ARRIVE, per steamer Bonnets 0
riltm-a7OO het try Walnut &oaths&
'Nelda. by . TOM O.
s t Alen UALIZMO TroSSrTust
A real tneoe.y of diteeoes the horn.
epter.lere woo° derangNo ,,,
oryes.. The ~ere, l ee h,p , • I the,. due... the
.11, I J..,h oteolftetiog 0t. , 11 to et so , e , Y
Toro.., holm loth.
crtnee4 LJ hooldoy of the Itrt ; •otl
yam In the Attu:nett, rett....11.v dare!, Inept
to the mu. on. ,ntin,nf the .roam h. are tin u• id. ly
di ffervn t lf,tat ions of
the thry err Ir th Ih. at
and p..rfot Cam>
two. , nntut.ll7 hen
fir the al.u. are open
and when the 1....1aPya are m e-tn.lng
the uriur healthful .1, 1. o I
ti , us a:e itopoguahls. Wip +n,. , 1 tn..+ . :e fai
. 1,11,113 them •,.rk d.,.0at;•.1
srr the natural and tuevltal,l.
Tito (•.6%F:r ENDER , : V Et. I:TA 111. F P w.ll
niv..• .11 .3kt-ow. n ton, no nuttier • hat n.a.01
the xympt• ,, N 8.. .Ton the
r,enee .6.1..• 0 and
mat..lll-vr 11.1.111,111 y SO, ;1, • it', o
tigor to the St bole 19.4t•tu.
00 PIO Z.571. , :i.
Tlto oRAErt:spKnG VIVErAIII.X S:
arc In tlin core of BiliL.o
L.Pw. N.... or. sod Gs-tri
Frvero, litegJa:l,,lgesti..
113 .terlrs, 1.2v0r Complaint Nemr.l,in. fUtenzunlintn,
and .0 dt.ra , - srloing from want of action lo
o , It•mo I ll.tirtent Action in tori.,
8r 0 ..; p a ng. ratarrn, Coot,: of Prognancy, I , llllcutt
Unathlng, I.vspepala, ;.;.peptic C.o.aolupti,o, Ino
purr., K/21. I),..rutinellon of 111-A to the
;lead, Ka-ml. Eiolroy. Elatnloncr, rminont
Itle.fing the Gastrne rovor.
lucontllWlP e of 1 nme, Inflammation of I. r al
Pra tot, I nflettomall , m of 11, Hlotottch, Jantultre, Low
60 1t ,141.
Ins, 4. .1.1 I hat a Pill ultich Is rroolutnended
for so unto y thtfor. nt la too • oond fo
anp, .0
0 p.r.o lab.. worthy of conthlet,, th If It
lovfre,,A In cure fewer ,11500 x... But, aa moutlum. , l
•11.41 , 11, three complialut4 trot, the .11.11
0, dig.L.o gru•
eral fact, Natato <urea the ...ow claw& of djacqteel
to. Lading prinelplne, no. I, outrr lota the phi,
1..,4,hy of the Urarfrobon Oloor, of ruro. IrrTxm
• Pnt tot, wr-rms tlClial That lln)alcun I.
ealleal Nature ; taught of to , butueu uor
rd u l . with any medical Th., l'Ole (ea iu
hertuoulottely wiW W. h.', thwt phy•leivu,
hence three ?tower over e reel •nrirty ilum
eruanr, from derwugetueut ul th.earroo • 1,1 organ..
There erw route complalute hi which llowe pale ere
utterly power - Owe—eat( for the cure 01 three the
realer le referred t. The Gra41.6,9 11 11 ,, a ,
tad other public...lomo( the .•reef.nlwrg Coo pray.
But let (twee who euffer from say of the romplelute
Jura enuruoraual site there • fur trial, eceordlng to
illrertlom, Wed they v.lll to healed.
the anderemned, eit,senn of Braclvn County,
Kentucky certify tbst for many lean Tel .re fre
quently used in our femilow retrione kb Is of
mum, wmo, of which hone Keen preeerthevi by our
&mil% pbmicians, and Ir . me others, enUed "patent
modicinee, - we hare purvhswed (runt druAgtete end
merchants who had them 1, , , sale. NV• barn re.
eently used the • , :raelenbera. Yegef O'e Mil. and
Fonily Medicines, • wn hare fully test- them virtue
an.. merit by using them at different tines ; w- h. •
• • • •
onr 01 , 11 and other •od • doern theo.
&Wl7 the Va.( dearrriug, the eafoet auJ to •• ato
able .r offerer! to the public, awl re., a
• • • ..
It ••
13 ANDEP..S I oN, U
14.1A3 DI. III.SLEIt.
I, James !Innate, Jl.ll. Inel . e.e•fe,
CA , ., Kentucky, hereby tuft . euleentleere to
lM forc,,,,nng cerlllscatet Ale eate. . • nI Ic..n
Celonly, Kentucky, mud 1 kn. , . ll•ens pelneu
of .trier eenkelly and We'd Iel•nIe, and aln , nlre IneY
would not lend Flit r natio-sus alloy., but with utm,ut
confidence to the mealicine. II acing ivied ti • ••Gritef
enberg Vegetable Nil" to my family, f rheiit thy add
my taistiniuny In their far,.
- lateen owl., my hand and
J ABED 'IV Juatiee el the Peace
We, this undenagned, and citlrena id the town
Penis, Cattaraugu• Count , N. T., and the town ot
Erie County, N. 1., nowt cheerfully certify
that we and onr Lama* have need the Graefentierg
Vegetable NILE and family inzdicinen, and with the.
Inuit gratifying reaulte. We believe they justly
merit the good quaint." clainoril for tlicui by the
tirwlenbarg Compauy,.and would coon-trolly rrcotti
mond them to the
Signed by
George S. nicker. Tlvanaa .1 Parker, (i,hj siriani,
Abraham Sucker, (fermata. 1. I'. Rotten, illirmeri:
John Ilarens,t,tuercheinti, Ely Pere, iron - marl. Stelibi'll
Hacker. (farmer); E. J. Goa, idroyerii G. F. •
• lA, (antler); Y. Wald..n. Outman, Wmi
hub:heel; B. Ilryinntu, heiilwrigut Edwin
belly, (builder., If N. kook. r, l merchant), John
Barobeert, tfarmer , E. Van liorke, yordwainer,.
h0'.,,, toifore
. .
JOHN D. WILBUR, J ustwe "I the Penre
PH. 1./ F.O. H. KEYililt.l4o ntrrvt,
4r11. , S. , le A .rut ft, Pal.konrgh
re prppartd nutlet the Immediate our..r, ialon of a
sk Mtn! Optician, and they may be relied Imou in
all cases. The Intelligence of the comment!, le not
ll:malted by r:f a aiugh medicine which chatme
to tura all dtseaues, but the Graefroborg Remedies
omelat of eleven different medicines, all Unequalled
fn the core of the dleopeta for a Int.h they ara rem:,
mendnk •rnonp which may be aelected one appr
priate to any of th• dheasem Incident to th country
aml climate
The Grafenberg Veget.Lle Nile are better than any
other kind of pill. is the. world. Price 23 coute a boa.
The Graefeuttera Aarrepartlta 1. by far the meet
p..rerfol auJ elkearion. eoropoutol in use Price /1
a bottle
The Graef , nharg lortiotely Syrup le • certain sod
quick remttly for 'ill ill. bowel.. Price
60 en'. a holt'.
TM Crsefentierg Pile Ilene+ly never fail+ to par
• &Lenity relieve I hie distreevittg diet roi..
The Gmelenl,rg Palm,. t an m eal,'
able wmpounil Su all 1112.3. u. t. cblli
Price :4 cant.. bottle.
The Urasfetihera Fever and Ague R-Euedy 11 a a,v
lan specific Cur tlile particular di..eue. l`ra-e :rll
, nts a boa.
The (inefettborg Creen M. , antsin Ointment e
ceeffs dl other salsas In Its rurstlre effects. Pri.
7.5 cents • bon.
The Graelanborg l'utmumptlire'a Balm afrotas the
moat astonishing roller le all pulmonary complaints.
Prloa 153 • buena.
The Oraefenberk Health Bitters are the meet plc
ant and delightful tonic ever prepared. Price
mats . package.
The Groefanberit Eye L••tion V unparalklud lu
• flammation or diseases of the eye. l'nce 2.3 ces
Greefonlicrg Meaux! of ,Clealth (elegantly
illustrated with expensive engrartsgs,) is the molt
complete medical honk In print. Price only 2.% cent&
Sent 1•y tn.ll, pool-poll, to nny port of tbe mantry,
on receipt of VS cent..
The thsefenberi (Mamboll'o Uterine Catholic.°
Is an infallible remedy for all female &swum month
ly lernalaritiss, weokneos, Inittoto, ulceration, In
Commotion, whites, falling and other local derange
Deem of lb. marine organ, Prise ♦l 50 1 ,, t bottle
Ave bottles for *6.
CA C7IOII. —An nein 1., ninilly nnimilinelted, nearly
r esembling nail In IMMO •ad biei Lien put In
Sr All of the Graefettberg Family Meditinee
wint by expregi. In qzmattlties of live do
worth and upward, t hey will lie forwarded at
liberal deduction from recall pared.
del9 Sole Agent for Pittehututt.
rrons Iho
The Oradeaberg Family Remedies ere most
hle. In the twitters. .d tiles.. of
women, the remedies .e gentle, Judicious sod sorely
1 r717.1A. N. F. Timm. E.1.1.1"a1. N. 1.111.59.
Ws widom notice any of the advertisements in our
paper, sapposlog that <ivory advert leer ran state his
own estrus to public confident, Sometimes, how
ever, • matter comes up of suTicient Importance to
justify • word from or. Such we deem to 10. tbeftne•-
koshers Company, No. 22 Park Row, which has al
most revolutionised medical practice by intrixtucing
new and nest successfal method* of cure. The let•
tors and testimonials from every part of the country
beer evidence of troth, and frpm:thent we Judge Rut
thu Dif , C{Arli of IL* Groefstaberg institution under
rate their claims to public eonbdence, instead of
claiming too meet—a certain eign that they iittod
nein on the Owlets merit, of the EMI.. they advo
onto, This value of Weir testimonials Is further ge
ntled by lettere from Rev. be. Dank., of the Methr.
diet Church; Francis 11.11, proptketor of the Cos
a. ~r el Adeivvieer, and others of responsibility and
Pwevlens notices and testimoulalo have eslobliohod
the fact that t h e HSU:OFF:EDER° COMPANY'S
only reliable cure for those diseases which render the
live. of women, from the ago of 1.5 upward, miserable
to an valeta only known to theruselrew Thor• tl.l,
ears afflict myriod and .logic, awl no social poet,
tofinotoont of living or condition to life, affords
any guarani) agairat them. Beside the lora% Merino
oroptoma, they aro often attended Horan.'
Monthly Potiodn, Irregoloritino, Weakness, Faint
nu., Deranged A.ppetito. Sallow Voroplenion, Poin
In t h e Back and Mateyo, Clone, Cold Hands and
Teel, 'Hustings, Yersrithnews, Neuralgia, Patrite
lion of the Heart, Dirsitiem, Herr onenow, Headache,
ilestleoness, Disturbed Sleep, Flushes of Hest, Gen
eral Pain, Crawling and Pain In the Spin* and be-
Hessen the Shoulders; Arid Stomach, Nooses, 1011.
gentian, DiAlcalt passing of Urine with boat or
smarting, itching, "turning or Irritation of Abe
Uterine organ., Nightmare, Despair, Ilsaterir.,
Anzfray,,llted Tare, Werra. Twitching, Starting,
Ornurtipation, Irritable Temper, Sadness, Deprave,'
Appetite, ristnlence, Dltaited-uld I rrogalar Buwelti
Unpleasant Dream., Patna in the Merino Organ.,
Numbness and Pain In the Limbs, toes of Memory,
Dowlldertnent, Sorrnees of Feet, Pain to We Hack.
The Orateesbans Manbairs Uterine Ca' thoilmm is-
Prepuredbi an educated physician. kind or be Inn/
depended epos: AD . ether Imoyandinne altentid be
avoided. ' ' DU. GSM H. S.MISE/S.
dela Ito 'Wood street, only dime.
5,53 Liborty stmt.
Vf a.kdapan I‘ l ll.ll l b.rr B, /SS&
pr‘ , ,-.4.11. are Invited by tba..1111111.111P1.4 ID r•
.applying tl.. 1.8.`e Depa;tment, at
o malituet, , n. 1. 1 1 ,11.a:tore, lid.. Aleitbdits and
F,rt Ya, .fiber of th.... 4 plazas, add]
11 V1 1 . 1 '116N. 1 .1T , en.' STRAW. _ .
. • . .
Ithi, will h. far the dehvary of 5,000 bush.
f rormt Cr oats, wd 1 , 0 a , ra. of hay Cr straw, end aI.
umst •Lkt.. n. •htrht.f tbe st,•• waned
poiots Ihr. Pr`V".'"
at which they n ill male 4 , lieeries thetuat, the quan
tity of each urth to pr0p...74 to be delivered., the time
•hen said deliverie. •Call be commenced, and when
In bo
The prim “..t Iw n ritten out In word. on the bide.
Culla to be put tip to gond ..tout took, of about two
each. Oats In lit. sad., shoot threw
hay snot *lnv,
to charge to the tiovcruturot
to kw secr:rely baled.
The pas , icntar M . el or .le.ecrlpti. , n ~f cat, corn,
hay, or straw prnpusca to bt dettrered, must etahed
noel • ill be salient to a rigid Inspection by the
r •vernmeut lospector. before Mind mnopted.
r.. will be awarded Dula tone to time to the
;wisest riespourthle bidder, m the interest of the thr•-
ertinont may require, •ill tayment will be made
alien the whole amount rantru - ti for skull have
been and aompted.
The bidder will 1,. resplired to accompany his pro.
peal with a guaranty, signed by two reeponelble
pinworm that in cam his bid In accepted he or they
will, within ten do?. thereafter, execute thee-entrant
for the same, with good end sunintrot sureties, in •
rum gust to the amount of the oat:area. to deliver
the roma , prepared In conformity with the terms of
this ailvertteemebt; mains:me the mid bidder !should
fail to enter into the contract, they to make good the
difference , between the offer of mid bidder and the
ext bine , responsible bidder, or the person to whom
the eon , rart mar he 'wattled.
The reeponsibDity of there...into. mast he shown
by the edictal certificate of a p. S. District Attorney,
collector of Customs, or any.etber of firer ender tW
Unites" Stater Goverument. or reispamilde puma
known to this office.
„Stll bidden will be defy tollSed of the accept:mos
or rejettinn of tLeir propels'.
The hill name and P. it. address of ea.. 11 bidder
mast be Liilbly written le the prop,wal
[l, ast ire Madreaied t iliteadier General
D. tor bop., W.( t,, Wash
ington. 11 rhould be plniely markesl••frepo.
isle for fore g o.'
Bonds, in ti tam <glad to the amount of the con
tract, signed by the sentnentor and both .4' his guar.
motors, will be rev:deed of the sticeewaftil bidder or
- bidder wpm signing the emu A,.
Diana 1.001001 bvl.. guarantees, and lewd., may
Le tIP•i nlwn OpphOtt i• 11.1 at tilt: iilice
IT own, C. my and Statt..)
1. the Polnerlber, 'I" hereby pD•poi, to tarnish and
er to the State, at the Quartermaittor's
iivpartment at , agreeably to the teems of
your advertiarment. inviting priipmuds for foraga,
dated Washington It t out, Devenalier S, 186 Z, the fol
lowing articles, t io :
--bushels of Corn, In marks, at pen
of 64 pounds.
biultels Oat., in narks, et pet Imshel,
of 32poutids.
of baled nay , at per ton, of 2,M0
-- Pallor Mrsa, at— person, of 2,000 pounds.
10eItiery wcommeil co or Defoe. the —-- day of
--, 18D-, and to tiv completed On or I.efore the
day of and pledge myselt to enter into a
smitten Dintract with Um I ultra Mateo, with toed
and approved se4unt • are of ten day.
Ole. being not itirid that my hid has been ace-pt
You obedient servant,
u•t . nooorni D.O. R, eCn.
cillef Depot Glono , ootor.t.r.
W., the undersigned, reeldente of , in
ronnty of, awl Staten(
hervby, Jointly and amorally, covenant with th;
United Sta.. end gYnatant,,,, in case the forgot
,yt ----- I.e accepted, that Leor they will,
a Man ten da). Mier the ceptence of said bid, exe
c. • the contract for the same with mod and enfituient
nret lee, in • equal to the amount of the contract,
to funtish the forage propane.] In ~einformt. • to the
terms of ativer,ternent dated Dec-ember:, under
which the ense made, md, in gwe the eal.l -
Mall fail to enter In to • eontreet ae at .mold, ere guar
ani., to make gteei the difference between the offer
by the .sit -- and the next Inweet
bidder. nr the preeon to win the contract may bo
• •
W it GilVe•LI tinder our Wends •nd asab
t this day ..f
1 hereby rartify that, the bey of fol hnosflaaaih
and the above Damn! g
o aranto are good and
anllit. , w sureties far the oo it for which they
off.r t.•be sorority.y
To I.eeort Ified.fq the Routed States 101.1tia Attor
ney, rellredor of Otstoins. •ny other oflicer node
the Dotted Antes Governor -r, or teovonlble person
known to tine offing.
All propcoals reediaa.l td.d..r this adrertiaement
will he opened and egamlf, let this oglco on WED
NESDAY and SATURDA ..0 each gfa.k, ar lY tn.
Bidders are n-epeettially heeded to be present at the
opening of Idris, if they deals,
D. B. RtifiEEß.
Prig. Gen and Qoartermaater.
c Ureter, Wes DrreUm.", t
Wallington, Nor. IN. INCt. J
Sealed Proposals will be rosaived at this c...•
tll 4 o'clock p, m. on tan 22. DAY Of I , SCIEMIIKB
NEXT, for the doily,' of filly thousand lU•luch
Mortar Shells, in ...following qaultlllos, at the fad-
lotting Arrenmls,
At the Watertown Arsenal, Wettertstrn,!iless., 5,00tt.
At tbelA'atenllet Aresnal, %Vest Trt,y, N. Y.. 6,ectO.
At the New York Arseual„ , Gesernor's Istutd, 23,1.79.
At the Allegheny Arsenal, Pittsburgh, Pa., 5,000.
At the 1: h. Arsenal, Washington, D. C., 6,000.
. . .
At the C. S. Arsenal, St. Louis, Mo., %OWL
TM.e shells are to be mode of the kind of metal,
and in+perted after the rolm lard down In the Ord
nance Manual. Drawing+ ran be Zen et any of the
United Bwtn Amelia The +hell+ are to be Inspect
at the f.modry cast, free of charge for tramports
t or handling, until delivered at the Amens!.
DAlT”rit. must he made at the rate of not lees than
nee per cent. per week of the number of projectile.
contracted for ; the fWat delivery ho made within
ta..nry days atter the dale a tha cattitrar.t. end any
laultwo to deliver at a eperilled
hertme will ertliject the
r'ontractor to • forfeiture of number he may tall
to darter et that time.
Perorate bids must la make for each Ammo!, If
the bidden props.* to deliver at mom than one. lie
bid .111 be octinelortal from porde. other than regu•
tar founders or proprietor, of works, who an knows
to this Department to be capable of executing the
work contracted for in their own establishments.
Each party obtaining a contract will be nittired
to color into bonds, with approved ourettes, for tte
faithful execution.
The Department ream* the right to reject nay or
all bid., if not deemed utisfactory, for any cause.
riotamale will la addressed to " Brigadier General
GEf ftGE D. RA MAT, Chief of Granaries, Witab-
Ingtott, D. L'.," and will bo endorsed . rcortemb for
Mortar Sbellg." GT.O. D. 11A311k1f,
rice.Ziealtd Brig. Gen. Chief of Ordnan..
PRo ri)s A I,S I , oh CAVALRY
Ca rates Bracar,
Orrms or tot Cuter Cleats...sutras,
Waahington, P. , Not. M. Ittoll.
Pi oposala are both-Sett, and will to recelsel at this
office for tbe famishing of Cavalry Horse, to be de-
Itressl .t Washington, 0. C., St. Loins, So., and
ette".ll, Ili.
The Horsn to comply with the following specifier
1101., To to from fifteen (151 to sixteen (lffi
httuda high, from hoe (sl to nice (OS years obl, well
broken to the saddle. corn,iactly 1.111 , In good flesh,
and free from ail delis - fa.
The ability of the bidder to faith hit agreement
Must bo guaranteed by two rospotteible persona.
whose Mgt:Lettuce most be apratided le the truncate.
No vs:Total; will be entertained unless the oath of
alleglialce of the person or pensom bid,ltag shall be
on file In this office.
The reepousibility of the guarantors must heehaw.
by the official certificate of the Clerk of the nearest
District Court or of the United States District At.
Propotabi most b..ddreased to Lieut. Col. C. 0.
fIitiWTELLE, ewe Quarlerumater. tkenlry Dore.,
and be motorised on tit. envelope Ptcposals for
Cavalry Hosea agreeing with the aboyespeffilleSs
flat:m.lll be parchawd in open market, at &feriae*,
at the following place*. six New York City, Albany.
Buffalo arid Boohostar, N. Y. ; Pitteburgb, Pam.
Columbus, Ohio, Doston, Male. ; Aureate, Mom; .10
Madison, Wis. C. G. SAWTELLE,
Lieut. Col. and Chief Quartermaster,
Cavalry Bureau.
I , VD F proposals are invited until the
S-4 day of pet-ember, Mt, at I 9 m., for the
ernment Cottle, shnobbered within the ancient
Ita of the Markt of Columbia, forthree months or
mere from the commencement of the contract.
The above articles to be utllectel by thecontraCter,
and mongered from the carton places at which the •
cattleiere killed, at Bath timeea may be doelgnttod
by tliflofflcer in charge.
The contractor eltall be liable for all the /Edmond
Tellow, Hoofs and Horne coming Lam every aelmal
slaughtered. melees It can be made satisfactory totp
pear to the Subeletence Department that ell doe ek
ertlon, diligence and rare was made to obtain the
Bald articles.
Payment atfl let required °eery ten days In Goren.
mane feade
Bids should be ntafik In &intik-ate, sad an oath of
allegiance vault accompany the WI..
The contractor will be held accountable fbr the
Illdee, Sc., one week after the elgning of thecontract.
A bond will be required upon theviceptanceof the
bid, fora faithful fulfillment of the contract.
No flour will be received which is not [reek Vann&
Bide to he directed lw Lieut. Cot. Ct. BELL, C. ILe
C. 8. A., Waabington,D, C., and endorsed "Prolonal
for tilde. and Tallow." debeadtd
. . . .
UlmMarton at low Wed. Great Britain, frolgal
LT- Map pamsege from Liverpool or grweloWtms.
Portages forwarded to all prom oft/mood&
eallreeed Adam.. Expreo o Tlttahaele•
(Soccesson to J. d R. [CANNA.)
Cerumtsslon ZZ Forw►rdlnB Dlereb►atq
Raving purebotnlthe "[Wont arelaeo.3/ 1
CUT. nnd haying ample room and Willa.. we , In
nowprepared to .tomaa forward OIL AHD
COANDISV, or every deecripthel, and meat* sate
Wien. to all oho wag favor as with their Wm!.
jktl- --- gg 1 - ;9r,Pli,
Ssr all lan& of Balding% and aper
eronnon an renamabla Senn.
012101 - on Andannin "treat, bent=
Debbi= anent; Allleghoni city.
aw, hilt-tbu.;‘; qaasten
no aft
and s net. niadlant, eon and
n LI