11] 12=gPMEI Mayor Sawyer in Court. In the DLittlet Cout, on Thursday, • case of some Interest wee tried before Judge 'Williams. The ease was an action :for &maga! preferred by air. James Owens plubwer, of the Sixth Ward, 'agates' 13. Essijer, Jr., Mayor, A. J. Oribben, pollees akar, and W. 8. Jackson, livery stable pro ,. ;wider. The facts wore these: About six Menthe ago, Mr. Owens, who is the proprietor . at some property on Mattook's Alley, took e alld tr u o n a d s eirn . old aoe>, ovo w om ch he e wa o harged with otktogetberwlth a number of his workmen. A'hy Leh:maims was made before Mayer Sa w. - yer,and among others for whom warrants were 'Oltwsuadi u ws ta al e c a o M lo srteedr .m Tne nw h a e ra mp wa y s s o e f r M ed by,offieer Gribben while the colored men had charge of hiateam ' in the vicinity of Mattock's 'Vey. The officer, instead of takingthe man, and permitting others to take charge of the teant,Jatoped into the wagon and drove down' tithe Mayor's office. The colored man was leaked up by the Mayor, nd the horses were orders into - Jackson', ' livery stable. Mr. °wane, on learning what had happened, went down to the office tot hb property, bat Jackson rofosoil to giro . upthe horses un less upon the Mayor's order, and upon the pay ' usentofhalfadollarfor biz erouble. Mr. Owens refaledta payan,ything, whereupon the Mayor fined hire tht &Gus for 'violation of ordin ' taco in permitting his wagon to aloud On the street ITho talletrriteminabte, - had het the wagOn on the 'treat himself.) Mr. - Owons . . . 2, thew used out a writ of repluin, and In alba • . hours he had possession of his team. lie instituted an action for damages against the p arties named, alleging that the team bad ,bsen used for hauling plaster to his men, and : th at hi had been hindered In Ms work is:con -Illoptente of the conduct of the Mayor and his offfur. The ease was heard on both sidos, ' and 'Judge Williams, in charging the jery, asiermy censored the conduct of the Mayor z sad hie officer. The jury, after a short ab auses, returned a verdict for the plaintiff for Offsind sesta. as against Sawyer and Gribben -bet they. acquitted Jackson, as he was not •... -- tb_hhints In the matter. This ease the more ..;...'..hstorestlng, as Glenda to exhibit the manner . 7 ln-which patioe has been dispensed under the present übninistrathsn. ^ Dilr Ituderotta Assault...probable Mom.. On. ednesday:tight, about hall-past eleven o'clock, two colored men, supposed to be cm . paired abottt the 'Oeiernment stock yard, in 'the Ninth Ward, entered the Pearl hotel, saner.,of Tenz_and Morris streets, and got /ladling to drink, for which they refined to psi: The bar-keeper irutisted upon haring ..'pay for the drinks, and a dirtalty seemed ••••tuadoldable. A wounded ioldier, Chas. Algeo, was In'. the bar-room at the time, and got mined tip In the row. Thepartice got entslie the filer, when Algeo was knocked down and save b eaten . The proprietor of the hotel, : Mr. Jo Diamond, had retired to bed, but hearing some - down'etairs as b s o o k oenn glean s e r b a le, ean hdo indaling nereact he stepped to the door to linen the .disturbance. ,Algeo had,teen crying tor help, end although neutral Inman/ had been at - laded to the spot; no one attempted to In - :testae. The !agrees had, in the meanttme, Arteed themselves with hoary palings tern Buis the'ronee of Mr. Nnbbs, and as aeon as Diamondshowed himself at the door, he wee dealt a terrible blow over the head, `.which knock/ditto' downitracturingtre skull I = dusting inseutbilitp The Ear : derma then tied. • Dr. Beni was•salled In, and the inland into received every attention, ;hit it Is feared t hat be cannot survive. , •.: 1 The - chimes of the Ninth Ward Irmo very much ozoitod,- during Thursday, in comae queue. of this dutirdly outrage, and a close - 'each' eras 'made for the suspected parties. Neither the bar keeper - nor Mr. Alga, knew the - datened-neen, bat •'on Analsittir the Stook yard, (or Pair. grounds) It was die coveted. two of the aegroes, in the employ of the pram:ant, were absent,andittspielan at once fell upon them. -Between eight and flies o'clock in the evening some citizens dis armed two colored mon riding in a passen ger ear CM Penn otrooti and they were at, once arrested on supleion and conveyed to the . Mayor's °Mee, where they will have a hear ing. ~.` .14 - ,.• ;Jr). n• 4 ..TizalDraft „ --Italusteers—Exoteptl on ap . illfeatbsusElisetlon by Parentsete. no '.loiard of Eorolinsest, (22d District,) . .masts st 10 o'oloolt, and cells those ewer of Ifessifestst Disability; (tho, *sot examine cases of oonoomptios, of . -rispieliver, kidneys, etc., Scull the perms is Atsftea.) it. vit. ." y_4, •os `After these the names of applicants for allin—rattd from 000 to 90 oli-residence and willbeealled--none raisaitable t age, ~:anmat iere9 cnntr - No. 1,000. Any applicants under No.ooo, ~ beretoforo called,may bicalled on Satarday,by hrariattleth names and numbers in th e front bnaineen *moo, reeond story, daring to-day, that their papers may be searched oat to nighL twon . 'olook in the afternoon dlrahility *MIS will hays Another ebazioe we =otter ho., ' 41 4 1 4 at have .eif the application-4nd in at tetrandtgo each ditY. alflirtlon of Parent" iiplirations may be filed tea will not behead until Wednesday, "'Mid that. Aramaic" frOm No. r,00010i1,100 will be hoard - en • Battutay—aad none over 1,100 . 430 hUr4 twill the ladles are drafted, !A leas thaßoard Ssitson the 20th (Sunday) or ir Ihrment extendi the time allowed them, iv &empires, on that day. Pri4 McCoYnt Those of our cilium who heard this gen , . . - great speech•ttellrered in Concert Hell, -an the. Coisititation, something more thaw. iaa*sippe will be sure I. hear him 14 1. i 3 414!" . , ;ruling nest. Ma present *mete one of profoun d importance, and one *lda isibeen thrust 'upon the attention of Ili Palle bp , the "stern logic of events"' Oen progress of this attrocions rebel lion: Me , know of no nun more capable of, doing Justice to STl3h a StthiCet then this eel. 'bread tater. Of ble iddressea on this' , onestion Celumbur„, .Oltio, recently, the dale Sate Jewett? has the faltering:- /lie • - dlecoure• ehenned i , dallied, and • electrified hie andlina, while itit< *Mad and confirmed their minds as to thsitterlddeasurneu et the. -'.lastitatbm to width- it. worshippers, like 1 ' sacredness ,uf showed' itautter morel mat- , t it filch light •that oven &tient devil would bled:rte. own- lie Parentage. t its elinante,ite_evittendenclas;_and its erli &age were' preatosted with a power of ' logic gad gorgeotuatese of debate seldom easeltedd.; Ve would willingly a more dell report of ..gde great be put the span k er aid be ;lard to b folly appreciated. 2 die AdTertleement in another column. . A . Fetentont,- On- Monday lest, a couple ildlogitt mini berlragon stoppodattholontso otChrliddanfle,4s bm, and Raked for teed for their borte.-1% patties, one • and the Other neitlein, stayed *boat the stable teal the ham was, fed, alter which they left. On dlr. Heber going ,to the stable la ersalnx; be lewd In the mum an in; olat o uppased bi-. be- 'about two months old. Tie ;Stroud pissamptionis, that It wag lett Alteroky the ratans In - the wagon, as their wandttat wariatber ettupLiens. The Infant Wed: token to the county poor farm. • . , Pm or sot Ittlana L .,Th o i hal who vu easeverely -Wand the Pittsbargb, et mop Ballwin ea Wavine P ss flied is train on whit_ mug" &ed. yesterday atternoo; tont !4 . 6.4;t aOP9Mai torolood tho dada? Maks ,- .. , Ltnrik lost &bind Ho woo pan of sicoi'ond NO - o of "Id!! Allthony. ifi!sr . ' AY IirOBSINIDEC. 18, 11368 CITY AND BUBUBBIN. PAPZIWIRi ON . CITY TICKET TOR MAYOR: Loamy, .re. cur CONTROLLER.: rotor mosso°. • CITT TREAMMER : WILLIAM' EICHBAURI The».itlectien of these castors Is certainly • compliment or whleh they may Justly feel proud. We hare more than once had occasion to speak of the extollcat manner In which the. Institution has bean conducted, and the Director" hare done well In* continuing in ales the ,present worthy Steward end his assistants. The - Alms House now contains one hundred and tilty-foir Inmates, and their a sanitary condition has never been better than t present: . Ten "Holmium Glat."—By reference to our anumement coltuun it will be seen ,that this papule!' ems. will bisproduced in grand Ogle by the g Holman Opera Troupe, at Meanie Hall, on Monday evening next. The Indianapolis Joaraalsaysr "Never have we seen in our . tbstatm such crowds as throng thcre nightly towitnessthe , Holmaus.. In the "Bohemian Girl" MbsSallits'llolusamereated aperfectliennx as h Arlineithe Cape: Girl," shots great; andi each sucoessive melody ren dczed by her sonny to increase the general eathuslaun manifested by the audience.. We certainty lume had attractive "item": but none who are as popular arid acceptable's/ the Heisiatm. (Seats may beaecured by applying at the hall to-morrow morning. • . rAllftr? or lirOtlltpia . in W. 'J. Moorhead. Dlsborsizig Prnosr,"'LL 8 d., hu, dazing the past faw days, paid off all the Tel meteors who hate been enlisted In this dia lect, up tolheprefent time. Tama Polar, Plait and OmMental Slats Roofer, and &kir la Poansylnato aad 'Yawata auto of the but panty at low ritea .oMoo at Alm Lauldiseo, near. thy Wales Wahl, Pittebtaih, Pa. • Emus Oa . ausstas.--It wfl be obrarred . that ire base ptddiahed for year pas t an ad wertisoment of Dr. (No.. H. Keyser, of 140 streeti•Pittstorrgh; - Pa., in' reference to — N featest appliancesfee he . : or rupture, be , oddities's of the madly beyoad the 'Keyser has eras I. great attention ' we th.talt we are comprehends It his store Shout. 4111 - kith) StOdlinga pa, for the care-of Ay of sieehaafeal she, a deals- ' Till/ 'Eighth Ward Prbaszy liMeetians '.lfesers.-Xlibra.../.0 an artide in Tuesday areal:ire Cbermerrial, headed "Eighth Ward Primary Elections," it is asserted theses my statement in referenee to the stuffed ballot box Lientirely devoid of trath; and the writer appears to east some reflection on your re porter, In saying that "had the reporter ta ken the pains to consult others more reliable and veracious than his informant, he would have been spared the mortification he should lastly feel." Now I ueert that the article re ferred to in the Cbelessreicsi Is all a fabrication, and devoid of truth. My statement was a plain narration of feat', and for the benefit of Mr. Sawyer aid the Camorrcial I will repeat it here : At the commencement of receiving ballots I asked Mr. Smith for his hat, in which to de posit the tickets. B. C. Sawyer, Sr., said "no; " that he would get a boz. I remarked thatll was too late nowt* go fora box. lie replied "eh no, I can get one in nee minutes," and started off; and returned in about ten or fifteen minutes, with a paper box, which he handed to Mr. Smith. Mr. Smith looked at Mr. Sawyer and then looked at Mr. Patterson; Mr. Patter son nodded his head end smiled. Mr. Smith turned his back towards me, took out his knife and commenced cutting a hole in the lid. Prom the action of my colleagues, I sus period that all was not right. I stepped up to Mr. Smith, took the box out of his hands, ebook it, and found there was something in It. I then pulled off the lid and discovered that It teas about one-third hall of Sawyer Dele gate tickets. kthemremarked that there were tickets enough already In the box to elect Mr. Sawyer's delegates, and requested Mr. Sawyer to let me empty them into his hat. I then presented the box to th rest of the etion 1 1 °facers, to let them see d that the box lec was empty. We then pmeeeded to receive the bei. tots. In about ten or fifteen minutes after we commenced receiving the tickets from the rotors, there was a wooden box brought In. At this time there had been about fifty votes polled. Some of the election °Meere desired to shift the tickets from the paper to tho ' wooden box, but I objected, remarking that it might be staffed also, and that the ticket. eould not be removed from the box until they were taken out tkho counted. Now this is my statement in Morena to the stuffed box. In reference to the statement of Messrs. Smith and Patterson, I will show the ridicul ous position In which they hare pLeoed them selves. Mr. Patterson comes out in an article over his name, stating that Mr. Sawyer, sr., brought in • box, and in two or dove mime. Vier, there mu another box brought in. On the same day he testified before the Conven tion, that Mr. &toyer armed so both be., coder rod are.! So much for t la Patterson. No wonder that he got weak in the knees while testifying before the Con vention. Mr. Smith, in the same article ' says that the paper box came in taro or tAreeetsintars be fore the other box was brought. Ile stated before a number j ej Jerson', that there were about fifty ballots led when the other box came in. Now r. Smith out a hole in the lid of the box, I took the "'terms" out, handed the box round to the other °nicere to see that it was entirely free from tickets— thm put the lid on, and took in fifty votes and deposited them In the box, (according to his statement) In two er drat armlet Now Is it any wonder that the Clerk's could not re cord the names of so many voters In so short a timer And how many tickets torrid have been received In flans hoer., at the same rate ? As regards this mon Abel, / know not who he is, neither do I care, but I understand that he te an employee of the Corstsreicf. whole story about the hex is an unmitigated falsehood, and I can prove I hope this will be the last about the box, as I bare neither time nor inclination t,g en gage in newspaper controversies, not haring the control of a paper, as Mr. Sawyer has. If there aro any more false itatementa or con troversies, I will take depositions and have them published. DAVID iit/TCHISON. P. S.—l wish, in this connection, to direct public attention to the moan and contempti ble manner In which the amescrciel reported my testimony as given before the Convention. Why did they not give it In full, so that the people could judge of its Garners ? Wee it because It exposed the Sawyers that they omitted my testimony? D. 11. I have read the above communication, mad can fully corroborate Mr. Hutchinson la re gard to the boxes. It Is a true and Jut state ment of the affair, as it transpired. ifoucx S. Sionna, Clerk of Mention. r corroborate the testimony of Mr. David Butehinson, with regard to the Eighth Ward c latary election, as &en by him before the Zona, Clark of Election. Petal Railroad Accident. On Thursday evening, about six o'clock, as Train No. 4, on the Pittsburgh and Cannella- Ville Railroad, was approach.* the depot In the city, a man wan seen running ahead of the engine, and not getting out of the way be wu run over and instantly killed—his legs being terribly crushed. The engineer dld not lee hlm at all, sis the night was very * dark. In a fow minutes afterwards Train No. 5 came down, snit discovered the body, which wu converted to the depot. Coroner McClung was summoned, and hold an inquest, but no one amid be found who knew the deceased. The man appeared to be a laborer, aged about 'thirty years. The bo was taken to Revere's ,cidlin rooms, where Itwill be left till Suer. 'day. if not sooner identified. While the inquest was held, the watchman on the road discovered drunken man, lying directly moss the track, evidently asleep. There was a freight train then due, which would - have purled along in a few minutes, and he too would doubtless have been killed, had the watchmen not discovered The Counts Poor Mum. Wo loam that at a meeting of the Directors of the Poor efleeway county, held at tho Alms House, last week, the following ollcers were re-elected for the ensuing year. W. D. Patterson, Steward; Dr. W. T. Gilmore, Phy sician; James IdePorter, Farmer; Albs Mary Beatty, Matron; Mtn Ella E. Morton, Teacher. The " SPECIAL LOCAL itrimrsolo-ww-ser—Tsztsw Oman Toost:l,.: co.—Tbis Tobteco, used by tberNortb teen Indians, is marodsottust troarthe finest Apathy of tobacco, and conintinee4 with the most healthful and odorous Roots , Birks and Herbs, butiginons to She Hooky Mountains, in such proportion, as to impart to its dis tinctive character, and secure for it wherever it becomea known a hearty welcome. A long residuum, among the Indians of the Rocky Mountains, insured an equaintaace with their habit,, customs, and modes of life, and among other things, an Insight into the com position of their smoking tobacco, and a knowledge of the means by which the extpsi site aroma Is produced, which renders !too pleasing tattle smoker, and so athoptablo to those who are not. Smokers who once be come acquainted with this tobacco will never be without It. Sold by' all tobaceonista end by the manufacturer, E H. Hunt, 511 Ches nut otreot, Philadelphia. WHAT SHALL WS BUT SOS • CSRISTMAS OITT. —This ie a question which many of our read, ere are now anxiously dismissing, and yet it to nol , so difficult to solve. What, for in stance is more acceptable, suitable and lasting than a fine piano -forte or melodeon. A plane is a thing which every household must sooner Or later penes', and why not at once make • virtue of necessity by the purchase of a fine Steinway piano for a holiday presert. We notice a very choice selection of these justly celebrated instrument' just received by the Maxus. filcher lo Bro., Fifth Street, and for those disinclined to pay the price for a Stein and,ey offer the Calenberg, !Stiller & Co., other 'anterior brands of pianos. Some of their Carbart parlor melodeons would also make a most fit and desirable Christmas offer ing. It le well worthy at a call to see and hear these instrarnents. Fos Fara AND Wayne Naas—The Bum meri s past, and by tho moraines frost, we begin to apprehend, that fall and winter will withbe upon us, and we mkee p ust de our selvest tho material to provius comfort able. A Moo fall suit, or a good and well_ made overcoat are the very thing, and we do net know of any plaoe where our readers would suit themselves better than at Messrs. W. H. McGee A Co's clothing establishment, corner of Federal street and Diamond Squat*, Allegheny. They have also received a com plete assortment of genthudea's tarnishing goods, and a grant variety of new patterns for waistooating, Giorrtmaxs, haveyou examined the fall and winter stock of goods at tho Merchant Tail luring establishment of Sam. Graham & Co., No. 64 Market street A fresh supply of goods every week. liars you examined the prices of goods at the Merchaut Tailoring establishment of Sam. Graham & Co., No. 64 Market street; if not, it is now time you would, and save 20 per cent in yearolothing bill. Every garment warranted a perfect fit. Baum. BAIIIIII, Sao. MoCarroxift "A Swam. Coto," Cotrests.—Few are aware of the importance of checking a Cough or "Slight Cold" in its first stage; that Ahleh, the beginning, would yield to a mild remedy, If neglected, soon attacks the lungs. Brown's Bronchial Troches give sure and almost im mediate relief. Military ()Moors and Sol diers should have them, as they can be car ried in the pocket, and taken as occasion require'. Eswrzery Busks Arnmetays.—Mrs. Anne Nauts, of Louisville, Ky., says In a letter : " When in New York, this summer. I pur chased by way of experiment some of Mrs. S. A. Allan's celebrated flair Itestorer and Zylobalsamum, which I have found valuable. I now write to have you send me a dozen of each by express, for the use of my friends." Sold by Druggists everywhere. Depot, 108 Greenwich street, New York. Enrrotur. Orturox.—The following we take from this week's Ow ital Nesbyterieu,one of the most influential religions papers In the West. Speakin"" of the Wheeler & Wilson Sewing Afachineit says: "This is unquestionably the best sewing machine for fatally purpose* now in the market, and is more in demand than any other. It is the one which we can molt unqualifiedly recommend, and for this reason have selected it as a premium." livid wd. JCET B.LC2rVen .11/11:1 HEADY FOS flstn.—The fine assortment of Fall and Winter Cfotbing, lately received by Mesas. Jobe Wier A Co., Merchant Teflon, No. 148 Federal street, Al legheny. The stook of clothing consiste of the finest variety of gents' pantaloon., vests, coats and owerooate.. Tbo style of patterns tasteful and fashionable. We would Invite all of our readers to give the above gentlemen a oath Elotemes' Breast. Nance.—Do your duty to yourselves, protect your health, nee Rol loway'a rills and Ointment. For Wounds, Soroa..ftowel ComplaintaundFerma,they ara a perfect safeguard. Full directions how to non them with erery box. Only 21 amts. 210. %MMUS. M . Roberts, So. 17 Fi ft h street, in now opening the most choice stock of Mt. bold and Silver Watches, Jewelry, Silver ware and Fancy Goode ever displayed In this city, and Is soiling them at remarkably low priooa. Orme) and carriage clans -will be taken at the Omnibus aloe, No. 110 Penn street, day or night. All orders hit at the &bon place be paid in advan will be promptly attended to. All calls mast ce. • Sim Anvrramastarr of elegant and metal Christmas presents for rale . by Geo. W. Ilub ley, 68 Federal it., Allegheny, in another column. Die stock Is worthy otattentlon. DISTAL LiSTITPI2, No. 251 Penn street, IJ the place where you clus stet the but cheap dentistry in the city. Don't forget the place, No. 251 Penn street, near Hancock. Boors AND Snore of every description at M Cielland's Auction House, 55 Fifth street. O. Sus, Donna., US Peaa street, will at tend to all badness of Bit profession. NTERS.—In klanadeld, Ohio. on Wednesday. D.. camber 16th, leG3, Dr. CEO. T. lryrivd, (formerly of this ctly.)ln the 37th year of his sge. WELBII.—On the Ilith fest.% at f reckek p. re, FRANCIS WELSH, Sr., sped 07 jean. The ftmarat nUI take place 012 Lusa r, at 2 o'clock p. to, from his late reel:Wm. No. 102 Etna Weld, Pittsburgh, to proceed to Allegheny Cemetery. The hien& of the fatally are respectfully requested to attend. SNIVEL—On %reduce',lay, the 16th instant. it IN. o'clock a. at., eller • Lingering tllnces, Itn. KAIIAU, krilb of Poorge Smith. V. rammed will Mace osszo from lb* rontionoo of her Immboml, No. 24 Tomato mroot, Allogliony, oa lamer, at 2 o'clock p. fn. OTres L7I)—IVELL, (9ttaxotor to Jo Holmes & Co.) PORK PAOEIS, Dealer t, BACON, LARD, ERTGAR, CURED RAM, SMOKED BEET, An., OORHYII MARX= AND nut mum!, anl7:ly Prrrimnunr. MoCOLLISTER it BAER, TOBACCO DELLBBS, INWOOD STBIETT, Ere oefltnicoff their Pup stook of Tonooo. rums AND ISMOISLHO TOBACCO At tika very lowan Agora for cub. Mt wean nroaaptly attended to. pal Wila 'OWDEN, zycyr,tit'w pirszac. 'a. 112 DIAMOND 6T411:17, Prrririntai. Acknowledgments of DeedsDoposlllons sod Am. drip taken,. Also. Dewy. mostpsgeo, /atlas of Agreement. Lowe and Lewd Papers of ovary kind snifter& oslikem MARION BAHIA ND'S NEW BOOK. EIVERCII. Cot. Itara's 17Lex4. Ors volume. Prke SI O. Itea.tml at KAY a comp/ars, 118 _Wood stran 1031.11189 ‘../ arid for ante. 21:01 bible. Tort State, If tehlgaa and Ohio Andes; 7000 bush. Potatoes; WO Ma Buckwheat Floor; 60 bble. Lake Shore Turnips; 60 do' Blekerylttute; TOO teak. %loots; 16 bbls. Sweet Cider, 60 do Mlle Corn Meal; Of do ILoallay • 60 do rant lioMley; d do choice 801 l Butter; 10 cheese, bozos do do; 12 halls Fresh Batten 4 htds. 'Maple Oak* Saliarl 1200 busk Whitaßetths; 10 bble. TsDow• 100 Pa, old Side Bacon; deb....., . . L. B. voxas RIS GEN T 50 /1110 PUBLIOJ 1 b TtoaL Tramole Xsoulkotoro Of Iron. flopplement t o Uro'aDlottooary. . tim datk e al O tv Kan. luny rain tploo of Voila:id Lamy. Anowl'a Gnat etono Wk,* 2ilooos. Agissts's Otralloo Notiml Ifotory. liforade r KAT 41'041Z 1401 Enid: 1 ' iliabli.uttabl ;i ' •-• , ~,, 4' IMO Au' a - dn • -,, •'' leitt ,-,•••••= -Ififiv44r- , 411,g , ; 1 0114141411,/tilikl - ' '.": e 11 e44.2.i4•-• :;''---.';:.*:::>, i.,• ; ~....,* - ... ,- ; ,-,,, , -,,,,- .=7.i!." - -- - 1- 4 ,, ~ • - ' ,, .....4 ,- -- - ` ,- --.• • ----.•-• '••• • ' ft: .„ 2; --..• ' • 1,4;4; •%.1" • . •-• THE . LATESTUWa BY TELBOWIL WYIJI CIINOREB3-FIRIff BESSON. a nnatcrron,Deo. l 7.--Ifonen.--The Speak er laid before the House the report of the Su perin Steps,he Coast Survey. Mrfrom the Commitee of Ways and Means, reported a bill making appropri ations for consular and diplomatic; expenses. Mr. Rice, from the Clemente* on Naval Again,reported • joint resolution tendering the Mnks of Congress to Capt. Roger.. On motion of Mr. Washbarne, of Illinois, it was resolved when the House adjourns to-day it will be till Monday next. Mr. Brice introduced a resolution, instruct ing the Committee on Road, and Canals to inquire Into the expediency, of„oonstruct log and enlarging the northern canals as may be necessary to connect the Hodson Cud Mis slutppi with the great lakes, and report ' bill or otherwise. Mr. Reiman moved to ley the bill on th, table, which was disagreed to. Teas 17 ; nays 76. The resolution was then adopted. On motion of Mr. Wilson, the Committee on Invalid Pensions, was instructed to in quire what legislation is neceuary to neer* to the widows and legal represent/Om of persons who hare died, or may hereafter die, after being discharged from the military ser vice, hom wounds or disabilities received in the line of their dunce, the tame pen s i o n s n e ara allowed to others. On motion of Mr. Wilson, the Committee on Public Lands, was instructed to report the necessary legislation to enable persons in the naval and military service, to avail them selves of the qenefite ei the homestead law. Mr. Anderson offered • resolution which was adopted, instructing the Committee on Roads and Canals to Inquire Into the expedi ency of improving the Upper Rapids of the Mississippi, with leave to report by bill or otherwise. Mr. Regent gave notice of • hill to refund to the States, counties, townships, wards, ell: les and manielpal i ra otions, all Moneys paid by them, res pectiv ely, for bounties to volunteers in the Won army. The Rouse passed the bill for the payment of invalid and other peasiens, for the year ending June '1666. On motion of Mr. Morrill, • re/elation we. adopted, calling on the Secretary of Treasury for all the documents ehowlng the practice! operation of theho-oalled reciprocity treaty which may, be labia possession. Tho Rouse then a dj ourned. Stastx.—Hate rose to a privileged question. He desired to send to the clerk's dock to be read, • newspaper paragraph, charging him with bribery, a Senator from:New England, in securing the release for the sum of *2,000, of two prisoners from tho old Capitol. From information received from a Senator s he was led to believe that he, (Hale) was the person alluded to. He wished to make a statement of the factsan which the charge was founded. Mr. Hells then at some length explained that he had send as counsel for these persons, and thatprevious to doing so, he had asked the advice ofilon.Reverdy Johnson and others, if he could consistently with his position as United States Senator act as the legal adviser of the above mentioned parties. He was se cared he could, and that there existed no reason why he should not. Hon. Retard, Johnson stated to him that be was himself engaged In inch cases almost daily. Under these circumstances he had acted for thepris more. lie (Hale) then stated the facts et the I ease, and concluded by saying that if fly was bribery, er even indelicacy, it was done Inadfertently, but advisedly, and el cautious deliberation. Mr. Johnson remarked that he recollected distinctly, that Mr. Hate called on him ea stated .and reported the conversation, ma terially As stated in his answer to his (Hsle's) inquiry whether a Senator woe pre. chided from acting as • counsel for a person charged before a Oeert Martial with fraud. He (Johnson)said he saw no legal imsedl mint in the way, or even Indelicacy, In what he (Hale) had done, was no doubt done In consequence of this opinion. Senators do not cease to be lawyers if ailed open forpro fessional serener; he saw no difficulty in complying, unless the serene, Involved the neglect o palate duties. lie (Johnson) had re. peatedly acted himself upon this assumption. The only question that can arise, is there any taw prohibiting It? There was a law prohibiting Senator, from prosecuting' any claims made against the Government before the Court of Claims. He believed that porno law expressly except cues pending before the Courts. One has a right to go before any other Coed In the United States. It was not the Intention to prevent a lawyer prac ticing in his profession. If a case of fraud in contracts is brought before ai,liiiktery Coart,iriseryr,oriumonralcel has no right, because he lea member of Con gress, to refuse his services any more then he would in • capital case in the Civil Courts. Mr. Hale sahmittted the following radia tion, which wee agreeed to : Resolved, That the Committee on the Judi diary, be In/treated to Inquire whathor J. P. Rale ' &member of this body, In convection with the ease of one ilunt,chargod with crime by direction of the War Department, has been guilty of any conduct ismousistent with his duty is a Senator, and that they have power to send for persons endpapers. The following resolution submitted by Mr.' Wade was agreed to: Resoled, That the Secretary of the Navy be directed to cammealeate to the Senate all Adel reports and dispatches, and papers In the Navy Department, relating to the actions in which any of the armed vessels have been engaged. On motion of Mr. Laneof Kansas, it was Bereaved, That the Committee on Postollices and Post Roads be instructed to inquire into the propriety of what is now known ea the new military road from Lawrence to Fort Scott as postr. an " Z; introduced a bill to grantlend to the citizens of .Ifansu to indemnify (hors for their losses. On motion of Mr. Sprague, the bounty pay bill was taken up and recommitted to the Oom mittee on Military' Affaln. A document from the Secretary of the Treas ury was received, commanicating therwpdrt of Professor A. D. Dacha, for the year ending November 1, lS63,and the report of Them a Brown, agent of the Treasury Copula:mit in California. Tae resolution of the House for an adjeurn meat being taken up, Mr. Sherman moved to amend by striking out the words, "this House adjourn," and inserting "the two /louses of Congress." Canted- On motion of Mr. Sherman, it was voted to postpone the consideration of the resolutien to Tuesday nest. You 11—nays 11. The following message was received from the President: Herewith I lay before you& letter addressed to myself by a oommltt4e of gentlemen Sep resenting the Freedmen's Aid Society boles ton, New York, Philadelphia and Cincin att. The subject of the letter, as indicated • ve, is one of great magnitude' zed importance, and ono which these gentlemen of kilowe ability and high ehineter, seem to have con sidered with care. Not having time le fotm mature judgment of my own, as to whether the pan they suggest is the best, I ittlnolt the whole subject to Congress, deeming that their attention thereto is attest imparatilrely demanded. L 111004.11. Mr. I'oote moved that when the Senate ad. journ, it adjourn till Monday next, Lost. Adjourned. Another Order by Gen. Iturant.... Memphis Cotton Market. Owe, Dee. 1 1.--41emphie dates te the area l:3g of the 14th, are received. Gen. Hurlbut promulgates another Important corder, which the following Is the substance: It having been ascertained that large quantities of cola have pissed from Memphis espulailj Sena, it is therefore ordered th at neitehr colt or bullion be sold, bargahleder exchanged With in such parts of Tennessee, Arkansas end hfissluippl, as are within tide department, exempt as follows: Penns having coin or bullion in their pessusien width the ydedre to exchange may receive permission frou the local Treasury_ agent to send the same north to 'Cairo, Undying Nick an equivalent in such currency as they may choose. Any sale or exchange except u above provided. shall lie punished by •• military tranvia 'Bankers or others doing • deposit burineu in Memribis, are required to send forward the coin and Ind lion In their bands to the Provost Maraud, both for themselves and theirdepositon,%And convert the same Into currency. Hereafter, they will mein none on deposit except to forward the same ei henlii provided. • The Memphis' cotton market Is dalL Sales of 161) Was at 53 ciente, Balei *tithe 14th of 250 baler Receipts, 100 bales. 'ow in store Sonar Explosion. I CamsooDee.l7.—Oits of the bonen of the Chimp Dlstlilerp . lio. exploded to.de7, , =tabbing the engine house. ' don, employed .lo the bandies, were-welded badly that It le fasnd-Uay will oat noci fi er. PITO' or lllotlprts werwinJarred,'brA /net sierionsty;.:3'wsi men aid mrpoilldmitthis r , probablyin the miss., . Tie Haled' till New York' 132prel0; NNni - YoitiDie.Zto4.le thsitoon ma* Pll tada7,Attpllmairns4s - iied. IMPINOVAstk- Bo ol ol44..Erartill PaPoa4 VoiCalwAlt ' ' " g " • 4 •-" ---tv;sksz-litalviA-4tzay- Jrnai , NeMbefilillt. G licwmutir,N.o.,Dee.l2.--ileittgetesmehed here this morning, from Wilmingtonritho that Gen. Whitney, co the report at that point, left with a b gads recently fpr Tennessee, was relieved by Clow. Martin, whose command in and about Wil mington, eozisbits only of one small brigade. The running of the blockade into Wilming ton condones to Increase. It tt estimated that half a million dollars worth of goods arrive every twenty-four hours. Since North Carolina is nearly abandoned . by the rebel troops, there being but -two brigades in the State, It 'Liu been decided by. her banks, as a matter of safety, to dispose of their specie, which they aro now paying out as fast as possible to the citizens of the State giving one dollar in gold for four in Nord' Carolina money. ben. Butler Is raising an army of colored troops in this department. Three bleak regi ments of earalry, recently started, ere rapidly filling op. T I :aphato of the Chesapeake. RALIFAI, Dec. I7.—The Cheaapeake moved to Sambre Harbor, twenty miles from Dallas yesterday. The U. 8. steamers Ella and An nie, trove informed of the fact, and will be at that point early thi. morning. The govern ment of Nova Scotia has tuned order. for the arrest of the pirates. There are no other ran boats hero. llatarax, Dee. IT.—The Ella and Anna, oaprored the Chesapmske this morning, In Sambre Herber. All bat three of her crew escaped. Stroa after the capture the Daeotah same op and ordered her into flallfax. The three vouch IBM 1:1017 here. Important &Ile on TrML Wastintarow, Bee. easo of Can nock and Ramsey against the Gorenenent, came up for argument before the linfromp. troller of the Treasury yesterday. It involves a claim of about two million dollars, with footrest, and has been in litigation about ton yeas'. It is on aotount of small contract for service on the Pacific coast Wm. Curtis Noyes, Nag., of Nets York, opened the argu ment for the claimants, and will be followed by Britton Whitney, of Baltimore, and Lamb, of Washington, who aro here to reply for Lbe Government The ease will probably occupy the entire week. Fire at Fort Yorktown. ' • ' FORTSIL.N MOltliol, Dec. 17.—Last evening the hospital at Fort Yorktown took fire. The are communicated to the bakery, and about halt past I °Week the magazine exploded. The fire continued, causing the frequent ex plosions of abatis daring the night. A about four o'clock this morning, another explosion took piece. Several building were destroyed. These are all the particulars we have as yet. One nous:Mod man arrired here this even. tag. =2== r LAX SUPERIOE. COPPER MILL t SMELTING WODES, Prrnsoxan. PARK, 11PCURDY & CO., It.nolKttß.•rs lIIIAZ/LEC AND DOLT COPPED, PLOWED COPPED BOTTOMS, DAISIED STILL BOTTOMS, P PALTER SOLDER. Also, Importers .ad dealers Is METALS, TIN PISTE, sin:sr TIP'S, WIDE, ks. DosslstlY ee baud, SINNERS' MA CHIN EA AND TOOLS_ Warshaw., N. Ifs Ellin aud ITS AROUND STA., Pittatsrith. Iti Ppecial orders at C.pper cut t' nu) part my= Iyd/iv"( z1) - '' TO CONSUMPTIVES.-ThQ. • • E. A. WILPON'A r••••• 11 fur the eta • 44 CCINEENETION, AdTl.Ol.l. 11111ENCLI/TIA rma b. obtaland to PH10 , 1131;6 a 'WEE% rLsIuNG, brurgid, carrltt Mkt str.ct and Ow InvAti . rnd. d•Almda•rE _____ _-_ ! P 1.1.0E0 8...71 VS i it.,lcc. ;_. _ ,. (IHRISTMAS I'l ANOs—n iiii V Front the, lClalli: colebratesl Factorise of A C. . The pool stock over received to this city, anten2 which Is on. superb CONCILIIT (ALAND PLANO. They an warranted for eight year, and are nonnowl edged to be the host iIII the world. old Plano. taken Le oath. ge. New /lawn !tam MA' t upward, dolt CELAILLYITE /31.17kL1:. Ft Fifth arse, STEW 'lanes.TEL • FriiiiiS. I A LS.— - -- te Th. Musical alaere of the Eatt 0 p m speakloa oat le favor of Dk.C11111:91/ MINOS! "Mixt havirwr examined the Pt.° Forme of the Aftwere. PECKER BIWA very earohttly, v LA. COme tn. the conclusion, and cheerfully testify that they aro to every meet supertw instrunamme. ' Their time Is pap., rich, brilliant, very distinct, arni of an entirely trintdcal olunnetnr4.Their workmanship Is of the vet, bast, plainty dommutotting that norte hot the very lest coxterlaks are nsett, ami theta . touch, evenness and eqsalityte tone throngbont the whole " 0.0 : 1 110.WItlittwIlke.1 hOXYllettXtemlutsted by any cam' 'Piano Poets we ham yet .013. 0. Thoodore Thomas, William Mama, C 0... Fm.dell , Theo. neg.+, editor of the Alesiottf Perim owl Mold Peri Aruttots, Director of theapo'irart , goNot. b ; VL. Gorman Opera ; John ZundeL editor Jaunted qf fferellip; L. titter, Carl NVelf•ohn, Phila." A choice hot of thvae rniewite- Instruments put ar riving. J 11 HuIFYIAN a OWL, It Fifth street. puftviANcrs PHOTOGRAPH ROOMS. CONNZII Vlllll AND DIAIIHET ATLUENTEI, c... 1 •ad Sd noel.* over Elchardetro'l Jewelry Strove,) Prramie... PA. vuoro(3lt.&l , .ilki: Of every du end !style, plain or colored, from tho luVCarts de Fiorito to (Wriest And Itto sign, • PIIIIVIANCE would pertScalarty tail the mt. Dolt= of the AGED AND INFIRM to the oodry no osolbility of thm atabliahmoot, bathe roar-bort by • .Zeehml. flight of imam Prior moderate. me Non =um:acad. mytklysta•Tti FOR THE FALL OF 1863. "AV,OOO APPLE. =IS, turn , 4 and 8 yarn old--Induct &H the old leading Tarladen and many new ones. Alto • llama stack of PEAR, Onandard and dwart,VllE HY. PEACH, PLCM , EVERGREEN , MAD ORSAMENTAL TEEM,. ROSES, GRAPE VINES, IiMILTIS, GILEINHOOBE PLANTS, An, An, irtolende and ootafl al very rea. unable prier. JOHN SEURDOUH, Jo. altdan, Plttobargh and Oakland Plunarik SPoftTsM EgiS I.I}.IAIXitTA-RTfatiti, 130 WOOD frOLIZET. J A.BrIEJES SOWN B.sitonklon of Sportsmen and others to hB splendid stock of GUNS, ItIYEIN REVOLVERS, PISTOLS, GAME RAGS, POWDER FLA/MARRO? BELTS and POUCUES, DRAM FLASKS, and am munition of overikind. Ws stock b tbs largest sins brought to this marina. onl7 UR. A. a ,ENGLItiII respectfully .114. blames Ms clasects of Pittstanrgh, that ha ha twat appointed solo agent for the sale of BYERS a A SON'S ORIGINAL CEMENT ANTLIABIROSIVE PEN. They ars rommunended by the largest houses to tbs sitp, among which ars Graff, Bssussrr A Co., I Emma A Co., Shamus. A Co., hos Ctrs Tann 00., Zl3l, PAISI.I. A ON., And other.. Jedds M IL ..c4' CO n LLISTER & trannhatanns and dealers In iin kinds of memo, ANDIT AND MOLDS, NO. 108 WOOD EITEXL7, Prnarow. Psw. HHemp. constant/3' oa !mad • tarp naki7 of Nes Smoking. Tobooa toVkly 8 , d o.l.:D.lll3olool9loRd....kubm"LE:774rol:ll:BB4C43P7Llibs7Bodr7d6Gll7llosait•:, 40 do 001001 larch; HP1014105 EEO. i ; , ' 7 ;.-2I) Ithds. prime .... Ir . 80 g1121 30 do Lloa 60 (forts dod do; do' 60 tdda. cmhod do: 50 do A " " Ooffoo do; 25 do A do do; • 60 do 13 do do; 10 .tore an fbr We bar dd.{ 4. IfilK1,41:11101E a Duo.' NEW LEAF LAED--In tierces, bbl 4., trd.ls, flu. puttirTyr,ft. /4341.7 stsi, Of of our own rond kin • G. J. Towssrsti, dns No. limaarth et.. near Warty. R. DE AN REFINED. OIL always ' ea Lund and for min by JAB. PALM!. iabir, - - Ge and TO Ware Meet.. OIL . 1 : 1 Alta-1,900 prim% seeonti bald, Crude sod Beernod On Darn% for iakby • JAS. DALZILL t 80N, 4 • 611- sad 70 WO*, Fill ~YANIEE).—The high tit cash :LA pries paid ta# Cotteirtlaud at tame res. DeLzrra, a Sali, C 9 and TO 'Water stmt. 100 bunkols prime T i vhdta seed ea evaAv. Napa wurrinme 808 0 en• sais 117 LS--One Sett; new, • ISCDALZELL btb Ltbettyzth74l. - , 1 I bblv .o.lfolLises iM= 41.8110. FP • -.1,./Q0 vhetateh lack • I ' , Gross Nei la storils;',4l for mar • • ' • 4,11:$110.- • -- - ti4roq:Alf ll , .„*ltialtstrai,Astt? ".1 1 Tetfa#l, -' .,- - ,:: ; :=., - -,. , ..1:.:.',,i: •••:.c.:'i',";!.l:'.,--.' ~v~ 'lle ritual this f elltid i tt liutuato*eat! ituudilt daring Wednesday alight ;Mk. Tedsrd4. btlf evening nue apparently at a atr,id, with lade deg four or gm Mel. In the channel , y• the *made: The weather has ondergo. • complete chartge. Olt moderated materially during wsdnie.y. and yes, tertiaj we bad mayoral dowers of tat., rekt .111 probably produce another swell la do rintr: The wharf moth:nos turmisent • 14 . 4 anee, and badness la quits active, :with fats re: 'Onsits and large thiputente. Tye only entra4 hare to record ant the Jennie Mode and /di tees., loth from Cincinnati. The bifida from Cincinnati, Jails from fintstillei and the Starlight from Evangel:lle, are doe to-clay: The departures yeatmday weft the for Mirtarra and Mead for Cincinnati, and the darling ](®phis. The first and last named hoes had trueelleat ftlfer, while the Miami went mat with about half •inergia Capt. C. L. Brennan, of the atesmer 'TJdrtk . a d who, together with his had, has been fa the gnutra-..1 meat memfce for several months,* at home® • din to hi. family. Capt. A, although all ltdOtleadealiVr of Um,' Put he woullymder being out of his employ for a abort time.. Capt. Cordon Wormed nayouterday, that the erre, on her return from Cincinnati, will la an wit.. .Mild enter the ITlme/ log dada This tellibe good awe to the patrons of this trade, as the Hiner. hie* hewn amily raked for mme time. Ammar the pease:wow on the names , itarting. notked Capt. Geo. W. Ebbert, who goes to Itiatta foul to look after bit new alderwheekr. • The neat mad poplar Erma, Jennie Bulb; to computed of Capt. IL Derinney, Is filling up mph* fur Cincinnati and Um:anti* and wiliwithoet d.ubt he reedy to leave to-day. Tb. Jennie L colt.l if.. retina with the traveling public, and we expect tri awe her fall of peamagern Kr. Glut Is *dart. Ths fine paareager steamer. N a / 1 11.10 Bje9l,.Clrt. auk,. will be me by card, twee today for At. tank, without fall. Me bag lee Ile/x=46lk= for wronger; and name num room for height, r The Kate Robinson, C.O. H. &Adana, is Ellin op rapidly for Cincinnati and LoulariGe. lead wit probably get off to-dal. lir. John Whern7 ban charge ofle orate. Au old mbar of the Awn calamine lit. &hawk,/ peregreph:! Osn, an old Mamba. clerk, new la the et&sal, made* raid last et® &drains, Lid, and, as a military htestettaa, Made • charge. the Thistle, a little by 'lO steam*, cap tors:l her, paroled Moberg and ergo, took ■ • Mak' 11retratell." B y passed MO,& the city • tr• days ago, a prisons, of oar, clad In ecanty butternut, aid CPT bred with mnelo and glory, bearlisr no resemblance to the ray, dashing clerk of the Immortal West.—.Eashaiite Prat. A Mort time Man, Mrs. Ellzabeth Parker, a( this city, sold oombzurth of the alsomer Wan to PloydP. Loran, also of this city, Mr gT,300. The mate bast ras ln the tlrst =oath of ths oar Non, losereet la sold at the rats of Es P 7,600. $30,000. -, fiL Loam Demarret. There were orer tittcon reel water In the CbALlntel of the rieerymtarlay and the water appear:olo be receding .lowly. The weather was add and cloudy. Coal busts, beastly laden with blank illemonda. pass ed the city great numbers.' Tim City wild Dint. were at the lending. The tatter wan leading Gtr Pitteburgh. The new boat Meet/ MK. idly approaching rompletlon.—lllecting hit., Men den. Markets by Telegraph. PZ1114130,1111,, Dec. 17.--FlOnt dull; Wall 67,60. Wheat a little blghar..md. dmaandy PM Ind nif; %.0001,64 %rotate, mad otontnal at 11,71 (4.x. Corndull; now, /0761,11; moue% puked arkst. at 11,9, Oataunchangm. Cotton drat at dr. Lome, Dec. 17.—Cotton I. Bar demand ; aides = bales middling, at 70077 o; Bentipts of 1% %km floor extremely doll, and buyer. Indllferent, oellen 00% earring freely. Wheat solo.. at $1,27.31,30 for drlctly prime, and 81,22 1.. choice. Corn anstsr; cum, 11,21, and old 81,1:3. Onto 162 c higher at Ms. Lime Toga, Dec, 17.—Cotton Lamlaad mks* continue armor at Ito. Flour %coved go beater on ablyplag gmdes and closed heavy ; buyers at out-- all. prices; gn, 40 00 1 .55 fn. En.mdtat. ; 11 e 41 SE6 for R. H. 0., and r,ct39,50 for tray brands. ven_l47 bar,' at skata, cholas with no buyer. at otthdd• quotation.. Wheat, active Odd lc better, at g 1,428 1,14 for Chicago gprLait, $1.4341,40 for ltibronkoa Club; 11,51 for old 4., in otaro; h1,48CA1,60 11,40(31,311.11%t ; SL,3O for amber Mllvauke• Cora Lc better at 81,2sta,u, ke shipping mixed swim, la atom. Oats opstual stratty cad chard has: at tia able. 'Wool steady. Sugar qulct. Dori sitrott stir harge. Bacon Mae. moderate. llama, 10* for y. Dressed hags dallsad • little Wass at 73-itgNe for ...morn. New VGA Stock and Money Market.. Nu. rots, Due. 17.-3.theuty actleaatel lo Laird. mood at r , a 3 =V. isterLlN; Ursa but clulat. at /Ca. Gold rather utoreatead,y ; opening at ni, and dol. eltaiug to IttOj t , Garcrtuneut &Locke sr. , U. . S. CI, $1 coupon. lU9!.', r-n. lotr4. &Labs Irrertolar andblyber. C. .t It. I ... .6.—.4173‘11"ading......----..11,7...1 i P. ri. w...i C.......... es); kt. e... .. -.:—. el A. 61. /I ...........—...... 63 all.. C. 8ritp.............4.11i V.* T01...—...--IMi M. / P. D-. 1.-.. ..— ..W,f 6 Eria..— ... , .... , ... , _—WSl l.: Quichailrar t 0......... 63}‘, 1 Erie Pfd...._....._M 1T,4 .8. I ~y'r oar., 08,K 1 URN' SI I ELLERS.—On SATURDAY 18115. at 11 o'clock..lll Id, a: the Commercial Saks Houma, 64 Fifth Creel. 15 Patent Corn dhlille a. den DAVIS& BeILWAINE, harem. F,« Cg CADIES.—ON SATUR NLAT 31011.5/1.1, Dec 10 N o on. o'clock..Zl/ be mild, at the Commercial We, No. 04 rlfth street, leo Invoke of French Candies and Confectiona, manufactured of eattrely White flagar, comptlidng Madelliona, Mower; Pruftlii Re. del9 OferiNkltcrliWAlNN. Uteri. HOOD S, NUBIAB AND WOOLEN GOODS AT I,I2rOTION.—On tins - ATTU. ivuS, et :o'clock, at Minnie Ral Arial loslioate. No as llMltr street, obll be oold.l.adtte Man' and Children 'oCestrotent lust Wool Mod{ NOD" Mar. poem Man and Oafs, No Froolery,Ar... • Salo porlUve. T. A. ItoOLELLILND.Atict.r. • delittt SEVENTII WARD BUILDING LOTS. ?MUT iTigt2o. bat. rat; 7% o'clock, 14111 be sold. at 4 bareamaterela/ falai &oak 64 PM Mat, nrcaa Malin Late tba Bareblb Wald. slaws ea Bead. Rasa sad llularlddia oreata. bddll Da. At% bes 111. Er• r. 21 1. 6 4• 23 4 . 4 thttltior..J 4" ' l °ll= Term cub. to.rthaapartletlari eaqvlna at" L. !loathes. Esq.. Dakargra Italabar. 11 tali. dela DAVID a Ittivw.Auf Analtit ; CtT BA3I B R AT AUCTION.-z-The Steamer ELLWOODotow of tki Port or rtne. WWI, win Weald at no Couramtal Salm Ikatellv o. 56 filth stmt. oct TUESDAY EVENING. Doc. ..ad, at 7X., o'clock. The Meow ELLWOOD Ina Malt la hr 125 Eat to kintb.n Cott In ItroklIk• 6 reel bold, ante la in n4* tom, Corona Blow . toonsnerronot. Iler morn I Wry Is and rungs, order, and ber auttlt of trtltta arid h and r d ct complain. • -ran on/ 1111211 W oEhre to purchase. Term at nen 4.18 LtAVIN KelLWAnnk VALUABLE STOOIO3- AUiTflO/1. v —Oa 21:1122DAT MELE4 02 0. ,t 24 Insor i te .. clock, will be mold, 01 th• umareaclal &Om 14 C 10 obureo retiano L ab atreot: ank Stock; 3$ do Olth:ros` Conk 110:.2; 10 do 2202hazdee Boat 6toe. 20 do Nerebsate & llanotoe2dere $0 do Allegbeoy Talloy Maroc! - r) do llanontaltela Izionnoo 3$ do Noslarn Ir.sartoto Oo.; 16 do L'oleks linunovo W. Stott; data DAVIS & YoILWAUti PURE LIQUORS, WINES AND 00R DIAL4—Os 7111 DAY 1101 LYING, Doe. at 10 o'clock, or ill La sold, Lt the Commorcbg P.M. Boom; No. 64 YIN, Item, thfoLdkno/22 totaled of lagoon, 14, to *tacit lb. otttolhei of the kb& to 12 bbli Old Hy* 1210•2 y; . 3 do do bourbon WbblYl 1 rook do lAA tkn 6 bbb-002040 11rozdt i i 14 arm Old Bordeaux toady; 10 do paeo Praia ..414. • • • 10 do do. do Olordldl4 6do 4lood=horry del 6 do Oared dad Rhino Wtoes; 1 bbL Okl PON ...sAvviszrmAnra, ' attOttRIES SATIIRDAY Daceintier_ ,Ile at Id cecla .111 be vold, ea the Cbsadiatil isimitoom bmo aifu. PlO do Growl • 10 do • di.- . 10 do Riot nor* 6a4 Vermicelli; 2$ do 01 4DOrrroment Jitut 04224 10 Ousli Grow mad • =Dalt tomb ptiouttaimmt; VI bans wise Dalry Chem • 6 do pun Dora etercitr-• , a do boIVDDIDYIud/6% 20 do traw 20 .do Bogy; bbl.. Cut and Dry ihuokbti iobaroa; • , TO. attrotlou of(r .411 f ads , acina a mtaLwaram, lactic nONSIG ' NT& • -•- • 1 , 3 bb/L - Drt Appler, .1"'" VI Damn Cahn Maze; 00 DIAL pH= auderslzu Patti Pmlupalcaii Just no:livid 10M *rah raANK TAX-cOIIDZE; , ' 1111161001W1 attlet, Motble.lbaterini ApplW , 3,600 thselr•zi•ii VP, Jan ri.enlyed antlarvd• by • DILWORIM &CM. volt sco'Buizi; Nei!' ark4 , loitiaFu : z. u. !i•UOT too. tnd Nr4VALI. bblt. wadi bbli. ~Kt soa - am tato . lame meautos, to ste lint Li g umutTIII Wt. '2O &mei prime Tap Gahm, rook; "Liftor• said MEE ---afrilrz.r.trzor s t TZE , 4861 • PITTSBURGH GAZETTB. ... , ~ ,1 3 srsmizlikix . 1.dA.. 1 TWO AULT EDITIOfiLI nivaftllztrillp: it.i.ligio'i nt.4. lt-fdi4l`.i•idil.thnui. Tm l - prettatuntaleeirehracknonicd l the Gifo`i nitii'irtirgVilleir.;ol.ltV, been. crowned, daring the past .ye . .4* to pat gal firther'effiirtdonlichalfi , of the Oszerra, to the end that its aPhem of / ikt finance may he eitedd : . `:2' 1 .It is tha purpose of the.. publielierk render the GazEr . ra we:thy: of the liberal and inoreasing, patrOnagairliich,it is now. rewiring, They. flatter - therosektie.Outi. efforts to this_ end, during' the' pant fair years, here not been unavailing, and, Paul ,with pride and pleasure to the:greatly h. 'reased -Stimulation which • thesOgsrrn has now 'attiOned, as evidence, that thek efforts' bale' been' appreciated by an in tangent pitblin. ' ' ~.: i During thetapprenehing yeaiDuf gre4 contest for 'next - Presidenoy :fill AC:: cur; the Ckalitloa. of. a. iionxid ri rl, icin - , newspaper is the surest and most wheam i kal method of sproidin; , troth and corn- - bating error; It is themes& efficient and, ,reliable catiptOgndocipileat: - run r.mayntaratonses4eramir/ Of the Gborwrri yratirtt,Viliked'efprie to the publishers. With 'ci carps of en .. . ergeticr and -talented Special Corrosion!. ants At the news centres if -- thiday; they are enabled to give;•froie day to! day, reliable and eqlartiViepatclios,7lchioh are immure Tornfil.A..ol7 l 4:in,a igzett it en a per' with the most, ente , lprialng journals.of the dui, :gag or -Meg i the same liberal outlay for early and reliable tows by Telegraph will he 'eantinu&V notwithstanding the narandthe'faerests , ed expense therefrom ,_ ! lIILITAZY - CORILBSPONDMC, 9 - 1 From the . Aney, by our OnTii;'§'peeint Cor-„ respondents,..and.from volunteer cog?* utors, shall continue to be - a prominent' and interest iag feature. ' " ''...,....-., i ....i , THE COXIMILCIAti IDEPASMIEST : „, Is conducted by one.therougklyA4ifted. to Ilirniah reliohfe reporte.et daily-Onus. , actions, from actual sales. The quotations of Produce, Cattle„Flour, Orcils, I ac., may be relied uponse the antatiY prices, from day today, thunTfieukhhik a most interesting and valuable !entire. for all clessesof reatlare; I.2'e eipensoli .spared in procuring Tetiographic:Anota ; Sons from abroad,. in dddigan `to' home reports.. • TII s aws DEP.S.ItTIGUST.• • During,the coriiiiniance of tho,war, necessarily absorb a-good=desd-ot th - S' public attention, sad '741-I)67piiiae,,,4- prominetttleat'are of the raszerza. • TUE non omit DEPA.I#II7t , Under the immediate control of the, printers, aided by an able- corps ef misiat„ l , ants, will .I)(7conducted in thatl honest, earnest, open and candid manes! , Whirl` will eoeusiend itself intelligent public The asszrrn is ~a n. i ndepenlldet.: Rerreticsar journal, bound to'ne clique,. j and contivdlod by it will,':in to editorial columns, discpes all publie measure and pubßaseorl, - withf: - that free.' don which is the preregatke of an un trammeled preinie, tariaigup 4 : ar nation's freed:iris. the: Geier= wit luiretodcw o , _stand -.kr and.. app..:ttitlt. what Kim it may,.. every : effort. of the President- to subdue this.iigantie 'and wicked *hellion; and to: ie-csktlPth a permanent Malan honorable peace., - To this end it will *drive to presents; - thi election of thews who syropathitei telth. our gtweimitenf; - end will htld;up..to racrited'ecorn and igeeniiiiy . these Secret. synipathisara.,with - treason who wduld, , l either covertly or openly, tieekleiNteaken the offerarof -the President'ordtlaionati.' "THEIMASI 4./• • "11 4 41411. 0; 5 Plrotukt2 Mk.; N 2 N1WW 164 4 . ........1111. 00 44 0 1..,510g 2431ni, per its 4 4 so . • - e.hiWaik I:r"ijpe. • . Mum _ rarer mosvosp.sose,orosw.--;00:0-0:ss • •• •!•• it a o Tao -,.r 2 113 201 bob tobisboest WM% 1114111111h0 1r3...1 moos so ago elthose;sed Eviiizre Clanyre to CM Cliboillta. • 'll 00 An .bstrumotdr *Awa k. 2,1,11 W. " fhb pops= to 61 otenidl2./30.tir"Ilmi Mir to *Ma tbey tteropild. -Zertattozatt by =au tab tr roch4r.4 Pab.; Apples lektplaitik C. • CAD 11Ek.S• r'Uli.9 I Win' An 10:89E8' gatif I Err WitqLESAtal AHD arriakikg mcgoarl - kpg.ii,,-. ,xi inioDniß. ,•• —••• • %.,•• hhde N. O. Saws - eo Oslo $051410a. o:lldOsirst • clostseragn Tsu; • baton assomd Pubis so Clpkr I/panel, Sefton Mao Lent, Kittle -11.n&mt **4 * Piping no* at Loads Incur Lieu, Emma. cad La data, NM arrl,44 at , AIaDONALD& 1.., • AILDUCIMaj t<", 212 +.1244 lawny stn.t.. Ira .2131.11i.SililL' Lnt a 1 Tor ado fts ddt 1M a" BRLIEL "1! Amu Poe% Cria.od rtchnielvedssa *en)* - • c•i• • RLTXXII - Meta= sal W • • - - IMO ;6: , - :i B . l .odtaititis:#l4oprodA t • ireist 4,ogasPO • MALM:6 - 4L itioditi4 a Lskety GRA.P : * - Wavb.Rffri.% :4-4 sbceg es Meta " burnl: 5 . Wstrtt q niarstftrarrat" A. 61111:: isT AItIBIRTELAND DR& 110918.1174 strarzavras, is 1111* • : i ri - 771 • dir;?-14t 4 9 , 1.. • S.'s' .T.-lit TirisairtZt—cod4sis t foUlttadobteite• lopt, and sts paw= to ba ae ost.qoccftned:.. , -atzth -.. sr; .r.i. 4 pi; . o't.iriccr- bilieiCiaettai4 of ell ,-,_ ft..' . 241 4bur:Sdlizu!ODeittamberitath• , '., iktiZal liiiii—ass iericil 1 , 1461's aliniAN of Mod ssd trawls= ts temospart of 110(kItiu, _ - Elgtith Ward•-thss imam to sin mita sad thnsk porsocu UP••PilaciaMrli 4DP el t 4 : 50 r. .7 . Ugh. Ware.:Chie Wan 14 btj'eatilni*T°L-th t Edda and esnetexouriabs ansattr".f47 3.6* ,---,, a m C.aFt!.. .' _ • . "•-• ' - - , .!•P - - ".'.` - "..-- ieb — Zaccitabin 4 - 4.auwalolittfie,..m.u. :41. , y , ;; bur Clibelloani arlivratentattentor tkin - 0nnuen474: , ,,e4--, : _ ••. At tba s erectinti ta•bsield sa nin*E4 1 :57 11 * 63 :: 1,7 .. - 44 ' ,••• ~..th• Kb AKOWAtinsa7--L.D:4384,y•:. ,F,-. z.-P ~,:7: PThe elnetornottUW.SinmiranVifffi tale at -Oar . -:-. , 4-_,,....;,. aton &boor flown tarn iii d .. - • ••,. - • .-..:' -.--:::-, , L . ?„..v., 1.. , lanialnennes at tincSatnot li - Ant: , *lll-:Vorkat ale„ - ,,-;,,, ••,,,, , .1 PabilaAcliontannas In add a1u5t. , 47 , , _, ,•-•,- .•. •:::, .: ~.. , :• - •,21.411,:tan ognninntelant Ibirrati Wail in Ufa • ' , L' ~;•%; 32aLlb of Mitred of Omit drett,btlettVe t ace 246 ;,,:.,:, ..'4 ,, V , .. - Itif old wit* WM taw at tbt , baniirof -, W -11 1.5,01;fi.,•... ~ ,,..t: ~ =Oa CaritnnoCancth Ant ilnilthAlbtit*U . ' ~-.....- -, p,- ..„.,..."..--_-„. Th* electors of se numb of 160 VAlrdlirend sr lAti • ~, ;!iiir - „, Innnik lad 1414.0 r ems itnnitr.tnint prenthnt Ne: . -,2 - ; : , ;, 1 ,, ,... 1 / 4 ,..,,` ftnirrard;Vltirrt,:titanpobol4_,ll,r.,.:•. .2A,; • 'lli elintaftf‘ tie - north -,Argd.vutiFt ' t..0 ,1, , ,, :::_ , „! ~tql • PAW loot tiontatteddruw -' 1,, , --;' i , ~ 'll ~ , - 1 - ;;Frh`; -.mrtb .Thatiertnnratsnar £ii nelk of-41nA,V1,114:1410 rim _ :7 ,,,,, ~,,:,. craLiianial" gagt irrinte, at :t#or 2411:404!.EC0 . 5t4 ~ ,i : 141.0 The electoniat in nnsfdintitkinitlr _ Au nes; . - Li.1 . .:- , 4 1 - ,.ter fcyclUmuutinxitdralimasthw r et Sat E.,,, , ,, q.:',litS. - . 4na 101 d VA . 1, 1 ,111 T?to. Ltd:Public. • tan ' ,- :,' 9, , ,, ,1t ic , ''''' Tbn electors of Aion..filictiLliii4Mir:Toto ai.tr0..1.::-- Publics e lec t ors Um}, 11. -,..leard.r.4'=, =,.... Tha electors WM& *emit, Vranrallk "de 4. ea .._:, . , -Wt*, :Pnbliolghool,Hanne ta-Anti•ArnEd. 4 .> t, , ,, , - -.' •F__ ~:••-. ...,...&. This eleenns of An, EfAhdi NArd,w4l . linin at -tho" , 4 , , i;Wit-V Public . Saito"t riottit In suld - irtraA- , :i :,-- s • r , ~....,,,,, ,_ , k . TharleetcraketAbsillUktteeinzi .: 7" . m.** at tzt,, , : , : f .. ~.,, „ . . .til,„ :Patin Behontlionan in nald'iratd,_;.,". ,-- ••;. '• = . --,, •L',::: ;:iP ;.%.41yenAndartatInuni-aralllnandii ' 1 3 1, '„ . 'l'" ~ 1 : ofilingmtgb. tlp44th dkr of 44,nenabncrAtzi:4; Inn% ~ ,!-^•-:. ".... '..,,,,. delttan' -• ,• ' - it. 6 : I3 AW,TEIIan.;XATW .. --- TAKELQI4 I ‘ ' railL . „,,----4- SI -,..4 ... Et ' boater-a .- r a ilurse vettnyguit.rar r n lm mtaz - f4 •4 t..... -.11- P.-.. vebendocm Imo. Mal irtra.., 4 eigi'f" — ri • ...- .. ' CS be !palace , / &Pa 11.6"maZ: IdtVie"gaet”, tt .0....u.r........--„,„ p d0e....„_, .i.l,at: i. Engin., lak 7 - -7- ~, Izurlds oft:lth pullmax 7 — ‘..,„..~..-• - &wit:Mier fitformiftnlet ..,„,...0.1.1:15‘12 ..._..,, .. ... parka IthatehlamArebeetada I..tv .•,,,,,, imor them tasaysreaatible ltsocipie, &ebut _ ... 7. , ...AA' Eloss&lsterans' Todd* .11 DlthxroB4l-_,, , .. •—• %,-,,~ lent bilaancia toteiPtSf "I.o,bis. • ..' +• ?,,.. W , . Ifimalchtedly - • •.10Witar STEMMA, ••., 7 ~, , . 47 , . - 7• ,-,, .-- A "neaßroadVl".ftrion, • ,••-.-:;• T 4 ,-.1, ire,..k.bx.drubotic4:44.lKrinr -.-- ,ct t 474 • , T 'lla S a Vr. same- 1. tbs t es:o4 _ sottsehm ;# 214-444111-- . .... , -.."-: sits USD *Mutton of MAW "sad Suez illr girm.bon.untortX,..l- epa w togetherwith to tb•Anallsts . . , A. asp, oftWaso.suld;•A:B= • bi.c.wr.,_,--..„__-_ h- est .. . _ ..., .. ilw , pliftbargts. aisle.. Louts.detanaftwo tt to_butbo MOSS 'lsull,gcSet- - abli goy woe ktiosa.wootows , _g_st . • _ ._, , ?.. sues f.m It bAss - stow" 1" l b i lus . C 1... , . ..,...,, •,. p Ithat-.Ws Aaerso U io tW ° s A A b * d r M at l a " t d b without asrvdbr sg..w.d,waofns-U.,.*W*i.r.crho.,t * uyotidswsbyQr 4 a ,, , ,,, a4 i „,..: j . 5! . Imut l l n t ,Pf . .)ll,ll;!: PPIrPa-, ...,e. - __ - 4. br,,,, brh.. .d.„. -.t - imu. x1i...i.4.0""..-ft.i.b.,...._.....!,...v."._.:4 ' ' • '.. '-',.-2- -.1- ' ,...r iii .. * -1 6icoclisi:.: . ' ..- ., - - -, ' l r _,...zroaifuoossrternagr, ..._ . _.:i fraTckAtattawatii.:saktit AAlNtiee ) * O ff bilifitcl .45 1:4::31:11,:4,0,441106 !.." • "' • . t•• • •••,.' • - .e* • • .V44ll,4o4,::TifideAMatokef • I iith• *tar arbir . "l4 Xi* oistkvaligir:hArie iiabafiriiiiategaisito wit baits " _ . llfyttift titkAtiii6 AAA:I . 4II6A or 'UllnialliftlindiThll#ol2ooDS. man or imini.42lD. er4iniguatm,- Lika' . tit'A Or ' Atod ea. wow - Rica 13 IA Cady. .1. A. IsAtoaoi.the Nature. Ttalumitt a> a - 104 mr• B=l.. 47, Staled Thakets Ilatoltemarf Ektrotal LAS UtpAllatetaa to libustipmgn t lty iramtwayv,Ftar.pt 241 pr, }4.- • malt -.lkrai "Abtrelltarz. . Ccunrwriy. te 2,..Zirsthot. At it* "(hies book, . ...A &MI Theitsuut o thaferrts." we; ralao asto , llinttdopo, to pre.DAid,ca reeek4 of stattnethe two potter. Praisqtk . DB. 1 01.1. 7 .1. CALLUM reek Poirt. •••• all'AP424l6l' Epki----amat. ,4;-:,..,•t,„,-..,..i.. • i - rt.: . ' ---- - c a: . 54 • - aaeott -, „.ATA. A ,: - 4•• TA1L1101% , .........1111% -Mtre -.......-- wiled. dai . Mr ETU{ al* MUSING,: mi 10 "!..!,!, aalttqf Ow. UT ..att,/,4 0 ,44 to Valk telnaiTiMlLV* ,- . 14 ' y e —Ai - ----_,..............._...t.,.____ ...t „ Citis.an'lntairsor t ett, Dirrin chinammtuar, :twisaishable ti. IC:1;4 -obiAltsiintaank psh isimarti , onv . .AfekeigaWritiii, • 1 EillG)7` •.shieran--> - 4 10,141, , Pfek.S rian i '; •. s qpi• • - • I whi zstor i ttferai ~: a: .^ • • Oilt 0.1.901046414i1ir AZIMISL 1.7•14 • 1 141.114 W r i.: ciiiik:4lfg • • . 4 -e.toro • =EEO