The daily Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh [Pa.]) 1863-1866, December 17, 1863, Image 2
'.'s; , 7'"' - ' 4 4Ti- - -'Aiirtitts l4, . C = l t ' ' ,744"! ' — P ' ' ..ii, pit! burgirj„' :6.1)*-` 42141413 Sitata x+.'17,1883. ••• ow:eftrThkaly:= - - - - A- itailiiii 14 "Me -4 e , 72'..4 ....a...„... - " .- of ''",, . •- '— , ihfiaity ........ tae 01 14g_ gm." AO , 0... - ". . tip ,„ at 4--" t ' nark: - tom names 1114-0.2161/' ---- " - s i ! z, Aille-AniPag: t 14 1 41 t..,.. p"" d id ae . 161 a :4 "rrr ~._.., n,l -;,'..oiii'ogit-1,3 .4'4..-foigle,i4.ll" yr "' 6 lariat-FOWL t 4 A thrilttnlo4 , -Otir, MIS "ipic tAb.o , , .. n:', ,),,.. 1 ., .., — 55 .- g - saliCaiellailusute ~ - " " r-9 ar of Alm gattatblvhich " . -...1 - Loruse..CM . - bi If 4,10 _,M2I-11.64... -' with 'podia IpT atm .---.-- iiilla him. -- aiikawa as a '4--.' - elected him.. a ,:,.-.,thatilla,ll2°- i asi-i-Acuaiiatiti.bovadirill -z.'`Xieitill-laill . • put lfire7 °r our --,-'-iigla."4l4ld• -- -.--• - , Idifi6iedecititr. ' '''" - t o for ' - , -Y°SVAI . cen iT.l°4 B4 4 1 :^, X ll, . . . ~. pug that reaP°°' . .14 eit, 5,1121171,11) '7.... ' ' ''' 'bblkllnCitr:tbitAO: tifi4eitil, to the en '9i4lll4*tr9 Wirfdri ontegtateots. - He is ..ttlidAtilW:llMistitztd: meat : yea,ected silt Seininiftitritha cond.:IMMO and esteem of 010 *** l 4. Mceartioc istsv(llo,4ginditbste for IVlo3lbrri*tilitilidatileatho responsible Ono testa of two „jeers. The emanimolui raitoirdnation of Mr.Biohbamn, for a third term, and Mr. lifttt for bie`seeond,ia tho Likhat cont-' 1 •4 1 11,.. .044Vthe ,EktPit4 r ould.:Ponfor ,iippitke MO yliblM ip son ants. The entire tteket'i.Aiibempmed of good nont. their elections beyond alldonbt. We .theNforWleo .11#0,titskM,atthe head of oar iMingra fe - Cho - Union Ircrtirkirifilpeit uttsisoGcn Relief of Freedmen. rZittr:Treaderw; Wre ' no L Apubt: eware that - triitehle being done by different cceicsiasti , cal cioniwationiand other roluntary Atom : GUM* thritak . ninelioration . of the moral, epirituafind-phiraleai- condition of the freedisioide of the South. The United Pres ' bAtirien Church hes organized a special ,12,1i31147.20111111thar .to thli-Ptersimen," o which f Mor /WO:M. Mr:aa, of Allegheny, is Co responding gisiietary, end bskalready aeni anti laisei.iitunberntribssaMiries to ' 4 Viakonys and other localities- , It still, also bo remembered that the Be,: Dr.niiccii:o . , or th is city, in accord nee with the'spritttnent of - the Synod of his chusli, had solintoesiaw with the Pres 14ort, Itrul Beerotary of Wke,...on•the subject mai dine storingtho past iniiamer,alengthy report which, and of the 'field generally, was parodied at the . - time in some of the Afkillal;l**L...' in _addition_ to these, titerbliti Dien cigal#lll Philadelphia, "Tna Picsprericautc iismossm's 'per 'itilectsTroi," - which is - entirely =sec- OM= in Art eilFerliery and has ?centred the emotion of the• kresidcii and the Wait; We were towered with e. ykdt yesterday from J. Miller 1 klardt_ ' IN Esq., Philadelphis;:f.he Correa- PeOINC igharliarT of theArwkhr ti o rl, who rAt'erti the Senthweit, to explore "allaandeacertain the condition of the there. *roped ne .•, le'"of iidisdelpitia are thor and are leetegarts orclgistiscia the wants of these the aubscription hook we the names of influential • of 'Brotherly lore," ittaelnkiangine from, hundred dollars. nidaliiind. resolutions, .4niiiii-coneMA Eta, Phil fde4hitt, gof thei34 7ultimo, . Rt. ;fin - 13ismir Parma pritildedeWMViresCnernederaflorao idea of ariticiiiiirlfilends in the Foutira pgtic'S I,l4 . Btate hays taken bold itarreirtt matter -- • beue 'raja* Asa Wed la- I terSli Sbasstilshlylalsi harebells wash , Nu, of the rlb.:lewd blacks• la dwasalsc.... l the H. ....101A lSsalwrwhern sad- whew..., os of the mast peesei. She e• tieftlealSlNl Sh ..mutputstr. adroit of ao poet posteseure ma le would be , plainly warew scalhls to &mad of • flOyestacauids • col husakwar, gaits haw* and alkulties to wowed With stsCiPillle,Stad sasipactolo—tl.-4' should w ;so= CM Wino burdswof the support szkel sasaars -Yost Wats %sees , swop* thsnfors, Zwardelhatall datum of the . Gaited Stew, and eleit:A"treelk7"bleelds tt?'&=l24rathele P".n.Z =let elitalat teetesdiste priest so .., ,, simassa. Testae asenittlet aline ir= es„ 41111111=st i rcI t t l f m 1 0. at . * of chwaxas 11' lot aillels ad ewe tO ...-; . ..L - bo v asillisiibilattneekr l = 23l " wheili their orslimacif.tim4 ibls felSelsatialikf ~,"41.1114.04.42WhibsSallet sad probabts dontsca of which - sow maks ttkeLppeial to -11 K-1111151111430100114 beel, tit salLOsS4wat t or, too amdraq. my Sawa that it should bo !prod- do. l 114. orfwalioa iralW - 4 =lwet we rr sexestediab city. so b lot l' oTlho: 0 . stas,Of .Ww•weeS actfingreb.,,C.ra welchetoll %:'os4cgtuNbr•"ritXikYV-cesfsatry;. • r. g .,=l.rattdmkraz7=7: She lassa of --illalhadrapa of As CUP of =should •fssfuflesslacl , icttb 'Mgr s ix fiterauty !111114rbotrollwrestrtarocketlret ootrt. trattoottacterbtaltloeusartheiterwma rem ow" —,tessark-ters thstt figtsyrrt . „__ OAT!: 476 - el rd - : - • • - ono-thir d hed cribed vcail""ieeisub° iu '*4ll t - t ' lisioldi kiti4*i4 w :. -•:--,,ititiii.,..„......„...z.$ • . f,.......4 -'41%-ati,in" ,, , no ' oh t° •.' tvezau..,g.."to .....-7- weirfre hot ''''':;*,,''' " ' iitltcsd_,.... that- P"a , It'-- , .. 51 _.skrqs(4, oat tr.'"".s,s, -antsyl wilt 414, _. ' - - .74 the 1/1` _ iirabun4 0:1 • end dar -., , ...t. rhari I-, •-aerot•l ' 1111'4. '-' Illefok "Ur" f.''''':"tobrit.4igi;iiiis fieP i -.:Ay 443:',: -''....irsuk. • 'F!. 1ia4,14 tm o r Ine '-` ' belll/"*. le hn3th with 4 the it+lll th,... in -P 44 - tia)rahzbg 'nt • '''' ' 'iliee,.. de- net - mo``M! la At° ' ' ' tb° twn tramp .. " UPI v).oPera .1 -41.P21 ' 'inl , NianY'' exigen h ; pre - • MK —Agalt I cOttfli/ of 1 iii.A4_,,•--- —440*44„....4. gl , _l,-tl'lßk mons 1 Min '94; , ,r-- vawaang, inutst ;",l4lool?lU47`-ar.,&„,„,l,ffi` .. Ai l- ti toil or L-= - Inand_ , , it,..'4404-_,..77-.AtatiFt; fain ' it to :-:,41040-4r- 4 •- - Itor iitaf,r , - „, . rates 611" i is an ita,,' o:4l' Seal/i.e ' the g°Tcrn Abdr- tslhea — 1411'',. aid t !anis geos pr f . -Let .49.44'ir ... , -101-tger- 'cldigaicapla. ---- r -- 5 „ Err ista_______,.....tx. -- --- .3.3tlvs ti ' surtf,A,z--,-, ~ , is,iiiiir "Is 0 33 Pgeigigyd ..4L ipm - iii -trt iAbep 4 7 ) e •-•:,- ~.. --.' araraintial,,, Ths, If - i ',.. Iled Ittap-IO J? - '-, ..,- AP) NENE , 7 . ze .- 111ao 2 I' l 83 , sites 'Penes" rfilie .2,01-„, • • ring the last fiscal Year the financial condi • 'ton - of - hll - Department - has been - one of 'ol,lnnballlnstiorify. The revenue has nes rly Angled the_ expend:titmice, —the- latter amounting :A $1,1414 - X6,84, and the for inertosl.l,ies,7o,a,69--- There; to goodies' son to believe that the Dr oath:Cent skill be selfaustainingin starlet period of time. The whole number of poet offices ezintivg, on the 80th of Jane, 1863, was 20,648, being en' i12C11480 913. 410 . reading year of 172 ' tight lainidred and" thirty Ofseeehnieboon established, and 658 have been discon tinued. The number of &pedal agents on-June 80th, 1854, was sixteen, vial an aggregate salary of $26'800, end 887 room agents, et an aggregate salary of $288200; also, 45 local agents, at $27,932. Baggagemastagt is charge of express merle, trove received $7440. The total cost of trans:Al ami d moil steamship service was $832,18180. This price petered 182 round tripe to serous European , ports.. • The Postmaster General regrets to state that no progress beelinee made in -tar gods tioae fee I new postal co nr.ntioo with Pruuie. 'embracing the States composing the Oirman-Austrtan Postal Onion, on so! count of some obstanle presented by'lthstris in regard no territorial transit charges. Ile renews his recommendation On March 8, 1862, to the postal committees in Con , gress, thatall private Alps departing from the United. Stalk. for foreign ports should be requited, tee. saoadtt do ofelearance, to convey malls on snob terms aa may be at lowedby Congress. Daring the year the increased length of routes has been 5,685 miles, but the annual oast of mail transportatlini has decreased $118,258, or about 2 percent The seine of stamps leane d to, postmasters during tholes! . Is' $9,682,862; stamped let ter envelopes, $784,821, and stamped new!, paper wrappers $20,645, -The total of these bold to this puldle irtla $9,24,520- 62, being a:tenure over the, previous year of• $2,714,897 78. --Tee Postmaster Genera:Vsnews his lot fears T essrameridasloo to Coogrees to au• tliorize him to adjust and allow the claims of the poetmestera who Wive sustained looses of stamps snit stamped envelopes "by rev erts of the ocoupetica eta robbery of their offices by bodies of armed roes," These claims thus far presearrl amount to about $6,000 as ally attention Sloo to the foot .bet these poems tern base *oilseed greatly to the lose of pri's'e portty. He ngursts addition.' 14,,tialation IQ re epos, to pool. Lift.° theme, arid retonkcirDde that tbe reali of -lettere and stamps to made • petrel offoorso. 111 C DEAD LIMIT. I 011•106.. There bee been a continued increase letters coutaintn moci sag other Taloa [lee. Toe uunibe g r or J ri d lettere cavalries deede, billsof exohauge, drafts and other valuable papers reemieed, registered, and _returned 1 . 0 delivery to the w niece, was of 8 322, with au agerege , necuthat vsthe $1,644,277 51. Of these letiete7,7l 9 wcrs delivered to the owners Lstlers registered and limited, containing money, numbered 18 219. 01 theme, 15,048 eontsining $83,827 72, were fioally detie end. dint...a thousand ven hundred and six ty-three lent ire of Ices Totem Lave been re solved, nearly 1,000 of which cimitii End dagnerrootypee,, and were received and registered; 8 273 have been restored to :he initers or enders. The Postmaster General reeommemie that • postal money-order ey mem be thtablithed to feiollitste the tronsmiseion of small nuns tbroujh the mane, which be le coLlil.nt would prove not only a great convenience to thither' and dilates, but w 0 Ad almost entirely obviate dbe lcas of this clues of re mittances In regard to lintels addreesed to pelmet In the rebellious States; the Postmaster General says: • By reason of the continued suspension of regular pical communication with isectiows of the country under theor rectio2ary control, a considerable number of letters, amounting la the neer:gate to 23,314, found their way, by various than• sage, to the Bead (either Office. Of thie number, 3,312 were of foreign origin, end were returned to the.olontnee where they originated. Those uelgilleting Id toy.: States were turned over to the military_ authotitles, and, after ixsininatloo, moet of them sent by deg of (root to their dead nalite2' . The Postmaster General has isstruced Itestoth tere to forward to the Dead Letter Mee,,otal ecces, nil letters remalutsg noolaimed one month after bring lideertistd, iosiead of two months as fur morly. lo orroolettioo, he oaks the ecneelferatiot or Congress to the roTised oaf° of torte eubmittkti by biro ot the lan settotoh j obteo La hosicq • divot of eliottog pumell 18,1 Department of Report. Agriculture— Abetraet of . , The interests of agrioub acre bare tint IL S. 4,oriall buffered in the loyal. S.aieb in con sequence of the ear. :three are nor, hag boen cultivated, and a larger yit ltl • re ceived Ilan in any previout year. Tor, great staples for 1663 comp ice with 1852, se follows: 1 Wheat, b05h._16),V)3,666 U"imut, bu5ti..1111,663, Oats, blab 172,303,1 W Oats, ba5h.......174,805, 16 9 Corn, bruth......666,764,414 Curat:lsub-...449,163101 nor, tom :.....- zr,,tKer,ood. iray,-ton. —... 13,560.000 Tobacco, lba...o6l,slo,Ms'Luton,. 1b5....253,412,43 1Cool„ 1b5....- G.i,e14,1:0 I Wool, 1bi..... 79,4G5,_1, The diversion of labor by lite'wer in corn• pensated by cuicbtnery, by young men growing up aad by immigration. The Department bee bought Information from all sources; among others, by o irreg.. ponderiee with Agricultural Partner: Clubs, toe more rotted form stain at a hieb is 1660.111:411 ad eJ It is lingered ',bat a system of obber ration on the weather, to'be dally;reporied by telegraph, ce put iu operation. Eleedeleave been *anted In large quaoti ties. Several bundled tunnels of choice wheat and' other cereal grlicie, and 'ATOM) ta01111•Lld dollari worth of eeede twist val uable for field and garden mture, remind log dower setae,. were imported drool lio.. rope.- These and. liaal.llllo -1100 tes were. truly distributed; 1 500 6usbels Of cotrou seed were &Do teeth; Weetern ferthera, and tobacco aetd in s t reatquanntlee The *hole number of . paektigcs thus distributed was: . !,boat ir 20 0 00, .. .4bsel;icety thousand ware quart paokagte of wilted., etc • 950,': 00 garden and •flower reeds ; 120,b00..L. bawl, 'nil the remainder outtoo, flax, &a. .. The propagating sod erptrimental gar-' den bas distributed daring : Et , the Tier sb, 25,000 artioles— vines, bulbe, Correspondence bee beettese lcd on coo- earning vines end vineyards, atid4aluable facte.colleorod.:_Ssnething bak been done: toward establishing epecimen &chortle of: the best finite lo iliceuato the'Aeetmodee of culture, &a.. A tizOmical salvation - end mat= is also desired; ' Pecilitira ebookl.. lat supplied for comp:tilt% tartar% mole and methods of atitivation, emelt sox ;Molt and thin heeding; the effect of draining and iiibtet Modes„ &Li. - Additional - appro• 1 rialtos are aektd for glees oonstrvato. 1 ties and propagation Louses. Land sough, , wanted to teat the various gest a e,gcaseee i and seeds—the practicability of growing - 1 different medicinal and textile piano, &a. Attention hoe been given to entomology, an experienced entatiologiet enployed, and , his collection placed on . ablation in the 1 Departmentralec. Ma ailltotion of . too 1 elmiles of all Ovando of the country, and a complete -herbaria= - 'Store entice il wanted ' forebears and other i ptrpoare of the. DiparttienL Congeals,— het: ' Betelss . ; 'appropriated $2OOOO for investigatioacanto the culture .0 'prepsratiarreV liar "tiod'heMp all .s subelltnot tarsals°. ,A; report of 'omits haviatter. catitiule abroad hire be en applied to:nnd 1 bars provitirta call and ploilie,.and IVIIIII vralusbleintormation,-- . :- ;. , , --' The rapeadtinvi: item 016cliiitall er 1802; te the2oli finfeab ? , .4o, twi , purium*atioils4l3 l ;fil o,l easingin naxpeaded , balsaca of `A6.poropriatio for thee sitat /iai; ail diiiiina:llo, "'ll J, ~%853,02,, ---MOncrealmr*pprigais. Oat la renPadddiOnt fiethiiiidnittlear. - 4 , 1 -, ii; ed44-741%rt-thalital tinikainoo, tleriedataglY fitgeialia*liiiiithin letration Ist IntAAfitit cntetest e1:0946 .Iki'% OW nrunifiql. t. Tie:l4,l • , - Repeat of the Cenrosilieletibiofthe Get,- General Lentil:Hike. "4.—iffn report of tbe.tus...VM.. Mantas, Comeolasturier of the General Land Office, is a volumicous end important document, containing a greatamouat of ra:uthle and ioteresting inforutißion. am principles laid doers' in this report, with reap ci to the policx to , pnrialed. Fri regard to the pohlinlatide, ler 46)11 like occasion to re, TErrbere.fitter.„ "At - present we confine our a efifclials of facts and tranaso &loan of the Commissioner's office, some of '.which are tai!siv4i.crti4tutied in our T) tr oO go of she valuable report of do 8-cretsey of-the Interior. . Tito segregate quantity of - unsurre3 ed lands offered, troeffered and andtiposed of, on Sept ao: 1863, woe 133 487,495 sores, of Which 83,265619 were offered, and 50,221; ''576 neoffeteci .The Cemee',IISIOLIPT reeom meals legislation that re preemption be recognised in which the ectiltment is not continuous, at least (or the period of one year, upon outdated lands, from the date of Detilement, ood that settler,' upon Alitoffereci Modeles rCquired to prove and pay up Within two years from the dote of settlement rico in me nde dm tit e- Rome- Mead ltot'be no amended - theit'pardes en tering the landaelotll pky the fall commis , sten to the reglater and receiver when the entry is mode, inaleail of ab d y ly paone regale half at the- lime of ears, an the when dm foutl certificate is issued, at , The end-of five }emit. Under the military .1ava.38,960,48 0 scree have been entered. The following States have. aotepted the Agricultural and Mechanical College grant: ' lows Kansas, Michigan, Minnesota, Wis. cani?n, Rhode filand, Illinois Kentucky, Vermont Ne ' York, POllleilT !LUIS, New Maasselinsetta, New Elampsblre and Connecticut, absorbing 8,750,000 acres. Under grants for railroad pupates o f 1856 and 1&17, 12 758,845 acres have been lib embed by. lowa, Michigan, Miasots, Wieconsio, limit's, Alabama, Id leabiai ne ppt and loubdatta. Under the swamp land sett, 44 528,835 aorta have been approved to the Buttes. Sinect last report, 3,187,817 sores of land beie been ordered sold, yincipally in the Wtetern Tepitoties, Ilichigan and Kamm. The President's Message hi Canada. "The Toronto Globe, probably the ablest of the Canadian journals, opens he comments on the President's message in the following words: The great Southern 'rebellion is on its lastiegs. It may last six months or a year, but it is not to be disputed by any fair minded observer that it is dying. The fall of Richmond and the flight of Jeff Davis I and his 'Cabinet cannot be far off. The Globe thinks Mr. Lincoln does not folly set forth iii his message what is to be done with the South when it is conquered, but his present movement for the pacation of the South is of the "pegging away - or der. "It is not strictly logical, nor is it comprehensiverbut it may achieve a great success." The Glebe thinks the Southern people will soon be ready to take the oath after their armies are subdued, and though some fierce spirits may long hold out -they will be regarded as the Jacobites in Brit ain, who, even within the present century, have refused to take the oath of fealty to the Ilanoverian line. There will bo corn motions and rumors bf commotion!, a*reat army will be needed to preserve order, and the expense will be heavy; but in the end Mr. Lincoln,! "pegging away' will bring the Southern people to submit to what is _ inevitable.- The Salt Interes!. The changes in currency and high vand on salt has given a fresh impetus to its man ufacture in the west. In Siganaw Valley, Michigan, where In 1560 no salt was made. they pow manufacture I.Ao,ctoo barrels per annum. The fabulous profits already made are creating quits an excitement amongst cap italists. Lands that two years ago sold for $lO per nerd aro now selling from $2.00 to 00 per acre, and the quality of wood used in the manufacture of salt and lumbar has more than trippled the value of timber lands. company has recently been or ganized with a fee simple title to GO,OOO acres of land in the Saginaw Valley and viability. The purchase wan made almost three years ago, previous to the saltdiscov. cries at a nominal pride and has recently been perfected. The company is hoown as the Ssgina.vr Valley Land Salt and Mineral Company. LARGE Rem. or Renzi Mosar.—The De troit Tribune says that several packages of rebel money, amounting to Vu0,0130, were discovered on the sth instant floating' in the Detroit river near that plate. The notes are neatly engraved, but are believed to be counterfeit. A letter found with the money says the writer was a rebel officer who had escaped from Camp Douglas, Chicago, and had vainly tried to escape into Canada from Detroit,As a last resort the money was seatteri in the hope that it might Christ lead to a search and his remains have a ian burial. The letter concludes as follows: "Oh, God I forgive me for my crimes, and more than all to my, dear country. I pray for the noble old flag, that so proudly waved over the fort this day, as I sal near, resole- IngraTibture course. Oh. God I again for -give. me for m, course, but I em resolved. _Farewell all that is near and dear to me. • 'The Unknown Officer itr tAe Cotlitkrary: " Gus. BASIL. is MATAMOSAN.—After the capture Of Brownsville, General Banks paid an official visit to the American consul at ItilLSMOraS. The MexiCSSS, having previ ;finely learned of his intention to do se, de tided to giVe Lint a public reception, of which we find an account in the !hem . Or leans 71mm- 'A deputation was dispatched to invite him to the public hall. The mili tary wore parnded, a. salute wan fired, and all the enthusiasm of a gala day was mani fested. Speeches were made by Sri. Ar gues, Cortina and others, expressing their qmpathy•with the Federal cause - in the Gaited States, and their belief that the re sult would be favorable tathe cause repre sented by General Banks. General Banks replied, hoping that Mexico would come out of her present troubles triumphantly; and after a great many mittual expressions of friendship and sympathy the party adjourn ed to the otheOof the Ameridan consul. Ting PREPAILATioN or Via NATIONAL Con reran of the Controller of the Currency contains the fellowing paragraph: The work of preparing the national circu lation tea been attended with unlooked for delays, but it is confidently expected, after the banks already organised are supplied, which will probably be accomplished within the next two months, that alto associations Will be furnished ivith. notes within thirty days from the time bonds are deposited with theVressurer. Contracts have been made with the Continental and American, Bank- Note Companies 'for engraving the plates for the 55,.510; :SO, and $lOO noter, and the printing of the fives and tens has* been Comineneed. The delivery will loon folloirr, and through the banks the people will soonbo put in possession of the much desired currency. Tan Baltimore papers state that on Fri day's man llama/ Evans Dorsey, whose ex ploits on several occasions in destroying ceittda points on the .Baltignoie sn4 Ohio isiiroad are well known to the officers of that company, surrendeiel himself ,to the military authorities near the fitonocacy on the ground that the Toone proclama tion. of President. Lincoln precluded him from being punished. 'the officers, however, took-a different view of it, and be is now in Fort Dielleury awaiting an examination. Bruer ens Tie Fnernitas.--Tho Botton Troarerips• gays that seven thoueeind.dollars worth of shoes, etoekinp, and of warat,oloth leg are already on their tray to the Western conatiOsion, - for'. the relief of the freedmen nf 'Valley, ; Tha aro . of E r nglieb manufaettire, captured in eilloeloadornmser and designed PI ode friendefor tits: relieLeoldiers. • ;•-• - ; . :Utz-Eng Joiniide , l i itidielt the Mr respondence between Ipuis_fNapolmmind the. Government, in , regard Mr the proposed Gong:read :The :Bmporbrbtgto his, letter to the Queen with "Madam, ray . Astir," Vid "Madato;tViir slstety ratt hiti . n . Imihroth er, "lives teed.' - ‘` '..., Ax erselltlLWAS.A.e sc°l / 4 a valozed Mattis • i '. w y ,, w ,; ,p.;.~tw*~.~~; 77 .I)V' VERTERFoier. -A. - 4.rizotr, litaulaccollia, Ohio, aril de li ver - Clean - e in the FIRST SIETRODIST PRO I ESI ANT CIII3IICP, East Ocala.. A iirchtuy, on THURSDAY Es Elt• IVO,Decembt-r 17. h, 1643. Salrcti—" Our Country fn I'n.pberyt tea Nankin and Destiny" Lertarr to commence at 7t4 mitt. Fr, reeds f.•e te.nett of Sabbath fichord. de17:11 • wd.till Vtive Republican ratan err aald Wait, win meet at the SANS lionsc.on Saturday, December 19, at 7 o'ehrit, p. in, to malt+tt candidates for Nun nil/rind Ward °Mom, and elo t one Jude and too Inepcctont, to hold a prhuary in.-ding- on Saturday. D cc. CC, tatereen the haunt of 4 and 7 o'clock, no put hi nom notion candidates for City and Ward afters. JARED M. 1380411. JOHN Pll ILLIPS. Couttattlea. P{l.o,r if.i DIU. Pk. I o, N HO Foorth 64<te, PITI.PIIO7/. Pa.. D. 15, It,C,. ELECTION BY PARENTS.— ~,- r. owi., to the lot that the time for bearing ellen% nou•rosident., them and., or over age,'and examining mum of tronifret permanent physical dis ability, rapine on Dec. 20th, the Board of Enroll want will not beer cum of Election by Parent. he ron WEDNESDAY, Deo. Aid, at 10 o'clock, ...K , a all such applications will be considered in the order they ere alai. Where one of the eons is enrolled In another districts, the applicant must produce a otr- Monte of that fact from the proper Dowd. 1 By curler of thu Board of -Enna:roma; I.IIEIION POSTER: Captain and Deoreot Marshal VaLDist. Pa. deli:Std.:llyr • . u•prrrsßußou sasyrelty COM ?amts. Office .uld Depothog, 59 Fourth Street, Between Wood and Market fitmots ruslocrr—TlWldAfl lIAHENVELL Bscamx.--.10 5 KP11 B. MUM Taxmitrems—JAlSES PAILS., Jr. Omarllkutlons of money and goodu utakl to& Stores sent t all parts of tits stmt Information furnished In relation to the dila and minded In the Camp. and nuptial.. • The trelea ea good donated t paid here. AddTem, VITTBIIOIIOII 61211TAILY oommirrEz. utatt WFIEE NEW GYMNASTICS AT NEVILLZ RALL.-7 be Clown aro open Ibr now member, of each Deno of mooting. LOP* HdClmtltono TUESDAY sad ITER GS, at 7X n ro , LotU ozol CDIIdronTRIDAY, NYRDNESPAT nod SATURDAY AVITRI4OOIi B , at 8 o'clock. TWO., In OJT/A. Fur Adds. (num of twenty leatona:-.5 6 00. For Lads and Flames, . For canamo notirtt . . . . Tint Werth 3 9[ P0l ofnters a the Tint Werth Allopheny, am Mein. to most in WASHINGTON HALL &s -hore street, En SATURDAY EVENING Nxrr, 1V h fret , at tack, to graggest Stlitoble condi- Wee to be von. for el the Primin7 Bloeitoge, mllod for me -Loth imtent._ li7 neistsot of dethtd AI ANT VOTITHS. reetot.or rut Cternxe Immature Do., Pitnburgb, Dec 11th, ISa. V WEND NOTIOE.=-rho Pro*. Urea and Directors of Otto Compny ban tills day declared a Dividend of POCK IHKI, e to Uto XitS PER SHADE, free of S. Tax, pays bl btockboldore lortalts. deldler SAMITEL USA Secretary. Orrica or mix CIITZ6II Issmaaam Co., Pittobargh, linh, WS. I , AN ELECTION OR TO IRTEEN DISECTIAS T ins COMPANY to wan during the ensuing year, Hill be held at this attioe on MONDAY, the2lst bM., bemoan the boors of 11 a. m. and 1 p.m. deleold 14/1311JEL ILEA , WIPIRST NATIONAL BANK OF a teLltnottlik T.—The Board of In:vetoes bay° U day called on an asecoasnesit of TU Per Cent. of the Cayltal Stock of Tho /Ind National !Milk of Allegheny. - payable on the Vith haat., at thy ofitca of the Stochastic,' Savings' /lank, Allegheny. deltatt T. U. NB VW, President. C'.I.VaID4TES IticeLtiNo, 01 ‘re t Y the wire W.rd, Allegheny, bo • condi date for Coroner of tlegbeuy County, ruldeet lb. derblen of the ensulog Ounall Caton Cenrention- 'THE MAYORALTY OF ALL& EMS —Copt Br.. Dame, at Ma of Emmy ultirrite, has rormeutod to permit Ma name to b atm( ea • mod:date for Ms DaDtralty of Alleeiony Clty, ol the rustling otimicipal * aktaa. 114. .10rERTIsE.WEJrrs LAttli OIL—S bbls. Winter, in star wad f,r ask by ISAIAH DICKEY t Cy. V dell Ido.CLELLAICD'et A ECTION GUNI SHOES, itt doll Mot.:LEILLANIed ArcTioN GREASK.-33 I,bls. now landing from for sale , 1 dels ISM DICE-CT& eo BASKET WILLOWS-72 bdLs. now landiug, for mleloy dsld ISAIAH DIMLY & CO. LEATHER BELTING; also, Gum Belting, Packing, Ham. Onakets bn L. atber and Meets; • large stock a 6 ys on hand it tba din liabbor Lava ef 3. H. PHILLIPS, Ia deli Nos. Sr, and:73 St. Clair erne - PINS- APPLE CIiEESE.-10 boxes lA-ache s eery choke. Jrnt received land for Bab , at do Family 0r...M1.8t0n of Jung A.RENSHAW, del; Hamar Liberty and Hand street*. R ID LEY'S STEAM CANDY.--Ju6t received, Irma New York, .n areurtment or liblity - acelobrated asserted Broken, Stick and Y. nine tires. Cosily, snorted tinker Stanek In fanny beaus and core ucork.s, toJO nate as the ramify Grocery Stt,re of 110 A. lIENSUAIV, nel7 ranter Liberty and Hind .nests..: 1W CROP FRClT3.—Londou Extxt Layer Balalo, by the round or In quarter aid halt bate; also. Seediest; natelni, f. 3. tooth% ; Can dled cluren. um.g. and Lemon Feel, .te., far &slob; MIN A. tIENSHAW, 0117 Corner Liberty and Band strain B.Eti 200 . . NE 11 - . Th. BUBUNCHAN - li LAYII.II BA ISMS ; 10.CraIle nen needless natsher. to mance* Carraraei Jo it reanival Le lIOAL LAND I WAL %.../ eat.. ti scree of goad Coal Law), Vast.. the Lit I. Paw ](III arm hailrowl. t.r price and &es . ..apply va . dell El. corn ulna /MONS Al 11a-EkEt . . VINE DWELLING ON l'Erk.N ST, YON fiALZ.—The large thme-stoti 80.1011 DWY.LLYNO, No. 85 Penn meet, below 11.1 street, is offered for ule. Prim 841,500. The borne Is well built, famished with marble mantels, gas and water. (sup yard and alley lo the nrat. Any one wishing te tee the house can enter throusb the aids gate os Penn street. 301111 WAY-Jr., te.taulpjal esewlekleyetlie P. n. TIIPODOILE KLOTZSCIL, Doctor of Philosophy, will receive • few additlenal Doyt aa lomatm with hie family, whore they will find the comforts and Le a refined family life. The pupils of his ettabliatiment will be enabled to acquit. ail the knewtedge nquialle for. commottial life, or for ad tebolon to the Calreraltlet. • Gymnastics, frequent w elks In the beautiful envi rons of Dreitn, with occasional mere dtstant ex• moralona are comidared as well educational, ea co. dual. to health mid of body. 'Dans. (Melodies 100ard,)—LEu par annum, pay•• hie gnome'''. Reference to made to the following Pittsburgh patrons boor 11. pc... 1310111 T and Joel an tothe Director of the establial,- meat, LIP:THEO. KLGTZSCII, delcove . No. 4.0 Patten Strum, Dmast.n. VINE •PERFUMERY.--Jaquig' cele .l- boated A 11113141111 Perfumery compared favorably with the most exquisite of the imported article. The following itre particularly recommended: ItONDOLISTIA, POND LILT, ROAD OXIIAN/CN. PATCHOULI, THLBET 1401311., JOOKEY CLUB, BONNY DOCKLIG. For tale by • bIEION Join:stow. Corner north and Smithfield streets. A roll amorttrient of numett ANLI XNOLISI PEILYCHERT SOAK AND PANtlti GOODS, a , way* on hailit < azr Prime to RID an. fmt3T D, n. MATES RTS, :CUT Fl,owy.its, suPEttfint PieNo rowre 0 L. FA lIALLLIT, DAVIS £ CO., BOSTOS MMIZE2IIIi3 $1250 tlvie.,!;`,',"iu.g2A W la good older. 'Mosta la resat to•nehlp, near toe city lino, ontatulng Ire TOOOIB, attlC rtca7, • good cellar. and portko at front; good aril of 00t00 at the door, end ► Jorge lot, yr Well Oill be eold upon mann able Lerma Apply to G. S. DATES, Commercial Broker, dall 011 lee, Dotter strict, La. reneertlle. paueruuttArtis CAN BN tiAll AT N... U AND to 81UTUFIEI.D. Alw WllllBoll' PEB. of • oupwriur quality Cm or ALLTAIIVAT,. 1 . remorse. OM., Bea. I; ISO. J A LLEGIIENY CITY COPROMISE .001. BONDS WANTED.—PaoIa. hol M ding Ca*To, miss Bond. of the City of Allegheny, Pt. art hereby notified that the Sinking Food for ink rested in those Bon. at the; toned rat. offered. Proposals received BASULLDAY, the 24 day of January, 18111. • By order of the Committee on Tinsnoe, eirtlitd •• • D. MACTERBON, City Treasurer. JUST ItECEINED AND FOIL SALE, • WO bide choice FAMILY FLOUR: CEUtig '3 4 8 (HAW: CHOICE, DEAVTITtyL • A ND CUES t • ALBUMS, GOLD PENS ANDCM3LF- 1 ; LiDLES' WORD. BOLES, OATCIIII23 rOILTEMONNAILS, ROY DOORS. unsLucrrusi /13GILSING OANDO, de.. ac., grea variety, erqheme. Dock Otorea , TllOl5. EAvi VArrlialt, 10l redeng Weft in • 4 : l 9'"* YA-14 . 01m : . -iits,oid , Adit rot — ENCHAIIIO3'I.4KtiIk OM Mbar, I , M , tM. 44 I Wrltlng drawn wltb Datums sod' 'sauna.; Amoulttirladartar. Llicolowould rb 44 , 116111 (61410, 1 114/ 41?timiidr iisedrtir f eembpkt& Liam ic.. PO r CX I:ltAVELINartli 1 t. t ,U134-ItX) bbla AdOrlinatt on A ta ud re ogifbalitifht siatil.l4l ','.-4.-4.4,:,.#,..',4,.....-.•.4,.;41:2t,,,,-':.:;i:-:-. ';'..-':-,-- .-' .'" "'"' . )s '''' '"'''''''''" "...,-'.' ' ~,...,,,,,,,,,,.-w. . -=t4gtz=Wa.lari..44F.4l4l:2l*,, %.,,- :4 , ' ''"A7-..5 . 4 -- -r - .. .. ;. ... . . . . .... ~.. . wA-NTED--44Arrittr., -. in a paying ca h Bmiper.r: T 1,01.4 or V2,C00 carah re qulrrrt. Coll at 1r.0031 No. 15.5, ..ortgabrlsr Mfr [NCI for Pa. de17.4 LOA T LSD A Y ; LAST, AN trtibal AritEEMENT beterrrn Wars Aber, of Ititrxharzli, aryl lr , .. oire. 1). irguen of laroblenA county. Milo. (111.1, mit ably nrwsrant hg leawlrrg It at O. DISVATCH rr cr.. VT( 10 Dzi. Za:BIAS IcuttLEN coons AlieTlo.T.--Oit NOO, at 2 u'elcck, :.t Ilasocic nal! .k 4a How,. b 6 Firth otrcet, will to wild, 1,111 e,.. B11.1•1. * atoi faatiatotic artL,Wot.l ? la". livcraa, ltalto and CON Ilaltry, Lc. Cain poaltha. T. A. 22K7LELLE.ND, duct', il.l7;Li STLLI.NIAN NVANTED. STILLMAN WANTED, At thst'Llberty Oil - Forks. terourdlatet t. Call•t Nut Wcrk•, Ea At the • Mrs of IS RIMER, DERE E 6 Co., estrum. Hancock Aytot and Duquesne delGett PAINTER, BACKE Pf ACo. NEW HISTORICAL WO :HIABP E TCY or. CHARLES. THE , BOLD DUKE or HL OUNDT. By John Fo Fter litrlL 2 'ob.., with .portroiL Tor sale KAY * COMPANY, 14OWu .R A to T C E6 rs T to O CA I L :AN F T o I R AND, P A: BTEABSPIIP LINT, for Etenmer of 13.... 13d, reduced to: C .V. 15 O 0 Flrit obba Second Cobb: -- • 144 W ltr3 fA llr Stelizoer - a Jonotry jd, But toms: rubes trill be Paxsage au3 war be oeutde: l by applying 818C11.1.3f, J r lautuo' Exproot office. del73t -- isiaaml.:L- 1 . 1 - ..cs. ten of Administration boring been granted t y the Register of Allegheny eounry, on the estote of Andrew McMaster, to the Imdereigned, all persons knowing themeelves indebted to the estste am re. gusted to tasks Immediate pop:mut, sortboto hot. log claims will present them, trittiont delay, to 1.113G1i MtAIASTEB, Achalatrtrator, At Mo. SD Grant lame, Mut:nazi, del7..lidslawF - -fiI...4Th.T.E OF RIOLIABD HOYE, D 1,2110. -;-Letters of Asimuistration on Abe estate o: Rickard Mope, doestabed, haring been panted to tb, asulomdgned. all perm' indebted to said estate et. -mignastad to make Immediate payment, and GI. haling claims spinet the same will make known tb earno witbent dolay, to GEORGE BIETZGAR, ND. Me Liberty Wart, Pittsburgh , WILLIAM FOSTER HOPE, No. 10 Hand stresh Pittsburgh. - - MEDICATED OXYGEN DR. W OODW AUD Commßing Physician of the Lang Institut:, Nest 7 ark, has owned an office at 8., 117 S3IITII - irf its.rr. for the porfore of raattobscroring and Inludnlsterlng OI TUEIa, and IIEDICATED OXYGENIZED AID, tot • an:salsa agent In boar Disease., Chronic Danis: tats, and nil hapurttaa the blood. Charges reaaanablo and eon's “r 1.0.0. dahrgordasrf HON EY I' ECTORA I A sure for Cht.ic or ro.stn.. CMCDS, COLDS, HO, FARE TO In • T To publir rywaken, it Ix InNolnablo. To pore.. d•blilLatrd Inn .6.11n4 4".y.otpiptlon, It na , hre tutl• Categh nnant r 1.6111, nlarrd tud l'or min by GEO A. I: ELLT SPIT FOR 110-11 DAIS. A s, 10-dld asuatment of SUITS AND OVERCOATS, Boy', roetths and C'hildr 70 be loan.) wt. No. 19 FIFTH ST. GRAY 4; LOGAN ptPORTANT TO VVERY 1101,11.—Ottingi to tits scantly of labor especially in the hilh•r Mtfintli.i brunch es, there is a great scarcity of &tildes at once elegant and useful—therefor , the initt adapt ed for suitable GIFTS, at the approaching yawl. : But AP moult berths intern our reselora ether. they C. hGA a limited supply of thoae &debt, dome, highly 0011 , VASES, PLATE WAIIIIII,F.S, a fen 11!. eats& FILLS, IDOtS, with other recherche article., Just the thing fir & assent as well at elegant CIIIILSTMAS Olfltl6TMA PRESENTr; AT CONCERT HALL SHOE STORE No. ma. vitt). Stroot. Oa' Tbo boa gooti• to W. country. &tot edliteg D lB ' "OLLTTION OF PARTNERSHLP —Tho yartneretdp heretofore exiattog the fine of Daltlilfat 6 HIBLO, la. [hit day beer diaeolerdl by mutest caereoh Tllodial3 DAUM' haring rnrchaeod the crake Interest. - TUOBIAS 1161tEED, Jon:: U. NIIILO. Allogheay, Doc. 11, • rHOLSTERLNO.—Having purelot-- KI• large dock of goods for °Aril, 1 aro Ole to her great bargains at strremet,r love price.. VICATHEB BEDBOIAIR, HUSH AND SFS.INO mArne arkFA ; &great variety . ..l SHAD IS, TABLE wad FLOOD OIL CLOTHS. 11 N, EMDOSNED TABU COVERS; ADILAIDE, GRASS, .*OLOA nod ANILLA DODDERED MATS, or the I,w watt,, mud thilmarte uromrpaseed. ' All ortierivromptlr attended to. Homo No. 171% FEDERAL STREET, Alleglully, (fortoerlrocroptd VII,. Somata) go10:34 THOMAS BAILEES.. _ VUEOPEAN ACADEItY.—Le stablielp .1:4 'od for the educathro of 101350 AbIEITICAN OENTLEIIEN, at DRZSDEN, SA.IONY. Oppoalt• the ()adorn Flown fount. street ttirlr Met uut to the tireonb.. erte7 littmet minutes. • • ontrif PRODUcE , cm), te...n.tpbealt Mont, SO B. se.4 ks 500 Dotter; lro„ . The2ehelenpecked l'only . llroOntc 100bbbt. Roisett end Belldowpr 200 tond.,. Dried Apple*: WO bozo. Galan Mimeo, • i 100 do Wertauf Iteeervei ; 150 do IngUalaktm, In , ' Sta. Family Flour 200 barb dried Ysebahtoe u • NO do • 40. Atpim, ;In store nod to arrive ind tor We by 'del 11.11120DLY,, let Ltleuty inflict 43ILEEN APPLES; EMM= FLt)11111. - .FLOUR 400 bblx. Torr. XX Baktr'• ; 300 Bartlett'. XX "' 400 " Prido antinnesoirk llakerNg P;lrarr; • 600' 35.0311 t Gold= Bbesf Haire/ - . • 13:00.. , " brezoli ••• salt 67 • .'SCAUMAKEIG LAN'O; • dolt'.'- .•: -^. - 231131,11..t7 otrtirt, ...-100bbb.,,,aremikermrou„ - intesoiloAnf or i 4 olivihmestwo, ors:girl 4tatitsarce. -11,1zt-.llilkere‘lllirratiiinit , i a ~ . 1 !..4r - ,7:4-.- 4,:jakasouvrtagnerra , 0 - MAW lir 011, 7 -10.p0mm;7104, -- 3D4431 tit 'WIZ = .:, I Da VICIOLT4 CD 110ROCIAAALATION.-eXIT_CF Pitts. F r xcELsTott , . 1.L.LN,72 In acconlan •.A I.:1 11, 0( .0. .V .11 ties ; I'ANT Lace now In ror.reee of erection GIST Cennere-. o; ef I enneyl prortel.o,e Lor oroor, lot, of the ef ell iIf:ET. •ren Penne) leanhe Axtnne eta. the rittebeerg,, tow • reoloocrent• to aool Art, 1. B. . S SVe Ll'. . eoel CitT. I, Toser, nese Li tie Aar recteery, • !arcs and linno thee, me Vll 1110 I TUESD.VY I le% L' 15..1, eog tieee toeLsile nltla,nll tl.o.snodorn Imptone- Flrzu DST 01 V:I, 31. , ,[11, eLe n,4".31. • .1 •al oocb • - - • ‘o ‘vio far• of awn., and well be Ln rornrlete reatsinz order on or the noose of IL !.reeenele le," of thle e',mruouwealt le. it name at,Leo bolo, nee l. et ie/. in i. tleetr reaport leo notel..l pre. neces.....lY ballot, etndor 'tee rnoi-rion- 7s let eel,.. passed lien 14th eb.y 1 , ., 1•:.:. One fearann to burro oa oi a. 11.0 5 Ono 14[0011 1.5 r of ' , Lt.! rely, atol Llne person to wee-. Trezenree of of who, .1“el! 1,4.1 Ile, urn,. for too y.--ar Vn s. tier von, ooleforno o . above olteel anthenitiet, , leo to leo. tArelmeLere of Connell , 41.11 - keine( et), el.. I'lll,lo of el, 11,10 Wane 1,111 eiert. t, teethe, one La.reon to be • neeether of the..l +Ol.l. t 7 for two rear., andtee eoel. Ss of tier Common moo Connell. fifth 1% and--ttnt- poretot le to tt uottuttx of U. go t, rt and six oao to be of the 0.900 EtoO Waot—to . pesoott to too • =labor of Lb. Select and f_ut ye...tut w t^ toeutleero4 the Conuotto Couttell. 80,60 th WAS.I-1.14< potlitin to Le el month., of tito Athol .d coo pompru le noont ,of the Coos.. Council. righth person to be ncomber of tlir Solent awl tn.., 1.• r-ioo. to Lo totoutioto of tho mon Connell. Ninth Want—lino yourou to I* 1 inert, of ill , . Salyut and tint- , lorwtoi to bo ratinlieno a ilia tom mon Council. • •• FAch of whim acill he qualified to serve as t, DOM' her of the I loi.oia Ropreeeutietten of Mt* l'ouonon• wealth. At the ulixtion to be held as Mermaid, on Tr Qom', the Gth d. 7 of Jotoiciry, A. P., 1064, The eleetore of the Fleet Wiwi will tote at Oh, Public &heed Risme in sold want. The einclurr of the Second Ward will tote at the rublie School to Mil ward. The el.otors of AO touch of the Third Ward as Iles north of .d %reef of Groot stmt. being product No. I of said word, will tote at the bowie of B. Molts), on the tyro, of his. and Smithfield 'treat. The chadors of no trotch of the Third Ward want and east of Grant mu., tieing prorioet No. 2 of said ward, will cote al the house of C. S. lfoomedy, at the corner of Wllle.d T• noel otraets. The electors of the mirth Went will vote It the Public tich.l nuitiottlis Pahl word. The eleatore of so toowh of the Fifth Ward as Bee north and east of Adoisei .tract, bring precinct N. I add triad, will role at the Public &tool Hower., in said ward. The elec.:, of souch of rho Fifth Ward ea Ile and wart of Ad m am .beet, being no:finer No. of said want, will vote at the Public &boot Home, on in sold ward. The electors of the Sixth Ward will rote,,al the Piddle School lbw. In said ward. The elector. of the Seventh Weed writ rote at the Public Sdhool Lion. In said ward. The clectont of aloe Eighth Ward will rote al we Public Schs. in mid ward. The electors of the Ninth Ward trill tote at tho School HatW in .ofd ward. Linen miler my band and the seal of the mid CIO' .1 Pittsburgh, rho 16th day of December, A. 8., 1263. delenite B. C. SAWTEB, Jr., IlAyor. 1863. THE HOI.IDAYS. 1864- • corutr 041 n and red.. al !amts. In Market }ton.•. A AU .t 3 kw end els GEO. W. WCBLEY,F. Gd Y0!,,,d1 Aral. .kllci,-Idouy Christmas Present • Christmas Presents Christmas Presents Christmas Present a Christmas Present. Yor►arded to order fro• aIUBDOO/1110/..6WD GUEXViIPCI3I. D PER TISEJMIE.Vira. • tn.r-t.ti It. t. .J ttt•• jtetttotatt to 1. , mem .an ut the I.,mmtrut Wnr.l—f,t, 1 , .. u.isk twr of Cho d t. , :n. mt.., of tLe Omurnuo Nrvoti to to, of the I,r.por ter ho Mein'," at tilt, 1.919. UOLIDAV PRESENTS I=ll9 WIIITtNG DUES, PORTFOLIOS, NVOILK 110XES PHOTOGRAPH ALBUMS! rba loat nuke, slab for 4nrability and a beap. Dere are uroarpaarod. illb 1 1 Ym. I,°°"• Prayer Books, Annual 111 A UTOOILi PUIALBI*3IB ArTO.PHOTO ALDC3II3. POI-7111A I, WORKS, GAMS% Oil[ BOOKS JUVIMILE BOOKS, Se., A Lars, 1...12 sod complete meortrueut vow ready, JOHN P. 111171T13, AV. MAFORIC )TALL, FIFTR STREET 1 , EL D, ..iro. S 3 Hood Streit, C. 1t1.1.,9 1,11 off hL trait* dock of MEN'S FURNISHING GOODS COMPLETE 117 EVElly DEANCEI Overooatings, Cloths, Cassimeres,&o. BY VIE YARD. OR Pi A utr. ro clitrmrp., • an: usual animism ed style, at COST FilloE, I. g a redottl n • Cat least RS PER CENT Our nin , rtroent is null complete in all lts branches., d r o mgnonr friends and patran• to dame and bti rte, as re are desirous to clogs out out dock by the FIRST OF JANUARY, LSGi IMEEIZIM THIS IS NO HUMBUG A. «Trey arsi. to i. sold to COST MIUM. L. HIRIMPELD, No. 83 WOOD STIOZET PHOTOGRAPH ALBUMS! CA - RD PHOTOGRAPHS: A FULL LINE JUriT ILICEIVED nn.l nt LoNSXR PRICES than any °that TIStirIiPTABLE HOWIE to tile West. Books, Papers and Magazines iklwark on baud. LADLES AD GENTLEMEN stro oolt ani rowtoetkity litxtl r3.11 N rin•l orstalne the •t prionk, JAMES T. SAMPLE'S LITERARY ELIPOIIIIII No. S 3 Federal St., dllegbany 442:10 HOME CIRCLE, Vol 1 TILE 11011 E 01110.4 Tot. 2. THE SILVER CllO3O TIIS SIIOWEIt OF PE1111.9 The aboca ii. Choice oollectioas of Vocal ILO I tmneetal Music, elepDtly b0t0d,113.11.014. for CREISTBUS PRESENTS• ron SALE nr CHAS. C. MELLOR, 81 WOOD !STREET dl2 GLOT E. Ettiokskin Gloves Gauntlets. Ottoopskin do. ¶V, balre arpleruild Gauntlet tuitable, drh, t o booed india ' a !'" 4l "'werrs, oats co. KiiMPTIONS •111011. TUB DitArr. —Aliens. persona =oiled kr thiiismir plies; time who won colOor'Ar or osor. 36 road soarriadj al Owls:. or JOly'last. bat more oupoctally-blbess lord roottom hootog taro or' soon *on* Ulan to than th'xft, aboallfilo their clainrrEorodiattr, so node= cos tho:romOd pi-aleettotk M_rother or zoothor mob' Clad after Satardsy t oext rralearbilp!pers: nom. AVi to ld'Abri. ,. ,„;;VATNletzTA.L.° , • !diatlw Third door Cottudral. • TION is 'called Ito loins:An Woks' . *bleb for elettri4.lnichsrahllq soh.!Lso. .1. call and occurs I nada .mantt - fmlutt• monorr, - 4ug,i1.130.11.4k38,1431Larket 11012 . • • =cud door trona Flfth great. STRAY.—t.:orto to the) promise* tvt filet.ltt l lflgrZe,'?=:= l l= sPb_txtutlasitstalottnltsrlom. Tb• mut wilt xoroo , gmfardc•Mrtt Mr oo k - Pal • t h aro . -..0f take: ItlAa,rai, or bis w *ft it"- AMY SUPEatIQR et lama thlbEneni ror'oro'm—r, steot the VIILST or JANI'1111". that they eril M pro pared to mantfevivre d ruperlur quality of Flint ohi6e. chimneys Ar orrteE ar WOKK I A5. , 11. LINDSAY, THCOURZR WE SIMI, AT , THE MOVES Wl4 AMAriIIitTISE 'ALL p SEE tUR YUUBdr.LVES. Albums Holding 50 Pictures, 33 00 Morocco bound, two clasp+. Albums Holding 20 Pictures, 81 60 13nnad In Mov•nerc, Iwo Amp, %{•• bare •Ibnin• Holding from 12 to' 400 Cards each! V110)1 to CEli3ll 10 12,, Dun't Iltll to toll. If rot etout Allmon, at Pittooitie Photograph• Album Depot PPOSITT, TUE POST OiTIOT. N o MORE GRAY HAIR. 1.11X011.116NT HALE El VINO rr ILICJIU . 171f1VA:TUR. For restoring and beautifying the lair nal l aa article bat recently introduced into this country, hot has long been favorably known try the nobility of gran. se their only effectual MAID ILTSTOILEIL It le complete within itself, no other dressing or socomparament of any kind being nem. No to secure the attainment of the followingdewl cable results, other than solos,. ootopllance with the directions: I. !Loki, fa warsres own sunoter. reword Gray Hair to in oripiso tele , h. If will rosabr it prow os Dahl Heeds. I. fl wet reek. Ile retard Sowed.. 4. It vat memo A. Doman, atel seaman the Hob Se dad CUNT n. D .ac presort the Origneolgsfor to CO 4,7 a 7. Lt eat puma the Ifedefreetikagee me aR Moue qf As , Ssao. It ts not Dye ; multi tin Nitrate of Sliver, or an, other Ingredient Injurious to either Skin or Hair. Trine, ONE DOLLAR. Tor ode bye al respectable Druggists n .10111I8TOS,Oereeral Agent, GM of Pabitbfleld sod Tourth Ste., Pittsburgh. stolkimnrawlf DR. A. WEINMAN-N.3 (DENTIST,) TOOTH-ACHE PILLS. The preparation of thie Pill has been the roman of yeareof e tall amt gractim.. They are purely veo - sad therefine trill not Injure the teeth ne gum. They will =lf the most violent Tootb- Ache to a (bet inute., vales properly need. : Lenedietw—acca out the caTity of theToctla o.f:fat ed, .d dry It well with cotton; thee cut tbe tbe steep et the vactrere sad press It tight Into the tooth, and corer aver wi th wan cc cotton. Thew Pills ass crso of lbe best smears fur lb hocking pals. Prepared andsold wholesale and retail, by AUG.. WRINIWIN, N 0.114 01110 BTUS= Allegheny Ciiy. And also by ell wholesale and retail Druggist. In Pittsburgh and Allegheny. arMatoroe RENTLY G. HALE .t CO., Are toy receiving their Fall and Winter Scbck, /ad invite their Cciatobc cold the public to monism Metz Moct, which le the Woe and Meet complete braight to Oda martin. Moores hood, &Imp soortoloat of GENTLEMEN'S FURNISHING' GOODS COSNER 07 PESTI AHD BT. CLATII STIMETS, Pmts=Arm, PA. CpiuliAistion and Shipping Merchant, NSW OILLTA3ifI. L 4 • Beer 10--Mean. H. Jack a 00., Ploolosrgb Ifitettell a Litla a 'Olnelmotat ; E. 0. lizaght PfitlaLlOpbla; O. P. bulg4ta Elsa.;. wlictted. MANHOOD' , • HOW.LOST I HOW 1.11. BBEFTOBIO 1--But . scaled on grl,=•-rtrloteLßlO'Cistai. Lectanion ttio Cr listar, Seminal Wanoln, Invialmtng' 6 = -3 :;, Bomar DetollitY. and loo*Wsondo to itarrlop Noryotornest,.ConsuntAbon, Ep=nrit.ll= ,onit Vivito thooparity . Boni 80 , Alms, to. by .Boor: Convinsin.t, D., author of the "Groom Book, ko- - Boon to Thousands of swum.; ant. nada: 0.1.1.• piano onoolopo. so labor, son-pgd, mete. of olx vents ar two mango stompo, by Int. CB. J. 0. ELMS. 2knoorr.' tier Tor*, Pat BMWS= 4686. " ' 0 ELL & STONER" - suarra.crcome or mai wolui. Hare gimp on hiCskl and mak. to ender MON AND BRASS SCREEN WIRE CLOVII SELVES, or All kind, ; . RIDDLES, Irozakdry__ , ..e ; REM WORK TOR WINDOWS, /10.,• BIRD CAES, OZ. NANE RVaa WIRE WWW. SA. no AE dim at Trims:mu, as *mu Ha irotreTti wriarr RintOVAL. J. A: nowa, . Manathetaxor of POBTABLDVIDUMB L BLINDS, ixae euradmid to N 0.122 Barr/iota Omar, _Veins b• on nand elute mord:NM of. BBB' , TUB _BM • of the toted styles PLAIN, drANOT sad ELY T BLOBlOEiTuncounrus. 0011111 CM at the dlOstat ' OLD BLINDS ..ftpatetted lad latmannd. Aleo,_ WINDOW aft . Ofeeini t0d0. , . ten Om wet .12 It you oat eg eh little wren: are GOOD? B. EXTER ' ."..' _ Mee* dou bt s soleiu;idatibla upper 130061;;, Kw= • • Nelea toedllooTs, ; Yeah; Sao stitchid 130028; ; _ Lake and Mine Stip rat:Upped Dail-TRAMS; 'WO"; Nitta' as 24 BOOM,: GA111413 .seal Ittaldol3l6LS;otatry dascnyttlxt. "pas vary - TAXES 1108.11, . . 'AB WICZR. FirtlltET. MINE • -4PR: -.BAE:LZI 1 - tg;itnat ot =WNW DISIMISS; tbit VIM Ind 134 _ . ll•optratos intOATABACIVINIMVP ZlEB,lbr-127,111C1AL tneefb bl• _and harts ad rnat) alto TILLED 1111ABilt0; lug an dtscnontiitcet the ;+r and longing to • Cdnotata =TB. • • to:Ma: DRUG b 7() Gorr au. *ma rksma swigs Auronea' , azo, bcomprol!. l evouturia smog:111ov - - . rArarrstiiicuir.s, ' larniiiictfiaii , Cass «704 ie inaiat .~as~sY _-. _. kOrtrals4 tot -`;:iii/EOl/37iF*13! 361301041101104:140,841110811 ereepeet fiLd dor . *Market aistiot.l iinovir6:4o ROM MIL! . • , cavA . 4.71119Ard vigutobeille% -, w 4 aPoi 411 ..i . .:irtAi.:llYr.fiekneialiest s frk . Ailitrsacio . iiriikia;aATAgok' e - • 4f.c.: . ' .-47,4 2 7 - 7 t "" r DRY GOODS, Are. lIOLIDAY SALES HORNE'S IMG STORE. 77 end 79 Market St, To-day we commence car itegulu lintau Salem Embroideries, Lace Good& mai Linen Handkerohelfs. Om' mimic of limp away it mane tomplota than at any former sawn. 'rho prices luau 4 bseo marked dam. We bans also just opeanl a atoll. lot of Warted Ellppor pattorw. 7gaci Micro Dap, and Plus Gmbh:taro 13..rre, callable for HOLIDAY GIFTS. of taker Smsanabbs Geo& 1. Ina Cloak Ornaments, Bead Gimps,_ stookingi. Velve , ts and Oimpure Luck Silk and Felt Hats, Feathers, Flowers, Ribbons, , Wool Rom% Sainnes, Boutin Balmoral - S er hirts, Quak Shirts, Muses, READ DRESSES, LADIES' DEE.II4O JIC.SII3 AND ly“..A.vvians. Men's Undershirts and Drawers. I=l TR GAUNTLETS, HEAVY DBIVING GLOVES. Alec, a 1411 line of NOTIONS, SHALL WAIVES GENERALLY. Wholesale booms op stain. M eiolUista awl .11 others who Dui to sell again (applied aCksinst wholw solo salsa. JOS. HORNE dclCO., nand 70 Market Street. ON HANDS, A largo and spinald mortmentot Goods for HOLIDAY PRESENTS ! Condoling, In p.rt, of Morocco Satohole, Port-tomato& Purees and Wallet& PHOTOGRAPH Amongst-49 -$1 TO $2B Belts, Belt-Buckles, Jet • Breastpins and Sets, Ear Binge, Shawl and Beall Pins, Shell Boxes, io• laid Shell Calla!, Head dresses, Hair Nets, Hoods, Nubia% Sontag' and Comforts. LADIES' AIM (SETS SCAMS Maltese, Lace andEmbroldcred Cot. last. llem-stltehed ma Esibral. tiered Gondkerehleft, Hoslevy. Gloves, Notions, Smoltlipores, At Wholesale and Retail Give to a op balm ptactisoteit *Umbel", as Its feel =Meta that our prima trill be komiltotr. NACRIIIt °Vats, it nip= iSTIMET, ded Between:TlP - nails Diammd Neat. For SILO, NIDE GOODS, MASS !old SHAWLS, go td ; J. W. BASSO, avols, N 0.59 Martel Streit. Ho 1 FOB THE 310LIDAY:13 Elegant Lace Collars and Sets ; Bich Lace Handkerchiefs; PraselaaLace Veils; Stunt Plaid Ribbons;; • Embroidered, Handkerchiefs ; Hoods, floatage, Nubia!: Mosquitigre Kid Cllom ; , Gents. Kid and Back Hatattlete ; Pine Dress . Shirts'; , Linea and Faper Co4rell Small rues in sn eigthas iraiti4;4n4 Dotiona a witae. Eh2TON CO3S,' 17 MID 197.117 a Bt. 'mama iurduatis um tfiUt - ou'i IV& octal to bittb; eltcr.vbee apt toils breast an the most Mira and teaming. ' - da • Tap TIELFAIOLIDNYS.: - • T tED v o g .,D7-::.:--:g*o..g.s 31011111011yOLD'S. CLOAKS, of nevoist",sWit, PUNCH CLOW,-yqi3rfiandsmno, Coszl 8H W 723, Long awl ``fe' DRESS GOODEfi*,-,-gre4, a, '' --great TanotY, litulaViitfoi Aim*. • E. aor,gotirtltsa 264. fit Sta. FOE .74411AOLIDAYS. ,s- A inaliCOOPplat( Cms r :r - . 1 !: 2 4 3 T 1C ` iiziE; iiisiklypre! CO° 14 PIDIZAT• „9~niTt, iris :r% 6 ;.r.-• CLO4KBI`;