. r _vr., -4 4 ,77 t tilp manna wilatvtfi. = , ..0u1-SFBUltlig ,; The FrankingPslillege. - 4 :.:,..ASlKltkat-Cs;grartsblln snap and 4 vast '‘,--.1•AlsolliOnf-entrespondenett will be em b ia t c a :bittltiti*thiAssople. and their representative., .: V r ifigol4lllo4inl6ll4o lay tear& one rend , i rg ibßini t htlitot the sei•vitiates to she' fraildrig pgfgeBo-':it llthe Mere itoN} bun, g- . ± itetwojtf ourUtir pirti *ei - Mindy Tub -5.:.,2 figillilisitijn=i loll o etitemt . otli In relate nee 03,1dijetablemi. , ,, - -...t„ - ~.. - - - 430riett42 ,,8 atfeetisrstacted, Th 4 au- EtblerallinstSer pi'smtifermd sip° and , blibefeUttedsippetecat t Hirst Th e tact thallettod latittot. bi.ltixot If or ' 4 l /1 vPOlloerstAzYs.- .coed, -Tlitt,Vioe 3 . 1:. i a ItaktraltiakitAterr Third , Op hios i• ;:ttf . iiemilso de . pillisaants lis h, 'cipttleflicerlsbelittllesols'of b - tis clerks or 41)w:4mi:idyl, drip erre, I- , . trial ~ Ply fit' olltilelyxottabnicatiots, ILB tbirlifildsmstat'llentoil 'Pap by :ego' alien ; - ipilltiNet;lifth, -* lilnutters and ftemlenta ,:aims thialis Congress of ,tho United States, ',.) t, -sashailatplelegetcs rem .tatltottoe, %Soo % • letitsT_ 014 t• *waste and Clerk of ths mule Is. • ' Alt- Mopteentetives,. _to carer ecirtespen nee 6 . i - ,:-10...seut front theta, and ail plated ter i6 -:/tailea. - 14, authority --, of Congreet , an all •',--,-'-. grisehert, proriedinga, and 'debt - des in Con ., gram; Mad all - printerr . matter sent to them t:' , ..''' --their - &saline 1 prbtitege to -imminence . atithliirs ._} • term lot vhtolt they are elected, ' , A.' --clad--to- ire'. on the ttet Monday of 4'.. --Dialtonbst:PlWring ouch r Una of., Kier. t e -, Stait*,. - All egtelsl444exotteatlmm edit nod -, tooither the Fmcuttro.Depertmento of Gov- L, 1 VIM SUMithysin °Pa resporiarTgeto f n l De -,..• _ ferrteralArlTMeided; that in allimeti - riu th e , • , ClifilarlprillAidmitked, - f l Oflaislr with thy ...,, sfgeliterm thareta,:tif the _I - akar "trills the eantaireleettotif • Ekrrenth,Tost Nu been 'Sitar lb. frinkirrepriribiga ' - far, their alai ''Sortiosinletitionni to other ireabas•ters - el trisleiLtkatlnttlrstott cam theta shell herniated 00111olor ! with lhe dglistqro f the ret. miter thereto r and for any and or such indorteniantiof nOlficlar falsely Made, the _ person marking the came Pail forfeit and ..,pity throlkoedrea &Wm. 2Nighib, Pelltions tiii either 'brand' ot Capers shall pass free in the snails. Ninth, All communleatkorS ad ilresseeitaanY PP° franking Wheats above desesibed pd. not , covged is the foregoing amide*, Innstlitsisiepauily postage stamps. . - The - franking priniage herein before granted stralnantoiterilo packages weighing n o te: ; ‘sieftsgforsr-,tatamp li l i hti ems to Con y, mid set or: tiT6 dOCII - pdMrcations or books al have Sr ffs4 , -; ) - -Promired or purchased, b T" At fiougoomsft,D=tiorelll joint a mi.bls, dominants, and e titled tech; aidexcept also be ede, salami, the weight, f the •• be Axed by re don mstrttetions tri gee _ ttng Draft. i t not about *lli ford arid 23d Die; iota to a way of melt g the dies of the gov ent a few, weeks, the ti =len the pro new or' veteran oluu . that by proper e 'ou, • lout the , =af o dile- Ira -without 'th draft. he , soldiers now in the 'dtave int.onllrte ;.and 'Ahem would d to by Ay_ given byte got .* enough among our to veburoier upon the , Tbnitayleductratai some v reearde indutuy now 1 =playa:matt f We. 1. - Statethe pe e are Dhatieti the Au to ern! without* mead to the Nas-taken a stirp in the ~, iiiifillifitiOtaj... *people of- aver %row:4 ha • taken oar setfon-in il l un - dottbledly maks rgv*the pingottion I' that. • . ~,„ .themnitofpattiotitm and Uter , ,•:,/ -. ' - "ArolultdWi ?nein, 111011bunl - =AP ---. hettlateatqinuner nien - ibtibstre ho tofore .-titakee.fgaPeS4ZOlubtlabf like 1 . = " ne edi t:e — Vi,lifettl: . Prn ,lffeie- die - rioter to Ix" th 7raft " ' .-: .-..• '''' „'' Ort-tiongrtalante"tui °atm. „,...,;,. ,. .. ;; Loe,a,-ftoVgdy - ,aeddehiaf,iy'iatgiheidda to the i; mbittlzokAt.thirinttion,aud. spec& from 114012ritaVellf nobjeweterans end et our - ' •,. '.-Jee,f4tenit Ahre- preset& =vire ent of =. - .lain leyeunitent -M be Pe& - -; ''' ' Atti N ba- itint4l-0 this- additirmii an ty, let Cady ellawd without enyw3oh Inducement, be bya meant '''' 1 : • batted: - The IfillilaYetin 1341.1iifsed Ily indi- -04111-robtmiltiolitixiihrotedbyperotto, I duly , EsiOdi itreftryWardr - b4 OO P - ana t aw ' ! " pkethwanntly tharmaintianana might be tn staiiiithrszten *Leh", mg. tau , i -- - --: -,bondtAb atwhichoau - s4 b e Added far At g ibe, p,o44 frf the State draft JO 867. , Xbi,a - gtit•otet„thepeopli oithe: so ty far ' ,7 lei _Wilt, arsA ir. it .lba na b* os ta but. place ' the 40111nigiiiaTie7b1 mainte ti ro of tioribilltibtoPtatthat-Will• then " le thrown .•':'' - upolftliuldity r ,vtlif le m eek g reater Pintalfirarrulunif i ukbellsr. , ,t° t l al° 9 . unnPbointat by wnltintnimt Lan .noittme De . ,1 lock- Let theold.Otatuty Cr 11l nasirithe .. - . -bittlstista , c berpeopla bun roads on In it . , ~. oLallifollov.ltniend. ~,, id cots' Pat**. • - if ` - *tittiir g ALP— ' exhibit of imegi`!- 1 44 . pamphlet fa Pau . 3'4 " 111"-- - - -- -- bit 1044 " P of 5440190.11=1 ir.imeondz" gag° d 74140iiiirr ra-124,0,----411"114ti-tatzioilli;?Otettrbbirtits4311:;tO. 4 Ski ire. - ' ' 7 001/14-Willintat 0.... p bra fo• rth thasajza>o2 ..'!"ra et ::, ,,,,- 1 - • . ;,:: . ,y 4 440.4....1,,..fijagT_r lic at L,-; a that ~....c hire t•12•1ozi 04-4,214 k 7 :,, t i,f, to have -- ' -.! -- - Pal••• gowort during 1-17:3"•:;':;;•%.- griurOP!" s • Xll.‘,..ezaikiltthelid!Or • bte be ~ ‘ • .fj.f. .' '•,. ' • i1..1.54-0"1/4"n.,ICWOV-4/ lull Om° ri ......._ . hii"..r.: 4,lW:do"' y d will 1,1 ; '',...;:: '--- f•-' 414 ,...,,,,1-1 1 :Strutulkal,,,,,,,* Water° &en- Ifi.. , c', f : .L. 7 wind, ...,--„_,batiob fra hi1e 1',,,,',",',---• l'•ette' ms, gait Itritb "*. 4 - 41 l on , e b road '. --. , i-k.' - * l42 ^ - triiisio 1. A l f - • iuto T. =:". 4airitioillo4utel d Glee ' cairn ,sli,-:C.4iellt- illif-AggiftT.:." ,: ' •,'' • ; ‘r ~... ~,, ,;•,-,itcatiLii.... an 4'6"7-''' ''''-' ''..'••.---;4l'."'ibt'' cif eitialeat '''"" f r their ;•:','•;,„.3•-;',.,3=,,',-•,•':, i..ilkii.-10/1,-, ' ' juieclairtui ° cure 1-'t,,, ,-;;;',,....,.......A',.!.1- 11-.0. T4ftriTwinterrweLt El4';'''''''''.-`:,....„,=tif,liikifilT *4 . 11 1, , v. re tad othi, iin than g ':" ',. ~ ~,,,... '4M-b i1'4 0.0,41151 11 . jx; riAttant ;.'-.. ' '.' • -...--1/11a-4tll,villt-ialf-iiit" '.- rememZ , ~ tosrulil"oito. ,-" even,b c t i r itura. `./tuT mbioni:. '7 7 ,,, ' , '''''' littitlYtorrilei,Mb'Mte,Noiwz tfoua ii....awiLm.'eftYtire- on the w ad I! ". •'" '''..."t" 'sleuth! in' plat 12S• foss -, i 14'4"--ifit.alS PP th oly' w ho liter s•. I‘. ildeigrllLteittli 9741b00b— , b nt '-041' rttic*tio o , , !.l *di 414%, .. d.. egad St! 4t 41%4107 Ma ' ,tatil. /011 W 411,1168 1 il. t• ir id, OM --,'- .Ibilail i gi4-fit ii ! + .I ' L * 140‘1"--1 ► batit . -r - - -. --;-,---i-.;':414' .mitiliiiia. a- 1 - FrAgi,••••::''',..47/26..- A '".' :1111-11nr4.41P i t :welt 47 4 # 0 -1 71 5"i'L ~,,igs-, g ills - 4..,,,n,. .11,14 ,..aii i 1 c,?,-,.-:-,,,-• •• * • .., .„,... 4t retvimaot: u'ibuna. , , . . the— -44 !Attic -hold ~i,.,...;,:,.., *.inci*Astio;.s4,oll-- n Jr- tatti ..,:llor guotipoifA_i . -,411ei -- Inv ~.1...."74:-,-.1,0.i • t re, .. ‘.- ' t-f7-7.-;''R.-- ~/.. Itirr '. ''''''f- i',-• 4;*l_-1'::,,, ttelikatti a • 4 v: ,. .r, 2 4k5. ,-, : :-; - Amb1".714:7:, ,iz, -0,,-.... , •-.....-.7..%-ai4,4-4-t ..„- - 1:,:::, ::, -.10.....,.„...,.. t „ - e,,,;4Aisaitor • • ,t;.,,,litsciktlA—Titat Os -.'..1- g• g ohs** belldilsig .--:-. 1 a Cotrot; i 1 4 , .. • ,r • all thin to stritposoi' illici , . dg. NEM : -..... • . . „ A fete of the move edee.needpspili'or iidwiii:- Str e :ts-4 0 .fliii.4 11 ?!.itOtii*:4t !toed, went down to the Asylum at Dixmone, la eVesdrig,:to lit - e'inmatek of tliat institution,— .Notwithstanding the •unfasorable weather, abont.forty ladle, aid' gentlemen Met at - the &Pot,lierived at Dlxtiont In good voice. Dr. Deed anilie excellent. lady re 'Oohed the party with their aecustomed liospi lanky end kindness, After a abort interred, lbw, party proceeded to the chapel of the Assylum, where the "aucLenrer were already akeembled—consisting of about one ituudred persons, male and female, exclusive of attend eats, ell sitting decorously end plietly in anxious expeetaney of the music. A Tarlety musk--oonsisting of glees, -Isallads, choruses, Ac., weresmag.by the elate, in very good style. The °audience. was dis criminating—received soma pieces with In differenee,and applauded ethers to the' cho, Insisting upon en encore, is one or two eases. At the close of the musical entertainment, one lathe inmates of the institntion—a-yomig man of very considerable literary attainments, who has made several politicaleontributlons to the: fierstte,—arose and reowned thanks on behalf of the inmates of the Institution, in a neat ranterell cieriseredelddlvtlk. - The Dixment Asylum for the Insane is an institution worthy of the philantbropla and ilahlightened liberality through which it was originally founded, and reflects the *hen honor upon Its managers and superintendent. CoL A. C. Morgan, of this city, late Colonel of the 631:1Pcnria volunteers, hai received the appointment of Military Storekeeper at the - Arsenal,Lanrerneeville, Mee kis. J. B. Buller, retired. CoL Morgan has served his entry with great honor to hlmielf, on the field, re ceiving white in the discharge of his duties, in, the famous Peninsula campaign, e danger ' mit wonnoVirom the effects of which he is just recovering. In addition to this claim which he but upon his/vinery, end wbiokthe Administration hom reciarnized - in 'appoixotatent, Col. Morgan possesses a fine knowledge of business, and all crew - qualities necessary for the propor iiiieharge of the duties - of his pinition. Mu appointment is well deterred, and the Admin istration honors Itself In honoring those who hare not hesitated to offer their lives in de fense of their country. 'The Duquesne Way Ilijunetlou. This morning, in the District Court, Judge Williams delivered a verbal opinion in the matter of the application for an lejunctlon to restrdin the Pittsburgh, Fort Wayne and 1 , Chicago Railway Company from 'proceeding withAtte erection of s pier on Duquesne Way. We have already published the points in dis pute between the city and the railroad com pany in regard to thie matter, and we need not repeat them here. Wilco it to say, that Judge Williams =stained the positions taken by the City Solicitor, Mr. White, and de clered that the railroad company had no legal authority for erecting the pier, in defiance of the city authorities. The President of the company has been notified of the decision, and the work has been stepped. The decree of the Court will be recorded on Monday. "STRONG'S CHRISTMAS LAVGll,"—the name of which is Itself • surudent index to its con tents—and " Pyrenees's LAMER . NATIONAL MAGAZINT" for January, are for sale at.J. P, Hunt's. Masonic Ilan, Fifth street, and at J. T. Stimpla's, 85 Federal street, Allegheny. earally -, directed io the 1 Section, which change* , r :eintipcnideitedad ed ' tspartment, oz: any .45 oar of -ta. except Ohio' nom . eatatrOffieeref Lic a:nier its control or 4tepon «Lie" t; 'lli:air the Ivor& ' - envelope, thp offl rith his oificiilhiasig , t, and all. a con oars- e it think ilicy "potta.is. Alt ' mmu nit not vrtitte by a the: Vice Prer dent, LIST OF L PORTOFFIC tiATUJIDAY, MIT= E721=1 ,±f,f24.' Arnold MI. ASIMOW Geo D Ateldrmeand Ale:nodal . Ei D Arnold 'dual. = l ./ h A o. z Bowser Jennin Brown John A - B;7tba Jaw Brews: Joan U Samuel El Baler Simnel Barton Emily B.radin Elvin Beath, Emma Berk BMA Bennett Mrs fi BowdeallienEUal Bassett Kate I Barwick Amalla ettimltrid Awl Coomb• G Caab Jona,.lmo China Addieon Campbell Ellie P , Mambas (100 W Carr Sarah A Cotlisie flopbba Clark Sawn c..pballiohask eerily john _Meaty Jo, iv. CraltJoala Carue e ms. Calm ! stip/ Canallielcm N Crawford Wm II Colmarlfra Campbell Wm I Chen! Oliver DsNum Annie Deltas HAW Dakar Sarah A Daum ./vo t Dawson ?nolo Do mellA.Marelo ROOKS! NM4 BOOKS! .iN Daring Imd fretttring. ' A 2, liters' or tb• Great Baliroad Adventure to Georign,' by 'Lieut. Wllliarn Plttlnger. 1 vol. to lbeaul the Lines ; or, A Henke* Prisoner Loose Ike Marren New Boob-111 Pam of tdfc.focd.' oolsooo. ?ho Loa Tints, try Tales. Wendell 11:1111ps' Bpsechre and Lecturer. Sands, One Sds, Bawd, end Bow we Howe It. • new sapply Jost received. not 3. L. BEAD; 7I Fourth street 00h124 t; 11381oN Now —. Now in re VV and for sale: MO kids. Tort Slate, Ittehlgen and Ohio Apple% BM troth. POl.lO r, NCO 80. Buckwheat Floor. 60 LLB. Lake: Store Turnip.; 00 do Flkkoryitintr; !CO bush. Walnuto; 25 bbla. Sweet Cider; 63 do White Corn Ideal; 20. do Bolstor Orlin; BO do glint Ilomlny; 6 do choke 801 l Butter: 10 dorm boson do do; 12 palls Fresh Bu . tors 4 bids-Ale& Cake Sugar, 12,0 lensh.-111bIta Beane, 10 We Naito.. lOU 40. old Yids Bawer: L. n. voithr BO. ss 0 . ratittito ko i n toLA . 50 do Cabs d 300 Mb N. 0.14 "15 elands Gimp Term - • 00 do Blink de; 133 Ito.* isortedBninde Tobacco: • 800 pkgo Xackenkl, Balm, Inspection: Prim. Near Lard, Rants Reptlerod, NW general stock of rood. in oar Ilni, for * de and in gore and arriving at ItriIONALD AZDtiC7KLICIL 212 sad 144 Liberty Wang EMBROIDER *Good Appo!ntozent. ETTERS remaining in IC .t ALLEGIIENT, P.., ;a . . her nth, IttGl. ntoraLse ALTROSIMI lion the date of lb. Ltat In art, m 7% A. M. to 6 P.a. Flatter :Elias .Mclntire Letitia ' Ferguson Jennie . McAlister L 6 ri,tberJrut ILL:Fukien Thus Prima Lucy ' Meeutchrou T Filbert W C AloMmtets II J (I IfcKorllt....r Gilmore D 8 II Ilrl'ush Alex 1 Gay Fannie L 11Wollontb A Gilmore entuan 111cicorkle Aka I.llllend Sual N - Gould Jennie , !(..sly f.....4t. GArdurr . 1 ... I CI Goy Jos P ittill 11 )1 'Nue, Silas Il F. Pattcrocni Jas 11 Keras Alsolre Pm& Win Kerr A t [`alt... Wet Holly Amanda 1 It .11 'Raymond Amos Harper Kate & Raymond A L Horner Ltudees Dubs Ilasopck Emily./ Ham IC HimalLage Natal Rayou Frank Haley Sallie Readman llsory !Harper / Y &diem Jacob() Hutcheson Win Rooney lase IlitilNon /no Robertson Wm Hosier Jno Ho y e Win Healey TI Reynolde It Scat Anus Schuller An[set Stewart OW Smith Clue° Springer Elsa StJohn t J Slra S enltle Eliza sanders t Sailer Vrsocla Scott Ilesillab Sqttlreelarall 0 51 I Sloes Swart teomark Jun SlorlordJ A streets Jew W iSornte Joixis Sharptmik Short Polly IStereos W VrAtik V Ilgesa ' as " 7 Walters Annie Wallanallsa L B.IA R . Workman Jane W ilacm .1“ lAlay hiss ElLro J Johnston D D Johnston Vim Imo, Linda K King Charles Knight Juo W L I Lovell. B Logos E L. harsh J Td Molt Melt Claris. Marshall Eli Pe Marshall Con ' Mullin Juo H ildlller James Ilflllgra Jon Monroe Prof G N Mosibtrter Jas Morr ,,, ou Jun Memden Wm Ilr Ileliown Joa It llclnhlrs.Jus IllteorntockJ 112 i McHenry Jas 121=1:12:1 MtIMM, UEZZ= 111.31 . 17 EL lIIDD W 111174 OUR t 00. LISLE 1 LIRE: Na &4 by deg n silty u. a3Lt,txs pRESERVED TAMILRINDS,i pus up In Tamilyirrom7iltiorstortf and ar MU 61 JOUN d. ILIZSIMAR, gas ' Omar ilborty and 17.64 Ames. 11 - 401,A.. BBER •CLAYIIIIN always =lnt* mid for rals, intotessla &tit Mgt, al 'h. India HOP.* Deptrt, Rd. 05 and PS St. OW+ gime. - " 1; *H. PHILLIPS. • UrAGON HOU HALE: pod Istria' TV on.hori. imeas44rand DALL for .1 4.3 f 44 : 4 ' ages ) bbtr., bnf tbls.,, ,quarters .01 Al No.. 1, and 5 Isrgirmodhcm, in ison inal /sr ale TV'S thlitarciESEl iItRIVAL 'N,;.7.;244.1baus IWO °MUD, 111 109 ; Vaaern Itirporn; anti* 'W/LXISSON4I7 Lit.rty .1 ~f4I`,ER7FAVg-UlAYttil:(ol4T---)f aft • tr-ktoroilino oa tr.md and We, wholesale `,,lf'slersp, at Nat, VI it. Mk street, tff ' 1114BESA bOtete Pk#o,jlr.zt , rot ow. C. Tas laben st. MOANS. ra iiilrt. gi Witter Bcinneta 0 —l.llteto—S, ety won't ~ .4for fob tor - ,'•• •J , • , tr:111, - ,—a,-19.41110u45T4014 1 1/. 01101641 ....iise ,- ytist -- t*lptsictliai iiiiiiii.-. • way ..3 4. .li. : .IVW : — I A j - - gUltattS ,aucttis os 0 - 6,oo,44gle.abbiwi W1E , ,. 1 ",? k-- . '• , ''''ixeirS , ,,; , ,:i 441CF04~Wifeeltsttost. , 'ObSVORIVOIt bale by , ~'• _l'. -,,,, =,1. - - - firel ',4i- - - - JAN= VioWN OFlrcol*l.M. 'a - tioli . 3dkofft:llEWlLD ViVA:WCE- ANIS TRADE. There ix an attleettennknd for moue/. uud tho mar bet Li Gem but unchanged- .stem Exchange tin tinnea abmdant and r, ry dull. Cala has cloaked Slightly, again, the: Yew • York report at 110011 to day, quoting at 150 c. here, the rates for coin am shoat 14•69117 c for Geld, and 1423113 for Silver. • The following /terns are from the 'Hew York Even ing Expreas of Enturdar.. The thipmenta of cola today sere far heyond the gimeral expectations, erbleh may be accounted fur by the fact that heavy engagements were made tate Last evening . The city of Neer York look out 51,107,573, and the Resnais 1100,00 D. balance in thegeb-Trnasury this morning was about 1,D0u0.000 to legal readers and glo,uno,nou is told, vhll6 the twits held r-3,041,r0n le legal ten dsry and 527,000,000 In geld. Tbsdellseriesof the Vivo-twenty bond. have coni manned • ;10' earnest main, and are likely to be large for soma time to coses„which will probably stimulaM the noes more. !deans Livermore, Clem A Cie., received $2,600,00) which they are dell.. erfej to subscriber.. The in:porta of Senthre dry goods centime.. large fur the 5r..., the total entrive fur the week te.lin; pearly oui sod ,half Million dollen/. IMPORT% 07 roma. 06T 000 Di Kt Nall 7.11‘.. Yoe As Writ ' lea 1013. Entered at tho port —S7d4,l3t) 5833,013 3 litti. 3 4 o T 7110171170 market—. e11i.043 733.1 33 1.137.810 Joenenre Entid the p0rt....64,33n,C-6362,499,141 c5.327,0ta rhrowu on 43,7.016 e 1,1193,119 c00.:04,481: Th: statement 'of Deposits and Colnag e at the ted States Nint for the month of November, o Jot Made public, elbow. that them were depmited of Gold during themouth M• 70.1120 ns, of linlver 101,302 61-4 a all =TAM 27. The gold coinage in the Mule time was 81ri1,320 60, principally In doable eagle., and Ho bars; the &Um mlnage was 8nZ 045 It, nod the copper cologe of mats $42,710. The entire nein ege or then:dot:lth 'ILMOMds t0V.t7,601 90, caroling In all four mOlionS, the hundred and twenty thous end, the hundred and fifty three pieces. 'rho rule 'age of once, it will be amnomoods four and n qnsr tar millions of pieces, mont hly for the lot year and • half or two pure, the cortege has been as much. In the face of this feet, end the notorious scarcity of mete in circulation, the mention may well be asked, "Where are all the mats Being depreedetel below their common value they ere Dot exported, and considering what • nuisance their abundance vac before the mspension of specie pay moots, anti tkrir immense coinage since, it lea gene eril wonder where they can all be Md.—PU:4 . IAM yelper. PITTSBURGH MARKETS aNSVITILID•i, December 12, ISM GlLLlll—Wasdot=ts firm vith a good at fall go tints, and very light receipts. Small min from smgon at $1,37 for Red, and 51,4351,43 for White. Coan—is quite active, and tbe market is firm with an up...ma tendency, .ate of l rot la Ears at 111,25; 3 dodo et $1,30; and 2 can Simile.] at *1,33. Oars—quiet but firm end unchanged; small aides from - first bands at :6€1.-e, and from store at et to 5.14 sale of 100 bush on track at Daaar.s—Tliero to it goal ilemand for Tall at 51.6 U, ishilotlpring Ls • little dull but iinclanged at 51.3 d. Vita—None In market. The nominal quotatioac from store are 11,35a1.40. TLOI:D.—The market ellaiillll.l to rule quiet, though the .upplj is light and prior .r. firm aud troll mlatalued. Small sales from story at 55,75 to MOO for Extra, and $7,01 to tr 72.5 for Entre fam ily. Stye Dour ma 3 Itti quoted at SD,TS to 54g7. CiSCNTRIES—The gonentry market in quiet but arta 4111,rrner cpolallexce. ling., range from 141 , 15c fur Ras, and 17 1, I , k rer Refined. Cott. , i MM=M==l Is finm srlth an oreaslanal small ale al IV, BUTTER S DIGS--11¢Itar is is I.llcr •ufply, Ron b • ohJale lasses. ranging nom %if t o 2., fur fair to choice. Egga.oll readily al 2.5.• d 01.4.11 for fresh picked. 11•1"—ls in demand lowl pito. Timothy wdt. mad- Hy to $4O per ton • at oral.. Baled Ha 3 how store rang. from in to $42., . to 0..142 HILL FEED—Ia I,m hut without yootahls chsug. In pric.. Sale at I ear Shipstuffs at $l,OO . I.Mr . C.- Ari'LM--The market is well buppllted, and not withstanding the .apply hi largely In asoesa of the demand, pricos remain tow-hsw,eil. rangtog from $2,2.5 to $2.75, toostl) at $2,5, CLIIWE/--le Ann with ot Wester, Crwerve at 110, and thonhorg ml Grahra at I Wlll , 3Kl—Common Rectified I. wary Arm, though the transactions, Itt the agzsegato so, .m4ll. and an• Important. We note unatl gale, at . am. hold. crs asking taw. Pittsburgh Petroleum Market. lir 12,—The reveal rains, and the prdopect • immediate Me in the Alleehend tived. and • . . qtkent Improvement in the reee4l., , , bw,ether with the alltavoneble tenor or the &Art.,. (met Nee, Totk, heel o tetblency to tkieees th• market (or both Oreille and Refined Patrolman toolsy, and the Imoyancy and activity • tact we nntsul on Thursday and Fri. day was not sultiarosl. The .7s:dative tkoliur, snick characterized the market during th. two days aliove want hated, appears to have howsubsided to a great extent, .1311 while the swami tot. of the ma, tot to-day Is weak and uniattsfactory to holder., it I. Gut proper to rumark thataher. It. lowa a.. too aria' chang. 113 ray nes Then .pleura to It. Gut few, It any buyers to the market 1.-day for emla, and the transaction•, cones quently. were unnenlly I lett, being confined to • sit, filo lot of 130 bbir stDy—bbls returned—at least Oa leas are only tale Ito could bear of. On TrWay loaf bbit In tank, ems mid at 203—measured In yak—ettleh Is smnsiderml equivalent to LI. The market clotted, m it opeued, dull .d unsettled. end with buyers and sellers apart In their vitste. In sympathy with Crude, Cedar& also, treeless active and raiser dull, u..:ceelused by the fact that mum 01 the larval buyer. had withdrawn from the market, and It ant eoWeot that while beldam did set Own dialward to to any mamma"a• y onam anxious to eon than nu WednAaday er Thursday. The slim reported today, were 1W bile Tu., prime white, at 51, sod 2,500 bids bonded, to be daltrenal within twenty days, au private term, On Friday emnlng, a tot. of 200 bbl. free, city Wand, mat effected it s°. Vaptha isdall end tereected, awl ur give the nom inal quotations .1 151410. neeldlnna la meetly with omastiolud mie at $l,OO per Lb i—h•diere generally mkink New York Petroleum Market. Elpscial Dispatch to the Mutat-Lk Gauiatta NEIN Yeas., Dec. 12—Creed• laden and teerlieel .t 3103 V. Beanie!, slso, i chill and • shad• lever, .4th males in land at 460470 en the •pot. There is nothing doing le free oil and the t 3013116•1 quotation it Lce. Ispthe tamales •boat am last quoted. New York Grocery Market, (Fr= the Commorrial List. D.. 13„) Corr.—The turbot was oeldom quiet's . , hot oevrr limner, than at -pesionst. Thom is not mach demand,, blot • neural ludisrpooltion . the put of holds. to offer their mocks of Math, and 104..7 U plac leed on tho 1111111104, on mason.. of half • cent ?Ps Insisbni on. Tins few parotids sal hare rout. mooted rry fell Vice,. la otber deectiptlone the. le obis ratteh Amnon, irlth a general appraciatku of 'ALUMS, 311111 being shout owe cent high.. Tb. Wee , Include 0,04.3 bap Otto, prr Papilla, an old cargo. at MN ends, discount for mutat tilt do., al , ustn 10 do. Oklesitninp, ax; tit Maracelho, V/ 15c, the latter psi. Or choke; VA Angostura, 36 034 c; 73 bap and ad mots Jan, 40041 c, 4 m ac ; 1 mats do., Inlallic, 9714 100 . bap et. Dm Ingo, .P4,4ispOn, moth, ' Seillll—Tbg butane. is Raw continues, eery mod erate and the market Is dull, but there I. a stmdi ftLelta,ond sr t h e Marring are light, prime aro sop. We notice 1,000 bOds. Cuba at. 11%.gilfif,e, greiTiFig - 1101 In Immil at 121 p, .1. pd TO do. Porto ,51W Mic; 66 do. and 60 Ude. Lemmata, port 11ri 103 hide, Sew Orleane, 13311Y 0 6 do. Inferior, 100; 16 do. ClarlOrd do., ifslici and '309 boo. Havana, 113 i11f. 1 .44.t'.11. 6 .i1z17,;w7.1 , : th .L 4 1 5 . 1 iihldie tokto,to, cub. Al Ilooton,Ktitis hap idantlisadd'at Mo t 4 nun. t . ILOtassia—lrks market rematurptite dull, ths de mand from 0461FUTMOTO being quite small, but at the claman liapremot feelltut woo obsormdsla. Ms ds ctlne'of 0 eon,. tweentl7 oelood Inaba gerund mar ket, and of 10 'male from -Om Mabee& - point of the muon; reform] i n n C; w Orleans and Porto Rico, Om reddened In Cuba to ail at .oemling 41 0 rents ligation. The salts aris4l.6 Wis., 45 vs. and 11 bble. tilayest Odle at 42YAL9o; A OWL. lintelbut, 64c; MII bleb. older* Now 0i1... 4511G0N 434 stow do. 660710,4 mm,; and. Skids. Dammam, on terms We did not loan. 1,17 andion, CM bin.. New Oriestur !Midst 3'..iially a c; cod 100 do. now mop, 6046713.4 e, cash. Army Awa The ifulloYdrigAsyarde wore made yesterday by Its.l B. Du Barry, a. B. at this post aaaNs. 12,000 lbs.. J. K. Wocaibriagn, at 1.1 e. Isooo 16,., J. M. Roadblidae, 4.1100. LrolicAti,..J.4lllArooKdotZfte,4ll.3 EMMEN soattro tomato, 25,000 Wain DuUsiA Co., at 41. o" 14300 Ito., C. W. holland, at 41.05 a. 23,10) Ito., oot A Andrews. a etc. WOW t M bs., Tamil* Andrawa, a t 42 , 74 c., 43,03 A ,tAIO, Iba T. V. TAlrklald Co.. at 43 , - *lO J. A. Do3ark Co., at 43,. . . G5,0:0 lbs., Salved A. Andrews, at Al la, 111,00011 w., Chew, E. Kicky, et 8.60 c. ICo,ooolloa, 'V A. Mut 1 Co.,AL The awards for the other articles adverthwd tbr, mattetr.mhay. Um were twenty-lberldd&rin for fo sous pork, at prices ranging Item 17,17 to /In Ws transmute foe clear hewn 414 at $8. 3 41 0,93, and clear rib at $8,7b191,12 Per ltallbc—Oia.. signori Gagerte..l2li Philadelphia Seed Market. Dsa. Lt.-Beetle-2W receipts .of gkerereeed coo. thane trifling,sed it is to deities& Pelee qt =butt Par and prime at 8707,5 0 pee Rpm. Measles -for rrepertkiesseprisel - ithstlbiitsrisbpsost :.'lluireilsttiorollemired forerilruidg, with sew Sitakpeerbusbol. bushels *obi .sopi otti, taw. Maxaa.ituui itaa.aelling titr to. thr cratianisifit,itecoutbei ; 11,0Cpbelb stereisites, Chlougo Market. »t 4 it : Bbeer sumciatlPM4 I* -1 1=Wt' 154 War.' later4s. .air4ar: ,Maittao!,,Maa bkootacatACCOUsh.- cpin nciP4ftligiurnmtitillmOlc. fir t S a ttV a r MIMEI /I.—Flong--TbeAiras rather more doing, but the ege the market. - Arte hardly to le. The , eras quite Malt. Ws guilt* saperils at 83,d , :q 6 ,,e 3 ; extra._ Impectwee grade, .65,7005.75; and tmde !wends, 55,f0 V 1,113, inaudinzu.n.t Th o sales seem: !CD !Ibis extra at 38,75., n04,109-.40 . : vat saint al VAC.. Whisky-4M , market was Ormer to-day, and beld succeeded In obtaining an adrance The sales were :12 Ws at ti.l4=3%t, the latter rate foe V W:ZS—The weather Tom bad for the irosineas to day, and packers were generally out of the market, hot droven did not mem willing to make any can emaimme, and this fecUng wan quite e nragingamon them Therefore n mach done. Hoge &e 'VS, were held nt 97,25, with buyer, at 17,10. beat—Prhes have uot changed le any essential particular gam our hut. though the feeling In the market le a rind. Pinner, but the detethd was only [moderate ited rangm from 51,40 to 1 1 . 23 , sod white tn 11,4041,44, the latter, however, an mamma quo tation, as • round lot of choice white was on the Mar kin at 51'45. Corn—The market wee elechledly heavy. Dllers are well supplied, and are holding back, and the de mand from isovernment contractors bng ,very light —indeed we do not know that they toe buying any Jot no tend strongly downward, sad are quite irregular. A small lot of old, in sacks, wax On the market, and 11,18 wee all the owner was offered for It New le dull at 05 at tholower atepots A sale of 65u busk new ear, at upper depo 65c. bate—Them woe a decidedly letter demand, and and prices 2c higher. The exam wore ZOO bush to burlaps m. 00e , 2,102 do, Including bags, at ,WO do In elevator at iffa , 20.003 do at Mc , 10,000 do in. chiding sacks, at We; and OW do to elevator at 70: . Bye— The market Is unchanged, M. 11,70131,31. A male of 1100 bush el 11,30 11.rlay—The market is unchanged and Orin, at 914041,56 for good to prime spring, and 91,40ffal 6:1 for prime to choice fall A Bala of 1,000 bush prime spring at 91,5 m 5 - Day —Tbe arket is tinchthred and steady, St 000.29,00 per ton for prise. Timothy on arrival, 1 p 529,0441•11,00 from More. Cleveland Market. Dec. 11—flour—The stock on hand a now quite large and daily acenmmedating, as the Wee are principally for the supply ;Attie home consamtion the biockads of freight preventing any. extamive ship manta Into the interior. gales WO bbls X.X cadet 16,12 Vi ads do at 10,1% 100 ItiAle choke eat. at 2: , 5 75 . Wheat—Market dull and inactive this morning with ealre 1 car white on track at 150 r I cured on track at 121 c. Thin afternoon there .0 mere delnand, and thi demand and the market a shade tatter. dales T cars red en track at 122 e, and 1 car amber at 12110. Cons—Boldenvery arm. No Wes reported. 110 c from store is the askinsprice. Orate—fats 2 cars an track at 72c. Earley --gale 1 ear on tract at 120 c. Dye--Not In much demand, stock light, and holders *en' firm at 11da Toledo Market. Drx. 10—FIntr—no transaction. Wheat—Sale yesterday evening 2,000 bn White Dinh at 147. To-day—clip. 1,500 bu Bud 111E1 at 125 e; 1,000 len White do at 147 el 550 ho 11.2 Whits at 13/3c; 1,000 tra White Mich at Is7c; 600 ho Bud do at 120 c. Corn— Sale 60X1 be .Id at 107 e. Oate—Sals 700 0 be Cl 77c. Salt—Fine fl.2obbl. Duane scarce,uto tat the market. Dressed Hop—Sale of 54 dressed hop at 54 , 4_6w%, the latter fur heavy ukd choice. Nese Pork—Sole bble light at 515,25. imports by Railroad. TT. Warn ire/MAW .k. corn, 42.t.rat.. 2 Iv batter, F Her bat ; 23 bbLa flour, Mellurkaa, llama As; II do ap ple., W 11 Kirk patrisk: 1 do butt.., F. thalsalk 132 les iron, to , k Black; 1 car corn, 11 Wallace; TA aka ruW feed, d A VI Fairly,: 24 bps oats, 10 bbl. batter, L B Folght, 1 keg butter, V Rabat; SA dos brooms, Sbrlssr A Lazaar . 2l aka dry apples, 1-11111 d Trita bla; 2 draws& bergs. \F II Ballunr, 4 lablsapples, A L alasowdan; 234 hides, tl lhas&; Z. , As rap, / 11 . 111 . 8 fliuslalr,3 du do, Reward Cotlre tcs Hussey A co; 50 1,14 a lard, 2I CS M/1/0, T Selreas kw; 4' bale hay, {V IF Rabbles; 00 hides, 8 Elarlanh; Ga bbl. (lour, 13 F 10 dodo, llaskaamo • • • CLosto.roto Pnoworaort IltArLarrati.—Dec. 12,- 71 aboip pelts, A W Rackart; aka raga, kegs butter, L 11 Volght: 374 As turn Ned, &maroon I Knox; ItO Ebb flour, Culp k Sheppard; 1 ear poultry, ODD Bra Ido wheat, Roble Angel; du do, Renurd • A in, 131 belle chairs. Y 0 Walker; 30 MN elder. b lleentriteon; 34 do do, I Vangorder; 143 bbs wheed, :Mb do Nulty, Elionrakar . Lao ap plea, Venor 0 Armstrong; TlO bxs enema , R Robison 11 do do, V Yangorder; E 2 do do, Shonnaker .Lang; 31 an. G H Anderson:24 Md. tar. Lupton & Oldeo; 2 ran rabbatr, 11.1nahnsan; 105 nil rye, now Bell; 11T aka 111<Corery co,VII .6. rota, Mani:all HolLelry; eke dry (roll, L Voisin; 9(0 do do, Culp .3 Shepaol; 6 bbla oil Iraish Dickey. ALLIAIII., STATION,—Doc. 13.-1 roil. Rather, A nip,ggart, 1117 aka .ai r : II 13 Soydao; litdr tar. 8 Dyar, 3do pp W Seddon: lot ontoln m balk ar corn, A Taylor. do do wheat. 31 T linonlodY; 144 aka oats; J ilpeart 1 rut boy, J Hamllton; 5 cnrs , uttairr• Ebe/10, Pato , r 21 0 oga Dad, 11 A nth.. nortoek. 6 lAA* spirits, B A ( arson ;3(4/ 44 floor, bitulooo Eno, 110 slot oats, 10 do wool,-J Spear 1 ear Gores, .1 111 Hemphill; SI) do hide, Scluead: •D bide apple, A C Taggort; 20 pkgs. Induce. Willy I Wearer; I ear hay. J Young; 34 aka Raz seed, Ewer, Ilarnitten eo; 1 car Lay; 61 61 t!.tortnny; I do in.oh try. Hert - er Jr Robinson; 1 car milt food, Simpson Knot. _ Imports by River ST. Lirt 18---ose Wattr. Rose—l 2 Itse Tod, Rat, der d co, Let dm brooms, tehotoskor tt Lang: 2 bag 1.1-1111, It C Sellere co; sdo do, Fahettatocll ♦ ter, 103 Uhl* tutor, I) Vitale., I l pkge, V/ 11111er d co; 1 deer, Loitett; L bleb Ol t U Y Schwartz. 3 Its. radar. J Ueda,: 3 ptkcs, Marren, Itsad, V De.; ) Lae 271b4. rtt r e r, Itt blt erletekr, 50 bet UT beer. bhle MI, 6 labda Under. In &peed.% Clark 6 co. DlSSOLvria?rs, toe. DISSOLCTION OF PARTNER:IIIIY. Tim pitrtnerradp boretolimo Martins bolsvon tolortlbors, ondrt it. Shit of PHILLIPS, THEW it PO., bro. Hilt day boor ditiodmd, CHAS LOCKIIAIIT and WILLIAM EILIM tumid& Par abound lb* onllre into-rods of Hu MM.* partners boxlmot of Mt loto firm will to tolled by I.OCH HAUT it FREW WILLIAM TRILL'S'S, WILLI/IR PROW, RUA RLES LOCK BART, RAIN VARA A BIPM V. R I PP. Pittsburg)", AuTtut 1010. 16R% Lorawas , LOMITA RT & FREW, Producers and Refiners of Petroleum, Or Al ALMON OIL WELLS, Vonaogo mutt; -d OuI LLI ANS OIL , A Oltlat. Ant, 01D., 171 a 114 WOOD ItTßSlirr. puRvIANCES PHOTOGRAPH Rooms, 00IINNEt 177111 AND INAIIIIIT ISIIINTA. (Wand 3d aortae, crow Bletiszdaose• Jiwili7 Atm, evenings, PA. I'll Cl* C>C4IEL.A.P . HS, Of .eery else and style plain or colored, from tie, popular Carte de Visite to tSbinet and Moshe poavtANcrs ovoid particularly Mall the et. motion of the /int AND MIRY Or lb. may ec. omaliolity of tile establialiment. tolsig mitoleid oy • Ones abort Mani or claire Priceessoderats, and saitatmetlon guanosteed. rayitealynalaTia & M. M'STEEN, Onus FOUNDER 7, t./. aao drake Puerta., Pertkialar attention paid to tb• ilttlut op and repairing' or OIL REY!. NERIT.S. All sof DRAM AND IIION COCAS made to order.kind Also MU SS CASTINGS, of all kinds, made at the ahorteet notice. All *okra lett el Noe. 31 and di vrxrea entarr, new Liberty, will be promptlyattended to. 11.1" The members of tide Grid tedna peocityal doosio, Wymany years' experience In their bealuena will Mears to Moo satlafaction itt every nmpect. We to. also &Fonts for Guild, Glllll.lOO A CO.'S STISAII PUMP, for pumping Water. Crude itad I fined Oils, ka. defkl spownsifizcs IiZADQUARTERS WS WOOD Mari. J Awr.ns BbWzr loth,. la. Attention of aporbonen others to kb rptondld stmt. of GEMS, tarLsklicEvoLvcita, PINTO LS. GAME BAGS, rowins FLASKS, 0110 T BELTS and pommy, I.ItAAI VL ABE% atul ato, tuaoltion of *very kind. Ulo stock lath. larval rrer brought to MU market. • Orli 111MLLIATTI M LX)LLISTEII , do MEI% llmulfacturer• and &Hari It all klub .f TOBACCO, 91(U TT AND 010ip6. NO. 1011 WOOD STUMM, Ps - renews. r Koapa cace.autly os bold a 110 variety of Pipes and ramoalag Tobacco. tof...ty OH A RLES L CALDWELL, (euomoor to .lomeo.Holumo t CO. !Our PAOK ZS, Dealer la BACON, LAUD, SUGAR CARED RADA !WORLD In. COAXES moms? AND,TIRST,6 - nistre, PllllllOllOll, PA. ReCOLLISTER 4 HAER; - TOBACCO. DE MACRON MS WOOD sum Are matins off tbelr Mrgo dock of • Toesoco, PIPCS any exostwa Ton#4:p AI thelooroot !form ,I rtmi. All .. oZfro promptly atteudr4 to. . •LiON• .AttiierllAL, IMPORTER •AHD DV&I.MB lb• moot sokce broads of CIENSILNE HAVANA 'CIGAR& and aU klids ,f. SMOKING AND CIDPVTING TOBA_P/A SNUFF,. FANO/ PIEWSCUAUX Pirp. TIMM le., to cat variety, UNDER' TIIVO. ItOr PP pittilough, Po. F. .—Tberna. eapppe: ay. Octal btmr.. - • 5 ! 00 &gin' AtiallOlCF4 Avsi ,l3TAT &O bbla. POTATOZB. of Nub 13kni, k'rtne• Al tans, Ae.J nuielter , Ike Ws for - • 'Llll4mo"A QAUSAUN -• •• EAT SPARN, * - . l tE4 Oak L. oAttliktiL; - • - j "stag -• Aotete tint and stmts. ItE81.1" 0 - U' Fa '-'5131241+:- 1:10 tot ratted. wed» A MERSA ; MU / I.OIIIkNY4 1.0 13""4141.- WatatiY.Otitik , itstono sad tor AVPLEB4.r-• 41) "Pdtoico -- tiseat Aw.tiptviscariviAgotAtati w i rm i , XPEGEB.I4.IIO bb Y a Aia illthiCOKl t ra 414104P 7 trtt. rl~ii oaf, A LARGEA6SOI3IIIENT OF DRUGGETS, the NEVIS! PATTEHNS rad try 1,101, at the Lowest Prices for Cash, uciudwg Crumb Cloths, FBltlngB, Rug% OIL CLOTHS. &c. And hating partheeed for CASEI. he the late adesswee, Ire see able to sell at the conositscturere. pdo, an stotiaallod stock of CARPETS, Window Shades, Matting, &c. OLIVER M'CLIETOCIE & 'CO., no. VI FMB ST=T. AT THE NEW c.A.Ri->trr wronac, • We Well .ell. doting the promo t mouth, at tehotnd. mod retail, WITIIOPT ANY ADVANCE IN PIIICIL a full line of • CARPETS, Floor Oil Cloths, - In West. 3 to Ibt feet wide. WOOLEN DEXIGGETS AND CDOND CLOTHS, WINDOW SHADES, TABLE AND PIANO OOTINIS, DOGS, HATS, STAIR RODS, &v. Ther;noods hare adsanced to first Lands, Imo TObsysur, TwEvrcarivs Pm}, ova. withi.*rtj and ws are now wallop, at LESS IVAN NAB IIYACTIMIER'S.PRICrES. Our stock to simnel VD- Wely NW. all hosing been porchsse&within nineti day., for cash, at this Tory lowest prices of the year. McFarland, Collins & Co., Not. Ti AND 73 TITTB SMLT, Bodireoo Pod Mks sad 40.3 CARPETS HAVE ADVANCE TUE EAST not we continue to .11, until fortbor.oollre, all ku our I. at price& lltduced Fully 20 iler Cent from last sesson's rakes. W. a de E M'CLLLIIM, tic 57 FOURTH STREET SHIPPIArG TITSATLANTIC 'KISH 3- - 1; ROYAL RAIL FITZAH NATIGA- •YZ TION COINPANY. GALWAY LIPIR &Daum), lOC llormetioarer. 4,000 tuna. HIBERNIA. LOW Horso-tamer, 3,000 toss. OGLER DI A. 1.000 Horae-polver, ROOD Wm ANDLI A. 1,000 Horse-powor,l,o oo tons. inagoilleent Steamship ADRIATIC will sail from New Tort tbc Liverpool on TUESDAT. Hw 11th of November. Rates' of pump from New York to Liverpool. pay able In gold or its tetravalent in 00000007. Intermodlate.......- 40 Posicomers furararded also I. London, Paris, Ram taws, Have, limmen, Rotterdam, Antwerp. kr...1 the lumen rem. Ear. from L.Preetoul m Gera, to Seer Tort and 126, VG, 176, 183; 11105. - For p...g..5 t .q. the cam of Me Agent.. RL A SEARLE, SZ littmayel !Lambe Joao, Matteger. or, D. OIiTEILE. Doa., Cioneide Building, Jylfrlyne NO. 70 Ylfth street. Pittatntrub. QTEANI WEEKLY TO lAV KEPOOL. teaching el QUEENSTOWN. • (Coat II.A•oe.) The well-known Onuses* of the Literpoul, New Turk and Philadelphia &wash* CAEll.aly are Intended es follow.: ClTli Dr NEW YORK..—....—Baturday, Dee. El. ETN t latnniay, Dec, CITY Or WASHINGTON . .. —......Saiontsy, Pre. 2E And every iiiimeeillug Bagley, at woos, Men Viler tt. Earth Biers. _ EIEZZ=I . _ . . . Playable I. Goid, w We Nrk14.1.11 ial 0e77...Y. FIINT CA 11111......... ...$56 61 L1T1M1L.R........... • .53 8 Co do to lamdou.— SS ,n do to Lon ood Al TO do to Darla- . 105 au do to Paris t.. ID IA do to Ilantrtug .90 00 do to lamb it 37 OL, VasamOora alvo forwarded W Ilasm. ;Wyman, Rot terdam, Abtwerp, Ar. at equally to nab. rand from Lirerpt:ol or Quawnstoww ; la Gala. TM TIN Sla. Mawr." Vat TM. aim' tortah to fend to Moir Niro& too buy ticket. hem,as Owat ra T tea. Nuttier lufbrmatioo aflply at Ilta Ottottamw's °Mo M w JOHN O. DALE, loot. to Broadway, New Tort. JOHN TNOMPAON, Aamit, Band wart, Ant boa. from M. brldp. mblOttf Wittaboraia. C UN ARD LI NG..---Steam from LIVERPOOL AND QUEETISToW to or It. equiv•leat b carreoc, 1111.011 SEW YOUS, SS& In con.ency thillo ovary wont. Apply to Torus aLrnas pied ReI'ABLISUED 1760. PETER LORILLARD, ==l ISNI:TY &ND TOBAOCO lIANUFACTIMEIL, 1G AND ii CHAMBERS STS/idr, (Formerly C Maths. Wert. Nom Tr(rk.) Would oil the attention of dealers to the articles of his manufacture, els BISLIWIS SIM/. awohoY, Tine Beppu, Cone liappul, Americo Gentlemen. Itemigrcw, Pars Virginia, Nachttoches, Cotentuion. YELLOW StfDFT. Scotch, High Tout Scotch, Irish High Tout or Lundyfoot. Honey Dow Scotch, Fresh nom Scotch, Fresh Scotch. /Monti. Is called to the largo reduction in price. of Flo CO Chewing and litooktng Tobacco, which ho found of • sucfr A ntf • • .•- - . Sztoacrio—lrouir, O. 1, No. 2, Noe. 1 and 2 called, Granulated. run Coe ammo—P. A. le, or plane- Caeca. dia, or Sweet; Ovroet amulet! Ororioco ; Tlo roil Cavendia. arosuro-11. Java, Spada, Ordiastar, Turkia. N. B.—A circular of prices will be .01il 00 applica tion. • aplOtly BATLEY, trdutthi, k (x)., PtIACTICIAL PLUB1111:10, GAS AND STEAK FITTERS, Brass Work, Pipe, Pumps, Valves, Arid all kW& of flatus fur Hater, (los apd Swam POITATORB Alp TANKS FOB OIL MINI. BITES law by • cum promo. amerta) tutmatat 8, 1661 Dtianipare PATINT OVAL c:3LinlNir.vos 1111NOTAOITIZO Of XI FLINT Thooo Minims lotoodod for Om dot dom., bettloie ell parte of Um glom equally, doe. oot exp. it to emotion, - X. T. D;TOXIXOS. Yors Pitt•OloieWirets. Winiblattin .17 " • • • • Pittobmvh, Poona. 0•0111 AN.6 WOOD onitzo orau.iis on . .0 intro= limn, wtioia;setic,`os'eOFT**: JAIL W.*CiODWELti. P7lMil==M artr AA y lklik4 will iiurchait . 4.1.. irtory trvi of tont Arms, balm , :etaertogtdow,• h te. ad s/M Pet Trout =VA, .stet stn,t,Rittsl 'degtM nlb Perm! -011. PANTi3t 011144isluds'aima Bate NW anotYm, PgRIX.A4 at" Oil et -4.10 410 aracteiactailtrAULatnet. , On BMA 'WHIT - , FLIINTAIVIAU4 Y a. hariAoa=sr 1 wasi lr i alu t Tu t o4 l eggs sn nr MAL =A UL 411AEMZE-W frrtVil l3.44:l,l PROP:OB.ILac pROPOSAL:: , FOIL lIRArr PRO JtarILIS. Onnasvrt Orit , 0, %Tau Drelarwr.Nr. I Washington. Mw. lan3. I Scaled Prepo-als bin hr ncoeived al 1114001 m un til 4 o'clock p. m. on the 1)501 OF ItECE3IBER NEXT, for lEA rmuECTILk.b. Ist Le delivered in the follow F ing q V uantities, ot the taiderutuned motels, vis AT THE If ATI:1171W ) h A lISENAL, MASS. 2,000 Ibtoeh bettering shot. 2,C00 felnch o,ooto 10 imit Mot. 2,000 10.iu sheliA. AT TILE WATF.IIVI.I kI A tisrb 1.. EsT TEOY, NEW 1,000 It Inch battering shot. 1.030 1:e mob shells. 4; lup iodnek 11001 2,000 10.ineh AT THE Cr s. A ILSENAL 001 Ehtl•tk's isLA ND, NEW 1011115 3,00.111 , -ise is battering •hot • 3,0011 1 , -Inch shells. 10,1051 In.incb shut. 8,000 10doch AT THE ALLEGHENENY ARVA NA NI SEL, r rrrsto . noti, I.NSYLA. 1,000 lA.Oult bettering do, 1,000 hetuch the , . 2,000 liblitc • then.. AT THE ST. LOVIS A ItsEliA 1,, ST. LOUIS, MO. TWO 10-Itch abut. TIM Ini AT THE WASIIINGTON, TON ARSENAL, WASHING- D. C. 1,1)00 I:oh .ch lootering shut. I,OAI Ifeinch I,ow 10-bah shut. 3,000 10-inch The Projectiles ern to b• made of Om kind of metal, and inepecsol 111er the rules laid down in the Ordnance flattest. with the exception of the inch haltering idiot, which are to be mule of gun metal, of [p oundstrenth, rouging between 25,00 D mat MACEIO puto the Knelt loch, enst them must be cut front • reverberatory or sir funmce. Drawings of all the pridectlin red be Wien at any probe en. ore they are to be delivered. The ru t , proectile. ore I. ivi inepated at the tone.ll7 where t but must laideltrazed at the. ariants enema% fret of charge fur trsusport.stiou or handling, antO delivered 01 Ile arrionsl. Deliver'. moat le made at the rare of out IV/. than five per cent. per week, 01 Cl.. number of projectile. contracted fur ; the tint delivery to Le made within thirty Jays Mier the , of the contract, u se soy Mature to deliver at a speci fied Gros will i ll the contractor to a forfeiture Of lb* amulet - he may fail to deliver at that time. Separate bids west he made for each kind of pro-„ },,tile; sod if my bidder propoens to deliver et illfrerent arum:tie, mparate Isla must he made the nook kind at each place. No bid will be considered from parties other limn regular founder., or Irruption/an of work., who am krumrst to this Oepartment to be capable of eaccufing the work contacted for in their own cetablisitments. Earli party , r olorelning a contrart will Le requimd to enter Into fronds, with approved burettes, fur Its faithful execution. The Department mitered to itself the right to re ject any or all bids, if not doomed aallstacsory, for my astme. Proposola will be addressed to "Brigadier General GEORGE D. RAMSAY, Chief of Ordnance, Ington, D. C.," and will be endorsed °Proposals for Henry Projectiles." (IEO. D. RAMSAY, nolitmodbi Itrig. Gen. Chief of th•duanat. OIIDSANCE OFFICE, WA. Paramus.., 1. Waxhington, Moe. 10th, 1013.1 That pdrtioo of the teregoing advertisement which relates to 3-11011 Bettering Sliot, is withdrawn (or the proient. GEO. D. RAMSAY, Brig. Gen., Chian! Ordnance. DIME SAVINGS INSTITITTION,-No. 11U SMITLISLELD STREET, (opposite da Castors [lotus.) Mattered by the Legisietture. • OFFICERS: 0.e.,,t/44-4/01F-S PARE, Jr. r tea ?REBID/MU H. T. Itndd, A. Reiner:ass. Joshua Rhodes, 1 Jucol, Sturkrsth Alec. Uradley, Alfo:d tilack. wm Il John V J.nulno Thom. U. !leash, S. Blair, Fro hell., Henry Lloyd, . , Josiah F log, fC. Zus., CR. Wolff, A. S. 6 , 11, Jos. Dilworth, IR. D. Cochran S. S. Fowler, W. A. Itee.l, W. Smith, J. W. Wooden.ll, B. C. Setunertz, .i. D. Jotitet4 F. Dann, C. W. iticketson. B. F. Jones, J. Al Derwin, S. U. Harman, W. U. Phelps, D. 1.. Long. R. J. Anderson. C. A. llereeoe. Jae. W. Bonn.r, R. S. McKinley, W. 'blown. &maw" end - 'freer...m-IY. E. 11 LIS Li.l. Open dally, from 3..m.t03 p. m. Al o, Matunl4 evenings, from b to 8 o'clock. Deposits receired of ONE 1.431 F: and uploarda. InridundoMmlored In December and Duro of cock year. Dividends allowed to remain sea placed to the credit of vb. depositor at prit.aipal, mid bear lntc est, thna compoundingit. 1 oaks containing eharter, &C., ihrittiP" ed at the office. ciitrThls Imtltution olden, eapeclally to thrps ns whase earnings an small, the opportunity to invinenntate, by small deposits, eaidly saved, • sum which will be • meow°, adieu needed, their money tint only being uta,licit bearing iiiternit, instrad of soma In in tin • mid nett re. arOnlyfe-eld ( -- 07/1// , e)ItNER VENN & ST. ('LAIR SVk Tito lorrott ototatioat mud moot neeesatol Busincss Man's Coliere IJL OIRO&A11.9. ClAltalolui fan Information, fro., to Any Aldo., onapplicallaa to the prindpQrt tax.W.lliatarT R NORIII4, No. 70 FEDERAL STREET, Fancy Cassimeres, Overcoatings, CAISILUSILB AND VELVET VIBTINGS, lottablo for Winter Tatar, wad* to order to tho best style and ou short oust.. no2l.lasnat - • - • A WIIOI.I.SALI DIIUO AND JOBBING BOUM No. 341, corner LIBERTY A WAYNE E t tEEILTS, We Union Passenger Depot, .d now otfer for see a general assortment of DRUGS, PATENT MEDICINES, WHITE LEADS, 011.8, PAINTS, DIE-STUFFS, WINDOW GLASS, GLASSWABrote. Patel:Lasers will had oar Mock at all timre .511.• sorted, and prices such ae to aft* entire eatistution. J. J. BENDER A 00., cor. Liberty and Wayne prate, Pittsburgh. 1:m553.d-imams EXECUTOR'S NOTlCE—Lattexis tes- CU tamentary cm the caste of W3l. JOHNSTON, late rf Allegheny county, &awed, har/oX "beau granted to the undersigned, all persona having claims or dersanda„sitalust the estate of the said • date:butt am requested to make known the same without de lay; and Ulm ladobted to sald ate will make my- moot to either of the undersi *Mgned. . . DANIEL NEOLUT, Al tut Liberty. ISSUULEY CUTHBERT, 51 Market It, del:6ssfoot .:TICATOR'S NOTlCK—Lvt ten of Admintstsstion baring berm granted •to the ruadenigned upon tba estate of Col. James H. Obllds, lat. of • lirsbony county, Pa., &gleam& all parsons Indebted tumid coats orszequatdd to make payment to the undendigned,and items baring rialoss altalnal said estate will prostott them, properly Ad. ttlentleatod; to MIAMI= Ai HOWE, Adm't, at Oilloe of riessay, Hells b Co., - corner of Harrison and Pike 'Unzip; • Nor, UM FORTH STUNK. • . . . •Or to MT ME PAtiMEE, Attoroos, noWtlssrdthr , No. 07 Irlith sttuSt. Pittsburgh. 1864. a lam assortment a POCKET AND IXIIINTINII ROUSE DIARIES, dm IS64—in yoper,.in elath, to man, la itallattob Turkey, ia. Turkey Illarocco—e with Mit addca aad with marble. idges—with tuck; patent dupe aad edeitie fastenings. All alsea as from the covaiwnwel. to the very . beat. For sale al Dweonable nitre by VOI. C. /WINSTON A CO, Statluitera l acl4:..law.w • • 67 Woad awe . rpHE DRANT.—Personewho ate-draft; sbo bre entitled to eietnpllon Sot mule; laid dawn In tbe (blowlptiorrAct of Ranch 1, IMI, or sto tear to kaititiortal by the-payment oft= fro. tkra praoredrqA Eat/risk - to titscaro►substitute. to takethat . plate elerfe*lbotrorywlll tlnd It to their adrintege Vali on roe, es I am ropy petered silk 'ltbinks, to. J.B. • ' No 107 Toortb street, soar sakit4,l4: - 4 110%4 'AND. Wl' , FOR: 11411,E;. sitia: 5 ( 5 4, 5 5 1 1 . Ibiroithof Wnaiientbn, rostitone=. Ind county; Lot otl Naltritzorit 1/152 Lot; on ItattrouVitreetlss 5,*L• Stick notilllsloet b 7 Cl Lot;' kitehnn 20 by 15 frit.. ntible 55 by,t2 . rect. , nolnold, It will b. - tented: • Itut Newtnn;lifor. 30;1553. , • 0 APERcAND:. ENVELOPS 111 . - HOCRIS444ast 4 Warp stosk Of - - •• --'-•,. . . ..NO T., 4141,TA , .P$lllE. 4 .Alme, SN , •*.IOPLIi ba•Tramtnirlatiaa, , adon stall qualities. ttc :nay stait.i. - Freaa_la by ..,. ~ . W. G. JOILIISTOtat Oa., P Papa l . ra, . • ocl4.l.laworraw. -, •::;.• ~ , : , , fir Wool 5tn....C.," _ , .. 100BB119;''! .131.1813 G o ti \-f 40: .. -, •=PoOtia. soiCrostrit , Oupti L Mist recoindind Mr sale by • • • '•-%' ~-.? ,•-•-- -.,- '-••-• • • -, , BEIM:611 & 1111.05,-., , 1 -- ..4.00:: - .. ' -.";•.; r •44 :124 42111=1ToOd atrett:, • ILO 1 . • t5O "'4, e l -. 4akyvzows* • - - • • ,RAtorth.VILS.• : • .1 pROPOSALS Ktit Ft:IRA.OV. Coq QC.AVlTtiAntes Ornet, Wayhtoplon' Depot, December 8, J proposas Writs! by. tho eirtdrraiiptr , l far sopplylng the IL Quartermaster's Dapannarpt, nt a skinglan, D C. Patti:nor, 11 d., Alexandrla .41 ion Monroe, or either or Pow° pia., with HAY. COIL'S, 11AY5 and eTILAw. DMA Will 1 , reCdißl ger the delivery or 15,1.8811,.,h. Tura onto, and e.t.a a tny a straw, and np• Word, iliddere oust state at •hich of the abore tweed point. they propose to make dellrericA cud the rat, / at which they will make de/leeriest thereat, the gnat , lit] of ascii article proposed to be delivered, the time when ntlel deliveries shall Tr cotunarueed, end when to I* <completed. The prioetanet to written tag In Ultra cm thee bids. Corn to be put op in good stuns easkr,of shoed two bushels each. Oats in like for of about three bushels each. The sack. to be furniehed wlthoett et• eve charge to the GOVOrtallent. The bay and straw I to be securely baled. The particular tied or description of oats, corn. hop, or straw proposed to be delivered, must be stated In the proposals. All the articles offered under the hid. herein In. ! tilted will be subject tee • rigid itninction by the kenri.ft Inspector, lefoeurbelng accepted. 0/attache will be awardcl from time to thus to the ! lowest respotodhle bieldor..s the interest of the Gov. 1 ennoent 11.17 require. sod payment will be made • when doe whole amount contracted for Atoll/ have Leen delivered and scxpted. Tier hidden will - be required foaccornpany-hil pro. pond with a guarantyysigned by two responsible persona, that in case his bid la accepted ho or they I will, within ten days thereafter, execute the contract for elm same, withgiod and salticiiht sureties, to a tutu egos] to the amount of the contract, to deliver the forage proposed tee eoulormity with the terra. of Ms advertisement; awl in case the veld bidder should . fail to MUM IlitO oontract, they to make good the difference between the offer of said bidder ace' the next lowest responsible bidder, or the person to photo the contract may to awarded. The responftbilitylof the guarantor. most be &own by the ofhelal a/Kick-ate of Distract Attorney!' Collector of Castox4, or any unite otileer under the. United Stales GOTOMOOOM, en responsible person knowle to this office. All bidders will he duly euetiford of the acceptance or rejection of their-prop/nal. 'The fun omen slid V. O. addrosa of reel/ bolder meet he legibly widen In the proposal. • pr o po.A.lo mutt' biCaddreased to - flelgadierGentral P. 11. RAMKEte, ("Wei Depot Quartuntianter; Wind* tonnes, AC., sada/0121d be finish marked ..Propoe as for Forage."' el Bonds, Ina sum IX9kal to the aneolgat of the cone triut, signed by the nontractur and both of h6grear• enters, wilt he leontred ofihe egeressful bidder or bidders upon sigolagithevaanteact. Wont formaruf bids, gftedontees, and Londe, may obtalued upon application at this office. YORR 9V PROPOSAL. rrrsnu non. PA J ENKINS & SMITH, Plet.l urgh Pa. ALL/WHISK/ my, PA LII the ilklfti style. of J. J. DEADER Ik. CO Its open. ,1 in Pittsburgh ~nr:~@u~l (Town, Comity and State,) (Date,) L. I, the zubecTiber,do - herebyprupan to furnish arid deliver to the United Maus, at the Quartermaetera Departmental. agrewably to the termed pier advertisement, Inviting propoula for forage, datedWasbington Depot, December 8,111113, the fol lowing articles, els : —boshele of Corn, insects, at per bushel, of 64 pounds. baahels twand.. of Oats, saelts,at pro thishid, of —leas a n t baled Hay, at law ton, of d,OOO poonds. tom ofStraw, at —per tau ' .31'2,000 pomade. Delivery tocommenes on or before of —, IW, and totes completed on oriel:fora th ea— dayy of —,186-, and pledge myself to eater into a writhe:icor:tract with the United &atm, with good and appn,ved securities, within the spsee of ten daye after below notified thatmy bbl bee been accepted. Your obedient .errant, Brigadier General D. 11. Errs., Chief Depot QcOWas rtermaster, hington D. 0. OUABADITY. We, the undenigned, residua." of , I. the co mty of and Stateof hereby, jointly and amorally, covenant with the United Mates, and manatee is cam the foregoing bid et bdamegasel, that ha or they will, within ten days altar the acceptance of said bid, ere casette. cons ract. for the mom with goodandsofticient sureties, .um equal to the amount of the contract, 10 furnish the forage proposed in comfermity to the terms ofadrertieemeot dated December 7,1116 i, under which the Maus made, exid,ln none the apld shall falltoenter itsto•contract se afornwid, we guar- nuke to mats good the difference between the Mier by the mid and the tuts lowest responsible bidder, er the person to whom the contract may *warded. \V items, t (Dem under our hands awl seals this -- day of —, (Peat. [Oral. hereby certify that, to the best of my tram' go and belief, the above earned guarantors an good awl sufficient a. sureties far the amount for which thsy offer to be annuity. s— ..ertifiedb,3 To bo certified y tba trolled Stotes District Attor ney, Collector of Castor., or isny other officer en dell:G tLe United States Government, or vesponible person toovrn to Oils D. U. DUCKER, c - 16911F Itrig. Gert..d Qurternassti, ARMOR PLATES Na.. DEPASTYCX2, NO.Mber 21, 18E.2. The Depertment until Um Mar DAY OF DB CEMBED NEXT, receive proposals for the delltery at each of the Navy 'revisit Portsmouth, ft.; chsztetown. Kam; Brooklyn, New York, and PbU. eilelphis of the following described Oda 'armor, stringent, aiflLdeck plating for coo vesselat each yard. TheipaMtion may be separately for the Mao armor, at :nen, and deck plating,. and may be for oos or vessels, but It mutt embrace the whole of each deeniptioo of Iran fora vessel; that le, the deck plating, the stringer., or the. old* armor may be bid for DECK separately. AEIIOII. Harren hundred (1,1 CO) 'maned. iron pinto, mom or how, tat (10) fed long, thirty-two(=) Mabee wide, and one and one -half Inch thick. A portion of these plata4willbe amend to telt the curnclore of the aids line of the resescl; slot, to It armed the turrets and batches, for which phut will furnished to the contractors. To he of the best ilO9, ends and edge, * nears, straight, and planed true to the .In es given. The whole to De delivered within ten (10) menthe from thereat& of contract- WROCGIIT IRON STRINGERS. Threethansartdand turd, (s,o2o)llneelfai °Mon stringers, eight (1) inches sneare,except at the stare d stem, where they will' taper core way .Tor th e ' length Of about forty (b) Let on each and of ato sea -Ito about throe (3) Inches. Them stringer. to be In length twenty three (2.3) feet tit (0) lathes, the ends to De lilted together with a proper scarp one (I) foot loog; on-half of the scarph to be taken from the end of each. Then will be lour mega of time, stringers on missile of the resseL To be Mohr of the best Man. ends and edam square and Straight, tree to the lave gimo. The whole Mb. delirered In eight (8) mootha fromE RMOR. the date of the contract. SID A One hundred omit ortrais (ICS) plates of netongbt Iron. three (3). Inches In thick ea, of tbs following lengths and widths. Yin: 1 Onto IS feet long by 33 Inches wide. Vt • 16'•BD I 10 foot Incheetong by 33 Inchon wide. 13 IS I 14 64 7 7 1 " " fA , L 5 1 " " " 4.5 1 0 7 . " 45 7 " a Ls 7 43 7 " 11 " LS 7 " 4 " 43 • " T " " 43 " " " Y 0 " 0 5 - " 45 7 " 7 45 1, 7 : .1 " 45 " 7 try " is 7 . 7 is • 10 " " . 10 1 " • 32 The whole of the able snows to be roadafrom the hest lran,wida- and edLeri to he seam and straits/11, - and raaaLerre to the 41wa given.' To be delivered to 01.. (2) ittontha from the dato of the contract. The whole of the Iron to boor • quality that will bun a tensile strata areaway-two (2.l)United State. tone to t h e anent nil,- atllbaewadvad asoet from patties tar leg estahltalnatratocapaltla of . tag Ode wuritottul their catabUatainnta wliill.be cataawal before a Our tnet wilt parekeier• tallvelt applleattort . tO. the Milllsandazit of tbe Bzwlapt, Nov l'exic.llo7Tud. Tlettoontratt eta •entbraw the to ceinalltiosts, and the Iftpartraeat ramerve• the. rltbt to klettlt or all they rolsotalethat nay be tatad• under this eV, wrlattreivra; if to Ito eptuhn the ratite Interests re! . Th•repeattletre mast state the prk• per woad for which each clew of the iron will b• dearest-5.1a the respective wary „Lards, and most lo itacompecknibl • isamtp• Sha2 um parties will execute a contract If awarded to eldiermot Tor earl. vessel will, be don -'hie gairalty orogen :1501a.," nomoi; . ..t h ot to twohandtsd alad•tilewly:Settl(2) biotite ttutabar;, PROF° 81 - LS Fah CAVALRY JL. 11011.11.3. . . . , Cevitse Dtreit Orr= or two Caw Wirt= Ea, tirawhingtes. D. C., Nee. a, ?comae tritoltd,, and will to ree4.l et this ''!Cite for DU tertabtert et, Oarthrilo Leered et Weablosteu; D, C., Ilk Loeb, • The pewee CcrOweily with the I.;llOwlitilipectlkOw DNA lasi To 1 e hem: (111).to tigers 00 lerelekliti, heal Drillsith. Alto V) "Ms 0 1 4 ,,_.'Nre. 0 broken to the - saddle, comOistilholitOs and tree treat all detects. TlDeobltlet orther - ttll&llw - ltditil kb :temotr be goinikteed :by Twitrespormlb .1;40014: wboac elgoetaree mot to appended to ibekweriotto. elyp watertateesi velem ink 6eth et allegory *Met la tlti -toe or reneros toff .00 ,- The trogoothilar of thigileTlOtwilirkhOtio4holM ,)nthe it DI 'eertifirate et the Clerk of the sweat .tniteics omit :or or tullaite4 Stateelleirlst .ti. Is Ch ief tr i . Cer_ellfr 'and.tei - exiion Abe erwelote , '" ri'Voulr 4 % . •,1 . • '' OMIT Trams **dog 1111110w:skin opeelficii= .Wasirll t•ptprcb6,ol* ottnPlaimitSE , I t ' ll ; at as following pliat . Iris; lice liotk el ,- blowy Banta "ad Itochestel, It. - .17, - ;Plttltburg - Prim.; Ca LS. ur ltnabni Obio i' palm- a , Mu... At tili Ne t ; 1144 f 'dad. - ( 4 6.1:4 Odd. QUIXI - 9.4.7 .1 //MAU'," ... ......... II V 11411118ERi..t.! ','l'i'=:,;:7*Pi..Tl9.-,-.f...-..,..,,:i.,:.,t I. .•4 6 0 .1 000 2 .':*! ( . 1 044 6 4 ._ ... -'-' go web Le wm-gat , econaftzlcctoss low, _. . . 9 1 1 .* woo etrubiktormso INCA& VOlri •,.; ii4:..l.:...epctiegirignmirmrlyd . rr . t.i.t.:.---:c.,..:1--: _v.o-17,1 - , 77.-7:71 -7 4A . ...•t•-•! , l'itZ., /Matt arterr,i,,), ._- ' - , , ' I\TER T ILLNCIE3ITST and - after 11011104: vember Idth, IStZL-PCSIiSTiTITTLI T BAILUOAD-11013 TIAILTTIVATM, 11:zehikrafilk - i.ool".iiditt - ODATIO4 'MOs loaves the Passengir Shittrandally. (extept. elnde.T.) et 5:50 . m., Rapping Slade. between Pitta. b d u o r n s f,o e r u xNio P r h lock lapndP n a i toaklakmt. dLect.cnnee. Tim TIIIIOUGII NAIL 214.4.LN Icarus Um Pas. ganger Station *Tim morning (2t Sunday) at 2:50 a m., mopping only at princi stations, and making directonmeetions at b u y p, gem. awns and Washington. and for Nov Yuri. Ha Phila delphia The THUOUGH P.X.PHYSS TILkIN Imams daily at 4:25 p. es., gapping only at principal stadium, Raki,, direct connection at Harrisburg to, Bmitimpro and Weabingtou i and kV See York Via dlltatnuy. reap ilaciep . I and rem LLXIC leans the Station fialls ' .(mnierit Sunday) at 11:35 p. m., atoning only Astdmipal am: I Mona commuting at Harrisburg for Haltimme s ant Wash Moon. and at Philadelphia for New York. ACCOMMODATION TRAINS. L.' Tl. Johnstown Accommodation Train:hail:l daily (except Smiley) at h.. 00 p.m., stopping at alt B tatione, and twining as far as Conemangh. • First Acoornmcalation Train tor. Widrailtation Imre. daily (except Sunday) at &50a. m. &mend Accommodative 'Prato -Watra Stenos leas. darn (except Sunday) at 11.40 a. m. Third Accommodatkm Train tor Wain Station leaves daily (except BundaSl at g,..50 p. m. Fourth ACLol3lolodation Trip.fn for Wan Stan= leaf. daily (except SundaY) at UT/ p. m. , The Church Train leaves Wan'. Steno n simlTOtio , day at 0 , 61 s. m. ; returning, leans rittabOrgh 12:45 p. to. Returning Tralm.arrive to Pittalmrgh Y &Bon Baltimore p. m. ' Phibuielidsla 1:20 p. to , Yam Line....._— WO a. m. Through 'Nail ..... 1:00 a- to. ilohnetown to. Filet WoUc dtatiosidcoonamodathns,.— a:IZ a. m. Second Button Accommodation.--. SIRS a. m. !Third %Yearn Station Acememaintiott....., p. m. Foerth Ww. Bintlon Accommodation....., 6:03 p. m. Baltimore' gtpreseartli 'arrive , ffltiolshßa&lphla Exmoor atled".l, 1x.92. on liondaya.. Trains foallairevilloand Indhina Connect at Blahs. vine 'Lltion . with Through Aceranittadation, Joirosteram Accomanodet km and ,Expreas Train Zest. and with Raltlmore Express and Johnstown:l Aroma , modation-West. • j Thane for Ebessebtox connect at Crum. with Ta- Pies. Trot. and Moil Train Areat,and with Through I Accommodation and Mtprem Train East. • The public will find it greatly to their Ipterwat, In go tug Rad or West, to travel by the Poonrylmin leßallroad, irrthe accomModatiOne now-ediered , cannot he enrimmed on my other route. The Bead ' to ballasted with sumo. end la entirely Be. frt. dna. We can promise safety. rew•d, and sonadirt to all who may favor Able road wltlatheir patronage. . . To 31311 Y0rk..........311-30 To Palte-.--. -5 41 00 To Philadelphia-- 10 30 To Lam:eater ~..,..,. 0 00 TO Ifairlaborg. T ad . Haggage chocked to an butane on the Perineylva via Costralllallroad, and to Philadelphia, HeltionaroK , and_thos York.. ..... . . Paomengere purchasing tickets to the can erM be an excess, according to the distante traveled, faM i tlon to the station bites, event from 'station. where the Oonipani hie 'llO agent ISOTICII--In nee et loss, rho Company will bold themselves, reconalble for personal haggooge only. and for an amount not exceeding $lOO. . NAL—An Omnibus Line has boon intnloyed to convey passengers and tuwage to and from the De pot, at' a charge not to elated 25 cents, for each pa.- manger - land baggega. Vur tickets way to_ _ Errx - wens, eg.it. At the Pennsylvania Ilafi Peoenger Station, on Liberty and Grant streets. . no2o ' 0 I, E V E 1rAND,1.,,,,,,,,„,..,,, lan . .4..., rrrroarnars madis..l , :;, , -),Ta WIERELINGItAILROa W I N.T ER. ARRANGE= NODDLE, Novetaber lath, le the Depot of the Nattsylvan . burgh, as follows: Pittsbooya owt B 0. oO o' Leaves Plttaburgh i I:La a. La. O,Y) a. tu. Ita p. at. \ do Wellsville. 4:10 .. 8.1.4 " Ca . do Rteaberiv'e trio " OAS 0 a;o6 . do II heeling . Cam . IL-0O . etial . Artirea Bellsir.... ee'YV . lltla .' er.53 0, Cantmeting at nuesbenvillo and Bellalt with Stan. bercrillo and Indiana Railroad and Central Ditto RAD. mad for ZAIIISTiIIV, Newark,. Coltman:* Xenia,. Day ton Indianapolis, dielonall,Dotdsiflle; • Calto, St. Lads, fit.. Joseph. And all potnts wet - and southweat v and at D'heelhly with Italthaore itad,Ohia Railroad. Maxima wad Cltreelaaditve. 1 Ltuaves Plttabargh.....--...- I:4sw.rt. ,i.15p...t0g do Wellaville.---..-..... Ca • . - CIA do Rayard..-...-..-........; 5r50 !. - 5f25 . do Alllanee...--....c....- era . 6415 0 do flavenms.......-..-.-... • TAO . ' thsB . do ilndson-.-----...-- 8:11 . It3o . Anita at tUerveland...--...- 0020 _ . 3:10 . Connecting at Bayard with 72nacarainut ranch SW New Pldladelphla awl Canal Doren' at Alliance with Pittsburgh, Fort Wilma and-Chkeago Railroad; at Raven. with Atlantldand Great Weston' Railroad (or Warren, Greeaville Ifeadvllle,.l/11119.4 COM, Jaateatown and Salama nc a:, at Dodson with Cleve !land, Zanesville and Cincinnati Railroad for Akan. Cuyahoga Falls and lifllersharg; andWg Cleveland with C. &E. A It. for .V.rie. Dunkirk-and Buffalo with C. A T. R. R. fur Sandosky, Toledo, and aim witi. steamer.. for Detroit. - , . _. fitenbenyllle and Wellsville Accommodation !payee Allegheny City at In p. m. , " ltrtmmlng trains arrive at 100 a. at., CkfrO p. nv, 8:05 p. to. and E.lO a. ott. Through Tickets, to all .promlaent, poltda can he j procured at the Liberty Strect Depol„ Plthdnutth. 1 0- • GEORGE PARKIN TitloEflgard , And at Allegheny City. , 1... Q. CARSELIDERRYi TOref Agent. Too Duller Infirtaatka applyto ••• WILLIAII 'STEWART, Agent, At the Company's Orlon inireight Station. Yana al. nol6 - I 'T.---On and alter Trains wUI leave is Itallroail, lu Plus. B4.A'SH. MEIEM OF P,ITTSBITRGIII. TaTASII.III DEPA=IIIIIIT Orme or Ocartusessa ors CrlasaCT, WathingtanClry, av Sre:16111, At e rrcurre, By estitrectoty • ae: prawn to the undenigned; it-hsa - been tokoh4a enftz that thealllST NATIONILUDANX,WIWITD-BUSGII , In the Coma, of Alteshear,ani State of Pettneylre do, ban been duly, orgati*4 ureter oa ..c.aluzig to the telluric manta of the'Act of *entre* entitled an Act to provide • Nottional Currency, enured by pledge or United staid Stock‘stal to welds for the circulation and redemption. thereel:' 71 1 PPrutud February lrah. lent, and Lee owned: with all the orotialom of 'kali Act required to itaiamoued with before cemmnencing the liminess of Bulkiest Now, thetefons - I, , licerlattate lietatella of the Chsrrortc, do hereby: certituthert a said inwr bie.Tide.i. BANE or PrrzonGll. oeuu-17 el,allrsbeey. and State or Foilityhania, is adthetrized to commence t h e blatant of %lain un der the Act aurae& • - . let Waimea, ethane.' f .-ecinmertay head yq laid rat of WIN. tblieSth 'by or Amen. 11.863, HU= .11c1:1111ALOC11. Camptroller allbe Cumeacy. THE FIRST NATIONAL` BANE OP Prf1810:03,01"4 PL. . OAATZ PYTTS3I734III :LUST 4X/MPAITY-4 . Osman, $4,00 000 with Intense Lobcresee eaePd o . oo o.- - The Nita:ant. Trust Company bovirtgaranalsed moles the set la provide/. National earrency. melee the Una of th• MST NATION 1L OT EITTSBMIGIE...wooId te sardine Or the colleen= orliutes, - ThnOs,l3llleorTschert" reeetnensorlepon &poet. And lourend sell aa• dungeon inputs of thettormies.. . The enecrais -which has-attended the- I'lltsbarilt Trust Company, since its orgionnetkoz in 1852, ere believe. be • In:Went nuerentes null bonuses entritsted to' the nen - orgenlzation eittl tn.:elec. the , theylng vete ernenstee colveepon.leromelth Benin soil Ae=erktlinnlllenn. the country, we hells= ow casvollier unusual Lentlltlei ki thorn eiho do tail.= Th. bnainra will he i:ondacui or on lime Weer. Jamße./.0011,4 rex:ander ,Ireer Bated la- UP" lonnwie Thomas Atm Maui Wight: my damns! pe a ; Wsp., IC:lslmick, I - • • - •.' :mints tam:lm" PilklidDOL. Joint D. 'SCULLY, (Nubia-. - lupin Ed: 1661, 110_FAlft_ &WINOS BANN, NO. 85 11 -F E cannium: issiC•l srpin sus O'CaOtt. SIM thiSP•doesilay Ind dedtiolsr mains, firma ‘liay lir tozNorember IrG bdfa'r to 9 o'clock, tad rote. Ilemestber lit to May let to= cdcloek4 ~ • - - Deposita remind- of all. rams - -ootlaii - tfuot Dollar. nail dividend a theproitts defend twice year, is, Joao so 4 December.—lntereit an beat die• Blared- seatleoureally,ln Joao altd - Decanter, slaw the Bank was ortaxared, at daa zeta of aft far mot:. r if not drawl oat, fa placer tin areal of tba deptsitor prifielpal; arid bean, trm urtm, to• tenet then as drat days allot,* dad Itemberoxen atLby; droller .wltbout di n t a deped all;or- arafi prearatidspaas book. At tbilf rata titan will deutda ittleepe then twelve yews. eady , containing.. tire- Chartaroltplavre, Rolla sad Itevalstiore!„ . furnished vatia„od 'appeal, at ' •". • Puirotaill*Stfla •ALOICI2. IffirifS3l 7:l4 . l'Cinock. , j Hai etag ku ',4101.11 rarsear. Et. NtalittAzidasoo, Job X! 01030 °. r 14siiTiirlir; • .. T.. - Jahungt?dt." - • • Zamailkfitdoi. - ',lsztuis Theattrau, : • " Ocoigl Blida I;Akessod:;.• ' hut* Coltaee.l "-.Wl.lllsm,Dcaglak William 8. liana, - Peter 11.1.tsmicar.'• .11 IclUird.ll. Jams D. Xeli P. y. " • 'Wlll,44o3.:Earaft ‘... Al6ll}.l.2l4ltitb:l2iiikr i ?"" . .FBdil as D. 4 501d4 .16r..124k i d i 2 u a_ , . lar d ma I le. eiper rmilarktk.tlit i obrmum tomtit 150t4st - attrtteattilt!.„ Ptita. - U 4 " • rd'l4=;iftia4,4.l. ammetlitirkt*tat in It" ,Wi mttd trairt. 1 - V. 6 .•;) 4 1 4 ,e n /i• - 0- . 1 M °11 4 - 11, y~ .~' 3 °h°h' ~ .A /'- ~ - d'. a=7"l+x _ _ PttiAAy. "him Joilit :1413ul Atesand.tSYndlA - '. :. rYss■aWattttes, -. Asa 13121414 —Willh=ZAkbahutr. — Ctirlasn Tetra. .MUS,A._a)/ItMe
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers