The daily Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh [Pa.]) 1863-1866, December 14, 1863, Image 3

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    ~.._. l :,ol*ii. iii''.6anftsi:
-I!iOt7DAY MOBNINCE==:DEO. 14, 186 R.
tlme• • 2 11.904 • 1 time •
Dally week. week. week.
.1 34 9 3 1 I sl 304 1.1 34. q I.q Ntml
1 U309....8 GO 13
1 31214.... 100 66
113132941.... 125 10
1 ere4.l—.. 2 001 134 150 90
2w•411,... 150 175 2 401 IWS 1 738 IOM 20$ GO
3 w 0514... 503 150 300 t5O 150 226 150 90
10000t1.. 860 300 400 200 300 160 180 114
11991031. b• 903 160 680 290 4GO 225300 1 50
3 e 180.14.1100 1150 760 375 510 2753 75 190
4 911;2.13 00 700 1130 455 65) 325 4212 26
6 014.14 00 7 . 60 020 500 70) 375 460 250
62w3 W. 15 00 If 00 1000 550 750 400 00 2SO
920011114.23 OD 11 03 13 45 7SO 10 0) 675 6954 25
1 ye•5......23 00 15 00 17 00 10 40 12 50 760 8505 50
(Changeable ow. a week.)
Daily. a week. e. wet. a week. Wkly.
Blx imatbB.-$lB 00 /14 00 12 00 $ 8 40 800 V)
One tear.—., 00 21 60 18 75 11 60 00 01
AdmldWr. Rotten, 1 time a week 0
Nultaga 76
Tunelal rtotleea„ each imertion 00
The . Primary Elections.
The Union voters of tho city assembled In
that; several election precincts, on SatUrday
afteSnotin,.to elect five delegates to the City
Ceti=Hon, which meets - on Tuesday morning
ner4 at ten o'clock, at As Court Home, to
place in nomination candidates for Mayor,
Controller and Treasurer. The contest for
Maier was Unusually exciting, there being
Hire; candidates in the Odd . , Misses. Lowry,
---'-- 3104irtby and the present incumbent, Mr.
fia err. The vote polled was much larger
Uteri usual, and was taken part in by
men [ who seldom attend primary elections.
The I contest, although warm, progressed
peaceably and honorably in all the wards
Nevi:lthe Eighth, where the proceedings, we
regret to say, were anything bet creditable.
The result may be stated this: Mr. Lowry
daises the First, Third, Fourth, Sixth and
Eigtk Word delegations, 'which will g i ve
...him rotes in theConvontion. Mr. McCarthy
carried the Second, Fifth, Seventh and Ninth
'Wards, and will go into the
_Convention with
.- 20 ittfal. 'Mr. Sawyer failed to secure a sin •
isle delegate. Assuming this to be the posi
tion lof affairs, Mr. Lowry will be nominated
- r on. the tint ballot. Mr. McCarthy made an
4x gly creditable contest, as it will be
,AA - ho came within a few votes of carry
, : trig , 0 .VOnlth WWI against M. Lowry. :Mr.
r it
Sa was 'illsaistronsly defeated. Tho re
millis,..satelleres :
`luit.tearef—jaincs Rees, Samuel Fulton,
Jamas Eennedy, A. Fryer and Geo. Scheid
ei*.e/--for Lowry. These delegates were
i' . eleobid 'by 129 majority over the Sawyer dele
-1.... AlDterei! 'Xi . ..McCarthy nth no delegates hero.
BeciSeCiford—.7onethan C. Mattorn, J. 11.
Bald" ` l4m. N. Ogden, Thomas Davis, Wm.
Davifor McCarthy. The vote stood, Ma
' Cierthy - delegates, 141; Lowry, 91 ; Sawyer,
. -.--!: nerd Werd-Fiest Precinct, Andrew Sims
, .
and ici. Simpson—for Lowry. The rote wee,
i ,_ :i - 196; Sawyer, 93. Mr. McCarthy
~.. no contest here. Second Precinct—
''.l' n Kemi , , , - , 'l , 'ntut Geoghegan, and W.
- ',Eolyillisfor . The vete wee—Lowry
, . .delegetes,l3B ; M cCarthy,' 127 ; Sawyer 33.
; .. .
'Vora—Samuel Scott, W. H. McVay,
Da ..liewie, Edward E. Rineturrd and It. M.
• Lea or Lowry. The vote stood: Lowry,
149ii'McCarthy, 134. Sawyer 5L
Fit Ward—First Precinct, Frank Ardary
• and Sid Beck, for McCarthy. - Second Pre
siineC'Eichard Thompson, Peter shieWhirter,
and 111tobert. J. Metiowan--for McCarthy.
. 'Sawyer:give tgithecontest here at live o'clock.
• Weidid net get; the vote.
alai..Ward-Jared M. Brush, A. G. Mc-
Candle's,-John Wallace, John Lowry and
'Johx(l:Phiftips—for Lowry. The vote was—
Lowsi'delegates, 272; Sawyer; 42. This is
Mi.,Ttoerry's own ward. Mr. McCarthy made
to beibest here.
Seriiiti Ward.-Samuel Barekly, Albert A.
Moore;ltober t Thompson, Lewis Roll, and M.
S. Evorhead—for McCarthy. This is Mr.
McCarthy's own, ward, and neither of the
• otheriimadidates ran delegates here.
,teEiiktli Ward.—This being Mayor Sawyer's
' . own laud, a desperate struggle took place.
Hr...Lewry undertook to "beard the lion in
his diin, and suoceeded in conquering not
only* lion, but his whelps also. The. Saw...
yer Mon got the organisation, but before pre
med:o4.k' receive. isnot", Mr. Hutchin
son who was an Inspector , and favorable to
Mr:Low/ that they ere a bat to
deviate the ballots in. B.C. Sawyer,Sr., the
, ' lifeybr's father, then came in, with a paper
box,Whieh he pasted to Mr. Smith, the
Other Inspector, who was about cutting a
. hole lin %bite lid, when Mr. Hutchinson,
suspecting some trick, took' it out of his hand
' and Katsina shake. To hie astonishment, he
dim:seemed that it bad been etrutea. On open
t: lid, the box was found wore Mae half
tickers contaising tie 11M1141of Sawyer's'
delegiam/ The old gentleman (Mr. Sawyer,.
Sr.)intenied rurprised, and male some remark
'aboi4, the box banns been used for some
other:pnrpose. The tickets were not counted,
but Sir. Hutchinson is positive that they would
. havelaximbered .aroriderably over a keedred—
perbigis two hundred armors I The balloting
• - shmepreemeded, and it was not long until Mr.
'4(lll4lDiati was compelled to object to Cop
perthead voters, brought to the polls by the
ldersr in -person, but he was overruled
to every instance by the other two
members of the Boa rd, although some of the
roterti admitted that they were democrats I
Parsons under age, and residents, of other
wardi, were also brought to the polls; and
Mr. ;Hutchinson, after fighting the Sawyer
feetieu for two hours and a half, withdrew in
dim*, giving o the contest es hopeless.
The trioxide of M c. Lowry fought manfully
- on, lifesaver; and when Mr. Hutchinson left
another took hie place. Towards the close,
whenlbut one friend of Mr. Lowry stood at the
wlndew to challenge, he was struck in the
, , faceliith a brick-bat, by some cowardly ruf-
Ilan, Siiiii steed in the dark, and had hi. nose
and aback badly eat. The polls finally dosed.
and - the Interesting process of "counting dr
cetineenoed. The Lowry men had given
up' in despair, as every copperhead vote
--.' ' olferia`lsea received, in spite of the instrao
:. tititiihr the Executive Committee to the eon
traryi His Honor, the Mayer, was admitted
Inside, to witness the wanting, and he fro
' quently'tantleued the officer' to be eery eeas
fra, Uttar. Tore ecratched,tlekets polled. He
and ale friends were confidant he had carried
- the .delegatian, but they were utterly amazed
' , to flair 'Met, After all their efforts, Lowry had
' - carried the ward 'by deuce majority! Menu.
;Joseph- Nixon, Phillip ' Tame', James 31e.
Whiny, John J. Steer and Lewis Garber re
eeived 210 'votes, while the Sawyer delegates
'F . iseestied but 199. There wore twenty-two
-r, more:men* in the box than there were names
on th;t tally lista, but this is supposed to have
arise from the face that the clerks found it
at titre imptssibie to take the - names Id fart
girth ' ballots were rushed in. It is not 'ale
. . toted that there ware any votes thrown fraud.
,- relent:into the box. The Mayor admitted
. hitestilf leafier, and loft the Nils with down
cast Menntenonce. On Sunday it was rumored
• ~ thatthe Altera? 'delegates would claim a seat .
. .-.:
is Unil, emention, but we are Informed theta
• esstiOity of Oto Boxed will sigetbe credential"
of thiliiLOlTj delegation. e '
''. ifialiTrani.-=ln this Ward • Mr. McCarthy
~.....'i„;.keditiittemilpretty moil' Er own way. Ills
-rslidelititn. Kew. Marini //ermine Wilson
-,..--, •Wilelii Itobat.M.' -Geed, J. W. H ammond
and -.Teeeptt 11. //ebbs, ware selected "by - an
an mete of 252. Mr. Lowry's delegates
'lre - 'B5, and Mr. Sawyer's, 48.
T lie
. o siXtosts vo Ise Athens,, Loma' Sot
' mss' 'Scam, roe • tux Wm Erroura
DreilOrn, MM.—Three" pairs gooks, 1. pals
aliptietre,l2 battles entrant wine, Mrs. Carrier;
;Mr": Ilfiedpatb, 3 handkerchiefs, number of
nerisphpersr .Mra. Rorie, 14 neckties, 4
pairs den. / flannel thin, a mom
slarAlrell *tibiae, 1 pair lecke; ironed friend,
4 psis" soak' knit byea ifeebbi old man; Mrs.
Crumnen, 2 pain muslli driven; Min'Cun
eron,l4 pair wollen mittens', 1- pair gooks, 1
.wolisse cep, number of newspapers; bilis Plea-
SOS I 4 flannel shirt; Mn. Preston. package,
enoprrinm; unkown, 1X bushel potatoes, El
inermiaret unknown, 1 pillow., • •
- - •Wetk by the ladles of the Society-;B l ; i Lairs
knit, illoolcs, 38 shbts, each ' shirt con g.a
Pocket with s handkerchief and some religious
Tmirsgivirig collection :from Hiseieles'
Chm'A, Allegheny - 02 , 50
A trispd. '
wy Sawyer ' ._b
. 00.
A Piinal —.4.: - 300
;. y` l
~' COAL roitlfozaarnsics' Flxture,ile .
iferektod _dd Haberman k Co. will de
liver st the .Bitiologhetti wharf, next . week,
abod two thoxtettahele of east for the re
. .110 of. the Watts of .volonteetk. WIT./ of
,-,•ltiac t ileon tiptoed of coal 'Cal ma leave
dodi wade sad Poe of rodatpeci)attlie
' ,
3 times 2 times 1 time
our ~Baok T b e.
Km a Coco tizurr.^ A Story Ibr the Betty
Christmas Thee. B Cotufn Carrie. lie. Sort :
D. Applstoa Co. PltUburgh We by R.
Davis CC Wood street. =Fp. 18=3.
The moral, or lesson of faith and trust, in
culcated In this interesting story I. intimated
In Its title, and no more worthy one, in the
whole range of doctrine, could be chosen for
the illustration and enforeomont which the
pleasant art of the story-teller so completely
supplies. "Cousin Clint." relates in an easy,
simple style, sure to win the attention of
her youthful readers, the history of two or
phans, Lillian and Eva, who triumphed over
many troubles by faith and trust. or, in other
words, by "keeping a good heart." It is a
pleasant profitable book for boys and girls to
rend—and a very suitable "story for the merry
Christmas time."
Srarraczn roa Tomo Eon. !dorm, By Snob
W. Lander. Boston: Walker, WW 8 Co. Pitts
burgh for We by Henry Miner, 71 twin Fifth
street. 932 pp. Igloo.
An Interesting description of the Russians
and their ancient capital city, by a lady who
has evidently seen what she describes so well
and vividly. The youngsters who shall be
favored with this beautiful book,(for both the
author's graceful pen and the publishers' taste
ful getting-up in typography, paper, illustra
tions, eta., have co-operated to make it bean
tiful,) among their holiday gifts, will find it
biohly eptertaining--and it will also incident
ally, and so most successfully, convoy a great
deal of real Information.
—Ur. Henry Miner, 71 and 73 Fifth street,
has just received from the publishers, Messrs.
T. B. Peterson ,k Brothers, Philadelphia, Mrs.
Caroline Lee Henteir last novel, .‘Ernest Lin
wood," which, as the fourteenth book from
the same prolific pen published by the same
publishers, as wo find by their catalogue, can
hardly have to pass over the debateable ground
of criticism, like the production of a new au
thor. The admirers of Mrs. Rents will, there
fore, probably be ready to receive the fallow
ing from the N. Y. Mirror in reference to
"Ernest Linwood" "We have seldom boon
more charmed by the perusal of a novel; and
we desire to commend It to our readers In the
a st ff r o wst praisewo e rds tn o m f diti tha
are t our vocabulary
scenes beautifully descriptive; and the Inter
est admirably kept on. But the more/ of the
book is its highest merit. "Emest Linwood"
should be as welcome as the dove of peace to
every fireside in the Union. It cannot be
read without a moistening of the eyes, a soft
ening of the heart, and a mitigation of un
christian prejudices." It It a duodecimo vol
ume of 467 pages; price, nee dotter.
The DraftVolunteerlng
Gov. Curtin has issued "General Order No.
48," calling upon the people of Pennsylvania
to raise their quota of 300,000 soldiers called
for, by volunteering,: lie also states that when
practicable old regiments will be returned to
the State to be recruited; volunteers will be
under the control of the Governor until ready
to be mat to their regiments ; premiums of s2'
to veterans and $l5 for new recruits, will be
paid vecrniting officer. ; volunteers furnished
by towns, etc., will be credited on th e draft ;
complete com panies of infantry will be rained
for regiments that bare pot the full number
of company organisations; colored volunteers
will bas accepted, for colored regiments; and
credited on the draft; camps of rendesvous
will be established In Various 10Calitle II; veter
ans who enlist will receive one month's pay
in advance and a bounty and premium of $410 ;
other, than veterans will receive one month'.
pa PIT2 II' . ! T d h v e an G e o e v r and Gov e rnor a r
eboayusn-ty and pre m i um
abort ti m o e f
new remaining, within which to fill the quota
Of the State by enlistments, and thes avoid
the impending draft, admonishes the loyal
citizens of the Importance of providing, by
local bounties, the strongest inducements to
volunteers. .11tunieipalites of other States, by
this means, am seducing from Pennsylvania
the able-bodied men who should replent4 her
own regiments. Pennsylvania, with" a defi
ciency lea proportionately than any adjacent
Ccrmmonweath, should show,by her promptness
and scarcity, now, h& ability to maintain the
high !malen she ues heretofore, and still oc
cupies among her sister States, in contributing
to suppress this rebellion."
allroad Earnings.
•.g statement, prepared by Mr.
mptroller, exhibits the appro.:-
lugs of the Pittsburgh, Fort
• lingo Railway Company during
f Novemberinet, compared with
od of last year.
Ism. lOO2.
2304,.= 3M7.173 21 211,2211 I 0
I myoru. mug; 12 '2I, , SU 04 im
2,60021 2,1= 351 , 3.lin
7,X2.3 Os 7,325 01
7.063 34 7.023:11
14i5 41 1.G34
Tho folio •
Kessler. Co
Wayne and I
the month o
tbo IMMO •yy
Fr , fel
Boat Itolbray
Earnings from
J 't to No m 1
ember 301
2.554; per Cent. ; fn
IA; 373 per .eerd_
Increase 1.
creme to N•
Shoe-king Death of a Female.
On Sunday morning the body of an un
known female was found lying in a rite it
at Port McKnight, on Mount Washington•, in
Lower St. Cm ii township. She had evidently
fallen into the excavation, during the previous
night, and being unable to extricate herself
perished from her injuries and the subsequent
exposure. She was about twenty years of
age, and is supposed to have been either in
sane or intoxicated, as no marks of violence
were discovered. She had on • reddish col
ored calico dress, a faded Shawl, and a nun
bonnet. When found she was lying in the
rite pit., with her right cheek on a large stone
or rock. Coroner McClung hold an inquest,
bet no evidence was elicited tending to show
who she was or where she came from. The
body was removed to Devine's coffin MOMS,
on Grant street, where it will be kept until
this afternoon, for identification.
ROMOILIiD MCIDFII.—It was rumored in the
city, yesterday, that the body of a peddler,
name unknown, had been found in his wagon,
with a bullet wound through the held. The
story goes, that the team was seen passing
along the Perrysville road, fifteen miles from
the city, and that, no driver being visible, the
hones ware stopped and the dead body found
in tho wagon as described. We have no poz
tleubsrs and cannot vouch for the story.
TRIATIZZ.—This evening 111 set apart for the
benefit of the pleasing and sterling actress,
Miss Annie Ebonite. She has selected a
splendid entertalmnent, the new prise drama
(written for her) of "Melons, or the Evil
Eye ;tt. a variety of singing and dancing; the
boxers, Mackey and Loudon, wilt appear.
The performance will conclude with the beau
tiful-Irish drama of "St. Patrick's Eve." We
expect to see the largess home of the season.
Tutorztv Trroosts'iLzertrast—This popular
author gives but;o lecture this evening,
being the only ol d ie could offer this season.
From all we can, Lafayette Hall will be
crowded. Go -e if you wish to Bemire
good seats. The - lecture Committee, with a
view to accommodate residents on the Penn
sylvania Haffreaff, have induced the company
to run a special train from TurtieCreek to the
city. ,
Dan are more numerous in the northrew
counties of ibis State than they have been for
several jeers liest, and .Then the winter
weather sets In we may expect a good supply
of venison in this market
• Aceinzse.—Mr. H. Hart,,lihiperinten
dent of the Monongahela bridge, was serious
ly injured, on Friday, by falling on the side
walk on Second street, which was covered
with lee.
RIPON:ZED Pros AT OIL Cnr.—ltwu ro
ported tint s t 'r may 416th:tatty° Ere hada:coned
of 0U City yesterday. lio particulars.
Cot.. lifolCavy has again been ordered to
tile' command of Camp Convalespont, near
Tereus PAU; Plain and °Tasmania'
Plate Hooter, and bank' Pansaylnnis sad
Vermont alste of the bat quality at 'airman.
Ohio st Mex. Laughlin's, near the Water
Works, Pittsburgh, Ps. •
'Poe SW. atrn Wnrria Wirsa.—The,Sam
trial s past, and by the Morning'. frost, we
begin toapprehsud, that fall and winter will
shortly be upon us, and we Must provide our
selves with the Material to keep us comfort
able. A' nice tall suit, or • good, and well
made overcoat are the very thing, and we do
net know of any pleas where our readers
would suit themselves better than at Messrs.
W. S. McGee. A Co'. clothing establishment,
corner of Federal street and Dianiond Square,
Allegheny. ~"They 1111•111 also reeelved atom
pieta assortment ot gentlemen's !tarnishing
goods, and peat Twisty of new patterns for
'.•:,-VentrnamitAtrannnont.—Yer the derangs.
tamer dt thtegatein"theidentd tats_ cheap
2rdrat; - I(Onside;*trittn#; PlPothsl4
• ' c • 'AN
Facts row Ismillons.--Embroldariag ma., !
chines are not the thing for family sowing.
Read the following :
One prominent defect of the double thread
loop stitch is the waste of thread In (mining
it. Each yard of steam requires on an aver
age 73 yards of thread, or twice and one-hall
the amount required by the "lock stitch." An
estimate may be easily made of the compar
ative expense of using the two. In the skirt
manufactory of Messrs. Douglass Jr Sherwood,
a day's work of ten hours for one person is
estimated at 1,000 yards of straight seam, ten
stitches to the inch, with the look-stir& ma
chines, which they use; this length of seam
requires three thousand yards of cotton thread,
and with the doubt° thread chain or knitting
stitch machine, 7,500 yards would be required.
Tho cost of 3,000 yards of cotton thread would
be $1,35 at wholesale, and the cost of 7,508
yards would be $3,10, making a difference of
$1,85 a day in this Item alone, or more than
$5,000 a year ; with costlier thread or silk (at
present prices at $ll per pound), the difference
would be much greater. In shirt and collar
manufacture, where the stitch is finer, and loss
length of seam is sewed, the difference per
day is only about7s cents in Divine( the lock
stitch machines. In a manufactory like that
of Winchester .4 Davies, where ono hundred
and sixty of these machines are used, the
saving is $l2O per day. The result is that the
chain or knitting-stitch Is not used en this
work. In quilting, where silk is used, the
difference each day would &monist to more
than two dollars and twenty-five cents on
each mahine.—Scicalifie Asterisms.
The Wheeler to Wilson is the boat machine
for family use. Office No. 27 Fifth street.
Gurrtinsx, have you examined the fall and
winter stook of goods at the Merchant Tall
losing establishment of Sam. Graham k Co.,
No. 64 Market street 1
A fresh supply of goods every week.
Nave you examined the prices of goods at
the Merchant Tailoring establishment of Sant.
Graham & Co., No. 04 Market street; If not,
it to now time you would, and save 20 per
Sent. is yourelothing hill.
Every garment warranted a perfect-It.
thstuxt. (buns% Geo. McCain:mem
Kextvaxv Retina AVPRICIVGL—Mrs. Anne
Rants, of Louisville, Ky.,lays in a letter :
" When in New York, tis summer. I pur
chased by way of experiment some of Mrs. 8.
A. Allen's celebrated flair Restorer and
Zylobalsamum, which I have found valuable.
I now write to have you send ma a dozen of
each by express, for the use of my friends."
Elold by Drugists everywhere. Depot, 198
Greenwich street, New York.
Jeer Iteruneen AND ILIA= ion Bas.—The
fine assortment of Fall sad Winter Clothing,
lately received by Moms. John Wier k CO,
Merchant Tailors, No. 146 Federal street, Al
legheny. The stock of clothing consists of
the finest variety of gents' pantaloon'', vests,
coats and overcoats. The style of patterns 16
tasteful and fashionable. We would' invite
all of our resders to give the shove gentlemen
• cal.
W AVM RZLET, a0.—.1. M. Robert.,
No. 17 Fifth street, is now opening the most
choice stock of fine. Gold and Silver Watches,
Jewelry, Silver wars and Fancy Goods ever
displayed in this city, and is selling them at
remarkably Jew prices.
Owners and carriage call, will be taken at
the Omnibus office e No. 410 Penn street, day
or night. All order. left at the above place
will be promptly attended to.
_All calls most
be paid in IaVOSICS. •
Dnrirm. 'annul.", No. 2.51 Penn street, I.
the place where you can not th. best cheap
dentistry in the city. Don't forget the place,
No. 251 Penn street, sear Hancock.
0. Stu., Dentist, 248 Penn street, will at
tend to all business of kit erofeirsion-
)I , CEha N—WOOD —On the leth I n.,. by the
trr. Jun.* Prattl.•7. IL D., at the naideoe• of tt•
brid•'• 'MI.% new. J. Wood, Philadelphia, Mr.
PAWL It. MeOLICA N. .( Pltt•bhrgh, add MI..
LLENIIIETTA the former
WARD —On Saisday:Marnlng all cdelork. Litztr,
daughter at William W. and Jaw. If. 'Ward. aged
yaard, 3 months and II day.
The funeral will tok. Oar. from ilao rooldoaco o
ber porobto, Nn. 47 Inver AM:MN Allegheny,
oat'. at 2 p. at.
Manufacturers of SHEATHING, ItRAZMIS` AND
Al.. Importer. and Seaton to METALS, TIN
PLATE, SHEET IRON, WIRE, Ro, Conotutly oa
140 ►iRST sod 10 B►t'oXD STB.
Plldbo•g6, Pa.
Special onion of envy,. cut to ouy Ataired pattern
TO doArstrifilltlirts.L7fli Rev - .
E. A. NILSON'S tecualy t r tb.. ro e ui
0. b. obtslued lu Pittabumb of
105E1'11 FLICII/ING. Drage,.
Corn, Ituknt otroct and tbo Dternotoi
CL.11.71 4 G lELVT'S
• . _
144 Fourth Bt ,11 floor,
Claims for PENSION, BOUNTY, BACK and
HOBSIti lam or k Iliad ill the denim, promptly at
tended to.
XSEBIPTION CLAMS LLt•add. to without dm.
lay. deE:t.
Licensed by the U. 8. Government
tat ILTTII STULL?, 34 door t.k du OntloaraL
Pennay[rants Soldiers .set of the ntramtalas, Diet.
ern Ohio Sailers, and Weal Virginia Soldiers. can
hang thair Pertisions, Bounty and Dark Pay secured
al this office.
Circelan vN to seat siting roll information to
the Soldlrns, or to /ocean/ BoUlers' Balm ebowhee
who are entitled to the Peneloo Bounty and Bea
IV. and the manner of eectuing the ism, by apply
log to me by letter of toperson.
A' No charm natC collected. Lytklylee.t.
po. 114117711 STREET, Priascriaa.
tlellectiraw In Allegheny andey Mining arentles.
Prommates SOLDIERS CLAIMS, of every
d V
like ; BOUNTIES Poo Alecherged Soldiers. P.
SIONS, Sr wounded Mikan sad Soldiers; BORN.
TIES and PENSIONS Ihr Warm, Paws% Orphan
Children, Brother. and SOB" or Mbar legal mgrs.
eentathes of thou. who hare Mod In the angles, at
have died altar discharge from dimes contracted In
• MrNo charge =all collected. end no letter teal be
varbered neler•eterno b tucked. 611 8 31.0
CLAIMS of emery description, collected b 1 the enb
ecrlber, st the followbag nab, chi: Pablo= $lO 00;
all other clefts 53 50.
C. O. TA17,013, Attormay it Law,
No. 73 Grant 'treat, Pittsburgh, Pa.
N. D. No chargs are made If tba claim dos hot
awns& and all infoniattms ulna gratis. "AV
Wag. l —Wie tike thdi method of triforathts oar
blends and the pea* itcartany that we are now
rtr practice of Dentbdry. This who 1t... been
poop:nand title ranch dreaded °potation may DOW lay
meld° their fears and glee is a call. UP the
we bane ass has been thorobahly tinted der
plat four pan, hilly wetabliehlits the ago aM path.
lan character of the operation. No Drags or Moral.
ads nor Oskar& Battery and. All those slatting
the warrices of a good arid tellable Dentin 'will do
well to call andconnilt wild
N 0.137 "earth °treat,
or Du C. KIN% No. 47 atitildliald street, Pitt..
ViA NI 0 001 110 W Lon f HOW
BEBTOIIIIIII—Jart pobllehsd. In a mad en.
dope. CrkreBll Cents. A Loetige on the Nature ;
Treatment and Bs4leat Core of gwmaterrhtea, or
Memlnal Weakness, lavolantalY /101ta. Seoul
Debility, ang Lopodbnonts to Marriage generally ;
Nerrontoes, Commorpttoo, Ypllseey and Vita; us..
Sal sad Ineapselty, :manes harm Balf-
Abuee, de., b Roar. J. CtritklllkUs M. D., anther
fifth. song. Hook; ge. "A Coon to Tbmgaads
uthrers," seat under saair ID • Nilo envelops, go
any *dam., pot-pald, oo receipt of Ida ergs br tau
postag r ataraps, by Yak Cll. 3. C. ALCM 2
lumanars, York, Post Clap Doe 4.506 -
C)NDENSED MILIC,--Bokdeales pat
ntaropire4 I pnre Milk sad' Loaf Sugar,
:it ` l °,7 a:11 1 1, 1 701;12:r z d'u".
/OHM REfallAW,
dell mew Liberty and nand stmt s.,
600,5M.0.A,T-'1'21.11 0 7
.No. 249.Lnerty street.
Special DEspatoh to the Pittsborgh Guetta
WeBIIIIIOTON CITY, Deo. 13, 1863
News from the Potomac army sounds of
nothing but hammer and saw. Men are busy
erecting cabins, and preparing to spend the
winter in martial peace at Brandy Station.
Ten day rurioughs have begun to be granted
to officers, and the ntlen—other enemies be
ing at o safe distanceattack the army at
their leisure. Three years man am rapidly
re-enlisting, and receiving furloughs. The
first Virginia cavalry, left tot home on
Saturday to recruit, nearly every man at
tached to it having re-enlisted. Detachments
an leaving dully for the same purl:core. A re-
COMIOI/111113C0 made on Friday towards Sperry
villa, found portions of the Sixth Virginia
cavalry hanging on the skirts of oar army on
that side.
The Committee. of the Homoe will be an
nounced to-morrow. Speaker Colfax already
has them prepared, but their composition is
carefully kept secret until the hour of their
official announcement. The pressure of luta
elated parties has, of course, been tremendous,
and for the last two days the Speaker has
been compelled, during a good part of his
time, to 'keep himself looked up in bb room
in the:capitol, to avoid attempts at interim
once by outside parties. It is understood
that the cast of the Committees Is unusually
strong, and it is believed that they will come
as near giving puma satisfaction as loch
things ever do. I think it safe to say that
the following will probably be found the com
position, in part, of some of the Committees:
Ways and Morine.—Thadow Stephens, of
Pennsylvania, continued Chairman. Mervin,
of Vermont and Hooper, of Massachusetts,
continued. Blow, of St. Louis, added. It is
understood that the general comporition of
this Committee will be sattsfutory to the
friends of Chase's financial policy.
,llifitary Gostwirtec.—Mal. Gen. Schnook,
Chairman, M.J. Gen. Garfield, Brig. Gan.
Loan, of Minsouri, Brig. Gen. Farnsworth, of
Illinois. It is underetood this committee was
satisfactory to Secretary Stanton.
Novel Cosuadtes.—Mr. Kelly, of Philadel
phia, prominent member, if not Chairman.
Jbrrig. Relotimte.--Winter Darts, Chairman;
succeeding to John J. Crittenden's place, and
Mr. Goooh, of Massachusetts.
(Ississsrm—Mr. Washburne, of Illinois
Road and atnalz.—Mr. Arnold, of Illinois,
Chairman. It to understood that these two
eottimittmea are constitatedsoas to be friendly
to the Intents's of the North-West, and ~pct
o the ship canal.
Poor Office glad Poo Hoods.—Mr. Alloy, of
Massachtuotta, imcooodod to Mr. Colfax'. old
E2...mice..—Mr. Daum, of Maassohomtb,
„rodic,nry.—None bat two of the old members
of this committee remain. Messrs: Pendleton
and Wilson, of lona, are both on again. •
Trrritorial.—Mr. Ashley, of Ghlo, Quit
The Senate Canons Committee has revised
their committees and made nue:throw import
ant changes. The old We of seniority ham
been consulted with regard to the Chairmen,
bat not in the remainder of the committees.
Mr. Clads remains Chairman on Territories,
and Mr. Sherman socond on Finance. Mr.
Sherman was also made Chairman of the Com
mittee on Agriculture. Mr. Collarner, of Ver
mont, le removed from the HisumeeCommit e.
B. !Ought talatly every &Janata ukiisine of
the Administration last wmion, and the Ad
ministration men protested against continu
ing taro In such a place. Fortunately Grimes
and Malthus retain their old positions. Orate
Brown is not yet assigned to its place.
The following Ls understood to be the reor
ganisation of the lire most Important SeimLe
Committees :
Fen-riga liciatioalt—Sumner, Pastor, I).little
Harris, Jobncton and McDougall.
Fierreee—Feasendon, Sharman, Mown, Cow
an, Clark, COMIONS and Vanwinkle.
Military Ajaira—Meaara. Wilson and Lane,
of Indiana{ Cloward, Nesmith, Morgan
Sprague and Drown.
diairs.—il aura. Hale, Grimes, Ram
'ay, Wiley, Harding, issahony and Rieke.
Pod Offiee.—Messn. CoHamar, Dixon, lien
damn, Cosiness, Ramsay, Bowden and Bucka
Among the doctunonta sent la by the Nedra
tary of War to accompany his report, to Idc-
Ciollan's account of his Poninmally campaign.
for the publication of which dm tory prima
bas been raising nob a pusistant clamor. It
will make three octavo volumes, about the
siso of the report of the Committee on the
Conduct of the War. No each report tumoral.
been sent in in the whole course of the Gov.
(Taman!. It is an elaborate history instead of
a report.
Speaker Colfax has taken the house en Four
and•a-half street, and wine& the ens to teary
Speaker's relleption" hamedlately after the
Senator Wilson, from the Senate Military
`Committee, will offer to-morrow en Important
bill, to Increase the bounty of volunteers and
pay of the army. Section one provides that
there shall be paid to such parsons as have
enlisted or may enlist under the. President's
last call—to veterans four hundred dollars, to
others three hundred dollars; section. two
provides for the payment of twenty-Svc dot:
lan premium to any one procuring • Veteran
volunteer, and fifteen dollars for any other 1
section three appropriates twenty millions (o'o
the payment of these bounties; section four
increases tho - pay of privates to sixteen dol.
tars a month, and non-eomndultrited °Mous
In proportion ; section eve provide, the same
pay, rations, equipage, etc., for negro troops
as for white ones; section six provides for
credithig gnash- county for troops r►fud by
volunteering, either in the army or am, be•
Toro ordering another draft; section seven
provides fall pay, without rations, for chap
lains who may be `wounded, simply putting
them on the same footing with officers.
Orders will probably soon- be issued from
the Qeartsimuter General's oMeo, forbidding
Quartermaster. in the Ilsharouruseltbeg any
purchases of grain or forage, and deiolrlag
the whole duty of such purchase. on the de•
pertinent here', or its *Mears at the principal
supply depots.
The Presidsiit has no Information of • the
arrival at Sartre) Monroe of Viee President
Stephens, with proposals of peace from the
rebels. &report to that effect was put In ets
oulation here this morning, and ia considered
a foolish canard.
ATrotmtlT or 0011XISSIOXIL
Charlton 8. Len*, pluton els congregation
in Cinolnnatkand Jain of Connnistionsr Lawty
his been ; appointed D . 4.4t7 g9Filifnablier. - of
Internal Banehtni,til lillthOpltion:thaii, • mane
by Mr. *oPlunrsen;tho nine °lark of tbir
llonre i_.
• .
• • iniab ;Juan.
Thq Lojiloiga.tclaiireatios Is ps . sattion
muter*tooatha ift.7 4ve
,f4mr„ , *! .. pfmt2roviltA F to. o ,.;:a.T .? li
• • •
.. •
11=0 32
vitt =unman%
The Preridont is not so Irani and van com
pelled to keep kir room yesterday, but is bet
ter to-day and ablo to attend to business again.
A bill will soon be introduced far the for
mation of s new territory, out of portions of
Idaho, Utah, Colorado, Nebraska and Duo
tab. - Efforts will be made this session to
organise Utah, Colorado and Nebraska 1111
Upon the recommendation of den. Grant,
Col. A.Chetlain, of the Twelfth Illinois, was
appointed Brigadier General fur the negro
No More Supplies to , be Received at
Richmond for the Union Prisoner.
BAL?12110112, Doe. 13.--The following dis
patch was received this afternoon
Fen Momrchr, Dee. 12.—T0 C. C. Fe/too,
ewers( Please giro notice that the rebel au
thorities decline receiving any morel:stoker's
or provisions for the Union Prisoner, to that
parties interested may. refrain from forward
ing any more good. to this point.
(Signed) B. F. Byrum,
Major General commanding.
Rev. Mr. Torrence, whu went to City Point
with Dr. C. C.Barklery, returned this forenoon.
He had an interview with Captain Hatch, who
was sent from Richmond to meet him. lie
Inforrieed him of the decision of the rebel gov
ernment, and gave.. a reason therefore, what
they alleged to be an imputation on their
honor by the prase and also by the Govern
ment authorities, that they were not
delivering all goods forwarded in good fhith
to the prisoner', and averted that, of his own
knowledge, the pincers In Libby prison weld,
from the supplies they received, set ■
table from the stores on hand equal to any
hotel to the United States. He admitted that
there had been some irregularity in the Sup
plies at one time, but the °Moors who had
been guilty of neglecting the prisoners had
been Immediately relieved sad punished. As
to the bud eondition of the prisoners returned
to Annapolis, he said they were extreme cases
of consumption, and he said it was a grave
error on the part of the authorities to hare
allowed such prisoner. to return for the pres
ent. Nothing will be received but letters
and enclosures of money, aed Southern money
had better be sent.
Southern Dispatches—The Bombard.
meat of Charleston—Proceedings In
the Rebel Congress— Longstreetls
Foam= Itokaos, Dec.l2.—The following
dispatch.. are taken from Richmond paper.:
Chariestas, Dec. 9.—Thin afternoon the ene
my opened fire on the city and threw eight
shells. Moultrie and James Island batteries
returned the Ere, silencing the enemy. Five
buildings were struck, but no persons injured.
Richwoed, The. Il.—Yesterday the Senate
passed• bill prohibiting the employment of
enhaltutes in the army.
In the rebel Congress, on the oth, M r. Foote,
of Tenn., in a speech said that the President
never visited the army without doing it in
jary.--DOTer has ho visited any of our armies
but what it has been followed by disaster.
Ile charged him with having ruined the coun
try, and he would meet his champion any
where to discuss IL
Cleo-lestoe, Der.lo.—The enemy shelled the
city between 10 sad Il o'clock last night, and
3 and 1 o'clock this morning. Twenty ',hots
were thrown. Our batteries opened heavily
upon the enemy during Ow shelling of the city.
We have kept up s constant fire to-day, &iv.
ing the enemy's working: pasties from Gregg
and Wagner. No firing of any noconnt to.
dayan Sumter, and no shelling of the city.
/friend, Dee. 10.—Longstreet's forees are In
line of battle at Rutledge. Ws rear ie skir
mishing with the enemy.
From Henke Department—Western
Tessa Under Control of the Union
Forces—Fort Repentant Evacuated
by the Rebels—Ten Gene Captured by
Gen. Washburn.
Wassissolos, Doc. It —The following was
received at lifead Quarters from Gen. Banks:
The following dlirpatch was received from
Msj. On. Washburne, from Port Esperenass,
Pas Wall°, hlategoda bay. The command of
the bay give. us ■ubstaottally the control of
Resters'. Texas, and all the important points
on the- coast except Galveston.
Zost /barman, Les. =At one o'4XkOn
the rroarnittg 'orlifor. 30th the rebels blew up
the magatine of this tort and evacuated it two
brows before. It. Is a very large and complete
work, lamb proof, partially clued with rail
road iron. It had • garrison of 1,000 men,who
escaped all bet sly. The continuance of the
gale prevented the gunboats fornlahing me
with launches to enable roe to cut off their
eommunications ; oar could they take a part
in the Clack on the 29th. We drove thorn
from all their earth-works. We advanced
our sharp-shooters to the fort, cod captured
ten guns, ranging from 21 to 28 pounds.
Reported Proposals of Peace
WASHINGTON, December 13.—The Okroniele
publishes a rumor which it Is not able to
verify, but believes it to be true and not hn
probable, to the enact that Ale:ender H.
Stephens and Ave others, bad come down to
Fortress Monroe. under a flag of truce, with
proposal, of peace, .ad they asked to be re
solved in their official capacity as Commis
sioners of the Southern Confederacy, but this
request was refused. Inquiry was made this
morning in a quarter where curb a fart, if it
existed, would probably be known, bat
nothing could ha obtained confirmatory of the
rumor. If any such Commissioner or peceon,
acting by the authority of the label govern
ment made a visit to Fortress Monroe, it was
In regard to the exchange of prisoners, which,
for certain reasons, is more probahlo than
the rumor referred to.
From San Franclsco...The Treasure of
the Golden Gate—Murderer Clung
by a Vigilance Committee.
ell Fatima°. Dee. 11.—News bets been
received from the wrecking party engaged in
searching for treasure where the steamer
Golden Gate sunk last year, to the effect that
tons Additional hoses of treasure hare been
wavered. The search will be continued_
while the favorable mason tuts.'
Tho Los Angelo. Vigilance Committee have
taken another prisoner from the possession
of the Sheriff and hung him. Ile bad been
tartlet:ad of an attempt to MU, and untamed
totem yearn confinement in the penitentiary.
Previously ho bad committed murder and
confessed hi. guilt.
New York Items.
bitlr- Voltz, Dee. In.—Efforts are making to
add regiment, of volunteer artillery to the
regular army.
All the Indiana soldiers in the hospitals
around Wuhluaton, us to be removed to
The Iteniltra Tartrate Monroe hotter, of the
11th, states that Oen. Butler had addressed a
note to the rebel Commissioner Cold, accom
panying • package of vaccine matter for the
relief of the Union'prisoners amleted mith
small pox on Mello Isle, and that he received
a courteous response from Mr. Ould.
The National League and the dllamourl
Ditll — ZulUes.
Wesetseree, Doc. 12.—A special dispatch
to the Now York Eon:illy Pow, says :
The National League, now in session bore,
bu taken Wong radical ground m Missouri
matters. A committee waited OD the Presi
dent yesterday, and requested him to remove
all obnoxious man from °flu In that State.
• Mimi. Bates and Blair, of the • Cabinet,
heartily stipport of the President's proclama
tion, and this dispose of the organised efforts
to induee'llm President to dismiss them.
The Blockade MT Wilmington to be
Neer Your, Doe.l2.;‘lt is rumored .t the
Brooklyn Navy Yard that Instreetloos have
been recelved from the Secretary of the Navy,
at naval stations, to dispatch a large force of
naval Is to strengthen the bloCkade off
the port of Wilmington: Seventeen or eighteen
Teasels are now In varloui atagea Of, prepara
tion for .sea at the =Navy Yards And rumor
Pays that ten or twelve Of theta bare been or the destination named.
Gore Tette and - the Illtuohr Leg isle.
011ICAGO, Deo. 3R...4h* IOLA; Supreme
Mart. by a decision -rendered . to-day, bare
euatatued Goy.. Yates', action In prorogu
ing the Legislature last "eummer. Judge.
Walker and Breen, holding that tho proola ,
tuition by the lomnor and soquiesoed in by
the General 'Assembly at the time, terminated
ite aeingoi - on the - 10th.otJune, :
1110tkade Mame'? CapCui*d.
- •
• Foznuces oaum, December 10,- The
steamar.Otteseeten; trout the ZIG Oreikde on
the 25th ult, arrived:here on the oth. When
one 'do out: bete IChell o ll oo ,
itaid - the lame bleekstdernanet. - 141nna,.
with":ll;',irerr - 011esble7tiejortect !terg. She
towed the MthieeiththPOrL ' .:44l l, 4l . wan the
Lifer Eat Wcaitter.
4011110114ehtititi. „130141.460.thik .
Frog Calm
CAIRO, Die. U.—Adlt• aeooun i ata below
ingiaioring to
unite his forces with -Plies, who was said .to
he crosdng Red Mar into 'Peru. Priam
force is much reduced and would number less
than five thousand man. A Luse federal forie
le pursuing him. The rebels are mach dis
Tha steamer Platte Valley passed with three
hundred aad nicety-tour Wes of cotton for
St. Lomb,
Two deputy provost marshals of this district
arrested two deserters of the 109th Illinois,
near Dongalo, yesterday, when the deserters
attacked their captors, killed one outright
and beat the other till Insensible. The de
serters escaped.
PIILLADLLPHIA, Dec. l2.—The Subscription
Agent reports the sale of $942,650 of eve
twenties on Saturday, and five miWons for the
weok. The department will deliver during
the coming week abbot four million. of de
layed bonds daily.
The Chesapeak.
POUTLAND, Doc. 13.—A dirpatolo from Hal-
Wax this morning data that the steamer
Chesil:mak left Shelburne Saturday morning,
with an incroandcrew and three clialdront of
coal. She is anpposeid to be on the track of
some coal vessels.
Heavy Gale In New York
New Yogi, Dec. 13.—A very heavy wile
from the eastward, accompanied with rain,pre-
Tailed hero on Saturday night and to ; day.
No disasters are yet reported.
The river ender the le finance of the recent rains
had Aeon some fourteen or filiteen;lttelicsM lids point
np lv tart evening, and was still rirelllng steadily
with tiro feet In the channel according le tbo pier
marks. It wee reported yeeterday that the
sheer river had ilsen wren feet et fill City, which,
If correct, ought to make at least eight foot of water
here. It Is also probable that there will be • siren
In the Monongahela, to which event • one twat rise
le not improbable. The:weather continnee cloudy
and .um, with indlentione bororuble for more rein:
The arrivals since our lest, Include the Jolla /ram
Zanesville; Loclalre front Portsmouth, lard Loot
from Cincinnati, and 011 (beers from Wheeling.
With the exception of the Genera, ell of the above
Mentioned boats were detained at nililen lime"
from one to twoOnys.
The Julia neared for Z agalu leet evening,
being Diet tweuty.foor home behind time. Among
her pee:woken we noticed Cept Tanhook and 51r.
Armstrong, clerk of the reamer Starlight, who go to
Buffington to bring her up. The new "Golden
Eagle" wee towed rip on Sainrday from Freed,om by
the Dig boat Storm. She will be crwipleted et the
earliest partible period, and judging from present ap
pavane., oho will be a nrii ChM .reamer in every
rwipect. Capt. Donaldson, we underatand,
placing the Golden Eqle In the Cincinnati and
Memphis packet trade.
The new .tremor Eat. Bablawn. had steam op on
S.turdnY, an we presume her I.l.rhiney performed
to the antlafactlow of all cancan: ode Roblinn
expects to bare the Kate at lanJlog n • .or abort
time. ready to rontaterwa
The splended steamer Darling. Capt. /bachelor, was
heaped up to the wharf ruetarday, and we am rof
quested to .7 that she will karts tar Memphis on
Tuesday eveulug without fall. Paeveugeteutel ship.
pore 1.111 bear this to tuln,he
MO It.rv• rival Cirol.anett, t. expect.o to vele
hero to day. W. • mot but w. p •
elm will again cuter the Vb.oltup trade, In eeccer
non with the Geneva.
The Jennie Hobbit fermi Cincinnati, krill.e bare
bent tceineriv.. The Jennie is attached W the
'ILA, Willta and nine• packet line.
Tly Emma Graham from Zu:wwwqle, Is dm. her
his mnenlng, and will return again as used. to num
Th. whit, Ikw, rapt. C. W. Diekerwow, lam.
isetinceal to Imre Lr Pi. Louie to-morrow evening
1. 3f. Whittaker. still has charge of the elks .
Dike Leorilitria, Capt. J. W. Ai:await, it op lerSk
Lonii forthwith.
Markets by Telegraph.
new ei.o, Dan 12—liewir firm, with • goal demand
for Interior and nestorn tend. Meat. Arm, .wady
and quiet. Corn beta 1 $1,30. Other grain.
net Weather milder and thawing.
litr. Lome. Dee. 12.—Cottoo—keeiripte of sDlwlw.,
we make. flour dull and drtiopms, with • drellno fur
Ike week of 2:/e to Ode. Rheas, drill and drained
I.Y. Corn to fair demand. Oete firmer.
Bra"At°, Dec. 13.—flottr d dell and uncaused.
Wilma qrsict, 'dab pothhag &Aim. Core (maw and
to Mt linchand. Ottwr oaths qh4ol. wad au Nei.
WEArrlg Air &mail fropurfal—W,ooo, Lama
now, 5;080 bashala Mast,
t?.—Tloar dull. Wheat, Ono, and
Ifhl , ire higher. Corn, dull at 91491,1ia.
.1,au1,41, Moir, bash wheat, ZDAto bosh torn.
Ilse toilet, and 100111 c loom br goal to prime;
ks . ;,c For Interior tots. Drank! bop, doll and
wittiest material coatis..
New Torm, Bre_ i 432. better, .ndi
4.aketr move active at POWle ; middling uplands
are now bold higher. Flour miler, and no material
ammo 111 prime. ilndu—Wheat Mary and a *bads
lower: $1,4201,46 for Chicago spring; g1,43(31.47
for Milwaukee club. Coril lc lower and in moderato
demand, fiats opened stead) and closed a shade
Mawr. Potrekem dull. Pork quiet, and a elude
easter at 117/317,U3 for old mime; 1f I 8 for mar
lILM kir war prime, and SIG.:MaII Air new prime
come Beef, quirt and steady prim* mess beat MS
fair demand, Dressed bogs quiet and unchanged at
egie for western. Lard. without material
ebangg but in gooddemand.
Neer York Stock and Money Market.
Nre To D. I.2—Morny in MG demand at 7
par cent. on ea& Gold Irmo.lar and unsettled;
opetang at 44%. and eluting quiet at 10.
Cr:mm=Bmi storks err: G. S. Ca 81 coupons
108%, 7.30• 10(71i.
Stocks dull and km,
& C
44s 'nu. C. 5erip......_.-117%
a R. i------1"
& Tol—.
The So• paseenpr stramer warn
ROSE, Capt. O. M. I:armed; aka. I. /I. Who
tak•r, alll Iran en TUESDAY, 16tb Inst., at 1 p. m.
For fra%ht or pump apply en board or tr.
dal{ J. L. COLLINOWOOD. Agent.
./: VILLE D Lool4.—lno
dos otos:moo MINIMS, Capt. .I.W. Attatro/t, trW
loom as otboos on ICESD4II,ISth Infant at 4 p. m.
Yor freight or psonwo apply on board.
IPOR lifEhinfla—The fine
A: we alda-mbeel eteamer DARLING,
Capt. T. T. Batchelor, will lam as abort. on 8
DA T, lost., at 4 o'clock p. as.
Tor freight or panne apply on.'board or to
011 H TUCK, AVM..
TA AND setasvaLg.—The fine
Inelager steamer ERMA GRATIAII, Munro. Ars,
Commander, leans Pittsburgh error) TUESDAI, .t
4 p, m., and Zanesville every FRIDAY, at B o'clock
m. The isms Memos JULIA, Wm. Coulson, Com.
mander, leaves Pittsburgh ovary SATURDAY, as 4
p. m., mod Zanesville semi TUESDAY, at asclock
m. For (might or dd
J. TY. P CTITIVII . I;I3D, Age4q, "
Pittsburgh ;
R. 8. PIERCES M E, L . aut.,
A Ohio.
JPI4JrOB. Jrll7SlG,lfc.
Th. Modal Mostoro of the Soot ,--;7 : 5 4
0 1 1Mrtt Wm. of MM .% -'
"Ater barb:a esaminergth• Mane Torts. of the
Mears. DECKED BROS. very awolhlly, we ben
come to the coach:don e and cheerfally testify, that
they main emempregyectsuperiarinstrumaata. Thotr
time le VIM Tlca brilliant, vary dietheot, and of..
entirely mm beal character. Their vrorlimanehly to
.....4 1 .,
of the; eer he veq y 6W, plated demonstraila tilt none bat ;
seamen and nality of tone throughout the whole
oempemoltho ey baud, unanyenewd by any o th er
Plano Porta have yet emu.
S. D. 11111.. Thmdme Thomas, Wfillam Masan,
Chu. radon, Ilagen, editor of Um Hanical
&view and We Id; Carl Arwhata, Director. of the
0.... Opera Jahn Znudel, wilter ercermleof-Pree ,
lie Wereelp i F. L. Dlttat,Oicl Wollholen,'Phlin.“
A choice; lot f these superior instrunents jut ar
riving. J. li. normaN a DRO - -
da3 ;- el Fifth street.
eIHIIIST4AI3 PIANO' ~,-'4'_:- -: ,„,
1 ....) Tuna the Celebrated Factories of .-T "' . '"" - ' — ''
ELNAIIIII A 00., T , . ' }
The finest rook ever retired In this city. among
which Is one
They ore warranted for eight years,and are acknorth
edged to be the fret In the. world. . '
idd Pianos Salmi ist szctrasgs. Now Planoiltria
' " •
=0 inwards,
d. 12 OUARLOTPH wpm, 43 Tiftbarreil.
Are now nowiolnithotr
Fall and Winter Stooks
And tune ling!. *loth and du pal* to rxmlne
dhott stock, leech p th• attest sad • tatst cacapista
ever Or:sight lltd. market.
&WWI o o kaa . tuv amosamat of
tomes oi roans • s r.crung
, . PL.
.-. - If :W '• • -'.
~ _ ~- - ~'; -, -- -'• , p..i--1;'?
- ;. - ..... ..4 .,.„.1 .--- s -,, , .
~.,6, .., , ,-,-, -
~ ..i . , ,
_ .,.„......3 , T ..,... ,
4., .. „.
: - .-----"---k'ii.,-,--r-..."-,..-„-`• -
,041,10Tuts4 ** _ ,
21*-401/4 vourptirtalt.
- -! 'f 4t4s,-, ''''''4.
n, or ow Slorft. .c ttan; isms stivar.
TEIS Monday) morma,
win be prnent4. •
km& 'Eberle.
Donofrio.-- ...... -.. : ... Loosit...
MW us
Comic Song.
JOIINNT MACKET and pupil evil' appear In
Sparring Scene.
IRISH BYBELLIO.i E . peatticra uvs.
. 7 . ChlPlWAthae.
The popular author and lecturer, will dellm the
third lactate at the come miler the anspbes of the
Mercantile Library Amchitka, at
111ondoy Forming, Dee. 140416113
Busarrm,THE RATIO L 7. 3IP.ABS.
11:1T l'annsylvants Ma nx& Co. via run &spa:
dal traisCfrom Braddocks Station, to accommodate
thaw who wish la ottwod tho Lahr..
Tickets 25 canta r ta Isclutd_st Behomrte a, EeDY'll
.d li. 0. Coolinna's, Allegheny ; and aII tha Book
Denting Mate Storm lu 'Pittsburgh.
Ilatarnd wan, BO Aaron.
Doom ay= at 1; Doadlng to cotosoenco atTg.
W. H. Engsto, Gnomon W. Wmus L
Simon. A. Lola. T7IOXIII Dummy.. J 2.
Wagnit W. W. En, Itgang 'IL Ammo,
delo:tg Ireton Contalttag
Commencing Monday. Ecc...l.4tb, 1568.
In • Bread
sir Tor partlogalars Bee Pr0g2.1321011.
The Great Night of the Season:
The performance trill commence frith [hatless set
eastaation play rolled
A 1.., the) mimic rep...ration of the gnat Inter.
wttlat. l aglit hettrorh Heenan and Slat, by .f.
Barb and and .
13 as eta lag by Cheap Jobs, Bratly,.llob.
*rt., Ileser Burt, Becker, Jeanie.
To mocha& with Lam. Keen:. hey Iliberelan
drama of the I=ll BILBELLION ; or, BT. PAT
ati t tx.est, f i ren6aart
LT Tilt
Industrial Exposition, Paris, 1881,,
I. matatidoe with el Me leallneSewing Mach M'
in Europe and America, end the Vaned
iltatecA .trimalteral Amectuites ihdropolliest Ere.
dianica•lnattede, Wachincton; Frantilie Zonings,
Fldbidedthint. Agachanicei Anociatien., &Mor;
American lestibus, 8.: Yvk;.ltar74cidlnstitote,
Baltimore; Eschanit. Ainlation Claciestatt;
Knitarly Institute, Lentrillte; ilectserne
tote, Ike Francisco; whe re every Sista Mid
County Pair Exhibited . Ithia
Aldct which treks Isobar than words tithe enema
and oopoLvttyof tlu mkauated WirElLlitt t WIZ..
BON IMMIX alaWo . o liaClUNL—thechaaped
liachhae b the world.
utarrxerrows .rxML
♦tnnTl weer TO giBISITT An C1L11.J1,3
tir Omah., containing an asplanatlOn al dr
machhm, with tmtlatoalals from lidlm of the MA
at soda! ataadlag, ginna en lippllcation, *tear hs
jonSup Or by IMML
Apots for nu West.. &atm pad Walt= l's.
14thelps1 Mau WlAesale CmPortwnl..,
SA Alf Fifth litivat.—PlTTSlll73oll. PA.
Pikes Opera' Elen.sialliNATl. O.
Masonic, Templo.----LOMVILLIVKY.
Cow Liardod to Mowing Elorlauto m 11112*
Thaw Walrus wan 'martial the Mewl haat;
a over all oceamMaro, for th. Bad ROW" flotat#
thr Rae Bleaefertasim •Illorrhee th"
Bel Wert, at the following mart TAM,
of 11SCI
Nat rock fish hh, '
lint Prefab= for fardly
Tint Pmatomfordoablathrest marline
flat Prozahm for amhtaa .ork.
rehoosi Bah lair.
lirst Avalon far fkmily reschto.6.
pert Premium Ita roaartfactortorloadare.
first Premium Sw. utschtor work.
111r= Prrraima for tunny =schism: .
litest Prosaism kw smasolhasstriag asschtsh
tint Premium thr tossohlas work. • .
Maims Salo Mr.
Pint Premium-kw Wally coschlas..
Tint Pramhos for tosautocturiss. =smith=
TIM cams licsamcblas Fork. - „ •
BIM Audis= kW asisoktoo work. ' -•"
111 M, Presalussibranclans kw all porpoOM.
Pint Phitehms in
machine work.
flostsclo Bag Pith%
Mr= Pravda= Thr =whir=
in oil parpoomc ,
Rut traisslms for Esschino srtsrk;
itrst,Premiam forsossulhoterias ostrbiss.
rinsiPrstoluot in bratty= mathistorork,
Ytxmf Prradozabilasedins 'work. •
And at,the.followinst County Fein:
6141audea (b. (ft) Apricateral Soasy„
• Ent natal= fur dually =whims , . - 4: •
•Ttrit - Tntmlars brawn:AM:lln tosabis! •
MA Premium for madam vim*.
Cdosplois Valor ( FL) eloricalotral Horkrii.
dint Premium rot Wally =schism. 1
Vint Premium for rosaufhatatatioaratoo:
That treadroa for mschlaevork.
Arampas 08. (Nos.).fyrdadsrofaaddr„ .
• Diplblas Soridadly toschhar. '
;1111 ,. ornalbr =class work. ' • r ‘
Cb.(ll. T.t lbb.
inns Treashim for Wady &rubble, ,
A o .
nd Premdua tai auumbcrosintrosularta
Qssaer.fia, (N. r.).l4riosldis. dal/kaiak. f, •
First :Prlaaro for Wag !medial. t
first Premium foi tiarl(si
'Sankt. C 4. (N. T.) Pair.
- .11rsarluailbe laarblai.:,
Massie. Swtt* Pak. ;
VIM promisors for marlins far WI poi-pdas,
rat .01.1als Ear =obis* • '
sbars.,..sespriams all: tba•Fslra at yrbtod lbw
OIIATIdt di RUMS 111.A0M1NYI Yore. estlbitad
Ode 2lt dimly at timid Us bsillsg Beaty
ewe ts tormystadas.. , — s r.• ,
The ea ryas the Gr.lner• Haar 1004
11114ter has mitred ths.,lfinskitruslors ad *aryl
/Isla Ifsfr to 'fhb (Tolled 1541.1:,:vdcoreit bee bass
• Ikeassi,3e.:,l4ll7Tlli I.ltiiie44 Pa.
_ • &:740E(Aror_M
AnnualsavAmmuungsePP?". o 7
W tan D : C Ron Y 7 Il6lj
NTO/10%, - - Oublio4artkor rter
the 2 4 ar, Decimixmls pcstpopoier malt .WICDSI4.
Ma lettt;':;. • T0111,8153,;,,7,
DUN TAN 8 0 2 EntAtt . 400.13 Sight
italean:ud tronr.suxtosumn,ixa slot,
stos.raxid.&uartavni•tgaipsium wituov
hituar' th irtriMittr4er
; ' 4 l Pt br A 3 Air Aci! 1 ) 1, 4 4
ct, -,-;:6t.`'
Oa . I
um. lama
pith% di u. ...
• - Ptitk,
attack ara r
doxsadat aSa.
..tars • liaaltb.y,
Thar& an a.
'fag biareatos.
Slay rszaaatbaa
Thy pima r
nay torfaTlVoisto
MO** dawdle* Ombra mad Clital*:
That ma Oaampladat saarlgarkoatli a ,. ' ,
pay =to bit wask abide tfoitiriaraqtdilltak
4Am aahiOnia d tbarixo
'Pea. ate* toktaati4
Maar 41roitqla s , root. , . a d barbia, mired Lb
.rebdiz Partist- (kV zlittat.' AIM 14
(avow. sod imuzmugau, ograTka,eacti:b9AN
Bunn of fEopeason...ll:cazoild mot/attio. 15.•
tlaa tour same asnanueour -P= o "
LC etainmai th. tra% loth :plassattoFroos, and
ars fait Otaiip . oi stefaeei
Wtit. Watt Sit edit 'Oar biaitkis 'refalad alth
Nalloaa aad 4lotexiialifr:'*ltd* P/1
mach She ayaa* oat - OAK. Of
Pam prottailliarto pasato; Dittiat, by thy ,
Eolloa ia balk. la aa togaater.:,, ~, e 1 Ll
oar. logable bottle,,..uff 'moon Lotpalag Oda
bcatio,za aalthar otbarzoitariat litarthstlirboaor
caltai Planta/5m TIMM at not. to Batadaa =dor •
du be loyto al tat we
thj laati'our aria fat, 'la n* voAllitt. oar - -
ba1100,"44 11." - gal1341,14aualrat
Into alcia.
edko - JuisPfi r . boor 44 1 04- Ottzsafo 4 '''t''f'"W . 4
*C4 PaIECAT beredibk.r..l* ili n 4 - .l3da at -
bottlaia ti s.rtdmo. lab iosoootif.tkekwirth und
saporloatty.They nee iota 41.1dOotatas drar
lida. -Vox* i.bylllanor beta : dasabccito sad
4121°7 ELDRAigh D.) ,
ealalaaagsav'T YCS, Y.
OA}Bat/CVO . E NI:11 B
nas, two* arKi
• suffix i.onrakio,lr,
mr.ra.mhga 0:419 . 115it streets.
aatitisoinailt ' '
orgensnUcz 1!'f f ,..16e54 5? "fv6 , 1 of* eminent
PhJaldanlffbaPilAiradillerigaitc;tto miasma at
" °ll4l d* 7 13 4 rtt fi E4 , 4etiladed me"
ibt ncf. than timtirtlx*. me Otradi°' t n,
ItaeLt tequilas; ao Weettmi, ;11x!i 6120tets entirely
imithitailitakepicriettee iha c.•
* 7q! "l6 ! t° .
niviaaiind pera t cuylai.. It:acts Mu; cbara,
end bip•s - !ylic"Fr ' , - o0 ttle=disesse4
Clatmax.-4 - 4. pmt . 4.g.:
. 4 0 iivaaly In•f
frparsinpicgres lup I‘itatitwilrilntstr4
bricarrlsekl isitam:' , Miami !hern flit the
eamileval,24.m.PPs.4o4._ Tat ,b 7
27 9 1 ; 2 +Lilar'ciwl
.11.11.14 all DrggsEsta.; Z . **, sl,* box.
- -
sors r ood• Irina sirralOkku.4l 4lls . 3 / 02 .
4nol. thotilsoottAilsoaw Uo , Llirtzimol4l3,e4u4loas to
mato Imointio !di frllavrioSisterothosoolio of cure.
To all 'ha • daslre tt. /14, Tria alat- 11 coP7 of th*-
wiactistin ailed; (free atalsa* ):41tlithe
lloiatretiopealogoidsie4a. same;whkil JOT
vii s pin ern) Ili" CORStIMMIN, 471T114
MOVilnig. 6 *Gnig ' 4 VlD 2 ilii;" - : The va ,
le ; in bonnet for 44 . taited,- - end = .li - ps...ft,oton,
TWO h - nanoahvg So pc isLtekano top:s
any-, =Muir AMU' to , kto rezeiftowit wilt coat
*Ws MI6& kala-anywrunt
- I,crumarldang tts. praiestputs vat pbtwaatest
Unix - 0 .- 4410,May minty 144 York
ileiir . itheiV z obitgoid apitvg
tkrairatairt Wait and the buimmia. _
'ON c ; it , 42r B: l3 o;lli im,. .Al t -L t X." -
kr the briestiiiiimia'rmtog siskeian atom
tvam Narrow' I , 4ll.l4;'Zrematt n ,
.4/ bIEPO
.tepibifta hWam* 144
,iy llOl l l4 Manged ecrl, ".
o a g
- -
41ATAtiguz.7[1111.4. 2, 01.
Bidtmia.tio.earsti.N. T.
BOT .raihwalazu k bay;
U to?
1,4 been rester*, to bum,
le a fro krip after EA:.
ArjhArrArficsautfint mad Innigu, expel"
l ititbmltasteep,conutku n
tikiiwn eddiatittreksamOrsuPtivlitsatletaa Mow
' AtmOit aggni:,...l4lo6iwths nakit.
aturatekteisedftrelopik 101,141,04.1/7" 647
the pkva 4 .4littgil MILL :,-140a,...11*;y:4:Vt!TCFC
I?nAffiftilg.nPla,, . -
ifZia(riarepkilkgic;* 404
4 0211toue,r4ipitia •
..4. Qin ,
081 Aron
ME d warlptirall,lPUdzmut t a slim%
SOlCAlrit altiMu t os*lrary„
avit. tort urruursPosatt itrawr o ,
iron .natett-. • • .
— R T •4 77.
,§. :It: . '
jock i •:._
„, , :.. 0 ., am . - - ~ -i:ift'njoimt '
- •
- ts, • lAt, ---qz-sie3/41. '
ilezHarri "L"n" "
~ --,,,-. ..m. : : f
' 4,llftZr
-' ii-Woizjandark•-
ik ko c -400 4---9-. t--
....8 th,.ur;
~ 1. , „, „ - .
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