The daily Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh [Pa.]) 1863-1866, December 12, 1863, Image 4

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.. nat . .tek, ..' . lphiatialChttroh-ut the United
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J aa4diati n i M i oroloiliNaniqrarellaa, and
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C ,artteladgis (rota
4 lcalities in.
_ . o . ,
•Alleghetty or St. cljiir
" -44 b e " .." tha t . s3n.a. 1
or three days
isistrlet Conrt. The notion has bees
.ought to reeover a piece of ground, fume: ,
diately behind Lecilie's Wharf, bounded hp
Killhttek, Craig and Corry streets and tho
river now elabned by the heirs of the late
John ' lrwiz, and claimed to be hold by him
under conveyances from Commonwealth
down, and which has been In possession for
period of seventy years, without question,
until within the last seven years. The pre
sent elatuants show a patent from the Vona
monwearth of Pennsylvenia, dated October
22d,1860—three years ago. The plaintiffs.
brought testimony to establish a chain of
Islands about thielocality, oonsisting of gill_
bank, Nelson, and a third, tame not given,
which last wee the ground in dispute, and all
of them, as they alleged, Ira! known, defined
and distinet islands. That the groun d
was surrounded by a slough, which was a
channel of the Allegheny river and that this
slough was navigable , at-certdbit times, for
skiffs, fiats and keel boats. In short, they
ell:timed that the ground In dispute was an
island, known as such, and being called by
'the different names of Smoky, Stewart's
Beale's and Ledlie's Island, although it had
no early definite title.
On the other hand tho defence adduced tea
- timony to show that originally , dating from
as early a• 1808, by tiring testimony, and by ,
record evidence from 1787, there was but ono
Island in that locality, which was know; as
91111bnok." That in later times a tow-head
or high part above Billhook, was patented to'
Nelson as an Island and took Ids name—and
that no other ;Island ground ever existed in
thatpart of the. river. It was also chows by
their testimony that the slough above named
was a more high water run or channel, only
filled at high or eight foot stagain the Alle
gheny, and dry from nine to ten or eleven
-months of the year, and never oonsidered a
channel of the Alloghouy river. Mesh of the
testimony was interesting, became of the ago
of the witnesses,who were all residents of the
°minty, and ha bean familiar with the local
ities of Block Rouse Run, and the old appear..
once of tho ground around about Its month,
as well as the topography of the ancient
island known as ukillbuek," et which there
Is not now a vestige remaining. Their testi
mony fully showed that the whole physical
condition of the beach or low ground In that
vicinity, has become a. matter of - history,
nothing there now giving any idea of Its early
appearance when : this native chief, and pro
prietor of Killbneh, (Kilbuok hlmsolf,) passed
with lordly step and haughty mien among his
red skinned vassols,is they encamped around
the banks of the beautiful Allegbeay river.
After • short absence, the jury found a ver
dict for the defendants.
up to
; mo,
lon of
Tho Rattlgan Case...Tne Investigation
This morning, at tort o'clock, - Coroner
Clung re-usembledOlte jury in ilori ease of the
Lots Thomas Rattion,nne :died from the
effects of a severe beating 'received. on the
night of the 14th of .Neriti - inkluiet Eight or ten
additional witnesses Oritexn.tiinlldi but no
material fact was clititiliVjti - eitillq to show
who perpetrated the - rititiXiio.l)ce therefore
deem it unnecessaribo — frartlintr columns
with the testimony. - The . - CreseAtowever, may
be summed up thus A2ttgan was fervid
abont midnight, horribly beaten, In the vicin
ity of the canal bridge, by Mr. Clippies, who,
on asking him where he received hi, inju
riee; was directed to the alley in the
roar of the row of buildings In which Lana •
ban'. Exchange Is located, red received the
rey from Rattigun, "there, in that alley."
This. alley had jest been newly pored, and
our readers will remember the very clear tes
timony of Dr. Murdoch, In which he described
the *minds in the scalp no having Ilteri Oiled
with land, as if the struggle bad taken place
on ri newly pared street. The conclusion
ale= Irresistible, therefore, that the beating
took place in that allay, but who the murder-
Ora We will perhaps remain a mystry.
Thb jury agreed upon the following verdict:
"That the deceased tome to his death from
Injuries inflicted by some personperson or persons
nnkniteno, - on toe night of tb.e 14tb of Novem
a the
'en Ter
Tla° jury -alto pused a resolution, recona
tneadhag an Ineteate - sd the night polio, the
employment ornate lot good mita, and the
exercise of more diligence and promptness in
affairs at this ettariteter.
The Coroner deserres credit for the energy
and diligence sada he has displsyed in an
delves:int teining to Justice the perpetrators
ef'thli foal deed. That he has not succeeded
*o Is certainly no fault of his. The
blame) to Indicated in the resolution adopted
by thejary, Bestseller with the Msyor and
bispohee; and we hire little doubt whatever,
that,.if proper axertioes bad been need by
- the police, immediately after the outrage, the
perpetrators would have been apprehended.
- The hommonwealth, daring this Investiga
tions nil repveeeeted by the Assistant Dis
trict. Aitortioy,slotin W. Riddell,
Wa learn that the Trustees of the Fint
United: Presbyterian Church, Allegheny, of
'legatee. J. T. Primly, D.D., is pastor, have
negotiated for the purchase of a lot on the
wild side of the Etat Common, a short dis
tance above Ohio street, upon which they pro
poe to erect a new and handsome church
mil See. The lot which they hero purchased is
one hundred and twenty feet front by one bun.
ditedrind thirty feet deep, and will make a fine
lite for • ehureh building. The Trustees can
miltheitpresent lot to the Diamond, together
-With lb* building, at a •sory remunerative
Prime/Ad es the edifice has become unlash
'tortable,'as well as unsuitable to other re
project for is new howls of worship
Os.'rtrerway. ocanumndable. The magma-a
-Don' is 14rge and indoeotlal, and has grown
Rout &effetely of sixty souls, to several hen.
Aired.; nape The cars of their beloved and now
venerable pastor, who Las labored with them
lee reped. od of over a quarter of a century.
Wi. alto learn that the congregation of
7Tsinltyßpiseepal church, of which Rev. C.
R.,' . l3liope is pastor, are raising a large sum
fat the purpose of rebuilding that ancient ed
ifice, Otte the present elm, Sixth street, be.
'tureen - Wood and Smithfield. The eongrega
lion is wealthy and enterprising and we oom
mend theta desire to. keep pare with the pro ,
gpmesanditeate of the age.
..,The foundation for the hi. E. church, Bea-
Venareet) Allegheny, located on the corner
olteaveristreet and the ?forth Common, II
about emtpleted, and will be left to "settle"
during dad winter. The bricklaying will be
etrocznitneeti early in the spring. This will be
leplendlrinharoh edifice.
The foundation for St. Patrick's Catholic
thumb, in the Fifth Ward, is progressing
vary. favorl bly, and la a splendid specimen of
fakeoltrl. ' It °ample. the lite of Wood's old
bliWerFs. the north side of Liberty street,
CM 01d.410.. having been purchased by the
Pinasylvila Railroad Company.
..; ~ eui i~_-
1 --.Christ M. E. Church.
I ' - ft'ehbellt Age was devoted to (because of
'talisfonily Christ M. ft. Church, Rev. W.A.
L SttiTaly.lor. Bishop Simpson, by special
merest, w present, and dellveroda dlicourie
eminently ilitable for the occasion 7at the
Otete - -if wiiich the congregation gave their
offerings, odeupying but a brief space of time,
stOininting 'ao nearly four thousand dollars.
--Tri=tlie. •&Airmen a children', meeting was
.IsiT. male audience room., Bishop
iftrithsocil d leered* brief address. Contrf
hatfoni , re then made, which, with what,
'hadiseen acted monthly daring this Con
firenisitie amounted to . ere hundred and
elghry.two dollars. This made in all four
thousand fo hundred and dot.
tatiolidele as a ft erwards increased to tbe
swims= c r iforty-live innsdred dollars—just
Amide tk• contributed Int:ear.'
...Ai. tits lug service the .pastor_,mide a
biletisUnsion to the essential condlticat Of the
thine, in *Mob he slated that the arrange.
Matt watered into one year previous, to ihrti.
data thedebt of the church, bad.been townsm
an:ad; madam& the whole sum, over eleven
.thensmuldoLare, had been paids learlisSlt
Aisinay: free from debt, except a small ground
nt-cntiVortion of the lot, +blob can easily
=Off lithe pleasure of the bolder of the
, . ..
3 - Fs • .yrftlicints,Tilesawall known
*op Ortn, Itellstous, Pictorial, Lit ,
icia7,,ste.; :mohair rewired lry expron
sad l'or , ialo J. P." - Muit's,l% Ziltb street
Mitarilerlpil,)Pittabargly and by
pkt,cBS- Todi&l street, Ansel_i)?
thelik , llictiT4 tads, en , .
tgiftsci),e, -fiVair-ttaise 9
jr im ogrw, mad •;Epat's 'Pr}
Pb rakror• Valitfi t
RslG Imlay spet!itil l .
I,,,f o f u th•Tritldeat's -Unsigkin logjetta'
bj k f-,ls'irntpparo_Ar it, lank
Church Improvements.
;,~~,c~,f~za ` 4;j a '
Kayorsaty tnt uom
• ,e ago the friend, of Mr. Wryer
Jo eontldent of his re-nomination that
wtery olfered to betlarge tams of money on the
result, and their boldneas and eardi
they (ailed 41tely, how
ever, they hare not . rbeinl ;IM ,lUTISIr: -
their money, and are befiznini to reel
rather "shaky.' On Tuesday t , officer
Gumbert, of the Major's police, offs dto bet
$l,OOO on the nomination of his Manor, and
the, neer was aerepted, bre irinatletaati doing
harinias is the: Eighth Ward.' The forfeit,
($50,) was placed in the hands of 31r. 8.
Cairns, of It ood street, end each party was
required to put up the balance, $l5O - , by seven
o'clock, Wednesday evening, or pay the for.
felt. The Eighth Ward man came up to time
promptly and his money was deposited by the
stakeholder io the German Trust Company.
Officer GUM bert called daring the day, and ob
jected to the deposit in beak, alleging thatthe
money was to hove been put up in Cairns hands. ,
Mr. Cairns then procured the amount from a t
friend, but Mr. Chunbert subsequently objected,
to the terms of the agreement, and finally de
clined to put up the money ! The stakeholder re
fused to pay over the forfeit to him, and he
entered snit for the amount before Alder
man Donaldson. The magistrate served a
summons upon the stockholder, and the ease
will come tip for a hearing on Monday next.
The Mayor s friends are very much morti
fied at thin result, so we are Informed, as
it exhibits a "'caving in" by no means agree
able. Mr. Cairns declares that ho will pay
the forfeit over to the anardians of the Poor,
under an old aot of Assembly which "oonfis
cute," money putap in this illegal way.
Cathollic Intelligence.
Thursdey, the 3d inst., Miss Ellen Me.
earthy (sister Mary Caßlau) died at bt.
Xevier's Convent, near Latrobe, aged twenty
loran years. The funeral ceremonies were
conducted by Bishop Domino*, Very Rev.Jas.
O'Connor, Bev. J. Mickey, Rev. Dr. Keogh,
end other distinguished ministers.
On Wednesday evening, December 2d, In
the chapel of St. Xavier's Convent, near La
trobe, Mks EaunaCosgrave, In religion Sister
M. Gertrude Aloysis; Miss Mary Ann Daly,
is religion Sister M. Joachim and Miss Ve
ronica Freithoof, in ',religion Sister M. Ste
phens, received the habit and white veil of
the order of Morey at the hands of the Bishop
of the Diocese, who preached on the occasion.
On the following morning, Sister M. Felicitali
Joseph (Mies Mary Loughran), and Sister
Clitharine do Ricci (Mies Ellen Tierney),
made thsis profession of poverty, chastity end
obedience in the prmenoo of the Bishop.
On Sunday lest, at New Brighton, the old
church which was formerly used for the ser
vices of the Methodist congregation was sol
emnly dedicated for the Catholic worship, by
the Rt. Rev. Bishop Dominee. The Bishop
explained the ceremonies of the dedication. Ile
also thanked the &Runs of New Brighton for
their kind feelings towards the Catholics and
exhorted the Catholics in return to show seer)
kindness to their separated brethren.
Helping. the Government to Put Poen
the Rebellion.
Pa..blayer Little, of thiscity, has just canto
to be proud of hie patriotic boys. Note the
record: John R., the oldest eon, "enlisted for
for the war," In the Pittsburgh Rifles, Co. A,
of oth Pennsylvania Reserves, May, 1861,and
served through all the engagements of thin
gallant body of men until wounded and made
prisoner at the battle of Charles City, Cross
Road, before Richmond, Juno 30th, 1862.
When exchanged and at home recovering
from his wound., be was promoted tie be
Quartermaster of the 100th Pennsylvania
Regiment, and served until the time of the
regiment expired- He was afterwards ap-.
twisited Assistant Quartermaster ' with the
rank of Captain, by theßeteretary of War, and
ordered to Gen. Burnside's command. Geo.
W., second son, joined Hampton's Battery,
Angost. 1002, and was in the second haute of
Bull It un,Cllan co Lionville and Gettysburg. He
is still in eerrico. William, Jr. ' was appointed
midshipmen and is now on the C. S. ship Con
stitution. The only son left, though quite
young, is anxious to go as a drummer boy.
A San Durn.—Thomas Huntar, of Anita
township, Blair county, was killed at Tyrono
City, on Saturday het. He Ins standing on
the railrotd track and stepped Ur to ovoid
the train pasting down, when the up train
ran over him and cut hint to piece. H.
teases a family to mourn his loss.
SCAS.i.CT FLTIL—Tbie often Witt duets Is
prevailing to eansiderable extent at present
In this plane. Soma deaths among ohildten
have already °scarred from it, and others ars
now risk from the same muse.
Ssofsrarcas rot rut SOLD.Zia.—A number
of friends in •he neig'Aorbood of Rogers'
Chapel, per Roe. Z. 6. Weiler, contributed
tad, to furnish the Pittsburgh acistiak do'co
ea. to ..•Idiers at Chattanooga.
Turmas P.M, Plain and Ornamental
Slate Roofer, sad dealer in Pennsylvania and
Vermont Onto of the best quality at low rants.
013ee CO Alex. Laughlin's, near the Water
Works, Pittsburgh, Pe. •
Pscra roe TUN Pnorte.--Embroldering ma
chines are not the thing for family sewing.
Read the following
One prominent defect of the double thread
loop stitch le the waste of thread in forming
it. Each yard of seam requires on an aver
age 734 yards of thread, or twice end one-half
the amount required by the "look stitch." An
estimate may be easily made of the camper
ativisexpenre of using the two. In the skirt
manufactory of Messrs. Douglas. k Sherwood,
a day'. work of ten hours for one person is
estimated at 1,000 yards of straight seam, ton
stitches to the inch, with the lock-stieh ma
chines, which they use ; this length of ream
requiresthree thousand yardsof cotton Thread,'
and with the double thread chain or knitting
stitch machine, 7,200 yards would be required.
The coetof 3,000 yards of cotton thread would
be 10,35 at wholesale,and the cost of 7,500
yards weald 14'53,10, making a difference of
51,85 a day in this item alone, or more than
55,000 a year; with costlier thread or milk(at
present prices at 51 . 1 purported), the difference
would he much greeter. In shirt and collar
taannfacture, where the/Stehle Seim, and lest
length of stilria Is awed, the difference per
day re only about 75 cents la &world the look
ed:eh machines. In a manufsetory like that
of Winehester k Davies, where one hundred
and slaty of these marline, tr. need, the
geeing le $l2O per del. The result Is that the
chain or - knitting-stitch Is not used on this
work. Id quilting, when silk is used, the
difference' each day would amount to unite
then two! dollars and twenty• Ave cents on
elleh triabine.—Scienryl• Americo..
The Wheeler k AVilson is the bust machine
for femlly'ure. Oilos No. 27 Flab 'trout.
• • I
Pot HAM. Aso Wromes Wesa.—The Sans
semi s part, 'and by the morning's frost, we
begin to apprehend, that fall and winter will
shortly be upon as, and we mast provide our.
selves with the teeterlal to keep. as comfort
able. A nice fall malt, or a good and well.
made overcoat are the very thing, and we do'
not know t of any pima where our radon
themselves better than at Hams.
W. H. 144. h Co'e clothing eitablishment,
corner of gederal street and Dimond Squire,
Allegheny. They have situ resolved a com
plete assornnent of gentlemen's fandshing
goods, and a great-owlet, of new patterns for
disinsise, hateyou exam - Med the felt and
whit., stook of goods et the Morainal Tail.
lazing establishment of Sam draham & Co.;
No. 64 Market street f
A (rash sopply of good. oyei7 week.
ilave . yott examined the prim of good, at
tho lierobut Tailoring estabilitiment of Sam.
Graham .4 00., Zie. 44 Market atreet 1 if not,
it Ii now time "on would, 'and 'are 21 per
Gant. in your elothing bill.
ErcrY 1011Wwwit warranted i perfect ft. '
Kinn thurriw, Goo. fddiaxotwia.
KEWICOLY, BlLLlLlAraleorrre.-11fra. Anne
Roots, of Louisville, Hy., up in a foliar ,
'When In Now York, this automor. I For
ohassd by way of oaperhnant some of Uri. 8.
A. Alien's' relobrated Nair Reitoror and
Zylobaleamam, whisk I have found valuable.
Mew write to bane y~oou nod me 01 doltal of
asek by express, for tko aro of say &lands."
, Sold by Druggists everywhere. Pivot 106
Groom/Id atroet, Now York.
JIM Bscarrins Asp Briar .rot fiat.n.—The
Ana snort:cent of Pall and Winter Clothitti.
lately rensired by Id . John Wier A CO.,
Mon:tont ?anon, No. 1411 Yodel* intact, Al.
leghony. Tho gook of elothinn conalata of
the lined variety of gents' rim talocau. seats,
costa and oratoor.ta. he T e le of patt l.
taeteftil and fashionable. a sroitiChtstist.
all of our radius to sir* the above grsaLleatta
ihstitcliad cattis_p ails will 14 talon at
Omn!btu; °Met N . 4 , 10 Pun 'trot, day
All-dedies Mt at Ills abilva plum
.1611114 yrof it o?tly attuded Al malt . ..mut
pidd ts ramose . ,
a. 81,4 6 , tf albs; did Redd .Ittisti.',s4llll 4 ,
tg. 14 . 0 IflAaiun :of lii FOP/04.
~ ' -;'-e
Than la to um *atm II" Ma market, ten, war.
1 1 4T-4(M4iam...4 l aact-1•••-4bstilar idgtrenarda.
jatk.lgG 9.c IBS gourstmlAY &in 1514 ,
I. &you, having adwannat to 147%.
Hare, our broken ativayint 14r.3147c . f.St Gail, and
1141aaa tat Una. • Zasterathitagetiabandaat
and ran ann.'
The entail,' illegal titular not. U exciting eon
aidarablemrprim, and moat people cannot account
for it. The lout of legal tandem amounts to E300,-
000,000, and Tat they are scarce. We understand
that the mar National Banks are holding cent.
of their obligati°. lu Ante note. to meet the le.
qulrententa of the law under which they organized,
which fact may be taken u one reason for the dearth
of Intel tender POEM. But these natn will soon he
mimed by the inbred bearing note', stun theme.•
city will not be oat much felt. But the people have
manifested their preference for lap] tender notes
over Bmk notes by hoarding them, which mutt have
been the cam, as the mount held by the Banks
would entreaty have nomsioned Kt great • amrelty.
-Firrslivaan KARKETB
Furmr, Deoembar 11, mai.
FLOUR a GRAM—Wheat la firm but unchanged
at 81,37 for Red, and $1,4391,45 for White. Corn to
firm with an active demand and Mahar, Strolled
held at 81,330 n tract, and we note asals of 400 boob,
In Ears, at $I 30. Barley hi qulat and unchanged al
'Las for Spring, and 81,30 for F.S. Oat, unchanged
at 73 to Mk from wagon and store; sal. of 2500 boat
els, to go to Wheeling, on prints terms. Sala of
50V bullets 31a11 at 81,11, and GO mks Rye at 81,33.
. Flour la steady with mailman, from store at $ 3 , 10 4
6,00 for Extra, and 87,00 to 5 7 ,2 3 for Extra, Family.
GROCERIES—The moat remarkable feature no
have to notice, in the grocery market, to that Coffee
has advanced to Me in New Tort. We continue to
quote Sugar at 14015 r. Coffee at 33(3.33g tiolasaca
Cho; and Syrup. 73 to 83..
ItA7—t. firm bat without gnotabla &mpg prima
Timothy, loose. sells readily at gtO per ten; and are
note a male on track all bales premed at 137 par ton.
BUTTER it Butter to in good supply,
and lb. market 1.. shade easier, ranging from 25 to
toe; aalesors bbla /toll and 4 pails solid at 2.9 c. Egg.
firm and all readily at Mo.
110G9—The imfavonable weather for packing, had
• rather depressing effect on the market, and hold,
era, generally, lammed aposed to make • coneenlon
of from 5 to 10c per 100 pomade, la order to reellm.
Quotation. for good &vamps may he fairly glum at
$5,75 to 00,00.
HAGS—Ws not* a sale of =al second-hand for
ego, at:auetlon, at 211,Oeaell.
011EESE—fIrm with sales of Wheel - 0 Stemma at
4e, and Goalaen jand Hamburg at 15e.
LAI 4 / 4 —eteauti with small mks of prime new Ita
ls rendered at tic. Lard Is quotable at 11,ege.
FEATHERS—base adranoed: sales of 3001 N West •
ro at Vc per tb.
New York Petroleum Market.
11, oral Dispatch to tho Pittsburgh Gazette.
Yaw roan, Dec. ll—erode Is firm but without
hangs., ranging at (mot 32 t. 32„‘ir. itctload, *Do,
s firm with salad of bonded on the .pot at 47(343%.,.
od sloe for Jaowiry delivery, boyors option. Floe
•II is steady at St3s:c and Noptba Is nom lad at t?..1.c
Pittsburgh Petroleum Markel:
I.—Th• market for both erode and relined,
continuos unsettled end somewhat excited, and with
a wide margin between the views of buyers and wit
era, the eonegm•nro 1., we bays but few trananctiom
to recent. erode 1. In tight supply, and, aa the rev
selpts are small, holders appear to have the edraat•
age, wad, we may add, they have no “comcieutlous
scruples" in making the best of It. There has been
no mice to-day of any importance, and as prices ore
somewhat Lrregular, w• goot. mtmlually at 21(32t'v
to bulk, and Z 127 In bbls. On Thursday evening.
WOO bble Ia balk changed hands at file, end 1000 bbl,
at :se, package. inelnded.
Reflood is In precisely the wurtesondit Inn . Crude
Holders do not seem disposed to operate, unless at ez•
tn.. flat, while boyers ere a little cantinas; on
In other wee., ere bolding off, awaiting, fetare dr.
reopmenty. The transactlons hare been light, eau/
as pricer err aniettled and Irsegultr, we quote am_
I.lly at t to bit fir gond ally lose. In hoed, and
.52,325 e free.
A rumor wee current to-day, that tiom• of our
epocaletore hare Limed • kind of ...twat stook cow)
pony. - and bought the optiro production of three o r
the largest wells on Ott Creek, for the next fitly
day.. We cannot, of coon•, vouch for the correct'
noes of Otte story, thanxii It le believed I.y guile •
number o f tbc Inds.
Flour and Grain In store In Chicago.
nrc. i—Tio fallowing table posted on 'Change to
day, shone the amount otdour and stain In Store In
Chleago on th:Sth la.t , «•tupesed a.tb th. enlonol
In etons
G, pre. rt.
. 40 Olt
saa,nal ass,ha
Irkmr, I•bb
Vllxat, bum
161,1 , 74 7019,450
Osta, bus
R 7•. tnt,t
.1,441,/".90 412,111
New York Coffee Market
Doe. D—The large activity In Ilk notlena In our
last has been morseled by an almost Stain cessation
of demand and eh. market In subsequence it vary
Titbit; Mare however, no anat.:mut from prasions
extreme rims. and the fall advance of Friday last Is
stilt quoted. Brasil advises are favorable to holden
nod as nearly allmpectsd for soma time to coin. has
loon disposed of, Mote Is Mush confidence In the
=sluts/nano. of present values, even should Con •
Brews Impure no additional Duty, which, by many Is
looked upon as very probable. Th. sales am 2.15 bg.
Ala at 34334%4; BSI Maracaibo, 4 ma; and
UM St. Domingo, 4JK(3:30 cash. A. Boston, about
ISM inst. Java sold, mostly to go West, at Nar, 4 mos.
The stock of //lo In the Country, as made up by
Messrs. IF Scott d bon, la 23,050 bags, •is, 2.0,130 bgs
hen, nod :CA at Baltimore.
Toledo Market.
Doc. 2--Tlonr—illso, $3,2343,30; Si:perdue, 83,75
0114,23; Extra, 5i,ng5,23; Moblo Extra and ranch,
33 , 1335.73, IltlekWheat Flo-dr, $9,30. Ry• /lour,
$3,30. Wheat—The market l• drat at 120 e for •nt•
Uer 111eln 127 c for No. 1 Red, and 1260 for No. 2 Red.
Rale@ 1,000 bo No. 2 Red •1 123 c. Corn—Y/or• active;
Wen 800 ',mold at 1040 t can new at lfine; LOW Da
and I,MIO bo old at 1010. 2,0110 nu old at lac. Rate
-11.5e. Ilye-10.50. Barbi-8/ring, 17.3 c; Winter, 1300.
dada—Clover, 56,50;. Tlondby, /2,73; /lax, 112,30.
dal. UV no Clover, on terms not maAl•
Cleveland Market, Dec. 10.
Fluur—falaa 100 Ulla tS rd at 66,30; bbls do
fit, at 06:+Z; sad 70 bigb do do In .►ha at 11 4 . 71, .
inseat..Market dull and Inaztlya. Salm I .r rd an
track at Coro—lttura active and Ilan. Salm
Wm bit from aturs at 120 c; luOu bit da ►t 103 e. Oat.
—Ash* 1600 bp bp balm, deltramd, ►t 730; tango
track at pm. flour*. Other Grath, quiet and noal•
Detroit Grain Market.
Dan. 5- o sChoot market Inaclln. Tlia nominat
raison,* about Sl,bn for No l white, and 61,2101,80
for No i tad. Corn nominal al 11,0361,65. DW
lot: a odd. of 1,000 ho •14 , 8 e, whiled Mores
. Mupaid.
rk/ I. .1.4.117 at #1,3 0 31 per /CO lb.. O/d. doe
Wand arrive hi ,(0) too,
Imports by Railroad
SO 0.7N4 k C 01,400 BAILIMLO,
Dee. 11-42 wbea, J tl Liggett; 4 cko food pip*,
10 km .two A nurdon;o4) bblo orbloloT, J Adler Avu
Ii 1 . 1 " rod., lloword & Collrol; 311 b di loand, Doke.
oral, Poo , . Acm 44 bldt4. J UoVlcktr; In bolo horn.
Iny. I Vongurdcrt 04 bidet, J II kolotout 110 0.111
brootocorb, 8 Maihona; 002 lAN piper, W
Jahnotod; Molts wheat, Illtuloook, Otelhuory k aroi
Inn LW. floor, Orohorn A Tholes.; 33 alto dry appleo,
Link , A Trimble; 104_pkgo product, .1 Woololoyori
1261. "NM,* A Pm; 31 Ir corn oleo! Pn do
• do,
fthosunkikr • Lau 14 drookkl. bop, A A incoloo, o ,
MU pow, AU 1:1411.44 GO by hoary, A Ilroolltlc
3 01.1. butter, b tf Volpbt; ;13 do 4,41 C, Blumnakor
r 0, 331 bldco, W sfcGlolnl 160 , 3 boa hew, r
1 4 / 1 41. A co; I:s6 pigs olf el A Oro; ni Oahu
by, W W Robbins.
ClLTra.axt, a Pirttermou 1140.4n40,-1144.)1
L 1444, W 10,4 Lapp; 4a LULL MO As flat 4444, )1 .0
1540,14 A, 164 wA444, Ke4A44yl 04S eke (rota
allnown a 14101. HI who4l,l4uhla A Angell) Ito
LIOOOriLTA:4I2I.IO 111 boles bey. 111 Floyd, IS pkt*
elutsr44,4l, L Vol bt• bloom., Junto, Lloyd A j
entlBl,7: ' 4l uole, ti n ' A ta c it it t i dl 4l, n ir r t'
0 /toward.
- _ .
81.000 CASH itlll purOlmaa a Ow
story lirlak llama of lbor mom, Win.
rogi Lo u UV, die, and lot SO Nal fund Wob•
dor otrtol, Patellar/0u
44 It. otrranr,n7 oi stmo, M millet I,e
o .— Olat i ffrrni PAN .I n d ATI-17011
coma, itok.i. Rad 1141* losta OoOlhot
istesnPPlY .t Ilia MI Moth Ilapat of
.1. a put WM%
dal Mod. 18 *o4 94 tl. noir NMI.
. W
t note Ifo , I Lord 611
SS do ••
Os bond Rod tar ode by S
im4 10 WAN. trap..
97jtrfils,, Wifreig 110thigT,
hal 10,11 , 0 poplar Broom flitudks 1
30 Ltiati Ilsrabnl (Ayr
pa' n 4.
9"l""n litAV. 11 VA 3 ttTott.
f i stitityMMTKl — AirriairT;lMTl;
C 4• Aro, Put wilrOd 00 , 1 silo silk.
rdwil utorort i Difori Of
jowl A
do • : owner I.lhortr m N il hood WSW
I di n to/I.B riranThCriTl 7 l;:cll
L 1 , 0 3303 atia km role. orholvolo sad rld3ll, OM
pubbst.DV". , XOO. 35033 CS to. (031110031.
W• ttoo J. • 11, MIIILI•111.
icatlN FAlLeitte::—Troorilir"4
1, oeikhorl asentO•Pitti Opipkllv o llif , tali
• ttbanr-ornet,-.
l o
333 9034•1100 341).-704 8 301 osaaAre.rsabtm. Ser.. 4. « , M ITTLII#7II
e Pl fittrtr*tel
mac 41.VALIA 110
1.14 r N .
bab*Jibt ribftbßksitiAr b
efttfitPETS, OIL CLOTHS. Av.
th,2s4W,"eas r s as .a a "`" +
Lowest,Prices for Gash,
Crumb Cloths, FeMugs, Ran
Awl haring purchased for ()ASH, bears the lasi
advances, ere are able to .11 et lb. pear ofecturervi
1,11.., so anetycialled .u.ct 0$
Window Shades, Mattings,
so. 5:1 MTH STREET
W. dull soli, doting the protent month, et erbolotale
• ftal Hoe of
Floor Oil Cloths.
In &eat. 3 to 24 fees yid.
1170 M
6T DODS, <tn.
Thaw dada ham advanced, in first hands, from
TIN to TWENTY-ME Pnlt CENT. within thirty
days, and we are now wiling at LESS THAN MAN.
UYAOTOBER'd PInICES. 000 stook la almost en
tirely now, an hating been Intrettaaed within ninety
dap, ihr matt, at thai Tory Invert prices of the year.
McFarland, Collins & Co.,
Nos. 71 AND 73 rum" Frwort
8at...1 Pon Omni sad Nmetelt Dmlldlnza. do 3
rod. Jr, our Mao at prkes
Reduced' Fully . 20 per Cent
. .
ADRIATIC, 1,20, Bono-power, 1.0, tees.
HIBERNIA, 1.0 , 0 Llorempowor, 3,110, Wu*.
001.1T11131A,1,000 Retie-power, B,otlt touts
ANOL/ A, 1,000 ilorowpower, 2,000 tens.
The magnlfieent litesetship APP.I.A TIC will acil
Boat New York for Liverpool on TB/SPAY, lb. 17th
of November.
Bate. or roamge Bon, New Ter Liverroul, par
able IA gold ne its equivalent to currency.
First Oabir , —.-...--.BBolBteorege----830
Intermediate , 401
Reoenuen forwarded also Lr Lender, PM., HOIr.•
burg, Bop", Bremen, Rotterdam, Antwerp, de.. et
the lower: rama.
Fares hum Liverpool or 0,111.1 t. New York ~d
B oo ou. Ed, Pt: sm.
Tor puma" epply et the Orbs or the Agents.
BABEL A RIAB.LE, C 1 Broodway.
KL11.2.1% JoNts, iduinger,
Domiep Chnowido
No. 70 Filth troot.
(Coax llsaao.) The aell-knolre 'team,. of Om
Lircfpool, N. Turk and PhiLa&lphis titerrnohip
•Cocepony are intended aa follow":
CITY OE NEW lleo. 12.
ETNA uatomtay, Pec, 11.
CITY Ole WASIIINGToN...__ .latonley, I.le,
And every aucceeding Peturday, at woo., from Pi,
44, North Elmr.
tar. or
Alvala ifs Gold, •T to Oorrelary.
Tom Cann-- .-8130 otoarraLtoc... __s3o to
do to London.— 83 MI do to London 34 00
do to Putt-- 03 00 do to Paris_ 40 30
do to Etarabarg .90 00 do to Bombs 37 to
ruaougera abro forwarded to Ilayns, bottom:4 Rot.
terdran, Antwerp, Le-, at equally low ram
Pa Dr= Liverpool or Queenstown ; Lt Calk,
i93.PM &ramp. 100. Those ho with to
veal for their, Mends can tirkets Le.n at
n' t
further Intiormation apply at the Compsort
Odors. JUBA O. DALE, Agent.
IS Broad.ay, Na.
11..4 stns., Ira boom front thy WAD..
[DAMAO PlrtatAnwh.
-THE ..oLD ocrirßt...
Puirensers bmcght ust h, FIRST t`LASS MAIL
STEAitLILS, from L./Tarps:4, Lorclocrcrry, Galtrai
cr G , rk, for
Twwnty_Fwv Uoiln•w
Awl by Aalllng reewl. for TWENTY.ONE
LABS, to enrretwy,
Apply w
bray Olrwiato actliditig.
Pita& •tront, Pittaburgh..
Cl/ N ARD LIN F..-Bteam from Ath
l In 011 qulvaloot In carroacy
FROM NEW TOSS, 633 to car:eoci.
Ulla mr week. Apply Oci
=OHM GArrtomi, Agent,
suSituallt Pittsburgh.
• • •
C11 . 1..T
Orrtco OT T 6. COILT (40•ATT6.11.1011•LII,
Washlrigt., I). C., No.. 23, 18a3.
Proposalti ealleltod, and .11.1 be receltcd e hLs
Ware for the forniehlng of Cavalry llama, to be de
livrrodl u Wanllngton, D. C., Bt. Loofa, glo., god
Chicago, 111.
n. Home to comply with the following spade=
hook t.:c To he ht. Ilitneo (1a) to alttoctt
1 . 0,6 MO. than Ilia (5) to Woo (0) 'norm old, wet
brolten to the coddle, cornpoctly built, to good !tech
and free hoot all &Inca.
Tho ability of the bidder to ball hit agreement
mot bo guaranteed by two reoponslblo pawn,
whoa* algnaturse not be appealed lathe guarantee.
flo.propuoala •111 by eutertalned union the oath of
a n t Mla to Ills ogleo.leg of the pew lts oon of penu blddlag shall I.
The responsibility of the et:street°. mast besbown
by the olirle/ oertifieste of the Clerk of the merest
District Court or of tbe United State. Inetriet At
Prepontis omit be enidnmsed to I.ket. Col. 0. CI.
SAWTICLLL, Chi' Quartornmator, Varalry Borneo.
end be andonnol on lb. coroloye .• Poopogals tor
INivalry Nowa Aireotog with the alAnoopecllloa.
flan,' .111 he purchased In open market, At lilt via.,
at Ih e knowing plum. oft ; New VOrk 011 y, Albany,
DulTalo amt atoche.t.or, N. Y. ; FlOsburgh, Penn.. I
Ohio , lloit.n, Lasa; 'Atufrooln, MA.; sad
Madison, %VIA. C. (a. 64111,10,14,1,
001. And 1.14 f 4 1 , 411. , M.1.•
stat,lif rar.lry
Ishvy Dopartrotal,tiovenTbar IM 16111. J
/Wad propemals, ladormot Tlmbar,"
trlll be rneelead at Oda Damao 'until A &OKI( p. ro.
of 11,. ir. PAT OP Drellatiltit TiliXT, far for•
ttOGlng and dellviorlog andor contract, at lM 'coda!
111.'1 Yatilil at Forl.monlb, TA. if., Futon. Net,
Fora and ralladriphla, Ih. fullnahl dalorlbod
Ws and plank; for OfAttanra potputo.
I Wldb Oak be lino Varristra,
(Ivo —IY and IV
A—Whit. Ash and II bury.
C 1... 1-011 m
P•paraMoTiar• moot To owl. Tor the thmoly •t tua.
or Ilia Nat!' Yard. namedand Mr the While (41,
and Ilia illekory, While Wfit, Whit* Ash ao4 Nowt
hum thaofforl Until to. 6 , 11/ of r•ph dractlptlon
lit!, Nary Yard.
Illddora am internal Id ka linlhat4t OTTrara at thr.
erftt•l N.ry T/04411111 litAtinitio, apt, ehltl
Ihtt lITITan di () Molina.. Nary Papartntant, whet UM
htrnitli (Item wrlllt prlntod achodulea, TITIng damn',
they of the . ..tialtiorr,.. tinul of 46 , 11 , 1111., and mbar
varllnalars, • • 11.4. Whitt,
,A Duna dAmtertat.
A fan areal.
. -.-~ ~I'I(ITf UIIN V t P 9.
rar war. by
li ng-7,41T-taßp,
M Mork* estool 1141441 Mos i
61 bble. on4l4)ave Leaf Lir t .
mrinnti.numr: Vigi ). 41 . 4 0 4 . .., tgIUO .O. IIIAKE 4 I,ANO,
WI., butrtrike.
....r ~- •AY- Al 1:101644' del r
tin mite
-._ . ffa bt tia;PßlCS)/Tit arti r TAT.
44 imul prime latp Onebio, lii,ston:
It* tin ,do Westwn Itociro,_.s9 4rely*i ,
SITEWIWI I WILK INNON, at? 141411, dt., -
WATER 111 0 1( 01, inalY 0 i . tt 7111
V r u. " 1 441201” ha ii i iill i fg r litZt . r ".l.
,01IP - I • 4 ' ld - :I. a or. iquatipo. -
, .14 o ilaUtOr Mrelp ai
In " 4 7. - ..,nlV.rati l''C:'
1.31 .- - 7 . 11,7 ttic
..illittuftmo w !mil Tow, *t itle ¢7 . ; - •.
• dell -: r. i , ~ 4.-- - - r , 111161iAll DICAA 3 C 9.1 ,-,
C o l , v i4vA.VVZll.t.VCß‘lidatalw—e-
Dvtxtubee 1453. )
..Scaled proprsais sae ),/ the.natetslgtavi
tspiklying the r. s. tdaartre.mwdev'e Detwritnent, •t
Washington, C lialtintode, 31d., liesandna syd
Part Monroe, Cs., of ritlwe of :E, plac, with
COEN. OAI and STll.l‘5".
Dlda will be rrcmrrrl kw the dell tory of huvh. Dyspepsia Plll and Treatment
of corn Or WOO, Out: t•1:1 ney ye ,teas..sud
Bidden mop: dub. at • hich ./f the Alotfn ooloold
point• they psytver nyikr le, 4,1 11., nitre
at which they 4.0 syd.• dri.veryw th.-t , ••. the !
ttty of such lull. le 2.t.,i4.4vt to ted , lbered, the t ime
DIE WISIIART lass treated. in the put two years,
when said xll to ',on, to d, and sly
(9,340) nine
ye houssp
tswd throe hundred mud nicsity pa•
tw b. completed
• Dents fur Dpeda. in its various terms, Lad in
The prim ma t nr:t ten ny, o IddS.
„xoi every C"J.110 siwre the medicine was taken as directod,
It nktde • perfect cuts. A number the whine Canna
lied been trratsd by the most satinet.; phyvicisty. in
Urahcie ----•4's
[ht. reentry and Europe. Ile W , * rit all returns our
tea charge b• Gll..rloort,t. It.. sod •t es. front the above
o. 10 elliwate to give him •MIL
to be smsgely
r•ffirs and Stunt, No. NORTH SECOND ST., The particylve k hyi t.r, p .
hay, Or straw potpoootd 1., •Lrily,r...l. Intpkt t.• Sr. , . •
i1.1!!1t. prop:..e.
-•-•• - " ' ' "
Al! the art !vb.. ntter. ,, l r the 1.41.2 Let rin 1n•
Irltrd will be t. , ;a tigl.l n bl ara.
CrovernErtent 1napert..r, being st c-pt..!
o.ntraeta to tit be f OM time to time L. the
lowest raepon.ettrle b 41er, as the interest a( lb.. ( - i.e.
ernmeat m r.,) tarot nil: Ire maede
token the at: 01,1c1Ullt kutt.L.d f.r shall base
Irthrn deity.' reel and neer.pteet
The bidder will be required In arrcanpeny hl. prn
p,•al with a anaranly, eigord by two respouwthle
persons, that in ros ,, his bid is accepted be or they
will, within ten clay. the roe ter , .e,rnte Memoir.,
for the same, with gangland sullieinnt su,a, In a
Dna equal to ti: of the ennirn. I, nd to deliver
the forage prol,eed enidnrtnity with the term. of
this advertisement: and in noon the raid bidder should
fail to cult, into Ilse con, rant, tiny t make good the
lifferetten between the oiler ~f ..Id bidder and the
neat lowemt reepmoi bin bid& r, ,a the person In about
the contract may i.e awarded.
The reepoutaellty of the guarantors must be shown
by the official allocate of a 1.. S. Diatrlot Attorney,
Collector of Capture., or any other °Meer under the
Vetted „:tale, thee..rement. or r.potosll..le person
knows to th i• ems..
All balder. will be duly 1,11 tleti ..f the ac..v.i.teore
:or relectlnts tof thtil prop am.
The roll /IMMO soul I'. lb stidress of corn bi•lder
',Must ho legibly written to the proposal.
Proposals oro be addtwassed to Brigadier Conecal
,B. IL ROCKER. Chief Dopot Onartormaster, Wash•
14Es t ; o n , „ 11i ,4
..: . '.. , and should he pistol, marked "Prop.-
I Bonds, ton sum eons) to the amount of the ma
nia, signed by the r ent
and both of Ids guan
tars, will ho regotted of tho successful bldd.r or
Utters upon signing the cbutruct.
, Blank f•Trus of ludo, gnaranteas and bonds, may
be obtained upon application at thin office.
101111 lIF PROPOSAL.
(Town, County and ittate,) ,
. •
',the hereby propoee to furnish and
deßaer to the United Slates, at the QtrartYlMlLLlllrll
Eupartment at , agreeably lo the Menu of
r advertisement, Inviting proposal. for forage,
ed Wubingtort Depot, December S, 1303, the fai
ts-log articles, YIZ
I—Sorbets of Coen In sacks, at per btobel,
of DI pounds.
lotabols of Oats, to Lacks, ot per bushel,
of 32 pounds.
I—ions o haled nay, at per ton, of 2,000
1— tons of Straw, at—per ton, of 2,000 pounds.
Ihtilvery to commence on or before the day of
I he-, •ri to be completed on or before the
day of --, I Se-, and pieta myself to enter locos
.egitten contract with the Called stabis, with good
and erproved eeenritied, within the apace et ten day.
oder bring beoldeil that ney bid has liten accepted.
tirlt.2tlier General It R. Rresca,
Chief Rtpot Q.:carton:A.lor,
t Waeblogton, D. C.
re the untlereixueti: resilient; of
hen by, jointly and erterally, covenant with the
rented mates. and viarnu tee, in rue the foregoing
bid et
villain ten days eller the acceptAnce of odd bid, Axe
co te for the same cub awd and sufficient
sualottee, in seem equal to the amount.? the con t rect,
to Durand, the forage proposed in eorafromfty to the
tortes of advert ieement .Lated Preemie, 7, Brut, under
which tt« bid nu meth, And, in cc e the said
eb 41 fall to enter In to •CiViZt act at •ferruld, we gnu.
anXee to make good tbn difference between the offer
by the cold and the n. xt lowest responaiblo
bidder, or the person to whom the contrnst may be
Witonsa, Given under onr bande and teals
thts —day of
betel., certify that, to the lout of my knowle
an d
and twlief, the ab •ve earned guarentors are good d
eorlilent u sureties for the amount for which
79 be certified by the Colted States District At tor
ney,rollecior of Ciibuna, or arty other officer under
the Bolted Slates Government, or responible person
kreoen to CU. office. D. H. ROCKER.
Brig. Con and peartormuter._
A NUE4S — P - PIC t, -- -
Woo lir,
Washingtoo, November 2U,.1 SO.
I'cnd Dropouts will be tverlved at this office un
til 4 lock p . m. on the 'tiro DAT OF DECEMBER
N , for tOO,OOO Infatory accoutrementa, calibre
to be nellrered ill the following groan title*, at the
undersigned anienala, vie
L'OAkkt gets at the New Turk Arsenal, Covericor'e
.et. et tha Frankford Aretreal, Brkirsburg,
2a,o(a). a t a at the .kilagbauy Antattal, Plttelturgh
yo,lo sets at the Pt. Loslsa t nenel, St. Is
mie, Mo.
10, . seta at Got Unit. s at. Arsenal, later
foltTzTtzT: - r=4Ll to
pt:t7tr2tll. - ,
ai pctf the above named pleas, and they ars
to be tinbl to inspection at the sunewal %Isere de-
Ilrered, before being received by lb. Government;
none to be wavered or paid (or but each ea are ap
proved on thereof - lon. The belt. to be of maned
kosher, nod all the stock to be the belt cak. Lana..
The shOulder belt to be included in the lust.
Delitcrlie meet be made in lots of not lese than
I,ouo CC n to
seek. tor all ...cut of 10,003 wt. or
under ;• and not i.e. th. 2,000 arts
_per week. all
contra4te for 10,t00 arts; the Ars; delivery to he made
within fifteen dayrfrom data of oontract. Failure to
dialler .tp a eprolfled time enbfect tho contractor
to Writ:Dare of the amount to be dellvel. at that
t one. tho accoutrements most be bee. In the canal
style ; the bore* to to chars:est at boot, to ho deter.
mined by lice thispeutor.
pill state exellollli the or area:tab
the. they deliver, and I. number of let.
they p.p.. to delivsr at each place, if (or more than
No bids will he received from parties other than
reviler manufacturers of the Article, nod much tot ane
known to the Depsrtment to be fully competent to
execute in their own shop. the work proposed for.
Each party obtaining• contract will su be required
to. entee Into bond, with approeed rety, for its
Gaithful brecution.
The Depertnuat morsel the risht to Meet any or
all bide, If net deemed utisfortory.
Drove.,la trill be addressed to 'Driveller General
GLOIIGS D. 1113ISAT, Chief of Ordnance, Wub-
Ington. D. D," and will be endorsed "Ptoputals for
Infantry Accoutrements."
Brig. Gen. Chia of Oldnaare
Washington, Nov. 18, 180.
Sealed Proposals will be monleed at this °flee un
til 4 o'clork p. tn. on the 2 . .b0 DAY Of DECEMBER
NEXT,. Mr tho delivery of fifty thousand 10. inch
Mortar Shells, In the following quantifies, at 51,e fol
lowing Atseurds,
At the Watertown Arsenal, Watertown, Mass., 8 000.
Al the Watervliet Arsenal, West Troy, N. Y., I,OIM.
Al Om New York Arsenal, Governor'. /eland, 25.000.
At the Allegheny Arsenal, Pittsburgh, Pa., 8,01:13.
At the U. B. Arsenal, Wmhington, 1). C., 18,1700.
At the U. B. Arsenal, Bt. Lotus, Mo., 6,000.
Three aliens ere to be male of Um kind of metal,
and Inspected after the rules laid down in the Ord
van. Manual. Drawings can be warn at any of the
['nowt Mates Arsenals. The shells are to be Inspect.
ed at the foundry east, free of charge for transport.
tlon or handling, until delivered et the Arsenal.
Deliveries must be [wade at the rate of not km than
Ova per emit. per week 01 the numb.. of proloctßee
contrected•for ; the lint delivery to be mode within
twenty dayrafter the date of the contract, and any
failure to deliver at. a twined time will subjmt the
contractor to a Creature of the number he may fall
to deliver el that LUSO.
Separate • bids must he make for each Arterial. If
the bidders prop.. to deliver at incr. than one. No
bid will fie ronsiderwl from parties other than regu
lar founders or proprietors of works, who are know.
to GIB Denertatont to to capable of exemating the
work contracted fir In their own establishments.
Each party obtaining a contrart will be required
to miter WO twiltils, with approved earetica for Its
(.111.101 caomition.
The De meat resort. the right to reject any or
if dot deemed satishwtory. fir any muse.
will be addremed tO" firtialkir General
Gil NUE D. R_ShltiA.Y, enkt of Ordnance, Wash-
Ingtan, D. Cl." and will I* endorsed " Proposals for
Mortar ithaila." GEO. D. RAMSAY,
noiMPodid Brig. Gen. Chief of Ordnance.
pitoroilALs FOR LEAD:
Oithitwitell Crewe, Wan ficeanrstror,
. • Washington, No., Itch, no. f
Pealed Propls will rece et ofilco un-
111 4 &dock'', eo in. on be
the Int,ive ' d this
NEST, for the delivery of il,ntai or more tons of
pore, .rt ter ordnance purposes.
The Lead 1$ to be of eppaved gunn, ba
&livered •a any time, withla nineirde y re, from to
aptanee crib. bid or bit.. II is to be delivered
at tho Visitede tate. Amend, Gorernor'i bland. N.
'T., and at the United Litotes Surma, it. Loofa lifn,
1.000 tone or hot. at each Mace, free,of all eherge fir
tratiefertation tit lasollirog, and will bo paid for In.
teenier rertalfeas of hay...lion INA 'tWeelpt; by re.
lobiltion no t of
Department. In lb. mill
LW. will iw!rtictilTwil for any portion of Ilie . 4l 4 ;h l l*
ty not Ira. tba 1W toes. 2
Plat, with approred entetire, will be required for
the BilaUtnent, of any contract that rosy be niado la
pursmineo of thie advertiarnient.
Tim Pepir.lnient_rnerroa the right to rejoel any ow.
all bide, If not 'deemed maleflartory for as mac
PAM. T r
t Ird !A l :7lr] l e
/13 . f .11 0Vitn "" crts ° 717 1 1-
ingion, Q and will 'tiortalnised.Orropoarde for
0101I0E D-RAMI3dTs
roUlfirodid ' Brig. Gen. Chief or Ordnance. j
- - -
QUALRI) proposals are ignited until the
kJ thhl tley el December, lantl, at 1: m., for the
flints, TALLOW. 11001 T and !Milled at all (My.
trammel Cutlet, slaughtered within gm *neat La
tta of Or lliedet of Columbia, Fur inn° lllOlitill or
vaunt fetun the meunteummant, °Cilia eontrack
The abolo erateleata tee oulleettee by the contractor.
and ramened from tb• varlet. lila* at wllkla 111 l
NUM am tilted, at rat Thom Oh eel!), deal not
as tta oelltm In cbstp, -. , wo.i , wooD snrst, - -altstarair gaargamaitin'a erreelt' ' ---
lta oatmeal. atiu La liable fter all Um fildat so a . ,
__, n0t...0 0wt.2,4 elooma. 27.1:".....-
Ult.', drop and /Imam miming {rutin - my ulnas! . ah4s , ngeser ter Pietsbnralk Rana .' -
4.1 V C., Nor. - 21 - th, ie..
elsoghteredtmksi It ten te SCSaS Ll o .faelSrf Nap. e‘es.t,...rater
...,„ I t C -11 )17011-4.1V in be sold at puhlic 11,110,-, -.-
Tea 4 Ile esteateste Department that's!! due CZ. jr:r. .• I t iZ. s,A st .., ~ . „,. , „LA t kr, ~,,,, irEDNltszaysohe ~.4 „ . . ,,,,, . 4 4 ,..
*Moo. 4111/rouca awl con was tiodo la obtain 11,. +IAA „cm...LT...7 o.:. a..a, .., 1 ,
~ 0t00ta...14441t i1r0...4. taw ehrSheerreelsuge_._re.,.....-t----,-.
ta 1.1 witch.. , . ' •''- ' , ° t,...1 . -4.w ia11,34 i- • - Ulla talcbt 01l .uatle a0 1a55 424, .. , t'',,.tn:.-._.
rumen' erlllha enittlred marl ten dapla Donern , ( Mlit - an aAmp:Mete umiak .... , .t •, - .. - et. -•
~, ,
agent funds. ;
es' se -- - Items, matt Iti tlitteargei,ei, famik, .eslo 4a etre. ".'-, , .
etas should ee mei. la . eaglet Ind An matt uf Olathlittleehnleahrt ,trerettlitlit3Yennhiheh allot:de.* • l.* .
aU..II.I.OUPALEFS.---'-' .L.
slltaleatatackt etetalpear the. l' ••• ' • , % "-- I oit, - errr,4,ti. =:- ,:- , .'" ,', "Ild ." ' "P' amt , . ......„44 t - , ,, -"ie. , :r
The menreterna tell, b. 1 0 1 4 4 4 , C 4 4 ,11 4bit rg the -.-- k- -, ---
.- szl.acal 82:4,,Eq. , Hl.-- , .., ~.--', -4 , , , . ....,...-_,..,,,,,,,..---
1 nil. 4,..6.0‘44 ottar dotal/Wag gelatoanima.
. - „A,...i....a ab. “naaao Wayolt..-.:;;11.-h111,,a,..,:pr:,-?,,*,-....ti.C.—',---'''-'''''''-''-- • '-- -
•hiAtti will he ntihe-d Ire Sheleeentehhehtth harm
,1 ii,.1.-..--e-Trot.
.;, ,,, ::: , b- - -;_:1-1 - 1i,-r- •-• t:f9 -- .) -,-- - r ' ---., ;;-A - r ,, -- -,,, i-o*- ^.
tIN Ibr 4 tOtth i l nuplamo alibi =doom. - , 1:117,
so eat ...,... ,-7 .=:.:r:: , 4. ,.. .-.,."
I 'no natant' tialottlrlde4 tar SAvik_groted. 11, E7,....,....,.. , ,V: - .
suds to to Woe LOW- Or Majo r O.EL. ...:Pr , zr- ''....'...-.."‘.P..
I*A"V. EL .di SE D. ,at 6004 .ErEOPONIE
4 . . n rs ' . • - 1.. ..;.:: r ..441hd h...!,....'
j 41,4
4, - 1 ,, ~ ,
_''., '.,.., - ,;„,„• ,,, , ,, , , 74,7:,. , .. , :. :'•
''''',/ en?''''
-4,, 0
; . :; -4:
Dt.. L, .Q. C. : W ISUAD.T•S
W. 17.17 DrSPDPNA 1
1. coo..taal pziu or zsreliftrat al A. p 8 A. dons
: ac—W At cb la ulna! by a permanent contraction
nf the ...omen upon undlg.ated food- It gcumnY
beat. imamtlately, or • short time after eating; i•
k nen nrcry.evervsLnd ottstirtzte:
Y. lom and Adz/4.—Tbm° eymptoens arise
from the indigestion of food, which ferment. instead
of digostihz.
3. Out mat too qf eameble.—flew symptoms
ere the edeets of the conatton of fo4 he
the elenracb, end the went of patogistrie
jam The elomnaL Is often painfully distended by
mimM the appetite li munetltura
4. Gloom and depressice rif irpiri4.—Tbis state tmlida
many for the egioyment of life, and it canned by the
Impure blood forotelted by impel*. digestion. In
nut stage of tho db.= many penman commit sui
cide. There to a constant foretaiding of evil, bad ba
Indifference and poaltive inability to perform the of
t., of Life.
G. Darhoea—Alter beins id lint waive. tho
force to afflicted with diarritoa, which to oaring to a
tilwanwil condition of tho bowels,priindisid by the un•
digested food, which Ls easoncted In the •31216 condi
tion as whoa oaten, and of won. rivet no titrength
to the spite..
e. Pah. is all parts qf the systees—Arime Dom the
action ofimpure blood upon the nerves They are
felt chiefly in the brad, tides and breast, to it the
extremities. in many mare there la an imeasdnen
In the thocot, with • mime of choking or suliocation;
the mouth is often clammy, with • had Pete and
forced tongue.
7. Comamptive symptom. and pelpitatiess eats irart.
—Malay person. mason/ haring them divas"
hare, in fact, nothing but Dppepsda, the Isms and
heart dims. beingonly symptoms
8. Coaoh.—Thla Ls • eery frequent symptom of Dye.
pepala, and lends very otters lute confirmed minx:nap
a. Wool of fiteep.--A eery distressing system, ty
rutting ones in mental deranireawrit
In. Symptoms of criersal cacao:.—The patient U af•
footed painitilly by cold and beat, which ls owing to
ornastural dryness of skin, and the skin L. often af
fcetcd by eroptions and tettera The gloomy dsa
peptic avoids society as mach as possible.
LI. rand/sp.—A frequent and digressing map
tors. It relieves the pain, bat emaciates and wears
oat the patient.
12. /tic:lmes, &mass qf vides, leeddeAr—r, assigns,.
mine maing.—Ttaso are very .I m ug .ympz
tams. erltich are speedily removed by °tel.:ll4cm;
but If neglected, are quickly followed by numbness
end sudden desth.
13. It is impossible for us to give all the symptoms
of Dyspepsia in so meal] a space, but the shove ars
ooneldered .o:Men; if we add that the patient lofts
hi. momory and attention to surrounding objects,
and Gequently Mamas morose and sour in dbrposa.
Don. We should say, however ' that palm in the
Joints and stiffness of Dm limbs, which go by the
[lllll3O of rheumatism and tumralgia, arm very often
produced by Dyspepsia. Also, a hardness of ao
[1:11211.1ea of the abdomen, which become contracted
and hard ; and to some mem the belly sinks, instead:
of being gently prominent.
A Positive Core for °yaps:mellow
Deer what tie. John 11. Babcock my.:
No. bile Olive btrcot,
Philadelphia, Jimeary B2d, 1842.
Da.. tetanater—Ew: It Is with much pleasure that
1 ens now able to Inform you that, by the me of your
great American Dyspepsia Pill., I hare been entire
ly cured of that most alinresidnd complaint, Dyapep-
Ma I had been grievously afflicted for the last
twantywight years, and for ten?eara of that time I
bare not been free team it a paione week at • time.
I have had It to its wont form, and here dragged on
sport miserable existence—in polo day mid night.
Seery kind of Mod that I ate filled ma with pals and
wind, It mattered not how light, or how ratan the
quantity. A continued belching was mars to Allow.
I had Ina appetite for any Mud of meats whatever,
and my diatrem one so greet for went months In
dira I beard of your Pill; that I frequently eddied
for death. 1 had taken everythßag that I bed heard
of for Dyspepsia, without receiving any benefit ; but
on your PUB being reecominended to em by ens who
had been cured by them, I concluded to gin them ts
trial although I had no faith in theta. To my as
tonishmant, I tumid myself getting bettor before I
had taken otiodbutth of a box, and, after takinghalf
• boo, Ima a o 0 and cos eat a fter
ealey • hearty meat threw time a day, withoot in.
conecolence QOM anything I eat or drink. If ;on
think proper, you are at Wert to make thin pub Lia
and refer to me. I will y give all dee/ruble
information to Kay one wine may call on me.
Timm respectfully, • I
JOHN IL Bertooar..
Per sale at Dr. WISTIARTSdiced Depot, tie
10 North Second eine; Philadelphia, P. Price,
One Deliar per bon. Pent by mall, free of charge, ow
receipt of prim.
Dyspepsia! Dyspepsia I
' I. /foam Team, of Cheltenham, idontwomery Co.,
Pa., have suffered for more than erne year everything
but death itself, foonithat awful disease, called Dys
mad. I employed, ho that time, five of the mod
eminent physicians Philadelphia. They did all
they could for me with medicines and cupping, but
Mill I was me better. I then want to the Pennsyl
vania Culverafty, in order to place myself Wrench of
the beet medical talents In the country, bet their
medicine. felled to dome any good , and oftentimes I '
wished for death-to tellers ms of my sufferings, but
awing Dr. Meter* advertisement in the Philadel
phia EMlidhe, I. determined to try once more, bat
with little faith I called on Dr. Wilbert, Wed told
him 111 mold have died I would not Lava troubled
bite; and then related my sufferings to him. The
D. assured me, if he failed to cure me of Dyepepets,
It would be the first cam ha two platoon, I put my.
*elf under his tratment, and although I haa boon
for months v omiting nearly everything I ate ,
stomach molten pith pain beyond deecriptm,
bought a box of Ms Dyspepsia Plas, I used them as
directed, end In ten days 1 maid eat as heartya meal
ea any person in the Stabs of Pennsylvania, and I.
thirty deer Ives • well man. I melts any yen.
enifering ael wee tonal] and see me, and I will refute
my suffeting end the great cure I received. I would
my to .11
Dyepeptics, everywhere, that Dr. Wishart
I believe, the only person on the mirth that can
cure Dyspepsia with any degree of certainty.
Cheltenham, Illontgommy On, Pa.
Dr. WISHARTI3 Wilts, No. 101lorth Second rd.
Office hour. from 9 a. oa. to 5 p. m. All atamina
lions and consultation,' free.
Dyspepsia Dyspepsia
of urn Daman, of Brandywina - Del., Re
medy of Old Cheater, Del., do wt.* that, for one
ye. tad ad i se suftered emnything tint death from
that awful disease ailed Dymeprist. ehols gys.
taro vv. prostrated with 'realm
tad. nddlity ; I
could not digest my feed; 111 stellnll er.ker ar
the wallowed amount of food, it would =tuna Just aa
I swallowed it; I Demme so rote. In my bewail/
that I would not have • lantrage in le i than from
Rom and oft.a eight days; under Ulla immense sof
. ihring, my mind reamed entirely ta glee way; I tt
dreadful horror artd.ft reboil
I thought every
body hated me, and I hated body; I could nest
bear my bast:and nor my own c • cm
appeared to be herror.tricken to m4l gad niTu l lts
Um to do anythlam I kat all my lows of family and
borne; I would nuntle and wander from Diem to
place, but could not he contented; I felt that I era,
donmed to hell, and that to no heaven for me,
tad wan ofteu tnapted to maimit =adds, so near
was my whole nervous syetem destroyed, .dalso my
mind, from that astral complaint, rpepsia, that
my friends thought be= to ha= me placed in Dr.
Itirkbride's llospltal, at West Philadelphia. Im•
stained there nine weeks, and/hotted I WU • MU.
hotter, but in a few days my dreadthl complaint WY
raging u bed a• incr. Ileariair of the wonderful
cum pa:donned by 14.Wiatiart's Groat American
Dymepala Pills and hi. Treatment for Dyspemis,
my hastemd calledWishart and stated my
CiLle to blag. said he had no doubt he could mos
me. go to the.. days after, I called and placed my.~
self under the Doctor's treatment, and in two 'realm
I begm to digest food, and felt that my dims= was
fast giving way, and I contintu,d to recover far abet=
three menet., and at the versant time 1..10Y feet health health of body and mind: end I most ainceraly
return my thanlm to • marclOalGOd and Dr. Wishart,
and to his great American Dyspepala Pills and Pine
Tree Tar Cordial that eared mo floman,/saanediry
lon sad a premature gram. AU personaimParing
with Dysperaist ants liberty totall onto or 'mite,
and I will 47 to do itile i l A Zl - can for =aeries
Brandywine, formerly of No r theater, Ds&
Dr. WISRAItrB aloe. No. 10 Second it,
at Dyspepsia
Ds. WmaV7rltave been •• constant orde rer with Dyepspila
tor the last eighteen Teas, daring
which time I cannot my that 1 Mr _onjnyed n
fectlT well day. There were thnea when the symptom.
maw most Ng:ranted than at ethers, and then It
seamed It would be • great relief to die. I had at aA
tinemisa napleanott feeling in my head, bet latterly
my toa ds much increased that I home al
most unfit ka. business of any, kind. my .mind wan '
cent y fated with gloomy thoughts end tomb*. I
tile Ted 111 attempted to change their current by '
Ins, Cl ones • mutton of Icy coldneene, in con
nection, with a deed *eight, selt were, ratted won
my bruin: also a (aphasia' akkaent would dem tt
Ma stomach, and pat vain to my .7. l 4MCdor:MatOtt
with which wo the amlinnal fear gi hohtlaoy m
ean; I slaneapertenoidigreet hissttade, *betty =I
narcotism* width - made It dining/ to wage by day
or sleep at night, 1 betanis seems to society, and
disposed oily to aechialcm, and bowleg tried ths
eta atuntstreferednent Opticians of Parlous scbcois,
finally mum to alatonelmke that; for this disease,
et my poemot ere. 14years r thers mit Detente In an
tetge.en. Dot, through the Interference: of. Dhlns
Ponidence, to whop / doently car my thimice,.l
at het SADO a tenaretps remedy In your Dmspdti
Pigeon/ Tor Ckudial, which - seem to ham
- mitered •itnegt the lot Mace din" lOU DO of WI-
Mants ant Lad kollap, and In their phew itesitb,
pleasant and contentment are my erery sa kecon
neatens, JAM:IS
No. 41j lierond etreet,lldtadelph
thraterly of ineedlinty.
Dr. WIEIZIA.Wrg eke, No,lo NorthEvcima st.,
bIL GEO. H. EGYB/31,
ud 1 1111171131 ter mospar:
mmither leth, /St I3 .—PMiBrLIA.NL6 11 7 4 Talr ,
The THOUGH ACODlitiODAT.lolt. 111.61:11
keret the Pastenger Station dalli; (4.ttept-84.47.)
al;k:M aoppick at all Statical bataixthiltte•
burgh and rhgadelphla, and_rmkteg direct avant.
[lan for Now York and Philadelphia
The THROUGH 14E. TIIAIN Jeans the Pas
k, Station every morning . (except Bandayo at
tki m. stopping only's/ pApcipeltnadotta and
making drect connection: at I.Grritberg far Balti
more and Wathingten, and Mr - Nett York via Phila
4t23 p.taeateppingonlyat Taincipaletelkma
direct connection at Harmebarg for Beltim=l -
Washington and Ln Near York eta Allea , ant rout.
and Philadcphla.
The FAS TLUZ trarta the htellez May (ticept
Sunday) at e.:13 p. m. , rtoppink only atsiltmlpat
tlons, mammal* at Etral.htir tor :q4atttoots .41
Wmhthirmr4 nod at Pbil.d !DIM* for Nee Tot*.
TIM Johnstown Accommodation Trainleaves lolly
(except Sunday) at3azi p. atopplacat ail Station.,
and running as for as Gmematigh.
First Accommodation Train Car Wars Station
Warn daily (except Sonday) m
Second Accommodation Train kr Wall's Starks.
Waves daily (except Sunday) at 11.:45 a. ea.
Third .Accommodation Train kr Wall's Stairkto
loaves daily (except Sunday ) at 3,50 p. m.
Founth Accommodation Train for Wan Station
lama daily ((except timiday) atkuo p.
The March Train loans Walre Station every Stns.
day at cob .. tn.; returning. t 0.,., Pittsburgh 11
11:46 p.
lteturning Treks amid in Pittsburgh aa
Baltimore p. m.
Philadelphia lat p. m.
Fart Line.. • ..... 'MO ►m.
nagh argil
Johnstown Accommodat - Ll. —10:05 a ca.
First Wall's Station Accoramodation..—.. C:25 .4 ILL
Second Wall', Station Accommodation.— 8:33 ► EL
mini Waire Station Accommodation—. p.
gourtla Station Arammodatima.... 6.W.5 p, us.
Baltimore Lamas will arrtea with Phlladaiphla
Exprma at L'Al llondara.
. Trani* Carßlairwrithe and Indlatabonliactat
Intersection with Through Anoccumsdatiom,
Johnstown Accommodation and 'ft - prow; Train raw;
and with Baltimore thiprms and Jot-oat:ma A.OOOllll.
1 • Trains En. Ebenaburg connect at Greeam, with E. mem Trains and Mall Train Woes, and with Through
accommaletien rod Exprem Train Rut.
The pablic will Lind it greatly to shah interest, In
going Lost or Wert, to trarei by the Peamylaania
Central Railroad, as the accommodations now slimed
I d a
bo surpassed on any other routs., The Road
la ballasted with atoms, and is /surety from dust.
We aga omise safety, speed, and anntort to all
who &ay Lear this mad swath their patronage-
To New York---812 80 To Baltimere—.--81.1 CO
To Philadelphia-- 10 50 To Lanc0rter............ 8 60
To Harrisburg 7 65
Baggage checked to a/1 MMus an the Pennartra.
ilia Centred Railroad, Philadelphia, Baltitoom
mg New York.
Pasmagen purchasing ticket. the tate era ba
aacata, atvordingta boast.. trareled,
to addition to the station rates, lacept from etationa
where the Company has no amt.
NOTICE.—In case of los; the Company will bold
themarires reeponsible far personal baggage only.
.d for . amount nut exceeding PlOO.
N. B.—An Omnibm Lfex has been troPhrimi to
convey pawnor:. and hagg .
gage to d from t Do.
Po at •thargo not to exceed 21 cent; for eattriae
s.ger and baggage. Per ticket
Tally to
VE. Agent.
At the P.myteanta Central Itailrosel Rasmagsty
(tattoo, oaLiberty and Grant tined neat
I, E YE L A_ND,1„,„„..,„" •
W I 15 T E R ditRANDLINENT.—On and after
KONDAY, November 16:11, 1862, Tralk, fill lean
the Depot of Ilia Pennaddronia Betimes', in. Pitt.
burgh, as follow,:
Paabtolg cad Whetting Liao.
LoavesPittoborgh] 1:45 a. m.I GO:0 a m.' 1:45 p. M.
do Wellsville. 4:19 " /3:42 " 1 11:05 "
do Statthenv'e 6.10 " 9:16 " .03 0
do IVlteeling . 6:29 " 11:90 " CLOS "
Arrive+ Ballads._ 6:20 " 11:16 0 I
Contectlng. at Steubenville and Benoit. with Stet.
`bent -Ills sod Indiana Railroad and Central Oillellail.
rood for Ea:mm[lle, Newark, C'olu=bow.bettla.Day.
too, Indianapolis, ClucLonati. Louisville, (..I.lro. t.
Louis, St. Joseph. ended' points west and ereruthwest,
and at Whee/Ing with Baltimore and Ohio Railroad.
Plokergh owl 06-reload Lido.
Leases Pittsbargh-----1 ts. MI LOAM
do Wellsville --.1 4.r 1:45 . ..0 " 1.4dal "
6:55 WE 0
do Bayard...—
do dillaano—
do Ravenna.. ---............ i:BY W• ir. s -1 w
do • Llnd.ton.-... -.--.... 8:11 ~.'w 7;30 w
Anitel at Cleveland. ..,... 015 7t , . BAO wi
Carineeting at Bayard with mcarawits eh tit
Nos Philadelphia mad Canal Mover, at /Mimeo filth
Pith/burgh, Fort "[Piqua mad Chimgo Rallrcadi at
Ravenna with Atlantic and Great Wartom Railroad
for Warren, Creenvilla Meatballs, Enka, Cann
Jamestown and Ealamattem at Mmlara truth Claws- , ..
latid, Zanesville tad Cinclanati Itallroad.G.u-Akron,
Cuyahoga Falls and Millersburg, and at Claveicad
whb C. aE. R. B. for Bob,s Dimkira - aad Buffalo
with C.. 1 T. B. B. for fanduak7, Toledo, and also
with stammers for DI/trait
Steubenville and Wellsville Aceottundslien leave*
Allegheny City as Eben p.
Returning trains arrive at 10:00 L tn., &SA p. n.,
Se p. en. and 2:10 a,m.
Tlariugh Tickets to 4.11'. prominent points cog L.
procured at tbs Lib r.F StreerDercrt, Pittsburg*.
GEORGE PARED:, Ticket Aprita.
And .t Idlrgherry Oity.
.1. Q. OASSELDIMIT. Ticket dipsza.
Par further information apply to
At tba Company'. Mice Tiolgbt Station, Pena
Orme or Ccarrnettea or Mt CLIMMC
IVaehircton City, Augur. Lth, I&,y,
4 J By satisfactory evidence -proven to
the toodereignel, him been MY& to •aispekt_that
in the County of Allegheny, and 13 [steal' Pinitirylvie.
rile, has been duly organized under and acconiturn,-••
the requirements of the Act of Cosign...
Act to
_proside a National Comesionsecor4. "
• pledge of United States Stock., end to ittme '
the circulation and redemption thereof,' ,pp on de
February 11th,186.1, and him complied -,eich e II t'
preshione of maid Act required to ,-be
before commencing the businese of p 4n ki,,,. :
Now, therefore, I, Mart
of the Currency, do hereby, r ert iy, • uld t
FIRST NATIONAL BA:.:11 Op pippsBv ßa w.
der the Act
county of t
Allegheny, mid ',tato of rentsyliiniii.'he
authorized o am esai niod. n. :he heath tm.-
en of Banking •
In afor
toetlmoy whereof vital= my heat
gg, o f thie Bth day of Atapsay,
Comptroller of the Currently: •-•-•
(LATE errianrium num. cox - play. )
Carman, a 4.00 000 with tolvilega tot/mane
The Pittsburgh Trust Otunpany having organized
under the act to provide Eatlo.l CIISMIC7, under
the title of the Filer "NATIONAL BAN G OT
pITTSBUTIGII, would r.mtlially ere, its , ovine
the collection of Not., omfts. Mlle of Exchange,
receive money on deposit, mod bey and sell Fa
clung-eon all posts of the country.
The moms which has attended the Pittehmgh
Trost Company, &Mee ha organization to DMA win
T believe, be a milliciont graranho that bstehten '
sante prompt attention.
antmeted to the new organttation wßi receive Hue
Bering a (cry exteneire correspondence althllandre
and Banker* throughout the country, we believe we
tan offer .noun! Malik* to floes who do bminime
with .%
The hesitates will be conducted by the UM Odlceraa
James Lunchllo,
Robert S. 11.3-c,
August ZitA
, lA}ll7^4iD .
°Pm .207 Fr... 9 , co 2 o'clock
and Soterchr Mining*, from Hay lute*, Emeritus
le, from 12 • o'clock. and from Einvernbec,,.
slay 1.1 foils* 6 tot CoWolock. . •
Depeelia rewired et all amem not las Mier ' thin
Dot*. and • dividend of the proilta deciand Deleon
year, In Juno gad Decersitior.
•Intervet,hav beet Silh•
wini-onnuallT, Jinni and Deo:mbar ; olpoi .:. •
Um Hank nue:orceurazed, the et vijper cel4..
ffc...rect, if not drawn out, I. pliCeritl
et the de i . el e er ..P.t=dpllL and WITS the mini in- - -.
Deem Dom the ern dap ofJures sad D cumnber,;tenne. - -' ••
Dela •ma witho ut troublll4 the &pad
tar 10 er even to his rum book._At Wu,
rats money wilkdouble in lorc thurtmelmjearn,
Hooka; subtiluing the enactor; le-Leme,
and ItotiDul,Ms, furnished gratis, on appllnallms -
Vannimerr—DEODGEl ALBEN,E.
Alesma,ler pm-%
Francis G. Balky,.
Al,:. Bradley;
.Baracal Be..
L . tr r s i r .i de ,,,
Ji , ha B.Blciaddon,
John Bilatn4
likaanda Spea, ,
Jaw. 3taialtri,
Jana Hadsnan,
- .Job*
Jamm - B, D. need& - - -
a- 31.- roPeck. OLD,. • -
Hlll E
S. Arirtrrin,
William firms,
Welter P. Karam%
lirral• L. Sir • '
Jartiersbk • .4 1 Nlir, ,
Nrril. W• Tzei ,`-
Christian le.*
• • 411: crafor:
Calvinl.= -
John G. Sultan',
• John C. Medley. •
°cont. Mack,'
Moe= Li.• Cardin
arici A. Cohan,
John .Ekna.
HBlchstn•erlf. Hulot. • •
neat .