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" --- 4eirelliiiiiiiiileetnisentation apeeak ';' enel — elian'hiiit.sidrilui:blidu3p , wileed•of 'the ...iimfti.A4iiiiiiannorhichinnotriplito- . ili"-''''',Artehia' 'i tg -ta-;kl el g t 01 : 414 ' ' ' ' ihandellans i letitagna 414144,.141thi1ejn thatemtze,Ontetiejee , ' . 4/4 1 iiifitUnik)In6i 111 7 1 7, sittlig room, ••'-',7; ' Thilidtia: : so4l44o4 l eliabilring Tana - fitiellefln'itatent Wawa, ' : - ..4ll , l,*)iiioiipiAt funding in an its ::.''..rliallie.::,r‘fiat a Aram ; of Die. 7 ;110410,_ „ . ...',: s i enk.l4#l 4.*l9 " tel hiun°l4 lila ' leseepted•ft duty. - Ten days at: t him for- estaeloge Me Mira. '::;• 11 0 - 40 0 1 ,0. -- - - ' - e b ~t h 'PlartgaStrildration of a re furl ng , m "sitiOtAti l t ine_reettrirod front President ---. ' ' -. ' at the .:14140e . ,:ininttisti dim, sa chaplain 8. c. kibbitkpiaptillint:-Beanfort, ~ - -...tftethU{had?eiltapii4.3fP r/84 juct -.' '' . }itfeie iiiii;:nenzea, hy Matas, of the .. nat . .tek, ..' . lphiatialChttroh-ut the United . :''liteg , . - -liteoin,F4lneilingz-tit.iiie Wats, in Penn '..iliiiiihiAteitk elyt+sl l 4 . kainhttera and 103,- :- . ..4it -: ' berni in,.ohin 697 minittera and York and :;~y _a~ :ems ;•• x:.,' ti:;~~.Y . "-"i3 x_ ~; , ilia&ap of tlot- M ooo ik/**' l fOe/GV//2 10; MAI Por l **- lemA l l4the tile. raj ::" . ,--- -,‘ P; 1 4 21 4 1 "‘g itithoik a:-Pf*- 3': 1 0:01**4 1 eg 14:1 4 / 1 1iseei in Man :, thetsra* - 4*TmexUsDfcazilir next. -- ..,*.: - .4 . .. k . 0 ui that m14,1'1;1114 #l4ing ,- 1 ,-* *Of *tiotlicibrigit.loluts Episar. : :.I1 110:0 44 6 t- }1 **: 7 'tii . :irktriiin'iit, two * ,' , *lllilato44l4:lint.4stimied in mositir rx;i.our-4 ,, ThfOit:OlioiliTiakr: --,... ---4401. 1 n0n0 moookigoikinof) of ir:otosou4"...tviisiceii-iuthe , ,iinieles. Iwo, floolooy,:!soli:l9kloiii.d.d 4} , ivimuia*thooii*ovo:olockhooo J aa4diati n i M i oroloiliNaniqrarellaa, and - -,, . lll tx 6 PfiliantifctA4`olkiiicriliccoros.: i s4c— sa aa aara i iiniai r ati4. 4 'isvtiii.:44 - Wega• UP 1,0 4te tirlAitaicAiii• 'POO 18, ---114 Tii*il!,e4 l ) ;H tWfit'4Abiopig tineral§"at th e Fee'6-'/**Aflitiokt took op okoirOlinnal itatticilleatioo ./.- 411 " lati rt e ilde "" it #o 4 -4 3, t'll' AVO**/ !W ore' Ai ''" - k• - ,.. , 4.44-4.BooooApoomigoiko kornsioisitiblo WA/00 1 4001***104 1 Oaf foil Tetßto of u m •::? * " 4 *'" 4 l 7llll : ll 4 7 zalit Ahlasit, itt 01,104 - 1 1CAIFIEC,-_ - Ambit *ll * Aliwityholunonctsoklirosia the wire 00/I*M* oe***), onlriop* jiing in Vitae ie i reiale4.6n k e e_P-7.**0 03 "4- Arbecieediejh ;thle: *l* ..OX /I*/*/ iosottnitiof tkO MOW.* rouoTre to 0t,44 lii*Oltlgohi. e , 1 - , 4. , .41,-..; ot,' i,..`: • . , , • 5 4 4 - + - ,-' - i • • ;,, l!NI=1 C ,artteladgis (rota 4 lcalities in. _ . o . , 4Rita •Alleghetty or St. cljiir " -44 b e " .." tha t . s3n.a. 1 or three days isistrlet Conrt. The notion has bees .ought to reeover a piece of ground, fume: , diately behind Lecilie's Wharf, bounded hp Killhttek, Craig and Corry streets and tho river now elabned by the heirs of the late John ' lrwiz, and claimed to be hold by him under conveyances from Commonwealth down, and which has been In possession for period of seventy years, without question, until within the last seven years. The pre sent elatuants show a patent from the Vona monwearth of Pennsylvenia, dated October 22d,1860—three years ago. The plaintiffs. brought testimony to establish a chain of Islands about thielocality, oonsisting of gill_ bank, Nelson, and a third, tame not given, which last wee the ground in dispute, and all of them, as they alleged, Ira! known, defined and distinet islands. That the groun d was surrounded by a slough, which was a channel of the Allegheny river and that this slough was navigable , at-certdbit times, for skiffs, fiats and keel boats. In short, they ell:timed that the ground In dispute was an island, known as such, and being called by 'the different names of Smoky, Stewart's Beale's and Ledlie's Island, although it had no early definite title. On the other hand tho defence adduced tea - timony to show that originally , dating from as early a• 1808, by tiring testimony, and by , record evidence from 1787, there was but ono Island in that locality, which was know; as 91111bnok." That in later times a tow-head or high part above Billhook, was patented to' Nelson as an Island and took Ids name—and that no other ;Island ground ever existed in thatpart of the. river. It was also chows by their testimony that the slough above named was a more high water run or channel, only filled at high or eight foot stagain the Alle gheny, and dry from nine to ten or eleven -months of the year, and never oonsidered a channel of the Alloghouy river. Mesh of the testimony was interesting, became of the ago of the witnesses,who were all residents of the °minty, and ha bean familiar with the local ities of Block Rouse Run, and the old appear.. once of tho ground around about Its month, as well as the topography of the ancient island known as ukillbuek," et which there Is not now a vestige remaining. Their testi mony fully showed that the whole physical condition of the beach or low ground In that vicinity, has become a. matter of - history, nothing there now giving any idea of Its early appearance when : this native chief, and pro prietor of Killbneh, (Kilbuok hlmsolf,) passed with lordly step and haughty mien among his red skinned vassols,is they encamped around the banks of the beautiful Allegbeay river. After • short absence, the jury found a ver dict for the defendants. Said with onion ihion- up to ; mo, Intel- The lon of Tho Rattlgan Case...Tne Investigation This morning, at tort o'clock, - Coroner Clung re-usembledOlte jury in ilori ease of the Lots Thomas Rattion,nne :died from the effects of a severe beating 'received. on the night of the 14th of .Neriti - inkluiet Eight or ten additional witnesses Oritexn.tiinlldi but no material fact was clititiliVjti - eitillq to show who perpetrated the - rititiXiio.l)ce therefore deem it unnecessaribo — frartlintr columns with the testimony. - The . - CreseAtowever, may be summed up thus A2ttgan was fervid abont midnight, horribly beaten, In the vicin ity of the canal bridge, by Mr. Clippies, who, on asking him where he received hi, inju riee; was directed to the alley in the roar of the row of buildings In which Lana • ban'. Exchange Is located, red received the rey from Rattigun, "there, in that alley." This. alley had jest been newly pored, and our readers will remember the very clear tes timony of Dr. Murdoch, In which he described the *minds in the scalp no having Ilteri Oiled with land, as if the struggle bad taken place on ri newly pared street. The conclusion ale= Irresistible, therefore, that the beating took place in that allay, but who the murder- Ora We will perhaps remain a mystry. Thb jury agreed upon the following verdict: "That the deceased tome to his death from Injuries inflicted by some personperson or persons nnkniteno, - on toe night of tb.e 14tb of Novem ber." Plash a: meal a the Select Polk wise end corrected 'en Ter Hardly Tla° jury -alto pused a resolution, recona tneadhag an Ineteate - sd the night polio, the employment ornate lot good mita, and the exercise of more diligence and promptness in affairs at this ettariteter. The Coroner deserres credit for the energy and diligence sada he has displsyed in an delves:int teining to Justice the perpetrators ef'thli foal deed. That he has not succeeded *o Is certainly no fault of his. The blame) to Indicated in the resolution adopted by thejary, Bestseller with the Msyor and bispohee; and we hire little doubt whatever, that,.if proper axertioes bad been need by - the police, immediately after the outrage, the perpetrators would have been apprehended. - The hommonwealth, daring this Investiga tions nil repveeeeted by the Assistant Dis trict. Aitortioy,slotin W. Riddell, Wa learn that the Trustees of the Fint United: Presbyterian Church, Allegheny, of 'legatee. J. T. Primly, D.D., is pastor, have negotiated for the purchase of a lot on the . wild side of the Etat Common, a short dis tance above Ohio street, upon which they pro poe to erect a new and handsome church mil See. The lot which they hero purchased is one hundred and twenty feet front by one bun. ditedrind thirty feet deep, and will make a fine lite for • ehureh building. The Trustees can miltheitpresent lot to the Diamond, together -With lb* building, at a •sory remunerative Prime/Ad es the edifice has become unlash 'tortable,'as well as unsuitable to other re tweatitit {'way, project for is new howls of worship Os.'rtrerway. ocanumndable. The magma-a -Don' is 14rge and indoeotlal, and has grown Rout &effetely of sixty souls, to several hen. Aired.; nape The cars of their beloved and now venerable pastor, who Las labored with them lee reped. od of over a quarter of a century. Wi. alto learn that the congregation of 7Tsinltyßpiseepal church, of which Rev. C. R.,' . l3liope is pastor, are raising a large sum fat the purpose of rebuilding that ancient ed ifice, Otte the present elm, Sixth street, be. 'tureen - Wood and Smithfield. The eongrega lion is wealthy and enterprising and we oom mend theta desire to. keep pare with the pro , gpmesanditeate of the age. ..,The foundation for the hi. E. church, Bea- Venareet) Allegheny, located on the corner olteaveristreet and the ?forth Common, II about emtpleted, and will be left to "settle" during dad winter. The bricklaying will be etrocznitneeti early in the spring. This will be leplendlrinharoh edifice. The foundation for St. Patrick's Catholic thumb, in the Fifth Ward, is progressing vary. favorl bly, and la a splendid specimen of fakeoltrl. ' It °ample. the lite of Wood's old bliWerFs. the north side of Liberty street, 4, CM 01d.410.. having been purchased by the Pinasylvila Railroad Company. ..; ~ eui i~_- 1 --.Christ M. E. Church. I ' - ft'ehbellt Age was devoted to (because of 'talisfonily Christ M. ft. Church, Rev. W.A. L SttiTaly.lor. Bishop Simpson, by special merest, w present, and dellveroda dlicourie eminently ilitable for the occasion 7at the Otete - -if wiiich the congregation gave their offerings, odeupying but a brief space of time, stOininting 'ao nearly four thousand dollars. --Tri=tlie. •&Airmen a children', meeting was held, .IsiT. male audience room., Bishop iftrithsocil d leered* brief address. Contrf hatfoni , re then made, which, with what, 'hadiseen acted monthly daring this Con % firenisitie amounted to . ere hundred and elghry.two dollars. This made in all four thousand fo hundred and forty.seven dot. tatiolidele as a ft erwards increased to tbe swims= c r iforty-live innsdred dollars—just Amide tk• contributed Int:ear.' ...Ai. tits lug service the .pastor_,mide a biletisUnsion to the essential condlticat Of the thine, in *Mob he slated that the arrange. Matt watered into one year previous, to ihrti. data thedebt of the church, bad.been townsm an:ad; madam& the whole sum, over eleven .thensmuldoLare, had been paids learlisSlt Aisinay: free from debt, except a small ground nt-cntiVortion of the lot, +blob can easily =Off lithe pleasure of the bolder of the , . .. 3 - Fs • .yrftlicints,Tilesawall known *op Ortn, Itellstous, Pictorial, Lit , icia7,,ste.; :mohair rewired lry expron sad l'or , ialo J. P." - Muit's,l% Ziltb street Mitarilerlpil,)Pittabargly and by pkt,cBS- Todi&l street, Ansel_i)? thelik , llictiT4 tads, en , . tgiftsci),e, -fiVair-ttaise 9 jr im ogrw, mad •;Epat's 'Pr} -TAW Pb rakror• Valitfi t RslG Imlay spet!itil l . I,,,f o f u th•Tritldeat's -Unsigkin logjetta' bj k f-,ls'irntpparo_Ar it, lank Await; Church Improvements. ;,~~,c~,f~za ` 4;j a ' ~,:,x ~~. Kayorsaty tnt uom • ,e ago the friend, of Mr. Wryer Jo eontldent of his re-nomination that wtery olfered to betlarge tams of money on the result, and their boldneas and eardi adater.-entra-sneirlhat-Ttiiiiinie-Vtirein"-itii they (ailed 41tely, how ever, they hare not . rbeinl ;IM ,lUTISIr: - their money, and are befiznini to reel rather "shaky.' On Tuesday t , officer Gumbert, of the Major's police, offs dto bet $l,OOO on the nomination of his Manor, and the, neer was aerepted, bre irinatletaati doing harinias is the: Eighth Ward.' The forfeit, ($50,) was placed in the hands of 31r. 8. Cairns, of It ood street, end each party was required to put up the balance, $l5O - , by seven o'clock, Wednesday evening, or pay the for. felt. The Eighth Ward man came up to time promptly and his money was deposited by the stakeholder io the German Trust Company. Officer GUM bert called daring the day, and ob jected to the deposit in beak, alleging thatthe money was to hove been put up in Cairns hands. , Mr. Cairns then procured the amount from a t friend, but Mr. Chunbert subsequently objected, to the terms of the agreement, and finally de clined to put up the money ! The stakeholder re fused to pay over the forfeit to him, and he entered snit for the amount before Alder man Donaldson. The magistrate served a summons upon the stockholder, and the ease will come tip for a hearing on Monday next. The Mayor s friends are very much morti fied at thin result, so we are Informed, as it exhibits a "'caving in" by no means agree able. Mr. Cairns declares that ho will pay the forfeit over to the anardians of the Poor, under an old aot of Assembly which "oonfis cute," money putap in this illegal way. Cathollic Intelligence. Thursdey, the 3d inst., Miss Ellen Me. earthy (sister Mary Caßlau) died at bt. Xevier's Convent, near Latrobe, aged twenty loran years. The funeral ceremonies were conducted by Bishop Domino*, Very Rev.Jas. O'Connor, Bev. J. Mickey, Rev. Dr. Keogh, end other distinguished ministers. On Wednesday evening, December 2d, In the chapel of St. Xavier's Convent, near La trobe, Mks EaunaCosgrave, In religion Sister M. Gertrude Aloysis; Miss Mary Ann Daly, is religion Sister M. Joachim and Miss Ve ronica Freithoof, in ',religion Sister M. Ste phens, received the habit and white veil of the order of Morey at the hands of the Bishop of the Diocese, who preached on the occasion. On the following morning, Sister M. Felicitali Joseph (Mies Mary Loughran), and Sister Clitharine do Ricci (Mies Ellen Tierney), made thsis profession of poverty, chastity end obedience in the prmenoo of the Bishop. On Sunday lest, at New Brighton, the old church which was formerly used for the ser vices of the Methodist congregation was sol emnly dedicated for the Catholic worship, by the Rt. Rev. Bishop Dominee. The Bishop explained the ceremonies of the dedication. Ile also thanked the &Runs of New Brighton for their kind feelings towards the Catholics and exhorted the Catholics in return to show seer) kindness to their separated brethren. Helping. the Government to Put Poen the Rebellion. Pa..blayer Little, of thiscity, has just canto to be proud of hie patriotic boys. Note the record: John R., the oldest eon, "enlisted for for the war," In the Pittsburgh Rifles, Co. A, of oth Pennsylvania Reserves, May, 1861,and served through all the engagements of thin gallant body of men until wounded and made prisoner at the battle of Charles City, Cross Road, before Richmond, Juno 30th, 1862. When exchanged and at home recovering from his wound., be was promoted tie be Quartermaster of the 100th Pennsylvania Regiment, and served until the time of the regiment expired- He was afterwards ap-. twisited Assistant Quartermaster ' with the rank of Captain, by theßeteretary of War, and ordered to Gen. Burnside's command. Geo. W., second son, joined Hampton's Battery, Angost. 1002, and was in the second haute of Bull It un,Cllan co Lionville and Gettysburg. He is still in eerrico. William, Jr. ' was appointed midshipmen and is now on the C. S. ship Con stitution. The only son left, though quite young, is anxious to go as a drummer boy. A San Durn.—Thomas Huntar, of Anita township, Blair county, was killed at Tyrono City, on Saturday het. He Ins standing on the railrotd track and stepped Ur to ovoid the train pasting down, when the up train ran over him and cut hint to piece. H. teases a family to mourn his loss. SCAS.i.CT FLTIL—Tbie often Witt duets Is prevailing to eansiderable extent at present In this plane. Soma deaths among ohildten have already °scarred from it, and others ars now risk from the same muse. Ssofsrarcas rot rut SOLD.Zia.—A number of friends in •he neig'Aorbood of Rogers' Chapel, per Roe. Z. 6. Weiler, contributed tad, to furnish the Pittsburgh acistiak do'co ea. to ..•Idiers at Chattanooga. SPECIAL LOCALS Turmas P.M, Plain and Ornamental Slate Roofer, sad dealer in Pennsylvania and Vermont Onto of the best quality at low rants. 013ee CO Alex. Laughlin's, near the Water Works, Pittsburgh, Pe. • Pscra roe TUN Pnorte.--Embroldering ma chines are not the thing for family sewing. Read the following One prominent defect of the double thread loop stitch le the waste of thread in forming it. Each yard of seam requires on an aver age 734 yards of thread, or twice end one-half the amount required by the "look stitch." An estimate may be easily made of the camper ativisexpenre of using the two. In the skirt manufactory of Messrs. Douglas. k Sherwood, a day'. work of ten hours for one person is estimated at 1,000 yards of straight seam, ton stitches to the inch, with the lock-stieh ma chines, which they use ; this length of ream requiresthree thousand yardsof cotton Thread,' and with the double thread chain or knitting stitch machine, 7,200 yards would be required. The coetof 3,000 yards of cotton thread would be 10,35 at wholesale,and the cost of 7,500 yards weald 14'53,10, making a difference of 51,85 a day in this item alone, or more than 55,000 a year; with costlier thread or milk(at present prices at 51 . 1 purported), the difference would he much greeter. In shirt and collar taannfacture, where the/Stehle Seim, and lest length of stilria Is awed, the difference per day re only about 75 cents la &world the look ed:eh machines. In a manufsetory like that of Winehester k Davies, where one hundred and slaty of these marline, tr. need, the geeing le $l2O per del. The result Is that the chain or - knitting-stitch Is not used on this work. Id quilting, when silk is used, the difference' each day would amount to unite then two! dollars and twenty• Ave cents on elleh triabine.—Scienryl• Americo.. The Wheeler k AVilson is the bust machine for femlly'ure. Oilos No. 27 Flab 'trout. • • I Pot HAM. Aso Wromes Wesa.—The Sans semi s part, 'and by the morning's frost, we begin to apprehend, that fall and winter will shortly be upon as, and we mast provide our. selves with the teeterlal to keep. as comfort able. A nice fall malt, or a good and well. made overcoat are the very thing, and we do' not know t of any pima where our radon themselves better than at Hams. W. H. 144. h Co'e clothing eitablishment, corner of gederal street and Dimond Squire, Allegheny. They have situ resolved a com plete assornnent of gentlemen's fandshing goods, and a great-owlet, of new patterns for walattnating, disinsise, hateyou exam - Med the felt and whit., stook of goods et the Morainal Tail. lazing establishment of Sam draham & Co.; No. 64 Market street f A (rash sopply of good. oyei7 week. ilave . yott examined the prim of good, at tho lierobut Tailoring estabilitiment of Sam. Graham .4 00., Zie. 44 Market atreet 1 if not, it Ii now time "on would, 'and 'are 21 per Gant. in your elothing bill. ErcrY 1011Wwwit warranted i perfect ft. ' Kinn thurriw, Goo. fddiaxotwia. KEWICOLY, BlLLlLlAraleorrre.-11fra. Anne Roots, of Louisville, Hy., up in a foliar , 'When In Now York, this automor. I For ohassd by way of oaperhnant some of Uri. 8. A. Alien's' relobrated Nair Reitoror and Zylobaleamam, whisk I have found valuable. Mew write to bane y~oou nod me 01 doltal of asek by express, for tko aro of say &lands." , Sold by Druggists everywhere. Pivot 106 Groom/Id atroet, Now York. JIM Bscarrins Asp Briar .rot fiat.n.—The Ana snort:cent of Pall and Winter Clothitti. lately rensired by Id . John Wier A CO., Mon:tont ?anon, No. 1411 Yodel* intact, Al. leghony. Tho gook of elothinn conalata of the lined variety of gents' rim talocau. seats, costa and oratoor.ta. he T e le of patt l. taeteftil and fashionable. a sroitiChtstist. all of our radius to sir* the above grsaLleatta ihstitcliad cattis_p ails will 14 talon at Omn!btu; °Met N . 4 , 10 Pun 'trot, day All-dedies Mt at Ills abilva plum .1611114 yrof it o?tly attuded Al malt . ..mut pidd ts ramose . , a. 81,4 6 , tf albs; did Redd .Ittisti.',s4llll 4 , tg. 14 . 0 IflAaiun :of lii FOP/04. ~ ' -;'-e COMILERCIAL BECOIiT. AND Than la to um *atm II" Ma market, ten, war. 1 1 4T-4(M4iam...4 l aact-1•••-4bstilar idgtrenarda. jatk.lgG 9.c IBS gourstmlAY &in 1514 , ann.., I. &you, having adwannat to 147%. Hare, our broken ativayint 14r.3147c . f.St Gail, and 1141aaa tat Una. • Zasterathitagetiabandaat and ran ann.' The entail,' illegal titular not. U exciting eon aidarablemrprim, and moat people cannot account for it. The lout of legal tandem amounts to E300,- 000,000, and Tat they are scarce. We understand that the mar National Banks are holding cent. of their obligati°. lu Ante note. to meet the le. qulrententa of the law under which they organized, which fact may be taken u one reason for the dearth of Intel tender POEM. But these natn will soon he mimed by the inbred bearing note', stun theme.• city will not be oat much felt. But the people have manifested their preference for lap] tender notes over Bmk notes by hoarding them, which mutt have been the cam, as the mount held by the Banks would entreaty have nomsioned Kt great • amrelty. -Firrslivaan KARKETB Furmr, Deoembar 11, mai. FLOUR a GRAM—Wheat la firm but unchanged at 81,37 for Red, and $1,4391,45 for White. Corn to firm with an active demand and Mahar, Strolled held at 81,330 n tract, and we note asals of 400 boob, In Ears, at $I 30. Barley hi qulat and unchanged al 'Las for Spring, and 81,30 for F.S. Oat, unchanged at 73 to Mk from wagon and store; sal. of 2500 boat els, to go to Wheeling, on prints terms. Sala of 50V bullets 31a11 at 81,11, and GO mks Rye at 81,33. . Flour la steady with mailman, from store at $ 3 , 10 4 6,00 for Extra, and 87,00 to 5 7 ,2 3 for Extra, Family. GROCERIES—The moat remarkable feature no have to notice, in the grocery market, to that Coffee has advanced to Me in New Tort. We continue to quote Sugar at 14015 r. Coffee at 33(3.33g tiolasaca Cho; and Syrup. 73 to 83.. ItA7—t. firm bat without gnotabla &mpg prima Timothy, loose. sells readily at gtO per ten; and are note a male on track all bales premed at 137 par ton. BUTTER it Butter to in good supply, and lb. market 1.. shade easier, ranging from 25 to toe; aalesors bbla /toll and 4 pails solid at 2.9 c. Egg. firm and all readily at Mo. 110G9—The imfavonable weather for packing, had • rather depressing effect on the market, and hold, era, generally, lammed aposed to make • coneenlon of from 5 to 10c per 100 pomade, la order to reellm. Quotation. for good &vamps may he fairly glum at $5,75 to 00,00. HAGS—Ws not* a sale of =al second-hand for ego, at:auetlon, at 211,Oeaell. 011EESE—fIrm with sales of Wheel - 0 Stemma at 4e, and Goalaen jand Hamburg at 15e. LAI 4 / 4 —eteauti with small mks of prime new Ita ls rendered at tic. Lard Is quotable at 11,ege. FEATHERS—base adranoed: sales of 3001 N West • ro at Vc per tb. New York Petroleum Market. 11, oral Dispatch to tho Pittsburgh Gazette. Yaw roan, Dec. ll—erode Is firm but without hangs., ranging at (mot 32 t. 32„‘ir. itctload, *Do, s firm with salad of bonded on the .pot at 47(343%.,. od sloe for Jaowiry delivery, boyors option. Floe •II is steady at St3s:c and Noptba Is nom lad at t?..1.c Pittsburgh Petroleum Markel: I.—Th• market for both erode and relined, continuos unsettled end somewhat excited, and with a wide margin between the views of buyers and wit era, the eonegm•nro 1., we bays but few trananctiom to recent. erode 1. In tight supply, and, aa the rev selpts are small, holders appear to have the edraat• age, wad, we may add, they have no “comcieutlous scruples" in making the best of It. There has been no mice to-day of any importance, and as prices ore somewhat Lrregular, w• goot. mtmlually at 21(32t'v to bulk, and Z 127 In bbls. On Thursday evening. WOO bble Ia balk changed hands at file, end 1000 bbl, at :se, package. inelnded. Reflood is In precisely the wurtesondit Inn . Crude Holders do not seem disposed to operate, unless at ez• tn.. flat, while boyers ere a little cantinas; on In other wee., ere bolding off, awaiting, fetare dr. reopmenty. The transactlons hare been light, eau/ as pricer err aniettled and Irsegultr, we quote am_ I.lly at t to bit fir gond ally lose. In hoed, and .52,325 e free. A rumor wee current to-day, that tiom• of our epocaletore hare Limed • kind of ...twat stook cow) pony. - and bought the optiro production of three o r the largest wells on Ott Creek, for the next fitly day.. We cannot, of coon•, vouch for the correct' noes of Otte story, thanxii It le believed I.y guile • number o f tbc Inds. Flour and Grain In store In Chicago. nrc. i—Tio fallowing table posted on 'Change to day, shone the amount otdour and stain In Store In Chleago on th:Sth la.t , «•tupesed a.tb th. enlonol In etons J.at G, pre. rt. . 40 Olt saa,nal ass,ha Irkmr, I•bb Vllxat, bum 161,1 , 74 7019,450 =CM Osta, bus R 7•. tnt,t 11.6.7. .1,441,/".90 412,111 KllB .1]1,316 New York Coffee Market Doe. D—The large activity In Ilk notlena In our last has been morseled by an almost Stain cessation of demand and eh. market In subsequence it vary Titbit; Mare however, no anat.:mut from prasions extreme rims. and the fall advance of Friday last Is stilt quoted. Brasil advises are favorable to holden nod as nearly allmpectsd for soma time to coin. has loon disposed of, Mote Is Mush confidence In the =sluts/nano. of present values, even should Con • Brews Impure no additional Duty, which, by many Is looked upon as very probable. Th. sales am 2.15 bg. Ala at 34334%4; BSI Maracaibo, 4 ma; and UM St. Domingo, 4JK(3:30 cash. A. Boston, about ISM inst. Java sold, mostly to go West, at Nar, 4 mos. The stock of //lo In the Country, as made up by Messrs. IF Scott d bon, la 23,050 bags, •is, 2.0,130 bgs hen, nod :CA at Baltimore. Toledo Market. Doc. 2--Tlonr—illso, $3,2343,30; Si:perdue, 83,75 0114,23; Extra, 5i,ng5,23; Moblo Extra and ranch, 33 , 1335.73, IltlekWheat Flo-dr, $9,30. Ry• /lour, $3,30. Wheat—The market l• drat at 120 e for •nt• Uer 111eln 127 c for No. 1 Red, and 1260 for No. 2 Red. Rale@ 1,000 bo No. 2 Red •1 123 c. Corn—Y/or• active; Wen 800 ',mold at 1040 t can new at lfine; LOW Da and I,MIO bo old at 1010. 2,0110 nu old at lac. Rate -11.5e. Ilye-10.50. Barbi-8/ring, 17.3 c; Winter, 1300. dada—Clover, 56,50;. Tlondby, /2,73; /lax, 112,30. dal. UV no Clover, on terms not maAl• Cleveland Market, Dec. 10. Fluur—falaa 100 Ulla tS rd at 66,30; bbls do fit, at 06:+Z; sad 70 bigb do do In .►ha at 11 4 . 71, . inseat..Market dull and Inaztlya. Salm I .r rd an track at Coro—lttura active and Ilan. Salm Wm bit from aturs at 120 c; luOu bit da ►t 103 e. Oat. —Ash* 1600 bp bp balm, deltramd, ►t 730; tango track at pm. flour*. Other Grath, quiet and noal• nal. Detroit Grain Market. Dan. 5- o sChoot market Inaclln. Tlia nominat raison,* about Sl,bn for No l white, and 61,2101,80 for No i tad. Corn nominal al 11,0361,65. DW lot: a odd. of 1,000 ho •14 , 8 e, whiled Mores . Mupaid. rk/ I. .1.4.117 at #1,3 0 31 per /CO lb.. O/d. doe Wand arrive hi ,(0) too, Imports by Railroad SO 0.7N4 k C 01,400 BAILIMLO, Dee. 11-42 wbea, J tl Liggett; 4 cko food pip*, 10 km .two A nurdon;o4) bblo orbloloT, J Adler Avu Ii 1 . 1 " rod., lloword & Collrol; 311 b di loand, Doke. oral, Poo , . Acm 44 bldt4. J UoVlcktr; In bolo horn. Iny. I Vongurdcrt 04 bidet, J II kolotout 110 0.111 brootocorb, 8 Maihona; 002 lAN piper, W Jahnotod; Molts wheat, Illtuloook, Otelhuory k aroi Inn LW. floor, Orohorn A Tholes.; 33 alto dry appleo, Link , A Trimble; 104_pkgo product, .1 Woololoyori 1261. "NM,* A Pm; 31 Ir corn oleo! Pn do • do, fthosunkikr • Lau 14 drookkl. bop, A A incoloo, o , MU pow, AU 1:1411.44 GO by hoary, A Ilroolltlc 3 01.1. butter, b tf Volpbt; ;13 do 4,41 C, Blumnakor r 0, 331 bldco, W sfcGlolnl 160 , 3 boa hew, r 1 4 / 1 41. A co; I:s6 pigs olf el A Oro; ni Oahu by, W W Robbins. ClLTra.axt, a Pirttermou 1140.4n40,-1144.)1 L 1444, W 10,4 Lapp; 4a LULL MO As flat 4444, )1 .0 1540,14 A, 164 wA444, Ke4A44yl 04S eke (rota allnown a 14101. HI who4l,l4uhla A Angell) Ito LIOOOriLTA:4I2I.IO 111 boles bey. 111 Floyd, IS pkt* elutsr44,4l, L Vol bt• bloom., Junto, Lloyd A j entlBl,7: ' 4l uole, ti n ' A ta c it it t i dl 4l, n ir r t' , 0 /toward. - _ . 81.000 CASH itlll purOlmaa a Ow story lirlak llama of lbor mom, Win. rogi Lo u UV, die, and lot SO Nal fund Wob• dor otrtol, Patellar/0u 44 It. otrranr,n7 oi stmo, M millet I,e o .— Olat i ffrrni PAN .I n d ATI-17011 coma, itok.i. Rad 1141* losta OoOlhot istesnPPlY .t Ilia MI Moth Ilapat of .1. a put WM% dal Mod. 18 *o4 94 tl. noir NMI. L.A . W t note Ifo , I Lord 611 SS do •• Os bond Rod tar ode by S nal • PO. DALY:ELL/BON, im4 10 WAN. trap.. 97jtrfils,, Wifreig 110thigT, hal 10,11 , 0 poplar Broom flitudks 1 30 Ltiati Ilsrabnl (Ayr pa' n 4. 9"l""n litAV. 11 VA 3 ttTott. f i stitityMMTKl — AirriairT;lMTl; C 4• Aro, Put wilrOd 00 , 1 silo silk. rdwil utorort i Difori Of jowl A . unisuAw. do • : owner I.lhortr m N il hood WSW I di n to/I.B riranThCriTl 7 l;:cll L 1 , 0 3303 atia km role. orholvolo sad rld3ll, OM pubbst.DV". , XOO. 35033 CS to. (031110031. W• ttoo J. • 11, MIIILI•111. icatlN FAlLeitte::—Troorilir"4 1, oeikhorl asentO•Pitti Opipkllv o llif , tali • ttbanr-ornet,-. N'PArirituiquter:-.410u l o p fOOl 333 9034•1100 341).-704 8 301 osaaAre.rsabtm. Ser.. 4. « , M ITTLII#7II e Pl fittrtr*tel A1413:10, mac 41.VALIA 110 1.14 r N . bab*Jibt ribftbßksitiAr b efttfitPETS, OIL CLOTHS. Av. A LARGE ASSQRTMENT OF - RITGGETS th,2s4W,"eas r s as .a a "`" + Lowest,Prices for Gash, Crumb Cloths, FeMugs, Ran OIL CLOTHS, &c. Awl haring purchased for ()ASH, bears the lasi advances, ere are able to .11 et lb. pear ofecturervi 1,11.., so anetycialled .u.ct 0$ CARPETS, Window Shades, Mattings, OLIVBE lirCLINTOCK & CO., so. 5:1 MTH STREET .03 AT THE NEW OAItPET hiTURM. W. dull soli, doting the protent month, et erbolotale sad r.tail. WITHOITE ANT ADVANCE. IN PRICE, • ftal Hoe of CARPETS, Floor Oil Cloths. In &eat. 3 to 24 fees yid. WOOLEN DIIIIGGLIN AND CBUND CLOTHS, WINDOW SHADES TAIILE AND PIANO C° 1170 M n. 6T DODS,