- . .. ' - fltr., _l:6lr headmen before ementipationv and reptiotai-1 bort thissellirdpertlaf, ghoul& be 4- 'T . F.. . ratidln Ems judicious way for the benefit of . i !.. ~,, . E ..-' , thqe_who raised it. The whole subject will , —-Ai , .„1. dtabticts,..notratanif the attentive consiclem 1, 4 144 of Congress ,=-' <. 41t., - }:ilTite tarlatan and responsible duty of se fjt ' ',Metal and lteepiag,. under the direction of ' i Alieltoolihmt. and War , Department, CoMaill t, ' Iti#Osi money from drafted citizens, has been lee , :i.„ l :lielneer . by - thel'Coltectors of the Internal • Lf.r. :neVeatte, at the, Instance of th e secretary of X , Wrar.3 la . the judgment of the Secretary of '-thetTretumly this money should be paid di . - t,c.til Into the Treasury arid drawn Out up ,t_ s. - „„ uttion. for :the purposes to which it. Ts , --., ',/fraprinted by Congress. The Secretary of • • ;,. sr thought, however, that the other mode ;._ 0 .0 dollection and dieborselnents would bo less . , bitrdensome to drafted men and more eon -1 vanient for the payment of subnitutes. Ills u. C,; :r e baes were promptly complied with, and the • i ' 4 w,k104 matter is now submitted to Congress. ~,.. '- 'l'.j. ; r MIMEOS SSD DOMESTIC COMMERCE. ;il,teder "a resolatlen of the Senate, adopted .4p the of Starch last, the Secretary has 4skeh; measures for the preuaration of the statement tamable, with existing means oli,infermation, of the foreign and domestie commerce of the United States, including **Val the Pacific coast. The learning and thitiability of the gentlemen employed in 1 1114.*ork warrant the expectation that a very initimitiveffeceennt will he obtained of the condition and prospects of our foreign cow. , Mereetrom and to the Atlantic and Pacific Mimes, as well as overland, northward and southward, and of our internal and inter- State bomoserce, Including the trade between • IP.Yal'ind rebel States, andibetween the bread prodneng and gold and silver producing dis tllete,ef our eauntry. The materials for a pro per statement of this internal commerce must be sought in reports of State commissioners of statistics, of botirde of trade, of railroad and earialponapanici, and occaelonal or periodical pablimtions relating to trade and basiness. TWIN a department °feted/dim compsyst ire'y alliezied difficult of exploration but no pains - .Mill be :s in the search, I n the hope of being able pi to submit to Congress a resalf, -- of I tOrtllgrallleant,value to the business comma :filly:wind to. those charged with the duties of legislation end administration, which. wilt Been ffutette .the action "necessary to en- WO rend pretiefeho Important Interests bi :volved:* • , ,_ _ • grascrlostr. crulerry PiLLITtXO. :lUnder the sanetlen of the Rots relating to the subject, the Secretary has taken measures for Preparing. and pripting fractional cur rency bonds and notes in the Trearary Depart ment,: with a degree of success which already mantes deeded economist', advantages and • WlllTalits the expectation of satisfactory re „ _ ;J‘ den-camera—aeconateosneas, tn. 'Hlffe Seerstar7 has already invited atten. den lathe reports of the Register, the Comp t•releta' and the several Auditors. Report on Commerce end Navigation for the fiscal year 1862, prepared in the Reg. istees ;office has been greatly delayed by causes explained in his report. The same Re port' ear the Ogee year 1863 is also nearly readyjand wilt . be sent to Congress within the nes.t-raotibla. Its important information • trill 'lie : found ranch bettor classified and ar reatgedj, hid much mere clearly stated, and therelbew mach more neceptable fos use than heretetore. The Secretary suggesta that it will promote the interests of commerce and expedite' further reports If provision be made fee the Monthly,or at least somi.annual, pub lleatitez of the returns of imports and ex- Thb - suggestiOn of the Second Comptroller that ::the salaries hi the offices of. the Comp. tiallorrahould be higher than o in those of the Andifere, and that promotion should take place teem Ithe latter Ito the former, is respectfully enhinieroled to legislative consideration. If settellOthe by law, it will doubtless pro Mote accuracy and promptitude in the revision of The - vast expenditures of the war in life and treasure, hale devolved unexpected la bels on the Auditor's' Bureaus. and especially ibosd of the Second and Third Auditors; and ape difficulties, attendant on the organisation of proper force for the settlement of the staidehly aceizmulated accounts, have caused soliait,,delays, width the most streuuons efforts helm:linen made, in vain, to avoid. It is hopeditiowever, that the accumulation will now bearrested and henceforth steadily re duced; The Secretary respectfully suggests that OM° provision be made by which officers cittbedepartment may be enabled to attend the armies and collect information, and nape cialy Invegard to the wounded, the missing, and the :killed, which will facilitate the p_rimptest settlement of the einiffis made in Iffelialf cif destitute families, and widows and Orphans 'hef ie ' port of the Solicitor will exhibit • the rittlen of that officer IA the investigation df 1, reads perpetrated by certain pereens form , erlY feknployed in the New York Custom !joust, Tho legislation of last seseen, the pram:ft - dismissal of the guilty parties yet re aming fn office, and - the measures of preven tion dellsed and adopted will, it is believed, eildefeetly "protect the government Realist the repetition of these or the commission et like frees. The Secretary renews the recommendation, inh • mitted in his last report, of the purchase of thejelerehanya Exchange in New York, no* occupied under lease as a Custom- Heise. Tho operations of the Coast Survey hare beta Alletingnishod by even mere than usual - On the northern mat the work has beoa •rigorously ,- prosecuted, notwithstanding they ealeteece of the war; while, in col:apn ea* IlllleketplicatiOns from military and naval ee sartles have been detailed for Work - Altilithern coast, en tho rivers of (bet' .• - ' 4 ,4; indeed, wherever their serriee catiNbirmade available. From these Laberiri :Of. ad importance cordially acknowl edged•bj the officers lowborn they have been rendered, the value of the survey, and the rtierits'of the:Soty whom it is conducted, ro cOlio:0mb Illustration. Paritig the last 'summer a number of rebels, ran; into Portland harbor in -the night and seized the revenue cutter lying there, its c0m a:4.1:144 officer being sick on shore, and a portion jof the craw absent on leave. They sueceeded.in leaving the harbor unobserved; Mitly• in the morning the Collector of the Port, hearing of the affair, took instant meas ures :foi pursuit by chartering two passenger steienlere, nosing them with. whatever could be rhoit"promptly obtained, and providing the riceitseey force of yoke:doers, citizens and soldlorie In a few hours the rebels had been cpxr!pollid to abandon their prise, after set ting het en fire, and being themselves taken Plitotlere. The Value of this capture can best PO MO:fisted by the damage inflicted on COM aiipipc-,:ky the same reeds In the Taeony, a yeatel'afrery way inferior to the one they had aei lode ;The Secretary deeply regrets that the Cellectei no longer !leas to read this sickness!. idgniesiof his prompt, energetic and judicious aettelle'f' • *Tort of the - Board of Supervising In- Speatom of steam vessel', to whose supervision Congrelle has wisely committed the employ , Meet :of *tenni in water transportation, is ' herewith transmitted. The importance of its sedan may be inferred from the simple statement that there lure been inspected du ringlike year 032 steam - vessels, valued at $16,133,081,000, with en aggregate tossage of ' 406,009 tons • which have carried for longer or shertersPltanees 6,420,000 passengers. The Seeetary Invites attention to the suggestion otAsirt k system of signals, by sounds and Ilthtip',..Zidapted to the use of steam vessels, whether in the merchant or national Service ; and Rhfoh may perhaps, be extended so as to efulimiest sailing ,r,vessels also. Such signals, axidetatecid 14,41, might aierteasay disastasa and hatgie mettle of many benefits, without at all interferingwith any peculiar eystem re , el4rtifflffr spactigcommunieation between yes ' of the navy.' The Secretary renews the recommendation of lout report, that authority be given to sell the haildiugs erected, but not needed or need, foe hospitals, and also such other build iii ai fire unoccupied or not required for the o their intended purposes, hei dpelations under the charge of the light-hi:Ms° bureau have been Satisfactorily ;plueinted daring theyear. The Cape Charles iightliaciee, at the entrance of -Chesapeake they, waft destroyed by guerrillas in August left. dle reconstruction Ise' great impart &fibs to`ionimerce, aid should be immediately aittiorlainlaint provided for. The _ ght home ; system of. the United Sfisteij';, ,• nnlike . those of commercial mi . tithe tederally, is maintained wholly at our own. coal.. The Secretary suggarts tho expo dienet,•efleoridleg; for Its support and ee lergemptleitatter, so far xis-treaty Wings, BMUS •SIMI permit, by a small ditty on tonnage failleklionte . parposes. Tho benefits of the aptteur accrue too foreign as well as to Amer. lona eatsm i etee,'and its burdens should bo op pattliated acm?rdingly. . •la t'.oo report.the Facrotary necessarily Omit/ genus things,!bathe cannot omitthe ex .• p - slarthetif of his - ..cordlar appreciation ol.,the seaklntalltaercias; tad :fidelity which diva- she•iff...fftl.his department generally:_ have brouttWV.) Ahr- diseharga - 05L - thitr.: several ditties . ; ~ .!To their labors he vitatiblY tacit Ind - and 41itefrilly acknowledges that ho Is ins debted,Tiii _vest part, l'on:the measure of sue 7 cast*billalaaaid•bllido l6 k*WliArstklil' . _P s * •,,'.;;;•_ltlnit. back= AN141.0 , Wks - •• za,..•„.-4 0 si(rr;e' r •-• 's,s-;,5,;- 4 5 7'1 ".; , N : ..7 i. vi -:- • , . .t_.: I '..; U ~,,~ :~:.. ;~ :, ;.. `, 3. g .1.71 In order that our readers may understand what mules are note heard, and what are laid ever until the persons are drafted ? we give the followingatalasnients. - "'Only Support," dv.—These case. ere not hoard now and cannot be until the party is actually drafted. It will bo well for moms in terested-to remember that a mother (in the eyes of the law) is not estop-mother, mother in-law, or a grandmother. "Medieval f'arents."—Where two or more, sons are subject to draft the father or widowed mother may elect which one shall be a xempted. This claim must be put in before the draftiand will not avail after a draft is made. It one or more is enrolled in some other disjiict, a certificate of the Board of Enrollment I to that effect should accompany the paper. .? Those exempted from last draft for this cadge need not file now papers now—tboir neme4 will not go in the wheel In January. " Two Brother. in Serrice."—Thte CAMS will be heard after the draft is mad ; and the applications should state the name of each brother, and the company and reginient he is in, as they must ha cent to Washington city for examination by the War Department. Unless the brotbore are "of the same famkly and household," this will not exempt. Core missioned-officers do not count in titian's... ”Cimeicrices of l'elooy," exempla after the party is dratted. The application efibuld bo accompanied by a copy of the record, Lod the oaths of two citizens identifying the drafted man as the person so convicted. A subeequent pardon does not relieve the party of the dis grace of not being allowed to servo hie coon- try in the field. Service 3forch these aro exempted and placed in the Third Class, on producing their discharges, and showing that Ahoy are • the persons enrolled. This be done before the draft, bat oily be done ofterwaiiia. "Aficos.."—These should apply now, but it' drafted their claim, if well founded, will ex empt them. If already exempted for alionage they need not apply again. Those exempted for this eause from the July draft need not renew their applications. "Over Forty-fir, and Under Twenty retire uf Age."—These may apply now. In all cases, the age en the fleet of July hut determines whether they are or are not liable. A man who was not twenty until July 2,1, is not lia. hlo to draft ; a man who became forty-fire no the 2d of July is. Where a family record, certificate of birth or bnptlssa,"waunderbnob," or other record can be produced, it saves time and trouble, to bring it, as it is the very beat evidence of age. Those exempted on age last draft need not renew , their application. "Over Thirty-fire and lforvied."—Read the paragraph above on the subject of age—ii applies also to those eases. Those who were "over thirty-fire and married" on the lst of Jaly are exempt--not those who have married sincq or sill. become over thirty 'years of age. UlOBO already exempted for this cause are in the Second Clue, and need not apply again, as they are not affected by this draft. "Nee Buideme."—This refers to those who did not reside in the district at the time of the lasi enrollment, or on the Lit of July last. They should apply now to be stricken off, and bring evidence (a certificate of the proper Board,) that they are enrolled at their proper residence. Those already exempted for this cause need not renew their applications. "Now in Service.' -The friends or relatived of this class of persons may have their names stricken off by filing proper evidence of tire facto. " Paid Comairstation."—These, Ivo are gait., confident, will not bo subjected to the cowing draft, but the Board bare received no positive order on the subject. "I'vrni•hed S.bstiture.”—All this class aro exempt for. 'three years from the day they were drafted, and do not need to furnish evi dence of the fact, which is already on the re cords of the Board of Enrollment. " Phrioal Divebthry."—Some six or seven hundred men were exempted for physical dis ability. Of these the Board will recommend that all but abont - i hundred be stricken uff the roil, their disability being of a permanent nature. The remainder, who',do not exceed a hupdfad, will be examined after the dealt, if they.elipplci be drafted—and exempted then, should the disability then exhit—exceptin a few cases, (each as short-sightedness, ote.,) where the regulations have been changed elnee the July draft. None of those already exempted for physical disability need apply now; they cannot be board. Other enrolled persons may be examined, where the disa bility is manifest and pen/um-at. Men suffer ing from epilepsy, lung, liver or heart disease, ur other affections of the kind, need not apply until drafted. Those having lost eyes or limbs, having fractured skulls or ether bones, and similar cases, are examined daily at len and two o'clock. Th• Lorecinaticem (except eases of "choice of parents") will close on the 20th inst., but this will not preclude any having valid claims for exemption from having the benefit of them, should they be drafted. Preparing Cokes Is a lucrative business to lawyers and claim agents, but it Is not neces- sary to employ either. Any magistrate can make them out, and the whole expense need not exceed a dollar—whoever pays more is swindled. This Is plain language, but seems necessary to parent Imposition. The blanks mats ten cents, a stator five cents—three oaths seventy-five oents—total ninety cents— vind another dims to ample for the trouble of filling up the paper. Dr. A. O. McCandless, Physician to the Board of Health, reports the following deaths foi the week commencing N0r.,30 and end. Mg Dec. 6th: EMMM:= • Unknown, 2; Consumption, 2 ; Disease of tho Heart, 1; Diffuse Collulitis, 1; Pneumo nia,. I; Catarrh Ferer, 1; Measles, I; therhi“ . ; Croup, 2; Scarlet Fever, 1: Con vulsions, I. Coostsitrert Tattooer Notre.—Counter feit twenty dollar U. S. Treasury notes ore in circulation. Their general appearance is cal culated to deceive, bat a judge would at once detect them. The centre vignette of the Goddess of Liberty is very imperfectly done, but rofime parts will pass the closest scrutiny. The peculiar green ink of the genuine hes not been imitated; it is much lighter in color, and is of inferior quality r not printing clearly. Srimot--A woman named 3frs. henry Po land, residing at Oregon, Lancaster county, committed saicido a few days ago. After her 'husband bad gone to his work in tho morning; her children raised an alarm that they hod foal . Chair notber. Some of the neighbors in stituted a search and found the unfortunate woman hanging to a beam in the cellar. She hs4been in .a depressed stabs •of mind for some lime on account of bad health. Pnor, Ztornit'a Ctass.—Mr. John Zundel's 'chorus singing class will moat, for the tint re bearealohirevening, at 7% o'eloek, in the ,rocii, occupied by Carry's, Normal Institute , on St:'Ciair street, and will continuo withoat further notice every Tuesday and Friday evenings. Ladies' Harmony class will meet .at 1.4011110.11 place every day at two o'clock. Amangement for: private , tuition on the organ 'can be mute/a the 'above'neteaptieo. pilisintrgh 6azettll. FRIDAY k1011512i0'.." •••••-••DEC. 11, 181,18 CITY AND SUBURBAN Preparing for the January Draft. Provost Marshal Poster and the Board of Enrollment of this district, having had the lists of the first class printed (very ncatiy, by the tray,) and circulated throughout the dis trict, commenced on Monday revislng,the en rollment, by receiving applications of those improperly enrolled for exemptions, and hear ing their eases. About seven /soared applica tions have already boon filed, and about three hundred heard and disposed of, the Board working at the rate of nearly a hundred per day, their editions being some seven boors. The following table will show tbo number already recommended to be stricken from the list of those in the Grst thus, subject to the January draft of gresaptio. ALL. lath. 7'l. YS In 21 21 62 17 II 18 69 7 9 15 20 61 A 6 4 6 16 A 1 :1 2 A 2 7 I=E=M - - - alaulfett. physical disability Eleetiou of parents...... _.... Custer 29 years of age....-- Nuu-ar.ldents ==2!)3= MT= Telni nuanter esemtned.... 58 0 71 77 247 The Board meets at ten o'clock and sits till five, adjourning en hour for dinner at one o'clock. At ten (and also at two) o'clock, the names of thoto asking exemption by choice of parents are first called and disposed of, as also those for "manifest permanent physical disa bility"—after which other applicationt aro hoard in lite . orrier in which the paper, torro _Filed. To-day (Friday) those numbered from 30Q to 400 will bo beard. City Mortality. e 114rew Banquet. The bulgiest glee by the Hebrew Ladies . Aid Society, on Wednesday evening,at La fayette Hall, wee a most agreeable and rue omelet atTair. Three largo tablee had been prepared, extending nearly the entire length of the ball, with a fourth in front of the step.- These were most amply supplied with every delicacy and luxury of the lemon, and every seat wee Occupied by a guest. The President, Mr. Louis Morganstern, called the assemblage to order at nine o'clock, and delivered a neat and appropriate opening address, in which he paid a high compliment to tho Hebrew Ladies' for the patriotism and liberality *IAA they_ had displayed on the present occealon. Prof: Cohen tenoned in a very learned ad. dyes., mainly upon tho aocial and political history of the Jena. The feast . was most keenly relished and heartily enjoyed by the guests, and the best of humor perraded the large assemblage. Touts were offered, and among others, was one highly complimentary to President Lin coln, which we. loudly applauded. Mayor Sawyer, being present, responded to this toast, and was followed by Mr. Strums in a few remarks. At eleven o'clock the banquet - was over,and the ball woe - cleared for dancing, and other social enjoyments. A collection was taken up. daring the even ing, in aid of the Sanitary Commission, and the handsomest= of $7OO was realised. The following are the names of the Lady Managers: President, Mrs. Wm. Frank; Treasurer, Mrs: Regina Bierman: Trustees, Mrs. Abram Pr:mouthld, Mrs. Asher Prowen field, Mrs. Rosenbach, Mrs. Wm. Armhold, and Mrs. Idareman. The Draft in Indiana County "n Tuesday evening last a public meeting wee )leld in Indiana borough, for the purpose of taking measures for raising volunteer sol diers, and avoiding the draft. After full dill. CltS3iol3, the following resolution waa adopted: Serarta. That the Ciii7,l4l of the sormal elmtion districts in this (minty be multiunit! to bold public moorings, for the purpose of taking the rotes of the cltirous opou the subject of procuring an act of As muddy authorizing the County tAnninissioners to pay • bounty of Slim h. uev emrnits, and faM to atone en. enlisting bariim been in tin• 'military senior of the United Stat... sir mouths or nprre•ds. lln pursuance of the above, a call has been rissued requesting the Citilol2ll of cam district m the, county to meet at their respective places of holding elections, on Saturday next, to get an expression of the public will, and report the sitille'ett once to the Commissioners. The Coal Fields of Butler and Mercer. A meeting of the Directors of the Atlantic and Great Western Railway, and of the par ties interested In the largo and rich coal tleldr east of Mercer, was held in West Orson vine, en Tuesday last, for the purpose of taking measures for the construction of a railroad from that place, by the way of Mer cer, to the neighborhood of Harrisville, in Butler county. It is assorted that the road will certainly bo built , and that the engineers will commence he survey of the route In a few days. This project in ono of importance and of great public advantage. It will de velop the great coal region referred to—the largest and richest in northern Pennsylvania —end add materially to the wealth of the country. llucr ROthIEM-011 the night of the 211th ult., the etore4of McConkey Bro., at Peach Bottom, York county, was robbed of about $1,600. The waroroom was first broken open with a crowbar, whence the rubbers entered the store, drilled the lock off the iron safe, and appropriated the money there. about.sooo of it Loing specie. Kthttn.—Lieutenant John E. Hoffman, of the Third West Virginia Cavalry, was killed on the 24th .ustent, in ti skirmishon tho Ra;ii don. The decoto.e.l wasnon of Joan 11. Hoffman, Esq., is Morgantown, SPECIAL LOCALS MIA. ?Altar, Plain and urnamerLal Slate Roofer, and dealer in Pennsylvania and Vermont slate of the best quality at low rate, 'Offiee at Alex. Laughlin's, near the Nfator Works, Pittsburgh, Pa. • Facto rue Too Psm • u.—Embruidoriog ma chines are not the thing for family sewing. Read the following : One prominent defect of the double thread loop stitch is the waste of thread in forming it. Each yard of scans requires on an aver age 7.!..4 yards of thread, or twice and mse-half the amount required by the "lock stitch." An estimate may 60 easily made of the compar ative espenso of using the two. In the skirt manufactory of Messrs. Douglass Sherwood, a day's work of ten houn for ono person is estimated at 1,000 yards of straight seam, ten stitches to the inch, with the look-etich ma chines, w,hich they rise; this length of seem requires three thousand yards of cotton thread, and with the double thread chain or knitting stitch machine, 7,500 yards would be required. The cost of 3,000 yards of cotton thread would be $1,35 at wholesale, and the cost of 7,506 yards would ho $3,10, tanking a difference of $1,85 a day in this item alone, or more than $l,OOO a year ; with costlier thread or silk (at present prices at $ll perpound), the difference would be much greater. In shirt and collar Manufacture, where the stitch is finer, and lees length of seam is sewed, the difference per day is only about 75 cents in favor of the look stitch machines. In a manufactory like that Itif Winchester A Davies, where one hundred and sixty of those machines are used, the saving is $l2O per day. The result is that the chain or knitting-stitch is not need on this work. In quilting, where silk is used, the difference each day would amount to more than two dollars and twenty-five cents on each usahine.—Sdentific The Wheeler Wilson is the best machine for family use, Office No. 27 Fifth street ! wd:ltw Yea FALL •ae Wilms WEAL—The Stun meri s past, and by the morning's frost, wa begin to apprehend, that fall and winter will shortly by upon us, and no must provide our selves with the material to keep ns comfort able. A nice fall suit, or a good and well mode overcoat are the very thing, and we do net know of any place where our readers would cult themselves batter than at Messrs. W. 11. McGee a Co's clothing establishment, corner of Federal street and Diamond Square, Allegheny. They have also received a com plete assortment of gentlemen!, furnishing goods, and a great variety of new patterns for waistcoating, ha. Genetrass, bare you ekamined tbo fall nod winterr stock or goods at the Merchant Tall taring establig :moot of Sam. Graham St Co., No. 54 Mark,: street ? A fresh su, ply of goods every week. . Bare you ,samined tho prices of goods at the Merchant Tailoring establishment of Sam. Graham A Co., No. 154 Market street; If not, It is now time you would, and save 20 per cant. in your clothing bill. Every garment warranted a perfect fit. Sam= Gla.aAx, 0110. MOCAUIDLUB. Kmerticxy Bream APPRICIATZ.—Mrs. Anne Naule, of Louisville, Ry., says in a letter: " When in New York, this summer. I pur chased by way of experiment some of Mr.. 8. A. Allen's celebrated Hair Restorer and Zylobalsamum, which I have found valuable. I now write to have you send me a doses of cull by express, for the use of my friends." Sold by Druggists everywhere. Depot, 163 Greenwich street, New York. JCBT RZLICITILD AND ISIADT 101 BALS.--The fate assortment of Pall and Winter Clothing, lately received by Messrs. John Wier k Co., Merchant Tailors, No. 146 Federal street, Al legheny. The stock of clothing consists of the finest variety of gents' pantaloons, vests, coati and °Temente. The style of patterns Is tasteful and fashionable. Wo would invite all of our readers to give the above gentlemen a call. • I'mm:erases Ames - rice I—For the derange. moots of the syttem incidental to the change of diet, Ronde, Eruptions, and exposures whieh every Volunteer is liable to, there are no remedies so sate, convenient, and reliable as Holloway, Pills and Ointment, 25 cants per pot. 209. Oninnre and carriage calls will be taken at the Omnibus race, No. 410 Peon street, day or night. MI orders left at tha above .place will be promptly attended to. MI callsmastbe paid in shines. • C. Buz, Dentist, 248 Penn meet, will at tend to all kindness of lie tiffloraolon. MARRIED STIMMEBS—RENMEDT.—On December bth, by the MR. Isaac Aiken. at the residence of the bride's metber, Mr. JOSEPU L. SUMMERS and MI ALICIA ICENNDY, of West klancheeter. ATWELL.—At half•paet right o'clock Thursday morning,CIIIIISTIAS 4NN, youngeet daughter of Marl Jacket]. and chattel Aterell.agodlgt months. THE iIT EWS . BY TELEGRAPH. OUR SPECIAL; DESPATCHES: FROM WASHINGTON Special Dignach w the Pittabru.ol ()seem% WASHIMOTOT CITY, Dtc.,7, 18C Lovejoy's bill, of which he gaveisotice the other day, to punish alarebolding, provides that all slava freed by the Proclamation of the President of January at, or by acts of Congress shall be citizens, and competent to he with oases In. ths, courts of the United Slates . Whosever attempts to reduce any one Co freed to *la very, is guilty of misdemeanor, and pun ished in a scan not less than two, nor more than ten thousand dollars, and imprisoned not Its. than one nor more than ton years. in the Alexandria Quartermaster's operations continue to be discovered, and a story now is that they will reach millions of dollars. Measures are being taken for farther investi gations, and the matter will be prObed to the bottom. Higher game than that yet caught is thought to bo winged. TEM PRZNIDWIT'S AIINERIT IMOCLAILATION. SpeculstiOna as to the effect of the Presi• dent'• Amnesty Proclamation has alarmed soma of the border State men, who incline to the belief that it will have a material effect in hastening peace. Its suggestions ii attributed in some quarters to Secretary Chase. The Ressian officers will rieit the fort ;Ilea lions to-morroa El= The President's careful silence on the Max leans:lna:Lion is a plate of comment - In diplo matic eirclos. The Mexican Legation regard It as an intimation that he had nothing pleas• ant to say, and therefore in the present junc ture of affairs at home, thought it best to say nothing at all. BrWOURD fRANuIt TN TOE rOUYAND or oil The rumors of a change In the command of the Army of the Potomac Is again curfent. They have probably this foundation : It is known that grave dissatisfaction exists with the authorities at Meade's Into campaign, and also that the Secretary of War has not been disposed to regard him with favor ever since he lot Lee across the Potomac after the tunic of Gettysburg. It is known also that the authorities hare been considering whose ap pointment to the command of that army would give the greatest promise of securing its earnest co-operation and activity, and that various names have been suggested and dis cussed. Beyond this it is net probable that anything is as yet certain. When Horace Greeley was here, he urged Thomas as the popular man, and his name reCtiVes favorable mention In many quarters. A thorough re organization of the army is considered cer tain. THIC 11.011, FRAUDCLEIT 1302:D5. The ease of the Floyd fraudulent bonds has, begun to be argued le the Court of Judge Thomas, Caleb Cushing and Judge Curtis are the counsel. 1311311 ME! Efforts arc going to be made to oust Itlier mood as Chief Engineer of the-N - ffry7iit - rOn• sequence of his testimony in the Sickles cut off case. Ity the Agricultural report for Ito nanntli just made it amontre that the deficiencies in the corn crop for the prosent year, is nearly one hundred and thirty millions of bushels below what i• required for home consumption. As the wants of the government fur the army aro so very large It is questioned whistlur the late military ordera stopping the distillation of grain in Kentucky and Tintless. •ill nut bo extended to the great distilling States of Ohio and Illinois. Thu President's hmlth in much improved. Ho sow visitant who liinat npocial hodnc•e with him to-day. Certain war department officials are still very much exercised over the statement that Thomas. gives Ileseerans credit for the pion of the Leto movements. They have bat slight contradictions however. TH HOU. MIJOURECO The ❑earn actions-nod over tilt Monday, t. give the Speaker dine to forM the mei I[I.[CTIOR Or OR. CUANJINO, CUA PLAIN. Orbo election of Dr. °banning, as Chaplain to-day, is as uneipestad as jtqls Chancing is an out and oat Abotitionlst and nitarian. The National Loyal League will remain in ie:sien a day ur JO yet. It it quite largely attended. Guv Brown has arrived. From Cairo. Ca co, Dec. to.—The Memphis Bolle:n says: lien. Veatch and staff are busy mustering volunteer companies into service. Seven full companies were mustered in on the 7th. and u many more would be next day. General Veatch has extended the day of grace to the twelfth. The steamer Sallie List arrivel at Mem phis from :Arkansas river. She reports the steamer Emma being Ored into, on route for Duvall's Bluff, to Jackson Port. One major and a captain were wounded. skirmish occurred near Little Rook Rail road between a party. of Federals, who were repairing the road, and a band of guerrillas, in which several were killed, and the guer rillas repalied. The steamer Fanny Mcßride sunk below Fort Pillow. Value $30,000. The steamer McClellan arrived at New Or leans from Breton, Texas Coast, bringing Gen. Banks and staff. Tho Clara Bell arrived with 1,100 pkgs. vegetables for Sanitary Comminion. IlemphLi cotton market Inactive. Proposed Amendment to the Conettlu- New Tong, Dec. 10.—The Tribsas's Wash ington special says : The following Is the res olution which iiir.Wllson, of lowa, gave notice on Monday in the Howe: Be it resolved by the Senate end Rouse of Representatives of the United States bf America ' in Congress assembled—two-thirds of both Roues concur ring—that the following article be proposed to the Legislatures of the several States as an amendment to the Constitution of the United States, which, when ratified by three-furths of said Legislature, shall be valid to all In tents and purposes, as a part of the said Con stitztion, namly: Article IS, Bee. 1.--Slavery being incompatible with a free government, I. forever prohibited In this country, and testa4 notary servitude shell be permitted only as a punishment for crime. Sec. 2.—Conrgess shall have hill power to enforce the foregoing auction of this article by an appropriate Leg islation. An Important 11111—IformatIon of the Committees In Congress. • liar Yore, Dec. 10.—A special to the Post, dated Washington, 10th, says t Mr. Ashley will introduee into Congress an im portant bill at an early day, providing that the free States may recruit to fill their quo tas in the rebel States, offering such bounties os they please. It is supposed that Washburne, of Illinois, will be Chairman of the Committee on Com , merco in the Howe, iind,Schenek Chairman of the Military Commission. The Lloyd bonds anis'will-come op In the Court of Claims to-day. Fenton will probably be put on the Cum mittoo of Ways and Means ff be desires. nterest on Indiana 8 Isoriasrotts, Dee. 10.—The July Interest on Indiana stocks, which the State Agent, Auditor and Treasurer declined paying be cause the Legislature failed , to make appro priations, will be paid aftei the 10th Inst., at Winslow, Lamer & Co.'s Banking Odic*, New Tort, aererner,3l94elt baring -arfajilred with them to advance the neeeuary hinds; also . Ir , or Joterest due Januarynett.- The litiensalfoute Air aottnl#orgait. :.- totizairm4/ 1 409 0 1 - 0, 43 ir 4 44 sitdoert *IWO and , the Clabortne eithermosnlit eti tth nalt-titoMikepteliotlibk XIIVIR COBRESB-418511 WANIXT:TOTOV CrIT, Dec. 10, 1863. SESATE.-nr. Foster gave notiee of a tat to encourage enlistments in the naralservice, and credit such enlistments on the military quotas of the aereral Stater. Mr. &Miner game notion of a hill to repeal all acts for the rendition of fugitive glares. Adjourned till Monday. HocAr.—Mr. Fenton gave notice of his in tention to introduce a bill to facilitate the payment of bounties on account of deceased soldiers. On motion o f !ifr. Wastaburne, it wa3 re tolVed, that, rub, n tho Rouse adjourned to day, it bo till Monday nett. Mr. Pendleton, of Ohio, gave notice of his intention to intru,lu•t• a bill to admit to teats upon the floor of the Senate end Reuse of Repent entail Iry s members of the. Cabinet, with Use right to debate upon matters pertaining to the hnsine,s of their departments, respec tively. The memorial of Thomas W. McLurg, of the Fourth District of Missouri, was referred to the Committee on Elections. The Speaker laid before the House tho annual report of the Secretary of the Trees ray on finance,. I Thu Rouse proceeded to the election of Chaplain. Eleven canditinc.s were placed in nomination. Refere the result was announced numerous gentleman changed their rote, for the leading candidates, namely, Right lien. Bithop Itopkinit, of Vermont, and Rev. W. R. Charming, of the Unitarian, Washington. Illrhop Hopkins received 'as votes, and Mr. Chancing 06. The other votes were scattered among the other candidates. Mr. Cheeping was declared elected. The House adjourned till Monday. The Capture of the Chesapeake Nsw Veer, December 10.—The identity of the pirates who captured the steamer Chesa peake, of this city, it still unknown. It it believed that some of them hare come from Caned. to Portland, and there embarked or board forlhb port; they knew all the feels, sad worn therefore able to direct the opera tions of persons who joined thorn. The steamer Potomac, belonging I. If. B. Cornwell a Co., owner, of the Chose pea wql start to-day in pursuit. he gurcruntont has rommixtioned the Pa tomaeolml she will be armed and furnished 'lrk a lighting crew at the Navy Yard. Sr. :onus, Dec. le.—Tho Evening Gail, gives the following conwirning the rapture of the Chesapeake. The schooner was matured hero by confederate agents. Meetings were held utad the passage mot °rpm: ties to maks the seizure, was paid through to New York. The one promised s:•Ott eiteh on steamers being tardy taken into Wilmington. It was also arranged that in a store in New 1 ..rk each of the party into tr roll nt different times fora parcel containing arevolter, amunit inn and a pair of hand-cuffs. It to believed the cargo was shipped by Confederate agents, and wan very valuable to the Smith, and that it was arranged that she should be seised on this particular trip The Chesapeake did not cool here, she vented oil tho harbor crud took on board Capt. Parker, formerly of the privateer Iteribution, who took command. LATEir-Thu C'hebnpeake t,. br near Cape Seble. RIVER I NTELLIG Escr The rlv, r e.t.11 readlns a1..w17 c. tl,: , p.in t, 4EII Lot titllr .v,. for Tts.• u eat:" raw 4.4 .1..3.1y the ludicutio:, ore lAN. , It Bus ~. ravrn• m 11.1Ln , ,aa van )4,4 e• I.,at ID Inn ..3 , t et otoi: Sala Ina e l l mr,tl, all toe fr.glat t,a, • n ,gan 5•• wwlel and 3 tar unn/I•nr of Inn., ~,r• TIM Jul", trtut ••• wt.. Is. tt ••••1 • 111 probaLlyil.t. ful, l •t tit. ; lltt,ttot tuft, Ti.Lett I Leo. at.tlStAr Itglt t an dtt.t. 044 116.666.• latt• I 11. , Jounte rracLeal b0w..,.0 'fue.J•. nct irolu Seta 6$ .. N. Yo•ri. I apt tut It. *461 ti,. .1.•141). 6.ta WI 1111 , 11, i i , lll ‘ ', P , I Sian 1.1..1. la au 6•6616 ... 6.. I. a t•• I, 31..aplit, ut ,t • ••tiVii hare .ail a. •111/1.1 tI l'in• clunat C0n13,/, , ~/I • irtly altar IL, I•.tio left fur 31anipli :ant at day night. the i. aftiit I• In; ..I.l.rsla lit. Pet unit mate an, viall."l 1., llie a flat part Laiat i II lir.. lie ht, bri-tt ital.:, o r Laitral frau, It La a.arail 1-11 tit aa aitil aa• .Jratasadail. Mr. W. rtas*is, /110,1D/D-r,04, /D theiivatil of Lai fn thug o,i - bit...ld, tn..) sag axlad gilt reaching ilia Altai c In °star, Penn., ache, Itaa a Gaudy A 0 , ..01. , a ,{a: e .I.en thr Loa... tl.• an tn.., ..ear tl.r Nal:ultra! Cimb;rlArrl rir,r ; tt,r t:dir I6.rer.r.r nm iato Ity thy street, eith•t. th e Onto on the 1a:b.•,,1 eel, Fit," the la. at thg etrat.4ra hetLent. TL. I.tee Ivan. nor.ll Ito ets the doct. at St. &Anita tor r-t...tre. We a...1i OnAm/ that wit 'IJ Ili, Lyt , e 614or,Arelproten t!,, , Land. el' 'Apta,e Sam neves, •lbera, to ren t.e ttaii tl arket. by rclecra p nAtAttt,ttoa Itt - Flom- 'lull anti ItttAt y How I.lntrr.rt 4-.51 :it Nrizt tie,. %Vit. 1:1 1.1, old 51 I .1:. II Ll try firui awl tott.t .ttltto n. I'nlLtn4Pltl~ IF., I.? n ro , a: 7 - .0 n ,::, fur Extra Yana: wal doll. role. VON, I. Pit 5 4 . tOt4l 1.5 for 1:.,1 and ,z.OO f o r {..murkyi„r.. horn. ttn. uld 51.1,. , a• • In drulnl,l Wl.uky firm at a`,.. Dec. to - t.t sltll ehAtie,.;a ••17,1:tt , Extv% ist E.:, L. H. 1.. N, ttttps 'Whsta 1 4 t . ..ts In twit, dtsatstl, htt *1 4101 4.1.1. r t hlrago $l.OlOO. $1.1.11,1.10 r..r Hilw•uks 51.4.Wjt.4.4 be Arm 3.l.l.tattltst.--ilts 'Alter a snt•sitt 51.19 H 1.Z. , Is. Vt stter 11,1 Hs,.. (11. att.l 111 .... , (•:_zl./r.f tsr Arslter /1•1-1 , .! a •Isttlo rms., nt bl 31.1(.• 1 for t'ett.a.la st,:t IS It. curs firmer tts.l ==aMil!l • hatter pro,. 11.2, hm ttaaaot oil an 44tot 44 . 7 , 4.00 Lu tnixrd IV.44.tern, deliverable front the I.t t ibe of February, buyer,. opt 44.4, El rr4.li t l i u ttattne an tteparttl, loon. et }IMO. 4.. le het ter: Er.!,..421r.tr. tYlagur very dull. Elolttute quiet Potrultturn Irrt4illar 4attd m 4.0411441. In 1.4144/ 47r. fork qui.. and intr... tvationzt material e Littman Sides uvelerately not 444. I..trd doll and uI 11 , y(41,!!-e, the latter or es Inlne lln n.r tltro at aysc..:, fur 01-, New York Stock and Money Market. .IDror Tone. Doc. ra-y at 0.. 0.7. tlrin..r at 1 , 161,1 for 1101 - cl,ot 1..1 fold irrvgolar, oneoltleil and linnto. opcnlng at 11> , ' declining to 10' and lo.ing fine al 1, 1 41.1,1. Goren - moot I , to. t• 11tIn 1,10'.. loit , 7.110 r 10'1 1 ,. 1-Year 114,1111catoo !Roan quit t act J,. ltu. kr., Ilk. t' Erie. Ed., 1 . 14. 101 , .: 1/.1! r Boullog 1101, NV..t New York Wool Market Fax Yon., 14w ember 10.—Th. public ale of darn aged Capo Wool, this m wning. was not evry largely attented; but tbsre was still enough present to In vite The prices realized, were very bligh aal ostmdnl expectatiung. Ti, wool waa held for and ou arstout of underwriters. The w hot , . otrer legs sold at prices varying from to :UM p, for that In bales, and the love nuol, which try 4.117 damaged, at 4,vistk 14, .4JIIUSIE.,VE.IMTS. ~1'LTI8BURO•H TFI TiiV AVII. II lIVI,IIIOII 01 , mau matt,. Lem. and :',l ik.usg or raralrell beuellt of Mr. R. r. ./. all LEI, the equestilan artlete, Artie will appear 11,11 e. the linater," and "Mauer/pa." Tills (Friday) EY ENING, W 111 M preeentol, the meld-dramt lc miss:tad...4 VEIL E, TIIE 1.117211TE1t I Or, THE FOREST FIEND ..V .ND DEMON nogsr Herne E )Ill.• Lytornod G. S. Rams.. Shadotell J. 0. Sefton, Mabel Annie Ebe: lie. The Doltish Horse II leastl.a. To conclurls w ith the hrst art of M A ZIMPA; or, THE WILD HORSE OP TAIT.TART Mitten+. R. E. J. Miles. The Wild Ilkorse Wittaxnah. WNCERT H4LL ,IX NIMIITS ONLY. CommenelnN Rlamlety, Dec. 14 CI, 1 . ..63. MORNINGSTAR'S MINSTRELS AND CORNET BAND SIXTEEN GIFTED AUTISTS I Ta a rad SORIE DE AFRIQUE! EACII EVENING. N' Yer parlitla. Iwo Programme. detLSt ; B, IL ARSISTEOND.'Aaant. • - Graf or dusontr.r, 1 Treisneeeft Office, Dee. 1, ma I • A LLEGIIENY, CITY 0011P1I0MISE lIONDSAFAM:D.—VertIei 'bolding. Cotnpro• mire Hands of the City of Allegheny, Pa.; are hereby notified that de...Sinking Fund for 3.80 will he to. !veltedzitt, thole; :Bonds-at the Iciestt - enter offered. fProixnals teethed tuItiIIATUIDAY the •211. day PVISLIC-XOTICES.- FIRST NATIONAL BAN' K OF ALLIDGITENT.Tba Board of Directors hart this day-called on ..sessmant of rifts Per Coat. of the Capital Stockof "Tlt Tina National Dank of Allegheny.° payable.. tteelfth lost, at Omelet. of the Stectisoito'flaelap' Dank, Allegheny. &lie% . T. H. President. Omer or Tn. Cremate Lem - quer. Co., 1 Pitt...buret, Dee. 10th, 1e67. P'AN ELECTION FOR THIRTEEN DIRECTORS OF pus couPANT, to oorm durlng the mating year, will be holt at this °Mee nu MONDAY, the 21st loot, between the boom of Ito trt. and 1 p.m. Aolet.l SAMUEL BEA, &wrote,. _ _ ..MERCANTILE LIBRARY ASSO CIATION LLOI 1363:5. DIL J. G. HOLLAND, T I TCOM rho I...pular author and lecturer, will deliror th 11.11,11 'enure tho r..urs.. under the ...0re...1 th Mere.. ntila Library A swarlat 1.. n, nt L, .% 1-471 - 7 M HALL. Ou Monday Evening, Doe. lith, I MO3 OW' The Penut. Imola Railroad Co. ell' rune spe ial train from Turtle Creek, on the night of each lectore of the mum, if sufficient encouragement is given t;y the ref:Wrote aleng tin cowl. Tickets Si ce•te, to be bail at the bltatic rind Book Stores, Library B•wr., and at the Hall Door. • • . •.• . • Itc.ent open .t 7; !leading to cam:arum at T,g. W. 11. 6 / 1 [..10, GrAtaar W. W[l.ol, 5A141,1. A. L 0,,,, Tuoitra BARiPfIi.L, Jr., WILLI CV W. ‘V.2.11, /11,11{T M. ATWOOD de] 0 td I,Peture Contmittra. 7, -- .PITTSBUROII SANITARY COM NITTEE. M., and !kola...Rory. 59 Fourth If I reel, Itetvee• Wood and Pifiuket Str'otr Paul rmyr—TlloslAS BAK Ell ELL Smarr s )8E PH H. UNTER TArAirstut—J kDIES PARK, Jr rontrtt.tioun or money and god+ ,ollef teal S.ne sent to all parts of the army. Ittfortuation furtt,.lteti In notation to tbn skk and nttntt.ktl In Ik. ('nntitt. and tittspitaLs. The fretght ten J..a•ted I. paid here PITTSIE RUH SANITARY et.3I3fITTEE de3,ltt r I'HISIAttY —lh ['talon , oteri f the City or AI y Arn Invit,i to meet et their ttopNetire places Lr hul•ling olectiotut, ou dATURDAY, 26th inALlot, be t the h.•ur. ut 4 sod u'doelt y. m , aid rule 1,3 1,,,11.4 One rilltnn fur Mr^yor, s==El2=lll 31/ti 4160 tor enDliitiatem for the rest:active Ward otTlee• Judtros of the Prienat7 glertioos will tarot at tor TtoW. IlitCe3l:, on 111./NDA T, 28th Inst., at II o'cl.!el: a. M., Mad nall UP the TUC Or the respeette prect vet, the persou haring the highest Tote to be , I,lare.l the ootoinee of therev r, lithern. Elt , tlen are Inetritcterl to refer.. Mn rot, offered hry flow.. 'rho Toted agalwwt the Union Stete Ticket to Uctuber At order oftlin Execitirn Cumzulttee. M=SIMMIM rCOLLECTORS NOTICE , —The Ann.] Asbeastnent I.ixt for Inn; containing Taxes on Income, oilier Plate, Carriages, Liven.« liotteg io the lth 114rbii.ati of the 2114 Penns. Uet nil, eunipridng the fah, 7th and 61 h Ward. of the t'ity of Pittsburgh, end Pitt Town-hlp, except ing Dint pan north of Penn street, has be‘Wrerrired front the Asaeso.or, and ton Taxes are now doe. I will merle, the Tama as aforvesnl, at the rides of Aldermen BUTLER, No. 125 Wylie etre., from the Obit day of November until ane 15th day of Ihicem lair, Dir., Inclusive between the hone, of I and 5 p. tn. alter which tiros the penallien prescribed IT the law will be exacted. 40/1N A SERGEANT, Deputy Collector 4th D1T.00,22d District tdel, f .lei D. L. De.,..IInIEY, 1)., will .letiv, hu calebrated reply to 111 , 10 INS' DEFENcE of AMERICAN SLAVERY at SLt 1: 111 roll aloN 11. E. COL' RCEI, Allegheny. an lIII:ESNAT EVENING, Dec. 1010, far the ben fit of tn. Sander Srlowl connorod will, that charge. Tale,te, .45 cant .-ann—to be had at the /aorta of Pratt .t Denney and lhamae Chantler. Vedarel rt.. Ala-glyny. and at the Book ttaree g-nrrall! In 1..c1ar.• tnno,o, at 7 clack. daP:td NEW GYNINAISTICa Ai' NEVI I. LE HALL.—the Classess m. open for nen members el rash time of mesting. Ladies 4r.4 Grlltlnmeo. TUENDAY and FRIDAY, !YEN- I NGS, at 11,. Ladies and Children, WKDSZSDAY stsl 8A TCliti Al' A FTE/LNOONS, at] (idea. TCLASIII AtIVA.II.: Tor course a tw..0,3 DLL For Luis =IL .112 sere, DO. rm. Childr.e, UMIM=HEIBERI - - - - I/ EN Y —Capt. Stsaur Durso, at the argent rah, it. 001 of m, eitlurns, Iw canon - Mod to permit las :lam, to he uoad as • candidate for the Mayoralty ‘.l dll.yh, uy I:ity, . tho ellusaug municipal ciao- Wm. ttallete -VE Pr 9 D WEJr7'6i. UI•FICE REQUIRED 1.1)1/.• ti rtrxrtTlsa YURPUSSti. .1. F. 1.51 b U. 8. lufaxilfY, Nutlota! 1101,1 AJ•li .lelUri MA IL TO 1-()1/ FRIENDS----The PASSIDENT'S AlYSNAllil la full, In the Weetly C./.,.,,:e1, for tale week, nos re-44y In wrap. ,eav wailing. Price file ceutl, at Frank Clllo'll New* No. TO Fifth Ist. cIALESMA WANTED —A 2ialeantnn ni a SI hohnuala Grocery nuue, in Philadelphia. rune ha'oll2 experzen-e in the lowineba, a liberal .alley will he Or, n. A.ldiran BOX N. 2421, Phila delphia P 0. Aeln st _ ItENVARD.—Lost, on Tuesday A.A./evening, n LA DIES" LE/TEIEII POUTAION• N A lE. with steel chain. c,nrsislog taint $240. The aline reward will te paid the finder If kit at TIM UVVICE. dt.41,71 (111EAP FUEI,—Tha Pittsburgh Gas C.nipany will sell CORE, suitable fur tosanfar luring ur duw..lle purl...a, at 4 cents per bushel, In lb. e.rks, p, Lnudirl delivered within any ronsonstile distance, in the city. 11.-I.lw J A 31. Call [STY. Tressur.r. WA N 1 ED—ln au old establiobed No. V V lion Elotme In Phlladelpfiin, A iiooo, ACTIVE eiALISMAN, Who can tolloencc matt Mlnd ahort.timw 0000117 trade. B.ldrsa, BOX No. 213:!, Pllo.lollhln P.O rpauw WARD UNPAID WATER 11 RENTS, CITY, POOR AHD BUSINEISS TAX XS, for FOCI, arr due and must ha paid to ore cents. itoceir...l at City Truasurer's Mace, Fourth wove, during business hours, , mat my rc-Wens, No. t 79 Wehstor sheet, opposite the Water Works, from 6 to ti a. m.and to 7 clock p. etc deoktf J. IL NEWMAN. Coll/rotor. HIJUS.E AND LOT FOR SALE. CLIZAP rOH CASH. —71.1 Lnt btu 2S fort front on Toarneund atreot, Sault Ward, and runs Lank 100 fivt to au alley. The Hon. la • tero-stury brick, containing lire morn., and ism the mar of the lot, fronting on the alley. A gaal bargain may ba had br applying soon, to JOHN it ITLfitth, tow .lrott, or at tite.ler N EW LE,AI , LARD, lii Ti,,rea, Bands and Ct.l4, =2==rM! . . Dunn, QuAlrrou•aszpaUmfaa.u..ll UrVICe iltaburgh, , Rec. 8, 1863. f IVILI, BE SOLD AT PUBLIC AUGU T T SION, 2,U81 GRAIN PACKS, on rEIDAX, Dec. 1111., 1.63, al 81 a. rn., at [ha Prblle Waro boin No. 333 Liberty 811.4.1, to th. Rlghoirt bidder. Terme cash, Goverltalcut Vaud, V. CROSS, Lieut. Cul. and IN-Tint, Q.lll. Gan ded.tel _ CIOAL LAND FOIL SA,LK-6o acre:. V of the pawn ; 15 acres to sell now ; 7 foot cant of cool. Any one trtablng to purchase land of tls above quality, mill plea.* call at POILTSEIDSIIU TEL, corner of Penn strold and Cod] oil VII !- DAT, Dec. II lh, Etiquln, for • del I:21 DAVID 11. SCINVAND. SUPERIOR PIANO FORTE Fe CI It ES JIL L. IC IIA.LL ET, DAVIS t CO, BOSTON It ran to seen of the "Peed ytorlan Bno Rooms," 07 Hand etmet. delltrr HAGAN'S MAGNOLIA BALM; Sterling'. a mbroidri, for the ; Laird'. Bloom of Youth;. „ • Binh Allen's Bair Restorer; leer/paint ; Perfamery and Toilet Articles, td eirry der Family Dye ikdore Gent'. and Ladles' liltonlder Brae.; Of neery deseriptlon and lend quality, kept roivtantly on tairel rind for tole et GEO. A. KELLY'S. CENTRAL, DRUG ISTORE, ====;ls=2 LINDSEY'S BLOOD SEAROLLE Dr: Keyser's Llndsero Blood Seemlier, for ule by BIDION JOILIiSTON, 'Corner Fourth end Smltheeldntreete. CZMEZIMIESI2 mama to consider blniaelf, or It may be rather wiehea to create the impremion, tbat tie la "ibnlnal• and retail agent" for this methane. To those who know him It Is unnetwisary to aay is word, lint to oaten I wl•h to aay that /Amid tiaDr." Lindeey's exclusive appointment, hoeing 'yet ova:. eight years of yam. rind time to Tip: still, tb• pritilleation may' bo Of lest importanos to me than to the newspaper camera. del& A T - filiE (MILNER, 4/1 0 ' UNE!) ATM OBAIVFORD EiTtIEE72I, a 4a641617 slut Droillogliouto Gad two lota otigrooildi b k#Orior. al lovroolo..kitchan th roe tiotoltone, porrit...)ll. dront, ono; grips oinosoltuv. ' De .14 ot a bargain. ApOy .44 4.1137Abi111 xstr-.4.OIrZEIT piorosAus FoR FORMIE, CILIT7 QICAIITZILVASTZed °MCC.' Dopot, - Deciatber 3, f Sealed propasals areirrolted 14 the ttadandyrted txr aapplyiag the U. S. QiWter¢lilltie• DefenlollBlt, at Washington. C , Italtimota, of Aleratialita aad Tort Iloarcei Tit., or F. H hor those ,tarsen; lath H CORN, OATS and STRAW. - Bids will be reads - ea for the do/leery of 6,1:m0 Desk of or oats, and 60 tons of bay or straw, anrinp. wards. Bidders mist state et which of the •bvt• nano] point. they propose to main de/ire:lm and the mini at which they will tube deliveries thereat, tbeqnsa, tlty of sorb article proposed to be dellrend, the time when maid deliveries shall be eatemenced, and Ithotti to be completed. , The price must be written out Au Wards on Meth!, Cons to le put up in good stout tanks, of &taut t • bushels each. Oats in like seemi of about tbre. bushels rook. The minks lobe tbrulsbed wlthent too charge to the Gmernmetd.: The bay alai atm. io be securely baled. The rani/vier kind or dwecriptioo of oaf., cora, bay, or straw proposal to be deirreral, most le stated in the proposals. All the articles offered undsr..the bid. herein Lk riled will be subject to a rigid' inrpectlon by the Goverument Inspector, before behrtaceepted. Cataracts will be awarded hove time to thoo to the lowest responsible bidder, as the interest of the Gov ernment May reqolro, and payment will be etude when the whole amount contracted for aball hare hen delivered and ettepted. . The bidder ell be minima to accompany hi. pro. page' with a guava:lly, tigual by two•responaible tbat in case ids bid U accepted he or they will, within ten days thereafter, execute tint contract for the van., with 'gam/ and sufficient sureties, to • Onto 0.1.1 to the 111131012,Ut of- the contract, to dellrcr UM forage proposed in conformity with the tar= of tide advertisement; on Lo case the said bidder bo ld fall to enter into the contract, they to make good the difference between the offer of geld bidder and as next lowest responsible bidder; or the persqn In whom the contract may be awarded. The reeponebility of the guarantor most I. shsrwu by the official certittcate of a C. B.blstrict Attorney, Collector of Customs, or any (Abet officer miller the Qnited illugoa•Corerament, or reepoissible Krems known to this office. AU bidden will be duly notified of the acceptance or mieetina of their proptod. The fell Mme awl P. O. addrera id each bidder must be legibly written to the prupoiaL Proposals mint be addressed to Brigadier General D. IL RUCKER, Chief Depot Qoarienusatee. Wwih; loges's, D. C., and should be plainly marked ••Propo• 411 for Forage." Benda, in IL sum equal to the amount of the con tract, elgoed by the contractor and both of hL gnaw work wilt be regaired of the unaratfid bidder cr biddore upon eigolag the contract. Blank form. of tida l guarantees, nod bonde. Rot). br ohtsined upon applicatlim at tills (dice. FORM ray PROPOSAL. Town, Comity and f tate,) 1, iltenuh.crlber,du hereby pmpr. „ to Lunt* sad &Deer to the Vetted States, at the guartermaater4 Department at , agrreably to the Dm= of Jour advertisement, treating preponds for *Mahe, datrd Werbington Depot, December 8, IMO, the 0- artictea, Me 1 • boahele of Corn In arks, at per boahol. of hn pound, bushel. of flatm, In eark., at per Imshel; of 32 —torn of baled flay, st por ton, of 2,000 pound, —t ins ofStraw, at —per tan, of 2,Cf%)iondilt. Dell eery I.oool2lllloBCOun or before the—day of —, lan-, and to be completed oil or Wore the day of —JIG-, and plaice tripoli' to enter halo • written contract with the Idled States, with prod uad approved socoritlew, within the !warned ten days after being nertitlnl that toy hid hat been arreptaiL Your obedient torrant, Bri ;miser General D. H. litu num, Ch lel Depot Quartermaster, Washington, D. C. GUARANTY. w., the undentigned, residents of the county of --,stud t 4 4afts of ..• •• • - hereby, Jointly and sceeratly, 00,11. i litt lb* muitcd Males, and guarantee, in ea. the foregoing bid -- accepted, that he or they stll,' within ten day - sager the acceptanie of wad bid, PIT cute the contract for the oaten with good sad englritait sureties, in a aunt equal to the stotount of the contract, to throat. the forage proposed In contfermity to.tbe. terms of advertises:nen dated Peeember ISM. under which the bid was mode, and, is ca . the . . fail w enter hap • C o ntr act as afar:amid, tremor— antes to maket.goott the tlittorenm betorven the offer 41 the and the tool fowls!. respatmlbbe I.l.ltter, or the pertuata to tchoto the contract may be arrank..l f Chrrn under."' hand, and Rafe 1 t —day of —, thralll larryby that, 1., the heat of my knoll • d belief, the ab aant.d guarantor, are goal ind stekitnt asan , rtk.• for Ma antount for which tb. y Err to be se,,rlo To tre rettlll.4l.y the Mated Staten Diatelet Altos ,nlleetor of twat... or any other officer tunlze . IL. Unit.' Stat. t.otertnnont, respdtilble peretm known to thls oto.-•. n. n. RCM( E [trig. Cen. mot Q.eterm.tar. G. W. PORCH, Commitsioa and ShippinglEe(!ihant, Refer to—Tiltaara. It. Jack G.., Pittsburgh !Cleat! d Ladd, Cincinnati; K. C. Knight Oa., Philadelphia; C. P. Kedged et Brae, ti' Consignments solicited. HOl FOR 'MB DRAM—Persons claiming XXEMPTION eau bare their Rpm mad., not by calling npas WAS. T. DUNE. No. ICU rlith greet Tbreo down below CotbedraL H. B.—There should be no delay, aa the to for bllo~ehalms Is very short. Bring ten arltneaeray /wade qf fassities. with Tau. delder fraILLNUFACTURSUS OF. 110 SE— . InvHod and will bis FEUDS Y, the 11th tmt., by tho Committee on PIM Engines of the City tit Allegheny, for Ma manufac tory and delivery, In said city, of en. thousand *et of the best ipvillty of Leather Mee, suitable fur lb. toy of Steam Fin Engines. Separate proposals ate solicited corn and 10 inch how complete. Proposals to Ic staled and left with A. D. Ml= doll. 1,000 BARRELS NO. 1 EXTRA, to new bright Lama, bbr sale by dolnter PENN'A BALT NANOTACTI CO. FMS D W ELLIN() ON PENN ST. FOR BALE.—The largo threowtory DIPELLLNG. BC. Penn street, below nay Eire; I. offered for sale. Pries f-0,500. The house is well bully famished with marble mantel., gas and water. Larne Tani and alley inc h e rear. Any nno teem the house me ear ihrongh the aide gaisi ov Pena etreet- JOON WAY.Jr. • eniffdradal SAkkietwrill. , FLO° RI NU BOARDS! • Prima Inch Mooring . Boards, to root long, rnrbooo mama, for ode by 111031AS-10 A LABG, nelAbe 129 Liberty street. MOTWE k -PAY NES OF Tra .L 1 LAW RitrICETI DISTRICT.—The Comm. ty ?Roarer having Owed In the hands of teems denlgned the County Duplicate for milmtion„all person. who have not settled lb. same are requested to intik., Immedhate payment and Nam coals. G . 8 . 4 5 5 41./ 1 / 1 7, Mae, Boller .t.. near Al 1.. SEEDLEtiS RAISINS, new erep, - very fine. Jmt received. Also, London Layer Italotes, In whole, hell and quarter boom, emote's/ andler isle by JOlllf L. EANBALW. , eis/ eorrter Liberty and ilima street/. QMOKED SALMON—A - fresh supply Jed reeeinsi and /be mete by the pound; at the Family Gersery More of JOICS A . Corner Liberty and Hand strosta,. 500 EELS. CHOICE YORKHTATB GHAWTZD W IN S APPLBS._ - WO bW ,. TOTAtOtB. of Pnell Blow, Pr*" Al bert:ly ko., varletlro, for rale by - ea= SOW. 11NAZELTON, 18 Dholnd. EARLASH-30 casks Na 1 in don and for We by. J. IL C&N11117LD.... P.M.VOS. NEW TESTIMONIALS- The IfiniOalifsaters of the East P , ' ffpealc lANIOS ug'out faior of DECKER'S f II I --" After basin/ examined the Piano Forte% of the Item. DECKER. BROS.very carefully, we hate come to the conchnion, and cheerfully acetify, that. 1b..) , are in every revved impeder Inetrumente. time in pure, rich, brilliant, very distinct; niolef an entirely austral character. Their workmanshipla of the very best, plainly demonstrating that 0129,1* bat the very beet material. are used, and their,.toucb,. everment and equality of tone throughout theovitole commas of the key board, trilostetl by any obis Plane fart* ere have yet men, - • 8.. 11.. Mills, Theodore Thonise, William Chas.-Tredell, Theo. Ilagnei r editor of the .Y t &eine owl World; ,Cori Anehnts, Director of! the German Opera: John ZondeVeditorJoerset PK3. - Ue Werahtp: Bitter, Cart %Vol reohn, Voila A choice Lot ci a...superior instruments Jest eV:: doing. J.ll HOY/MAX & &fa sT,r3fth street • 11 - NAIJE lAN/6 ara - 11 um considered the t.est Plaza the 'arid BRI N ES DitOS. Pl. ' I ANOS an the Wet Planor So tlie'coeutiyat the . price. 02110VISTEENit CO.'S' PLAAOS,' thltTee; MTh taselroodOblly. entreated. Car A 07,01. 'NAV ;SHALL At Tlll.l= -. 8 PetiortlectPlANOS far=s. !PitiIiCZI.NZLODLONB,IbO4 utle• Prlta ,from ;33 to 1220. cimmorn zuriz z O - virthiripei: - de6 Sol* sprit for 10.0.11 STE.eLTIBOATII: pOR W.HEELING, MARIE/. TA TA LSD ZAXESTI2.L2.—Ttut.O• =gr reamer PULL (MAHAN, Iloar,..aatelV aLar, harm Plttsparah area • at 4 p, 5,.. awl Zatteittlle wrrry PBtWAT; at lit 01.atit a. as. The new ataatmar JITLTA, elattat Com,' ataadar,battat Itatsbarpti rawIer3ATIIIMIT di 4 p. as., itod Unwind, spry 7113Sattr; atttellOck. a . is. par freight Of rytagaralliow board art* 1.1,0 Tboy cora Idler CbstiNatnit stab Zioroini They make ch. Irak stnii_Um. Janda and on exhausted notate/ groat.rodroOr.l-sofT: oonctesed of the relebrated Collobro -both. ' green. soltuihno, rooti lard herbs. :"f.oroa la wholly buri n . Coilt 'scat for tortiotao, eitonlats and teo Windt& wand factilolOalo , , Boworo of !wooden., ilbumolniereilt thatbait &IL %rue glguitur•olt CO! IL theorp ot.e Ow cork, with plintortant our arm alitrattoze on a lbw stool plate eapealog Ade bib& B.s tbat oar We to not'xel'Medlar opaline ord.:oh/akar, stuff; Vs 441 97 vogiz.., b =OA the aide or &cuter of Otte lgOcebtl - 44.1 . ./ PoroOtipodeidhig to Cell rursii tiCiittta**-.6.0 pan or to bulk, b Co koPortor• We mOir OAF ) 2 _ our tog eabto bottle. — Any petteCi toaltatfortithlo A bottle, or selling au othsitootottal tbizept,trboatta 41 called Plantation )3114er0 Or oct o to 6 • 1111 toll; orraor Lb. Q. a, Low, and win be WrilrooloOtect by itt• ohood7 bow oor Aro "bo two.portio 1041314•4Yer Wary- to, who whl onoceod {tot! -Into edeer , varteno Tbet totkor !Intro hunt Wier. - dergleiri,.lnoicattllO? . :, 4e, to *leafy bscrealble. .tho ilff4:t • • bettli le tho ertd.ap A nrosett'Of.thOtr,W4hloot s f' aaperkrttl• !b4 on , Bold Von. •;' gad% 4" 0 "*. , Pbrd.lonlb '2,0144 : 1 4 00 4 0, 4'7 , e 2 :- " 4 "'Y xrdisiioct; sm7:tati-asima 4 X X4'.4 BEY. r vats, et .1. whianie slid retail; 'SIMON ialiNgiti-M; corner emiedubs aireeta.? - . asallcalaitiT E•PTIBE WINE WEiMit, • 1G BOLLMAIIi Galati!". - • •' • _-_ (lamerim 114 4%.40410 , 4-1 _ "Mt brobkli' of aiay.ezhlatde at the 14 ' , "" 621.' • F ihib . l " , iooeoa 14"61!b711 8. K.O/tDiAi_, _ liter Illascusrm, 10 , . ,, PRIVATE Dll3/IMIES Dr. Lndlcan's 13p6okftb ua. =is mut& rom,dy tor tie , ors= re, ofietesnalm. It Is the ?Uneve' eta. smintE4 Ptryikint sisosi nib inns devoted to tit" iat of this dr of dlnemes. onproc '41;40, oess, for ;non thui twooty nom Lopirt.loa in ttra trquiriag m hdectionis, and diffilidiCilai,4".* . konalbs pnatce nandibt -troacrsat:variV. _ . Las egnapands offered to lha ?notable and perfectly ialb."ltacts like a-dirt:4 ==l=M Caintax,--T4 gnat soil:moor tSO .t.stottOß "lbeltog *Dumas =tins lot; led to 4 bel ag by imprincliad,oun. Macaw thenitivii =I3MS!MM WE P.,DATEDSON;=.I:', Cols fmyrigtorMuthalati, Sal Ll si l :prne#4 ?ameAlLPar wryer tea atirtiesuls by GEO IL - Erpr* lie wood rued. ' liVeydnri ' ; 186,1 -- L. , SPECIAL NCVI'le TO THE.CITIZEOS OF prrucum Ammon. tortuioo . 9optos yroold torpeettotty tietc ottitottti to the pftwolottknowit - IWANSIVALIt unvEntiiiantariluadD ' -soratkibroatabun g lIVENVULLII:TOLD , 112i0DTIFic Tha mialteanaideominmitie, ado, Lea of Blom Ind Cdtarsl Horiinis Abaft theiNbs fiiitrmttai manizonvii actrime P 11141;„ . Tha moat port form of Ce.thatto ores giv.enflo mthlio, shtch norm amain, mom Vout totk .aodtick dem bat oat for a doot,int adfloat Mud gistog, and con ••O Xry-spopda,, Hilloomoolt sad 61 denunemmt• or TM Mom mmatittotta, of stell onbotontaa tofu. tatataihMvENOMAMMUmmelltioulO4und am mod tiy, Croat =abut ac. Acliazu; Ed pries witMa roach dory tan tro Um Wootton . of i 1111154, IltVa CU And Mai. strict eceonolt7 Wan to tonalothe. • Witluma motto; to MO•cato. tom method at colon= of Intrulltlag, *mold sal( amAdam ten tarttich by be nacre. 1.! SOLLN EtWINZWELL, Promfotao. , Practkal Chetrat, Balton, Xara. - Me ale Dian Mamie on relatidnalms.. - 7hoo located freedom oft orremoodeom solliftnaz 6660 n of goal mamma rorptiod .!'{adopt :t _ ants to. Elttatambr at mail by an, 6. 11. Han0r...16-D.,7o•Opti ; Alle 37 -: NM. and f10a.4.• octo:3Entodaill" WMind• Am* thi•dln; • Ira weeks lry • cane iirnsral And that arias ' meta kegnoil To all vim Una !bp ;opt will dad s lan DERN - CHTIi.E, atilect bi- Ulm:oWe which Ike wet thwasotttec. Pioksitut Mr . iser seaSe4=_ Kr " * Mat 10T4 dr" Inigithisi amen ell 4191 mods ell his acrid Itt maims 144, dim tamed . 11.41 , Priverlptki DAMN/ILL, Ig6 21.1111:10ailt vrmL 0: t0p:0200.., nostiri4 soon to Isoarmaci TON.VOIIO,w MAN El', MS, of sit 41 . .11611;41 BOILIBI3W- Aienlifor son =Dm tf.JOHN , abctiie r i, • Atri, bum isktivira.._ _tare, " C "- - 17 4 k. p". • lat ,k6g ek - 4, V! • Trt);01 -N-o tiro ,„, 3131x*olitt7 lIIIIMI