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Olf o, TIIT' I - 740/0„)...4 . . • '~, =Hi Jo - 111450 Wain 1881,4 4 4° Pm i ilcat small B=I2WW liir; - E. i, . week..--.. 10. • , . ~ M 4'. - ' :ta a 'Wale eopfrel...--....... 2. 2 01. V'' ' '',Ft 4T "1"1. sh‘g ala l' et °l4"' sol P o 'r"" ^ : 1 60. :,,h... ' ; : . ::. 4 clebe of 1 5 0orme , re .. ... In. `+:,. ii ; 1 022 " 0 .1". the Pluil leading Slab. Yee • 'ETtt: itiabef -thew, a* mlll eendllt• Matto.' otters . ;.... ij'.dirli. T. a slab or twenty, ' ere ',rill wad the ~W ailiethatil262Mlttletly. Slagle topic% 2 matt. , -:' 041 . 0". ill intioriiptiniartdig fa ,edreear, and papers . '. ,1 - 44 ; iiiiitairped. erheil lb. thee'ciplres. .......---_____._ - • 1 ' fleSeeraste and the 'tattle of 1 11. Cblekanaangns L 1 1' We find In a late neater of lha New York elalicraie roiliest' of the military • ' I,operatbans Which, in the Department of Ten- , . . !notiee,..immediately preceded and attended 1 , 'Ake repulse of the army of : Goa. Renew= in ;Dm baffle 4.chickamanga, j-,• thitsruviesi, , whioh is very_ minute and ap „,.jf,larantly authentic to it* etatements, has been 1 1 :::; - ,neildeattt.oMared :WOO „having notelet* - jrl7l6llll4 , ioureria3it:intrMaillea': qqd, at it is I; .., 11 Y 0 !*0 141 Y:Pitafiliedin• Tillf lll ,,of there • !mega' of li en. 4oseerans - from nit commend, may ho proper for ne to reproduce the ea lloaf of the writer's...representations, 7teleatise . .there are them who:have supposed ~`, -tbenieeleca to ford iroundAof grave complaint •1( against this Adinirdstratkrn on account of its Ideellion ta regard to that Officer. , Availleu ourselves partially of the condor '. satton . o rho reviewer's statements, as con - , Itia_hbfel In the sat= number of the paper • , ~which gives them,earreney, DAY sap that ! - it appears from their purport that our military • antheritlea 'in Oda pity, after having had their .I:PatiOace severtla tried by the antecedent 1 ” delay" of Oen. Resocrans, assumed the re spenlablLlty.ef, thefeano of the campaign op e timof tho fall of Chattanooga by or- I . • &Ming Ger...Rosecnins peremptorily to [TIM the 7Terrnanstie'rker. • Ills ilex reprelented that upon tho Grace. I attar& Chattanooga by the enmity, General I Raseeranscwithent satirfying himself thor- I oughlyaa to-the real Intents of his adversary, Ikl teetornaissances and • otherwise; proceeded .4.teviet en , Gus assumption that Brag was its Lttateetrerst, and upon that theory divided his i smitrishand .fn to three columns, and ordered ! tag= to , move over thee, separate mutes, twenty to thirty-Lee miles apart from each ! for the purpose of Intercepting the sup- =pal fight of the enemy. This mistaken : murinit took the, different paste of the many 1 •boyopd eupporting distance efeac.h other,over . „linetef march converging upon the position lailmited by Bragg, so titatithey were =posed •ItoAtis danger of seecesslve oltaek and destroy. • ; 11.4'4:by ,the whole rebel force. And it .itaadthat,that this •ativislon of his foams, jearaWas being in itself indefensible on military • ilpriftiples, was.also in open violation of spe. • •1 1, willginstruetiont team Gen: flailsok in this 1 hity;l. And whim Gen. itentomites bad disco, trod hismiatake as to the movements of the I =coy, sad the necessity of resent= his army ;lit= the peril of destruction in detail, be reads hie dispositions so =skilfully, it is charred, :‘.l.last theermy was drawn into I =morel action ,s.sfliihs Making a movement by the left flank -71, di"advantaga.whiebtbringht It to the verge C• • of, defeat at the verybeginning of the con • illietiond.rendared it impossible for our troops to win the battle of the 10th of last September! J:-4.11, it first Of the conflicts which resulted ! ...4,1211 appetite or Chickamauga. - j , Dens flown:um Is also severely censer.' 1 T: • Athe official reviewer for abandoning the ; rltelitlst battle tend retreating to Chattanooga -Midi. the sonnd....of battle clearly indicated %bat :Oen. .Theauss was still making a stub' j itern;roailtanee to the enemy in hie front. , following 'passage from the document ' , u} have . been analysing may be quoted at •Dirtgoa, and will be mad with Interest on ac . - 1 1 ,eatint of the personal references it makes, if 4 1 foito other MUM), The clue to Gen. Ilarecrame conduct ' is j ,Votind in his belief that the reverse to Gail ,ti ht extended to the whole army, and that' at 'wa7 lost. All hie subsequent acts, bear the atenip 'of this impression. The dreadful titefitittiens It awoke threw him iota despond-. -t incy,:en deep as to =Ore him unequal to the hm':Them vibe had occasion to o b serve the ',brain Of his mind after his arrival in Chatty-' Ittiogaijknoir that this is true. The Govern- Wteat hadWeldence of this In the character of ! • :the dispatches.that reached it duringthe night' ,:frestiGen. Roseman' himself as well es some ; ~ isthdfa who were then with him. C.... principal : motive of - Generale McCook tlarl,,Crittenden for going Into Chattanooga Ouniciebteidly wasthat General Reseorans had , pmeedralthem -thither- Still, herein lies no fall excuse far them: They should have felt, . -.on themaltrary, instinctively, that instals tane- ,Wus'iletion was the solo remedy for the dire! t.OrMtmmt7,-and that if there was any thing' Jebit- helped, the loss of thou inearred by; .their ride to. Chattanooga would louse them • aleathe opportunity to help. It is not probe- Adn'that, if „General McCook had disregarded ' .1= order to report art department headgear- lansDoested, at the time the order was given, on thobatths-field, and not at Chattanooga,); jatnti reported: and Shatidan's men in , paratrn,to. Geneml - Thomas, he would have' ~ haditowniterfor- d ieobedience of orders. Nor] 4e/ jl it., likeljnithat.•Gerteral Crittenden wonliti Illaratutsrahatie :to regret the acceptance of . I thetenutesurttendered to him by Col. Park- , E General Roeocrans had strong, Iniaalso very weak parts. In etrategie corn- I tbitsationslor offensive campaigns he =mired, latt,t, , ,osfing -to a kink of insatiety ne to the Aticaitts•Wanted for =caution; ho always fell in the retaliation of his - plane. One. , preparation deemed necessary for success be-1 mmpleted, another Lad to be. made, and then another, and se on. A great schemer b. Irpsi bat teeny of his schemes proved fruit- I look after. -mating time, • money and labor.' .The , capacity of a truly great General, to aeldtlre peat reunite with small means, ho 41 . 1 4 pug Maw -,ASlOtherweaknenAst General Roseorttne MU lile-Lpartialltytler favorites, of- whom by at ,retwaswil..wetu remarkable either for natural ,Intolligettee or'mnfeasional attainments. Of hie ~ , •; • artchter consideration for these, sernost :pointed Illustration Ii furnished by the omis ;dente; his. report of all censure of the conduct of Major General Norgley In the battle of the Mats It Gen. Roseerans meant to he.jolt how 'could ha ~ n onseicationely 'Aug° Liens. Ile- Poole, Crittenden and Weed 'with neglect of datt, and Yet, at. the same tune, attempt to *lc, with the mantle of Aimee, the faults of . which iten. Negley mai undeniably guilty ? .)Didlgot Gen. Thouteurespressed his dLsat jellullen with Aim ]attar's conduct to him the•ittrongeit =met -Bad be not read the ;Inculpating - statements upon this subject to Oka ,kaports of.Genersle Brannan and Wood? - Did he net General- Negleyte ttis face that ) 1 1 101, :ad feilodof hiedaty) that his usafalness. ilafthis army WWI atan end? And did he not alifledres:Witen the subject. was brought= in thg pretence of other *Meets, denounce him in • ',Wliat pate ,thia ieetter still mere lathe light of igagplieethle .ainsistentty, that,"ishile he lett, ,, ,thspieharteemings. of the man ' Whom he '• ferints , euttdidenottneed verbally; turnes • 4ra;tlrl hie tertt4 he made thatdoest meat the irekielerWt ilemmseektrges• against the three Generale' named; ..whora he 'constantly took !T o, Bl lllPlaset olyeial and pri vate:tegard thfilmtate. I bill rata that the 'sbitno of ilia trailiapo imatfitii, 'tfltnathaVeoltunti In tlio Plana Fandome, ii to retlncid by anotlion k libleti ~ wis 10.41 W, pctr,:tbii suratatuttnil iL t.••••• Ths Iset•bats my gray, isnitont itiblatntitkthti preinnt itittneitunt Invie:bnoit • stanbillliftsfilu,P.atielans; - nze, to tkisappont • ...tatlps , pbttortot i Sera! figure Ute. . ' • • MrAtilbertis Vett koieriO; thstatatigeo t r a4tO ti ,„: o l,= ~ iegll"l4 dedinVotto me= , 1103falttobtraselt,•Inciredatbribilifirtilert . iirerintbi‘so • eatiorbijref aillsoniorti irttb -wbei he bds;4 been ifolea; to *bootie tourreuton bur WO!, in 'Canterbury, fort enterirriew-* --"itel4lS' eade's Failure and Fall—Stlug- Epiram on hla Movements by a h O fficial. Washington correspondent of the Cin= i Gcuttre mans on tho 3d inst that Gen. Meade'. lost great more over, and the grand advance on Rich t& Gordonsville, has ended by the vol return of our army to its old camps, I o better criticism on the whole affair Slm, this clever and biting jets d'esprif from a friend whose official position is much to high to warrant me in attaching his name to it : "All'. loot but harlot; l" Francis c.rlcd, As crushed on PayWs fields he I. ; "Them'. nothing lust but horror t' elgbni The prudent Meade t0..10y.. 2.lDecomber, 1863. I think I wrote, at the time we were getting the preliminary pen flourishes about the great movement, that we certainly might go to Richmond, bat that anybody would be very foolish to expect it. The remit has at least vindicated that statement, however baireii it may be of more important coniequences. If there is any possible excuse for the late failure to do anything (on the apposition that General Meade wanted to do anytMng) all are at a Iwo to know what it may be. Mohths of splendid weather for cempaigning were fritter ed away before the movement began; every body was told when and where we were going; drunken Generals, in the highest positions in the army, cams up here and talked of It to the crowds of loafers that gathered about them in the bar-ream' and on the street cor ners; then came delay after delay, as if to make taro that'Lee ehouldhave every charm for abundant preparatlon. At last's/0 moved —withtwo,muskets for every onethe enemy could ihiuragalnaa as=foufid this army half theallat of ems ithenehed—conelnded it was' too cold to light—and-came back I On the supposition, I say, that Gen. Meade sum/ to do anything, one la puzzled to imegine a shadow of an excuse for the utter failure: It is urged in his behalf, by that class of friends who find it so easy to be vice after the event, that he never meant to do anything— that then were graie strategiesemons why it would be highly injurious to do anything, and especially to win a decided morass now—that all that was desired was to alarm Lee, and keep him from sending aid to Lengstreet. It is bard totell inwhieh ease Gen. Meade would bo the worse off—with or without these en rum, The writer then goes 'on to end en histinie parallel for Gen. Moado in "Single Speech Hamilton," whose political fortune Burke made, when he was It young Man 'unknown to fume, and serving in the humble capacity of private secretary to Hamilton, by preparing for the latter that "single speech" which fret made him lord-lieutenant of Ireland, or some thing of the sort, and afterwards, when (people found out that he could not make`another speech, as he had been fool enough to quarrel with Burke, and lose his serviees,) made him ridiculous by suggesting the mebriplet above mentioned. According to the writer, as it was with Hamttion as an orMor. SO it is with Meade as a general. Ho continue.: Is the general. ~whose rare good fortune it was to stop loth the command of an army for which victory Lad been organized and foreor dained, and whose name moat ever be asseel ' stied with one of the most signal triumphs of oar arms, to be known through history as "Single Battle Meader" It was General Meade's worst MilfOrtllile that he had greatness thrust upon him—that the nation accepted him for more than he was worth, The _bur/mei his stomes• bore him down—fearful that he could not come up to the extravagant expectation& thadhattleeee n'ttned of. hinSTabe failed Maim:up to what e.•ght have been zeasentablywarectod. I stn only recur to ; Ike, words with which I long t age described "Slip first Impressible of him— "'Moro &Scholar tban.a dashing Soldier—bet tor able to tell how battles should be fought than to fight them." A View of 95 South as It is. The exhausted Panditlot of the States in reliellion,. "aitd their-utter inability to long maintain the strkggie upon which they madly , 'ventured, is strongly exhibited in a Jotter • from a lady whore name would gcqiranty at II !once bur patriotism and her truthfulnesa,l Lolliekttppears in the IC. Y..TVorld. -Sher ['pants year in tho most prosperous and wealthy !part of Alabama, and her statements are the l•retult of her owe immediate observations, extend:...g, not merely over Alabama, but throughout other States in which she tram ! permitted to ;Xcevel. Of all these States aho writes: ,OTheir desolation beggars de- , scriptiou, ~lettitution I. everywhere; tuna that wore, worth hundreds of thousands are roduced.to utter poverty. Au for the luxuries ! of life, formerly so abundant in the South, : there are none. Persees formerly the wealth test have nothing to sustain life, bat what the country affords, e.nd not enough of that, fet by impressment it is taken from them for the army. Their garments, even their eheer, the families have to make themselves they spin weave anti_dye their cotton, and homespun clothes rich and poor. Tea, coffee cad sugar are not to be had milk and water are - the only beverages; Indian corn is, their priori. I sal food." This, as a picture of the retribution which' hoe overtaken rebel passion aril siareholdine treason, is in itself sufficiently !conclusive end terrible, but the writer does not stop bore. Not only is society compelled to fall beck upon the rude appliances and barbario life of the dark ages,.but peen the domestic condi tion, the fountain-head of lite in the state, I has ceased to exist. "The families," says this writer, "are broken up and ruined. " You seldom meet with a mile inhabitant, and if you do, he is either infirm ors cripple. A large partof the male population ore killed , in battlei many more crippled for lifetime: many patriotic Union men - died of a broken heart. What nimain are in the army or in the employment of the government. Never thcless, press-gangs cross the - country in ail I directions in searehof men for the army. AU ties Of, social life ate completely dissolved.' No emits of justice and equity are hold— jastine is meted out by the military. Univer sities, colleges and schools are all suspended. The countmin many places resembles a wit demons. Wherever the armies march there everything is mined—the crops destroyed; 'fences burned; trees vat down; domestic ani mals killed, robbed, or taken for the army." I Truly this is si terrible picture. The fiery sweep of Attila Left in its track no greater desolation than this.rebellion has bequeathed to every State, every town ' every acre upon which it has set Its foot. Yet these are the horror, 'wbieh our ralLandigbams and Say- I mours are willing, if-not anxious, to bring up- on every northern community in vengeance ' for our refusal to accept them as expositors of our determined thought and purpose. Oneotthor aignilliant remark is made in the letter froni which wo have quoted,nemely, that."the neuthern 'people hate little hope of , 00.108/1." r Those among w who insist that ; the rebellion is still sustained by the hope of triumph will find in this statement from one whose 'yell have seen whereof she writes, am- ple food for reflection. A German amine' A. correspondent of the Cincinnati Cowan , dot tolls the following story : While at Dan,. Brigadier General T, Bweeney;.erha commands_ the second division inafieteral Dodge's wing of the Sixteenth Army Carps, ordered that - "no woman, white or colored,. would 'be permitted to accompany :the troops into tho field," and all who had ventured thus far "would bo immediately ; sent back to Corinth.m A German lady, irbosis husband is a soldier, determined to gobsrlth the man abe loved, de splie anent', colonel, captain and triends, for . .I , 7bact WWOI2III. WW, 111,0'.1/1. To can depend on't ; And Rhin aho won't, she v.'', dud there's m end on't r And her appeal to an officer, who shill bo nameless, was peculiarly touching. Said she: "You nose I pose in to array mit my man In Germany; I pose in to battlo at Shiloh; I pose in te battle atOorinth; Itterer gives you any trouble, and I links I peso just so good a sol dier as anybody 1" ' all her words ReTe true in tretait, the =owes really perplexing, and when a guard WO talked of to- compel her to return, she itraired her determination to go, or drown her ialtiii-tha Vanessa or' rfver: itialegy4as suggested,and it Ed gesd to' elUde the slgefutaus for ,abs borrowed i.itrullecdt iiiiolloigerhintleding slOrleb hat and ragged blouse, esuctitiis eseldlar fully armed Sae the friyi)he ctossedlstitisiee - srilli tied,ttotlti aid to-dstyle;:vithl/;• . , tna nreistasbet 4 o-' "114,4 btindj 1.010, PITTSBURGH, FRIDAY MO EVENING GAZETTE TELEGRAMS. THE RESULT OF THE LAST DRAFT Old Soldiers Re-enlisting GENERAL HAULER NOT A PRISONER. The Capture of the Chesapeake by Rebel Passengers. • • OUR DEAD AT CHMKAMAGUA VET UNBURIED Go yen§ or Pierpoure .711easagv E!II!M3=!!I Sports] Dinatch to the Pittsburgh Gunslts I Punamaraii, Deo. 10, 1803 The olaim that the draft has secured ten million dellatit and fifty thousand so/chars, made by Stanton in his annual report, her ; coated a dobided surprise. The draft was; Only enforco, in ten States. There is no', doubt that, als Stanton says, throo-fourths of the whole army will re-enlist when their time' expires. The paymasters hero re-enlist nearly as many mon as they pay off. general Meagher is not a prisoner. The., st2ry Is cut out of the whale cloth. He to: now it Falrlag. Court House, the guest of Ce1..1 Corcoran. HO was rieeirediititt eathusipm.' by his old ootaradOs. The capture of the steamer Chesapeake by, rebel passengers, on her way from New York to Portland, was s lroleaffair. Only seven passengers secured tickets at tho office.. The rest of the passengers were disguised as re turnedsoldiers. They purchased their tickets on the boat.. She was s splendid vessel, and war built in 153. She was 460 tons barthen, 11 feet deafen/ water, built of oak, schooner rigged. She chased Captain Reed, of the TA cony, at the [Minot his lemons foray in Port land harbor, June 27th, capturing his vessel, the schooner Archer. The schooner and serge i. vetoed at $160,000. It was a des perate raid. It is probable the engineers, sailors rad masters. were among the dinnin g:A !inert:agora. No demonstrations hare been made since the sixth on, tb• Potomac. when a reconnois sance was made to Madison Court House. No rebel foice there. It is generally accepted that General Pleas anton will direct any movements during Am winter, Charleston Easy be oar at any time. Gill. more is ordered to reserve destruction, so as to keep the rebel toter them. There are thirty thou.psno men in Charleston kept there inactive. by Gillmore's guns. Our dead are,,yet nobaried on the field of Chickamauga. They lie where they fell, ap palling and ghastly object.. (-Arilon birds fat truifig upon them. The loyal Crorernor of West Virginia, in his message, says. " FfiA the slave.. and when the State Is folly lostored there will be no need of contention. 'The people will at once 'adapt themselves to the new %tate of Popnlatinf t an't capital, Invited by our mild climate ' and rut agricuPural, misicial, and manufacturing tesoureei., and commercial fa cilities, will immediately flow into the State from the North. The State will emerge from the rebellion regenerated, and enter into n noble and successful competition with her ' eister . Statta in all that pertains to the true question of a free commonwealth." W. J. J. From aleadets Army—Jetr. Davis' Message—Gen. Meade to be Relieved— otg-resslonal.Commltteco. etc.. etc. Yang, Dec. 10.—Spenial to the Timm, dated Washington, 9th, says the army of Gen. Meade is qnietly encamped In Culpepper, on the north bank of the Rappahannock. Lea occupies bid old position at Orange Court lionse, his I,dranes Li.o guarding the Itapidan fords. The picket,. are again on friendly terms, there being hot little duelling and few casualties on either side. Bushwhackers are beginning to summ again en our dank and rear. Jeff. Davis has issued hie annual message to the rebel Congress nn Monday. The Born• went is very mournful. • Iseaerters say that Lee's army does not ex ceed 35,000, and is raiding huts for winter quarters along the lino of the Rapidan. lien. Meade will soon be reissued of his command. Ills successor has not yet Bern appointed. However. it is known tha Wen. Pratt and Mr. Chose favor the restoration of Rooker, while the riceretary of War hesitates between him and Thomas. lu the event of Thomas taking the command, the general im pression is that Hooker -will ;wetland him in command of the army of the Can:ll:nark/Ind. There is no truth in tbo rumois that Gee. Pleasoeton is assigned to the command of the Army of the P0t... , it ha. been determ • Albums Holding 20 Pictures, $1150! inod to reorganize that army. Speaker Colfax is busily engaged in making /Wood In Morocco, two obops.. op nix bodge[. We have Album. Holding from I% to There is a groat pressure for positions in Committees on Ways and Means. It will be selected skith unusual carefulness. Speaker Colfax is !lire to the importance of placing upon it the best financial and business talent irrthe Douse. Probably Stebbins, who was elected as a Democrat, as ho Is conceded to be Ono of the most skillful batikore_in,--Nevr York. will be offered a place in the Committee made vacant by Mr. Comming's resignation. Mr. Stevens will retain his position as Chair man Standing Committee. of the Senate wore agreed upon by Sob-Committees, and will be announced to the Senate 10-morrow. Mate rial changes will be made. lion. Ward Kelly, of Pennsylvania, will probably be CLet...:llllll of the Howe Naval Committee. Latest from Europe-rArriral of the Steamer Etna New Yonr. Dee. 10.—The Etna, from Liv erpool on the 25th, via gusenstown on the 20th, arrived here this morning. Cabinet Councils are hold almost daily in Leo !on. Earl Reason was present. Lassie's reply to the invitation too Congress fa rooeived. It asks for the objects to be dis cussed. Tho La Frapec Says that all the continental powers, except Austria, have acceded to tho call for s Congress. Litcrpool, Nor. 20.—Flour, good quality scarce and fully as high. Whoat very urns and generally I@2c higher. Corn steady at $1,29 for mixed. Boor unchanged. Pork dull. Bacon unchanged. Lard more active and about ad lower. LATEsve—Cotton closed buoyant and higher. Breadstuff' Ann and unchanged. Provisions quiet and steady. Consols, money 92!11ei American securities firmer. Sugar still ad vancing. Gen. Meagher—Bebol News. New Yuma, Dooember 10.—Gen. Meagher h not a prisoner, AD was reported. Tho rebel Congreu mot on Monday In Rich mond. nub were introduced to prevent the employment of substitutes. A. Mobile dispatch reports tho defeat of the Yankees by Gen. Green, on the 7th of Novem ber, at Polaguamo, Ls., with a ion of 2,000 men. . . Tho ruivigation on the river is virtually closed. Oa the 29th, 200 Yanke" cavalry were dri ven tato Port lludson, and 13 killed, and 20 wounded. . Charleston dates of the 7th, report no change. A slow fire was kept op and shells were thrown into the ott; on Monday and Tuesday lost week- ..• . Tho Richmond rivittirc7, of the Bth, protests against allowing say more provisions to come to the Yankee pr4pners. Fire In Now York Harbor. Nair Toni, Doe. lb.—Yesterday afternoon the canal. boat Qom. Campbell, loading hay at 'Pollkboad, betwoort piers fift/r4v• fiftY fonr at 'the foot of. c haidas atroot„ ; NOfth Biter,iokfrfita.aolofrou the ab e a m nroadraiddlyaDd aehatlry Tesilaogifdl ti .about . I.,anonore ":I.'rOz] From Grant's Arroyongratalatory Thapateh from •the 'Fruldent. Spccial Divot& to tbi, Piiialaugh dazed. CRAI4ASOOGI, Dec.,9:1863 The following order tiLl just boon isenetl: Headdirsartere MilitaryDieivionof tie lifierin ippi, in the field, thettemoo9e, Teetnewe, 8, General Orden No. 9.—The General Com manding takes great pleasure in publishing to the brave armies under his command, the following telegraphic dispatch Jost received from the President of the United-Stalee: Wteirriatte, D. C.. Dec. 8, 1888.-„lfajor Mecca/ Grant; Understand Dig that your lodgment at Cluittanooga and Knoxville le now secure, I wish to louder 'you, and all under your command, my more thin thanks— my profoundeet gratitude--fer ekill, cour age and perseverance with whieh: you. and they over Co groat dialetiltiee efferited that important object. God MeesiotutiL ABRAILI.III lancets. By Order of Gen. U. S. Chu*. Secretary Chase's Repott. Now Yolk, Doc. ID.—The Secreftistof the Treasury's report recommends a .anty of two and two-fifths per cent. on. bank note, circula tion, two cents tkrund on cotton, ten cents per gallon on crude petroleum, sixty cents per gallon on distilled ftptrits, twenty cents .pe pound on leaf tobacco, and firo to twelve per coot: on,manufsctured tobacco. The Secretary townsmen& the issue of no more paper mons3 - .,bnt.anks leave to borrow $300,600,000 for the comma. flseal.year, and $OOO,OOO for the next fiscal your, WANTS. GOD GIRL WANTED—To do gen eral hflmtelrort, a short &name Lath. coult try. 1141... t 'sago. p•ltt. Apply at the GAZETTE OTVICE. WANTED. A.s Erperleneed Carpet Cpholaterer I. vrani.d loamediately .t OLIVER BIeCLINTOOK a 00.13, SITUATION WANTED.—A young roan of gad standing, wishing to engage in the Mercantile Bochum+, desire. a altnationas ihlpptt Clerk, or in business in which Ile could make hhu rif generally awful. Satisfactory referenoes can la given. adder.. T. 8., Box 1451, Pittsburgh P. 0. 4 dc/1.3t HOUSE NVANTED.—To purehnoe or rent, for ter=paiziNe. FIRST On Penn stroet, Preond Bonk or Common. Apply to W. r. LOGAN No. 1 Bt. Clair street. P. 0. Boa elit deldw WA NTED.—A young man having a good totwinese reputation, and ran command a cash rappel of 11:1000, capable of taking charge of • set of Nadu, Finances and out-door MM.., mo learn of • nut , opportunity to enter a. partmr in a lucrative Iron Boat.w fully established Apply to del B. Mc-LAIN& 06.,1011 Tomah sums. ANTED A GARDNER mar .—A Wrled man without children pmferred. nemoot understand the mlitnre of Grspca and nut be Orata 1101 a bard work. The right kind of a man can get • permanent gtitatiOri • and good p.y. Savin g 12C Mound street, Pittsburgh, Pa. deg NVANTEII-00 Mostu.—We want Agent. at ILO s month, capon:Dee paid, to sell our BverUdive Penclis, Orindal /Num, and thirteen other new, useful and ~none articles. Fifteen MU dr• sent.frow Addrem, mr.egusdavrT tillAW d MAIM. Blddnihrd, Mo. itry r, A MONTH !—I want to hire Agents wit , in every county •t STA • month, expenses paid, to .ell my weer citron family Storing Machines. Addronv, S. Bi4Dlsoli, Attend, Maim WANTED TO liENl', A GOOD WAIIELIOITSI Slttintstl Inn bail:win portion of tb. 1W SECOND 87111,311 T. STATE OF ()1110.—IlaiuusoN Coosrr COMIT (Ne CnMuna Pleas.—Pounrylraula II: IL. ..ed IL, ht. G.e 1 Penn vs. Itentainrltle it Indians H. R. Petition to form - Imo MarUV:W ile undersigned has been ...pointed Special Coe.. missioner lo it come, to audit the claims figalmt said Company therefore antler , Is hereby given for the holders thereof to present tie lame tom Allt my an. is in before the NIS DAY or .uoirn UV It4'4_lad the pear - are heimby further aiatillqiyhat • tie oleo( the mortgage rrrieniseerif nallromi gimi pany was taken at mho term of astil Condo and a stay of execution .bf the sale thereof moil the fast day of .tanner. till mat granted teztrabbo the creditor. of said tinsupnny to agree span the plea heretofore submitted U. diem for its toorgaalastioo. m an order of sole mill certainly be ironed after the laid Brat day no January, ISM, cadge. Stockholders and coeditors by that time have signified, la writing. their an' sat to the innvoder of one-ball their stock, and their interest on their claims adulate the Com• pany . Lad, therefore. if peerible. to avoid said sale mid secure to the atochholders ono-half of their stock, and the unscented creditors their debt, with ,,nt interval, I urgently rail npou you to forward to JUSTIN O. 1110IIIIIS, Secretary of this Company at rtoulonnyttl, Qhfo. your orrttlicoton .4 mock * arid ...IttenNte of in'ant.tottnewa. • ith authority to hint to accept the pion of morgnntattlion on your In•ltalf. Recelv.r and spechal Cumm 4,, tint I. R. E. C• 1 WE SELL Al' THE PRICES WE ll= Albums Holding 50 Pictures, $3 00! I.owiti, two clasp. PRIM. RANGE ►IW3I OENT 70 L 0 al afr 11..n't 617 In tall, 11 you aunt nt Pittock's Photograph Album Depot 1=1:3 PARTICULAR NOTICE.—ie it be ong.; a Inattee touching the test !arrests of every Ilan, Woman and Child in Allegheny county to see that money is not squandered, and that when expending the bud earned gala. proeonsd by an cant and weary hoer* of tell and hardship, It becomes the linty of over; parent to ma that fell value II received, and wreathing tangible and mein' la obtainod, thew rut:arks are called forth at this time, as coo are daily-and hourly ratted Ispon to hear the piteous story of mum poor woman, at wlth• moan of dbmairshe relates the insit of her prop lad stay la this world, - -hor haw husband—who went forth sad nobly battled for his Country's Honor and fiation't nag, and now that she la loft alone, she nod.-to friendly band to aid her; bat, on the contra ry-, ail nom ready to impose opan and take the ad her inexperlanco, and with the cons-too log proof in hand, (a Morocco Boot which ham literal ly dropped Ps pfwee,) can het credit the storim of their wrongs. Naw thin is to glesnotles that on nod filter this data I will warrant every pair of Boob or pintos sold at CONCERT HALL hlhti STORM, el rifth street, to he perfect, and In no manner to rip or tome to plea., Lod the =may in all nista to ha re. funded or lb. work made goo wham tits feast die satisfaction may occuronad pWgo myself to nil first eta n warranted wor k ter meaty 'bas hi cak ed COMM. work and second rats articles oho where. do! THE BUGLE CALL A oollection of nearly API of the fr‘ollost, opletest atat mast rowing Bongs, 'rhos, Quartette and Choruses Enr published. This Stook should be in every loyal home, to ram Union Lewis. sad around ecen esmpflre.—for It will help the right, wblle It ihrouwe, BT 080. V. ILOOT. Cople. mailed crci receipt of Mamas. CRAB. O. MELLOB, 51 WOOD STEENS GEORGE R. RIODLE, CON-VICW.A.NCIOR. OM., No. 89 Dtansond SI., l'lUsburgb, fa KORTGACIES, AZBEZIEENTS,BCINDS, itYCLIAMICT LIENS,. end other Indrawn/ el Reined dram with "ntatnen end legal sectary. Amnon stead for Ezeonton and Admlntrerstinn Titles .to Iten artate r _ate, namtned sad' Brandy searched lA. Lim, do-. kr. tedithamdera WI L/ fris.Tz* sEpLcx, . va.terfau, 14,1391=11;" r cias , AND;STRAt YHIMIUt • IitIiIVIIMIIII4I7I9 II OO44IIPIN ' ll -4 ita ;iiitiPithilitiOlsetl.l4 i'"' '' . 1 - 100WERANIMMUIMIt i la prowl wirasoint- 21 . 1 ", I - ,1:7`; -. S" " MEM G, DECEMBER 11, 1863 iI1" 7 :: ICIIAIt DSON Il Alt I.E Y & CO., 1M1961027 & V onw A 11 DING N EMI] A [VI'S. _.. !,'fade and Refined Petroleum, Ns" 19 IRWIN kaki:KT. i't7llll3liftint ‘l , ar Musa Cash ii..lronre• et, rewwignoieuta for twburgh or fsstern 9larletw. 11,1111V14,01 fa-rt.-W.: ...osers..l. 0. Dilworth g Co., .t pringer Ilarbongh, ti...q., . hompeon Dell, }.q , Dreet i).avinorctol Bent l 610:Cin TACK Ai BRO., It .......".. &ado and Refined Petroleum, BE \Z N 4' Is 2 WA LNUT ST, PM LA Drugn..t iilluelarei untrue..kJ to our tare will recent but p.rompt attention. iDtf ' rL " : " Cc ), . l 7lltl ' a r lta ° 3 . .t " ; ,r a l. T .Y 6. l C r; ', Zb r, Rt r. Pn.t. Bank 1,, IL.; 11. 1.. Y... CP.. Philadelphia. I RON CITY OIL WORKS. tLYDAY & CIMPENNING, - goinnfaxturcrl IL.flonnt of CAIfBON CUL, LIEN. ';tr.b: 2 lASI' , LLIIIIIIIATILIO OILS, .1d d..len In crtuayill YIECTELCILICU.M. Wurlca, opporf Sharreannrg, 1 0E14. No. 69 11A1C1) erase. - I .I77FRPOCIO . P•. D L. MILLEN, .11: A tm 14 A LIL T NT Pll I I-11,EL PIILA. Catra & REFINED PETROLEUM - 011 C•eltula•ion excl.:A.oy. • II chergos at awt reaxonabl• PTORAtiE YOB. ILEF/NEI. coll•ra. For 131{UIIK, 11.11tnr ~411111.41%. PP, Old, att•nl ittel Exparrp Toe Natx--CA(..,TIe K.rl. A.S•.DA CA 1301 * 1 PF.NI BERT( IN, General Merchandize Brokers, las POPTII PPLONT AT., PP IL A DEL NBA. CRUDE & REFINED PETROLEUM, PA PETt'IL . I 315T,,NE, Ord,: or ..`1 attewleml to. 46.111!1, ALLEN 3: NEEDLES, PVN• vtv attAnttor paid t.• rtrowifrimet.ts of Crude and Relined Petroleum. LW' L. 16,1•1 wl il/C.C4 111.4<1. N Y RUE, rolonr Mt Cc,t erg hant CRUDE & REPINED PETROLEUM. it. xbri PETROI.T.UN •rtt.lt 13111iK E 4- et) , COMMISSION MERCHANTS, =ICI !ntalied or Crock Paroirront =III WA 1.1.1 t I , ', A MB= CRUDE .Sz REFINED PETROLEUM I= ..1%, 134 (1' AltrlA,. P 11101,141.4,111.1 err t , t .tt ettihnt tty h (01,,, th, ,, t. hhln Alen exeelh.el 111, • htr S. ,nenerhete itni Vote:. tea, nt Inn. • I.nri 11. the P,ltoylk Itivre. nest Ihr pint hare of lite I'. ft. IL p - a , Iy WALES, WEI'NIoRF. A: CO, I=l SHIPPERS OF I ETILOLEUM, AMplr os, ten 1., FTOIIAOE. AND Sill I'PTNO. wont and wharf, 6cn 11,101 my II tl 1',11.1,EN DER, OIL 131i0liERS, 211 and 213 South Water Street, Lyda) , 11.1soli..saultso., Imo ti:,. Oil Wot Ja..•l. 1'1..4,, of .1. 1 . ...10wr S C.., J. R. 111,1 tor t. of `pone, lTn.fnut .1 co. Jr = I I , Y 1311 • A1ti1iThli 011, WORKS. • NAYLOR & SMITH, Refiners and Dealers in Carbon Oil. tlasorpafteral by ally to the market ISlYOrtiero It•it tbrir other, No. MARNE'S STILEZT, or at their works in Lalrlnnrevllle. a. ill be preeroptly attended to. Bitycnt of CAI' PE OIL. I ZUREId' ASfiwoRTH, No. 1 BT. GLAIR BT., PITT9BOII.OII Forwarding & Commission Merchant AND DIIALER OILA. 011 . ILLUMINATING, LVDRICATING, CllrDk leCTfloLErat OILS, ontatantly C.II hand .d br eado at ae loweet maraot prim. tVasigrEmeat• and onion slicit.4l. ap7:ara W. ItOLDbitir 111[11111 as La[ltle. - _ WOOEVILLE OIL REFINERY OEO. W. lIOLDSHIP 8 CO., illannfnoodwrs of BUNNING OIL AND MG OIL. Keep constantly on band the rug beet muality of BOAXING 011. clear and wlttiont color; a., a good All LUBRIC_ATOII, pure. %%HITE BEN n No. SS FIFTH STREET, Zink Block, second Iloor, will to promptly attended to. R. s WARTRD, CRUDE, REFINED, MACHINERt AND PAINS 0I I. S, 4.3 deat, Su Mining tilatari4J. No. 213 MAIIK.ET ST.. Plttsbureh UMM (Into of Wm. 14. Woodlrtud d C. n,) 01N AL COMMISSION PIECC/1.125T Special attention given to the .ale of OrudO and Refined Petroleum. Fe. 111 BOITTII MONT STREET, PHILA. ode-41 :ACC%—.llll.ll7lllCai attn .pETROLITE - OIL WORKS. .m...na.a.r.e. et ,PRIXE WHITE CANNON OIL. DENZO.LI6 AND 'PrlVOLT.l374l..p.marawpo OIL. 04pacity, Proitumisguad bendsYei.w!ak: 1110314,1eCilfairP,Tzoniirrosa. MBes,IIONOISVARELA 11006 S, l'ltttburgh. my•Z ; , • • : 114 ofligriol- pfd gun - - Arona* opieit away 4 ~~ y~ 3 a ~ THE EJMOLI4IIIE-r7' CJRPETS, OIL CLOTHS, If t. lias.o4varretts Doan ti Ibraothanov, Dotzsuor or rmvs*,•., Precast Marshal's OA., 91 Foaral &reek Pittsburgh, Pa, Dr 4th; VOL fIORRECTIOII OF THE ENRO VV ISSST—NOTICE Is hercb7 elan, (In accord an. with Circular No. 101 tram the Prurrart Marshal Grneral, to all persons insproprrll eta-oiled in this District, by reason a ALIENAGE. NON-ILIIDENCE, ENSVITABLENES.3 OF ACE, or That the Board of EnrollMeet . ..ill hear their °lithos, in the girder lu which they are pressinted,from the 7th till the Zah December, Inelostse (from into o'clock till one, and from two till live o'clock,) sad ifeatis lird they am well f ended, will recommend that their nmeee be stricken boat the list. The forms nerd sod erldetice required will he the sante m at the last draft. Cases will be heard In the order le which pa pers are flie. NO OTHER CLAIMS FOR NIIMPTIIJIII thm thou, chore mentioned (ma that by election of parent, where two or more sone an liable to military duty) will be beard until the draft Is med.. Ser COILICELT persons knowing of tiny Ruble to duty ILI Ciao, I, emitted from the enroll ment, am urged to notify the Dear& or proper sae rvlitug racer, al onto, that proper ingniry may be mode, and their names addod. To fatilltate this proper FOI*Li for the purpose mop be procured at coy post entre is the District, et the Provost Mare Axel'. taller, and et other places deeiganted helow, In each of ob.!, phous lists of pursous enrolled may be fennel. F I HST WADI , . 1 , 44 D-rm. Ihmibert's, 77 . Third at., near Market. •Preto a Co., Penn and Stansris strvata, "Jame,. Grassy, Watrr street, •John Beth's Ilarbury street. JoAmb Yrederiek, 37 Martel street, John 0.G...0r, 111.1 I% later street, tars. McLaughlin, 41' Water street, /Ingt, Sala, n Water arrest, Bottle Ilwss, 34 Diamond, SECOND WARD. VAlderenaa Nicholson, Grant attest, near DU( Inmi. (den= Meek, Third street. below Smithheld. S. Nichol. Hotel, Grant .1.. corner Fourth. Goal* Hotel. Grant and Semitni. AI neiy House, tlto. st , no. C.R. IL ArborlieLl, Water at., DC. Smithfield Arbor Saloon, Al Pio mond wiry. lin/p.m. Engine linuee,timltnfleld 4. : Theo( goods have odlisnievi, In first band; folihk- Iloy or • uttlee, Fourth •t. near Stlithild j„,,,,„,, . dr ”, „,,,,,, 5m1,b,,,, on . nd p,,,,,,,, ~... ' TEN to TWENTY-fl\ - It PER CENT. within thirty TIMID WARD. I days, and we are now pelting ot LESS TII.tN BLAB- P(Ahlertnan Alclllide 112 EMI st. • .17 FACTURER'S PRICES. (Mr stook La almost en- , D'Dirpotelo Other, ID Fifth at. finely now, all hoeing been =refused within ninety e Able stint; 'tore, Grant and Fifth ate. dap, for ca., at the vary lowest prima of then yaw s.-1 0 lisei.(of-n'e leek store, Smithfield st. .2. H . Inumb, 27 IVylle at. McFarland, Co ll ins et co., I,—, ~; Wooildoel'il Pennsylvania avenue .4 (-fat hom et. Nos. 71 AND 73 rum STREET, Johnm„ii „ dive.i, Webster And Tunnel sta. , Between Poet °Mee and cl onal Bnildinua. degDishy's, violater and Grant 4.. Cake ii wok store, Chronicle Onlye. i CARTETS HAVE: ADVANCED IN Word • Bon I, (rant and Seveutli sta. . Raon) Homo, Liberty et-, near Depot. TEN EAST. layme kluntooth, 177 Smithfield 4. . hit 1 mina a 11l Suuthfield at. con Virgin 41... y. I 1,,, z i, 1,,, , , ..,... 4 L, IL L:4„. Seventh. I But ore comm. to .ell, until further notice, nil FOCRT/I WARD. : doods in our line at pricey r i t n lt . millar , liiitiLtdr.i .i Liis ri (t3 . 2:l. Claw st. rAlli•lieny Bridisi Toll flon:sei. Reduced I'ully ,20 per Arent. Ithodia' Drreery, Invinesno Way Th(impeon s European Agoney, 7 Rand et. From last season's rates. Bulwell'• Plough roctury, 1.11,{11,11M0 Way. • Myna Iron Worke. Wayne et. W. D. it H. M'CALLIIM, loinnahan Hon., 372 i eon et. Xi ollace'm Marble Yard, 311./ Liberty ay No. 07 FOURTH STREIT. Norris' SI. WIZ Saloon, lt-ti Liberty id. noig, 2 IV Hannah. SI Lite:mi. et. FIFTH WARD. . ___, 0 - 2 11. Tityl (r. Alderman. MI Penn rte SERTIrG w1.41C111.01 , 1E5. I. H. lone, Alderman, 471 Penn at. - -...... .... ..-- ..... . _ • Daniel Ili i wig, 325 Penn et. /I ROVER & BAKER'S ' George sehwimier, 524 Penn pt. I kJ Gowan Gabriel, rk, Penn .t !PREMIUM SEWING MAC/MOS. L....a, Houk, tila Penn at. Slilfiller lion., Mk Penn sr e.\ Berm, 72.1 Ponn at . TEE ONLY GOLD MEDAL A. (reenw.o.d, 1U Pike st Jacob l'im, 41 Liberty st. Leer Awarded to Sewing Madam in Illinola. F. A rdory. Livery Stable, TO Liberty st • Volk.' 1101. 0 Horn pt Them Machine* were awarded Dm Illighood Prerut• Fort Pitz I ouudry. um; mew an eompetifort, kir the Best Poraßy Bcroev Juniata Ito, 11.41.. Madam, the BM Illaa.f. ar...hb.e... , the Ilieleon, st. wort A Ce . ~O L 8..) .t Bag Machias Work, at the kcliewing STATE FAIRS, SIXTH N ARD. . of IFOQI Neer Torii =We Fair, 7- ! Alder man Doti,. 12n Wylio et Aldo man Dori; WyDe ittowt, Viral Premium for family machine. li. o'. Old Ta, ern, 1 niton et. First Premium for double-threat! m.htno. F Godwin, Wetwier sal Crewliwd st• Piro Premium for machine work. /w'en't State Pei., 1 i11,13/61 • 1 , 11, ZI- , ,. 231 Tenon Armin, First Premium for timuLly machine. 4...... Ma tine . erir store, Id Dos,. et. Flnd Premium for mane4= martial. . Fire Premium fur machine stork. c..rnma's Urn: Store, liii Penn a !retitle 7.=mertn.. nye, Hall, Pa. A, and Federal AL le. ' S ''''' Phi.. nEVENTII WA P.D. Find Preach= for family =maim. iv Somitel Bori lay, 377 WeNtel et. Pint Premium fur manufacturing tria(Avine. Pint Premium for machine work. 'E. IL Lytle, Grower, IS Duncan et. F. Rommel. ToYern, na Center Avenue. . Mello. Slam Pale P. shall, Yli- .t Shop , 97 Centro Ai Mill. First Premium Tor tawny manlthte. !lilt Premium for manufacturing erm4ilne. 111,1 EICII.Ip, Green mid Centre Avenue John reivot, Centre Acetone. first dreamt= for machine work. fadiamit Stab /biro Ltrinine.dt S in lent Factory First Premium ibr machine for all portent. F. ll= A Co., Gnowry, Bli Penn's A venne • V Siete... 2.4 Pena', Avenue. Pion Premium ter meth. work. {Pmkleo-dt, Mod:smith, Shop, Penn'. Amu. ! a/h e " . Shde Fe*. and Wino. First Premium for machine for ell piano.; I.IGf iR WARD. fl'ltotom Daft, Alderman, :X6 Staven•on Itertn, Bnrlwl. IltlPerm'a wrense. ntsu PennoylvaJua arenas- Perts'a LT41.1,11 Yenn's SA1101:10. J. II Ilt.yrr, ttrocer, Poutia ay.nun. Was. Saul th, Te , oLoa, 72 Pauns ',emus rums Ilotel, Jls ,,vre S•con,l °Kereint..ton In,u Worka,Bcp.mul at. JohnJr r, Grocer, tlll.troa at. 'Jacob dler, Orwer, Boyd'. Hilt. NINTH WARD. Nor - mine, Alderman, Pons at 7' 80. ortb. 743 Pens at. •Ilerou S Pollock, DI Pone ...I. B. IMP. PlaninF Penn at II Say Itua.r, 039 Penn 4. Iron aty Roca!, Penn at. ..arnscl3l"K.'• Lumber Value, P,sin el% N. Iturley, Grocer, Penn Smith, Park 6 Co, Foundry. Part, Darthar k Co. Voter D-pot Penn'* Railroad, Liberty at. Steven] , 11191, Allegbany river. lA, thr. Moore full lista of thee., may b. won. °erns lot outitesof carom may be procured hare. 1 , 01:01,11.1.-1.11.1 of.F.at Birmingham. Miming. ham, Moth Stitt Pittsburgh may be soma! tits •.uth end 01 the Monongahela Drldmo, at the Post ofho,v h, [loos borec,giu and other pantile placer,. Tow>entr Lirt. lure Wen mailed to the Pnatufhette in ouch. liirAssemors and other public officers In eaeb sot.. list tlcl, snd Myal midterm, sr. mired tordd r thee. .Itrrtntkals, that all Ilablo to duty may be curl:oiled, and all tate an equal chance In the draft. fly order of the Eoron.oot: r ',Let J.I.II:RON FOSTER, Captain, I w 3.Larshal 1%1 Inst. P. and Pres. 4 BOOTS a.ro SHOES ENTLEM EN'S NVI yrEit BOOTS— NJ( Wo would illTilP the ntteutton of gentlrmen %tn. hare difllculty in golfing Boots ttuttln, ht nun Inrgn ne..rtenent of 1. , U8L I.: SOLE CAL Y BOOTS. g!!:=E3! PI o WATERPROOF RAIN BOOTS. DOUBLE SOLE AND UPPER CALF do. Tlar gorttlts an rustle to otpcdal order, end frtr rtratt- IM WWI durability ere yearrastedricul to any rttv . tro MA rk. GEO. AI.BILEE, SON & CO., noIS Comer of Wood •nd Fourth et - rents Burr; A \ 1i Stit)F,S. GREAT REDVCTION Ladles' En,. Last'g Con Oaltere,l,l T 1 worth !1 .• .". " 125 1 75 Atl Mtn., goods .eili❑g my low.. JANES ROBB, AT WHOLESALE PRICES DUELING 'MP EIONTII Boot., Shoes, Gums, Balmorala, Congrus Gaiters, And rverythlng else In our Igoe, at rctatl, thore.by eating twenty-roar per cent. Gte. tote tail beibra porchnnin rim:where. JOB. IL BORLAND, 98 Btarkat .t docond door from fifth •101I\ CAMPBELL, Manufacture? of BooTs AND SHOES, of every description, No. Arnlthlleld attest, Pittaborth. nally ill ALBREE, SO'S 1 - C - CF., Whole ..a sato .d Mail Dealers In BOOTS. SHOES, An., corner Wood and Fonrth streets, Pirtaberclh. OILS. lf c. . . RIDER. & CLARK, COMINSION BLUCELUTTS And Factor,. is Petroleum and its Products, 011 s, 6111110 AD STINICT.---. VI 'WATER IW. FIWISTITSIi 9". rms."csau. /Efr Arab. tor tlar PORTLAND HICROSTSZ OIL VCOIIEB. NSW • YOBS PA BAFF/NE CANDLE COMPANY, d. . IV, A. imentes, sous. 98.Idratsz1132 Frost •ta. LUCEWI' OIL WORM& DUNOAN, DITNLILP t 4 CO., ktandactunscs of Pure White Refined Carbon OW, LIBICIIIT MILT, tori prmnosao, isn4r. Esrarg-4aaxitw. 101111Mzum. WARD, Dealer PROM= 1 Issoßy, WARD, Dealer all sictuitlea for G201X7.., • Pero:mit= Onstra WASS, thttpaktßTlAs!uf7; catxmonable term. • , Thew wishing to !wad their zwrim l piroodstran• /1 9 2, ifP'' F1240'•~ can Mean Ou4 I Sri n ot tt 1 1 P It* = -` VOLUME L A LARGE ASSORTMENT OF DR LIGGETS, the 510111:132 PATTVINS aad every width, at the Lowest Prices for Cash. Itectudtag Crumb Clotbs, Feßings, Rugs, OIL OLO.THS, &e. And hating perrhased for CABIL ben* the late VdTwroWM, WV liVe able to &al at lb. 1211PLACtUWWW. pripea, au awhiTiallod stock of CARPETS, Window Shades, Mailings, &c. OLIVER M'CLIHTOCX & CO., Ha FIPTEI STRZET AT THIC NEW CARPE r awrorcir., w. .e•II Del% dozing the presett month, •t whole•ge •nd rat.ll, ITITEIOITT ANT ADVANCE. IN PRIM, • fall Ilu. of CARPETS, Floor Oil cloth, to sheets a to 24 feat grids. WOOLEN DE.I7C,GETti AND maims units. WINDOW SHADES. TABLE AND PIANO COVENS, EGGS. MATS, STAIN SODS, iv- MMiEiM RirtiFtissblinFtismaolkissAirirs/l.parpsists. First Premium for metal. stork. firessirrisis Flats Fair. First Premium for toariofscrosingosiv-binei First Premium flit bssittlial mseltitis Aldo Stat. F. nod Premitmo for machine work. And ut the following County Fu:re: . atiormedee Co. ( ft) Apvicalawal Soeup. Finn Trentham for badly machine. Tint Premicon bor matuzithaturizx machtet, First PrElidT:ll for machine work. (1101.111a5 Via, (Vt.) AprfeaLtand deciwy. Fleet Premium fox Small machine. fleet Premium for manufacturing nmoblue. fiat Tramline for machine work. ilarepdm Q. (Mew.) dpricaltarol Focht,. Diploma for family machine. Diploma for machine work. Ataathe Co. (N. P.) Fair. firm Premium for Wally machine. first Premium for masoulacbrring machine clitemet 00. (N. f..) .Aprieektowl StaziOn. find Premium for family machine. Weetawsto• (b. (N. T.) Pal, firm Praminm for machine. - Earatoos Co. (N. F.) Fair. Tint Peeml for flintily numbine. Brecloaaia's Iseitiade (Pa.) Feb. Fleet premium far =chitne for all purposes. firm Premium for machine work. The above oompriate sil the fairs at which the GIIOTTIt. A DAS= KAMENT:i were exhibited tilts year. At nearly ell of them the leading Sewing Machins were In competition. -The work made upon the Grover 2 Baker Sawing Machine has received the Met Premium at every State fair to the fruited Stake where it he teen exh ibind to this date. Ulm Rooms No. 18 111/A ST., Pittsburgh, P.. oc.l9:ftstert A. r. CHATONET. Agent CLOSING OUT OF ENTIRE STOOK. AT OOST, L. HIRSHFELD, No. Eta Wood St. Will sell Ws eatiro otocit of HEN'S FURNISHING GOODS, Overeoathigs, Casatmeres. &c., Ily the yard or MADE TO ORDER, 14 mr cmcal mmurpsase.i style 4 Wet Pries, befog • reduction of at least ea ieEia ca,:a4w. From oar old. =tea. 1 auks this agoool Indootatookto time who wish to boy bargains, hen &Arms lodate out soy