The daily Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh [Pa.]) 1863-1866, December 09, 1863, Image 1
_ - : I== - 7.:i., ‘ k; l2 liE:s.T-Al3 I4SHED ':: IN . 1786 ..- . 1" DUQUESNE BRA SS WORKS, ''' ' • VAl O 44t& CRAWFORD, • , , • - : 2 ...**viot,.*:•Tidiev t of gobbed DL &g • NOR ruriamia,' : STEAM OR 7 - - 48 f/Tr o rAWS'ld,Alil.) '- iitiiitkOAßTlCßOf artal.: tiotCrNptinal, AND to. eigar, ,608,31110 A :.wons,gnr,Airr jANz, aes. ' -Artiltigould 48 P 4 MINO , PromPui-atunaed ta• d t ""tarorriTaitvg6l4loiniirtzrurE . ' • 4 * Brfor . - Wpvteinbin44 it or Prenn , 10i 4 4 .1 *aka -. .1 ' atARSA LA USDRLI, 8 , '8 PATErt SUP) • .Vtigr. &hi bt'ot am in.; .: • red. Raying tp:,:aatypt It g. 4 not liable to gat out rif r. mad wilt throw mare water than any pomp ; try ka Its lam _ aplB • : • KW 44 1 .4 , ..*5ui.1. .... i., •v: BY• lows PLOW WORSE. . .. prnmunGa. PR; ; ; idannfacitrers and &Mere to ail the different kinds et PLOWS, PLOW CASTINGS, iiCOOPS, CIPI TING BOX.W. &a. • With kraal? , tacreased W. ; 7 ti r, f or doing btultau, WO carneetly Invite &aloe. t o . 1101 tracall. - WannhieterL Tenzrentnerillio: Cs9Ss alley &Oa MI6!, Pittatilidu maustut.- r. ;. 1 ° VrAVICINTOBII, - HEMPHILL & 4)0., itoritirika find lfaZttlititliter, tear Ole Clo Pitlatruagb O ,thatnthiefernit orMACK . 4 •,, AFITOIIIit'IIIIIIPECILL'B-11IPINItYLD WILLA. 1 11 336 , 131%78.71 P.SOINE9 Ay11) 61.13 . 81 , 447,1^2 . 3, of vffini z i g tat up inathheeTTeil lure avikeliTsuzd 0 i • - pqraaPtieur, sad thre,liaise!er:fearillqtatflerir pedalo tattrouaga: • • • - attention to our kkaIEaNCED -:• ?AtintOTING , EITINE2 I .'ut - tembhiing ' z ialeittagew treeeaapat - vitittalned- la WE duo Of -ideaT LACK DIAMOND-STEEL WORKS P 1... 1 74#P 011 , P A: "PA= BAOTEER ie co.. t • s 4lllllatallairm . ;AST Mg., ' knonalit , Aktagan.Ptall.silma. Varriated o.anylatported pz: taaradagged thisApan i '7l * .4) res. ' , A104390..5ad 742 EXPDXIMCBEATSaIscid. • It&T. 753.'1 , 111PL1Z1A.748 COOtMltilLA . , 4ga Make* suit Rtstot•lbt9 ,, Wocktn.-: PEEN • i.,BEILERRItoL, 30. - Z1..9.40tzuk15 4 Raring Remo!. • '! "$1 1 ? - 7•Rimul -AttnithAl , •ithltoutoot improved • •t• clotootuttory,l wit - aro, peptized t. , otatitttockto, oral) . i.sitioctiptkm..of , DOlLßS E, to:Grant „sad 11ntizooted - . Nue .to , an tot& ion _ -.OBIIIINETIf, -DRUMM. 1.-EIRE2UEDS. • : .E.IFWEOCORGYELVE,ROTLF" • gioDIONDERRERS. •.4. , -84.MR61011TARRS; OIL BELLE&AGITAZELS, LBRlniltal ItiESS,,,,DOIDER,IROG BRIDGES. .4 5 De1tIt , VARS...and mole; tostourocturtmoroVSE : ~ .. ,‘JEGL I aI, TAIT= , BOILEILS. ,, , Roptlti. , • Ca••• on ;1 4 .20tUdtortelt Dotlto..c . -AGRA' VeMA ;INV NMEM • (7:8 , 1iL11518 , • & WRIGHT, tOtrin . Noirtm) . Es6ifteitiritiradebit4s.mas, MPG% MPS. tilietf: of ZnITANN IA f:firtfel*Plilse'.CAJlMOß'-;.OLL' LAMP BUBNEES ..,-1148 MOM' 811AEILES 'of o rally, No. 139 , Beto nQ A CORMIOK CO.. VALLEY 12 - P teburgß. LrLiorxxnr, zal l ßgrmirimmuz _ lfszkiins of, CO .I4 OE', ARLr HEAT ENG EYOYL," PARLOR AND.IITYCSIEN GRATES, ; , -1 HOLLOW IYAREfete4ErentoartGltdoNodifrißoll r,t;EadrialCoadogroJEM Grorfog.GrdoVirerfufd fa. &d irtwii Iltr.lraso: WV:* taa rourferleetrienNELlCßougoorCer.Wheolo, .4.4seidpeetirdo y. 'Woo, JobblniaM, :to. order.. /Wonted • rortAwArin, Wrevorflorie Rom.. . , ofderefrod ...;;;:jOW/1•,4": Creikster AMD ~I SILTY £T6 PRtabargb, re.d,,,,,,,...'r.--i.,-r%lifoodfoorrireje ;,:imation srse*.trup4ms, aucalriaer,4e. stlrgEgiNcEr. Ricibtachatt...rartunv autpralar*-41. lama.= mall; nude to inter olfee. A 4 - cad anertntent conetantty on hand. ntyMant • iiIVELLts RIDDLE & CO. No. 215 ~r,t/tbeityitiiir,-oirota.- stub:: Tittabargh, altathrititof LABILEW•and SWITCH. -.7.4td•adattrdtstripttortot.LEAZELM BRAIDED w..Orderi fatod tram tbe Want st!dtit4fi proinpt i b'abittptdai4atrinstructiona;••,. ••, 1 • - 1 14,3 Y .iY.43.E.V.JErt" Martafaatcrers of ~- ...Vatic aratcasa,..AAß,tcagtat'crot,- : mut : - idaPi , . . f -, 4111 Wlolro,4m.gemzingsi; ' ' "Greri.p. , 4313A,,KER121, A tn2l `titi aan:o . et OnIi3ONLY,GOtD it arlimi fa tiroL. -• • . Gar , labcdumatilorio aor. B .l4.fwatilit &nakefi r.f ifrlkal.:Mahafcminiao,krocilece. end the .Werkst the. killmetos SVATZ Panic .qear ' dv_ ' .l • ••r. :Pant fle_mitrot unwhitte. :Wind Plena= for doable-thread machine. Preinitun for machine wet*. -- -- .Yeriseat gate Mr. is..lllprt Prelohna for Nair xwiehlue. t Yield rronxbrbtlizriltaitufacitring machine. 11thri ailelli ltabitthot for roactdai wthrlt. keiwipiraiir.m , • - • toitasellystschires. 'masulhalzufmt machion - Onattiont for taachimilror • strdwaaside r • 0 ;111bit-Preimitualbr boil? machine. :"plot Printioutior marrufacturing ,Mwthlasa _ - AY , Aflrlitirrianikon for . laschiniercat. vfialtktag ~ , tA L "• Ifiret•Pasititura.lkor nimoidad for 11l tirmsoc rr. Ptiointion.lbr ouichina work. • • ~o otnetlktantiorelftir Mactilne for all parpona. • c, Preatrikuu far machine: work. 1,3 • • • far llian63ae.lbrOtilmrposee. ' - 1_41a ,- 4_lfintiNcuottruibermachineatetk: , llanemaganda - - 11nrt Preintuni far manaficturing =AWL , - • for beautiful machine work. n . 1 111 W. road= Tog Inaba :work. 1 ' ZS Adid , at the-folloiviAit Voahty Fain ....,:ardomfesox(Ftlatwistarai soisey. •-' ;lint Preadues for Ikuntlyinachia, Tint Pre=hum DA. maanteetTing easehtna. .7.-fttst IheaUlna tog iniehhie Watt. .',-.1141:171 fo r . toe. ''''''''-' - /tiotalta4 r- - - "trisehtni. 0 '-)." flinAftAtt fet••= r, _ , I ~ _ ~ & I ;'...ltttiifir - e..nroth. , - '-f- •-, ,' , `4'''- tbOanilli Ateelahe, . -..• . T-'n , 7 Etitltebithanliii imiftediFtbript acmcbt a & me V.'ilek,. .mykoroasossometp i - - ~:,,, .- g...tix a u - ,:•.,,..... . . Stmgclie ay. (N. 1%) Pair; ifint - -Prmimn tor Welly =thine. ,_ s bottener(Pa.) X* . ' ..,-; i , fag melba tbz all pepsin. ~ r,n g tor machine work. 4: -- 41:tie Atom ,Aemzeisee all. the Yams!. which the ''''' ;' 1 GRO - ViWa• 'tate6" macansms me rihtlAted . - Ja r mo:ly all of them the leetlo4BrtteA Irenito totelletUlogno. 1, . ~.., ~ z„.. , ~.. .... .snelevittleAlle upon the Grows i Baker ileiting: • rtret.Pretelues. altainn7 . 4.- 141 44141W etr it tiViggrittateg'whani It tti WE orhatted to thlEdate. • , • - i 13•100 aDomli Zo4iitlnriargq ) Plitabiteeki WC *filSedzikw7 . - • A. T. ars airy. Agent. - r, - .IIIYW - LOSTI - 110Wil 4.l4ll2TortzaLml ustimblisbed. in►opoolcil etk 444.; 7:PrieltrinV Centi: TOCEOXibn tb. Nature "Itosizonstanit-Boidical Care of Ilformatorrboto, or I% littnlnid-Woliknalbir Uniligansi;lkrun.l nobility; sad' Itamdinininto to ItarrlnprorrillY lierrougam. Clonontiptlon ; Xyllopty cut tot Pbytleal Istraptielty; reoultiog Akan goll , mow, by 711; A,CIVIMIITIL • 1:41.. 1 MM% tifll*_.Vanion Rook. in. !..a. Ikon to Ilidannolo andrflatrAmilat , under loon, In oi• &In envelope, to our aadtail6poot-smid. on newly; of*: roan oriwo 0- SLIME. o - -UN niint .. 9ll,lco Box Oa M . ATER pßimr„ LIJAMELLNA of a. bad 4 aa er. tak 4 orhougOt ) 7 ''N- , 'l : l44 l4 Ar c t d Osts t,, mai oinrO ps i.a \-.," "PO' •Zit:A.ND CARPENTER TOOLS / qb,..kkymb, by .11XF.8 BOYN, 136 Ifookstnot: , N. -,-.." -.. . - - "N..,,... , ' '': -, % ,-1 . -1- 1 ' , ' . . _;... . :7 ••,,. ..e •- ''..4.r." rF , t7-,„,_, - -: • '. 1- -*) , , , ,, , ,z.lrrieire, '‘,..: 4 ' : '. ' C '''' 44 •Fik;44.3. - :-..", ' Ik. _ . . '-.. , ,„„, ~ , _,.. .:, _, ., „ ~,,,,-,.-;;;,.. ~, . .!., ' „......... „7:L.',— 1::,-:":„.- -,-_-;... o;•,- - .4, - , :',,,,, = • .. r z , .: ~•-.;.:,.:, •-•,.., .'-'-if .'...ir5,..`-;., 414`.1W"?:: - ` , ; ,-, ~,,,,.,--........,,,, ---..,...--,------,-,---,,-,--,-,-.--,---,,---1, -,.... , ~ .-..-4 .. ". - .. , .......0. *4-4” ' .."," ---.L..--: ~..44,,- , -*. ..', 5 ....,, . :',:,. -'' - ,‘,. ` ' . ...-4.-,..,•4", -..1".41.,'.4.Y.,.*7-' ti.,tAfe...3....-.-•.?-. ''' ,. : -.41 i.4:,,4",4:6;'.'-:" . -5..' , .j '''...k/-7;',":4,-; ~c4-'*-',"•"''.:X-17i4i.:;ref.V.-ti 4,..?",,45.,X.,,,,';;,,,L..--X,V..Z.',,,,,:,- ,;•-•,.;•.,:'•;,,, 5 '...,.,';' , ..- .. :'-;;'''.;' ,l :`Xv.-4' . 4.-"f,:,.:U:67^ . 1-'{V, , '':' ,, , , .',L , 414nr,...:...A ',',.''''., • : 4 ,;.-..',. >, , 6:4-1 ,,,, E:, ,-, sA 'l let l4:. .f'.. '' 1 - ''''''i 6 i'cr.Z''' '''''''''%:''''''4:''',s'''':''''-`4•4''''''' '';',r''''i'.q.;;A"^:".'Z'2/4.".2,-;-`l".l'''''''''''' 4 "'''''''L l. iV .l ; ' 7::A . As;Z:j . Zatql;. o ti4,24 - 4.,,,,,W,01tgij#111 44..W.'“ Z ,", I,*s;',:r.'4''''Z'Xdigi4Z-, fr , s.atzjza.-;-4-..%4. ;4>r , ;,..., 4,4,4 ft,..,:ey,,,31,,,-....--,..",- . -- , 41,4414'...1iz, ,, , , ,,7'.'4'.t1.i.::,,,,, , ,......-1...4,--... 2. ,r ....., 40 ..rn ~.,81, . „.,i,,,2.Z.4.n. , ....,47.' ....X.,....4•,'0Z.Wi1g 044-4 ,r. . :.- : ' '''''....4-.7...' ~ :..‘ • : T ......, - f a iT ri,,,,403 tprifik, ,98 F05:J.4644 , IPittaZp ber 416,1110.1. riOßßEcalow _.„,,,vuE. BNB° 1 v riurxr,a .14 &en. (ht licCarti ance with C/scwillisllcialll ikangthe Provost MannAl Gumi, to 111,pemnej: Y eilitclied to Ml* District, by mean of • !;ALIENAGR. . . NON-lIIISIDRNOR, UNSITITABLI27SB OFAGEeon I, MANISTST .PillilLiilaist PLITSIOAL DIEU* . That Ito. Board i,l;tairankent win bear their Maims, ~ , ,x .r/teenier In slab they ern ptrianataLlloca the 7th Jill the F i tts-Dicomber,lnclualee:ittinzt buro'cleek .carono,anittrom tarn till file otiocka andifsille- • Mad they are well II landed, watecommendthalthelr names be stricken: fly nos thtilhst4:2lwlttexestesed mid seidenoe • Miudied. Will .be-the• same as-at Holum draft• thins wilily heard In the orderin which mi. pen NO ire filed. • OTHRII. maims sousuat thaantoge above.kuntloned laud that by election of parent, where tiro orynore simians liable to military , duty) will. be beeniontilthe dean le =do. TO 001111 E CT OMISSIONS, mean knowing of •anyilaklngudirry in Clam I, omittedfun the enroll- • tenrcer• nrged-P) notify the Board, at proper on flinit/S cancer. At - MU, that proper inquiry may be wide, and their nudes added. To facilitate this 1 proper romp , for the purpose may bum:Med at any mot *'Era in, the Dktrict, at Hui Provost Mar -112.0117.e..00.81 other plum designated Mew, in of l ik e, der of penman mirollsitiony be toinidi , —.— --,,---•••••••••• - FIRST-WARD. t*..T. S. Normine, Alderman, Penn et. T.- Bosworth, 749 Patin at. *Heron Si Pollack * 898 Penn It. • • *J. IL MIN Planing MAL iIM Penn at. • .Il'llay House, WA-Patin at. • iron cay lloteMenm at. *SentullVlCimila Limiter Office, Penn it. .2. a. /11ruirj,' Greece, Perm at. Sinithßrealt ther too, Foundry. • Perklß it Co. Cidter-Dipat:Pene'a Railad, Liberty et. Stevens' Hotel, Allegheny ro rimer. 4Arthese gum full Lisa of the city icily be seen, FortUfortioticen of Llama may beguncured here. ,:,-Mw • r dermaitillitmhert's, 77 Tblid et., near Mertes. t Co.; Tenn and Starmix streetiL• "jowl GincitTiiWater sheet, - *John Heth's Marbmy Mum. Jacob Frederick, 87 Market street, John o.llounin,lCCl Water Stmt., Mrs. McLaughlin, G 7 Water street. Hugh Sala, 33 Water street, , Beetin House, SI Diamond, , . • -BEOOND'WAILD. • t 'Alderman Nicholson, Grant street, near Dl 1%.1.41,ALL; BTXPLECN WOQI% JAS. J. BROWN. *James Black, Third arteet, below Emitiatteld. St. Nicholas Hotel, Drente... corner Fourth. Nagle Hotel, Grant and Second. Massyllouro, 5 Roe. el., near C. B. D. NaHotel 1 pto.l, Wragt AL,Uertr Smithfield. • AtbarlSalornfTlNlDlamendalley. Nnicipe Hoose,Smithlield et, MayM)l OfsolcZniatb-M4estarSmithileld. Johninfii7drtig itbte," - ffinithfleld Mal Fourth it,. AD WARD: *Alderman Mcßri TH de, 11.21 fifth it. 4.Diestetch Office, Calllth •Ablo'sdrug more, Grant and Fifth eta. - .15ackefinee book dory Stnitlatteld,G., }L Bomb, tffilltylie , , • Beet A Woodcock's PeDLlSylVallia avenue and Chat• John MullioDaid;WelrAer and Tunnel ate. Duffra, Webster and Grant •, •s , • Case's book atom, Chronicle Oat W. Ward's Hotel, Grantand:Soverith eta. Mansion Home, Liberty at., near Depot. James Ideptooth,l77Smithdeld et. FlPPourtaWlSlSatithfleld at, cur. virgin alloy, Eagle Hotel, 274 Liberty EL, below Seventh. FGUNTLI 'MUD. ralderman Donaldson:a 43 SL_Chdr et. t-F' h r i i j all U nlre47,Plnittearta Way . , Thorapanecibnelan ayeney,..; Iland et. Bishvell'e Planet actor, ' Darman. Wes. Wayne bubiT Wayne st. Launaban =Team stl •• WistlacahrMatldellrardittlaSibettY sr • ' • Wards' ilieleintrZ/S'lslberty its J.tH, Hannah *1 Isibertyat.! • •, • "•l r FIFTH - ltraftrl. Taylor, Aidotffitert 451 Pelmet. •J. June s Alderman 474 penn st.' Daniel Bartels; 355 - INit at. Graige e n et. Gabriel, .586 Peon et. Lalotel,-.412 Penn et. • • Shiftier House, anPenn et. 0 ,1. Beggs, T 25 Penn st. A. Greerrerood,lo Jacob Foi, 441 Liberty et. • Tot ardary, Livery Stable, 515 411,trts at. iar Hali; O'Hara Fort Pitt I*oo nddrt7y.~ Juniata Ito Won., Dickson, Stewart a Go., 609 Liberty et. }.Alderman Bittley Le Wylie at. aldermazt Davis, Wylie Meet. Boo's Old Tavein, Felten et. F.ClatalwlnstWetetetandGrawfbril atm. • . Tbunine*Dragfitore,24lrXesula. A.veette , ,' - ;Nlatentneit GMuerrn7 Store;l6.Theattnrat. Pniceledrntinary, Prim . • - ,GontrasaZte Drug Store, IfibPeruft EirriglermareeLteer HallrPn. As. and- Federal sr. . SEVENTH rSatnnel - Barclay, 177 Webster. st. - . *S„.II. We, (ironer, 18 Dam:anat. F. Rummel, Tavern, 69 Center Amen., • - P. Sh oll , MearahoM, RlO:etre Avenne. l+i hn Ezobantir. ;Lead tlentmeAvemna. Jo Yemen. Amu/. • LlpplanntalitteralSetstom • • F. , Litig 4 , 004 OteCernAll.PaniebrAlanae. . • P. Siebert, 205•Fenn'a.Airerta. Wm. Mease sad Plus tt, Hiszkinalth t Shope Penn'. Avenue . •,. lacaciz — wenth_ • Wm. toThemne Daft, Aiderinary3sSumaosoo at: - *V. Bectanna,.BatbaL-2114Fentths atanne. Pennaylvanni mime fietel,,322.lsinn'a avenue. Union Uonse.lo.l"enn's ;., • J. 11. Meyer, Gotatur,loB Pann!a amp . SintrlrTebanFoniat, Dtkenn'aA_Venne. Union iloiel,•24sl3edond et: - ' ' •Kruvington Iron Worka,liecond it, John/. Storm, Grocer, Blagettand Gibbon ete. 'Jacob liMar,'Grocor, NINTH WAND. Borsonana l —list! of Scatßirratinharn, Birtning•- eo l"Sdb Tt% ertd a :af -the-*Srononsah. the office. In thsaio a. b i yo k la r ta and=flegc . i „ laz ik. In T a crttsaa ~a rs- A ssecors Sad other ptitilkiedhereblieli sub &Griot, and all loyal citizens, are urged to aid in these ilorrectlons, that all IDOL '.firdatilbarba and all take an equal chance its the draft. L Sys:ad* of Hies Board ttEntedlinent.- - - J. HERON YOST4B, Captain, Dreamt; Matatud lizarTPres,Vet Dew& de :1w • ' Onus oscine Dane or liturrseremafe,annr, MIN*" elt omMi -Allekbeny City r DOce WO:8W, THE IMPENDING, DRAFT:=4ii'pllt .I.'suanca of &herniate anteOr, olVar Department, PreVost 7bfanhffi General*, ernes. Washington, D. C, November VT, 11363," we have printed copier of the Miteemet of each nb-district "Milt this' DtstrleWmattielme n caused the same to put up In the most public places In each Ward, Torn sitlpond Borough /or thopinDOSPot Correcting any June last. entiithitlfai7 Wain enrollmentlts made in Any person enrolled may appear beLrre the Board anylitrebetweeti the 10th mid flOth-dayrof.-Da amber, 180, and claim Wham Idneameetrleken off the 'tat, if ho - tan show' to'the - rotiefrictiOn ',of the Board that he is not and will.notbe at thOthite flud for the next bratrilhiblo lOulllitaryrinty Aden:lnt of 1. ALIENAGE. 2. NON-RESIDENCIL. 3. UHSHITABLENESSIV AGE. 4. MANIELSTPEILItAIiENT PHYSICAL DOA BILITY. Persons who may be cognisant of any other parsers 1(10144p gdiltary,finty, whom" maw depot appear on these -Minted enrolhnentqlits ire -requested, to, notify the linard of Enrollment, who will therenpolt, direct the mu - oiling officer of the sub-dlettict in width . the parties reside, rtAin the facts and - enroll' the person so . &at aro found to be lubject orationsni, .thej & communicate the Wet directly to this Enrolling Meer, who le hereby directed to make the Inqufry above specified and en roll the gmrson,ltpund entgett to enrollment. 411 persons wenrolledstay iillPttrcelree of the privi lege of appearing as specified above, ae if they bad been orienelly barolle&• , i 1:5 Applications for election by paren&, to accordance with thew:tot/Web 3 1883, towlibe made before ebe 20tha December. case be mode Os the Drislt. ?footles chtimifoi- exemption will be considered by the Board.exteptituoso above mentioned until af• ter the Drafs`Eltsligsolasillsr the ismeni sub-file- Islets- will be publhhid as soon as they are received, and any imb-district that may furnish Its gnats; by ."tenitearkurorigno t. pt Ours Vrafrarr tf they 'tartish Pena atit-bylbleatiotrinettiq ).la2 - be gantatto.ttud Mlles foft 9 to-14, and A4;1140 5. • _KIRK ricrtoesluribii, • ; COPLEY, CommiaLthvar, gA CH ME4TI. 2 4-• @°rS4o9. TT HAS NU EQUAL.—Therinin=snie J.aooeaowblch fugue passim= men hatetrand , P/10.1rAISED'El..M.Mr=C lALlathe-miler Ls- MO and cure of pain, embolden the proprietot to a11tt044411141140 COnSladktiOth) 17 , 1114 11- kaa cumin/ere Blurtunalimn; • Mbealtteamired=nreßore Throat; Tbat it !moored inOtehreuralsia.. , That it bur cured more Weak Joint., That it bee card MOM Ulgorated Bore., ' That le huiinal more Brunk , That,ft bag =ma owe 'rotted rer.t, - Motif has caterrmare'Breivel,' ' . That It hae cured more Nervous AiTection., r; , • , Thatft keicored - morelltitrlointe,_ "That — ilinfabor Cniinalin - XitleriTinkLinl-- , istenta combined. For rale bYTifoggietirererrerlsme. - ~._ 54.1tON,,KtILNEITO_Ii,Solcdoant, .00.11.01.cattirend gthitbdeld • 1 r "V irli=d i geYt:7 34 , .. • , , Wiabbgtini, D. 0 4114 T. 27tb. ISM ' OTCR-...Thtrblick salezp_f 4;_ar i• eateof ,--4-mastereAlibtee. samtuod flit. _ .1. AY. thelOot DoestebOr, LI - postponed iseitu DAT. 'hi/eth. a R. raiticeis *lto' c 7l 4 4 !bi ilid#::(lFAL tr. TA. • • ' - "' ;P.{4o' PITTSBURGH, WEDNESDAY MORNING,. DECEMBER 9, 1863. Vittsburgh 6a-attq. • DNESDAY MORNING DEC. 1, 1863 TERM OP . THE GAZETTE. dloaPura Elarrrew. by mall, per year... ......13 00. montb.--. 70. week. 18. = . r..== eoplea.... S. .... Eyartito Everlos, by snail, peryear. " " 4 1 .0 cove , * ---- IWritnix 'Epsilon, thighs copies, per year— 2 00. ' " • clubs et' ste 10, " 16e.% . • deb' of la or mere" ._022. —and ono extra to the party sending &lb. Tor a &dine fatten, we will send the ETS6CI4I GAZETTNI tar • Slab of twenty, we will send the Iffountra Gitzrrrn Singly copies, 6 man. 'MrAU suliscriptions aridly in adeoner, and papers' always stopped when the time expires. ..A ,tiotrrit CAROLINA correspondent or the N. Y. Tribe. denies n anthoritatively," he • that Gen. Gillmore has mod Greek ire against Charleston. Tire mountain counties of Eastern lien., Lucky, though overrun by rebel guerrillas for the past year, have sent over 15,000 Union volunteer, into the field. Massachusetts Democracy Tho loyal Democrate of Massarhusetts are spooking ont in decided terms against the policy of the opposition leaden, and in favor at the Government and the war. In Worces ter, lion, Isaac Davis, up to the present time, in full accord with the Democratic party, spoke at a war meeting as follows: "Allu sions have been made by the eloquent officer who has just taken hie seat, to the subject of Slavery. I don't propose to say anything about that matter. It is an institution I abhor and loathe. As an institution it is between the., upper and nether millstone, and will be ground to powder. [Great applause.] If this font l,tet le erased we will forever shout `glory I' 'hallelujah I hare no sympathy for that patriot who will do nothinrbecause Lincoln or his Cabinet do not do just tight:. The London Tluies. and the Atnerledn The London Times, no our dis . patchaa have already intimated, is ,quitc-disconsolate over the prospect of the war, of which it come no end, nor hope of end. A recent lotter from London says: The tars, you will be cony to learn, feels dreadfully discouraged about this war in Amer ica. It noes no prospect of its termination. For all that it can see, it may last as long as the English wars qf the Roses, about thirty years, or the thirty years' war In Germany— ; worse than thi s, perhaps, many fear it will be. The , Ronzaltit'and . Northern Inubarians were fighting each other fire hundred years, and the Moore and Spaniards kept up a bloody COD toot-for eight hundred years. Think; of an American war, Southern ports blockaded, nod Surat cotton, scant and clear at that, for:800 years, till A. D., 2063 : It is a gloomy pros pect. MIS, the English coal mines are ex- parted to give out in a quarter of that limo— that is, in 2013—and the prospect is distress ing, lam aware that llr. isoward and ; Mr. Chase are both rattles sanguinely committed to choicer periods, but tlio Timer does not, I am Jegry to say-, plaeo implicit eonGdenee to either - of them, audit iiglooMy and low-spir ited 'accordingly. Henry {Yard Beecher and Thurlow A Washington correspondent of the Chicago 21-fbunis says that Henry Ward Beecher went to Europe in oonsequenoe of the sneers or ThttilOW Weed, who had long dispel:aged his action on the slavery question. Tharlow Weed bad boasted on his return from Europe that he obtlitted the suppression, in the speech of Napoleon to his Chambers, of a passage recommending:mediation In American affairs. It, however, turned nut afterward that ho had merely bribed, with' .a large sum, a pri rate „-.. secretary of 2ilapoleon,a noted dicer and roue, to 'suppresasuchw supposed paragraph in the opeeehoepin lilt declaration that it was robe inserted, That this man's declaration subse quently proved to be the eoinage of his brain. liceing what little good Wood had done, and smarting under bis attacks in the paper, ! Reedier determined to try his hand. The result is before the world. lie addressed:himself to the religious element, the moral element, and the commercial element of British society, and accomplished more in a couple of weeks than Weed would have done in the course of his natural life. Rumored Mogen - tents of John Morgan. The Louisville Democrat, of the 4th, says, that Cepts. Taylor and Sheldon, two of Mor gan's officers who wore arrested some days ago near Leulaville i rtate that "Moron, with sir Captains, tinned; Taylor, She Id o n es, ileekarstriit64 id'l'Metilies,• escaped from the prison, and that:Morgam with the other offi ' ears, got upon the trail, at Columbus, within fifteen minutes atter .hornade his escape, and come this way. They were detained, and slept in an'eld,shed until the following night, vrhon they eltarted. Thaf eayAliat Morgan and JIM otherofficers Here abeid of them, and that It wan the intention othlnigan to cross the Cuuthorbsnd river Wednesday nighL nimored that Morgan is to have tom inand af, the different • bands of gderrillas in this .Riate, all of irhom-will be concentrated on the south bank of the Cumberland river, and that as aeon as they can be 'got, together he will make a raid through the Atate, and .probably /strike the Louisville and Nashville Redhead. Our military autinerities should be on the look.otit for a movement of this kind, *Ad bo prepared to nip It in the MO."- Love Isonerwr r3l' VIE Lire or WASIITNOTON Inviso.--Much Comment has been excited In literary circles by the treatment Mr. Ir rtng'e life of his uncle, Washington Irving, has received from the London publishor,Bent- Ic 1. Though, professing to bo the original ',Work; iis issued in America, in the third vol me of the London edition aro- interpolated twit - Chapters ' 'containing in eighty -' one pages the details ofan attachment he formed to an English lady; a Miss Foster, (rather late in life,) ending in an offer of marriage, with the private letters relating to the transaction. The indelicatiot of thonfinir is remarkable, as the chapters aro furnished by the ladrherself end, her sifter; though tho family, who Were known friends of Washington Irving, hadimen • applied to by the editor for materials to be used in the biography. This tampering with a classic work is altogether unjostifiable, and the author intends to show in the forthcoming fourth and last volume that the whole story ie based-on a very slight foundation, and -that thelinaportatice thusgiven to it may be regard forts . boolire4ez's job. , • . . SVCCESSIMI, TIMATVINT 01 INAAIIITT.—Dr. Power, of the (York Lunatic Asylum, saysthat by the use of the Turkish .bath he hascured .741.. per cent. of the patients. After a fiw ap plications they like thy treatment and flakier it. The number of corm is double the Pro portion of ewes to the old option'. Thy deaths have diminiehod one-ball. Thirty Idiots hairo been so, improved its to enjoy their lives and 'be readoitseful, and many persons pronOunced incurabiir before, have bean re coTeredlintiranored to their friends. . . , ooincidenee occurred among the clergy. or Chicago on Thanksgiving day. TWO ill!totsre the came name,. onoa Methodist arid the other a Uniterisa,releeted the lame subjmitibe .discoarsa, and . stogulaely anongh !Rada the same conclusions, -- . • - . my,datighter,'!,ezelsimod . s. mother • •atruggiiirg wlthltrohltd Irr tho'n.atern of the IKtubeippl - arlbirSafinyeld& t o a team-up-andsaid,"Lwill-Uts one Ot.v4- 7 -irblahrf-;Th6 - laughtoi *ilia' . tared _ lu2sl,4l.o9ther iibdt aotrt - , rrci.:.-44' ...a. .4 . • • ••, '''' SI - , 4.71 % . .!:,,.. -• . :- 1 ''' -S.: :, ' '...: : ' .::.'' ... •. . . ~E. 7.-. . .. . . . : ••-...... 1717. ',..". . .. , .. . , .... .. ..._ ___ ..- ......-___.. '7 .•-, • .: ~' -.72'7 '.: 7 _ ;'- , ' - t.h - ^ 4* ~ ', • ,--:' _....... _........-- ..... . .._... .......... . EVENLNG GAZETTE TELEGIRE. THE PRESIDENT'S ' MESSAGE. THE OFFICE OF LIEUTENANT GENERAL THE SIEGE OF FJOIVILtH ABANDONED. SECRETARY ' CHASES REPORT. GENERAL FRENCH IA lift ES TkD. Nrw roue, Dec. 7.—A special to the 214- lame says ; Althottlib the P sidenes Message isready,it willprobablynot sent to Cone:else' till Wednesday, as there is ~ aiderable dottlit e whether the house will lib . , ~.7 to receive it before tic, 'or three io'croe , ,te-Meriosi by. Which time the Senate Will ly he rhetinied., , The mostbnportantaredirt resting rwirtiOne, of the Merlins are tivisewhich deal irithle 1 sibject of slavery and reitarinetbe union; f the States that have been in rebellioni In what -the President says regarding Ahrirormer topic he considers that his proclamation liberates all slaves within the territory Which it embraces, nod all future notion must Mllstbe basedupon that supposition. In a weld, ho would eat adopt any policy which kdled to give the slave a vested right in himself. The plan Mr. Lincoln propciaes for the res toration of the loyal people of truant States to their former protection n. the Union, is rep resented to be purely his own, and unlike any now before the public. Noteontlning himself to general outlines, he enters with some mi nuteness into details. Inanother part of the message, the President alludes, to the victo ries gained during the pastyear oyez the rebels, and dwells at some kngthon the progress and present aspects of the war. • The bill creating the dace of 'Lieut. Gen eral, of which notice waj given to-day by Mr. Washburne, of Illinois, is intended to give Gen. Grant the .ositioti to which his tal ents and his victories gomirally are thought to entitle him. ' A special to the Tribe Jidated Knoxville, December sth, says: The iego of Knoxville hos been raised, and Lo • : treat is retreat ing towards Virginia. I was virtually de• tormined yesterday as at • early hour the advance guard of our ref oreements, under Gen. Sherman had arrive! :„ . .jhe enemy during the i 1"' s'iwinn votive show of : tbe'siegieneer the sa this morning, when a • • .4 by Gen. Ferrero found th :V v A few deserters brong In main body of their army' ' ov last night, leaving the t j pickets in the ride . pits 0 o'clock in the mornsng,. .1 body of the army, who ~yr form in line of battle a OS !I the city. This ruse t, their prematuniabando • •i Gerenel Sheekleford, ill persuit, came up in their r Prisoners and deserts • n riving in squads of ten to w The deliverance and • r Tennessee isconsidered ' •I events of this campaign.; There is nothing from - , e front. A special dispatch to .• •Tinsn from Wash ington, dated Dec, 7t says : Secretary Chases report will be . ', miffed by a spe cial messenger to the not ern press to-morrow. lie adopts all the roco , endatione of the Committee en Internal nun, in re and to whisky and tobaCto," Saggesht linfilne priety eta. atili . fatiber eteage. 0f7&LN....." 4, those articles, in order at lite revenue may be increased, as it kastallen considerably be low the estimates of the framers of the bill. The receipts from this souree,loriast year, will fall short of $60,000,000., • ••• Major General French has keen relieved from his command in the Army of the Poto mac, and placed nnder arrest,' Iris arrest is preliminary to the charges of misconduct in the recent affair at Mine Atui. Ey order of Gen. Augur, officers command ing divisions, brigades . and detached regi ments serving in this department,will hereaf ter be held responsible that their. respective commands are in readiness to take the field with reasonable promptness after receiving marching orders.. Kentucky Legistatute--Rtbel Prison era Arriring,—Steam Tank Explosion --Fire at Blemphis-41ebels Falling Back. • GENTLEMEN'S WiIk:TER BOUTS.— Wee would Incite the attention of gentlemen who hove •gliftleally in getting Ihsits made, to our large oesortnient of DOUBLE BOLE CALF BOOTS. TAP do do do. TRIPLE do do do. Do do WATERPROOF GRAIN BOOTS. Don LE SOLE AND LIPPBR CALF do. The gaols ore mode to special order, and for neat ness and dor:Minty are outvoted equal to any city OEO. ALBREE, SON & CO ci l ci;:s..n. Deo. S.—The Kentucky Iscgls• ; _note Corner of Wood nod roortle streets. latnre organized yesterday. Irawkime DOOTS A^Utit 16E11 4 . was elected Clerk of the Senate, and J. B. Lytle Ctork of the House. The Governor's Message was read at noon. The Supreme Court of Ohio conrenod yes- Eng. Corpr I 5n 2 60i Ts worth 11 60 '• terday and adjourned over till to-morrow, ~ without transacting any business. .• 1 sr. 175 Sown 2,130 Chattanooga prisoners wised through Indianapolis yesterday, en route for Rock Island; 1,200 more are expected there to-day; 131 rebel armors, mostly of Breckin ridge•s corps, also paasod through, en route for Johnson's Island. Tho steam tank of TV. & R. Kirby's slough ter house exploded yesterday, severely scald ing throe men. A destructive fire occurred at Memphis on the 3d. Loss, $20,000. The annoweiaro Chattanooga dispatch of tho 7th inst., says that Hardee is slowly fall ing back from Dalton with Bragg's whipped men. The mountains In East Tennessee ire filled with tobbl deserters end stragglers. Rebel Account of Lotigetreet's Retreat. New Voss, Dec. B.—Rebel accounts from P.ichmorill _papers of the sth, say button, Dee. 4.—Gen. Labette arrived yes terday froth Knoxville, which point ho left last Sunday. Gen. Loriptreet had mad<an unsuccessful attack on Burnside, and after wards commenced retreating to Virginia. Gem. Hooker andSeigers corps are report ed advancing on Knexville and London, and will probably fenow:Longstbset onto Eastern North Carolina. , Firing was heard yestcrd►y in the direction of Cleveland, which was supposed to he from Wbeelcr'e Cavalry: Dalfrm, Dec. 4.—The latest , accounts repre sent that Longstreet, with Part of his oom. mend, made an unsuccessful attack on Knox ville. ' Wes tarp:small. lie then raised the siege, marchingtowards Abingdon, Virginia. General 13ushrodlohnson had succeedrain eirootihg aJunotion with•Longstroet without the loos of tho supply letting previously ro le:tried.. Qsnpral Vaughn, with his command and ono o( Cheatham's regiment., wee In Tenn.. - sea, trying to make his way to North Carolina. Our forces are in ponsession of Illtiggoht. Congresslonnl»Eleetlon of Clerk and Sergeant•iat-Atha—le Meessge. WASHINGTON CUT, Dec. 1883. Hones.—ACommittoe was appointed to wait on the Sonata and „ Prosidentandinform them that the House was ready for business.. Mr. McPherson was elected Clerk, receiving 101 votes spinet 00 for* Etheridge. He was then dochmed elected, and entered upon the duties of his office. Mr. Ordway,:of New Hampshire, was elect ed Sergeant-at-Arms. The President will not send in bit message till tomorrow at 1234, noon. Prom the Potomac Army-Our Infantry Going into , Winter Quartors-Arne Condition of the Army—Gen. Bragg , . Artny, ete. New You, Dec. 6,--The herald's array despatches, dated Culp6PPerr, yesterday, says : Our infantry are apparently going Into win ter tlllartera. Our cavalry is busier than over scouting after guerrillas. It is rumored that Gen. Maul:3ls to be re lieved by Pleasanton., The Richmond Eqtrirer btu report that itatdia htotay tomp3rarily 'in command of Bragg'iatioy, andtbatahimaon will take per ausnont command. - . - • The Clerkship, Dee, B.—lt appears that st.lo grapbie error'odoarrdd last night in the report' or the- prof:matins of the•Sepahlleak Caucus. Mr. BliPhersea :wag - notalnatell'for Clerk of. the Dorm!, reeekrlag 55 - yettiS_ ~aplast 4f for 44 4 10 11 . • • ' EMEEI dro.,- d:c., eto. poR.- SALE.—Two superior Cylinder 4-.• 71ollers, 31 !tithes-diameter. SO feet long,: made , of X inch iron,sermugittirbn heads lei thick. Boll ;era itost; &aped*. new. . _••. • I Alen, One Portable Engine and Tobuleißoller of 1 sit horse power:s inch cylinder and 12 inch shak o. This 'Engine Imitored one well sluiced 700 700 feet deep, and hitaintleably adapted to that kind of work, or sawing wood for locomotives. I Also, ,Oli - e - Engine, heavy iron bed plate, 14 loch I cylinder, SO Itchy. stroke ; new, With balance valet , governor. Well adapted to tud a grist mlll or =mall hoop mill. • • Eudtttre at H. M. BOLL'S, cornor Point Alley and Montane Way. 0010:1m Pittsburgh. . 1 - 1.1 .1 0 R SALE—Th e 2-story Brick Dwel l-1...: lag Hourn.With f Ita 100 f fr by 145 feet deep, situated on our east o corner of eet Bout o h nt Atomic, fronting the river In Allegheny city. The lions. contain eight rooms, with finished attic and Wash i BOOM. 4111.0, two unimproved lots, la by 11.0 each, i In Ninth ward, Pittsburgh, fronting on Allegheny I river. For terms of sale apply to GEORGE ALllllfiE, dol:ter No. 71 Wood stront. POLL SALE--A lot of land, containing 1 . 78 acres, sltnatet 1% miles from Dismont Sta. than, on the Pittsburgh, Yort Woyoe 6 Chicago E. R. 1 The above property is well timbered, with a good young orchard of bearing fruit trees. This property will be sold on reasonable terms. Tor further particulars addle's,. 1 008i,3m 8.0. ?dent ASTER. Bewlck !spills, Pa. 'OE. SALIT.--ilii;iiiiiihil residence on J.: Mount Troy 1111 i, one mile hum AII ghen r City Market House, with a great abniidsoce of all kinds of fruit, evergreens, abed. trees, do. To 1.- sel.l low and payments moo . . Enquire of JOHN 11. IiIeFADDEN, 31srket stroei : or, A. 11. EIAgVNY, on the premises. Al3O, some inn building tote In Allegixoy City. dot:4s. d it few days have .antion to. prolong rFault until early oissanee sent out works - empty. lin report that the owed off after dark guard and, heir 0 fall tack at tau .. rtd, joi n the main ifere told would distance east of Adopted to provost sit of theirplekete; it his cavalry in lir. WA{ SALE, VERY Luw.—One PUPPET VALVE ENGINE, Id loch cylinder, 5 feet stroke, hi admirable condition, with or without Main Shaft, Fly Wheel, klangne, Force Pump, Ar. This Engles It well adapted for runny purl/mos, ; let specially fora Rolling MIL call and we A. THOS. ARBUCKLE 0 Co., A orhor Cotton Mills. des:tf Allegheny Cii r. IOR. RENT—RICH HILL FARM, waned:dog 100 nears of land, on the Perryville Plank Road, throe miles from Allegheny, with Hon dwelling hi now and truant bounce - . SultAble for had now OcCOVIOa a 4 a dairy, known as the Green Tree Tarn . ), Emotes, of J. LYNN lIcABOT, (V( Lane, ) IrAhnv A C 0.,) .le7:?.sr 140 !federal street, Allegheny. 14 -1 0 R SALE—Three newly built three -11 'dory Brick Roos., with Store Rooms ; on first doors, situate on the corner of Wylie nod Congrew linistied In modern style and the best runt!- For forthox Informative inquire at _do7:2t.od No. al WOOD STREET. POR (ALE—A lot. on Virgin alley, be- tweerilro,l and Elreithßehl streets, R Bei front, • contalelng I.oo.3.qUaru alaptd manufartunng establishment, will bo w Apply ut No. 61 W 0011. STREET pOR. SALE—A Raft of ,Framing, avorjiging troy. 0 to Ii Lucian square. j Engrain at, No. 111 FZVTR STREET. no2nwf /re continually at wenty. eattpation of East tally settled by the All othAr goals arllltsg ven L. w 011 N C M AMPBELL, iinufacturer of JBOOTS AND SHOES, of every description, No. 34 Smithfield street, Plitaburgb. 0011.17 (14VAT - Af.intEF., SON el I , -- 1VhOlt;- - k.A ash. and Retail Dealers In BOOTS, SHOES, /Se., sooner Wood and Fourth streets, Pittaborch. - - ESTABLISIiEII 1700. earFT AND TOBACCO lIANLTACTIMEB (Formerly 42 Chatham attest, New York,} • Would call the attention of dealers to the articles of his manufacture, els : . . Macaboy, Fine Rapper, Conran !Lappet', Atuarican C Gnutinmnn, Demlgria, Pure Virginia, linchltechca, Copeyyngna . . A YELLOW SNUFF. t3e4teh, Wish Toast Scotch, Irteh Ilish Toast or Luudyfoot, Hooey Dew Scotch, Fresh [lousy Scotch, Fresh Scotch. Attention is called to the large reduction In price, of line Cut Chewing and Brooking Tobaccos, which will be found of a emperior quality. TOBACCO. Snommo—Long, No. 1, No. 2, Nos. 1 and 2 mixed Granulated. Irrwr. Oar Curwaxa—P. A. L., or plain. Corot, dnb, or Swot; Sweet scoutod Orono.; Tin Foil Carendlrh. Snoirsa—S. Jugo, Spanish, Oanastcr, Turkish. N. B.—A circular of prices will b. sent on applies (lon. scplckly TILE SUBIiCRIBE,R, AGENT TOIL John Marsh & Co.'s Soda Ash, constantly remit/0g the mime, which do will .ell on tho moat fatorable terms. This Ault* particu larly adapted to the m►oufacture of Glam. C. W. cHITROHNAN, sotrriL num STREET. Thi/adolPhia, nol2:6meod GENERA! ! FOREIGN AGENCY AUSTIN BALDWIN & co., 72 BROADWAY, Mir YORK. 111mIttonce at Imii.iitesoo Otoot Britain, I n,laud, kc. Obrup pomerod from Literpool ur Queerodowo., Pocksvo forwarded to all parts of the world. , oe2l:3asiod Adams' Enrols bffico, Pittntnugh QPORTSAiEN'S HEADQUARTER. 9, • • Invitee tn. attention of Elporteinen nod other to his splendid stock of GUNS, BIBLES, REVOLVERS • PISTOLS, GARIN BAGS,POWDEILBTASKS, Slily! BELTS Ind POUCIMEIBABI;LAUNS, nod am. monition of scary kind. lih siarlaggis largest e'er brought to this market. LYON ARNSTIIAI7, IMPQR'I.'Ett AND DEALEG 'ld the molt Week broods of 'GENUINE HAVANA"CIGAISS.'and' kinde of SMOKING. AND atEWINGPTODACCO, SNUYF, TANGY aizznstinkuir PIPES. TI MM &0...t0.• loat voliaYbotakEn TP4 I 47 , TuARLEB DO; ITr Pittsburg Pa.' • • • , N.h..—The Wad. irninMed ink MOW tams. • 1 ,NEW9sti.,3llll.r. CKPAREL-900 ETlBpackage Jiitopilipla t !Aston iu n Mi sati •3, ;11::.•;,:i ;;;L...i.Si. FOR 841,1 E DRY GOODS STORE FOR SALE, in a flourishing Western town on the P. Y. W. 0. B. R., not ewer 300 mile. from Pittsburgh, now doing • large and profitable trade. The stock I. I new mad has been selected with reference to the indaritry trade. Piae all been purchased for cash at lowest market prime. The present proprietor Inn decided to retire from thatrade owing-to bed health, and now retecncede offen the stock for eale - also the good will of Use re , tiring party. The, hone has. large and respectable trade, which can he retained. The meow stock will {smile. from seven to ten thousand dollars, but could be reduced If desired. . Nate. 'dahlia; 63 - izinitr tlie'putlcalart will plop,' address or call persotarou LYDAYt CIIORPRYNINO, 69 Handitree. Pittirtrurgh, P. POR SALE—a. T'.4yerit Stand in the kerotall”et Wont Newlan„ corner of Main Sad • Third Streets, at preient ooeitpledly John and rhilip ftohnad, and - known as the Stukily property. Lot 00 by 1911. gel. Large building, 12 tomes and bar-noon; stabling for 48 horst% fine yurd, well pared; good gordon, alto fruit and shrabbery. Offend at ogreat .Is:tunics and. on way term,. lau,A two.etory Brink Dreamt end lotiln by 132, {with another lot adJohalug of name else If de•lred,) el:tu[f corner of Ilghth end Main street, and et pros noenpird by John Boyd. Gore] nteble, with ear -11.1tgoltottsel tlnegardeu, hall end shrubbery. Offer. eft kw-end oneasy term.. ' Also, 474Itrea Went Renton Bridge Stock. • Apply to 11,111eLAIN. A 00..105t Fourth et. „BOOTS .a.rn S GREAT REDri-rioN JAMBS ROBB, 89 MABKT:T STREET. PETER LORILLARD, 16 AND la CHAMBERS STREET, lIINGILLII. Jr.. Agent 118 WOOD STILSET JAMES SOWN OILS, 4c. RI CHARDSON, HA ItLiirdi CONNISSION A 'FORWARDING NERCRANTS, Crude and Refined Petroleum, No. 39 firELKCT. prrrtratraon. gar LRMN caah adrencoe en ftnernm•uu, Pittsburgh o► Eastern litirtots. moswasoarllEJlMOTolll: ttimra. J. 13. Dilworth d. Co., SFr/or liarbev4, Esq-. m n i fai r r 8011, Esq., Pivot. Comiotwelai 800 k. TACK 4 BRO., I11011:11 Crude and Relined Petroleum, BENZLTE, &c, 11.?.ATALIWT ST., PRILADELTUIA. " Bus!nem entrusted to our care rwtll receive out prompt personal atteotlon. Itetcr to ;Sewn. Blchardson, Harley A.Co., Breuer, Burke 1 Co., and McClelland @ DaTIS, Pittsburgh; Thos. Smith, Euf.. l'.'l2ell:Bimk N. A. ; U. L. Penner & Co., Philadelphia. aul:ty . CITY oictrous . .. • LYDAY &CITORPENNING, Maunfeet;rers and Baftueni of L'ABBON OIL, BEY ZINE AND LLTBEICATINCI orLs, Ind . dialers In CR. U I_llo Y.IC'T _FL 01.1e1J. Works, oppootte Sharpabarg. Orrin , , No. 59 neon STIMPT. D. L. MILLER, .111., WALNUT ST., PHILADELPHIA.. CRUDE & REFINED . PETROLEU Oa X Cersuulaelon exclusively. AU charges et most ressonsble rates. STORAGR FOR REFIXED In cool ullara. 'For CRUDE, undor good shads. Particular attention paid to AIL FOR EXPORT. Pox tiaI.—eAUSTIO SODA, SODA ASR, aul:ly CA ROT & PEMBERTON, General Merehandize Brokers, 1.35 EOCTH FP.ONT tel . ., PHILADELPHIA CRUDE & REFINED PETROLEUM, CAUSTI , SODA, SODA ASH, BEL LHATONE. OILS, Order. to buy or boll promptly sttend.d •uLly ALLEN & NEEDLES, PIIILADELPIILk. CUJIMIMION .3fERCHA NTH. Particular attentlou paid to consignments of Crude and 'Refined Petroleum. ear Li bend ulranoes +owl. ninth . _ HENRY ROE, 13 NORTH 31 1 1.01.1 T ST., PIIILATIELPEI IA Broker X. Commission Nierclannt I3i CRUDE & REFINED PETROLEUM. Lt'IIIIICATTNO OIL ♦NU BILVZOLF: And dealer In Grua. and FittAtspd BKTROLEUNI BARRI:LS. an.tly BR Li Wigit, BURK It COMMISSION MERCHANTS, Agents or the LOBE, rAul FLU A.ED LIBERTY OIL WORE'S. Liberal ca.qh 11 , 11,4C1,11 mimic no ton.tgorueuts of Refined or tirude Petroleum DOR. DUQUESNE WAI A HANCOCK. era JOHN R. MALUCN WALLACE d: CURTISS, Cummiasion MereHanta Inl.l,l,tdors b• CRUDE & REFINED PETROLEUM, BENZINE! AN'D LITHRTOATTNO OILS, J. 134 BOUTLI , wHARvas, pauADELPHIA Car Storage capacity (wider cover,) for 15,000 this. Also excellent facilltied tar ahipping to American and Foreign porn, at our wharf mit the &Any Mill lihor near the platform of the P. It. R. JeSkly WA WETMORE CO., COMMISSION MERCH A NTS. SHIPPERS OF PETROLEUM, 114 MA 1 DE% LANE, NEW TORE_ Ample facil Wee for STORAGE AND SIIIPPING, at their yard and wharf, Ran Root myl4:tt D AlTO7b- NAYLOR & SMITH, Refiners and Dealers in Carbon Oil, Ottsurtaned try any In the ittarkeL Ca - Onion left at their office, NIL 41 MARKET STREET, or lit their works In Lairrrnreville, will bo promptly attended to. Boyars of CALUDE OIL. mhll ROBERT ASHVk'ORTH, No. I S. CLAIN ST., rITTSBITRGEL Forwarding & Commission Merchant: AND DEAL= IN OILS. Sad - ILLUMINATING, LUBRICATING, CRUDE PETROLEUM OILS, de, constantly on hand and fur sale at the lowest market priest.. Consignments and orders solicited. ap7:6m. (MO. W. LIOLUILWIr 1.11111.1 HOLIWWLI; WOODNI LLE OIL REFINERY. GEO. W. ITOLDSIIIP a CO., Manufacterora of TM/MING OIL AND.LIIIIRICA. TING OIL. Natio constantly on hand the fag best quality of ntrztalma OIL, clear apd, without rotor; alio, a good LUBRICATOR, pare BEN. ROLE and CAB GRUBB. Ur All order, left at No. Lt FLTTII STREET, Bank Block, aetoud door, will boom:NAV attended to. cart! R S. 1 2-Viinril, CREIDN, DXFINED, MACHINF.RY AND PAINT . 0 S , And deal.. In Refiliniidierlals. - Hd Si ALUMNI' BT., MttsbitEtth..l LUCENT OIL 'WORKS. _ DirsaAIit.DITALAR & CO., !mpFlowthr.r!of • , Pure White Refined Carbon Oils, 0mm,,,n0. sin. Lumen eruri4. tuis,l3.;, _ ":".4rrnutonon. ;McCOR OIL BRPKE*§, 211 and ;13 !Sconik Witer Street; 0://"Zotudentaants scilefted,' ' & Ciunpennlng.lton Warki Jacotastater.ti J.Pakita Jack E. (UMW. Oalst. C bga i ltOr't . r ' VOLUME LXXVII-NO. O. ocondinoslimoßAlT% Petroleum , and its Products, ills. , . . . ,151 BROAD„raw Tom OS WATER & ITS FRO= IITS:: - Eqraftigiv: ea - Agents Am the POtTLARIi Ivosatc - Nzw TORE ft 2lMPi aDtai gams:tie a - tax rfastaw aplY:re 2 JIMBAIZEIC PETROL= OIL.-WORZEIc„:: PRIME tIrIItTR CARBON OIL, PETROLEUM LusnicAnwpm. cap.dtr!Tmitunmmabftleh m ,p4i. stkag itEolo2.6.i:uxr,4s.ltpifgiir.l3. ENOS WOODWARD, (Leoor wm. B. vroodwinfra - 60'. oaxya) , pcommp..nos " DIBBCIU 1J at.t.nuo!!. istTe° to th"" &Ude and-tellned iPOtrolenni. to. m ,sorrfelor,toriT"eniTti;--itiritk • bit:heti:ire? ,- Oil of Vitriol and 4.quAt Aiumpn a, 00l left at John - Porteitaliil it. Co. ner Oril R REh•Otat,..ll4' 4,0 f MAKET AND FIRST. STETS, will re ce4,rifoinptAtteirit }Oa, • c '43,05 Pirreturnan, .I.4IRUR.IIJr iI NDEMNITY AGAINST.. LOSS ..E FIIZE.—FIiANKLINVIRE INSrILLNCE GAL PANY OF PRILADYAPIITA. 0ff1ta,.4.15.ant1.437 Chestnut .trott, near 10Th. Swement of /knots, Jantsuy lit, 1S pt llalsbost kgromatAr to =Act of Assolobly, b e in g - First Nortgatss, imply 5ecturd.,........41,886,13615 00 Nit! F.-state (pmi't vaL 811A314 wefts icri,ssa.uo Titsporstry Loans [m..1:44 Cabstand • Sreuritiss— . 89.136 00 Stocks (present salon 8£41,667 72) Comit._ E 9,48 6 .00 ?ioh.s end Bills IdIMT 60 47,0 00 umoisi , 6s 1917 - The , . only profits train premlnnie irldetv.tide Cumpaily can divide by far are from rieksoebieb Lure been determined. Innowance made, on every description, of . property, in town and country, at rates an low as are Consistent • with Nov:miry. Sines their Incorporation a ported or thirty . Inane, they here i 018 CA by tir r . to en amino:it exceeding' Form Malian of Do:lnn, thereby affording evidence of the edranten, of Insurance, as well es their shill ts and Elliphiltion to meet with promitnear Idi nilitie. tog ItY /IKE: Lee.. paid during the Tear 1&58......:.„...1105435 57 PLACCIHMII . ; . Quake N. Banker, "Dade:Led,' 3TheddearD. Lowle; Smith, • Tebbe Wever, ' EdwarollD David - 6. Bream, Samuel Crest. Gems Fides. CHARLES n. ILINCKER e re id EDWARD 0. DALE, Vied 'Peretattat Wu. A.„ Seiretarypie rem J. GARDNYR. COFFIN. diseet.. eult Office Nqrtheaet leer, Rae Isla I !N;SURANCE. lusuranee Co. of North America. PHIL ADRLF,EfIA .• Insurance Co. of the State of Penna., PHILADSL , PHIA Hartford Fire Insurance Company iVirin.aranca : the aboTfold and reliable nom pm 31,4 can be obtained en applicalloslto Prrrseczov. PA. 1027:1117 • Bagslees Pgzlldinesi 87 Wow Aron. - 1.1.1 (a TEKITR_N I NI..TRANCE • COMPA NY OF PLDTSI3OIIO3I, N. Jr;,-..Prtekteat. Office,. No. 92 Water street, 13pi.4 . *LotiN *ire -11 owe. up stairs, Pittsburgh. WWI insure <reeled .alr kinds af'l7re eus4 Ruda, A Home reatihrtioa auciapee 6y Careen* who ore wet/ tam... the CONISIUUsip, and who are cider odetei 60 Promote.. .d.lasnulio, to .044,Prin the ch.:l.'4er irk!. thev.hons comma, as a/feel:iv hie bed Protection 10 - thom who desire to be injured! ' ASSETS, OCTOBER 30,1858. 7 Stock 03,000 00 :2,'140 00 WO CO Open Accounts,7,so9 00 Cash-- 11,351 00 Premium 27,61614 Not. and llBb Distounteli. --... 174,016 12 E 31311311 James McAuley, Nathaniel !Jaime; Alex. Kimlnk, Cuorrgg.~ Daraie, WWI= IL Smith, C. W. tlck,•taoa, my.9o OITIZEN'S INSURANCE CO3EPANY N.-1 Or PITTSTOTRAII. Oftfca, corner ?dirket and Water Arnett', second floor. ' . • , • • Sit3l.ll/.OALIii gAll[in REA. Bantam, , [noway Etvaluboatasoul Catgoen.- Inanra against locirand damage to RA 'navigation of tho. Swathe - on and' Weston'. Elvers, ' - Lairs• and Bayous. and thasnarigatlgniifilio Sem • - [manes against loss and damage byline..., Wm. Bsgaley, J. Park, Jr., Johnston, B. V. loam, Boma Gwen, • lion. T. Howe, Barclay Preston George Mogi:Mai, PEOPLES INSURANCE COM'ANY Office, N. E. corner Wood &TiftllSte FIRS AND NARENEJNSURANDE Wm. rtallioh John Wntt, rm D. Elam John E.'. Parka. Clunks 9.111me11, Wmayan. Kirk, WM• Pi JOHN wtt. F. AIiELDNEIC, &a ALLEGHENY INSLIRANCE:-COAI PANT :OP sii bATIRGIL-;% - 01§oe, 7 126. 37 Fifth .tztit,Back imams acnisitt all kind.soi Fire LA Dariti•Blakz. .IBAAO JONES, Prmidna, JOHN xarcpp,D, rot piiir/it. P. M. BOOK, Starts& • Capt.I4II:DIAN; Omura dans harscJques. :„ • C. thirety_ • Capt:ll. B.:L. riallit4o4:l4 - 011 TEM. DRUP: I 4 I - 1 , aomfr •• = 480. A. SLIM, ANisistras:f speuxuso.sops Wi2TEL. renscr ilkir Physicians' preociip nuns ewrfUllf e tOtred c r iEuAtuE misi.4l, „;_ - General ColarOssion'-Meichant, naw onLk3N. Ld a • ' * l 3 . .VOMilkilnanrillSOUttrZO. .f - azm: dam 6 . . BA n• ;IA kjtio.ii 4 Olbure. l 44 • .lgbt g." P:.l At rea., .1..;,-setthad • EW it' - b' g'-reek-bble.; • , theltfter pat tty.f.3l,4slzits of o,nr ow4liitiderair: • '7.. TOY/taND• lid /2 star UtortY. r APPZ-=.lB6'r•"bureis tr " , 't NAIDIFI . La 414 Ta.. =ORES oils, And Tact= .ti oisrif g ;t: it' . P. JONE 3( Apart' 5Z3,241 20 Dfisacross . Andrew Ackley, Alexander Speer; Diked Bla Lamp • Roil J. Thomas, . Benj. P.Saterirell; "Janrcane. M. GORDON; Sitifigery. PiHaCrOn6. _. • S. IS. Kier, • JohnBBlplan, ' Jamithi 31.•Cr00 H. Ilarbsigtr• ..i..- J. John 13. Dlls*ti. , alarletaf.Zaz. • 4.30:13.1 .Pixt*is; .' - : : ... , . "Jamie i):Vei r itex , '.Mpt. :John L. abiabe. - • •bialuel P.Shrtiir;• Georga . P.Jamedii”: ,Daniel Wailace, .. C. Ltatisaik Lmt. '.. _ . . ICILLIPB, - 74 , 44101. - VATT, ViarDrettitese. . Johq D. IleConl, , A:ditm Iva& B. B. latertlEV, " ! Cant , Win:t Deaf',-,; EKE=