The daily Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh [Pa.]) 1863-1866, December 05, 1863, Image 3

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PliMargit, 054zettit.
EtATMAY 31.01M110:::::4:diSC. 6, Issa
,c 1 27.4.4,'5U8UR8.411
0 3 rO r Inn • PAPEIVIICI
The Right oritridke. Companies to Issue
- Totems.
Tho following opinion by Judge McCandless,
of;y.he United States District Court, in tbo
• cal , ,against the Monongahela and other
Bridge Companies, settles the question rola
- tire to the right of these zerporations to issue
piper tokens
• • The question raised by the demurrer is,
•whether theta corporations are liable to the
penalty 'under the provisions of the, act of
Congress of thollth of. July, 1883, for issuing
?epee tickets tO,beraceived for toll. The in
,. diament charges-that the defendants "did
issue, circulate, and pay, divers checks, mem
oranda, and obligations; each for a sum less.
- ihei-Wee fleihrri. indented be received missed
;Ito gnan:ey of 'ii United State."
The 'fact a are described as having printed on
a:Allele-We ...Monongahela. Bridge—Hood for
' ,l crstrip,v with the name of the collector of
'Olissiddild:, 'We do not think that this is a
the act of Congress. Unlike
the tokens recently issued by the
merchants of this city, and for which
' -penalties have - been imposed by this
aeurt, these tickets have no resemblance or
similitude in shape, design or material, to
the coin of the United Stotes,nor the Postage
(Jarrow:7, the free-and untrammelled-n=l*-
M tied of w inch it was the deafen of act to
adienie Mid protect. They cannot, even he
dignified by the name,. given in anythtng but
polite phraseology,: to the worthless lames et
__retlgQn boroughs, which in our vest history
••ded the country, end against a tenowal of
f -,,witlgt.theAttehibitionsof this . Attar° directed.
T44r4_,Aatmontailz Wpromise to pay money,
they_er*.not the representations of money,
end thereibre cannot be said to circulate, or
clicttbsto as money. Money is
thlirliiiitilusn of exchange among the people.
13.Peitdiar characteristic in, that it is the one
• thing aeceptable to . all mew, and in exchange
for which they triliffire any commodity they
possess. The Toner to make it laan exclu
, sivA eovereiguty, no difference of.
Sibatrjailitexial it may, be Composed. It may
• , :sf.biwerthe precious or the baser materials, or it
efay be of paper,. provided heitimstampof
the sovereign autheritY. Ant infringement
A l a s A°1 4 7 19 Pts l 34atixatis visited. with
merited punishment by all nations that' Claim
, fo Late organised orvreil - iigninted Govern
Marin these tickets but a mere permit to
pass on the defendant's bridge; the printed
evidence that the holder his the right of way
over a public thoroughfare, for a given die
, Mae°. Theffixeldsion erpeld subject to the
....„.'penalties of this law all =Greed and passen
railway companies which issued tickets,
, • semen! for the convenience of the public as
fist theft proteition. • No passenger Is bound
teseeilire thent, nor should they be tendered,
except daring "periods when there is great t
erdaeamity. of the smaller coin of the United
-.• tattittfisi and when the exchange is a mutual
iticentmodation Lithe paseenger and the °el
..; An passenger is 'bound to pay
liiififidgzeisil in the lawful eirmilatin g medium,
~ ., : aleetentitarraitment is more frequently with
AGMS thin with the company . But as the let
' ter' njtly a 'monopoly of the particular high
ri,..metay,, Skis their duty so to nee their franchise
.ra -AS hot to put the public to elineeesury
, snetnisnee. The grant of corporate privileges
so for the public good, and from our know'-
415 . gentlemen having the management
eflitefie companies, we aro . satisfied they en
. tiostainwino desire to abuse them. They have
se interest in common with the community in
dreverting the purity of the currency, and a
ppartgre, from this policy would only Meet
on Ilitaisands.
4. Let judgment be entered for the defendants
on'the demuer, the costs to be paid by the
United Slates.
_Thole easel were argued by gr. Dakewell,
Mr. Loomis, and Ghaler fe4 the defend
ants altd - by . the United States Attorney Car
- titan for the Government.
City Mortality
Dr. A.. G. McCandless, Physician to the
..Beard of lloalth, reports the following deaths
- 16fthe weal eommeneLeg Nee. 22d and end
-91 White 161 ,„
Vernales 131 Colored. 1 j `o`m
. .
The diseesos weviss follows : Inflammation
of the:Stomeoh,l; Inflammation of the Loop,
Conspinsion 2; Typhoid Foyer, 1 ; Old
Age; 2; Still Born, 2; Meningetis; 1; Un -
known, 1; Disease of the Brain, t ; Conges
tion Of the Lungs, 1; Diptherin, 1 ; Measles,
1-; CoitiutipHon, L
lifricsiodsar Dexonaraarros.—The grand
inissloaary demonstration, which usually oc
. ount-in Christ M. E. Church, comes off to
morrow. Bishop Simpson will preach in the
evening; and in the afternoon,at three o'clock,
ilal children's meeting will be held, at which
the Bishop is expected to deliver an address,
-wad 'other interesting exercises wilL take place.
This noble congregation contributed last year
to the alum of missions over twenty-two hun
dred dollap. The lowest sum named for this
year's collection is twenty-five hundred dol
- and tome of the most Sanguine" think it
frill itinount to live thousand dollars. .
_ .
GIUDVATZIP at this week's examinttion In
Dtrir llimenatile College, Pittsbargh: Geo.
EL - Danier, Oakland, Pa.; Lewis Irwin, Alle
gheny/ City Byron M. Peek, Brookfield, 0.;
Clarington, 0.; A. A. Malline,
Canton, 0., all of whom passed an honorable
examination, and who will no doubt hereafter
distinguish themselves by their proficiency in
businesti. Each graduate was awarded the
elegant diploma of the College, and was pre
sented by the Faculty with a copy of the Col
lege "Genii of Penmanship," an appropriate
testimonial of his , exemplary deportment
Oring We attendance at College.
Puerto YOVa 11YDRAITIL—Qur citizens,
"during. t/ici winter, are put to a great lump
trenience!,by' the freezing of det:. hydrants.
TheXihould. now take the necelsary precau
tienssiand avoid the Inconvenience. The by
ottani should be well, protected with straw or
so as not to be exposed to the
told hisats.of the weather. The freezing of
the fire-plugs Is also a general thing during
the isold weather. 'The City authorities should
look to this in time, and have them kept in
Aninn37 oP an Escarp? Pataonsa.--James
SOX, sass Kelly, an escaped prisoner from the
Laticashit JOH, was yestertiay arrested by
Aldertcsin Donaldson's police, at the Mansion
Iro u, ;thin ho :had 3boon_ employed for
moms time. fro is charged with burglary and
higlway robbery, and. is said to be a very
dangerous 'Man. Ile was taken in charge by
Aar Masson of Lancaster, who had traced
'him to ttda city.
WHY-Essiwww Wrissries.—A full supply of
theralinpitgarjournals will bo fou r.d at .1 .P.
Hynes Misanio mai, Fifth street, and at J.
T. Ibutives 85 Federal street, Allegheny.
Weekly,Stred eV Smith', Ned York
WimUg c TA. nary Triban'e, Herald, World,
eke., ate., always received by express Immo
diaws..47 on publication.
AIM Purami.—The vest my:ma
w= d irms lasepps will be produced again
at the theatio thid evening, in connection with
the pateietintitamtvef Putnam—Mr. Miles ap
posing In both pieces with his trained horse
Hiawatha.. It it but seldom'that two Inch
'Pie* ark l'etmd upon the same bill.
pm. Puuros.4-' -As Christmas last up
,posettinglt niaknot be 'unintoresting to the
pntalo to tints thata splendid stook or Pianos
andXolodeons hoe jut been brought on by
Mani. Fifth streot, 'pleated
Sieber with spools! roforenco tb4heir
atdtableness foi holiday presents: ,
Tut Ihrintows A Tam or 1777."—Thts
tlUe - Of the latest • nurtibiir of lkisdlet
lroveli, 14 Irma author of "The
Tiro Guards," "Agnes Falkland," eto. For
2...isalebt 44 P. Hunt. 54 Fifth etreet, Pittaburgh,
end hy3 . . s T.Elanipleil3s Federal street, Alto
. - _
tho' Delaware
aitowatywitttAmilreek, "a bleach:et iworelser
Sas was &welded la favor of the x!falr&M , sel,"
• BellatiColDeVorlio was awarded 000 damages,
•Sheia wevisnteeix yeariof ago. Look - out, you eiethergirle."-
Eittioinax .—A - loeomotive . -Astachoil to •
eteek-ezpron trairtioWthe'Pettnegvaida
*lT6ll4:4l,l4.d; . • 111 4 ; Pittativie -- the other
.1 2 411.; • wig/neer, Ohelatbm Irvin, wee
.eoadderably scalded. No lives most.
_---,.:~-~_.; ;rte :,~.;,,,~,~.P,;.;.~,,,.;:,,;.,.-::
lAn Incident ti the Snlithrlittre Rooms.
Among -the soldiers; who arrit' edin this city,
on Thursday, on thetioon trail:l*o . m the east,
was Dr. Wm. Forrester, Surgeon of the sth
Kentucky Cavalry, who has jest been re
leased from Libby prison. On the same train
was. Mr. J. T. Sample, news dealer, of Alle
gheny, who had a very interesting converse
lion with tho doctor, and who, by the way,
corroborates the statements relative to the
horrible sufferinge of our prisoners at Rich
mond. On their arrival bare, the doctor,
being a stranger, desired to know where he
could get • comfortable dinner, and was di
rected to the Continental. On his way thither
ho was accosted by a gentleman and conduct
ed to the dinning rooms of the Subsistence
Committee, where he found.s, neat table, well
supplied with warm, desirable victuals, and
attended by those most invaluable servants,
neat and tidy ladies. The doctor actually
-thought HIS he Was in a first eless restau
rant, and when hehimi eaten he very naturally
askedwhat the bill eras. The lady addressed
pleasantly informed him that there was no
charge,aid at his raciest ails gave
him a brief account of the work which the
Committee had been performing. No one can
hotter appreciate these kindly offices, in be
half of our brave soldiers, than the returned
prisoner, fresh from the scenes of Southern
cruelty and barbarity, and Dr. Forrester could
scarcely find words to express the gratitude
which he experienced. He bid the ladies God
speed in thaw noble work, and before leaving
contributed a bandsie sum of money to the
institution, together with a photograph of
the Libby Prison.
How many of our citizens are there, who
.4fi , wei never felt the privations of the Sold, the
wathp, or the prilon, andyet have not contrib- 1
1 uted a dollar to theflubsistance Committee, '
or any similar insti&tion 7 If there is one
tuth, lot kink do something at once—send a
.donation In cash, or something desirable in
the way of provisions. By doing so, he will
confer a blessing upon the soldier, and benefit
his own conscience—if he has any.
HiLLIAY HOLD/Rd, an aged citizen of St.
Thomas township, Franklin county, fell from
a wagon, a few days alp, and was to severely
Injured that be died in a few moments.
TKOMIL—This troupe will
give a matinee thie afternoon, at Concert Hall,
and willperform again in the evening. See
Egos lon Tllll Pxortc.—Embroidering ma.'
chines aro not the thing for family sewing.
Read the following
One prominent defect of the double thread
loop stitch is the waste of thread in fordzing
It. Each yard of seam requires on an aver
age. 7y s yards of thread, or twice and one-half
the amount required by the ' , lock stitch." An
estimate may be easily made of the compar
ative expense of using the two. In the skirt
manufactory of Messrs. Douglass & Sherwood,
a day's work of ten hours for one person is
estimated at 1,000 yards of straight seam, ton
stitches to the inch, with the loek-stich ma
chines, which they use ; this length of seam
roquire&tbree thousand yards of cotton thread,
and with the double thread chain or knitting
stitch machine, 7,500 yards would
_,lOl required.
The cost rif. 3 ,000 yards of cotton thread woald
be $1,35 at wholesale,and the cost of 7,508
yards would be $9,10, making a difference of
81,85 a day in this item alone or more than
$5,000 a yeas; with costlier thread or silk (at
present prism at $ll per pound), the difference
would be much greater. In shirt and collar
manufacture, where the stitch is finer, and less
length of seam Is sewed, the difference per
day is only about 75 cents in favor of the lock
stitch machines. In a manufactory like that
of Winchester & Davies ' where ono hundred
and sixty o nsf these ueldnea are used, the
saving is $l2O per day. Tho result is that the
chain or knitting-h R& is not used on this
work. In quilting, where silk is used, the
difference eaeh. day would amount to more
than two dollars and twenty-five cents on
each mahine.—Scientific American.
The Wheeler & Wilson is the best machine
for family use. Office No. 27 Fifth street.
Tua Qualm orlisv.urn (Germany) hoe or
dereda Sewing Machine to be made in this
country. It is now finished and ready to be
sent abroad. It wu manufactured by the cel
ebrated Grover dr Baker Co., and makes the
Greyer b. Balker stitch. The Bavarlac royal
aims are beautifully inlaid with pearr-.6a
gold on the top of the iron work table. As
all the different parts of tho machinery
biuch as pivots, cams and wheels) are of sil
ler,itheir, simplicity is seen at a glance. The
whole is to be enclosed In an elaborate case,
and will be forwarded to the Queen by an
early steamer, so that it may reach her by
the Christmas Holidays. We would advise
all of our readers to go and do likewise—that
is, order one of Grover 21: Baker's celebrated
Sewing 'Machines for a holiday present, as
there is surely no more useful or acceptable
gift than one of these machines.
Jour Itzezrrun.—A. fresh stock of Photo
graph Albums, of the beat styles sad at low
prices, also all sizes diaries for 1864, and all
the new books, magazines, papers, &v., at
Prank Case's news depot, Chronicle Building.
littoww's Balmiest...l. Timmins, for Coughs,
Colds, Pulmonary and Asthmatic Disordors,
have proved their efficacy by a test of many
years, and have received testimonials from
eminent men who have need them. dew.
Taw Rz.icrviiirou will preserve the origin
al color of the hair to old ego. Price one dol
lar. For sale by all respectable Druggist/.
Simon Johnson, general agent, corner of
Fourth and Smithfield streets.
GELS closing out sales of everything at
ItoClellantri Auction. Before you buy call
and see the low mice& 55 be the number.
PUOTOGRIPII Atrinws in great variety, bar
rtgla and low prices at Frank Case's news de
pot, Chroniele Building, Fifth street.
Bstow Cost.--Card Photographs at tho very
low price of only ono dollar a dozen, at Pit
took s, opposite the Postoffice.
independent, Literary Companion,
Pilot and Notions, and all the late papers, at
Pittook's, opposite the Postoffi ce.
DIARIES roil 1814.—A fine assortment of
diaries for next year bat, received at Frank
Case . ' news depot.
DIAGRAM of the Battlefield of Gettysbn rgh,
for sale at Pittock's, opposlte.lhe Poste ifiee.
SCE the handsome Nonpareil Balmoral Boots
just opened at ?delaßand's Auction.
Acarins.—A supply just received at P Week 's t
news agency, opposite the Postoffice.
Sze tho Eastern daily papers for late noise,
at Pittooles, opposite the Postothee.
MAIMS for 1864, at Pitteek's,, opposite the
ROLASID.—On Iliday, 4th hut., TSANG, young
est eon of Edward and Sue Boland, egad 4 months.
Funeral will take place TO-DAT, Sib Instant, at 9
o'olock p. tn., from the residence of the parents,
Beaver utast, foot of Rebecca, Allegheny. •
ATWELL.—At Chattanooga, Tenn., on 24 Her.
IMP, of wound received at the battle of Wanhatchlo,
Ala., Rapt. CLUB. A. ATWILLI,I, of Reutp'e Penn's.
Battery, in the 934 year of hie age.
The Mural will take place ors Sonar, the oth
at 1 o'clock p. m., from the residence of his
father.lenlaw, Ju. Gregg, Esq., Ho. ST Orel& street,
Allegheny City.
O,I3IPnLL.—On Friday morning, D.c. 416, at
9 Weak, of paralyda, wg.,cmctrimu, to tho 4.14
year of Ws ago.
The r funaral wlll take place sans (Saturday) Aiwa
-1001, at three o'clock, from the residence of Mr.
James Ball, 'Western Avenue, illeahany.
DICKEY—On Thnrolay, at two o'clock, p.
Maur Ana Nana, wife of Robert Dickey, aired m 6l
• Parteral from the house of het hozbar.d, Hightand
avant.. Lag Liberty, at tat o'clOak, m., SATUSIDAT.
yriatula Of the family ars invited to attend. Carriage
mill be in resales at the comer of Seventh and
Stalthtlald attiesta at 1 p.m.
Prima Inch Flooring Boards,
Id bet long, various widths, fbr was by
acracaexce t LAO°
Liberty street.
Clol.l.ettlßE ' S Er RB.
Allan's do.
Sharp . . do.
Warnor's do.
Tor .ate by JAIM DOWN, INS Wool street
~~. ~.b~~.~,,...,«, ~~-,~~.w.,~~~~.~. ~.~z,. ~~a_
BY nmatepn.
Special Dispatch to the Pittsburgh Oseette
Womusowa Croy, Doe. 4, 1883
The eontest for the Speakerehip it practi
cally ended. Washburn's friends eel) tt up ,
and the only question that remains is whether
.Washburn will withdraw before tho caucus is
held,-or wait till after an informal ballot. If
a ballot is had at all, Colfax will have not lets
than Eighty-six of a vote, aid at the very out
side Washburn cannot have twenty. The
matter will end, of course, in a nomlnation
by acclamation.
Members are conking in rapidly to the Ad
ministration caucus of Saturday night, which
is called in this morning's papers. It is cer
tain that it will be fully attdaded. The Date
°erotic caucus is called for the same night.
The lowa. delegation -met to-night and re.
solved to east their six votes solid for Colfax,
for Speaker, and Buffington, of Massaehu
setts, for Clerk. Pennsylvania has resolved
to coat her twelve votes for Colfax and
McPherson. Michigan, California, and Min
nesota, have resolved unanimously for Colfax,
but have made no committals for clerks. The
Kentucky delegation is in session to-night.
Pour members are for Brutes Clay; Clay
Smith, Lucien ;Anderson and Wm. H. Ran
dall :will go into the Administration caucus
and vote for Colfax. An effort was made to
make Mallory a candidate for Speaker, bat Jt
signally failed. Winter Davis goes - into cau
cus : so do all the Missouri radicals, other
Maryland radicals, the Delaware member,
and, in a word, all the Border State men but
admitted copperhead-5 and their allies.
The operations of the Patent 001,ce from
October let, 1862, to September 30th, 1863, in
clusive, from a forthcoming official report, are
as follow: Number of applications received
from Oct. Ist, 1862, to Sept. 30th, 1862, inclu
sive, '5,133 ; number of caveats Med. daring
the same period, 392 ; !lumber of applications
for estensiora of patents, 62; number of pat
ents issued, including re-issues and designs,
3,887; number of extensions granted, 40;
number of applications on which patents had
been allowed, but not issued, by reason of the
non-payment of the final fee within the time
prescribed by the law of the 3d of March last,
about 370.
The financial statement of the balance on
hand the Ist of October, 1862, Is $58,157 24,
cash; from October 1, 1862, to September 36,
1863, $179,378 35: Total, $227,535 76. Ex
femme for mama time, $181,803 13. Balance
to credit of Patent Fund on the Ist of Octo
ber, 1101, 537,732 72.
Members who bare not procured certificates
In due form, should not lose a moment in get
ting and forwarding them to Emerson Ether
idge, Clerk of the last Rondo. In culpable
negligence on this point lies tho only possibil
ity of danger in the organization.
For the clerkship the contest waxes warm.
and it is idle to attempt to predict the results
between McPherson and Pessenden.
The President's Mcsrage Is not yet com
pleted, end there is no probability that it will
be until the day Congress moils. No advance
copies, therefore, will btu sent. It will be tel
egraphed from hero to Philaslalphia, New
York, and the West no soon as delivered.
None of thwDepartment,reporta rirelihely to
be ready In time to send out advance copier,
unless it be those of the Navy and Port-office.
The Democratic caucus to-night was little,
beyond a social re-union. About sixty were
present. King, of Missouri, presiding. Ko
border State men, excepting acknowledged
Copperheads, were with them.
The peremptory sale of abandoned lands
is to be ordered in the States of 'Virginia,
South Carolina, Tennessee and Florida.
Tho Baltimore emancipationists are urging
the appointment of Dorn Piatt to command
that department, or else the appointment of
some Major General to whom Dora Platt shall
be °lbis staff. Blair is doing all he can to
defeat either plan.
Gon. Meade's last movement has already
raised a clamor for his removal in and out of
the army. Alter the President has finished
his mosaage the question will be considered,
and if he should be removed, no one now ap
pears to stand so good a chance for his suc
cessor as Gen. looker.
Gon. Wadsworth has just returned from
makings tour along the Mississippi, Moppet
ing plantations worked by free labor and col
ored troops, and reports highly favorable as
to their condition. The Lower Mississippi is
the most productive, there being no guerrillas.
One sugar plantation net $30,000. The lessees
employing free labor make money. Consider
ing the suddenness .of the change In thel
social condition, and the fact that necessarily
while at the depot catch disease and suffer,
the experiment is as successful as could pos
sibly be expected of negro troops. lie re
ports them very effective, but bad officered in
some oases. The best feeling exists between
them and the whites. No exceptions noticed.
The approximate estimates for the Depart
ment of tho Interior are $8,050,000; Penskons
about $4,000,000; Land Office $600,000. The
Judiciary is cat down to $500,000; Indian
Bureau cut down to $150,000. The Patent
Office has a balance of $38,000 on hand from
last appropriations, and the Agricultural Bu
reau has $lOO,OOO. The Secretary of the In
terior's report will not be ready till Monday.
Who has just been sent Booth by General
fichonck,has been a thorough going disunionist
since the start. Blair, who, it Is said, had
made great efforts to care him, has a son in
the rebel service, and refused to take the oath
at the last election. He tried to got the judges
of the election arrested.
Nothing from Gen. Meade has been received
by the Government since the campaign began.
All are:awake with the threatened attack
from den:Lei, last night. There is a report
that he had crossed at Germania. The fact
was that he - attempted to 0131111 in force at
Raccoon Ford, but Custer repulsed him. Gen.
Meade says that ho Is ready to fight them on
this side.
. .
The lowa delegation, to-night, votod solid
for Colfax, contrary to the general expecta
Will be in his seat by Monday
There Is nothing later, official, from Knox
Jarresson Orr's, Deo. 4.—ln the House
to-day the rules were suspended to allow the
Introduction of a resolution providing for the
appointment of a committee to investigate the
military transaction of *a State. Thepro
visional government resolution parsed.
Sperist Disrstch to tbs Pittsburgh! Guyette.
CHATTANOOGA, Dee. 4, 1863
Ererithing in quiet.
Oar entire issual!ies in the lete-bullies too
up 4;500. The Fourth Corpeelone lost 2,350
Tho prisoners tapered number 5,250, ineMd
Lug 46 guns. 11. if. •
Glllwore Sp Shelling the City
de,, te., ft.
PHILADUMII.I, Dec. 4.—The U. S. supply
steamer Wassachuselts arrived at the Navy
Yard this anerning from Charleston bar,
Tuesday - artrnoon It 4 o'clock. She brought
back Ma' mine liettalloo, comprising 200
men, and Several refugees from St. Johns'
river, 'Florida, who represent that state Oahe in
a starving condition. She a/sp brought one
of the rebel party who attempted/0 blow up
the Ira: aide. Robert Scott, bYttarne, form
erly of New York. /dent. West reports that
Gen. Gillgtpre still contihrted to throw shells
Into ChaMton at the rate of twenty per day,
and it Madera that they warn doing coo
lideribi &imago. The obeli' wore seen to
birst at hi.
All t 'inhabitants of .Charleston had been
moved e rear of the,city. •
The ' 4on Sumter had ceased, and Gen.
Gill/nem . yea turning his attention to the fora
inside t he harbor. A terrific fire was kept up
on Fort44knson. , .FV ' ..
On the reoePtion of the news of Grant's vic
tories on Tuesday, oorrormy and navy bred
i l ir
salutes. on afterwards the rebel battery
opened:#li ... kith iris vigorously going on
When the reehusetts left.
The rebettiegad hetet/fore kept a hospital
flag dying frOfp. the. Moultrie lipase, and of
course, our Mimi rfspeeted ft andavelded'fir.
ing upon it, bas' .a few days ago the rebels
commenced tearing down the Moultrie Ilona,
and revealed to our forces a formidable bat-
My.which hid leinstieeted behind it while
It wan' under the poteetion of the hospital
Ifollernoir dolts over Sumter, and only
an occasional shot is fired from Its ruins.
Clerfertent, Dei:lst.---The position of affairs
hero is unchanged. Gen. Gil'more continues
to shelEßumtm from his mortar batteries:
The West wall, has been undermined by
our fortlicationji r and every vestige of the fort
is tapidlif.dhapithating.
TbeWeatheroptuyesterday has been stormy
and iho'hilitr 4 ATlCOneequenes, WAS inactive.
Capt. J. IC Bradford has been appointed fleet
Captain, vice EMZIEWIII. relieved.
Banos. Dee.4l..The correspondent of the.
Boston Herald, to a letter dated off Charles
ton' Nov. yB, says; • Ono or two rebel batteries
on James lilanChave been completely de
molished by our immense shade. Sumter re
ceived on awful pounding yesterday. One of
our heavy shota Stitch upon the inside of the
wall and sent an immense quantity of it into
the sea. The waits are so broken up that we
have a line - Wiwi thiengh them.
Last night a Sergeant and ten privates of a
Georgia Regiment stationed. on James Island,
made good their eitapa during the darkness
and surrendered themselves to our forces on
Folly Island. They Etat* that the Charlesto
nians and the rebel troops are almost in a state
of panic. All kin& of eatables tie scarce
and enormously high. They say the South'
can't hold out many menthe longer. The
poor people were in a state of starvation in
Charleston and Saysnaah.
Conservative Union National Committee
C/ NCI ' N NATI, Dec. L—The Conservative
Union National Committee met at the Bernet
Rouse at 3 o'clock. Gov. Wm. IL Campbell,
of Tennessee, was made chairman, pro tem.
lion. A. M. Kendall was elected prominent
President of the Committee. William C.
Hord, of New York, was elected permanent
Arrangements ma, made 410 r the conven
tion to Imealled-the lts)noday. which ocenven
thm issembTA atilrb'ellilft, in a large;
hall. The convention was addressed during
the session by the following named gentle
men : Hon. Garrett Davis, of Kentucky ; J.
P. Fanrot, of Now York; Lieut. Gov. Jacobs,
of Kentucky ; Wm. C. Hurd, of New York;
Gen. Leslie Combs; Abanning Norton, of
Texas ; J. Scott Harrison, of Ohio; Samuel
T. Williams, of Maryland; J. C. Phillips, of
Ohio ; Hamilton Pope, of Kentucky; Jno. H.
James el Ohio ; J. B. Brunner, of Kentucky ;
Paul Shipman, of Louisville; Gov. Campbell,
of Tennessee; R. F. Stevens, of New - York,
and many others. •
Letters were read from Hon. John Bell
Robinson, of Pennsylvania; lion. Emerson
of Tennerseo ; Washington Hunt
ley, Hon. Linn Childs, Ron. Edward Riddle,
of Massachusetts • Hon. W. Read, of Penn
aylvania ; Gov. Trimble and lion. John L.
Taylor, of Ohio; Hon. Gilbert C. Walker, of
Illinois ; lion. John B. Heston, of Kentucky ;
Gov. Colby, of Vermont; lion. C. B. Colvert,
of Maryland; Hon. B. Davie Nixon, of New
York, and many others, all expressing the
greatest interest in the enceess of this move
ment, and nearly all express the most earnest
desire for the nomination of Gen. George B.
McClellan by this Convention. In deference
to these numerous coresident in favor of Gen.
McClellan, the subject of hie nomination wee
before the Convention for its cossideration,
and resulted in the adoption of the following
resolution, presented by Hon. John 13. Brun
Resolved, That this convention of consulta
tion adopta and reaffirms the Kentucky plat
form of 1863, and suggests to the Conservatire
Union National Committee the name of Geo.'
B. McClellan for the next Presidency, and
recommend to said committee to take such
action in regard to the nomination of candi
dates for President and Vice President as they
may deem expedient.
Daring. the discussion the names of lion.
W. B. Campbell, of,Tenn., Gen. Leslie Coombs
and Gov. Thos. B. Bramlette, were mentioned
with great interest for the Vipe Presidency.
To-day the national convention adopted the
following resolution upon the motion of Ham
ilton Pope of Kentucky. The advisary con
vention held in Cincinnati on the 4th inst.
having rector:mended to Ibis committee thb
nomination of George D. McClelland for the.
Presidency, and none for the Vice Presidia:
ey, it being deemed advisableto have a future
meeting of this committee nominating for the
Presidency and Vice Presidency, whereupon
It was resolved that the resolution be referred
to the meeting of this committee to be geld
at Independence gall, Philadelphia, on this
23d day of this month, and that all the mem
bers bo earnestly requested to attend in that
city for consideration of the resolution, end'
such action as may be deemed advisable by
the permanent Secretary of the Committee.
.„ ,
. Ncw You, Dec. 4.—The flat says that the.
New York Sub-Treasury received yesterday%
$3,000,000 in legal tender notes by transfer;
from Washington. Several transfers also In
legal tender notes will probably soon follow
from other offices 61 tho Department, and no
application is likely, at present, to be made
to the Associated Dank for further advances
to the Government, as the deposit. In the
Treasury has recently declined from the max
turn of $100,000,000 to about $55,000,000. The
Secretary can now employ, under the act of,
July 11th, 1862, his reserve of $50,000,000
legal tender notes, should the neeostity of the
public service imperatively require it. Mr.
Chase Is opposed to any fa rth er issue of
currency, both* on account of Its inevitable
diorite in advancing the premium on gold, and
also because of the corresponding augments.
tion It would produce In the prices of all other.
Coal In 1110a4elphla.
Dee'r4l, Th Bulletin issues
the following: We learn this afternoon from
an agent-of a steamship company, that be has
been endeatoring to.daytopase one hulk(
dred tons of coal, but thus far unntocessfully.-
lie has received information that a meeting_
of coal operator' was held last evening, at
which It was resolved In order to keep up
the present high prices, to suspend mining
operations. The suspension was to commence
immediately, but it was finally determined
that it should not commence mail the ltth of
Sales of Five-Twenties.
PFULADIMPEIA, Deo. d.—The sales of lien-
Twenties to-day amount to 1424,550. ahe
Men delayed. bonds are now being delleand
at the rata of a million and a half per day,
and a target amount are promised during the
1 1 110._t at South Amboy, N. .I.—Prom the
crotomae Army—Confiscated Property
to be Sold.
s•P'-is^r 'Vona, Dec. 4.—A serious disturbance
occurred this week in South Amboy, N. J., on
the part of the strikers from the employ of
the Camden and Amboy Railroad. Gorern
meet and other freight was detained, and the
Railroad and other business stopped, and for
two days mob law ruled supreme. On Wed
nesday the Sheriff, with a posse of 31 men and
a military company from Trenton, dispersed
the mob and arrested them. All Is quiet
now, and the operations of the road are re
A epeeist to the Ecen;Ag Post, dated 'Wash
ington, Dec. 1, say, Dispatches from Meade's
army represent that everything is quiet to
The Government has ordered the sale of all
confiscated land in Virginia, South Carolina,
Florida and Tennessee, on the 19th of Jan
uary,. The sale will be peremptory to pay the
direct tax of these States.
Can. Meade's Late Campaign
WAssuitoron,Dec. 4.—Thc Star, ander the
head The Army of the Potomac and its hes
itating Generals," says : "So long as our army
this quarter continues to be guided by its
present counsel in the field, it is now clear
that it will tail to command public confidence.
Though the movement amounted only to a
reconnoissance in force, its purpose was cer
tainly to give Lee battle whenever found.
There can be no mistake in this fact, though
it is now thought to be denied. We know
farther that the season for active operations,
under active commanders, in this section, has
not slated, as is being represented by more or
'leas newspapers. So if Lee, relying upon a
oontinuance of the chronic hesitancy that has
affected the counsel of tien. Meade, ventures
to reinforce Longetreot considerably from his
own army, which be has yet time, at least, to
attempt, the Government wiil promptly seek
to make him-pay dear for his temerity; as ear
Army of the Potomac - is as ready, at this mo
ment, to r more as it was.
The Qtiota of Pennsylvania —The Oppo
_akticoa Members of the liouso—Prom
:Pottnnac Army.
Ititifftl42l3,e, Hey. f.—Cur. Curtin has laid
&tat stibutilted a plan for thn approval of tho
'ilivetsident a plan for raising troops in Pebn •
oiylrania, whielt-it in snid if acceded too will
Weals that Stitt among the foremost in tilling
the 'required quota.
Tho opposition members of thts House of
Itepreseotittives, about fifty in number, had a
froo conversation to-eight at the Capitol.
Ertl, the only border State man present,
presided. Tho border State men also have a
consultation to-night. •
All was quiet in front of the army of the
Potomac to-day. Last night the onemy made
a reconneoisonce,consisting of artillery,in font
ry and cavalry, and crossed at Raccoon Ford
with the probablo. intention of o•certaining
our strength and position, but they were
driven back.
Meetings In Regard to the Organiza
tion or the House.
Wsantsorox, Dec. 4.—A notice Is published
this forenoon fora meeting of the Union mem
lien of the House of Representatives to-mor
row evening, for the purpose of placing in
nominatin candidates for Speaker and other
officers of the House.
Another notice also appears inciting a
meeting of the Democratic Conservative I nice
members, to determine such action as may be
deemed proper it relation to the organization
of the Douse. There' are already over 100
men:khan of the Douse end fifteen or twenty
Senators in Washington. Thereis much con
sultation and electioneering going on in re•
lotion to the organization of the House.
Affairs at Chattanooga—A Perfect
Reign of Terror hi Ceorgia—Bragg
Relieved by Harder.
Cusrvssoocs, Dec. I.—Thoro is nothing
from Knoxville. The weather is mild an
lb° roads ore dry, and during the past week
it has boon most favorable fur a rapid march.
Our relieving column is probably within reach
of Longetreet to-night.
A number of refugees trete Walker county,
Georgia, who came in to-day, represent n per
fect reign of terror in Northern Georgia. The
mules of alleges are conscripted, and the im
pressed citizens arc escaping to the moun
Bragg. has boon relieved by Hardee, TV o 13
making desperate efforts to patch up the coat
toted army, and assume the offensive.
From !Memphis—Cotton for Cincinnati
Union Meeting.
Ciao, Dee. 4.—Memphis dates of tho 21
aro raceired. Gen. Ilarlbut has ordered all
merchants in Memphis, not haying authority
from headquarters to trade in military cloth
ing not to send their stocks north of the line.
The steamer Silver Moon, from Memphis,
with 600 bales of cotton passed here to-day
for Cincinnati.
lion. Mr. Chase, of Michigan, and General
Gregor, of Ohio, addressed a largo and enthu
siastic Union meeting here loot night.
Further News by the Scotia
New Yoar, Dec. 4.—The Glasgow Herald
has a report that the naval authorities on the
Clyde, had been instructed to detain the sus
pected war vessels fur the Confederacy should
they attempt to go to sea before further inves
tigation was made.
The editors of all the Paris journals have
been summoned to the Ministry of the Inte
rior, and cautioned to be careful in their re
marks on the legislative proceedinginge, as
,t,ho government would vigorously enforce the
Ten thousand troop: would sail from Che
robnrg on the 23d for.Mazieo.
Recruiting Colored Cavalry
Boaros, Dec. 4.—The Seoretary of War
has authorised Governor Andrew to recruit
regiment of colored cavalry in Mam
Markets by Telegraph.
Nave Yozz., Dec. 4.—Cotton Irregular and !loiter,
With more dolug 7S@ Mc for middling 'timed,
Flour opened firm arid closed dull and 1:1 etind lower
at $6,5046,35 for Extra State, $7,45457,50'f0rl F.actm
11. 11. 0, and 57,55 for Trade Bronchi. Whiaky firmer
but irregular and unsettled at 55(4850 for 'Western.
Wheat firmer, without any decided change, at $1,424
1,46 for Chicago Spring, $1,43‘151,46 for klihearikee
Club, 51,4601,4 e for Amber Itilivaiikeo_igt, for
very choke-51.50W ,514 fur Winter Red Western, and
51,60,41,0 for Amber Michigan. Corn ruled heavy
•t 51, 4 "41,21 for shipping mixed Western In more
andsl,23%, afloat. Oats heavy and lower at BAeS9C
for Western. Wool quiet and prices firm. lirpe
firmer, with a fair demand at 20( . 4.24c. Petroleum
excited and decidedly higher at 55 5 - ir erode, 43645 r
for Refined, In bond, 45 for Refined, December and
Januaryand 62453 for Refined, fine. Pork moss...-
Ova and ' s..shado firmer at 516,75 for odd Men, 516,-
373/ 2 651518,60 for new Mess, $120512.,25 for Door prime,
and 416,06317,50 for now prime Mess. Cut Meats
firm for Shoulders, and loCelle for Hams. Bacon
Sides quiet. Lord unchanged; naive for December,
January and Febntary, at 12yoll1r. flutter a shade
firmer at 20C424c for Ohio, and - '27@ncents (Or State.
Cheese very firm at 130160 for common to prime.
PRILIIDELIVIA, Dee. E.—Flour quiet at $7,3008,00
Extra Family. Wheat firm. Petroleum; sales of
Crude at 58040, Refined, In bond, 480 W. NV 1.14 y
sdvancod to 8313Slic.
New York Stock and Money Market.
Nee YOl2l, Dec. 4.-31oney vary easy and steady
at 1. Sterling a shade alder at 166€4167. Gold I.
lower, Irregular and unsettled, opening at 5334, de
dining to 5134, advancing to 53%, and closing arm
at 52%653.
Government Stocks qulet--r. S. Co 11 Coupon.,
10830108%; 7-30 t, tOr e.
Stacks steadier:
U-8 Ws 1 year car,_ .
Pacific Mall
98 Rencliug ...... ...... ....,120 , /..
.66 21 EL....—. ............. -79
..-.132.4f, 1111. C. scrip 111 2
~.-100 C. k P
....101'('13, ,
C I Tol 104%
....In C. 32 R. 1
..... 92, P. FL W. a C 8 .
__-- 60 !CS: 24 W 46 ,
lour quiet. Wheat wady
r Kentucky White. Corn
tending upward at 84(4800
BLttuonn, Dec. 4.—Fl.
.and firm et 52.001V,23 for
active, Whisky firm and
An Experienced Carpet Ilipho'adorer
to granted Immediately at
owvin 11cCLITiTOCH & 00.'8,
T V lied man without children merldred. He must
utuSentand the culture of Grapey and not be afraid
Oa little hard work. The right kind of a man tall
get • permanent sitrudbxt, and limed pay.
12614ecoad street, Pittsburgh, Pa. deg
V f ANTED.-1,60 a Norio.—We want
Atentsed $BO • month, =pitmen paid, to sell
one 5 e n4,6 4 , pereept, Drinotal Bunsen, and thirteen
aro, useful mid carious articles. Tilleeti art/ •
des eentiree. Address,
• SHAW °LAB: •
$75 A MONTH t_ l
t $lB it t M hire
Ag a 13 L ..., ta
100, to wall my DM ChMP Family_t3irerin h,
B. KLD/SON. slhva, Motu
:WARM TO R/itS:7_,_
Ilitnakid fn • barrios Panta• at the any. •
=n sat 128 WECOND ITBUT
Ths riser was abaci! sisilaiiWit *yell
terday, wftb fhwdeet lathe channel by the pfri
Lset Ferentn;,. The weather era:alma.'" mild
end idededar, and the indfratkmsfor rdinare
.ti the wharf, trounces IR= 11=1.01. bat 1101aliaid•
not that there is any somiry of freight, not owing
tho want of tonnage. That Crash., leading for
Cincinneti, was the only beat In tort last 'evening,
the torten.° haring loft for Wheeling to the after-
The women Saranna and Paragon left Ctneinnad
Cur Pittsburgh on Wedsreeday evening, and the Lest
Lard and Starlight were advertlsedto learn on
The Julia arrived from Zanesville last, erening
with an excellent trip, and will return age/d as usual
to-day nt 4t. m. This floe etsamer has already be
come quite a favorite In the 'Zanesville trade, bet
this Is not to be wondered at, with such Mace. as
Capt. Wm. Conisms and clerk Jas. C. McVay.
The fine slew steamer trilda, In command of tint.
T. W. Laughrey, Is announced to clear for Cin..,unati
this evening without fail. The Crude Is staunchly
constructed, it In charge of rueful and popular Mil
rem, las goal accommodations for pasturage., end
some more room for freight
almantaret Nr.LDROI.—TIto vessels of the squadtun
are classed as follosfa
Iron clads; 14; tin clads, 37; entwines steamers, 2;
rams, 6, dispatch steamers, 4; top, 1 wadies, res•
eels, U; of all classes building, :M. Total, ital.
Added to these vowels we haves form of 1,6G.0 offt.
con, and nearly 54,000 mon, to whom eiddltlonnare
daily being made. With snob a powerftil fleet, no
fears need be entertained regarding the safety of nav
igation, and the Arm hold vrtiieh we hare acquired
on the Nieslealppi riven
We learn that thoro to great difficulty In procuring
Oath fur the Government service on the Ohio and
Ifiseintippi rivers, on account of their being paid
higher price. try the owners of baste not in the Uni
ted State, settler.
River pilule are now getting ult., an Average, from
$2,5,30 to $3,000 per year.;
We take the following account of the robbery of
the Duke from the. Albany Ledurrof the 3Uth ult.;
We haws an account by telegraph of the arrest of
Capt. Con, Mr. Swift, clerk, and other offs ern of the
steamer Luke, at Noah) die, for ferrying rebel cav
alry across therumbprlaod river at Cara., Ky. IS
leer., the trupreasion oh guilt on the part of the of
;icor. of the Duke. The toots, however are these:'
On the arrival of the Duke at Canton ohs erns no.
tined that there ... • Urge force of guerrillas in the
neighborhood, and it would or ibmgerous to proceed.
She had no escort (she was In Government nervier)
and therefore laid up for the night. The rebels wore
reported on the opposite side of the rivertkom where
she laid op. Captain Coo had a number of sack, of
corn broughton the holler deck and placed in barri
cade. He ba4, also,
the gnus on the boat loaded,
reedy for an attack, taking every precaution to pre
vent the boat from •orprise. He had We ferry-boat
taken to the video( the river be ocenpfed. At half
paet 12 o'clock al night, however the guerrillas made
• dash upon the haw. Their officers took Capt. Con
and Mr. Swift, the clerk, Into the office, and with
cocked pistols to their beads, compelled them to
sgroe to ferry them over the river. While these pro
ccedlogs were going onto the office, the privates. of
the gang proceeded to rob the boat and the paseen
gyre. of a geotlem. named Helper, they stole 52h0;
they took $l5 from the pantryman, stoleall the
blankets and each Other goals as they wanted, from
the cabin. They robbed Capt. Coo of his revolver,
gum coat, socks, and other articles of clothing. Af
ter these outrages, they compelled the officers of the
boat to ferry them over the Cumberland. Resist.
ialKe being vain, theofficers were obliged to do as
they were ordered. The arrest of Capt. Cox, Mr.
Swift, and ether officers of the Duke, will amount to
nothing. here in Sew Albany, their loyalty is too
aril known to sithject there to suspicion on accortut
14 one of those accidents of war to which every steam
boat In int bjeet.
ciarar AGE.XTS.
Licaux4:l by the Q. B. 4overnenena.
103 Tina BTBEST, &I door below the Cathedral
Penneylronla Soldiers watt of tho mountains, Etud
e. Ohio &Adler., and Watt Virginia Soldiers, cm
hate their Penalona, Beauty and Back Pay secured
at title office.
Circulars will be sent giving full inforMatlon to
the Soldiers, or to demoted Soldiers' Heirs, shooing
who are entitled to the Poulton, Bounty and Back
Pay, and Om manner of securing the mom, by apply
ing to me by letter or in person.
aUr No charge until collected
&TM:WAX AT LAW haiD.CL.&II2 Agin.
AO. usyirrix STREET, flirst:nmm.
Coil,,tione In Allegheny mid edjoining Coituties.
Prosecutor SOLDIERS CLAIltd, of nary descrip
tion ; IBOUNTITS for ell discharged Soldien .
SIONS, for wormded °Moira and Bolding; BOUN
TIES sod PENSIONS for Valdese, Parents, Orphan
Children, Brothers end Sisters or other legal top
Jenhalres of those who have died in the Ilertite, or
bare died after discharge from disease imntracted In
Ildriio charge until collactad, and Do latter will Da
acunrand WINGS a .tamp Is inclosed. tol9ayza
CLAIMS or every description, collected by the ant.
scriber, at the following rate., viz: Pensions 1310 00;
all other claims 33 50.
C. C. TAYT.,OI2, Attorney .t Las,
N 0.13 Grant street, Pittsburgh, Pa.
N. It. No dame are mad. If the claim doe, not
streoeed. and all Information riven gratis. ee4Gy
-P1.4.4"08, MOS irc, A•c:
NThe Uee e l Maitan cYthe Eat' dl
.peaking oat In favor of DECKER'S, • (
"After having a/endued the Piano Fortes of the
Messrs. DECK_EB TIROS. very carefully, we have
rome to the conclusion, and cheerfolly testify, that
th.y are in everyrespecteuperiorinstruments. Their
time is pure, rich, brilllent, very distinct, and of an
entirely musical character. Their DrOrkiteniOOP
of the very best, plainly demonstrating that none Out
the very but materials are used, and their touch,
evenness and equality of tone throughout the whule
compass of the key board, unsurpassed by any other
Piano Forte me have yet teen.
S. B, 31111 s, Theodore Thomas, William Mum,
Chu. Fradell, Theo. Ragan, editor of the Modest
Berko, and World; Carl Anshuts, Director of the
German Opera; John &lade!, editor !oared of Pet
ite Wordily; F. L. Hitter, Carl Wolfuobu, Phila."
A choice lot of these'ruperior instrtunersts just ar
riving. 1. M HOFFMAN a DEO., •
do 3 51 Fifth street.
NSIEDLE ,V." BRO. have r
A-1 • Just received new stock of the
celebrated Soebbelor Q Schmidt's PI- f
ANON. Those instrominta are superior Maret) •
and will be sold at low prices. Also on hand, a vary
coed 7 octave 1108KWOOD PIANO, reduced from
tt,:r2i: to 5200. clout., Accordeons, Strings, Ac.
Pittsburgh, Pe.
For restoring and beautifying the Hair
Tide is an article but recently Mtn:ducal Into thin
ternary, but h. long been favorably known by the
nobility of Trance Int their only effectual HAIR
RESTORE& It is complete within iteelf, no other
dressing or aocompardment of any kind being nem.
wary to wears the attainment of the following desi
rable mulls, other than •cloee compliance with U.
I. II sell. dr =tare's ow, seseger. restore Gray Heir
to int ortyinal agar. ' • •
2. IT real weal el purr 0* Doti Head..
S. II will near. the Natural Seavitass.
4. Men mug. tie Daubed/and Being.
6. It trill plaid W. Nair Ogtl awl Messy.
6. A rtU prawn, Ore 0040.1 Ckdo. b Ohl Art.
7. 11 gal prevent A. Hairfrers Malty Qr.
8. /1 gra/ mg,* all Moues qf the Batty.
It le not • Dp ; contains no Nitrate of Neer, or any
other logredWut blurted' to giber Bbbror !lair.
Tor ..I. by all respectable Drnsrgiste
SIMON JOHNSTON, General Avot..
Car. of ibulthtleld and fourth Sta., Pittsburgh.
A oollection of nearly fifty of the !freshest, spiciest
Ind magi rousing
Bongs, MOB; Quartette and Ohms's .
ETer publlabed, Thla ➢ook agouti be lo relay loyal
home, In every Union League% and &naiad 'averi
camp Ere,—(or it will help the [ right, lAA. It aronon,
amuses and entertaths.
Ckgdout mailed on receipt 0f.15 amts.
ones. C. inaloa,
100 BBth " • ti GAB,; •
40 " B" do; ' •
40 " rot 'd, ann. 44 Crushed linear ;
Just rewind and for ado by ' • •
union&&Biwa:, •
nod No.. 106 and 1503 Wood stmt..
WM-5 bble White Beane for 'ate
at 183 liberty it WY. P. DECK t CO.
on Tharsday. 'friday sad Satsuesy emit:4m Ikw.
eh and BID, 'at O'cloctorticts wreaths will bs
told by pamphlet catidogns, at the Commercial Sales
atreeVan entire Prints Libra
ly of and AMsrkan Literature, embracing
atm otthe e =drawl valuable colleetions which
h iLi g„„ EL m picblie sale Ore 'Wain by . city.
11 is rich all the dePartmcnit of Distonr. Ilyo
graphy, 'neology, Poetry, Travels, and Dalles Let
ters, including many ald &Akins of lkok ponies,
gad Doe/ illustrated voluMa. The meetlesuade
books I* etch night's LW smitten nitswitintalen
dying. Among them ars London Pinta, IaMIL;
Boarth's Works, 2 rots.; Natimal Ciarlsaror Pte.
to as, 2 vols.; Clarendrn's Babel/RW*6d CLIMW•isi
a role.; Dean Beri Works, ei is.; Dodsley's Ool
bottom 10 vela; Works of Hasrair, tbsidialitiors, 2
Drrileit'a Complete Works, volureollt; /7 00
Boret's Vulgar Errors, tau- myroe.Lteittl, tk
litobbe's Thitcydedes.lote, Ogilbraispartarnitra,
I vols.; Old Quarto Editions f o r
Playa; 9 rob.; ch
anima's Iconology, volumes; Dartecali Dinetical
BhaDsody Elskespeare, 6 rote.; Library of lee
BeadinnBg, tO volumes , Stothard's Edith= trt,"rt
Bunn, b role.;. aUPlT . Blllustrated
Protestant, !vols.; Um's Dlctionary.nitir'
ty Years, i rola; Itaincroft's United stater. drat. do.
Catalognor for the three sales of ild9 rem
valuable collection are now ready, and the books can
be eramitted on.each day aside.
dal DAY'S a iren.wAiist. kiatlea.
"" ," ' itai-011
VI NATI:IBM:1' ElClll.2oGiD6o.ttlOeclock,
wW beeold, wt the OymosetclatiSeHee Ap93:4,64.4111fth
street, to the trade:
_ ....
10 tout. Castile Soap; /A bza. Vol:tad bippitr;
20 " Pale Yellow do; 5 "" " ' . Cloves;
1., "- Parallina Cavvilor, 5 r...+: ''.. ' 1350102toa:
5 " Loll indigo. 10 " ", blicetard;
20 " Gov't Java Collbe: 20' "" . Dairy Choir
10 cheats Gr. & Bic. Tau; 0 " Cavend'h Tobacco
5 bas. Rica noon 5 " Nat: Last 'do;
4 " Varmlcellb.- . Z5....1' : Intbcirtedlegara:
7 " parr Corn Starch; _ 5 keg-s via. toast Tobacco
4 " ' Bboeh Itabdxsz; i - 5 bbb. Cot add Dv,' do:
10 '. grotoul Gingen - : ",,7, - :: -", i
float tentiort of th e Is Invited : ' ,-:
- "WILK LIQUORS,: W.LNISS,: &0.-frOn
A- &ABU/JAY 12011121.21 G, Dee. sth,leclack.
['will be sold; at the Commercial 1411M-Rieoblir,4o. 44
nap attest to 1 2m 124 d 4, : • ,
1. 4 bbis. old Bourbaer• do; A Teased c1a6:111443
5 Bye do; 2 e, Cherry °urinal;
1 eke PaleCoplinustly; r drat& BbtalaWrese;
9 bits. Cognac Bloody ; 1 task
I .` Apple de; bbh. Cordlai;
Jerley Chiar:dur. - SOO ;peel 1:418.4---,
10 case, French, Brandy;
The attention elr the tr.. Is fuelled! to &YAM. et
deg DAIMPA 111c1LWAIBB.. Ariet b ra.
—on TIM DAY . SYSNEKO, Ikc..Bt
. IM2I, et
73i o'clock, will be mid, at 'the ommer94 Bahr
tna, Act 51 filth alfeett ' A
10 share' Exchange Blush Blocie4
8 do -Mechanics' Beek Sleek; •
20 do Ilentltarita'Ablataufacturera' BOOM
.A) do Weetern bandana Co.;
15 do Eureka Insurance) 136.231eciti ,
20 do Monongahela Ineuratuns_•
,7,0 do Pittsburgh Conitellsrllleell. - 7CCo.;
60 do Allegheny Valley Retiree:A Cat,
20 do Monongahela Bridge Co.;
V TOOLS, Ac.—On SATILSDA, ato . amo, Dee.
sth, at 11 o'clock, be sal,' at the Commercial
Sales Booms, 54 Fifth strecNynaset oit welLapting
Tool., fable, Ac. Also, three pair Blacksmith Bel
lows, one Anvil, Ac.
MODSTNG, Dec. fitit,ltt 11 o'clock; ienthe
et the Commercial l 10 Room4 . 64rrittb. Vivi*, on.
nnot-a.A. Spring Wagot, nearly neer, .erbleb wet
5200. DA VICs•& titelLWAllM,Atiettrs.
BUGGY AND .1 ENN Y.' • LlNitz-45AT
CHb NY HORSING, Dcc.,Otb, at lic4ldek, it
the Cuurmerelal Raw Roo*, 547IfiliaireiC1 Apes
tnp Buggy Audi Jenny Lind lit Wr.,•:, •
NIEW tsTiptwo. t ell, Eluting the present mouth, stsrtetkenho
and m 141.1512110171 ANY ADVANCE LIPIAIO3,
• full line of
In sticalxN to SA feet wkis,
NODS, Aa. • •; •
nose goods hare alivanced, In .11rict hands, hum
TEN to.TWENTIC-FIVE PER CENT_ withlikthirty
days, and we are noWselling at LESS -TRa7lifillS
47FACTEIREIPP PRICE& Our stock' la Arno* en
tirely LIM-all hasinebeen purchased within ginety
dap, Lo rash, at the Teri !mast sulcatof R , U•ar.
PlUarlattd i Colima Br-Co.,
nodsrnismnit num
Botween P 134 0111ce sad Dia:waftMan.. ^,de3
D B II 61 6i E T
the NIVAIST PATTERNS sad srariviak,st the
Lowest Prices for QifiSh,
Crumb Cloths, reltlags, -nags,
OIL CLOTHS, .ito.%
And haring purchased for CABE, balUrillia hits
.drama, es ash able to sell M the .siisnsittettiress;
prim, an unequalled stock of
Window Shades, Main Ac.
OLIVER rozarrociA co.i
g 80. 21 IRITTI BTBW .
Dot we cloth:me to sell, taint fuittelc noyil;
good. la oar lON at pricaa
Redtsced FvUy 20 per-.. Cent.
From tut roam'. katOs.' ; ,.;;:i,
W. D. & H. braitutrlV
TritOLTKKING, ID ALL rrs stustes
is.—Hsvin g piereLued • large node of goods
tor CABE, wa 'Ma to ater gram -boa:whey at ta
r kw nriem.
tTrllsozs BEDE; ItAIIkEIELSE AND arriisO
the belt manner, end TEATIME BIDS renovated
grad variety of BLIND& TABLE W IfLOOR
°ABM BEEDERGS, and mewl variety . of Coo&
Impt In that Ike. We invite' the attentlotenf the
palate generally to mar WELL ABSOITEDSTOCE.
All orders promptly &Monied to.
Please etre =owl' ALEC% PEDNEAL STEM,
Allegheny, (home koraterly otne&A Wnßlent.k.)
Dolt . ANWLQ.
CO LAMM Stair; •,!:
A bmitititl vatkd aantsciat
WM=Wan: it ‘
• -
Monuments 'and Grave Stole&
, - • ;.4
T(43.5 was.Fint. t
Damning . .
A tile astortment of POCK. 7 ANiativinsa
1101Erni. Diktat:l,lhr Urift—ln-papir../n. dra t in
MILD hi 'mita:kin - Torkeyp In „Turkey" Morocco—
,rith'gilt oilman& with marble•adges—wlth to.ah
went clasps and elude fattening. All Om. 434
Prom the .contozontet.loA".l".l7. 7 10"fira We,* * 7
enuoitable rater by .
wu: o,..Tolizrairox;coo;itagitimf
'BIDER - 4
Ant sacta.
Petroleum, and zit.' IPl•vinctsl,Rlll,
118 WATza aim num
itirAviatelbethe PowrraarnSIMOSZNIOIL
WORK., NEW TOWS MiltAplligif 90•111:44
oouraitz alw
^ waf E 153 fremt
pAPER'AtiTY - XPITAL9I*-14 1 kE' .
BOUM na•kalupw*,t
AIskENSWI.OPTIS, le vest nsigotieir
qualities. 11,0 tme‘ far asa•b/
W. a. JO at a co., hpar
N.. sr rotrwrn STAEBT.